INSIDE ■ HEALTH CAREER Physician assistant carries a median salary in Rochester of $108,180. P. 10
■ COVID-19 New ‘mu’ coronavirus variant: what you need to know. P. 2
OCTOBER 2021 • ISSUE 194
■ COPD Could I have it and not know it? P. 9
Good sleep is the basic and foremost step for a healthy and successful life because it plays a pivotal role in mental and emotional conditions. Local expert discusses five things you need to know about it. P. 12
■ LIVE ALONE Having the courage of living alone. P. 6
BETTER SLEEP COVID-19 VACCINE Physician Edward E. Walsh has been involved in clinical trial of COVID-19 vaccines and talks about their efficacy, booster shots and more. P. 4
Diet, Hormones Can Play a Role in Women’s Hair Loss WOMEN'S HEALTH ISSUE STARTS ON PAGE 17