EDeep dgar Cayce’s Meditation Method by John Van Auken
Of all the meditation techniques I’ve learned and practiced over these many years, none has been as effective as Edgar Cayce’s passage-in-consciousness technique. Our free online meditation course has diagrams of some of the steps, and links to those pages are included. With a little practice we can deeply attune ourselves to God and retain that essence, energy, and vibration in our daily lives. Here is a step-by-step guide for making passage in consciousness to God-consciousness: 1. Select a place and set aside a time for the practice. Go to that place and time daily. Allot a minimum of 30 minutes, preferably an hour. 2. Begin with stretching exercises. Stretch by
reaching up high with your arms and hands while on your tiptoes. Alternate reaching to the ceiling with one hand then the other, like a cat stretching on a carpet. After a few of these stretches, bend over and touch your toes, stretching your joints, limbs, and spinal column. Continue the alternating motion with these toe-touching stretches. Now, do the Cayce head-and-neck exercise: The key is to feel the stretching all the way down your spine. 3. Now, do Cayce’s breathing exercise: While inhaling through the left nostril and exhaling through the right, you should feel uplifting and opening of the spiritual forces of the body. It’s good to have fresh air in the room while doing this breathing exercise, to bring more oxygen into the circulatory system and brain.
Summer’s Twilight 2021