Innerself Issue 18 East West / 2009

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Body, Mind & Spirit

Your guide to local news & events Issue 18

DR RICHARD MOSS God of Fear God of Love

The SIX Foundations of HEALTH

Christmas Giveaways for our Readers





GOD OF FEAR - GOD OF LOVE by Dr Richard Moss








DEPRESSION by Jaan Jerabek


HEART AWARENESS by Sky Shayne Innes






STRESS AND THE BODY by Dr Quentin Chen





LOVE, SEX & MARRIAGE by Marie-Elise Allen


LOVE by Brandon Bays



















MEDITATION by Aileen Bautista




YOUR AURA by Rachelle Terry




QUANTUM BIOENERGETICS by Graeme Cogdell & Androulla Nassaris























Every issue of this paper is a gift ... to you and also to us. This incredible journey we are all on is truly wondrous and miraculous and if we travel with open eyes and open hearts, the miracle can be seen at every turn. Enza and I are continually amazed at how effortlessly this paper continues to manifest. With every issue we are honoured to witness yet again, how the pieces of separateness magically come together to become the whole ... how each contributor fits into the flow, helping to unify each issue’s content. And somehow, without choosing a theme, a theme chooses itself with everyone’s contribution synchronistically fitting into the bigger picture ... For This that “knows” weaves its way secretly into and through each and every page. And, isn’t this also how life works? What appears to be millions of scurrying, supposedly separate little selves ... all totally absorbed in our busy little lives ... believing in the great deception of separation... we are all for the most part, oblivious to the truth of our divine nature ... . Yet above it ... behind it ... within it ... how else to say it? ... there’s this Oneness constantly pouring Itself into it all ...breathing through us ... seeing through our eyes ... thinking through our thoughts. Why? Simply to realise Its own Unity. This “One Taste” as Ken Wilber defines it so deliciously, is available to each and every one of us ... right now! For this Unity is the truth of who and what we really are ... and yes, it’s always already here! 2010 can be a year of miracles, if we choose to flow with the One that chooses. Now is the time to go within and look ahead ... move into the Eternal Vastness that we really are and from this timeless place ... allow for This ... This that animates, informs and inspires us ... to clarify our intent for the year ahead, by simply trusting that Its always already here! Why not live the life you’ve always dreamed of living ... by being who you really are. Love to you all, Leo Drioli and Enza Vita

Have you heard it ... Have you noticed lately? Love comes knocking, But have you heard its call? The Gift is already given, Gently whispering ... Quietly rippling ... Secretly loving, Every fold and curve, Every look and touch, Every single breath you breathe. Have you heard it ... Have you noticed lately? God is here, Always already here. Looking through these eyes, Your eyes ... my eyes. And through this looking ... God sees. And through this seeing ... God knows. And through this knowing ... God loves ... Loving all and everything... As it miraculously unfolds before us Gently whispering secret, empty nothings. Sweet ... still ... silent... Yet, ever so persistent in Its ever presence. Beyond this and that, Before all arising...and all remaining, Before all passing yet ... Within it too ... God is ... always already is. Can you come back enough? Do you dare to fall in enough? To sit here ... Right here where God already is ... Even if only for a moment? God is gently whispering to you, Through you ... Beyond you ... Into you ... As you, even. Do you hear this sweet, sweet call? Stop ... Breathe ... Wait ... Listen. Fall into that vast last Hole of the Heart. Drop right down and Feel the already felt ... It is this immediate ... Touch it, taste it Be touched, be tasted. For it really is This... Just as it is ... always already here.

You can visit Leo Drioli’ t: www .leodrioli.b lo Drioli’ss Blo Blogg aat: www.leodrioli.b .leodrioli.blo

InnerSelf, the wholistic publication awakening Body, Mind & Spirit now with 297,000* readers Australia-wide, in SA, NSW, QLD, VIC, TAS, NT & ACT CONTACT US

Body, Mind & Spirit

Your guide to local news & events Issue 18

DR RICHARD MOSS God of Fear God of Love

The SIX Foundations of HEALTH

Christmas Giveaways for our Readers


ISSUE 18 East/W est Edition East/West Nov-Feb 09/10

Advertising: 1800 451 317 General Enquiries: (08) 8396 6752 Fax: (08) 8396 0157 Email: Address: PO Box 146 Highbury 5089

DISTRIBUTION We have two separate editions of InnerSelf. An SA edition and the East/West edition (covering VIC, TAS, NSW, ACT, QLD, NT and WA) with a total combined readership of 297,000 readers across Australia. DISTRIBUTION OUTLETS: Free copies of InnerSelf are circulated at over 2,000 public distribution points such as health food stores, bookshops, new age retailers, alternative health clinics, organic outlets, healing centres and body-mind-spirit festivals as

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STATEMENT OF PURPOSE InnerSelf and its staff are dedicated to helping readers live richer, fuller, and more responsible lives. We work to do this by providing inspiration and resources for wellness, personal growth, and spirituality and by providing information to empower positive choices for the natural and social environment. InnerSelf is your quarterly resource guide for authentic living.


We expect stories to offer something of value to our readers and to carry no "advertorial hook". Advertisers are given no special consideration with regard to acceptance

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The opinions expressed by writers in InnerSelf are not necessarily those of the publishers. Advice is nonspecific and readers are advised to seek professional advice for personal or health problems.

PUBLISHER'S NOTE The InnerSelf editorial team are working consciously to keep sexist language out of its pages, but sometimes this is not possible due to material having been extracted from old sources making it difficult and sometimes impossible to get permission to alter copy. We apologise if any such language does offend anyone. INNERSELF is independently published quarterly by InnerSelf© 2009

This issue of InnerSelf is also online as an e-paper at





BY DR RICHARD MOSS Fear is the principal force that divides our hearts. It will continue to do so unless we increase the muscle of our attention and faith that lets us remain present for more and more of reality. When we consciously meet our fear, our faith grows. In the deepest solitude of ourselves, when fear has brought us to our knees and there is nothing left to do but surrender to it, we discover what has all along been supporting us. Fear is a great god, one that we can never defeat if we resist or react to it in any way. Learning to grow faith is an incremental process. I know of no one who has fully conquered fear. I certainly haven’t. But I know that if, at the end of a lifetime, our faith has grown a measure no bigger than just the space between two hairs on our heads, we will have to a degree transformed the very fabric of reality for ourselves and everyone else. As this power to resist fear grows within us, we begin to realize a greater god: the god of love. I am using the term god here to refer to the dominant unconscious force that influences us at a given stage in our lives. We could say that, at this point in history, in the majority of us, the soul lives under the sway of fear. Yet there is a growing minority whose souls obey the god of love, and the primary evidence of this is that our lives are dominated by the yearning to know who we really are. Love is not mere consolation for our otherwise troubled lives. Nor is it the sentimental, but pleasurable, “mush” it has been reduced to in popular culture. Love, as Walt Whitman wrote, is “the kelson of the creation.” The kelson is the keel, or backbone, of a sailing ship that unites all the ribs to form the hull. Love is the backbone of reality: it is the unbroken connectedness of all things, everything in relationship to everything else. Nothing is ever in exile from it; there is nothing in life that does not belong here, in reality. Even fear. When love is our god, we have permission to be in relationship to everything, even the darkest places of dread and terror. When love is our god, we can enter into conscious relationship to any aspect of our experience and consciously suffer it until we realize that the very fabric of reality is love. There is always that within each of us that is greater than fear in all its forms. The god of fear offers hope but demands obedience: do this, obtain this, follow these rules and you will be safe, you will be happy. But the price we pay for the illusion that we can attain happiness and security this way is an eternal battle for survival, one that always starts from a sense of insufficiency. The god of fear was our first teacher of survival. No doubt, without fear we could not have survived. But now our mindless obedience to this god threatens us with disruption at every level of society and, perhaps, may even lead us to extinction. Our obsession with survival and security always ultimately leads us back to fear and all its minions — power, control, righteousness, jealousy, neediness, greed, blame, hate, and revenge. We live in endless hope

for imagined security, for freedom from an endless legion of external threats, but in that very hope hides the root fear, that which we have not yet turned to meet and hold. Hope can never break us out of the cycle of survival. While fear thrives on obedience, the god of love asks only for conscious relationship, and not to an abstract idea of God, but to the immediacy of every moment. When fear is overlord of a particular moment, filling our minds with endless worries and demanding all kinds of actions in the service of a hoped-for outcome or reward, love will hold and support our aware selves as we turn trembling to stand and face fear itself, straight on, whatever its guise. In facing fear, we gradually become free of the cycle of fear and hope and begin to fulfill the higher purpose of our human existence: to reveal and express the fullness of our beings. But what of those of us who derive our faith from belief in God or Jesus or any other symbol that represents to us a reality greater than ourselves? Experiencing faith in this way entails projecting our own self-transcending capacity onto a symbol of salvation and then deriving feelings of inspiration and sustenance from those symbols. But even though in our survival-oriented culture this passes for true faith, it is really just borrowed faith: we borrow it from something external to us, something we can think or imagine, without realizing that that which resided in Jesus and all the great souls resides as well in ourselves. This fundamental consciousness, which everyone has the potential to realize, is clearly what Jesus was referring to when he said, “Before Abraham was, I Am” (John 8:58). Depending on borrowed faith when we do not ultimately have faith in ourselves, we remain prisoners of the god of fear, even as we worship the icons we have dedicated to the god of love. We claim to know what God wants, but we remain ignorant of our own essence. We continue to be rooted in a survival-based consciousness. There is a deeper faith that comes from exercising the power of awareness to find our own source, what existed prior to anything whatsoever that we have believed. If we inquire deeply enough to realize that our conditional faith comes at the price of giving away our own divinity, then we meet the true test of faith: we finally face our egos’ primal fear of being utterly and hopelessly extinguished. When we face this fear, we ultimately come to realize the true source of our beings. THE PROBLEM WITH GOD The problem with God is that “God,” as we think of God, is a creation of our own minds. If in a given moment our god-idea helps us to enter more fully into the present and into the wholeness of our being, then this god-idea is alive in that moment, part of the vital transformative conversation between self and Self. But when our god-ideas become more real to us than the awareness that allows us to contemplate them, these ideas begin to imprison our souls. It is always a mistake to separate our own consciousness from our godideas. Jesus himself said, “Whoever knows the All but fails to know him-


The Secret of Eternity If we stand perfectly still on top of a mountain, overlooking magnificent scenery with an uninterrupted view, the splendor is indescribable.

self lacks everything.” Whatever we believe about God, we are knowingly or unknowingly speaking about ourselves, and frequently it is our survival personalities that influence what we say. If we want a god to support us in battle or our nationhood or our religious supremacy, we invent a god who legitimates our cause. If we want a god who exonerates us and forgives us, we open our hearts to a god who does that. If we want a god who is pro-life or pro-choice, we create this god in our minds. And once we have created this god, we always construe evidence or scripture to support our belief. But it is not really a question of what God does or doesn’t want. For the religious person, God excites the mind; for the mystic, God stops it. When we speak of God from a spiritual perspective, we refer to that which, when we turn our attention completely toward it, ends all thought and instead reflects us back to the ineffable source of our consciousness, the true beginning of ourselves. God in this sense is the ultimate mirror: whatever we see in it is God. We must embrace every aspect of ourselves until, ultimately, we each know that I and God are one. Dr har Dr.. Ric Richar hardd Moss is an internationally respected spiritual teacher and visionary thinker. He is the author of The Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness and other books on conscious living and inner transformation. For thirty years he has guided people of diverse backgrounds in the use of the power of awareness to realize their intrinsic wholeness and reclaim the wisdom of their true self. His work integrates spiritual practice, psychological self-inquiry, and body awareness. This article was excerpted from the book: The Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness by Richard Moss.

The atmosphere is clear and light when we reach the height of our journey. This is a poetic way of describing what consciousness is. While in eternity, everything ceases. This peak experience of ‘being’ on the summit is a pivotal moment where time stops. Literally we are engrossed in the unknown. This state reflects pure knowledge and power where there is absolute certainty in truth. In this momentary reflection we have found the ‘real’ secret. We cannot go forward because there is nowhere else to reach. A choice has to be made at this point, to go back down the mountain or remain perfectly still where we are. After a glimpse of eternity, something shifts inside. We are in touch with a profound intelligence in this deep space of being. Divine law now informs us that we need to remain true to what we know. It is a fact that the only real law is one that is omniscient, immutable and indivisible. To remain at one with this law, our attention needs to stay simply and fully on the present. Our spiritual nature cannot question the unquestionable. In divine mind all is profoundly simple and undeniable. If we could live in this transcendental realm, unaffected by the winds of changing fortune, then we would really know that we are spiritually endowed. The law of creation as a form of perfection does not require the use of any relative ideas to convince us of anything. If we think about or try to utilize this knowledge in any way, then we create something that is dependent on a different law and karma is cre-

ated. It is impor tant to recognize that karmic law applies to the relative realm, and that this realm encompasses every aspect of mortal mind that can prevent us from uniting with the truth. When desires eventually return they are governed by this world of cause and effect. Wanting is the fundamental desire that creates the cycle of being in existence and it affects all areas of our lives. One of the mysteries of life is that we are both spiritual and material beings. In existence we will always be presented with some degree of learning as we oscillate between two seeming worlds. Imagine realizing the view at the top of the mountain, the one we’ve always longed for, yet having to go back down the mountain for reasons unknown until they become apparent. We may also want to give something back. Perhaps we recognize that our time hasn’t come yet to fully let go, because there are undiscovered layers of deep emotion that haven’t totally surfaced into our awareness. These are part of our subconscious and are essential reminders from the past that need to be embraced for us to come to eventual resolution in our lives. One thing is certain. It is all about knowing our true purpose and becoming the master of our destiny. Traversing reality within is a vitally important part of this process. The unique lessons that we all go through in life are dependent on what we initially focus on and why we consider that to be important. In truth, the inner and outer realms are reciprocal. One is the mirror image of the other. Let’s imagine two sides of a coin. If we are looking at one side, the other remains hidden but does not disap-

pear. It has an inbuilt relationship to the first. Symbolically we are always standing at the edge of the timeless realm. It is our ability to remain fully conscious here that determines how free we are. If we focus on the material world we will receive some of its benefits, but also experience its pitfalls. By focusing on the spiritual dimension we will finally realize that the view from eternity is always one and the same. In truth these realities run in parallel, meaning that we always have one foot on either shore. What it depends on, however, is where we place our attention. If we can hold the stillness and grace to sustain us while we are in the world, then all is in perfect balance, and that, in my view is our divine mission as spiritual beings. The key is to find that still point where everything is perfect as it is. PeterJi is a spiritual teacher who ignites the flame of freedom. After awakening in 1980, he did many more retreats in the Satipatthana tradition and with another master master.. In 1992, he began teaching nondenominationally and has since travelled abroad. His first book called ‘The Secret of Eternity’ is now available. For more information Contact April Mai on 0414 544 817 E:

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. Albert Einstein

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BY ISIRA For those of us who are in touch with regular news bulletins it is quite shocking to notice the increase of extreme violence amongst our youth. This violence does not just display the usual spectrum of healthy competitive jostling that is part of growing up and learning about boundaries, individual power and consequences. It displays an extreme state of mental instability – a result of deficient models in dealing with conflict and responsibility. Though we could point to many contributing factors – the speed of our modern world, unhealthy and artificial foods, drinks and medications, overwhelming information and demands to perform, impending environmental disasters, over-population, cultural differences and sensitivities, violent entertainment, and so on – we must question our underlying models of development. One way of questioning is to look at our own development – how are we developing ourselves? Where is it all starting? Naturally we know our development – the models we learn about communication and coping with conflict – begins at home. Many bewildered parents would wonder if this is an indictment against their own abilities. Rather this is an invitation for us to willingly explore what contributes to our children’s development through the things we know, those we are unconscious of and those we unfortunately ignore. We all know that our children are exposed to an extraordinary amount of violence in entertainment. There seems to be very little entertainment that doesn’t contain violence and violent characters as the basis of the stories. Additional to this we then educate our children about our history. And deeply entangled in our history is war – AND the glorification of war. What is this telling our children? It is telling them that violence is natural and an expected part of life. It is even telling them that violence is good. It

is telling them that when conflict occurs violence is the model behaviour for resolution. Add to the mix the natural desire for true freedom and peace and we need to look a little deeper. Many parents of our current generations of children – kids aged between six and 18 – grew up in families with very strict disciplinary codes. As children they felt trapped, felt extreme anxiety and yearned deeply for their own peace and freedom. They dreamed of a life where their parents were relaxed and just let them be – let them do whatever they liked. In their minds as children they believed that they were quite capable of making their own decisions about their own lives. So they vowed to be free with their own children. Many adopted the belief that every child knows what is good for their self and that the child just needs the freedom to live and learn their own way. To a degree it is valid that a change from extreme discipline needed to occur. Unfortunately though, when this is tied into the emotions of the child self that suffered, it becomes a reaction rather than a conscious action. What we see is the swing-back effect. From hard left the pendulum swung hard right. Some parents renounced the role of discipline. Of course there are also those who only learned habitually the model of aggression for discipline and so the behaviour keeps spiraling down the line. This is not to suggest that this is the cut and dried case in every situation. Naturally as life we are complex, not just as individuals but as the collective. We are yet to truly know and understand the implications of all the energies and beliefs we share in this world. We do not yet fully understand how much we are absorbing in the first tender stages of our development and how that may direct our thoughts and actions in the future. What we do know is that we really can see some of the unquestionable and immediate links – such as violent entertainment – and yet we do very little, if



is the motto of T he Theosophical Society Society,, founded in 1875 The Sydney Branch, Blavatsky Lodge has, since its inception offered Members and Visitors a wide range of activities, such as Guest Lectures, Workshops, Yoga, Meditation and Tai-Chi. T he Ad ar Adyyar Lending Libr Librar aryy, Level 3 of Theosophy House, has a unique collection of over 13,000 books, periodicals, CDs, DVDs, audio and video tapes, covering topics such as theosophy, religion, mysticism, yoga, health and healing. There is a large reference section. Browsing, reading, playing videos & dvds is free, low lending rates.Non-Members of the Society are welcome to join the Library. Ph: 02-9267 6807, Medita tion, our programme includes sessions most lunchtimes and early Meditation, evenings. Please see our website for more information. The Ad Adyyar Bookshop at 99 Bathurst St, near Town Hall, is owned and managed by The Society. Established in 1922, it is one of Sydney’s oldest bookshops, carrying the largest range of authentic metaphysical literature, music & gifts.. The word Theosophy originates from the Greek “Theos” and “Sophia”, meaning “Divine Wisdom”, and can be seen as a worldview that gives meaning to life and as a way of service that leads to peace and understanding.

THE 3 OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY 1 - To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour. 2 - To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science. 3 - To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in the human being.

