December 2008
40 Pages Inside
ineed travel & culture magazine
2 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
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ineed travel & culture magazine
4 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
ineed travel & culture magazine
our cover F E AT U R E S
08 Editorʼs Note 에디터의 노트 10 celebrating Christmas in philippines 필리핀의 크리스마스
12 December Picks 12월의 픽스 14 Givings that goes a long, long way 오래도록 간직될 선물들
16 A trek to Casaroro Falls LOCALE: The Tarraces, Ayala Center PHOTOS BY: Joseph Ong STYLING: Dexter Alazas(0923.887.8861; 580.4378)
까사로로 폭포로의 여정
24 Triumph of The Terraces 더 테라스 36 Celebrating Christmas the Filipino way 필리피노 스타일로 크리스마스 즐기기
37 The best Ham in the world 크리스마스 햄
a n d
M o re
20 Metro Cebu Map 세부시티 지도 22 Fuente Map 쿠엔테 지도 28 Cebu Business Park Map 아얄라 부근 지도
26 Mactan Map 막탄 지도 32 Banilad Map 바닐라드 지도 34 Panglao 팡라오 지도 38 December Events 12월의 행사 40 Travel sked 배/비행기 시간표 41 Yellow Page 옐로우 페이지 6 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
ineed travel & culture magazine
Issue 18 December 2008
editor’s note PUBLISHER HUGIN & MUNIN Corporation CREATIVE JET GARIGADE Creative Chief RYAN LEE LEE JI HYEON Korean Translators CONTRIBUTORS Orly Cajegas Joseph Ong Chris Po Brian Rosales Michelle Varron DEXTER ALAZAS Style Editor YVES MARTINI CAMINGUE Style Assistant MAPPING MIKHO ERWIN MERCADO Map Artist MANAGEMENT GERALDINE YUNSAL General Manager APRIL JILL BLANCO Office Staff SALES & MARKETING Mayette Amolo Advertising Executive Mary Joy Bautista Advertising Executive RITCHE TRIBO SALGADO Media Consultant DISTRIBUTION & CIRCULATION MARVIN TABACON, Head FORTUNATO SAGARINO, Assistant
iNeed Magazine is distributed in the following Mactan Airport, Ayala Center Cebu Turista Desk, Seoul Jongro Travel agency, English Jungle School Agency, Pileogong School Agency, Korean ESL, Cebu Hotels & Resorts, Mactan Hotels & Resorts, Cebu Korean Stores, Local Stores, Weesam Ferry, Moalboal and Mactan Distribution Centers. iNeed Cebu Travel & Culture Magazine is published monthly by Hugin & Munin Corporation. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied without the permission of Hugin & Munin Corporation. iNeed Cebu Travel & Culture Magazine does not guarantee the accuracy of its maps, schedules and calendar due to possible cancellations after printing. We welcome original unpublished write ups & image contributions. All contributions shall become the property of iNeed Cebu Travel & Culture Magazine and shall be subject to editorial review. For inquiries and comments e-mail or visit
8 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
Filipino Christmas Filipinos take Christmas seriously. The tradition owes to the fact that majority of its citizens are Catholics. In most public plaza you will find giant Christmas trees, and every home merrily lights up at night. And then there’s the carolers which is everywhere - from jeepneys, the streets, and the fancier one’s visiting homes late at night with their angelic rendition of favorite Christmas songs. This month, we bring you the Christmas spirit the Filipino way. For Filipinos, Christmas is about family, and we have a great article that will give you an idea on how you can have an authentic Filipino Christmas, the activities you can do and the icons that for years have been considered by Filipinos as the representations of Christmas. We do not discount the fact that Filipinos are mall rats and so we feature the newest and hippest addition to Cebu’s elite hang-out place, The Terraces at Ayala Center Cebu. After that we visit the neighboring island of Negros to explore the mystical Casaroro Falls. Our travel recommendations this month includes a restaurant and a resort which has given us the best service, the best accommodation and the best food. And yes, a footnote. Do you want some savings? Use the Discount Card we have thrown in this issue and be surprised of the great value that you’ll be getting from the services offered by our partner establishments. Do iNeed to go on? Well, why don’t you leaf through the pages of this magazine and enjoy exploring Cebu with us. While your at it, visit our website at, and be a part of the iNeed community by registering and joining in our forums. So this is it. Enjoy and have a Merry Merry Christmas!
ineed travel & culture magazine
In the Philippines, the only predominantly Christian country in Southeast Asia, Christmas is one of the biggest holidays on the calendar. In fact, the country has earned the distinction of celebrating the world’s longest Christmas season, where Christmas carols are heard as early as September and the season lasting up until Epiphany.
But how do Filipinos celebrate Christmas? Here is a rundown of the festivities and the symbols that basically sum up the celebration: Christmas parties In urban areas, many schools and offices organize Christmas parties usually held on the second week of December. Common activities include Kris Kringle (exchange of gifts based on an agreed theme), song and dance numbers, a skit or play, and parlor games as well as food being served. Misa de Gallo Traditionally, Christmas Day in the Philippines is ushered in by the nine-day dawn mass that starts on December 16. This is known as the misa de gallo
10 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
(Rooster’s Mass) or simbang gabi (Night Mass). In some parishes, church service starts as early as 4 a.m. The intention of the mass is to show the churchgoer’s devotion and faith to the church, and to heighten anticipation for the birth of Jesus. Completing the novena is also supposed to mean the granting of one’s prayer requests. A much anticipated activity after the mass is the sharing of snacks or panghimagas which can be bought outside the church. The usual fares sold are bibingka (rice flour and egg based cake, cooked using coals on top of and under the pastry), puto bumbong (purple sticky rice delicacy steamed in bamboo tubes, with brown sugar and shredded dried coconut meat served as condiments), salabat (hot ginger tea) and tsokolate (hot cocoa
feature drink). Christmas Eve Midnight of December 24, considered as Christmas Eve, is celebrated with pomp and gaiety. Families would indulge in a feast called the noche buena after the midnight mass. Usual fares include the queso de bola (wax-wrapped ball of cheese), ham, salads and other Filipino indulgent foods like ice cream and for the affluent, lechon. Midnight is also the time that children would open their presents and fireworks would light up the skies. Christmas Day Christmas Day welcomes revelers to go from one house to the other asking for Christmas treats. This has actually become a family affair so it won’t be a surprise if you see the whole gang causing traffic on the streets. This is also the time when godchildren would visit their godparents and ask for gifts. New Year’s Eve On the eve of December 31, there is much revelry and gaiety as families would greet the coming of the New Year with fireworks and much noise. Traditionally, midnight snacks or whole meals will be served. You would also notice that several superstitions and beliefs would come into play at this time. Kids jump around to ensure that they would grow tall, while coins are carefully placed near the posts of the house to ensure that the family will enjoy much blessings. Decorations Filipinos, when it comes to creating a festive atmosphere, will never be at a loss. But despite the western adaptation of Christmas
