Body, Mind & Spirit
Your guide to local news & events Issue 25 • SA
DR RICHARD MOSS God of Fear God of Love
Living with a ‘Monthly Monster’
Christmas Giveaways for our Readers
GOD OF FEAR - GOD OF LOVE by Richard Moss
IS HEALTH IN YOUR GENES? by Dr Rob Hutchings
LIFE AS COURAGE by Amanda Allen
23 14
NATURALLY GIFTED by Elizabeth Peru
WORDS & EMOTIONS by Dr Alexander Ask
THE LUMINOSITY OF LOVE by Dr Graham Williams
RE-LEARNING TO RELAX by Swami Dayananda
LOVE by Brandon Bays
DEPRESSION by Jaan Jerabek
FOOD AS MEDICINE by Karuna Jaiswal
FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN by Jonathan McIntyre
QUANTUM BIOENERGETICS by Graeme Cogdell & Androulla Nassaris
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Every issue of this paper is a gift ... to you and also to us. This incredible journey we are all on is truly wondrous and miraculous and if we travel with open eyes and open hear ts, the miracle can be seen at every turn. Enza and I are continually amazed at how effortlessly this paper continues to manifest. With every issue we are honoured to witness yet again, how the pieces of separateness magically come together to become the whole ... how each contributor fits into the flow, helping to unify each issue’s content. And somehow, without choosing a theme, a theme chooses itself with everyone’s contribution synchronistically fitting into the bigger picture ... For This that “knows” weaves its way secretly into and through each and every page. And, isn’t this also how life works? Here we are. Billions of scurrying, separate little selves all totally absorbed in our busy lives. Believing in the great deception of separation and for the most part, totally oblivious to the truth of our divine nature. Yet, above it ... behind it ... within it ... how else to say it? ... There’s this Oneness constantly pouring Itself into it all ...breathing through us ... seeing through our eyes ... thinking through our thoughts. Why? Simply to realise Its own Unity. This “One Taste” as Ken Wilber describes so deliciously, is available to each and every one of us ... right now! For this Unity is the truth of who and what we really are ... and yes, it’s always already here! 2010 can be a year of miracles, if we choose to flow with the One that chooses. Now is the time to go within and look ahead ... move into the Eternal Vastness that we really are and from this timeless place ... allow for This ... This that animates, informs and inspires us ... to clarify our intent for the year ahead, by simply aknowledging that It’s always already here! So, why not live the life you’ve always dreamed of living ... by being who you really are. Love to you all, Leo Drioli and Enza Vita
Have you heard it ... Have you noticed lately? Love comes knocking, But have you heard its call? The Gift is already given, Gently whispering ... Quietly rippling ... Secretly loving, Every fold and curve, Every look and touch, Every single breath you breathe. Have you heard it ... Have you noticed lately? God is here, Always already here. Looking through these eyes, Your eyes ... my eyes. And through this looking ... God sees. And through this seeing ... God knows. And through this knowing ... God loves ... Loving all and everything... As it miraculously unfolds before us Gently whispering secret, empty nothings. Sweet ... still ... silent... Yet, ever so persistent in Its ever presence. Beyond this and that, Before all arising...and all remaining, Before all passing yet ... Within it too ... God is ... always already is. Can you come back enough? Do you dare to fall in enough? To sit here ... Right here where God already is ... Even if only for a moment? God is gently whispering to you, Through you ... Beyond you ... Into you ... As you, even. Do you hear this sweet, sweet call? Stop ... Breathe ... Wait ... Listen. Fall into that vast last Hole of the Heart. Drop right down and Feel the already felt ... It is this immediate ... Touch it, taste it Be touched, be tasted. For it really is This... Just as it is ... always already here.
You can visit Leo Drioli’ t: www .leodrioli.b lo Drioli’ss Blo Blogg aat: www.leodrioli.b .leodrioli.blo
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Body, Mind & Spirit
Your guide to local news & events Issue 25 • SA
DR. RICHARD MOSS God of Fear God of Love ○
Living with a ‘Monthly Monster’
Christmas Giveaways for our Readers
ISSUE 25 (SA Edition•Nov-Feb 09/10)
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DISTRIBUTION We have two separate editions of InnerSelf. An SA edition and the East/West edition (covering VIC, TAS, NSW, ACT, QLD, NT and WA) with a total combined readership of 297,000 readers across Australia. DISTRIBUTION OUTLETS: Free copies of InnerSelf are circulated at over 2,000 public distribution points such as health food stores, bookshops, new age retailers, alternative health clinics, organic outlets, healing centres and body-mind-spirit festivals as
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STATEMENT OF PURPOSE InnerSelf and its staff are dedicated to helping readers live richer, fuller, and more responsible lives. We work to do this by providing inspiration and resources for wellness, personal growth, and spirituality and by providing information to empower positive choices for the natural and social environment. InnerSelf is your quarterly resource guide for authentic living.
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PUBLISHER'S NOTE The InnerSelf editorial team are working consciously to keep sexist language out of its pages, but sometimes this is not possible due to material having been extracted from old sources making it difficult and sometimes impossible to get permission to alter copy. We apologise if any such language does offend anyone. INNERSELF is independently published quarterly by InnerSelf© 2009
This issue of InnerSelf is also online as an e-paper at
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BY DR. RICHARD MOSS Fear is the principal force that divides our hearts. It will continue to do so unless we increase the muscle of our attention and faith that lets us remain present for more and more of reality. When we consciously meet our fear, our faith grows. In the deepest solitude of ourselves, when fear has brought us to our knees and there is nothing left to do but surrender to it, we discover what has all along been supporting us. Fear is a great god, one that we can never defeat if we resist or react to it in any way. Learning to grow faith is an incremental process. I know of no one who has fully conquered fear. I certainly haven’t. But I know that if, at the end of a lifetime, our faith has grown a measure no bigger than just the space between two hairs on our heads, we will have to a degree transformed the very fabric of reality for ourselves and everyone else. As this power to resist fear grows within us, we begin to realize a greater god: the god of love. I am using the term god here to refer to the dominant unconscious force that influences us at a given stage in our lives. We could say that, at this point in history, in the majority of us, the soul lives under the sway of fear. Yet there is a growing minority whose souls obey the god of love, and the primary evidence of this is that our lives are dominated by the yearning to know who we really are. Love is not mere consolation for our otherwise troubled lives. Nor is it the sentimental, but pleasurable, “mush” it has been reduced to in popular culture. Love, as Walt Whitman wrote, is “the kelson of the creation.” The kelson is the keel, or backbone, of a sailing ship that unites all the ribs to form the hull. Love is the backbone of reality: it is the unbroken connectedness of all things, everything in relationship to everything else. Nothing is ever in exile from it; there is nothing in life that does not belong here, in reality. Even fear. When love is our god, we have permission to be in relationship to everything, even the darkest places of dread and terror. When love is our god, we can enter into conscious relationship to any aspect of our experience and consciously suffer it until we realize that the very fabric of reality is love. There is always that within each of us that is greater than fear in all its forms. The god of fear offers hope but demands obedience: do this, obtain this, follow these rules and you will be safe, you will be happy. But the price we pay for the illusion that we can attain happiness and security this way is an eternal battle for survival, one that always starts from a sense of insufficiency. The god of fear was our first teacher of survival. No doubt, without fear we could not have survived. But now our mindless obedience to this god threatens us with disruption at every level of society and, perhaps, may even lead us to extinction. Our obsession with survival and security always ultimately leads us back to fear and all its minions — power, control, righteousness, jealousy, neediness, greed, blame, hate, and revenge. We live in endless hope
for imagined security, for freedom from an endless legion of external threats, but in that very hope hides the root fear, that which we have not yet turned to meet and hold. Hope can never break us out of the cycle of survival. While fear thrives on obedience, the god of love asks only for conscious relationship, and not to an abstract idea of God, but to the immediacy of every moment. When fear is overlord of a particular moment, filling our minds with endless worries and demanding all kinds of actions in the service of a hoped-for outcome or reward, love will hold and support our aware selves as we turn trembling to stand and face fear itself, straight on, whatever its guise. In facing fear, we gradually become free of the cycle of fear and hope and begin to fulfill the higher purpose of our human existence: to reveal and express the fullness of our beings. But what of those of us who derive our faith from belief in God or Jesus or any other symbol that represents to us a reality greater than ourselves? Experiencing faith in this way entails projecting our own self-transcending capacity onto a symbol of salvation and then deriving feelings of inspiration and sustenance from those symbols. But even though in our survival-oriented culture this passes for true faith, it is really just borrowed faith: we borrow it from something external to us, something we can think or imagine, without realizing that that which resided in Jesus and all the great souls resides as well in ourselves. This fundamental consciousness, which everyone has the potential to realize, is clearly what Jesus was referring to when he said, “Before Abraham was, I Am” (John 8:58). Depending on borrowed faith when we do not ultimately have faith in ourselves, we remain prisoners of the god of fear, even as we worship the icons we have dedicated to the god of love. We claim to know what
God wants, but we remain ignorant of our own essence. We continue to be rooted in a survival-based consciousness. There is a deeper faith that comes from exercising the power of awareness to find our own source, what existed prior to anything whatsoever that we have believed. If we inquire deeply enough to realize that our conditional faith comes at the price of giving away our own divinity, then we meet the true test of faith: we finally face our egos’ primal fear of being utterly and hopelessly extinguished. When we face this fear, we ultimately come to realize the true source of our beings. THE PROBLEM WITH GOD The problem with God is that “God,” as we think of God, is a creation of our own minds. If in a given moment our god-idea helps us to enter more fully into the present and into the wholeness of our being, then this god-idea is alive in that moment, part of the vital transformative conversation between self and Self. But when our god-ideas become more real to us than the awareness that allows us to contemplate them, these ideas begin to imprison our souls. It is always a mistake to separate our own consciousness from our godideas. Jesus himself said, “Whoever knows the All but fails to know himself lacks everything.” Whatever we believe about God, we are knowingly or unknowingly speaking about ourselves, and frequently it is our survival personalities that influence what we say. If we want a god to support us in battle or our nationhood or our religious supremacy, we invent a god who legitimates our cause. If we want a god who exonerates us and forgives us, we open our hearts to a god who does that. If we want a god who is pro-life or pro-choice, we create this god in our minds. And once we have created this god, we always construe evidence or scripture to support our belief. But it is not really a question of
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what God does or doesn’t want. For the religious person, God excites the mind; for the mystic, God stops it. When we speak of God from a spiritual perspective, we refer to that which, when we turn our attention completely toward it, ends all thought and instead reflects us back to the ineffable source of our consciousness, the true beginning of ourselves. God in this sense is the ultimate mirror: whatever we see in it is God. We must embrace every aspect of ourselves until, ultimately, we each know that I and God are one. Dr Ric har Dr.. Richar hardd Moss is an internationally respected spiritual teacher and visionary thinker. He is the author of The Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness and other books on conscious living and inner transformation. For thirty years he has guided people of diverse backgrounds in the use of the power of awareness to realize their intrinsic wholeness and reclaim the wisdom of their true self. His work integrates spiritual practice, psychological self-inquiry, and body awareness. This article was excerpted from the book: The Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness by Richard Moss.
Recently one of our course participants said to me, “What I have found really striking about the Lifeflow teachers is that they literally seem to glow. It is so inspiring to come to the courses – it’s such a contrast to the environment I work in.” The glow she is referring to is called ‘luminosity’ or ‘clear light’ in the meditation tradition, and is the natural state of our being. It opens up when our minds, emotions and bodies are balanced and so completely united. When you realise this and are able to hold it no matter what you are doing, your life literally lights up, and this is the essence of what is meant by enlightenment. Your life becomes luminous. One of the reasons for this is that you no longer have to hide anything from yourself, and so there are no dark areas in your life where you fear to look. You are able to accept everything about yourself. And this also translates to the world around you. Even if you don’t understand or agree with everything that is happening you don’t have to ignore it or pretend it is not happening. This is a great relief because you no longer have to use up your energy keeping it hidden from view. Love is the ability to be open Being open to everything, being receptive to everything in yourself and the world, is the essence of love. You discover that love is actually a decision – not just a feeling. It is something you can practice, and so you can learn to sustain a state of love in the same way that you can learn anything else. It doesn’t have to be left to chance. Through knowing how to keep your senses and your mind open, you discover the rich and vivid experience we call life. Your experience everything through your whole body and mind, and so you feel connected with your whole body and the people and life around you. By meditating on love you can practise how to do this and it is something which is common to both the Western and Eastern traditions. There is a little text book called The Cloud of Unknowing, written for his students by an anonymous monk,
which has sur vived from the 13 th century. The aim of the book was to lead the student to a point where he or she could let go of themselves, enter a state of unknowing, and penetrate it to reach a state of union. In it is an exercise which links meditating on the breath with a meditation on love. While consciously following the breath, the student was asked to use the word ‘God’ on the inbreath and ‘love’ on the outbreath – they filled themselves with the love of God and then breathed it out to the world. Meditations on love are designed to take you beyond the boundaries of your view of yourself and your world. They become increasingly inclusive, until you can hold in your mind people, places and other forms of life way beyond your own immediate experience. By meditating on love you can consciously create feelings of acceptance, warmth, understanding, compassion and joy. In this way you are opening yourself to states of mind and feelings without any boundaries, and literally strengthen yourself emotionally. Love begins with being kind to yourself From our point of view meditations on love all start from an unfamiliar place, because they all star t with ourselves. Again this makes perfect sense once you think about it. How is it possible to truly love someone else if we aren’t able to like or be kind to ourselves? Kindness itself is based on the word ‘kin’ and so a meditation on kindness brings to mind our kinship with other human beings and with everything that lives – that we’re all in it together. We all share the same home. Open-hearted kindness was the state of mind which Francis of Assisi realized and to which he dedicated his life. His song to ‘Brother Sun, Sister Moon’ is based on the realisation that we can never be separate from the Universe for we are an integral part of it. Both the meditation tradition, along with our own indigenous Australian tradition, have always shared this view. Because they have never viewed human-kind as separate in
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any way from any other form of life, they see us as embedded in the natural world, as an integral part of it and dependent on it. Nature is not seen as an enemy to be conquered or simply as a resource to be exploited – it is, in a very real sense, our mother, and so every form of life, which is also a child of nature, is related to us in an intimate way. A CLASSIC MEDIT MEDITAATION ON KINDNESS Here is a meditation which we teach at Lifeflow which helps to open and strengthen the heart centre. Firstly you imagine a flower, for example a red rose, or a sphere of light in your heart centre, in the centre of your chest. From this you imagine a soft pastel-coloured, almost white light, spreading through your whole body. With this light you bring feelings of warmth, kindness and acceptance to your whole body and your life. You then open to the parts of your body you find comfortable and which you like, and focus the light into them. Then, as best you can, bring the light to those parts of your body you find difficult and which cause pain and tension, and then to the parts which you take for granted and generally don’t notice. You finish by resting with the light and these feelings of acceptance, warmth and kindness through your entire body. Kindness is the simple acceptance of the fact that we are all here together, that our bodies all live within the same limits, that we are totally dependent on the earth for our survival, and that all other people and living creatures share this with us. It is a state where you see yourself and the world from the heart, opening to the feeling of kinship with all of life. Dr. Graham Williams has thirty years’ experience in teaching meditation, is the Director of The Lifeflow Meditation Centre and an adjunct lecturer at Flinders University. His first book Insight and Love is in its third edition and his new book Life in Balance has just been released. It is available online, in bookshops in Adelaide and throughout Australia. The Lifeflow Centre provides regular meditation courses in their city studio and retreats in a relaxing hills setting. P 8353 0000 W
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YOUR EMOTIONS ARE SELFISH Q: You talk aabout bout ggetetting rid of emotions – why would we ever want to get rid of our emotions? And what would we be without them? Linda: There is a great fear of letting go of emotions. Even if we know that we suffer from being slaves to our emotions, there’s a fear of what will replace our emotions if we let them go. Will we become cold and robotic? A lot of people seem to think that emotions are what make us human. But really, if you are controlled by your emotions, you are more like a robot. You can never get to the depths of who you really are while you are controlled by your emotions – by your mind. You can never really connect deeply with someone – even your children – while you’re ruled by your emotions. Because emotions are selfish; they are all to do with the self – with you. With you being number one. Everyone and everything else is secondary compared to you while you’re ruled by your emotions. As we become less selfish we become less emotional. And the less emotional we become, the less selfish we become. You start to see that your emotions aren’t who you are – who you really are – who you really want to be. So don’t fear that you will become cold and calculating and robotic if you let go of your emotions. You actually become warmer and softer and less self-centred than you have ever been. You can only really feel compassion when you are not concerned with yourself – when you realise I am not the centre of the universe. Q: I’d like to ask you about the Buddhist concept of attachment. I can see that I’m attached to many things, but I
can’t understand how we can live in the world without being attached to it. Linda: So what is your deepest attachment? You might think you’re most deeply attached to your partner, your children, maybe your house but really your deepest attachment is to your “self”. And all your other attachments - and another word for attachment is fear, come from this from the belief that you exist as a separate self, that you are special. And anything you’re attached to, you will lose. Enlightenment is the realisation of that. So it doesn’t mean that you don’t have a partner and children and friends and a house, but there’s just no attachment to it. There’s no fear of losing these things because you’re not using these things to reinforce this belief that “I” exist. So you need to keep seeing what you’re attached to and letting go of your attachment until you get down to your deepest attachment which is really the hardest one to let go of. There’s no fear of death when you lose the attachment to your “self” because each moment you’re dying to your attachments. You see that freedom is really the death of attachment and you find out who you really are. Whenever you are not seduced into thinking – every time you are able to stay here, where you really are – you’re breaking an attachment. It doesn’t matter what you’re attached to in the relative world. It’s the reason behind the attachment that you should be concerned with. Thoughts are not the problem – it’s your attachment to the thoughts – it’s you. The attachments give you a sense of security, but when you look at it logically, there is no security in any attachment; because you know that anything you’re attached to, you will eventually lose.