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almost nothing, about it. Whilst we can be terribly shocked that a six-year-old can pre-meditate murder, that teenagers plan and act out mass murder, and that school kids fight and cause death over petty concerns, we still sit back numb-faced and ignore the violent games and television programs that our children are watching and playing with every day. Where are the types of influences that can educate our children at a deeper level, and demonstrate that our true nature is to be compassionate? Even a murderer can walk down the road and be moved to save a man or woman who is about to step into the line of a speeding car. Inherent to our nature is love, is compassion, is the desire to live in harmony and to cooperate. And when we do connect with this inherent quality, and we act upon it, it sure feels far more uplifting and fulfilling than the indulgence of violent attributes. What would the children and adults of our future look like if mainstream entertainment and education took up the most essential need of developing our compassionate heart? And where is this going to start? It is going to start with each parent. It is going to start with each parent reclaiming the necessary basis of providing clear guidelines and balanced discipline. This is the duty of us as parents. To ensure that in the developing years we act as guides – we act as aware humans – providing a framework for our children to build their own wonderful and unique characters upon. It starts with us taking a firm part in censoring the information and education that is available to our children. Clearly the increased violence amongst our children – and at younger ages – is a profound wake up call. Surely it beckons us all to take up our responsibilities as adults to provide constructive guidelines of development for our children. Whatever happened to the hard but clear lesson that if you play with fire you’ll get burned? And surely our kids can only benefit if we turn off the TVs and computer games and take them out into the parks, the beaches, and playgrounds again. Maybe they will develop a stronger affinity with nature too. Surely that will only bode well for the future of our wonderful earth. Perhaps it seems like an impossible task. But have we become so lazy, have we become so afraid of putting in a bit more effort to start with that we would rather leave our kids to entertain themselves with violence only to find ourselves crying at the loss of another young life? Perhaps we all need to question again where we place ps shor t-ter m ease is not our priorities. P erha erhaps w or th so m uc or longmuc uchh as shor t-ter m ef efff or t ffor term rewards. Maybe parents need to consider this when dealing with their child’s short-term tantrum because they aren’t going to get their usual fix of violent TV or computer games. Surely short-term tantrums will be worth far more in the long term if our children are going to grow up to be healthy and develop constructive and positive models for dealing with the natural conflicts that will continue to surround them in the journey called life. Perhaps we do still need to trust in a child’s own wisdom. Yet without clear guidelines the sort of wisdom a child wants to express can be highly questionable. It is easy for a child to think he is powerful and smart when he can think of a way to kill another child who has humiliated him. But guaranteed – he is never going to feel good about it – and the implications will affect many people for the rest of their lives. It is just as easy for a child to know he is powerful and loving and that he can think of a way to smooth out an argument. And, guaranteed, he is going to be filled with the goodness and benefits that flow from positive actions. But this ability needs to be developed in the fabric of his early years: it needs to be communicated to him by the world that surrounds him. If we are left in our mature years with a world full of hostile adults who don’t give a damn any more we will really only have ourselves to blame. My prayer is that each of us will take the stand to say NO to the excess of violent entertainment that is programming our children and that we will each put in more effort to provide loving and compassionate education and entertainment. Our children and our world deserve our efforts.

Isira is a universal spiritual teacher who embodies love, peace and liberation. It is her goal to assist in raising global consciousness. Her teachings show us the certainty of our inner power so that we can live and respond in Presence, to impact the earth and humanity positively. Her core teaching, The Presence, is a living meditation, enabling us to experience and access the power of true presence within. Isira has been presenting regularly in Australia and overseas for over twenty years and has published her extraordinary autobiography – “A Journey of Awakening”. Her celebrated teachings facilitate awakening through profound, practical and simple tools. For more information visit or phone 02 9091 6833


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BY DAVID LANE There are three stages of growth that humans go through as we spiritually evolve – 1. Groups controlled by their hierarchy - the stage that people experience most of the time. 2. Finding our individuality and self empowerment. 3. Mastering the responsibility and challenges that come with self empowerment. 1. Groups controlled by their hier ar hierar arcc h y. Many of us can relate to the feeling of being controlled or disempowered. Most organisations have a hierarchical system of control and most societies accept and operate under this regime. This system has a pyramid style structure where the bulk of its members are on the bottom tier and one person at the top. The direction of the structure is controlled or heavily influenced by the top person and so they hold most of, if not, all of the responsibility and power. Each tier below has less power and responsibility. The bottom tier has the least power and responsibility. In order for an individual to be a part of this organisation, they need to abide by its rules no matter what their personal opinions are. In other words, they often give their personal power away to be a part of a bigger system. Nearly all organisations operate under this hierarchical structure. In return its members feel a sense of belonging coupled with feelings of safety and security. Families, religions, corporations, political parties, businesses, committees are some examples of the hierarchical structure found in the first stage. 2. Finding our individuality and self empowerment. This is a very freeing stage but it has its positives and negatives. When we leave the hierarchical structure in order to experience our individuality in life where we make our own decisions, we often make many mistakes. This is mainly because we are not trained to handle the responsibility

with BRANDON BAYS that comes with this new found freedom. We see our teenagers struggle as they break away from the family structure in order to find their own path through life. With no one telling them what to do and what the rules are, they are free to experience life however they want. Many are not equipped with the responsibility that is required with this new found freedom. Thus teenage years are often both exciting and emotionally painful. We see people who leave organisations because of differing goals and opinions, only to find that the organisation’s members reject them. We see this example in some extreme religions. There are those who leave a larger business structure to start their own small business. Unfortunately, a very high percentage fail within the first two years. We can readily see the positives but not so clearly see the negatives that come with this second stage. This stage can be very challenging. So what do we do if we are struggling to come to terms with this new found freedom – we can go back to stage one but that may seem a backward step. We can also review our mistakes and take on the challenge of the responsibility that is now required to rise above them. This commitment to go self responsible will propel us into the third and most exciting stage where we learn to master our life. 3.. Mastering the responsibility and challenges that come with self empowerment. Because life is about learning from our experiences to gain more spiritual wisdom, it would be very rare, if not impossible, for anyone to evolve to this level without going through the first two stages. We learn that we are powerful co-creators that have been totally creating everything that happens in our life and that we are solely responsible for our destiny. Blaming others or things seemingly outside of our control, is replaced with recognition and complete own-

ership of our own creations. Once we understand how we create everything in our life then we can move to the level of consciousness where we realise that we can not only create what we want, but also change the aspects of our life that we don’t like. This level of consciousness requires commitment and discipline and is not a ‘quick fix’ project. It is steady work as we continuously review our self. When we identify and heal one negative belief, we often expose a deeper underlying cause. The higher we climb, the less people above us to show us the way. It is a wonderful thing to become a positive thinker and develop a deep connection with our creator but we still must cleanse our field of any hidden deep negative beliefs and fears. We must all get to the point where we recognise that we are masters of our own destiny and spiritual evolution. We can return to being a member of a group (group consciousness) but this time we won’t give our power away to the group. Whether it is this life or a future one, we will all become masters of our life as we continue our journey back to the Oneness where we all started. EXERCISE One of the best ways to identify a hidden negative belief system is by self observation. Whenever we have a negative emotional reaction to anything, it must reflect a negative belief within us. It is impossible to activate something that is not there. If we experience any form of hurt or anger from something someone says or does then it must be triggering a negative from within. Remember that this negative comes from a belief and we can change any belief that does not serve us. Although It is achievable, it takes commitment to cleanse some deep negative beliefs and we often need outside help to expose them. We may even get confused about what is right or wrong for us. It may help us to remember that

Love the ’ultimate truths will always create harmony’ therefore anything less must be a lesser truth. David Lane’s spiritual journey started out with Christianity but now includes many other understandings drawn from a diverse range of information. He believes that we are all individuals who have come to tread our own unique spiritual path. His passion is about supporting people to discover and master their own path. He discovered that we all have an inbuilt feedback system that tells us how spiritually evolved we are. David has recently released his first book called ‘The Handbook to Heaven’ which is about how we spiritually evolve. It describes the steps that we need to take and how to monitor our journey. For more information go to David’s website; or phone David on 08-94148416 mob. 0414352211

“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it” Henry David Thoreau

There has to be a willingness to allow the heart to be broken open a thousand times, and a thousand times more, for the vastness of love demands all of you. We cannot hold anything back from love: there must be a willingness to offer all of ourselves into the fire – even if it breaks our hearts; even if we are devastated by the power and immensity of its beauty, there must be the willingness to allow love to ravage us. For it is in the offering of our complete selves into this love that we fall, and in the falling that we are given wings and are free to soar on the wings of grace in the embrace of love. There can be no half measures when it comes to love. Either you fall in completely or you flounder endlessly, grasping for something just out of your reach, and you taste only a small fraction of its immensity. Love simply requires all of you. And when you hold back any part of yourself from this ocean of love you end up denying yourself the joyous blessing of plunging into the infinite and swimming in grace. It is not like you can say to love, ‘Oh, I’ll give this much of myself, but no more,’ for the part you hold back will have a life of its own … it will fester and keep you feeling separate from the vast ocean of the infinite, constantly craving for it in its entirety. I suggest you drown – for the only route into love is to surrender completely, even if your emotional dam breaks. There must be the willingness to offer yourself utterly so that all parts of you are totally exposed, including your so-called shadow parts that you are not so proud of. There must be a willingness to expose even the parts of you that are scared, greedy, wanting, insecure, unworthy, angry, frightened, needy, jealous, raging – grace is going to want all of you in your entirety, good, bad and indifferent. To experience real love is to offer every last bit of existence up to it. In the willingness to expose all of

yourself to love, all of grace floods in, surrounding, suffusing, permeating you. Love requires absolutely everything . Be open to love, and know that sometimes right in the centre of its heartbreaking pain. all you can do is ask for more heartbreak, to turn it up, to open your entire being wider into it – for truly, the only way out of the pain is to go deeper into it. You have to be willing to say ‘yes’ to hear tbreak, to surrender totally and pray for more. For as you let go completely into it, with no holding back, your heartbreak is realised to be love itself. And like a river held back by a dam, when you let the dam break, the falling in is experienced as a rush of ecstasy as self merges into self. It would be a gift if we all experienced this heartbreaking love, for it is the very nature of love to break through all our barriers of resistance and open us into an ocean vaster than could ever be imagined. On the final morning of a recent retreat, a beautiful, radiant man from New Zealand stood on stage to celebrate his birthday by opening himself to the fullness of the love in the room. I had instructed everyone to share openly with him what qualities they saw in him, and asked him to open and receive their praise. People began to call out what they saw, ‘I see strength,’ ‘I see vulnerability,’ ‘I see tenderness,’ ‘I see wisdom,’ … They shouted from various corners of the room, ‘I see intensity,’ ‘kindness,’ ‘laser-like intelligence,’ ‘peace,’ the list went on and on. Sitting next to him on the stage, I could sense that it was beginning to be too much for him to hold: it was

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like he was subtly bracing himself, not allowing the words to fully penetrate; as if he couldn’t quite allow in all the beauty that was being reflected back to him. His body, though open, was also a bit stiffened; as if he was afraid he might lose control or break if he really allowed the truth to reach inside him. Quietly, I whispered, ‘I suggest you drown. You can’t hold back this tidal wave with some imagined shield. I suggest you surrender … just drown in the love.’ And something broke – a chink cracked open and, in one moment, all armour crumbled and fell away. Tears started streaming. With no barriers there, the room became an ocean of love – unbridled, unguarded love. He was sitting there for all to see in complete unguarded exposure, and everyone was welcome to reflect back to him what was truly there. ‘Ocean of love,’ someone said. ‘Innocence,’ said another. ‘All love,’ I said quietly, ‘All love.’And so it is: all love is here the moment complete and total exposure happens. To experience true love there has to be a willingness to have your heart broken by it a thousand times, for it is in the letting go into its force that the heartbreak itself is experienced as love. Then love is realised to be not a personal love, but an omnipresent field of love that permeates all of life. It’s embrace is never ending, infinite and complete. And in this love you rest as total completion, utter peace, soaring freedom. You ar aree lo lovv e itself . Journeywork is being made available throughout Australia at The Journey Intensive seminar. They take place in the months of August, September and October in the following cities: Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Sydney, Newcastle, Perth and Cairns. For more information, and to reserve your place call The Journey offices on 1300 30 44 14 or visit

Brandon Bays in Australia Feb 20-21 Gold Coast 27-28 Sydney

Brandon Bays will be in Australia in Feb 20-21 Gold Coast and 27-28 Sydney. Brandon Bays will be launching her newest book, co-authored by life partner Kevin Billett, in Australia and New Zealand in Feb 2010! Book launch events will be taking place in both countries, with Inner Self readers getting a sneak preview of the book in February, so watch this space for more details of this exciting new offering from the international best seller of The Journey.

InnerSelf Online Calendar The only FREE nationwide calendar of events You can search for events anywhere across Australia or submit your own event FREE. Looking for your next creative exploration? Tap into a local yoga class and more through our nationwide calendar of events. Are you starting a new creative expression workshop? Promote your event FREE in the new InnerSelf Calendar

Our goal is to awaken one community at a time




DEPRESSION - An Illness or Emotional Constipation? ○

BY JAAN JERABEK The treatment of depression in the new paradigm we are in now, requires us to change our attitude collectively. The approaches that account for most of the depression treatments in the past were very clinical, overly logical, unwholistic and even brutal. There seems to have been a need to categorize depression; is it non-melancholic, melancholic, reactive, clinical, does it come from genetic factors, is it personality style? Is it biochemical? Let’s put it in its category, label it, and follow the standard protocol for that type. Even though the labelling and following protocol has been the much needed approach to scientific problem solving, depression has zero to do with science. It does have everything to do with emotional intelligence and awareness of our true nature though. The labelling of the types of these afflictions does more damage than good. People are creating the ‘stuckness’ of depression in the first place by limiting themselves and putting themselves into a self induced hypnotic trance of ‘I have Depression, I am Depressed, I have Depression, I am Depressed and since I have a,b & c form of Depression I will always be on anti-depressants or will need five to ten years of therapy. ’ The truth is that Depression is a call to introspect

and undergo a process of emotional release, and growth - hence a change in personal values & a life transition. The truth is also that there is only one Depression. The causative factors of the degrees of Depression are the only real difference; by way of how many units of pain there are for each individual. These units of pain are the old and toxic emotions leftover from the past. ‘Emotional constipation’ is the most direct way of putting it. For example: 10 units of old emotional pain may be experienced as reactive depression. If 50 units of pain, it is heading towards clinical depression, and 100 units of pain could be entering the chronic/ melancholic depression zone. UNDERSTANDING THE DEPRESSION PROCESS Depression is the surface presenting symptoms of varying degrees of old emotional pain, trapped deep in the unconscious layers of the mind, which has grown so stagnant and toxic that it stops the rest of one’s energy flowing – be it happy/joyful feeling energy or physical action/ motivation energy. This may lead to the reported feelings of deadness/ unhappiness and lack of inspiration and enthusiasm. Usually the emotional energy that is trapped in the

unconscious layers of the mind is grief and/or anger and all the various shades of these two primary emotions. For grief the shades may be emptiness, despair, helplessness and hopelessness, melancholy, gloomy/ moody, despondancy, flat/numb, tiredness and so forth. For anger the shades may be frustration, irritation, withdrawn, non- communication, sulking, bitterness, impatience and so forth. What depressed people suffer from is the by-product of holding onto emotional pain that has passed its use-by date and needing to be released. This release can easily occur through an effective emotional release technique such as Cathartic Style Rebirthing Breathwork – the ultimate emotional enema. When we hold onto an old and painful emotional experience, which is made up out of (for example ) 10 units of lifeforce energy, 11 units more of lifeforce energy are required to hold down the emotional experience in our unconscious mind, and in our neuromuscular system in the form of tense muscles. If we have many old emotional pains held in our system there ends up being less lifeforce energy left to be used up as happy/ joyful feelings, inspiration/ motivation and energy to live...What we call Depression then takes over. Whether the main depression episode is triggered by a stressful event;

comes from a personality style, or is put down as genetic or biochemical, the emotional cause explains the mechanism behind all of these. Even what we call genetic depression is not a case of depression being passed down into the physical body through genes. Even though there is a slight element of this, what really is passed on from mother and father to child are the unconscious emotional coping habits and the same degree of self-wor th/healthy attitude towards themselves. So if mum and dad never gave themselves permission to feel their emotions fully or value themselves in a healthy and nurturing way and let themselves live fully, then we received these messages very early on and decided that is how we should also be. The end result is that if a lifetime of our parents not allowing themselves to feel fully would result in depression for them, would not the same way of dealing with (or should I say not dealing with) our emotions eventually result in the same for us? When we look at biochemical depression, which is a type of depression attrib-

uted to a lack of serotonin or noradrenaline going through our system, we also see a behind the scenes mechanism occurring ... our body and mind are one unit. Simply put, if there are no happy juices – joy flowing through the mind/ emotional en-

ergy system, of course this will eventually show up in a biological/ physical reflection of the same thing. The physical happy juices/ joy chemicals being serotonin, nor-adrenaline and other mood stabilizing hormones and neurotransmitters that antidepressants try to address, will be absent. It all goes back to the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Jaan Jerabek is the founder of The Depression Solution. Using the most up to date techniques including ‘Cathartic style Breathwork’ that displace the defence mechanism, his programmes have helped thousands of people experience relief from depression & anxiety in his 15 years of professional practice. Phone 1300 500 881 or or

“The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)




BY SKY SHAYNE INNES Imagine that within your heart there is a space that you can go to where all problems, difficulties and fears simply disappear as if by magic. Instead from this space, from this dimension you find peace, love and wisdom. Allow yourself to go, quite naturally, to this space. Rest here in your heart and feel the freedom. This feeling is a direct experience of who you truly are – your true nature, your very essence. To enter the sacred space of your heart is to enter into your divinity. It is to become perfected being. It is to embody a high level of consciousness. Entering the sacred space of the heart makes us congruent with the true nature of reality. What is the true nature of reality? There is one word that describes this most precisely. And that word is LOVE. Love is the principle and process of existence. The mystics say that love is all there is with no opposite for it is complete unto itself. And, of course, it is in our hearts that we

know this so truly, so deeply, so completely. It is a knowing that goes beyond our minds. Indeed, it is a knowing that aligns our being with the ground of all being. Love is our true nature. How do we relate this profound awareness of love to this very human experience? We relate through our heart. This is the portal, the aperture through which we transform our world from fear-based to love-based. Heart awareness brings the presence of love and love is the most powerful force there is. Indeed, there is no darkness that the light of love cannot dispel. Consciousness is evolving to a new order that is to do with the presence of love. It is a new order of consciousness that is ancient – indeed, original. Much of the work I do is helping people find the sacred space of the heart. It is very simple and yet can be very challenging. I often find the difficulty in entering the heart space is because of blocks in the emotional

body. The emotional body is all about how we feel about ourselves and our world. Very often this is not very good at all. For example, many of us do not feel good enough, clever enough or pretty enough. Many of us feel inadequate and limited. Our world is often a frightening place where we struggle to make ends meet and find safety. Happiness is short-lived and largely due to some external factor like a pay rise or a success of some sort. Our relationships are fraught with disappointment and our families filled with tensions of one sort or another. Out of these kinds of circumstances, we live our lives feeling largely powerless and helpless. This is the stuff of the emotional body, carrying a wide range of feelings from joy to frustration, excitement to disillusionment and so many more. This is not the stuff of the heart. The hear t is not about emotions. The heart is about the highest order of feeling and its innate quality of wisdom. I often describe heart aware-

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ness as the wisdom body. Our wisdom body is inherently peaceful, harmonious and, of course, wise. Hear t awareness is God awareness, which is supremely intelligent. The hear t, therefore, is the portal to our omniscience, our all-knowingness. Intuition, inspiration, insight are its qualities. Connection, synchronicities and healing are its expressions. Sharing, caring and the courage of certainty is its way. It is the passion and compassion for life, not the self-indulgence of what’s in it for me. Even those of us who have a good and sound spiritual awareness will inevitably carry blocks in the emotional body. This is very much part of the human experience and why we are here in this incarnation – to learn and to evolve in love. Our blocks are our fears, the ‘lead’ we use alchemically to gain the life we long for – a life that, like gold, reflects love in its most enlightened form. Our work is to recognise the unrecognised block, often disguised as worthy. For example, in a recent session I recall a lovely, very spiritually aware man being surprisingly belittling with his partner. When asked, he said he was only caring very much for this person’s wellbeing. But in that “caring” was a strong sense of “I know what is best for you”. Frankly, he was to some degree right with his observation but, and it is a big but, the energy, the frequency of his communication was patronising and, ultimately therefore, disrespectful. In other words, it was not informed by love but by fear – the fear of not being good enough that desperately needs to be validated as not only good enough, even superior. When the other person was asked how he felt about this interaction, his response was “dismissed”. It was also very obvious that his reaction to being dismissed was to play victim and withdraw. I give this example because

both behaviours are so typical and so common. Each of us can recognize such behaviour in ourselves in one way or another. And that is good. The recognition brings it out of the dark into the light of awareness. With such awareness comes the choice point. This is the point at which we choose love or fear. This is the choice to enter the sacred space of the heart and allow love to unfold in ways as yet unknown. To quote Thomas Aquinas, “Love takes us where knowledge leaves off”. The more we drop into the heart, the more we become familiar with the presence of love. It is a feeling hard to describe in its fullness for there are so many ever-changing facets. But one thing is easy to describe. The presence of love feels very peaceful which is a far cry from our more usual feeling of dis-ease. For many of us, dis-ease is our usual state, mild or extreme, until we mask it in one way or another, with anything from shopping to alcohol. Such false ease ser ves us momentarily and then we are faced once again with a reality that feels far from love.