아시아권에서는 유일하게 국민 대다수가 크리스천인 필 리핀에서 크리스마스는 가장 긴 휴가 기간이다. 세계에 서 가장 오래 크리스마스를 즐긴다고도 한다. 9월부터 크리스마스 캐럴이 흘러나오기 시작하여 에피파니로 막 을 내린다. 필리피노는 크리스마스를 어떻게 보낼까? 여기 몇 가지를 모아보았다. 크리스마스 파티 도심지역에서는 학교들이나 회사들이 크리스마스 12 월의 둘째 주부터 파티를 준비한다. 크리스 크링글(정 해진 테마에 맞춰서 하는 선물교환) 춤과 노래, 음식들 도 준비된다. 미사 데 갈리오 전통에 따라 12월 16일부터 크리스마스 당일까지 이어 지는 9일간 “미사 데 갈리오” 혹은 “심방 가비”라 고 불리는 새벽미사가 진행된다. 어떤 교회에서는 새벽 4시부터 미사를 시작한다. 미사 는 신도의 헌신과 신념을 보여주기 위함이며 다가오는 예수탄생일을 기리기 위함이기도 하다. 9일기도를 무사 히 마치면 신도의 소원이 이루어진다고 여겨져 왔다.기 도 후에는 신도들끼리 교회 밖에서 미리사온 과자(팡히 마가스)를 나누어 먹는다. 주로 비빙까(쌀과 계란이 주 원료이며, 위 아래에서 숯불로 익혀 만드는 빵)와 푸또 봄봉(찹쌀에 흑설탕과 마른코코넛을 가루를 첨가한 후 대나무 잎으로 싸서 만든 기다린 모양의 간식거리)을 살 라밧(생강차)이나 코코넛 드링크와 함께 먹는다. 크리스마스이브 24일 자정을 기점으로 시끌벅적한 크리스마스이브가 시 작된다. 심야 미사를 끝낸 후부터 “노체 부에나”라 불리는 풍성한 가족 만찬을 즐긴다. “케소 드 볼라”( 사과처럼 생긴 빨간 왁스로 둘러 쌓여진 치즈), 햄, 샐러 드 그밖에도 필리피노가 좋아하는 아이스크림 심지어 풍성한 식사를 위해 래촌도 즐긴다. 애 어른 할거 없이 모두 받은 선물을 열어보느라 분주한 시기이다. 하늘은 사방에서 터지는 불꽃놀이가 하늘을 붉게 물들인다. 크리스마스 크리스마스 당일은 축제를 즐기는 이들이 이집 저집 돌 아다니며 캔디나 선물 등을 요구하기도 한다. 사실 이게 거의 가족 행사가 수준이여서 온 가족이 길거리를 분주 히 쏘다니는 모습을 쉽게 볼 수 있다. 또한 손자들이 할 아버지 할머니를 찾아가는 시기이기도 하다. 12월 31일 31일 마지막 밤, 축제는 절정에 달한다. 가족끼리 꽤나 시끄러운 불꽃놀이와 함께 새해를 맞이하는 시간이다. 24일에 그랬듯이 전통에 따라 자정 무렵에 과자 혹은 식사를 즐긴다. 아이들은 더 무럭무럭 자라게 해달라고 깡충깡충 뛰어다니고, 가족의 축복을 기원하며 기둥 옆 에 동전들을 조심스럽게 놓아두기도 한다. 크리스마스 장식 축제분위기를 연출하는 것으로 말하자면 필리피노는 둘 째가라면 서러워할 지경이다. 크리스마스트리(어떤 이 는 비누거품을 굳혀서 트리를 만들기도 한다) 같은 서구 크리스마스 장식에도 불구하고 필리피노는 여전히 그 들 고유의 장식으로 그들의 집을 꾸미는 것을 좋아 한 다 . 토속설화에 나오는 3명의 현자를 인도한 별을 상 징하는 파롤이 대표적인 예이다. 저마다 특색 있는 모 양의 다양한 소재로 만든 별들을 집집마다 걸어놓는 다. 장인의 창조력에 따라 정말 공이 들어간 복잡한 모 양의 것도 있다. 캐럴 크리스마스를 시작하는 지표는 무엇일까? 크리스마스 장식을 달기 전부터 어디에서나 쉽게 들을 수 있는 캐 럴송 일 것이다. 싱글 혹은 그룹이 부르기하고 형식도 다양하다. 주로 야간에 무리지어 이집 저집 돌아다니며 캐럴송을 부르고 다닌다. 약간의 팁을 기대하며 주로 흥 겨운 캐럴송을 부른다. 보다 조직화된 거지들은 대충교 통수단이나 상점 앞에서 마음씨 좋은 사람들로부터 일 이 페소를 구걸하곤 한다. 그러나 이들에게 돈을 주는 것은 삼가 해야 한다.
decorations, like the Christmas Tree. Filipinos still maintain the local flair of announcing this glorious occasion. A most notable decoration would be the parol which symbolizes the star that guided the Three Wise Men in the story of the nativity. These parols are hung in houses and are made of different materials and of different styles and decorations. Some more elaborate and intricate than others. Caroling But perhaps what would signal the coming of Christmas, even way earlier than the putting up of Christmas decorations, is the songs heard almost everywhere, and now, almost anytime of the day. It comes in different forms and is performed by groups or individuals. Usually it is done at night when groups of people would go to different houses, singing jolly Christmas songs in the hope of soliciting money. Enterprising mendicants have honed in the scheme going around public vehicles or establishments trying to swindle a peso or two from kind-hearted individuals. Giving money to these people is strongly discouraged. (From the net)
ineed travel & culture magazine
새롭게 보홀 팡라오 섬에 자리 잡은 아모리타 리조트는 국내의 다른 비치 리조트보다 한 차원 높은 아름다움과 세련됨을 가지고 있다. 세계의 유수의 리조트와 비견될 고급 시설과 보는 이를 즐겁게 해주는 디자인을 가진 아모리타 리조트는 팡라오 섬의 유명한 알로나 해변과 보홀 바다를 내려다보는 시원한 절벽 위에 있으며 그 면적은 1.8 헥타르(1만 8천 평)에 다다른다. 환상적이면서 역동적인 모습은 천천히 산책을 즐기면서 사진을 남기기에 적당하며, 그러면서 부드럽고 고요하기까지 한 이곳에서 자신의 내면의 세계를 돌아보는 기회를 갖는 것도 좋을 것이다. 역동적이던 고요함을 즐기든 간에 아모리타에서 지내는 매 한 순간순간은 매우 소중하며 지친 도시의 영혼에게 휴식이 된다. 편한 위치와 멋진 풍경, 현대식 시설과 인상적인 디자인, 감동으로 전해져 오는 환영 까지 휴가를 보내는데 필요한 모든것들을 한번에 제공하고 있다.
There’s a new resort on Bohol’s pristine Panglao Island that can stake a legitimate claim to be among the most beautiful and sophisticated, a world away from the generic beach-resort genre found throughout the country. Amorita Resort boasts not just world-class amenities and an eyecatching design, but also a spectacular location that’s unequaled by any other property in its area. It sprawls over 1.8 hectares of lushly landscaped gardens high up on a windswept cliff overlooking Panglao’s famous Alona Beach, the Bohol Sea and the islands beyond. It’s a view at once stunning and soothing, dramatic yet tranquil – a great vantage point for promenading and picture-taking or, simply, a private spot for reflection and contemplation. Either way, this view, unique to Amorita, is a balm for the tired urban soul. Indeed, Amorita offers the total vacation package: unrivaled location, fabulous views, stylish amenities, striking design, and heartfelt, warm hospitality. Discover the real meaning of enchantment at Amorita. Amorita Resort is on Alona Beach, Barangay Tawala, Panglao Island, Bohol. For more information, call (63 2)914-0585 and 687-3641 in Manila or (63 38) 502-9001 to 9003 in Bohol email, or visit
12 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
In 1991, a small restaurant at Veterans Drive, Lahug, became the hit of Cebu. The news spread like wildfire, “For great food, try Cafe Laguna.” And sure enough, everyone went for a taste and came back for more. Cafe Laguna began a labor of love for the Urbina family. Coming from a long line of cooks, Lita Urbina decided to share her culinary talents with everyone. With the help and encouragement of her family, she started Cafe Laguna and served Filipino food with the distinctive taste incomparable to this day. Food that not only was good but which brought memories of homecooked meals shared with friends and family.
Now, Cafe Laguna is a landmark for wholesome and delicious Filipino Cuisine. From humble beginnings, the expertise of Lita Urbina and her staff have touched the lives of so many Cebuanos through the restaurant and catering service. Proving, once and for all, that the best way to anyone’s heart is through delicious cooking. 1991년 라훅에 있는 한 맛집의 소문이 퍼져 나갔다. 가뭄에 산불 번지듯 퍼진 “맛있는 음식을 카페 라구나에서”라는 소식은 많은 사람을 찾아오게 했다. 카페 라구나는 우르비나 가문에서 내려오는 요리법에서 시 작하였다. 리타 우리비나는 그녀의 요리 솜씨를 다른 이에 게도 선보이기로 하였다. 친지들의 격려와 도움으로 필리 핀식 레스토랑인 카페 라구나가 탄생하였다. 가족, 친구들 과 함께 집에서 요리한 음식을 먹으며 나누는 즐거움이 맛 과 잘 어우러졌다. 오늘날의 카페 라구나는 필리핀 음식의 대명사가 되었다. 시 Cafe Laguna Gift Certificates make for an 작이 거창하지는 않았으나 리타 우르비나와 그의 동료는 많 은 세부인들이 가지고 있던 레스토랑과 식사 서비스에 관한 excellent corporate give-away. Please call 생각을 다시 한번 고찰하게 하였다. 미각을 만족하게 하는 훌 Cafe Laguna at Tel. No 231-0922. 륭한 맛은 어느 누구의 마음속 깊이 통하는 법이다.
ineed travel & culture magazine
‘Tis the season again! And though the global economic crunch is all over the news, there’s no excuse for being a Scrooge this year. A little less money in the pocket certainly doesn’t preclude giving a lot of love.