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At the source of your attachments is the fear that you will lose your body – your body will die, and “I” will no longer exist. There is the possibility of being free of this fear, of this ego or “I”, while still being in the body. This is the greatest thing you can do while you’re still in your body – to realise that even the body is an illusion. This is freedom. Linda Clair is a non-sectarian teacher, and is also the author of the book ‘What do you Want?’ She teaches mainly at the Simple Meditation Centre in Crafers West in the Adelaide Hills. For more information, please phone David on 8339 7848 or visit
Have you noticed there seems to be a high level of stress and anxiety in everyday life? Are some people simply nervous or under unusual demands from work or family? Too much influence by the media? Too much isolation? Regardless of the causes, today’s environment seems to trigger a variety of tensions, from constant worry to charged emotion, depression and chronic illness. It doesn’t have to be an ongoing situation, either. Even a single occurrence in a day—a near accident, a disturbing phone call, witnessing an intense argument—can induce feelings of discomfort and distress. Unfortunately, too many turn to alcohol or television to divert feelings, generating even more pressure on the mind and body. Even when you pick “healthy choices”: release through physical activity, unwinding with a partner or friend, or soaking in a hot bath, still, a level of anxiety can rouse the nerves, tense the muscles and set the mind spinning. Most likely you’ve had plenty of opportunities through the years to unwind and relax. In fact, every time you release yourself into sleep, you
need to relax. But why not relax with mindfulness? Consider taking the time now or later today to relax on purpose. Here are some tips: 1. RELAX THE MIND. Notice if your mind is agitated or at peace. This is the trick: If you are agitated, simply recognise the agitation rather than focusing on why. You can even say to yourself, “My mind is at peace”, or “My mind is agitated”. 2. RELAX THE HEART. What is your mood or state of feeling? Relatively calm and happy? Or are you dwelling on negative feeling such as Simply listen to your Holosync CDs with headphones and experience dramatic positive change
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worry, irritation or being hurt. Again, if you have a negative feeling, simply recognise the feeling rather than focusing on why. Make your statement: “I feel at ease”. “I feel anxious”. “I feel down.” If you have a negative feeling, open yourself to possibility: “I look forward to feeling more peaceful”. On a scale of one to 10, how open is your heart? Imagine moving up just one number to feeling more expanded. Consciously relax the heart. 3. RELAX THE BODY. With your eyes open or closed, observe your body for any sites of discomfort. Look for any long-term or recent pain or points where you hold tension, such as the shoulders, neck or back. Repeat “I let go” silently to yourself while focusing on each part of your body: from the tips of your toes, your feet, legs, hips, through your back, arms and shoulders, then to your face and to the top of your head. If you notice any particular tightness, repeat “I let go” until you can feel yourself release. Then spend at least 10 minutes with a relaxed body or recognising points for continued focus. INQUIRY: DISSOLVING TENSION When you notice physical tension, ask yourself if it might be emotional tension. It doesn’t matter what has caused it. Focus instead on feeling the tension in the present moment. Ask yourself what you feel. It can be general, such as “I feel emotional”, or specific, such as “I am angry with a person at work.” Imagine the tension as a block of salt crumbling and dissolving into warm water. If you find resistance, acknowledge that you are resistant to dissolving your tension and look forward to dissolving it in the future. MEDITATION: OPEN SPACE WITHIN Consider the unbounded realm of your own consciousness. It can travel to the past, anticipate the future, imagine places you’ve never been. Consciousness is beyond judgment, story and circumstance; it is eternally free. Close your eyes and meditate on your own unlimited consciousness. CONTEMPLATION: BEING FULLY SUPPORTED Consider that you are fully supported with everything you need. Swami Dayananda is the Director of the Adelaide Shi Shivv a Yo g a Meditation Centre at 79 Military Road, Semaphore. The Centre conducts sessions in relaxation, yoga classes, and courses on meditation tsang and self-inquir oin us ffor or Sa self-inquiryy. JJoin Satsang Saturdays at 7.30! For more information, contact 8242 4929 or
BY PERSEPHONE MAYWALD HOLES OF THE SOUL You may have noticed that, every so often, you feel as though some inner quality you ought to have has gone missing. Sometimes it might be a very clear sense of what’s absent, and sometimes it might be just a vague feeling that our lives really should be better than they are. For example, we might feel as though we just don’t value ourselves enough, and that if we could find some value to fill that empty place, our lives would be much smoother and happier. We’d have better self esteem, and love ourselves more. We wouldn’t constantly doubt that we measured up to our own inner standards. We might try to tinker with ourselves and add some of the value that’s missing. But even when our self esteem is boosted by repeated affirmations or things well done, the glow soon fades. We may spend many years trying to gain value with these things of the world, only to finally realize that the only true cure is to connect with a value that is permanent and indestructible. We eventually understand that these empty places we find in ourselves are actually holes of our Spirit, or Essence. They can seem to be holes of the ego, but ultimately what’s missing is the infinite beauty, value, love, power, peace and capacity of who we actually are. HOW DO HOLES HAPPEN We are all born as pure expressions of Essence, undimmed by the constrictions of ego. However, as infants we cannot self-reflect – we have no capacity to see who we actually are. So we gain a sense of self, not from our Essence, but from our parents mirroring back to us what it is that they see. And that reflection is distorted by our parents’ needs, issues and holes, no matter how much they love us. For example, Essence is genderless, but even before bir th we’re being related to as a boy or a girl, with all the reactions and expectations that our gender triggers in each of our parents. So inevitably, we take on the reflection that is given to us, and create a self, or ego, from it. We lose touch with the Essence we were born with. The particular ways that we lose contact with our True Nature de-
pends on our history. Sometimes we are profoundly separated from a particular aspect of Essence, and sometimes we are just a veil away. But each loss of contact creates a hole of Essence. WE BUILD AN EGO TO COMPENSATE These holes are extremely painful, and Essence, in an act of great kindness, allows the ego to compensate for each hole with a facsimile of the lost aspect. For example, we lose contact with our true Strength, and the ego creates the closest qualities it can, which include anger, false strength, and pushing through life. These ego qualities then become the foundation of our personality and ego structure. If an ego quality is not acceptable to us, a further layer of ego, often its opposite, is added to hide that quality. For example, if our anger is not acceptable, we may become depressed, which effectively hides our anger. EGO BECOMES THE PORTAL TO SPIRIT The wonderful thing about our ego is that, although it separates us from Essence, it also provides a very precise pathway back to the particular aspects of Essence that we have lost. All we need for this journey of recovery is a willingness to be present with the truth of where we are right now, a curiosity about that truth, and compassion for what we discover. If we start with where we are, sincerely sensing our state, no matter how difficult and unenlightened, understanding about its qualities, underpinnings and history star ts to arise of its own accord. For example, as we truly feel our depression, we start to understand that, deep inside, we are actually quite angry. If we are willing to truly acknowledge and sense our anger, without judgment or inhibition, this then continues the process of uncovering and understanding deeper and deeper layers of the ego, and we eventually arrive at the original hole of Essence. This is a scary place, but again, if we are willing to just be there and truly experience that void, then sooner or later it opens into Essential Strength. This inexhaustible Strength then fills the hole. It’s alive and clear, giving us
a flexible, unassailable autonomy that has no need for anger. Since every quality of the ego is a compensation for a particular aspect of Essence, there are many pathways back to Essence, and eventually we travel most of them. Very briefly, some of the more common are; powerlessness and hatred leading to true Power; agitation and numbness leading to true Peace; hurt and pity/ sympathy leading to true Compassion; flatness and happiness-seeking leading to true Joy; and wilfulness, control and compliance leading to true Will. And so on. THE WAY FORWARD Traditionally, the ego has been seen purely as an obstacle to Essence, as something that needs to be ignored and transcended. It’s certainly true that it is an obstacle, but it is also a portal, and if we can embrace it with compassion and curiosity and the desire to understand its truth, it will automatically lead us back towards our True Selves. There are many different methods for doing this – meditation, therapy, various psychological and spiritual paths – but whatever method we embrace, if we bring curiosity, compassion and desire for the truth of who we are, our understanding will inevitably move us closer and closer to Essence, and to who we truly are.
With gratitude to A.H.Almaas, Diamond Heart book 1, Ch 2, and John Davis, The Diamond Approach, Ch 6 Persephone Maywald has been a student of the D i a m o n d Approach to self realization since 1986, and is a Teacher in Training in this spiritual path. She is currently offering Low-fee Individual Sessions for those interested in experiencing the Diamond Approach. She also offers Study Groups on the writings of A.H.Almaas, founder of this path, and is a transpersonal psychologist. Contact her at 0435 014 821 or For more information see, or come to a free talk talk, 7th Nov 2009, 2 p.m., Cosmic Pages bookstore, Adelaide.
There has to be a willingness to allow the heart to be broken open a thousand times, and a thousand times more, for the vastness of love demands all of you. We cannot hold anything back from love: there must be a willingness to offer all of ourselves into the fire – even if it breaks our hearts; even if we are devastated by the power and immensity of its beauty, there must be the willingness to allow love to ravage us. For it is in the offering of our complete selves into this love that we fall, and in the falling that we are given wings and are free to soar on the wings of grace in the embrace of love. There can be no half measures when it comes to love. Either you fall in completely or you flounder endlessly, grasping for something just out of your reach, and you taste only a small fraction of its immensity. Love simply requires all of you. And when you hold back any part of yourself from this ocean of love you end up denying yourself the joyous blessing of plunging into the infinite and swimming in grace. It is not like you can say to love, ‘Oh, I’ll give this much of myself, but no more,’ for the part you hold back will have a life of its own … it will fester and keep you feeling separate from the vast ocean of the infinite, constantly craving for it in its entirety. I suggest you drown – for the only route into love is to surrender completely, even if your emotional dam breaks. There must be the willingness to offer yourself utterly so that all parts of you are totally exposed, including your so-called shadow parts that you are not so proud of. There must be a willingness to expose even the parts of you that are scared, greedy, wanting, insecure, unworthy, angry, frightened, needy, jealous, raging – grace is going to want all of you in your entirety, good, bad and indifferent. To experience real love is to offer every last bit of existence up to it. In the willingness to expose all of yourself to love, all of grace floods in, surrounding, suffusing, permeating you. Love requires absolutely everything . Be open to love, and know that sometimes right in the centre of its heartbreaking pain. all you can do is
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ask for more heartbreak, to turn it up, to open your entire being wider into it – for truly, the only way out of the pain is to go deeper into it. You have to be willing to say ‘yes’ to hear tbreak, to surrender totally and pray for more. For as you let go completely into it, with no holding back, your heartbreak is realised to be love itself. And like a river held back by a dam, when you let the dam break, the falling in is experienced as a rush of ecstasy as self merges into self. It would be a gift if we all experienced this heartbreaking love, for it is the very nature of love to break through all our barriers of resistance and open us into an ocean vaster than could ever be imagined. On the final morning of a recent retreat, a beautiful, radiant man from New Zealand stood on stage to celebrate his birthday by opening himself to the fullness of the love in the room. I had instructed everyone to share openly with him what qualities they saw in him, and asked him to open and receive their praise. People began to call out what they saw, ‘I see strength,’ ‘I see vulnerability,’ ‘I see tenderness,’ ‘I see wisdom,’ … They shouted from various corners of the room, ‘I see intensity,’ ‘kindness,’ ‘laser-like intelligence,’ ‘peace,’ the list went on and on. Sitting next to him on the stage, I could sense that it was beginning to be too much for him to hold: it was like he was subtly bracing himself, not allowing the words to fully penetrate; as if he couldn’t quite allow in all the beauty that was being reflected back to him. His body, though open, was also a bit stiffened; as if he was afraid he might lose control or break if he really allowed the truth to reach inside him. Quietly, I whispered, ‘I suggest you drown. You can’t hold back this tidal wave with some imagined shield. I suggest you surrender … just drown in the love.’ And something broke – a chink cracked open and, in one moment, all armour crumbled and fell away. Tears started streaming. With no barriers there, the room became an ocean of love – unbridled, unguarded love. He was sitting there for all to see in complete unguarded exposure, and everyone was welcome to reflect back to him what was truly there.
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G ateway Enlightnment Tours 2010 ‘Ocean of love,’ someone said. ‘Innocence,’ said another. ‘All love,’ I said quietly, ‘All love.’And so it is: all love is here the moment complete and total exposure happens. To experience true love there has to be a willingness to have your heart broken by it a thousand times, for it is in the letting go into its force that the hear tbreak itself is experienced as love. Then love is realised to be not a personal love, but an omnipresent field of love that permeates all of life. It’s embrace is never ending, infinite and complete. And in this love you rest as total
completion, utter peace, soaring freedom. You ar aree lo lovv e itself . Journeywork is being made available throughout Australia at The Journey Intensive seminar. They take place in the months of August, September and October in the following cities: Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Sydney, Newcastle, Perth and Cairns. For more information, and to reserve your place call The Journey offices on 1300 30 44 14 or visit w w w. t h e j o u r n e y. c o m / australasia
Brandon Bays in Australia Feb 20-21 Gold Coast 27-28 Sydney
Brandon Bays will be in Australia in Feb 20-21 Gold Coast and 27-28 Sydney. Brandon Bays will be launching her newest book, co-authored by life partner Kevin Billett, in Australia and New Zealand in Feb 2010! Book launch events will be taking place in both countries, with Inner Self readers getting a sneak preview of the book in February, so watch this space for more details of this exciting new offering from the international best seller of The Journey.
InnerSelf Online Calendar The only FREE nationwide calendar of events You can search for events anywhere across Australia or submit your own event FREE. Looking for your next creative exploration? Tap into a local yoga class and more through our nationwide calendar of events. Are you starting a new creative expression workshop? Promote your event FREE in the new InnerSelf Calendar
Our goal is to awaken one community at a time
EGYPT- GATEWAY TO THE SOUL “There are moments in our lives when the mysteries of the Universe call us on a journey, no place holds these mysteries like Egypt” Along with her resident Egyptian team of experts Mary Shaw will take you on an Egyptian experience unlike any other, the memories of which, will remain with you forever. This is not just the journey of a lifetime, this is a journey of many lifetimes. Among the many highlights of this tour is exclusive and private entry in to the Kings Chamber and exclusive time between the paws of The Sphinx. Twelve days ex Cairo 25th May 2010 to 6th June 2010. Five star deluxe travel and accommodation, fully escorted.
PERU- GATEWAY THROUGH THE DIMENSIONS Only in the Andes do you have the experience of “Walking through the Veils” as the ancients said. Machu Picchu is the easiest place in the World to experience this merging of dimensions. Enjoy the beauty and mystery of Peru. Walk in the Sacred Inca Valleys and let the Andes capture your heart. Come and experience another World ( almost a dream World) and enjoy ceremonies, energy processes and discussions with like minded people. We will be at the top of Machu Picchu on the most powerful energy day in 2010—10/10/10 10 days ex Cusco 3rd October 2010 to 12th October 2010 Four star travel and accommodation, fully escorted.
Mary Shaw has been helping people to facilitate change on all levels for over 35 years and is an extremely experienced tour facilitator. This time Mary will be accompanied by South American Shaman Enrique Encalada, together they will guide you on an unforgettable journey.
