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Editor’s Note By Ananda Valeeva Have
yourself, but even thousand words weren´t enough? So, join the club! The body language is one of the most powerful ways to express feelings, ideas and conquer a better job, friends and a great relationship. Our avatars can express so much, thanks to the amazing creators and their AOs, dances and
everyday moments as, working, modeling or romance. So, this special Issue talks about how charming, funny, unique and sensual our avatars can move and lead us to unforgettable sensations. I interviewed four of the best creators
animations for couples and singles. Check how Artoo Magneto, Craig Altman, Steven Dean & Maeve Strom and Vista Barnes create awesome body art and their ideas. The TP to Misterious Wave will enchant and surprise you. I am sure you will love the new SL Story by Betwixt Epsilon, Bare Feet. Our Fashion Editorial was never so classy and dreamy. It was inspired by the perfect film "Black Swan". Check it now. So, this issue is fully dedicated to the body language and how beautiful and powerful feelings can be expressed without a word. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Move, dance, jump, hold... doesn´t matter what. The body talks! ★ Ananda Valeeva CEO / Editor-in-Chief / Senior Writer INNERWORLD MAGAZINE
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Cover Challenge By Thereaver Barrymore When Ananda gave the idea for the main subject of this Issue, I got thrilled in a unique way. Since my start in Second Life I learned to love poses and animations unconditionally. As
photography I became addicted
poses and today I have more passion
Such me
have a shop, which is closed now days. Ah, but I miss so much to create poses! Artoo Magneto (AKEYO), Craig Altman (Bits & Bobs), Barnes
Animations) and Steven Dean and Maeve Strom (Essential Soul) are masters and I confess that having them in the magazine
makes this Issue of Inner even more special. It's definitely one of my favorite themes. How to express in a single image all animations of Second Life? Four years ago I bought an animation for couples from Bits & Bobs. After those years and among many innovations created through motion capture, the Resolution is still very current and I can tell, it is among the best animations in Second Life. I chose that to create the cover and I hope you like the result. I also hope it will instills you to read the mag. Kisses and good reading! ★ Thereaver Barrymore Diretora de Arte / Designer / FotĂłgrafa INNERWORLD MAGAZINE
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Special Article
turn their bodies to face each other. If you both
Body Talks – The silent expression!
are sitting and you turn your body and legs
By Ananda Valeeva
completely to face the person, but he/she has even the feet or legs facing the opposite side,
It is fascinating to observe how the body talks
hey you, I have a tip… run away! This person is
and the way it can express so many feelings
willing to say goodbye and this date is a
and ideas through conscious or unconscious
disaster. Lol.
movements. Non-verbal communication is more powerful than some words. There are
The body talks a lot and it is possible to express
many signals sent by the way you move eyes,
amazing and deep “secret” feelings, even if
your body posture or face expressions. This can
you don’t want to show them. So, it is
be a deep discovery of what makes sense or
important to be loyal and consistent and also
not, as sometimes what is said is completely
to pay more attention to how people behave
different than what a body expresses.
and move their bodies to understand and communicate better. Body language is a
As a simple example: just pay attention to
treasure we should value since it is the mainly
somebody who says that he/she agrees with
way of human expression.
you, but at the same time, this person shows crossed arms in front of his/her chest. It is a
Nonverbal behavior shows states of mind and
clear signal of a big subconscious NO or a
indicates if a person is angry, happy, calm,
barrier that this person creates against you or
excited and so many other feelings. “Reading”
your ideas. Another example that you can
people can be very useful and can surprise by
observe is during a date: we can easily know if
the intrinsic messages. Our bodies carry a
one is really interested or not in the other
peculiar code, which attracts or rejects and
person by the posture of body. When a couple
provoke amazing reactions without any word.
