DR LANCE PATAK, MD, MBA OFFERS COMMUNITION DEVICES FOR CORONAVIRUS PATIENTS In support of scientists' efforts globally. I have dedicated my influence on a cause greater than myself. I believe that we are all connected on this journey called life. I hope that this action will bring something good to someone who walks in the same land like us. Stay up to date on the coronavirus and also consider doing the #AllInThis2Gether @ (share your story on these two Instagrams (@allinthiistogether & @Coronachronicles) #allinthiistogether described in my post) we should all do what we can to slow the spread of the virus and simple knowledge sharing still works in every corner of our communities, locally and globally. Please stay healthy and well, my friend. The world needs you! Thank you I need to raise $200,000.00 The inventor and patent holder of the Vidatak EZ Board, a communication system developed for those patients on mechanical ventilators.YES!!! Many of the #Coronavirus ICU patients need to know about this!!! Prepare to #beinspired! #ServiceHeroShow #BecomeAServiceHero #onpurposecre8tv
Influential People Magazine honors a man who is truly on the frontlines of the #COVID crisis! Dr. Lance Patak best friend to Mikey Adam Cohen reached out to Cohen to partner and get the word out & change the Doctor/Patient passion/purpose treatment that is needed because Dr. Lance is a medical doctor on the frontlines that has invented something that will bring comfort to millions of COVID-19 patients. The inventor and patent holder of the Vidatak EZ Board, a communication system developed for those patients on mechanical ventilators. Dr.Lance Patak, M.D., MBA is the co-founder and current CEO and President of Vidatak, LLC. It was his passion for the communications needs of patients on mechanical ventilation that led him to invent and subsequently patent a communication device now known as the Vidatak EZ Board. Lance continued his education and focus on compassionate care, partnering with Dr. Traughber to refine and launch the Vidatak products. Now, while working at Seattle Children's Hospital in the Department of Anesthesiology, Dr. Patak’s current efforts are to continue expanding Vidatak globally, continue to partner with healthcare organizations to improve bedside practices and to improve overall quality patient care. Highly sought as a speaker, Dr. Patak presents his research findings and his unique processes for changing bedside practice whenever possible. COVID-19 patients with respirators: ventilators on them can now communicate with anyone in the room with this board. Lance Patak & Mikey Adam Cohen believe this should be ordered with masks, gloves, respirators, etc and go to every bed in the hospital. Please watch this clip... https://www.facebook.com/tamara.hunter.5059/ videos/2668700333407662/?d=n Please contact Mikey Adam Cohen 310-213-3119 Onpurposecre8tv@gmail.com
https://www.gofundme.com/ f/help-for-ventilated-covid19patients?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_linktip&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet Mikey Adam Cohen “When I most needed to communicate, I wasn't able to. I couldn't speak, and I couldn't make myself understood.” -Sandra Bluman-COVID-19 Patient. “Our Role in the COVID-19 Pandemic Corona Chronicled-World War C® prides itself on being a “celebration of what’s possible when you share.” At Corona Chronicled we strongly believe that humanity’s greatest superpower is its ability to share. That said, in this truly unprecedented state of the world, when it comes to this dreadful virus, not sharing can be the most powerful thing we can do for one another, for the planet, and ourselves. Corona Chronicled-World War C® is in its corporate fundraising stage, so there is, unfortunately, at this point, nothing we can do to monetarily bolster the nonprofits that in these trying times need support more than ever. we say all the time, “Sharing is humanity's superpower.” And now, more than ever, it is imperative that we all remain mindful of the power we have within us when we share, and most importantly, of how easily this dreadful virus is shared…As a very wise personal advisor this dreadful virus is shared…As a very wise personal advisor once told me, With this in mind, I feel it is important to turn our attention to what we can do, and that is, share with you our wish for you to stay informed, stay safe, and most importantly to diligently practice Social Distancing, not only for your sake, but for the sake of others, and to be mindful now more than ever how we are all truly connected. At Corona Chronicled-World War C® we are keeping a careful eye on the progress of the COVID-19 Pandemic and limiting all of our business interactions online. We are hard at work aligning with socially conscious corporations and social impact investors to secure the funding we need to begin production so we can share with your entertainment and inspiration to support causes like cancer, Alzheimer’s, poverty, education, youth fining their purpose, influencers and more. And as a socially conscious citizen, you already know there is always more, which is why