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September 2008


Authorized Philippine DOT-Korea

60 Pages Inside

September 2008


60 Pages Inside

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Fort San Pedro clothEs: Lord Maturan (0916.439.8760) Maquillage: Wenwen Zaspa (0920.575.3643) STYLING: Yves Martini Camingue (0927.272.2246) Locale:

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F E AT U R E S Music Tourism in Cebu 세부로 음악 여행을 떠나다.

Visiting the Music Makers of Lapu-Lapu City

라푸라푸시의 기타 제조 장인들

The Free Wheel

in Bisrak Express

비즈락 이야기

The Haladaya Festival of Daanbantayan, Cebu 할라다야 축제

September Picks 9월의 픽스

A day in amazing Bohol 보홀에서의 하루

M A P S Cebu Province Map 세부전도

Colon Map 콜론 지도 Fuente Map 푸엔테 지도

Cebu Business Park Map 아얄라 부근지도

Metro Cebu Map 세부시티 지도

Banilad Map 바닐라드 지도 A.S. Fortuna Map 에이에스 포츄나 지도 Mactan Map 막탄지도 Moalboal Map 모알보알지도

Issue 15 September 2008

editor’s note


Music Cebu Music is the universal language. In it holds the power that can spark and end wars; the magic that can cure or break the spirit. The Cebuano’s rich musical heritage remains to be untapped. But the ground is fertile to start exploring this niche market, of tourists who are willing to come to Cebu just so they can indulge in a minute of aural experience. Most may not yet be aware of what music can do to boost Cebu’s tourism industry. But the many celebrations in the province throughout the year, is in itself a celebration of Cebu’s music as revealed by Ritche T. Salgado in Music Tourism in Cebu. Jeremy Brian Rosales, on Visiting the Music Makers of Lapu-Lapu City, unmasked the people behind the famous acoustic guitars made in the place. While guest writer, Gerard Pareja, introduces a different kind of music maker in Cebu, those who belong to the “Bisrak generation” in The Free Wheelin’ Bisrak Express. Their origins, their aspirations, and their inspirations discussed. In addition you will find inside other destinations worthy to visit, services that would prove to be useful, food to taste, and places where you can spend a soulful afternoon away from the blues. So what are you waiting for? Journey with us to Cebu’s music destinations and be entranced at the many notes that can be sung of Cebu.


CREATIVE RITCHE TRIBO SALGADO Editorial Consultant JET GARIGADE Design Chief TRANSLATOR Lee Ji Hyeon CONTRIBUTORS Gerard Pareja Jeremy Brian Rosales DJ Chris Po Erwin Lim Dennis Tanoc Gregg M. Rubio Jesson Morata MAPPING MIKHO ERWIN MERCADO Map Artist MARVIN TABACON Map Artist MANAGEMENT GERALDINE YUNSAL General Manager AMOR REMEDIO Accounting Officer APRIL JILL BLANCO Office Staff SALES & MARKETING ALMA MONDIGO Sales & Marketing Head JOY SALMERON Advertising Executive MULTI-MEDIA RALPH TAMAYO DISTRIBUTION & CIRCULATION FORTUNATO SAGARINO iNeed Magazine is distributed in the following Mactan Airport, Ayala Center Cebu Turista Desk, Seoul Jongro Travel agency, English Jungle School Agency, Pileogong School Agency, Korean ESL, Cebu Hotels & Resorts, Mactan Hotels & Resorts, Cebu Korean Stores, Local Stores, Weesam Ferry, Moalboal and Mactan Distribution Centers. iNeed Cebu Travel & Culture Magazine is published monthly by Hugin & Munin Corporation. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied without the permission of Hugin & Munin Corporation. iNeed Cebu Travel & Culture Magazine does not guarantee the accuracy of its maps, schedules and calendar due to possible cancellations after printing. We welcome original unpublished write ups & image contributions. All contributions shall become the property of iNeed Cebu Travel & Culture Magazine and shall be subject to editorial review.

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틀에 박힌 일정에서 벗어나서 나의 취향을 가득 채운 테마 여행은 어떨까? 음악을 좋 아하는 사람의 일정은 음악 관련 행사로 가득하다. 이들의 음악 여행은 몇 종류의 음

cover story

악을 듣는 것에만 그치지 않는다. 음악의 깊은 곳을 경험하려고 하며 음악가가 자라 온 곳과 방문했던 곳과 가사에 나온 장소를 탐험하기도 한다. 엘비스 프레슬리의 그 레이스랜드를 여정에 넣었다면 음악 여행을 즐기는 것이다.

Locale: Fort San Pedro Osmeña St. Brgy. San Roque, Cebu City, Philippines

6 ineed travel & culture magazine SEPTEMBER 2008

Fort San Pedro is managed by the Cebu City Government Tel. Nos. 2562284 and 4167080


Alazas Linea Sugbuana 0923.887.8861 5804.378

words By

Ritche T. Salgado, PTRP images by

erwin lim

Maquillage: Wenwen

Zaspa 0920.575.3643


MUSIC tourism is a form of niche tourism that tries to attract people who seek to indulge in music. More than listening to a certain kind of melody, music tourism is about experiencing the spirit of the music and this includes exploring places where an artist has visited, has grown, and has made his masterpiece like Elvis Presley’s Graceland. Even places mentioned in

a song would instantly be catapulted to tourism fame. Another form of music tourism is music festivals like the famous Glastonbury Festival in Pilton, England which, last year, attracted 177,000 visitors with 700 acts played in 80 stages. Dances, festivals, and

MODELS: Sharon Angel Sam Hermosa ADMODELS Management Hilario Andres III – 0917.739.6762; 261.0340 STYLING:

Yves Martini Camingue 0927.272.2246

SEPTEMBER 2008 ineed

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700개의 공연이 80개의 무대에서 열리고 17만 7 천 명이 참석한 음악 축제에 관해 들어본 적이 있 는가? 바로 작년 영국에서 열린 글래스톤베리 축 제이다. 매년 열리는 이 축제에 참여하려고 수십 만 명이 음악 여행을 준비하고 있다. 춤과 축제, 공연은 음악 여행의 구체적인 모습이 다. 여행자들은 플라멩코의 본고장 남아메리카로 떠나며, 정교한 연출과 어우러진 멋진 안무로 알려 진 물랭 루주의 프랑스로 일정을 잡는다. 그런데 유명한 음악 축제나 음악의 본고장으로의 여행 정도로 거창해야만 음악 여행이라 하는가? 음악에 관심을 둔 우리의 모든 여정은 모두 음악 여행이라고 할 수 있다. 이제 세부로 음악 여행 을 떠나보자. 세부의 풍요로운 음악사의 명맥을 이어가려는 노 력은 비스락(비사얀 락을 일컬음)을 태동시켰다. 흥미롭게도 나이 든 세부아노가 선호하는 아사하 이와 마토드 닐라가 젊은 음악가의 콘서트와 행사 장에서 세부아노의 상징으로 주목받고 있다. 라푸라푸시의 기타 산업은 영세한 가내 공업의 형 태이지만 그들이 창조하는 음악은 아름답기에 그 지없다. 전설 속의 새 사리마녹은 가장 단단하게 얼어붙은 마음을 녹이는 신비로운 존재이다. 라푸 라푸 장인의 손끝에서 만들어진 어쿠스틱 기타는 이 새의 노래를 재창조한다고 한다. 세부 음악 여행에서 주목해야 할 또 하나의 주요 행사로는 발람반 지역의 마눙갈 등반 축제가 있다. 피나투보 산에 비행기의 추돌로 비극적인 죽음을 맞이한 라몬 막사야사야 전대통령을 기리는 행사 이다. 잘 닦여진 길이 놓였음에도 많은 수의 사람 들은 제멋대로 자란 야생초와 잡초를 헤치며 산으 로 트레킹을 하는 힘든 고행길을 택한다. 그 고행 의 끝에 맛보는 음악과 만찬은 더욱 빛이 난다. 세부의 풍성한 축제는 많은 음악 행사와 함께한 다. 축제의 여왕격인 시눌루그(1월)은 세부시의 모 든 관심을 일주일동안 통째로 잡아놓는다. 이 기 간의 거리에는 춤과 가장 퍼레이드가 우리의 눈과 귀를 즐겁게 한다. 음악 여행지로의 세부는 잠재력이 풍부하다. 행 사를 가다듬고 관련 산업의 발전이 뒤따른다면 수 준 높은 관광 문화의 보고로 재발견하는 날이 올 것이다.

