L'Andana Resort in Tuscany | Room Service Breakfast Menù

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ROOM NUMBER___________ NAME_______________________TIME____________

A scelta le nostre colazioni a vassoio / Choice of our tray breakfasts N°____Colazione Italiana / Italian breakfast Granola / Granola Yogurt Bianco / White yogurt Fette biscottate / Rusks Burro / Butter Selezione di marmellate / Selection of jams Frutta di stagione / Seasonal fruits Selezione di torte e croissant / Selection of cakes and croissants Spremuta di Arancia / Fresh orange juice Cappuccino Note________________________________________________ N°____Colazione Salutare / Healthy breakfast Granola / Granola Yogurt bianco Magro / Low fat white yogurt Miele / Honey Frutta di stagione / Seasonal fruits Formaggio fresco locale / Local cheese Pane tostato integrale / Wholemeal toast Croissant integrale / Wholemeal croissant Centrifuga del giorno / Juice of the day Selezione di thè e tisane / Selection of tea Note________________________________________________ Piatti caldi dalla cucina / Hot dishes from the kitchen N°____Crepes farcite con pralinato di nocciole e olio d’oliva in salsa Crepes stuffed with hazelnut praline and olive oil in sauce € 10 N°____Pancake con sciroppo d’acero e frutta rossa Pancakes with maple syrup and red fruit € 10 N°____Uovo alla benedict con salmone/prosciutto cotto, pane rustico e salsa olandese Egg benedict with salmon / ham, rustic bread and hollandaise sauce €12 N°____Omelette d’erbe spontanee Spontaneous herb omelette € 10 Supplemento room service / Room service supplement € 20

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