As individuals and as humanity, our purpose and our survival depends on our ability to find a hidden world that revolves invisibly, improbably but irrevocably around love. Entering the sacred space of your heart is the way. Sky is becoming known as an inspiring spiritual teacher. Her incisive insight combined with an engaging presence, add power and magnetism to her message. Author of the book Love’s Alchemy, Sky’s focus is on the transformative power of love. She is a psychologist and spiritual coach with her consultancy in Sydney where she offers courses and private sessions. She also runs retreats in the Promised Land, a beautiful valley near Bellingen in northern NSW. Teaching in Australia, Japan and the UK, Sky is an awakener. Her invitation is to awaken to your true nature and, thereby, fulfill your purpose. For sessions or details of events call 02 9362 9866 or visit



THE SIX FOUNDATIONS OF HEALTH How to Live a Long and Happy Life

ChineseMedicine with DR QUENTIN CHEN

Most of you may already know that Liver is very important in detoxifying and cleansing the blood. On top of that, in Chinese medicine, the Liver system is actually responsible for promoting and regulating the flow of Qi or Energy throughout your bod bodyy, thus ensuring all bodily functions work well. Emotion such as stress or anxiety actually interferes with the Liver’s ability to er e gula te the ener lo w, rregulate energg y fflo low sulting in “Qi Stagnation” or Energy blockages. And because all your bodily functions rely on a continuous flow of Qi, if it is blocked or stagnant, then the end result is imbalances and dysfunction of the organ systems, leading to a much less than optimal health status. For more detailed information on how Qi flow affects your health, download my Special Report “Your Energy Explained” by visiting www .T heChineseDoctor .com It www.T .TheChineseDoctor will allow you to gain a much better understanding of why it is pivotal in Chinese medicine to regulate your Qi flow. Due to the relationships of Qi flow and the body system, Chinese medicine has long understood the linkage between stress and other emotional disturbances and their effects on health. So how can we combat stress in our lives? Stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, Tai Chi and Qi Gong are all great ways to help your body deal with stress. These techniques work, because they actually promote the flow of energy in your body, thus assisting the “Liver System”. Then there are also many music or sound therapy techniques or CDs to help you reduce stress. The really beneficial ones actually work on adjusting your brain waves so instead of sending stress signals out to your body, you actually send out relaxation signals. However, even with so much information on stress management available to the public, I’m seeing more


How Stress Affects Your Body And What To Do About It We have to admit that as much as we try to avoid or get away from stress, it seems to be an inevitable part of our lives. Medical researchers are discovering more and more about how detrimental stress can be to our health and body. And it is now well recognized by the medical profession that the signs, symptoms and manifestations of stress are extremely variable, r anging fr om lo w ener from low energg y, lethar lood pr eslethargg y, to high bblood pressur suree , hear t diseases diseases,, ele elevv ation in blood sugar level, poor slee une sleepp quality quality,, poor imm immune system and eevv en cancer cancer.. The reason is because stress dir ectl ectlyy af afff ects the ner v ous directl system of yyour our bod bodyy. Your ner vous system literally controls your whole body and one of the most important parts of it is known as the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). Even though we humans have evolved greatly since the time of Caveman, this ANS still behaves pretty much the same way. Within the ANS, there are two par ts to it, the medical term is Sympathetic Nervous System and Parasympathetic Nervous System, which can be better understood as the Stress Nervous System and Relaxation nervous System. And the Stress and Relaxation Nervous Nystems should be relatively balanced in order for your body to work well. After all, this ANS supplies all the internal organs in our body that you can think of. Your heart, liver, stomach, bowel, kidneys etc. In the Caveman days, the Stress Nervous System was only activated in situations such as hunting for food or running away from beastsw. Therefore it’s also known as the Fight or Flight Nervous system. So in a way, you can say that the Stress Nervous System was only activated when you were placed in somewhat of a life or death situation. These days however, the stress factors that affect us are mostly emotional, financial, or work related, which are almost never life or death situations, yet the stress lingers on and keeps the Stress Nervous System activated constantly. This situation puts the ANS out of balance on a consistent basis. And since this nervous system supplies all the internal organs in your body, if it is out of balance, it’s going to send the wrong signals and messages to your organs. End results? Sooner or later, your body and health will run into major imbalances and dysfunctions which will show up as signs and symptoms. Now that you have a basic understanding of how stress affects your body from the western medical point of view, let’s discuss it from the Chinese medicine point of view. Whilst modern medicine has really only accepted the fact that emotions can affect the physical health in the recent past, it was already well recognized thousands of years ago by Chinese medicine. The emotion of stress or anxiety is said to be directly related to the “Liver System” in Chinese medicine.

and more patients turning up at my clinic with various health complaints that occurred as a result of stress. That’s why I created “Serenitas”, a Chinese herbal product to help people combat the ill effect of stress. It’s worked wonders for my patients and I’m sure it can do the same for you. To find out more about Serenitas and how you can trial it Risk Free, please visit

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So if one wishes to be healthy, what areas of health must one consider? It can be quite encompassing and even a little daunting when asked such a question, but the truth is that you really only need to consider six areas or foundations of health. What are these foundations I hear you ask? Well, these foundations cover the following areas: Thoughts, Breathing, Hydration, Nutrition, Movement and Rest. They are called the foundations of health because just like building a house on strong foundations, building your health is very similar. If you work on establishing good life habits across the six key areas, you have in effect built a strong foundation for your health; a foundation that will last for years to come and get you through tough times. Stick to the 6 foundations of health and you have your bases covered. Let’s have a look now at each of these foundations of health in more detail. THOUGHTS THOUGHTS…Your thoughts have a profound effect on every aspect of your life. This includes your health and well being, your interactions with others, your emotional state, your life path, and your ability to succeed. These are just a few examples of where your negative or positive thoughts serve to draw the opposite result. Most people think about what they don’t want the majority of the time therefore drawing the very thing they don’t want towards them. This is known as the ‘Law of Attraction’. Shakespeare said “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”. There is a new branch of science known as neuroimmunuology proving this very fact. Negative thoughts create negative neuropeptides that attach to immune cells and affect every cell in your body. Positive thoughts create positive neuropeptides that positively affect every cell in your body. Every cell in your body ‘resonates’ (vibrates) to the same frequency as your thoughts…thus it has been stated that your cells know every thought you think…be that positive or negative, and so your health will operate accordingly. It is important to

master your thoughts. BREA THING BREATHING THING…We can live many days without eating and drinking but only a few minutes without breathing. The act of breathing is involuntary, however the manner and conditions for a healthy, optimally functioning respiratory system falls to you making a conscious choice. We breathe around 25,000 times per day. If our breathing is optimal it will contribute towards our wellbeing. If our breathing pattern is less than optimal it can have a profound effect on our health and well being; ultimately leading to problems in our digestive systems, detoxification systems, organ health, posture and sympathetic nervous system which leads to an increased stress response with each and every breath. Deep, cyclical, diaphragmatic breathing is an important foundation of a person’s health. HYDRA TION HYDRATION TION... Water serves two basic functions, hydration and cleansing but it is also necessary for many of the body’s chemical reactions. Therefore it is crucial to keep yourself well hydrated with good quality clean water. You should drink your body weight in kilos multiplied by 0.033 every day (e.g. 60kgs x 0.033 = 1.98 litres per day, every day).We live in a toxic world and un-

for tunately most municipal water supplies are of lower than optimum quality. Consider the next time you drink tap water that you are more than likely drinking prescription medications such as the female pill, antidepressant medications and cholesterol lowering drugs. It has been determined that around 2% of your tap water contains such contaminants due to the closed nature of our water system. And we haven’t mentioned heavy metals, farming agrichemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, fungicides or industrial chemicals. There is an estimated 70,000 chemicals in our environment and many of them end up in our water supply. These chemicals get embedded in tissues and cells and displace beneficial nutrients. They serve no purpose and can be a major ‘blocking factor’ in a person’s health. Filtering your tap water is a necessity in our modern world. You can also utilise mineral water although you have to consider the high use and waste of the plastic bottles, as chemicals from the bottles can affect you and the environment negatively. A full house filter system or a filter on your main tap are also options. Filtered, slightly alkalised, mineralised, ionised (energised) water is the best water avail-


able. Whatever you choose make sure you choose pure, clean water. NUTRITION NUTRITION…You are what you eat – literally, and in turn what you eat is what they in turn have eaten. You ‘turn over’ millions of cells everyday and they need nutrients to replace them. For instance we destroy and manufacture around 2 million red blood cells every second (yes, every second). In addition, each individual is as unique in regards to their internal nutritional requirements as they are unique on the outside of their bodies. Metabolic Typing helps decipher the foods which will provide the correct support an individual needs to create optimal balance in their body. If balance is not found it dramatically affects your biochemistry which can then lead to negative effects on your physical, mental and emotional states. Food quality is also an important consideration. Aim to avoid processed foods and fast foods. Eat whole foods which have a high nutrient quality and quantity, look for organic, free range foods, pesticide and fertiliser free organic produce and you will considerably lower the toxin input that your poor overworked liver has to deal with on a daily basis. This will reduce your overall physiological load while delivering quality nutrients to your cells which supply you with the energy, mental function, health and well being. You have the choice, you are what you eat, so choose wisely. EXERCISE EXERCISE…Regular movement or exercise is a critical component of health and well being. It provides mobility and motility to the internal organs therefore helping with digestion, and a correct movement program maintains the body’s many ‘circulatory’ body pumps (such as the lymphatic system). For example, movement keeps joints and muscles healthy and aids in circulation and in the detoxification functions of the body. The right amount and level of exercise is individually prescribed and many aspects need to be considered, particularly a person’s overall physiological load, or in other words, how ‘stressed’ their system is. Many things produce a stress load in a person; lack of nutrition, limbic (emotional) stress, toxins and exercise. Exercise at an inappropriate level for the individual can add more load/stress into their system leading to poor results and a decline in that individual’s health. Remember exercise comes from the Latin word “excise” or to ‘ take-out’ or to ‘deplete’. You must adopt both a ‘working-in’ and ‘working-out’ model of movement based on your relevant ‘load’ at that particular time. REST REST…every living thing sleeps! It is vital for health and wellbeing and for optimal health we need to get enough good quality sleep regularly. On average we used to sleep 8-9 hours a night (1900’s), nowadays we average 6 hours a night. So over a year we are losing 730 hours of rest and recovery each year - which will affect you physically and psychologically. When you sleep you body repairs, your tissues recover from the days tasks and the body ‘downloads’ information. So it is a busy time and you need to get a full nights’ sleep in order to function optimally. 10 pm to 2 am are key rest periods for physical repair of ligaments, joints and internal organs and tissues and 2 am to 6 am is your key psychogenic or neurogenic repair time where we process our reactions to the day’s variety of events and thoughts. You can probably see now how each foundation is critical to one’s overall health. The key here is to just do what you can do now. This will provide more motivation down the road where you can again do what you can at that moment. Soon enough you will be well on your way to incorporating all of these foundations into your life. Adhere to these foundations of health and your body will reward you for years to come. Brent Daisley owns and runs the Sydney Holistic Lifestyle Centre. He is a certified Metabolic Typing Advisor, a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist, a Holistic Lifestyle Coach and a CHEK Practioner. Brent’s Clinic is based on the science and practice of ‘biochemical individuality’, or that everyone has uniquely different requirements when it comes to their diet, movement and lifestyle. Brent states that determining a client’s metabolic individuality is paramount in advancing their health. Brent specialises in cases where a person’s knows they have a health problem yet their doctor is telling them there is ‘nothing wrong’. For more information on Brent Daisley and his nationwide services visit - www.TheHolistic or call 0416-032905.


Flowing Chi


An Ancient Practice for the Modern World Qigong (Chi-Kung) and the understanding of Qi (Chi) is one of the great treasures of Chinese culture. It has emerged over thousands of years from constant research, development and practice. From ancient times to the modern world, we as human beings are on a continuous journey of self-enquiry to discover our true identity and purpose in life. Qigong originated in China as a way of cultivating spiritual, physical and emotional health. Similarly, other cultures had holistic approaches to connect and harmonise with their local environment and their known universe. When we lose this connection it causes problems and we are not able to enjoy the experience of life as much as we could. The emphasis on the spiritual life, rather than the material life, is one of the major differences between eastern and western cultures. For example, western medicine emphasises the physical body and the treatment of ailments through medication. Eastern medicine tends to treat the person’s spiritual and mental health and has a greater focus on prevention, quality of life and longevity. Many people believe that by exer-


cising hard they will achieve an externally strong body and will be healthier and happier. But to have good health it is necessary to have a healthy body, healthy mind and balanced Qi circulation. According to Chinese medicine, many illnesses are caused by imbalances in the mind. For example, worry and nervousness can upset your stomach. Fear can affect the functioning of the kidneys and bladder. The internal energy (Qi) is closely related to your mind. To be truly healthy, you must have both a healthy physical body and a calm and healthy mind. Too much of something is excessive Yang and too little is excessive Yin. When your body is too Yang or too Yin, your internal organs will tend to weaken and degenerate more rapidly. When we get older, body tissue begins to degenerate and this causes Qi to stagnate in the Qi channels. Movement is a manifestation of Yang activity, and stillness reflects the calmness of Yin. In today’s hectic world, over-activity causes Fire to flare up and uses one’s reserves of essence and energy, while the stillness of meditation cools the Fire, calms the system, and conserves vi-

tal resources. For health improvement and maintenance, the Qigong participant does not have to be an expert. Anyone can learn to practice Qigong. The objective of the exercises is to strengthen the Qi in the body and remove obstructions to Qi flow that may have developed due to injury, diet, disease, emotional states, or other factors. Of all the energy medical practices, Qigong has been subjected to the most extensive research. In China, Medical Qigong is practiced in clinics and some hospitals that integrate traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and conventional Western medicine. In Western hospitals Qigong is among several complementary practices used including therapeutic touch and mindful meditation. Concentration of the body movements, breath and mind are the three main principles of Qigong practice. Qigong has a dynamic (Yang) and stillness (Yin) component where these three main principles apply; Qigong can be referred to as a mindful or mediation practice. The term meditation refers to a variety of techniques or practices in-


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12 HEALTH tended to focus or control attention. Most meditative techniques are rooted in Eastern religious or spiritual traditions and have been used by many different cultures throughout the world for thousands of years. Today, many people use meditation outside of its traditional religious or cultural settings to improve their health and wellness. Researchers have been collecting data on meditation for many years and countless studies have shown that meditation has not only a mental but a physiological effect on the body. Many of the findings show that, among other benefits, meditation can help reverse heart disease, reduce pain and enhance the body’s immune system. In one area of research, scientists are using sophisticated tools to determine possible changes in brain function. With the use of MRI technology, researchers at Harvard Medical School found that meditation affects parts of the brain that are in charge of the autonomic nervous system which governs the functions of our organs, muscles and body systems. Stress compromises these functions so it makes sense to harmonise these functions to help ward off stress-related conditions such as hear t disease, digestive problems and infertility. While western scientists are still exploring exactly how and why meditation works, we already know that it has both physiological and psychological benefits. Many therapists now consider it a valid complement to more traditional therapies and anything that helps fight stress is a welcome tool. A near fatal accident at the age of nineteen lead Simon Blow to investigate various methods of healing and rejuvenation, a path he has been on for over twenty five years. He is a Sydney-based master teacher (Laoshi) who has been leading regular classes for beginning and continuing students since 1992. Simon has received training and certification from Traditional Chinese Medical Hospitals and Taoist Monasteries in China and has been given authority to share these techniques. He has received World Health Organisation Certification in Medical Qigong clinical practice from the Xiyuan Hospital in Beijing. He has been initiated into Dragon Gate Taoism and given the name of Xin Si, meaning Genuine Wisdom. Simon is a Standing Council Member of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong in Beijing. He has also created a series of instructional DVDs and guided meditation CDs. Phone (02) 9716 4696



Obesity and Soft Drinks Obesity is among the fastest growing (pun intended) health problems in this country. Garment manufacturers are down-sizing the labels on garments from large to medium and medium to small, etc. The average sizes are getting bigger and bigger! We put the blame on diet and lack of exercise as the cause of obesity. They do have a lot to do with obesity; however, there is one more important element that we overlook: ‘soft drinks’. It is not the calories in soft drinks that I am addressing, but the acidity caused by non-caloric compressed carbon dioxide. Here is the scientific explanation. When we eat food, our stomach pH goes up; that is because food is not quite as acidic as the stomach. When stomach pH goes up, stomach cells must create hydrochloric acid and interjects it into the stomach to return it to its original acidic state. The question is, ‘How do stomach cells make hydrochloric acid?’’ Pathologists know the answer. Three common molecules in the stomach cells - water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and sodium salt (NaCl) - are combined to produce hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3): H2O + CO2 + NaCl = HCl + NaHCO3. The hydrochloric acid goes into the stomach and the sodium bicarbonate goes into the bloodstream. Bicarbonate in the blood acts as an alkaline buffer and maintains the blood pH constant by neutralizing acid in the blood. When there is a lack of bicarbonate in the blood, the blood converts liquid acid into solid acid such as fatty acid, uric acid, kidney stones, and cholesterol. This is the body’s survival mechanism to maintain a constant blood pH, because acid blood pH means death. Acid accumulation coagulates blood and blood circulation becomes poor, resulting in the development of degenerative diseases. This is the process of weight gain and aging. What does this have to do with soft drinks? Hydrochloric acid is produced by stomach cells when food is consumed and stomach pH increases; however, if highly acidic soft drinks were to be consumed with a meal, the stomach pH would not increase,

stomach cells would not produce any hydrochloric acid, and the bloodstream would not receive any sodium bicarbonate. Contrary to this is drinking high pH alkaline water with a meal; which would induce the production of more hydrochloric acid, thereby putting more sodium bicarbonate in the bloodstream. We are extremely concerned about calories and fat contents of fast foods, but we are in complete denial when it comes to consuming highly acidic soft drinks served at fast food restaurants. In addition to diet and exercise, if we would stop drinking carbonated drinks, and, instead, drink high pH alkaline water, we would win the battle against the bulge. Diet soft drinks do not make much difference when it comes to acidity caused by compressed carbon dioxide. Just like regular high caloric soft drinks, diet ones block the interjection of sodium bicarbonate to the bloodstream. Medical science has discovered that as we age, especially after the average age of 45, the bicarbonate concentration in our blood diminishes. This explains why around the age of 45, a ‘healthy’ person suddenly discovers that he or she has symptoms of diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, etc. The world considers the loss of bicarbonate in our blood as the inevitable result of aging. I have, however, discovered that bicarbonate loss is not the result of aging, but it is the very cause of physiological aging. Therefore, if we can replenish bicarbonate to our blood, just like recharging a battery, we can remain healthy and live longer. This is my new theory on ‘Aging and Reverse Aging’. AlkaLife International has developed products to add bicarbonate to the blood. Sang Whang is an engineer, scientist, and inventor, Mr. Whang specializes in electronic filters, chemistry, and water among other fields.

