iNEED Magazine 2008.01

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Cebu Travel & Culture Magazine


Issue Number 7 | January 2008


the biggest festival in the Philippines only in Cebu this January. PAGE 12

Let’s go to BORACAY!

six pages of white sandy beaches. PAGE 6

Cebu, Mandaue & Lapu-Lapu

discover more of Cebu on our three-day city tour. PAGE 18



PLUS! New Exclusive Easy-Map Guide Inside


20 Y R A U N A J

S T N E T CONWhat’s Insid e

Features 06 14 18

Wanderer’s Journal: the Island of Boracay What’s in Cebu: Sinulog A Day in the City: Cebu Mandaue Lapu - Lapu Re g u l a r s

16 24 26 28 29 32 40 42 46 48

Restaurant Review: Gerry’s Grill My Map: Cebu Province Metro Cebu Mactan My Transportation Yellow Pages Calendar Highlight: Tropical Christmas Party Adventures of JAE HOON Focus: Celso Pepito



to travel & have fun

Welcome 2008!

This is an exciting year for all of us. We give you Boracay Island! Learn more about this paradise as you leaf through the pages of Wanderers’ Journal. Discover places you’ve never been to before using our new section called “MY MAP”. Design your own City Tour with the help of our map after reading A Day In The City. Experience the grand Sinulog celebration in Cebu with “I NEED” as your friendly companion. Everything you need during the event like schedules of activities, parade and procession route maps and survival tips are all here inside the magazine. And lastly, we’ll take you to the creative world of Mr. Celso Pepito. So come and travel with us. The journey has just begun.


RAY GARCIA Photographer

TOM ANOBA Photographer




SINULOG FOUNDATION INC. SINULOG 2007 Photo Competition Winners

iNeed Cebu Travel & Culture Magazine is published monthly by Hugin & Munin Corporation. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or copied without the permission of Hugin & Munin Corporation. iNeed Cebu Travel & Culture Magazine does not guarantee the accuracy of its maps, schedules and calendar due to possible cancellations after printing. We welcome original unpublished write ups & image contributions. All contributions shall become the property of iNeed Cebu Travel & Culture Magazine and shall be subject to editorial review. For inquiries and comments contact telephone number (032) 238 - 5225 e-mail or visit





Korean Cuisine

Korean Cuisine

What’s in Cebu



th e m o th e r o f a ll F E S T IVA L S reading this, you probably survived some Iwildf you’re New Year parties without waking up at the

side of the road. The good news is, today you can relax. Savor this fleeting moment of relief. It is best you take a deep breath, before we take the big plunge. Counting down the days before a different kind of celebration unfolds. You and I will soon meet the Mother-Of-All Festivals. Together, we will experience the ultimate Mardi-Gras showdown. The meeting place is Cebu. The festival is called Sinulog. 소란스럽고 거친 새해 파티 기간에 노상에서 지내지 않 고 무사히 귀환을 한 당신에게 좋은 소식을 전한다. 오 늘은 쉬어도 좋다. 편안한 이 순간을 맛보기를 바란다. 앞으로 다가올 색다르며 큰 축제를 앞두고 휴식의 시간 을 즐기면서 날짜를 헤아려보라. 모든 축제들의 시초이 자 최고의 마르디 그라스(사순절이라는 금욕기 직전의 향연)가 세부에서 열리는 시눌루그 축제이다.

But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s flip the pages of our little history book back to the year 1521. History geeks say that before Portuguese navigators came to Cebu, claiming it as a colony for the King of Spain, Sinulog was already a native dance performed in honor of wooden idols. When Ferdinand Magellan came and introduced Christianity, the dance’s object of worship changed. After giving the image of the Santo Nino or the child Jesus as baptismal gifts to Hara Amihan (wife of Cebu’s Rajah Humabon), the rulers and their

subjects from then on were Christianized. Sinulog became a special performance dedicated to the patron saint of Cebu. 축제의 현장으로 달려가기 전에 1521년의 과거로 역사 책을 넘겨보기로 하자. 포르투갈 항해사들이 세부에 도 착하여 스페인 왕의 식민지로서 역사가 쓰여지기 전에 시눌루그는 나무의 신을 기리는 민속춤 행사였었다. 페 르디난드 마젤란이 도착하고 복음을 전파한 이후에는 춤 의 경배 대상이 바뀌게 된다. 세부의 족장 호마본의 아 내 아미한의 세례식에서 산토니뇨와 어린 예수의 그림 이 선물로 기증되면서 지배자들과 피지배자들이 개종하 게 된다. 시눌루그는 세부의 수호성인을 기리는 특별한 행사로 거듭나게 된다.

14 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine JANUARY 2008

What’s in Cebu The celebration is held each year on the third Sunday of January in Cebu City. It features wonderful displays of parade and pageantry. Participants garbed in kaleidoscope costumes while dancing to the beat of the drums. The dance consists of taking two steps forward and one step backwards. It resembles the movement of the “Sulog” (river’s current) coining the name Sinulog. 매년 1월 3 째 주 일요일에 세부시에서 열리는 이 행사는 멋진 볼거리 가 가득한 행진과 구경거리들이 특징이다. 변화무쌍한 의상들을 입고 드 럼의 박자에 맞춰서 춤을 춘다. 이 춤은 두 발짝 앞으로 한 발짝 뒤로 가는 발동작으로 이루어져 있다. 이러한 움직임은 “술로그”(강물의 흐 름)을 닮았으며 이것이 시눌루그 라는 이름의 유래이다.

The festivity lasts for nine long days! 축제는 9일간 지속된다.