is in love or sexually attracted, both tend to
Our senses react to that, but the visual stimulus
is the sense that will guide you to the next
to control human body language and tell that
sensory pleasure is wrong or a sin. Some would even condemn the free expression of body as
We can interpret gestures and expressions and
a wrong interpretation of Hedonism, a classic
then, behave under their influence on our
school of thought that spread the philosophy
beliefs or wishes. Dancing has been one of the
on the supreme goal of life as the search of
richest forms of body language and it is part of
pleasure and contentment. So, I ask you, whats
human being’s behavior since ancient times.
wrong with that? Body talks and can lead you
So, since tribal or folk dances to the charming
to amazing pleasure and joy. Doesn’t matter
and intoxicating classic ballet, or even the way
which message your body shows and there is
a stripper dancer uses the body to seduce… all
nothing wrong with sensual or just the
movements carry subtle messages and its own
indulgence of a virtuous and temperate life. It
body language.
is up to you, but the main question here is how much you allow your body talking to be
The way we walk, move hands and arms or the
expressed. A social ethics can make your
entire body transmits more messages than we
professional and familiar life or a relationship
could imagine and this is a powerful tool of
pleasant and successful.
communication, which can be used to conquer somebody, a new job or even an audience. But,
Body language is the key of a good and
many people still don’t know or realize they
pleasant life… so if this is so important and
could use this to make their lives much better;
powerful, how could it help us in a virtual
they behave under lots of “rules” imposed by
society and their body language is not natural or free.
Just imagine avatars made of pixels and remember when you were “born” as a static
Religions and archaic moral beliefs have tried
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and no charming doll. The way to walk and the
robot movements were terrible. So, thanks to
You can move and try the body language in all
the amazing, creative and sensitive creators
ways and your avatar can be an amazing link
who brought the Animation Overrides (Aos) and
to make your real life better. If you are shy or
the fantastic options of walking, sitting, moving
can´t express yourself the way you wish in real
and even dancing.
life, why not try in your virtual life first? It can be wonderful for your next relationships, job
They also created the animations for the ones
and life in general.
who want to live all possibilities and explore all kinds of pleasures in their virtual lives, such
There are all kinds of animations and dances
as making your particular show as the best
since classic ballet to the craziest dance. You
dancer of the club or beautiful couple dances
can walk or sit like a sexy and chic model or a
(romantic or sensual) that will provoke the
funny crazy guy. Modeling was never so real
deepest and strongest sensations.
and perfect since creators started catwalk animations. You can express yourself in all ways
You can have romance, sex and passion in the
you wish and even if tonight you want to have
most realistic and perfect way. Just try beds,
dinner with somebody, there are perfect
rugs, furniture and all romance and sex
animations for eating. Think of a way to
animations available for your pleasure. There
express an action or feeling and you will find it
are experts in those creations and there is no
in awesome animations. You can paint on a
limit for imagination and how body language
canvas, climb stairs, or martial arts and
can be expressed not only in real life, but also
wrestling. There is no limit to the imagination.
in your Virtual life. They brought real movements to the highest levels and I wonder
Gestures also can express happiness, anger,
if they will be able soon to create perfect face
goofy moods and everyday we can find more
animations, to complete the whole pack.
way of body talking in–world. The quality of those Aos, dances and all animations is so
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perfect that some creators even use MOCAP
movements of all poses.
(Motion capture) tools to capture all body movements
If you are still a bit shy of dancing, modeling,
completely realistic. It is amazing if you pay
walking or sitting in your unique way or even
attention to the way an avatar can behave now
have never tried some sensual or hot moments,
days. The experiences are more real and
don’t waist your time. Run to the best stores,
buy your animations and poses and live the most amazing experiences.
