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IN LIGHT TIMES 310 Annabelle Ln. #247 Henderson , NV 89014
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IN LIGHT TIMES • may, 2012 • PAGE 3
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From The
Publisher Before Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman starred in the movie, “The Bucket List”, I had not heard of the term. Here were two elderly men who were terminally ill. Even though they bickered back and forth, they soon found themselves riding across the country with their bucket list of all the things that were left unfulÀlled in their lives. Their antics made us laugh, their realizations that the sunset of their lives was nearing completion, the tears they shed (along with us) brought sadness and joy…yet, ultimately, closure in knowing their bucket lists were complete and they found a friendship between them that would sustain them on their Ànal journey. So how does this movie and the implications relate to life? Quite simply put…it affords us to see who we really are and not what society perceives we are. With a list, we have the opportunity to be brave, courageous, risk takers, people that take responsibility for themselves.
We are expanding and are pleased to announce the latest member to the ilt family…
Albie Alexander
On my list, one of my tasks would be to learn how to swim…this is an unreasonable fear I have had since I was a child. Silly to some I am sure; however, fear is fear…no matter what it is wrapped up to look like. In my mind, a bucket list is something that speaks to the inner child that wants to be free to live on all levels of life. What are some of life’s experiences and challenges that excite you? What fears would you be willing to face if they were on your list? The idea of this bucket list has grown ever since I became a fan of The Amazing Race. Eleven teams racing around the world, meeting cultures rich in tradition, learning to face their fears, having fun and as well as setbacks. The one thing I do know, those that run this race will never look at life the same way. So, let’s start our own bucket list. One that has all our dreams, desires, fears, challenges and then set a date of completion. Perhaps, at some time in our lives, we will look inside that bucket and see it empty and yet knowing it is full of life’s many treasures. A bucket list…what a splendid idea. I hope you’ll come along for the challenge. When we face life head on our fear disappears.
Albie will be working hand in hand with us as we move forward to bring In Light Times to a larger audience. With over 30 years experience as an advertising consultant, Albie will play a major role in the expansion.
I gain another year in wisdom this month and already, my list is Àlling up…guess I best get started to truly living life.
We are conÀdent that once you meet him, you will have met a friend. Albie will help provide exposure for you and your business…it’s what he does.
May we celebrate all those we love…including ourselves. Many blessings my dear friends, take care. In Love & Light,
So, on behalf of Eugenia and myself…Welcome Albie, let the adventure begin!
PUBLISHER • EDITOR michelene K. Bell
ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eugenia Martini-Jarrett
GRAPHICS By EUGENIA 702-328-3722
ADVERTISING 702-480-1758
NATIONAL ADVISORy COUNCIL Dannion Brinkley • Alan Cohen Dr. Doreen Virtue ADVISORS •Dyana Ray • Michele Avanti • Gina Robison-Billups
WEBSITE IN LIGHT TIMES 310 Annabelle Ln., #247 Henderson, Nev. 89014
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Albie Alexander 702-480-1758
PAGE 4 • may, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES
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ON T E N T S 4 6
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May, 2012
Enlightening Views
The BuckeT LisT From The PuBLisher
micheLene k. BeLL
Before Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman…
mission comPLeTe
By Jason
The curse for many of us modern-day movers and shakers…
mechanics & miracLes
aLan cohen
A “Course in Miracles” de¿nes a miracle as “a shift in perception”. Miracles don’t alway change the facts…
BreaThe neW LiFe inTo your reLaTionshiP By andreW soBeL & Jerry Panas Have you ever had that experience?
9-sTePs To ProsPerous Thinking By Judi moreo We don’t always get to pick our relatives, but we certainly can…
deFining Who you are By angeL shadoW First trick in de¿ning who we are is becoming…
mosT BenevoLenT ouTcomes By Tom T. moore As we get older, one of the things we must face are more…
did you knoW? By unknoWn auThor
12 15
15 16 18
18 19
Did you know that…
Three PiLLars oF PersonaL PoWer By keiTh varnum What’s missing? I don’t get it! I chant and pray. I…
Gems for the Soul
A Mother • A rose For MAMA • A Mother’s Love
Feature Story
changing your concePT oF yourseLF
dr. Wayne W. dyer
“Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only…
Our(Ur) Pets & Animals Fun WiTh dog noses By caroLyn schWeiTzer Why caTs Purr see crediTs ask margo By margo hechT adoPT me PLeeze! By aLL Fur Love
Health Lights
…use Lemon Juice To rePLace Toxic chemicaLs in your home By e. WaLLing Ten creative ways to use lemon juice.
deTox & oxygenaTe your home WiTh PLanTs By eugenia m. JarreTT
21 22 20
23 24
Certain houseplants ¿lter the air in our homes of pollutants and…
ToP 7 naTuraL remedies To reduce choLesTeroL By JB BardoT
Natural remedies and cures for normal cholesterol levels.
sTroke symPToms & PossiBLe causes see crediT
When it comes to daily vitamin requirements, a number of essential vitamins are recommended…
marTiaL arTs FiTness By LaWrence BerkLey A low-impact way to develop the Mind, Body, Spirit.
The PhysicaL dynamics oF emoTions By vaishaLi
Emotions are a form of energy, and like all forms of energies they…
Books & Music Reviews 14 Sudoku Puzzle 15 Quick Reference Guide 26
Classifieds 27 Clarice’s Mystical Realm Astrology 28 Clarice’s Life Path Numerology 29
Light Happenings 30 Business Card Directory 31 Business Profiles 32 IN LIGHT TIMES • may, 2012 • PAGE 5
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Enlightening Views
By Jason Womack
By Shannon Peck
Five Ways to Know When You’re Done with What You’re Doing
he curse for many of us modernday movers and shakers is we never seem to have enough time to do everything that needs doing. There simply aren’t enough hours in the work day (or even the work week!) to accomplish everything on our to-do lists. Worse yet, when we Ànally do get on a productivity roll, there always seems to be a distraction (or two, or three) waiting in the wings to throw us off course. However, the reality is that we could actually accomplish a lot more each day if we would just learn to recognize and acknowledge when we’re done with what we’re doing. One of the biggest time wasters we all face is spending too much time on those things that don’t require it. When we do so, we lose the time we actually should be spending on more difÀcult or time-intensive tasks. But, if you learn to recognize when you’re done with a task, you’ll have valuable minutes and maybe even hours added back into your day. It often seems we put off the most important things on our to-do lists until we feel like we have the ‘time’ to work on them. When you learn to recognize you’re done with projects, big and small, you’ll immediately Ànd you have a lot more time than you thought you did…time you can use to focus on those things that truly matter. Five Ways to Know When You’re Done Stop majoring in the minors. Many of us spend a lot of time on those projects and tasks that are easy for us. Then, we convince ourselves that we “just didn’t have enough time” to get to the harder stuff. But, when it comes to knowing when you’re done and freeing up time during your day, completing these easy tasks quickly and efÀciently is essential. Before you start your work day, think about what your high and what low leverage activities are. For the low leverage activities, force yourself to move through them as quickly as possible. With these tasks—for example, writing an email to a colleague—perfection isn’t necessary, and there’s no need to waste time wringing your hands over every word. When you can accomplish these minor tasks more efÀciently, you’ll have the time you need to do those major tasks justice. Don’t overwrite emails. Much of your time—probably too much— each day gets eaten up by email. Make a conscious effort to keep your emails as short and sweet as possible. Get to the point quickly and use action verbs in subject lines so both you and the recipient know what needs to happen before the email is
even opened. And while long emails waste the time it takes you to write them, keep in mind the person receiving the email doesn’t want to have to spend so much time reading it either. Quit over-staying at meetings and on conference calls. Often meetings and conference calls will take as long as you’ve allotted for them. Set an hour for a meeting and you’re sure to go the full hour. Pay close attention to how much of your meeting is actually spent focused on the important stuff. If you spend 15 to 20 minutes at the beginning or end of the meeting discussing your coworker’s golf game, then next time reduce the amount of time allotted for the meeting. And always know the meeting’s or call’s objectives before you begin. That way you can get to them right away. Set your own deadlines and stick to them. It’s very easy to get distracted or sidetracked by things you think you should do or things others think you should do. Having a selfimposed deadline will help you ignore those distractions. If a colleague calls you about a non-urgent task, you can let him know you’ve got a 3:00pm deadline that you have to meet. There’s no need for him to know that it’s self-imposed! And then as 3:00pm draws near, start wrapping up that particular task. Know when it’s time to ask for help. Have you ever been stumped by a certain project or task? Did you walk away from it for a while and then come back to it hoping you’d suddenly know what to do? Sometimes knowing when you’re done is knowing when you, speciÀcally, can’t take a project any further. You simply might not have the right expertise to completely Ànish a certain project. And that’s okay. Wasting time on something you’re never going to be able to Àgure out is much worse than asking for help! When you put in place steps to help you know when you’re done, you’ll be surprised and pleased with how much, you can get done. It will truly free up time in your day. As a result, you’ll have a more gratifying work day and you’ll be happier overall. Jason W. Womack, MEd, MA, author of, Your Best Just Got Better: Work Smarter, Think Bigger, Make More provides practical methods to maximize tools, systems, and processes to achieve quality work and life balance. Jason shows that working longer hours doesn’t make up for a Áawed approach to productivity and performance. Entrepreneurs need to clarify their habits, build mindset-based strategies, and be proactive. For more information, visit www.
PAGE 6 • may, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES
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Enlightening Views Monthly Inspirations from
I have long been fascinated by the phenomenon of crop circles. In 1994 I made a pilgrimage to England to study the mysterious formations appearing consistently now for over 20 years. While the glyphs have been the subject of controversy and some have been fabricated by hoaxers, an intelligent study of them points sharply toward the expression of inter-dimensional intelligence. (For an illuminating overview of the state of the art in the crop circle phenomenon, watch the DVD, What on Earth? (www.
n e h o C n a Al
“Have you ever studied astronomy?” asked the professor. “I can’t say that I have,” answered the mystic. “Then you have wasted much of your life. By reading the constellations, a skilled captain can navigate a ship around the entire globe.” A few minutes later the learned one asked, “Have you ever studied meteorology?” “No, I haven’t.”
Michael Glickman, author of, The Bones of God, is a renowned architect who illuminates the sacred geometry behind the crop circles. Michael identiÀes two distinct camps of crop circle investigators: “One camp is founded in scientism, focused on the study of various chemical and electromagnetic forces associated with the circle formations. While that’s interesting, a far more signiÀcant camp explores the meaning of the formations. Who is communicating to us? What are they trying to tell us? How will this extraordinary phenomenon affect the destiny of humanity and enrich the quality of life on earth?” Whether or not you believe the crop circles are a paranormal communication, Glickman underscores a broader lesson in the distinction between mechanics and meaning. To know how things work is important. Yet knowing how things work is useless unless you know why things work. If you are obsessed with the details of life, you may miss the experience of life. “To receive the gift of a Rembrandt painting, you must let the painting speak to you,” Glickman suggests. “You feel it, absorb it, and live it. If you spend all your time analyzing the chemical composition of the paint, you miss the purpose of the painting.” This lesson is brought home by the SuÀ rascal-sage Nasrudin, who was traveling on a ferry boat when he was approached by a pompous intellectual.
“Well, then, you have wasted most of your life,” the academician chided. “Methodically capturing the wind can propel a sailing ship at astounding speeds.”
thrilled to receive a response from him. When she opens the envelope, however, she Ànds that he has simply corrected the spelling and grammar of her letter, the paper Àlled with red marks. He made no response to her communication. He analyzed the form, but missed the message. a Course in Miracles deÀnes a miracle as “a shift in perception.” Miracles don’t always change the facts of life, but they do change the viewing point of life. It’s possible to live in a miraculous universe, but not know it because you are looking elsewhere. C.S. Lewis declared, “Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.”
Our culture is saturated with mechanics while starving for meaning, Àlled with the mundane while famished for miracles. While the crop circles offer us signs in Àelds of wheat, the universe is offering us signs in the fields of our lives. One message on both Àelds might be to get our heads out from under the hood and catch a glimpse of the widening highway before us.
Alan Cohen is the author of many inspirational books, including, “Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment”. Join Alan for Metaphysics and Miracles, May 30–June 3 at the Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado. For information about this program and more, visit or phone 1-808-572-0001.
After a while the fellow inquired, “Have you ever studied oceanography?” “Not at all.” “Ah! What a waste of your time! Awareness of the currents helped many ancient peoples Ànd food and shelter.” A few minutes later Nasrudin approached the scholar and asked, “Have you ever studied swimming?” “Haven’t had the time,” the professor haughtily responded. “Then you have wasted all of your life — the boat is sinking.”
Your Key to Freedom Linda and Stacie invite you to a day of love, entertainment, empowerment, fun and amazing information. Linda, a psychic/medium, angel communicator and Stacie, transformational leader, speaker and author will bring you the wisdom of the Goddess. The day includes: Understand connection to Divine Source Understand spiritual laws of Divine Right Understand your emotions and the “unique” you The art and Àow of letting go Readings & Advice in a gallery forum + much more A Day of Empowerment Created Just For YOU!!
