4 minute read
Eccentric Essentials

Like many other entrepreneurs, CEO Tatiana Seeser of TES Body Essentials gained her entrepreneur wings in the midst of a pandemic.
“I wanted to start TES Body Essentials because when I was pregnant last year, I was studying to be a birth doula and my body started going through so many changes. It seemed like the products I was using were not working as well as they used to.” When Tatiana started to experience skin irritation by way of over-the-counter products, it led her to begin reading labels. “I realized how many harsh chemicals were out there. I used my knowledge from my studies to become a doula and did more research to formulate body butters and scrubs to help nourish my skin while keeping it hydrated. Using natural oils and organic products was the best way to go.”
For this boss babe, the #1 key to success in business is passion. Her dynamic drive is what led her to start TES Body Essentials and trust the brand building process, even in its early stages.
TES Body Essentials knows the importance of taking care of yourself and developing a natural skincare routine. This CEO prides herself on utilizing key ingredients. With her brand’s products being organic, Tatiana’s main focus was on improving the overall health and appearance of her skin. “I battled with horrible acne throughout my life from hormones, so I recently created more skincare products to help soothe my customer’s skin while lightening dark spots and eliminating acne. My favorite product would have to be our Yoni shower gel. I dealt with health issues throughout my pregnancy and postpartum that only got worse as I was prescribed medication. But since creating my Yoni line, I have felt better than ever, and my health issues have improved dramatically in just a couple months.”
So, who is her target audience?
“My target audience can be broken up into a few categories. I have products that specifically cater to teens through younger adults learning how to properly care for their skin and bodies. Then I have my Yoni line where my target audience is women who have dealt with chronic infection, are recovering after childbirth, or just want to cater to their feminine health. Lastly, I wanted to make products specifically catering to people with eczema and sensitive skin. Our oatmeal & honey collection is perfect for that!”
Along with having products for both men and women, Tatiana’s friends and family have been a huge help when it comes to marketing since the launch of the business. “When it comes to my feminine products, I have had professional shoots done and used my own testimony as well as other pictures and reviews. I always use videos of me using products on my kids to market how to use them and how well they’ve worked for them.”
And when it comes to ingredients, Tatiana does not shy away. She keeps it 100% authentic for her audience. “For all of the products, I’ll list their unique benefits per audience and how they can be used as well as people’s results or reviews. I also post testimonies of how each product helps my customers and I am working on finding brand ambassadors to showcase them using products.”
For more eccentric essentials, follow Tatiana and her brand on Instagram at @TesBodyEssentials.


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