For full details and itinerary contact: Mary Shaw 08 9754 4231 or 0405 003 233 Email:
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DEPRESSION- An Illness or emotional constipation? ○
The treatment of depression in the new paradigm we are in now, requires us to change our attitude collectively. The approaches that account for most of the depression treatments in the past were very clinical, overly logical, unwholistic and even brutal. There seems to have been a need to categorize depression; is it nonmelancholic, melancholic, reactive, clinical, does it come from genetic factors, is it personality style? Is it biochemical? Let’s put it in its category, label it, and follow the standard protocol for that type. Even though the labelling and following protocol has been the much needed approach to scientific problem solving, depression has zero to do with science. It does have everything to do with emotional intelligence and awareness of our true nature though. The labelling of the types of these afflictions does more damage than good. People are creating the ‘stuckness’ of depression in the first place by limiting themselves and putting themselves into a self induced hypnotic trance of ‘I have Depression, I am Depressed, I have Depression, I am Depressed and since I have a,b & c form of Depression I will always be on anti-depressants or will need five to ten years of therapy. ’ The truth is that Depression is a call to introspect and undergo a process of emotional release, and growth - hence a change in personal values & a life transition. The truth is also that there is only one Depression. The causative factors of the degrees of Depression are the only real difference; by way of how many units of pain there are for each individual. These units of pain are the old and toxic emotions leftover from the past. ‘Emotional constipation’ is the most direct way of putting it. For ex-
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ample: 10 units of old emotional pain may be experienced as reactive depression. If 50 units of pain, it is heading towards clinical depression, and 100 units of pain could be entering the chronic/melancholic depression zone. UNDERSTANDING THE DEPRESSION PROCESS Depression is the surface presenting symptoms of varying degrees of old emotional pain, trapped deep in the unconscious layers of the mind, which has grown so stagnant and toxic that it stops the rest of one’s energy flowing – be it happy/joyful feeling energy or physical action/motivation energy. This may lead to the reported feelings of deadness/ unhappiness and lack of inspiration and enthusiasm. Usually the emotional energy that is trapped in the unconscious layers of the mind is grief and/ or anger and all the various shades of these two primary emotions. For grief the shades may be emptiness, despair, helplessness and hopelessness, melancholy, gloomy/ moody, despondancy, flat/numb, tiredness and so forth. For anger the shades may be frustration, irritation, withdrawn, non- communication, sulking, bitterness, impatience and so forth. What depressed people suffer from is the by-product of holding onto emotional pain that has passed its useby date and needing to be released. This release can easily occur through an effective emotional release technique such as Cathartic Style Rebirthing Breathwork – the ultimate emotional enema. When we hold onto an old and painful emotional experience, which is made up out of (for example ) 10 units of lifeforce energy, 11 units more of lifeforce energy are required to hold down the emotional experience in our unconscious mind, and in our neuromuscular system in the
form of tense muscles. If we have many old emotional pains held in our system there ends up being less lifeforce energy left to be used up as happy/ joyful feelings, inspiration/ motivation and energy to live...What we call Depression then takes over. Whether the main depression episode is triggered by a stressful event; comes from a personality style, or is put down as genetic or biochemical, the emotional cause explains the mechanism behind all of these. Even what we call genetic depression is not a case of depression being passed down into the physical body through genes. Even though there is a slight element of this, what really is passed on from mother and father to child are the unconscious emotional coping habits and the same degree of self-wor th/healthy attitude towards themselves. So if mum and dad never gave themselves permission to feel their emotions fully or value themselves
in a healthy and nurturing way and let themselves live fully, then we received these messages very early on and decided that is how we should also be. The end result is that if a lifetime of our parents not allowing themselves to feel fully would result in depression for them, would not the same way of dealing with (or should I say not dealing with) our emotions eventually result in the same for us? When we look at biochemical depression, which is a type of depression attributed to a lack of serotonin or noradrenaline going through our system, we also see a behind the scenes mechanism occurring ... our body and mind are one unit. Simply put, if there are no happy juices – joy flowing through the mind/ emotional energy system, of course this will eventually show up in a biological/ physical reflection of the same thing. The physical happy juices/ joy chemicals being serotonin, nor-adrenaline and other mood stabilizing hormones and neurotransmitters that antidepressants try to address, will be absent. It all goes back to the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Jaan Jerabek is the founder of The Depression Solution. Using the most up to date techniques including ‘Cathartic style Breathwork’ that displace the defence mechanism, his programmes have helped thousands of people experience relief from depression & anxiety in his 15 years of professional practice. Phone 1300 500 881 or or
BY GLENDA NEEDS (BA Dram, Grad. Dip CAT) Although the field of ar ts therapy has a long history, particularly in the UK and USA, justification for the use of arts has been through qualitative or anecdotal evidence. Very little research has been directed toward neurological functions and cognition theories that support the use of arts as an effective therapeutic tool. Verbal counselling relies on the patient or learner, to verbally construct and reconstruct their personal stories in a way that provides new insight and opportunity for growth. Arts therapists incorporate arts mediums into this story telling process in order to engage other senses, access other material and to widen the clients’ scope of potentially therapeutic engagement. Neural network concepts of learning and thinking may provide some understanding to the significance of arts therapy practice as a valuable psychological intervention. Neural network models embrace the computational functionality of the brain. Although these functions are not yet predictable or observable to human examination, they occur in an ordered and logical manner. Each experience adjusts neural synaptic connections in ways that are truly unique to each individual. Following a critical psychological incident, a person attempts to make sense of his experience by following many paths of thought, to understand its place in his life and move forward. How a person responds to a critical incident cannot be easily pre-
dicted, and is affected by his or her other personal experiences or learning. The sum total of this person’s neural synaptic layout is unique because of the experience and ‘wiring’ that underlies it. Similarly, single events do not frequently result in dysfunctional outcomes, but often a combination of experiences can reinforce unhelpful patterns of behaviour. The effect upon the neural network can be described using the analogy of a stone in a pond. In a single stone drop, our ability to predict and respond to the ripples is larger than if a handful of stones are dropped in the same pond in quick succession. In this instance many concentric circles are created that will interact with each other in complex ways. Thus where a single event may create a relatively predictable pattern of neural connections, the sum total of many life events, creates a myriad of possibilities, all with a different impact upon the individual’s experience and perspective. Words we use to describe our experiences are limited when compared to our ability for sensory discrimination. If we describe the taste alone of a cup of coffee, we may struggle to seek out appropriate descriptive words, and are unlikely to be successful without utilising visual and culturally appropriate descriptors such as colour, or “the hot drink we have to get us going in the morning”. But how long does it take us to easily recognise the taste of coffee? Our sensory taste receptors are far more
accurate and speedy, with a wider ‘vocabulary’ than our verbal language. Even descriptions of everyday events utilise sensory terms. We understand ‘warm relationships’, ‘cold shoulders’, ‘feeling low’ and ‘high’, or when someone can ‘see right through us’. The brain’s visual sensory system is able to store a much more accurate description of a face than words can ar ticulate or ‘remember’. We look at a face and know it, even if we cannot remember their name! In Post Traumatic Stress disorder, physical actions and other sensory matches that occur following the initial incident, have much more emotional weight than verbal descriptions of the experience. Often sensory experiences that replicate some aspect of the traumatic experience can reawaken the initial fear. Rarely is this from a verbal recollection of the trauma, rather from an everyday occurrence that reactivates some of the initial trauma’s stored sensory neural network. If our lives are recorded in a sensory pattern of neural networks, and words do not adequately describe sensory experiences, then engaging
a symbolic and multi-sensory model for resolution of an issue will lay a new pathway in the neural network. Language alone, with limited sensory engagement, may not be the most effective method for changing a well laid down pattern of psychological dysfunction. Although some of the activity in the brain is ‘hardwired’, neural network models explain how multiple sensory inputs can enhance implicit learning and create new networks. If psychological therapies are considered learning new patterns of thinking or rationalizing emotive behavior, then implicit learning may be best facilitated by multi-sensory engagement with one’s individual stories. Arts Therapy is yet to prove underlying positive neurological change
as an outcome for this method of psychological intervention. It is still only possible to collect anecdotal evidence and speculate that sensory engagement in psychological therapy better communicates with the cognitive, emotional and somatosensory neural networks and in doing so creates greater efficacy than purely verbal therapy models. The Ikon Institute of SA provides Diplomas in Art Therapy, Transpersonal Counselling, Counselling and Youth Work. In 2010 Ikon will also begin providing these courses in Queensland. Please contact Rebecca Paul on 0439 016 763 or e-mail to find out more.
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BY KATINA JONES We live in exciting but challenging times, many of us dealing with high stress situations at work and at home. Life brings us tests that are like taking little steps amongst rocks and other obstacles that lead towards the top of the mountain, however, at the time we are going through the tests, all we can see is the rocks. Depending on how fit we are and how many steps we have climbed, we sometimes complain that we are exhausted or our hear t hurts and we are not fit enough to continue the journey. If we could see from the top of the mountain instead of the path that leads to the top of the mountain and the rocks and dirt along the way, would we look at life differently I wonder? What do you think? Some twenty years ago it took me a good four years to climb to the top of the mountain against some of the worst conditions. Not only were there rocks in my way, but torrential rains, hail, snow and even tornadoes. My anger, frustration and unhappiness grew with every rock I had to shift or jump over to get to the next step. There were many moments of stopping because I was exhausted and could not see that I would ever get to the top. Strangely enough, I never lost hope (which brings up another subject for another time). During my journey I learned that when we are faced with those steps, which can be called the challenges of life, depending on how we view them, they really are opportunities for us to learn and grow within ourselves. I call it spiritual growth which I believe is the reason we are here on this earth. To grow, develop and maximise our spiritual potential. When we reach the top of the mountain we recognise this and are able to detach ourselves from the challenge and see the opportunity. I have learned that without challenges or tests in life, we do not grow. If we are blessed with
the richness of life, our mind and spirit advance by the suffering. It is like gardening, the more the ground is ploughed, the better the seed will grow and the better the harvest will be. The deeper the plough furrows the earth and purifies it of weeds, the better the harvest. The rose bush that is pruned is the one which when summer comes will have the most beautiful and abundant roses. I have come to recognise that tests or challenges are gifts to us. When we understand this, we embrace the tests, detach ourselves from them and just move on, however we move on with richness in our hearts that is not of this world. This richness can carry us through life in a different way than most travel. Our eyes view everyday situations in a different way; there is meaning in everything we do and don’t do and we begin to enjoy the journey and not wait until we arrive at our destination. We celebrate the diversity of people, personalities, and everything that is not a mirror of ourselves or what we are familiar with. We value all things and allow ourselves time to listen, see, feel, touch, and taste LIFE. We begin to make connections with the places we visit and the people we meet and we become aware of ourselves in a way that helps us recognise who we really are. Some may call this Self Realisation. Without the tests and hardships I experienced during those four years in my life, I could never be doing what I am doing now. It would be like jumping from the bottom of the mountain to the top in one leap. The experience of climbing the mountain step by step has given me the prescription for the life I lead now. That does not mean life is easy, only that there is more meaning and a wealth that is indescribable. The feeling of gratitude to understand this state of being is overwhelming. The immeasurable gifts we are rewarded
Men and Women Moving Forward Together
with are priceless. Look at the history of any successful individual and you will find that they have all experienced tests that have shaped them into what they are today. What they are today will vary. Gold is purified by being submitted to the fire and if it contains any alloy or imperfections, it will disappear. So it is with us. If we were to view life in this way, do you think it would make a difference in the way we live our lives? Would we view the things we stress about as insignificant in the scheme of things? Would we focus on other priorities? I know how I would answer that question. Having gone through adversities (with the knowledge there are more to come) and reached the other side, I would not go back for anything. To be back there would be like living in darkness. There would
be no colour, no melodious sounds, less beauty and a great deal of anxiety, dissatisfaction, criticism and ignorance. Life is what we make it and going within ourselves brings to us a new perspective that can give us the prescription to a more meaningful life that brings with it an abundance of understanding and peace within. Katina Jones is the founder and Chief Executive of the EQUALS Group of companies which includes education and training, nursing agency, integrative health and the manufacturing and distribution of Ayurveda and the Avaydec brand of health products. 23-25 Leigh Street, Adelaide SA 5000. Ph: 08 8110 1200
To love means never to be afraid of the windstorms of life: should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their carvings. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
In this time of change, fast food, fast lives, jobs requiring long working hours, when do we find time for each other? We see so many couples for whom the future looked like heaven in the beginning… “This is the one for me… We’ll be together forever”… yet sadly it doesn’t seem to work that way. Count the number of couples you know who are really really happy. Many people have forgotten the Gift of relationships…. They are bored, not getting enough sex, money, not having the type of intimacy they want, not having deep communication… the list goes on. So, what to do? First recognize that this person you are with is doubtless part of a pattern in your life, perhaps a tad like your mother/ father; a pattern that is asking you to pay attention, to see what’s really going on and to de-code it so you can actually be in a relationship as two adults. Unfortunately the 5 year old in us looks for whatever we didn’t get as children and we find someone (generally our opposite) who appears to show us those qualities. Of course their pattern is the exact opposite of ours so we come together, fall in love (when you fall anywhere you hurt yourself so why should falling in love be any different?), then the upsets start and before we know it we’re separating. Often if we recreate another partner, unless we shift the original pattern, we find ourselves in the same position. Relationships are the easiest things in the world to do badly and the hardest things in the world to do well. Why? Because they require constant attention, like a baby, you have to nur ture relationships and learn to communicate. Do you actually feel safe telling the truth? Most
people don’t! What if they get upset or leave me? … and fear comes up. I read recently: “Fear is the absence of knowledge”. How true. So if, as a couple we have agreements to speak our truth, then the knowledge-base is safe. Do you have agreements? Do you have ways of communicating that don’t terrify the other person? Women often say: “We need to talk” and the man actually goes into: “What have I done, what’s wrong?” That is because we rarely “want to talk” about what’s right. Only what’s wrong. And in whose opinion? If we can’t express ourselves clearly enough around our needs then the other person has no hope of interpreting that. So it comes back to us… and we need to find ways to communicate that the other person understands. Here’s a classic. I had severe pains in the back of my legs during a fast. A friend rang, suggested to Robert that I get “sweet potato, tumeric, cinnamon and butter”. I’ve been studying poultices so, I made up the concoction, used it on my legs. My friend rang back, I told her I had ruined two towels (tumericstained). With a choking voice she asked what I was doing with towels; it turned out I was supposed to cook and eat it not wear it! So, an opportunity for choices…Which is what each of us have every second of every day, especially in situations like this… Do I get mad and be upset or
InnerSelf do I simply learn from it. I chose to laugh - (it was funny!) How many of you hold onto things like this for weeks or months, even years and bring them up in the heat of the moment? Does it help? Of course not, it gets to make you “right” and your partner “wrong”. Some tips on dealing with upsets: First: stop the blame, the shame that follows and definitely all criticism. Ask for what you want specifically and remember, people thrive on appreciation and they are not mind readers. Remember that men are doers, so women notice the things your partner does and acknowledge them. Guys what can you see and acknowledge? Have an agreement that if something comes up you will deal with it by: a) Sitting together, eye to eye, each having a turn to share without interruption. b) Agreeing that you are too upset right now to discuss it, choosing a time within 24 hours where you will be able to. c) Learn the art of language. It’s not “You make me feel sad when you do “x” “ – it’s: “when “x” happens I feel really sad.” No blame, nothing. d) Being willing to apologise. For some the hardest thing in the world to do but the thing that makes the biggest difference. e) Find something that will make you both laugh and use it when an upset begins to avoid it escalating. Relationships are precious, put in the work and learn how to do it differently and together you can send ripples out into the world. Diane McCann Mathews, facilitator of The Goddess Within, and husband Robert, facilitator of Man’s Inner Journey and Tantra for Couples.
BY PATRICIA ZOLTAN The word archetype derives from Greek and means “first molded”, a generic model of a person or behaviour. Archetypes are common to humanity, creating a foundation upon which individuals are developing their experience of life. While our life is infused by the energetic patterns of our personal team of archetypal forces, certain events also belong to the archetypal realm affecting us all. Among these events are for example birth, death, marriage, divorce, conflict, trauma, transformation, initiation, crisis, loss, healing and change. Crisis and change are powerful events with the capacity of initiating an evolutionary leap. It is especially timely to discuss the nature of crisis and change now in the midst of a profound global transformation. Change is frightening because we cannot control it and we have to face the unkonwn. An internal spritiual crisis or external circumstances, for example a job loss, a health or a financial crisis forces us to step out of our comfor t zone and face our vulnerabilty. Contrary to common belief it is empowering to be vulnerable, because it is an organic ingredient of being fully human and an iginiting force for personal transformation. A crisis is also a character revealing event showing us clearly who we are and how we operate under pressure. We can learn a lot about ourselves and our environment in the process. The magnitude of a crisis is reflected by our vocabulary choices as discussions about change are often
sprinkled with the phraseology of a “war or fight against” issues, “battling” a crisis, “dodging the bullet”, “taking the hits” or “soldiering on” in a situation, or getting yet “another strike against” a project. These are all militaristic vocabulary items illustrating how scary change can be. What these verbal expressions also demonstrate is that our very first instinctual and often unconscious reaction to change is to fight it, which is of course a futile effor t, because change is happening whether we go against it or go with it. A more empowered response to change is to allow events to shape us and to stay flexible. Crisis requires a willingness to make changes in our physical and spiritual way of life. Change can herald in a powerful personal transformation and during this process rites of initiation are opening up. We are going through stages often lingering in transition between “no longer” and “not yet”. We are in fact in a constant state of “becoming” and a breakthrough occurs when we realise that we are more energy than matter. So ultimately, change is an ally, not an enemy. When we embrace the challenge it becomes clear that change provides an opportunity to learn, to grow and to connect to our essence. In times of change it is necessary to slow down, let go and morph into a new sense of self with empowering choices. How we respond to something new is a coice and we can act from fear or we can act from trust and love. The story
YOU WERE BORN TO FLY: Silva Method can give you your wings Silva Method has come to Adelaide. The resident lecturer is Trevor Steele
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A Time to RRec ec laim Your Wholeness eclaim Would your life have been different Goddess is a journey into your Self as you honour, heal & forgive your past, empower your present & celebrate your future. If yyou ou ha ed yyour our self: havv e eevv er ask asked Who am I really pleasing? What holds me back? Am I getting and/or doing what I really want? If yyou ou ha ela tionships or with yyour our self or ... havv e eevv er str ug uggg led with rrela elationships or... if you simply ‘know’ there is more; then this weekend could be for you. Diane McCann, facilitator of this international seminar since 1987, is well known for her ability to inspire people & she uses empowerment, humour & skill to bring out the full potential in the people she works with. She did her first workshop when she was 13 and has held the vision of world peace since then. Goddess was created to give people more choices to live their lives consciously, creating harmony and peace within their own lives, their family and thus the world. FOR MORE INFORMA TION INFORMATION TION,, CONT CONTAA CT CT:: SA - Tel 08 8248 1281 • E: VIC –Tel 03 9509 8101 • E:
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that we create throughout this personal quest reflects how we are progressing in life. While most people measure success by financial gains, physical comfor t, security and the objects they possess, the Universe measures our success by how much we have learnt. The power of transformation lies in intention and the driving force is awareness and the coherence of purpose. Every thought and ultimately every intention creates our reality. In addition to coherence, we also need commitment, devotion and loyalty to ourselves because any form of crisis or change is ultimately an exercise in endurance and spiritual stamina testing our humanity. What coherence also means is that it is not just that ten minutes or half hour of our day when we meditate or intend good things that matters but also the other twenty-three and a half hours of every day, the rest of the week and the rest of the year. So, it is of great importance to always be ourselves, owning up to our choices and taking responsibilty for our decisions, because the challenges keep coming and we would do a great disservice to ourselves if we thought that any transformational journey will take us from point A to point B and then our work is done. Far from it. The journey continues and new events, new challenges inevitably pop up throwing new lessons in front of us. Thus, it is
one of the greatest truths of the universe that whenever we become empowered, we will be tested. However, help is always available. Our own personal team of archetypes can help transform situations and heal imbalances. The grace of reverence and compassion as well as the grace of counsel and friendship are also galvanising forces inspiring new beginnings at great times of change. When we rethink who we are and clearly understand our soul purpose, it becomes apparent what we can do innovatively in order to survive and then thrive again. After enduring hardship and alowing change to transform us, we have come full circle in an empowering and humbling cycle of our personal evolution. Then a new cycle beings and our life story continues. New events emerge requiring change but we are more prepared for the next challenge with an expanded sense of self, matured reflectivity, hard earned wisdom, firmly rooted in our truth, being fully human. Patricia Zoltan BA, Hons, PostGradDip, DRM is an archetype specialist, writer and university lecturer. She is a member of the Caroline Myss Institute Australia Network, the Australian Traditional Medicine Society, the Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors and the
International Institute for Complimentary Therapists. Patricia divides her time between consulting with clients in private practice, running archetype workshops and teaching writing at The University of Adelaide. As a motivational speaker she is also available for corporate functions. Email:, website:, phone: 0414 936 791. For the first part in this series of articles about archetypes by Patricia Zoltan, please go to page 10 in Issue 24 of InnerSelf.