The best six doctors anywhere And no one can deny it Are sunshine, water, rest, air, exercise and diet. If only you are willing Your mind they’ll ease Your will they’ll mend And charge you not a shilling. ~Nursery rhyme

RE-HYDRATE RE-ENERGIZE RE-VITALIZE Restore your body to its Natural Balance

WHY ALKALIZE? At the very core of our well being is the balance between acid and alkaline levels. High acidic levels in the body may cause us to become vulnerable to a range of conditions ranging from allergies and migraine to high blood pressure, excess weight gain and early aging. Water ionization alkalizes water and turns it into a powerful antioxidant, improving immune functions and general health.

LIVING WELL NATURAL HEALTH. At Living Well Natural Health we are concerned about the water that you drink. Today’s drinking water has been processed and treated with so many chemicals that it has been left lifeless. Chanson water ionizers are one of the leading brands of water ionizers in Asia and the US. They have an excellent reputation for high quality water ionizers at competitive prices.

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ALKALIZED IONIZED WATER Restore your body to its natural balance

Today’s drinking water has been processed and treated with so many chemicals that it has been left lifeless. On the other hand, ionized alkaline water has been recreated, re-vitalized and returned to its natural state. What is ionized water? Water ionization is a process of electrolysis to reduce large tap water clusters (10 -13 molecules per cluster) from their original size into microclusters (5 - 6 molecules per cluster). The smaller cluster size gives the water excellent hydrating properties, high solubility and good permeability. Water ionization also alkalizes the water turning it into a powerful antioxidant, improving immune functions and general health. What is meant by alkaline and acid water? PH stands for ‘potential hydrogen’. Water molecules are made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Hydrogen atoms are the smallest atoms in the universe, having only a single proton and a single electron. Hydrogen is estimated to form 90% of the matter in the universe. The degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution is measured in terms of its pH which is the negative logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions (hydrogen atoms that have been stripped of their electron). The higher the concentration of hydrogen ions the more acidic the water is. In contrast, molecules that contain a large concentration of hydroxide ions (molecules that have one or more extra electron) make the water more alkaline. When a molecule has excess electrons it is called reduced or alkaline and when it has too few electrons it is called oxidized or acidic. Alkaline water readily donates its electrons to render excessive free radicals harmless so they do not steal electrons from healthy living cells. On the other hand, acid water steals electrons from nearby molecules, giving it excellent anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. What will ionized alkaline water do for your health?

Your health depends on achieving the optimum pH balance of your body. Striking a balance between an alkaline and acidic environment in your body is essential in order to achieve good health and wellbeing. Your body needs both acidic and alkaline reactions. Acid to rid the body of bacteria, fungus and viruses and alkaline to cleanse and restore cells. Following an alkaline diet based on alkalizing vegetables, sprouted seeds, nuts, essential oils and low-sugar fruits maintains a healthy alkaline and acidic environment in your body. But how many of us follow an alkaline diet? A typical Western diet that is high in fat and full of processed foods is dangerously high in acidic foods. Alkaline ionized water can neutralise the acidity of the body. Drinking alkaline ionized water will help restore a healthy alkaline balance to your body. Alkaline water can alleviate the symptoms of a number of complaints including intestinal disorders, food sensitivities, respiratory problems and skin conditions. Drinking alkaline ionized water also provides you with a powerful antioxidant. Drinking alkaline ionized water is more antioxidizing than drinking a glass of fresh juice. Alkaline water produces antioxidants by creating negatively charged water which reduces cellular and DNA damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, alkaline ionized water provides your body with proper hydration. Proper hydration is essential to your health and fitness. The superior hydrating quality of alkaline water (sometimes called reduced water or microcluster water) is thought to be related to its smaller molecular clusters. These microclusters pass through the cells more easily and hydrate your cells to push out toxins and cause detoxification at the deepest cellular level. Protect your health and the health of yyour our ffamil amil amilyy. Drink ionised alkaline wwaa ter ter..

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BY ROBERT REEVES With more and more being put on our plate it is no wonder that so many people are suffering from depression. It is estimated that 1 in 20 have depression, whether diagnosed or not, so if you think of 20 friends off the top of your head chances are one or possibly more suffer with depression. Generally depression brings on feelings of sadness and hopelessness. This naturally can cause a reduction in motivation and you find that small things start to seem too much of an effort, like going out with friends or seeing a movie, and so our social outings start to decrease as we sink deeper and deeper into depression. Our libido disappears and we are either wide awake at night or falling asleep during the day. The important thing to realise is that you are not alone and even more impor tantly that you can regain that sense of happiness and joy that you miss so dearly. I believe that depression has many layers to it and that we need to address all of them in order to give lasting changes but if we first look at it chemically it is often associated with a low amount of serotonin. Serotonin, to put it very very simply, is our feel good hormone. It regulates our mood, among other functions, and keeps us smiling throughout the day. Studies have shown that when people are depressed they have a lower than normal amount of serotonin present in their body. This has led to the manufacture of anti-depressant drugs that work on this serotonin pathway aiming to make us happy and well again. Unfortunately it seems as though most people that are taking anti-depressants are still depressed. This means that there is more going on than meets the eye. And so some people may find benefit seeking a natural approach as most natural therapists look at the person wholistically, meaning that your mind, body and spirit are all taken into account and form par t of your treatment. Before we star t looking into natural medicines and approaches it is important to note that if you suffer from depression then you should strongly consider seeing a healthcare practitioner like your GP or Naturopath who can advise you on your best choices and also ensure that you don’t take anything that may interfere with any medications that you may be taking. NA TURAL APPR O A CH NATURAL APPRO HERBAL MEDICINE Herbal medicine is par ticularly useful as we are able to individualise a formula to tailor to your specific needs. They work by gently stimulating your body to improve and regulate functions such as mood and energy levels. If given by a Naturopath they are generally in liquid form, and whilst they don’t taste great, the effect is worth it. Being a liquid they are easily absorbed and convenient as many actions can be covered in just one bottle. There are many herbal tablets on the market and unless you know exactly what to look for then it may be best to speak with a practitioner. Grabbing the bottle of St Johns Wort pills can seem too simple for some

people, and depending on the quality and strength of the tablet you may not get a therapeutic result right away. On that note, St Johns Wort can interact with other medications and anti-depressants therefore it is always a good idea to ask for professional advice from a qualified person. NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS If you want to feel better, regain some motivation and regulate your mood, then you can’t go past B vitamins. B vitamins do so many things in the body and are involved in many of the brain functions, so if you are deficient in B vitamins then your brain and body won’t be able to function at its best. Again I want to urge you to purchase quality products if you choose to go down the supplement path, do some research and speak with some professionals, or even see a Naturopath who can prescribe you practitioner only supplements that are higher strength than what you can buy retail. With B vitamins you want balance, so having all of them not just 1 or 2 in isolation, so B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 (also called Folic Acid), and B12. DIETARY ADVICE Whilst we tend to focus on the brain when it comes to depression, a large amount of serotonin is absorbed in the digestive tract. This makes it really important to ensure you are eating healthily. Many people say they have no appetite or feel nausea when eating but if you choose healthful foods such as fresh fruit and vegetables you will feel improvement. Protein is also really important and so you should aim to eat at least one animal protein per day as these are the easiest absorbed. Robert Reeves is a Naturopath that uses a range of natural therapies to assist you in achieving your goals. Phone: 1300 668 772 or (02) 4648 4200. E-mail Web:

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or leave me? … and fear comes up. I read recently: “Fear is the absence of knowledge”. How true. So if, as a couple we have agreements to speak our truth, then the knowledge-base is safe. Do you have agreements? Do you have ways of communicating that don’t terrify the other person? Women often say: “We need to talk” and the man actually goes into: “What have I done, what’s wrong?” That is because we rarely “want to talk” about what’s right. Only what’s wrong. And in whose opinion? If we can’t express ourselves clearly enough around our needs then the other person has no hope of interpreting that. So it comes back to us… and we need to find ways to communicate that the other person understands. Here’s a classic. I had severe pains in the back of my legs during a fast. A friend rang, suggested to Robert that I get “sweet potato, tumeric, cinnamon and butter”. I’ve been studying poultices so, I made up the concoction, used it on my legs. My friend rang back, I told her I had ruined two towels (tumericstained). With a choking voice she asked what I was doing with towels; it turned out I was supposed to cook and eat it not wear it! So, an opportunity for choices…Which is what each of us have every second of every day, especially in situations like this… Do I get mad and be upset or do I simply learn from it. I chose to laugh - (it was funny!) How many of you hold onto things like this for weeks or months, even years and bring them up in the heat of the moment? Does it help? Of course not, it gets to make you “right” and your partner “wrong”. Some tips on dealing with upsets: First: stop the blame, the shame that follows and definitely all criticism. Ask for what you want specifically and remember, people thrive on appre-

ciation and they are not mind readers. Remember that men are doers, so women notice the things your partner does and acknowledge them. Guys what can you see and acknowledge? Have an agreement that if something comes up you will deal with it by: a) Sitting together, eye to eye, each having a turn to share without interruption. b) Agreeing that you are too upset right now to discuss it, choosing a time within 24 hours where you will be able to. c) Learn the art of language. It’s not “You make me feel sad when you do “x” “ – it’s: “when “x” happens I feel really sad.” No blame, nothing. d) Being willing to apologise. For some the hardest thing in the world to do but the thing that makes the biggest difference. e) Find something that will make you both laugh and use it when an upset begins to avoid it escalating. Relationships are precious, put in the work and learn how to do it differently and together you can send ripples out into the world. Diane McCann Mathews, facilitator of The Goddess Within, and husband Robert, facilitator of Man’s Inner Journey and Tantra for Couples.


A Time to RRec ec laim Your Wholeness eclaim Would your life have been different Goddess is a journey into your Self as you honour, heal & forgive your past, empower your present & celebrate your future. If yyou ou ha ed yyour our self: havv e eevv er ask asked Who am I really pleasing? What holds me back? Am I getting and/or doing what I really want? If yyou ou ha ela tionships or with yyour our self or ... havv e eevv er str ug uggg led with rrela elationships or... if you simply ‘know’ there is more; then this weekend could be for you. Diane McCann, facilitator of this international seminar since 1987, is well known for her ability to inspire people & she uses empowerment, humour & skill to bring out the full potential in the people she works with. She did her first workshop when she was 13 and has held the vision of world peace since then. Goddess was created to give people more choices to live their lives consciously, creating harmony and peace within their own lives, their family and thus the world. FOR MORE INFORMA TION INFORMATION TION,, CONT CONTAA CT CT:: SA - Tel 08 8248 1281 • E: VIC –Tel 03 9509 8101 • E:

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Men and Women Moving Forward Together In this time of change, fast food, fast lives, jobs requiring long working hours, when do we find time for each other? We see so many couples for whom the future looked like heaven in the beginning… “This is the one for me… We’ll be together forever”… yet sadly it doesn’t seem to work that way. Count the number of couples you know who are really really happy. Many people have forgotten the Gift of relationships…. They are bored, not getting enough sex, money, not having the type of intimacy they want, not having deep communication… the list goes on. So, what to do? First recognize that this person you are with is doubtless part of a pattern in your life, perhaps a tad like your mother/ father; a pattern that is asking you to pay attention, to see what’s really going on and to de-code it so you can actually be in a relationship as two adults. Unfortunately the 5 year old in us looks for whatever we didn’t get as children and we find someone (generally our opposite) who appears to show us those qualities. Of course their pattern is the exact opposite of ours so we come together, fall in love (when you fall anywhere you hurt yourself so why should falling in love be any different?), then the upsets start and before we know it we’re separating. Often if we recreate another partner, unless we shift the original pattern, we find ourselves in the same position. Relationships are the easiest things in the world to do badly and the hardest things in the world to do well. Why? Because they require constant attention, like a baby, you have to nur ture relationships and learn to communicate. Do you actually feel safe telling the truth? Most people don’t! What if they get upset

“ Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source”. —Anais Nin Passion may fuel the initial stages of a new relationship and there are times it may not. Although inevitably when we first meet, those early stages of romance are what intensifies our coming together. Marriage has been passed down through the ages as an institution of commitment, comfort, security and family. It is a serious business fraught with many diversions. Often times, women in particular feel the pull between keeping house, raising family, working and ensuring an intimate relationship with their partner. Many articles have been written from the perspective of women whose libido wanes and the male partner is left to fend for himself. It has come to my attention in recent months that there are many women out there in relationships and marriages that have become sexually and emotionally stagnant. What is also curious, is that it is the males in these relationships who are not up for it. These women range in age from their mid thirties to early fifties. All have found their inactive sex life leaving them feeling devoid at one level or another. In a society where prescriptive medication takes its toll on men (and women) these days, especially anti-depressants, it stands to reason that libido will disappear completely. Chemical overload has its consequences. Of course there is also financial stress, work overload and many other contributing factors. What is especially poignant though is where communication breaks down, or family life over-rides the communication channels and there is no longer any intimacy, connection, let alone sex. When asked are there any secrets to long-lasting relationships? Marcel Proust suggests that infidelity is a factor. Not the act itself, but the

threat of it. For Proust, an injection of jealousy is the only thing capable of rescuing a relationship ruined by habit. But what if even the threat of infidelity no longer has impact? Marriage is imperfect. That is a fact. What starts off with a desire for oneness leads us to discovering our differences. Often this is a cause for dissension. However the glue is most cer tainly communication. If we are honest, contrast and disparity has the ability to bring out our strengths, and can encourage us to grow in ways we never would have thought possible. There is often the big illusion that in the case of committed love, we think our par tner is ours and so sexual rejection from the one we love and are committed to is particularly hurtful. What happens when we become best mates rather than lovers? Is it OK to be a particularly attractive, sexual woman in your early fifty’s with a healthy libido to lie in bed each evening with a mate who does not see you that way? It is upsetting. The self doubt creeps in, the not feeling good enough, not sexy enough, is there something wrong with me, all debilitating self chatter. Sex is an integral par t of the ‘whole’ it is required for health and balance in our lives, whether with our beloved or whether in the form of self pleasure. The emotional body holds a sense of self as a sexual, sensual being and the two have to in-

tertwine in a healthy manner, or else what occurs are blockages, disease and dysfunction. There was a time when finding a partner was considered the final step in resolving our (women’s) identity. This is no longer a viewpoint maintained by mass consciousness so much. Our partner’s separateness is incontrovertible, and their mystery will remain forever indecipherable. We are each our own individual self and within the confines of our relationship need to find who we are, for ourselves, not for anything or anyone else. At the end of the day we can only be ourselves and find wholeness within ourselves. Others contribute to the journey but can’t complete & fulfil life for us. Marie-Elise Allen is the face behind Sassy Vibes and the originator of Sassy Vibes provides women and men with an online boutique for the purchase of safe, chemical-free pleasure products. In addition to this, MarieElise is a key-note speaker and offers workshops and various opportunities for all those wishing to delve deeper into self-enquiry of which sexuality is an integral part. Phone Marie-Elise on 1300797090 OR visit ©copyright 2009 Marie-Elise Allen


In Brief Reviews


BY MARTINA HUGHES Each time you touch your lover is an oppor tunity to open, to feel more, to expand and to bring greater love and consciousness to each other. Do you touch your lover consciously with intent to open, or are you simply seeking to gratify your own desires? Are you willing to take love-making to the higher levels where the union becomes a celebration of ecstasy shared? At the most basic level, sex is a human need and desire – we all feel it, we all know the experience of sexual desire and lust on the physical level. Often, we are left with that gnawing feeling inside, wishing and longing for more … It is what we do with that feeling that makes the difference. That feeling is your being calling you home, to be more authentic… to experience sex on the inner plane… where it becomes deeply transformative to both par tners. There are 4 essential ingredients for this deep transformation to occur – relaxation, breath, awareness and intention. Ask yourself – what is your intention in making love? Your intentions may include to feel alive, to feel safe and secure, to create a baby or to experience higher realms. In seeking to experience the higher realms, men and women can bring out the best in each other through a loving, ecstatic and conscious union. The first step is to feel inside of yourself, acknowl-

edge what this type of interaction would feel like for you. The recognition of this internally is the first step in setting your intention. The next step of your intention is to hold it in your awareness as you make contact with your lover, feeling as though with each breath, with each point of contact, you are reaching inside offering them the best of yourself and calling forth the best of them. For all the men, when you touch a woman lovingly and gently with the intention to open her to a higher level of bliss and feeling, that you will start to register that bliss within yourself, and then each contact with her, you are penetrating her. Hold within yourself a feeling that you are reaching into her, beneath the story, beneath the known and opening her to new places, penetrating her core. This is where you get to exercise the masculine instinctive nature, you feel into her and sense where she is opening, where she is heading to in herself, and in feeling this, you provide the support for her to feel that it is safe to open there, as you are there ready and waiting. In this way, she starts to open and surrender to the delicate and sweet experience of you holding space for her. For all the women, when you are with a man, lovingly and gently hold the intention to offer the depth of yourself to him. It is through your pleasure and bliss that he comes to


know himself more fully as a man, your feminine surrender becomes his gateway to masculine knowing. Your body, your breath, your sounds will tell him everything he needs to know about how to be with you, if you give yourself freely and unconditionally to him. As he touches you, allow yourself to melt, for the tension to be dissolved, for all the agendas and manipulation to fall away. Intentions can be set for specific purposes also in the love-making – you may have an intention to conceive a child or to heal and transform emotional pains or to manifest abundance in your physical lives. All of this is possible in the same way that conceiving a child is possible. Through making love and bringing presence, love and feeling to each

other, a man can plant a metaphysical seed for transformation or manifestation in the woman’s womb. The woman’s orgasmic energy is then used to water the seed, so that each time she feels into herself and enjoys the orgasmic wave; she is nurturing the seed and bringing to life the vision for both of you. Next time you make love, bring your intention to your par tner, so that with both of your awareness the intention can be multiplied. The power of two bodies sharing an intention is much greater than the sum of the individual parts, and then the world around you will bask in the glow of your conscious love-making. Martina Hughes of T a n t r i c Blossoming has been actively exploring sacred sexuality, tantra, breathwork, energetic healing and shiatsu for over 8 years. Martina’s vision and passion is to inspire men and women of all ages to feel their own natural energy, joy, vitality and bliss. She facilitates a space of greater awareness, openness and receptivity for people to experience the essence and freedom of their inner being. Martina offers mixed workshops, courses for women as well as Tantric consultations to women, men and couples to expand their knowledge and energy. For more information, visit or phone 02 9664 1110.

Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. Kahlil Gibran

THE LEAP By Constance Kellough This beautiful book - published through the same publishing house that originally discovered and first introduced Eckhart Tolle’s now classic “The Power of Now” to the world – is an inspiring read that gently leads the reader to that sacred place of Stillness. The second half of the book is dedicated to a powerful series of spiritual practices that support the first half of insight, spiritual laws and revelation. Eckhart Tolle himself says that this book, “Not only deepens the reader’s understanding of the arising new consciousness, but also offers many valuable and effective practices for awakening in daily life.” Publisher: Namaste Publishing THE BIG LEAP By Gay Hendricks Similar title to the book above but an extremely different approach to the same outcome: Awakening. Hendricks, both an advisor and consultant to large corporations such as Dell and Google and a life-long meditator, addresses how to familiarise ourselves with our “Upper Limit Problems” that keep us out of extraordinary levels of “abundance, success and love” - what he calls our “Zone of Genius”. His definition of Genius is that vast, pure, expanded beingness that many of us have touched but have not yet been able to establish as our “default position”. This book is an insightful and inspirational blend of plain-speak psychology, spirituality and self-help. Many pages contain powerful yet simple and clear insights that will aid the entrepreneur, the spiritual seeker and the lover of life equally. A must read! Publisher: Harper One LIVING THE LIGHT By Gabbie Enright This beautiful collection of personal revelation of ancient and modern wisdom, comes together here as one uplifting guidebook for not only realising, but actually living in the truth that we are one. Written from the hear t-felt conviction that only comes through one’s own hard-earned personal discovery this local author and teacher strings together a gentle series of teachings beginning with the insight that “All is One” ... through to “Honouring the Self” and “Seek only the Truth” ... culminating with the Selfrevelation expressed in A Course in Miracles: “I am the Light of the world. That is my only function. That is why I am here.” Publisher: Peacock Publications For details phone 8377 2415 or 0414 410 963. THE SECRETS OF SPIRITUAL MARKETING By Lawrence Ellyard Lawrence Ellyard has done what for

many has proven to be an immense challenge – marrying their spiritual/ holistic work with the world of business and marketing. This in depth, step-by-step guide to setting up and running a prosperous wellness business is both timely and required reading for anyone in the health and healing industry. Marci Schimoff, author of Happy for No Reason says, “If you want your natural therapy business to thrive, read this book!” Aust Distributor: Brumby Books MOONTIME DIARY 2010 By Iris Detenhoff & Gisel Stieglitz Here it is again! This wonderful planning diary for sensitive souls works with the phases of the moon, sun and planets offering practical suggestions to help you attune to the natural forces without and within. Complete with helpful tables, a world map to convert for different time zones, daily moon and planetary aspects & interpretations and monthly ephemeris, it’s all here in this neat little guide to the “Art of Timing” in 2010. Publisher: Moontime Diary THE SECRET OF ETERNITY By PeterJi How does an enlightened being live in this world? Spiritual teacher PeterJi writes from a profound and deeply probing space, inviting us all to take up the challenge of actualising the awakened life here and now. Focussing on how to discern between absolute and relative reality, PeterJi assists us through the stages of awakening, dropping the “seeker” label to allow for the Universal Consciousness to take hold. This first book is part of a trilogy and acts as an introduction to his work and teachings which will be explored in greater detail in his next two books. “The Secret to Eternity” however, does stand alone as a spiritual guidebook offering many signposts for the deepening and awakening to take place within ourselves in this impor tant period of planetary transformation. In his own words, we are called to action: “The number of awakened beings has to radically increase to shift the balance of power on the planet from where it is right now.” Distributor: Stillwaters Meditation Centre. For more information Contact April Mai on 0414 544 817 E:

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1 2 MB Be practical but not stubborn in your pursuit

1 2 MC… Full Moon C The Full Moon sheds light

of goals. 3 … Full Moon B The Full Moon sees the practical realisation of shared goals and objectives although results are still to be seen. Many may want to share the feeling of success as the nervous energy that has driven the activity peaks. 4 MC Take note of information received, as this will be important.

on the influence of someone who holds sway over others. Persuasive words or ideas may trigger a ruthless fight for existence. Take note that a war of words may cause suffering for others

5 6 MD Increased sensitivity makes you protective of what has been realised.

7 8 ME Be generous with praise when it is deserved. 9 10 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon E The results of activities may cause upset with associates due to emotional reaction or a lack of adaptability. A tendency to be influenced by others may also undermine associations. There is a move to finalise matters. 11 MF Criticism can be useful as long as alternatives are offered.

12 13 MG Pleasing others should not be at the cost of one’s point of view.

14 15 MH The intensity of emotions may catch some 16 17

New Moon H Moon enters I The new Moon brings up sensitive issues which may have lain dormant. There is a tendency to express these feelings regardless of effect on others. As the Moon changes sign, be aware that what has been said cannot be retracted so matters raised have to be dealt with and a change of emphasis calls for a broader perspective.

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18 19 20 MJ Be prepared to lead by example and exert control on matters at hand.

21 22 Sun enters IMK Optimism, inspiration and a need to see the big picture are characteristics of the Sagittarian personality. A lateral and objective approach is called for.

23 24 25 ML‡ 1st Quarter Moon L The impetus is to get things moving especially with the encouragement and influence of others. Be careful that the pursuit of plans is measured as intense or a fanatical pursuit of ideals could overtax strength and cause physical breakdown.

26 27 MA Take the initiative and undertake some new challenges.









1 … Full Moon D Solar Eclipse The Full Moon brings a realisation that a fight is need to ensure the existence of a project or matter at hand. Additional responsibilities are also indicated as a result of someone not being able to do them. The circumstances which bring these may be initially difficult however the outcomes are good for those who wish to take on the new commitments. 2 ME A sense of pride and honour colours attitudes now.

3 4 MD Emotional bonds dominate and influence actions.

5 6 ME Take your pride in hand before it can cause

3 4 MF Process and order provide the structure for


successful outcomes.

7 8 MF Look after details and results speak for

5 6 MG Striking a balanced outlook is admirable

themselves. 9 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon F Irritability and criticism colour results as well as a tendency to blame others for what has apparently failed to deliver. The important issue is to learn from mistakes, exchange ideas and take a constructive approach. 10 MG Consensus can achieve much but make sure that everyone does their part.

but not at the expense of your opinion. 7 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon G A time to refect and ponder what has been realised as a sense of duty colours things. Prudence and thoughtfulness in any subsequent action may be the way in which common interests shred with others can be brought together. 8 MH Passion and intensity are the hallmarks. Be wary of overreacting to any and all stimulation.

11 12 MH Be upfront in all dealings and avoid

9 10 11 MI A bird’s eye view of the situation will help

underhanded or secretive actions

13 14 MI Enthusiasm and inspiration will help spur

you see things not presently apparent.

things along.

28 29 MB A practical outlook is needed. 30 These are generic interpretations for each of the zodiac signs. For a more personal interpretation, astrological consultations are available by appointment on

0421 326 001 or 8562 8358

New Moon I Inflated expectations could result in unnecessary journeys and distrust from those who are most affected. Plans made now may have to be scrutinised, as there is a tendency to inflate the situation resulting in little prospect of realisation. 17 MJ Take control of matters at hand but avoid being autocratic.

be surprised by the outcome.

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may prove to important.

responsible are the hallmarks of Capricorn. Compassion or sensitivity can break down seemingly insurmountable barriers.

19 20 Sun enters K Objectivity, independence and a sense of uniqueness characterise Aquarians. 21 MA Objectivity, independence and a sense of uniqueness characterise Aquarians.

23 24 MA A desire to get things moving again and a challenge is always welcome. 25 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon A Concerted action may push aside some intense feelings. Be aware that this can be done for only a limited time as it will inevitably lead to tension. The results could be separation or disharmony.

22 . 23 MB‡ 1st Quarter B Practical initiatives may prove to be a hard struggle and some force may be required to push things through. Emotional intensity may also fuel a zeal to achieve the desired results.

24 25 MC Keep your ear to the ground as news

26 27 MB Stability is important but avoid hanging on

travels fast.

simply for the sake of it.

26 27 28 MD Be prepared to nurture what is important. 29 30 ME… Full Moon E The Full Moon

28 29 MC Keep the lines of communication open 30 31 MD Nurture what is slowly developing.


highlights further need to push things through in spite of resistance. Difficulties could be overcome providing ego does not get in the way. 31 MF Attention to detail will help curb criticism.

G Libra – air H Scorpio - water I Sagitarius - fire J Capricorn – earth K Aquarius – air L Pisces - water

easily discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues. A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than

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17 18 ML Be prepared to back your intuition, as it

LUNAR PHASES AND PERSONALITY TYPES Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic” . The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth, however, we can

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Moon highlights responsibilities and structures which may be compromised as a result of others’ neglect. In spite of scepticism and in some cases, severe criticism, taking on these commitments promotes a greater sense of harmony not initially evident. 16 MK A lateral and objective approach is called for.

18 19 MK Be prepared to take some risks and you may

A Aries - fire B Taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo - earth

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12 13 MJ Be prepared to take a hands-on approach. 14 15 New Moon J Lunar Eclipse The New

15 16

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45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8562 8358 or 0421 326 001 or email:

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BY WAYNE MCDONALD Why is it that most people do not express their full potential? Life for most people is a mere fraction of what is truly possible for them. What about you? The truth is that if you ran at 110 kilometres an hour for the rest of your life you probably wouldn’t express your full potential. Why is it that nearly everyone lives an inferior life to what they could potentially live? The truth lies in this powerful formula. R=P-L-M What does this mean? The “R” is ffor or RResults esults esults. Your results are based on your performance and your actions. The trouble is that your results are so profoundly affected by the rest of the equation that for most people, their results are a tiny fraction of what they are capable of. So let’s look at the rest of the equation. The “P” is for your potential tial. Nearly everyone I ask believes that people’s potential is unlimited and I would agree. The Oxford dictionary tells us that potential is “Possessing potency and power: commanding: energy existing in a positional form, motionless”. There is a lot of important information in this definition. To express your potential you have to use your latent

potent power. Notice it also states that “potential” is motionless. This means that to express your potential you have to use your power to take action. So what’s power? Again, the Oxford dictionary defines power as ‘the ability to act or affect something strongly; vigour, energy; force of character’. Personal power is the internal force that makes things happen. It is taking action with courage and confidence, even in the presence of fear and doubt. It does not mean you do not have doubt or fear. Having personal power means you do not wait for your fear and doubt to dissipate, before taking action. Power is about who does the defining and who accepts the definitions. Personal Power is your bir thright birthright thright. Anything less than personal power is a denial of this natural state. It is a healthy human condition, very distinct from domination, positional or manipulative power which is so often demonstrated. When you are truly in touch with your own true power you simply do not need to use these expressions of “false power”. Political or corporate power has more to do with the position than the person. One may have political power for a period of time and then

lose the next election. You may be powerful at work until the company is taken over and you are retrenched. This is not to say that everyone in positional power misuses it, but the question is whether they would feel powerful without the position. Each of us has a choice to be powerful or not. If you are feeling powerless you can make a different choice. You have the power to do that. The trouble is that you also have the power to do nothing and to remain feeling powerless! Discovering how you use your power is incredibly freeing. Personal power is demonstrated through your decisions and actions. It has nothing to do with money, possessions or position. A person with personal power can lose everything materially and still maintain their power. It is the ability to influence others through effective decisions, committed action and clear communication. It is knowing that no matter what happens, you will be able to handle it. You have the power to change: · Your thinking · Your emotional states · Your financial situation · Your work situation · Your actions · Your results · Your life!

It is really very simple, different actions produce different results! Notice simple, not necessarily easy. If it were easy, everyone would be expressing themselves very powerfully. So why don’t most people use their power to express their potential? Let’s get back to the formula! T he “L or lif “L”” stands ffor lifee . You see for most people, “life” gets in the way. There are many things that happen to disrupt life. Often these are unexpected and interrupt and disturb your flow. Instead of reassessing and/or working out alternatives and/or finding new ways, many people simply give up. They look for reasons and excuses to stay in their comfort zone. Common reasons and excuses that people use to live a mediocre life include: · ‘It’s just the way I am!’ · ‘I’m just not ready yet’ · ‘My childhood was terrible’ · ‘All my family is like this’ · ‘It’s karma!’ · ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ · ‘I’ll change when he (or she) changes’ · ‘I’m too ……….. Young, old, skinny, fat, depressed, sad, etc (just fill in the blank). In the end analysis, reasons and excuses don’t matter! Ultimately they are all just reasons and excuses. You always have choices as to how you will behave. The “M” is for your mindset mindset. It is your mindset that determines what you focus on and how you interpret what happens to you in life. It is your mindset, how you look at things and what you focus on that determines if you keep going or simply give up. Success is not an accident. Happiness doesn’t just happen to ‘lucky’ people. Success and happiness are a direct result of using your power to take the action required to move beyond just thinking, wishing or dreaming. It is a result of controlling your mind and learning to focus on possibilities rather than obstacles. Always remember, that in the final analysis it is not what happens to you that counts – it is what you make of it! Wayne McDonald is the founder & author of the Total Success Program. The above is based on the 6-month multi-media Total Life Success personal development program developed by Wayne McDonald and Success KnowHow.

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Why is it that some people seem to flow through life and others are pushing the uphill battle? It’s all about manifestation. Yes, that law of attraction so recently making headlines in such movies as ‘The Secret’ and ‘What the Bleep’. Manifestation is drawing to yourself what you constantly think about and is one of the laws of nature. Are you a worrier? Well stop, because what you are doing is really meditating on what you don’t want to happen.White chestnut is a Bach remedy that may help with those worries buzzing round your head. Focus and meditation are the keys to achieving manifestation. What you think about constantly you can draw to yourself so that it will happen. So don’t concentrate on the negative stuff. You also need to put in some work towards it and be precise as to what you want. So when it comes to goal setting see a coach who will help you make a life plan and from that come up with some atttainable goals for you within the next year. Goals need to be specific (I want to be rich or happy is very wishy washy and means little). They need to be realistic and achievable and you need to give yourself a time limit to give you better focus. They also need to be able to be measured against what is happening now. An example of wanting to be wealthy is putting a dollar figure on how much wealth. Is rich to you $1 million or $20 billion? The word



Healing Rituals You Can Do at Home means so many different things to so many people. Be specific as to how much money you want, where you want to end up in your career, what type of partner you are looking for, what it means to have quality family relationships and the universe will feed it back to you. It is also important to get excited about your goals to fuel the passion to fulfil them. You need positive reasons to make it happen and you need to write them down as if they have already happened. This will tell your subconscious mind that it is a forgone conclusion and gets you one step closer. You need to be really clear in what you want – visualise it, feel it, hear it as if it is yours already. You then need to stand up and read your goals aloud as if they already happened. Tell the universe how grateful you are that you have achieved them. Take steps to bring you closer to your goal on a regular basis and take note of how you feel and think about it.

When you have achieved one small goal replace it with another. Also watch what are the negative feelings that slide in that could be your undoing? Do you have a fear of success that stops you short of your achievements?If you do, then perhaps see a life coach, energy healer or counsellor to get some new patterns to kick in there.

Jenetta Haim runs ‘Stressfree Management’ in Greystanes and specialises in developing health and lifestyle programs on either a corporate or personal level to suit your needs. Jenetta is a Naturopathic Nutritionist, Hypnotherapist, Energy Healer, Specialised Counsellor, Reiki Master/ Teacher/ Practitioner, teaches Meditation and tests for sensitivities. Call Jenetta today on (02) 96094881/ 0414 680 713 or email Check out the website at

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Spiritual Calling? Directionless?

Often we look outside ourselves to find comfort, and to release and heal emotional and energetic blockages and traumas. While there are many loving and qualified people available to help us, sometimes the most simple and intense healings we can have are ones that we conduct on our own behalf. The most important ingredient here is Right Intent. The purpose of Ritual is to focus your energy and concentration, and to put your Ego, conscious and unconscious Self on notice that this is important! Over the next year in InnerSelf I will write about healing rituals for each of the Major Chakras Make sure you read each ritual thoroughly to be clear about what you need to do, and what tools you may require so that you begin in an organised and calm state. If you find these rituals helpful, please write and let me know. I love and appreciate your feedback! RITUAL FOR HEALING THE BASE CHAKRA Purpose: This healing is for people who are blocked by anger, doubt, lack of direction, low self esteem, insecurity, and lack of self love. It is especially good for people who have been traumatised or abused, who are trapped in a victim or “poor me” mentality, who self-sabotage, or who are crippled by doubt and insecurity. It is cleansing and nurturing, and brings a sense of peace and release. Tools: A red candle, and two white candles. Fresh greenery. Rock salt or sea salt. A large bowl of fresh water with the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon. A shower. Sesame oil, blended half and half with a carrier oil such as almond or apricot. Clean towels and a sponge or flannel. Clean loose clothing. Method: Read through this carefully, so you set your bathroom up as follows. Leave yourself at least half an hour, and some quiet time afterwards for integration. Create a Healing Circle large enough for you to sit within, with fresh leaves and/or flowers. Place the red candle in the middle of the two white candles in front of you, but outside your circle. Beside the shower place the bowl of water and lemon, the sponge or flannel, and the bowl of salt. Put the oil and some towels to one side, within easy reach. When you are ready, sit within your circle and light the two white candles, and then the red candle. Shut your eyes, and visualise a cascade of white light surrounding and protecting you. Imagine a strong column of red energy flowing up from the centre of the Earth and into your base chakra, which is situated between your legs. Feel God in the room with you. Do not be afraid. Say these words, “I am connected to the Earth. I am One with the Divine.” Feel the energy and warmth start to flow and circulate within your body. As you relax, say these words, “I am Safe. I am Worthy. I am Whole.” Put your whole heart into this, and say the words with feeling, even if you feel uncomfortable or emotional. When you are ready, open your eyes. Undress and step into the shower. Use the fresh water and lemon juice to rinse your body. When you are wet, use your hands to gently rub the salt over your skin. As you do this, say these words as many times as you need to. “I release Negativity. I release all Fears. I am Whole.” Turn on the shower and wash off the salt. Visualise all of the impurities and negativities flowing down the drain with the beautiful cleansing water. Enjoy this experience. If you need to cry, don’t suppress this or any other emotion, for this is a ritual of release. When you have finished the shower, do not dry yourself. Take the oil blend and lovingly rub it into your body from top to toe. As you do this, say the following, “I am created in the image of the Divine. I am Precious. I am Love.” Take a towel and dry yourself. Now stand in your circle and look into a mirror. Pick up one of the white candles. Look deep into your own eyes and say the following, no matter how difficult this may be. “I love and approve of myself. I am worthy of Love. I am worthy of Abundance. I am Healing. I am Whole.” When you are ready, dress and lie or sit somewhere quietly so that you can allow this new energy to integrate within your body. Nicole Cody is a Metaphysical Teacher and Channel who runs seminars throughout the World in Spiritual and Personal Development. She specialises in Soul Blueprints and Life Direction Counselling. For more information contact 07 3256 0815 or Light and Blessings be Yours!

