In Light Times February 2014

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February, 2014 Enlightening Views 4. Love Is Never Having To Say You’re Sorry Michelene K. Bell What does love look like to you?

5. Your Secret Stash by Alan Cohen

What we withhold from relationships is what keeps us feeling separate…

6. Crystals & Gemstones by Annette Rizzolo, msc.d Many find heart-shaped crystals and stones magical…

7. The Secret of the Best Relationship by Joyce & Barry Vissell

It is our wish and prayer that each of us discover our own inner beauty.

8. Regain Peace of Mind by Dr. Noelle C. Nelson, Ph.D. Trash those unwanted thoughts.

9. The Power of Optimism by Judi Moreo Is the glass half empty or half full?

10. Peaceful Excitement Instead of Drama by Doreen Virtue

It’s true that being peaceful can be extremely exhilarating and stimulating!

11. I Am the Thinker by Sophia Falke

I am the thinker that thinks the thoughts that changes the things that shape my life.

Feature 16 Reconnecting To Our Spiritual Origins by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Our(Ur) Pets & Animals 12. Coughing, This Seemingly Harmless Symptom…


Dr. Karen Becker

13. Pet Trivia

Gems for the soul 15. Do You Know? • Great Love Quotes

Health Lights 18. Heart Healthy Herbs by Kathleen Gould


Garlic, Hawthorn, Motherwort

19. Himalayan Salt­­—Mineralize & Detoxfy by Michael Ravensthorpe

Himalayan salt has been formed over millions of years in the Himalayas…

20. Health Benefits of Organic vs Conventional Milk by Dr. Mercola …which foods are most important to buy organic…

22. Blood Sugar & Diabetes by Dr. Bruce Fife

Carbohydrates … are converted into glucose (blood sugar).

23. Are You Absorbing Other People’s Symptoms? by Dr. Judith Orloff

Emphatic illnesses are those which you manifest symptoms not your own.






Books & Music Reviews 14 Sudoku Puzzle 15 Classifieds 25

Quick Reference Guide 26 Astrology•Celestial Cycles 28 Empowered Numerology 29

Light Happenings 30 Business Profiles 32 IN LIGHT TIMES • february, 2014 • PAGE 3

From The

Contributing Writers

Publisher “Love is never having to say you’re sorry” is a catchphrase from “Love Story”, a 1970 movie with Ali MacGraw and Ryan O’Neal. It is a classic tear jerker and a movie that would not be forgotten. For centuries love songs have waffled through the airwaves, touching the hearts of humanity. Love is an expression that goes beyond the physical nuances of living. Love, when unconditional, is the energetics of Oneness, of Spirit. When we come from that place, there is no judgment, no hidden agenda…just understanding, support and unification. We are non-manipulative and we see through the eyes of Spirit. Love is our greatest tool in bringing about change in the world. It is the one vibration that can melt the hardest of hearts. It is our armor amidst fear and when we stand in our truth, miracles abound. So what does love look like for you? Does love wear a mask? Is there someone in your life who attempts to “buy” your love by lavishing gifts upon you? Is the love conditional, with strings attached? Perhaps it’s a heavy love, one of imprisonment? When we come from unconditional love, there is joy, peace of mind and the element of “being”. It is also an acknowledgment of our true nature and the essence of pure love. Whenever we look into the mirror of life, do we see unconditional love for all humanity including ourselves? If we don’t have the insight to embrace our very being as a soul/spirit of love, what are we embracing? By loving from the platform of Spirit, it is constant; ever moving with the undulations of the Universe. It is not like a faucet we turn on and off. Let us move from the mundane world of love and reconnect with the highest octave of love…that of Spirit. Where is your love on the spiritual meter of life? Take care my friends and many blessings In Love & Light,

Michelene PAGE 4 • february, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Monthly • February Alan Cohen, author of many inspirational books, including the newly-released Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment.

Doreen Virtue, PH.D., is a renowned author & speaker on self-development, the Angelic realm and health. She is known as “The Angel Lady”over 35 books to her credit.

Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D. has her Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Arts & Sciences, is the Founder of the Mystical Realm, a Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher (RMT).

Wayne W. Dyer, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author & speaker on selfdevelopment. Author of over 30 books, is affectionately called the “father of motivation” Sophia Falke is minister at Unity Center in the Valley. Sophia is also a certified coach, seminar leader, and professional speaker.

Awakened Oracle Astrology by BrynMorgaine

The Herbalist

Empowering Numerology

Kathleen Gould SW Herb Shop

by Michele Avanti

February Writers Dr. Bruce Fife Dr. Karen Becker

Dr. Mercola Dr. Noelle C. Nelson


Joyce & Barry Vissell Judi Moreo Michael Ravensthorp


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PUBLISHER • EDITOR Michelene K. Bell ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eugenia Martini-Jarrett ADVERTISING 702-259-6843 national ADVISORy councIl Dannion Brinkley • Alan Cohen Dr. Doreen Virtue ADVISORS •Dyana Ray • Michele Avanti • Gina Robison-Billups


702-259-6843 GRAPHICS BY EUGENIA 702-328-3722 E-mail Website IN LIGHT TIMES 310 Annabelle Lane #247 Henderson, Nev. 89014

Enlightening Views

Monthly Inspirations from

n e h o C n a l A

Your Secret Stash What we withhold from relationships is what keeps us feeling separate and alone.

If emotional pain is standing between you and your friend, putting it on the table can dissolve it. But take care how you share it, and why. If your intention is to punish your partner, be right, or fuel the same argument you have been having for years, you are better off keeping your mouth shut. If, however, your intention is to dissolve upset, come closer to your partner, and deepen your relationship, your communication will serve as a gift to both of you. In the opening scene of the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith, we find the couple in a therapy session. Mrs. Smith tells the therapist, “There’s this huge space between us, and it just keeps filling up with everything that we don’t say to each other.” While we might be inclined to define relationships by what we say to each other, they are more accurately defined by what we don’t say to each other. My friend Carol owns a successful business she has built over many years with her executive assistant Marcia. In general the two women are good friends, but recently they had an argument. Marcia told Carol, “I am still deeply hurt by what you said to me a few years ago.” Carol was stunned. She couldn’t imagine what she had said that had disturbed her friend so much. “Please tell me what I said that hurt you,” she asked, wishing to rectify the problem. Marcia shook her head. “I’d rather not tell you.” Marcia’s response indicates her hidden agenda to keep the problem in force. If she truly intended to heal her pain and maintain the best possible relationship with her friend, she would have revealed the incident by which she felt hurt. Then the two could have processed the experience until they came to resolution around it. Marcia’s investment in holding on to the grudge than releasing it indicates

that she held it as a “treasured wound.” She perceived a payoff for feeling slighted: she got to be “right” at the expense of Carol being wrong, and maintain a victim identity. Marcia knew that if she held the experience up to the light, it would dissolve. But she chose instead to keep it in the dark so she could continue to claim it. This perceived payoff kept the relationship, or at least a portion of it, underground, and impeded the friends from moving ahead together. One day the issue will be resolved, but only when Marcia perceives a greater benefit in releasing it than clinging to it. Fear regards light as an enemy. Michael Pritchard declared, “Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed.” Love, by contrast, is willing and eager to bring all things into the spectrum of greater awareness. If your intention is to heal, you can hold anything up to the light and it will serve the healing process. We have heard, “the truth hurts,” but the only thing truth hurts is illusions. Compassionately expressed, honesty works in your favor and that of those you touch. It has been said, “Those who are brutally honest are more interested in brutality than honesty.” Any communication delivered with love begets loving results.

Your experience in all relationships is the result of your intention. You use relationships to project what you want to make of them. Some people create relationships to be a source of deep reward and soul fulfillment. Others use relationship to intensify discord, separateness, loneliness, combat, and pain. The good news is that even if one of your relationships, or many, have been horrid, you have the power to shift any of them by choosing harmony over discord. Your well being does not depend on the other person’s actions or attitude. It depends on your choice. The other person may continue to choose upset, but if you choose peace, you have mastered the situation and bestowed upon yourself the only gift worth gleaning from it. When you choose peace for yourself you invite the other person to meet you on higher ground.

The key to healing relationships is joining—finding common ground on which you and your friend are unified. In my book, Happily Even After, I interviewed couples who had been steeped in bitter acrimony as a result of a breakup or divorce, and then found ways to harmonize and support each other. The most common theme I discovered was that couples who had children agreed that they both wanted the best for their children, which gave them a shared purpose and opened a door to joining. To heal a relationship you don’t have to have children, but you do need a vision of connectedness. “We are in this together, so let’s do what we can to make it a happy ride for everyone involved.” In the world of separation, there seems to be a huge space between us. What we fill it with makes all the difference.

wwwww Alan Cohen is the author of Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment. If you would like to become a professional life coach or incorporate life coaching skills in your career or personal life, join Alan’s celebrated Life Coach Training Program beginning March 4. For more information about this program, Alan’s books, free daily inspirational quotes, and his weekly radio show, visit

What we withhold from relationships is what keeps us feeling separate and alone. I’m not suggesting you tell everyone everything all the time; relationships can be damaged by too much information. I am suggesting that the important things need to be shared. IN LIGHT TIMES • february, 2014 • PAGE 5


Enlightening Views


rystals OF LOVE

Many find heart-shaped crystals & stones magical and use them in love spells. By Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D

crystals and stones give other specific properties. Below is a list where Rose and Clear Quartz helps with certain issues and ailments. ROSE QUARTZ Issues & Ailments ~ Physical Alzheimer’s, Anorexia, Bruises, Bulimia, Burns, Dementia, Emphysema, Fatigue, Infertility, Kidneys, Lungs, Menstrual, Migraines, Pain, Shingles, Skin Issues & Ailments ~ Emotional Acceptance, Aggression, Anger, Care of self, Comfort, Conflicts, Crisis, Crying, Depression, Despair, Emotional Blockages, Emotional Healing, Emotional Release, Emotional Trauma, Forgiveness, Frustration, Gentleness, Grief, Guilt, Happiness, Hurt Feelings, Jealousy, Joy, Kindness, Loneliness, Love, Nurture, Perseverance, Positive Energy, Rage, Removes Negativity, Self Confidence, Self Esteem, Stress/Tension, Tranquility There is something wonderful and enchanting about heart-shaped crystals & stones, in that each one expresses a universal feeling of love, passion, admiration, obsession, reassurance, joy, intrigue, comfort, wonder, and many other human emotions that seem to be portrayed in these appealing objects. They remind us that our hearts are always available, near, accessible, and ever present amidst the often overlooked details of our chaotic, busy and overscheduled lives. They are a reminder that love is everywhere! I have my own collection of heart-shaped stones of all different kinds and I find them very soothing and peaceful to hold. Heart-shaped stones have a tendency to emit loving vibes in combination with the properties of the particular mineral out of which they are formed. Clear Quartz Hearts are cleansing and healing for all issues of the heart, especially for giving and receiving love. They can turn negativity into positive energy bringing light and love. Rose Quartz Hearts are stones of unconditional love and compassion; attracting love and enhancing established relationships. They bring peace, harmony and acceptance of others. They make a perfect gift for Valentine’s Day to be given to a loved one. The Heart-Shape is beneficial to all the Astrological Signs. The various types of

Issues & Ailments ~ Spiritual Divine Love, Spiritual Love, Unconditional Love. CLEAR QUARTZ Issues & Ailments ~ Physical AIDS/HIV, Burns, Heartburn, Immune System, Kidneys, Memory, Pain, Pineal Gland, Thyroid, Vertigo Issues & Ailments ~ Emotional Acceptance, Emotional Balance, Emotional Healing, Friendship, Harmony, Joy, Perseverance, Stabilize Emotions, Stress/Tension Issues & Ailments ~ Spiritual Affirmation Statements, Amplify Healing/Prayers/Wishes, Attract Angels, Higher Consciousness/Self, Higher Realms, Humility, Increase Consciousness, Inner Child, Receptivity to Spirit Guides, Shamanic Healing, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Guidance, Unity Benefits all Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, High Heart, Throat, 3rd Eye, and Crown as well as our astrological signs. Many find heart-shaped crystals and stones magical and use them in love spells. There are some very simple spells/energetically directed prayers that are beautiful and easy to do. I will have some on my website as I continue to develop it. There are many books and on-line information on the subject too. Just be sure to only work in the “light”. Until next month, be Blessed, Happy & Healthy! Ref: Josie Iselin, Healing

wwwww Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D. has her Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Arts & Sciences, and has over 22+ years “in the Biz.” Annette is a Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher (RMT), Metaphysical Hypnotherapist, Freelance writer, and Founder of The Mystical Realm, a very unique & informative website. Visit: and become Enlightened & Empowered!