InT heZone InThe
BY DAVID LANE There are three stages of growth that humans go through as we spiritually evolve – 1. Groups controlled by their hierarchy - the stage that people experience most of the time. 2. Finding our individuality and self empowerment. 3. Mastering the responsibility and challenges that come with self empowerment. 1. Groups controlled by their hier ar hierar arcc h y. Many of us can relate to the feeling of being controlled or disempowered. Most organisations have a hierarchical system of control and most societies accept and operate under this regime. This system has a pyramid style structure where the bulk of its members are on the bottom tier and one person at the top. The direction of the structure is controlled or heavily influenced by the top person and so they hold most of, if not, all of the responsibility and power. Each tier below has less power and responsibility. The bottom tier has the least power and responsibility. In order for an individual to be a part of this organisation, they need to abide by its rules no matter what their personal opinions are. In other words, they often give their personal power away to be a part of a bigger system. Nearly all organisations operate under this hierarchical structure. In return its members feel a sense of belonging coupled with feelings of safety and security. Families, religions, corporations, political parties, businesses, committees are some examples of the hierarchical structure found in the first stage. 2. Finding our individuality and self empowerment. This is a very freeing stage but it has its positives and negatives. When we leave the hierarchical structure in order to experience our individuality in life where we make our own decisions, we often make many mistakes. This is mainly because we are not trained to handle the responsibility
that comes with this new found freedom. We see our teenagers struggle as they break away from the family structure in order to find their own path through life. With no one telling them what to do and what the rules are, they are free to experience life however they want. Many are not equipped with the responsibility that is required with this new found freedom. Thus teenage years are often both exciting and emotionally painful. We see people who leave organisations because of differing goals and opinions, only to find that the organisation’s members reject them. We see this example in some extreme religions. There are those who leave a larger business structure to start their own small business. Unfortunately, a very high percentage fail within the first two years. We can readily see the positives but not so clearly see the negatives that come with this second stage. This stage can be very challenging. So what do we do if we are struggling to come to terms with this new found freedom – we can go back to stage one but that may seem a backward step. We can also review our mistakes and take on the challenge of the responsibility that is now required to rise above them. This commitment to go self responsible will propel us into the third and most exciting stage where we learn to master our life. 3.. Mastering the responsibility and challenges that come with self empowerment. Because life is about learning from our experiences to gain more spiritual wisdom, it would be very rare, if not impossible, for anyone to evolve to this level without going through the first two stages. We learn that we are powerful co-creators that have been totally creating everything that happens in our life and that we are solely responsible for our destiny. Blaming others or things seemingly outside of our control, is replaced with recognition and complete own-
ership of our own creations. Once we understand how we create everything in our life then we can move to the level of consciousness where we realise that we can not only create what we want, but also change the aspects of our life that we don’t like. This level of consciousness requires commitment and discipline and is not a ‘quick fix’ project. It is steady work as we continuously review our self. When we identify and heal one negative belief, we often expose a deeper underlying cause. The higher we climb, the less people above us to show us the way. It is a wonderful thing to become a positive thinker and develop a deep connection with our creator but we still must cleanse our field of any hidden deep negative beliefs and fears. We must all get to the point where we recognise that we are masters of our own destiny and spiritual evolution. We can return to being a member of a group (group consciousness) but this time we won’t give our power away to the group. Whether it is this life or a future one, we will all become masters of our life as we continue our journey back to the Oneness where we all started. EXERCISE One of the best ways to identify a hidden negative belief system is by self observation. Whenever we have a negative emotional reaction to anything, it must reflect a negative belief within us. It is impossible to activate something that is not there. If we experience any form of hurt or anger from something someone says or does then it must be triggering a negative from within. Remember that this negative comes from a belief and we can change any belief that does not serve us. Although It is achievable, it takes commitment to cleanse some deep negative beliefs and we often need outside help to expose them. We may even get confused about what is right or wrong for us. It may help us to remember that
Debunk your Fears & Follow-up! the ’ultimate truths will always create harmony’ therefore anything less must be a lesser truth. David Lane’s spiritual journey started out with Christianity but now includes many other understandings drawn from a diverse range of information. He believes that we are all individuals who have come to tread our own unique spiritual path. His passion is about supporting people to discover and master their own path. He discovered that we all have an inbuilt feedback system that tells us how spiritually evolved we are. David has recently released his first book called ‘The Handbook to Heaven’ which is about how we spiritually evolve. It describes the steps that we need to take and how to monitor our journey. For more information go to David’s website; or phone David on 08-94148416 mob. 0414352211
“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it” Henry David Thoreau
In the last issue of InnerSelf, I presented Networking in the Zone and promised to follow up with debunking the fears about following up the people you’ve met. The reason people dread following-up the contacts they have made at a networking event is because of fear of rejection. Some of the thoughts you need to debunk may include the following: · I don’t like being perceived as pushy. · I don’t like putting people under pressure to meet with me. · I don’t like being perceived as desperate so I’d better wait for a while before I call – at least a week. · Maybe they did not really like me and I’ll be treated as a nuisance. · If they were really interested, they’d call me, so I might as well not waste my time calling them. · I don’t have time to follow up I’ve got more important things to do. To help debunk these beliefs, it is useful to be clear that the purpose of a follow-up call is to be true to your promise to follow-up. At the initial meeting (at a networking event) you would only suggest catching up if they showed some interest in your products or services, they were a potential strategic alliance or centre of influence. The purpose of follow-up calls is not to sell them anything. You are only setting up a meeting to explore possibilities of doing business together, whatever form it may take. That’s all. Having expectations about GETTING something from them will throw you OUT of the Zone! If done well, people are generally appreciative that you were interested in them enough to keep your promise and follow-up. Some even feel flattered that you bothered to make the call. Regardless, you will come across as a dependable Professional in the Zone. Even if they are too busy to meet with you at present or are unable to see the benefit of connecting with you at this
time, this does not mean that they are rejecting you or your products and services. They are just not ready to meet with you right now. They may be ready in the future (and you could ask if they’d be open to your keeping in touch) or they may not really be a prospect. Either way, it is as it is. Without a story, you remain in the Zone and make the next call. Because most people have not as yet debunked their dislike of making follow-up calls and also because most people are busy, they are unlikely to follow you up, even if they were interested in meeting with you. So, don’t assume that they are not interested if they do not call. It is up to you to make the call if you want to meet with them and become a champion in sales. Remember to check that you are in the Zone when you make this call. Call within 24-48 hours, otherwise they may forget you. It is always easier to just make the follow-up calls than to think about making them. Debunk your thoughts or do Sensing What is if you feel disturbed and you’ll find yourself spontaneously making the calls. Without stories, following up becomes effortless in the Zone. By mastering the follow-up call, you will always have people to see and sales to make. You will be amazed at the success you will experience when you sell in the Zone! Happy Zoning This is an excerpt from the book, “Selling in the Zone” by Michelle Stanton (08) 8356 4160, Author of “The Timeless World – Debunk Your Fears and Discover Heaven on Earth” and “Selling in the Zone – Stress-free Success in Sales” available at Quantum Bookshop in North Adelaide and Dymock’s Bookshop in Rundle Mall. To find out more about working and living in the Zone attend our Breakfast in the Zone each month at Caffé Vagabondo in North Adelaide. To book call 8356 4160.
BY WAYNE MCDONALD Why is it that most people do not express their full potential? Life for most people is a mere fraction of what is truly possible for them. What about you? The truth is that if you ran at 110 kilometres an hour for the rest of your life you probably wouldn’t express your full potential. Why is it that nearly everyone lives an inferior life to what they could potentially live? The truth lies in this powerful formula. R=P-L-M What does this mean? The “R” is ffor or RResults esults esults. Your results are based on your performance and your actions. The trouble is that your results are so profoundly affected by the rest of the equation that for most people, their results are a tiny fraction of what they are capable of. So let’s look at the rest of the equation. The “P” is for your potential tial. Nearly everyone I ask believes
that people’s potential is unlimited and I would agree. The Oxford dictionary tells us that potential is “Possessing potency and power: commanding: energy existing in a positional form, motionless”. There is a lot of impor tant information in this definition. To express your potential you have to use your latent potent power. Notice it also states that “potential” is motionless. This means that to express your potential you have to use your power to take action. So what’s power? Again, the Oxford dictionary defines power as ‘the ability to act or affect something strongly; vigour, energy; force of character’. Personal power is the internal force that makes things happen. It is taking action with courage and confidence, even in the presence of fear and doubt. It does not mean you do not have doubt or fear. Having personal power means you do not wait for your fear and doubt to dissipate, before taking action. Power is about who does the de-
fining and who accepts the definitions. Personal Power is your bir thright birthright thright. Anything less than personal power is a denial of this natural state. It is a healthy human condition, very distinct from domination, positional or manipulative power which is so often demonstrated. When you are truly in touch with your own true power you simply do not need to use these expressions of “false power”. Political or corporate power has more to do with the position than the person. One may have political power for a period of time and then lose the next election. You may be powerful at work until the company is taken over and you are retrenched. This is not to say that everyone in positional power misuses it, but the question is whether they would feel powerful without the position. Each of us has a choice to be powerful or not. If you are feeling powerless you can make a different choice. You have the power to do that. The trouble is that you also have the power to do nothing and to
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remain feeling powerless! Discovering how you use your power is incredibly freeing. Personal power is demonstrated through your decisions and actions. It has nothing to do with money, possessions or position. A person with personal power can lose everything materially and still maintain their power. It is the ability to influence others through effective decisions, committed action and clear communication. It is knowing that no matter what happens, you will be able to handle it. You have the power to change: · Your thinking · Your emotional states · Your financial situation · Your work situation · Your actions · Your results · Your life!
happen to disrupt life. Often these are unexpected and interrupt and disturb your flow. Instead of reassessing and/or working out alternatives and/or finding new ways, many people simply give up. They look for reasons and excuses to stay in their comfort zone. Common reasons and excuses that people use to live a mediocre life include: · ‘It’s just the way I am!’ · ‘I’m just not ready yet’ · ‘My childhood was terrible’ · ‘All my family is like this’ · ‘It’s karma!’ · ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ · ‘I’ll change when he (or she) changes’ · ‘I’m too ……….. Young, old, skinny, fat, depressed, sad, etc (just fill in the blank).
It is really very simple, different actions produce different results! Notice simple, not necessarily easy. If it were easy, everyone would be expressing themselves very powerfully. So why don’t most people use their power to express their potential? Let’s get back to the formula! T he “L or lif “L”” stands ffor lifee . You see for most people, “life” gets in the way. There are many things that
In the end analysis, reasons and excuses don’t matter! Ultimately they are all just reasons and excuses. You always have choices as to how you will behave. The “M” is for your mindset mindset. It is your mindset that determines what you focus on and how you interpret what happens to you in life. It is your mindset, how you look at things and what you focus on that determines if you keep going or sim-
ply give up. Success is not an accident. Happiness doesn’t just happen to ‘lucky’ people. Success and happiness are a direct result of using your power to take the action required to move beyond just thinking, wishing or dreaming. It is a result of controlling your mind and learning to focus on possibilities rather than obstacles. Always remember, that in the final analysis it is not what happens to you that counts – it is what you make of it! Wayne McDonald is the founder & author of the Total Success Program. The above is based on the 6month multi-media Total Life Success personal development program developed by Wayne McDonald and Success KnowHow.