8 ineed travel & culture magazine SEPTEMBER 2008

performance arts are all covered by music tourism as well. People go to places like South America to experience, learn and be lost in the intimacy of the Flamenco. And then there is the Moulin Rouge of France, known for their intricate production and extraordinary choreography. Everything and anything that has to do with music is music tourism. But just how would Cebu fare in this new market? Cebu boasts of a rich musical history. Efforts are being made to revive the local Cebuano music scene with the growing popularity of bisrak (slang for Visayan Rock). Old Cebuano favorites like Usahay (Sometimes) and Matod Nila (They Said) are being revitalized with concerts and events featuring Cebuano music icons and young budding artists. Lapu-Lapu City’s guitarmaking cottage industry, on the other hand, puts a face behind the beautiful sounds that they create. Famous for the attention given by each craftsman, the Lapu-Lapu acoustic guitars is said to recreate the song of the fabled Sarimanok, a mythical bird whose songs can melt the hardest of hearts. Another event with a musical core is the Manunggal Climb Festival (March) in Balamban. The event

commemorates the tragic death of President Ramon Magsaysay with a music-filled gathering at the site where his plane, Mt. Pinatubo, crashed. Although concrete roads leading to the site have been laid, many still prefer to go the hard way – trekking through a path otherwise lost by the outgrowth of wild flowers, weeds, and bushes. Cebu’s rich festivals play host to musical events. The queen of festivals, the Sinulog of Cebu City (January), gives the perfect excuse for concerts to be held all over the city for one whole week. And then there is the street dancing where people in elaborate costumes parade down major roads closed exclusively for the event. However, nothing can beat the videoke (short for Video Karaoke) in translating the Cebuano’s love affair with music. Videoke bars are all over the city and they offer a wide selection of songs in different languages, Korean included. For all its rich musical treasures, Cebu has a potential to attract more visitors. If only it would be able to tap this market and develop a unified event that will give tourists more reasons to visit, then it would not only enrich and enliven its music industry, it would also open a treasure chest that will uplift the spirit of its people.

2인 1개월 자유이용권

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feature CELSO Aying, 50, started making guitars at the age of 17. His father worked for one of the city’s pioneer, Lilang’s Guitars. From him, he learned how to make patterns, to slice wood paper-thin, to layer, to brace, to assemble, and to do anything and everything that needs to be done to make the legendary Lapu-Lapu guitars.

words By

Jeremy Brian Rosales images by

Ritche T. Salgado, PTRP

기타 제조의 장인인 셀소아잉은 17세에 기타 만들기를 시작해서 50인 지금까지 계속하고 있다. 세부의 유명한 기타 회사 릴랑스의 직 원이자 기타 장인이었던 그의 아버지로부터 문양을 내는 법부터 나무를 얇게 자르는 법, 뼈대를 만들어 배열하고 조립하는 과정까지 세계적인 라푸라푸 기타를 만들기 위한 모든 기술을 배웠다. 릴랑스에는 오직 실력이 뛰 어난 소수만이 남으며 셀소아잉은 그들이야 말로 세부 최고의 기타 장인들이라고 자신 있게 말한다. 이러한 자신감이 릴랑스의 명 성을 이어가는 그것일 것이다.

10 ineed travel & culture magazine SEPTEMBER 2008

최고 수준의 기타 제조는 한 명의 장인이 자재를 선 별하는 것부터 기타 줄의 연결까지 모든 공정을 도 맡아 처리한다. 반면 일반적인 기타의 경우, 분업 화된 생산 공정을 적용하고 있으며 각 단계마다 전 문가가 기타의 품질을 엄격히 관리하고 있다.

최상품의 제작은 언제나 엄격한 자재 선택으로부 터 시작한다. 주로 독일산 스피스시와 브라질산 로 즈우드로 음향판을 만든다. 필리핀산 라완과 카마 공의 품질도 우수하다. 그 다음으로 음향판 안에 상목을 설치하는데 이 설치 방법은 몇 세대 동안 이나 전해져온 전통의 산물이다. “우리는 결코 이 방식을 바꾸지 않습니다. 설치 방법은 제작업체마 다 다릅니다. 이것이 바로 그 기타만의 아름다운 소리를 만드는 비법이죠.” 셀소아잉은 말한다. 상 목을 접착한 후 음쇠가 부착되는 넥과 줄감개가 있 는 헤드까지 모든 부분이 조립된다. 기타의 독특한 캐릭터를 결정하는 음쇠가 제자리에 놓이면 마지 막으로 브릿지와 새들이 기타의 바디에 부착되고 줄감개와 너트가 조여진다. 새들과 너트는 기타 현 들이 소리를 낼 수 있을 정도로 팽팽해지도록 하 는 데 이용된다.

마지막으로 기타 장인들은 자신의 작품을 테스트 한다. 이 정성의 산물들은 장인들을 만족시킬만한 아름다운 소리를 만들어 냈을 때만 기타 진열장에 진열될 수 있다.

Thirty three years after, he is still at it. And although, only a handful of them remained at Lilang’s, he proudly declared that they are one of the city’s first guitar makers. This in itself gives Lilang’s guitars the reputation it direly deserves. Only one craftsman is responsible in making a world-class guitar – from the selection of the material to the stringing of the cords. For inexpensive guitars, however, an assembly-line mode of manufacturing is employed. An expert sees to every task in every stage of the production process ensuring the quality of each creation. The making of a masterpiece starts with the choosing of the material used. German spruce and Brazilian rosewood are still the material of choice for the soundboard, but just as good are the local Lawaan and Kamagong. The bracing is placed in the inside of the soundboard and its placement is based on an established pattern that has been passed on for generations.

“We never changed our bracing; its placement is unique for each maker.The brace helps in creating the beautiful sounds of the guitar,” Celso said in Cebuano. Once braced, the whole piece is assembled including the neck of the guitar with the depressions where the frets are to be embedded, and the tuning head sans the tuning pegs. Once smoothened, the frets are put in place and designs are glued on the soundboard to give the guitar its distinctive character. Finally, the bridge and the saddle are attached to the body while the tuning pegs and the nut are fastened to the tuning head. These, the saddle and the nut, act to give the string enough tension to make music. But of course no selfrespecting craftsman would have his creation showcased without it being tested. With this as a cue, a master guitar player tests the sound of each creation and once the music it makes soothes the hearts of its listeners, they know that again, they have created a masterpiece worthy of a guitar virtuoso.

Getting there: Barangay Abuno is home to most of Lapu-Lapu City’s guitar makers. To get there you can either take the jeepney, which entails at most four rides, or by cab (at most P200). If you take the jeepney, from Ayala take the Mandaue Hi-way jeep (P10) and drop off at the corner of A.S. Fortuna St. Take a jeep to Tamiya (P9) then a tricycle to Abuno (Landmark: Abuno Elementary School, P10). The whole stretch houses at most six manufacturers including the pioneering manufacturers, Susing’s and Lilang’s, and the newer Alegre Guitars. So take your pick. Fun facts: Guitars are priced from P1,500 to P60,000 depending on the material used. Electric acoustic guitars, ukuleles and mandolins are also made here. Customization is possible, just ask the attendants of the display shops or the craftsmen for a quotation. The owner of Alegre is Lilang’s daughter, while Lilang and Susing are sisters.

SEPTEMBER 2008 ineed

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local scene

ANECDOTE has it that on the day Yoyoy Villame died Max Surban made a quick call to Mickmick Demeterio of Smooth Friction telling him of the legend’s demise. Mickmick told Max that he already heard of the news from the radio. Later, Mickmick told his friends that he had to hold back himself from teasing Max with –“watch out your next.” When the recording technology became software driven Cebu recorded tracks no longer sounded second class to Manila. And since prices here were more affordable Manila bands were soon recording in Cebu studios, like the Backyard Studio in Lahug. It didn’t take long for Max Surban to get wind of this and started recording here.

12 ineed travel & culture magazine SEPTEMBER 2008

He then brought Yoyoy Villame with him. Whenever they had shows out of the country they would record their “minus one” tracks here. Soon the two grand daddies of what has been called “Bisrak” started hanging out with the young guns of the genre. Budoy Marabiles of Jr. Kilat told us that a week before he died, Yoyoy

was turned down by Backyard Studio because it was already booked for the weekend by various bisrakers. Budoy grinned at the bittersweet irony of having the master out muscled by his disciples. It wasn’t called Bisrak in the 70s when the songs of Max and Yoyoy blared out from jeepney stereos and carenderia jukeboxes as it had this tenderly condescending moniker –“Novelty.” The term “bisrak” for Binisayang Rock ‘n Roll probably came out in 2005 during the last days of Handuraw at Mabolo when bands like Aggressive Audio and Missing Filimon began to make the audience sing along to their original compositions. If anything, it was radio that made the term a household one. Members of the print media were quite taken a back when Ryan Cayabyab told them of his fascination with the Aggressive Audio hit “Lingin,” which he heard repeatedly on the radio while staying here. Jerold Tarug, the multi awarded indi film director tells the local media that we do not have a movie industry here but we have a vibrant music industry and that Cebu based bands easily surpass those in Manila. So has the current flowering of Cebuano music have any connection with the 70s novelty hits? Is there really a Bisrak tradition or is this just some anthropologist’s fantasy? Do