On ninth day (3rd Sunday of January), the Sinulog grand festival begins with a fluvial parade hailing from Mandaue City all the way down to Cebu City. When the sun sets in, the celebration continues with booze, parties and concerts held at every corner of the city. 9번째 날(1월의 셋째 주 일요일), 시눌루구 가장 큰 축제가 길게 만다웨 시에서 세부시까지 행진이 시작된다. 석양이 질 때 즈음 축제는 시내 곳 곳에서 열리는 술자리, 파티, 콘서트 등으로 이어진다.

JANUARY 2008 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine 15

Restaurant Review

L L I R G S ’ GERRY Grilled food cooked to


The double Gs stand for Great ambience and Grilled food cooked to perfection. It goes by the name Gerry’s Grill! Serving the finest Filipino dishes for more than 9 years straight and still counting. With over 20 outlets nationwide, it has taken a bold step by branching out as far as San Francisco California. Now anyone in the mood for delicious meal can easily visit the nearest Gerry’s Grill outlet. Gerry’s Grill appeals not only to local taste but is also equally satisfying for foreigners. Specialties like grilled squid and crab rice are among the stores’ best-sellers. A variety of fruit shakes and interesting cocktail drinks are guaranteed to refresh your senses. For a more adventurous food-tripping, Bicol Express and Chicken Kebab will surely rejuvenate your taste buds like no other. Most importantly, the price range is easy on the pockets. The business brainchild of Gerry Apolinario, this restaurant has remained true to its concept of “family and friends’ hang-out spot”. Its success has reached far beyond the expectations of the entire Gerry’s Group of Restaurants. Steady franchise expansion is made possible by clients’ loyal patronage to their products and quality service. Everywhere they go, family and friends would always look for the one place to be. “They’d still rather be at Gerry’s.”

최고의 분위기와 완벽을 추구하는 음식의 요리를 의미하는 두 개의 G를 가진 제리스 그릴은 9년 이상 최고급 필리핀 식 음식을 대접해 왔으며 앞으로도 계속할 것이다. 전 국 20여개 이상의 매장이 분포되어 있고 캘 리포니아 샌프란시스코의 먼 곳에도 분점을 냈다. 맛있는 음식이 생각이 나면 근처의 제 리스 그릴에 방문할 수 있다. 제리스 그릴은 로컬들 뿐만이 아니라 외국 인의 입맛을 이끈다. 숯불구이 오징어와 게 살밥은 가장 인기 있는 메뉴이다. 다양한 과 일 쉐이크와 호기심 넘치게 만드는 칵테일 만큼 기분을 전환하기에 확실한 것들은 없 다. 좀 더 다양한 음식에 도전하고 싶다면? 비콜 익스프레스와 치킨 케밥은 확실히 입 맛을 북돋아준다. 가장 중요한 가격은? 지갑 에 부담이 되지 않는다. 제리 아폴리나리오가 시작한 레스토랑은 “가 족과 친구들이 즐기는 장소”라는 컨셉을 유 지하고 있다. 이의 성공은 제리의 레스토랑 그룹의 예상 을 뛰어넘었다. 꾸준히 분점을 확장하는 것 은 그들의 서비스와 음식에 만족을 하는 단 골 손님들이 아니었으면 불가능했다. 어디를 가던지, 가족과 친구들은 항상 한군 데를 찾기 마련이다. “제리스 그릴에서”

GERRY’S GRILL is now open at the NORTHWING of SM City Cebu. Contacts: 238-9576, 412-7094 for SM City Cebu Branch and 415-8284 for AYALA Center Cebu Branch

16 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine JANUARY 2008

Contact: (032) 232-6241

A Day in the City


the Queen Cit

y of the South

Basi l i c a d e l S a n t o N i n o

Starting Point: South Bus Terminal/Citilink: Cebu City

9:00 AM

Julian Jumalon Butterfly Sanctuary and Art Gallery 줄리안 주말론 나비 보호구역 Mr. Julian Jumalon, a multi-awarded artist and lepidopterist, combined art and science with great ease. His butterfly mosaic collection (made of disposed butterfly wings, seashells, artifacts etc.) has been exhibited in Asian and European nations including the Vatican. Indulge your eyes on his aesthetic artwork and stray into the dreamy butterfly haven of his garden. 예술가이자 채집가로 수 차례 상을 받은 줄리안 주말론에게 예술과 과학의 접목은 어 려운 일이 아니다. 그의 나비 문양 작품들(나비날개, 조개껍질, 인공물 등으로 이루어 진)은 아시아와 바티칸을 포함한 유럽의 여러 국가에 전시되었다. 아름다운 예술 작 품을 감상하고 환상적인 나비 공원을 거닐어 보자.

11:00 AM

President Osmena Memorabilia: CAP Center 오스메냐 기념관 Home of the “Grand Old Man of Cebu”, the late President Sergio Osmena. Restoration of its old grandeur was made by the CAP Family of Companies. The gallery houses different artists from all over the Philippines. “세부의 위대한 노인” 전직 대통령인 서지오 오스메냐의 집. CAP사가 옛 모습으로 복원을 했다. 필리핀 전 지역의 여러 예술 작품들이 전시되어 있다.

12:00 NN

Robinson’s Mall (Lunch)

1:30 PM

Colon Street Obelisk Statue 콜론 거리의 오벨리스크 상

Colon is the oldest street in the city. A trip down memory lane, it is a treasure box full of remnants from the past. At present, some old buildings and theater houses have been converted to modern commercial complexes.

콜론은 세부에서 가장 오래된 거리이다. 역사를 담은 거리로의 여행은 과거 유산들이 가득 한 보물 상자를 만나는 셈이다. 현재 몇몇의 낡은 건물과 극장은 현대적 복합 쇼핑몰로 바 뀌었다.

