InnerWorld Magazine - Avination # 01 in English

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Editor´s Note By Ananda Valeeva Challenges and pioneering! These are two important inherent qualities and reasons to stimulate leaders. I have guided my life goals and perseverance to reach beyond common sense and that’s why I am pleased to present the new challenging step of the InnerWorld Magazine and Culture Center project. Our team embraced one more challenge in our unique and passionate way. The magazine is celebrating two years of amazing moments and content and all we want is the best and to improve our mag and projects. So, as we believe Avination is a very nice promise and environment, and as we are the pioneer and FIRST magazine that believed and joined Avination, now we also are publishing it exclusively on Avination. The first exclusive Special insert is our gift to the residents and, prepare yourself for much more soon.

InnerWorld is a well known magazine for its content and graphic quality and art, and this brand approaches to general culture. The InnerWorld Island in Avination was specially built for the Headquarter and the Cultural Center, where art exhibitions, music concerts, classes and speeches will be featured on various themes. It is your culture and art center of Avination. So, enjoy our new baby, the Avination InnerWorld Magazine. There is a special article, which invites all to this New Journey. Enjoy the TP to and visit Crimson Rose, created by the amazing Morgana Galli. The Dress Code – Just Us shows what we are wearing in Avination to tease and help you to find where you can style your avatar. I´d like to take advantage of this first issue to thank few great people that have been helped us a lot in this new and amazing beginning. Very special thanks to Dean Ashby and Melanie Milland. We also thank Mimi Juneau, Koyote Foden and Nikita Fride. We thank all readers, advertisers and all those who have been supporting and motivating us to follow this dream to entertain and spread culture, good actions and joy. This new adventure is one more bet and we invite you to join us. I hope you enjoy it. ★ Kisses, Ananda Valeeva CEO / Editor in Chief / Senior Writer INNERWORLD MAGAZINE

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Sometimes people try to understand the fascination of Virtual Life and many reasons can attract crowds to the wonderland. Life Simulators have been a way to enjoy and fulfill fantasies and projects for thousands. Doesn’t matter the reason why you join a grid‌ there are countless ways to simulate virtual life; and not only this, but you also can roleplay and then, this specific choice becomes a game, RPG. Many people have improved or discovered new skills in virtual worlds (including me), which became new real jobs, business or intellectual improvement. Some other

people go to virtual worlds to amuse themselves in countless explorations to see beauty and wonderful Sims. Art is very rich and it is possible to enjoy fantastic creations, artists, designers, music and so many options to have fun, that there is no limit for your amusement. It is also possible to enjoy your most secrets fantasies and it is up to you. It all depends on what you are looking for and, most of all, if you maintain your feet on the ground to understand that, as in real life, people are the same in virtual life and will show their character and personality. An avatar is what you want it to be and you can be a copy of your real self or a character you can play with. The most important is the crystal clear intention, to avoid problems. This natural innate curiosity in people has produced an unprecedented phenomenon and the fastest growth ever seen in virtual worlds. Avination is the New Journey for the ones who love challenges and look for new adventures. But, as all new grids, it is like a child, and needs some patience to follow its development. The first steps are a bit unbalanced and it is necessary to walk ahead to learn how to stand. Meanwhile some distractions and issues will show and you need focus to keep your walk. There will be some “surprises and bugs� we don’t like, but they are part of the whole process of growing and efforts

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are needed to keep things going on to

many people and the sensation of a new

the next step.

Journey has conquered more residents everyday. They are creators, builders,

Ask yourself, why would you explore

designers, artists, musicians and regular

one more grid? Some people prefer to

people, who want just to have fun and

stay in the comfort zone and don’t like

explore it.

to dare, to bet in different options. But, the sensation of adventure can be

Of course you already can find amazing

a fresh restart for your life.

skins, shapes, fashion, decoration, poses, etc, etc. So, there is no reason

It is easier to stay as you are. But, life

to be afraid of being noob for a while.

is movement and never stops. If you

LOL It is funny to style a new YOU

don’t open your horizons to see outside

again. Just try the playful Barbie and

of your window, maybe your life will be

Ken Doll.

just “warm” and a bit “pale”. The concept of sameness can overshadow

And shopping is not the only activity

the colors of your life and turn it into a

you can enjoy in Avination, of course. It

river of muddy and stagnant water.

must be very clear, as for some people, including me; art and talent of creators

You probably have a beautiful avatar,

will attract much more attention.

skin, shape, stuff filling your inventory;

Shopping is just one part of simulating

you may be a bit afraid of a new start.

life, but there are many beautiful

But, new starts and journeys can

fantasy Sims, which are already waiting

surprise you so much, that you will find

for you to explore there. You can go to

beauty and inspiration where you have

the beach; you can dance in some clubs

never imagined.

and explore many amazing Sims by yourself.

Avination has been this fresh restart to

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It feels now like a cozy place where we

everything, but can be remodeled and

can build our dreams and fantasies.

a better place to live. If you had this chance, wouldn’t you try it? I would. :P

Imagine a radical situation. The Planet

So, if you have some knowledge, you

Earth we know is full of beauty,

can even teach, help and create stuff

progress, wonderful things to enjoy and

to make the environment better than

see, but it also has terrible problems to

the other grids we know. Avination

be solved. So, that’s why many people

needs lots of stuff and it is one of the

are trying to save our real Planet. But,

most appealing reasons to take you

imagine if there was another planet, a








Before judging or taking conclusions just because you join there as a noob (it happens in any grid, by the way) and can’t see all beauty that Avination already has, it is always better to try things buy yourself and experience it through your eyes. It is exciting to try something new and I believe if something is already good, I can always do it better. Fear and suspicion always block and confuse the actions. So, relax and open your mind and eyes to the new… Avination can be this better life. Why not? Am I an Alice in Wonderland or a Pollyanna? Maybe, but it is better to see the rainbow and try to find your pot of Gold, than see life through grey lens. The world can always be better and virtual worlds too. Positivity is bless. Welcome to your New Journey. ★

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TP to Crimson Rose It was sunset time when I arrived there. The sky showed some velvet oranges and yellows to create an inviting and mysterious aura. I felt some heat coming from my back and my natural curiosity made me turn around to find out what was so hot. Oh‌ that was a volcano and I immediately decided to explore the fantastic dark Gothic city. There were claws everywhere and the Dark Sim was full of mystery begging to be unraveled. I crossed the bridge made of bones and skeletons of creatures. Those scary arms and hands could almost grab my feet and I felt a few drops of hot blood below the bridge splashing on my legs. The sensation of death surrounded me and I confess I almost ran to try to find a shelter as the dark night was falling. I was afraid that some vampires, creatures or skulls could take me and imprison inside the big scary cage I saw on the top of another volcano. That was hanging and a claw controlled that as a puppet. I also found an awesome city, a Gothic Cathedral and the Castle was full of secrets and rooms to be explored. I was speechless facing this amazing sim. Each detail has a touch of good taste, high imagination and artistic talent. Morgana Galli is the creator and builder behind this fantastic idea. She has been building a fantasy sim, which you must visit if you like some frightened and feeling a chill of fear. You also should visit Crimson Rose to enjoy the art of building and the richness of a very creative mind. I am sure that will be a success and our next Halloween already has the perfect Sim for celebrating that. Where: Crimson Rose (70, 112, 27) ★

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Ananda loves mixing styles and creators and she always plays with parts of an outfit to create her unique sensual/classy style.

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Silton has a very unique urban style and loves comfortable look.

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Thereaver has a very special style and is always surprising. Her ideas are really fantastic and she can be a chameleon.

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