Words by
Michelle Varron
The idea is to focus on value. There is an ongoing trend (even among the most financially endowed) to cut back on unreasonable, unwarranted spending and to put more thought into what you give. It has become grossly unfashionable to spend on items that exhibit a lack of consideration for the times—and that includes anything that pollutes the environment, consumes too much energy, violates copyright laws, entails the use of exploitative labor, and
14 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
of course, demonstrates a lack of empathy for the general social condition by charging an exorbitant price. Gone are the silly, impulsive sprees. They’ve been replaced by conscientious, careful choices that exude a lot of personality. Also, the new “IT” gifts lean towards longevity, quality and flexibility. Price is not the only consideration. Try to see how long an object will last. And whether it will serve more than one purpose.
wish list
Casual/party dress Karimadon, 2nd level, Ayala Center; 2nd level, The Northwing, SM City Cebu Environment Bag – What a Girl Wants Slippers (I forgot the name… the ones you can use as sneakers) – Res-Toe-Run Essential 80s – Check with Odyssey Cosmetics set – The Body Shop Wooden Picture Frame Set – Collage A Bottle of Wine – Gustavian Silver piece – Rustan’s home Body care set/ home spa items – Rustan’s A great pair of jeans – Levi’s A money vault – National Bookstore (“For the rainy days”) A great scent (Swiss. ..)– Watson’s Coffee Beans with French press/ mug – Starbucks, Bo’s, Figaro A classic read – Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility – National Bookstore A coffee table book – National Bookstore A lamp with energy saving bulb – Ace Hardware Grooming set/ cleansing products/ Makeup – Beauty bar Gadgets:
HP Laser office printer (to save on ink) A pair of movie tickets (Ayala Cinemas) USB Flashdrive – CD-R King Mouse with mousepad – CD-R king Digital Camera - Sony Gear: Overnight bag – Travel Club Passport case – Travel Club Travel tote – the travel Club Travel bag – Rustan’s Travel Club, Guess To keep you warm: A sweater – Bossini, United Colors of Benetton, Mango Scarves and wraps – Fashion Avenue, other fashion boutiques Ipod and Ipod accessories: Istore Mini-laptops: ASUS, etc— Ngenius, etc. A box of chocolates: Marks & Spencer Monogrammed Bathrobes and slippers: the monogram shop near metro entrance Shirts and beach gear: Tropical relic
*At Ayala Center Cebu, there are hundreds of gift options that range from the practical to the humorous; from the quirky to the utterly delicious—enough choices to suit every taste regardless of price.
ineed travel & culture magazine
outbound HIDDEN deep in the jungles of the sleeping town of Valencia in Oriental Negros is the mystical Casaroro Falls. A trek to the lush valley that envelope this gentle curtain of water was, for me, an opportunity to commune with nature. The journey to Casaroro Falls is not easy, although the street, or most of it, is well paved. There is still, however, a few meters of dirt road with huge rocks sticking all over the path, making travel by any form of vehicle near to impossible. The entrance to the valley is marked by a small hut with an equally petite shade donning a cute signage that says: We burn fats... let’s do the trek! The climb down can be meditative. With wild flowers that carpet the wall of the cliff on which the stairway down to the valley is anchored. On the left is a deep ravine, the bottom of which is covered by the beautiful canopy of centuries-old trees. The breathtaking scene of the virgin forest in front of you will literally take your breath away. This is nature at its wildest.
Words and photos by
Ritche T. Salgado, PTRP
The stairway has over 360 steps, but the calorie-buster is not on the going down but on the coming up after the refreshing dip. Once you reach the bottom, a brisk walk through the greenest pathway would follow. There are several cottages for those who wish to have a picnic. And there are also trash bins (which I hope is being used by visitors), seemingly decent wash rooms, and permanent slabs where you can do
16 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
some grilling should you wish to have a meal here, which is not a bad idea at all. The falls is hidden in an enclave of rock and trees. The majesty that comes with the splendor of the mixture of elements – earth, rock, wood, water and fire – evokes a spirit of calm and tranquility. The water directly below the falls is quite deep, the reason why swimming is strongly discouraged. However, there are small ponds formed
by mineral stones that nature has stacked one on top of the other to form small dams along the course of the river. Before you take a dip, here is a word of warning: The water is chillingly cold. But then again it is just as refreshing and totally re-energizing. A trip to Casaroro Falls can be a bit challenging, especially for those who are used to the comforts of metropolitan life. But it is equally rewarding for those who wish to rekindle
Useful info. Entrance to Casaroro Falls is pegged at P10 for adults and P5 for those below 12 years
their affair with nature. That was the experience that I got in this trip. And while its beauty remain to be virginal, I would say, this would be the best time to renew that commitment with Mother Earth. Getting there. From Cebu you can take either the land route (bus to Liloan, Santander after which you can take the pumpboat at the government-run wharf, bus P90 pumpboat P45) or the sea route (Cokaliong Shipping Lines or George and Peter Lines floats to Dumaguete everyday, average fare P500). Should you take the route via Liloan, Santander, you take a multicab (P9) to Dumaguete City when you reach Sibulan wharf (P9), then a tricycle (P7.50) to Valencia terminal, and a jeepney to Valencia (P15). From Valencia plaza you can take a tricycle or habal-habal (P50) to the entrance of Casaroro Falls.
오리엔탈 네그로스 지역, 발렌시 아 지역에 조용히 잠들어 있는 마 을의 정글에 숨겨진 비경인 카사 로로 폭포가 있다. 수풀이 우거진 계곡에서 신비한 카사로로 폭포가 선보이는 워터 커튼(강물이 흩날려 커튼처럼 보이는 현상)은 마치 자연 과 소통을 하는듯한 기분을 들게 했다. 카사로로 폭포를 만나러 가는 길은 편안하 지만은 않다. 군데군데 큰 바위들이 솟아 있 는 비포장 구간 때문에 차를 이용하는 것은 거의 불가능하다. 계곡의 입구를 지키는 조 그만 오두막에는 앙증맞은 안내판이 붙어 있다. 그 문구를 보자니 재미있다. “살 빼 드립니다. 등산하러 갑시다!” 계곡으로 내려가는 절벽에 난 길을 따라서 내려가 보자. 절벽을 덮는 야생화들은 카펫 같기도 하다. 좁은 골짜기의 바닥에는 수세 기를 살아온 듯한 나무들이 지붕을 이루고 있다. 눈앞에 펼쳐진 때묻지 않은 장관에 정
Sheds can be rented at P50. Language is Cebuano and residents generally understand and speak English. 신없이 빠져들었다. 이 내리막길은 360개 정도의 계단이 있 다. 내려오면 다시 올라가야 하는 법. 이렇 게 칼로리를 태워버린다. 다 내려와서 녹 음의 길을 따라가다 보면 몇 개의 카티지 가 우리를 반긴다. 이곳에서 피크닉은 꽤 운치 있을듯하다. 직접 요리를 할 수 있는 그릴 기구와 설거지 공간과 받침대 등이 준비되어 있다. 이 폭포에는 나무와 바위로 구성된 비경 이 있다. 이곳에서 새삼 접하게 되는, 세 상을 이룬다는 화, 수, 목, 금, 토의 조화는 어느덧 명상에 잠기게 한다. 폭포 밑 물 구덩이는 제법 깊으므로 수영 은 하지 않는 게 좋다. 조약돌이 강을 따 라 자연이 만들어 놓은 작은 조약돌로 쌓 여저 생성된 작은 댐들이 있다. 물이 매우 차가우므로 다이빙을 하기 전에 마음의 준비를 해야 한다. 차가운 물은 상쾌함과 재충전의 느낌이 든다. 도시가 제공하는 편안함에 안주한 대부 분 사람에게는 카사로로로 가는 길은 다 소 모험일 수 있다. 자연과 호흡하고자 하 는 이에게는 그만큼의 즐거운 보상이 기 다린다. 지구애를 느끼기도 최고의 장소 일 것이다. 세부-[버스]-산타페부두-[보트][트라이시 클]-두마게티(발렌시아터미날)-[트라이시 클]-발랜시아 플라자-[트라이시클이나 하 발하발]-카사로로 폭포
ineed travel & culture magazine
It’s about life they say, and Por Vida, if translated literally, means for life and perhaps that is what this show is destined to become. Already a second attempt to put a great concept on the small screen, Por Vida-TV hopes to offer the Cebuano viewers a novel show that will answer
18 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
the questions that people are egging to ask, yet are either scared to ask or have resigned to the fact that things are just the way they are, no questions asked. It tackles subjects of curiosity and eccentricity in a simple yet profound manner, sans the sugar coating. It gives a face to things and ideas which we have taken for granted simply because we have grown accustomed to them. Take the homeless for
example. Have you ever wondered what their life story is? How about the food on your table? Do you know how it was made and who made them? With The Freeman’s Executive Lifestyle Editor, Ms. Marlinda Angbetic Tan, as host, and columnist Mr. Archie Modequillo as director and scriptwriter, Por Vida-TV is a promising production that will both excite and inform the audience; one which will surely become a part of every Cebuano’s TV viewing habit. Por Vida-TV airs on Studio 23 every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.