18 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine JANUARY 2008

A Day in the City

2:30 PM

Heritage of Cebu 세부 유적 An oversized portrait, it is where you can view the indelible parts of Cebu’s history. The birth of Christianity, the bravery of our heroes and the pride of Filipinos are immortalized using brass and metal. It is an eternal reminder of who they were and who they can become. 거대한 크기의 초상화. 그것에서 지워지지 않는 세부의 역사 를 볼 수 있다. 필리핀의 기독 신앙의 태동, 영웅의 용맹함, 필리피노의 자긍심이 황동 금속에 각인되어 있다. 그들이 누 구였고 어떤 존재가 될 수 있었는지를 영원히 말해줄 것이다.

3:30 PM

Heritage of Cebu

Basilica Minore del Santo Nino (Religious Landmark) 산토니뇨 성당 The permanent residence of Cebu’s patron saint fondly called as “Sr. Santo Nino”. Every year, on the third Sunday of January, a celebration is held in his honor. History reveals that in 16th century, the church was built on the exact same spot where the image of “baby Jesus” (Santo Nino) was found. 세부의 수호 성인의 영원한 거주처를 “산토 니뇨”라고 정겹게 부른다. 매년 1월 세째주 일요일에 그 를 기리는 행사가 열린다. 16세기 아기 예수상(산토 니뇨)가 발견된 그 자리에 교회를 지었다고 역사에 기록하고 있다.

4:30 PM

Magellan’s Cross (Historical Landmark) 마젤란의 십자가 The mighty cross of Magellan, found right in front of Cebu’s City Hall. A small chapel serves as roof and a place of worship for this significant symbol of Christianity.

5:30 PM

Fort San Pedro 산페드로 요새

It was built during the Spanish era as a military defense structure under the command of Miguel López de Legazpi. The Fort is the “oldest, smallest and well preserved colonial fort” in the Philippines.

마젤란의 십자가는 세부 시청 건물 바로 앞에 미구엘 로페즈의 명령으로 만들어진 스페인 시절의 군 있다. 작은 채플이 지붕 역할을 하고 있으며 기 사 방어 시설이다. 이는 필리핀에서 “가장 오래되고 작 독 신앙의 중요한 상징에 대한 예배 장소이다. 으며 잘 보존된 식민지 요새”이다. Fue n t e C i r c l e

6:30 PM

Fuente Osmena 푸엔테 오스메냐 The “Osmena Fountain” is the first waterworks display in the city. This oval park is the mainstream rendezvous for family picnics and group outings. 오스메냐 분수는 세부시에 건설된 첫번째 분수이다. 분수 주변의 공원은 가족나들 이, 단체 모임 장소등으로 사용된다.

7:00 PM

Larsian (Dinner) 라시안 Larsian is the original all-time favorite barbecue joint of Cebuanos. It is also where you can devour the “Heart” of Cebu locally called “Puso” (rice cooked in woven coconut leaves). 라시안은 모든이가 즐겨 찾는 바베큐 골목의 원조이다. 이곳에서 “푸소”(코코넛 잎으로 싼 밥)라고 불리는 세부의 “심장”(모양이 심장을 닮았다)을 즐길 수 있 는 곳이기도 하다.

JANUARY 2008 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine 19


A Day in the City

the Industria

l Land

San Miguel Corporation

Starting Point – North Bus Terminal: Mandaue City

9:00 AM

Cebu International Convention Center 세부 국제 회의 센터 The Cebu International Convention Center is a 3-story structure built by the Cebu Provincial Government in time for the 12th ASEAN Summit. It has a gross floor area of 28,000 square meters and is situated on 3.8 hectares of land at the Mandaue City Reclamation Area. 세부 국제 회의 센터는 12차 아세안 회의를 위해서 세부 지방정부가 건축한 3층 짜 리 건물이다. 만다웨시의 약 1만 1,500여 평에 달하는 개간지에 총 8,500여평의 건 평을 가지고 있다.

10:00 AM

San Miguel Corporation (Industrial Landmark) 산 미구엘 사 This industrial complex, about 27.1 hectares, is like a village of its own. It occupies what used to be farmlands in Tipolo. It is selfsupporting having its own automotive repairs and maintenance shop, warehouse for materials and ingredients, a fire station and security office, sports facilities, basketball and tennis court, staff houses and many more. It was established in the year 1940 and became operational on November 1941. San Miguel Brewery, now San Miguel Corporation was the first soft-drink plant in Cebu outside Manila. 약 8만여평이 넘는 면적의 산업 공단은 마치 하나의 마을 과도 같다. 티폴로 지역의 이곳은 농장으로 사용되던 곳이 었다. 자동화 기기의 수리와 유지, 자재와 식량 창고, 소방 서와 보안센터, 스포츠 시설, 농구장과 테니스장, 직원 기 숙사 등의 자급 기능을 갖추고 있다. 1940연대에 설립되 어 1941년 11월에 운영되기 시작했다. 산 미구엘 양조장이 었던 현재의 산 미구엘 사는 세부의 첫 번째 음료 제조 공 장이다.

12:00 NN

Nonki Restaurant (Lunch)

3:30 PM

National Shrine of Saint Joseph (Religious Landmark) 성 조셉 성당

Saint Joseph the worker was chosen as the patron saint of Mandaue because, just like the saint, its people are very hardworking. It is the only church in the Philippines that has a life-like “Last Supper” of Jesus and his 12 apostles called Senor de Cena. 근면한 노동자들의 도시인 만다웨의 수호 성인으로는 역시 노동자 출신의 조셉이 선 정되었다. 세뇨 데 세나라고 불리는 예수와 12사도의 “최후의 만찬”의 상이 있는 필 리핀 유일의 성당이다.