I interviewed some of the best creators of Aos, dances and many other animations, and they
And don’t forget… Let your body talk… Doesn’t
are really fascinating and very sensitive to the
matter if the real or virtual one. But, express
body language. The best way to understand the
yourself as much as you can. It is the best way
process of their creations and ideas is reading
to liberate your inner being! ★
their words. Check the interviews. Another kind of non verbal language that has multiplied in-world are the poses. Everybody wants to behave charmingly or in a personal and unique way as models or having fun with friends and beloveds. There are also creators specialized in couple poses, which inspire lovely and very beautiful photo albums. Group poses are one more great way to experience body language and our avatar will never behave the same way. The perfect observation of the physiology of the body is visible in the
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“May I sit with you?" I turned and looked back over the bench for the source of the voice. It was difficult to focus on the sea of tall flowers and grasses in the meadow after staring at the light of the setting sun on the waves for so long. "It is such a beautiful spot. But if you'd rather be alone, let me know and I will come back some other time." My eyes found her. Bare feet, a summery white dress with a slit on one side showing an athletic leg, an unadorned lovely long neck, auburn hair on fire in the rays of the dying sun, she smiled and waved. I sat up straight and smiled back gesturing towards the bench,
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"Please come sit. It will be my pleasure."
towards me with her eyes full of mischief.
"I am Carol", she said walking out of the
I laughed briefly in response and looked
meadow towards me. The long stem of a
away shaking my head. "Fact is that I
sunflower clutched in one hand, she
don't. But that don't excuse my rudeness
crossed the few feet of gravel that
in staring at you Carol." It was as if my
marked the waterfront and sat down on
internal compass swung from the setting
the far side of the bench. Her eyes were
sun to you, I thought to myself.
fixed, as mine had been only a few moments ago, on the long shimmering
"Michael. That's my name."
flame that stretched from the horizon to nearly our feet as the sun set over the
"Michael", she said softly and turned back
water. She watched the flame flicker on
to face the flame. Extending an arm out
the undulating surface of the sea and I
towards the sea, she pursed her lips into
watched her. Her upper body hugging a
an oval and exhaled deeply and sharply.
folded leg raised so that its foot perched
The sun died. ★
at the edge of the bench, her skirt pulled up so that the other lower leg was free and swinging in time to some internal music. Her chin rested on the raised knee, the sunflower plucked from the meadow caressing her hair, her eyes reflecting the slowly deepening colors of the flame she was so intently watching. "You don't have company often, do you?", she asked eventually, turning her face
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SPECIAL INTERVIEW artoo Magneto – AKEYO By Ananda Valeeva
Artoo Magneto, the creator of AKEYO, is a RL expert in 3D Graphics and creates an ample variety of different products for Virtual worlds, such as amazing Avatar Accessories like sneakers, caps, hats, furniture and garden accessories loaded with animations. More than that, he creates also a fantastic range of Animation Overriders and Dance Animation. Enjoy this amazing talented artist. InnerWorld: What is your opinion about Virtual Worlds in general? Artoo Magneto: Virtual Worlds are super exciting to me! I think it is what people like me, have been waiting for since the idea of a “cyberspace” or "virtual reality" became popular in the mid 90s. I hope these things will develop much further than we can imagine today. It is like seeing how the future becomes real. InnerWorld: Tell us about your experience of joining Second Life. Why did you start a virtual life? Artoo Magneto: I came to second life to help creating the presence of a big RL car brand during the Second Life Hype period. While exploring SL I luckily met a few very cool & inspiring people, which made me stick with SL after the car
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work half days at a media agency where I
brand left SL one year later.
do 3D animations. InnerWorld: After your first experiences in SL what inspired you to create your
When I started working in the 3D Graphics
own brand and so vast range of
about 15 years ago, I kind of exchanged
my cool & exciting hobby to a job, which sounds great in the first thought... but, in
Artoo Magneto: at the beginning it was
real, I lost my beloved hobby and took the
just for the fun of creating things that I
counter sides like deadlines and picky
would like to have.
clients into it, which killed some of the fun. So, I don´t want to lose my ‘hobby’
I made me vampire fangs, laser Beams
that shoot out of the eyes, odd-eyes or a hat that shows your pulsating brain
If I would depend on the SL income, it
exposed under a glass bowl... Then, a SL
would might destroy the real passion and
buddy who later became a RL friend
fun I feel for it.