words By

Gerard Pareja the songs that span four decades have something in common? Listen to Missing Filemon and it sounds like the Eraserheads are doing Max Surban covers. Junior Kilat’s shaman-like incantations runs parallel with Yoyoy’s rhymed litanies. All of them use Cebuano lyrics depicting local concerns set to variations of beat oriented western accepted music, which can be loosely termed rock n’ roll but would include electronic beats, World rhythms, RAP-like monologues and other popular influences. Perhaps the band most comfortable with juggling all these influences like a circus clown in a horror booth playing with knives is Smooth Friction which would come up with a song about female masturbation using a bossa nova beat in a song like “Ang Botelya.” What separates the Smooth Friction songs from the double entendre of the current fares echoing Max Surban’s “Mitulo Na,” like Da Kanten’s “Gifinger” and “Kayak” is that they are sophistically arranged numbers of twisted tales. If Smooth Friction is twisted Jr. Kilat is surreal. The music that Budoy called RNB for Reggae Nga Binisaya is actually acid reggae depicting folklore, hallucinations and social stress. Missing Filemon is the cotton candy edition of Max Surban, meaning it is sweetened enough for the

colegialas to swallow. The band does not look away from reality –rugby kids and snotty English only speakers are given their due –it just wears rose tinted lenses when viewing it. The band that hybrids Max and Yoyoy has to be Aggressive Audio which reverberates with Yoyoy’s absurdist constructions (like in the song “Lingin”) and Max’s suggestive rawdiness (like in the song “First Timer”) and the latter’s preoccupation with current events (like in “Liar Evil”). How deep has the current crop of songs seeped into the psyche of its listeners? At a fair while the ferry’s wheel turned to the tune of “Liar Evil” the music operator intentionally brought down the volume when the chorus came. The crowd, as if on cue, gladly filled in. Kids dance to M16. This might sound a bit melodramatic but many kids are now learning to play the guitar strumming the chords of “Lingin,” while their elder siblings and uncles learned guitar, strumming Neil Young’s “Four Strong Winds.” “Suroysuroy” I’ve heard is a term paper favorite. Writer Eric Gamalinda once said that the songs of Steely Dan and Bruce Springsteen was what made him abandon contemporary American poetry for rock n’ roll. Can the same be said for Bisrak in the context of Cebuano written poetry? The jury is still out. (

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festival Watchtowers Before the town, now known as Daanbantayan, was settled by the Spaniards, it was a flourishing settlement ruled by Datu Daya. In his honor, the place was called Kandaya, which literally meant “owned by Daya.” In 1834, when the place was made into a municipality it was given the name of Daanbantayan owing to the first tower erected on a vantage point in the town. This tower was used as a lookout point for pirate raiders and was thus called Bantayan (look out). Since a new tower was erected in a

more or less one in essence, it would be safe to assume that the establishment of the town was made to coincide with the date of the inauguration of the church. Haladaya Every 30th of August, the municipality of Daanbantayan comes to life as it celebrates the Haladaya Festival in honor of its patron saint, St. Rose of Lima. The festival also honors Datu Daya who successfully defended the town from marauding pirates. Haladaya is coined from the Visayan phrase “Halad kang

감시탑 다안 반타얀은 원래 스페인 거주 지역이었다. 다투 다야가 다스리는 이 마을의 이름은 “다야 소유”라 는 뜻의 칸다야였다. 다안 반타얀 이라는 이름은 1834년 자치구가 되 면서 세워 올린 감시탑에서 유래한 다. 이 탑은 해적의 침략을 감시하 기 위해서 세워졌으며 망루라는 의 미의 반타얀이라고 불렸다. 이웃 섬 반타얀에 새로운 탑이 세워지면서 “오래된 감시탑”이라는 뜻의 다 안 반타얀이라고 불리게 되었다.

도시의 건설 다안 반타얀이 언제 건설이 되었는 지 정확한 자료는 남아있지 않다. 사료에 의하면 후안 프로타시오 갈

words By Gregg M. Rubio neighboring island that now holds the name of Bantayan, the place came to be called Daanbantayan which means “old watchtower”. A town established There are no definite records to indicate the exact year of the founding of the town of Daanbantayan. However, a book called “Resena Historicas de los Dioceses de Cebu” (1886), mentioned about Rev. Fr. Juan Protacio Gallares doing periodic inspections of the parish in Daanbantayan. The parish was inaugurated on August 10, 1858. Due to the fact that during the Spanish Regime, the church and the state were

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Datu Daya,” which is translated as “In honor of King Daya.” It is a celebration of victory and is highlighted with the offering of prayers and dances to the town’s patron saint. But more than the religious expression of the festival, it also celebrates the identity of the Kadayan-ons, a people of grateful hearts for the shower of blessings that it receives all year round. It tells of the heroism of Datu Daya and showcases the glorious historical past of Daanbantayan through colorful street dancing followed by a ritual showdown. The dance depicts victory over adversity and thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest.

라레스 신부가 다안 반타얀 교구 에 주기적으로 시찰을 했다고 적혀 있다. 이 교구는 1858년 8월 10일이 다. 스페인 지배 시절 성당과 정부 조직이 하나였던 것을 감안하면 교 구를 지정한 날짜를 도시가 세워진 날로 보는 것이 어느정도 타당하다.

할라다야 매년 8월 30일 다안 반타얀 자치 구에서 수호성인 호세를 기리는 할라다야 축제를 연다. 그리고 해 적들의 침략을 꾸준히 막아왔던 다투 다야를 기리는 자리이기도 하다. 할라다야는 “왕 다야의 영 광”이라는 의미의 비사야 구절 과 우연히도 같다. 승리를 축하하 는 이 축제는 도시의 수호 성인에 게 기도와 춤을 바치는 행사로 절 정을 이룬다. 그리고 매년 한 명 씩 축복을 받은 칸다얀-온을 뽑 는 중요한 행사도 이 절정을 이루 는데 큰 축이다. 다투 다얀의 영웅심과 다안 반타 얀의 영광스러운 역사를 표현하 는 형형색색의 거리의 춤이 이후

다투 다야를 기리는 자리이 기도 하다. 할라다야는 “왕 다야의 영광”이라는 의미의 비사야 구절과 우연히도 같 다. 승리를 축하하는 이 축제 는 도시의 수호 성인에게 기 도와 춤을 바치는 행사로 절 정을 이룬다. 그리고 매년 한 명씩 축복을 받은 칸다얀-온 을 뽑는 중요한 행사도 이 절 정을 이루는데 큰 축이다. 다투 다얀의 영웅심과 다안 반타얀의 영광스러운 역사를 표현하는 형형색색의 거리의 춤이 이후에 개최된다. 이 춤 은 재난을 극복하여 이루어 낸 승리와 풍성한 수확을 감 사하는 의미를 담아낸다.

에 개최된다. 이 춤은 재난을 극복 하여 이루어낸 승리와 풍성한 수 확을 감사하는 의미를 담아낸다. 매년 8월 30일 다안 반타얀 자치 구에서 수호성인 호세를 기리는 할라다야 축제를 연다. 그리고 해 적들의 침략을 꾸준히 막아왔던

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Comfortably tucked in a quiet part of the city, 2ndChance Leather Repair and Restoration is the first of its kind in Cebu (address: No. 82, F. Ramos corner A. Villanueva Streets: Tel: (032) 236-1673 and cel: 0917-494-2727). They promise to restore and revitalize your tired-looking leather items-shoes, bags, belts, jackets, even Suede to almost good as new at very reason-

able prices. The average cost to restore the surface of a pair of leather shoes is an affordable P480 and the job takes only 3 days to complete! Of course an item that is more complex to restore will take longer and will cost more. However, the satisfaction of being able to wear once again an otherwise useless piece is priceless. Not to speak of the money you save!

All restorations, repairs and cleaning are done by hand as machines cannot achieve the detail and intricate work that a true 2ndChance craftsman can. Heels will not fall off nor will color fade after a few weeks of use! They take pride in a quality job well done! 2ndChance Leather Repair and Restoration is open Monday to Saturday (except holidays) from 10am to7pm.

오래된 가죽이나, 신발, 가방, 벨트,재킷등의 가죽제품을 수리/복원하는

하는 좋은 방법이기도 하다. 모든 복원 작업에는 기계뿐만 아니라 수작업

전문점인 세컨 챈스(2nd chance)가 세부에 자리 잡았다. 적당한 비용으

을 병행해낸다. 복원후 몇주가 지나도 신발의 힐이 떨어지거나 빛이 바래

로 새것과 같은 제품을 얻을수 있으며, 가죽 신발은 480 페소의 가격에 3

지 않는다. 우리는 고품질 결과물에 자부심을 느끼고 있다. 세컨챈스(2nd

일간의 수리기간이 필요하다. 물론 더 복잡한 제품에는 더 많은 시간과 비

chance)가죽 수리/복원점은 월요일에서 토요일(공휴일제외) 오전 10시에

용이 소모된다. 가치가 떨어진 제품에 생명력을 부여할 뿐만 아니라 절약

서 오후 7시까지 영업한다.