CALL US NOW! 419.1299 or 515-6614 Door 1, Mezzanine Floor Jo A Bldg., North Road 6 North Reclamation Area, Cebu City
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Marco Polo
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20 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
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22 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
YOUR CONVENIENT GUIDE FOR VALUE-FOR-MONEY SHOPPING. Main Office: GF Dona Luisa Bulding Fuente Osmena, Cebu City G & A Bldg., Pusok, Lapulapu City Tel. No. 341-0059/341-0818
Known the world over for its healing properties, traditional Thai massage helps loosen joints, relieve cramped muscles and invigorate internal organ. The strokes promote the flow of energy into and within the body, balancing the elements of Earth, Wind, Water and Fire to create overall wellness. Learn the healing strokes and strategies of this age-old art at Tonton Thai Traditional Massage (TTM) Training Center, established in October 2005. The center offers courses facilitated either by expertly trained and experienced Filipino teachers, or by Thai trainers based at Wat Po Thai Medical and Massage School in Bangkok, Thailand.
전통타이마사지는 피로회복과 노화방지에 좋다고 세계적으로 평가되고 있다. 약 2500년 전 인도에서 부처님의 건강을 돌보는 이로부터 시작되었다고 한다. 세부에는 톤톤마사지 가 처음 타이마사지를 전파했으며 방콕의 왓포타이 마사지 학교로 부터 인증받은 필리 핀 유일의 타이마사지 학교도 관리하고 있다. 30~60분 정도 소요되며 바디/풋/헤드 마 사지를 받을수 있다.
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cover story
Text by Orlando Janson Cajegas Images by Joseph Ong
Dining in Cebu has never been more defined than the existence of The Terraces at the Ayala Center Cebu. Designed to strengthen the mall’s lifestyle experience, The Terraces throbs with life completely its own: an exciting combination of carefully selected world-class dining brands, as well as a certified “firsts”, that promises to give Cebu a cosmopolitan face. clothEs:
Milk & Co. 2nd Level, Ayala Mall
Maquillage: Jessie
24 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
Glova 0917.6222.747
“The concept was to create a landmark of celebrations that is uniquely Cebuano,” declares Joy Polloso of Cebu Holdings Inc. The idea was for the traveler, as well as the locals, to experience the sights and sounds of Cebu while tasting the confluence of cultures through the geography of the tongue -- food. The Terraces becomes the perfect dining destination that showcases the best of what Cebu can offer. This P600-million redevelopment transformed what used to be a simple
Pops Bacatan
ADMODELS Management
lagoon area to a food and beverage strip with the signature Ayala-landscaping and orchestrated water features indeed provides the sun-up to sun-down (for early birds to night owls!) dining and entertainment experience. (Plans are afoot to include a beauty and wellness centers in The Terraces that officially opens on December 15 although people are trooping to this refreshing lifestyle oasis since early November when it had its soft opening.) With a seamless connection to and from the mall, matched with an excellent vertical passage and an adjacent car park building, to boot, the distinct architecture of the development is such that a tiered multi-level decks allows for a complete panoramic view of the area, making The Terraces the ultimate location that affords moments for bonding of friends --and families alike-- in a relaxing and homey ambiance. The centerpiece is an outdoor activity area (complete with stage covered with a lotus-shaped canopy, where special events such as concerts can be held that can accommodate at least 2,000 people, perfect for intimate events). It’s like an amusement (you can catch green patches of a manicured ground for the picnic-crazed bunch) park in the comforts of one big cozy
and the trendy, “food- to- share” fast-food and popular local delights; the third level is for the party animals who just like to chill out with an array of bistros and pizza parlors waiting to be discovered until the wee hours. The Terraces means different things to different folks. For businessmen, it’s a cool place to have a coffee convu to catch up with meetings; for the shopaholics, The Terraces is a convenient stopover to grab a bite. For those who love the nightlife, twilight at The Terraces is simply to die for. And for those serious foodie, a wonderful binge is the order of the day. Here’s a quick look at two of the dining places that make habitués come back again and again. In this sense, The Terraces delivers –no, fulfills—its promise of a celebration of the Cebuano living. The Original Who hasn’t heard of Café Laguna must be someone who has never heard of Cebu. This award-winning restaurant beloved of Cebuanos and diplomats alike holds the record for being the first “locator” or merchant of Ayala Center Cebu since it opened its doors in 1980. The success of its longevity can be attributed to its
who delights in home-cooking. For many balikbayans (visiting Filipinos who are now based abroad) hankering for a taste of home, this is where their gustatory journey brings them back to. From native appetizers to favorite main courses (like the karekare, crispy pata, bulalo, to name a few) to tempting desserts (like the buko pandan, leche flan, and putong bongbong) it has been one busy restaurant since day one. Koreans love the seafood platter, Jill says. “But we wanted to grow with the times, too,”reveals Jill, who runs the business with her entire family. Fine-dining was a challenge they were hard put to overcome, and they have continued not only adapt to the changing times but also pioneered in the evolution of couture cuisine. Take the Filipino High Tea (a delectable set of desserts to go with the Pandan tea), for example. Like a miniature version of The Terraces itself, it is composed of three tiers of canapés and pica-pica: turon, bibingka sprinkled with itlog maalat slices on top, puto with chicken adobo flakes, and the mouth-watering espasol espesyal. As an added attraction in December is the interactive display of huts near the al fresco area where the chefs would show how the puto bongbong (a native Christmas dessert that the Laguna chain of restaurants have it all-year-round) is prepared. The First What started as a specialty-cuisine has now become synonymous to finedining minus the exorbitant prices. SIAM restaurant is authentic Thai-cooking in an upscale refectory fit for royalty.
True: the taste of the pudding is in the eating. So you’ll just have to experience it yourself. Like a multi-tiered cake, The Terraces has three distinct levels to suit one’s style. The first level is home to chef-based and concept-driven fine-dining restaurants seated side-by-side with globally-recognized food outlets; the second level is for the hip MODELS:
Emel Rowe Edj Bakker
exceptional Filipino food trip straight from mother’s kitchen. “We wanted to accommodate everyone,” confesses Jill Urbina, the operations manager of Café Laguna. That is why they have two branches at The Terraces, the Laguna Gardens and Café Laguna, that welcomes everyone
Michelle Isa Eguia David Chai Tangalin Kris Tiffany Janson DECEMBER 2008
ineed travel & culture magazine
“세부를 대표하는 즐거움의 공간을 만든다.” 는 발상은 아얄라의 멋진 정원과 분수대가 어 우려진 테라스로 탈바꿈했다. 테라스에 자리 잡은 수준급의 레스토랑은 우리의 미각을 만 족시키며 아름다움과 선율은 시각과 청각까지 모두 즐겁게 한다. 훌륭한 만찬과 다양한 볼거 리는 세부에서 할 수 있는 최상의 것들을 모아 놓은 듯하다. 6억 페소가 들어간 이번 레노베이션은 단순한 정원 수준에서 다층의 테라스 공간으로, 맛집 이 가득하고 아얄아의 경치가 일품인 즐거움의 공간으로 만들어냈다. 12월 15일에 공식적으로 뷰티 앤 웰니스 센터까지 개장하면 도심지의 오아시스의 역할을 수행하리라 기대한다. 기존의 몰과 테라스의 결합은 매우 자연스러우 며 상하로 통하는 통로와 주차장은 미적으로도 잘 연계되어 있다. 크기가 서로 다른 원판을 겹 쳐서 쌓아놓은 구조는 아얄라의 훌륭한 전경을 만들어준다. 테라스의 중심에는 거대한 차양으 로 덮여 있는 야외 액티비티 공간이다. 2,000 여명 이상을 수용하는 이 공간에서 콘서트 등 을 열기에 적합하다. 테라스에서 다양한 사람들을 만나게 된다. 사 업가들은 커피와 함께 회의를 진행하며 쇼핑 을 좋아하는 이들은 간식거리를 한입 베어 물 고 있다. 나이트 라이프를 즐기는 이들은 야경 을 감상하며 시간을 보내기도 한다. 아이니드는 이번 12월호에 테라스에 있는 맛 집 2곳을 간략하게 소개한다.