offered me a wall at his club where I should offer my stuff for sale... and
InnerWorld: You are well known per
that´s how it started.
especially for this Issue, I want to talk started
about your Animation dances and AOs.
business in Virtual Worlds, which
Tell about the high technology system
became their real life job. Some of
you use Mocap - MOTION CAPTURE.
them make very good profits. Is AKEYO also your RL job?
motioncapture. You probably know Artoo Magneto: AKEYO could easily be my
this from a typical making-off video,
only occupation at the moment, but I still
where the actor wears a suit with
Picture taken from artoo Magneto´s video on Youtube
reflective markers on it.
animations, dances and AOs?
The capture space is surrounded with a
Artoo Magneto: This, somehow, is that
lot of cameras, which emit infrared light
part that sounds the easiest, but might be
that is reflected by the markers. When
the hardest. - the matter of taste and
one marker is seen from 3+ directions at
once, the computer is able to calculate the exact position in space and that is
I see, for example, a lot of dances that
how the motions of the actor can be
look more like gymnastics to me, and this
would be something I just wouldn´t release.
After that comes the process of bringing the recorded mody motion over to the SL
Finding motions that are good for AO is
skeleton, and then, the editing of the
more tricky from the idea side. The right
motion to make it loop-able, fix errors, or
balance of enough, but not too much
movement, but mainly a good motion
expression. Finally, a last conversion and the upload in SL.The Software I use is mainly Vicon
My rudeboy Ao would be a good example
Blade, Autodesk Motionbuilder and two
of a very defined style and expression; it
self developed conversion scripts.
is hard to find such an idea.
InnerWorld: To express emotions and movements through an Avatar can be a very interesting experience. How do you
sophisticated movements to create your
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You can find remakes of its animations from nearly all other animation creators who use motioncapture... So, this shows again how tricky it is to find a good own idea.
InnerWorld: Are you used to go to clubs
A few people tried to make a business out
in RL to dance? It seems you are a great
of selling stolen goods and ended up
observer of body language.
paying relatively high monetary penalties.
Artoo Magneto: Of course! I love clubbing
InnerWorld: What is the secret of
and go party frequently. And observing
success behind a multi task creator like
other people is what we all like to do very
much. Artoo Magneto: Passion and patience I InnerWorld: : In 2009 you had all your
would say. You have to love what you
dance animations copied and passed out
do... and you have to work hard. It is all
freely all over SL. You sent many tickets
not as easy as it might seem.
to LL and tried to stop the situation. Was that solved?
Thank you very much, Artoo, for your attention and making our avatars
Artoo Magneto: Yes, Lindenlab is very
behave so charmingly. :P
helpful. Not really quick - but they do care. They developed a system that is able to identify illegal animations by different aspects and remove them grid wide. This system is still in closed beta development and I hope it becomes public soon. Also LL can directly get the RL data from people through the ISPs and in really bad cases they hand these out.
Artoo: Thanks a lot!! I liked your questions. ★
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SPECIAL INTERVIEW Craig Altman - Bits and Bobs By Ananda Valeeva
He has brought romance, sensuality and action to our virtual lives. Besides his everyday animations Craig creates the best couple animations for his brand Bits and Bobs. If you wish to enjoy fully all movements your avatar can do, know him and his creations better. InnerWorld: What attracted you to join a Virtual World? Craig Altman: I came to Second Life from Ultima Online, which is another form of virtual world, but was more based on combat rather like World of Warcraft or Everquest. Before that I used to play Quake and other similar "death match" type online games, all were basically about playing against other players. Over time this got a bit boring and as the user base or such games tended to be somewhat younger players, it was also often a lot of hassle. I decided to find a game like Ultima online, which wasn't about fighting other players, I saw a post in a forum about Second Life, and as this part of the UK had finally got broadband I was able to give it a try. InnerWorld: Besides the ample individual options you also create the most
amazing, sensual and romantic couple
about 3 weeks of trial and error I had
animations and dances. When and why
managed to make a 2 second long
did you start this fantastic art?