Considering the challenges facing humanity, one might wonder if it’s time to put less emphasis on activity and more emphasis on awakening. Less what and more why. The form of life is the chalice through which we drink the essence of life. In the classic Àlm, To Sir with Love, a high school student develops a crush on her English teacher. Eventually she gathers the courage to send him a love letter. A few days later she is
A “Course in Miracles” de¿nes a miracle as “a shift in perception.” Miracles don’t always change the facts of life, but …
May 5, 2012 9:30am - 5:30pm $78.00 Includes Lunch
Linda West Psychic Medium Angel Communicator Stacie Campanelli Transformational Expert Speaker/Author Order tickets:
Alexis Park Resort 702.796.3300 375 E. Harmon, Las Vegas
928.367.2040 LindaWest-Medium.Com IN LIGHT TIMES • may, 2012 • PAGE 7
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Enlightening Views
By Andrew Sobel & Jerry Panas Copyright © 2012
Have you ever had this experience? You’ve left the kids with a sitter for a rare “date night.” You’re all dressed up and sitting across from your spouse at a fancy restaurant. The wine has been uncorked, the entrees ordered, the obligatory pleasantries exchanged. Now what? Well, it’s pretty clear you’ve passed out of the “can’t stop talking and gazing into each other’s eyes” throes of new love. Aside from discussing the kids, complaining about work, or discussing which desserts look the best, you can’t think of a single meaningful thing to say. It’s true. When you’ve just met “the one,” conversation seems to flow effortlessly. Add ten years and a couple of kids and the proverbial cat gets your tongue. Maybe laundry undone and bills unpaid have crowded out topics like childhood dreams and the meaning of life…or maybe you’ve just gotten complacent. But nine times out of ten the spark can be revived—and you don’t have to wow your partner with your insights or intellect. You just have to ask the right questions. The intimacy that marriages and other healthy relationships thrive on comes not from flowery declarations of affection, love poems, romantic gifts, or even sex. No, it comes from taking a sincere interest in the other person and investing time to learn who they are and what they care about. Thoughtful questions are the way you achieve this goal. Power questions are called that because they give power to your conversations and to the other person. They make you stop talking and start listening. They help you learn things about a loved one that—I guarantee you—you didn’t know. And best of all, they make the other person feel loved, valued, and worthwhile.
about mindless trivia. You’re talking about the stuff that lights us on Àre! 8. What would you say gives you the most fulfillment in your life? This comes at passion from a slightly different angle from the previous question. Maybe the answer will be the same. Maybe not. But a conversation about what fulÀlls us in our lives is always a rich and rewarding one.
One of the greatest gifts you can give someone—a spouse, a child, a friend—is to share with them why you think they are so special. Why you treasure them. Why you love being around them. question—deceptive because of its power. Most are afraid to ask it. What if the answer is something we don’t want to hear? And yet, the conversation it sets in motion can transform lives in exciting ways. 2. What would you say has been the happiest day of your life? (and Why did you choose that day?) Think of this question as the start of a much longer conversation. Why did the person choose that particular day? What other days have been happy ones? What is happiness, for him or her, anyway? Is it the same thing as joy or contentment? Allow an hour at least! Sometimes we have huge misconceptions about our partner—even if it’s someone we’ve lived with for 30 years. You may discover you have been projecting your own feelings and beliefs onto him or her. 3. Can you tell me about your plans? We are all so FULL of our own plans. Our own priorities. Our own goals. Our own stories. When we really, truly focus on our partner—not just use what he or she says as a springboard to talk about ourselves—we learn amazing things.
If you have a spouse or signiÀcant other, try these questions. If you don’t have a romantic partner at the moment, they also will impact anyone else you love—a parent, a child, or just a good friend.
Ask this about anything: the other person’s career, their upcoming vacation, their weekend. Instead of talking about your plans—or what you think the other person’s plans should be—ask the questions and just listen.
1. What are your dreams? Sit down with a cup of coffee—or a glass of wine—and allow some silence. Smile warmly. Ask this question with no elaboration— don’t mess it up with other words. Then wait.This is a deceptively simple
4. What do you think… (about this idea, news event, etc.)? My coauthor on Power Questions, Jerry Panas, calls these the FOUR WORDS. They are very simple: ‘What do you think?’ You’d be surprised how many are
never or rarely asked these four words. They can unleash a marvelous conversation—and help you make a warm connection. 5. What do you wish you could spend more time on each week? Less time? Actually, this is a good one to ask if you got a blank stare or an eye roll when you asked your partner about his or her dreams. In some ways you’re asking the same thing—just in more pragmatic language. I ask this question a lot in business relationships and I Ànd it gets the other person talking about what they really love and enjoy in their lives. I get to know them so much better. An added beneÀt, when you ask it of a partner, is that sometimes you can help them Àgure out a way to change their dayto-day reality. 6. Can you tell me something about yourself that I don’t already know—and that might surprise me? This question can reveal surprising, even astonishing things about someone you thought you knew well. A friend of mine once answered this by telling me ‘I spent a night in jail in Lubbock, Texas’. Someone else said, ‘I rode on Air Force One with President Lyndon B. Johnson’. Yet a third revealed, ‘I had been jilted the day before my planned wedding!’ Try it out yourself. You may not Ànd out anything that dramatic—but then again, you might! 7. Right now, what are you most passionate or excited about in your life? This is what I call a ‘passion question’. When you tap into people’s passions, they come alive and the conversation comes alive. All of a sudden you’re not just chit-chatting
9. What are you doing this week that I could help you with or support you on? Even if the answer is nothing, you’ll make the other person feel supported and loved. If there is something—well, it’s a good day when you can identify how to help someone else. Remember, ‘from everyone to whom much is given, much shall be required’. Maybe you can run an errand for your spouse. Or help a friend with an unpleasant task. It could be that simple. 10. May I share with you the reasons why I love you so much? (or, value you so much as a friend?; or, enjoy spending time with you?; or, am so proud of you?; etc.) Think this one through beforehand. Really ponder it. One of the greatest gifts you can give someone—a spouse, a child, a friend—is to share with them why you think they are so special. Why you treasure them. Why you love being around them. This one is powerful. Go for it. So… pick a question (or two or three of them) and give it a try. It may feel a little uncomfortable at Àrst; however, it will get amazing results. And it sure beats carrying on a monologue about your workday, discussing your child’s geometry grade, or sitting in uncomfortable silence. Power questions create power conversations…which create deep relationships.
About the Authors: Andrew Sobel is a published author and an acclaimed keynote speaker who delivers idea-rich, high-energy speeches and seminars at major conferences and events. Andrew’s book, “Power Questions” was co-authored with Jerry Panas. Andrew can be reached at Jerry Panas is the author of 13 popular books, including “Power Questions” and the all-time bestsellers, “Asking” and “Mega Gifts”. He is founder and chairman of the board of the Institute for Charitable Giving, one of the most significant providers of training in philanthropy. Visit:
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9-Steps Prosperous Thinking to
Enlightening Views By Judi Moreo
Original Title… Associate for Success
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can be great.” Mark Twain
Who are your friends? Who are your associates? With whom do you spend the most time? We don’t always get to pick our relatives, but we certainly can chose who we seek out for friendship. Many of us haven’t chosen our friends. We’ve just acquired them…through work, school, or association. In many instances, negative people have somehow inÀltrated themselves into our lives. It is of uppermost importance to associate with positive people and avoid the negative ones. We learn our behaviors, habits, mannerisms, speech patterns, verbiage, manners or lack of them from the people with whom we spend the most time. People who succeed put themselves in the company of people who are striving to succeed. People who fail often hang around with people who have no goals and no ambition. Success breeds success If you associate with successful people, you will learn from them and you will likely become successful, too. Successful people often present opportunities to people they know. The people with whom you associate should be people who are interesting and have a positive outlook toward life. You should also be able to contribute something of value to their lives.
If you want to be successful, surround yourself with successful people. Go to events where you know there will be people who have already reached the goals you would like to reach; introduce yourself to others and start conversations. If you introduce yourself to enough people, you will surely make some new positive, interesting friends. When I wanted to become a speaker, I joined the National Speakers Association in order to associate with top notch speakers and learn from them. Later, I decided I wanted to write books as well, so I attended a writer’s conference and then joined a local writer’s group.
9 Steps to Prosperous Thinking • Get quiet, meditate, and make a mental picture of the highest degree of Ànancial success that you wish to achieve.
independence have already come true on the mental plane by the time you desire them or become aware of them.
• Who makes things happen? • Which friends or associates are just getting by?
• Remind yourself often that if others have attained Ànancial independence, so can you.
If you Ànd there are negative people on your list, don’t worry. You don’t have to go right out and dump your friends. Think in terms of acquiring new friends and acquaintances who are positive and are headed where you want to go.
• Remember, every good thing already exists in the realm of substance. Through high expectancy, mental images, prosperous thought and action, you can bring forth whatever you wish. Mind Workout Make a list of people with whom you usually associate. Then beside their names, write down their most outstanding characteristic. • Whom would you like to emulate? • Who is interesting? • Who is negative or bad mouths others? • Who complains a lot?
Judi Moreo is a Motivational Keynote speaker who doesn’t just talk about success but lives it! A speaker of both substance and style, Judi combines her wealth of knowledge and expertise with the inspiration of a motivational speaker and the humor of an entertainer to bring you a program guaranteed to enrich the lives of all who hear her. Visit:
• Build a mental picture of what you really want. • Keep your inner plans to yourself. • Proceed to take steps toward your mental picture of financial independence. • Do NOT become anxious, excited, or emotionally upset if you don’t immediately get the results you want. • Persevere in making your mental image of financial independence come forth, in whatever ways are revealed to you. • Realize your dreams of financial
SUBSCRIPTION ANNOUNCEMENT After all these years we have attempted to keep the costs down for our yearly subscription…despite increased postage. We have no choice but to increase rates for the subscriptions starting with the May, 2012 issue. Starting in May, 2012 the cost of a yearly subscription will be: Domestic $30/year Canadian $38/year Foreign $65/year IN LIGHT TIMES • may, 2012 • PAGE 9
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Enlightening Views
By Angel Shadow
Defining Who You Are
do that is up to you, just make sure you aren’t trying to deÀne someone else’s reality before you have a chance to deÀne your own.
trick in deÀning who we are is becoming aware of our emotional responses. It’s our emotions that cause us to react the way we do, so it’s important to determine what our emotional triggers are. Most of these reactions stem from programmed responses due to unresolved past issues. When we are unable to release past hurts, angers and resentments, we carry them with us. When a similar situation occurs in the future, we automatically pull that Àle and react in a way that is self-protecting. By becoming aware of these emotional reactions, we take a step closer to deÀning who we are and why we act the way we do. In addition to remaining aware of what you’re projecting onto others, you need to be aware of what you’re allowing others to project onto you. Do you absorb everything that comes your way, even if it doesn’t belong to you? If so, be careful not to let the emotional responses of others dictate your own reactions. It’s easy to become wrapped up in someone else’s drama, so start noticing if your emotions are coming from something inside you or if they’re a projection of someone else. You have to release the energy that becomes stored within you. How you
High Wisdom Consultations
Choose your battles wisely. Use any unresolved hurt, anger or resentment issues to help you come to terms with what’s really going on. It may seem to revolve around another individual, but they are simply the opportunity for you to learn. It all comes down to you; you are the only one responsible for who you are and what you become. It doesn’t matter if the other individual agrees. Everyone is on their own path. Allow them their lessons, in their own time. When you bring your focus on your own issues, you’re helping yourself and when you help and heal yourself, you become better equipped to help others. Society is taking a zero tolerance stance. What no longer works is being tossed aside or at least fought with a fevered vengeance. Be a part of the solution and use this zero tolerance energy wisely. How are the changes helping you and society as a whole? What are you willing to stand for? Don’t be afraid to let your voice be heard, just be aware that you eventually become what you speak, so make decisions that are in the best interest of all involved. SelÀsh motives no longer work and will be uncovered quickly. Keep in mind there are times when it’s alright to remain quietly aware. When a solution comes, you will know what role you’re intended to play. Sometimes, the answer is in the silence. We just don’t quiet our minds long enough to hear it. Another way to deÀne who you are is by the examples you set. Younger generations go through a difÀcult time when they are trying to Ànd themselves and their purpose in life. They may think they have all the answers, but they don’t. Experience will be their teacher and part of those experiences stem from the examples that are set by others, because examples are programmed and followed and become a way of life. Some will argue the “Indigo Children” issue here and I’m not disputing their existence, but not every child being born in today’s society is of the Indigo energy. The one’s that are will make themselves known early on by their actions. They will be the ones setting the examples and if we’re wise, we’ll be listening. These are children mature beyond their age, with a wisdom of life that other children will not seem to have. They are an exception to the rule. Regardless of whether a child is of the Indigo energy or not, positive examples need to be set. If past examples are no longer working, changes need to be made, but always remain aware of what message you’re projecting. Future generations depend on it. DeÀning who you are is your responsibility and it extends to those around you, so take that responsibility seriously. It’s also important you harm no one in the process. If you’re spending time working on yourself and your own issues, you’ll have less time to judge another. DeÀne who you are Àrst and then bring that example forward, enriching the lives of those around you.