20 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine JANUARY 2008

A Day in the City

4:30 PM

Mandaue Presidencia 만다웨 시청 The Mandaue Presidencia was inaugurated in the 12th of September 1937 under the governance of Hon. Sotero Cabahug. This site is a mute witness to Mandaue’s administration from the later part of Spanish colonial era to its rise as an industrial city in the region. 만다웨 시청은 스테로 카바허그 재직 시절인 1937년 9월 12일에 지어졌다. 이 건물은 스페인 식민지의 후 반부에서 지역 산업 도시로 발전해오는 모습을 묵묵히 지켜보고 있다.

5:00 PM

Rizal-Bonifacio Memorial (Historical Landmark) 리잘-보니파쇼 기념관 In the hills of Jagobiao is where the Eversley Childs’ Sanitarium stands. It was built intended for people who suffered from Hansen’s disease. The building, constructed by U.S. military engineers, until now shows no sign of deterioration. The area is so clean and patients are housed in well-secluded dormitories. It was once voted the second cleanest hospital in the Philippines. 이 기념관은 만다웨의 성숙한 시민들이 호세 리잘과 안드레스 보니파쇼를 기리기 위한 기념물이다. 2차 대전 이후, 문화적인 부흥의 필요와 두 영웅들을 기리고 새로운 시대 정신을 지키려는 필요가 대두되어 기념물을 짓도록 결정하게 된다.

5:30 PM

Eversley Childs Sanitarium

Rizal-Bonifacio Memorial

에버슬레이 소아 요양소

In the hills of Jagobiao is where the Eversley Childs’ Sanitarium stands. It was built intended for people who suffered from Hansen’s disease. The building, constructed by U.S. military engineers, until now shows no sign of deterioration. The area is so clean and patients are housed in well-secluded dormitories. It was once voted the second cleanest hospital in the Philippines. 하고비요 언덕에는 에버슬래이 소아 요양소가 있다. 나병 환자를 치료하기 위한 목적으로 건설되었다. 미공병대가 건축한 이 건물은 아직까지 손상의 기미조차도 없다. 이 지역은 매우 깨끗하 며 환자들은 잘 격리되어 있는 병실에서 머물렀다. 필리핀에서 2번째 로 깨끗한 병원으로 선정된 적이 있다.

JANUARY 2008 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine 21


A Day in the City

home of

the BRAV


Starting Point: PIER 3 Cebu City

9:00 AM

Muelle Osmena 무엘레 오스메냐

Before bridges were built, the only mode of transportation to cross the Mactan Channel was by ferryboat. Muelle Osmena is the transport docking point of Lapu-lapu City. To avoid road traffic, traveling by sea is the most convenient way of cruising the island. 다리가 생기기 전에 막탄 해협을 건너는 유일 한 교통 수단은 페리보트를 이용하는 방법 뿐이 었다. 무엘레 오스메냐는 라푸라푸시 쪽의 선착 장이다. 교통 체증을 피하기 위해서 바다로 이 동하는 것은 가장 간편한 섬 크루즈 여행의 방 법이다.

9:30 AM

Birhen Sa Regla Church 베헨 데 라 레글라 성당

The patron saint of Lapu-lapu City, Birhen sa Regla (Lady of the Rule) has a long history behind its immaculate image. Originally it was the patron saint of North Africa. The image’s skin color was made so to establish a sense of familiar connection between her and the people. 라푸라푸시의 수호 성인 베헨 데 레글라 성화에 는 오랜 세월동안 숨겨져온 비밀이 있다. 원래 북아프리카의 수호 성인인 그녀의 피부에는 현 지인과의 유사성을 유지하기 위한 색으로 칠해 졌다.

10:30 AM

ASSI Mart (Snacks)

22 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine JANUARY 2008

A Day in the City

11:00 AM

Maribago Guitar Factories 마리바고 기타 공장 Maribago takes pride in being home to the finest guitars in the Philippines. The two-way street displays the local craftsmen’s talent in turning pieces of wood into beautiful instruments of music. 마리바고는 필리핀에서 가장 좋은 기타들의 공장이 있는 곳으로 유명하다. 나무 조각들을 아름다운 악기로 만드는 장인들의 솜 씨를 엿볼 수 있는 골목이 있다.

12:00 NN

Maribago Grill (Lunch:Pop-Up English Jungle)

1:30 PM

Shangri-La Fish Feeding 샹그릴라 피쉬 피딩 Shangri-La offers a wonderful treat for everybody as day-in guest. All hotel facilities are available for use including a unique experience of feeding hundreds of fishes from your hand. 데이트립으로 방문하는 손님들에게 환상적인 체험 기회를 제공 한다. 호텔의 모든 시설들을 이용할 수 있으며 수백의 물고기들 이 손안에 든 먹이를 먹는 특별한 경험을 해볼 수 있다.

Guitar Factory

4:30 PM

Boot Wharf 부트 선착장 Boot Wharf is the starting point for all island-hopping enthusiasts. Pump boats are on standby for those who would like to embark on an exciting ride in surrounding islands within the area. 부트 선착장은 아일랜드 호핑을 즐기기 위한 시작 장소이다. 보 트들은 주변 섬들을 다니는 흥겨운 항해를 즐기려는 이들을 위 해서 항상 대기하고 있다.

5:30 PM

Liberty Shrine: Mactan Shrine (Historical Landmark) 막탄 성당 The Battle of Mactan signifies the victorious bravery of Filipinos against foreign rule during the Spanish period. “An eloquent expression of our people’s desire to be free”. It was headed by none other than the courageous warrior named Lapu-lapu. 막탄 전투는 스페인 침략 시기의 외세에 대항한 필리피노의 용기 와 승리를 상징한다. “자유를 향한 필리피노의 염원”은 다름 아 닌 용감한 전사 라푸라푸에 의해 응집되었다.

7:00 PM

SUTUKIL (Dinner) 수투킬 Mouth-watering freshness from the bountiful seas of Mactan are sold, cooked and served in SUTUKIL restaurants. 군침이 도는 막탄 바다의 각종 먹을 거리를 구입하고 요리하고 맛볼 수 있다.