Craig Altman: I actually created the
InnerWorld: It seems very exciting to
couple animations for myself and the
observe the body language and make
partner I had early on in 2005. Couple
those romantic and sensual moments
animations were available, but almost all
for couples and dances. Tell us more
were simply sex based with a few kissing
about this process and how do you
types. So, I figured the best way to get
research dances and movements to use
what I wanted was to try to make them
in your creations? You must have lots of
myself. Then, I bought Poser and over
fun, hum?
Picture sent by Craig Altman
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Craig Altman: The romantic types if I
coach 2 actors in suits to perform a
have an idea I start there and make it up
romantic scene, if what I want to see is in
as I go along; its rather similar with the
my own mind, better to make it myself.
dances really, I don't really know how to
The process of making a long animation
dance, so I think of them more as
by hand is a very long one, like painting a
"rhythmic cuddles". Dances that are a
picture takes a lot longer than taking a
"type" like the Tango or waltz, I watch
photograph. There is skill involved in
videos of those dances, then I try to make
both, it's just a preference.
the steps. Sometimes I watch ballet videos and in some of the slow dances I
InnerWorld: Tell in one phrase what a
make a few of the moves, which are more
Virtual Life means to you.
ballet than club dance. Craig Altman: Not sure I can think of a InnerWorld: Which tools do you use to
phrase really, will "scary" do?
create such animations? Is Mocap – MOTION CAPTURE one of them?
Thank you very much for your kind attention,
Craig Altman: All couple animations I
romance and sensuality to our virtual
make are made in poser 6, some of the
lives. ★
very new single type animations we did use a motion capture suit to make. Those animations are of things like eating, drinking, painting, speaking etc, i.e. things that are functional and I decided more suited being made that way. Things like romantic animations I prefer to do by hand as I don't really want to be a "film director". I can't picture myself trying to
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SPECIAL INTERVIEW Maeve Strom and Steven Dean - Essential Soul By Ananda Valeeva
InnerWorld: What attracted you to join a Virtual World? Maeve Strom: I didn´t know what SL was about or if I would like it. I just heard it was like the SIMS, but 1000 times better. I was skeptical, and honestly, wasn´t expecting much of anything. But, I became captivated about the graphic and photography capabilities, shortly after figuring out not how to be a Noob. I discovered through some friends I met along the way who told me to continue to do pictures, and then I discovered through other SL members..., flickr. So, it was a side Hobby to do the photography that drew me in. Steven Dean: Not What, but Who. My RL best friend called me and said "Hey download this game, create an avatar and call yourself Steven Dean, I have the same last name and we will be brothers!". Well, He played for 1 week and got tired. In the meanwhile I found out it was an attractive place where I was able to discover a lot of things.... so here my story starts on Dec 14th 2006. InnerWorld: Why did you decide to create poses? Maeve Strom: Well, Steven and I first talked about creating a SIM
Picture sent by Steven Dean
for people to take pictures, then we both
photography and for this reason, "pose
realized that it wasn´t always easy to find
freaks". At the very beginning we opened
great poses. So, the idea developed into
a photo studio on a homestead and I
learning to make poses and opening up a
needed to find a way to cover the tiers
small shop that had places within the
without touching my credit card.... so
Homestead to take pictures. And maybe
why not... POSES! As soon as I started,
we would break even to cover the costs
Maeve wanted to try too and after a first
for tiers to support our hobby of
release of 11 poses we started growing
photography and poses.
and people appreciating our job. Now our store is known for the quality of the
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poses, pics and a body language that
transform out place into a real photo
regular pics then re-creating a new mood
and "static motion" for each pose. I personally
InnerWorld: It seems very exciting to
important and in order to get realistic
observe the body language. How do you
poses, they need to be as close as possible
plan the movements you want to use as
to natural movement. When I first
a pose?