No. 82, F. Ramos corner A. Villanueva Streets, Cebu City

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Tel: (032) 236-1673 and Cell: 0917-494-2727)

images by

dennis tanoc

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travel & culture magazine


Perhaps if there is a party place that would be a part of Cebu’s history this would be Jive. It has been engaged in bringing people to the dance floor for close to five decades, constantly reinventing to meet the demand of the time. In late 2005, it again underwent a make-over to become the JIVE -- a party place that offers something for everyone: live band nightly (except Sundays when it is closed) at the Jive Jr. Bistro, ballroom dancing mania on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at the Jive Restobar, and videoke at

the Jive Babe. Jive offers ballroom dancing lessons to interested patrons. For only P10,000 the new ballroom dancing convert would get to be trained first hand by nationally acclaimed dance instructors for 10 sessions, each session lasting for two hours. And since a good sweaty dance would workup an appetite, you can enjoy the many delicious offerings of the place, and all that at a reasonable price. So put on your dancing shoes and head to Jive for an all-night dance mania.

자이브는 세부에서 가장 오래된 파티장소중 하나로서 50년에 걸치는 세월동안 꾸준히 사람들을 매혹시켜 왔다. 2005년 새 단장한 자이브에서는 매일 밤 특별 한 경험이 당신을 기다리고 있다. 자이브의‘주니어 비스트로’에서는 매일 밤 라이브공연이 열리고(일요일 휴무),‘자이브 레스토바’에 가면 파트너의 손을 잡고 볼룸댄스를 출 수도 있다.(볼룸댄스 마니아: 매주 수,금,토) 노래방시설도 구비되어 있다. (장소: 자이브 베이비) 8월부터는 자이브에서 필리핀 유명 강사와 함께하는 볼룸댄스 강좌가 시작한다. 강습료는 10000페소이며 2시간씩 총 10회의 레슨을 받을 수 있다. 맛있는 음식, 귀를 즐겁게 하는 음악, 그리고 한번쯤 꿈꿔봤던 볼룸댄스까지. 수줍음은 저리 던지고 당장 댄스 슈즈를 신고 자이브로 달려가보자. Dance instructor’s fee: P300 an hour (average of 10 dances) to P1,000 for an all-night one-on-one dance engagement Jive Restobar Chow: P60 (pica-pica) to P850 (best black angus rib eye). House specialty: Barbecued Pork Ribs, P169. Drinks: P60 (beer) to P120 (fresh fruit juices). Hard drinks (Johnny Walker, etc): P130 per shot or P2,300 per bottle. Table red wine: P120 per glass or P500 per bottle. Other charges: Entrance fee (P150, consumable for Jive Jr. Bistro but not for Jive Restobar) and 10% service charge. Corkage fee will be collected for food brought from outside. The amount is equivalent to the price of the item on the restaurant’s menu. Taxi (P50 from Ayala or P45 from JY Square Mall). You can request the cashier to get a taxicab. Contact info: 232-9077

Learn how to ballroom dance with our professional ballroom instructors. ENROLL NOW!!! Php 10,000 for 10 two-hour sessions every Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays; 6:30pm - 8:30pm. For inquiries call: 232-9077 or 09208395668 프로 강사에게 볼륨 댄스를 배워보세요 지금 등록할 수 있습니다. 매주 수요일, 금요일 및 토요일에 2시간씩 진행하는 래슨 가격은 10회 기준 10,000페소(오후 6:30 ~ 오후 8:30) 문의 전화 : 232-9077 또는 09208395668

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The Eden Experience Eden Nature Park & Resort is a beautiful manmade resort at the foot of Mount Talomo, Toril, Davao City. It is truly a testament to how man’s ingenuity and concern for the environment can create a paradise on earth, making Eden a must-visit ecological tourist destination in the Philippines. At 3,000 feet above sea level, Eden now serves as home to over 100,000 pine trees, beautiful gardens, orchards, animal sanctuaries and other flora and fauna thriving in their natural environment. For an overnight stay, you may choose among our charming rooms, cottages and villas. Adventurous spirits may opt to commune with the great outdoors at our campsites or try the Skyrider, our heart-pumping treat for thrill-seekers. The Tinubdan takes one on a cultural journey of Mindanao’s indigenous heritage. Eden. A respite, an adventure, a spiritual retreat, a cultural excursion, a sensuous feast. Experience it now! Eden Nature Park & Resort, Inc. Sales and Reservations Office Matina Town Square McArthur Highway, Matina Davao City, Philippines Tel. Nos: +63 82 299-1020, +63 82 296-0791 Fax: +63 82 299-0313 Mobile No.: +639189307590

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프랑스에서 처음 먹기 시작한 크레페는 일본 에서의 붐을 일으키고 오늘날 전 세계의 사람 들의 입맛을 사로잡았습니다. 일본에서 시작 한 크레이지 크레페를 미국, 호주를 커쳐서 드디어 필리핀에서도 맛볼 수 있게 되었습니다. 촉촉하면서 부드럽고 달콤한 맛의 팬케이크는 크레이즈 크레페가 손님으로 북적 거리게 하는 비결입니 다. 그 위에 신선한 과 일과 견과류, 커 스타드와 아이 스크림, 심지 어 와사비 를



한 입맛을 맞춥니다. 이 위에는 우 리가




머쉬멜로우 등의 토핑 재료를 추가합니다. 추 가로 60여 개가 넘는 토핑 재료 를 선택할 수 있습니다. 나만의 맛 을 창조하는 기쁨까지 함께하는 것은 어떨까요?

Although French in origin, crepes have appealed to people of all cultures, and apparently Japan is where the crepe revolution has taken root. Crazy Crepes had its origins in Japan but its appeal has reached the shores of the US, Australia, and thankfully, the Philippines. A comfort food that has kept customers coming back, the secret in coming up with a great crepe is the pancake itself: moist, soft, sweet, and definitely tasty. This is what Crazy Crepes boasts of and rightly so. Add to that the exciting fillings like fresh fruits, Nutella®, custard, ice cream (they go for the local kind, making them a socially responsible company), and even wasabi!

It starts with choosing the base, which can be fresh whipped cream, Nutella®, ice cream, custard, or savory (hot and meaty, a whole meal on its own!). Then you fill it with a mixture of fruits, sauces, marshmallows and every other add on that you can think of. To spare you from the trouble of coming up with your own flavor, you can choose from the more than 60 items on the menu. But then again, nothing would compare to the adventure in making your own flavor, and they do encourage that. (RTS)

Crazy Crepes is located at the ground floor of The Northwing at SM City Cebu. Prices range from P45.00 for the basic crepe and butter to P100 for those with exotic fillings like strawberries. 크레이지 크레이프는 SM 세부의 노쓰윙의 1층에 위치하고 있다. 45페소의 기본적인 메뉴부터 100페소의 화려한 메뉴를 선택할 수 있다.

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THE ANCIENT island of Bohol offers a variety of stimulating activities for every jaded traveler. From nature treks to heritage trips, to a relaxing lunch by the Loboc River, a travel to Bohol will always be filled with excitement and surprises. On arrival at the port city of Tagbilaran, you will be greeted by many tourist-friendly Boholanons who can assist you with your travel needs, most importantly transportation. You can take a van for P2,000-P2,500. It will take an hour and a half to reach the New Seven Wonders of Nature ( top contender, the Chocolate Hills (Entrance Fee: P10) in the town of Carmen. During the hot summer period the color of the foliage that covers the hills would turn chocolate brown, thus the name.


By Jeremy Brian Rosales

고대의 모습이 아직 남아있는 보홀은 여 행을 많이 다닌 사람에게도 다양함과 화 려함을 맛보게 하는 섬이다. 자연을 벗 으로 하는 트레킹과 전통 마을 체험, 로 복 강에서의 여유로운 점심은 보홀의 여 행을 흥미롭고 놀라게 한다. 여행을 가기 전에 고민거리 중 하나는 교통수단이다. 타그빌라란 항구에는 교 통편을 알선해주는 가이드들이 많이 만 나게 된다. 약 2,000에서 2,500페소를 내면 이들의 밴을 사용할 수 있다. 카르멘에 위치한 초컬릿힐은 새롭게 선 정하고 있는 세계 7대 불가사의 후보 중 상위권에 속해있다. 이름에 걸맞게 여름 철을 맞이하면 초컬릿 색을 띈다. 이 신 비로운 색과 함께 수백개의 완전한 모 양의 언덕들을 보고 있으면 왜 7대 불

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But more than being impressed by the hundreds of perfectly shaped hills, the way to Carmen is an adventure in itself. The road passes a forest of young trees (at most 50 years old) planted by residents to revitalize its forest cover. The cool air is a welcoming relief from the otherwise hot tropical sun. The best place to have lunch is by the Loboc River on board a floating restaurant (P280 per meal including the boat ride). Dining while enjoying the beautiful scenery of the river is truly an experience to be had. The trip will take an hour culminating in the majestic Busay Falls. After lunch you can drop by the Philippine Tarsier Foundation in Corella, a few minutes away from Tagbilaran City. Here you can check out the tarsiers, known as the world’s smallest monkeys, although contro-

versy still hounds on the animal’s classification whether it is a monkey or a lemur. Definitely though they are primates. The tarsier is a nocturnal animal, sleeping by day and hunting at night. Its diet is composed mainly of insects and small lizards. These amazing wide-eyed primates may appear to be calm, but they are easily depressed and have suicidal tendencies, the reason why you must be careful in handling them. An amazing fact about tarsiers is that they can turn their heads a full 180 degrees! Bohol indeed is a treasure of an island, and if you organize your itinerary well you might just have more time to visit the islands old churches or historical sites, like the Loboc Church and the Blood Compact Commemorative Shrine.