with Kathryn
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Discern your soul lessons Call or make appt. online PAGE 10 • may, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES
MAY.indd 10
4/26/12 10:09 AM
Enlightening Views By Tom T. Moore Copyright 2012
Most Benevolent outcoMes
Original Title: A Simple Tool For Your Toolbox
As we get older, one of the things we must face are more trips to a hospital for any variety of reasons. This happened to me recently when I went in for arthroscopic knee surgery to repair a torn cartilage brought on by years of skiing. After a vacation this past September to Orlando’s amusement centers and St. Petersburg, Florida, I could barely walk. Certainly there’s stress involved with any type of procedure, but I’m going to give you a simple tool you can use not only in serious circumstances, but for ANY situation, no matter how mundane for the rest of your life. It is requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) each time you go anywhere or do anything. As an example, before I left for the hospital I said out loud, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for my drive to the hospital, thank you!” Now I believe my own Guardian Angel handled that request, but you can believe the request is going to God, Allah, Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Vishnu, or any other deity. It does not matter, because IT WORKS! Before the surgery I said, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for this surgery, and may the results be even better than I can hope for or expect, thank you!” You’ll Ànd a calmness comes over you, and it tremendously lowers the stress and fear factors. I was so calm for this surgery I dozed off waiting for the doctor in the pre-op room. I also said what I call a Benevolent Prayer for the doctors and nurses to perform the operation perfectly. It went well and in the recovery room I even serenaded the nurses with a couple of oldies. I requested a MBO when I started rehab, and was assigned the most experienced physical therapist at the facility. In 2006 I was scheduled to travel to Houston, Texas to give a talk about my Àrst book, but I had a nagging cough, and went to my doctor to have him prescribe an inhaler. He checked me over and said, “Tom, I’m not going to prescribe the inhaler; you have congestive heart failure and you’re going downstairs and check yourself into the hospital.” I replied, “Well I’m glad I wore my clean undies today Doc!” Naturally I requested a MBO for the heart problem. They Àrst tried to shock my heart back into normal rhythm, but on awakening they said it didn’t work. I didn’t worry, as I KNEW something better was on the way. They brought in an electrocardiologist and he did an ablation procedure to bring the heart back to normal rhythm, and a year later he performed another one that allowed me off all my heart medications. These requests work quite simply. When you request a Benevolent Outcome, you’re saying you would like a speciÀc outcome, and that benevolent being on the other side knows what’s in your best short term and long term interests, so you’re turning the request over to that spiritual entity. If you ever watched “THE SECRET” movie, this simple tool is better than any modality presented in the Àlm. One lady wrote to me and said that The Law of Attraction was like driving an old Ford Pinto and requesting MBO’s was like driving a Ferrari—both may get you there but the Ferrari will get you there a lot faster! I’ve requested 15,000 or more MBO’s in the last 15 years, so I can say they work PERFECTLY, even when at Àrst it does not seem so. Months later you’ll see something better come along. You can request Benevolent Outcomes for the perfect job for you, the perfect home, and even the perfect mate! You can request them in business situations and even when you feel in danger. But I do recommend starting with the mundane requests, such as a parking space in front of a busy restaurant or store, your drives to work or the mall, a seat on a bus or train, and around town. This achieves two things: First, you will build up a trust that this actually works for you, and secondly, it will get you in the habit of requesting MBO’s, so when some emergency or very serious event happens in your life the Àrst thing you’ll do is the request a MBO. Have fun experimenting with requesting MBO’s. This will change your life for the better, and will make the rest of your years much less stressful and more successful!
Unknown Author
d i D ? u o Y
Did You Know?
Did you know those who spend their time protecting others are the ones that really need someone to protect them? Did you know the three most dif¿cult things to say are: I love you, sorry and help me. The people who say these word are actually in need of them or really feel them, and are the ones you really need to treasure, because they have said them. Did you know people who occupy themselves by keeping others company or helping others are the ones that actually need your company and help? Did you know those who dress in red are more con¿dent in themselves? Did you know those who dress in yellow are those that enjoy their beauty? Did you know those who dress in black, are those who want to be unnoticed and need your help and understanding?
Did you know when you help someone, the help is returned two-fold? Did you know those who need more of you are those that don’t mention it to you? Did you know it’s easier to say what you feel in writing than saying it to someone face-to-face? But did you know it has more value when you say it to their face? Did you know what is most dif¿cult for you to say or do is much more valuable than anything you can buy with money? Did you know you can make your dreams come true, like falling in love, becoming rich, staying healthy, if you ask for it by faith, and if you really knew, you’d be surprised by what you could do. Did you know that you could always count on me? At the moment, time and place that you need me, call me, I will be there with you! One day, we will change the world...or we are already changing it.
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Tom T. Moore is an entertainment industry CEO, speaker, frequent radio guest, and author of THE GENTLE WAY: A Self-Help Guide For Those Who Believe In Angels and THE GENTLE WAY II: The Story Continues, plus a weekly blog. For more information, visit: IN LIGHT TIMES • may, 2012 • PAGE 11
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Enlightening Views Can you give yourself acceptance, patience and understanding right now? This means deciding to love yourself for who you are, instead of who you wish you were. This is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. And with this gift comes the power to create all your dreams. What’s missing? I don’t get it! I chant and pray. I meditate, exercise and do yoga every day. I go to godzillion workshops. Why don’t I feel better? Why don’t I have the love, money and health I want? Where is the direct connection with Spirit I crave? Sound familiar? If so, help is on the way. I’ve spent the last forty years exploring techniques to awaken the abundance of life for my clients and myself. I’ve identiÀed three vital ingredients for happiness and success that are often missing in people’s pursuit of Nirvana. I call these key elements the “3 Pillars of Personal Power.” Passion, Clarity and Self Love Three dynamic sources of Universal Life Force that are often blocked or underdeveloped are Passion, Clarity and Self Love. I Ànd these three qualities necessary for a firm foundation on which to build a personal Crystal Palace of Creative Power. Personal Power increases expo-
nentially when its supporting pillars are developed in a systematic, synchronistic and simultaneous way. When one or more of these grounding posts are frail, the whole structure is weak and can fail or collapse. When one or more of these essential cornerstones is missing, it’s very hard—if not impossible— for us to create, let alone sustain prosperity, physical vitality or fulÀlling relationships. Lacking one of these pillars can abort your whole lift off. But once you Àrmly install these foundational qualities into your being, you can take off and Áy as high as you want to go! Passion for Pizzazz Personal power is the ability to attract what we chose to have in life. It means that we have authority (authorship) over the script of our life…as in the head screenwriter of a movie. We are in command of our earthly dominion, master of our destiny.
By Keith Varnum
Being the ruler of our world, in charge of our fate, requires energy, might, strength, stamina. In other words, power in its basic, raw sense. Your cosmic destiny rocket needs fuel to take off. You need a source of energy that can propel you into a permanent orbit. You need a source of thrust to overcome the gravitational pull of cultural and personal programming… the limiting beliefs and feelings that keep us earthbound. To generate a whole lifetime of adventure and wonder, we need a vast source for this energy, a deep well of power. Fortunately, we all possess such an inÀnite reserve of creative power; the passion we feel for our true calling, our life purpose.
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$1.00 from the sale of each angel is donated to “BRAINS” a pediatric brain tumor research fund
Your deep excitement for expressing your unique spirit can lift you to the heights. This passion provides the power to reach your dream. Enthusiasm funds the dream. Exhilaration feeds the dream. Your exuberance attracts the people and assistance to build your castle. The electricity of your enjoyment of your special adventure lights you up from the inside. Your inner radiance shines through. People are enticed by your eagerness, your inner Àre, your glow. The joy of selfexpression is your secret juice. Natural charisma acts like a magnet to draw in the human and Ànancial support you need to soar. Authentic aliveness is very contagious. As you take off, you feel ever more vigorous and enthralled. High on life, you have the vitality to meet any challenge. And your ever-deepening delight Àlls up every pore of your being so that doubt and fear cannot Ànd a place to reside in your holy temple. Haven’t quite Àgured out where your passion lies? Focus less on your skills
(what you can do) or your resume (what you have done). Instead, tune into the aspects of your life that feel light, easy, Áowing, open and fun. What activities fascinate, intrigue or thrill you? What types of things did you love to do as a child? What activities have spark and aliveness for you now? Open to Clarity Your personal dream links the key passions that drive you forward with the core message you are here in this life to express. To reach your intended destination, your space mission needs clear direction, clear vision. If you’re not certain where you want to go, you end up in the wrong place. And, if you can’t see your way distinctly, you’ll go off course. Without clarity of mind, you’ll make bad decisions. Bad decisions = bad outcomes. Clarity is purity of mind—lucid thinking or intuiting. With true clarity, the way to act is apparent, deÀnite and unmistakable. It’s evident and easy to discern what to do. Clarity is free from ambiguity and confusionthe right path is unencumbered, unobstructed, unclouded. The best options are obvious when we are super clear-headed. Each person arrives at clarity in her or his own way. Some people “see” the correct direction to take. Other people “feel” their way through the myriad of life choices. Others “intuit” their best course of action. Some lucky folks simply “know” what to do each step of the way without any kind of process. When you are clear about your life calling, then you are really listening to your soul, which lets synchronicity operate in your favor! Continued On Next Page *
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Enlightening Views
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What is your current vision for your life? What do you hold important and sacred in life? What would give your life a sense of meaning and purpose? In what ways do you already create, improvise and express naturally and easily? What daily activities help you keep your head clear? Enjoy Self Love Feeling good about yourself is perhaps the most important ingredient for Personal Power and Success. Why? Because without loving yourself enough to feel you deserve happiness, you won’t let yourself have it. When and where did you decide you weren’t worthy of love, prosperity or vibrant health? As a coach for 40 years, I’m shocked by how many of my clients share with me that one or both of their parents told them daily “You’ll never amount to anything!” What did your parents, siblings and schoolmates tell you that invalidates your sense of worth? Listen to your own self-talk. What self-limitations do you Ànd yourself unconsciously repeating to yourself silently or under your breath? Are you willing to open to the possibility that your life could be fun, easy and abundant? Do you possess the drive, clarity and power to re-choose a better destiny … to choose to be compassionate
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with yourself? … to know that you do deserve the good things in life? It’s vital to undo the unconscious judging of yourself. It’s helpful to hang with encouraging people who support your true spirit and nature. Spend time with folks on the same wavelength, with similar values and aspirations for life. Be accessible to the richness of energy-giving situations. Be inaccessible to energy-draining people and activities. Enthusiasm is contagious, but so is pessimism. Avoid the Nay Sayers and seek out others who share your passion for living life on your own terms. Can you give yourself acceptance, patience and understanding right now? This means deciding to love yourself for who you are, instead of who you wish you were. This is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. And with this gift comes the power to create all your dreams.
Keith Varnum shares his 30 years of practical success as an author, personal coach, acupuncturist, filmmaker, radio host, restaurateur, vision quest guide and international seminar leader with “The Dream Workshops”. Keith helps people get the love, money, and health they want with his F-r-e-e Prosperity Ezine, F-r-e-e Abundance Tape and F-r-e-e Coaching at IN LIGHT TIMES • may, 2012 • PAGE 13
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Books Music &
Books That Make A Difference
Browse through these and hundreds of the newest, most intriguing, motivating and inspiring books and Music that are available in the online In Light Times Book Store
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Kaya explains: My questioning was so intense that I could have gone crazy. For years, in life of solitude, I studied the symbols from every angle, like a mathematician trying to decode an enigma. But the real enigma was me...I had to understand my fears, my joys, my weaknesses that were appearing in form of symbols, both in my dreams and in my daily life. I found one of the Àrst keys the day I told myself: If everything I see and know can appear in my dreams, then physical and metaphysical worlds involve the same symbols. There was a code. Now, I know the code... KAYA is one of the most prestigious dream interpreters of our time, whose books and lecture CD’s have sold over a million copies in countries throughout the world. His consultation in sought by celebrities, dignitaries and leaders. His unique technique emerged during a period of living like a hermit, giving his full attention to the study and interpretation of his dreams. Kaya developed an extraordinary capacity to interpret dreams, tapping into ancient wisdoms which he has documented and translated into his literature. Now Kaya’s worldwide expertise in understanding symbolic language is accessible to everyone.
Drop Dead Healthy By A. J. Jacobs
DROp DEAD HEALTHY: ONE MAN'S H U M B L E Q U E S T F O R B O D I LY pERFECTION. From the bestselling author of The Year of Living Biblically and The Know-It-All comes the true and truly hilarious story of one person’s quest to become the healthiest man in the world. Hospitalized with a freak case of tropical pneumonia, goaded by his wife telling him, “I don’t want to be a widow at fortyfive,” and ashamed of a middle-aged body best described as “a python that swallowed a goat,” A.J. Jacobs felt compelled to change his ways and get healthy. And he didn’t want only to lose weight, or Ànish a triathlon, or lower his cholesterol. His ambitions were far greater: maximal health from head to toe. The task was epic. He consulted an army of experts— sleep consultants and sex clinicians, nutritionists and dermatologists. He subjected himself to dozens of different workouts—from Strollercize classes to Finger Fitness sessions, from bouldering with cavemen to a treadmill desk. And he took in a cartload of diets: raw foods, veganism, high protein, calorie restriction, extreme chewing, and dozens more. He bought gadgets and helmets, earphones and juicers. He poked and he pinched. He counted and he measured. The story of his transformation is not only brilliantly entertaining, but it just may be the healthiest book ever written. It will make you laugh until your sides split and endorphins Áood your bloodstream. It will alter the contours of your brain, imprinting you with better habits…
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Gems for the Soul
A Mother A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of
The Great Truths of Life
prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness and cause peace to return to our hearts.
~ Washington Irving
A Rose Fo Mama A man stopped at a Áower shop to order some Áowers to be wired to his mother who lived two hundred miles away. As he got out of his car he noticed a young girl sitting on the curb sobbing. He asked her what was wrong and she replied, “I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother. But I only have seventy-Àve cents, and a rose costs two dollars.” The man smiled and said, “Come on in with me. I’ll buy you a rose.” He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mother’s Áowers. As they were leaving he offered the girl a ride home. She said, “Yes, please! You can take me to my mother.” She directed him to a cemetery, where she placed the rose on a freshly dug grave. The man returned to the Áower shop, canceled the wire order, picked up a bouquet and drove the two hundred miles to his mother’s house.
