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Contributing Writers
From The
Publisher This is both an exciting and sad time for us at In Light Times. Down through the years we have seen many changes; people coming and going. Even though some have moved on from our ILT family, they remain in our hearts and memories. And, as the passage of time marches on, I am reminded of the song by the Byrds, Ò Turn, Turn, Turn.Ó I also recall how great the artists were and that it was a special message in each song. However, I digress about the many people who have enriched my life over the passing decades. It takes courage to follow your destiny and for some of those who remain in my life, I am so proud of them and very blessed. I admire their courage and the trust to follow their hearts. I also believe that at some time, we all must be willing to accept our destiny and fly to great heights. If we were seeking to journey to new levels, what level would you find yourself? Do you have dreams, goals, ambitions? What step are you on toward your freedom? Do you have the courage to reach your destination?
Monthly • october Alan Cohen, author of many inspirational books, including the newly-released Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment.
Wayne W. Dyer, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author & speaker on selfdevelopment. Author of over 30 books, is affectionately called the “father of motivation”
Awakened Oracle Astrology by BrynMorgaine
Sophia Falke is minister at Unity Center in the Valley. Sophia is also a certified coach, seminar leader, and professional speaker.
The Herbalist Kathleen Gould SW Herb Shop
october Writers Doreen Virtue Dr. Ben Kim Dr. Karen Becker
Dr. Judith Orloff Marianne & Mike Allen Marlene Buffa
Michael Douglass Michael Ravensthorpe Monet Euan Robert A. Wilson
I apologize for once more I digress. This is about you, your family, friends and the guiding influence to push you to grow, to fly away. This is a tribute to those who helped In Light Times soar to new heights. To Bryn Morgaine of Awakened Oracle; her gentle soul, her authentic words of wisdom has endeared her as a true friend. And, as she travels the road of the unknown, I know she will find adventure around every bend along the path. Be safe my dear friend, you are loved. It is important to not take our family and friends for granted. You never know when you will need a helping hand tomorrow. Ò Thank YouÓ for all of you who have helped me grow thru support, lessons and challenges. You are so appreciated. I love you all. Take care and many blessings be yours. As the holidays begin, let us not forget those in need of that helping hand. What are you dressing up as on October 31?. In Love & Light,
Michelene PAGE 5 • OCTOBER, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES
have some neW surprises
coming up in
also, and in
2nd annual expo
Winter solstice
december. alexis park
dec. 21-22. get
your tickets
PUBLISHER • EDITOR Michelene K. Bell ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eugenia Martini-Jarrett ADVERTISING 702-259-6843 NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Dannion Brinkley • Alan Cohen Dr. Doreen Virtue ADVISORS •Dyana Ray • Michele Avanti • Gina Robison-Billups
702-259-6843 GRAPHICS BY EUGENIA 702-328-3722 E-MAIL WEBSITE IN LIGHT TIMES 310 Annabelle Lane #247 Henderson, Nev. 89014
OctOber, 2014 ENLIGHTENING VIEWS 4. PeoPle Come and Go by miChelene K. bell
In appreciation of those who touch our lives…
fouR seasons of life
6. no Past nor Future, only the now by miChael douGlass
What you do in the present moment is much more important than what you have done yesterday or will do tomorrow.
7. C hoiCe Conversations by alan Cohen
This is your life. Make every encounter count.
8. doors oF PerCePtion by dr. wayne w. dyer
…“If doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is, Infinite.
9. that's Just not my way by soPhia FalKe
…their way was try once and give up and then live in the City of Resentment or Village of Bewilderment.
10. Green FlaGs From heaven by doreen virtue
Power simply means you honor your feelings, and have the courage to speak up about them without apology or trying to control the other person’s reactions.
11. do you do windows? by marlene buFFa Ok. I admit it. I hate doing windows.
Feature 16 HEALTH LIGHTS 20. three edible mushrooms with Proven CanCer FiGhtinG ProPerities by miChael ravensthorP
… reishi “clearly demonstrates anti-cancer activity in experiments with cancer cells and has possible therapeutic potential as a dietary supplement for an alternative therapy for breast and prostate cancer.
OUR(UR) PETS & ANIMALS 12. the unCanny ways your doG reads your voiCe by dr. Karen beCKer 13. how do humminGbirds hover? by dr. Karen beCKer
GEMS FOR THE SOUL 15. a tribute to Joan rivers
21. health & lonGevity seCret by monet euan Louise Hay's Bone Broth Recipe
22. ChroniC edema by dr. ben Kim
I spoke briefly with someone looking to address chronic edema in her legs.
23. de-mystiFyinG hyPnosis by marianne & miKe allen, Cht
Hypnosis is not about making the audience bark like a dog or cluck like a chicken.
24. emPaths at risK For adrenal FatiGue by dr. Judith orloFF …get in.the habit of thinking positive thoughts.
25. ControllinG inFlammation by dr. isaaC
…it’s well known that chronic inflammation accelerates aging,
Books & Music Reviews 14 Sudoku Puzzle 15 Quick Reference Guide 26-27
Light Happenings 28 Astrology•Awakened Oracle 29
Classified 30 Business Profiles 32 IN LIGHT TIMES • OCTOBER, 2014 • PAGE 6
EnlightEning ViEws
Not Past Nor Future, Only The NOW
By Michael Douglass
hat you do in the present moment is much more important than what you have done yesterday or will do tomorrow.
The purpose of the process you are undertaking is to bring change to the world by changing yourself. When we say, “change yourself” we mean find the truth in yourself. Be who you are and live your truth, so that you do not become what is false in this world. If you are not true to yourself, how can you expect to bring truth to others? One area that it is important to focus on if you are to live in your truth, is to consider the goals that you want to accomplish or complete in your life. What are the things that you have always wanted to do? It is important to realize that you may not have time to actualize every goal and that everything you want to do in life is not guaranteed to come true. If a goal you have is not present in your mind and there is no urgency behind making it come true, then it never will. If, in your mind, something you want to achieve for yourself is always something to be done in the future, then when will it ever be the present? In order to accomplish your life goals, you must bring them into the now by taking steps towards making those goals happen. Living in the now means you are focused on the present moment, and placing your goal there means that you see it as something that is happening right now. If you bring your goals from the future of your mind, into the present moment, then you will think about those goals in the now and take action on them in the now. By realizing the difference between things that exist only in the future and things that are living in the now; you can recognize how much of your life you are putting off for a time that may never come. To live in your truth, you must make a conscious effort to bring more of the important things you wish to accomplish for yourself out of the abstract future and into the present moment. In order to bring light into the world, you need to look within. By looking within, you can bring your happiness to this world; a world that can benefit from more light and happiness. A powerful step to enable you to bring out your light and shine it on this world, is to live in the now. Look at the steps you are currently taking, not the steps that you have yet to take. When you walk down the street, you do not look behind you at the steps you took to get to the point where you are walking. Perhaps as you walk, your mind thinks about your destination, or focuses on where you are walking to next. Instead, focus on where you are walking now. Take a look around you, become present, and observe your surroundings. You may gain a new perspective and see things differently than before. You may notice something that you never knew was there. This is the beauty of walking in the now: you have the time to experience life, encounter the unexpected, and become aware of opportunities that you didn’t know that you had. Opportunities and new experiences exist in the present moment. If you take a step in that direction, you will help the world to take a step in a new direction: the direction of being in the now. Allowing yourself to experience the joy of living in the now is a powerful way to release your love and light into this world. Now is the time, now is forever. You are love, you are light, you are the power beyond and it is found within.
wwwww Matthew Douglas was born and raised in a small Indiana town in the United States and is the youngest of four siblings. He faced many challenges in life, which provided him with the growth he needed to step forward into this expression of his true purpose. Matthew realized he was a natural channel for Rainbow Walker in 2003 and has been channeling them ever since. Rainbow Walker is a collective of spiritual guides who call themselves Rainbow Walker. Rainbow Walker includes Yogi, Joy, Zac, and Seth. Matthew is dedicated to sharing their transformative information with the world He is passionate about spreading their inspirational work and enjoys helping other people find their true path by looking within. Contact Info:, Email: PAGE 7 • OCTOBER, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES
EnlightEning ViEws
Monthly Inspirations from
n e h o C n a l A
hoice onversations
Do you know anyone who is so firmly fixed on what he or she wants to talk about that you don’t stand a chance to talk about anything else with that person? I know a CEO who is interested only in sales statistics. If you want to talk to him, the conversation must be about spreadsheets, price points, and returns on investments. I know another fellow who is into yoga. If you want to discuss gurus, devotional ceremonies, and meditation techniques, he’s there. If not, there is nothing else to talk about. Another guy is a classic narcissist. All he cares to talk about is himself. If the conversation drifts to you, it will be back on him quickly. That’s his subject. While some of the above examples speak of dysfunction, there is an important principle behind these practices. You have the power to establish the ground upon which you communicate with others. Not so much the subject matter, but the kind of energy you value. Many people tell me they have a hard time with their argumentative family or their spouse’s family. Or with depressed and depressing co-workers. “They are so negative,” my clients tell me. “All they want to talk about is bad news and gossip. I can’t stand being around them.” I tell such clients, “These people are moving you to choose the frequency you want to dwell in and hold fast to it. You do not need to slide into the gutter with them. Invite them to higher ground by staying in your chosen domain. Some will join you and others will not. That doesn’t matter. What matters is you hold your space no matter what others choose for themselves.”