PAGE 6 • february, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Enlightening Views

Secret of the Best Relationship

By Joyce and Barry Vissell


In the relationships that make it, each individual is willing to make the relationship a priority, giving it time, energy and nurturing. We see so many people who are struggling now more than ever with their intimate relationships. For many, the pace of life is quickening and stress levels are intensifying. At the same time, consciousness has grown to a point where many people are painfully aware of their lack of real connection with others. Throughout our forty years of practicing psychotherapy and leading relationship workshops, we have had the opportunity to study many couples over a long period of time. With many of these couples, there is the initial high of falling in love. Over time, some of them somehow deepen their love and the relationship flourishes. Many other couples gradually lose their love and enthusiasm for one another. Everyone wants to stay in love, but why do some relationships make it, while others don’t? Why does the love in some relationships flourish, while getting buried in others? What are the secrets of a healthy and fulfilling relationship? In the relationships that make it, each individual is willing to make the relationship a priority, giving it time, energy and nurturing. They view their relationship as a beloved plant, thriving with enough care and attention. The partners in a prospering relationship are willing to look inside themselves, rather than only to their partner, for their growth and learning. They are willing to see their partner as a mirror — a soul mirror — reflecting back to them qualities which are within themselves, qualities they need to continually reclaim as their own. These partners are willing to trust this mirror of relationship. When their outer senses tell them it’s the other person’s fault in a difficult situation, they are willing to search deeper for their own issues that have contributed to this situation. Likewise, when their senses reveal to them the beauty, strength and goodness of their friend, they are willing to search deeper for these same qualities in themselves. The discovery that your lover is a soul mirror, reflecting back to you everything you are needing to learn about yourself in any given moment, will make the difference between a good relationship and a great relationship. This is seeing the mirror. There is another step in the process. It is enjoying, rather than merely accepting or tolerating, the mirroring. It is viewing the process of mirroring with awe and reverence. Accepting the soul mirror in your beloved will make for a great relationship. Loving and celebrating the soul mirror will create a sacred relationship, where there is no limit to the love that can be experienced. We feel each one of us is in relationship with ourselves, and this inner relationship is the spiritual path we are following. Our relationships with others can help or hinder us, but it’s ultimately our decision. We human beings can easily get lost in our relationships with others. Relationship can become a seductive trap that pulls us away from ourselves, onto a long side-trip of life. Or it can be a powerful vehicle that helps to awaken us to who we are and why we have been born. Our lives will not be fulfilled until we discover our own deepest purpose in life. It is to give and receive love. It is to enjoy the beauty of this world and to help create more beauty. And, it is to remember that we each are an integral part of the whole. Each one of us is linked to all creation. Each of us is sustained by an omnipresent light, love and consciousness. To be aware of this connection, and give thanks for it, is to live in the highest state of spiritual joy, peace and fulfillment.

Every one of us has what it takes to bring more love into our life. It is our divine birthright. We deserve to love and be loved. To do this, however, we need to look in two places — outside and inside. Our culture has trained us to look only outside, to see only the surface of ourselves and each other. We do need to look outside, to practice seeing beauty in others. Yet it is just as important to practice seeing beauty in ourselves, to know ourselves as beautiful, capable and deserving of love. This takes willingness to look at ourselves differently, to see past the many limiting things people have told us about ourselves. In our souls, we are not bad, stupid or ugly boys or girls. We are human and spiritual beings capable of the highest level of love and creativity. It is our wish and prayer that each of us discovers our own inner beauty. In many ways this is the highest work we can do to deepen all our relationships.

wwwww Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/therapist and psychiatrist couple since 1964, are the founders of the Shared Heart Foundation. They are widely regarded as among the world’s top experts on conscious relationship and personal growth. They are the authors of The Shared Heart, Models of Love, Risk to Be Healed, The Heart’s Wisdom, Meant to Be, and A Mother’s Final Gift. Call 800-766-0629 or visit

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IN LIGHT TIMES • february, 2014 • PAGE 7

R egain P eace You made up. The argument is long over; life with your sweetheart is back to normal. Except for that little nagging thought that keeps running through your brain, with the determined persistence of a hamster on a treadmill: “How could he/she do that? How could he/she say that about me in front of our friends?” Despite the countless times you’ve reminded yourself that he/she not only recognized (eventually) that they were wrong for doing it (Yippee! One for your side) but also apologized profusely.


M ind

Enlightening Views By Noelle C. Nelson, Ph.D

Trash Those Unwanted Thoughts seem limited to eating, sleeping, and chasing the cat. Even your hamster gets off his treadmill from time to time, what’s up with you? You haven’t thrown the thought away yet. The argument may be over, but your thoughts about it aren’t.

The message you deliver to your subconscious by physically trashing a thought you no longer find valuable, is “I’m done with this … forever!”

Now you’re getting irritated with yourself. Come on, you’re a grown-up, you should have better control over your thoughts than this--the past is the past! So now, not only are you rehashing “How could he/she say that about me in front of our friends?” but once you catch yourself obsessing over what should be done, gone and over with, you’re now jumping onto the second treadmill of “I can’t believe I’m rehashing this!” You have no peace of mind. You wish you were like your dog, whose thoughts

Some very interesting research has brought to light a surprisingly simple, yet very effective way of ridding ourselves of unwanted thoughts: throw them away. Literally! Write your now useless, nagging-at-you thought down on a piece of paper. Then willfully, consciously, deliberately, wad up that piece of paper and throw it in the trash. Or tear it into little itty biddy pieces and flush it down the toilet (only if safe for your toilet!). The message you deliver to your subconscious by physically trashing a thought you no longer find valuable, is “I’m done with this … forever!” And your subconscious, willing servant that it is, says “OK!” It may take a while for the thought never to come up again, so if, when it does, simply say to yourself “I’m done with that!” and if need be, write it down again, and throw it in the trash again. Yes, you can type it into a doc and then drag to your virtual trash bin that works as well for many people. Next time you have recurring thoughts that no longer serve any useful purpose (other than fanning the flames of what should be a long dead fire), throw them away. Literally. And regain the peace of mind your dog illustrates so beautifully for you. Woof.

wwwww Noelle C. Nelson, Ph.D., is a psychologist, relationship expert, popular speaker in the U.S. and abroad, and author of nine best-selling books. Dr. Nelson focuses on how we can all enjoy happy, fulfilling lives while accomplishing great things in love, at home and at work, as we appreciate ourselves, our world and all others. Visit www.NoelleNelson. com,


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702 PAGE 8 • february, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES

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Enlightening Views


By Judi Moreo

Power of Optimism Is the glass half empty or half full?

Have you ever been really excited about something and told someone else about it only to have them stomp all over your excitement? The negative person to whom you told your dream pointed out why you shouldn’t be excited and how what you are excited about will never work. That person is a pessimist. He, she, and/or they...are the people that see a glass with something in it and say, “That glass is half empty.” They complain even when there’s nothing to complain about. Many years ago, I decided to stay away from negative, pessimistic people and you should, too. Instead, surround yourself with people who are optimists. These are people who are glad to have something in the glass. They are the people who find a reason for things... even bad things that happen. They know something positive will come out of situations. And, for them, it does. Optimists make plans and do preparation. Business owners know it requires plans to be successful and optimists know that we, as individuals, also need to make plans for our lives. To my way of thinking, this is the only life we have. This is our one chance to get it right. This is our only shot at creating the life we want. So, we need an effective and realistic way to make our dreams become reality. Don’t you want to live your life so you don’t look back with regrets? If so, then start examining all possible ways you can make things work. What steps can you take? Use a technique called Brainstorming. Dr. Alex Osborn, the originator of the Brainstorming Technique, and co-founder of what was one of the world’s largest advertising agencies in the 1960’s as well as the founder of the Creative Education Foundation, described this method of thinking as “organized ideation.” He believed that when we drive for new ideas, we shouldn’t drive with our brakes on. His method proved to be so effective that many top companies and organizations around the world still use it today. If it’s good enough for them, I certainly believe it’s good enough for us. Whether we choose to use this technique by ourselves or with other people, there are some rules to follow. Write down ideas, lots of ideas, about what you think you would or could love to do, have, or be in your life. The more ideas, the better our chances of finding what we want. All ideas are welcome. No idea is too outrageous. In this step, you are

your ultimate decision will be more exciting and effective than if you had just gone with your first option.

looking for possibilities. It doesn’t matter what you put down as long as you think you might really love to do it, become it, or have it. It’s okay to be a bit “out there” in your wants and dreams. When you have all the options you can possibly think of, ask yourself some creativity questions and write your answers on a separate piece of paper. Apply these questions to every possibility you have listed: • • • • • •

What activities or goals can I combine to get a better outcome? How can I rearrange my schedule? Or my finances? Can I do more of something? Less of something? What can I adapt, modify, or do differently? What if I gave up something or added something? Can I do the opposite of what I’ve been doing?

Again, remember, don’t make judgments. Just write down your ideas. Many ideas will be wild and crazy and maybe even things you can’t use. That’s okay. Somewhere in there will be a great idea you can use. Criticism is negative and kills ideas. Creating the idea and evaluating the idea are two different things. At this stage, you must be an optimist. You are simply creating as many ideas as possible. Don’t say anything negative to yourself or others when you are using this technique. Stop anyone who begins to evaluate, is negative, or critical. Explain you are not in the evaluation stage yet. Once you have a lot of ideas, look them over, think about them and then move into the evaluation stage. Ask yourself, “Is this workable? Practical? Financially feasible?” If your answers are “No,” then ask, “Could it be made to be workable or practical? Is there a less expensive way to do it?” Now, you can eliminate options you are absolutely positive won’t work. After you have decided which ideas you are going to keep, rewrite them on a sheet of paper. Put the new list away and think

about your ideas for a couple of days. When you take the list out again, write the positives and negatives of each idea listed. Some ideas will have so many negatives, they will practically eliminate themselves. What you’ll have left are a couple of good ideas which have been thoroughly evaluated. You can now make a safe, sound decision as to which of these ideas to use or how to combine them to get the results you want. If you use this technique, you will find more possibilities than imagined and

You see, the secret to getting what you want is to believe it possible. Be an optimist! Optimists know that no matter how dreary the future looks, if you have a plan, your dreams can and will come true. I am an optimist. I know without a shadow of a doubt that no matter how bleak things look right now, your optimism, or lack of, will affect your life. Choose to be an optimist and never look back with regret.

wwwww Judi Moreo is a Motivational Keynote speaker who doesn’t just talk about success but lives it! A speaker of both substance and style, Judi combines her wealth of knowledge and expertise with inspiration and humor. Visit:

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702-808-8784 IN LIGHT TIMES • february, 2014 • PAGE 9

Enlightening Views

Peaceful Excitement Instead of Drama You’re already at peace, because you were created that way by the peaceful creator. You don’t need to look outside yourself for peace, nor do you need to learn how to be at peace. You already have this inside you at this very moment. Even if you don’t feel like you’re peaceful, you are in spiritual truth. In fact, it’s impossible not to be peaceful in the universe as God created it. If appearances seem to be otherwise, and you feel like you have less than a peaceful life, then this means the ego has been ruling the roost. What that means is that the ego has persuaded you that peace isn’t valuable or attainable. Peaceful Isn’t Passive or Boring The ego tries to tell you that peace is the same as being passive. It says that if you’re peaceful, you’ll lose your ambitious and hardworking ways, and you’ll get behind in the competitive work world. Nothing could be further from the truth! Being at peace doesn’t mean that you become a slacker. It simply means that you’re aware. You’re aware of the Divinity in the oneness of yourself with all that is. You’re aware of your honest feelings and opinions. And you’re aware of your physical form, body and all of its feelings as well. In business settings, a peaceful person always gets ahead. Again, being peaceful at work isn’t the same as being passive or people-pleasing. Peaceful people are always assertive, because you have to speak your truth and be honest in order to retain your inner peace. Holding in your feelings takes you away from experiencing peace. Peaceful people at work are also more

open to receiving Divine downloads of brilliant ideas, which will be successful and appreciated on the job. Most people love to hang out with a peaceful person as well. That’s because peaceful people have the attractive personality characteristics of being warm, approachable, open, and likable. They’re pleasant to be around, and that’s why they’re invited to parties and committees, and given exciting opportunities at work. The old Hollywood movies scenario of a hard, biting, harsh manager is a thing of the past. Nobody wants to work for or with someone who’s obnoxious. They want to work with an inspiring leader. Peace and inspiration go hand in hand. In personal settings, the same is true. An appealing personality of being accessible and loving, coupled with you being a genuine person who honestly speaks your truth, is the ultimate winning combination. The second reason why the ego pushes us away from being at peace is because it persuades us that peace is boring. This is another deception that has no basis in reality. Peace is its own form of excitement! If you’ve been involved in roller-coaster dramas, you know how disruptive these experiences are to your daily schedule. Drama leads to obsessive thinking, where you focus on how angry, upset, or afraid you are. Fear and anger are two of the ego’s biggest tricks, which it uses to pull us off the path of our Divine life purpose and peace. So when the ego whispers in your ear that it would be very dull to have a peaceful life, don’t fall for this! The ego tries to persuade you that high drama

PAGE 10 • february, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES

By Doreen Virtue

Assertiveness for Earth Angels: How To Be Loving Instead of “Too Nice”

It’s true that being peaceful can be extremely exhilarating and stimulating!

Doreen Virtue

is exciting, fun, and meaningful. And while you can learn important life and spiritual lessons by experiencing painful occurrences, it’s not the route to enlightenment. Constant drama is so draining, and can even lead to emotional or physical health concerns. There’s a steady supply of adrenaline and cortisol being secreted by your brain and your body during moments of fight-or-flight drama. This isn’t healthy and can actually age you. A peaceful life can be very lively! You can engage in stimulating activities such as sports, activism, or fun classes, and be peaceful and happy simultaneously. You can find thrills with all the new opportunities that come your way as a peaceful person who’s a magnet for others who want to work with you. My life is simultaneously very peaceful and yet exciting. I am so honored and happy to be able to travel to wonderful

destinations, and then meet the nicest people on the planet at my workshops. It’s true that being peaceful can be extremely exhilarating and stimulating!