Liberty Shrine

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My Map

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My Map

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My Map

My Map

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My Map

28 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine JANUARY 2008

My Map

JANUARY 2008 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine 29

My Transportation


iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine JANUARY 2008



SPECIAL BORACAY YELLOW PAGE ACCOMMODATIONS GRAND VIST BORACAY RESORT & SPA Address:Hagdan Yapak Boracay Island Malay Aklan Business Hours:24hours Price Range:120$~250$ Amenities:Restaurant, Bar, Spa & Massage, Pool, Shuttle Service Telephone:036-288-5818 web site: PEARL OF THE PACIFIC RESORT & SPA Address: Sinagpa, Balabag, Boracay Island,Malay Aklan, Philippines Business Hours: 6 AM – 11 PM Telephone: (036) 288-4000 Detail: Sea and sky sand and wind calm and quiet your own nook in paradise. RED COCONUT BEACH HOTEL Address: Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan Philippines Business Hours: 7 AM - 10 PM Telephone: (036) 288-3507 Detail: Sea and sky sand and wind calm and quiet your own nook in paradise. THE BORACAY BEACH RESORT Address: 0380 Balabag Boracay Island, Malay Aklan Business Hours: 7 AM – 10 PM Telephone: (036) 288-3208 / 288-4288 Detail: Where you want to stay on Boracay Island. The Boracay Beach Resort is located at the heart of Boracay Island -- midway along White Beach between Boat Station One and the island’s newest center, D’Mall. Our beachfront location makes the Boracay Beach Resort a quiet respite from the island’s bustling party scene, but close enough to its heart for those who want a complete Boracay experience. TWO SEASONS BORACAY Address: Station 1, Boracay Island Malay Aklan Business Hours: Open 24 Hours Restaurant: 6 AM – 10 PM Telephone: (036) 288-4384 / 288-4650 Detail: The fastest way to Boracay is to fly direct to Caticlan which takes 25 minutes via Asian Spirit. However these flights are limited. The next option is via Seair which takes 35 minutes. The following airline companies offer direct flights from Manila and Cebu to Caticlan. Cuisine/Menu: Asian Eclectic Specialty: See Attached Information Facilities: Swimming Pool, Restautarnt, Bar, W1-F1 & More Capacity: 30 Rooms

BALAIHARA Address: Balabag, Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Business Hours:Open 24 Hours Telephone: (036) 288-3281 Detail: Boracay is a favorite tourist destination with over 400,000 local and international visitors arriving each year. Found in the Northwestern tip of the Panay Island in the Philippines, it boasts of crystal-clear sapphire waters and powder white sands. Balaihara is located amidst the only golf course in the entire Boracay island. PARADISE GARDEN RESORT HOTEL Address: Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan, Philippines Business Hours: 7 AM – 3 AM Telephone: (036) 288-3066 Detail: Paradise Garden Resort Hotel has an area of 10,000 square meters in tropical garden. This paradisiacal resort is bedecked with lush greens and fresh tropical floral. Quiet and romantic - its tranquil ambiance makes it a lovely haven for lovers and families.

WALING WALING BEACH HOTEL Address: Balabag, Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Business Hours: 7 AM - 3 AM Telephone: (036) 288-5555 Detail: At Waling-Waling Beach Hotel, your holiday in Boracay becomes an unforgettable experience. Designed in Mediterranean stlye, the Waling-Waling offers world-class accommodations that meet the standards of discrimating travelers. Beachfront rooms look out onto the white powdery sands and crystalclear waters that Boracay is renowned for around the world. Simply step out of the hotel, and you’re on White Beach, the 3.5-kilometer stretch that has been called the world’s most beautiful tropical beach.


GRAND VIST BORACAY RESORT & SPA Address:Hagdan Yapak Boracay Island Malay Aklan Business Hours:24hours Price Range:120$~250$ Amenities:Restaurant, Bar, Spa & Massage, Pool, Shuttle Service Telephone:036-288-5818 web site:

TWO SEASONS BORACAY Address: Station 1, Boracay Island Malay Aklan Business Hours: Open 24 Hours Restaurant: 6 AM – 10 PM Telephone: (036) 288-4384 / 288-4650 Detail: The fastest way to Boracay is to fly direct to Caticlan which takes 25 minutes via Asian Spirit. However these flights are limited. The next option is via Seair which takes 35 minutes. The following airline companies offer RED COCONUT BEACH HOTEL direct flights from Manila and Cebu to Caticlan. Address: Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan Philippines Cuisine/Menu: Asian Eclectic Business Hours: 7 AM - 10 PM Specialty: See Attached Information Telephone: (036) 288-3507 Facilities: Swimming Pool, Restautarnt, Bar, Detail: Sea and sky sand and wind calm and quiet W1-F1 & More your own nook in paradise. Capacity: 30 Rooms THE BORACAY BEACH RESORT Address: 0380 Balabag Boracay Island, Malay Aklan Business Hours: 7 AM – 10 PM Telephone: (036) 288-3208 / 288-4288 Detail: Where you want to stay on Boracay Island. The Boracay Beach Resort is located at the heart of Boracay Island -- midway along White Beach between Boat Station One and the island’s newest center, D’Mall. Our beachfront location makes the Boracay Beach Resort a quiet respite from the island’s bustling party scene, but close enough to its heart for those who want a complete Boracay experience.

BALAIHARA Address: Balabag, Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Business Hours:Open 24 Hours Telephone: (036) 288-3281 Detail: Boracay is a favorite tourist destination with over 400,000 local and international visitors arriving each year. Found in the Northwestern tip of the Panay Island in the Philippines, it boasts of crystal-clear sapphire waters and powder white sands. Balaihara is located amidst the only golf course in the entire Boracay island.