As we enter a new school and business season, followed by the holidays, you will have plenty of opportunities to participate in interactions that match you, and those that don’t. This is your life. Make every encounter count. Here are some ways to create choice conversations: (1) Diplomatically change the topic. (2) Reframe the conversation with kindness. “I know he’s been grumpy, but I am guessing he is still in pain about his divorce.” (3) Direct truth: “I am not really into politics or gay-bashing. Can we talk about something else?” (4) Withdrawal: leave the room. Any of these will work, as long as you have the confidence to move with your inner guidance. As we enter a new school and business season, followed by the holidays, you will have plenty of opportunities to participate in interactions that match you, and those that don’t. This is your life. Make every encounter count.
wwwww Alan Cohen is the author of, I Had it All the Time: When Self-Improvement Gives Way to Ecstasy. If you would like to become a professional life coach or incorporate life coaching skills in your career or personal life, join Alan’s celebrated Life Coach Training Program beginning in January 2015. For more information about this program, Alan’s books, free daily inspirational quotes, and his weekly radio show, visit
Think for a moment about why you would sacrifice your inner peace to join people who have set up camp in a sewer. Perhaps they are your family, and you feel guilty about not participating in their dark repartee. But you have two kinds of family: biological family and spiritual family. In his brilliant book, Illusions, Richard Bach declares, “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.” It is a wonderful thing when your biological family is also your spiritual family. But if it is not, you must place yourself where you belong. You must gravitate to your just right tribe. You must take care of your spirit. If your family interactions are tattering your soul, you cannot afford to indulge them. You may need to step away for now. Hopefully at some point you can reconnect on higher ground. For now, you must establish yourself on higher ground regardless of what they choose for themselves. Send them love and know they are capable of better. When you have done your part, you invite them to do theirs. You might also indulge in negative interactions because you feel obligated to do so. These are your co-workers and this is the Christmas Party. Pip pip, good cheer, socialize appropriately. No job is worth the price of your aliveness. I am not suggesting you quit, although that might be a realistic alternative. I am suggesting you don’t drop into negativity with them. All relationships, interactions, and conversations are like Velcro Tape. The little hooks on one side of the tape fit with the hooks on the others side of the tape, and the flap sticks together. Likewise, your conversations are by agreement. If you agree to go to a dark place, you get to be there. If you do not agree, you get to not be there instead. The power to hook or not hook is entirely yours. No matter what others are choosing for themselves, you have the right, power, and responsibility to choose for yourself. You might also stay in the dregs because you fear to lose a friend. You have known this person for a long time, you have a history together, and she might be hurt or offended if you don’t spend as much time together as you used to. Yet what was is not what is. If you do not match now, you do not match. People change and grow in different directions. No one is wrong. You are both right, and you both have to be in your right place. Friendships, like marriages, should continue only if both partners choose to be together. If you both want to connect, that’s a good enough reason. If one of you doesn’t want to connect, that’s a good enough reason. Trust that if you follow your spirit you will be in your right place and so will your friend.
EnlightEning ViEws
By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Wisdom from Wayne
Doors of PercePtion
“If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern.”
hose of a certain age, like me, will remember the words “doors of perception” as a catch-phrase of the 1960s. First, British author Aldous Huxley borrowed The Doors of Perception as the title for a brief book he wrote in 1954, detailing his experiences when taking the psychedelic drug, mescaline. A decade later, iconic American rock band, The Doors, borrowed their name and all the rich layers of associated meaning from Huxley’s book title. As William Blake said, “If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite.” Our connection to the Infinite has always beckoned us. We have only to move beyond the
William Blake 18th Century Mystical Poet
barriers we ourselves have created to a blissful and empowering view of reality. In my most recent explorations of what the Infinite means to us, I’ve been reading a book called The Impersonal Life by Joseph S. Benner. According to Benner, every one of us has both a personal self as well as an impersonal aspect to our being. Your personal self, or your personality, is being directed at all times by your mind and your five senses. In contrast to your personal self, there is also an impersonal self that is with you for every moment of your existence in this lifetime. This
impersonal self is NOT your intellect and body. It is the invisible intelligence that animates all of life. It is responsible for all of your deepest desires. It allows your fingernails to grow, your heart to beat, and it is the Force that supports all of life everywhere. To appreciate the presence of this Force, you must get away from the consciousness of your body and intellect, which have long held you enslaved. Most of us are so attached to our personalities that we are immune to recognizing the LIGHT that is our true essence. That which you have come to think you are you are not! Everything in nature has an animating force behind it which, as Lao Tzu explains in the Tao Te Ching, “does nothing, yet leaves nothing undone.” There is no doer that you can see or touch that opens the flowers or keeps the planets in alignment or allows you to breathe. You know that it is there, yet it is impervious to your senses and your entire personality. Understand that every burning desire that you have ever had and that has lived with you for your entire lifetime, is placed there not by your personality but by your infinite impersonal self. Those desires are there because the universal One Mind not only wants them there and has placed them there, but because it is your destiny to fulfill them before you depart this present corporeal existence here on Earth. YOU ARE LIGHT. Allow yourself to experience your true essence as a spark of the infinite divine intelligence.
Wayne W. Dyer, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. Author of over 30 books, he has created many audio programs, videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Dr. Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. When he’s not traveling the globe delivering his uplifting messages, Wayne is writing from his home in Maui. If you would like to receive Wayne’s newsletter visit: www.
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EnlightEning ViEws
he wanted the job. He wanted a one-on-one to break into the local interior design market. He wanted a speaking engagement. They all had something in common. They felt that one outreach was sufficient and there was something wrong with the person they initially contacted because they did not immediately get to their outreach. I asked, “Did you follow up with a phone call?” Their answer, was “No, I gave them their chance.” I tried some other suggestions, but was met with the wall of “That’s just not my way.” I guess their way was try once and give up and then live in the City of Resentment or Village of Bewilderment. I think we all know people who believe the universe should pander to their way of doing things. And when it doesn’t, the universe is wrong. I can still hear my mother’s voice when I looked for summer jobs during college. I’d sigh as I shared how I hadn’t heard from prospective employers. Mom would say, “Well call them and follow up.” I’d roll my eyes with, “Aw, Ma, I don’t want to bother them.” To which she responded, “You have to keep calling until they are so sick of hearing from you that they’ll give you the job.” (Insert exasperated tone with a Brooklyn accent and you, too, will hear my mother’s voice.) I made the calls. I got a job. “I don’t want to bother them” is in the same town—neighbors even—as “That’s just not my way.” That’s how some of us do life. “If my way doesn’t work, that’s it. I’m not playing anymore.” Remember when we were children? “If I don’t get what I want, I’ll take my marbles and go home.” That philosophy didn’t work then (at least not for me) and it doesn’t work now. Sometimes the world doesn’t seem fair. I remember sitting on the slope overlooking the elementary school softball field crying and lamenting how unjust the other kids were in not remembering it was my turn to rotate in as batter. I felt devastated at the
injustice of it. Then I realized that all the lamentation in the world wouldn’t get me into the batter’s box, so I got up and went back to the outfield to begin rotating through all the field positions until I could again be up at bat. That’s how life works sometimes. Things don’t go our way, and doing things the way we always have doesn’t work. Not wanting to bother potential employers wasn’t going to work for me. True, there is a balance between trying only once and being so insistent an employer feels like they are being stalked. I had to look at what it was that made me uncomfortable with following up. Was I afraid of rejection? Did I think I wasn’t good enough? Did I really want that particular job?
need, enlist the support of a trusted friend or mentor. It will be easy to say, “Yes, I should probably work on these questions, but I’ll come back to it later.” I invite you to take the time now to get started. “Later” often never comes. And we slip back into explaining away not achieving our dreams and goals with, “That’s just not my way.” You have greatness within you that yearns to demonstrate in your life. Try a new way to draw your greatness out and live a more joy-filled, abundant life.
Sophia Falke is a trans-formation coach, speaker, and author. You can reach her at or by calling or texting 702-283-3117. Sophia is also the minister at Unity Center in the Valley, Las Vegas. Information on programs at Unity Center can be found at,, or
When “our way” isn’t working or we feel uncomfortable, it is an invitation to step back and look at what underlying subconscious beliefs are controlling our conscious thoughts, emotions, and actions. There is usually an old belief that is rooted in how we were treated in a similar situation or because of the family and culture in which we were raised. Times are changing. Consciousness is shifting. Many of the old beliefs no longer serve us. Instead, they are self-limiting and keep us in pain. So if “your way” isn’t working, try asking yourself some basic questions. What belief causes me to feel and act this way? Where did this belief come from? Is it still true? Does it serve me? What new belief would support me in having a more joy-filled, abundant life? How much do I want this new circumstance (job, relationship, better health, etc.)? And what am I willing to do to change my underlying beliefs? Answering these questions requires making your inner work your top priority. It means sitting down and writing out the answers. If nothing comes to mind at first, set the question aside and return to it later in the day, or take the question into meditation and allow the answer to come through. If you’re still not finding the answers you
EnlightEning ViEws
Green Fla laGs laG Gs From heaven
By Doreen Virtue
Power simply means that you honor your feelings, and have the courage to speak up about them without apology or trying to control the other person’s reactions. You’re not a victim, nor can you ever be a victim. As long as you stay sober, alert, and aware of your inner guidance, you’ll always be safe and supported. Just as angels send redflag signs to warn you about getting involved with the wrong person, so do they send you green flags to direct you along the right path.
Some women were raised with the notion that females are supposed to be demure and defer to a man’s authority and power. This is so unhealthy and unnatural. Every person, regardless of the gender of the physical body in which he or she incarnated in this lifetime, has equal access to God’s Divine power.
G re e n f l a g s a re w h e n y o u g e t frequent and continual inner nudges to take positive steps or make healthful life changes.
Several women have admitted to me that they equate power with manliness. They fear that they’ll push men away from them by becoming powerful.
But the happy truth is that it’s entirely possible and also admirable to be both feminine and powerful. Power doesn’t mean that you have to wear men’s suits and go around bullying people. That’s confusing power with aggression. They’re not the same! Power simply means that you honor your feelings, and have the courage to speak up about them without apology or trying to control the other person’s reactions. A powerful person is comfortable with him or herself. A powerful person doesn’t need someone else’s approval in order to be happy. Emotionally healthy men and women admire and are attracted to confident women. You already have these qualities, because you already are powerful. You may need to remind yourself of this if you’re just beginning to reawaken and reassume your personal power. It begins by questioning every part of your life where you’ve worried what other people will think. It means looking at any relationship where you’re asking that other person for permission. It means being aware of whatever relationship triggers anxiety or fear within you. A number of people have told me that they have a deep-seated fear of abusing their power, if they allowed it to be unleashed. Again, this is confusing power with aggression! Yes, it’s true that when you’re aggressive, you do abuse your authority. Aggressive people hurt others in order to get their own goals met. But a sensitive and loving Earth Angel would never dream of taking someone else’s rights away or hurting anyone else in order to get ahead. This wouldn’t even enter his or her consciousness. If you’re the type of person who would abuse others, then you’re no Earth Angel.