D o re e n Vi r t u e holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with the a n g e l i c re a l m . She’s the author of Archangels 101, Earth Angels, and Healing with the Angels, among other works programs; presents workshops around the world; and also has a weekly call-in talk show on HayHouseRadio. com. Visit

Enlightening Views According



I AM the

THINKER! “I am the thinker who thinks the thoughts that changes the things that shape my life”. “I am the thinker who thinks the thoughts that changes the things that shape my life. I am the thinker who thinks the thoughts. I have the power to change my life.” are the opening lines of a song by New Thought song writer Sue Kroupa. These words remind me of the power we have to enliven or defeat our personal and collective visions. Yes, visions. Last month I invited you to create a New Year’s vision. I asked you to write it down and give it substance by going into detail about what your life looks like in 12 months as your vision unfolds and becomes real. (If you missed my January article, you can find it on line at This month I invite you to take a look at the thoughts that will strengthen your vision and the thoughts that will lead to its defeat. Perhaps your vision is to have a spacious, affordable home. I remember when I moved to Lee’s Summit, Missouri, in 1999. I had the vision of purchasing a home where I would have two housemates with whom to share school experiences and household expenses. I envisioned a separate bedroom and bath for each of us, a driveway to accommodate three cars, a large shared kitchen and living room where we could entertain, and a fireplace. Oh, and I only had one afternoon to find the house. I got what I envisioned and more because of my clarity of vision, the thoughts that supported the vision, and the confidence and belief I would be successful. I never doubted, and the universe responded. Later I asked an associate, “Mary” where she would like to live if she could live anywhere. She immediately shared her vision of a home overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. And just as quickly she told me how it was impossible because she didn’t have, nor was she ever likely to have, the money to live in such a home. As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” And she was right. She would never have a home overlooking the Atlantic because that was her belief, which began with her thoughts—thoughts that she was unwilling to consider exchanging for other, more positive thoughts. Mary’s thought was “I need a lot of money to have a home overlooking the Atlantic.” From that thought came an emotion of resignation. And from the emotion, came the belief she could never have her dream home. I suggested other thoughts she might exchange for “I need a lot of money.” For example, “I have myriad avenues open to me that lead to my dream home.” Possibilities such as house sitting, an inheritance, a chance meeting with someone who had a vacant carriage house he would trade for gardening help (Mary loved working with plants) came to my mind. But Mary refused to consider making a thought exchange. You may want to travel and have even created a treasure map depicting all the places you want to visit. You looked at the treasure map every day and affirmed you would visit a particular country, say Brazil, by January 2014. Yet

So tell me, what is your vision and what are the thoughts that you are choosing in every moment to make that vision a reality? You are the thinker. You have the power. here you sit. Still in the good old U.S.A. What went wrong? Perhaps you had a thought that you could only get to Brazil if certain conditions were met, such as you needed to have a certain amount of money set aside, you had to accumulate enough vacation time, and you had to have a travel companion. And because you couldn’t meet all those requirements, you didn’t go. However, if you had exchanged those thoughts for “There are endless ways I can get to Brazil,” you would have opened yourself to possibilities you would otherwise not have recognized. Someone might have been willing to pay your way as a travel companion. A work-related opportunity may have come up and because your employer knew of your passion for Brazil, you would have been chosen to go. We live in a world of endless possibilities and countless thoughts. Which ones we choose is a choice. “I am the thinker who thinks the thoughts that changes the things that shape my life. I am the thinker who thinks the thoughts. I have the power to change my life.” I have the power. If I’m not seeing the life I want for myself reflected back to me by the mirror of life, I have the power to exchange whatever thoughts keep me from my vision for ones that will serve as a magnet to the unlimited good that is in the universe for me to claim. So tell me, what is your vision and what are the thoughts that you are choosing in every moment to make that vision a reality? You are the thinker. You have the power.

wwwww Sophia Falke is minister at Unity Center in the Valley, Las Vegas. Information on programs at Unity Center can be found at,, or Meetup. com. Sophia is also a certified coach, seminar leader, and professional speaker through her business Embracing Greatness ( You can reach her at or by calling or texting 702-283-3117. IN LIGHT TIMES • february, 2014 • PAGE 11

Coughing This Seemingly Harmless Symptom Could Foretell a Deadly Disease

By Dr. Karen Becker


ost dogs develop a cough at some point in their lives, and it’s often difficult for pet parents to determine the cause of the hacking or whether it’s a serious problem In dogs, a cough can be an indicator of a number of different health concerns – some more serious than others. Here’s a brief guide to some different types of canine coughs and what you should know about them.

Kennel Cough In most cases, when an otherwise healthy dog suddenly starts coughing, it’s usually due to kennel cough or another similar viral or bacterial infection. Kennel cough can involve a deep, dry hacking cough, sneezing, snorting, gagging, or even vomiting. There may also be spasms of coughing brought on by excitement or exercise. If your dog has recently been in a situation where she has had contact with other dogs – for example, in a boarding facility – she may have contracted a kennel cough infection. Symptoms usually appear from 2 to 14 days after exposure. Kennel cough symptoms usually last between 10 and 20 days and can recur during periods of stress. Most cases resolve without medical intervention, so I don’t automatically recommended treatment. And certainly, antibiotics are not immediately warranted. I always prefer to let a dog’s body heal itself naturally, if she is otherwise acting fine. Complete recovery from kennel cough can take up to three weeks in healthy dogs, and twice as long in older patients or in dogs with underlying immunosuppressive conditions. Puppies can also take a bit longer to recover. Since a serious episode of kennel cough can result in pneumonia, if your dog doesn’t start to improve on her own, or if the cough becomes progressively worse, it’s important to make an appointment with your vet to be on the safe side.

Something Stuck in the Throat A cough that grows suddenly intense or is more of PAGE 12 • february, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES

a gagging sound, especially if the dog is also licking his lips or making swallowing motions, could be a sign of a sore throat or something stuck in the throat. If your dog is outside or has just come in from outdoors when the coughing starts, it’s likely he has ingested or inhaled a grass seed or other foreign object and it’s stuck in his throat. If your dog can’t seem to cough up whatever it is, you’ll want to make an appointment with your veterinarian, since the situation could progress to an infection or even pneumonia.

Pneumonia A cough that sounds wet (a “productive” cough) usually means there’s a buildup of fluid in the dog’s lungs. Fluid or phlegm in the lungs is a symptom of pneumonia, which can have a variety of causes. Bacterial pneumonia is caused by a pathogen, and there are several organisms that can result in infection. Fungal pneumonia is the result of a deep fungal lung infection, and is a more serious and hard-to-treat problem. Symptoms of pneumonia in addition to coughing include loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, lethargy and difficulty breathing. If the pneumonia is bacterial in nature, typically your dog will require antibiotics, rest, immune support, and specific supportive therapies. Fungal pneumonia is more difficult to treat, since many dogs don’t respond to anti-fungal pneumonia drugs. The precise treatment will depend on what type of fungus has caused the infection. Ask your proactive vet about inhalation therapy, one of the most effective, direct ways to treat these types of lung infections.

Another type of pneumonia is aspiration pneumonia, also called inhalation pneumonia. This is a condition in which the lungs become inflamed and infected as the result of breathing in a foreign substance like vomit, regurgitated gastric acid, or food. Aspiration pneumonia is life threatening, and the prognosis for most dogs with the condition is poor, so the goal should always be prevention. If you suspect your dog has aspirated something, it’s important to get her to your veterinarian or an emergency animal clinic right away.

Tracheal Collapse A recurrent, episodic cough that sounds like a goose honk can be a sign of a collapsing trachea – especially if your dog is a small breed. Tracheal collapse is a chronic, progressive disease that can be either congenital or acquired. Dogs with the condition also typically show signs of exercise intolerance, respiratory distress, and gagging while eating or drinking. Treatment options for a collapsing trachea include medical management, which works for about 70 percent of dogs with a mild form of the condition. More serious cases often require highly specialized surgery. Cartilage building supplements are also given to maintain the integrity of tracheal cartilage. Reverse Sneezing Another condition common in small breed dogs and also brachycephalic breeds is the tendency to reverse sneeze. While it is indeed a sneeze rather than a cough, the sound a dog makes while it’s happening can be mistaken for coughing or choking.



Reverse sneezing is caused by a spasm of the throat and soft palate that is triggered by an irritant, which can include simple excitement, exercise, a collar that’s too tight, pollen, or even a sudden change in temperature. In a regular sneeze, air is pushed out through the nose. In a reverse sneeze, air is instead pulled rapidly and noisily in through the nose. The sound of a reverse sneeze can be startling, and many dog parents wonder if their pet is choking or having an asthma attack. Most dogs that reverse sneeze also assume a telltale stance -- elbows spread apart, head extended or back, and eyes bulging. Most cases of reverse sneezing require no treatment. However, it’s a good idea to try to keep track of when the episodes occur so you can determine what the probable triggers are and try to avoid them. If the sneezing becomes chronic or episodes become more frequent or longer in duration, it’s a good idea to make an appointment with your veterinarian to rule out other potential health problems.

Heart Disease Coughing can also be a sign of heart disease in dogs. Other signs of a heart problem include a bluish tinge to the tongue, loss of appetite, fatigue, weakness, decreased exercise endurance, a too-fast or too-slow heartbeat, and increased respiratory effort. If your dog has been diagnosed with a heart condition and coughs mainly while she’s resting, lying down, or at night, it could be a sign the disease is progressing.

a i v i r T t Pe 1. Is it a duck…or a dog? The Newfoundland breed has a water resistant coat and webbed feet. This dog was bred to help haul nets for fishermen and rescuing people at risk of drowning. 2. It pays to be a lap dog. Three dogs (from First Class cabins!) survived the sinking of the Titanic – two Pomeranians and one Pekingese. Source: Vetstreet 3. Dogs do dream! Dogs and humans have the same type of slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) and during this REM stage dogs can dream. The twitching and paw movements that occur during their sleep are signs that your pet is dreaming. Source: Healthy Pet 4. No night vision goggles needed! Dogs’ eyes contain a special membrane, called the tapetum lucidum, which allows them to see in the dark. Source: Healthy Pet 5. It’s not a fever…A dog’s normal temperature is between 101 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. 6. Here’s looking at you. Dogs have three eyelids, an upper lid, a lower lid and the third lid, called a nictitating membrane or “haw,” which helps keep the eye moist and protected. Source: Whole Dog Journal 7. Why are dogs’ noses so wet? Dogs’ noses secrete a thin layer of mucous that helps them absorb scent. They then lick their noses to sample the scent through their mouth. Source: Vetstreet 8. Yummy! Dogs have about 1,700 taste buds. Humans have approximately 9,000 and cats have around 473. Source: Psychology Today 9. Watch that plate of cookies! A Dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 – 100,000 times more acute as that of humans. Source: PBS

This Month's Great Pix

Treatment of heart disease in dogs depends on a variety of factors including the severity of the problem, the age and health of your pet, cost of treatment, and other considerations. A visit to a board-certified veterinary cardiologist can provide more information about the severity of your pet’s heart condition. There are a variety of natural modalities that can support a weakened cardiovascular system, so consult your holistic vet for the best options for your pet’s specific diagnosis.

Any Persistent Cough Should Be Investigated Other conditions that can cause coughing in your dog include chronic bronchitis, heartworm disease, and some types of cancer. A dog’s cough that doesn’t resolve quickly on its own should be investigated, and the sooner you make an appointment with your veterinarian, the better your pet’s chances for either a full recovery or a well-managed condition.

Dr. Karen Becker is a proactive and integrative wellness veterinarian. Dr. Becker and Dr. Mercola provide health care articles and more through “My goal is to help you create wellness in order to prevent illness in the lives of your pets. This proactive approach seeks to save you and your pet from unnecessary stress and suffering by identifying and removing health obstacles even before disease occurs. Unfortunately, most veterinarians in the United States are trained to be reactive. They wait for symptoms to occur, and often treat those symptoms without addressing the root cause.”

IN LIGHT TIMES • february, 2014 • PAGE 13

Books Music &

Browse through these and hundreds of the newest, most intriguing, motivating and inspiring books and Music that are available in the online in the In Light Times Book Store

Books That Make A Difference

Recommended Reading

The Pound a Day Diet: Lose Up to 5 Pounds in 5 Days by Eating the Foods You Love

By Rocco DiSpirito

A Must Read Staying Strong: 365 Days a Year Demi Lovato

What Are You Hungry For?: The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of Soul Deepak Chopra

Happy Herbivore Light & Lean: Over 150 Low-Calorie Recipes with Workout Plans for Looking and Feeling Great Lindsay S. Nixon

Yoga: The Art of Transformation

Kay Debra Diamond

THE POUND A DAY DIET is an accelerated program designed to help dieters lose up to five pounds every five days-without frustrating plateaus-while enjoying all their favorite foods. It rewrites every carb/ fat/calorie rule in the book! This delicious, easy-to-use, plan is specifically formulated as a Mediterranean-style diet that is carb and calorie corrected to turbocharge metabolism and weight loss. Complete with menus for 28 days (four fiveday plans and four weekend plans), dieters first follow the five-day plan, switch over to the weekend plan, return to the five-day plan for the second week, and continue with the weekend plan-alternating like this right down to their goal weight. To help readers, Rocco has created 50 all-new lightning-quick 5 ingredient recipes, as well as ready-made suggestions for those who simply cannot find the time to cook; a primer on healthy and fast cooking techniques; calorie-calibrated menus and shopping lists; and a lifestyle plan for maintaining a lean, healthy body for life.

Super Immunity: The Essential Nutrition Guide for Boosting Your Body’s Defenses to Live Longer, Stronger, and Disease Free - By Joel Fuhrman In Super Immunity, worldrenowned health expert and New York Times bestselling author of Eat to Live Dr. Joel Fuhrman offers a nutritional guide to help you live longer, stronger, and disease free. Dr. Fuhrman doesn’t believe the secret to staying healthy lies in medical care—rather, the solution is to change the way we eat. With more than 85 plantbased recipes, a two-week menu plan, and lists of super foods that boost immunity, Dr. Fuhrman’s proven strategies combine the latest data from clinical tests, nutritional research, and results from thousands of patients . Fans of Alejandro Junger’s Clean, Mark Hyman’s Ultraprevention, and T. Colin Campbell’s The China Study will appreciate Dr. Fuhrman’s practical plan to prevent and reverse disease—no shots, drugs or sick days required.