started, I used to try myself each pose, if you looked at me I look like a fool lying
Maeve Strom: Its not so much "planning"
on the floor or kinda dancing with
the movement as it is having the
background music.
inspiration to create a pose. A lot of the poses for Steven and I meant something
But, Essential Soul is not just poses no
to one another, because it conveyed a
more, thanks to Coma Zero and M4rk3tt0
thought or feeling for one another or a RL
Bonetto we are developing the business
moment for us. But, it also goes without
on shoes and accessories, while Maeve is
saying... practice and knowledge of how
working hard on fantastic Tattoo's and
to manipulate the avatar in the program
you use to achieve that affect is key. But,
Essential Soul brings feelings from every
aspect of life: body language, body art,
"giggles".... nothing like seeing your RL
fashion. Essential Soul is all You can feel,
and SL partner over Cam trying pose
all you can wear, all about Us.
positions. But, we had a method to our madness... and its gotten us to where we
Thank you very much Maeve and
are now.
creations. ★ Steven Dean: Body language is the tipping point of posemaking. I usually take inspiration from RL experiences or
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SPECIAL INTERVIEW Vista Barnes - Vista Animations By Ananda Valeeva
He is very creative and his creations bring elegance, charm and attitude to our avatars since 2006. He is an expert in Body language and we can see it by using his fantastic AOs and animations.
InnerWorld: What attracted you to join Second Life and are you also in other similar grids?
Vista Barnes: I loved virtual 3d environments all my life since I saw my first 3d game (wolfestein3d in a 286 :P) and when I first saw SL I was like WOW! Especially the first months, SL experience is amazing; a whole new world to discover. Now I keep an eye open to all new ones around, in spite that lately I look at them more in a commercial way than a hobby. I have joined all the opengrids, in spite I have open a shop just in one of
in the street! Actually, as we use motion
them as a test.
capture, it’s quite different, we try to InnerWorld: When and why did you start
have an idea of what we want, like a
creating your body art, such as AOs and
heroine Ao, and we take inspiration in
animations and poses?
movies, comics, etc...
Vista Barnes: I was trying to create a free
InnerWorld: What tools do you use to
AO for me and my friends with free poses
create such animations? Is Mocap –
around. I could make one female not too
MOTION CAPTURE one of them?
bad (that was in 2006, it was static poses obviously) but, when I tried to make a
Vista Barnes: Yes, we use a motion
male one... all the free poses looked to
capture equipment and a program called
"female”, then I started to read how to
Motion Builder and 3dmax, but I must say
create my own.
I have stated my first Ao with Avimator; A great free software and really easy to
inspiration? Do you observe people
use, at least for the basics. Make a walk with it needs to be really patient…
around? InnerWorld: Tell in one phrase what a Vista Barnes: I must say yes. I analyze
Virtual Life means to you.
everybody, everywhere, all the time... especially when I had to make the first
Vista Barnes: Virtual life is more than the
walks; I was like crazy looking at females
half of my real life. Since I work full time
(and later to males) butts walking all day
on this and I spend connected about 9
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Picture by Gabriele Sinatra, sent by Vista Barnes
hours daily. I must say I love my job :) My
our virtual lives.
SL job has matched the growth of my family, and I could combine my new SL
Thank to you for giving me this chance.
job during nights with the baby bottles...
Kisses to all. See ya at Vista! ★
I think I am a really lucky man.
