InnerWorld Magazine # 19 in English

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Editorial Two years and More By Ananda Valeeva

This new year promises lots of huge achievements and happiness. In two years, we were able to consolidate and be highlighted as a different magazine in its art proposal and writing style. The virtual world has received and welcomed us with open arms and we offer you back the affection and recognition by creating more issues as bold and beautiful as the ones we have done and certainly even more special will come. We want to provoke new perspectives, innovative publishing matters to be discussed and realize what we have learned from our readers.

It is a bless and a victory that after two years we are still here. We held hands and have walked with InnerWorld to new and challenging directions. For this achievement, we have relied on very important people who believed in my dream, which was also embraced by Thereaver, my companion in this beautiful and arduous journey. Thank you so, so much for being by my side, in good and difficult moments and for sharing your talents with me to create this

beautiful mag, because of your artistic soul. It is not easy to create such a magazine and overcome so many obstacles, as we´ve made, but all efforts and each new step made us stronger. There is a long road of lessons and learning. So, life goes on.

Our baby has grown and it is becoming a cute and very clever kid. Thank to all contributors who have written, styled, photographed, modeled, painted and drawn during these years. Thank to readers, advertisers and partners. Thank you very much Alee Luik for so kind offer of our beautiful HQ.

Nobody knows the future, but for now, we have the beautiful present and it is the gift I want to share with all. There is a big party in my heart and I invite you all for this festive dance!

So, I want to welcome Vick Spiteller, our new Fashion editor and Photographer. I am sure the mag will be prettier than ever. Since image and art have deep connection, the main article is on the improvement of viewers, Photography and graphics in the last 2 years. The Special Interview could only be with the amazing talented personality who created de Kirsten´s Viewer, Kirstenlee Cinquetti.

Check the nice “Opinion” of Amabilesciavo Olivieri. The new column “Dress Code” is simply gorgeous and shows what has happened in SL. “SL Story” has a very touching and passionate text; it will involve you. We also present a cute gift we received, which was created by the very talented RL Cartoon artist, Geppex Mccaw. Thanks a lot, dear.

We are growing in Avination too and invite you to visit this amazing new world. Many of the best brands of SL already embraced this new adventure, which has already more than 1050 Sims. There are many new surprises around here. And you, reader, will always be our main focus. Just wait for more.

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The Cover’s Challenge This issue is very festive and all I want is

By Thereaver Barrymore

to celebrate. So, lets party!! ★ When we started InnerWorld Magazine two Kisses,

years ago Ananda and I were unpretentious. After we obtained some experience from other

Ananda Valeeva CEO / Editor in Chief / Senior Writer INNERWORLD MAGAZINE

publications, we wanted to do something "ours", where we could say anything we wanted and illustrate that the way we always dreamed... We knew many people and also learned a lot in each issue; and realized that "playing magazine” is not easy. Many magazines were born and died exactly because it is not simple, especially ours being made mostly by just two people, who are keen to live intensely their first and real lives.

After two years, our team is bigger, has people who are passionate about their work, and they love to be part of InnerWorld. Thank to Silton, AmabileSciavo, Betwixt, Uriah and I welcome Vick Spitteler! Ananda, thank you again for trusting in my work and the follies of my delirious mind.

Before writing this Cover’s Challenge, I read my impressions in the one year issue. Believe me; I have not changed my way of thinking.

Moreover, it moved one year of that issue and everything I think and believe is very timely... Second Life, (and now, Avination), are purely fun with a touch of education. We grew up too because of the Metaverse! We grew up, we met wonderful people... and we would not deny it, as it would be hypocrisy. In two years, we had fun too; Two years, which have a lot of history. There is no possibility to leave everything behind.

There were 2 years of events. Ananda and I thought we'd do an overview of the most viewed and voted past issues, but the most recent ones have almost the same

numbers. Two




interesting covers and it is a great challenge to illustrate this commemorative cover.