Consultations & Workshops with

Nicole Cody! Acclaimed Australian Psychic, Channel and Metaphysical Teacher

Nicole Cody has the answers! Make the most of your life! Nicole’s ability to connect with her guides and yours, her spiritual gifts and her channelled wisdoms will really help you get your life on track. Discover how to make the most of your own gifts and talents through a personal consultation or workshop. Life Direction Readings.............90mins During a Life Direction Reading Nicole works with you to clarify the essence of who you are, why you are here, and what you can accomplish in this lifetime. No matter where you live Nicole can work with you through a distance or face to face consultation. Life Purpose Readings................30mins An intense 30 minute session where Nicole reads and interprets your Soul Blueprint, explains your Life Lessons and gives you a strong overview of your Life Purpose.

For more information about upcoming events, workshops and consultations see our contact details below: 07 3256 0815 PO Box 636, New Farm Qld 4005




Not just for the Spiritual

How much are you willing to commit to your spiritual growth? ○

BY CLAIRE When I got into a taxi a couple of weeks ago, I ended up with more than I bargained for when I told the driver I was headed to a meditation circle and he asked me if he could tell me his philosophy. It was a beautiful reminder of how inspiration can come from anywhere, at any time, and I am deeply grateful to this man for sharing with me something that complemented my own healing work, whilst offering a new way to look at awareness and self love. Congratulations! It’s a... Spiritual Being! A truth that has emerged in many different ways throughout the ages is that it is through awareness and conscious living that one finds, or realises, their true self. The problem is that for most star ting out on this journey, being so vigilant as to be aware of every thought, every pattern, every mirror, seems near impossible. But what if you began to see your true self, your higher Christ self, as a tiny infant, who needs all of the care and attention and vigilance of a newborn baby? Coming home from the hospital – will it ever get easier? When you come home with a new baby, it can often be overwhelming.

BY AILEEN BAUTISTA Many parents are left wondering if they have what it takes to look after this little being who is completely dependent on them. It is indeed exhausting, but anyone who’s done it will tell you that it is absolutely, unequivocally worth every effort and then some. Whilst parenthood never necessarily becomes ‘easy’ (depending on your definition), it does get more manageable as you get used to it – it is remarkable what we are capable of when we’re really pushed. And there’s the rub. When there is a physical baby in the picture who needs to be fed and clothed, changed and bathed, who needs nur turing and soothing and simply can’t be abandoned, then we get that push. But when we are taking care of our higher self, nurturing the little baby within that’s only just started to find his or her way back into the light, it’s too easy to forget about them, to get too busy and to get caught up in our lives. So in truth, it’s not that it’s “too hard” to stay conscious and aware – it’s that it’s too easy to not. My taxi driver teacher’s philosophy started with holding that image of our core self as a tiny baby at all times, like a baby that you take with you shopping, to friends’ places, even to work in this case, and stay aware of how it’s feeling and what it needs at all times.

Playing nice in the sandpit We tend to treat ourselves and others so harshly when things don’t go our way. Would you be gentler on yourself if you saw your true essence as an innocent babe, vulnerable to the outside world? Would you actually make the time to nurture yourself, instead of putting it off as a luxury? What about those around you? Now comes my taxi driver’s second piece of advice – once you are used to seeing your inner self as a child, start to see that in everyone else. Be gentle with yourself and others – remember that you are all nurturing precious babies, no matter what is going on externally. Start to see that beauty and vulnerability in everyone you come across and watch situations quickly defuse themselves.

If you are having trouble seeing yourself and others as the divine children that we truly are, then seek out the company of infants, who will serve as a delightful reminder of our spiritual essence.

Learning from the Masters This last piece of advice came not from a taxi but from the privilege I have of spending one day a week with my nieces; beautiful twin girls who have their first birthday this solstice. The first time I looked into their eyes, when they were only days old, weeks before they were due to have arrived into the world, I experienced a heartfelt understanding of Namasté – I had an acute awareness of my own divinity through my acknowledgement of theirs, which was so astonishingly evident in that moment.

An astrologer and Reiki master, Claire runs workshops and weekly meditation sessions in addition to seeing her own clients. She works out of Sahu Healing Space (, a centre she created to provide the space and resources for clients and practitioners to pursue their own healing journeys. You can contact Claire on 0407 359 347, or email

Discover your Greatness As I stepped out of the taxi, the driver looked me in the eye and said, “You have Greatness. You are Greatness.” To have a stranger take a moment to really look at you and share such wisdom with you is profound. I strongly recommend that every person who reads this invests time in doing the same for someone they encounter this week, be they a customer, a homeless person on the street, or perhaps even a taxi driver.

We all get stressed, run down and upset. We all get angry - we get annoyed at others easily and we can’t sleep well. But there are a few that realise the positive powers of meditation; of what practicing the methods can do to help us in our mind, body and spirit. Meditation is not just for the spiritual- it’s for people who want balance, want clarity. It’s for people who need time, for those that can succeed under pressure. Meditation is a personal growth, within and out. And the people that practice this (daily) are the ones who are composed, the ones that can think straight and the ones that are relaxed. These are the people who can work all day and still look composed in their hectic schedules. The following are just a few benefits of meditation: SPIRITUAL - During meditation you are in touch with an holistic aspect of your life. You become a spiritual being - relaxed and confident within your surroundings. You give thanks to deities, gods and goddesses (who ever they may be). To be in this state enables a peace within you, and one that grounds your soul and elevates your understanding to a higher level. Spiritual meditation brings you to a place of enlightenment - of realization and

potential of your own inner skills and knowledge. STRESS REDUCTION - Meditation can clear away all your worries in the day, just by giving yourself a few minutes a day to practice it. The rhythmic breathing will slow things down within you - and around you. You will feel a heaviness lift of your shoulders and this will clear your state of mind drastically. The use of meditation for stress reduction has been proved scientifically and is highly recommended by professional practioners. CLARITY - Sometimes we are faced with hard days and they seem very long. A few minutes a day of “quiet me time” will change your perspective and will give you the edge in prioritising what needs to be completed first. Clarity is what is needed in times where we feel heavy with workload - lack of clarity seems to be the catylist for unbalanced emotions, so do yourself a favour and meditate when you feel stressed. PERSONAL GROWTH AND INNER CONFIDENCE- This pretty

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN CHANGING YOUR LIFE? • Spiritual Readings (Psychic/Tarot) • Metaphysical Healing (Energetic, Pranic, Crystal, Colour & Chakra Rebalancing) • Spiritual Development Workshops and Training • Home based Personal Development Course • Leadership and Motivational Seminars and Conferences • Lucrative Business Opportunity based on “The Secret” and the “Laws of Attraction” Therapy Practice: 96 Belmont St Alexandria NSW 2015 BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL

Aileen Bautista • Ph: 0402 204 040 or visit

InnerSelf much combines the top 3 pointsSpiritual, Stress Reduction and Clarity. The combination of all three results in your own person growth and your own realisation of personal worth. This therefore gives you the inner confidence to get through the hour/day/week/year knowing you have the mentality and strength to achieve anything. USE OF “THE LA WS OF AT LAWS AT-TRACTION” IN BUSINESS AND SUCCESS- The “smar t” entrepreneurs use this new found inner confidence and personal growth to their advantage. Combining both Meditation and Visualisation can become a powerful tool for any individual. Used in conjunction, the energetic powers of both combine to give off a natural high and new found focus. It also results in manifestation. It’s no wonder the top entrepreneurs use this powerful combination to their advantage. QUICK NOTE: Meditation is best done just before you go to bed this is where your body, mind and spirit are all in a calm place. Start your meditation right, breathe in and out at a steady pace and visualise what you want to achieve. Meditation can last for 10-20 mins (or more!) depending on each individuals circumstance. Aileen Bautista is a gifted intuitive reader, highly sought out empath and exceptional healer. You can find her online at Aileen is also an independent distributor of personal development products such as curriculum and motivational conference events. You can find out more about these curriculums and events by contacting her on (02) 8011 35 98.



BY SONIA There are many myths around what a medium/psychic/clairvoyant/empath can and cannot do . Firstly for the record I can’t give you the winning lotto numbers, in fact I’d like to help but I dont know any medium that can . Secondly we can only advise you, and guide you along your path. We don’t have all of the answers. And last but not least we cannot “read” everyone we come into contact with, although I cannot speak for all mediums/psychics, I do not pick up on all of your personal information by just standing next to you at the supermarket. Most of us have a ritual that we do before we start a reading, we sit quietly, breathe, and relax, call on our guides, ancestors and angels etc for protection and then we begin, We cannot answer all of your questions after all it is not us giving the answers, it is spirit ...all we can do is pass on the message . In fact I find if it is something very personal, then I notice spirit gives it to me cryptically so only the person hearing the message understands. As well as this all mediums/ psychics work differently. Some see pictures so you have to trust they can interpret them properly, some hear spirit, some get symbols and some get feelings. I write this story because in my job as a medium/clairvoyant I have had a lot of people come to me and tell me


Not just a Pretty Colour ○

they have paid a lot of money to someone they found on-line or in a magazine who has not been able to deliver any messages that have any relevance to them . Many people ask me how all of this works and how they can tell that they’re not going to get taken for a ride again . Sadly I dont know what to answer. For the people out there in this profession who work honestly from their hearts and have a genuine connection to spirit it is becoming increasingly difficult to protect the people who are searching with sadness in their souls. I would like to say to go with someone who has a good reputation but I have been told by clients that sometimes the person can be well known and still not know what they are doing. Perhaps everyone needs to follow a few rules: 1. Your intuition ... we all have a strong sense of what is good for us and if we sit quietly and ask for guidance it will come. 2. Go with someone who has a reasonable fee, as I know some people are simply charging way to much. 3. Ask them if they have some testimonials from other clients so you can read or hear firsthand of their work 4. Ask around ... if you are wanting a reading ask friends/family if they can recommend anyone. In this day and age all of us are searching for answers as we struggle to move forward through difficult times.


There are alot of people in the public arena that realize this and are perhaps not coming from a spiritual place . It is imperative you trust your instincts. I am no greater than you or no less, what I am is different , just as you are. As I always suggest to people ... sit quietly, ask spirit to show you signs of what it is you need to know, then wait patiently for the answers. A good medium/clairvoyant can only gently guide you and offer simple advice to help you on your journey ... the rest is up to you ... Sonia Clairvoyant, and Medium Mobile: 0400 025 859 Web:

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” - Walt Disney (1901-1966)

“Can you read auras? Can you see mine? Actually don’t tell me - it’s probably black!” Though often said in jest, this is a fairly common response from people when they discover I can see auras. What I find interesting is that even if people do not verbalise their apprehension, I recognise a level of anxiety in their aura when I read it for the first time. In some cases, an entire wall may emerge in an attempt to hide or protect one’s information from my viewing. This particular response is most common in male clients (sorry guys!). All these reactions are quite reasonable responses to the realisation that someone can actually see through to the real us. We have spent many years creating layer upon layer of protective mechanisms in an effort to hide who we really are. My belief is that deep down we all fear that we are not worthy. We are terrified that someone will actually discover who we are because the shame would be too great when they discover what terrible, fallible people we are. This would result in the manifestation of another of our deeply held fears – rejection in its truest form. In actual fact, and I can sincerely say, based on what I see, that each and every one of you are magnificent, glorious, loveable beings with wonderful gifts to bring to the world. This world is extremely confusing and challenging. We have had to develop cer tain behaviours, defence mechanisms, habits and patterns in our struggle to survive and protect ourselves from harm. Some behaviours have been useful, some outdated and some downright destructive. It is important to know the difference between our behaviours and our self, our true self. So why have I made aura interpre-

tation such a large par t of my therapy practice? Is it to admire the pretty, swirling colours like a spectator of a fireworks display? Well, while the beauty in auras is always enjoyable to watch, there are more meaningful reasons I use aura reading in my practice. With the ability to “see”, I have developed a way to identify limiting life patterns. So often we work tirelessly on the symptoms or outer manifestations of a problem, rather than removing our underlying patterns. We can run along blindly from one therapy to another, working on ourselves and our issues but without the aid of a visual representation of the causal patterns and where they are held, it is difficult to a. Identify them and b. Know when they have been cleared. A fantastic therapeutic technique that I have discovered and observed to have the most effective, long term impact is a repatterning technique from the US along with Theta Healing. These powerful tools are designed to remove the resonance with negative patterns which are holding us back and replacing the mind/body with life affirming beliefs and energies. I have many examples of the identification and removal of clients’

Medical Intuitive Rachelle Terry

Your aura stores memories, blockages, shock waves and emotions resulting from previous experiences. If these are left unattended, recurring patterns can form, affecting your relationships, career, behaviours, health and life events. Rachelle, a Sydney based practitioner, sees and pinpoints the cause of these patterns, using her ability to view the energy field. She then uses highly effective therapy techniques including Theta Healing to shift the negative patterns on a deeper level.

For appointments with Rachelle in Sydney (phone/Skype consultations also available):

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22 ENERGY patterns. Recently I saw a client who, I observed psychically, had a crack in his sternum. I asked if it had been broken. Coinciding with this disruption of energy in the sternum area was a transverse line of energy, dividing his body between the upper and lower levels the energy between the spiritual and physical levels of his life. I suggested that the implications of this could be a tendency for positive circumstances and opportunities to “fall through” before they are able to manifest. Additionally I suggested that this could cause physical fatigue as the spiritual energies were not able to nourish the physical body effectively. When I questioned the client about this apparent crack in the sternum (which he confirmed was actually a broken sternum as a result of an accident), he explained that since the accident he had been unable to get ahead in his life. He suffered from chronic fatigue and continual stops/star ts when oppor tunities would dissolve as quickly as they appeared. I conducted a repatterning session on the client. After the first session, the line across his body dissolved completely. Consequently he experienced profound changes in his life and energy levels. We all have unhelpful patterns. Some patterns can be caused from a physical incident while many begin on the emotional, spiritual or mental levels. Either way, the end result is the same and the patterns will manifest on all levels. Our ability to lovingly and patiently observe our unwanted behaviour will assist us in beginning a path of transformation. The use of aura observation on a deep, energetic and soul level can assist in identifying unwanted patterns. In addition, certain therapeutic methods, such as Theta Healing can be extremely effective in transforming patterns so that we can move into our optimal state of being. Rachelle has had the ability to see auras from the age of seven. She is able to identify the soul level purpose, strengths and talents, health issues and life patterns. Using powerful therapeutic methods she is able to remove reccurring patterns in clients, bringing freedom to their lives and radiance and light to all levels of their body and mind. Rachelle conducts a therapy practice in Sydney and the Central Coast. Additionally, Rachelle can see auras over the phone making, distance and phone consultations a viable option for international and interstate clients. For enquiries or appointments please contact E M 0414-317-323

“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it” Henry David Thoreau





BY TONI REILLY As my introduction, I would like to share with you my first Past Life Regression experience. I had been told many times by clairvoyants that I was psychic and my reply would be “not that I know of, but I would like to be”. A few years ago I became very drawn to discover and develop these psychic abilities which I was unsure existed. On my journey to develop this apparent innate ability, I sought out a meditation group and was guided to a lady based in Melbourne, Mary Malady. She told me to read “Many Lives, Many Masters” by Dr. Brian Weiss. Although not knowing what it was about, I began a mission to find and read that book. Weeks passed, surfing the net and calling bookstores, I was frustrated because I wanted it right now! Eventually I stumbled across it in a bookstore in St Kilda, Melbourne and bought it with anticipation. I buried my head in that book at the coffee shop near the bookstore and before I knew it the afternoon had passed. This book had opened my eyes to Past Life Regression and the possibilities for myself and for others. When I began to write my website, the thought of people reading about me and what I had written plagued me. Even the thought of someone looking over my shoulder when I was writing was enough to make me cringe, cover what I was writing and stop until I was sure they were not looking. I could not make any sense

of it, and with this phobia in mind (among others), I booked in for my first regression session with Mary. Mary initiated my first session by asking me what I would like to deal with. I told her about my inexplicable fear of people reading my writing and wanting to know what its origins were. Later, in my regression, I saw myself as a man in my 40’s in the 18th century, I was writing in a beautifully bound leather book using an inkwell and quill. I felt I was of importance in my community, was very well dressed in my tight black knee length pants, white stockings with black buckle shoes, a black hat with my hair in rolls and a red coat. I was a prolific writer, writing in my private journal about future events. I foresaw a disastrous storm which would affect our town and I spoke out to let the townspeople know about it so that they could take precautions. Despite my standing in the community they thought I was mad, they ridiculed and yelled insults at me, ignoring my warnings of the coming natural disaster. After this ridicule they gained access to my private journals which were full of insight into the future. As a result of my writings I was imprisoned and remained there for the rest of my life. I can still remember feeling so lonely. After experiencing this past life, I was excited to see if this would have any affect on my ridiculous fears surrounding my writing. Over the following weeks my fears diminished. I now

have a website which I developed personally and I am writing this article with pride. Writing is no longer a fear but something that fills me with joy. Toni Reilly is a Past Life Regression f a c i l i t at o r, meditation and s p i r i t u a l development teacher, having trained with Dr. Brian Weiss in New York. She facilitates Private Sessions and Workshops in Brisbane and Melbourne. Toni is currently writing her first book and welcomes your healing experiences following a Past Life Regression. Call Toni 0413 088 070 or email more info on her website

Since the Harmonic Convergence on the 16th of August 1987, the Maya have captured an increasing amount of attention that has skyrocketed during the last few years. As a result, wenow find all sorts of interpretations about the Mayan Calendrical System and 2012. The group of the ending times is more in tune with fear. They interpret the end of the Long Cycle of 5200 years as a time of dramatic earth changes with possibilities of life extinction. The group of the consciousness shift perceive the possibility of changes as an oppor tunity to awaken and evolve to the next level of collective co-creation. Independent of what we decide to believe, the Maya give us an important key to unlock our minds from a sense of time that constricts our consciousness. The important question here is, how can their understanding of time assist us now? To answer such a question, we need to use at least two main sources of knowledge: the ancient Maya and the modern Maya. From the ancient Maya we have inherited a collection of interlinked calendars that are in resonance with the pulsations of life and the cosmic cycles. These 20 calendars are divided into four types: The Cycles of Days, the Great Cycles of Years, the Cycles of Celestial Bodies and Other Cycles. As we synchronise ourselves with this new measurement of what we call time, our reality starts to reflect other dimensions that were hidden before. The unconsciousness of materialistic consumerism is replaced by a different worldview where time is more than 24 hours of fragmented existence. Real time retrieves our presence that paradoxically leads us to timeless consciousness. As our linear mind opens up to cycles of creation and transformation, our hear t is open to par ticipate in a compassionate universe. However to fully understand the essence of these calendars we need to reclaim our ancestral wisdom. Modern Maya as well as other indigenous groups around the world have an active role to play in this. They represent our forgotten connection to Mother Earth and a perspective of reality that is crucial to create the transition.