Some people are afraid of their power because it means that they’ll be forced
to take total responsibility for their lives, which frightens and intimidates them. But the positive truth is that when you take responsibility for your life, you then have control and power. This means no more blaming and no more playing the role of victim. It means you stop asking permission to do what your soul is calling you to do. You have the courage to take risks to change your life; to match your inner dreams and guidance. Perhaps your mother or father was trying to protect you by having you reel in your power. Perhaps you were a very strong-willed child, and your parents were frazzled because of their own lives, so they didn’t have the time or energy to deal with your powerful ways. Perhaps you were shamed by others when you spoke up and told the truth. Others may have punished or abandoned you for being authentic. While such reactions from others can leave long-lasting emotional wounds, they don’t take away your power. Again, nothing and no one can take away the power that Source created within you. Your power is eternal and always at its 100 percent maximum intensity. I believe Jesus was trying to demonstrate for us that we’re all connected to Source, and we all have this power. He said that all of us, with faith, can enact the miracles that he did—and more. It’s time to stop playing “little”! Your life purpose could be the one to change the world and save the entire planet.
wwwww Doreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with the angelic realm. She’s the author of Archangels 101, Earth Angels, and Healing with the Angels, among other works programs; presents workshops around the world; and also has a weekly call-in talk show on Visit www.
Do You Do Windows?
k. I admit it. I hate cleaning windows. Like most of us, the task often gets delayed until the last possible moment. After craning my neck to look around the spots on the glass to see outside, I finally relent and get the window cleaner and newspaper. My most recent attempt at cleaning windows taught me a valuable lesson. No matter how hard I scrubbed on the inside, I couldn’t get the specks off the outside of the glass. At times in life, we work, blame ourselves and make excuses for why things aren’t showing up as clearly as we think they should. All the while, the problem that won’t go away exists outside us, as we attempt to clean up an illusion – something out there pretending to appear like it’s an internal problem. SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE LESSONS “OUT” THERE On track with what we know as true, we see the specks of our faults showing up in the most inopportune places. The lessons from life intrude in the most obvious location; the biggest obstruction to seeing our world lands right in front of the field of vision. Like on a windshield, the biggest splotch comes right at eye level – rarely on a peripheral point on the glass. Scrubbing on the inside does no good. We are forced to reach outside of ourselves to clean the path for our clear vision. We must remove the rain-speckled spots of our perceived shortcomings in order to see down the road of our true potential. CONDENSATION – INSIGHT I grew up in Michigan – the Great Lakes state. Together with great variations in temperature throughout the year, the state humidity level stays high. In the summer, car windows fog up with condensation, and in the winter,
windows require defrosting. So, most of the time, the view from the driver’s seat is cloudy and gray. Wipers won’t work to open up the field of sight, since the problem, in these cases, rests internally. When we think about how we fog up our own windows to the world, we see that many times we act as our own worst enemy. No amount of scraping or wanting the outside world to change to accommodate us will alter what’s going on inside of us. The spirit of life lives within each of us, and remains the point of origin for all When the vision of who you are becomes cloudy, know that you alone can wipe off the condensation of selfdoubt and insecurity. BIRD DROPPINGS Whether parked under a tree, or speeding down a highway, our feathered friends find ways to pepper the windows of our cars. Like an automobile, the vehicle we travel in – the body temple – also receives wasteful assaults from others with whom we share the planet. We can reduce the probability of being a target by not lingering beneath telephone wires where we know birds congregate, but seldom do we recognize when our human friends unknowingly release their spiritual refuse on us. We can spend our lives sidestepping being a receptacle for negativity and focus our energy elsewhere. If we keep a mental bulls-eye on our back, we attract more unwanted attacks on our spirit. Better to know that unwanted messes come from our fauna and human friends, and understand that it takes a loving spirit to recognize the difference between what someone else puts upon us, and who we truly are.
clean, yet smudges, smears and streaks appear when we step back to take a better look. Annoyed that our efforts to clean resulted in a bigger mess than initially presented, we scrub harder, often using the same rag that caused the smear in the first place. In the windows of our world, the methods we use to clean our spirit may also leave streaks and smears of our past. When we take a moment to examine the exercises we endure and tools we use to rid ourselves of functional but murky circumstances and perspectives, we see that changing our processes may provide us the relief we seek. Along with learning that the daily newspaper makes the best glass cleaner, I found that approaching uncertain circumstances with common sense and a pure heart, dissolves fears and illusions which block my ability to see the world clearly. WIPING CLEAN In life, we face the inevitable distractions and hindrances to our clear vision. The illusion of the world outside of us combines with the internal blockages we
EnlightEning ViEws By Marlene Buffa
create. In order to develop the acumen to discern an external speck from an internal one, we rely on the depth of our perception to distinguish our role. Often, life presents us with challenges in the midst of our vision and in the pinnacle of our troubles, to ensure we pay attention, and address the weaknesses immediately. Only then can we carefully select the friends and energy we choose to engage with and use the highest and best tools to keep the vision of our life purpose clear and our path true. May you see clearly the abundant spirit within you and easily remove that which blocks your greater good!
Taking a quiet sideways glance at life, Marlene offers insight through her words from experiences. A student of newthought teachings, Marlene finds practical spirituality around every corner and seeks wisdom through observation of life’s inter-relationships. Sometimes playful, sometimes poignant, always thought-provoking, her writing inspires readers in meaningful ways.
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The Uncanny Ways Your Dog Reads Your Voice
By Dr. Becker
will come as no surprise to many of you, but according to new research, even very young dogs tune in to subtle and indirect cues in human voices. For example, puppies are able to follow the direction of a human’s voice to find food. Earlier studies have shown that dogs have the ability to follow a person’s pointed finger or gaze to locate treats. Researchers have also discovered that dogs pick up on human emotions. In fact, while it might seem our closest animal relative, the chimpanzee, is the animal most likely to understand human gestures, dogs are actually more adept at it. According to lead study author Federico Rossano of Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology: “The message of this study is not that chimps are stupid and dogs are smart. What it tells us is that dogs pay special attention to communicative signals from humans. …That’s a sign of how connected we are.” There are two schools of thought on why dogs seem to understand us so well. Some scientists believe domesticated dogs living in companionship with humans have passed down genes that encourage the human-canine bond in successive generations. Others suspect dogs develop and hone their people skills over the course of their lives.
Study Dogs Successfully Used Auditory Cues to Find Treats For the study, researchers used the direction of their voices, rather than gazes or hand signals, to indicate the presence of food. In the first experiment involving 24 adult dogs of various breeds, a researcher stood behind a solid wooden barrier and secretly placed treats in one of two containers sitting in front of the barrier. Next, the researcher knelt behind the barrier so the dog, standing with his handler, couldn’t see her. She then turned her face toward the container holding the treats, and said, “Oh, look, look there, this is great!” The handler released the dog, and the researchers observed which container he headed for. In an average of 7.6 out of 12 tries, the dogs went directly to the container holding the treats, even though they could not smell the food, nor were they swayed by random noises the researcher made behind the barrier. When the researcher faced the back wall instead of the container with the treats and spoke to the dogs, they could not guess the location of the food. According to the study’s authors, the dogs’ results were as good or better than the results seen with human infants in previous experiments. PAGE 13 • OCTOBER, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES
Puppies Scored Even Higher Than Adult Dogs in Finding Treats Next, the researchers wanted to find out if the dogs’ ability to follow the direction of a person’s voice was learned, or instinctive. They set up a second experiment involving 16 puppies from 8 to 14 weeks of age, and gave them the same test. The puppies, due to their age, were not as well-trained as the adult dogs or as experienced with human interactions. Surprisingly, the puppies found the food an average of 8.1 out of every 12 tries. But whereas the adult dogs did just as well on their first attempt as their last, most of the puppies took a few tries to catch on. The pups with the most experience around humans did better than those who were not yet well-socialized.
Dogs Learn Quickly and Without Much Prompting to Respond to Our Voices The researchers concluded the ability of dogs to follow the direction of human voices is learned rather than innate, but it is learned very quickly, and with a minimal amount of exposure to humans. According to the researchers, their study is the first to investigate the ability of dogs to use only auditory communication from humans to locate hidden food. The results suggest that dogs are able to use multiple senses to comprehend human communication. “The take-home message (is) there’s a lot of information dogs can pick up when they’re in the presence of humans,”Rossano says. “We should care for them and be attentive and also be amazed by how special they are in picking up all these signals and how much they care about us.”
How Do Hummingbirds Hover?
Great Animal Pix
By Dr. Becker
you’ve ever been on a bumpy flight while traveling by air, you know how jarring it can be to your entire system, even when you’re sitting inside the (relative) comfort of a commercial airplane. Yet every day, birds fly in turbulent air. Have you ever wondered how they make it look so easy?
Until recently, it was unknown what impact these pockets of turbulence have on a bird’s energy expenditure and ability to control movements in flight. But to shed a bit of light on the subject, a team of researchers at the University of Berkeley’s Animal Flight Laboratory has now provided new insight into the hovering skills of hummingbirds. The researchers evaluated which conditions cause the birds to max out their extraordinary metabolism levels. In their study published in March in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B,1, the UC Berkeley researchers revealed at what levels of intensity air turbulence causes hummingbirds to expend the greatest amounts of energy. Hummingbirds Have Spectacular Hovering Skills All birds, including hummingbirds, can hover for extended periods thanks to the balance of the up and down movements of their wings. A bird’s wings move horizontally, going across, rotating, and then coming back up as the bird moves. According to researcher Robert Dudley, a UC Berkeley integrative biology professor who also heads the Animal Flight Laboratory, hummingbirds in particular are “super-specialized” when it comes to their hovering skills. And Dudley should know – he’s been studying them for 15 years. In their experiment, which involved five Anna’s hummingbirds, the researchers placed the birds inside a wind tunnel/bird feeder with an artificial flower attached at one end so they would hover in place. While they fed, the researchers turned on the wind in the tunnel, and the birds had to adjust to the changes in airflow and turbulence. The hummingbirds were exposed to three different wind speeds (three, four, and nine meters per second), and three different-sized vortices created by differently sized cylinders (two, four, and nine centimeters in diameter). The researchers measured the birds’ oxygen consumption and metabolism in each scenario.