Owned by Anthony Ballreich, he who made Krua Thai a home brand, SIAM offers contemporary Thai dishes on top of a long list of traditional Thai-servings. If you’re big in personalized service, this is the place for you. The waiters are well trained by Anthony’s better half, Cheryl, who has hotelier experience to back her. Together, the couple captivates a huge chunk of the niche market with their very well thought-out menu only reserve for the epicureans in the house. The interiors are decidedly minimalist in treatment for
obvious reasons: the restaurant would like to be known for their fabulous food. What’s more, they have quite an extensive wine list for those who’d like to down firstclass meals with white (or red) wine to complete the whole nine yards of fine-dining. After successfully introducing Thai dining in the consciousness of the Cebuanos, and based on the who’s who queue that frequent the place, looks like SIAM (which is the old name of Thailand) is the new name for a five-star dining experience to be had.
26 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
카페 라구나 세부에서 카페 라구나를 모르면 간첩이라는 말이 있다. 1980년 아얄라가 생기면서부터 함 께 한 이 고급 레스토랑은 필리핀 음식을 제 공한다. “모든 사람에게 대접을 하고 싶습니 다.” 질 우르비나는 아얄라에 라구나 가든 과 카페 라구나, 두 개의 라구나 브랜치가 있 는 이유를 설명한다. 이곳의 음식은 집에서 정 성스럽게 차린 음식을 연상케 한다. 토속 에피 타이저와 카레카레, 크리스피 파타, 불랄로 등 의 인기 메뉴 그리고 부코 판단, 리치 플랜, 푸 토 봉봉의 디저트까지 항상 사람들이 붐비는 곳이다. 한국인들은 시푸드 플레터 메뉴를 즐 긴다고 한다. 12월에는 주방장이 푸토 봉봉을 만드는 것을 보여주는 행사를 한다고 하니 관심을 둬보자. 사얌 크루아 타이의 주인의 새로운 브랜치인 사얌 은 태국의 상류층이 즐기는 음식을 맛볼 수 있 는 타이 레스토랑이다. 수많은 전통 타이 음 식에서도 현대식 메뉴를 제공한다. 실내 디자 인은 미니멀리즘을 적용하여 깔끔하며 다양 한 와인을 준비하고 있다. 5성급 레스토랑인 사얌(태국의 옛 이름)에서 훌륭한 만찬의 경험 을 가져보자.
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Unit 4 17-D J. Osmeña St. cor Don R. Aboitiz St., Cebu City ( across New Sideline Native Restaurant-PARKING IS AVAILABLE ) 255-8506 / 412-2695 0922-8860866 / 0917-6262422 Email : DECEMBER 2008
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Tree Shade
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OPEN :오전11~오후2, 오후6~오후11
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30 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
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32 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
12월 28일까지
1월 31일까지
ineed travel & culture magazine
Panglao Island Nature Resort
Olman`s View
Flushing Meadows
Casa Felomina
Bohol Plaza Hotel
34 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
Suroy-Suroy Sugbo
A celebration of Cebuano culture
WoRDs By RitChE t. salgaDo
The Suroy Suroy sa Sugbo Southern Heritage Trail is a journey through the past. It showcases the different eccentricities of Cebu and highlights its most valued treasure – the people.
If there is anything that this journey has to offer, it is to give the travelers a peek of what Cebu was in the past. The journey does not only benefit the travelers but also the locals, as this gives them a sense of identity of who they are. It allowed them to revisit the glory of the past of their place and celebrate the bounty that nature has to offer. Suroy Suroy is not just about the food, it is also about the culture, the people, and the celebration. South Cebu has a lot of that to offer. And with great resorts to accommodate tourists who are aching for the tropical sun, well, Cebu South is indeed a treasure to behold. DECEMBER 2008
ineed travel & culture magazine
Do the Kris Kringle. Here you would give your Manita or Manito a gift everyday based on an agreed theme. Example: First day - “something funny,” second day “something hairy,” and third day - “something hard.” The daily gifts are to be secretly placed on a common box, which the receiver is expected to check everyday. You can put a limit on the price for the daily gifts (P10 to P50). This will end in a revelation day usually on Christmas Eve.
fun tips
Want to raise money? Go caroling with your friends. Choose your piece (two to three songs will do) and practice the songs with your friends. Go from one house to the other and spread the cheer. Once they give you their gift (coins mostly, but bills would be fun!) sing to them this line: “Thank you, thank you, ang babait ninyo. Thank you!” which means “Thank you for your kindness.”
Words by Paolo Ortega Illustrations by Mikho Mercado AND Marvin Tabacon
o the Manito-Manita. On a piece of paper rite your name. Roll it up and then mix all e pieces of paper in a fishbowl, hat or what ave you. Then pick a paper. The name that ou will get is your Manita or Manito. Keep e name of your Manita or Manito a secret ntil the revelation day on Christmas Eve hen you would surprise him or her with a ft. The fun is getting to make your Manita Manito spill what they want to get for hristmas without them even suspecting ou to be the one who picked their name.
36 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
Noche Buena or Media Noche? It’s basically the same. The thing is, you wake-up at midnight of December 24 (for Christmas) and December 31 (for New Year), have a feast of ham, roasted chicken, queso de bola and other native delicacies, and then make lots and lots of noise. Don’t play with firecrackers to avoid injury, instead enjoy the fireworks that would definitely light up the Christmas sky.
food trip
햄이 없는 필리피노의 크리스마스 만찬은 생 각할 수 없다. 9월부터 슈퍼마켓의 선반에는 다양한 햄이 손님을 기다린다. 맛은 물론 모양 이나 종류가 다른 여러햄을 만나 볼 수 있다. 돼지의 넓적다리 부분을 사용해서 만드는 햄 은 추운지역의 서양해서 만들어지기 시작했 다. 냉장고도 없던 시절 추운겨울동안 먹을 음 식의 보관하기 위해서 장시간동안 보관가능 한 햄이 만들어지게 된것이다. 시간이 지남에 따라 향신료나 조미료 등을 첨가하기 시작했 다. 좀더 좋은 맛을 내기위해 소스도 개발되었 다.그래서 햄이 크리스마스 만찬에 필수품 이 였을까? 사실 기독교가 아닌곳에서 그 유래 를 찾을 수 있다. ___프로이(날씨를 관장하는 북유럽의 신)의 환심을 사기 위한 행사장에서 금/은 젚시위에 입에 사과를 물린 맷돼지 머 리요리와 트럼펫과 노래소리가 흘러나왔다고 한다.성인 스테판은 그의 축제일에 이러한 전 통을 받아드렸다. 그 축제일이 12/26일 이였 기 때문에 크리스마스 음식으로 자리 잡았다 고 할 수 있다. 최근 친구로 부터 가정에서 만든 티타올링스 햄 한 박스를 선물받았다. 맛은 여지껏 먹어본 햄 중 단연 최고였다. 티타올링스 햄은 소금 이 적고 맛이 약간 달달해서 필리피노의 입맛 에 딱 좋다. 더불어 꽤나 긴 시간동안 햄을 만 드느라 고생한 이를 생각하며 이 달콤하면서 입에서 녹는 햄을 즐긴다면 그들에게도 좋은 일이 아닐까? 티타올링스 햄을 즐기고 싶다면 “아부한 테라스”(ITpark의 i2 빌딩 1층-커 피빈 옆)을 찾아가보자. 이곳에서는 햄을 썰어 서 요리로 제공하고 있다. 썰지않은 크리스마 스용 햄은 킬로당 550페소에 동일 식당에서 구입할 수 있다.