SPECIAL BORACAY YELLOW PAGE PARADISE GARDEN RESORT HOTEL Address: Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan, Philippines Business Hours: 7 AM – 3 AM Telephone: (036) 288-3066 Detail: Paradise Garden Resort Hotel has an area of 10,000 square meters in tropical garden. This paradisiacal resort is bedecked with lush greens and fresh tropical floral. Quiet and romantic - its tranquil ambiance makes it a lovely haven for lovers and families. WALING WALING BEACH HOTEL Address: Balabag, Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Business Hours: 7 AM - 3 AM Telephone: (036) 288-5555 Detail: At Waling-Waling Beach Hotel, your holiday in Boracay becomes an unforgettable experience. Designed in Mediterranean stlye, the Waling-Waling offers world-class accommodations that meet the standards of discrimating travelers. Beachfront rooms look out onto the white powdery sands and crystal-clear waters that Boracay is renowned for around the world. Simply step out of the hotel, and you’re on White Beach, the 3.5kilometer stretch that has been called the world’s most beautiful tropical beach. WILLY’S BEACH CLUB HOTEL Address: Brgy Balabag, Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Business Hours: 6 AM – 11 PM Telephone: (036) 288-3794 Detail: Willy’s Beach Club Hotel, established in 1975 with its primary name, Willy’s Place has earned the confidence of our valued returning guests who mostly occupied our booking, through out the years. NIGI NIGI TOO BEACH RESORT Address: Brgy Balabag, Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Business Hours: 6 AM - 11 PM Telephone: 036 288- 3101 Detail: Nigi Nigi “ Too “ is a small, nine room resort, located directly on the beach front in the quiet northern end of White Beach. The cottages offer basic accommodation suitable for the budget conscious vacationer. This homely resort, nestled in the palm trees, has a unsophisticated magic of its own backed up by Nigi Nigi Nu Noos efficient internet and travel services. This is a beach hide-away offering tranquility with a rustic ambiance. The resort is surrounded by upmarket resorts offering a wide selection of restaurants, bars and sports facilities. Price Range: Adult : US$ 25.00, per person / Child : US$ 20.00, per child

PUNTA ROSA BOUTIQUE HOTEL Address: Sinagpa, Balabag, Boracay Island Malay, Aklan, Business Hours: 8 AM – 10 PM Telephone: (036) 288-6740 Detail: Each of the spacious rooms at the rosa exudes individual charm. All rooms have a balcony with breath taking views of the sea and the beach. Price Range: USD 90 – USD 270 Facilities: Restaurant, Deck / Bar, Van, Motorbike, Kitchen Capacity: 36 persons

BAMBOO BORACAY BEACH RESORT Location: Boat Station 3 – Boracay Island, Malay Aklan, Philippines Business Hours: 24 hours Detail: Bamboo Boracay Beach Resort Boracay Accommodations composed of 10 standard air-conditioned rooms; 5 family rooms of which four are air-conditioned and one is fan cooled; and 14 regular fan rooms, a total of 29 rooms. Bamboo Boracay Beach Resorts offers a Boracay Restaurant that specializes on Filipino and international dishes and offers nightly buffet dinner. Bamboo Boracay Beach Resort bar and Boracay Restaurant are open 24 hours to serve the guests and walk-in customers.

SPECIAL BORACAY YELLOW PAGE ROYAL PARK RESORT HOTEL BORACAY Address: Station 1, Brgy. Balabag, Boracay Malay, Aklan, Telephone: (036) 288-6677 / 288-6688 Detail: Treat yourself to the delectable KoreanFilipino cuisine at Alfresco Restaurant. Located at the 2nd floor of the hotel. At our restaurant by the sea, you can wine and dine in the cool breeze on a hot afternoon or enjoy a relaxing evening while watching the sunset by candlelight under the moonlight and canopy of stars. ROYAL PARK HOTEL, a beachfront resort, located at station I, 20 minute away from Caticlan Airport, offers 18 air-conditioned rooms, furnished with television, mini-bar, hot and cold shower, and telephone. BANS BEACH RESORT Address: Balabag, Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Telephone: (036) 288-3837 Detail: Bans Beach Resort has always been a favorite of travelers looking for adventure in Boracay but on a budget. Guests keep coming back to stay at this resort because it is a ‘home-away-from-home’ while in the island. Foreigners, backpackers, travelers, and divers alike patronize Bans Beach Resort because of its friendly accommodation and the quality of service offered.

RESTAURANT & BAR BITE CLUB GRILLED BURGERS Address: D’Mall Plaza Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Business Hours: 10:30AM – 1:00 AM Specialty: Burgerella & Bombarella Telephone: (036) 288-5947 / 2885947 S’NOW GARDEN Address: D’Mall Plaza Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Business Hours: 11 AM – 10 PM Specialty: Aguzim, Agutang, karupi Telephone: (036) 288-5928 / 09216995866 LEMON CAFE Address: D’Mall Plaza Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Business Hours: 8 AM – 10 PM Specialty: Greens, goats’ cheese bound with Raspberry vinaigrette Telephone: (036) 288 6781 to 82 Email: Address:

OLE SPANISH TAPAS BAR & RESTAURANT Address: Phase IV#1 D’Mall Plaza Boracay Island Business Hours: 9 AM – 1 AM Specialty: Spanish Food - Paella and Sangria Telephone: 036 288 5940 KAESEKE JAPANESE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Address: D’Mall Plaza Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Business Hours: 9 AM – 11 PM Price Range: 280 and up Specialty: Seafood & Japanese - Lobster Sashimi Telephone: (036) 288-5610 SA’NEH THAI Address: D’Mall Plaza Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Business Hours: 9 AM – 11 PM Price Range: 150 and up Specialty: Thai Food - Phad Thai & Curries Telephone: (036) 288-5610