According to the research team, if science can understand how hummingbirds use their tails and wings to exercise stability and control under different amounts of turbulence, manufacturers of micro air vehicles (MAVs) might someday be able to mimic those mechanisms in MAVs to make them more resilient and energy-efficient under turbulent conditions.
The Wider the Vortex, the Harder Hummingbirds Must Work to Hover
Next, the UC Berkeley team plans to evaluate the metabolism of hummingbirds in naturally occurring turbulent conditions.
Dudley and his colleagues learned it was not wind speed that boosted the birds’ metabolism, but the size of the vortex created by the cylinders. When the birds flew in the two and four centimeter cylinders, they expended only normal levels of energy. But when they flew with the vortex created by the nine-centimeter cylinder, which was similar in size to the wingspan of a hummingbird, the birds showed a 25 percent increase in metabolism.
Dr. Karen Becker, a proactive and integrative wellness veterinarian. On behalf of myself and Dr. Mercola, I’d like to welcome you to IN LIGHT TIMES • OCTOBER, 2014 • PAGE 14
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Books That Make A Difference
Recommended Reading
Overcoming Cancer: A Journey of Faith
By Judi Moreo
This book is a must for those facing cancer and for those with loved ones facing this fear-filled disease. Judi Moreo writes from the heart – telling her story with truth and emotion. She highlights her course of action, not forcing her opinions on anyone but truly providing options to conventional cancer care that are sound and do-able. The wisdom shared throughout this book, and the open mind and compassionate heart from which it flows, benefits us all. Judi’s holistic return to vibrant health inspires not only those directly dealing with cancer but each of us who seeks a calmer, more peaceful and balanced life. Cancer is a very complex illness, but this book manages to present sufficient detail for readers to come away informed. It’s written in a light, easy style and is insightful, which gives the reader a real opportunity to focus on something positive. The practical tips given will help equip patients and their families to deal with their situations. What is different about it compared to other books on cancer is that it’s written by someone who actually went through it. In fact, while not making light of this subject, the author has injected a great deal of humor and common sense into something which can be scary and isolating. Dr. James Sensenig, Founding President of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, states, “This book could save your life or that of a loved one. “
Happy Halloween Art:
watch and see the different bottled waters be put to the test
Ronny Rudley • 702-340-0936 PAGE 15 • OCTOBER, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES
Independent dIstrIbutor
Joan Rivers Honoring the Legendary Joan Rivers, her daughter Melissa Rivers stated: “My mother’s greatest joy in life was to make people laugh…” Joan’s fearless sharp-tongued humor endeared her to the entire world and carried her through endless bouts of tough times both in her personal life and in her career. Here is a sampling of her wit and whiz with one-liners, jokes and a variety of perceptions from politics to sex. “I succeeded by saying what everyone else is thinking.” “I think anyone who’s perfectly happy isn’t particularly funny.” “My love life is like a piece of Swiss cheese. Most of it’s missing, and what’s there stinks.” “I’ve learned: When you get older, who cares? I don’t mince words, I don’t hold back. What are you gonna do to me? Fire me? It’s been done. Threaten to commit suicide? Done. Take away my show? Done! Not invite to me to the Vanity
Gems for the Soul Fair party? I’ve never been invited! If I ever saw the invitation, I’d use it as toilet paper.” “Comedians are the lucky ones, because if you’re funny, you can be 125 years old and they will still accept you.” “My best birth control now is to just leave the lights on.” “The first time I see a jogger smiling, I’ll consider it.” “You know you’re getting old when you buy a sexy sheer nightgown and don’t know anyone who can see through it.” “I have a wonderful psychiatrist that I see maybe once a year, because I don’t need it. It all comes out onstage.” “Life is very tough. If you don’t laugh, it’s tough.” “My routines come out of total unhappiness. My audiences are my group therapy.” “Anyone that says looks don’t count is lying. Of course they do. Even babies go to the attractive face. It’s the way humans work.” “I hate housework! You make the beds, you do the dishes and six months later you have to start all over again.” “Grandchildren can be annoying – how many times can you go ‘And the cow goes moo and the pig goes oink’? It’s like talking to a supermodel.” “The fashion magazines are suggesting that women wear clothes that are ‘age appropriate’ … for me that would be a shroud.” “Is she fat? … Her favorite food is seconds.” “She doesn’t understand the concept of Roman numerals; she thought we just fought in World War Eleven.” “Looking fifty is great – if you’re sixty.” “I wish I had a twin, so I could know what I’d look like without plastic surgery.” “People say that money is not the key to happiness, but I always figured if you have enough money, you can have a key made.” “I am definitely going to watch the Emmys this year! My makeup team is nominated for ‘Best Special Effects.” “You know you’ve reached middle age when you’re cautioned to slow down by your doctor, instead of by the police.”
Answers on Pg 25
F eature S tory
Four Seasons of Life
our Seasons happens in our lives everyday. It has been hypothesized that if we were to live our lives according to the undulations and cycles of the living Earth, our very essence would change drastically.
So, what are the Four Seasons of Life? They are specific arenas within the fabric of time. It is here where the chapters of our lives are written and re-examined that helps each of us move forward. The experiences that we take on during these times can bring clarity, understanding and great opportunities in the successes we experience. The Four Seasons of Life are indeed tied into the cycles of the living Earth and when we live within the flow of those vibrations, our lives take on the element of change. Since we are entering the Winter Season, let’s begin there. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and see and feel what winter means to you. Is it a time of cold and dreary days/nights? Is it a time of skiing and snow activities? Or perhaps it has a deeper meaning. When we think of winter, it may equate to a slow-down period; a hibernation if you will. How winter impacts us as individuals is different for all of us; however, if we look at the vibrations and energies of winter, they have a unique signature as winter is considered the First of the Four Seasons as well as the last of the seasons. Winter gives us the opportunity to re-evaluate our current lives, the letting go of those elements that no longer serve us in daily living. It is the time for closure and completion of unwanted habits and projects. Winter is the time to fortify our bodies and minds toward the upcoming seasons. Winter also allows unwanted things in our lives to become extinct. The winter vibration affords us an open door to take care of ourselves and re-establish the talent of de-stressing; reminding us that we deserve the break. Enjoy the vibration of winter’s gifts. WINTER MERGES INTO SPRING Again, close your eyes. Imagine what feelings and emotions you are experiencing. Are you happy, excited and anticipating great things? If so, why? As Spring arrives and launches into the season of renewal, we are being invited to do the same…renew our spirit, our lives; rewrite chapters to fit the new “us:, After all, with the long, cold winter coming to an end, Spring is the perfect time to “lighten
Up”. Springtime is asking us to shed the old shell of winter and leap forward into the new. After all, how many of us have the urge to Spring clean…especially the closets and getting rid of those items we no longer use. Remember the old tale, if you have not worn or used an item in the last 6-12 months, then get rid of it through gifting or giving it to the homeless or some charity. The ideology is, once we have cleared the clutter, then there is room to grow. This is true; I can attest to this fact! Spring is also a time of planting…i.e., new thoughts, new dreams, new ideas and projects. It is indeed a “feel good” time as we witness the growth of our planting season. Spring brings joy and celebration of accomplishment as well as recognizing our many attributes into this special season of advancement. So, what are you planting? What goals, what dreams are you putting into the enriched fertile soil of life? What are you writing in this Spring chapter? What does it look like? Remember, allow what you have planted to now blossom into success. Use the mind, subconscious, consciousness, infinite intelligence and inner self to access the fields of possibility seeds (ideas and opportunities) which are unlimited. Spring is the time for preparing the soil to plant the seeds for you to harvest in the fall. SUMMER SEASON As we anticipate moving into Summer, (a time considered the nurturing and growing season), we are reminded of the many opportunities we have set in motion since our winter season. When you stop to visualize summer, what are some of the first images to come to mind? Fun in the sun, being with family and friends on vacation, hot summer days and nights, time at the beach? Well, summer is all of that. Summer is where the hot weather plants stand tall with their leaves wide-open, bathing in warm sunshine, receiving carbon dioxide and releasing fresh oxygen. It is a time where we plan a “day of fun in the sun” and amplify our new growth from the Spring season. Summer is about success. The vibration is one of confidence, focus, nurturing the “crops” in the fields, expansion, empowering the uniqueness of who we are. The summertime strengthens our minds, bodies, and very essence. We grow in strength, confidence, positive attitudes and high self-esteem. This is part of summer. This is
Robert A. Wilson Cowboy Wisdom
when we step up to our leadership, our birthrights and become one with ourselves.
opportunities in not just one season, but in all seasons.
Now, let’s move into the final season; Fall. This is the last season before winter, the first and last season. A paradox I am sure.
Your success, wealth and prosperity are directly proportional to how well you prepare your conscious mind; subconscious mind and inner self to harvest the seeds you planted. In the spring, the weeds become extinct from the soil through tilling just as you release, let go, delete and unhook all the bondages, barriers and negativity out of your conscious mind and inner self.
Can you visualize the changing of the guard or the beautiful array of leaves as they begin to change color. The temperatures are cool, the forest of trees are amazing. However, this is much more to the season of Fall; also know as Autumn. In Fall, it is a time to balance between day and night. Fall is about taking the passage into enlightenment. It is also about spiritual transformation and recognizing the duality between light and dark which exists in all humanity. Fall is the season for spiritual transformation. It is to embrace our light and dark (shadow) side, knowing there is a balance between the two. As we enter the Fall season the two halves become as one. So as we can see, all four seasons play a role in our evolution. All chapters we write will be influenced by the seasons. After Fall, we arrive back the our original starting point…Winter, and the time to re-evaluate all the seasons before. I believe it appropriate to end the Four Seasons with Winter: Winter is time to inspect the outer universe in order to see what must leave our lives in order for us to move into a space of living our dreams. I leave you with the following: Ideas and opportunities are found in all seasons. We just have to be aware of the type of opportunities presented to us; as they will conform with the season at the time. In fact, all the seasons overlap in the opportunities that abound in our lives.. Whether we are in the seasons of Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall, it is up to us to plant the appropriate seeds that will help us grow, live our dreams, realize our goals and bring us unlimited success to our lives. Let the subconscious mind, inner wisdom, intuition and infinite intelligence give an endless surplus of phenomenal ideas and
Here is an idea for you to light up all the dark places inside you. Stand in the sunshine, start at the top of your head and close your eyes tight then allow the sun to flow through you slowly shining light on every fiber of your being. You see the sun light (by using your third eye) shining through you from head to toe. As you come to a dark spot, you allow the sun time to go all the way through every dark spot until you feel and see the light showing through you. Take as much time as needed and as often as you choose. Answer these questions: Spring: What seeds do you choose to plant in your life now? Summer: What do you choose to nurture in your life now? Fall: What do you choose to harvest in your life now? Winter: What do you choose to release, let go, delete and unhook in your life now? HERE ARE THREE AFFIRMATIONS FOR YOU: I choose to love myself unconditionally with all my issues under grace in a perfect way. I am the shining light in my life now. I choose to be a winner in life in all phases of my life now, under grace, in a perfect way. I now present to you the Four Seasons of life! Robert Wilson, has a variety of talents which include: NLP Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Past Regression Specialist, Reiki Master, Radio Show Host, Parts Integration and Time Line Coach. Author of six books, Robert takes great pride in being able to open people’s eyes to see their talent and engage in their intrepid intentions instantly. Visit: Cowboy Wisdom Radio is on Tuesday and Thursday 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific. Call Robert @702.755.9410.