words By
Jeremy Brian Rosales
A FILIPINO Christmas meal won’t be complete without the ham. Even as early as September different kinds of ham would start filling up supermarket shelves. With this, expect different tastes, different variations, different shapes and even different kinds. Ham is a portion of preserved pork thigh. This originated in cold western countries. The need to preserve their food for the long winter prompted them to come up with a way of keeping their meat edible for a long time. Back then there were no freezers and refrigerators. Salt was used to cure the meat. Eventually people started putting in spices and other seasonings to add flavor to the meat as it ages. Then sauces and glaze were introduced to give it more taste. So how did this delicious fare become an essential part of Yuletide Dinners? The tradition actually has a pagan origin. It is said that in order to get favor from the pagan god Freyr, a “boar’s head with apple
in the mouth was carried into the banquet hall on a gold and silver dish to the sounds of trumpets and the songs of minstrels.” Saint Stephen inherited Freyr’s legacy and since his Feast Day is on December 26 the tradition was carried over. A friend of mine recently gave me an early Christmas treat. He gave me a box of Tita Oling’s Homemade Ham, and I could say that it is the best that I have tasted. The best thing about Tita Oling’s ham is that it has less salt, and is a little bit sweet making it perfect for the Filipino palate. And mind you, the long process of making it will reward those who will partake of the ham with an extremely juicy piece of meat that literally melts in your mouth. Should you want to taste Tita Oling’s ham you can drop by Abuhan Tres (Address: i2 Bldg., Asiatown IT Park, Lahug). Here they serve Tita Oling’s ham by the slice. Why not give them a visit before placing your order, after all, this piece of Christmas fare does not come in cheap (P600++ per kilo!).
Source: DECEMBER 2008
ineed travel & culture magazine
sunday Pasko sa Sugbu whole month Cebu City, Cebu Contact: Cebu City Tourism Commission 6332-255-8354
7 14
Go Diego December 5, 6 &7 (1:30pm, 3:30pm & 6pm) (with picture) Activity Center, Ayala Center Cebu
December 14-16 Bod-bod Festival Tanjay City, Negros Oriental Contact: Office of the Mayor Tanjay City 6335-527-0488
1 8
Festival of Lights Whole months of December & January of the following year Office of the Mayor Naga, Cebu 6332 – 489-8989 / 272 - 6655
Isda Festival Madridejos, Bantayan Island Office of the Mayor Madridejos, Bantayan Island 6332-439-1068/ 439-1031
Kawayan Festival Alegria Cebu Contact: Office of the Mayor Alegria 6332-476-8125
Workshy at The Terraces Ayala Center, Cebu
December 16-24 9 Days of Christmas Let traditional Christmas carols warm the heart 6:30PM at the Lobby Lounge Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino Tel.nos.232-6888
38 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
Hugyawan Da Dumaguete Cit Contact: Office Dumaguete Cit 6335-225-0549
Media Appreciation Party Grand Ballroom Marco Polo Plaza Cebu 253-1111
Sadsad Festival Oslob Cebu Office of the Mayor 0917-694-7194
December 08-09 Tag-Anitohan Festival Tudela, Camotes Island, Cebu Contact: Office of the Mayor 6332-400-4006
Dec. 17-21 Converse S SM City Tra
24 December 30-31 Pasalamat de Tayasan Tayasan, Oriental Negros Office of the Mayor 6335-407-6044 /43
New Year’s 10:00pm at th Waterfront Ce Tel.nos.232
New Year B 11:00pm at Waterfront Ce Tel.nos.232
alansayaw ty, Negros Oriental of the City Tourism ty 9
Sale up to 40-80% ade Hall
October 3 to November 30 Shopping Spree - Shop for a minimum purchase amount and get a chance to win Grocery money in the weekly draws Ayala Center Cebu 231-5342
Dec. 11, 12, 13, 14 Audionet Sale Up to 40% discount on selected items
CAMG Sale Up to 50% off on selected items
Lead Career Mover presents Soul in Love Prince of RnB Jay-R Live in Cebu! Casino Theatro Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino
For Ticket inquiries: Ayala Center Concierge at 253-9726; 09228277733 Lead Career Movers at 253-9726
13 Dec. 8-32 Sale up to 5-20% on selected items I KEANS Home and Furniture and Office Supplies
Yuletide Bakesale Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino Tel.nos.232-6888
Dec12-14 & Dec 19-21 ( 2pm-4pm & 5pm- 7pm) Santa Claus Corner – Picture Taking with Santa by the 30ft Christmas Tree
Music & Laser -Lights Show on at The Terraces, 7pm Barney Dino-Mite Birthday Live on Stage Pacific Grand Ballroom Matinee at 3pm Gala at 6:30pm Waterfront Cebu City Hotel & Casino Tel.nos.232-6888
s Eve Mass he Atlantic Hall ebu City Hotel and Casino 2-6888
Bash at the Lobby t the lobby ebu City Hotel and Casino 2-6888
ineed travel & culture magazine
travel sked Ocean Fast Ferries Inc. 255- 7560 Cebu-Tagbilaran
Dapitan- Tagbilaran
6:00 AM 9:30 AM 3:35 PM 6:00 PM
Tagbilaran- Cebu 6:50 AM 9:30 AM 4:10 PM 5:30 PM Cebu- Dumaguete 6:00 AM 3:35 PM Dumaguete- Cebu 7:30AM 2:30 PM Cebu- Dapitan 6:00 AM Dapitan- Cebu 12:20 PM Cebu- Siquijor 3: 35PM Siquijor- Cebu 6:00AM
Dapitan- Dumaguete
6:00AM Tagbilaran- Siquijor 5:45PM Bacolod- Iloilo 6:15 AM 7:45 AM 9:15 AM 10:45 AM 12:45 PM 2:15PM 2:15 PM 3:45 PM 5:15 PM Iloilo- Bacolod 6:15 AM 7:45 AM 9:15 AM 10:45 AM 12:45 PM 2:15PM 2:15 PM 3:45 PM 5:15 PM
7: 40PM Siquijor- Dumaguete 6:00AM
Daily Daily Cebu-Tagbilaran Daily Daily Cebu-Tubigon Daily Daily Daily Cebu-Jetafe Daily Jetafe-Cebu Daily (except Cebu-Ormoc Ormoc- Cebu Fridays) Argao-Loon Daily (except Fridays) Tues to Sat Tues to Sat Tues to Sat Sun and Mon Loon- Argao Sun and Mon Tues to Sat Tues to Sat Tues to Sat San Carlos- Toledo Sun and Mon Sun and Mon Daily Toledo- San Carlos Daily Daily Daily Cebu-Tagbilaran
1230nn 10pm 12nn 1030pm 7am/7pm 12mn 12nn 7pm 11am 10pm 4am 8am 12nn 7am 11am 6am 11am 4pm 9am 4pm 5am 10am 330pm 730am 1pm 6pm
Korean Air
8:00 AM 5:45 PM Tagbilaran- Dapitan 8:00AM
40 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
Incheon-Cebu Flight Departure Departure Arrival Aircraft Number Date Time Time Type KE 631 Daily 21:00 00:45+1 Boeing 737-900 Cebu - Incheon Flight Departure Departure Arrival Number Date Time Time KE 632 Daily 1:45 7:15
Cebu - Manila DEP
5:00 6:45 9:45 11:15 15:15 17:20 20:00 20:45 21:00 21:40
6:25 8:10 11:10 12:40 16:40 18:45 21:25 22:10 22:25 23:05
PR 842 PR 844 PR 848 PR 854 PR 858 PR 850 PR 864 PR 868 PR 866 PR 856
EQV A320 EQV EQV EQV EQV A320 A330 A320 A320
Daily Daily except Tues Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Thurs and Sun Daily Sun
Manila - Cebu DEP
4:30 7:30 9:00 12:30 13:00 15:00 17:45 18:30 19:30
6:00 9:00 10:30 14:00 14:30 16:30 19:15 20:00 21:00
PR 843 PR 847 PR 853 PR 861 PR 857 PR 849 PR 863 PR 865 PR 855
Daily Daily Daily Wed, Thur,Sat,Sun
Daily Daily Daily
Daily except Thur and Su
Cebu - Davao DEP
PR 026
B737 Daily
Davao- Cebu
7:30 AM 2:20 PM
12:20 PM Dumaguete- Siquijor
#14 G.L. Lavilles St., cor. M.J. Cuenco Ave., Tinago, Cebu City Tel.nos. (032) 255-1721 to 26 | 256-1410
12: 20PM
Dumaguete-Dapitan 10:00AM
Aircraft Type Boeing 737-900
PR 027
B737 Daily
Cebu (032) Cebu is the most progressive province in central Philippines. It is a narrow island measuring 225 km from North to South and is flanked on both sides by the straits of Bohol (between Bohol and Cebu) and Tañon (between Cebu and Negros). Its capital city, Cebu City, is the oldest city in the country. Cebu City is just 20-minutes away from the Mactan-Cebu International Airport. It has all the makings of a metropolitan center and is considered as one of the best venues for seminars and conferences owing to its many facilities like hotels and restaurants. 세부는 필리핀 중부에서 가장 발달한 곳이다. 남북으로 225km 길이의 섬으로 동쪽에 보홀과 서쪽으로는 네그로스 섬이 위치해있다. 세부 시티가 세부 섬의 중심지이며 가장 오래된 도시이기도 하다.