Naturally Gifted How often have you found yourself praising the skills of others by saying things like “She’s such a talented singer”, “He’s naturally gifted with his hands”, “He plays the flute like an angel”, “She’s got a real head for figures”, “He’s a natural born entertainer”, “She’s got a God given talent” and so on and so on. These are all statements that we tend to naturally make about others whom we admire, appreciate and truly believe in. It feels good to express our praise for others when we can see and feel that they are working with the skills, which come easily to them. We in turn may hold these skills in awe because they don’t come so easily to us, and we would have to work really hard to even come close to achieving the talent that will naturally flow out of someone else. So why is it that we have no problem in holding someone else in high esteem who is working with the God given talents they were born with and yet when it comes to doing the same for ourselves we tend to shy away or criticise ourselves for daring to utilise our own innate skills and talents? What fear is it that creates this double standard? Well, surprisingly enough it is an all too common fear that weaves it’s way through us relentlessly and most definitely affects even those people who seem to be working at what they are most good at. This fear is the fear of SUCCESS for being naturally gifted. The fear of success from being naturally gifted is a much bigger stumbling block to achieving our goals and desires than is the fear of failure for not using our gifts. We tend to fear success from our gifts because it implies that we will stand out in the crowd and we will receive praise for our skills, skills that we ourselves may not even believe in. We humans also seem to have a knack for thinking that we don’t deserve to be successful at something we don’t need to work too hard at. That rewards and success only come to those who slave away for years studying or polishing their skills. It all gets down to what we mean by success for being naturally gifted and what is success anyway? I can
remember years ago I had a real problem with the words “naturally gifted”. It was about the time when I was making some strong choices in my life to start working with what I was good at, rather than following the path that had led to me into occupations that anyone could do with enough practice. I realised that I had a fear of the words “naturally gifted” because I was about to embark on a life that I could be very successful at using my own innate “gifts” and I would have to put trust in these abilities which naturally came through me. Being afraid of failure is the easy par t, many of us have been playing at that one for a long time, but the promise of success can push all of our buttons because we will be stepping up to the plate with no one else to measure ourself against. Scary yes, but exciting even more so! When we “wake up” and realise that life is being directed by our thoughts and feelings and always has been, allowing our natural talents to be recognised and utilised becomes a burning need for many. Have you come to a point in your life where it is time to utilise your natural talents and gifts embracing how energy best works through you rather than working against the flow and following what others want for you? We are all looking for our life purpose and what we have come here to learn and experience, and I will always say to people that our life purpose is simple and it goes something like this. Our life purpose is to be a being of self-expression. So ask yourself, “How does energy best express through me?“ and “What am I naturally good at?“ When you know the answers to these questions then you have found the area you should be working at in daily life to best express your soul and to be living on purpose. STEPS TO RECOGNISING TURAL GIFTS NATURAL YOUR NA 1. Remember back to when you were a young child between the ages of 7-10 years. You may find a photograph helps you to connect with this little you. Write a list of all the innate skills and talents you brought in with you as a child. For example, were you
chatty, an organiser of friends, quiet and studious, outgoing and a performer, a teacher, creative and artistic with your hands, a wonderful speaker or singer, a writer, an organiser etc.? Write down a list of what you were naturally good at. You may start off slowly then as you remember try and come up with at leat 20 abilities you have naturally (and yes there are at least that many for each of us). 2. Now next to every talent you naturally possessed as a child write down how you are using that a bility in yyour our lif lifee toda todayy. You may find that lots of your skills are not being utilised. Make an honest list so you can see what areas of your life you can now start to focus on and utilise your natural talents. For example, one of your childhood talents may have been leadership, yet you now follow instruction from others. Perhaps you would be well suited to working for yourself or running an organisation where you are the manager and get to lead, a skill you are naturally gifted at. 3. Once you know what you are naturally good at, and you can see where you are or are not using these bout making a skills today, set aabout concer ted dail dailyy ef efff or t to USE your natural gifts gifts. For example: You may be gifted at inspiring and rallying others, so set about doing this everyday. No matter where you work or what activities take up the bulk of your day ensure you weave inspiration through every hour. Practising and working with your natural gifts makes you feel good, and when you feel good your health, emotions, mind and soul are all in alignment. This is what being successful truly equates to. Once you begin to realise that you do not have to learn from doing things the hard way, you begin to utilise your natural gifts more and more. You will be well on the way to living in liberation and giving the green light for others to do the same as well! Elizabeth Peru is Founder & Director of Deltawaves, Sacred Sound & Colour Transformations, based in Adelaide, Australia. Elizabeth reaches a global online and in person audience with her regular column’s in Innerself & Insight Magazines, Weekly Global Energy Report, The Tip-Off & Monthly Radio Appearances on 5AA and Private Transformational Sessions. Phone: 0422 002 917 Email: Web:
Living with a ‘MONTHLY MONSTER’ Do you live with a MONTHLY MONSTER? Do you suffer from painful or heavy periods, headaches, migraines or PMT? Don’t despair – Mother Nature Can Help! Female hormone imbalance leads to a variety of problems or what I call “hormone havoc” and in menstruating women include heavy and/or painful periods, headaches, mood changes, sore breasts to name just a few. As a medical herbalist I am bemused that herbal medicines have been seen in many cultures as “women’s business” and today herbal remedies often are labelled as “old wives tales”. I have no doubt this is because our wise foremothers claimed this arena eons ago when they realised that herbs are superb hormone balancers. Long before the medicalised era of synthetic hormone replacement (the ‘Pill’ for example) these wise women found relief from symptoms and a return to hormonal balance through the use of a wide variety of medicinal herbs. Today, being knowledgable of the risks associated with synthetic hormones including cancer, heart disease and blood clots, more women are suffering unnecessarily with monthly hormone issues because
they are unaware of helpful natural remedies and lifestyle measures. The most common hormone imbalance leading to PMT, migraines and heavy and/or painful periods is known as estrogen dominance. It is a relative excess of estrogen that is not adequately balanced by progesterone throughout the cycle. Often supporting the production of progesterone during the second half of the menstrual cycle will alleviate these symptoms. This can be achieved using a variety of herbs including Chaste Tree, Wild Yam, Black Cohosh and other less commonly known herbs available from a herbal practitioner. Migraines respond to a variety of herbal medicines including Rosemary, Lavender, Valerian and Jamaica Dogwood. Heavy periods need to be supported from several angles – both hormone balancing as well at uterine tonic herbs available from a herbalist such as Shepherd’s Purse or Ladies Mantle may be used. If heavy or prolonged bleeding has resulted in anemia or low iron stores iron may be supplemented or nutritive herbs used such as Nettles. Please note that all these symptoms can also result with hormonal imbalances other than estrogen dominance; therefore, professional assessment is recommended particularly if simple “over
the counter” herbal or nutritional supplements don’t seem to help. Another primary consideration is support of the liver and the bowels. Many women do not realise that liver function is critical for estrogen metabolism – a liver under stress due to high intake of alcohol, sugar and refined carbs will be less efficient at detoxifying and removing excess estrogen from the system. It is interesting that many premenstrual cravings are for sweet carbohydrate laden foods – this makes the situation that much worse! Another source of liver stress is high dairy intake – dairy can itself may contain high levels of both natural and synthetic hormones. It is also a difficult food to digest for many. To support the liver a wide variety of herbs are available – St Mary’s Thistle is the most common and is an amazing herb with many liver benefits. Indole – 3 – Carbinol, a constituent of broccoli, brussel sprouts and cauliflower, is also very useful for promoting optimal liver metabolism of estrogen. From a nutritional perspective providing the liver with adequate B vitamins, zinc, magnesium and amino acids is helpful. The bowels are also involved in removing estrogen from the system. If one suffers from constipation or an
overgrowth of certain “bad bugs” in the gut there is an increased chance of estrogen metabolites being reabsorbed adding to the estrogen overload. Unfortunately bowel function is commonly affected by hormone imbalances and so another vicious cycle can ensue. Treatment of the bowel for dysbiosis or the overgrowth of “bad bugs” can help as can actively managing any tendency to constipation. Again a variety of herbs are useful including antimicrobials such as Cinnamon, Thyme and Wormwood as well as bowel tonics such as Rhubarb, Barbary and Oregon Grape. The issue of synthetic hormones flooding the system from the environment fur ther complicates the situation. We live in a soup of strong “xeno-estrogens” also known as “hormone-disruptors” found in plastics and other chemicals. Eliminating xeno-estrogens is very difficult but avoiding heating food in plastic and avoiding chemical additives, pesticides and herbicides will help. On the other hand eating “phyto-estrogens” rich foods such as legumes & beans can be useful as they contain a weaker form of estrogen and may successfully compete with the stronger female hormone with a net result of lower total estrogenic activity. Painful pre-menstrual or menstrual symptoms including sore breasts and uterine cramps may not be due only to estrogen dominance but also to inflammatory prostaglandin production. Inflammatory prostaglandins are molecules that initiate inflammation and pain symptoms. They are more likely to be produced when the diet is high in dairy and red meat in particular. The fats found in these foods tend to initiate inflammatory cascades. A diet very high in Omega 6’s fats (sunflower, safflower and many other vegetable oils) can cause a similar inflammatory reaction. Supplementing evening primrose oil, fish oil and Vitamin E often helps to decrease the production of the inflammatory prostaglandins and may be helpful in alleviating these painful symptoms. Eating good quality oily fish such as salmon and sardines is another good source of Omega 3 fat which are anti-inflammatory. In most cases of a “Monthly Monster” it is worth trying some of the diet, herbal and nutritional supplements mentioned. However, if your symptoms do not improve adequately with it is best to seek the advice of a professional medical herbalist. An individualised herbal formula and nutritional supplement program addressing your particular hormone issues is often the most efficient means of alleviating symptoms and restoring balance - the “wise woman” way! Belle McCaleb ND, RN, MSS-C, BSN, is an accredited and experienced naturopath, medical herbalist, nutritionist, counsellor and registered nurse. She specialises in women’s health, hormone health and cancer support and has been a registered health professional since 1986. Her women’s health qualifications and experience include obstetrics, gynaecology, reproductive endocrinology and infertility. She is also a Master’s prepared counsellor & the consultant naturopath for Cancer Care Centre in Unley. For more information see her website: or contact her on (08) 8379 0220 or 0432 995 470. Belle practices from St Georges, South Australia.
FOOD AS MEDICINE An Ayurvedic Approach Ayurveda is an ancient therapeutic system that’s 5000 years old and predates every alternate healing system. Now it is recognized in the West by modern nutritional science and is making an impact all over the world . Ayurveda sees food as a form of medicine as in Ayurveda there is relationship between food and health “We are what we eat”. Food is one of the most potent medicines known to man and the foundation of any Ayurvedic regimen. In Ayurveda we have Three Gunas or three Mental Qualities.They are Sa ttv a, RRajas ajas & Tamas Sattv amas.. Sattva: means the path of equilibrium and essence of life to peace and spirituality. Rajas: means activity and person has diversion to greed and material luxuries. Tamasic: it shows dullness and lethargy. Sattva- is a state of purity of mind and peace which heals the body and increases the body’s immunity. It is simple food like fresh juicy fruits and vegetables. Food categories include grains (rice, whole flour – wheat) nuts, seeds ,dairy products,and legumes like mung beans and red lentils. Food
which is not over-cooked, unrefined and not too oily or greasy and spices used in moderation & right combination according to body’s constitution. R ajasic food are bitter, sour, salty, pungent, hot and dry.They increase the speed and excitement of the human being.It is the foundation of motion, activity and pain. Tamasic ffoods oods are dry ,old, decaying, distasteful and unpalatable. They consume a large amount of energy while being digested in the body. They are the foundation of ignorance, doubt, pessimism and dullness and lethargy in individuals. Foods that have been strongly processed, canned, frozen and are too old and stale or incompatible with each other like meat, fish, eggsand liquor. These food make the body prone to inflammation and growths like cysts, tumours etc. The proper balance of the mind and peace help in the development of the Sattvic mind which is the path of spiritualism and it is attained by the Ayurvedic diet and knowledge of herbs and spices through Ayurvedic cooking. Ayurveda uses a very wide range of more than 500 species of herbs and spices.A more holistic approach to eating and following a healthy life-
BY ANNA SELBY style can help reduce stress and increase the body’s immunity to fight against lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hyper tension, insomnia, and cancer. Karuna Jaiswal is an Ayurvedic physician and her authentic Indian recipes are not only delicious but good for you. Karuna loves cooking and has found Ayurvedic food, with its herbs and spices, to be a central ingredient in her journey to healing and happiness. This passion is the driving force behind the creation of her cooking classes. Karuna will be holding Ayurveda Cooking Classes in November. Saturday 7 November 1.00pm Healthy Lunchbox What do your children eat for lunch? Do you snack on easily accessible fast food? Karuna teaches easy to cook rice recipes and food that is easily digestable. Thursday 13 November 5:30pm Cooking for a Busy Family Dinnertime is always a concern for busy families. Learn how to make your own great healthy, delicious meal and not buy it in! Saturday 21 November 1:00pm Thali – The Five Tastes No need to go to an Indian Restaurant, make a Thali yourself! To know more about Ayurveda Diet & Cooking please contact Karuna Jaiswal, BAMS Phone: 0432 694 206 Email:
According to Chinese pathology, there are three principal causes of the disharmony that brings about disease: external factors, emotions, and irregularities in dayto-day living. EXTERNAL CAUSES External causes embrace a range of environmental conditions: wind, cold, fire, dryness, dampness, and summer heat. Wind causes movement and change. It invades the body to cause dizziness, twitching, stiffness, and convulsions. When combined with cold, it engenders colds, chills, flu, and fever. It is related to the liver and can cause epilepsy and stroke. Its effects are thought to be strongest in the Spring. Cold constrains movement and warmth, often leading to stagnation. As well as possibly causing colds and chills when combined with wind, it can affect the lungs, resulting in expectorated mucus, and also affect the stomach and spleen, leading to vomiting or diarrhea. Fire dries and its associated ailments include fevers, inflammations, constipation, and infrequent urination. Psychologically, it results in irritability, lack of concentration, delirium, and manic behavior. In children it can sometimes result in hyperactivity. Dryness has a similar action to fire but with a tendency to dry body fluids. Symptoms include dry skin, cracked lips, a persistent cough with no phlegm, and constipation. Dampness brings feelings of heaviness and sluggishness. Typical symptoms include headaches, lethargy, bloating, nausea, and stiff, swollen, and aching joints. Summer heat causes heatstroke, exhaustion, and dehydration. It can result in fever and nausea. INTERNAL CAUSES The impor tance of a balanced
state extends to the emotions and mind as well as the body. An excess or a lack of emotional expression can lead to a disharmony that will manifest itself in both emotional and physical symptoms. No par ticular emotion is regarded as good or bad — any imbalance is seen as a potential cause of illness. Joy in excess leads to over-excitement or agitation, injury to the heart, insomnia, palpitations, and hysteria. Anger causes resentment, frustration, rage and bitterness, injury to the liver, headaches, high blood pressure, menstrual problems, and ailments of the stomach or spleen. Sadness affects the lungs and the hear t and also causes breathlessness, fatigue, lowered immunity, and insomnia. Pensiveness is caused by mental overwork or intellectual over-stimulation and may lead to obsessiveness. It affects the spleen and also causes poor concentration, lethargy, loss of appetite, and anemia. Fear affects the kidneys, causing incontinence in adults and bed-wetting in children. It also reduces fertility, libido, and general immunity to infection. Shock affects the kidneys and the heart. Imbalances also lead to palpitations, insomnia, and fatigue. LIFESTYLE CAUSES The Chinese desire for balance in all things naturally includes the way we live our lives. Again, excesses or deficits are seen as generators of disease. Diet is very impor tant in traditional Chinese medicine. A good diet is the foundation of good health and many ailments are cured simply by addressing basic nutritional imbalances. The ideal Chinese diet is comprised of food which is slightly warm to slightly cool in energy, such as fish, chicken, pork, beef, grains, cooked vegetables, and certain fruits. Certain hot foods, especially fried foods,
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Uplift your Body, Mind & Soul WHAT IS AYURVEDA? The concept of Ayurveda is that everything in the universe including man is made up of 5 elements called Panchabhutas i.e. akasha (space), Vayu (air), agni (fire), jal (water) and Prithvi (earth). They combine to form 3 Doshas or Vital Energies (Vata, Pitta & Kapha). Every person is born with a unique combination of these vital energies (body constitution). The Ayurvedia physician identifies the imbalances in the persons Body Constitution. It could be due to improper diet, lack of sleep, stress, lifestyle or climatic changes. The diagnosis is based on Tongue, eyes, nails, skin, general body examination, chakra analysis and pulse diagnosis. He seeks to balance the body by proper diet, lifestyle advice, herb, yoga & meditation.
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and drinks such as coffee, tea, chocolate, as well as cold foods, including salads and frozen foods like ice cream, should be taken in very limited amounts. Salt, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol are regarded as toxins. Exercise supports the flow of energy. Without it, the Qi will stagnate. Excessive exercise, however, will lead to lowered immunity. In Chinese terms, exercise takes the form of techniques such as Tai Chi and Qi Gong (pronounced chi kung), which focus on balance and concentration, the movements of the body being informed by both mind and spirit. Energetic exercise, for example aerobic exercise, has no role to play in the Chinese philosophy. Excessive libido and repeated childbirth can damage the health by sapping Qi energy. They can also result in lower back pain, and failing hearing and eyesight. PATTERNS OF DISHARMONY Disharmony may be caused by external and internal factors or the excesses and deficiencies of an unbalanced lifestyle. Depending on the nature of the root cause, a pattern of disharmony is set up within the body and mind. It is the diagnosis of this underlying pattern that is the basis of the Chinese physician’s treatment. There are numerous patterns of disharmony, many of which overlap, but most Chinese herbalists work from approximately 75 patterns, with innumerable further variations on these. The patterns themselves rest upon the Eight Principles: yin and yang, interior and exterior, cold and heat, deficiency and excess. Yin and yang make up the basic guiding principle for diagnosis. Yang
embraces exterior, heat, and symptoms and conditions related to excess. Yin embraces interior, cold, and symptoms and conditions related to deficiency. There are four potent imbalances: yang excess exhibits itself in fever, impatience, bad temper, headaches, rapid pulse, and high blood pressure. Yang deficiency often shows itself in night sweats, exhaustion, constipation, backache, and impotence. Yin excess, which is very rarely seen, manifests itself in lethargy, aches, shivering, fluid retention, and excessive mucus occurring in the lungs and nasal passages, in the bowel and as a vaginal discharge. Yin deficiency is exhibited in nervous exhaustion and tension, hot flushes, and fevers. The words ‘interior’ and ‘exterior’ refer to the location of the ailment. Exterior conditions are caused by external factors and affect the skin, nose, mouth, and hair. Symptoms include colds and fevers, injuries, sweating and skin problems. They are usually mild and often relieved by inducing sweating, Interior conditions are more severe and are usually caused by emotional and lifestyle factors. There is a range of symptoms, depending on the organ affected, including constipation, diabetes, infertility, impotence, lowered energy, and heart problems. Treatment depends upon which organ is affected. Anna Selby is the author of the books “Aromatherapy”, and “The Ancient and Healing Art of Chinese Herbalism” from which this article was extracted.
Is Health in Your Genes? We constantly hear media and medical professionals discuss the role genes play in our health. You just have to switch on the radio or TV, or read the newspaper to hear about the latest genetic discovery related to cancer, heart disease or some other health condition. We are lead to believe that genes control our health. This is reaffirmed by the future prospect of pharmaceutical “gene therapy”. However, before we start exposing ourselves to the unknown effects of such treatments we need to pose the question: is it our genes that are responsible for our ill health? Are genes the cause of prevalent health conditions? In western society we are witnessing a dramatic increase in the incidence of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, depression, fatigue, chronic pain, osteoporosis, ADHD, among others health issues. Yet there are at least 18 cultures on the planet that exhibit almost none of these conditions. Further when people of these cultures move to a western society and adopt a western lifestyle they often end up with the same ailments as those who were born in the west. This strongly indicates that environment has a greater role to play that our genes when it comes to
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our health. Scientists have shown that the genetic makeup of people across different regions and cultures are remarkably similar. Genetic studies of fossil records indicate that the genetic makeup of humans has remained relatively unchanged for many thousands of years. With the exception of the genes that determine individual differences in physical appearance such as height, facial shape, hair and eye colour, there is remarkably little genetic difference between individuals, except in the case of relatively uncommon conditions such as Down Syndrome and Sickle Cell Anemia. The above evidence may suggest that we only need to consider environmental factors in order to achieve good health. Should we ignore our genes? Switching genes on and off The most up to date and valid genetic research shows that genes are “switched on and off” in response to environmental stressors. Our genes create pre-dispositions to particular conditions, given stressors to the body; however they do not sentence us to developing particular conditions. Take a stressor such as smoking
for example. One person may develop lung cancer, where another may develop heart disease. Although the stressor is the same, the individuals have different genetic pre-disposition under various stresses. Eliminating environmental stressors Rather than “blaming it on our genes” or racing into the unknown with yet another form of drug therapy, perhaps we should be more concerned about the common stresses in society that switch on our “bad” genes and switch off the “good” ones. These stresses include but are not limited to: · poor nutrition · spinal misalignment or “subl uxation” · poor posture · smoking · drugs and medications · lack of exercise · high levels of stress. Genetics and the effects of stresses on the spine One stressor, that very few are aware of, is that of a misaligned spine or “subluxation.” This condition places a great deal of stress on the nervous system, which controls all other body functions, and in turn influences a variety of health conditions. The large incidence of people with misaligned spines in modern society has led many health professionals to believe that it is ‘normal’ for the spine to be out of alignment. I would suggest that it is common due to lifestyle stressors dominant in 21st century life, but it is not ‘normal’ for the spine to be out of alignment.