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Health Lights
Three Edible Mushrooms with Proven Cancer-fighting Properties
By Michael Ravensthorpe
The healing properties of mushrooms have been known for centuries. Traditional Chinese medicine, for instance, has long recommended the consumption of certain edible mushrooms to treat serious conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Likewise, European civilizations have treasured the continent’s native mushrooms for their impressive rejuvenating capacities. Despite their time-honored reputations as medicinal polymaths, however, edible mushrooms remain best-loved for their anticancer benefits. Indeed, you’ll be hard-pressed to find one that doesn’t contain at least some cancer-fighting properties. That said, not all mushrooms are created equal, and some are more efficient at tackling cancer than others. Below is a list of three mushrooms, which, according to ongoing research, are unusually effective at inhibiting cancerous growths.
The shiitake is an edible brown mushroom that thrives in the woodlands of East Asia. It is regarded as a symbol of longevity in Japan, and it’s not difficult to understand why: Aside from being extremely rich in trace nutrients such as copper, magnesium, B-vitamins, shiitake are also bursting with cancer-fighting antioxidants like selenium. Moreover, according to the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, shiitake contain lentinan, a beta glucan that stimulates the immune system, thus activating certain proteins and cells (such as macrophanges and T-cells) that fight cancer.
The maitake is a brown mushroom that grows at the bases of oak trees in Japan and North America. Unlike the diminutive shiitake, maitake can grow to more than 50 pounds, a feat that has earned them the title of “King of Mushrooms.” According to ongoing research with human cancer patients, a part of the maitake known as the “MD-fraction” has the ability to suppress tumor growths. One Japanese report on the MD-fraction entitled “Can Maitake MD-Fraction Aid Cancer Patients?” found that patients suffering from liver, breast and lung cancer experienced between 58.3-68.8 percent improvements in their conditions after being fed maitake extracts over an extended trial period, while stomach and brain cancer patients experienced between 10-20 percent improvements. The report concluded that maitake deserve their reputation as cancerfighting mushrooms.
Having been used in ancient Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years, reishi mushrooms are one of the oldest mushrooms cultivated for medicinal usage, and their anti-cancer abilities are legendary. Indeed, dried reishi powder was used as a popular cancer chemotherapy agent as far back as ancient China, and contemporary pharmaceutical companies continue to add reishi extracts to certain anti-tumor drugs such as MC-S. Studies show that long-term consumption of reishi prevents tumor proliferation and growth by increasing the level of antioxidants in an individual’s blood plasma while boosting the immunity of those suffering from advanced stage cancer. In one study by the Cancer Research Laboratory at the Methodist Research Institute in Indianapolis, reishi mushrooms were shown to suppress the migration of invasive prostate and breasts cancer cells in cancer patients. The authors concluded that reishi “clearly demonstrates anticancer activity in experiments with cancer cells and has possible therapeutic potential as a dietary supplement for an alternative therapy for breast and prostate cancer.” Please note that unlike shiitake and maitake, which are easily digested when cooked, reishi have a hardened “woody” texture and are notoriously difficult for our stomachs to process. Therefore, reishi is best consumed in extract form for optimum assimilation. Michael Ravensthorpe is an independent writer whose research interests include nutrition, alternative medicine, and bushcraft. He is the creator of the website Spiritfoods, through which he promotes the world’s healthiest foods. (NaturalNews; PAGE 21 • OCTOBER, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES
Health Lights
Health & Longevity Secret:
By Monet Euan
Louise Hay’s Bone Broth Recipe
honor of Louise Hay’s 88th birthday, it seems fitting to feature one of her health and longevity secrets. At 88 years of age, self-help pioneer Louise Hay is a model of health and wellness, demonstrating aging is optional. Full of energy, vitality and wit, she is still writing books, lecturing and touring in conjunction with her publishing company, Hay House. Louise continues to break barriers and redefine the status quo in her latest book, Loving Yourself to Great Health, which focuses on the importance of choosing empowering, supportive thoughts and nutritious food because “nutrition is the foundation for everything you want!”
Louise Hay’s Bone Broth Recipe (Vegan option included) “Louise drinks bone broth two times per day to keep her nourished and energized. When she returns home from traveling, she always has bone broth and soups for several days to nurture her body back into balance after being away. It is one of her biggest health secrets” (Hay, Khadro & Dane, 2014). Ingredients: • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar • veggies of your choice • salt, pepper and any seasoning of your choice • water • bones (If vegan, omit the bones to make a veggie broth.) Instructions: • Place all of the ingredients into a large pot. Add the water so that it covers the top of your bones, meat and vegetables. • Add 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar to bring out the minerals from the bones. • Add sea salt and pepper to taste. • Bring to boil, put the lid on the pot and then turn the heat down to very low. Let it simmer overnight to pull more nutrients out of the bones and vegetables. • Strain in the morning, keep the nutrient dense liquid and put into the fridge. • Fat will rise to the top; take it off. • Add extra salt, pepper and seasoning if you desire. Louise’s helpful tips: Louise says she has 1 cup in the morning + 1 cup at night. When preparing to make this broth, Louise keeps a bag in her freezer where she throws all bones, meat scraps, vegetable scraps, vegetable peelings and even egg shells into the bag until it is full. Then she’ll make her broth. If you don’t have any bones or need more, you can get them at your local grocer or farmers market. Louise also recommends using this broth to make delicious soups or to flavor vegetables/grains. Before boiling, place the bones into your pot. Add apple cider vinegar and water, and let the mixture sit for 1 hour so the vinegar can leach the minerals out of the bones.
When you first bring the broth to a boil, skim the scum (impurities) off the top. Pay attention to this stage, as once the broth begins to boil the scum is rolled right back into the broth. Louise’s Loving Yourself to Great Health co-author, Ahlea Khadro, loves artichoke broth as it’s very alkalizing for the body and especially helpful for morning sickness. Healthy extras from Dr. Joseph Mercola you might also incorporate: “As noted by Sally Fallon, chickens raised in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) tend to produce stock that doesn’t gel, and this gelatin has long been valued for its therapeutic properties. As noted by Boynton: ‘You definitely want to get the best bones you can get—bones from pastured animals’” (Mercola, 2014).
Monet Euan is a health & wellness writer, researcher and consultant based in Los Angeles, California. She founded Transcend by Monet, an integrative health support system, to provide others with the information and resources to explore their options and make informed health decisions. For more information, please visit IN LIGHT TIMES • OCTOBER, 2014 • PAGE 22
Health Lights
by Dr. Ben Kim
Chronic Edema
he other day, I spoke briefly with someone looking to address chronic edema in her legs. It was clear she had been to the moon and back in her quest to find a solution, and despite all her efforts, her condition had remained essentially unchanged over 20 years.
I asked her some questions to see about ruling out congestion and dysfunction of her kidneys, as well as her circulatory and lymphatic systems, and her earnest answers left me no closer to identifying the likely root cause of her edema.
Ultimately, I told her the best that I could suggest was to look at what she could do to reach and maintain a healthier body weight for her structure (she was about 50 pounds away from this goal). The truth is, that carrying around this amount of excess weight is a significant burden to all major organ systems, and to address this issue above all else is a logical approach to many health challenges, including chronic edema. For this particular person and her circumstances, I know physician colleagues who would run a battery of blood and imaging tests to pinpoint a problem in the kidneys, heart, or liver, and follow testing up with focal treatment of the one organ that they considered most likely the source of her edema. In my way of thinking, even if her edema is being caused by kidney dysfunction, removing 50 unneeded pounds is guaranteed to help her kidneys function more effectively. The same goes for a congested liver, troublesome heart valve, and just about all other specific health problems that might be contributing to her chronic edema. Of course, she knows this. The questions are, what is fuelling the decisions that are maintaining her current body weight, and what can she do to consistently make different choices that better serve her health? In discussing this, it became clear that she has had long carried a mountain of sadness and probably resentment as well, all related to the expectations and demands of elders in her family. Being East Indian and not having been raised in western culture, she never did get to a point where she emphatically decided that she was being treated unfairly. She never flipped a finger to her parents and completely walked away to preserve herself and find personal fulfillment. Does chronic angst in a situation like hers lead to a lifestyle (food, activity, sleep, nature of other relationships) that can create and maintain excess body weight and related health challenges like edema? I strongly believe it can. And as a healthcare provider and fellow human being, it makes perfect sense to have her examine this component of her life above all other action steps as a means to addressing her edema. This isn’t to say that maintaining a healthier body weight for her height over the long term is guaranteed to resolve her edema. I just feel that it’s the best initial approach because this path should lead to lasting overall improvement in her health. And she won’t have to suffer through effects of various therapies that are chemically stressful, physically injurious, and expensive. Just food for thought, with the take home suggestion being this: When looking to address any health problem, think first about the most simple, fundamental changes you can make to give your body a chance to heal itself. Specifically, think about getting more physical and emotional rest, working toward being physically fit and flexible, nourishing your body with nutrientrich foods, avoiding foods and beverages that provide little nutrient-value, and spending your time with people who don’t consistently bring you down. You may end up needing more specialized treatment as well, but I can promise you that your efforts to simplify and address these largest determinants of your health will not go to waste.