Music to Make Note Of

High Hopes Bruce Springsteen ‘High Hopes’ finds Bruce Springsteen in a number of different musical settings, and includes the E Street Band members in various large and small combinations as well as guitarist Tom Morello on eight tracks. Besides Morello, the album also includes appearances on several songs by Clarence Clemons, who passed away in 2011, and Danny Federici, who passed away in 2008, on what Springsteen calls “some of our best unreleased material from the past decade.”

Sings Italian Favorites Dean Martin [Original Recording Remastered, Import] Dino Paul Crocetti was born in Ohio to an Italian father and an Italian-American mother. He did speak Italian and began singing the songs of his cultural heritage early in his career. Our CD contains the complete contents of his LP Dino -Italian Love Songs plus most of his other Italian recordings, which were originally issued on different LPs,EPs, and 45rpm singles.

Dreams Come True Rebecca Holden, Abraham McDonald With over six million collective hits on YouTube and the designation of one of the top wedding songs in the world, Dreams Come True has become an international phenomenon! PAGE 14 • february, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Gems for the Soul ØØ The University of Alaska spans four time zones. ØØ The tooth is the only part of the human body that cannot heal itself. ØØ In ancient Greece, tossing an apple to a girl was a traditional proposal of marriage. Catching it meant she accepted. ØØ Wa r n e r C o m m u n i c a t i o n s p a i d $ 2 8 m i l l i o n f o r t h e c o p y r i g h t t o t h e s o n g Happy Birthday. ØØ Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. ØØ A comet’s tail always points away from the sun. ØØ T h e S w i n e F l u v a c c i n e i n 1 9 7 6 c a u s e d m o re d e a t h a n d i l l n e s s t h a n t h e disease it was intended to prevent. ØØ Caffeine increases the power of aspirin and other painkillers, that is why it is found in some medicines. ØØ T h e m i l i t a r y s a l u t e i s a m o t i o n t h a t e v o l v e d f ro m m e d i e v a l t i m e s , w h e n knights in armor raised their visors to reveal their identity.

ØØ It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite amount of times! ØØ Gold is the only metal that doesn’t rust, even if it’s buried in the ground for thousands of years. ØØ Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end. ØØ If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. When a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off. ØØ Zero is the only number that cannot be represented by Roman numerals. ØØ Kites were used in the American Civil War to deliver letters and newspapers. ØØ The song, Auld Lang Syne, is sung at the stroke of midnight in almost every English-speaking country in the world to bring in the New Year. ØØ Drinking water after eating reduces the acid in your mouth by 61 percent. ØØ Peanut oil is used for cooking in submarines because it doesn’t smoke unless it’s heated above 450F. ØØ The roar that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is not the ocean, but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear. ØØ Nine out of every 10 living things live in the ocean. ØØ The banana cannot reproduce itself. Only the hand of man can propagate it. ØØ Airports at higher altitudes require a longer airstrip due to lower air density.

Great Love Quotes “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” ~ Lao Tzu “Immature love says: “I love you because I need you.” Mature love says: “I need you because I love you.” ~ Gilda Radner “A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.” ~ Ingrid Bergman “I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it.” ~ Audrey Hepburn “This is my saddest story: In grade school, they would have us open our Valentine’s cards and read them out loud. I always sent cards to myself because nobody else did.” ~ William Shatner “I’m a hopeless romantic. I love love. My middle name is Love. Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday. I want to have a family and children. I am a sucker for every romantic comedy that comes out.” ~ Jennifer Love Hewitt “I’ve realized that although Valentine’s Day can be a cheesy money-making stint to most people, it’s a day of expressing love across the world. It doesn’t have to only be between lovers, but by telling a friend that you care, or even an old person that they are still appreciated.” ~ Reeva Steenkamp Answers on Pg 25

“You know when you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” ~ Dr. Seuss IN LIGHT TIMES • february, 2014 • PAGE 15

F eature S tory

I Can See Clearly Now

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer PAGE 16 • february, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Reconnecting to our Spiritual origins “Make a deliberate, conscious effort to slow yourself down by relaxing your mind. Take a little more time to enjoy your life here on this planet: Be more contemplative by noticing the stars, the clouds, the rivers, the animals, the rainstorms, and all of the natural world. And then extend the same slowed-down loving energy to all people.”


Dr. Wayne W. Dyer lean out your clutter; in your mind, your garage, your email…and let your true spirit come out and play.

For a moment, let’s imagine what it would be like to be fully alive without a physical shell or any of the stuff we need and desire for maintaining life on Earth. We’d have a mental energy that allowed us to move forward or backward, up or down, instantly creating whatever we desired. We’d be free to wallow in an exquisite existence without time or space as we know it. We’d be in a state of pure bliss, in love with everything and everyone. We’d have no duties or bills to tend to, no fear of losing anything, no one judging us, no possessions to insure, no demands on our time, and no goals to achieve. What we’re envisioning is actually the world of Spirit, which we experienced before we came here and will return to when we shed our body (or as William Butler Yeats poetically called it, our “tattered coat upon a stick”). Inspiration is a state of being here now in this material world, while at the same time reconnecting to our spiritual origins. In order to be receptive to inspiration, we need to eliminate the ego clutter that accumulates all too easily for most of us—after all, if we’re preoccupied with events and activities that have nothing to do with inspiration, we’re unlikely to notice its summons. So in order to achieve a reunion with our ultimate calling, we need to emulate the clear, uncomplicated world of Spirit. This doesn’t mean that we should sit around doing nothing, awaiting Spirit’s arrival; instead, it means having faith that our spiritual connection flourishes in a life dedicated to joy, love, and peace. If our daily activities are so overwhelming that we don’t make these things our priority, then we’re disregarding the value of living a simple life.

My 12-Step Program for Simplifying Your Life Here are 12 very specific tools for simplifying your life. Begin using them today if you’re serious about hearing that ultimate call to inspiration. 1. Unclutter Your Life. You’ll feel a real rush of inspiration when you clear out stuff that’s no longer useful in your life: If you haven’t worn it in the past year or two, recycle it for others to use. Get rid of old files that take up space and are seldom, if ever, needed. Donate unused toys, tools, books, bicycles, and dishes to a charitable organization. Get rid of anything that keeps you mired in acquisitions that contribute to a cluttered life. In the words of Socrates, “He is nearest to God who needs the fewest things.” So the less you need to insure, protect, dust, reorganize, and move, the closer you’ll be to hearing inspiration’s call. 2. Clear your Calendar of Unwanted and Unnecessary Activities and Obligations. If you’re unavailable for Spirit, you’re unlikely to know the glow of inspiration. God will indeed work with you and send you the guidance— and the people—you need, but if you’re grossly overscheduled, you’re going to miss these lifealtering gifts. So practice saying no to excessive demands and don’t feel guilty about injecting a dose of leisure time into your daily routine. 3. Be Sure to Keep Your Free Time Free. Be on the lookout for invitations to functions that may keep you on top of society’s pyramid, but which inhibit your access to joyful inspiration. If cocktail parties, social get-togethers, fund-raising events, or even drinking-and-gossiping gatherings with friends aren’t really how you want to spend your free time, then don’t. Begin declining invitations that don’t activate feelings of inspiration. I find that an evening spent reading or writing letters, watching a movie

F eature S tory

with a loved one, having dinner with my children, or even exercising alone is far more inspiring than getting dressed to attend a function often filled with small talk. I’ve learned to be unavailable for such events without apologizing, and consequently have more inspired moments freed up. 4. Take Time for Meditation and Yoga. Give yourself at least 20 minutes a day to sit quietly and make conscious contact with God. I’ve written an entire book on this subject called, Getting in the Gap, so I won’t belabor it here. I will say that I’ve received thousands of messages from people all over the world, who have expressed their appreciation for learning how to simplify their life by taking the time to meditate. I also encourage you to find a yoga center near you and begin a regular practice. The rewards are so powerful: You’ll feel healthier, less stressed, and inspired by what you’ll be able to do with and for your body in a very short time. 5. Return to the Simplicity of Nature. There’s nothing more awe-inspiring than nature itself. The fantasy to return to a less tumultuous life almost always involves living in the splendor of the mountains, the forests, or the tundra; on an island; near the ocean; or beside a lake. These are universal urges, since nature is created by the same Source as we are, and we’re made up of the same chemicals as all of nature (we’re stardust, remember?). Your urge to simplify and feel inspired is fueled by the desire to be your natural self—that is, your nature self. So give yourself permission to get away to trek or camp in the woods; swim in a river, lake, or ocean; sit by an open fire; ride horseback through trails; or ski down a mountain slope. This doesn’t have to mean long, planned vacations that are months away—no matter where you live, you’re only a few hours or even moments away from a park, campground, or trail that will allow you to enjoy a feeling of being connected to the entire Universe. 6. Put Distance between You and Your Critics. Choose to align yourself with people who are likeminded in their search for simplified inspiration. Give those who find fault or who are confrontational a silent blessing and remove yourself from their energy as quickly as possible. Your life is simplified enormously when you don’t have to defend yourself Continued On Page 24 * IN LIGHT TIMES • february, 2014 • PAGE 17

Health Lights

Heart Healthy Herbs Herbalist Kathleen Gould, rh


These days we all seem to be under stress and even if you have no symptoms and your blood pressure and cholesterol levels are within safe range, stress may be your downfall. Families, work, mortgage, children etc. are a part of all our lives. It is more important than ever that we all know about a handful of herbs and foods that have been proven to help prevent these kinds of cardiovascular problems.


Garlic is a food that is cheap, easy to use and readily available. Christopher Hobbs, renowned botanist, herbalist & teacher highly regards Garlic as the world’s most respected medicinal plant and says not only does it have thousands of year of historical medicinal usage, but it has also been the subject of numerous research studies published in 1,100 scientific articles, of which there have also been about 258 research studies on the cardiovascular effects of garlic, which represents a major amount of research. These studies show: Garlic can reduce the tendency of the blood to form life-threatening clots (possibly leading to heart attack or stroke) by adding as little as 2/3 of a clove per day to meals. The ability of the blood to destroy clots that may be forming is increased by 50 to 80% when using even 1 clove a day. The best advice about taking garlic seems to be--eat it raw, cook with it, take it as a supplement--but do use it every day. Garlic has only moderate blood-pressure-lowering effects, and it must be taken regularly for any significant benefits, but even the modest 7-10% that doubleblind studies have shown can be helpful for people taking garlic for its other stronger effects.

Hawthorn Christopher Hobbs also says of Hawthorn: “The best known herb for the heart in western herbalism is Hawthorn. The extract of Hawthorn can increase blood flow to the heart muscle itself, helping to counteract one of the most common modern causes of death in industrial countries— heart attack due to lack of blood flow to the heart. Tests have shown to improve the contractility of the heart muscle (which can lead to a stronger pumping action of the heart), steady the heartbeat (anti-arrhythmic effect), as well as increasing the heart’s tolerance to oxygen deficiency, such as might happen during stress or excitement, or in diseases where the arteries are partially blocked.” PAGE 18 • february, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES

James A. Duke, PhD, Former Economic Botanist with USDA Germplasm Resources Laboratory Scientific Consultant says, “An ounce of hawthorn is worth a pound of cure. It’s loaded with heart-smart oligomeric procyanidins (OPCs) and bioflavonoids, which can help keep your heart rhythm regular and prevent a variety of heart problems. I rank hawthorn high in the pantheon of Duke’s Dozen.”

Motherwort Got anxiety? The botanical name of Motherwort is Leonurus cardiaca. Leonurus – Lion, and Cardiaca – Heart. When we need the heart of a lion. When we need to be calm yet strong. Traditionally used by midwives for a variety of purposes, including uterine tonic and prevention of uterine infection in women, many herbalists have used it throughout history with great success for the “emotional heart”. I have used it successfully for anxiety and/or when someone is dealing with a loss or death. When my mother died in 2001 I couldn’t seem to deal with that loss and found myself crying continuously and had great difficulty concentrating on anything. I started taking 1 dropper full of the whole herb liquid extract daily and also as needed (when I would become overwhelmed with grief). Motherwort doesn’t take the hurt away but instead allows us to step outside the stressful situation and observe from the outside so we are able to better deal with the situation. According to Susun Weed, renowned herbalist and author: “Freaked out? Upset? Take a dropper full of motherwort! Distressed about something that might happen? Or might have happened? Take motherwort! Women with the premenstrual crazies take motherwort. Frenzied children take motherwort. Menopausal women take motherwort. Motherwort heals the heart. It is, in fact, one of the world’s best heart tonics. Its name means ‘lion hearted’ or ‘strong hearted.’ Daily use helps new blood vessels grow to the heart.” Although there are many other wonderful herbs that can benefit the heart and circulatory system, just start with these three and see for yourself the amazing healing that plants can offer. If you are new to herbal healing, check with a qualified herbalist on those that may be right for you. Here is a simple yet profound heart and circulatory tea blend you may want to give a try.