After more than 500 years of silence the Mayan Elders are starting to share their wisdom. Day-keepers from Guatemala, where most of modern Maya live, did not skip one single day of the Tzolkin or Cholq’ij as they called it in the highlands of Guatemala. If we want to reconnect with cosmic and earthly energies of this reality, this sacred calendar is a good initiation. For the Maya, space-time or najt is the synthesis of reality. Najt is shaped and modelled after the cosmos and “vibrate with respect to the cosmic dance”. The Tzolkin is an inestimable tool that gives us information for full and harmonious self-realisation. The wisdom that was hidden before, is now open for us to transcend our individuality and discover the sacredness of our world that indigenous peoples have kept alive for all of us. As Drunvalo Melchizedek asserts “how else could they have lived on Earth for so long with so little imbalance?”

Isabel Ibarra is a social scientist and therapist. She is passionate about the Mayan wisdom. With her husband Manuel, Isabel is developing one day WORKSHOPS ABOUT THE MA AR MAYYAN CALEND CALENDAR (Next 5 /12/09) and SACRED TRIPS T O GU GUAATEMALA tha thatt ar aree unique (Next 2/2/10). Contact them 0402 167 962 or visit




and Healing Frequencies of the Divine Matrix ○

BY GRAEME COGDELL AND ANDROULLA NASSARIS The Newtonian concepts, when applied to science and medicine, that all things are separate, can be broken down to their individual parts, be fixed and put back together again is no longer as relevant in this current age as it was. Aspects of allopathic medicine, a product of this belief, is to diagnose and treat the symptoms of diseases usually with drugs invasive to the body’s natural immune system and with chemistry that does not get to the cause of the disease. Treatments for cancers using chemotherapy and radiotherapy statistically have low success rates for healing. Guy Allenby in his biography of Ian Gawler The Dragon’s Blessing states ‘In 2004, a meticulous analysis of the published data by Morgan of 22 types of cancer in adults, including breast, prostate, bowel and lung found the overall benefit of chemotherapy to five-year survival was a mere 2.3 per cent in Australia. …There have been some real advances in chemotherapy protocols to treat particular cancers’… since this time … ‘and for these cases treatment is highly effective’, however some exper ts are now saying that 30% of healing from all allopathic medicine is a result of the ‘placebo effect’. Professor Bruce H. Lipton says

‘While Newtonians focussed upon a Universe made out of matter, quantum physicists realized that the Universe and all of its components were made out of energy. To explain further, in our world, things that are large in size, like cells, tissues, organs and bigger, can to some degree be understood by using physical laws of Newton. But when you get down to the level of the atoms and molecules that make up the cells, you’re dealing with the quantum realm …Diseases arising at the level of cellular molecules cannot be understood employing Newtonian principals. At this level of organisation, we start to enter the realm of energy influences. Molecules are influenced by energy fields.’ New forms of non-invasive natural healing modalities are emerging throughout the world with some startling results. Some say they are actually ancient forms of healing reemerging in these times. One such Quantum Biomodality, Ener hEnergg etics Balancing Tec echnique nique™ (QB), co-founded by Melissa Hocking from Melbourne, Australia, is creating extraordinary results. Melissa states that this modality is ‘bringing about healings unprecedented in our time’. Melissa wrote the book A Healing Initiation where she gives an account of her

own amazing healing journey and also describes in detail the whole concept of this incredible modality. She describes many accounts of her clients’ own extraordinary healing through this process. This healing modality is a handsoff, safe and non-invasive healing process whereby the physical and energetic body is immersed in quantum based frequencies enabling the integration and facilitation of an appropriate healing for itself. QB accesses frequencies that emanate from the divine matrix that are palpable and accessible to everybody. John James in his book The Great Field says ‘that everything in the universe is both solid matter and fields of energy’. It is suggested that ‘our bodies, like the whole universe, are awash with vibrations and signals that connect us within and without’. These ‘fields permeate every single thing, from the minuscule photons at the quantum level to the peptides and genes in our own bodies.’ Melissa Hocking says that ‘it is not that everything that exists has fields of vibration but that everything that exists is fields of vibration vibration’. We are not only in this field of vibration our entire being is this vibration. The average human body has between 50 and 100 trillion cells in his or her body and within each cell re-

sides the DNA matrix. The DNA from any part of our body contains our genetic code – the entire pattern of DNA – for the rest of the body no matter where it comes from. Melissa says that ‘our DNA matrix, which when immersed in the quantum frequency activates our healing codes’ and when ‘put in the right environment, under certain frequencies, can reactivate and re-establish communication with the cellular database. …This form of healing seems to actually change the vibration that your body is operating at, raising it, allowing for the communication of the DNA matrix with the cellular body and hence the entire body. From there it initiates not only permission to heal, but the power to heal, using information that has always been there, but until now we had been unable to access.” As practitioners we are only facilitators of these frequencies where the clients body’s own intelligence brings about an appropriate healing response. Clients are reporting back healing stories such as: during and after chemotherapy treatment for cancer, their blood test levels remained unchanged with little or no side affects and no loss of hair; white blast cell counts reducing and eventually being normalised; scans revealing that can-

cerous tumours had reduced in size; having a spot on their lung for over 50 years showing on their xrays as clearing up; addictive drug, alcohol and smoking issues being overcome; depression relieved; aches and pains clearing during a session, feeling more peace, having more energy, gaining clarity and motivation in their lives plus many more positive changes. These are only a few examples of some of the amazing results after clients have been immersed in these quantum frequencies and we stand in awe of the ability of these frequencies to initiate healing responses for many kinds of ailments and serious illnesses. This form of healing works with all other modalities whether it be traditional Western medicine or natural complimentary forms of healing.

References: A Healing Initiation – Recognise The Healer Within by Melissa Hocking, The Divine Matrix by Greg Braden, The Ar t of Healing by Bruce H. Lipton, PhD andThe Great Field by John James.

Graeme Cogdell and Androulla Nassaris are Quantum BioEnergetics Balancing Technique™ Practitioners. They facilitate healing sessions in Adelaide, South Australia. You can contact Graeme on 0416 115 208 or Androulla on 0411 269 660.

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ANTHONY CRAIG A new science is emerging that is changing our traditional understanding of health and healing. The latest scientific research focuses on experiments seeking to quantify the effects of a newly accessible comprehensive spectrum of energy, light and information on human beings. This new healing spectrum is referred to by researchers today as The Reconnective Healing Spectrum. Leading the way in this research is a team of world-renowned scientists, including such research luminaries as William Tiller, PhD, Gary Schwartz, PhD, and Konstantin Korotkov, PhD, with their studies of the Reconnective Healing frequencies, first discovered by Dr. Eric Pearl. The powerful and profound results of this research are attracting the attention of the best and brightest in the worldwide scientific communities. Dr. Tiller, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University, author of eight books, 250 scientific papers and co-star of the film What The Bleep!?, has been conducting research on how the physical properties of a room or space change as energy healing frequencies enter it during Reconnective Healing seminars. He first conducted his experiment on the Reconnective Healing frequencies at one of The Reconnection’s seminars held in Sedona in 2006, and found the results so extraordinary that he repeated his study three more times to be certain that his extraordinary data were accurate. What Dr. Tiller has now shown has the medical research community baffled. He explained that although the energy healing techniques we know today utilize electromagnetic energy, Reconnective Healing brings us up “to a higher level… magnetoelectric energy,” up to a “higher dimensional level.” In Reconnective Healing, “what is happening is that many kinds of energy and light are flowing into the healee and healer,” not just what we were accessing before. The Reconnective Healing frequencies bring healing “beyond just what has been classically known as energy healing into a broader spectrum of energy, light and information,” a spectrum that may not have been accessible by us before now. Dr. Pearl explains it like this. We exist in our four-dimensional reality– often represented in quantum physics discussions as a bubble – in this huge multi-dimensional universe. And the parameters or walls of our bubble – comprised of height, width, depth and time – have been filled to capacity with energy. Yet time is moving faster. Not just in a linear fashion, in one direction… it’s moving faster in all directions simultaneously. Time is expanding. And with this it appears that our playground, our four-dimensional bubble, too, is expanding. And therefore so is our capacity to receive. Suddenly we can receive more. More than we’ve had access to before. More than just the energy that’s been here on the planet and its subsets – reiki, qi gong, etc. – and the endless offshoots we’ve accessed through myriad energy healing techniques. And since light is consciousness, with this expanded access to light comes expanded consciousness. This allows us to see past negative energy as it has all too often been viewed in the healing world, to recognize that darkness doesn’t exist, that it’s only a place where we have not yet allowed ourselves to shine as the light, and that the fearbased concepts of “evil” and “negative” energy in healing, and in the field itself, is simply illusion. So we free ourselves from the shoulds and shouldn’ts of energy healing techniques, old and new. And when we free ourselves from shoulds and shouldn’ts most anywhere in life, we allow ourselves to become more present, more in the moment, to interact more fully and consciously with life, with the field. We go beyond and access a fuller spectrum of healing - a continuum, of energy, light and information simply by interacting with it. Let’s speak about light and information. Our bodies don’t heal the way we were taught. We don’t heal through chemicals. We heal via frequency, vibration, information, resonance… Pearl believes in what he calls The One-Cause Theory. The theory is that the degree to which we fall away from perfect health is the degree to which we’ve temporarily forgotten that we are light. And all we need to do for self-healing is to remember, and to allow a return to our natural state of light vibration. As we vibrate in our optimum state of light, anything denser than that light pretty much has nothing left to hold on to and falls away, if appropriate at that point on our life path for it to do so. Studies prove that what Pearl describes is accurate. In another study, Dr. Schwartz, and Drs. Melinda Connor

and Ann Baldwin from the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at The University of Arizona, focus on people who attendees at Reconnective Healing seminars. Dr. Schwartz and his colleagues conducted their “baseline energy healing” studies both at Dr. Schwarz’s lab at the University of Arizona and at seminars around the world. These studies measured people’s abilities to work with, feel, transmit and receive light and other electromagnetic frequencies before and after they attended the seminar. What they found was dramatic. Of the 100+ people who participated in the study, all walked out with permanently expanded and new electromagnetic abilities following the Reconnective Healing seminar, whether they had never studied healing or they were masters/teachers of the various energy healing techniques known today, old or new. While Dr. Tiller has been measuring the dramatic field effects that occur at these seminars and Dr. Schwartz has been focusing on those who attend those seminars, Dr. Korotkov has studied both field effects and effects on individual seminar attendees. Using his proprietary methodologies and cutting-edge imaging and measurement devices, Dr. Korotkov’s research corroborates Dr. Tiller’s and Dr. Schwartz’s findings. What impact are these and other studies having on the scientific and medical community? Traditional science and medicine can no longer approach health and healing the same way. Tiller says that we must now move beyond the limiting space-time modality of quantum mechanics to a new science that includes consciousness, intention, emotion, mind and spirit. New scientific exploration by Drs. Tiller, Schwartz and Korotkov, as well as what is documented in Dr. Pearl’s own bestselling book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, are paving the way towards validating the powerful effects that energy, light and information can have on people. This exploration is contributing to advancing humanity to the next stage of evolution, where instantaneous healing and regeneration are simple, everyday facts of life. Simple, everyday miracles. Anthony Craig is an Associate Instructor, and Cer tified Reconnective Healing and Reconnection Practitioner and Mentor. Based in Adelaide he travels extensively educating and expanding this work locally and worldwide and is available as a guest speaker. Anthony is available for appointments, ph 0412 832 664g Visit

The most amazing and beautiful light exists within all of you. It is inextinguishable, it is your soul. When you are able to ignite this light within your physical being, Universal Alignment with God occurs. Ingrid Johansson After many years of searching, attending seminars, reading books and listening to others I learnt many pearls of wisdom, yet I was still unable to unlock my unique gifts and talents. As a child I had glimpses of a simple formula to our freedom. I am now able to share these sacred gifts with you, so that you may unlock your own magnificence. I have one wish for you, and that is for you to realise your own unique gifts and talents, and for your life purpose to be realised. I dedicate this article to unlock your brilliance and to the freedom of humanity. The following verse was received after meditation and prayer on Sun 25th Oct while asking what needed to be shared with you all. It is printed in the exact wording as it was received. “Mother Mary” may be replaced with your own deity that signifies the same essence of purity. You are welcome to visit our website to read the Universal Law of Gratitude and listen to the sample of Universal Humming (Gratitude) on repeat. Allow the essence of the humming to flow through you while reciting the pr ayer below. You could also download a Universal Sun Vor tex photograph to place under a hand or feet. Also, massaging your thymus and heart chakra with your finger-

tips while listening to the humming and saying the verse at the same time, will assist in unblocking the circuits in your meridians and nervous system circuitry allowing a greater result and harmony. And, remember to hydrate before you commence to assist your flow of energy. The Divine Mother verse will have the strongest effect for you when you begin by saying: ”In Humility and Grace I ask Mother Mary, or your own pure deity, to hear my request...” • Clearly state the problem, issue or state of being that requires resolution, to strengthen your harmony or spiritual journey. • Now state exactly how you would like things to be. • Now repeat the following prayer three times. Mother Mary’s Prayer for Universal Healing Mother Mary I beseech thee Mother Mary I surrender to thee Mother Mary infuse my being Mother Mary transform me Mother Mary allow me to feel your divine essence within my being Mother Mary assist me to bring this heaven to earth Mother Mary I honour and thank thee Mother Mary I choose to beseech thee Mother Mary I choose to be of thee Mother Mary I choose to surrender to thee Mother Mary I choose to feel like thee

Mother Mary I choose to allow you to infuse me Mother Mary I choose to allow you to transform me Mother Mary I choose to feel your divine essence within my being Mother Mary I choose to bring heaven to earth Mother Mary I honour and thank thee Mother Mary I have beseeched thee Mother Mary I have surrendered to thee Mother Mary I feel like thee Mother Mary you have infused me Mother Mary you have transformed me Mother Mary I feel your divine essence within my being Mother Mary we are now allowing heaven to be on earth Mother Mary I give thanks to thee As you are of me And, you are in me And, I have always been of you And, you have always been in me And with me Ingrid Johansson - an ordinary person on an extraordinary mission. Ingrid mostly worked as a Director of Nursing. Feeling burnt out she turned to complimentary medicine. In June 2009 Ingrid made a deep commitment to burst through the final barriers to understand her life purpose. From a pure heart and soul Ingrid enthusiastically shares her gifts to ignite the light in others, to support the freedom of humanity.

Universal Alignment for You The most amazing and beautiful light exists within all of you. It is inextinguishable, it is your soul. When you are able to ignite this light within your physical being Universal Alignment with God occurs. Ingrid Johansson

A profoundly simple process, providing simple answers for your transformational change. For many only one session may be required. Ingrid Johansson warmly invites you to join her on a journey to discover your greatness, your magnificence. • Transform your physical being • Feel oneness within yourself • Realise your unique gifts, talents and life purpose • Anchor your spiritual journey more profoundly PERSONAL SESSIONS OR BY TELEPHONE OR SKYPE. For more information visit Universal Health for You • Ph Ingrid (07) 5441 3818 “Ingrid invokes Universal Sun Vortexes for healing. This massive and beautiful orb slowly appeared in her own garden after humming for Universal Harmony - it is now present 24/7. You have the same birth right for harmony.”


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Enlightenment, the dictionary meaning is, inform, shed light on or instruct. To be enlightened must therefore mean to be informed, or does it? To be enlightened can be interpreted in many different ways. To some it can be as simple as suddenly after years of singing a particular song finally realising what the words actually mean, or as deep as accepting we are the Universe and all it contains. We vacillate between the simple and the deep all of the time. We are continually searching for that elusive point of enlightenment, so why not combine your search with travel. Gateway Enlightenment Tours offer you two journeys, both are fascinating and enlightening but very different in content.

EGYPT – Gateway to the Soulwith exclusive private time in the King’s Chamber and between the Paws of the Sphinx, this is an experience like no other. For each individual a tour to Egypt leads you to a greater understanding of self. Egypt reaches out to you on many levels all of which are fascinating. At one level it is a holiday to an architecturally rich country with an amazing history. At this level you will experience walking through ancient history and develop an understanding of the historical context of Egypt. However for those of you with an interest in exploring the Conscious and Unconscious connection to the energy of Egypt, then this tour provides a chance to open yourself to these energies and incorporate them into your Being. Each person will find their own points of connection. Mary Shaw has been facilitating tours to Egypt for over twelve years and on this next tour she will be assisted by Mark Anns and together they will provide guidance and help in utilis-

ing the powerful energies of Egypt in a safe energetic environment to allow for enlightenment and growth.