wwwww Dr. Ben Kim, is a chiropractor and acupuncturist living in Barrie, Ontario Canada. His goal is to help people discover healthy solutions. Visit:
by Marianne & Mike Allen, CHt
De-Mystifying Hypnosis When you think of hypnosis what are the first things that come to mind? People on stage barking like dogs or clucking like chickens? Or perhaps your first reaction is “no one is going to control me.” Or you might be one of the “I can’t be hypnotized” personalities. Hypnosis conjures up a myriad of issues in our minds, but you may be surprised to discover that hypnotic techniques have been practiced for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks conducted healing therapies in their temples that greatly resembled hypnosis. Most people today credit an Austrian physician, Franz Mesmer, who practiced medicine in the 18th century, with the discovery of what is considered to be modern day hypnosis. Mesmer healed people throughout Europe with what he called “animal magnetism” but which we now refer to as “Mesmerism.” Have you ever been “mesmerized” by anything or anyone?…well, this is where the term came from. Many of us don’t realize that we are hypnotized everyday by activities like reading a book, watching television, or even driving a car. Being in an “altered” or self-hypnotic state is not a mysterious condition. Hypnosis occurs naturally when our body is relaxed and our mind is focused on some thought or activity. When we sit outside and watch the clouds roll-by on a nice spring day, when we listen to the waves lap upon the shore or listen to the wind blow through the trees, or even when we sit and unwind by watching television, we can enter into a state of hypnosis. What do each of these everyday events have in common? They all capture our attention, and they cause us to relax and focus. That is when our inner critic, which analyzes information and makes judgments, is quiet and our subconscious mind is open to the power of suggestion. Being receptive to suggestions still does not mean we can be controlled. We each have power over our own thoughts and actions at all times. So often we do not monitor the thoughts we allow to enter our minds. How many times for example, do we engage in negative self-talk that does nothing but makes us feel fearful and powerless? Thoughts are just another form of energy, food for the mind so to speak. We can think of our thoughts as seeds and our subconscious mind as a garden. It is very empowering to realize we are each the gardener’s of our own garden. We create our own reality at all times simply by what we believe. By monitoring the thoughts we allow to take root and grow in our minds, we can either grow beautiful plants, or we can grow weeds. As we learn to identify and let go of the weeds, or negative thoughts, that have been holding us back we can change our lives forever. That is where hypnosis comes in. When we enter this relaxed, focused state either through hypnosis or even by meditation, we can erase limiting beliefs we have held in the past and replace them with positive beliefs that will move us toward whatever goal we want to achieve. We can apply these techniques to any area of our lives to affect change and growth. Since all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, we are responsible for the degree to which hypnosis will be successful in changing our behavior. If we are highly motivated to make a change, we are more apt to be receptive to hypnosis, allowing the suggestions to take root and the change to occur. Hypnosis is a very powerful tool for relaxing, for going within and for getting in touch with our inner wisdom. With awareness comes knowledge and with knowledge, we can begin to make the changes in our lives that will help us become the person that we want to be. Marianne Hill & Mike Allen are Certified Hypnotherapists For more information please contact In Light Times.
Health Lights Happiness comes to those that know who they are.
Patches & Prisons of the Heart When we were children, life handed us each a balloon. “Choose one” life said. I picked a blue one. Blue like the sky, the ocean; and I added a touch of pink like the sunset. “Choose one” life said. You chose your favorite color - black. Because we were not yet capable, life generously filled our balloons with helium. Together we soared through life’s skies. Fascinated, we watched the clouds gather, felt the coolness of the rain. Then the thunder and lightning started. We panicked. But when my fear subsided, I knew that I would stay, take my chances. You, on the other hand, found a crystal clear bottle and sealed yourself away. No one will be the wiser you thought. So while I floated through life’s skies and felt the chill of winter and the warmth of summer, you stayed in a constant mediocrity… Then one day it happened, my balloon was popped. I fell swiftly to the ground. “Look,” you said, “I am safe and you have foolishly been beaten.” You must have been amazed when I patched my balloon with brightly colored thread and filled it with a potent helium from within. This time I was a little bigger, a little stronger and I soared a little higher… Were you jealous? Through the years, my balloon has been bruised, torn, punctured. Always I deflate. Always I fall to the ground. Always I patch myself. Sometimes I remove old patches to find that they have healed once open wounds… and all that is left is a small scar. But I treasure my scars, and I expose them proudly for they prove that I have taken chances; but more importantly, I have recovered from my falls… One day I looked for you. For a moment I was filled with envy. While I was patching my balloon, yours was safe, secure. But then I noticed that the crystal clear glass of your childhood had faded. The wind, rain and summer sun had stained and marred the only view you had to the world. Carefully, I cleared a place on your bottle and tried to reach you. But you alone could let me in. You wouldn’t; or perhaps you couldn’t. This effort added yet another patch to my balloon. But as always, I colored it brightly - this time inscribing your name. Before I left to again travel life’s skies, I scratched my name on your bottle. As much as it hurt, I had to return to the wind, rain and blue - black air…. Perhaps some day, if you free yourself, you will drift to my unpredictable skies. I will gladly meet you half way. I realize you don’t have the power to fly to my heights, but I could teach you. If you free yourself, I will gladly meet you half way… But for now, I can only wonder how the world looks through a scratched and rain-stained prison… Tell me my love - where are your patches? your scars? And what will you do when the misty glass turns black and your bottle is sealed…forever?
Tana Lynn
HealtH ligHts
Empaths at risk for A
adrEnal fatiquE
s a psychiatrist I treat many empath-patients who come in exhausted with a syndrome known as adrenal fatigue. This is a collection of symptoms such as exhaustion, body aches, anxiety, trouble thinking clearly, and insomnia. In this condition, the theory is that the adrenal glands can’t keep up with outside stress so the hormones such as cortisol that normally keep you energized begin to get depleted. Here are some solutions for empaths to treat adrenal fatigue that can turn your symptoms around and restore your energy. But remember, for empaths this isn’t a one-time fix—it requires some basic life style and diet changes so that you can effectively manage your energy over the long term. • • • • • • • • • • • •
• •
Strategies to Relieve Adrenal Fatigue Get a blood test to measure your cortisol levels. Consider temporary natural cortisol replacement per your physician’s recommendation Get as much rest as you can on a regular basis (sleep is very healing and restorative!) Eliminate the energy vampires in your life or at least set clear limits and boundaries with them so they don’t chronically sap you. (Read Chapter 5 in the Ecstasy of Surrender for tips and strategies.) Eat a natural whole food diet and avoid junk food Add Himalayan Red Salt to your diet and get rid of low quality ssalts (always check with your physician if your blood pressure is high) Avoid white flour and other toxic grains Minimize your sugar intake Gentle exercise and stretching—gradually build up stamina and challenge yourself as your energy increases Meditate: Use the three minute surrender to your heart meditation in The Ecstasy of Surrender to take mini breaks throughout your day to replenish yourself Take 2,000-5000 mg Vitamins C orally every day Consider IV Vitamin C drips (10-25,000mg) delivered intravenously that can jump start your energy level and support adrenal health (holistic physicians often offer this treatment in their offices). I get one whenever I feel like I’m coming down with a cold to build up my immune system—and it works!
In addition to these practical tips, get in the habit of practicing positive thinking. By this I mean, do not beat yourself up with negative thoughts such as “I will never feel better” or “I am weak and sick.” Rather focus on the surrender affirmations I present at the end of every chapter in the book such as “I am healthy, happy, and deserve to have vibrant well-being.” You might not have control over some stresses in your life but you can have control of your attitude. To relieve adrenal fatigue, you can remove a great deal of inner stress by surrendering patterns of self-loathing and embracing self-compassion and self-love.
wwwww Judith Orloff MD is a psychiatrist, intuitive healer, and NY Times bestselling author. Her latest national bestseller is The Ecstasy of Surrender: 12 Surprising Ways Letting Go Can Empower Your life. Dr. Orloff’s other bestsellers are Emotional Freedom, Second Sight, Positive Energy, and Intuitive Healing. Dr. Orloff synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. She passionately believes that the future of medicine involves integrating all this wisdom to achieve emotional freedom and total wellness. To learn more about the power of surrender visit PAGE 25 • OCTOBER, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES
HealtH ligHts
Controlling Inflammation By now it’s well known that chronic inflammation accelerates aging, much in the same way that repeated friction creates heat and wears down materials. Environmental toxins, poor diets, inactivity, and lack of sleep can all contribute to inflammation that damages DNA, impairs mitochondrial function, and wreaks havoc on other areas of health. Virtually every disease associated with age has a chronic inflammatory component: cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, diabetes, and arthritis, among others.
disease, kidney disease, arthritis, gastrointestinal diseases, and a variety of other conditions related to chronic inflammation and uncontrolled scartissue build up (fibrosis). Galectin-3 blood tests are now used to screen for cardiovascular disease and other degenerative conditions.
But there is a switch that can turn inflammation on and off: a protein called HMGB1.
SUPPORTING OUR CELLS B y t a k i n g m e a s u re s t o re d u c e inflammation, support mitochondrial health, and promote healthy genetic expression, we’re directly supporting the health of our cells. Optimal cellular health is the basis for long-term vitality and healthy aging, and there are a number of habits we can adopt to secure this foundation.
When we are injured, HMGB1 and other proteins send inflammatory cytokines to the area needing attention. This creates acute inflammation, which recedes as we heal. Unfortunately, acute inflammation has a dark side: ongoing, chronic i n f l a m m a t i o n . S u g a r, a l c o h o l , processed foods, grilled meat, stress, weight, inactivity, prolonged illness, and environmental toxins can all contribute to chronic inflammation, accelerating the aging process and increasing our risk for disease. Researchers are finding that controlling HMGB1 can help us fight chronic i n f l a m m a t i o n . F ro m a d i e t a r y standpoint, there are two excellent foods that have been shown to control HMGB1: mung beans and green tea. Another protein in the body that should concern us is galectin-3. Known for its pro-inflammatory, pro-fibrosis effects, excess galectin-3 circulating in our bodies has been linked to metastatic cancer, heart
Fortunately, there’s a way of dealing with galectin-3: modified citrus pectin (MCP). Made from the pith in citrus peels, MCP binds to galectin-3, helping reduce chronic inflammation, fibrosis, and cancer metastasis.