Heart & Circulatory Tea 2 oz Hawthorn berries 2 oz Hawthorn leaf & flower 2 oz Rosehips ½ oz Motherwort ½ oz Dandelion leaf ¼ oz Ginger root Note: If you like Hibiscus flower, add an ounce of that too. To make: mix all herbs together and store in tight lidded glass jar. Use 1 teaspoon of your herb blend per cup of water. Mix water and herbs in pot and bring to simmer. Turn off heat but leave pot on the stove overnight. In the morning strain off herbs and store tea in the refrigerator (will keep for about 5-7 days in fridge). Drink 2 to 4 cups per day. SW Herb is a unique combination of a medicinal herb shop, community gathering place and educational center. Our biggest community draw is their 10-module Herbal Certification Course designed specifically to the lay person. Visit:

Health Lights By Michael Ravensthorpe

Himalayan Salt Can Help Mineralize & Detoxify The Body (NaturalNews) Salt is an essential nutrient that our bodies require for transporting nutrients into and out of our cells, regulating blood pressure, exchanging ions and much more. However, not all salts are equal. Table salt, which has been stripped of all its minerals except sodium and chloride, for instance, will not have the same positive biological impact upon our bodies as pure, unrefined salt that boasts a robust mineral profile. One of the most nutritious and “complete” salts we can purchase today is Himalayan salt, a salt that has been formed over millions of years in the Himalayas and which contains so many macro-minerals and trace minerals that it is actually pink in color. In this article, you’ll learn more about the health benefits of Himalayan salt and how it can help transform even the blandest of meals into a powerhouse of nutrition.

Michael Ravensthorpe is an independent writer whose research interests include nutrition, alternative medicine, and bushcraft. He is the creator of the website,, through which he promotes the world’s healthiest foods. Resource: deficiency.html#ixzz2rlgPmXgu

Reasons To Love Himalayan Salt ~ Rich in minerals, Himalayan salt’s biggest draw, of course, is its dense concentration of minerals. According to a spectral analysis provided by The Meadow, Himalayan salt contains 84 minerals, electrolytes and elements - a staggering number considering that only 118 elements are known to science. For this reason, adding more Himalayan salt to your diet can help rectify virtually any mineral deficiency you might have. Significantly, Himalayan salt contains iodine, magnesium, zinc, iron and calcium - the five minerals in which the United States population are most deficient. Widespread iodine deficiencies (largely blamed on ongoing soil erosion) is an especially serious issue, since iodine plays an essential role in the functioning of the metabolism-controlling thyroid gland. If you add more Himalayan salt to your food however, you won’t need to worry about an iodine deficiency ever again. Sodium Content ~ Unsurprisingly, one of the minerals in which Himalayan salt is richest is sodium. Though sodium suffers from a bad reputation due to its connection with processed foods, real, unprocessed sodium is needed by our bodies. It helps regulate blood volume and thus blood pressure, but also helps control muscle contractions, heart functions and nerve transmissions. The recommended daily intake (RDI) of sodium is between 1,500-2,300 milligrams for men and women between the ages of 9-50; one teaspoon of Himalayan salt contains approximately 400 milligrams of it. Detoxification ~ Though it is traditionally eaten with food, Himalayan salt’s impressive mineral profile also lends itself well to external detoxification. For example, you can’t find a better salt than Himalayan salt in which to bathe; its minerals and negative ions easily penetrate the skin, producing a cleansing and detoxifying effect that can leave your skin and mind feeling rejuvenated and invigorated for hours thereafter. Likewise, Himalayan salt has a positive effect on our air. It’s not a coincidence that virtually all reputable salt lamps are made using Himalayan salt rather than table salt or sea salt; its negative ions bind themselves to positive ions in the air, neutralizing it and ridding it of pollutants. Purchasing Advice ~ Himalayan salt can be purchased in health food stores or online, and is usually sold as fine or coarse grains. Fine-grained Himalayan salt is recommend, since the small, unobtrusive crystals are far easier to incorporate into most meals. When purchasing your salt, remember to check that it is pink in color; this indicates that the salt is dense in minerals.

IN LIGHT TIMES • february, 2014 • PAGE 19

Health Lights

Health Benefits of Organic vs. Conventional Milk

By Dr. Mercola

depression and Alzheimer’s, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes, just to name several. Most people, especially Americans, are guilty of this lopsided omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, and to correct it, you typically need to do two things: 1. Significantly decrease omega-6 by avoiding processed foods and foods cooked at high temperatures using vegetable oils 2. Increase your intake of heart-healthy animal-based omega-3 fats, such as krill oil If you’re a milk drinker, switching your milk from conventional to organic may be another way to improve this ratio, as new research showed that organic milk contained 25% less omega-6 fats and 62% more omega-3 fats than conventional milk.

Switching to Organic Dairy Might Improve Your Omega-6 to Omega-3 Ratio Furthermore, over a 12-month period, those who drank conventional milk had a 2.5-fold higher omega-6 to omega-3 ratio than those who drank organic milk. The researchers noted that all types of omega-3 fats — linolenic acid (by 60%), eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA (32%), and docosapentaenoic acid or DHA (19%) -were higher in the organic milk. The organic milk also contained greater amounts of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a cancer-fighting fatty acid. Perhaps most striking of all, the study found that people who made the following three dietary changes could decrease their omega-6 to omega-3 ratio by about 80 percent of the total decrease needed to reach a target ratio of 2:3. • Reduce consumption of omega-6 fats • Switch to organic dairy products • Have a high, instead of moderate, dairy consumption, primarily full fat varieties


an effort to make the most of your food budget, you’ve probably wondered which foods are the most important to buy organic. I have previously stated that organic milk was typically not worth its higher price, because while organic milk must come from a cow that hasn’t been fed artificial growth hormones or pesticide-laden GMO feed, only 30 percent of the cow’s feed is required to come from grazing at pasture during a four-month long grazing season each year. Further, most organic milk in the US is still pasteurized, which destroys vital nutrients. That being said, a new study has shown that non-pastured and homogenized/ pasteurized organic milk may, in fact, be superior to conventional milk in a very important way, one that may make it worth buying after all.

Organic Milk Has More Beneficial Omega-3, Less Damaging Omega-6 Eating too much damaged omega-6 fat and too little omega-3 sets the stage for health problems you are probably seeking to avoid, including cardiovascular disease, cancer,

PAGE 20 • february, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES

The authors’ suggestion that the greatest benefits were gained not only from higher amounts of organic dairy products but also of fat-containing dairy products prompted The Boston Globe to run an article questioning the study’s outcome (their article also pointed out that the study was funded by Organic Valley dairy and co-authored by an Organic Valley employee). However, many studies have shown full-fat dairy products to be beneficial and protective against diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, as well as weight gain. The researchers noted: “Over the last century, intakes of omega-6 fatty acids in Western diets have dramatically increased, while omega-3 intakes have fallen. Resulting omega -6/3 intake ratios have risen to nutritionally undesirable levels, generally 10 to 15, compared to a possible optimal ratio near 2.3. …We conclude that consumers have viable options to reduce average omega -6/3 intake ratios, thereby reducing or eliminating probable risk factors for a wide range of developmental and chronic health problems.”

Pasture Time Is Likely Responsible for Much of the Organic Benefit When you think of a cow in its natural environment, doing what it naturally does, you likely will picture it grazing. Is it grazing on stalks of corn? Never! It’s grazing on GRASS. Grass is a cow’s natural food. Corn and other grains are not. When cows eat grains their body composition changes. Most importantly for you, these changes include an alteration in the balance of essential fats. Milk (and meat) from cows raised primarily on pasture has been repeatedly shown to be higher in many nutrients, including vitamin E, beta-carotene, and the healthy fats omega-3 and CLA.

Health Lights

So one reason why the organic milk likely fared much better nutritionally in the featured study is because it’s much more likely to come from (at least partially) grass-fed cows. The researchers wrote: “…milk from cows consuming significant amounts of grass and legume-based forages contains less [omega-3 fats] and higher concentrations of ALA, CLA, and the longchain [omega-3s] EPA and DPA, compared to cows lacking routine access to pasture and fed substantial quantities of grains. In most countries, lactating cows on organically managed farms receive a significant portion of daily DMI [dry matter intake] from pasture and conserved, foragebased feeds, while cows on conventional farms receive much less. In the most recent U.S. government dairy sector survey, only 22% of cows had access to pasture, and for most of these, access was very limited in terms of average daily DMI.”

Organic Raw Milk: An Even Better Option If you only have a choice between organic pasteurized dairy or conventional pasteurized dairy, organic may be the better option – especially if it’s from grass-fed cows. However, an even better choice is organic raw milk. High-quality raw milk has a mountain of health benefits that pasteurized milk lacks. For example, raw milk is: • Loaded with healthy bacteria that are good for your gastrointestinal tract • Full of more than 60 digestive enzymes, growth factors, and immunoglobulins (antibodies) • Rich in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which fights • Rich in beneficial raw fats, amino acids, and proteins in a highly bioavailable form, all 100 percent digestible • Loaded with vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, and K) in highly bioavailable forms, and a very balanced blend of minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron) whose absorption is enhanced by live lactobacilli It is not uncommon for people who switch from drinking pasteurized to raw milk to experience improvement or complete resolution of troubling health issues— everything from allergies to digestive problems to eczema. When milk is pasteurized, fats are oxidized, proteins denatured and most enzymes are completely destroyed, resulting in a “food” that may be more harmful than beneficial to our health. Additionally, the bacteria killed by pasteurization are not removed, so their dead cell fragments remain in the milk to ignite immune reactions in those who ingest them, which is one major cause of milk allergies. Often the “milk allergy” is not to the milk itself, but to the post-pasteurization cell fragments it contains.

Is Any Milk Really a ‘Health’ Food? Milk is mired in controversy, even beyond the organic vs. conventional or raw vs. pasteurized debates. Some also question whether milk of any kind is actually the healthful food it’s made out to be. Personally, I don’t drink much milk, raw or otherwise (although I do currently use about one pound of raw butter a week). If you are going to drink milk, please be sure to restrict it to whole milk, and avoid the reduced-fat milk recommendation. Many experts regularly promote the use of low fat or skim milk as a healthier option. Far from being healthful, some researchers have suggested that the consumption of reduced-fat milk, which is high in milk sugar, may instead be contributing to the obesity epidemic (one cup of 2 percent milk contains more than 12 grams of sugar – nearly as much as a chocolate chip cookie). The study, in JAMA Pediatrics, 3 questions the scientific rationale for promoting milk consumption for both children and adults, and reconsiders the role of cow’s milk in human nutrition. The authors stated:

“Humans have no nutritional requirement for animal milk, an evolutionarily recent addition to diet. Anatomically modern humans presumably achieved adequate nutrition for millennia before domestication of dairy animals, and many populations throughout the world today consume little or no milk for biological reasons (lactase deficiency), lack of availability, or cultural preferences. Adequate dietary calcium for bone health, often cited as the primary rationale for high intakes of milk, can be obtained from other sources.”

Choosing Milk from a High-Quality Source Matters Most pasteurized milk sold at supermarkets comes from CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations), where the animals are fed antibiotics, the result of which is they become living and breathing “bioreactors” for the generation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. They may also receive hormones, which increase milk production, and they’re fed a diet of grains and soy (most of which is now the genetically engineered variety) rather than grass, which alters their gut flora and the nutritional quality of the milk. If you choose to drink milk, the quality – and the nutrition – will likely be far better if it comes from a cow raised on pasture instead of in a CAFO. Milk from grass-fed cows raised on smaller, clean farms can usually be safely consumed without being pasteurized, provided the farmer is committed to providing a safe, quality product. However, even if you drink pasteurized milk, choosing milk that comes from a local organic farm is one of the best ways to ensure you’re getting high-quality, hormone-free milk.

Dr. Mercola. My passion is to transform the traditional medical paradigm in the United States, and that consumes most of my free time. Since 1968, though, I have been an active runner; I completed the Chicago Marathon in just over three hours, among other accomplishments. I have also been a computer hobbyist since 1985, with an interest in the Internet that dates back to the early 1990s. The existing medical establishment is responsible for killing and permanently injuring millions of Americans, but the surging numbers of visitors to since I began the site in 1997 - we are now routinely among the top 10 health sites on the Internet - convinces me that you, too, are fed up with their deception. You want practical health solutions without the hype, and that’s what I offer. Visit:

IN LIGHT TIMES • february, 2014 • PAGE 21

Health Lights

By Dr. Bruce Fife

Blood Sugar &


Carbohydrates in our foods are broken down in the digestive tract and converted into glucose (blood sugar).


lood sugar is an important issue for anyone who is concerned about heart disease, overweight, hypoglycemia, and especially diabetes because it affects all of these conditions. Carbohydrates in our foods are broken down in the digestive tract and converted into glucose (blood sugar). Meals that contain a high concentration of carbohydrates, particularly simple carbohydrates such as sugar and refined flours, cause a rapid rise in blood sugar. Since elevated blood sugar can lead to a coma and death, insulin is frantically pumped into the blood stream to avoid this. If insulin is produced in adequate amounts, blood sugar is soon brought back down to normal. This is what happens in most individuals. However, if insulin is not produced quickly enough or the cells become desensitized to the action of insulin, blood glucose can remain elevated for extended periods of time. This is what happens in diabetes. Dietary fiber helps moderate swings in blood sugar by slowing down the absorption of sugar into the blood stream. This helps keep blood sugar and insulin levels under control. Coconut fiber has been shown to be very effective in moderating blood sugar and insulin levels. For this reason, coconut is good for diabetics. Diabetics are encouraged to eat foods that have a relatively low glycemic index. The glycemic index is a measure of how foods affect blood sugar levels. The higher the glycemic index, the greater an effect a particular food has on raising blood sugar. So diabetics need to eat foods with a low glycemic index. When coconut is added to foods, including those high in starch and sugar, it lowers the glycemic index of these foods. This was clearly demonstrated by T.P. Trinidad and colleagues in a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2003. In their study, both normal and diabetic subjects were given a variety of foods to eat. Some of the types of food included cinnamon bread, granola bars, carrot cake, and brownies—all foods that a diabetic must ordinarily limit because of their high sugar and starch content. It was found that as the coconut content of the foods increased, the blood sugar response between the diabetic and non-diabetic subjects became nearly identical. In other words, coconut moderated the release of sugar into the bloodstream so that there was no spike in blood glucose levels. As the coconut content in the foods decreased, the diabetic subjects’ blood sugar levels became elevated, as would normally be expected from eating foods high in sugar and white flour. This study showed that adding coconut to foods lowers the glycemic index of the foods and keeps blood sugar levels under control. Sweet foods such as cookies and cakes made using coconut flour do not affect blood sugar levels like those made with wheat flour. This is good news for diabetics who want a treat now and then without adversely affecting their blood sugar. Additional Resoure for Low-GI foods (55 and under) include: oatmeal, peanuts, peas, carrots, kidney beans, hummus, skim milk, most fruits (except those listed @ and watermelon).