An example of a subluxation pattern that is often thought to be genetic is scoliosis: a curvature of the spine when viewed from the front. Contrary to the belief that scoliosis is an uncorrectable genetic condition; corrective based chiropractors have great success in realigning the spine. An example of such correction occurred in my office. A 47 year old man and his 12 year old son had scoliosis patterns of similar angles, although the father had more significant degeneration. Upon examining stress history, both reported having had traumatic births and accidents as toddlers. These stresses are experienced by plenty of people who do not have scoliosis; however, it may be that these clients had a genetic pre-disposition to scoliosis in response to certain stresses. Now, after following a corrective chiropractic care plan, both father and son have full correction of the scoliosis and enjoy proper spinal alignment. I would suggest that before succumbing to your genetic ‘fate’ you uncover and minimise the stressors in your life to reveal your full health potential. Dr Rob Hutchings has a Bachelor of Kinesiology and Doctorate in Chiropractic. He practices at Health Zone on Glen Osmond Rd alongside Pilates and yoga instructors, a nutritionist, massage therapists and counselor. His passion is in helping people achieve optimal health and healing, naturally. You can find out more about the services offered by Health Zone at or phone 8338 2221.
Life as Courage Life isn’t easy. It wasn’t ever supposed to be. Without fear, without stress we wouldn’t grow stronger, couldn’t evolve or surpass our perceived limitations. Until recently I’d always wanted things to be easier, always wanted someone to make things better for me, take responsibility for my pain, lessen the burden, do life for me ... Even as a professional athlete I wanted someone else to ‘carry’ me; to get me out of bed, motivate me to train, even race for me if they could. Racing scared me. Fronting up to the race, starting the race, facing the unknown terrified me. Training scared me too. Fronting up to training every morning and every evening of every day challenged me to the core. I constantly battled with the demons of doubt storming through my mind: Was I good enough, did I want it enough, did I feel like it today, was I fooling myself, could I handle the intensity, could I handle the pain, would I make it up that hill, was I improving, would it pay off, could I be bothered, was it worth it, would I fail? From one day to the next the answers to those questions changed. Some days I didn’t make it up that
hill, some days I did. The one thing that never really changed was my commitment and willingness to giving it another go ... to dusting myself off, reflecting on my attempts and then placing my faith back into the process, instead of the outcome. As Buddha once said “it is better to travel well than to arrive”... I haven’t always travelled that well, but I’ve always tried. Every day was (and still is) another opportunity to back down or front up, another day to decide whether or not to do the hard work or take the easier softer way. Every time I fronted up to training or racing I would meet myself in the deepest darkest places of my being. At 4.30am on countless cold winter mornings I had to make a decision; did I hit the snooze and retreat back into the warmth, certainty and safety of my soft bed, or did I face the elements, face my demons and solidify my resolve by taking to the hills, in the dark, in the cold, into the unknown. Every time I fronted up I was challenging my perceived limits, digging a little deeper, discovering if I was truly willing to go further into the pain, to make peace with the demons and to grow a little stronger. I know now, with absolute certainty and clarity, that
every time I fronted up, regardless of what my head was telling me, I grew stronger – mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of equal or greater benefit. I have benefited greatly from my struggles as an athlete, but there has been an enormous lag-time, of more than a decade, before which the fruits of my labour have become apparent. And the fruits of my labour are not what I had expected. I am not the Olympic Champion of my dreams, but I have become the honest champion of my life. It’s human nature to take the easier, softer way. But just because it’s human nature doesn’t mean that we have to take that softer option. It’s also human nature to grow, change and evolve; to realise our true potential. And that has been my choice – always. Even in the bleakest moments of despair, depression, darkness and fear, I have always chosen to realise my potential, even when I didn’t know that this was the choice I was making. It takes courage to walk through our fears. Alas, walking through our fears is not a one-off experience, after which we simply arrive at a place of eternal comfort and bliss, never to face fear again. God has a far better sense of humour than that! What I continue to learn by walking through fear, after fear, after fear, is that courage eventually becomes an unconscious habit, an act of faith, and an act of willingness to accept life on life’s terms. Today instead of wanting someone else to do my life for me, or to face my fears on my behalf, I simply
keep turning up, feeling my feelings, witnessing my reactions, dusting myself off and praying that more will be revealed in the fullness of time. Amanda Allen is a former State, National and World Champion Triathlete. She is a Public Speaker, Personal Trainer, Lifestyle Coach, Level 2 Sports Coach and Workplace Trainer. She has studied Wholistic Psychology and Yoga Teacher Training. She has a Bachelor of Management. Amanda is proprietor of Realise Personal Training – a wholistic health and fitness practice based in Adelaide. For more information contact: 1800 202 909
T he Wellness Oasis intr oduces introduces MICHELLE TSUJIMO OSKELET AL THERAPIST TSUJIMOTTO – MUSCUL MUSCULOSKELET OSKELETAL With over 27 year’s experience, Michelle uses various techniques for treating Musculoskeletal Injury & Health Problems. She specialises in Muscle Energy Technique, Visceral Manipulation, Myofascial Release and CranioSacral Therapy. YOLAND TUR OP YOLANDAA FALIVENE – NA NATUR TUROP OPAATH Yolanda has been involved in the study and practice of natural therapies for nearly 20 years and her skills include herbal and nutritional medicines, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Neuralign, Weight Loss, Iridology and Allergy Elimination. Other modalities used by Yolanda are BICOM, EIS and Electro dermal testing. SOE WAKSMUNDSKI – EMOTIONAL HEALING Soe has trained since 2000 in methods for Emotional and Spiritual Healing, which can gently release painful memories and emotions from the body, helping to bring you to self acceptance and health. LOUISE TEBBLE – COUNSELL TH MA TTERS OR – YOUR MENT AL HEAL HEALTH MATTERS COUNSELLOR MENTAL Louise is a fully accredited mental health practitioner, social worker, family therapist and Psychotherapist with extensive experience working in SA and interstate. Louise works from the perspective that mental health cannot be separated from emotional well-being and that once these aspects of self are healed, success, however defined, becomes attainable. Louise utilises dynamic and interactive processes... so much more than standard counselling. ROBYN WILSON - KINESIOLOGIST Robyn is a qualified Kinesiologist therapist and instructor who deals with reducing stress in the body so the brain is able to integrate and learn efficiently whether it be from an educational perspective or life learning lessons. Destructive patterns and limiting behaviors with hold us from reaching our full potential. With Kinesiology life can be perceived from a different set of eyes. These practitioners will be working at The Wellness Oasis alongside Dr Fatiha Arhbal and Dr Ramona Chyrssidis, providing you with a truly integrated Wellness approach. PHONE 8362 8444 FOR MORE INFORMA TION INFORMATION
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MEDITATION Hello, My name is Keith Haswell. I’m a professional Astrologer with 20,000 clients worldwide. I have a website where 1000’s of students of meditation worldwide have found inspiration and guidance about this grand science of meditation.
In my website I have an 8 minute audio message that can save your life! Two of the biggest killers in the western world today are STRESS & ANXIETY. They contribute to heart disease. Visit my website to gain insight about your personal growth and the benefits to be gained from my online intensives. Whilst you are there you can download a FREE 80 minute CD for further inspiration.
1 2 MB Be practical but not stubborn in your pursuit
1 2 MC… Full Moon C The Full Moon sheds light
of goals. 3 … Full Moon B The Full Moon sees the practical realisation of shared goals and objectives although results are still to be seen. Many may want to share the feeling of success as the nervous energy that has driven the activity peaks. 4 MC Take note of information received, as this will be important.
on the influence of someone who holds sway over others. Persuasive words or ideas may trigger a ruthless fight for existence. Take note that a war of words may cause suffering for others
5 6 MD Increased sensitivity makes you protective of what has been realised.
7 8 ME Be generous with praise when it is deserved. 9 10 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon E The results of activities may cause upset with associates due to emotional reaction or a lack of adaptability. A tendency to be influenced by others may also undermine associations. There is a move to finalise matters. 11 MF Criticism can be useful as long as alternatives are offered.
12 13 MG Pleasing others should not be at the cost of one’s point of view.
14 15 MH The intensity of emotions may catch some 16 17
New Moon H Moon enters I The new Moon brings up sensitive issues which may have lain dormant. There is a tendency to express these feelings regardless of effect on others. As the Moon changes sign, be aware that what has been said cannot be retracted so matters raised have to be dealt with and a change of emphasis calls for a broader perspective.
18 19 20 MJ Be prepared to lead by example and exert 21 22 Sun enters IMK Optimism, inspiration and a need to see the big picture are characteristics of the Sagittarian personality. A lateral and objective approach is called for.
23 24 25 ML‡ 1st Quarter Moon L The impetus is to get things moving especially with the encouragement and influence of others. Be careful that the pursuit of plans is measured as intense or a fanatical pursuit of ideals could overtax strength and cause physical breakdown.
26 27 MA Take the initiative and undertake some new challenges.
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5 6 ME Take your pride in hand before it can cause problems.
7 8 MF Look after details and results speak for themselves. 9 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon F Irritability and criticism colour results as well as a tendency to blame others for what has apparently failed to deliver. The important issue is to learn from mistakes, exchange ideas and take a constructive approach. 10 MG Consensus can achieve much but make sure that everyone does their part.
11 12 MH Be upfront in all dealings and avoid underhanded or secretive actions
13 14 MI Enthusiasm and inspiration will help spur things along.
28 29 MB A practical outlook is needed. 30 These are generic interpretations for each of the zodiac signs. For a more personal interpretation, astrological consultations are available by appointment on
0421 326 001 or 8562 8358
New Moon I Inflated expectations could result in unnecessary journeys and distrust from those who are most affected. Plans made now may have to be scrutinised, as there is a tendency to inflate the situation resulting in little prospect of realisation. 17 MJ Take control of matters at hand but avoid being autocratic.
18 19 MK Be prepared to take some risks and you may be surprised by the outcome.
20 21 22 Sun enters JML Practical, serious and responsible are the hallmarks of Capricorn. Compassion or sensitivity can break down seemingly insurmountable barriers.
23 24 MA A desire to get things moving again and a challenge is always welcome. 25 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon A Concerted action may push aside some intense feelings. Be aware that this can be done for only a limited time as it will inevitably lead to tension. The results could be separation or disharmony.
26 27 MB Stability is important but avoid hanging on simply for the sake of it.
28 29 MC Keep the lines of communication open 30 31 MD Nurture what is slowly developing.
A Aries - fire B Taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo - earth
G Libra – air H Scorpio - water I Sagitarius - fire J Capricorn – earth K Aquarius – air L Pisces - water
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1 … Full Moon D Solar Eclipse The Full Moon brings a realisation that a fight is need to ensure the existence of a project or matter at hand. Additional responsibilities are also indicated as a result of someone not being able to do them. The circumstances which bring these may be initially difficult however the outcomes are good for those who wish to take on the new commitments. 2 ME A sense of pride and honour colours attitudes now.
3 4 MF Process and order provide the structure for successful outcomes.
5 6 MG Striking a balanced outlook is admirable but not at the expense of your opinion. 7 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon G A time to refect and ponder what has been realised as a sense of duty colours things. Prudence and thoughtfulness in any subsequent action may be the way in which common interests shred with others can be brought together. 8 MH Passion and intensity are the hallmarks. Be wary of overreacting to any and all stimulation.
9 10 11 MI A bird’s eye view of the situation will help
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you see things not presently apparent.
12 13 MJ Be prepared to take a hands-on approach. 14 15 New Moon J Lunar Eclipse The New Moon highlights responsibilities and structures which may be compromised as a result of others’ neglect. In spite of scepticism and in some cases, severe criticism, taking on these commitments promotes a greater sense of harmony not initially evident. 16 MK A lateral and objective approach is called for.
17 18 ML Be prepared to back your intuition, as it may prove to important.
19 20 Sun enters K Objectivity, independence and a sense of uniqueness characterise Aquarians. 21 MA Objectivity, independence and a sense of uniqueness characterise Aquarians.
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22 . 23 MB‡ 1st Quarter B Practical initiatives may prove to be a hard struggle and some force may be required to push things through. Emotional intensity may also fuel a zeal to achieve the desired results.
24 25 MC Keep your ear to the ground as news travels fast.
26 27 28 MD Be prepared to nurture what is important. 29 30 ME… Full Moon E The Full Moon highlights further need to push things through in spite of resistance. Difficulties could be overcome providing ego does not get in the way. 31 MF Attention to detail will help curb criticism.
3 4 MD Emotional bonds dominate and influence
15 16
by surprise.
control on matters at hand.
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Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic” . The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth, however, we can
ASTROLOGY Made Simple and Easy to Understand with Hanne Klein Ph: 8556 6064
easily discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues. A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than
45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8562 8358 or 0421 326 001 or email:
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YOUR CHOICE FOR A NON INV ASIVE HEAL TH ASSESSMENT AND EARL tur all INVASIVE HEALTH EARLYY PREVENTION PREVENTION,, na natur turall allyy Digital infrared thermal imaging (DITI) is a totally non-invasive clinical imaging procedure for detecting and monitoring a number of diseases and physical injuries, by showing the thermal abnormalities present in the body. It is used as an aid for diagnosis and prognosis, as well as monitoring therapy progress, for conditions such as:
Varicose Veins Inflammations Skin Cancer Digestive Disorders And many more!! Images or “Thermograms” can be taken of the whole body or just areas being investigated. The images are stored on a computer and are sent electronically to a Thermologist (certified Medical Doctor) for interpretation and reporting. Your report is colour printed and a copy can also be sent to your healthcare professional (natural health care provider, medical health care provider, phyisiotherapist, chiropractor, podiatrist, masseur etc.) Unlike most diagnostic tests DITI is:
Breast Disease Thyroid problems Arthritis Headaches Nerve Damage Aches and Pains in general Fibromyalgia Heart and vascular problems, Stroke
- Non invasive, - No radiation - Painless - No contact with the body - F.D.A approved The only method available for “visualising” pain Clinical DITI is providing the answers in the diagnosis of pain and earliest detection of breast disease – earlier than has been possible through breast self examination, doctor examination or mammography alone! DITI detects physiological changes in the breast tissue at 256 cancer cells, which is 2 years after cancer started to grow. Mammography is an anatomical test, which shows masses that are detected in the 8th year with 4 billion cancer cells.
Tired... Listless... No Energy? Time for a Bicom Therapy Session
What is Bicom Therapy? BICOM Therapy is a biophysical technique based on concepts in acupuncture, homeopathy and quantum physics. Most orthodox and complementary medicine uses chemicals (pharmaceuticals or herbs) to alter the body’s biochemistry. However, research in American universities has shown that living organism generate tiny electromagnetic fields which naturally regulate their biochemistry and that these can be used for a drug-free and non-invasive therapy. The therapist uses the BICOM instrument to pick up electromagnetic waves from the patient, modifies them and sends them back to improve the body’s ability to regulate its own physiological processes. Introduced over 25 years ago in Germany, there are now over 8000 users in Europe and over 70 in Australia. Although it can treat all kinds of diseases it is best know for success with allergic and chronic diseases. HOW DOES IT WORK? Traditional Oriental medicine believes our bodies are criss-crossed with energy pathways. A balanced flow of energy is an indicator of good health. For diagnosis, energy imbalance is detected by taking electrical measurements from acupuncture points on the fingers and toes. Specific programmes in the computer can then re-establish energy balance using electrodes on the skin or on top of light clothing. Various scientific studies have shown that the human body gives off electromagnetic frequencies over a wide range from a few vibrations per second (brain waves) to many thousand per second (visible light). The most useful range therapeutically is from 10 to 150,000 (radio waves). Filters in the BICOM can separate ‘healthy’ frequencies from ‘unhealthy’
frequencies. The therapist can amplify the healthy energy to give a boost to an organ or system in need or attenuate it to calm down an overactive area. The unhealthy energy waves can be turned upside down to cancel a disturbing effect using a ‘mirror’ circuit similar to that used on the Concorde to reduce the engine noise in the passenger compartment. This ‘mirroring’ can also be used with frequencies from substances such as incompatible foods or tooth fillings, bacteria, fungi, heavy metals and pesticides to reduce the strain these place on the body. HOW CAN IT HELP ME? Many people seek help with a specific symptom or condition such as: • clearing radiation and metals • allergies and food intolerances • eczema and asthma • chronic fatigue • digestion problems (IBS, Crohn’s) • hormonal imbalance (PMT, menopause) • fungal infections (candida, thrush) • joint and muscle pain • stop smoking program Certainly, BICOM therapy has proved particularly successful to people with these conditions. However it is also a holistic therapy, which aims to treat the whole person not just the symptom. The aim of BICOM therapy is to restore the body’s self-healing, or regulatory pow-
ers. Hence the frequent comment “I’m feeling better in myself”, referring to things such as more energy and vitality, fewer infections, better sleep or more normal appetite. Many patients come for preventative health care as problems will appear in the energetic system before there are any symptoms that would show in conventional tests. WHAT HAPPENS INATREATMENT? At your initial consultation you will be asked about your medical history and treatment to date, symptoms and when they started, chemical and electrical factors at home and work. From electrical measurements on your hands and feet, the therapist will assess your energetic situation. Based on this assessment, the therapist will plan your treatment starting with removing energy blockages. You will then receive you first ‘basic treatment’. This treats the whole body, scanning the whole frequency range. You will be lying on a mat and have your hands and/or feet on metal electrodes. Follow-up sessions will address specific problems you have been having. You may be asked to give a tiny sample of saliva or urine as the BICOM can pick up information from this to make the therapy more successful. Several programmes will be run with electrode placements and frequencies chosen to suit the organs or systems being treated.