A Mother’s Love A little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was Àxing supper and handed her a piece of paper that he had been writing on. After his Mom dried her hands on an apron, she read it, and this is what it said: For cutting the grass: $5.00 For cleaning up my room this week: $1.00 For going to the store for you: $.50 Baby-sitting my kid brother while you went shopping: $.25 Taking out the garbage: $1.00 For getting a good report card: $5.00 For cleaning up and raking the yard: $2.00 Total owed: $14.75 Well, his mother looked at him standing there, and the boy could see the memories Áashing through her mind. She picked up the pen, turned over the paper he’d written on, and this is what she wrote: For the nine months I carried you while you were growing inside me: No Charge For all the nights that I’ve sat up with you, doctored and prayed for you: No Charge For all the trying times, and all the tears that you’ve caused through the years: No Charge For all the nights that were Àlled with dread, and for the worries I knew were ahead: No Charge For the toys, food, clothes, and even wiping your nose: No Charge Son, when you add it up, the cost of my love is: No Charge When the boy Ànished reading what his mother had written, there were big tears in his eyes, and he looked straight at his mother and said, “Mom, I sure do love you.” And then he took the pen and in great big letters he wrote: “PAID IN FULL”.
Author Unknown
You will never how much your parents worth till you become a parent Be a giver not an asker, especially with your parents. there is a lot to give besides money. -Author Unkown
Answers on Pg 27
IN LIGHT TIMES • may, 2012 • PAGE 15
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Feature Story
By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Excerpted from Wishes FulÀlled
Changing Your Concept of Yourself
resists being fenced in—and when you attempt to contain it with rules and obligations, it is miserable. Your invisible self is extraordinary because it is a fragment of the universal soul, which is inÀnite. The part of you that knows you have greatness, and is stirred by the idea of you expanding and removing any and all limitations, is what I am addressing in “Wishes FulÀlled”. This is your new self-concept, one that is inspired by your soul. So let’s take a look at this idea and then examine what you need to do in order to make your selfconcept congruent with how you want to live your life, and the powerful role you can begin to assume as a co-fulÀller of all your rational/sensible wishes and desires.
“Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind—that is, by your concept of What Is Your Self-Concept? yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept Simply put, your concept of yourself is everything you believe to be true. And everything you believe to be true about yourself has landed you precisely and consent to as true.” ~ Neville
here’s a level of awareness available that you are probably unfamiliar with. It extends upward and transcends the ordinary level of consciousness that you’re most accustomed to. At this higher plane of existence, the fulfillment of wishes is not only probable—it is guaranteed. When entering into that realm, you have much more say over what comes into your life than you might have envisioned. After 18 months in relative seclusion, studying, meditating, and literally experiencing what it’s like to live in this miraculous plane of existence beyond anything that might be labeled “ordinary” or “normal,” I’ve undertaken this joyous task of writing about having wishes fulÀlled. I’ve seen Àrsthand how virtually every wish or desire I’ve placed my attention on has transformed from a mental thought into an objective fact. However, I’m not proposing memorizing an esoteric formula leading to a theoretical nirvana. My emphasis is that manifestation is real and it occurs when you make a speciÀc decision to change your mind about who you are and what is possible for you to achieve within these parentheses in eternity called your life. I’m inviting you to be receptive to a radical new idea about yourself. It’s radical because ever since you left your mother’s womb, you’ve been subjected to cultural conditioning designed to help you be content with living a “normal life” at the level of ordinary consciousness, which generally means accepting whatever life hands you. In many ways you’ve been programmed to believe that you do not possess the wisdom or ability to manifest the fulÀllment of your wishes and desires. I am saying this as clearly as I know how…there’s
a plane of awareness that you can opt to live at, wherein you can, if you are willing to change your concept of yourself as an ordinary being, find yourself fulÀlling any and all wishes you have for yourself. I’ll explore with you what I’ve studied, learned, internalized, practiced, and, yes, lived regarding the powers of manifestation. It begins with changing your concept of yourself. I would like to offer a few words on these two concepts of ordinary and extraordinary. Ordinary is, well, so ordinary. It means you do all the things your culture and family have programmed you to do. It implies you Àt in, study hard, follow the rules, take care of your obligations, Àll out the forms, pay your taxes, get a job, and do what every law-abiding citizen does; and then you retire, play with your grandchildren, and then you die. I want to emphasize that there is absolutely nothing wrong with this scenario—it is perfectly Àne—but if it were completely acceptable for you, you wouldn’t be reading this. Extraordinary encompasses most of ordinary, since we all live in the same physical world. There will be forms to Àll out, rules that demand our obedience, bills to pay, and family obligations to attend. But extraordinary consciousness is associated with your soul, that invisible, boundary less energy that looks out from behind your eyeballs and has very different interests than your ordinary self does. The ideal of your soul, the thing it yearns for, is not more knowledge. It is not interested in comparison, nor winning, nor light, nor ownership, nor even happiness. The ideal of your soul is space, expansion, and immensity, and the one thing it needs more than anything else is to be free to expand, to reach out and to embrace the inÀnite. Why? Because your soul is inÀnity itself. It has no restrictions or limitations—it
where you live and breathe every day of your life. Your beliefs about yourself are like the ingredients in a recipe that you use to create your self-concept. Those ingredients or beliefs fall into two speciÀc categories: your outer self-concept and your inner self-concept.
Your Outer Self-Concept
These ingredients include everything you accept as truth concerning what the physical you is capable of. There’s probably a certain amount of intellectual acumen that you agree is necessary to your outer self-concept. Smart, perhaps, but not really a genius—more capable in some areas than others, such as technological knowledge. Maybe you add a measure of writing ability, but detect more Áuency with numbers and mathematical problem solving than your ability to write prose. Your beliefs about your outer self may be well seasoned and strong in some areas and almost hopelessly incapacitated or weak in others. You very likely have a conceptual framework of just how smart you are and have carried that belief with you since you were a youngster in elementary school. Your outer concept of yourself includes everything you believe about your innate and learned talents and abilities. Your beliefs about your clumsiness, coordination, athleticism, and musical and artistic talents are a partial list of the ingredients that comprise the recipe of you. These descriptors also apply to everything else about your outer self. Your outer self-concept includes how you view yourself in relationship to health: your immunity to, or inclination toward, illnesses of all descriptions. You know if you are prone to being overweight or addicted to various substances such as sugar, caffeine, fat, meat, dairy, and the like. You deÀne yourself as prone to catching colds or immune to such things, likely to gain weight, inclined toward skin rashes, or predisposed to low energy or high sleep requirements.
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Feature Story We have assured the indwelling Self that it can be anything it accepts and has faith in, and we are now about to develop the habit of choosing only those thoughts and ideas that will constructively add good unto it. you to scratch your forehead, or pick up a pencil, or move your feet on a dance Áoor, or any of the inÀnite commands that your mind is capable of directing all day, every day, and for as long as you are alive.
The point is, your outer self-concept comprises essentially everything you believe your body is capable or incapable of. Given a true/false test on yourself, you’d be able to say with certainty, Yes, these things are true about me. They are the beliefs— the ingredients—that you use to create you. In addition to your intellect, talents, and physical body traits, you spice up your outer self-conception with your personality traits. You know if you’re assertive or shy, loud or quiet, pushy or obsequious, fearful or courageous, daring or frightened—and this is only a partial list of personality descriptors or spices. These individual qualities are interpreted as truisms deÀning yourself and how you function socially. I could continue detailing all the other ingredients that go into making your outer self-concept, but I’ve chosen to keep this short, succinct, and to the point. I’m simply encouraging you to recognize your self-concept contains a myriad of self-descriptors regarding this thing you call your physical body, and you probably regard them as absolute truth.
Your Inner Self-Concept
This category can be pretty difÀcult to achieve in optimal proportions in our culture. Your inner selfconcept involves your beliefs about the invisible energy and intelligence that is the most signiÀcant portion of your being. I’ve often referred to the inner world as, “the ghost in the machine.” The machine, in my conceptualization is your body and its Àve senses, as well as all the physical components that make up your body. The tissue, bones, rivers of Áuids, organs, teeth, brain, and everything else are all the machine. And within this machine is an invisible “I” that you call mind or spirit comprised of thoughts that direct the machine. I once had a conversation with a neurosurgeon who was disputing the presence of this invisible world by saying that he’d cut into thousands of bodies and had never seen a soul. I remember his awkward look when I asked him if he’d ever seen a thought while he was poking around inside a brain. Obviously there’s an invisible inner as well as an outer part of your being. You have a conceptualization of yourself that involves this formless invisible portion and you have a pretty speciÀc idea about just how far this inner portion of yourself can take you. You may believe your thinking apparatus is pretty phenomenal, though not understanding exactly what it is—inside or surrounding you—that allows
You also have a self-concept about what your inner energetic ghost cannot do. Is it capable of thinking itself out of a serious disease, or is that just a lot of nonsense? Can your invisible intelligence, your imagination, perform feats of alchemy? Does your self-concept contain the power to perform great—or even magical—acts of transformation? Your self-concept is a blend of your beliefs regarding your connection to a higher power. You believe something about the existence or nonexistence of God. You have various points of view about how far faith can carry you. Whether or not there is anything within you that you can or cannot rely on to perform mystical or miraculous things is seasoned by your beliefs. You have acquired speciÀc beliefs concerning the power of your mind. You’re generally conÀdent that you can rely on your invisibleness to do the ordinary things in life such as remember an unseen list of items stored somewhere in your memory, and items to pick up on your way home from work. But what do your beliefs cook up about your ability to create miracles? Is healing your body, or manifesting a long-desired soul mate, an ingredient in your self-concept? Take a moment to examine that unseen list stored away in your mind. Ask yourself, “Where is it? How did I put it there? Where is the place I’m calling “there”? What powers am I using to recall it? Where do these powers come from?” This is the list of ingredients you use to create your inner self-concept. You might then want to open to there being other beliefs or ingredients you want to include, and contemplate other ways to season your life. The fact is, an invisible list involves a catalog of inexplicable miracles you take for granted every day. Your inner self-concept tells you what you believe your mind is capable of, and what it’s incapable of as well. You know your mind, that invisible ghost in the machine, is unfathomable. But you also know there are certain limits to what it can and cannot do. Have you ever considered how you are creating your life with this inner self-concept’s list of ingredients? If it seems interesting to consider some changes, read on.
Changing Your Concept of Yourself If you would like to become a person who has the capacity to have all your wishes fulÀlled, it will be necessary to move to that higher plane of existence where you are a co-creator of your life. This means that you’ll need to undertake what is often presumed to be the difÀcult task of changing your concept of yourself. Recall that your concept of yourself is everything you believe to be true about your inner and outer self. Those beliefs have created the life you’re now
living—at what I call an ordinary level of awareness. To move into the extraordinary space requires you to change what you believe is true. This can be a laborious project and an undertaking that, in my experience, few people are eager or willing to take on. Neville Goddard, a popular speaker on metaphysical themes from the late ’30s captured the sheer logic of creative mind principles. According to Neville, on changing our self-concept in order to elevate our life: “If you refuse to assume the responsibility of the incarnation of a new and higher concept of yourself, then you reject the means, the only means, whereby your redemption—that is, the attainment of your ideal—can be effected.” Get this clearly in your head: A higher concept of yourself involves taking on new truths and shedding old views of what you can achieve. This is the only way you can achieve your desires. You must begin by replacing your old set of truths with a belief in the existence of a higher self within you. This is something you may not have contemplated at an earlier time in your life. Your concept of yourself that includes any limitations can be revised by only you. Nothing I say or write will do that for you. It is your decision to change that creates the possibility of change within you. A new and higher concept of yourself may be shocking and perhaps even rejected by you, depending on the amount of conditioning you have absorbed throughout your life. That is for you to ponder and contemplate. At this point, simply allow yourself to imagine that you can create a new and higher concept of yourself. Resistance is what will almost immediately appear for most people, and I encourage you to recognize the resistance within yourself.
Overcoming Resistance
Making the transition from the level of ordinary consciousness to the level of super-consciousness involves a fundamental renewal—a dramatic change of personality. Very few are prepared to commit to this fulÀllment of their Divine purpose. What I’m inviting you to do, if you wish to be truly fulÀlled, is overcome your resistance to including all that you are in your earthly life. You have the ability to enter higher regions so as to consciously fulÀll your highest desires here, now, for the greater beneÀt of all. This is akin to doing a somersault and landing in a new reality—a reality in which all things are possible, a reality where you no longer identify yourself with all those cultural memes and mind viruses that were programmed into you as a young person, preparing you for an ordinary life. You begin this exciting adventure of changing your concept of yourself—by being willing to die to your present self. That’s right, by relinquishing your personal history as the arbiter of your life, you Continued On Page 25 * IN LIGHT TIMES • may, 2012 • PAGE 17
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Those Amazing Dog Noses Fun Facts About A Chilly Little Organ
Fun With Dog Noses
My favorite sort of fun with dog noses is the many ways they can be used to create art. Any Mom can have a pendant made using a child’s Àngerprint, but did you know she could also wear her fur baby’s nose print as a keepsake? Of course, to do this you will need to make an impression (or “mold”) of your dog’s nose. Try asking your dentist for a little alginate impression material or some impression putty. Or Ànd a jeweler online who specializes in dog jewelry and they may be able to send you a kit to make the impression they will use for your keepsake.
If you thought dog noses were just a source of smeary prints on your windows, think again!
For something simpler, you can also wear a dog nose in the form of a mask. Try searching for “dog noses” on eBay. I did, and found a cute rubber dog nose mask complete with whiskers for a couple of bucks!
Why Dogs Noses are Wet
Why are dog noses wet? Fluid from the lateral glands in a dog’s nose lubricates the outsides of his nostrils and makes them moist and shiny. But mostly, the nose stays wet because your dog is always licking it (along with other parts). So, a moist nose has generally been considered as a healthy nose, but this isn’t always true. For example, if a dog falls asleep in a hot place, his nose may be dry when he Àrst wakes up. Once he cools down and has a little Gatorade (kidding!) — I mean, gets rehydrated, his nose will soon look wet again. Distemper can permanently alter the nasal glands. So, a dog that suffers from distemper early in life may have a perpetually dry nose.