Julian Jumalon Butterfly Sanctuary
훌리안 후말리온의 나비 정원 Fort San Pedro 산페드로 요새
oldest butterfly sanctuary .
Oldest triangular fort 필리핀에서 가장 오래되고 작은 요새 Cebu Map E2
Santo Niño Church 산토니뇨 성당
Taoist Temple 도교 사원
The center of religion in the region. Cebu Map E2
The elegant landscape and classic Chinese architecture 세부의 전경과 중국 전통 양식의 도교 사원을 감상할 수 있는 곳 Cebu Map A2
Magellan’s Cross 마젤란의 십자가 Site where the Spanish declared Philippines as their colony
Coffee and Bar 커피 와 바
Mocha Blends 모카 블렌드 Filipino Cuisine 필리핀식
Abuhan Dos 아부한 도스 253- 5774 Open 24 hours daily Map B2 (Fuente Area)
Thai Cuisine 타이식
Gerry's Grill 제리스 그릴 2nd Floor, Ayala Activity Center, Cebu City 415-8283-85
Laguna Garden Cafe Level1 ayala Terraces, Ayala center 233-8602 Map B3 (Cebu Business Park)
Cafe Laguna
Unit 4, Skyrise 1 Asiatown IT Park, Lahug Cebu City 238-0221
카페 라구나
Level1 Terraces, Ayala 231-9022 Level1 SM northwing 236-4132 Map B3 (Cebu Business Park)
Balay Local Cuisine Piazza Elesia Center, Talamban Cebu City Tel.nos. (032) 416-7692
888 Asian Gourmet # 835 Andres Abellana St., Guadalupe, Cebu City Tel.nos. (032) 253-0578
Japanese Cuisine 일식
Nonki 논키 219 A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City 422-3159 Map D4 (A.S.Fortuna)
Sen Ryu 센류 Salinas Drive, Lahug Cebu City 234-2541 11am-2am daily Map C4 (Cebu Business Map)
Tempura Japanese Grill 뎀푸라 SM City Cebu Map D4 (Metro Cebu Map)
Goku Japanese Restaurant #1 Paseo Saturnino Maria Luisa Road Banilad, Cebu City Tel. 343-3157/236-4676
Krua Thai 크루아 타이
Banilad St., Cebu City 346-3588 Mactan , Cebu City 495-4818 SM Branch Upper 231-8338
Lemon Grass
레몬 그라스
Level1 ayala Terraces, Ayala center 233-8601
Korean Cuisine 한식
Apgujung 압구정 Ground Floor Sm City Cebu 232-6241 Map C4 (Cebu map)
Chum-Chrum 처음처럼 Mactan Marina Mall 238-9364 MapA3 (Mactan Map)
Coco Grill 코코 그릴 A.S.Fortuna St., Mandaue City,Cebu 0926-602-5588 Map A5 (A.S.Fortuna)
Fil Hanggang 필 한강 SM City Cebu 232-7067 Map C4 (Cebu map)
Seoul Restaurant 서울 레스토랑
Chinese Cuisine 중식
Escario St., Cebu City 514- 2041 Map B3 (Cebu Business Park)
Flavours of China 플레이버 오브 차이나
Tops Resto Bar 탑스 레스토바
SM City Cebu Map D4 (Metro Cebu Map)
Nivel Hills, Lahug Cebu City 233-4078 Map A3 (Metro Cebu map)
Grand Majestic 그랜드 마제스틱
Yu Hee Jung 유희정 14 Edison St., Salinas Drive, Lahug 238-2079 MapB4 (Metro Cebu Map)
Bar 바
Jive 자이브
Salinas Drive, Lahug 231-2109 MapB4 (Metro Cebu Map) SALE
Archbishop Reyes Ave., Cebu City 232-1103 Map A3 (Cebu Map)
Upper Fulton, Lahug Cebu City 232-9077; Mobile: +63920-8395668
Ayala Center Cebu 아얄라 몰 Cebu Business Park, Cebu City 231-5342 Map B2 (Ayala Area)
Elizabeth Mall 엘리자베스 몰 P.del Rosario St., Cebu City 417-3260 Map D1 (Metro Cebu MaP)
Koreana Mart 코리아나 마트 Banilad St., Cebu City 343-9693 Map A2 (A.S. Fortuna Area)
Metro Gaisano Colon 메트로 가이사노 Colon St., Cebu City 253-7761 Map D2 (Metro Cebu Map)
SM City Cebu 에스엠 몰 North Reclamation Area, Cebu City 231-055; 231-3447 Map D4 (Metro Cebu Map)
H-Mart H-마트 A.S. Fortuna St., Mandaue City 344-6278 Map B5 ( Cebu Map)
Assi Mart 아씨 마트 F.Cabahug St., Mabolo, Cebu City 422-4114 Map B3 ( Cebu Business Park)
HOTELS Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino 워터프론트 7 Salinas Drive, Lahug Cebu City Map A3 (Ayala Area)
WATERFRONT AIRPORT HOTEL AND CASINO 1 Airport Road, Lapu-Lapu City Tel: (63 32) 340-4888 Fax: (63-32) 232-5862
Marco Polo Plaza Cebu Cebu Veterans Drive, Nivel Hills, Lahug, Cebu City 6000, Philippines Tel: (63 32) 253-1111 Fax: (63 32) 417-2980
Cebu City Marriot Hotel 매리어트 호텔 Cardinal Rosales Avenue Cebu City, 6000 Philippines Phone: (63 32) 415-6100 Fax: (63 32) 415-6101 Toll-free: 1-800 1-888-2233
Golden Peak Hotel and Suites 골든픽 호텔
Salinas Drive, Lahug, Cebu City, 6000 Philippines Tel: (63 32) 232-6888 Fax: (63-32) 232-6880
The Apartelle 더 아파텔
Banilad St., Cebu City 233-1356 10 am-5pm daily Map B3(Banilad map)
Gorordo Ave., cor. Escario St., Cebu City 233-8111-15 Map A1 (Ayala Area)
Cebu Capitol Commercial Complex, N. Escario St., Cebu City 255-6385
Soo Restaurant 수 레스토랑
Cebu Parklane International Hotel Cor. Archbishop Reyes Avenue And Escario Street, Cebu City, Philippines Tel: 411-7000
Capitol Tourist Inn 캐피톨 투어리스트 인
Lahug Cebu City 0917-8104298 MapC4(Metro Cebu Map)
Don Gil Garcia St., Cebu City 253-2850 Map A1 (Cebu Map)
ineed travel & culture magazine
HEALTH AND BEAUTY Yobi Relaxation Spa 요비 스파 Capitol Site., Cebu City 253-1686
Tony and Jackey 토니 앤 재키 G.P. Sy Bldg., Gorordo Ave., Cebu City 232-2518 Map B3 (Cebu map)
Skin and Balance 스킨 앤 밸런스 2nd Floor Northgate Bldg., Banilad 238-4572,4587/0920-966-2875 Map B4 (Metro Cebu Map)
Luce Hair 루체 헤어 Banilad St., Cebu City 232-9199 Map B4 (Cebu Map)
Mactan Island An island to the southeast of Cebu, it is connected to mainland Cebu by two bridges: the Mactan Bridge and the Marcelo Fernan Bridge. The island is the site of the very first resistance staged by the natives against its European conquerors known as the Battle of Mactan. This is also where the Mactan-Cebu International Airport is. 세부의 남동쪽에 위치한 섬이다. 세부와는 두개의 다리로 연결되어있다.(막탄다리,마셀로 퍼르난 다리) 막탄전쟁으로 불리는 서구세력과의 최초의 전투가 있었던 곳이다. 막탄-세부 국제공항이 있는곳이기도 하다.