SPECIAL BORACAY YELLOW PAGE ARIA BORACAY RESTAURANT Address: D’Mall, Boracay Island, Malay Aklan Business Hours: 11 AM – 1 AM Price Range: 500 and up Specialty: Italian Food - Pizzas Telephone: (036) 288-5573 CAFÉ DEL SOL Address: D’Mall Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Business Hours: 7 AM – 11 PM Specialty: Italian Coffee, Chocolate Marble and Mango Cheesecake Telephone: (036) 288-6166 PARADISO GRILL Address: Balabag Boracay Island, Malay Aklan Business Hours: 7 AM – 12 AM Specialty: Chinese, Japanese & Thai Food – Mixed Seafood Kebab Telephone: (036) 288-6139 CHOPSTICK Address:114 D’Mall Plaza Boracay Island Business Hours: 9 AM – 12 PM Specialty: Korean, Thai, Filipino, Chinese Food -Asian Noodle & Cuisine Telephone: (036) 288-6784

JONAH’S FRUIT SHAKE, SNACK BAR & RESTAURANT Address: Balabag, Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan Business Hours: 24 Hrs Price Range: 60 – 450 PHP Specialty: Filipino and Chinese Food – Fruit Shakes Telephone: (036) 288-3281

NIGHT & DAY ENTERTAINMENT CLUB PARAW Address: Front Beach Station 1, Balabag Boracay Island Phone: (036)2886151 Details: Welcome to Club Paraw! A place which is known for its simple and creative design of “native” roof and ceiling aspired by the owner. BOM BOM BAR Address: Boracay Island Telephone: 09196188726 Business Hour: 5 PM – 2:00 AM Email: Address: Detail: Where all the good people go! Specialty: Cocktails Drinks ISLA BAILA Address: D’Mall, Boracay Malay Aklan Phone: 036 288 5312 Business Hours: 24 Hrs Open Detail: Authentic Filipino foods with the Dancing go girls. PAT CREEK BAR Address: 0255 Balabag, Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan Telephone: (036) 288-5668 Business Hours: 4 PM – 2 AM Detail: Acoustic performances every night. Sit on drift wood chairs or simply lie down at the beachfront of PAT’S while worshiping the sun as it sets... ISLAND FOOT SPA Address: Balabag, Boracay Island Telephone: (036) 260-2302 Business Hours: 9 AM – 12 PM Detail: Foot Soak, Soft foot scrub, Neck and Shoulder Massage D’ SPA Address: D’ Mall Plaza, Boracay Island Telephone: (036) 288-4443 Business Hours: 10 AM / 10 PM Price Range: Body massage P450 – 650 / Body scrup 1000 / Body Mask 1,000

SPECIAL BORACAY YELLOW PAGE DIAMOND WATERSPORT Address: Brgy. Balabag, Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan Telephone: (036) 288-6681 / 288 6621 Business Hours: 8 AM – 6 PM Detail: Water sports equipments such as jetski, parasail, speed boat and banana boat rentals FISHEYE DIVERS BORACAY Address: White Beach Boracay, Balabag Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan Telephone: (036) 288-6090 Business Hours: 8 AM – 9 PM Detail: Established in 1997 by three friends who have worked gaining over 55 years combined diving experience and over 10,000 dives under their weigh belts. Price Range: $85-$240 BORACAY SCUBA INC. Address: Station 1 Balabag, Boracay Island, Malay, AklaN Telephone: (036) 288-5780 Detail: Try different diving programs like DISCOVER SCUBA DIVING, PADI DIVE COURCE for beginners. Certified divers can join FUN DIVES to explore the island’s best dive sites.

BORACAY GOLF Address: Balabag, Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Telephone: 0920 9702201 Business Hours: 9 AM – 6 PM Detail: This world class Philippines Golf Course offers players a truly amazing challenge amidst rolling green fairways, lagoon like blue water and incredible panoramic ocean views. CAPTAIN HADDOCK (CIGARS/ART GALLERY) Address: White Beach Path, Balabag, Boracay Island Telephone: (036) 288-5337 Business Hours: 11 AM – 8 PM Detail: From slim panatelas to fat stogies, Belgian-owned Captain Haddock caters to the discerning smoker. The store is named after the avid seafarer who appears inevitably smoking a cigar in Herge’s popular Tintin series.

피터팬 치킨 &야식 &밑반찬 치킨 야식등 세부 전지역 배달 서비스 세부 JY스퀘어몰 에서 마르코폴로 호텔 방향으로 100M 각종 밑반찬(김 치,깍두기,무생채,오이무침,호박나물, 멸치볶음,오징어채 볶음 등) 조리배달 서비스,심부름 서비스 가능 417-2945 0927-811-8007



iNeed Cebu Travel & Culture Magazine launched the first part of We-Love-Cebu Campaign Series. The Tropical Christmas event was a success! A parade of dazzling beauties donned in native garments by local designers, the spectacular display of fire dancers & an interesting blend of music dictated the non-stop party mood all night long. This is all for the benefit of Cebu City Commission for the Welfare and Protection of Children & Cebu City Task Force on Street Children. In cooperation with BITE Magazine, Cebu Pot Magazine & PASEO Center Mabolo. Foreign nationals ruled the event and danced together with the local crowd.

FIRE DANCE Viva Abailar DRUMS DANCEChallenge MISSBACCHUSCebu Diane Montes

DESIGNERS Jed Sevilla Bernardo Flores Didi Araneta MODELS WAFER Models


42 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine JANUARY 2008


HOST MC Chassy Joe Pheonix InternationalDJ Jack Dorf

BANDS Bag-ong Tribu Island Joe Soul Mafia BALLROOM DANCING Jive Resto Bar


JANUARY 2008 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine 43

Adventures of JAE HOON

ARE YOU READY FOR SINULOG?! PINS. Marking that you passed the Magellan’s Cross. You get these by just passing the landmark. STRAW HAT. Nothing’s better than this under the strong heat of the sun.