© 2004, Carolyn Schweitzer. Lifelong dog-lover and family dentist Carolyn Schweitzer is owner and editor of where she offers a wide range of information on dog training, dogs health, and other topics near and dear to dog owners everywhere. Visit:
Why Do Cats Purr?
Why Dogs Noses are Cold
Cold normally goes along with wet, which I heard has something to do with convection cooling, or some such law of physics, which I’ve long forgotten. So, if a dog’s nose dries out (see above), it will feel warm to the touch. This is OK, as long as the nose gets wet again. However, a chronically dry nose could be sign of illness and should be seen by a vet. Note: if you have concerns about your dog’s nose and health, be sure to check with your vet!
Why Dog Noses Are Hard To Fool
We know that dogs have traditionally been used for tracking, search and rescue due to their keen sense of smell. A dog’s sense of smell is about 40,000 times better than ours, and that’s not all. You can’t throw a dog off by “covering up” one smell with another. A study was done in which a number of different objects were sprayed with skunk odor, and trained tracking dogs were still able to distinguish the objects from each other! So forget about trying to fool Fido! Here’s another intriguing story about the dog’s famous sense of smell: A yellow lab named Parker wasn’t a trained “nose dog”, but liked to sniff everything, all the time. Then he began to constantly sniff a blemish on his owner’s leg, which had been there for a number of years. The dog was pushing his nose hard into the area, and really concentrating. So, the owner decided to have it looked at. The skin specialist immediately detected the early signs of skin cancer, and ordered the blemish removed immediately. Once the lesion was gone, Parker lost interest in the leg! Similar stories have reportedly led doctors in the US to train dogs to “sniff out” skin cancer. Apparently, dogs can detect skin cancer long before any conventional methods can!! More recently, dogs have been given urine samples from cancer victims to see if they can also smell bladder and prostate cancer. The results have been promising.
How Nose Prints Save Dog’s Lives
Nose prints are used to identify dogs in the same way Àngerprints are used to identify human beings. Breeders and trainers keep a dog’s nose prints on Àle as part of its permanent record and insurance companies now require them whenever a dog is to be bonded. At one time paw prints were used as a means of canine identiÀcation, but these proved less accurate than noses. And while some owners have had microchips “installed” in their pets, these are more invasive and can be detected and removed. If you dog is ever lost or stolen, having his nose print on record could save his life!
Understanding why cats purr something that people have wondered about for a long time. The basic reason is that when a cat purrs is content and happy with its surroundings. There are of course other reasons that it will do this such as when it is a kitten and noticing it is telling the mother cat everything. In most cases the mother cat will also back up again and let them know they are safe and out of danger. Most kittens can purr when they were only two days old and this helps them to communicate with their mother. There are other reasons that cats purr and in the wild it is very common that a cat will purr when they are injured. This lets other cats know that they are in distress and they need help. A cat will let you know when they are happy and when they are not because they have a lot of emotion. If you for example accidentally put your cat’s tail they usually will snap at you at this let you know they are not happy. When you bet your cat and a beginning her this is a sign they are communicating with you and letting you know they enjoy what you’re doing to them. Remember that it is very common for cats to put her and this is a way they can communicate with you and other animals. The basic reason for preferring is to let people know they are content and happy. Kittens also will purr when they are nursing because they are communicating with their mother that they are getting a proper nutrition. it is also very common that the mother cat will purr back at the kitten to let them know everything is okay and there is no danger. Pet Article courtesy of
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ask Margo
As owner of Bullseye Pet Supply Margo has spent years researching and specializing in natural foods for pets. Have a question about your pet? Ask Margo.
Q: What can you tell us about ¿llers in pet food? Margo: It is important to pay attention to what your pet does not need in his/her food. Fillers like beet pulp are believed to cause deadly bloating in heavy chested dogs. It tastes sweet which gives the animals an unneeded sweet tooth, which may lead to diabetes. Ingredients like hulls, crushed peanut shells, crushed corn cobs and mill run are unnecessary ¿llers They offer no nutritional value and are dif¿cult for animals to digest. Another ¿ller with no nutritional value is cellulose, the pulp from ¿brous plant materials, usually wood. In other words, saw dust. Read the label on your pet’s food to make sure this is not an ingredient. Q: Can dogs and cats be vegetarians? Margo: While there is a movement toward feeding dogs and cats a vegan diet, this is generally not advisable. There are no complete proteins in plants nor is there any vitamin B12. Plus dogs need food that is easily digestible and plants do not meet this criteria. Keep in mind, our house pets evolved from wolves and large prey eating cats. I don’t think I have ever seen a wolf looking for the salad bar. Contact Margo at 702-233-4157 if you have any questions or visit www.
This Month's Great Pix
In Light Times is sponsoring All Fur Love Rescue Center by featuring various pets that need adoption. They need a home and a family. Please contact All Fur Love and see if there is a pet that you can adopt today.
Adopt Me! Pleez IGNAZIO
DOB: December 10, 2011
IGNAzIO (Iggy) is a bundle of fun and loves to be an attention hog. He loves to snuggle and give big kisses. He enjoys playing with all kinds of toys, however, pouncing his brother’s tail is so much more fun. He can hardly wait to go to a home that will give him all the love and attention he deserves.
DOB: October 6, 2011
GILLIGAN is a fun loving and playful boy. He loves attention and playing with his own rules. He enjoys the company of other cats while jumping and climbing his cat trees. He hopes his new family has the stamina to keep up with his energy!
please contact All Fur Love Animal Society at: www. IN LIGHT TIMES • may, 2012 • PAGE 19
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Health Lights By Elizabeth Walling
How to Use Lemon Juice to Replace Toxic Chemicals in Your Home
ou don’t have to waste money on toxic chemicals to clean your home, treat a cold, or pamper your skin. Lemon juice is a simple, natural alternative that can replace countless bottles of over-priced chemicals.
10 creative ways to use lemon juice 1. Grease removal - A mixture of plain water and lemon juice is tough enough to bust through any grease on your kitchen appliances and counter tops. 2. Disinfect and deodorize your kitchen - Is your refrigerator or cutting board really clean? Surfaces where we prepare and store food need to be clean, but this is also exactly where we don’t want to use toxic chemical cleaners. Lemon juice is excellent for disinfecting these surfaces, and will also remove unpleasant stains and odors. 3. Sooth a cough - Mix some raw honey with an equal amount of lemon juice to ease your coughing. This also works well for a sore throat. 4. Enhance digestion - Fresh lemon juice in water can aid digestion during meals. It’s also a great way to hydrate in the morning when you Àrst wake up. 5. Tone your skin - Use a cotton ball to apply a light layer of diluted lemon juice to your skin. Let it sit for ten minutes and then rinse away with cool water. The lemon juice will naturally exfoliate your skin, and can also lighten dark spots and scars. 6. Clean glass - Lemon juice is just what you need to bring the sparkle back to that dull vase, coffee pot or decanter. You can also use one part lemon juice in ten parts water to shine your windows.
7. Clean and soften your hands - Lemon juice is excellent for removing stains and odors left on your hands. Lightly scrub the lemon juice into your hands with a sponge, then rinse and moisturize as usual. Your hands will feel clean, soft and fresh. 8. Remove tarnish - A simple paste of table salt and lemon juice can make tarnished copper, chrome and brass gleam again. Apply the mixture, allow it to sit for ten minutes, and then rinse with warm water and buff gently to shine. 9. Get sun-kissed hair highlights - Chemicals used to lighten hair can be highly toxic. Get natural highlights by spritzing your hair with lemon juice before you go out in the sun. As an added bonus, rinsing your hair with lemon juice removes build-up and gives your locks incredible shine. 10. Clean your toilet - Toilet cleaning products are harsh and unnecessary. A mixture of borax powder and lemon juice will leave your toilet looking (and smelling) as good as new!
Elizabeth Walling is a freelance writer specializing in health and family nutrition. She is a strong believer in natural living as a way to improve health and prevent modern disease. She enjoys thinking outside of the box and challenging common myths about health and wellness. You can visit her blog to learn more:
By Eugenia M. Jarrett
Detox and Oxygenate Your Home With Plants Certain houseplants Àlter the air
in our homes of pollutants and carbon dioxide while producing oxygen! A study by NASA resulted in the following plants best suited for your home. Some plants are more efficient than others. It is suggested that one plant per 100 sq. ft. of living space gives best results. Plants will not Àlter cigarette smoke or dust.
Most EfÀcient in removal of formaldehyde: Philodendrons, Spider plants and Pothos
Most EfÀcient in removal of benzene, a known carcinogen: Gerbera Daisies and Chrysanthemums
Overall great detoxifying and oxygenating houseplants: (A few of these plants (P) are poisonous, so keep away from children and pets.) Aloe Vera, Burn plant (P) ~ Aloe barbabensis Bamboo or reed palm ~ Chamaedorea sefritzii Chinese evergreen ~ Aglaonema modestum Chinese Evergreen ~ Aglaonema sp. Common English Ivy (P) ~ Hedera sp. Dumbcane (P) ~ Dieffenbachia sp. Ficus ~ Ficus sp. Gerbera Daisy ~ Gerbera sp. Golden pothos ~ Epipemnum aureum Golden Pothos ~ Epipremnum sp. Heart leaf philodendron (P) ~ Philodendron sp. Mums (P) ~ Chrysanthemum sp. Peace lily ~ Spathiphyllum Mauna Loa Spider Plants ~ Chlorophytum comosum Warneck dracaena ~ Dreacaena dermenisis Waneckii Weeping Àg ~ Ficus benjamina
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Health Lights
By JB Bardot
The Top Natural Remedies to Reduce Cholesterol Levels Forget Prescription Statin Drugs Cholesterol is a natural byproduct of the liver and a necessary component of good health. Normal cholesterol is essential for cellular repair and development. It plays a critical role in the improvement of memory and learning, is the precursor to vitamin D production, and synthesizes sex hormones and natural steroids -- which control blood sugar, fluid balance and blood pressure. It helps to convert fats in the liver, and is a potent antioxidant acting to scavenge free radicals and reduce metabolic syndrome. health protecting functions.
Eating nuts regularly, especially walnuts and almonds may help reduce cholesterol levels of LDL cholesterol.
Niacin, or vitamin B-3 helps lower LDL cholesterol levels as much as 10% and raise HDL cholesterol levels by 15% to 30%. Because of its many side effects, niacin should only be used under the supervision of a health practitioner.
Artichoke Leaf Extract
he American Heart Association notes that cholesterol isn’t dissolved in the blood and must be transported throughout the body by lipoproteins. Research indicates that HDL, the high-density “good” cholesterol, guards the cardiovascular system. LDL, or low-density “bad” cholesterol, can build deposits on arteries. Problems occur when HDL levels are reduced, creating inÁammation in the cardiovascular system. Too little HDL cholesterol prevents production of pain-controlling steroid hormones, limits the body’s ability to properly digest foods, and damages the body’s ability to create energy reserves. Too little HDL leads to pain and inÁammation, which is the real cause of heart disease, according to the latest studies.
Artichoke leaf extract my help lower cholesterol levels by limiting its synthesis in our bodies. Additionally, the extract may increase the Áow of cholesterol excretion from the liver.
Soluble Fiber
Slow the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines by consuming foods such as oats, legumes, prunes, apples, carrots, broccoli and yams, all high in soluble Àber. Five to 10 grams daily can produce a 5 percent reduction in LDL cholesterol.
Policonsanol is a dietary supplement made from Cuban sugarcane wax. It is not readily available in the US; however, non-Cuban products are available here which are made from beeswax or wheat germ. It is used to regular total cholesterol levels and is touted to be as effective as statins and red yeast rice. It may produce mild side effects such as digestive upsets, headaches and insomnia and can take two months or longer to show results.
Natural remedies and cures for normal cholesterol levels
Natural remedies and cures help maintain normal levels of cholesterol without the need to take pharmaceutical drugs that produce dangerous side effects.
Red Yeast Rice
Chinese red yeast rice helps balance normal levels of cholesterol. Red yeast rice contains substances called monacolins, which are naturally occurring and converted by the body to make a chemical inhibiting the production of cholesterol. One monccolin in particular, lovastatin, has been extracted and used in popular statin drugs, thus causing the FDA to view natural red yeast rice as an unproved drug and banning it in the USA. Consuming moderate amounts of natural red yeast rice as part of an overall diet helps maintain normal cholesterol levels. Extracting the active ingredient from the rice and using it in a drug formulation ampliÀes its effects, and may produce both muscle and kidney injuries. Supplies of red yeast rice supplements sold in the USA at this time do not contain any of the active ingredients to reduce cholesterol levels.
Green Tea
Green tea contains various compounds that lower LDL cholesterol levels. A study performed in Brazil where people consumed green tea extract in capsules resulted in a 4.5 percent lowering of LDL cholesterol levels.
JB Bardot is trained in herbal medicine and homeopathy, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. You can Ànd her on Facebook at http://www.facebook. com/proÀle.php?id=100001364941208&ref=tn_tnmn or on Twitter at jbbardot23. (
Other Natural Cholestorlal Tools Include: Fo Ti Garlic Krill Oil Royal Jelly
Grape Seed OIl Coenzyme Q10 Extra Virgin Olive Oil Virgin Organic Coconut Oil
IN LIGHT TIMES • may, 2012 • PAGE 21
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Health Lights Resource: American Stroke Association
Stroke is a medical emergency. Know these warning signs of stroke and teach them to others. Every second counts: • Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body • Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding • Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes • Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination • Sudden, severe headache with no known cause BeLow ARe jusT A Few oF The sTRoke RIsk FACToRs: HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE (140/90 MM HG OR HIGHER) High blood pressure is the most important risk factor. It usually has no speciÀc symptoms and no early warning signs. That’s why everybody should have their blood pressure checked regularly. TOBACCO USE Cigarette smoking is a major, preventable risk factor for stroke. The nicotine and carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke reduce the amount of oxygen in your blood. They also damage the walls of blood vessels, making clots more likely to form. Using some kinds of birth control pills combined with smoking cigarettes greatly increases stroke risk. If you smoke, get help to quit Now!