wwwww Dr. Bruce Fife is the author of numerous books, including, The Coconut Oil Miracle (formerly titled The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil), The Palm Oil Miracle, Coconut Lover’s Cookbook, and Eat Fat, Look Thin. He is the publisher of the Healthy Ways Newsletter. For a free copy of the Healthy Ways Newsletter please visit: PAGE 22 • february, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Health Lights By Dr. Judith Orloff Excerpted from Ecstasy of Surrender

Are You Absorbing Other People’s Symptoms? Empathic illnesses

are those in which you manifest symptoms that are not your own. Many patients have come to me labeled “agoraphobic” with panic disorders, chronic depression, fatigue, pain, or mysterious ailments that respond only partially to medications or psychotherapy. Some were nearly housebound or ill for years. They’d all say, “I dread being in crowds. Other people’s anger, stress, and pain drain me, and I need a lot of alone time to refuel my energy.” When I took a close history of all these patients I found they were what I call “physical empaths:” people whose bodies are so porous they absorb the symptoms of others. I relate because I am one. Physical empaths do not have the defenses others have to screen things out. As a psychiatrist, knowing this significantly changed how I treated these patients. My job became teaching them to center and protect themselves, set healthy boundaries, and let go of energy they picked up from others. To determine if you are a physical empath take the following quiz. Am I a Physical Empath? Ask yourself:

Am I chronically tired or have many unexplained symptoms

Do I frequently feel overwhelmed by the world and want to stay home?

If you answered “yes” to 1-3 questions you are at least part empath. Responding yes to 4-5 questions indicates you have moderate degree of physical empathy. 6-7 “yeses” indicate you have a high degree of empathy. Eight yeses indicate you are a full blown empath. Discovering you are a physical empath can be a revelation. Rest assured: You are not crazy. You are not a malingerer or hypochondriac. You are not imagining things, though your doctor might treat you like a nuisance. You are a sensitive person with a gift that you must develop and successfully manage. Strategies to Surrender Toxic Energy Physical empathy doesn’t have to overwhelm you. Now that I can center myself and refrain from taking on other people’s pain, empathy has made my life more compassionate, insightful, and richer.

Have I been labeled as overly sensitive or a hypochondriac?

Here are some secrets to thriving as a physical empath that I’ve learned so it doesn’t take a toll on my health.

Have I ever sat next to someone who seemed nice but suddenly my eyelids got heavy and I felt like taking a nap?

A Survival Guide for Empaths: 9 Strategies To Stop Absorbing Other People’s Illness and Pain (from The Ecstasy of Surrender)

Do I feel uneasy, tired, or sick in crowds and avoid them?

Do I feel someone else’s anxiety or physical pain in my body?

Do I feel exhausted by angry or hostile people?

Evaluate. First, ask yourself: Is this symptom or emotion mine or someone else’s? It could be both. If the emotion such as fear or anger is yours, gently confront what’s causing it on your own or with professional help. If it’s not yours, try to pinpoint the obvious generator.

Do I run from doctor to doctor for medical tests, but I’m told “You’re fine.”

Move Away. When possible, distance yourself by at least twenty feet from the

suspected source. See if you feel relief. Don’t err on the side of not wanting to offend strangers. In a public place, don’t hesitate to change seats if you feel a sense of “dis-ease” imposing on you. Know Your Vulnerable Points. Each of us has a body part that is more vulnerable to absorbing others’ stress. Mine is my gut. Scan your body to determine yours. Is it you neck? Do you get sore throats? Headaches? Bladder infections? At the onset of symptoms in these areas, place your palm there and keep sending loving-kindness to that area to soothe discomfort. For longstanding depression or pain, use this method daily to strengthen yourself. It’s comforting and builds a sense of safety and optimism. Surrender To Your Breath. If you suspect you are picking up someone else’s symptoms, concentrate on your breath for a few minutes. This is centering and connects you to your power. Practice Guerilla Meditation. To counter emotional or physical distress, act fast and meditate for a few minutes. Do this at home, at work, at parties, or conferences. Or, take refuge in the bathroom. If it’s public, close the stall. Meditate there. Calm yourself. Focus on positivity and love. Set Healthy Limits And Boundaries. Control how much time you spend listening to stressful people, and learn to say “no.” Remember, “no” is a complete sentence.

Visualize Protection Around You. Visualize an envelope of white light around your entire body. Or with extremely toxic people, visualize a fierce black jaguar patrolling and protecting your energy field against intruders. Develop Your X Ray Vision. The spaces between the vertebrae in your lower back (lumbar spine) are conducive to eliminating pain from the body. It’s helpful to learn to mindfully direct pain out of these spaces by visualizing it leaving your body. Say goodbye to pain as it blends with the giant energy matrix of life! Take A Bath Or Shower. A quick way to dissolve stress is to immerse yourself in water. My bath is my sanctuary after a busy day. It washes away everything from bus exhaust to long hours of air travel to pesky symptoms I have taken on from others. Soaking in natural mineral springs divinely purifies all that ails. Keep practicing these strategies. By protecting yourself and your space, you can create a magical safe bubble around you that nurtures you, while simultaneously driving negative people away. Don’t panic if you occasionally pick up pain or some other nasty symptom. It happens. With strategies I discuss in my book to surrender other people’s symptoms you can have quicker responses to stressful situations. This will make you feel safer, healthier, and your sensitivities can blossom.

Dr. Judith Orloff, MD is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and has helped patients find emotional freedom for over 20 years. She synthesizes pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. Her bestselling books, Emotional Freedom, Second Sight, Positive Energy, and Guide to Intuitive Healing offer readers practical strategies to overcome frustration, stress, and worry. Check out her amazing YouTube video collection. Visit www. IN LIGHT TIMES • february, 2014 • PAGE 23

Feature Story

(con’t) Continued From Page 17

Reconnecting to our Spiritual origins to anyone, and when you receive support rather than criticism. You don’t have to endure the criticism with anything other than a polite thank-you and a promise to consider what’s been said—anything else is a state of conflict that erases the possibility of your feeling inspired. You never need to defend yourself or your desires to anyone, as those inner feelings are Spirit speaking to you. Those thoughts are sacred, so don’t ever let anyone trample on them. 7. Take Some Time for Your Health. Consider that the number one health problem in America seems to be obesity. How can you feel inspired and live in simplicity if you’re gorging on excessive amounts of food and eliminating the exercise that the body craves? Recall that your body is a sacred temple where you reside for this lifetime, so make some time every single day for exercising it. Even if you can only manage a walk around the block, just do it. Similarly, keep the words portion control uppermost in your consciousness—your stomach is the size of your fist, not a wheelbarrow! Respect your sacred temple and simplify your life by being an exerciser and a sensible eater. I promise that you’ll feel inspired if you act on this today! 8. Play, Play, Play! You’ll simplify your life and feel inspired if you learn to play rather than work your way through life. I love to be around kids because they inspire me with their laughter and frivolity. In fact, if I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times: “Wayne, you’ve never grown up—you’re always playing.” I take great pride in this! I play onstage when I speak, and I’m playing now as I write. Many years ago I was given a tremendous opportunity to appear on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. The man who took a chance on me, booking me even though I was an unknown at the time, was a talent coordinator named Howard Papush. It was my first big break, and I went on to appear on The Tonight Show 36 additional times. Now it’s my turn to say thank you to Howard. He’s written a wonderful book titled When’s Recess? Playing Your Way Through the Stresses of Life, which I encourage you to read. (Howard also conducts workshops that teach people how to play and have fun in life.) In the book, Howard shares this great quote from Richard Bach: “You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.” I couldn’t agree more—by all means,


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“Possessions, outward success, publicity, luxury—to me these have always been contemptible. I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind.”

get back in touch with your real, playful self, and take every opportunity to play! Notice how it makes everything so sweet, and so simple. 9. Slow Down. One of Gandhi’s most illuminating observations reminds us that “there is more to life than increasing its speed.” This is great advice for simplifying your life—in fact, slow everything way down for a few moments right here and now. Slowly read these words. Slow your breathing down so that you’re aware of each inhalation and exhalation. When you’re in your car, downshift and relax. Slow down your speech, your inner thoughts, and the frantic pace of everything you do. Take more time to hear others. Notice your inclination to interrupt and get the conversation over with, and then choose to listen instead. Stop to enjoy the stars on a clear night and the cloud formations on a crisp day. Sit down in a mall and just observe how everyone seems in a hurry to get nowhere. By slowing down, you’ll simplify and rejoin the perfect pace at which creation works. Imagine trying to hurry nature up by tugging at an emerging tomato plant—you’re as natural as that plant, so let yourself be at peace with the perfection of nature’s plan. 10. Do Everything You Can to Eschew Debt. Remember that you’re attempting to simplify your life here, so you don’t need to purchase more of what will complicate and clutter your life. If you can’t afford it, let it go until you can. By going into debt, you’ll just add layers of anxiety onto your life. That anxiety will then take you away from your peace, which is where you are when you’re in-Spirit. When you have to work extra hard to pay off debts, the present moments of your life are less enjoyable; consequently, you’re further away from the joy and peace that are the trademarks of inspiration. You’re far better off to have less and enjoy the days of your life than to take on debt and invite stress and anxiety where peace and tranquility could have reigned. And remember that the money you have in your possession is nothing but energy—so refuse to plug in to an energy system that’s not even there

Albert Einstein your heart tells you will bring you joy, rather than determining whether it will be cost-effective. If you’d really enjoy that whale-watching trip, for instance, make the decision to do so—don’t deny yourself the pleasures of life because of some monetary detail. Don’t base your purchases on getting a discount, and don’t rob yourself of a simple joy because you didn’t get a break on the price. You can afford a happy, fulfilling life, and if you’re busy right now thinking that I have some nerve telling you this because of your bleak financial picture, then you have your own barrier of resistance. Make an attempt to free yourself from placing a price tag on everything you have and do—after all, in the world of Spirit, there are no price tags. Don’t make money the guiding principle for what you have or do; rather, simplify your life and return to Spirit by finding the inherent value in everything. A dollar does not determine worth, even though you live in a world that attempts to convince you otherwise. 12. Remember Your Spirit. When life tends to get overly complex, too fast, too cluttered, too deadline oriented, or too type A for you, stop and remember your own spirit. You’re headed for inspiration, a simple, peaceful place where you’re in harmony with the perfect timing of all creation. Go there in your mind, and stop frequently to remember what you really want. A man who personified success at the highest intellectual and social levels would hardly seem one to quote on simplifying our life, yet here’s what Albert Einstein offers us on this subject: “Possessions, outward success, publicity, luxury—to me these have always been contemptible. I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind.” Wow! I’d say this is pretty good advice, wouldn’t you?


11. Forget about the Cash Value. I try not to think about money too frequently because it’s been my observation that people who do so tend to think about almost nothing else. So do what

Wayne W. Dyer, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. Author of over 40 books, he has created many audio programs, videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Dr. Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. When he’s not traveling the globe delivering his uplifting messages, Wayne is writing from his home in Maui. If you would like to receive Wayne’s newsletter visit:

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PAGE 26 • february, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES

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IN LIGHT TIMES • february, 2014 • PAGE 27

Introducing Aquarius

Awakened Oracle Astrology

This is the month of Love. We enjoy the tradition of Valentine’s Day, where we take the time to remind our mate that we love and appreciate the value they bring to our lives. Love on a deeper level, however, has been at the forefront of this New Year. Self-Love and its more difficult form, Self-Acceptance, have been prominent so far in 2014. This was a surprise to me as it may have been for many of you. Self-Love and Self-Acceptance is not new terrain on my personal growth path. I would imagine it is not new terrain for most of you. And yet, a whole new vista in this area has arisen. And it is clear that without facing and accepting the new awareness, no progress into the New Year will be made. The new terrain is about accepting my dual nature. Will I accept myself as a blend of Light and Dark? Can I be both a child of Sky and Earth? Or must I continue to judge and shame one side or the other. My message this month is to face duality. Accept yourselves unconditionally, whether you are in your noblest aspirations or your deepest, darkest desires. Astrology uses the placement of all planets at the moment of your birth to determine the “Matrix” of energy you are working through this lifetime. The sign determines the process of connecting with that aspect of you. For instance, the Sun may be in Scorpio at birth, but Libra does not define “Who you Are”, it determines the process by which you will connect with “Who you Are”. Energy for February 2014 Strength: Our strength is our ability to create Inner Bridges. Find Peace within your dualist nature. Create bridges where there had previously been cavernous gaps. Challenge: Our challenge is Love. Self-Acceptance is a form of Self-Love. Do not turn away from any of the darkness you may feel inside. Peer more deeply into your own nature and see the Love. Totem Energy: Our totem is Spider; the totem of Patience and Balance. Be at peace with the process at this time. Things will unfold in the right time if we create the right environment. Energetic Theme: Our theme is Beginnings. We are moving into a new beginning and any struggles we are having only served to demonstrate what we no longer need to carry. Let go of what doesn’t work. Moon Cycles (No New Moon in February) New Moon: January 30th, 1:39pm PST- 10° Aquarius; New Moon Message: Assess your personal values. Pause and reflect, greater insights will become apparent if you take the time to allow inspiration to float into your consciousness. Full Snow Moon: February 14th, 3:53pm PST - 26° Leo; Full Moon Message: Relish and enjoy the grace of this Valentine’s Full Moon. The Sun is dawning on a new adventure in your life, even if the Love of your life at this time is yourself.