More on Bohol on our October issue including lizard maps, tips and other important information that you must know, so keep a look out for that!

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가사의의 후보에 선정되었는지 알게 된다. 카르멘으로 가는 길에 수령이 약 50년 정도의 젊은 나무 숲을 지나 며 뜨거운 태양이 작열하는 나라에서 만나는 시원한 공기는 우리를 환영하 는 느낌이다. 로복 강에서 즐기는 수상 레스토랑에 서의 점심 식사는 보홀 여행에서 빼놓 을 수 없다.(뱃삯과 점심을 포함 280 페소) 강의 아름다운 절경과 함께 하 는 이 경험은 잊지 못할 것이다. 이후 1시간 정도를 더 가면 부사이 폭포에 도착한다. 이 웅장한 폭포는 우리에게 여행의 절정을 맞이하고 있다고 이야 기해는 듯 하다. 점심 후에는 필리핀의 명물인 타샤를 구경하러 가다. 타샤는 세상에서 가장 작은 원숭이로 알려졌다. 한편, 원숭 이와 레뮤의 종 사이에서 논란이 있 다고 한다. 타샤는 낮 동안에는 수면을 취하고 저녁 에는 식사를 위한 사냥을 한다. 주식으 로 곤충과 작은 도마뱀을 잡아먹는다. 눈밖에 안 보이는 이 영장류의 동물은 매우 온순해 보인다. 하지만, 쉽게 스트 레스를 받아서 자해하기도 하니 매우 조 심스럽게 다뤄야 한다. 재미있게도 타 샤는 머리를 180도로 돌릴 수 있다. 보홀 섬은 지면의 한계로 소개하지는 못했지만 방문해볼 곳이 많은 섬이다. 로복 성당이나 혈맹탑과 같은 역사적 유물과 같은 곳도 일정에 넣어서 풍성 한 여행을 즐겨보기를..

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Every Sunday of September 12:00 noon - 2:30 p.m. Sparkling Sundays Acqua Plantation Bay Resort and Spa Marigondon, Mactan Island Cebu, Philippines 6015 Tel: (6332) 340-5900 Sipong Festival Bais City, Negros Oriental Contact: Office of the Mayor Bais City; 6335-541-5161 Kinaiyahan Festival Dauin Oriental Negros Contact: Office of the Mayor Dauin; 0917-882-2068

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Kabuhian Festival Ronda Cebu Contact:Office of the Mayor Ronda 6332-497-5654


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The Bridal Fair September 1-30 and Reception Sep 20-27 Golden Peak Hotel and Suites 233-8111


Every Monday Cultural Show (Filipiñana Dances) 6:30 PM Onwards HILTON CEBU RESORT AND SPA Punta Engano, Lapu-lapu City (032)492-7777

9 16

Savores de España at the Marco Polo Plaza August 28 to September 14

Karansa Festival Danao City Cebu Contact:Office of the City Mayor Danao City 6332-200-4510


22 29

23 Sinu-og Estokada Jagna Bohol Contact: Mayor of Jagna Bohol 6338-238-2256


10 Araw ng Siquijor with SOLILI Siquijor, Siquijor Contact: Office of the Governor Siquijor 6335-344-2088

17 24




Madrid-based international guitarist Adolfo Timuat accompanies dancer Jessie Santos and demonstrate the passion, grace and fire of the most sensual of Spain’s music-Flamenco August 29 to September 4












Every Saturday and Sunday of September, 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Dim Sum Weekends Tea of Spring Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort and Spa

Bijoax Cebu International Expo Shangrilla Marquee Ice Party Cowrie Cove Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort & Spa Punta Engaño, Lapu-lapu City Tel: (6332) 231 0288 (6332) 231 1688

Pitlagong Festival Argao Cebu Contact:Argao Tourism Office 6332-485-8712

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Yobi Relaxation SPA

It pays to be seen by the right people. We can make that happen for you.

(032) 253-1686

Take a rest from the hassle of metropolitan life at Yo-Bi Relaxation Spa. Each of their 20 therapists have their own unique style of massage giving you a different experience each time. Packages and services: P100 - P800 Open: 1 p.m. - 4 a.m.

슬슬 문지르는데서 끝나서 아쉽기만 한 마사지들과 격이 다른 서비스, 바로 Yo-Bi에서 경험하실 수 있습니다. 손가락 마디마디 정성을 다하는 테라피스트들이 당신의 피로와 스트레스를 날려버려드립니다. 예약:


Durasol Internet Cafe Embark on a cyber adventure at Durasol with state-of-the- art computers and 19 inch-flat screen monitor. Create your virtual office with services for businessmen on the move. While you’re at it check out the playstations with all the latest games. (032) 255-4420 세부 최고 사양, 전용선 PC방, PC 사용하면 만화책이 무료, 플레이스테이션 2, 위닝 최신 패치, 24시간 오픈, 한국분식 및 로칼 음식 정액시간 밤12시 ~ 오전 10시, 3시간 70페소, 6시간 120페소, 9시간 180페소


(032) 238.5225 416.5832 FOR KOREAN CLIENTS


Fuente Osmena Circle Named after President Sergio Osmeña, the Fuente Osmeña Park is located inside a rotunda where the major roads of the city converge. It is a major gathering place for people who wish to relax from the hassle of metropolitan life and indulge in the refreshing beauty of nature under the shade of its many trees. 세리오 오스메냐 대통령의 이름을 따서 지은 쿠엔테 오스메냐 공원은 존스 에비뉴와 망고 에비뉴가 만나는 교차로에 있으며 원형을 이루고 있다. 커다란 나무가 마련해주는 그늘과 자연의 아름다움 때문인지, 바쁜 도시생활에서 벗어내 휴식을 취하고자 하는 이들이 자주 찾는 장소이기도 하다.

OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday Friday - Sunday

9AM - 6PM 9AM - 5PM

We can speak Japanese, Korean, and English languages

Ground Floor, Martinez Bldg., Jones Ave., Cebu City Tel. No. (032) 238.5765 l Cell. No. 0928.462.9693 SEPTEMBER 2008 ineed

travel & culture magazine


Tree Shade

Cine Acustic

30 ineed travel & culture magazine SEPTEMBER 2008


Taoist Temple

Tops in Busay Cebu City is located 2,000 feet above sea level giving a great panoramic view of the whole of Cebu including the islands of Mactan Zand Olango. Depending on what you would love to see, you can visit either at daytime to see the breathtaking Cebu landscape, or at night to marvel at the beauty of Cebu at night. There is an entrance fee of P100.

The Taoist Temple is a reflection of the affluent Chinese community of Cebu. It houses the teachings of Lao Tse. The place is ideal for those who seek peace and quite, and even for those who would want to take a stroll at its beautiful landscaped garden overlooking the City of Cebu.

세부 도심지에서 약 14km 정도 떨어진 곳에 웅장한 콘크리트 건물이 위치해 있으며 이곳에서는 세부시 전체와 막탄섬, 올랑고 섬의 숨막힐 듯이 아름다운 전경을 감상할 수 있다. 주간에는 정자를 이용할수 있으며 야간에는 즉석 파티가 벌어지기도 한다.

대부분 카톨릭을 믿는 필리핀 안에 자리 잡은 도교 사원으로 공식 명칭은 민다나오 도교 사원이다. 세부시티 북쪽의 고급 주택가인 비벌리 힐스 근처에 있는 사원으로 필리핀의 문화와 자연스레 융합한 모습이다.


Beatbox KTV Bar

Harubang, which means grandfather, gives an experience of home-cooked meal: warm, reassuring, and comforting. The OPEN :오전11~오후2, 오후6~오후11 ultimate Korean comfort food as familiar dishes come to life right on your table. With charcoal-grills for each table, you can grill your very own galbi (grilled meat in special Korean (032) 231-2109/232-3384 soy sauce) to suit your taste. 숯불에 지글지글 삼겹살과 쏴한 소주 한잔이 생갈날 때. 맛깔나게 양념이 배어 사르르 녹는 갈비를 뜯고 싶어 견딜 수 없을 때 하루방을 찾아주세요. 그 밖에도 각종 풍미 가득한 한국 음식도 준비되어 있습니다.

Wind up and relax at Beatbox KTV Bar. Each room has a wide 42-inch screen television, great surround sound. and a wide collection of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, and English songs. Bring the whole gang as they can also accomodate as much as 30 persons. The luxurious interior and clean rooms plus great food will complete the experience.

(032) 516-7017

PDP 42인치의 초대형 스크린, 최고의 음향효과, 최고급 시설로 깔끔하고 쾌적한 환경, 저렴한 가격의 음식 및 주류판매



In need of a little perking up? Then drop by Tomkins for great Korean and Filipino dishes. Located near one of Cebu's newest landmark, the Cebu International Parklane Hotel, Tomkins have a great outdoor space where you can lazily spend the night with friends. They are open until sunrise, so what's the hurry? Great food, great drinks, great company can only be had at Tomkins.