Medicalane 메디칼래인
Hollywood Nails Beauty Salon and Spa Piazza Elesia, Building A. Unit A1, 2nd Floor Talamban Cebu City (Opposite Silver Hills Subdivision) 344-0867
TRAVEL Asiana airline 아시아나 342-8066
Cebu Pacific 세부 퍼시픽
COCO Hair Studio 코코헤어 스튜디오 2nd floor, Park Mall, Mandaue City (032) 516-4705
Ground Floor, Piazza, Elesia Center, Talamban, Cebu City 416-7691/416-7690
Buyong, Maribago, Lapu-Lapu City 495-7726
People's Fair Trade Shop YMCA Bldg., Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City 412-5892
SERVICES 2nd Chance 세컨 챈스 No. 82 F. Ramos St.and A. Villaneuva Sts., Cebu City 236-1673/0917-494-2727
Curtains Unlimited 커튼 언리미티드
Ink Well 잉크웰 Unit 4 17-D J.Osmeña St., cor Don R. Aboitiz St., Cebu City 255-8506; 412-2695
Rhee Pest Clear Services 리 페스트 클리어 서비스 344-1597-99; 412-5892
Titay's Liloan Rosquillos & Delicacies
Durasol Internet Café 두라솔 인터넷 카페
Poblacion, Liloan, Cebu City 564-2993/424-8888
Jones Ave., Cebu City 255-4420 Map B2 (Fuente Map)
Cebu Trip Rent-a-Car
Lite Shipping Corporation 15-2 V. Sotto St., cor. Mc Arthur Blvd., Tel.nos. (032) 422-6329/31; 460-5608; 435-2078 Telefax: 422-6330
888 Wellness Spa #835 Andres Abellana St., Guadalupe, Cebu City Tel. No. 253-0578
Agus, Lapu-Lapu City 340- 5937
Lot 3, Gen. Aviatour Area, Mactan Cebu Internat'l Airport, Lapu-Lapu City Cebu (032)495-2268 Map C3 (Mactan Map)
Gio Travel 지오 여행사
126 F. Ramos St., Boromeo Bldg., Cebu City 253-4399/259-5156
Mandaue City Tourism Office
Maribago Bluewater Beach Resort 마리바고 블루워터 Maribago, Lapu-Lapu City 232-5411 to 14 Map E3 (Mactan MaP)
Aviatours 에비아 투어
Plantation Bay 플렌테이션 베이
Marigondon, Lapu-Lapu City 340-5906 Map E3 (Mactan MaP)
Hadsan Cove 핫산 코브
Tourtopia 투어토피아
Hilton Cebu Resort and Spa 힐튼 리조트 앤 스파 Punta Engaño, Lapu-Lapu City 492-7777; 492-7707 Map D5 (Mactan Map)
Punta Engaño, Lapu-Lapu City 321-0288 Map D4 ( Mactan Map)
Tambuli Beach Resort 탐불리 비치 리조트
Banilad St., Cebu City 416-2882 Map (B4 Banilad Map)
Maribago, Lapu-Lapu City 340-5960-63
Shangri-la's Mactan Resort and Spa 샹그릴라 리조트 앤 스파
Foxgate Travel Solutions 폭스 게이트 트라벨
Korean air 대한항공
Cebu Whitesands Beach 화이트 샌드 비치
Health Check, Basement 2, Ayala Center (032) 515-1768
Marina Mall, Lapu-Lapu City (032)342-8574
KumKang Fishing 금강 낚시터 Lot 3, Gen. Aviatour Area, Mactan Cebu Internat'l Airport, Lapu-Lapu City Cebu (032)495-2268 Map C3 (Mactan Map)
Suny Divers 써니 다이버스 체험/펀다이빙/아이랜드호핑(씨푸드) 라이센스 발급 전문 0917-325-4787
OTHER CoCo Chicken 꼬꼬치킨
H-Mart H-마트 막탄
Mactan Marina Mall 막탄 마리나 몰 Mactan Economic Zone , Lapu-Lapu City Map A3 (Mactan Map)
English Jungle ESL
정글 어학원
타타이 리로안
362 Ben Zubiri St., Katipunan, Labangon (032) 262-0062 Mobile: 0917-320-5688.
Bayan Telecommunications Inc. D. Jakosalem St., cor. Sikatuna St., Cebu City (032) 254-3633 loc. 3624 Fuente Map
Tonton Training Center, Inc. Rm 108 Doña Luisa Bldg., Fuente Osmeña (032) 253-9639 loc. 11
San Remegio A 3rd class municipality it boasts of having the longest shoreline in the island of Cebu. In its waters you can still find sharks, manta rays, whale sharks, and other marine animals. 세부에서 가장 긴 해변이 자랑거리이다. 상어와 만타레이, 고래 상어와 각종 수중 생물을 만나기 좋은 곳.
Hardrock Beach Resort 하드록 비치 리조트
San Remegio Beach Club 산레미기오 비치 크럽
Brgy. Victoria, San Remegio Cebu 435-2112; 412-1887
Baybay, Tambogon, San Remegio Cebu (032)231-0382
Lingay Beach Resort and Restaurant 링가이 비치 리조트 Poblacion, San Remegio Cebu 435-9088;
F or y o u r a d v e rtisin g n ee d s, c a ll ( 032) 238.5225 42 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
Known for its white sand beaches and excellent diving facilities, Moalboal is located in the southwestern part of Cebu island, 89 kilometers from Cebu City. An interesting place to visit when in Moalboal is Pescador Island, a small limestone island in the middle of Tañon Strait. 모알보알은 백사장과 다이빙을 하기에 최상의 장소로 알려진 곳이다. 세부에서 89km 남서쪽에 있으며 페스카도르 섬이 유명하다.
Kasai Village 까사이 빌리지 Tuble, Moalboal, Cebu 516-2617
James Dive Resort 제임스 다이브 리조트 0915-525-8949
The Blue Abyss 블루 어비스 474-0031
M.B. Ocean Blue 엠비 오션 블루 474-0046
Ocean Globe Diving Shop 오션 글로브 다이빙 474-0070; Mobile: +63917-332-6154
Won Dive 원 다이브
CLUB DAY FRIDAY/SATURDAY G/F Northgate Building, Banilad St., Cebu City Tel. No. 233-4020
Bohol (038) Home of the famous Philippine Tarsiers (the smallest primate in the world) and the New 7 Wonders of Nature nominee, the Chocolate Hills, Bohol is located in the Central Visayas region with Cebu to the west, the province Leyte to the northeast and the island of Mindanao across the Bohol Sea to the south. 세계에서 가장 작은 원숭이인 타샤와 세계의 경이로움에 꼽히는 초컬릿힐이 있는 곳이다.
Cabilao Beach Club 카빌라오 비치 클럽\ Cambaquiz, 6327, Loon Bohol (038)+49 341-21-24-341 Mobile:
Cambaquiz, 6327, Loon Bohol 바이히 #7 E. Butalid St., Tagbilaran City, Bohol Email: 501-1238
Bita-ug Beach Resort
Daurong, Danao, Panglao, Bohol Tel.nos (038) 502-8106 Mobile: 0919-225-9935
Ned Car and Van Rental-Bohol (038) 416-0525 Mobile: 0917-304-2212 Email:
Casa Filomena Resort and Restaurant Tololan, Dauis, Panglao Island, Bohol (038) 502-2046
Bohol Beach Club Bo, Bolod, Panglao Island, Bohol (038) 411-5222-24| 502-9222 502-9104 Email: Toll Free No. 1800-1888-227
Bohol Tourism Office 411-3666
Weesam Express Pier 4, NRA, Cebu City (032) 412-9562
Lite Shipping Corporation 117-R, Palma St., Cebu City (032) 255-5673
Soledad Suites Lou Square, J.C. Borja St., Corner M. Parras St., Tagbilaran, Bohol (038) 411-3074 or 501-7421 Email:
Pamilacan Island Paradise Tagbilaran Office: Solded Suites , 50 Soledad Tagbilaran City Bohol (038) 411-3074; 501-7421
Amorita Resort Alona Beach, Barangay Tawala Panglao Island, Bohol (038) 502-9001 (03)
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Tomkins Restobar 10% discount Tel. No.: 032)514-2041
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December 2008
46 ineed travel & culture magazine DECEMBER 2008
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