DIABETES MELLITUS Diabetes is defined as a fasting plasma glucose (blood sugar) of 126 mg/ dL or more measured on two occasions. While diabetes is treatable, having it still increases a person’s risk of stroke. Many with diabetes also have high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and are overweight. This increases their risk even more. If you have diabetes, work closely with your doctor to manage it. CAROTID OR OTHER ARTERY DISEASE The carotid arteries in your neck supply blood to your brain. A carotid artery narrowed by fatty deposits from atherosclerosis (plaque buildups in artery walls) may become blocked by a blood clot. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION This heart rhythm disorder raises the risk for stroke. The heart’s upper chambers quiver instead of beating effectively, which can let the blood pool and clot. HEART DISEASES Such as, Dilated cardiomyopathy (an enlarged heart), heart valve disease and some types of congenital heart defects also raise the risk of stroke. TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACkS (TIAs) TIAs are “warning strokes” that produce stroke-like symptoms but no lasting damage. Recognizing and treating TIAs can reduce your risk of a major stroke. It’s very important to recognize the warning signs of a TIA or stroke. Call 9-1-1 to get medical help immediately if they occur. CERTAIN BLOOD DISORDERS A high red blood cell count thickens the blood and makes clots more likely. This raises the risk of stroke. Doctors may treat this problem by removing blood cells or prescribing “blood thinners.” SICkLE CELL DISEASE Also called sickle cell anemia, is a genetic disorder that mainly affects African Americans. “Sickled” red blood cells are less able to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues and organs. They also tend to stick to blood vessel walls, which can block arteries to the brain and cause a stroke. HIGH BLOOD CHOLESTEROL A high level of total cholesterol in the blood (240 mg/dL or higher) is a major risk factor for heart disease, which raises your risk of stroke. Recent studies show high levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol (greater than 100 mg/dL) and triglycerides (blood fats, 150 mg/dL or higher) increase the risk of stroke in people with previous coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). Low levels (less than 40 mg/dL for men; less than 50 mg/dL for women) of hDL (“good”) cholesterol also may raise stroke risk. PHYSICAL INACTIVITY AND OBESITY Being inactive, obese or both can increase your risk of high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. So go on a brisk walk, take the stairs, and do whatever you can to make your life more active. Try to get a total of at least 30 minutes of activity on most or all days. ExCESSIVE ALCOHOL Drinking an average of more than one alcoholic drink a day for women or more than two drinks a day for men can raise blood pressure and may increase risk for stroke. SOME ILLEGAL DRUGS Intravenous drug abuse carries a high risk of stroke. Cocaine use has been linked to strokes and heart attacks. Some have been fatal even in Àrst-time users.
For stroke information, call the American Stroke Association at 1-888-4-STROKE (7876) or visit: PAGE 22 • may, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES
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Health Lights By Lawrence Berkley
An emphasis on comfort and safety. Satisfaction guaranteed. A Low-Impact Way to Develop Mind, Body and Spirit
Our bodies are driven by complex b i o l o g i c a l p ro c e s s e s , b u t everything can be broken down to molecular interactions driven by vibrational energy. Vibrational energy is a principle of physics in which energy is transferred within a molecule and between a molecule and its solvent surrounding. Vibrational energy connects all the Earth’s organic components. Balance, fitness, and understanding self-defense can help us harness the vibrational energy that makes life possible. We can move beyond our perceived limitations when we understand the fundamental energy that makes our existence possible.
5722 W. Charleston, Las Vegas
LiC. SinCE 1993
you do not have to be a martial arts expert, or even a novice, to make gains. Ten or Àfteen minutes a day can provide an adequate full-body workout.
martial arts fitness is derived from centuries-old practices emphasizing a disciplined approach to balance and mental agility. ancient Samurai warriors did not have GPS systems or cell phones. They had to rely on their wits and a healthy body to prosper in their daily lives and fulÀll their destiny. When I was studying martial arts in asia, I noticed an emphasis on clearing the mind for optimum performance, and then forging a path between mind and body. When achieved for the Àrst time, the realization of this path creates serenity and peace.
An example is a move I call “Carry the Tiger.” To perform this maneuver, I take the jo and hold it out in front of me with two hands, with the jo parallel to the ground. Right away, I am stabilizing my back muscles and abdominals while achieving ideal posture. As I “carry the tiger” by moving the jo over my head and then back down, I breathe in and out before “taking it to the mountain,” where I twist to the right and then to the left, using the jo to maintain my posture while continuing my breathing. Go ahead and Ànd a broom handle around your house and give it a try. after only a couple minutes, you will feel relaxed and refreshed.
With good reason, yoga has surged in popularity in recent years. yoga promotes a strong connection between the mind and body. I helped develop the very Àrst yoga instructional classes back in the 1960’s. my travels to asia in later years led me to studies with experts of various martial arts: karate, Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung, and Kobudo. Some of these disciplines have been practiced for centuries. Kobudo, for example, was the primary method of sword training for the legendary Samurai warrior, incorporating the katana, wellrecognized in american culture as a
Samurai sword. although those warriors may have been preparing for battle in some circumstances, Kobudo is actually a non-combative form of weapons training. To me, Kobudo was perfectly suited for a marriage with yoga, and I have spent several years perfecting the translation of Kobudo to modern Àtness. My interpretation substitutes the katana with a jo, which is a light wooden staff, and emphasizes low-impact movements that improve strength, Áexibility, and conÀdence.
many vibrational energy studies are rooted in the belief that molecules give off and absorb sounds. ancient martial arts and movement disciplines I have studied serve as a vehicle to receive and embrace this vibrational energy.
Unfortunately, traveling this path in our uncertain times is nearly as trying, if not more, than it was in the time of the Samurai. We live in a world full of distractions and disruptions, chaos and conÁict. There’s always somewhere to be, something to do, someone to see. If our calendars are never clear, what hope is there for our minds?
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The mind-body-spirit connection is crucial to effective low-impact exercise. The focus should be on balance, posture, and breathing. you should feel a burst of energy after ten to Àfteen minutes of performing martial arts Àtness moves. If you are fatigued, that means you are not being mindful of proper form and rhythmic breathing. Civility is eroding in our world, and there is a need to be skillfully alert, to sense and retreat from danger. my current goal is to instill the conÀdence that develops from a strong mindbody-spirit connection in as many people as I can. I hope you will join me.
Laurence Berkley currently coaches, practices, and researches martial arts fusion Àtness in Las Vegas. For more information, visit
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Janet Handley IN LIGHT TIMES • may, 2012 • PAGE 23
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Health Lights By Vaishali
Physical Dynamics of Emotions
After being diagnosed terminal from an illness, and then ten years later from a near fatal injury, there is one thing I truly understand as a result of piecing my health back together through Chi Nei Tsang and studying the Eastern healing sciences. That is the physical dynamics of emotions and how emotions travel through the body, what emotions stress and undermine which organs and how unresolved emotional experiences can literally get trapped inside the body. Emotions are a form of energy, and like all forms of energies they have a certain vibrational signature frequency. That vibrational frequency difference is what separates anger from fear, and sadness and grief from impatience. Our internal organs, also being forms of energy, vibrate at difference frequencies. That is what makes the liver, the liver, and not the lung or the foot. When we have an emotional experience, that frequency moves through the body like waves move through water or sound waves through air. Our internal organs have the ability to digest those emotional frequencies. Different organs digest different emotions. For example, the lungs and related airway passages are designed to digest the signature frequency of sadness and grief. When that organ has digested that emotion, it has taken the emotion in, then pulled from it what is needed, and last and most importantly, let the rest go for the recognized waste that it is. The natural post-digestive emotional byproducts of sadness and grief are courage, self-conÀdence and self-assurance. These emotions are then absorbed internally and ultimately embodied. The liver and gall bladder digest anger, rage, jealousy, frustration, irritation and the like. Once these heated emotions are digested and the waste released, the results are wisdom, understanding and self-knowledge. The spleen, stomach and pancreas digest worry, anxiety, and feelings of being unsupported. That is why people get “butterÁies” in the stomach when nervous; that emotion is literally being stomached in that exact location within the body. The heart and small intestines take on impatience and feelings of not enough. When the waste from these emotions has been released the results are patience, joy, and inspiration. The kidneys, ureters and bladder break down fear and horror and digest those cold, paralyzing energies into expansive and unlimited creativity. The greater wisdom here is that there really is no “bad” emotion. Each vibrational frequency contains within it the seeds for a healthy, balanced and successful life. The challenge is to take the emotion in without judging it or the process. Let whatever is serving to you…whatever makes you a better, stronger, wiser person travel to the deeper levels of the your human experience. Now here comes the trickiest part. Let go of whatever is not life enhancing in that worry emotion. Recognize whatever is not adding to your wisdom in that anger for the waste that it is, and permit it to pass through. Allow the fear to bring you the ability to create a fear-free existence, and do not hold onto the memory of feeling powerless and overwhelmed from the past. Anyone having a human experience knows that being in the right relationship with the digestive process of emotions is much easier said than done. Good thing we have a lifetime to practice. As difÀcult as properly digesting highly charged emotions can be, it does explain a lot. Could there be unresolved and unreleased sadness and grief behind that bronchitis that shows up every year? Are you consuming so much worry that you just cannot stomach it anymore, and that is what is really bothering your gut? All provocative and meaningful questions. The next time you visit your acupuncturist, and she tells you the liver meridian is weak or stressed, try using that information as a productive opportunity to share what is happening in your emotional life with your doctor. You may Ànd yourself talking about and revealing the exact emotionally irritating energy vampire underlying the condition. Ayurvedic practitioners and Doctors of Oriental Medicine have a vast knowledge of how to manage your physical issues. Most of them are eager to have their clients express a pro-active interest in what can be done to achieve greater balance and health in the management of the physical body’s energy systems.
Do not hesitate to ask them how to support the heart in releasing impatience. And when driving to that next appointment remember, as you are stuck on the freeway screaming at the trafÀc, “You’re making me late!” that you are assaulting your heart and small intestines. The purpose of life is to grow beyond any limitation, while sharing more love, joy, compassion and wisdom. Of course, while you have a body, you will want to do that while swallowing, stomaching and absorbing the nutrients and while releasing the waste of your physical and emotion life. The good news is, your human experience already comes with every form of digestive intelligence you need to get the job done.
Vaishali, author of, You Are What You Love and Wisdom Rising, is also a national health & wellness speaker and radio host of “You Are What You Love” heard Fridays 1-2pm and Sundays 11-1pm (PaciÀc time zone) live at Vaishali learned to transform her life from the threat of two terminal disease diagnoses, domestic abuse and Ànancial devastation through Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, completely recovered, she shares her wisdom @ Join Vaishali for a two day workshop aboard The Queen Mary on July 21st and 22nd. To learn more:
Notable Quotes to Ponder
“The judgment of others does not change who I am. Quite the opposite is true. It reveals who they are.”
Terry McPhearson
“The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.”
Margaret Chase Smith
“Faith is a journey...not a guilt trip.” Unknown
SUBSCRIPTION ANNOUNCEMENT After all these years we have attempted to keep the costs down for our yearly subscription…despite increased postage. We have no choice but to increase rates for the subscriptions beginning with the May, 2012 issue. So starting in May, the cost of a yearly subscription will be: Domestic $30/year Canadian $38/year Foreign $65/year
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Health Lights Continued From Page 17
Changing Your Concept of Yourself cease to resist your fuller potential. you simply no longer choose to form your identity on the basis of what you’ve been taught. Remind yourself that everything you’ve believed to be true has brought you to this point where you want to explore rather than resist your higher powers. years ago while reading Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”, I recall him saying that there’s one distinguishing characteristic of those who live life at a higher level with a richness that’s not just about monetary gain. It is that these unique and rare individuals have a burning desire to succeed. Now, a burning desire is much different from a regular wish or desire because it burns inside—once ignited, it never goes out, regardless of what transpires. This is a quality I know well. Often it feels like an obsession…and I have been labeled obsessive many times in my lifetime. yet it hasn’t been a curse, because it has always served me in the fulÀllment of whatever yearning I felt inside me. I often think of it as an inner candle Áame that never even Áickers, though the worst goes before me. all transformation begins with an intense burning desire to be transformed. an inner knowing, along with a burning desire, is the prerequisite for becoming a person capable of manifesting their heart’s desires. In “The Power of Awareness”, Neville emphatically explains that “To be transformed, the whole basis of your thoughts must change. But your thoughts cannot change unless you have new ideas, for you think from your ideas.” How do you Ànd the way to ideas that will help you change your thoughts? Start by saying and writing an afÀrmation that appeals to you. Create your unique heartfelt afÀrmation, such as: “I have a burning desire—an inner flame that will not be extinguished by outer forces—to know and live from higher regions, to be transformed so that my new concept of myself will no longer include any limitations”. “I am willing to challenge and change any thoughts that impede my having a higher vision of myself”.
Do You Really Think?