When we consider the evolution of Second Life and all changes through which it passed: sculpts, shadows, mesh, tattoo and alpha layers... We asked some people, which one among those listed above they consider the most revolutionary and we received very good responses. The tattoo layer was the novelty that appealed to everyone; the ability to add not only tattoo on face, but different masks and makeup. Shadows are also a novelty that appealed to many residents, but it is a technology

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everyone can enjoy, as it requires a more powerful computer.

Based on these responses I designed a cover highlighting these two technologies: tattoo layer (makeup) and shadows. I also wanted to focus on the two years celebration, as this is a celebration issue. But, after the cover was finished ( (you can see that version at the end of his mag) and talking to Ananda, we concluded that we wanted our interviewed on the cover: Kirstenlee Cinquetti. It was one of the hottest interviews that Ananda has done, and I confess that among many people in Second Life, I truly admire Kirstenlee. I was nervous at the photo session; I admire her so much! Her viewer and everything she does to improve our visual experience is amazing and we are eternally grateful to her for sharing her knowledge with us.

So, Ananda and I had hard time trying to decide which cover we would use. That was fun and, as usual, we both wondered, and discussed possibilities and doubts. Oh my, oh my! Lol Then… we got the best solution: why not use both? It is a celebration and our readers deserve the best! So, Two years deserve two covers, hum? And there we go! (But, please, don’t wait 3 covers when we celebrate 3 years). lol

And by the way, speaking of thank… thank you all for another year with InnerWorld! ★ Enjoy it!

Thereaver Barrymore Art Director / Designer / Photographer INNERWORLD MAGAZINE

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Image is Everything! The art of Photography By Ananda Valeeva

Image and the art of Photography and filming

those primitive “photos”. We can narrate an

have been an important part of my life since I

event without any word. It is known that

was a child. I could write a long article on this

sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words.

theme, as it is a passion. The subtlety surrounding light, shades, angles and how

Primitive images improved a lot through the

surprisingly a captured image can be, reminds

time and then civilization could experience the

me the dance of words to create a poem.


Image is painted and drawn poetry to me;

Photography Timeline shows the amazing and

Colorful rainbows of frozen motion or the

fascinating development of this art and just to

depth in blacks and whites touching our soul.

mention a few important moments, until we





get what we have seen today in digital and 3D It is known for ages that human beings tried to represent moments, history and feelings by carving images on walls. So, we can explore archeology and historical images, which represent life, culture and celebrations relentlessly pursued by researchers who keep exploring ancient archaeological sites, to understand and capture the history through

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5th-4th Centuries B.C. Chinese and Greek philosophers describe the basic principles of optics and the camera.

1827 Joseph Nicephore Niepce made the first photographic image with a camera obscura. Before that people just used it for viewing or drawing purposes. Niepce placed an engraving onto a metal plate coated in bitumen, and then exposed it to light. Some problems regarding shadows were there, but when he placed the metal plate in a solvent, gradually an image appeared like magic. And to make it short‌ Photography was there.

1829 Louis Daguerre formed a partnership with Niepce to improve the process Niepce had developed. Then, Daguerre invented the first practical process of photography and it was the Birth of Modern Photography.

1963 Polaroid introduces instant color film.

1968 Photograph of the Earth from the moon.

1969 George Smith and Willard Boyle invented

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the charge-coupled device (CCD), the image

professionals and also regular users. Not only

sensor that’s the heart of all digital cameras.

video games, but also Life Simulators have presented amazing tools with photo realistic

Today, CCD technology covers not only in

images in 2 and 3D. And Second Life is an

broadcasting, but also in video applications for

example of graphic quality.





television, and from endoscopy to desktop

Because of the improvement of Windlight and

videoconferencing. Facsimile and copying

so wonderful tools we can find in Clients such



as Kirsten´s Viewer, a whole market and

cameras, and bar code readers also have

culture of image worship has been developed.

employed CCDs to turn patterns of light into

RL photographers have brought their talent in-

useful information. This was one of the most

world and have impressed all residents by their

important discovery of our modern image

accurate observation of life in 3D. Art galleries


and Studios have increased their performance




and even business in the virtual world.