산토니뇨 빌리지 , 서니힐 빌리지, 리지데일 빌리지, 빌리아델레이오 빌리지, 빌리아 리손 빌리지 10분내에 배달 가능

(032) 516-7970

마볼로 지점 : 422-4114, 233-5716 탈람반 지점 : 344-3674, 346-5048 한국인 직통 : 516-7970

A taste of home, a taste of Korea is what Assi Mart offers. With a wide variety of Korean grocery products, Assi Mart has everything that you miss of Korea. And they are open 24 hours, so what are you waiting for? Head on to the Assi Mart nearest you.

(032) 580-3226



심심할때, 배고플 때, 한잔 생각이 날 때 발걸음이 저절로 향하는 곳. 향수를 달래줄 각종 찌개와 탕류부터 이국적인 필리핀의 불랄로와 레촌 바베큐까지 당신이 원하는 먹거리가 모두 준비되어 있습니다.

Cine Acustic



Yearning for a great place to unwind? Then Cine Acustic would be the right place for you. With music that will keep your heart pumping, superb food that goes great with Soju, and an owner who is approachable enough to take your photo, there definitely is no place in town that vibrates such a friendly atmosphere.

다양한 한국음식과 함께 더불어지는 젋은이의 광장 (5PM ~ 6AM)

CONTACT 032-515-0153 or 09178104298


헤나, 타투, 피어싱 전문, 필리핀 타투 경진 대회 1등 수상기록 CONTACT 09178104298


평범한 레스트바를 넘어서 문화 공간까지 추구하는, 안목이 돋보이는 음악과 실내 분위기. 시네 어쿠스틱에서 느끼실 수 있습니다. 최고 수준의 맛깔스런 요리가 모임을 더 즐겁게 합니다.


한국드라마, 한국쇼프로, 최신개봉영화, 미드,만화책, 애니메이션, PS2 (44인치 TV), 식사가능 CONTACT 032-232-3836 or 09163169990 SEPTEMBER 2008 ineed

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항공 호텔 전문 여행사

Contact : Tel )032-416-2882 / 581-1615 to16 Fax (032-416-2881 E-mail :

Banilad - (032) 232-9199 l Monday - Saturday

Mango - (032) 412-6632 l Mon. - Sun. except 1st & 3rd Sun.

LUCE Hair Cafe gives you the instant solution for damaged hair. get a Membership Card and enjoy big discount !

inquery discount rate through phone Special Hot Oil Rate P300 only Every sunday is closed. Reservation : 0917-623-4549 SEPTEMBER 2008 ineed

travel & culture magazine



Marco Polo

Taoist Temple

Tops Resto Peterpan


JY Square

Villa Inez Pension Moon Cafe

MTM (ESL) do Av enu e

Winland Tower

Provincial Capitol

Life Cebu (ESL)


N. Escario

Ce University of Southern Phil.


Go ror

Cebu Grand Hotel Jacinta Pension Villa de Mercedes SSE (ESL)


S D Wa Hote Cebu Doctors Don Avila Hospital JIC Cebu Gra Girls High GEOS (ESL) (ESL) Convention Parklane Myra’s Cine Hotel Asia Family’s Hotel Pension Acoustic Choice Golden Prince CAM Hotel Perpetual Banco De Oro Soccour Royal G Hospital Concourse Coco Mall Chong Hua Ayala Mall Hospital Redemptorist Richmond St. Theresa Church Fitness Elegant Plaza College First Ink-Well Circle Inn Raja Park Rico’s Italian Iglesia Cafe Hotel Church Int’l Bank Laguna National Mango Exchange Maternity BookStore Square Fooda Rivergate Vicente Sotto House Midtown Mall Mem’l Med. Ctr. RainTree Crown (BDO) Mall Regency Abuhan One Mango CIC Banco De Oro Dos Mall Holiday Club Sacred Heart Plaza Ultima Church Vellez Hospital Kan-Irag Insular Life College Casino Hotel Building H Spanol Cebu Capitol Parish

Golden Peak Hotel




en Av


Cebu TB Pavilion

Gallery Hair Visayas Salon Community Diplomat Hospital Hotel


CELI(ESL) Bigfoot

rd uleva

Sacred Heart Hospital


Cebu Speech(ESL)

DSW Lorega San Jose

Happy Smile 365





Av enu e CCMC Miller Sanitarium Tabuan Hospital Public Gothong Market High School

Pahina Central LUDO

Cebu City Sport Complex

San Nicholas Church

Pasil Fish Market Pasil Albuno

South Bus Terminal

Cebu Normal University

Asian College

Cebu Christian Gospel


San Carlos University

P. Del Rosario San Antonio Cebu Sto. Rosario Cebu Heritage University of Cebu Church G.V. Business Visayas Coliseum Tower Hotel Parian Colonade Gaisano Colon Kalubihan Mall Metro South Obilisk Gaisano Cebu Int’l Academy Metropolitan University of (ESL) Cathedral San Jose Church LUYM Recoletos Central (ESL) Proper Sto. Nino Church

Magellans Cross Cebu City Hall Old Aduana Building

34 ineed travel & culture magazine SEPTEMBER 2008


T. Padilla

Fuente Osmena Area Banco Central


oA ve.

PLDT Building

. Cu enc

o ena B Osm

South Western University



South Western University

Casa Gorordo Museum Ramon Aboitiz


Cebu State College of Science and Technology

GMC Plaza Plaza Independencia

Fort San Pedro

Malacanang of the South

Colon Area







Cebu City Heights

University of San Carlos Banilad


wn Garden Hotel

Montebello Hotel

ebu Northwinds Hotel Miga SenRyu AMWSLAI rubang

ort a un

Innove Plaza

Carmelites Chapel

Rose Pharmacy Meawha NASA H-Mart Pacific CATV Bravio Nonki Japanese Restaurant Restaurant

Paseo SYKES Hwanhee

ahug F. Cab Cebu Study (ESL)



Sarrosa Int’l Hotel

Castle Peak Hotel




Marriott Hotel

e enu Av na Lu


o Ayala Life Gerry’s FGU Grill

Centro Fortuna Ichiriki-Chaya First Korean Surplus

Cebu Country Club Golf Course

Crossroad The Sentinel Meddah Spa 메다 스파 Grand Blue Samanthabadra School

Hebe Pag-ibig Building



Aboitiz Building

I.T. Park




SunFlower Young’s DiscoClub Academy aterfront el & Casino and Center

The Spa at Cebu

Bowling Goku Center Restaurant HSBC Gaisano Country Mall Metro Bank Yokohama China CILA Bank (ESL) BTC UC Cebu Home Kagura Builders Massage Touch Metro Stone & Heal Cebu Nuathai Cebu Korean Chamber Business Walls Association Coco Grill Home Gallery Kasambagan Chirorin Spa & Massage

Viking Korean Restaurant

Banilad Area

San Miguel Brewery Corporation

Cart Zone Area H-Mart


Park Tower

Sano St.

Hipodromo oad

rth R

Mabolo Church

No Cebu

Cebu North Bus Terminal


Cebu Business Park Area

City Health Department

Sun Gold Enterprises

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u J. L

White Gold



Sheraton Cebu Hotel & Tower

axi n. M


CIFC Tower


Guizo (CICC) Cebu International Convention Center

New Mandaue Market

Cebu Doctors University

SM Mall


Norkis Yamaha

A.S. Fortuna Area C.D.


MC Bri

Tulips Coca Cola Bottlers Phils


sm S. O

Cebu Boardwalk




lom t.



m . Os





Cebu Port Center















o nB


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YOUR CONVENIENT GUIDE FOR VALUE-FOR-MONEY SHOPPING. Enjoy dining at sexy baboy. With live bands playing nightly and with over 60 Filipino dishes to choose from, you’d never run out of reasons to come back. It has a spacious open air dining area can seat up to 200 guests, and a large parking space can fit even buses! 짭잘하고 달콤한 간장소스가 진하게 배어 있어 한국인의 입맛에 딱 맞는 각종 그릴요리와 60가지가 넘는 각종 전통 필리핀 요리, 파티에도 좋은 200석의 넓은 공간, 매일밤 펼쳐지는 라이브 공연과 함께 떠들석 한 열대의 밤을 즐겨보세요.

In need of a serious fashion overhaul? Then visit CAMG where you can find the hippest clothes and the trendiest fashion accessories. And if your patient enough you'd surely get the best deals in designer labels. 캠지에는 눈을 즐겁게 하는 각종 악세사리부터 세련된 의류와 실내용품까지 볼거리, 쇼핑거리들이 가득합니다. 당신이 꼭 소유하고 싶던 지금 가장 hot한 유명 브랜드의 디자인들을 보러 오세요.

Located in the metropolitan's food street, A.S.Fortuna in Mandaue City, Nonki Japanese Restaurant offers authentic Japanese cuisine in a setting that is genuinely Japanese. Be relieved from the day's stress and strains at Nonki, where life moves at a relaxing pace at every bite... 계속 되는 패스트 푸드, 자극적이고 기름진 음식에 지친 당신의 미각. 오늘 밤 논키에서 코를 상큼하게 찌르는 와사비 향기와 함께 스시와 모밀 같은 깔끔하고 담백한 일식 어떠세요?