Experience Life again with health,energy and a total feeling of well being There is help out there. Refer to above editorial for a brief explanation regarding Bicom Therapy.
We are having amazing results with chronic fatigue, food and chemical intolerances & allergies STOP SMOKING PROGRAM - IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH NOW For more info Google Bioresonance Therapy
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DITI IS ALSO APPROPRIATE FOR YOUNGER WOMEN (30 TO 50) WHOSE DENSER BREAST TISSUES MAKES IT MORE DIFFICTULT FOR MAMMOPGRAPHY TO BE EFFECTIVE – This is really early detection and prevention QFA - QUANTITATIVE FLUID ANALYSIS The QFA uses state of the art software to generate comprehensive reports based on the biochemical make up of body fluids such as urine, blood and saliva. The test shows: - the pH of the body - oxidative stress at a cellular level - concentration of minerals in
the body - hydration - detoxification ability - digestive function - mitochondria activity (energy production) - biological age - viral, bacterial and fungal activity - physiological indicators of the adrenal glands, kidney, liver, lymph, circulation and digestive organs are also displayed. 14 TO 18 PAGE REPORT You will receive a 14 to 18 page report explaining the cause of the health problem, recommendations, remedy plan and advice. Changes can be monitored with follow up tests.
HEALTH IS WEALTH Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging is provided by the Adelaide Hills Natural Health Centre which is now trading as Swiss Wellness Natural Health Clinic, AND HAS BECOME THE LARGEST HEALTH CENTRE IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA 548 Portrush Rd., Glen Osmond S.A. 5064. Ph. 8338 26 20
Kinesiology and your preparation for childbirth Are you a first time mother? Are you experiencing · Fear of the unknown · Anticipation of failure · Fear of not being able to cope with the duration or intensity of labour · Fear of loosing control · Fear of impending doom · The inability to cope with the feelings of overwhelm as you learn to be responsible for one so small, fragile & vulnerable Are you looking after yourself by · getting enough sleep · knowing when to let go & allow others to help · create clear boundaries for yourself & your baby against unwanted visitors & unwanted help Would you like to learn how to · pace yourself · stay focused · stay centred and clam ·communicate clearly your needs to those you care about Kinesiology is a system of muscle monitoring to identify energy imbalances within the physical, emotional, mental self. Kinesiology has the ability to not only identify
the inner conflict creating these problems but also the resulting energetic discord that has been created throughout the body, plus it will also identify your bodies own unique & individual way of resolving the conflict, align you with your inner innate wisdom and bounce you back into a state of healthy wellbeing. Kinesiology hit the world by storm in the 1960’s when it was introduced to the layperson in the form of Touch for Health. Since then it has expanded into many programs helping people create healthy life styles and attitudes and releasing many from physical & emotional pain and suffering. Now new training takes us deeper into the field of self awareness putting great importance on emotional intelligence being our connection to motivation and inspiration. We all know that the way we think has huge impact on our wellbeing but do you have true knowledge of the way you feel? I am not talking about your emotional reaction to the world, anger, fear, hate, pleasure, but your deep down raw emotions that are there to guide and protect you.
Barbara McCloud a McCloud, Kinesiologist of 20 years experience, has developed Professional Accredited Training to explore this area. Barbara’s course starts with preparation for rebirth and moves through 9 modules covering birth; communication & primordial language; stability in & processing of life; core strength & the pathway to inner freedom; archetypes & the acceptance & unity with self; trust & openness with self; abundance & power; & finally integrity & wisdom. For those who enjoy the training, they may wish to continue fur ther study and become trainers in the same field. This is an exciting journey, whether you experience it in a private consultation or as a student seeking a bright new career. If you would like further information about a private session with Barbara McCloud or would like to enquire about the professional training that she offers please do not hesitate to contact her on 8278 6558 or visit her website www .kinesiolo www.kinesiolo .kinesiologg
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BY DORIAN MARSLAND-SMITH Many of us are tired of being dominated by worries about eating and weight, or for some, struggling with trying to control the often frequent urges to over-eat. For some people, it can feel like much of life has been spent on the rollercoaster of weight gain and dieting, not sure why the cycle keeps repeating itself and confused about how to step away from this revolving door. Most people will eat on occasion for comfort or to deal with both positive and negative, strong or subtle emotions, but for many people eating has become a frequent way of dealing with the ups and downs of life. When we talk about these ups and downs, we are really talking about our emotions. It is not the changing events or circumstances in our lives themselves which create happiness or upset or which define how we experience life; it is how we respond to these situations. The response is experienced at the emotional level and most of us don’t like to feel uncomfor table emotions, even everyday emotions such as boredom or frustration. Many people would describe themselves as comfort or emotional eaters. Whilst many attempts may have been made to break free from emotional eating, it is a common experience to find that long-term success is elusive. Efforts at controlling emotional eating through will-power and conscious decision-making, or trying to figure out the cause of the problem in order to solve it, have often not conquered the problem permanently. For some people, being able to imagine what it would feel like to be free of emotional, compulsive or comfort eating and to experience pleasure in food instead of being afraid of it, would be a relief. For many, to be able to enjoy eating without feeling guilty, to achieve and maintain a natural weight without dieting or feeling deprived, and to feel
healthy and positive about their bodies would be a dream come true. Dieting is one of the key things that can contribute to emotional eating. Research on the effectiveness of dieting shows that the failure rate is as high as 96%. Most people don’t ever complete a diet and achieve their goals. For those who do, most regain all the lost weight within 12 months, and usually end up weighing more than when they started dieting. Why is this the case? Trying to cut down on food by going on a diet can create a feeling of anxiety or deprivation after the initial high of losing a few kilos. The diet becomes harder and harder to stick to and it can feel like there is a part that sabotages the desire to be healthy and to achieve weight-loss goals. What the majority of people fail to understand is that emotional eating is the most common cause of overweight and one of the key reasons that most diets fail. The reason for this failure is that the powerful triggers of over-eating are old and outdated emotions which are now stored below the level of conscious awareness and choice. It is this part of us that is “sabotaging” our effor ts. However, most attempts to control emotional eating are made at the conscious level through the use of will power. Will power alone doesn’t usually last the distance when up against the powerful influence of old subconscious emotional triggers. When someone is unable to change unwanted feelings, responses or behaviours (including emotional eating) through conscious effort and will-power, it is usually an indication that the problem results from negative subconscious emotions. Permanent freedom from unwanted emotional over-eating requires the subconscious causes of the behaviour to be resolved and released. This can only be done at the
subconscious level where all of our perceptions, experiences, emotions, learnings and memories are stored. The sub-conscious mind has an amazing ability to bring about healing and resolution of out-dated mind patterns, including releasing unwanted and unhelpful old emotional decisions (in this case involving food) when the right conditions are created. Private Subconscious-mind Healing (P.S.H.) is a ground-breaking method which can easily create these right conditions and activate the natural subconscious healing process to bring freedom from compulsive eating. P.S.H. is a gentle, effective therapy that is designed to assist people resolve and release their own outdated mental and emotional patterns at the subconscious level. The P.S.H. therapist guides the person to that inner part of themselves which can locate, re-evaluate and resolve the original emotional drivers that are now causing problems. Once the emotional causes have been released, it becomes easier to make healthy choices and achieve goals that had previously been beyond reach. Whilst everyone responds in their own particular way, with some changing quicker than others, P.S.H. usually takes between 2 and 4 sessions. Emotional healing and on-going change continues long after the formal therapy is complete. Dorian MarslandSmith is a qualified Life Coach, Private Subconscious-mind Healing Therapist, and MetaPractitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming and Neurosemantics. She specialises in assisting individuals to overcome negative body image and emotional eating so they can achieve their natural weight without dieting. For more information visit or call 0448 881 268.
BY JANE DEANS So why use Iridology, is it accurate? How or why is it used? Well I hope the following gives you an insight on this amazing health examination technique. Some people believe that this is relatively new, but this practice dates back as far as 1,000BC, nearly 3,000 years ago, with the oldest records uncovered in central Asia. Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine”, was born approximately 460BC and was known not only for being the greatest physician of his time, but that he looked in the eyes of his patients for health information. Even in the Bible, St. Luke writes that Christ said, “The lamp of your body is the eye. When your eyes are sound, you have light for the whole body, but when your eyes are bad, you are in the darkness.” A common phrase that you hear said today is “the eyes are the windows of your soul.” In the early 1800s, a young man named Ignatz von Peczely of Egervar near Budapest, Hungary, caught an owl in his garden. He was only eleven years old and the boy struggled with the frightened bird and met with its claws, as the bird instinctively tried to defend itself. The boy accidentally broke the owl’s leg in the struggle. Ignatz and the owl glared into each others eyes. It was then he observed a black stripe rising in the owl’s eye. He bandaged the owl’s leg and nursed it back to health then released the bird; but the bird stayed in the garden for several years. During this time he was able to observe more markings in its eyes. When he grew up he became a physician and never forgot the incident with the owl. Working on a surgical ward gave him an opportunity to observe the irides of patients after accidents, illnesses and surgeries. A study of the changes in the eyes coincided with their conditions; therefore the first iris
chart was created based on his findings. Iridology is the science and practice of health via examination of the iris, sclera and pupil. The Iris is the most complex external structure of the human anatomy. It has a reflex connection to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the nervous system. Through the optic nerve, which is attached to our eyes, visual information is sent to the brain. At the same time there is information sent back to the eyes from the brain about the state of the organs and tissues in your body. This gives a true accurate presentation of one’s health. A practitioner may use a microscope or a digital camera to obtain imaging from both right and left eyes as each eye gives you different information. Both eyes need to be assessed, as the right represents the right side of the body as well as the masculine, linear, analytical, mechanical and practical side of us. Where the left eye represents the left side of the body, which is the feminine, conceptual, intuitive, sensitive and creative side of us. Your eyes are unique to you. There is no one person who has identical irides. Therefore every person’s health assessment and treatment differs and your practitioner may use a combination of vitamins, minerals, herbals, flower essences, homeopathics, energetic and spiritual medicines and or techniques. A practitioner can use a topographic map of the iris. On this map or char t it has representation and location for all the structures of the body. Even the colour of your eyes can give you information on genetical predispositions. Other colours seen in the iris, pupil or sclera can indicate organ or tissue weakness. Emotional trauma can be seen as when there is physical dis-ease in the body there
is always emotional and spiritual disease. Yes emotions can manifest as physical disharmonies in the body. What was thought quite taboo 10-15 years ago is now becoming quite known and accepted. A common question Iridologists get asked: Do my eyes change and can the markings go? It is very rare to see markings completely change but you do see them lesson in colour and depth. Once you become conscious of your unconscious spiritual and emotional issues true healing can begin. The body really does let us know what is wrong with it, we just need to learn, see and know the signs. You need to be aware that Iridology does not diagnose but it can uncover body weakness and strengths, hereditary predisposition to degenerative conditions and early pathogenesis. It is an amazing and interesting health assessment tool and I would recommend people try it for themselves. It does not replace orthodox medicine and the diagnostic testing which is sometimes required for further health investigation, but it can be used in conjunction with it. I would like to finish by quoting from one of the world’s leading Iridologists, he is a truly inspirational Iridologist practitioner and teacher. “The Iris, Sclera and Pupil of the eye show the veil the soul has created, through consciousness (or forgetfulness), that reflects the illusion which prepares the soul for attaining the reality of full enlightenment”. (David J. Pesek, Ph.D. sept 1988) Jane Deans has completed Advanced Diplomas with honours in Western Botanical Medicine and Naturopathy. She has also undertaken further studies and training to add to her qualifications, healing abilities and knowledge. She is extremely passionate about healing and running her practice, which is located in Goodwood S.A. Please phone for any enquiries and appointments or check out her web page. Mb. 0421 821760 13696
“The eyes like sentinel occupy the highest place in the body.” Marcus Tulius Cicero
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Words and Emotions
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The longer you live the more your words grow. Your word knowledge just keeps getting bigger and bigger. This means you are carrying more and more emotional energy. The personal computer also allows you to collect more words. This means you are collecting more and more emotional energy daily. How do we disperse this overload of energy? Our bodies are designed to deal with our eight emotions but we are not designed to carry others’ emotional loads. We get stressed when we try to carry others’ emotions for them. Words must be treated as the aura of your actions. In other words, the moment you have planned to do something you are creating a series of words or instructions for your actions to follow. These words come from your anger, doubt, fear, greed,
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guilt, hate, jealousy and love. Each emotion has its own lines. And, as in a theatrical play, they end up on the stage of life. So anger on certain days is “talking up a storm” in the head. On other days, fear is “talking up a storm”. Then guilt takes over. And so forth. Throughout the week, we have millions of conversations with our words or, shall we say, our emotions. Remember the words you speak contain the emotions you carry. This concept will allow you to catch up with your emotional conversations - even when you think you are thinking in words. Thoughts are words too. When you emotionalise, you emotionalise in words too. We are back to square one. Words carry emotions and those emotions are not always appreciated. Do you appreciate your anger when it thinks? Do you appreciate your doubt when it talks to you? Within the course of a day, how many times do you stop and listen to your inner words? What are the words telling you? Are they accusing you? Are they complimenting you? Are they blaming you? Are they criticising you? Most of us consider the words we think more important than the words we speak. We consider what we think as precious and private. We would rather hoard our thoughts than share them with others. Our thoughts tend to be our secret self. We rarely let our guard down and speak our thoughts. We have phrases that we have learnt “down pat” and these are used over and over again with others. Do you ever allow your words to be spontaneous? Generally, you have to keep control of your thoughts in order not to say those thoughts to other people. When you communicate with others do you find that you are trying to understand their thoughts? How do you feel when you keep your thoughts in check? Do you feel their pressure? Each thought has an ego. And that ego is an emotion. There is a myth that thoughts are sound in the head. But this is only a myth. If you could empty your thoughts out of your head all at once, you might shock yourself a bit. You would find that each thought has a voice. What would your angry thoughts have to say? What would your guilty thoughts have to say? And, what would your doubtful thoughts say? In our society, we are trained to say the proper things to each other. But we forget that there is an inner world of thoughts that require attention. We need to tune into our thoughts. However, we cannot treat our thoughts as truth. We cannot have the opinion that who we are is what we think. Thoughts can actually change from moment to moment. All thoughts are very fast moving. They are like the weather. We cannot really believe all we think. Most thoughts never even make it to actions. The majority of us treat thoughts as if they have the power to move
objects, people, the weather, and even the world. In truth, thought energy is more scattered than all the stars in the sky above. Society frowns upon any open emotional expression and therefore we all learn to tone down our emotions. We tend to hide them. They get stored in our body’s memory banks. And those banks start to get full over time. After a while, you get so full of unexpressed reactions that you feel like you are being pressured all day every day. This pressure is your emotions impressing you to release the pent up energy that has been stored. This pressure comes from within rather than from without. In a way, your mind is like a cooker with a pressure valve. If you do not release the valve once in a while, your cooker will start to steam. If the pressure gets too great, your cooker will explode! This will lead to explosive outbursts of emotion like road rage, verbal abuse and even violence. Learn to come out of your thought world into your external world by using your senses more. Mind reading is a concept that people would like to discuss and fantasise about. Mind reading would probably improve communication and prevent the meaning delivered by others being mistranslated. But the problem is that nobody knows what they think, let alone what others think. Do you know each and every thought that you have? Do you like each and every thought that you think? When you want to get every word others are saying, you have to focus which can cause you to tune out of your senses. Listening must become an enjoyable activity. You must make listening a valuable attribute to have. Some people find listening a bit boring and rushed. Sometimes you might feel that you have wasted your time when you listen, particularly with someone who has nothing really to say. It is important that you do not send messages to your ears that listening is a waste of time at any stage in any environment with any speaker. Listening lets your ears have life. It does not matter if what others say is meaningless. It only matters that you use your ears to do what they are designed to do, which is to collect information. Dr Alexander Ask is a Ph.D in psychology. He has recently released a psychology book on the mind called “Heads Up: Understand your Emotional Mind”. He runs a private practice in Adelaide, where he has spent the past five years helping clients create change in their life. He has conducted thousands of hours of therapy in that time and assisted many people to wellness. Dr Ask is also a lecturer in clinical psychology. He trains several students on the practice of psychology. Dr Alexander is an experienced psychologist in the areas of stress, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, bulimia and weight loss. He uses a number of approaches of psychologists such as cognitive therapy, CBT and hypnotherapy.
and Reduce Stress and Anxiety
BY CATE HOWELL In this last article I address some common questions bout hypnosis., looking at how hypnosis can be used with some common problems, namely the use of hypnosis to change behaviours and its use in reducing stress and anxiety. Hypnosis can be used to change behaviour such as smoking, nail-biting or bed-wetting. If someone comes to see me regarding quitting smoking, I first gather some information about the person and the behaviour, such as when they started smoking, if they have quit in the past (and how) and how much they smoke. It is important to also find out what triggers there may be during the day, for example, stress, driving the car or having a coffee. With any person considering hypnosis, it is necessary to ask some questions about general health and use of hypnosis in the past. I would talk about the common questions that people have and explain how it works. Interestingly, hypnosis can be combined with other quit smoking tools such as using patches. The person can go ‘cold turkey’ or cut down, depending on what they prefer, and hypnosis is generally effective for giving up smoking. With a habit like smoking, the therapist would ‘induce’ hypnosis by guiding the person to focus their attention and to relax. They could then give direct suggestions about quitting such as “you are now a nonsmoker”, or more indirect suggestions, such as “see yourself out having a walk, feeling fit and healthy, breathing in clean air and feeling good as a non-smoker”. Suggestions about strategies for dealing with triggers such as in social situations or stress would also be given. The relaxation involved in hypnosis is helpful in reducing stress and anxiety. Hypnosis utilizes muscle relaxation, breathing techniques and visualisation. The individual can be taught self-hypnosis to use on a regular basis. Talking about stress management and ways to find more balance in life can assist, and these ideas can be reinforced in the hypnosis sessions. Specific breathing techniques can assist with anxiety. If an individual has a specific problem with anxiety, such as a phobia or social anxiety (for example, anxiety in social situations), other technique can be used. These involve the imagination, and practising dealing with the anxiety provoking situation, whilst feeling more relaxed. This is the basis of a behavioural strategy called exposure, and it is generally effective and is used in hypnosis in a very gentle way. If you would like more information on these sorts of techniques, it is worth talking with a practitioner who is trained in hypnotherapy. For more info contact Cate Howell at Shop 4/34 Hallett Rd, Stonyfell SA 5066. Phone 84318091.
the process along in any way - and being patient and allowing the deeper part of you to do the healing, that only that part knows how to do. By adhering to these three principles and with the appropriate help, true subconscious change can be achieved.