1980 Sony demonstrates first consumer camcorder.

Photography and filming became a great opportunity for artists to show their talent in


SL. Check the success of Machinima videos.

Canon demonstrates first digital electronic still

Creators observed the importance of better


poses, which offer richer experiences. The Fashion world grew so fast that now we can


find fantastic editorials with the same RL

Pixar introduces digital imaging processor.

quality. So, to present gorgeous models and photos in those editorials, another creative and







artistic area follows this improvement of

development of computers and graphics power,

image. The Model career is growing option of

playing games and Photo Edition became a

in-world job and some Divas and Miss Contests

passion and addiction for thousands of

are multiplying every day, having as it´s top

Because of the improvement of Windlight and so wonderful tools we can find in Clients such as Kirsten´s Viewer, a whole market and culture of image worship has been developed.

Contest, the fantastic and very professional

It is easy to find cute, romantic, sensual or

“Miss Virtual World” idealized by the dearest

family and friends photo albums on Flickr,

Frolic Mills.

which show their creativity and how people simply love to explore all possibilities with

Because of so beautiful images of fashion and

their fellows.

models, residents are willing to find perfect skins and shapes, and this is one more business

And finally and as important as the other

segment that has grown dramatically due to

reasons to enjoy in-world images (it is what

the graphic development we can find in SL.

inspires me more), we can visit the most

Vanity was never so valued in a virtual life!

beautiful Sims created by artists whom know how to highlight each detail, which will be

But, not only the beauty of an avatar or the

perfect for our photos or thoughts while we

amazing fashion creations can be enjoyed

walk around. It is the most amazing adventure

because of graphic environment and new tools

to explore and find what those great artists

for photo shooting; It is also an inspiration to

create in their Sims. I believe their fantastic

treasure special moments with your beloved.

imagination has no limits and can guide us

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beyond our most surreal dreams. It is such an experience to discover those places and try to capture the idea behind their creations by taking pictures or filming, that it worth to research and take long time to appreciate their art. Some tips can help you to take amazing photography in SL. Read the special interview I made with KirstenLee Cinquetti, the very talented creator of the Kirsten’s Viewer. She gives





computers. Well, image is a very subtle theme and think about yours. It is not only the outside look that counts, but what you can express from within. Be creative, be beautiful, express the artist you are and NEVER forget to be ethic, sincere and respect people… It is the best “image” you can display on a photo frame. Cheese… Smile! ★

Opinion All Time of the Worlds By AmabileSciavo Olivieri

Among many fascinations I experience every day in my second life, the biggest






perception of time. Although the human brain does not change its modus operandi, which measures time by observing the external and motility in the absence of it, organic individual motility,

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"through the modem", the exacerbation of

Maybe this is the biggest addictive reason.

some meanings and the cancellation of others,

Maybe that's why we login, the quest for first

make the experience of second life something


absolutely new and unique during each second.

temporal elasticity. The immense pain of





unresolved love, projects that failed to grow, The excellence of the visual sense, to the

the longing of countless people we never

detriment of so fundamental senses like touch

embraced and the exaggerated need for

and smell, completely changes the feeling, as

invented kinship, we want to feel it again.

regards the intensity and speed they occur.

The passions that we've had, all sense of

Within hours, a resident can fall madly in love,

absolute success, the integrity of love that

can build a family and live all social

will never end, we want to feel it all again.

paraphernalia so well known by us in our real lives.

This so intense way of living changes us. The word is not "immersion". We are submerged.

Protected by anonymity, nestled in our seats

The imminence of drowning will bring us to

and invaded by video screens, appears in each

the margins of extremely salutary individual

of us an infinite readiness for the new. And the

meetings. In all lives. Forever. ★

new happens in a split second without interruption. The teleporter leads to the exact point and the individual urgency make an appointment. No. it is not a major feature, the speed with which time passes. No. The time is so filled. The automated and repetitive thoughts, on everyday life, give way to first experiences, leading the brain to an absolute dedication to understanding the new. And right now we feel more alive. And time seems to pass differently.