ARIES • Mar. 21 to Apr. 19

Totem: Elk (Esteem, Bringer of Dreams). Elk brings you the power to love yourself and others more fully. Strengthen the bonds of friendship by your spending time with your own sex this month. You may have spent too much time on your own quest recently. Enjoy the support of your brethren and recharge your life force. You will return to the quest in the near future. Now is not the time to stand apart or alone.

TAURUS • Apr. 20 to May 20

Totem: Fox (Cunning, Speed, Awareness). This is not the time to confront the issues head on. You do not need to be so visible at this time. Take the burden of responsibility off your shoulders, lighten up, and use cunning and intelligence rather than brawn to make progress. You will find that you can now share the load with others when previously you had been required to burden the load alone.

GEMINI • May 21 to June 20

Totem: : Butterfly (Sensitivity, Transformation). Your life is in the midst of great changes. Transformation is on the horizon. Do not be lured into “flitting” from one idea to the next without gathering the essential message from each. Your sense of excitement will build as you can see new ideas emerging from within you, so long as you spend enough time on each idea. Slow down and let change happen.

Cancer ~ June 21 to July 22

Totem: Medicine Wheel (Understanding, Energy). You are riding a wave of expansion at this time. Strong currents are funding growth in many areas of your life. Claim your intuitive understanding of the cycles in life to find emotional balance within this movement. Identify what may be needed to restore balance and nurturance wherever you see it is lacking. This will be the outlet for the expansion you are feeling.

Leo ~ July 23 to Aug. 22

Totem: Whale (Intelligence, Intuition). The sun shines brightly on you this month. You have center stage once again. Dive deep, like the whale, to bring forth your innate wisdom and natural intelligence. Your unique song will touch the lives of others now so long as it is your own. You are not here to play a role in someone else’s story. Play the unique role designed for you. Sing your own song.

Virgo ~ Aug. 23 to Sept 22

Totem: Porcupine (Trust, Innocence). This is the time to trust and relax. You do not need to protect yourself as you have in the past. Your hyper vigilance has left you feeling a bit “prickly” of late. Relax your porcupine quills for now and allow a sense of trust and innocence to return. Find the place within yourself that can be playful in your interactions with loved ones and enjoy some much needed joy.

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January 20th to February 18th “I’m different”

Ruling Planet: Uranus ~ Rules: Circulatory system, Ankles ~ Symbol: The Water Bearer ~ Element: Air ~ Energy: Masculine ~ Quality: Fixed ~ Gem: Amethyst ~ Flowers: Orchid ~ Color: Purple ~ Most Compatible Signs: Leo, Gemini & Libra ~ Higher Octave of Aquarian Energy: Our lightning fast intellect and unique genius are transformed into innovation and tools for the advancement of the collective. We seek our tribe to serve and our fellow team members with whom we can now accomplish more than we could alone. We understand and are committed to transcending our personal needs and desires as our true passion is fulfilled in aiding the “whole” ~ Lower Octave of Aquarian Energy: We are perpetually “different” and terminally unique. Our creativity is ungrounded and therefore of little use to the collective. We stand apart and are distant and cold. Intellect and genius separate us from our fellows. Full Spectrum of the Aquarius/Leo Axis: We are in touch with our personal needs and desires and rise up our “star” qualities to serve the greater whole. We are innovators and inventors who value our friends and community and the collective.


quarius is the Water Bearer; however, it is more often seen as a flash of Lightening than a cool drink of water. Innovation and Inspiration are the most common description of the Aquarian nature. In the procession of the Equinoxes, which takes approximately 2000 years to pass from one sign to another, we have just moved from the “Age of Pisces” into the “Age of Aquarius”. We are living in the overwhelming experience that is Aquarius; unrestricted and overwhelming, inundation of Information. Aquarius is an Air sign and therefore its home turf is the mind. “I am different” is just an Aquarian’s kind way of saying “I am the new or the next”. Aquarius is always, and I stress ALWAYS, on the cutting edge. The cutting edge of technology, or consciousness, or farming techniques; it makes no difference to Aquarius. They serve the collective. Aquarius innovates wherever you plant it. The other great passion for Aquarius is Egalitarianism. You will find yourself fighting for equality anywhere you have Aquarius in your chart. We are passing out of Capricorn when we move into Aquarius, so fundamentally we are looking to break free of societal restriction and into the new age. BrynMorgaine is a psychic, writer and astrologer specializing in Personal and Planetary Actualization. She is the founder of the Awakened Oracle Metaphysical Institute and the creator of Polarity Creation Therapy. She can be reached at 360-436-6287 or

Libra ~ Sept. 23 to Oct. 22

Totem: Snake (Rebirth, Sexuality). If you have been experiencing the struggles of rebirth; a new relationship, a new job, a new part of yourself, it may be time to lie in the sun and recharge your batteries. Trust your intuitive knowing. There is a great push for you to take action at this time. You may be pushing too hard. Balance the work with some extra rest and you will feel reborn.

Scorpio ~ Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

Totem: Dolphin (Awareness, Communication). You are deeply committed to those you love. Dolphin is here to show you how to ride the ebb and flow in those relationships. We all have cycles of intimacy and alone time. If another seems distant, step back from the need to pursue your own goals about the relationship and see the larger cycle. Find a way to ride the wave of intimacy and boundaries in your primary relationship.

Sagittarius ~ Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

Totem: Medicine Woman (Creativity, Earth Connection). You have an expanded awareness of your feminine. Be aware of the waning and waxing cycles of the moon in your life. You will see them in many areas; relationships, creative projects, finances. Tune into those cycles and listen more closely to your intuition. Identifying where you are in the cycle will show you which action is appropriate at this time. Trust your inner knowing.

Capricorn ~ Dec. 22 to Jan. 19

Totem: Otter (Playfulness, Trust). Otter swims your way to show you the value of the feminine at this time. Both Venus and Pluto (sensuality and sexuality) are prominent in your sign. Your focus will be ease and joy as you balance these two very powerful forces. Be careful not to allow sexual issues to develop in your relationships. Indulge your sensuality to ease any sexual tension.

Aquarius ~ Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

Totem: Dog (Intelligence, Friendship). You are highly mentally charged right now. As you pass by your birthday you are receiving an additional boost of mental activity from transiting Mercury. Do not let that old Aquarian tendency to space out or be aloof rear its head. Remember that being loyal and relying on the support of your family and tribe is your best defense against too much mental activity.

Pisces ~ Feb. 19 to March 20

Totem: Hummingbird (Joy, Love). You are feeling strong urges of love towards another right now. Allow your natural joy and openheartedness to flourish as a result. Do not hold back. Share this delight with the world as it will bring healing to another who may have forgotten how to laugh. Your greatest gift is your ability to be the Light, Love and Joy that you wish to see in the world.

Empowered Numerology by Michele Avanti

As February begins, so begins a New Year in the Chinese calendar. It is the year of the Green (wood) Horse, and it promises a stream of gifts and abundance for most of the people on earth. The last time this magnificent energy visited earth happened sixty years ago on February 3, 1954 and ended on January 23, 1955. If you were born during that time you carry this speedy fertile dependable hardworking Wood Horse energy.

Alpha Numeric Numerology Chart

Though most people consider the Chinese Animals only an astrological path, it is also numerological. What I find fascinating is how this year’s Chinese Calendar Wood Horse aligns with our 2014 frequency of Seven. The Horse is the Seventh Animal in the Chinese Calendar and like the Seven Archetype in Western Culture, it brings change, and for most people willing to take a risk, it promises success. To understand the energy of the Horse, look at its contribution to society. The horse made it possible to cross continents, transport armies, and build cities. The horse has always been a hard worker, pulling carriages, carts and timber for construction. Before the car became popular the horse also pulled the water pumps to put out fires. They were the original fire engines.

This chart allows you to quickly access the number related to any letter. Thus you can identify what numbers are active through a name, or address. When looking at the chart, the letters listed below each number will activate that frequency and you can add them together to find the power of a word. For example, the name, Art. Look at the column with number one at the top. There you will find A, thus A=1, R is located in the 9 column, so R=9, and T is located in the 2 column, so T=2. Thus for Art we would add, 1+9+2=12, which when reduced = 3.

All the characteristics of the horse are part of the makeup of both those born in the year of the horse and are the frequencies, which activate in 2014. If these characteristics are not part of your makeup, then you may experience them as challenging. If they are part of you, then you may be tested with over-working, over-loyalty, or traveling too far in some venture.

Sheep/Ram - 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2004, 2015 The year of the Horse is very lucky for Sheep. Though it is not good to invest with another Sheep, as it neutralizes your luck; best to work with Horses or Roosters, both are very good for you. The Rooster will protect you and is like adding a lucky charm for you. Avoid doing business with the Ox.

As you see, the Seventh Chinese Animal, The Horse and the Seven Archetype have much in common. However, as the ancient Chinese Taoists observed the world, they determined there was more to each animal than trait frequencies. In their view Creation is made up of Five Elements; fire, earth, metal (which is like air), water and wood. The Taoists of China then applied these elements to the twelve animals which added greater depth to each year’s frequency.

Monkey - 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2005, 2016 This is not a good year for Fire (’56), Earth (’68) or Metal (’80) Monkeys, though they normally have good experiences with Horses. But Wood or Water Monkeys will have a good year. But you must be more cautious in business this year or the risky energy will cause you loss.

Thus, in 2014, we will not only experience the frequency of the Horse and the Seven Archetype, but these energies must come through the element of Wood (growth, flexible strength, security) the green fertile energy that feeds fires (ideas, breakthroughs, new directions, new understandings.) The Wood Horse will bring change throughout the world. It will give people the courage to take a risk on new ideas and bring breakthroughs to create a more fertile, strong secure world. The key for every person when they meet a bump in the road during the year of the Green Horse, is to move, travel, change. This means, move your body, exercise, take a walk, go for a drive, take a chance and go to that party and meet new people. Whatever has been holding you back will be resolved through movement. For some it may be long distance travel. For most it means getting out of your rut and making simple changes. Remember this, when you get stuck use the Wood Horse energy and you will get what you need to make change in the easiest way for you.

Rooster - 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2006, 2017 Rooster will have a very good year. They continue to move up. But this year, be careful of Rabbit because their ideas or their actions can change your fortune for the worse. Dog - 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2007, 2018 Dogs must contain themselves this year. Avoid showing off, becoming greedy or egotistical; these things are your nemesis this year and can cause financial ruin and sexual scandals. Partnering with a Tiger will bring you protection. Pig - 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2008, 2019 Pig has been on a downward swing for three years and this year moves up. The Horse brings Pig delight in every area of life and it begins a lucky move, which will peak in the future. For love or investments, the Tiger is good for Pig. Avoid investing with Snakes or other Pigs. All this good fortune may cause indulgence, avoid over-eating to protect your health.

Here is a glimpse of how each animal sign will be activated by the Wood Horse. Find the year you were born and that is your animal.


Rat – 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 Rat’s attraction to Horse people this year, whether in love or business is best to avoid; it will cause you harm. Clever Rat is monetarily fine if they avoid letting the Horse energy caused them to take big risks. This could lead to bad debts. In this high-energy year Rats need to get more rest or they may suffer health issues. Ox - 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 This a karmic relationship year for Ox, but they will be lucky with money. The Ox must watch their intake of food, thought and word as taking in too much without releasing will cause them problems in many areas from health to money. Tiger - 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 This year is Tiger’s wish come true, they will have good fortune in most areas, especially money and career. To assure success Tiger must avoid being reckless, investing (especially with Monkey people) before doing the research. This year good-natured Tigers can easily be swindled or robbed. Otherwise, keep working efficiently and this year will be one of great rewards. Rabbit - 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 Rabbits need to rest more this year, avoid flirting with risky or unknown people or investments. This year is not marked with luck for you, so be more cautious. However, Rabbit, you will still experience good fortune and support from friends and family. Dragon - 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2001, 2012 Dragon also needs to take a time out this year as it is too risky for them. They may be inclined to throw their hat into the ring but it will be lost. However Rooster energy can add protection. If you are inclined to invest, make sure Rooster is with you. You can also re-activate success with Phoenix energy. This can be done with a picture of a Phoenix or mentally calling on this energy when you must risk anything. Snake - 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2002, 2013. Snake, like Tiger, will have a golden year. But there is a risk of losing everything if Snake allows his envy or love of intrigue to take control of his better senses. Flattery, it is said, will take any snake down. So be wise and you will have a fabulous year. Rooster protects you. Horse - 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2003, 2014 I have discussed your remedies at length above. For those born in the year of the Green Horse (1954 or the Water Horse (2002) they will have luck, but for those born in year of the Metal (’90), Fire (’66) or Earth (’78) Horse, you need to be more careful with love and money. Avoid investing with fellow Horses or Rats. If you already are partnered with another Horse, in business or love, the Feng Shui cure is to get a Horse figurine because it is said that triple signs act like jackpots, and this creates luck for you.


