IGH - Rochester, #192 AUGUST 2021

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AUGUST 2021 • ISSUE 192

BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL ISSUE ✓ REMOTE LEARNING is hurting students academically and emotionally ✓ BULLYING IS BACK as in-person school returns; we discuss what to do about it ✓ BACK-TO-SCHOOL ANXIETY has skyrocketed. What can parents do to help their kids? ✓ AUTISM: Back to school for kids on the autism spectrum brings challenges

Starts on p. 15

EYE SURGEON Holly B. Hindman, MD, talks about evolution in corneal transplantation, cataract surgeries, and laser vision correction. p. 4

DENTAL CARE Millions of American adults haven’t seen a dentist in at least a year. p.5

5 Cool Fitness Adventures

Region has several activity options to keep you going including alpaca yoga at Ladue Alpacas in Brockport. p. 8

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