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SL STORIES Nothing, but the rain. By Betwixt Epsilon Photography by Thereaver Barrymore

I set the glass of whiskey, ice cubes clinking, down on the wooden side table and settle into my usual couch for the night. The warm moisture in the air creates a band of condensation on the outside of the cold glass. Reaching towards it with practiced ease, I use a finger to carefully trace her initials onto the moist outer surface. And as happens every night, the drops of moisture slide, move, mate, coalesce into tears that flow into the letters and slowly find their way down the path I traced, collecting into a small pool at the base. In time, the downward flow will bleed through the outline of the letters and blur them, but I know that if I don’t touch the glass, it will remain possible to make out her initials for a long time. As the night settles around me, I sit watching her slowly dissolving name, a bottle of Talisker for company and the drumbeat of rain on the roof for music.

The sound of the screen door swinging open

noise. Resentful of this interruption, I drain the

and banging shut startles me and I stand

whiskey in one swallow, feeling the cold amber

abruptly, picking up the glass and bottle

liquid spread its fire downwards inside my

instinctively as if protecting them from an

throat as I walk out through the screen door

intruder. I stand in place, undecided whether

and on to the back porch. There is nothing, no

to just sit down again or go investigate the

one outside, but the rain.

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world disappears into rain. Not having left the house for weeks, I suddenly feel deeply unsure if anything exists beyond the house, our house. Uneasy that everything has been washed away, I toss the glass aside and walk out into the rain, taking swigs directly from the bottle. In a few feet I can see nothing but press onwards, lurching, fighting the downpour. In a few more steps I’m forced to stop as all my senses completely focus on the intense feeling of rain beating down on me. There is nothing but the rain. Even the whiskey is finished and I let the bottle drop and stand absorbing the blows, seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting the rain as it tears into me. The barrier of the clothes between the rain and my skin becomes unbearable and I rip them off. Naked now, I stand completely still with my eyes closed, head tilted back, and my arms raised towards the sky embracing what will happen. There will be nothing, but the rain. ★

I can’t remember a night without rain. At least, not since she left. The lone bulb on the back wall of the house fights the oppressive rain as it presses down into the ground, its light barely managing to penetrate a few feet from the covered porch. In the darkness beyond, the

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Destination Avination # 2 Text and Pictures by Thereaver Barrymore Avination is an adventure that starts to take shape and numbers. The regions increased from 120 to over 1050 in less than 3 months! It is certainly the fastest





designers coming from Second Life are betting on Avination and there is news every day. Even





designers, there are those who don’t believe or strongly criticize InnerWorld for betting on Avination. If it will be successful, we are already there. If not, no drama. Avination is like a new discovered continent waiting for civilization. At first one must prepare the soil in order to build their homes and business. You, I and everyone who read this magazine came from a virtual world where there are the best creations, fashion and fantastic objects. And the avatars are

the most beautiful, graceful and sexy

take pictures.

ones. There are today in Avination who The evolution of everything in Second

criticize Second Life and there are those

Life was gradual. When it was born


seven years ago, hardly anyone had

InnerWorld can not and nor will address

been part of another metaverse, so the

these two worlds as different subjects.

start was based on exploration and new

We will not leave Second Life or will

learning. As a child, all learned to walk,

criticize them as competitors. We are

found their first flex hair, Animations

not competitors. It is unethical to deny

Overriders and exchanged their skins

everything that Second Life has given us

several times looking for the perfect

and how we learned in this world.

look... People who decide to venture into Avination already know virtual worlds, and it is different than the start of Second Life. Certainly those who join Avination know which skin they want, which hair to wear and that they can’t walk nicely without an AO. Start again from zero may sound a little aggressive and discouraging to some people. So, the moment is for soil preparation. The best designers are joining Avination and doing their best to prepare the time when everyone can come and enjoy their home, friends, lovers, wander and

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criticize Avination.