You are what you wear, and that is true with your car as well. Be noticed as you zoom down the street with a car that will surely knock everyone off their feet. Pamper your car at Autobox with services ranging from audio detailing, painting, change oil, engine repairs and a lot more. At Autobox you car will surely come out as good as new. 각종 수리 및 정비부터 튜닝까지 차와 관련한 모든 것. 오토박스가 항상 함께 합니다. 당신의 애마에 변화를 주고 싶을 때, 세부에서 차량에 갑자기 문제가 생겼을 때 언제든지 문의해주세요.

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Cebu Cebu is the most progressive province in central Philippines. It is a narrow island measuring 225 km from North to South and is flanked on both sides by the straits of Bohol (between Bohol and Cebu) and Tañon (between Cebu and Negros). Its capital city, Cebu City, is the oldest city in the country. Cebu City is just 20-minutes away from the Mactan-Cebu International Airport. It has all the makings of a metropolitan center and is considered as one of the best venues for seminars and conferences owing to its many facilities like hotels and restaurants. Dining Korean Cuisine Apgujung 압구정 Map C4 (Cebu Map) Ground Floor SM City (032) 232-6241 Seoul Restaurant 서울 레스토랑, 10am-5am daily Map B3 (Banilad Area) Banilad St, Cebu Tops 탑스 가는 길 Map A3 (MetroCebuMap) Nivel Hills Lahug, Cebu (032) 233-4078 Chum-Chrum 처음처럼 Map A3 (Mactan Map) Marina Mall Mactan (032) 238-9364 Yu Hee Jeong 유희정 Map B4 (MetroCebuMap) 14 Edison St, Salinas Drive Lahug Cebu City (032) 234-2079 Ha Ru Bang 하루방 Map C4 CebuBusinessPark) Salinas Drive Lahug, Cebu (032) 231-2109 Fil Hangang 필한강 Map C4 (Cebu Map) SM City Cebu Coco Grill Map A5 (A.S Fortuna Area) A.S. Fortuna St. 0926 602 5588 Soo Map C4 (MetroCebuMap) Lahug 0917 810 4298

Hotels and Resort Japanese Cuisine

Sen Ryu 센류 Map C4 (CebuBusinessPark) Salinas Drive Lahug,Cebu 11am-2am daily (032) 234-2541 Nonki 논키 Map D4 (A.S.Fortuna Area) 219 A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid Mandaue City (032) 422-3159 Tempura Japanese Grill Map D4 (MetroCebu Map) Ground Floor, Northwing SM City Cebu Chinese Cuisine Flavours of China Map D4 (MetroCebuMap) Ground Floor, Northwing SM City Cebu (032) 236 2618 Grand Majestic

그랜드 마제스틱 Map A3 (Cebu Map) Archbishop Reyes Ave.,Cebu

(032) 232-1103

The Ching Palace 칭팰리스 Map A3 (Cebu Map) Salinas Drive Lahug, Cebu (032) 416-2925

Marco Polo Plaza Map A3 (MetroCebuMap) Nivel Hills Lahug, Cebu (032) 253-1111 Waterfront Cebu 워터프론트 호텔 세부 Map A3 (Ayala Area) 7 Salinas Drive Lahug,Cebu (032) 232-6888 Marriott Hotel 매리어트 호텔 Map B3 (Ayala Area) Cardinal RosalesAve., Cebu Business Park (032) 232-6100 The Parklane 파크레인호텔 Map A2 (Ayala Area) Archbishop Reyes Ave., Cebu Business Park (032) 411-7000 Golden Peak Hotel 골든 픽 호텔 Map A1 (Ayala Area) Gorordo Ave., Cor. Escario St., Cebu (032) 233-8111 to 15

Hotel Asia Map A1 (Cebu Map) 11 Don Jose Avila St. Capitol Site, Cebu (032) 255-8536 Elegant Circle Inn Map B1 (Fuente Area) Fuente Osmena St. Cebu (032) 254-1601 Hotel De Mercedes 호텔 드 메르세데스 Map D2 (Cebu Map) 7 Pelaez St.Kalubihan,Cebu (032) 253-1105 Capitol Tourist Inn Map A1 (Cebu Map) Don Gil Garcia St. Cebu (032) 253-2850 Hotel Sogo 0197 Sanciangko St., Cebu City (032) 254-1042 (032) 416-8050 The Apartelle Cebu Capitol Commercial Complex, N. Escario St., Cebu City 255-6385255-6386

Filipino Cuisine Abuhan Dos 아부한 도스 Map B2 (Fuente Area) 176 F Ramos St., Cebu 24 hours daily (032) 253-5774 Laguna Garden Map B3 (Cebu Map) Cebu Business Park (032) 231-9022

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Cebu Map B3

Shopping H-Mart 마트 한국식품점 Open 24 hours Map C4 (A.S. Fortuna Area) A.S. FortunaBakilid, Mandaue City

Services Aviatour Map C3 (Mactan Map) Lot 3 General Aviation Area Mactan-Cebu Int’l Airport Cebu Phil. Lapu Lapu City 6015 (032) 4952268 (032) 4952268 0920 697 2727 Cebu (02) 4795428 (Manila) (+1) 877 837 2649 (U.S.A.) Titay’s Liloan Rosquillos & Delicacies Poblacion, Lilion Cebu (032) 564 2993 (032) 424 8888

Assi Mart 아씨마트 한국식품점 Open 24 Hours Map B4 (Ayala Area) F. Cabahug St., Cebu (032) 422-4114

Skin Balance Map B4 (MetroCebu Map) 2nd flr. Northgate Bldg., Banilad, Cebu City 0920 966 2875 (032) 238 4573 | 4587

Koreana Mart Map A2 (A.S.Fortuna Area) Banilad St. Cebu City 저녁 10시까지 영업 (032) 343-9693

Tony & Jackey Map B3 (Cebu Map) G.P. SY Bldg. 57 Gorordo Ave. Cebu City (032) 232-2518

SM CIty Cebu Map D4 (MetroCebuMap) North Reclamation Area (032) 231-0557 | 231 3446

골프강습 KPGA 프로골퍼 박한진 (032) 0905- 320-6609

Elizabeth Mall Map D1 (MetroCebuMap) P. Del Rosario St. (032) 417-3260

Ayala Center Map B2 (Ayala Area) Cebu Business Park Mall Hours: 10am-8pm Mactan Marina Mall Map A3 (Mactan Map) Mactan Economic Zone, Lapu-lapu City CAMG Map A5 (MetroCebu Map) G/F TPE Bldg., Banilad Road cor., A.S. Fortuna Banilad, Cebu City G/F The Forum Bldg., Arch. Reyes St. , Cebu City Contact Person(Stephan Dy) 0906 373 2727 Metro Gaisano Colon Map D2 (MetroCebuMap) Colon Street (032) 253-7761 Banilad Town Center Banilad (032) 345-3260 People’s Fair Trade Shop YMCA Bldg., Osmenia Boulevard (032) 412-5892

FOR INQUIRY 344-1597 to 99


pest controller : Mr. Richard Reditor or Mary Beth Roa

44 ineed travel & culture magazine SEPTEMBER 2008

“WE REFILL ALL INKJET & LASER-JET CARTRIDGES” 모든 잉크젯 카트리지와 레이저 카트리지 재충전


Other Products & Services : Ink and Toner Refill 잉크와 토너 재충전

Original and Remanufactured Cartridge Sales 정품 및 재생품 카트리지 판매

Printer Sales , Repair All Inkjets & Laser-jets

프린터 판매, 모든 잉크젯과 레이저 프린터 수리


Set-Up the CISS ( Continuous Ink Supply System ) 무한 잉크 장치 설치


픽업과 배달 서비스

Unit 4 17-D J. Osmeña St. cor Don R. Aboitiz St., Cebu City ( across New Sideline Native Restaurant-PARKING IS AVAILABLE ) 255-8506 / 412-2695 0922-8860866 / 0917-6262422 Email :

SEPTEMBER 2008 ineed

travel & culture magazine


Mactan Island

San Remegio

An island to the southeast of Cebu, it is connected to mainland Cebu by two bridges: the Mactan Bridge and the Marcelo Fernan Bridge. The island is the site of the very first resistance staged by the natives against its European conquerors known as the Battle of Mactan. This is also where the Mactan-Cebu International Airport is.

Beach Resorts Maribago Bluewater Beach Resort Map D4 (Mactan Map) Maribago, Lapu Lapu City (032) 232-5411 to 14 Shangri-la Mactan Resort and Spa Map D5 (Mactan Map) Punta Engano, Lapu-Lapu (032) 231-0288 Hadsan Cove Agus, Lapu-Lapu City (032) 340-5937 Tambuli Beach Club Buyong Beach, Lapu-Lapu City (032) 495-7726

Cebu White Sands At Maribago Beach Maribago, Lapu-Lapu (032) 340-5960 to 63 Hilton Cebu Resort & Spa Map D5 (Mactan Map) Punta Engaño, Mactan Island, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu (032) 4927777 Fax (032) 4927707 Plantation Bay Map E3 (Mactan Map) Marigondon, Lapu-Lapu City (032) 340-5906

Moalboal Known for its white sand beaches and excellent diving facilities, Moalboal is located in the southwestern part of Cebu island, 89 kilometers from Cebu City. An interesting place to visit when in Moalboal is Pescador Island, a small limestone island in the middle of Tañon Strait.