My first suggestion is detoxification, starting with diet. Steer away from processed foods, trans fats, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine. Emphasize high quality protein, sprouted whole grains, nuts and legumes, healthy fats, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and kale, should be high on your list. In addition to supporting detoxification, these vegetables contain a compound called DIM (diindolylmethane), which helps support healthy hormone balance, another anti-aging key for both men and women. I also recommend supplementing with MCP, which, in addition to blocking the effects of galectin-3, has been clinically proven to safely remove heavy metals from the body.
Unfortunately, acute inflammation has a dark side…ongoing chronic inflammation.
Gentle, regular exercise is critical to support mitochondrial health, remove toxins, boost cardiovascular health, reduce inflammation, and provide other critical benefits. Get at least 30 minutes a day—walking, yoga, or t’ai chi are excellent choices; they all positively influence gene expression. I also recommend a stress management program such as consistent meditation. Anxiety generates stress hormones, which in turn cause inflammation and oxidative stress, fueling unfavorable genetic expression and mitochondrial damage. Aging can be a very general term regarding the condition of our physical, mental, and emotional systems. And as we know, everything is connected. From digestion to circulation to immunity, and from hormone balance to metabolism and much more, the health of one organ system depends on the function of others. Lifestyle habits and strategies that promote balanced
wellness can help slow the aging processes. For decades, we’ve known that a nutritious diet, exercise, and stress relief foster a longer, healthier life. But now that we understand more about how our complex cellular and genetic functions relate to aging, we know about how to better optimize these factors for greater longevity and vivacity. Specific foods, nutrients, and lifestyle practices can help address not only genetic and mitochondrial health, but also overall wellness and longevity, delivering greater vitality into our golden years and beyond.
Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, Lac, is a licensed acupuncturist, physician and homeopath, has a MS in traditional Chinese medicine and has done graduate studies in herbology. Visit:
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JAAnet netReikiMA AsteR steR ste R.ccOM OM IN LIGHT TIMES • OCTOBER, 2014 • PAGE 26
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CHURCHES COMMUNITY SPIRITUAL CENTER 702-451-4608 A Community of Spiritual Evolution; awakening and empowering the potential inherent in every individual, celebrating our uniqueness and oneness with all life. Join us for our Sunday celebration at 10am: Family Music Center, 8125 W. Sahara. CSLGLV, 702-739-8200 Empowered. Living. Now. A community on the move. Innovative ideas, power tools for life, awesome music, inspiring messages. ECKANKAR, 702-369-0101 Do you want more from Life? Find out who you truly are. 3160 E. Desert Inn, Suite 14, LV. UNITY CENTER IN THE VALLEY, 702-435-3289 A Positive Path for Spiritual Living. 8:30am Contemplative svc; 10am Worship & Children’s Sunday School.
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Light Happenings KOOL
UniqUe natiOnal HOlidays Resource:
OCTOBER is: • Adopt a Shelter Dog Month • Apple Jack Month • Awareness Month • Breast Cancer Awareness Month • Computer Learning Month • Cookie Month • Domestic Violence Awareness Month • Eat Country Ham Month • • • • • • • •
October Daily Celebrations
• World Vegetarian Day • Name Your Car Day • World Smile Day • Natl'Golf Day • Natl' Frappe Day • World Teachers Day • Mad Hatter Day • Curious Events Day • Fire Prevention Day • Moldy Cheese Day • Natl' Mole Day • World Egg Day • It's My Party Day • Natl’ Nut Day • Old Farmer's Day • World Pasta Day • Make A Difference Day • Natl’ Bologna Day • Natl' Mincemeat Day • Intl’ Skeptics Day • No Beard Day • Babbling Day • Columbus Day • Natl' Frankenstein Day • HermitDay • Halloween
International Drum Month Lupus Awareness Month National Diabetes Month National Pizza Month National Vegetarian Month National Popcorn Popping Month Sarcastic Month Seafood Month
oct., 2014 SUNDAYS UNITY CENTER IN THE VALLEY, A positive approach to spiritual living! Worship & Children’s Programs 10am. Contemplative worship 8:30-9:00am. Oct. topics. 5th Making Money Welcome; 12th What Is God’s Will for You? (guest speaker Charlie Douglass); 19th Blueprint for Life; 26th Magic of Abundance. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 300, LV. 702-435-3289.3037 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 300 (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. MONDAYS SPIRITUAL METAPHYSICS, 7pm. Do you want a deeper experience with Spirit? Willing to be the scientist and subject to achieve personal awakening within? Led by John Henry Broad. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 300 (in the Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV. www.UCiV. org. 702-435-3289. TUESDAYS PROSPERITY PLUS 2, Awakening Your Invisible Power, 6:30-8:30pm. Led by Rev. Sophia Falke & Rae Wilson. Closed group thru Nov. 18. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 300, LV. 702-435-3289.. WEDNESDAYS PRAYERS FOR THE PLANET, Send personal and planetary Prayer Requests by phone, 702-530-3250 or website HEALING MEDITATION SERVICE, 7pm, Donations. Beginners and daily practitioners. Unity of Las Vegas, 222 S. Rainbw Blvd. TRANSFORMATION SUPPORT GROUP, 6:30pm. Based on, “Why Is This Happening To Me…Again?” ~ laws of forgiveness. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 300, LV., 702-435-3289. THURSDAYS PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESSFUL LIVING, 6:30pm. Center for Spiritual Living in Greater Las Vegas, 1420 E. Harmon Ave. Call 702-739-8200. Mary O'Rilley.
FRIDAYS DOWNTOWN 3RD FARMERS MARKET, 9a-2p. Free admission. Weekly cooking demos. Regionally and locally grown seasonal offerings; fruits, vegetables, herbs, fresh eggs, honey, nuts, dates, locally roasted coffee and more. Exit US-95 & Casino Center Drive.
2 & 16 THURSDAY MEDITATION & ONENESS BLESSING (DEEKSHA), 7pm. A deep meditation and blessing from the Divine. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289.
REIKI CIRCLE, 7pm. Center for Spiritual Living in Greater Las Vegas, 1420 E. Harmon Ave. Call 702-739-8200. Mary O'Rilley.
LIST EVENTS BY THE 1ST • $15 pEr EVENT (BaSEd oN 20 wordS) + $1 EacH word THErEafTEr • SuBmIT VIa E-maIL: (SuBjEcT LINE, caLENdar)
5 SUNDAY SOURCE WAVE HEALING, 12:15-2:15pm, $25. Limit 10. Release/“let go” of energies that block or interfere with your life. Facilitated by David & Diane Harrison. Pre-register at Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 300, LV. HANA EA LANI: Heaven’s Life Work, 6-7:30pm.. Experience traditional ancient Hawaiian protocols & practices & Ho-oponopono. Led by Eren Nalani. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 300, LV. 19 THURSDAY DRUMMING CIRCLE, 7pm. Experience the oneness of the drum. Bring your own drum or use one of ours. Led by Erin Lale. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 300 (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. 23 THURSDAY RESULTS THE EASY WAY, 7pm. Take one baby step at a time; make lasting changes with your weight, eating plan & fitness. Led by Charli Douglass. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 300, LV. 702-435-3289. 26 SUNDAY HEAL YOUR BODY, HEAL YOUR LIFE, 6:30pm. Healing Service with Dr. Robert Moldowan. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 300 (in Longford Plaza btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. ONGOING EVENTS SUNDAYS ECKANKAR WORSHIP SERVICE, 10am Service. Oct. topics: 5th Understanding the Law of Love; 12th In God's Time; 19th Understanding the Spiritual Laws of Life; 26th A talk by Harold Klemp. Nov. Topics: 2nd How To Experience Greater Love; 9th Letting In The Light And Sound Of God; 16th Animals Are Soul Too; 23rd Discover Your Godlike Nature; 30 A Talk By Harold Klemp.Eckankar Center, 3160 E. Desert Inn Suite 14. 702-369-0141. PAGE 29 • OCTOBER, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES
SATURDAYS TAI CHI CLASSES, Offering classes throughout the week. Instructor is a retired Oriental Medicine Doctor with over 40 years experience in Tai Chi. Call 702-444-4775. UPCOMING EVENTS 20 & 21 SAT. – SUN. 2ND ANNUAL WINTER CELEBRATION & EXPO; Beyond the Neon; 10am to 10pm. Two days & nights of emerging Artists, Musicians, Life Styles and "Edutainment". 70+ Exhibitor's from Las Vegas community presenting unique gifts, products, services and talents for life friendly lifestyles. Benefitting Homeless Teens of Nevada. Exhibitor Raffles and Treasure Hunts. Join us for two days and nights, of holiday bliss including, Drums Circles, UBArt Class, SOUND Meditation, Solstice Ceremony and much more or http://www.
Awakened Oracle Astrology
I am sad and yet excited to announce that this will be my last column for In Light Times. My gratitude to the In Light Times staff as well as the truly lovely Las Vegas conscious community is beyond my ability to express. I trust passion and desire. I believe they are the keys to being who we really are. To that end, I will now be focusing my creative ability on an area of consciousness for which I have a great passion; Money. Understanding power issues has been the theme of my life. The great lightening rod for our power issues is Money. I have been testing new paradigms in business since 1998, and I am now going to focus that work on Finance and Investment. I had to release some old ideas of what it meant to help others to take this step. I honestly believe we are all designed to do certain things. If you feel passion, even if it makes no sense, I encourage you to step out and follow it. Thank you for allowing me to share my insight with you all. Astrology uses the placement of all planets at the moment of your birth to determine the “Matrix” of energy you are working through this lifetime. The sign determines the process of connecting with that aspect of you. For instance, the Sun may be in Libra at birth, but Libra does not define “Who you Are”, it determines the process by which you will connect with “Who you Are”. Energy for October 2014 Strength: Our strength is Prosperity. This theme continues from September. Open your eyes to the bounty that is all around you. The door to abundance is gratitude. Challenge: Our challenge is Emotional Release. All emotions carry messages. Glean vital information from your own emotional journey and then release the experience. Totem Energy: Our totem is Badger. Wake up, forge ahead and be sure to take physical steps towards your goals. Crystal Ally: Our theme is Hematite - Grounding. Develop your physical self (body and environment) to ensure that your higher self can be expressed. Moon Cycles Full Harvest Moon: October 8, 3:30am PDT - 15° Aries. Full Moon Message: Work diligently to express your seen and unseen self. New Moon: October 23, 2:56pm PDT- 0° Scorpio. New Moon Message: Refresh your understanding of your own soul’s purpose.