Linden, as every company, has major

created by Samuel Fallen, architect

flaws and employees no 100% satisfied

and designer of the Maki Architects

with their boss.

and has been carried to completion by Thereaver


and Ananda

Well, as I said before, after preparing

Valeeva with their unique touch. There

the ground, it is time to educate and

is a lot to be done, but the stores are

entertain. Then, soon InnerWorld will

ready to receive fantastic designers.

invite everyone to the Great Opening of

Soon the InnerWorld Island will be

its new headquarters and Cultural

home of I s2 Posey, Tutti Frutti, Art

Center in Avination, which is designed

Body Store, Balaclava and Simply Fae

to receive art exhibitions, live concerts,

and more great designers to come.

lectures and classes. The project was

Besides the InnerWorld Island more news

Avination and now you can see many

emerged around the Redgrave. One of

New Islands in addition to the "welcome"

the most beautiful buildings can be

area. I open the map every day and hunt

visited at LaVie island, which was

for news. Luck Inc has its shop. I confess

signed by the great Naiman Broome.

that I wrote to CK Winx asking her to

The island of Mimi Juneau is bigger and

open a shop and was quite anxious; I

offers new products and designers.

love her creations hehehehe. The island

Akeyo already opened it’s "shop" and

of Xcite! (Eventilde) also shows some

offers the dances created by the genius

change. Vanity Designs, Earthstones

artoo Magneto.

and ISPACHI also already opened their shops! Fellini Couture seems to have

Much has changed in the map of

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news, but as CheerNo, both are still

closed. (Guys, opening it soon!!!).

To support the surprising growth in the

There are new islands emerging every


day and many designers are already in

Avination is increasing considerably the

Avination, as Stiletto Moody and Raven

number of servers and has recruited

Pennyfeather for example, but they

more staff to join the technical support

don’t have stores yet and it makes us






even more anxious. But, one of most anticipated brand is indeed the Truth.

Certainly, until we release this, there

Truth Hawks already has an island there

will be much more news. Stay tuned

and we are looking forward to his

until next time! ★


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Special Interview

for long time and have an eccentric

By Ananda Valeeva

personality. What attracted you to join this Virtual World and still have so many activities

We finally met that Saturday morning and the


view when she arrived was like an ethereal appearance. Such beautiful and cute avatar. I

ǝǝluǝʇsɹıʞ (kirstenlee.cinquetti): Interesting

invited Ms. Cinquentti to have a sit and here

first question. I first started SL in 2003, and

we are.

revisited it in 2004 after which I became a permanent fixture. I first found SL while

I am pleased to introduce you Miss KirstenLee

actually “googling” about AI programming and


came across a Bio of a chap called Phillip Rosedale. Spotted something he was working

KirstenLee is an amazing open source coder

on called Secondlife... joined and got hooked

and creator of the best Third Party Viewer, for


beauty and shadows addicted users. Her viewer optimizes the interface and cares about its

A lot of people ask what there is to do in SL. I

users. It makes resident’s experience easier

have kept myself very busy with everything

and more enjoyable. Her generosity is fantastic

from Hosting and Owning Clubs to building,

as she offers her viewer for free and even the

scripting, and role playing. And in the last few

updates of new versions are always available

years, of course, producing customized viewers

to integrate users of Windows, Apple and Linux.

for the platform :)

So, if a person is so kind and shares such wonderful creation, let’s also value it. Please,

Ananda Valeeva: great adventure hum?

if you use Kirsten's viewer, send her your donation. The current version Kirstens S21(5)

ıʇʇǝnbuıɔ ǝǝluǝʇsɹıʞ (kirstenlee.cinquetti):

of her client is available for image lovers. It is

Indeed what started out as sheer curiosity, 6 or

an interesting one as it features the new

7 years ago has become a major part of my life.