PERU – Gateway through the dimensions - Only in the Andes do you have the experience of “Walking through the Veils” as the ancients said. Here in the Andes and especially at Machu Picchu you have the proof that other dimensions do exist. You experience seeing animals and humans disappear in front of you, as they cross the bridge between dimensions. This may only last for a minute or two but it happens! High amongst the Andes the air is pure and the energy vibrations are fast and powerful, so this is the easiest place of all to become one with your Soul Being and allow yourself to open to enlightenment. Everything that happens to you in Peru whether it is at Machu Picchu or in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, will strip away your old perception of life and propel you energetically to a higher vibration. The Andes for most people is a once in a life time experience, so why not enjoy this with like minded and friendly people. Mary Shaw will be accompanied by South American Shaman Enrique Encalada and together they will provide a fascinating and enlightening tour. Mary Shaw is the founder of the Beyond Oneness Seminars and also the founder of Conscious Gateways specialising in Personal Mastery and higher vibrational trainings. Contact—08 97544231 or 0405 003 233


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“Do not stand on a high pedestal and take 5 cents in your hand and say, “here, my poor man”, but be grateful that the poor man is there, so by making a gift to him you are able to help yourself. It is not the reciever that is blessed, but it is the giver. Be thankful that you are allowed to exercise your power of benevolence and mercy in the world, and thus become pure and perfect.” Swami Vivekananda

Goddess Laxmi, the Goddess of spiritual & material abundance. Be Beautiful, Healthy & Safe Shop at Organic Beauty World for Green healthy bodies inside and out! Free shipping – friendly service (1300 662 543 SCENT OF SAMADHI (3 giveaways) Scent of Samadhi is an ancient, herbal, all-natural deodorant powder used by the yogis of South India. One of the products sold at Organic Beauty World is an all natural, herbal perfume of the yogis of South India Ideal for yoga, meditation, body work & simple joys in life. In the caves of southern India, it has been noticed that a beautiful and exotic aroma exudes from the bodies of Sages and yoga masters who practice and meditate for hour upon hour. It was learned that they rub onto their bodies a natural herbal perfume and deodorant powder which deepens their practice and meditation. This an ancient herbal blend that works along with the body perspiration to create a smell that is truly inspiring- enhancing a deeper meditative bliss and divine awakening. Scent of Samadhi is an ancient, herbal, all-natural deodorant powder used by the yogis of South India. It is an effective deodorant that works along with the body?s natural aroma to create a fragrance of inspiration, bliss, optimism and calm. - This mood uplifting intoxicating natural fragrance adapts to your own body chemistry. Specially unique to YOU! - When you perspire, Scent of Samadhi transforms your own body aroma to a divine fragrance. Works with your body chemistry. - This fragrance can guide you inward, bringing a deeper clarity and focus when meditating, doing yoga or when working. - Trigger your hidden sensual scent- the tantric magic. - Wear it to feel good and attract abundance in all aspects of your life! - Scent of Samadhi is worn and appreciated by both women & men. While wearing Scent of Samadhi, we experience the feelings of being ‘beautiful and wonderful’ inside-out and a sense of well being. These positive vibrations actually enable all good things to happen around us. It is for this reason that the yogis of India consider Scent of Samadhi to be

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SELLING IN THE ZONE- STRESSFREE SUCCESS IN SALES By Michelle Stanton For those who don’t separate the spiritual from the mundane much value will be found in this approach to Selling in the Zone, for both their sales and their spirituality will be enhanced. Kindly donated by Michelle Stanton

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THE SECRET OF ETERNITY By PeterjJ Focussing on how to discern between absolute and relative reality, australian spiritual teacher PeterJi assists us through the stages of awakening, dropping the “seeker” label to allow for the Universal Consciousness to take hold. Kindly donated by Stillwater Meditation

THE SECRETS OF SPIRITUAL MARKETING By Lawrence Ellyard This in depth, step-bystep guide to setting up and running a prosperous wellness business is both timely and required reading for anyone in the health and healing industry. Thrive in your natural therapy business!. Kindly donated by Lawrence Ellyard


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Serenity Vibration Healing® & Enlightenment Technique As a qualified and experienced counsellor I’ve always intuitively felt there was something more than the “talking or hands-on therapies”to assist clients (and myself) to create and live an empowered life free from the traumas and pain in the past. Several years ago, I was looking for a simple to use, anywhere, anytime, quick and efficient modality to continue healing beyond the therapy room and without using psychobabble or disempowering language. As the saying goes “when the student is ready their teacher appears” or something similar and Serenity Vibration Healing® and Enlightenment Technique presented itself. I believe in experiencing a modality to the fullest before offering new approaches to clients. During my first session two things happened. Firstly, I became more aware of how my thoughts, words, intentions and actions were instrumental in creating my daily experiences. Secondly, to my surprise and delight I left with, as the name implies a profound sense of “serenity”. I chose to implement the tools offered and each day began to notice more subtle changes within. Notably, the biggest change was increased mental clarity, focus and the lessening of random inner dialogue or that incessant mind chatter. I also learnt clarity and focus are the intrinsic foundations of instant manifestation and I began to consistently manifest more of my heart’s desires. Since 2002, SVH has continu-

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Vital Health Connections and SVH including regular “Free Podcasts” hosted by Jill Marie, founder of Serenity Vibration Healing® & Enlightenment Technique. Cris Elphinstone, B. Counselling & Human Change, SVH Level 2 Teacher & Level 3 Master Practitioner, Owner & CoFounder, Vital Health Connections Heard these before? Do you feel stuck or blocked from your true purpose? Do you continually attract the same old experiences of dishonouring relationships? Do you fear or sabotage abundance? Do you hold onto the past? Do you need clarity?Email: or call 0410 524 154.

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)


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RONI & GEORGE We are Roni & George and we are par t of a Global home based Business Oppor tunity in the booming $19 Billion Dollar Personal Development Industry. We are blessed with the incredible joy of assisting people all over the world break out of the rut of the rat race and live the life of their dreams, empowering individuals, couples and families experience a life without limits enjoying financial and time freedom. We are looking to par tner with like-minded individuals to mentor and coach to achieve their full potential, when you are ready to move forward in your life contact us at:

PROSPERITY AND THE LIFELINE TECHNIQUE If abundance is our natural state, what do you think is preventing you from experiencing prosperity of health and wealth? The LifeLine Technique is a kinesiology based system that identifies the original energetic imbalances to facilitate your body’s innate intelligence, thereby restoring harmony to the disconnections that prevent you from experiencing optimal prosperity. Call 0406 40 40 82 or visit LIVING THE LIFE YOU AL W AY S ALW KNEW YOU COULD What would you do right now with your life if time or money where not an issue? In my business, fortunes are being made using the law of intention and

desire. However, you need to understand how to use these laws of success before financial freedom will visit. For example, the forces of harmony, joy, and love, will create success and good fortune with effortless ease. Contact me today for a no obligation discussion of my business and how you can use universal laws to financial wealth. Faye Kakia 07 3374 1820

LEARN TO HEAL YOURSELF WITH REIKI AND THETA HEALING. How are you coping right now? Can you afford to get run down, sick or hospitalized? Depression, heart attack, stroke, cancer do not happen overnight! The body can become run down if you do not look after it on a daily basis. Prevent serious illness occurring to YOU! Learn to heal yourself with Reiki and Theta Healing.. Visit

STARLIGHT WELLBEING EXPO AR EXPO,, 7-10 JANU JANUAR ARYY, BANGALOW A&I Hall Station St, Bangalow, 9.30 am - 5.30 pm. $15/$10 admission Meet some of the areas finest natural therapists and readers, admission includes; workshops, talks, cafe chats and free healings in our Healathon. Add to that healthy vegetarian food, organic coffee and gluten free cakes and you have the perfect recipe for a relaxing day out. The Starlight Wellbeing Expo is now in its thir teenth year. Each morning starts with a blessing with Tibetan Buddhist monk and Chant Master the Venerable Lobsang Tendar, followed by deep relaxation to the pure sounds of crystal singing bowl music. Thursday, the first day of the expo, offers two for one full price admission. Special two hour guest workshop presenters this January include: Aboriginal Healer Tjanara Goreng Goreng. “Ngungkari’s heal using their hands and other techniques which enable us to ‘heal the spirit’ of a person, this then works on changing the energy of the emotional, mental and physcial energy so that the person becomes well. ” Crystal Skulls. Dee Banton has brought her collection from the UK and will share information on the thirteen skulls, the Mayan prophesy, skull activation and guardianship. UK Crop Circles Megan Haezlewood spend eighteen months observing and researching crop circles in the UK. Dan Winter USA. Dan is an international expert on Sacred Geometry, Sacred Spaces, the Fractal Science of spirit and how it affects our reality. For more info visit

THE YOGA OF SACRED SOUND Deva Premal and Miten met in India in 1990 and soon began a journey into love and creativity that has taken their inspiring blend of song, mantra and meditation to a worldwide audience.(They have released a string of acclaimed CDs, and their concerts and ecstatic chant workshops are met with rave reviews throughout Europe, Australia, Canada and the United States. Their music transcends all the usual musical boundaries, with fans including rock icon Cher Cher, who featured one of Deva’s most popular chants, the Gayatri Mantra on her Farewell Concer t Tour; world renowned author and motivational ob bins and even coach Ton onyy RRob obbins His Holiness The Dalai Lama who, after hearing Deva & Miten sing for a private audience, exclaimed, “Beautiful music, beautiful…!” German-born Deva Premal is a classically trained musician who grew up singing mantras as bedtime songs. Her mother plays viola da gamba and her father was an artist and a devotee of the spiritual path, including Zen and Yoga. He taught himself Sanskrit and Deva notes that “When my mother was pregnant with me, their welcome was to sing the Gayatri Mantra throughout the pregnancy.” “As I grew up we continued to chant the Gayatri Mantra together regularly before sleep. I didn’t really know what I was singing ... and why. I just did it because I was told to. It wasn’t until much later that I came to appreciate these precious times.” As a teenager, she moved away from the confines of both her classical music training in voice, violin and piano, and the mantra practice, and began to explore on her own. At age 11, her search brought her to become a disciple of the enlightened mystic Osho Osho, and later, she went to the ashram in India to begin studies in body work, including massage, shiatsu and cranio-sacral therapies. It was in Osho’s ashram that she and Miten met. “Although I was 20 years old and he was 42, our hearts immediately connected,” she says. “I knew he was one of Osho’s musicians, but that was about all I knew apart from the fact that I felt good whenever we were together. We laughed a lot ... and still do.” Miten was born in London and grew up in the 60’s. “At that time, England was alive with rock ‘n’ roll music and the sound of The Beatles,” he recalls. He later went on to establish a

successful career for himself in the 70’s as a singer/songwriter, touring with such bands as Fleetwood Mac eed and R y Cooder Mac, Lou RReed Cooder. This period of his life was exciting, but left him unfulfilled: “I had a couple of album deals, and moved into writing music for other people, then radio and tv work, then eventually found myself in my 30’s asking questions - I was looking for something more substantial in my life than the usual diet of sex, drugs and rock and roll.” Miten left everything he had known before, even selling his guitars, and after discovering Osho when

a friend gave him a book on Zen, dropped out of his career and into a life as a member of a meditation community. By 1990 1990, when he and Deva met, he was leading the music for thousands of people attending the evening meditations at the ashram in India, and eventually invited Deva to join. Later they began offering voice workshops and concerts in Europe. Deva recalls, “At this point, I played a supporting role, singing second voice, playing keyboards, and co-leading the workshops. I was very shy to sing alone, but encouraged by Miten, I became more confident and eventually

discovered my voice.” “One day I heard the Gayatri Mantra being sung by a friend in England. It was a different version to the one I had grown up with, and knowing the text so well, I was touched and excited by what I heard. I felt re-connected. This time I could feel the power of the mantra as never before, the strong effect it had on me, and the sacredness of it.” “We began featuring it in our concerts. At last I had found my song! I had found something that felt like ‘mine.’ I felt at home with it, and I watched as it touched people night after night. I began searching out more mantras and before I knew it, I soon had enough for my first album! We recorded it in my mother’s flat-the same one I was born in, where the Gayatri Mantra had been sung to me all those years before. Our plan was to make an album for people who attended our workshops. We gave it the title, The Essence. How it was received was beyond our wildest dreams” Deva and Miten became planetary gypsies, bringing the ancient healing power of mantra into the 21st century. Their concer ts and workshops are more than music – they are invitations to share in a deep moment of meditation. For details of upcoming concerts and workshops phone 03 9844 5379 or visit



Ey Eyee on the Sky

with Robert Crawford, Astrologist and Teacher

A SUBTERRANEAN CLEARING Planetary Review - Nov ‘09 - Jan ‘10

Get healthy this summer with THE LATIN SEED With the weather getting warmer every day, many people are thinking about kick starting their healthy living regime and getting into shape for the beach, summer BBQs and Christmas parties. Enter The Latin Seed, an all-natural weight loss and well being solution that is simple, organic and easy to use. Originally from South America, The Latin Seed is quite simply, a seed that is taken every night in a cup of boiling water. The seed, which contains natural linoleic acid, works to reduce the volume of adipocytes in the body and promotes efficient fuel burning in the body. Sydney mother-of-two Nikki Lumsden was so inspired by losing a remarkable 45 kilos using The Latin Seed, that she left her corporate job to bring the product to Australia. “It is totally natural – there are no chemicals or anything artificial involved – and it’s tasteless, which makes it even easier to use,” said Nikki. “It sounds like a cliché but I really had tried everything to lose weight throughout my life and The Latin Seed was the only thing that worked. It changed my life so I wanted to share my story with people who want to look and feel better naturally.” Both Nikki and her husband Peter left their corporate jobs to launch The Latin Seed, as they knew it wasn’t simply about weight loss. It also helps with general well being, constipation, cholesterol and improves the appearance of skin and hair. In fact, after taking the seed, Peter was able to stop taking high blood pressure medication that he believed he would be taking for the rest of his for life. “We knew we had found a product which would help a lot of different people. I especially love that during these warmer months when

Nikki before

Try not to resist or fear change but empower yourself through change. “We have negotiated a tricky economic period but now need to corral our resources to come out the other side; and by the way haven’t we done well.” This is the picture the government has portrayed in good old-fashioned vote buying rhetoric. ‘Politically correct’ or politically persuasive perhaps but let me now put it to you ‘astrolutaly’. We have currently entered a 12 month period hosted by Saturn in Libra ‘squaring off’ with Pluto in Capricorn. When the ‘Force’ of Pluto clashes with the ‘Form’ requisites of Saturn, we are in need of a ‘subterranean clearing’ within the following contexts. - Pluto in governing Capricorn bequeaths new bills of legislation within stockbroking and banking sectors &/ or new compliances within corporate trading. - To negotiate (Libra) saferstructures and mandates (Saturn) on which to build our economic progress. These referrals are necessary or run the risk of a cyclic re-occurrence. Pluto is notorious for penetrating the very depths (the sub-terrain) of our psyche in order to clear the dross. The planet’s only cohearse events, we enact them. When individuals, companies or nations ‘fear change’ (Saturn) or ‘feel powerless’ (Pluto), our basic survival instincts can reflect

the shadowy sides of our psyche – in Capricorn unbending and Libra manipulative. Hence the saying, ‘Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely’. Pluto need not be about Power struggles. Pluto is to Empower and leave us better off than when he found us. When we recognise this, Pluto enriches our lives. Sometimes we become so familiar with how we identify or perceive (a Pluto word) our lives even if it is having a negative impact, to give that up (Saturn) can leave us feeling at a loss. Personally and collectively, this is a period to re-orient our lives. Try not to resist or fear change but empower yourself through change. Zero to four degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are of most significance. 20th Dec – Mars goes retrograde from 19 degrees back to 0 degrees Leo. Action oriented Mars appears to move in reverse direction against the skies backdrop. This lasts for 80 days, allowing us time to align our self-enhanced (Leo) actions with our goals and orientations. (Mars opposes Neptune and Jupiter in Aquarius). This extended time frame can build frustration, if you’re looking for immediate gratification.

One moment of patience may ward off disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life. - Chinese proverb

25th Dec – A T-Square exists with the Moon in Aries opposing Saturn & square Sun/Pluto. Manage your emotions by having a presence of mind about you, responsible in your actions toward others. The national chart for Indonesia springs for th with this transiting Moon. The Saturn, Pluto square triggers its natal Mars throughout this 12 month period and the way it conducts its own affairs (Mars in the 4th house) appears to be observed by onlooking countries. 1st Jan 2010 – A Full Moon brings in the New Year. The illuminating Full Moon and the corresponding revelations it offers is a welcoming site although it may well create angst through feeling deprived. The global picture painted from the Greenwich Mean Time chart, shows people leading and politics follows but with a firm hand - Saturn in Libra is on the horizon. Governments may be wearing velvet gloves but they know who’s boss. The Australian midnight chart shows patriotism (Venus conjoins natal Saturn) but with a rebellious ‘freedom-fighter’ streak (Uranus on the descendant), the general public will as easily affiliate as disband. 15th Jan – Saturn turns retrograde @ 4 degrees Libra. Saturn goes back over old grounds geographically and

can be used as such strategically. The backtracking of Saturn allows us to look back so as to move forward. Mercury is also retrograde beginning its 20 days of review on the 29th Dec, moving from 21 degrees back to 5 degrees Capricorn on the 17thJan. Both Mercury and Saturn are in signs where trade, agreements and legislation are counterpoint. The table for negotiations has been laid. Let’s just hope everything is on the table not under it. Uranium deployment appears ‘electrically charged’. As will our stand toward Uranium/Nuclear use by other countries (Uranus position in the New Year Charts). Jupiter moves into Pisces on the 18th of January, for a 12 month duration. Jupiter in Pisces rewards via a focused intention and devotion to one’s philosophy on life. TO SUMMARISE NOV – JAN By addressing the fundamental principles that define you/us. One can reconstruct a framework and/or reorient one’s position in life from which to progress.

It is in vaine to goe about to make the shadowe straite, if the bodie which giveth the shadowe is crooked. Stefano Guazzo

Nikki after

I’m swimming with my kids, I no longer have to be afraid to be seen without makeup on or product in my hair, as the seed has given my skin and hair a healthy glow,” said Nikki. Avid Latin Seed user Alexandra Sanhueza lost over 11 kilos over the course of five months. “It was so easy and convenient, and for the first time my metabolism feels normal,” commented Alexandra. Alexandra loved the fact that she could keep eating as usual but because her stomach was shrinking each day her meals were getting smaller and smaller. “I feel great! and look forward to no longer embarrassing my 17 year old daughter with having to wear a t-shirt with my swimsuit this summer,” added Alexandra.

The Latin Seed is not only natural and simple to take but, a t less than $2 a da dayy, it is also cost effective. F or mor or ma tion, moree inf infor mation, please visit www .la


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BY ALAN COHEN A spiritual teacher told me of two students who were seeking the one place left in a smallgroup week-long seminar. “One student was very wealthy, yet he tried to bargain for a half-price payment of $500,” the teacher told me. “The other student had only $20.” “So which one did you take?” I asked. “We accepted the student who offered $20.” “Why is that?” I asked. “Because she offered everything,” the teacher answered. It is not so important how much we give; it is how we give that counts.

If you have a lot, but offer a little, you have given little. If you have a little, but give it all, you have given much. Our actions are real not for their outer form, but for our energy and intentions behind the actions. The story is told of a poet who went to see a doctor. The poet said, “I have all kinds of terrible symptoms. I am unhappy and uncomfortable, my hair and my arms and legs are as if tortured.” The doctor answered, “Is it not true that you have not yet given out your latest poetic composition?” “That is true,” said the poet. “Very well,” said the physician. “Be good enough to recite.”

He did so, and at the doctor’s order, said his lines again and again. Then the doctor said, “Stand up, for you are now cured. What you had inside had affected your outside. Now that it is released, you are well again.” In your work, your friendships, and relationships, are you giving just a part of yourself, or are you giving all of yourself ? Are you sharing from the depths of your soul, or are you accommodating? Are you doing what you came here to do, or are you doing what is expected of you? When you go to sleep at night, have you lived a day in accord with your vision, or have you

worshipped at the altar of fear? Are you giving wholly of your true self, or partly of a false self? Recently I met a famous teacher who is very busy. He has many students and media people tugging at him, and he is able to meet with individuals for just a few moments or minutes. When I spoke to him, however, he was really with me. He looked me squarely in the eye, gave me his full attention, and listened and responded clearly and lovingly to exactly what I was saying. Though I spoke to him only briefly, I felt very loved and very fulfilled. Even in a few moments, he gave me everything.

Kahlil Gibran affirmed: Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For love is sufficient unto love. . . Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself... To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving... And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips. Alan Cohen, M.A. M.A., is the author of 22 popular inspirational books and CD’s, including the best-selling The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore,

the award-winning A Deep Breath of Life, and the classic Are You as Happy as Your Dog? He is a contributing writer for the New York Times #1 bestselling series Chicken Soup for the Soul , and his books have been translated into 23 foreign languages. His work has been featured on and in 101 Top Experts.

KINDNESS TO ONESELF One way to develop metta (loving kindness ) within us is through the following meditation practice, which we start by extending loving feelings toward ourselves. It’s very simple: At first, sit in some comfor table position, and keeping an image or felt sense of your self in mind, slowly repeat phrases of lovingkindness for yourself: May I be happy, may I be peaceful, may I be free of suffering. Say these or like phrases over and over again. We do this not as an affirmation, but as an expression of a caring intention. As you repeat the words, focus the mind on this intention of kindness; it slowly grows into a powerful force in our lives. Although the practice is straightforward, it can be extremely difficult. As you turn your attention inward and send loving wishes toward yourself, you may see a considerable amount of self-judgment or feelings of unwor thiness. At these times, proceed gently, as if you were holding a young child. –Joseph Goldstein, from “Triumph of the Heart,”

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