ARIES • Mar. 21 to Apr. 19
Totem: Fox (Speed, Awareness). This is not the time to confront the issues head on. You do not need to be so visible at this time. Take the burden of responsibility off your shoulders, lighten up, and use cunning and intelligence rather than brawn to make progress. You will find that you can now share the load with others when previously you had been required to burden the load alone. Stealth is the best tactic.
TAURUS • Apr. 20 to May 20
Totem: Turtle (Realism, Stability). Turtle brings a deep connection to Earth and our physical bodies. This messenger urges you to improve foundations and physical boundaries. This includes your health and ability to take action. Be realistic. Focus on concrete steps on your path. Turtle also connects you to abundance as your birth right. Draw strength and nurturance from nature whenever you feel blocked on making progress toward your dreams.
GEMINI • May 21 to June 20
Totem: Dolphin (Harmony, Play). You have been on high alert in the last few months, and Dolphin has arrived to show you how to relax into the tides and patterns of the events in your life. You are in touch with your own sense of when to stand up and speak and when to let things ride. This hard won acceptance is a great relief if you have been suffering from discord in your relationships.
CANCER • June 21 to July 22
Totem: Beaver (Industry, Creativity). It is time to review the structures in your life. Do they still support you or have they become restrictive? Beaver’s message is that flexibility and creativity are called for. You are naturally sensitive to fighting the river; however, you are never comfortable with rocking the boat. Be flexible yet determined; create new, more supportive structures and environments. With Beaver’s industriousness you will succeed.
LEO • July 23 to Aug. 22
Totem: Whale (Intelligence, Depth). Whale has come to inspire you to dive deep and bring forth your innate wisdom and natural intelligence. Your unique song will touch the lives of others so long as it is your own. It is time to acknowledge your path of service to humanity. Remember, whale medicine taps into the universal energy of the Creator. Listen with your inner ear for the unique role designed for you. Sing your own song.
Introducing Libra September 23nd to October 22nd “I BALANCE”
Ruling Planet: Venus ~ Rules: Lower Back & Kidneys ~ Symbol: The Scales ~ Element: Air ~ Energy: Masculine ~ Quality: Cardinal ~ Gems: Diamond & Quartz ~ Flowers: Rose & Hydrangeas ~ Color: Blue Green ~ Most Compatible Signs: Gemini & Aquarius ~ Higher Octave of Libra Energy: Experiencing beauty and our outer world as a mirror of our soul while maintaining our own center ~ Lower Octave of Libra Energy: A focus on beauty, peace and harmony at any cost to avoid the inner conflict of seeing a reflection we do not prefer. ~ Full Spectrum of the Aries/Libra Axis: “To know myself and hold myself sacred and from that position to seek my reflection in others as a path to growth and understanding.
ibra the sign of harmony, beauty, balance, fair play, and relationships. This is the process of embracing the ease, harmony and joy we find in relationship. However, Libra is an Air sign, so this is a mental process. That does not mean we are not heart centered, it means we are seeking knowledge. And we do so with renewed curiosity, sampling any subject that holds our fascination. Libra seeks to understand itself in relationship to others. As we vibrate higher with Libra, we are diplomats. We see the real value of harmony and the need to bring fair play to all sides of any polarity. To do so, we must first understand our own position and have defined our own needs so we can establish what we can legitimately negotiate and what we must not give away. And at the highest octaves we are embracing the external as a reflection of ourselves. We are now seeking harmonics, rather than harmony, and are empowered to heal by offering a pure mirror for others. BrynMorgaine is a psychic, writer and astrologer specializing in Personal and Planetary Actualization. She is the founder of the Awakened Oracle Metaphysical Institute and the creator of Polarity Creation Therapy. She can be reached at 360-436-6287 or
LIBRA • Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
Totem: Eagle (Vision, Fearlessness). Your ability to identify and resolve injustice has made you a stabilizing force in recent months. Eagle has come to aid you in raising your focus to a higher plane. Nobel ideas, enduring values and a sustainable vision of the future are your natural instincts. Return to the long view. You can trust yourself to remain sure footed while your eyes are on the horizon and no longer on the ground.
SCORPIO • Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
Totem: Ant (Duty, Loyalty). Saturn is transiting your sun sign forcing you to get real and shed dead weight in all areas of your life. Ant’s message is to focus on the basics right now. Stay grounded and let Saturn do his work. This transit only happens once every 30 years, so if you are not seeing the forest for the trees, review what was happening 30 years ago and you may gain more insight.
SAGITTARIUS • Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
Totem: Dog (Friendship, Service). Mars has moved into your sun sign this month, bringing the urge to shore up personal boundaries and improve your physical body. Dog suggests this may bring up issues with family and friends. Are you being the bright and beautiful light you know they need right now? Or have you curbed your enthusiasm to keep them from being uncomfortable? Dog reminds you that you must balance loyalty with independence.
CAPRICORN • Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
Totem: Otter (Playfulness, Trust). Otter is your opportunity to balance both sides of your nature; both masculine and feminine. Drive and responsibility come easily to you. Play and trust may not. Relax and consider this month an adjustment period. As you know, balance is vital in any lasting structure. And a balance of work and play, rest and activity is needed. This is the month to stop the productivity and “sharpen the saw”.
AQUARIUS • Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
Totem: Moose (Pride, Male Energy). Moose is here to assist you in understanding both sides of your nature. You naturally gravitate to the larger perspective and to humanitarian service, however your magic is found in your self-worth. Reconnect with your values, and value yourself enough to express your pride and self-respect in healthy, life affirming ways. Don’t hesitate to use your unique genius to break free from anything mundane that has hemmed you in.
PISCES • Feb. 19 to March 20
VIRGO • Aug. 23 to Sept 22
Totem: Lynx (Independence, Mystery). Lynx brings gifts this month. They may be actual material gifts or it might be the revelation of previously unrecognized talents. Lynx is also asking you to reassert your independence. Virgo is the sign of service, however you are reminded to serve only that which serves you back. Do not be entrapped by situations that prevent your natural growth or the exploration of your new found gifts and talents.
to share your wisdom.
Totem: American tradition. He holds the place of wisdom in the north. As a totem, Buffalo brings healing and abundance and he also brings protection. Pisces, you are naturally compassionate. Give generously this month, as you will receive generously from others. However, do not let yourself be stampeded. You will also need to strength of this totem
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Allan Martin Osman Spiritual Counselor-Teacher 702-473-0163 Allan helps you: break negative habits, master negative emotions, improve relationships, and live as directed by God through Receivership. Allan offers Counseling, Stress Relief, Guided Meditation and Spiritual Study by phone, Skype and in-office. Allan is practical, nonjudgmental and experienced. Visit for Special Offer on 1st Session. See page 27
Janet Handley Reiki Master & Clairvoyant 702-808-8784 Are you looking for answers? Do you realize there is more to life than what you experience? Imagine your body feeling relaxed and calm. Being able to make decisions from a place of confidence, balance and harmony can take you to new heights. Janet Handley was born and raised in England. With 20 years experience in the healing arts, Reiki Master Janet utilizes the healing power of Reiki and her clairvoyant skills to bring understanding, guidance and wisdom. She conducts classes and gives individual readings. Her goal…bring healing, spiritual growth and peace into our lives. You’ll love her accent & you’ll love Janet! See pages 25
Dr. Pamela Fleming 702-641-3008 Having difficulty with depression, anxiety, insomnia, attention deficit, pre-menopausal, menopausal or post menopausal difficulties? Dr. Fleming, a naturopathic and chiropractor trained in endocrine techniques can help. According to Dr. Fleming, “the mind, body connection is essential for a healthy and happy lifestyle”. Dr. Fleming not only believes in giving her patients the finest care, but also allowing for their affordability. Her level of care brings true healing modalities. Visit: www.DrPamelaFleming. com. See page 25 & 30
Enchanted Forest Reiki Ctr 702-948-4999 More than just a Reiki Center, we offer a wide range of healing modalities including Cranial Sacral, Crystal Healing, Chakra Balancing, Shamanism, Tuning Forks, Bars Access, the Dolphin Lounge with Vibroacustic Sound Therapy and more. Enchanted Forest Reiki Center, Spiritual items ‘n more. It is a great place to network; browse through our gift shop, experience many inspirational and informative classes, get certified in Reiki, Shamanism, Bars Access. Our classes cover mediation, chakras, psychic skills, just to name a few. Stop by Enchanted Forest Reiki Center at 800 N. Rainbow Blvd., Suite 100. Visit See page 10
Hadar & Orion Ent. llc 702-541-3699 At the heart of Hadar & Orion Enterprises, are its founders, soul sisters Esther Brown and Deborah Reyes, who met in Las Vegas while working with youth caught in cycles of violence. While sharing a passion for helping what most would consider hopeless antisocial adolescents, they develop unique programs that bring troubled youth overseas where they serve as humanitarians for others in need. Upon returning home, these seemingly impossible to reform youth find love and higher purpose within themselves. Visit The company was consciously created with the purpose to generate resources to greatly expand this humanitarian work on a global scale. Hadar & Orion will launch its first EGOFRIENDLY DESIGNS fashion line “Gifts from Gaia” in spring 2015. A percentage of all proceeds from these crystal infused bohemian chic clothes designed to inspire and uplift all who wear them, will directly support youth and families that Esther and Deborah work with locally and abroad. Deborah and Esther’s philosophy is that we are here in service to lift our human family through love. They invite you to join them for their Yoga and Healing Retreat in Tulum this fall in the heavenly Mexican Riviera. See page 3
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Unity Cntr in the Valley Rev. Sophia Falke • 702-435-3289 Are you on a spiritual path? Tired of “that old time religion” and looking for an alternative approach to deepening your relationship with God within you? Unity Center is a loving, inclusive community that offers diverse programs to support you on your spiritual journey—as well as tools to help you demonstrate abundance in your business, personal, and financial life. Join us for meditation, worship metaphysical studies, energy healing, seminars, forgiveness groups, spiritual coaching, and more. Or rent space for your own special programs. Contact us: or visit See page 8 & 9