Linden Lab profile system. InnerWorld: Among many things, you are a InnerWorld: You have enjoyed Second Life

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very talented scripter, builder and open

source coder. What inspired you to create

the whole thing exploded. One minute a few

custom viewers, such as your amazing

custom viewers, the next, I was producing

Kirsten’s viewer?

clients for several thousands of people. In a nutshell the viewer is still called Kirsten’s

ıʇʇǝnbuıɔ ǝǝluǝʇsɹıʞ (kirstenlee.cinquetti): It

Viewer because quite simply it is a personal

began when Linden Lab first open sourced the

thing. I just like to share my creation with the

client code, being a tech sort and with some

public :) and along the way we get to make

prior programming knowledge I decided to

fantastic pictures and films.

build the viewer for myself, purely for the intellectual exercise. Then I discovered I could

Ananda Valeeva: And it is really an amazing

make things run a little smoother or change

thing... generosity is your middle name.

items to better suit my workflow. Then, of course, I started sharing early versions with

ıʇʇǝnbuıɔ ǝǝluǝʇsɹıʞ (kirstenlee.cinquetti): I

friends and eventually I started building sneek

try to help out when and where I can. Of course

peeks of upcoming features like shadows and

it’s a very small team: me and a couple of

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friends work on the client and try to do as

Life has improved a lot. Photos can show

much as time will allow. Well most of the work

shadows (we became addicted to it), more

is done by the brilliant programmers at Linden

depth and 3D realism. Tell more about the

Lab, but like a car there are many ways to

graphic progress we have seen in SL in the

build it. So they build a Ford and I build a Rolls

last two years.

Royce :) ıʇʇǝnbuıɔ ǝǝluǝʇsɹıʞ (kirstenlee.cinquetti): The parts are more or less the same; it is how

An extreme amount has changed, we have

you put the thing together that counts and I

ripple water with reflections, Windlight with

hope users see that in the design of the client.

environmental cloud and light settings (this is soon to be extended to the server side also),

Ananda Valeeva: yes, this is the talent behind

we have obviously per pixel lighting and


shadows, this includes advanced rendering techniques like screen space ambient occlusion

InnerWorld: The graphic quality of Second

and global illumination, soon we will also have

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mesh primitives on the Grid.

Kirsten’s Viewer.

The advances are quite astounding, the issue

Ananda Valeeva: It is true, but I prefer the

as you pointed out, is all this comes at great

second option LOL. Art and images are

cost to the hardware a computer requires.


Ananda Valeeva: True and we really need it

ıʇʇǝnbuıɔ ǝǝluǝʇsɹıʞ (kirstenlee.cinquetti):

to enjoy the tools completely.

Of course and those options that are heavy on hardware today will be trivial in years to come

ıʇʇǝnbuıɔ ǝǝluǝʇsɹıʞ (kirstenlee.cinquetti):


This is a fact. 60% of the users in Secondlife cannot even see windlight, so I think you will

InnerWorld: Graphics and technology are

see SL in two ways: you will have the social

important to provide a great Virtual World.

gatherers on basic machines, using web clients

But, what else do you think makes a viewer

and then the artists and creators on Powerful

so widely loved like yours?

workstations with full blown clients like ıʇʇǝnbuıɔ ǝǝluǝʇsɹıʞ (kirstenlee.cinquetti): It has to have the basics correct, a huge list of features is not necessary, a well presented client with a clear user interface and painless installation is just as important and the devil is in the detail. Just the right balance of colours making sure other languages are kept up to date; making sure every icon or element is present and correct; more time is spent on quality control than ever is programming. That’s the key to a successful client.

InnerWorld: The new Kirsten’s Viewer S20 Build 42 has one more fantastic “teaser”: the Depth of Field. It is simply like a dream

come true. Tell more about this, please.

hardware, have you any suggestion for a good

ıʇʇǝnbuıɔ ǝǝluǝʇsɹıʞ (kirstenlee.cinquetti):

computer to get the best experience in

This was a personal project that Runitai Linden

Second Life by using Kristen’s Viewer (oh

had been working on, the code was and still is

please, think about something not too

a little rough, but it was released into some

expensive. LOL)

experimental code and, of course, I could not resist putting it into a client and getting it well

ıʇʇǝnbuıɔ ǝǝluǝʇsɹıʞ (kirstenlee.cinquetti):

integrated and working well. It is actually a

The current favourite Graphics Card or GPU for

post process effect done during the use of

secondlife has to be the Nvidia Series Cards,


especially the 460 cards, which produce great results for a very good price. You have to