Dive Shop The Blue Abyss Business Hours: 8am to 5pm (032) 474-0031 Cebu Neptune Diving Adventure Inc. Business Hours: 830am-530pm 0915-864-6103 0927-958-7527 Savedra 5 Star Dive Center Business Hours: 8am to 6pm (032) 474-0014

James Dive Resort 0917-525-8949 0917-723-8949 M.B. Ocean Blue (032) 474-0046 0927 377 8304 Won Dive 0917-533-0917 Ocean Globe Diving Shop (032) 474-0070 0917-332-6154

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A 3rd class municipality it boasts of having the longest shoreline in the island of Cebu. In its waters you can still find sharks, manta rays, whale sharks, and other marine animals.

Hotel and Resorts CASADELMARGOLF & DIVEHOTEL Brgy.Maño,Bancasan SanRemegioCebu (032) 4352222| 4352800 TelFax(032) 4352225 CityOfficeAddress: 2ElDoradoSubd.cornerBanilad roadCebuCity (032) 4162117 | 3446181(resrv.) (032)4162194 (marketing) FaxNo.(63-32)4162119

HARDROCKBeachResort Brgy.Victoria,SanRemegioCebu (032) 4352112 | 412 1887

LINGAYBeachResort&Restaurant Poblacion,SanRemigioCebu (032) 435 9088 09162806022 | 09153234704

SanRemigioBeachClub Baybay, Tambongon, San Reimigio, Cebu (032) 231 0382

Bohol Home of the famous Philippine Tarsiers (the smallest primate in the world) and the New 7 Wonders of Nature nominee, the Chocolate Hills, Bohol is located in the Central Visayas region with Cebu to the west, the province Leyte to the northeast and the island of Mindanao across the Bohol Sea to the south.

Hotel and Resorts, Services CabilaoBeachClub Cambaquiz, 6327 Loon, Bohol +63 917 4545 897 +49 341 21 24 341 Contact Person: Henry Firlay ByahiNa! Car-VanRentalandTourServices #7 E. Butalid St. Tagbilaran City, Bohol (038) 501 – 9146 0920 – 507 – 1238

BoholBeeFarm Dao, Dauis, Bohol, +63 38 502 2288 +63 917 304 1491 Contact Person: Vicky Wallace CabilaoBeachClub Cambaquiz, 6327 Loon, Bohol +63 917 4545 897 +49 341 21 24 341 Contact Person: Henry Firlay

티카오 아일랜드 리조트에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 고래상어와 만타레이를 구경할 수 있는 열대의 낙원으로 가는 길목인 이곳은 필리핀에서 가장 아름다 운 섬 중의 하나의 해안에 있습니다. 이 천국에 있는 9개의 독립적인 냉방시설이 완비된 전통적이지만 편안하고 현대식 수준에 맞는 시설들은 고객의 기대를 충족하고 있습니다. 필리핀과 인터내셔널 식단 이 준비된 레스토랑에서는 여러분의 휴일의 연회를 완벽하게 할 것입니다.

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transit FOR MORE INQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT: Cebu City : (032) 412-9562 Tagbilaran City (038) 501-8223 Ormoc City (053) 561-0080 Dumaguete/ Siquijor (035) 422-7930

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<다이빙오픈워터코스 이벤트> 웨이크보딩 또는 수상스키강습 무료 바나나보토 또는 땅콩보트 1회 무료

DO YOU KNOW? 막탄 최신식 다이빙교육센터/수상레포츠센터오픈 고품격 다이빙교육과 수상레포츠를 동시에... 최신식잠수장비보유/스피드보트/제트스키 보유! 체험/펀다이빙/아일랜드호핑/다이빙TOUR SUNY’S DIVER 문의 0917.325.4787

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tips it could get crampy so be wary of your valuables (wallet, jewelries, cellphones)… keep them in a safe place… the safest: your underwear! don’t complain that its too crowded! It’s expected to be crowded, so if you think you feel harassed then better stay away from the crowd. You can watch the performers at a safe distance.

headbang if the song requires it… do the chacha if your supposed to… or just be absorbed in the music… don’t act contrary to what the music requires.

TEXT By tribong_upos Illustrations by mikho tabacon

don’t stand and contemplate … freak out!

participate if you have to, the performers would appreciate it because it means you are interested with what they play… if your not interested, don’t pretend that you are… it shows.

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CAMP Z RESTO BAR A.S. Fortuna St., Mandaue City T: +63(32) 343-6636

THE OUTPOST Lahug, Cebu City T:417-2929

CASBAH SHEESAH BAR Rivergate Mall, Cebu City T: 255-0140

CLUB PUMP T:415-9917

CLUB VUDU Crossroads, Banilad, Cebu City T: 416-2170 JAZZ AND BLUZ 27 F. Cabahug St.,Ayala Access Road, Mabolo Cebu City T:232-2698 KAONA GRILL A.S. Fortuna St., cor. H. Cortes St., Banilad Mandaue City T: 231-8539 KAYAMOCATS A.Soriano St., North Reclamation Area, Cebu City NASA DISCO CLUB A.S.Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City T:343-8856 RATSKY Ayala Food and Entertainment Center, Ayala Cebu City T: 234-2558

LOFT RESTAURANT/LOUNGE Asia Town I.T. Park, Lahug Cebu City T:238-0532 PAPAS ROAST AND SEAFOOD RESTO-BAR V. Rama, Cebu City T: 262-7869 FORMO Banilad Town Center T: 416-1990 HANDURAW 460 Gorordo Ave., Lahug Cebu City T: 232-6401

GUITAR FACTORY Guitar Master Quezon National Highway Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Philippines Phone: +6332-495-2412 Mobile: +63920-224-3767 Contact: Ronie Pangatunan

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food trip

TEXT By Prabhu IF YOU have been to a hole-inthe-wall restaurant in the Philippines, you might have encountered the CPA. It does not mean Certified Public Accountant; rather it is an acronym for chicken pork adobo, a variant of what could be considered as the national dish of the Philippines, the adobo. Everywhere in the world, where there is a Filipino restaurant, you would find the adobo, because a native Filipino restaurant will never be complete without this thick-sauced

PHOTOS by Eric Shin

dish in their menu. The humba, another variation of the dish, is made from hog’s feet, which is rich in cartilage. The cartilage gives the dish its signature sticky sauce. Some would prefer to eat it with vinegar laced with siling labuyo (a variety of local hot chili) to neutralize its greasy sticky sauce. There are countless of variations of this dish, including one with hard boiled eggs. As long as the basic ingredients (soy sauce, vinegar, brown sugar and laurel leaves) are there then you are certain

that you have an adobo. The laurel leaves gives the dish its distinctive aroma. With the trend leaning towards the healthier options, you can check out the vegetarian adobo. Simply replace the meat with vegetarian meat alternatives, the most versatile of which that I have found to be available in the local market is Geltech Hayco’s Meat Magic®. BK Jamuna of the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center – Cebu demonstrated to iNeed the vegetarian way of preparing adobo and shares her recipe with us, so enjoy.

필리핀 레스토랑을 방문한 당신은 언제라도 CPA를 볼 수 있다. 공인회계사 이야기가 아니다. 치킨 돼지고기를 흔히 주재료로 하는 아도보 요리를 말하는 것이다. 세계 어느 곳에서나 필리핀식 레스토랑이라면 아도보가 쓰인 메뉴판을 쉽게 발견할 수 있 다. 필리핀식 요리는 이 깊은 소스 없이는 완성될 수 없으며 필리핀 요리 하면 당신의 머리속에 떠오를 수 있는 많은 음식들은 바로 이 아도보의 다양한 응용이다. 아도보의 한 종류인 훔바의 경우 연골을 풍부하게 함유하고 있는 돼지 족발이 주재료이다. 연골은 요리에 특유의 끈적함을 더 한다. 따라서 이 요리는 혀끝을 깔끔하게 해주는 고추를 첨가한 식초와 함께 먹으면 좋다. 그 밖에도 삶은 계란이 주재료인 요 리 등 아도보에는 셀 수 없을 정도로 많은 응용이 있다. 오늘 당신이 먹은 요리가 주재료에 간장, 식초, 흙설탕, 월계수 잎으로 간 한 것이라면 그것이 바로 아도보라고 할 수 있다. 아로마 향의 월계수 잎은 요리에 필리핀 특유의 향취를 더한다. 웰빙과 환경을 추구하는 사람이라면 베지테리안 아도보를 추천해본다. 주재료로 고기 대신 채식용 콩고기를 넣으면 된다. 겔텍 하요코의 “밋 매직” 는 시내의 마트에서 어렵지 않게 구할수 있다. Check out the recipe at

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