A Time in Space
by Sarah Honu-Heart Gallant
I’m honored to be filling in for my friend Patti Lightflower. Her last article referencing the Japanese Art of Wabi Sabi, the mending of broken pottery with gold was such a powerful description and metaphor of a life progression, a beautiful philosophy of owning, as inherently valuable, all we experience, and a crossroad that I feel so many of us find ourselves on at this time. It’s a threshold of rebirth, claiming and integrating, embodying and expressing, the treasures gleaned upon the journey as Patti’s article so eloquently expressed with magical sprinkles of devotion and commitment. Imagine traveling the golden rivers of our own body temples, vessels that have been mended with self-compassion, love, and wisdom over time and lifetimes. This practical magic of authentic evolving wholeness reaches within and moves without as one breath, deeply peaceful, grounded, transcending space and time. On this page, I share a collage card titled Earthing. Creating these collage cards are a part of my own process of reaching within, moving without, and although you can’t see it in the image, the cards are all trimmed in gold . This one was made after a powerful integrative experience I had on a trip to Maui in 2014. The writing came spontaneously shortly after its creation, and feels to parallel what Patti shared last issue summed up in the last line of her poem “I am a Universe of I Am’s” Warm Greetings from Deep Space! It doesn’t really matter whether Inner or Outer - it’s really all ONE isn’t it? We are multidimensional Star beings just like you. We are in you, you are in us - our collective consciousness exists in every flower, rock, tree, water droplet and indeed in the very ground you walk upon on Gaia and in every heavenly being and body. We have long resided as image in a stack carefully and lovingly preserved for a special collage cardmaking moment, one that would be certain to make you smile. Yet our Essence is everywhere you look.
We make ourselves more tangibly known to you at this time to say that we come in Peace... ...In DEEP PEACE from DEEP SPACE and with ONE VOICE that encourages us all to deepen our connection to each other and to all living things in whatever form that may take for each of us - for surely in doing this, beginning in small ways, all together we are co-creating a new collective form; a Star Ship whose capacities we’ve only just begun to imagine. Whilst we are imagining, let us not forget that we as individuals, and our ways of contributing and working, may be very different yet are equally valuable. We are world-bridgers of sorts, rainbow riders and funloving spirits who raise a hand in friendship and cooperative alliance and in a high-five appreciation of YOU. We hear the Music of the Spheres and join the Universal Dance contributing our Steps and our Notes to Freedom’s Song. Standing Open, we allow our growing awareness of the Interconnectedness of all of Life to inform us and permeate each of our Hearts, and from the One Heart space we are committed to Spreading all the Love that we can. Will you join us as we glide on Resonant Sparks and Rainbow Arcs, Singing in Praise of Mother Earth while poised at Heaven’s Door? Although we understand the gravity of these times, we also plan on having some serious fun along the way! – Sarah Honu-Heart Gallant
Centennial Celebration 2021-2022