In the version I present I have exposed some

remember shadows were originally developed

controls into the user interface to allow for

for secondlife on a machine which used Nvidia

some modification. Another reason for the

cards. Apart from that, CPU is not very

viewer’s popularity is that it allows the user a

important. Intel may have a slight advantage,

massive amount of control over all aspects of

but not much.

the visuals in SL, including of course exactly Apart from a good Nvidia card, you need lots

how blurry the depth of Field is.

of RAM :) and finally the most important: the Indeed I spent extra time making sure that the

absolute best Internet connection you can get!

controls for the Depth of Field actually relate

People tend to forget that as a 3D platform all

to the RL camera terms. So the settings have

of secondlife is streamed over the wires. You

Camera Numbers for focal length and F number

can have the most powerful computer in

as you would expect on a RL SLR camera; that’s

history, but if your net connection is bad, SL

the key details. My client anything to-do with

will perform accordingly. So, top tip when using

photos or filming always takes the upmost

secondlife: don’t have too many other external

priority and people complain sometimes

internet using programs running and be

because I don’t have feature XYZ.

realistic about your internet speed. Do a speed test to San Francisco; you will be surprised; I




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have a 25Mbit fibre connection, but by the

time I get to San Francisco it’s less than 2. ):

world and I love her to bits :)

So, I set my viewer to 1700, just below the

You do become quite attached to the avatars.

2mbit with a little overhead and everything runs nicely :)

Ananda Valeeva: Which is a trademark of your talent and creativity, an artist’s soul, for

So, there you have it: a solid Nvidia GPU and a


Good Internet Connection properly configured :) - SL will be a lot more fun!

ıʇʇǝnbuıɔ ǝǝluǝʇsɹıʞ (kirstenlee.cinquetti): thank you, that’s most nice of you to say.

InnerWorld: What inspired you to create a so cute and pretty avatar? I am sure you have

Thank you very much for your kind attention

lots of fun in SL besides coding, scripting,

and the gifts you have been offering to the

building, etc.

residents. ★

ıʇʇǝnbuıɔ ǝǝluǝʇsɹıʞ (kirstenlee.cinquetti): The Avatar is historical :) When I joined SL there were no mentors or wikis. There was a grid of 13 sims and so few people. It was all new and such a mystery. I signed up and the default avatar I had was female. So I shrugged and went about spending money making it look nice. It took me 3 weeks to realize you could change sex! So, I kept the avatar and it stuck. kirsten has had the same shape for nearly 6 years. I wouldn’t change her for the world; it’s almost like a trademark :) Even though of course the person behind the avatar is a man :)

Kirsten is just my placemarker in the virtual

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| InnerWorld Magazine - Issue 19

When InnerWorld was born in February 2009, the skins of Redgrave reigned absolute and were almost unanimity. With its well-defined features and a wide variety of models, the brand still remains very present and always offers surprising new releases. Analog Dog was a fever and it’s unique curly hair textures were very successful at that time. Meanwhile, Zaara began toasting the West with creations full of colors and textures inspired by India, the birthplace of the designer’s brand.

104 | InnerWorld Magazine - Issue 19

Early 2009, Gala Phoenix drew attention by it’s super delicate freckled skins, and conquered the fashionistas. Laqroki have reigned with it’s realistic hair textures, but it was popularized by the new hair to be used with hair base, which was almost unknown at the time. That gave a very natural look to our virtual locks. Paper Couture was very daring by her exotic sculpt prims creations, becoming darling to the girls, whom were in love with the retro fashion.

106 | InnerWorld Magazine - Issue 19

In late 2009 the new wave in skins was Dutch touch, which released gorgeous models, that immediately became super popular in Second Life, and inspired our bad girl style (9 of 10 girls adopted that bad girl face). Maitreya released even more beautiful and real hair, a must-have for any avatar. Leezu drew attention with very elaborate creations by using a lot sculpt prims and catching attention of girls head over heels in love with Fashion.