Its Frequencies February is: F (6) + e (5) + b (2) + + r (9) + u (3) + a (1) + r (9) + y (7) = 42 = 6 2014: 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 7 Total: 6 + 7 = 13 = 4 February’s frequency is Six, making this a month when we will experience more choices, networking, socializing, love and issues of commitments. Interesting that this is also the month of Valentine’s day, a day when more people in the US make a commitment to love one another in marriage. Consider what you are choosing this month. Make a conscious effort to choose from your heart not from fear or external pressure. To make the most of February’s frequency, it will benefit you to take a stand for whatever or whomever you love. When we add 2014’s Seven to the frequency we find a positive transformation (13) will be the result of taking control of our own choices. The power of the Four coming through a Thirteen means you can begin to build your castle this month by cutting away the old habits that no longer serve you and reaping the new awareness of what you truly want to spend your life doing now. The foundation of your future is rolled in this month’s energy, it is up to you to use it and activate your someday dreams into present day realities. •

The ancients believed there was a pole that held up the heavens, and that information was sent back and forth to heaven through this mighty pole.

In numerology, all numbers are added together and then reduced to a single digit, unless after adding them together the result is a number with double digits, such as: 11, 22, 33, 44, etc. These remain intact and are called Master Numbers.

Master numbers are all numbers that consist of replicating digits, such as 11, 22, 111, 222, 444,444, etc. Master numbers activate the originating frequency to a higher octave and thus empower the individual exponentially.

Michele Avanti has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She has taught in many areas of metaphysics and is also an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) professional and an energy mover. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations and Online courses. Call 541-863-6631 or email her at for an appointment. To learn more about her radio show, classes and current metaphysical news, visit Michele’s blog at AstrologyAndMore.

IN LIGHT TIMES • february, 2014 • PAGE 29

Light Happenings KOOL

Unique National Holidays Resource:

February is also: • American Heart Month • Black History Month • Canned Food Month • Creative Romance Month • Great American Pie Month • National Cherry Month • National Weddings Month • National Grapefruit Month January Daily Holidays

• Natl’ Freedom Day •’ Ground Hogs Day • Candlemas Day • Create A Vacuum Day • Thank a Mailman Day • Boy Scout Day • Kite Flying Day • Winter Olympics

• Toothache Day • Umbrella Day • Make a Friend Day • White T-Shirt Day • Natl’ Organ Donor Day • Abe Lincoln Birth Day • Plum Pudding Day • Valentine’s Day

• Singles Awareness Day • President’s Day • Carnival Day • Washington’s Birth Day • Natl’ Tooth Fairy Day • Be Humble Day • Card Reading Day • Love Your Pet Day

3 MONDAY CHAKRA MEDITATION BASICS 101, 6:30pm, $25. Learn the power of your seven primary chakras. Become more in-tune with them. See the true colors of whom you are. Enchanted Forest Reiki Center, Call 702-948-4999; 800 N. Rainbow Blvd. #100. 6 & 20 THURSDAY MEDITATION & ONENESS BLESSING (DEEKSHA), 7pm. A deep meditation and blessing from the Divine. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. 7-21 FRIDAYS VALENTINE’S TANDEM REIKI HEALING SESSION SPECIAL, $135. By appointment. Includes a Stone Chakra Balance, Sage Smudge, 60 minutes of Reiki, a piece of rose quartz and a rose for 2 people. Enchanted Forest Reiki Center Call 702-948-4999 to schedule. 9 SUNDAY SACRED HEALING ART, 1:30-4:30pm, $45 includes material. An intuitive painting process to create a portal of communication and healing. Led by Deidre. Held at Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (in the Longford Plaza btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV. Register with Deidre at 702-245-4472. DIVINE LIGHT HEALING & MEDITATION, 6:30pm, featuring Jana of Jana-Galactic Meditation taking you on a journey through celestial sound healing frequencies of galactic music from different worlds. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (in the Longford Plaza btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV. 702-435-3289. 13 THURSDAY DRUMMING CIRCLE, 7pm. Experience the oneness of the drum and the beat. Bring your own drum or use one of ours. Led by Erin Lale. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV. www., 702-435-3289. 15-16 SAT. – SUN. REIKI ONE COURSE, 10am-3:30pm. $300. This is a certified course to help bring peace and balance into your life. Call Janet, 702-808-8784. 20 THURSDAY DIVINE LIGHT HEALING & MEDITATION, 6:30pm. Join together to support each other in healing & raising your vibration. Focus on Sacral Chakra. Led by Rose Catmull. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. 21 FRIDAY FLOWERFUL WISDOM TEA PARTY WITH NATURE INTUITIVE ROBIN MASIEWICZ, 7:00pm $65. Learn the language and energy of the floral kingdom, creating our own unique bouquets and what they say about you. Enchanted Forest Reiki Center, Call 702-948-4999; 800 N. Rainbow Blvd. #100. 22 SATURDAY KARUNA REIKI LEVEL 1 CERTIFICATION CLASS with Yana Bozonova, 10am-4pm. $333.00. Learn the origins, history and connections to spiritual guidance and beings, symbols and much more of Karuna Reiki. (Must be an Usui Reiki Master to attend). Enchanted Forest Reiki Center, Call 702-948-4999; 800 N. Rainbow Blvd. #100.

PAGE 30 • february, 2014 • IN LIGHT TIMES

February, 2014 23 SUNDAY HEAL YOUR BODY, HEAL YOUR LIFE, 6:30pm. Healing Service with Dr. Robert Moldowan. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (in Longford Plaza btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. Ongoing Events SUNDAYS ECKANKAR WORSHIP SERVICE, 10am Service. Feb. topics: 02nd, Dreams, A Gateway To Your Inner Worlds; 09th, Living Life As A Spiritual Exercise; 16th, Our Spiritual Wake-Up Calls; 23rd, Video, A Talk By Sri Harold Klemp. Eckankar Center 3160 E. Desert Inn Suite 14. 702-369-0141. UNITY CENTER IN THE VALLEY, A positive approach to spiritual living! Worship & Children’s Programs 10am. Contemplative worship 8:30-9:00am. Feb. topics: 02nd, In the Beginning; 09th, The Creative Process; 16th, A Perfect Friendship; 23rd, Confident Living.. 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. SUNDAYS UNITY OF LAS VEGAS, 10am Sunday Metaphysical Service with youth programs. 222 S. Rainbow Blvd., Suite 215. NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING, 9am-5pm. Learn what you need for health; herbs, vitamins etc. Check our class schedule at: www. 1171 S. Buffalo. 702-433-3874. SUNDAY YOGA, 9am. $8/class (members) $10/class (non-members). Join instructor Ashley Erickson to integrate breath and movement into your daily life with Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga in natural settings at the Springs Preserve. 333 S Valley View Blvd., Las Vegas. Visit: for our complete calendar. MONDAYS Healthy Habits Wellness Center, 7pm. Join Dr. Thomas Stone and learn how subtle energies can help you heal yourself. Weekly seminar on Quantum Energy. Improve your life thru whole organic foods and clean water. Sample a prepared organic dish and enjoy an open discussion on your health. Call for new location. www.HealthyHabitsUSA. com. Call 702-450-0321. MONDAYS & THURSDAYS SELF-HYPNOSIS, 6:30-9:00pm. $165 (includes materials) due first day of month. Learn the art of self-hypnosis to change behavior; relax (mentally and physically); to attain better sleep habits and control pain. Instructor, Dr. Walter B. Hammond, 32 years experience. Course taught in a holistic (mind, body, Spirit) environment. Wear comfortable clothing. (3-Mondays & 3-Thursdays) Please call 702-658-9682 to register. TUESDAYS METAPHYSICAL BOOK STUDY: LESSONS IN TRUTH by Dr. H. Emilie Cady, 6:30-8pm. Fundamental Truth principles and how to integrate them into your life. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. WEDNESDAYS PRAYERS FOR THE PLANET, Send personal and planetary Prayer Requests by phone, 702-530-3250 or website HEALING MEDITATION SERVICE, 7pm. Donations; Beginners and daily practitioners. Unity of Las Vegas, 222 S. Rainbw Blvd., Suite. TRANSFORMATION SUPPORT GROUP, 6:30pm. Based on, “Why Is This Happening To Me… Again?” ~ laws of forgiveness. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, LV. 702-435-3289. THURSDAYS FARMERS MARKET, 10a-1p. Free admission. Join us for our weekly cooking demonstrations. Regionally and locally grown seasonal offerings; fruits, vegetables, herbs, fresh eggs, honey, nuts, dates, locally roasted coffee and many more delectable treats. Inside Desert Living Center, Springs Preserve, 333 S. Valley View. Visit: www. for our complete calendar. 702-822-7700. FRIDAYS A COURSE IN MIRACLES, 6:30pm. Open to all truth seekers and Miracle students. Led by Bill van Belle. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289.

Have an upcoming event? List it here for as little as $15 for 20 words. LIST EVENTS BY THE 1ST • $15 per event (based on 20 words) + $1 each word thereafter • Submit via e-mail: (subject Line, Calendar)

IN LIGHT TIMES • february, 2014 • PAGE 31

Awakened Oracle 360-436-6287 BrynMorgaine is a Psychic, Writer and Astrologer specializing in Personal and Planetary Actualization. Intuitive Empath and Akashic Record Keeper since birth, she has developed and honed cutting edge tools for Personal and Planetary Integration in both Metaphysical and Business environments. She now focuses on working with others and supporting the Awakened Oracle Metaphysical Institute, a center for New Thought and the Human Potential Movement. She offers sessions by phone and in person. Call 360-436-6287; email, or visit: See page 6

Dr. Thomas Stone Healthy Habits USA • 702-425-2277 Dr. Thomas Stone is a familiar face and “voice” in the Las Vegas healing community. He has been a practicing Holistic healer for over 35 years and many may remember his popular radio talk show, “The Healthy Habits Wellness Hour.” Dr. Tom believes that the offerings of Healthy Habits, through proprietary 3-6-9 Scalar energy, whole nutritional foods and education allows people to make informed decisions about their wellbeing. According to Dr. Tom, “we are able to embed our frequencies into many different products ranging from personal energy devices to energized whole food nutritional supplements. Our proprietary blend of enhanced frequencies enable the human body to use its own natural energy to function at the optimal level God intended”. Dr. Tom is a man of conviction and compassion; his knowledge and wisdom is the basis of this unique man…once a physician and now a true healer of humanity. Join in for our Monday evening classes. Visit: www.HealthyHabitsusa. com. See page 27

Center for Spiritual Living Greater Las Vegas • 702-739-8200 Welcome to Center for Spiritual Living, Greater Las Vegas, a community on the move. CSLGLV teaches and practices the Science of Mind, which is a correlation of the laws of science, the opinions of philosophy, and the revelations of religion’s greatest teachers – ancient wisdom that’s relevant in 2014! Enjoy Sunday and Wednesday gatherings, or take a class. Our classes are multi-week experiences of focused study, practice, and support. We’re an open and affirming community, and have something for everyone. If you’ve been experiencing the Las Vegas economy at all in the past six years, we have tools to help you transcend the norm! Empowered. Living. Now. Visit See page 2

Janet Handley Reiki Master & Clairvoyant 702-808-8784 Are you looking for answers? Do you realize there is more to life than what you experience? Imagine your body feeling relaxed and calm. Being able to make decisions from a place of confidence, balance and harmony can take you to new heights. Janet Handley was born and raised in England. With 20 years experience in the healing arts, Reiki Master Janet utilizes the healing power of Reiki and her clairvoyant skills to bring understanding, guidance and wisdom. She conducts classes and gives individual readings. Her goal…bring healing, spiritual growth and peace into our lives. You’ll love her accent & you’ll love Janet! See pages 9

Unity Cntr in the Valley Rev. Sophia Falke • 702-435-3289 Are you on a spiritual path? Tired of “that old time religion” and looking for an alternative approach to deepening your relationship with God within you? Unity Center is a loving, inclusive community that offers diverse programs to support you on your spiritual journey—as well as tools to help you demonstrate abundance in your business, personal, and financial life. Join us for meditation, worship metaphysical studies, energy healing, seminars, forgiveness groups, spiritual coaching, and more. Or rent space for your own special programs. Contact us: or visit See page 10

Vince Link - OMD 702-444-4775 • Oriental Medicine Heard about acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine? For over 3,000 years, oriental medicine has been an effective system of healthcare for naturally treating acute conditions and as a preventive strategy. A qualified practitioner can detect a pattern of disease long before the symptoms manifest by asking the right questions, physical examination, observation of the tongue and pulse diagnosis. If you are taking prescription drugs and tired of the disturbing side effects while just masking your illness symptoms, call and learn how the natural approach of acupuncture and herbs can help prevent and treat your current condition(s). See page 24

Well of the Moon Coast to Coast Psychics 310-228-0934 Got Questions? We have answers. Coast To Coast Psychics have been hand-picked and have the most clear, detailed, accurate, sharp, and incredibly helpful advice. Need a mini reading on Health, Money, Love, Career, Relationships and your Life’s Path? Coast To Coast Psychics offer: Tarot readers, Clairvoyants, Clairaudients, Dream Interpretation, Intuitives and Astrologers. Coast to Coast Psychics founded by a team of long time metaphysical professionals, recognizes our world is at a tipping point, requiring choices that preserve the wellbeing of ourselves and our planet. Making the correct decisions in life is of the utmost importance to us and our psychics. See page 14


Well of the Moon

An eclectic blend of spirituality and Middle Eastern dance expressions. Our product line includes everything you need to follow your path to enlightenment. We have ritual supplies, bulk herbs for magick, gifts, jewelry, books and tarot, festival wear, incenses, oils and statuary. We host open classes, seasonal rituals and special events that cover many esoteric topics. Our classes cover everything from Universal Truths and spirituality and Earth’s oldest religion. All beliefs embraced. Our classroom is also available to rent for workshops. Visit: See page 20


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