No one has ever been able to say from whence a thought comes, or what that thought is made up of. It’s generally accepted that we think up things and make up all our own thoughts. To be perfectly honest, for a large portion of my life, I held
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer the “Father of Motivation” these same views on thoughts originating with each individual. But at this juncture I tend to see the entire process as more of an act of observation, contemplation, and choice. I enjoy noticing that I have a continuous stream of thoughts that come from—who knows where? They have no boundaries or forms to examine, and apparently are unlimited in number and permutation! I think of the stock market ticker that runs along the bottom of a screen, with each stock
and pick a different one, a thought that perhaps allows you to feel better. I am okay, I look Àne, I will lose a few pounds, I am loved, I am Divine… these and millions more like them are thoughts you can opt for rather than the ones you’ve become accustomed to choosing in the past. This is how you begin a new process to change your concept of yourself. you accept as irrevocable that it is not you setting the stream of thoughts into motion, and
Redefine your self-concept by challenging everything you’ve held to be true about yourself up until now. Be open to examining everything you’ve previously thought limited you in any way, price representing a simple thought. you are capable of thinking many opposing thoughts in just a few moments, jumping helter-skelter from one idea to another—exhilaration, frustration, fear, ecstasy, worry, and so forth. Unguided and unguarded, you serve up an endless array of thoughts continuously from waking to falling asleep. Even while sound asleep, your mind continues observing, grabbing, and contemplating these omnipresent thoughts. There’s very little respite from this mental thought-producing process throughout your entire lifetime. If you really believe that you are the creator of all your thoughts and control the entire process, then simply stop. That’s right, just try to stop thinking. you may be able to slow the stream of thoughts down considerably, but to simply stop thinking all day and stay in a thoughtless state is quite impossible. I’m suggesting you open your thought processes to a new idea that will help as you begin changing your concept of yourself. Think of yourself as a Divine limitless being rather than a person who doesn’t have choice when it comes to thoughts. Think of yourself as an observer, contemplating and selecting thoughts that you choose from that never-ending stream of thoughts on your inner screen, 24/7/365. Watch thoughts stream by from wherever they originate, and observe them rapidly transitioning; combining and appearing and disappearing. Snatch a thought from the running ribbon of thoughts and contemplate it. as you toss it around, notice how you feel— sad, depressed, happy, frightened, and so on. Every thought going by has an imprint on the concept of yourself. First be the observer; then the contemplator. Now become the choice maker who can consciously decide to put that thought back into the running stream
that stopping the thinking isn’t possible at this stage of your evolution. at this stage, the essence of your being, is to observe, contemplate, and then choose. This can all be done in a fraction of a nanosecond. The thoughts will keep appearing on your mental TV screen just like the stock quotations. But you’ll now be choosing the ones you want to focus on, gather, retain, or let go. I’m encouraging you to initiate a habit of choosing thoughts and ideas that support feeling good and powerful, and that elevate you to a higher level of consciousness where your self-concept welcomes your higher self. I love Uell S. andersen’s description of this process in his book, Three Magic Words. I leave you to contemplate it as you prepare to befriend that indwelling Self that is desperately wishing to be fulfilled at the extraordinary level, rather than at the ordinary where you have lived for far too long: “We have assured the indwelling Self that it can be anything it accepts and has faith in, and we are now about to develop the habit of choosing only those thoughts and ideas that will constructively add good unto it. We are teaching ourselves to accept
only good. We are deliberately compelling ourselves to accept all love, all kindness, all hope, all joy, all expansion, all abundance, all health, all vigor. We are deliberately compelling ourselves to reject all suffering, all sorrow, all depression, all morbidness, all inferiority, all aches and pains. We are saying nothing is true but the great and the good and the beautiful, only these will we add unto ourselves”. This is your new way of choosing thoughts that will introduce you to what I am calling your highest self— keeping uppermost in mind that if you want to accomplish something (anything), you must Àrst expect it of yourself. Three SuggeSTionS • Redefine your self-concept by challenging everything you’ve held to be true about yourself up until now. Be open to examining everything you’ve previously thought limited you in any way. Affirm: I place no limits and no restrictions on all that I intend to accomplish and become from here on in. • Allow yourself to become aware of the nonphysical reality that you are a part of. Reach out to the angels or occupants of this higher invisible plane. Know you can access guidance from those who’ve lived here before. Spend time in meditation accessing the feelings of a plane of higher consciousness. • Whenever you’re experiencing discomfort or sadness, rather than trying to change the thought behind your emotional state, just put it back onto the never-ending conveyor belt of thoughts, and then select a different thought. Keep doing this until you’ve selected a thought that allows you to feel good, and you’re no longer condemning yourself for creating unhappy thoughts.
WAYNE W. DYER, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the Àeld of self-development. He’s the author of over 30 books, has created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. His books, “Manifest Your Destiny”, “Wisdom of the Ages”, “There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem”, and the New York Times bestsellers, “10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace”, “The Power of Intention”, “Inspiration”, “Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Life”, “Excuses Begone”, and now, “Wishes FulÀlled” have all been featured as National Public Television specials. Dr. Wayne Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. Despite his childhood spent in orphanages and foster homes, Dr. Dyer has overcome many obstacles to make his dreams come true. Today he spends much of his time showing others how to do the same. When he’s not traveling the globe delivering his uplifting message, Wayne is writing from his home in Maui. Visit: IN LIGHT TIMES • may, 2012 • PAGE 25
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personal message from Mystic Clarice Barrett, Msc. D. May will be an interesting month Stargazer’s…astrologically speaking. If you can time your moves to coordinate with the planets’ movements, you can succeed and Ànd fulÀllment. When May begins, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto are all in Earth signs; helping you make good practical moves and decisions. Feelings can become intense around May 5, when there’s a Full Moon in Scorpio. A stabilizing Grand Trine in Earth signs linking Mercury, Mars, and Pluto goes into effect the 13-16. This helpful conÀguration provides the energy to pursue your personal or professional goals. This month’s main celestial event is the New Moon/solar eclipse in Gemini on May 20. This eclipse stimulates your curiosity and opens the way to new learning. Important, read Sun, rising & Moon signs to have a full picture. LUNAR ACTIVITy: Full Moon–May 5th in Scorpio; New Moon–Solar Eclipse May 20th in Gemini; Last Quarter Moon–May 12th in Aquarius; First Quarter Moon–May 28th in Virgo, Memorial Day. Saturn Retrograde 02-07-12 and stations direct June 25th, and clear by July 7th. Key Effects: “The Taskmaster” Rules: Discipline. Pluto Retrograde 04-10-12 and stations direct Sept. 18th, and clear by Sept. 28th. Key Effects: “Subtle Transformation” Rules: Subconscious self.
New Moon Solar Annular Eclipse May 20th, in Gemini, an eclipse of the Sun will more likely focus you on a prominent male in your life, (male energy…father, husband, boss, or other key male ¿gures). Eclipses always bring unexpected changes of direction, but only if you have the Sun, Moon, a Planet, or other major point in your natal chart being touched by it. The eclipse does not have to fall in your sign to affect you; however, it would have to be within a ten-degree orb of a major planet or point in your chart. (Some astrologers only use a ¿ve-degree orb, but the ancients allowed a wider area of inÀuence, up to ten degrees.) The Sun Eclipse will be followed by a Lunar Eclipse (feminine energy) June 4th, 2012. Eclipses sometimes can make big heavy iron gates swing open, even ones that have never opened for you before. Be optimistic! What do you wish for, dear reader? If you work hard towards your goals, an eclipse can help make it all happen! Be optimistic! New Event – Venus Retrograde 5-16-12 and stations direct June 28th, and clear by July 12th. Key Effects: Romance in Retrospect (partners) “Plus Financial, Values and Beauty” Venus Rules Taurus, Libra and the number 6 in numerology. Rules: Cooperation, and to protect valuables. Not a good time period for major beauty surgeries.
April 20th to May 20th “I HAVE” Ruling Planet: Venus ~ Rules: The Throat Symbol: Bull ~ Element: Earth ~ Feminine Energy Lesson: To be more open and Àexible Colors: Greens & Browns ~ Gems: Emerald & Rose Quartz Key Personality: Stable, conservative, home-loving, always makes a loyal friend or partner. Spiritual Flowers: Lily & Carnation Most Compatible Signs: Capricorn & Virgo; depends on the Rising & Moon signs The Taurus proÀle always includes the word stubborn. If you want a Taurus to do a task, don’t bully them. Ask them nicely and listen to the reason they give for not completing it. Often there‘s a great deal of logic in their reasoning. Even if there isn’t, it doesn’t matter because the Taurus personality believes it to be true, and that’s all that matters. You’ll never get them to budge from their position. This trait of stubbornness is stronger in Taurus than any other Zodiac signs. Despite this resistance to change, unless they have Gemini in their charts, they are a perfect mate and friend for someone who wants a steady friendship or life partner. They see to it that all your physical wants and needs are met. You’ll not Ànd a more devoted and loyal friend in all the Zodiac signs. Sometimes the loyalty is misplaced; however, until proven wrong several times, it remains steadfast. Once they decide you’re not the one, there’s no turning back. Don’t push a Taurus too far in a Àght or you’ll have a raging bull on your hands. These normally placid people accept a lot before they show any sign of anger and the Taurus proÀle shows the potential for rage. Once angered, get out of their way. Using their amazing energy, they can leave people talking about their creative talents…leaving folks wondering what more there is to you. Negative side: Jealous and possessive, resentful and inÁexible, self-indulgent and greedy. Even though, they still make the best and loyal friend of the Zodiac. Positive side: Taurus is patient and reliable, warm hearted and loving, persistent and determined, placid and security loving.
ARIES • Mar. 21 to Apr. 19 Starting in May you’ll see an increase in your ¿nances. Taking on a course of study will help you see the world in a different way. Positive Tip: This leads to you a better future. Mind Focus: You will see results by the new Moon of July 3rd, take note.
LIBRA ~ Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 This month’s scenario is highlighted by your stressful need to balance for freedom and independence with your needs for love and intimate companionship. Positive Tip: Get this worked out before Venus goes retrograde in June. Mind Focus: Everyone wants your time.
TAURUS • Apr. 20 to May 20 There will de¿nitely be some type of change regarding your work in May. Speaking to mentors, family and those whose opinion you trust will ensure you make the right choices. Positive Tip: Your innovative ideas will lead you. Mind Focus: Moving forward, success comes quickly.
SCORPIO ~ Oct. 23 to Nov. 21 At this time, you’re likely to feel that you cannot make your desires felt, and that things go awry when you try to assert yourself, make an impact or get things done in a forthright way. Positive Tip: Retreating from confrontation is the right course. Mind Focus: Allow things to settle.
GEMINI • May 21 to June 20 Goals you set for yourself are completely achievable, but you can’t sit back and wait for things to happen this month. Positive Tip: Working and applying yourself will see you move way ahead in 2012. Mind Focus: Watch that you don’t spread yourself to thin this year.
SAGITTARIUS ~ Nov. 22 to Dec. 21 This is an excellent time to eliminate whatever is unnecessary and out worn in your life from clutter and disorder in your environment. Positive Tip: This has kept you from going after what you really want in life. Mind Focus: A long life held attitude or belief must change.
CANCER ~ June 21 to July 22 You will have your pockets nicely lined this year, so keep yourself open to new projects and ways of increasing cash Àow. Positive Tip: Extend yourself, expand your mind, and the universe will reward you with many good things. Mind Focus: Keep your faith.
CAPRICORN ~ Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 This month things can go ¿nally forward to achieving the things which are important to you. Positive Tip: Major, long-term changes can be successfully begun now. Mind Focus: This is a time to speak out about your plans for the coming future.
LEO ~ July 23 to Aug. 22 Your career will soon be on ¿re! All the hard work and preparing of ground work will be worth it. Positive Tip: Money will come and go early in the year, but after a few months a steady Àow will start coming to you. Mind Focus: Stay on track.
AQUARIUS ~ Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 It is de¿nitely your month to break out and show the world what you’ve got. Your career can soar; you may get a new job or start your own business. Positive Tip: You will feel excited at the response you receive from people. Mind Focus: Be prepared.
VIRGO ~ Aug. 23 to Sept 22 This month’s scenario is highlighted by disappointments; with friends, and lovers, in general is likely. Positive Tip: Avoid creating relationships based on mutual weakness and dependency or, worse, on deception and hiding. Mind Focus: Guard against scandalous behavior.
PISCES ~ Feb. 19 to March 20 The tendency to shy away from the limelight and stay in the background will dissipate as the year continues. Positive Tip: Others have told you how wonderful your knowledge has been for years. Mind Focus: Your intuition is on the button this year.
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A personal message from Mystic Clarice Barrett, Msc. D. In the ancient practice of numerology, your Life Path number (your Birth Date) is the most important number. The Birth Path number describes the nature of this journey throughout your life. This month we will be covering the number 5, for the month of May. The number 5 is ruled by the planet Mercury. Below, you will Ànd how the number 5 this month affects the rest of the numbers 1 through 9. Using this column in conjunction with the astrology column will bring a new understanding and clarity into one’s life. Enjoy what the ages have afforded you in this lifetime and realize the life lessons we experience are but one journey among the many. Do enjoy the adventure.
What Is Your Life Path Number? The number 5 rules this month: Communications, Activity, Cleverness, Impatience, Restlessness, Variety, and Inspiration. The vibration of the 5 is about using freedom constructively. This vibration has the capabilities to accomplish many things. Multitalented movements are for the individual and world for the taking, providing that you keep a good and positive attitude. By treating others the way you would like to be treated will open even more opportunities this month. 1. Meet new people. 2. Get out of your rut, expand and promote yourself. 3. Heal old issues and create balance in your life. 4. Travel to unexpected places. 5. Main focus: Things that no longer work; it’s time to change things.
Life Path – Sun Rules: Self-determinism, Leadership, Independence
Good news may come from your work this month that will boost your self-esteem. Your ¿nances, private life, and relationships are in the spotlight. Once you have gotten these things in order you can ¿nd inner peace. Move slowly and carefully where romance is concerned, though, because you are not in a position to make long-term plans as yet.
Life Path – Moon Rules: Cooperation, Teamwork, Intuition, Diplomacy
Often, this month brings ¿nancial gain, but your attention is more directed towards intellectual accomplishments. You are intellectually sharp and imaginative now. You feel that anything is possible and the sky is the limit. Sometimes you are too generous. Don’t let lazy or insecure people take advantage of your kind nature.