In early 2010 we were surprised by the creations of Lara Skin, which are very beautiful, with delicate and striking look that fit very well in a variety of shapes. Truth was already the leader for hair, and has been still on the top, as result of it’s frequent new releases of amazing and improved hair. We were all delighted by the beautiful creations of Mandala jewelry; and So Many Styles conquered lots of bloggers and fashionistas by it’s super cute collection; and Maitreya was known as the best brand of shoes with toes.

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110 | InnerWorld Magazine - Issue 19

In early 2010 Belleza launches a so awesome new line of skins, that it forced many people to adopt new skins. 69 became an excellent choice for hair. Mimikri was already very well known and launched very often so nice and amazing creations in outfits that this brand became also a fashion reference in Second Life.

Currently, Laqroki remains a reference in skins and it usually launches new models; it is an example of a strong brand and a great icon in Second Life. Exile surprises us every day with new and very interesting hair releases and Lelutka still is and will increasingly be recognized for their unique style, which conquered most models of the metaverse.

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Advertisers by page order

Horizontes Essential Soul Moolto Art Body Store

Horizontes (123, 118, 22) Essential Soul Studio (174, 108, 39) Reale (148, 160, 62)

I S2 Posey




Tutti Frutti

The Whisper (222, 146, 29)


Horizontes (67, 24, 22)

Gizza Creations

GizzA Creations (128, 127, 22)


Larsson Estates 1 (8, 199, 22)

Second Nights Live 2 Life Surya Kal Rau Multiplace - Horizontes Avination Lelutka AVINATION GRID Second Island Square (64, 106, 22) Horizontes (123, 118, 22) LeLutka (128, 127, 25)

Multiplace - Slap Club

Horizontes (123, 118, 22)

Multiplace - Slap Stage

Horizontes (123, 118, 22)

Multiplace - InnerWorld HQ

Horizontes (123, 118, 22)

Highlighted landmarks by section / article order

{ TP to } Metropolitan Commonwealth of Nem

Nem (154, 197, 98)

{ Interview } Kirstens Viewer

{ Dress Code } 69

SIXTY NINE (69, 50, 691)

{ Dress Code } Analog Dog Hair { Dress Code } Art Body Store { Dress Code } Belleza { Dress Code } Coco

118 | InnerWorld Magazine - Issue 19

Analog Dog Hair (98, 190, 21) Reale (149, 161, 63) Belleza (118, 129, 22) COCO DESIGNS (111, 214, 22)

{ Dress Code } Dutch Touch

DUTCH TOUCH (251, 112, 22)

{ Dress Code } Exile

Covet (174, 40, 28)

{ Dress Code } G. Field

YABU (171, 130, 24)

{ Dress Code } Gala Phoenix

Curio (176, 127, 36)

{ Dress Code } Glow Studio

This Way (160, 52, 2000)

{ Dress Code } ICING { Dress Code } J's

Mischief (127, 176, 25) TSUKISHIMA (207, 243, 22)

{ Dress Code } Kookie

Cheesecake (73, 153, 39)

{ Dress Code } Laqroki

Laqroki (103, 180, 30)

{ Dress Code } Lara Skin

Bucuresti (61, 23, 23)

{ Dress Code } Leezu { Dress Code } Lelutka

To The Nines (142, 131, 23) LeLutka (128, 128, 26)

{ Dress Code } Maitreya

Maitreya Isle (168, 175, 23)

{ Dress Code } Mandala

TEMPURA SOBA (94, 120, 23)

{ Dress Code } Mimikri

Mimikri (126, 142, 22)

{ Dress Code } Paper Couture { Dress Code } Redgrave { Dress Code } So Many Styles

Tableau (76, 74, 26) REDGRAVE Skins Fashion (96, 191, 21) Planete Terre (138, 45, 33)

{ Dress Code } Truth

Truth Hair (114, 34, 27)

{ Dress Code } Zaara

Zaara (142, 132, 26)

* Attention: The landmarks can be changed till the end of issue.

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