Thank you very much, Vista for your kind attention and for bringing class to
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Ballerina in Blue Shape: customized Skin: Paper skin - Trinity / innocent by Redgrave Hair: Tanya - chocolate by Truth Eyes: Primeye black by House of Eyez Dress: Nico Dress (Blue) by Bliss Couture Ballet slipper: Paloma Point Ballet Slipperby Slink Pose: DW Ballerina 17 by Diesel Works
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The Red Queen Ballerina Shape: customized Skin: Paper skin - Trinity / innocent by Redgrave Makeup: White Widow Face Tatoo Leaves Green by Stan Jigsaw Hair: Peyton Hair - Cavia by Bliss Hair Eyes: Primeye black by House of Eyez Dress: Nina red by Mimikri Ballet slipper: Paloma Point Ballet Slipperby Slink Pose: DW Ballerina 7 by Diesel Works
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The Butterfly Ballerina Shape: customized Skin: Paper skin - Trinity / innocent by Redgrave Makeup: Warhol's Muse Eyeshadow1 by Cheap Makeup Hair: Frida Ebony by Tukinowaguma Eyes: Primeye black by House of Eyez Ballerina Outfit: Isabella purple by Evie's Closet Pose: Ballet3 by Slink (came with Ballet slipper)
The White Swan Shape: customized Skin: Paper skin - Trinity / innocent by Redgrave Hair: Jocelyn treacle bu Truth Eyes: Primeye black by House of Eyez Dress: Swan Queen White by Nicky Ree Ballet slipper: Paloma Point Ballet Slipperby Slink Pose: Ballet2 by Slink (came with Ballet slipper)
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The Black Swan Shape: customized Skin: Paper skin - Trinity / innocent by Redgrave Hair: Hera / whiskey by Exile Makeup: Black Swan complete makeup by Yokana Eyes: Primeye black by House of Eyez Dress: Black Swan Ballerina Dress by Vita's Boudoir Ballet slipper: Ashia Point Ballet Slipper Onyx by Slink Pose: DW Ballerina 15 by Diesel Works
Highlighted landmarks by section
{ TP to } Mysterious Wave { Interviews } Akeyo { Interviews } Bits & Bobs { Interviews } Essential Soul { Interviews } Vista Animations
Zone (82, 204, 21) AKEYO (146, 119, 51) The Island (235, 129, 22) Essential Soul Studio (175, 107, 39) Vista Animations (95, 128, 24)
{ Dress Code } Bliss Couture
Gown (133, 201, 353)
{ Dress Code } Bliss Hair
Gown (177, 136, 365)
{ Dress Code } Cheap Makeup
Chowla (41, 151, 79)
{ Dress Code } Diesel Works
Brooklyn (115, 128, 21)
{ Dress Code } Evie´s Closet
Oubliette (184, 189, 248)
{ Dress Code } Exile { Dress Code } House of Eyez
Covet (174, 40, 28) Dragon Claw Island (60, 190, 26)
{ Dress Code } Jigsaw
Avenue Champs Elysees (194, 213, 31)
{ Dress Code } Mimikri
Mimikri (126, 151, 22)
{ Dress Code } Nicky Ree
Deco (88, 85, 34)
{ Dress Code } Redgrave
REDGRAVE Skins Fashion (96, 191, 21)
{ Dress Code } Slink
Sanctum (22, 124, 22)
{ Dress Code } Truth
Truth Hair (113, 35, 27)
{ Dress Code } Tukinowaguma
Tukinowaguma (135, 127, 21)
{ Dress Code } Vita´s Boudoir
Bonaire12 (162, 132, 997)
{ Dress Code } Yokana
SL Marketplace
Advertisers by alphabetic order Absolut Models Agency
Fox Land (61, 101, 22)
Art Body Store
Reale (148, 160, 62)
Essential Soul
Essential Soul Studio (175, 107, 39)
GizzA Creations (128, 127, 22)
Kal Rau
Second Island Square (64, 106, 22)
LeLutka (128, 127, 25)
Live 2 Life
Magnifique Moolto Redgrave & InnerWorld
86 |
InnerWorld Magazine # 20
Larsson Estates 1 (8, 199, 22) www.moolto.com Deep House Island (89, 188, 22)