MORE SPIRIT! Paint yourself from head to foot with those really irritatingly colorful stuff.

LUMINOUS BRACELETS. Cool & Glow in the dark.

GLASSES AHOY! TOWEL. To wipe those sweat off.

HENA TATTOO. Hey, it’s a festival. BRING ALL THE CAMERAS! iNEED MAGAZINE. It’s your friendly companion complete with Sinulog route maps & schedules. And it looks good on you too.

PENS. In case you need to write something or let someone use it and ask her number for instance. THAT LEFT OVER FROM LARSIANS. Ok, so we have puso (hanging rice), Barbeque and oh, that handy plastic that you used as gloves.


SNACKS or CHOCOLATE BARS. GUARD THAT WALLET. With chain, straws or even cute red silky ribbons if you want to enjoy more of the event. ALSO THAT MOBILE PHONE!

CHECKERED SOCKS! They look cute or somehow catchy.

A WALK TO REMEMBER. There wont accessible roads for those wheels of yours, it’s time for a long long walk ahead.

46 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine JANUARY 2008

MASK. Use this to feel the spirit of Sinulog during the event. You can also use this to hide when bumping into a friend in need of someone who will take him for a free meal.

Adventures of JAE HOON

JANUARY 2008 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine 47



le of T u R ’s r e t A PaCinE L



n the steep hills of Talamban resides one of the greatest artists of modern day. The rocky road to his humble abode is quite a long way to go. Endless slopes of greens and the gentle mountain breeze keep you company. Upon reaching his doorsteps, a warm smile was waiting for me. Celso Pepito’s journey to be an artist was no ordinary path. He was born in the remote area of Daan Bantayan. Back then, the world of art was something foreign to him. He never knew such a world existed. When he graduated from high school, a teacher advised him to take up Fine Arts in U.P. With no experience and knowledge, he enrolled thinking that it was merely about lettering. Eventually, he realized that there was painting involved in his course. He had to work hard and practice even more than his peers. He devoted all his time developing and mastering his craft. With the help of his mentor Martino Abellana, he became a full bloom artist. In his quest for his own identity as an artist, he started to experiment by combining realism with modernism. His transition from impressionism to cubism became apparent. The result; Celso Pepito’s distinct signature touch. In every Celso Pepito canvass, three elements play an important role. Usually, his paintings include the main subject, the octagon symbol and the three box figure on the background. These essential components are always present in his work, each having their own significance. The bright-colored octagon symbolizes the sun which represents hope for everyone. As for the three colorful box-shaped figures, they imply different meanings to the painter. The first meaning refers to his three sons, a tremendous source of inspiration for him. Another meaning is related to his motherland’s three parts namely Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. They symbolize his sense of nationality for his country. And lastly, three also stands for his spirituality. The sign of the cross which includes the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

탈람반의 가파른 언덕 위에 현 시대의 위대한 예술가가 거주하고 있다. 소박하게 사는 그를 찾아서 떠나는 길은 험준하고 멀기만 하다. 끝없는 녹색의 경사를 오르는 길 에는 부드러운 산바람이 동행이 되어준다. 그의 현관문 앞에 도착하면 따듯한 미소가 반기고 있다. 셀소 페피토가 예술가가 되기까지의 여정은 평범하지 많은 않다. 세부의 북쪽 끝의 외딴 지역 다안 반타얀에 서 출생한 그에게 예술이라는 것은 먼 나라의 이야기였 고 그러한 세상이 있는지도 몰랐었다. 고등학교를 졸업 할 당시 한 선생님이 UP대학의 순수 미술을 전공해보 라고 추천했다. 경험과 지식이 없던 그는 “단순히 문 자놀이”로 생각하고 지원을 했다. 이수 과목 중에 그 리기 수업이 있다는 것을 알게된 그는 동료보다 더욱 열 심히 연습을 했어야 했다. 또한 모든 시간을 예술적 소 양을 갈고 닦는데 헌신했다. 그의 멘터인 마르티노 아벨 라나의 도움으로 그는 촉망받는 예술가가 된다. 예술가로의 아이덴티티를 찾고자 노력하던중 리얼리즘 과 모더니즘의 접목을 시도하기 시작했다. 인상주의에서 입체파로의 화풍의 변화는 그의 작품에 서 극명하게 드러난다. 모든 셀소 페피토의 작품에는 세가지 요소가 각각 중요 한 역활을 수행한다. 보통 그의 그림에는 주제와 함께 8각형 상징과 3개의 상자 조형들이 배경에 녹아있다. 그는 모든 작품마다 이를 등장시키고 주요한 의미가 부 여했다. 밝은 색의 8각형은 모두의 희망인 태양을 상징 한다. 3개의 상자 모양은 화가의 다양한 의미를 가지고 있다. 이것들은 그에게 영감을 주는 아들 셋을 상징하기 도 하며 루존, 비사야, 민다나오의 3개의 섬을 의미하기 도 한다. 또한 그의 정신적 세계관으로서 성부,성자,성 신의 십자가를 상징하기도 한다.

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ABOVE LEFT: One Beat One Dance One People, pastel, collection Mr & Mrs Bobby Urjello. ABOVE RIGHT: Stregthening Family Ties 3. Oil on canvas, artist collection. BELOW LEFT: Yes! We Can! oil, artist collection. BELOW RIGHT: Essence of Togetherness, oil, collection Dr. & Mrs. Jorgen Lim followed by Essence of love and care, pastel, Mrs. Fe M Pepito.

JANUARY 2008 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine 49



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JUNE BOOGIE PERCUSSIONIST 238-5225. look for RAYMUND 54 iNeed Travel & Culture Magazine JANUARY 2008

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