Life Path – Jupiter Rules: Optimism, Inspiration, Socializing
Example: Date of Birth: February 8, 1939 (2-8-1939). Add the month (2) to the day (8) plus the total of the digits in the year, (2-8-22 = 32 = 5.) The Life Path number is 5. To get the attitude number you add the month to the day to a single digit. This person’s numbers are: Life Path 5, Day 8, and Attitude number is 1. For your convenience I’ve listed the basic meaning to the numbers below; this will also help you know what numbers you are compatible with. 1-5-7 Are the mental numbers, they ask the big questions in life. 2-4-8 Are the ¿nancial numbers, they are concerned with security issues. 3-6-9 Are the communication/creative numbers. 3-4-7-9 Are the Spiritual numbers, the numbers 4 & 7 are the genus numbers, and covers all talents.
Life Path – Uranus Rules: Reliable, Workaholic, Systematic
You’ll likely receive some positive information about your career and your ¿nancial status this month. Meanwhile, you are considering some big changes in these areas of your life. This is an exciting month, everything seems alive. Giving, determined, and warmhearted, you are creative, but occasionally impatient. Use that determination to win!
How To Find Your Life Path Number To ¿nd this number add all the numbers in your birth date. First, convert the month to a single number, and then add this individual digit, to the birthday, and the individual digit of the birth year. The individual digits are again added together, as necessary to reduce the total sum to a single digit 1 through 9. In this column I am not covering your personal year number, only for each month how your basic birth number is affected. If you are interested in the year number 1 through 9. You would add your month and day together to a single digit, and then add it to the existing year, to know the year number you are in.
The Basic Numbers and their Meaning
You are tactful and sensitive, yet also driven and motivated this month. You gain respect and recognition and may ¿nd yourself taking on a leadership role. Keep your balance and strength with diplomacy and tact. You are resourceful, practical, and inventive. These traits can be useful in your work and personal life this month.
The Life Path is the sum of the birth date of an individual, and remains throughout your life. This number represents who you are at birth and the native traits that you carry with you through life; no individual has the same ¿ngerprints, so, by adding your numerology number to your astrology sign makes you a totally unique individual. In numerology you have three primary numbers, your Life Path, Day and Attitude numbers. As you ¿gure out your numbers, read all three to get a complete picture
Life Path – Mercury Rules: Freedom of Communication, Changeable
Now is the time to deliver, to show yourself and everyone else that you are able and willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals. Slacking would be a serious mistake. But this is a time that will likely bring forth an important opportunity, and result in real progress, but it will take effort, and the giving of yourself that you are not use to.
Life Path – Venus Rules: Trustworthy, Teacher, Healer
Life Path – Neptune Rules: Analytical, Spiritual, Questioning, Intuition
Life Path – Saturn Rules: Enterprising, Realistic, Authoritative, Efficient
Life Path – Mars Rules: Humanitarianism, Idealistic, Visionary, Dramatic
Don’t make risky decisions this month, especially involving business. Check and double-check all your facts before going forward with your plans. Be skeptical however, your ability to promote yourself, your plans, or a product is enhanced now. There will be many social events and opportunities this month, so take advantage of them.
Compatibility Numbers Your Number
Natural Fit Nbrs.
Compatible Nbrs.
Netural - Can Go Either Way Nbrs.
Challenge & Requires Compromise Nbrs.
Your work situation will be rather demanding as more responsibility may be transferred to you. However, (May and June should bring the payoff.) On top of all the work, you are also dealing with family members needing your attention – and this can bring more understanding and closeness. Keep your balance through it all.
This month is focused on a period of hard work – possibly overtime, including soul searching and the need for quiet contemplation. You may be offered an opportunity to become involved in a new endeavor, but be careful with anything that promises a fast return this month, as a long–term approach is far more favorable than a get-rich-quick scheme, or short-term gambles. The world of work and personal relationships requires opposite approaches this month. A certain amount of aggression in career and business matters is favorable. Promote your ideas, put out effort, and work harder and longer as required. On the other hand, your personal life requires patience and understanding; both of others and yourself.
Renowned Award Winning
Author of 11 Books • 34 years experience
• Astrology • Numerology • Existentialist • Spiritual Consultant
www. Licensed
Clarice Barrett, Msc. D.
IN LIGHT TIMES • may, 2012 • PAGE 29
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Light Happenings
May, 2012
Celebrating Mothers Everywhere
27 SUNDAY RELEASE, HEAL & PROSPER with Dr. Robert Moldowan, 6:30pm; Love Donation; Location: Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV. www.UCiV. org, 702-435-3289. ONGOING EVENTS SUNDAYS CENTER OF LIGHT, Monthly meetings dedicated to studying Real Ascended Masters teachings. Spiritual healings. Call 702-792-3873 for dates, times and location. NANDAGIRI PATH OF SELF-REALIZATION, 10am Service. The teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Meditation Classes, Yoga. Visit: or call: 702-534-8413. UNITy CENTER IN THE VALLEy, A positive approach to spiritual living! Worship & Youth Ed 10am. New Location: 3037 E. Warm Springs. #300, LV. (between Pecos & Eastern) 702-435-3289. ECKANKAR WORSHIP SERVICE, 10am, Eckankar Center 3160 E. Desert Inn Suite 14. 702-369-0141. May topics: 6th The Art of Graceful Living; 15th Embracing Life with Joy & Laughter; 22nd Facing Life’s Challenges; 29th Finding Freedom in an Imperfect World; 29th Getting the Most From Life; Community Hu chant song on the fourth Friday at Pure Health 6:15pm; 7575 W. Washington. SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ETERNAL LIGHT, 11am; Music, meditation, healing, messages at 3430 E. Tropicana, Suite 62, NE corner of Trop & Pecos (Trop. Plaza). Call, 702-3626184. TEACHING OF THE INNER CHRIST, 11am; Friendship Circle and meditation. 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702-645-0904 on Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas. mONDayS GOLD LIGHT yOGA (yOGA + QIGONG) 745-9:15pm; Donation. Classical Ashtanga yoga combined with QiGong created for new and intermediate students. Blue Sky Yoga, Arts Factory 107 E. Charleston Blvd Downtown Las Vegas, TUESDAYS METAPHySICAL BOOK STUDy, Keep a True Lent by Charles Filllmore, 6:30p-8pm. Sponsored by Unity Center in the Valley. Held in private home. Call for directions. 702-435-3289. WEDNESDayS PRAyERS FOR THE PLANET, Send personal and planetary Prayer Requests by phone 702-530-3250 or website TEACHING OF THE INNER CHRIST, 6:30pm, Meditation; 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702645-0904. On Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas. MINDSHIFTER SUPPORT GROUP, 7pm. Free yourself from emotional pain and experience release and joy. Unity Center in the Valley,3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, LV. 702-435-3289. FRIDAYS
ANISTIMOLOGy, 6:30-7:45pm; $25. Become more alert, aware, & alive through breath, sound & simple body movement with Adora Starrsinger. 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. UPCOMING EVENTS FINANCIAL PROSPERITy MADE SIMPLE; A Women’s Money Conference. June 2nd in Las Vegas and June 9th in Reno, Nevada. Learn How To Take Control of Your Money for a Secure Financial Future at this One-Day Conference! Finally, experience the guidance with money you always hoped for. The Nevada Women’s Money Conference - the only program of its kind.Visit JOIN VAISHALI FOR A ONE OR TWO DAY ADVENTURE ON THE QUEEN MARY. July 21st, 2012 10-4pm: Create Your Health Holistically Though Chi Nei Tsang & Ayurveda. July 22nd, 2012 10-4pm Spirituality 505; Also: July 22nd Evening Haunted Encounters Tour with Vaishali. 7-8pm: See what happens when the sun goes down. Experience the ship at dusk with the twilight historical tour and get a behind-the-scenes peek at THE QUEEN MARY on a haunted exploration. Contact The Business Muse for costs, details and location, 818-848-3213; www. or Register before July 2nd for a discounted price. Learn the technique of Chi Nei Tsang for ultimate health.
LIST EVENTS BY THE 1ST • $15 pEr EVENT (BaSEd oN 20 wordS) + $1 EacH word THErEafTEr • SuBmIT VIa E-maIL: (SuBjEcT LINE, caLENdar) PAGE 30 • may, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES
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Vince Link, O.M.D. Doctor of Oriental Medicine
Acupuncture • Herbs 2725 S. joNES BLVd., #109 702.444.4775 LaS VEgaS, NV 89146 CLAIRVOYANT INTUITIVE
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Past Life Regressions
Janet Handley
IN LIGHT TIMES • may, 2012 • PAGE 31
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Bullseye pet supply 702-702-233-4157 Bullseye Pet Supply offers High Quality Products, holistic, natural pet foods, unique pet treats, quality kitty litter, pet toys and more…and at competitive prices. Better still, you will save time and gas as we deliver to your home or ofÀce for free; no more heavy lifting. Go to and order online. It’s easy, fast and convenient. Brand named pet food available. We work with clients and the recommendations from veterinarians. Your pet needs to be on a diet? Let us help. Call today 702233-4157 or visit: See page 3 & 31
got angel? 716-316-9123 Gemstone Healing Angels were created to combine the Metaphysical (healing properties of gemstones) and the Spiritual (praising the angels around us). Each angel is prayed over before it is sent out on its mission. We have pendants, necklaces, bracelets and more. Gemstone properties include: healing, support, faith, abundance, light, career, communication, awareness etc. $1.00 from each sale is donated to “BRAINS“, a Pediatric Brain Tumor Research Fund No matter what we may be experiencing, angels are here to help, just ask. Visit: www. See page 12
inner Quest tHerapeutic 702-796-8607 Deanna Chaplin, M.F.T. is a licensed Psychotherapist in Nevada and California with over 25 years experience helping individuals, couples and families. Specializing in TRAUMA Work: Hypnosis, Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Thought Field Therapy, Systematic Desensitization. FAMILY THERAPY: Couples/Marriage Counseling, Blended/Step Family issues, adolescent issues PSYCHOTHERAPY: Individual, Couples, & Family therapy, Anxiety, Phobias, Stress & Anger Management, Loss & Depression Counseling. Caring, Effective, & ConÀdential Treatment for the Entire Family. Visit: See page 23
Janet Handley reiki Master & Clairvoyant 702-808-8784 Are you looking for answers? Do you realize there is more to life than what you experience? Imagine your body feeling relaxed and calm. Being able to make decisions from a place of conÀdence, balance and harmony can take you to new heights. Janet Handley was born and raised in England. With 20 years experience in the healing arts, Reiki Master Janet utilizes the healing power of Reiki and her clairvoyant skills to bring understanding, guidance and wisdom. She conducts classes and gives individual readings. Her goal…bring healing, spiritual growth and peace into our lives. You’ll love her accent & you’ll love Janet! See pages 23 & 31
marilyn st-pierre 702-724-1494 Internationally known 3rd Generation Sixth Sense Intuitive Clairvoyant (Remote Viewer), Marilyn ST-Pierre provides clarity in matters of life challenges, business, Ànance, job, health, personal and family issues as well as destiny names and messages from loved ones. Make your appointment by visiting: or email: See page 31
MAY.indd 32
sanctuary massage 702-917-3845 Sanctuary ~ a haven of comfort; Bliss ~ Serene Joy … Experience both at Sanctuary Massage, a full service spa experience offering luxury healing treatments at affordable prices. Swedish, Therapeutic, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone, Sports, Aromatherapy, Breathing, Stretching, Bliss Packages and much more. Bliss Body & Bath packages include: butters, scrubs, pillows, bath salts, balms spritzers and other sundries. Sessions from 30m $30 to 4hrs $400; Mon-Sun 10am -7pm. See page 3
tHe mystical realm 702-473-5121 Are you curious about all things Mystical, Metaphysical, Spiritual and Magickal? Have you had a desire to further your knowledge and enhance your life? Do the Ancient Mysteries intrigue you? Looking for true answers to your most important questions? Visit this unique website and take a journey into fascinating realms. Delve into up-todate information on subjects of interest from the comfort of your home. Collect knowledge, enjoy attractions and browse the on-line store! Members and NonMembers alike will learn valuable secrets and gather “tools” to help with every area of your life! There truly is something for everyone! You will always see something new, as the site continues to evolve. Please sign the Guestbook and check back often! Dr. Annette Rizzolo, Msc. D., and Founder of The Mystical Realm, is back, and doing what she does best; teaching and inspiring others. Her captivating topics may just change your life forever! Also, exclusive to the Mystical Realm and In Light Times is, “Mystic Clarice.” Clarice Barrett, Msc. D. is a Spiritual Astrologer, Numerologist, Researcher, Teacher of Ancient Mysteries, and author of 11 Books. Visit a “good energy” website, where questions will be answered, concerns put to rest, and curiosities satisÀed. Realize the power you have inherent within you, and use it for your greater good! Bring a little enchantment into your life! Cross the bridge to Enlightenment and LifeEnhancement! See page 2
transform your life! reiki Master & Clairvoyant, Janet 702-808-8784 Do you have psychic abilities that need developing? If yes, then join me for a weekend or a six-week course of Psychic Development and Meditation. This safe and fun course will set you free from the stress around you. Learn to apply your intuitive tools to unlock your hidden abilities and make your life a joy. Call me to learn more or visit See pages 13 & 31
Unity cntr in tHe Valley Rev. Sophia Falke • 702-435-3289 Unity is a positive path for spiritual living, offering a loving, joyous environment where you can feel accepted while you experience personal spiritual growth. Sunday morning Worship & Youth Ed at 10am & 4th Sunday Healing Service at 6:30pm. Join us at our NEW LOCATION at 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, Las Vegas. Find out about classes & workshops or listen to a Sunday message at See page 12
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