With permission and endorsed by I.C.S.T.R. (QLD) – My name is Leaona Hamood, a former aerobics instructor of ten years, I have over 20 years experience in the Health and Fitness Industry and have always had a passion for a healthy mind and body. I am a qualified Private Subconsciousmind Healing (P.S.H.) therapist and studied under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconscious-mind Training and Research (Qld). My aim in life has always been to help people emotionally and physically. I am available 7 days a week and most evenings and can be contacted for enquiries or appointments on 0419037830. My name is Michael Oster. I am a qualified Private Subconscious-mind Healing (P.S.H.) therapist and also a Registered Nurse of 20 years standing. My qualifications in PSH have come from studying directly under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconscious-mind Training and Research (Qld). For the last ten years I have been working with people around behaviour change, particularly in the addictions area. I have a passion to see positive change and growth in people. If you feel like you’ re ready for change, I can be contacted for enquiries or appointments on 0411174110.
Sacr ed Sacred
Dancing with “The shadow” Recently I taught a workshop which focused upon”Dancing with Power “. Within this workshop we explored various interpretations of power, including what we perceived to be a powerful dancer. It has been through this experience, as well as through my own personal journey that I would like to explore how the integration of our shadow aspects may enable us each to express our own sacred power. The shadow self, are traits that we have disowned and refused to accept as being a part of who we are.These include both positive (light shadow) and negative (dark shadow) aspects. We grow up learning which behaviours and qualities are acceptable to others, as well as those that are not. We may then learn to hide these unacceptable aspects of ourselves deep within the subconscious, where they become disowned and perhaps even forgotten. The resulting ‘masks’ that we then develop and thus reveal to the world are many of those aspects that we feel are ‘acceptable’ to both ourselves and to others. Our masks form as a result of our fears, however they can also serve us by acting as a protective shield throughout our life. By unconcealing our shadow aspects, the masks we have worn are then revealed. Through the gradual chipping away of this mask, the light of our authentic self starts to shine through. The authentic self is in essence whole, and through accepting and integrating all aspects of who we truly are, we are then more able to embrace the totality of ourselves and therefore actualise our true potential. In my opinion, embracing the wholeness of our selves is the expression of sacred power. Because shadow aspects are often forgotten and buried deep within,
the main gift that we have in revealing them is through our awareness of projection. Every aspect we see in another, especially when it produces an emotional charge, is a projection of an aspect we have not completely accepted or owned within the self. This leads me to believe that if we did not possess a cer tain quality within ourselves, we could not then recognize it in another. Ken Wilber suggests that the “projection on the ego level is very easily identified: if a person or thing in the environment informs us, we probably aren’t projecting, on the other hand, if it affects us, chances are that we are victim to our own projections.” One trait that I often found myself projecting onto others was inauthenticity. For me this was an aspect that I refused to accept within myself, thus the universe would consistently present me with people who I thought were being inauthentic. I then began to look a little deeper and acknowledged times that I would put on a ‘happy, strong’ mask, while deep down I felt insecure and scared. What a classic example of inauthenticity! Once I was able to accept this trait within myself, I noticed that I no longer felt the same emotional charge when I was confronted with this perceived trait in others. I was also able to discover and appreciate the gift that came with the integration of this aspect, which in this case for me was acceptance.
Brain Gym® 101 Course Brain Gym uses 26 specific, simple movements and 10 goal setting techniques to feel good and improve communication, organisation and focus, emotional stability & more Dec 16-19th Robe • Jan. 11-14th Adelaide Switc hed-On Selling TM Wor kshops aavv aila or bbusinesses usinesses Switched-On orkshops ailabb le ffor Book your venue for 2010 Register with Heather by Dec 1st on ph 08 87682537 or email
THE PRINCIPLES OF SUBCONSCIOUS-MIND HEALING Our previous articles have discussed the subconscious mind and its ability to heal many symptoms that resist conscious level help and other therapies. This time we’ll address the three essential principles of true subconscious change. We are often asked who can benefit from P.S.H. Therapy. Our answer is “if you have responses, behavior patterns or habits you are unhappy with and unable to change through will power and conscious effor t – they are probably the result of subconscious dynamics”. The first principle to understand is that you don’t need help until you have come to the conclusion within yourself that you have a problem and want to do something about it. Many people consider others need help. The fact is that if the person is genuinely happy with the way they are, then they are not about to make changes just because someone else wants them to. There is no point someone coming to see us to stop smoking because their wife or husband wants them to or because it is not allowed in their workplace. They need to stop because they want to and accept responsibility for making the changes. More impor tantly, in order to make subconscious changes, you have to consciously continue wanting those changes until you have made them - until you feel happy and comfortable inside. If for some reason you think “To hell with it all”, then you will probably stay the way you are. Secondly, in order to achieve subconscious change, you also need to be willing and prepared to open the channels of communication within your own mind. The part of you that is making you feel insecure or unhappy in some way, is the part of you that has to make the changes. Everyone has the ability to do this provided they want to. Finally you have to trust and be patient with your own inner healing process. This means not analyzing what’s happening or trying to help
Private Subconscious-mind Healing (P.S.H.) has helped many people with problems such as…. addictions, anxiety, low self-esteem and many other stress-related problems To achieve permanent inner healing, gently Phone P.S.H. Therapists
Leaona Hamood :: 04190 37830 or Michael Oster :: 0411 174110 for an appointment Many people only require from 1-4 sessions
EXERCISE IN DISCOVERING YOUR SHADOW ASPECTS I invite you to spend a few moments quietening your mind in a pri-
vate space. I also suggest that you have your journal close by throughout this exercise. 1.Start by making a list of 3 people you dislike and write 3 traits for each of them that you despise. Then write the names of 3 people that you admire, followed by 3 positive traits that you love about them. This exercise may help you to reveal the dark shadow aspects as well as the light shadow aspects within your self. Interestingly both can be as equally challenging to accept and integrate. 2.Then become aware of the behaviours in others that really push your buttons (partners and parents are often common subjects of our projections). I suggest that you also become aware of people who really inspire you (teachers or celebrities can be common people we may project our light shadow onto). 3) Finally, be completely honest with yourself and answer the following questions: Have I ever displayed a similar trait? Am I capable of expressing it given the circumstances? Do I currently express this trait? If you find this task difficult ask some one close to you to be brutally honest. Then make a commitment to observe your self for the next week and journal your findings. (For further exercises and information on integrating shadow aspects, I highly recommend “The dark side of the light chasers” by Debbie Ford.) It is my belief that without taking personal responsibility for our emotional reactions and projections, we remain the victim in our life experiences. The universe will continuously present us with people and situations that mirror back our neglected aspects until they are acknowledged,
accepted and integrated. I personally have found shadow work to be one of the most confronting and challenging processes on the journey to awakening. To reclaim and accept lost aspects of ourselvesrequires commitment, personal responsibility and a deep passion to heal. As Jung mentions, “one does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious”. The pain and uncomfortable feelings that may arise are just the ego losing control - so stay with it! Through revealing and owning ‘the shadow’, our masks are no longer required. We may then be rewarded with the joy of expressing the wholeness of our true magnificent self, which is then able to reflect the love and light of our creator. When we are in alignment with the creator, manifesting our full potential becomes natural and effortless. Let’s learn to dance with the shadow and become a responsive partner to it. Treat the shadow as you would a dance partner; with respect, acknowledgment, intimacy and a willingness to flow as one. “The only devils in the world are those running around in our hearts. That is where the battle should be fought’” Gandhi I wish you well on your journey to wholeness. Acushla is artistic director of Sacred Tribe Dance Studios, SA and is also a qualified acupuncturist. She is a teacher and workshop facilitator (along with the Sacred Tribal teaching team) and directs and performs with the tribal performance troupe, Omnia. For more information and a timetable of classes, workshops etc, phone Acushla on 0410 298 801 or visit
BY SHELLEY MURPHY Rules, we all have them. Each set of rules is as unique as the person who holds, follows and implements them. Some are rational and well founded. Others are not. These rules are firmly entrenched in our subconscious. They determine our reactions to certain situations as presented to us in the course of our lives. When something happens, our conscious thought or reaction will depend on the general rule we subconsciously apply to this event. A big concern is these underlying rules are generalisations, and we find ourselves applying these rules to a wide variety of situations in our lives including work and relationships. A popular rule is ‘I need love and approval from those who are significant to me, and I need to avoid disapproval from everyone else’. Say you happen to come up with an idea for a family outing but nobody thinks it is a good idea. Subconsciously you process this by coupling this event with your rule, and you decide, ‘I am not lovable’. Instead, you could choose to think to love and accept yourself independently of what others think of you. Another popular rule is ‘I can be happier by avoiding life’s difficulties, unpleasantness or responsibilities’. This time you have discovered a lump in your breast. You process this
BY ANNIE O’GRADY, EFT LIFE COACH and because of your fear, you do not go to the Doctor for the check up, and spend your time worrying that it is cancer. Instead, you could choose to face the situation, and find there was no reason to worry. This rule is a particular favourite for many ‘events of my past are the problem and they continue to influence my life and behaviours now’. You have the opportunity to go out with a nice woman. You have had one bad relationship so you are not going to make that mistake again! What would happen if you did go on that date without changing your subconscious belief? Exactly what you expected, another failed relationship. The position of power is to accept that the past cannot influence you now. It is your current beliefs that cause your reactions. You can choose to change them now. Many of our rules serve us well. We also have problem rules such as the ones above which have resulted in us living a less than satisfying life. We process the events in our lives in a certain way. We have the event, followed by our interpretation of the event, and finally followed by our evaluation of the event. The evaluation comes from our subconscious. Many of these general rules lead us to irrational conclusions. Here is an example, the event is ‘Mum was re-
ally angry’, interpretation: I caused it, evaluation: I am a horrible daughter, therefore I am unlovable. Perhaps it is time to look at your rules, are they serving you or are they punishing you? Remember, you can always change your mind. AFFIRMATION My consciousness is filled with healthy, positive, loving thoughts that reflect themselves in my experience. Shelley Murphy is a You Can Heal Your Life and Achieve Your Dreams certified workshop and seminar leader. Passionate writer, artist, student and teacher of truly transformational workshops! My heart has found its song, join me on this journey of self discovery. The secret is loving yourself. Phone: 0407435169 Email: Website: http:// healyourlife.htm
People around the world are using their fingers to tap away food and drink cravings fast, through Emotional Freedom Techniques. Using this easy acupressure-type strategy for emotional overeating and weight loss, in 80% of cases immediate cravings subside in moments. This star tling claim is demonstrated at 6-week evening class courses in tapping techniques at Fullar ton, Adelaide, conducted by EFT Life Coach Annie O’Grady. Along with craving elimination, she also teaches EFT self-healing for the causes of this widespread problem and its many physical consequences. This approach means leaving behind diets, willpower, appetite suppressants. While many people blame the epidemic tide of overweight and obesity solely on fast foods and a lack of exercise, EFT founder Gary Craig maintains that there are also important emotional and anxiety factors that propel adults – and children – towards overeating. ‘This is a truly preventable tragedy,’ he says. ‘EFT is a new technique, but it already has a phenomenal record in helping people. EFT can quell the cravings that cause them to raid the refrigerator when they aren’t even hungry. Even children can learn to tap away cravings. ‘In EFT workshops around the
world people are amazed when their out-of-control cravings disappear after a minute of tapping. It has nothing to do with willpower, it’s all a matter of energy.’ This energy is qi or chi, which flows through the body along paths called meridians, mapped thousands of years ago by Chinese physicians. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, disruptions of qi can trigger overeating, unhealthy food choices, and physical inactivity. EFT stimulates these meridians so that the disruptions subside. The result is a lessening of anxiety states, with a lowered need to tranquillise those states by overeating. Annie says that her students arrive suffering from depression, selfhate, social withdrawal, and work and relationship difficulties caused by their emotional overeating, plus related physical problems. Here are some comments after students learn how to apply EFT: ‘For the first time in ten years I’m not dieting. Instead I tap on my feelings and any cravings. And I’m losing weight.’ ‘I can now stop eating when I’m full. And I feel much more peaceful.’ ‘I wanted to eat an ice cream but could not make myself eat it.’ ‘Food doesn’t seem so important now.’ ‘I’ve lost six kilograms, and still going.’
‘I had a huge crisis at work. I went away and tapped. I got through the day without overeating. This is new.’ ‘Tapping stopped one of my ‘eating frenzies’.’ ‘I couldn’t finish the packet of chips.’ ‘My clothes are getting looser.’ Students learn how to treat their own emotional issues, disclosing in class only what they wish to. This is learning for a lifetime. Classes include demonstrations, group tapping, discussion, video, takeaway information. Hundreds of repor ts and case studies from EFT practitioners, including doctors, psychologists and some psychiatrists, testify to EFT’s effectiveness. You can read these on Annie O’Grady, EFT Life Coach, consults in South Terrace, Adelaide, and also conducts EFT phone sessions anywhere in the world. She holds classes, workshops, EFT Retreats. Tel. (08) 8537 0447
Discover the mindset that has limited your success in business, financial abundance, intimate relationships, spiritual growth, and much more. Learn to reprogram your subconscious mind and eliminate negative self-esteem beliefs, such as. . . • Relationships don’t work • Life is difficult • I don’t matter • I’ll never have what I really want • I’m not good enough
THE POWERFUL AND EFFECTIVE TECHNIQUES I TEACH ARE VERY SIMPLE AND EASY TO LEARN! “It is Safe to Look Within” ~Louise L. Hay Two Day Workshop on November 28 & 29 at Dulwich Shelle Shelleyy Mur ph phyy kshop Leader You Can Heal Your Lif Lifee Wor orkshop Phone: (08) 8121 4266 or 0407 435 169 Email: We b: http://www ud dha/HealY ourLif uddha/HealY dha/HealYourLif ourLifee .htm
Emotional Freedom Techniques – workshops, private sessions
TAP AWAY FOOD CRAVINGS with EFT Annie O’Grady, EFT Life Coach, holds 6-week courses of evening classes at Fullarton, Adelaide, on:
‘FAST SELF-HELP for EMOTIONAL OVEREATING’ This acupressure-type technique is easy, safe, high success rate. The learning can last you a lifetime
FORGET DIETS, WILLPOWER, TABLETS Students say, ‘I’m not dieting and I’m losing weight,’ ‘I couldn’t make myself finish the ice cream’, ‘I’m getting some control over my life’, ‘I’m not obsessing about food,’ ‘I’m nicer to my family!’, ‘The course was brilliant, thank you!’
Tel. (08) 8537 0447 • Email: Web:
In Brief Reviews
Your New Years Resolution There seems to be one time of the year that our best intentions come to the fore and that’s the beginning of a new year. Our hopes of making a new star t all hedges on a promise to ourselves that we can be better or we can change. Losing weight, getting fit and quitting smoking or drinking are always the most popular things that one wants to change. Most of us at one time or another have set New Year’s goals for ourselves and had the experience of not sticking with them. Why do these best intentions sometimes fall by the way side or end in failure? The day you start your resolve is key to implementation according to Chinese astrology. Not all days are created equal. Each day brings with it a different energy or Qi, which has an effect on various activities and influences certain individuals more than others. We all know that timing is everything, so by knowing what a particular day is
useful for, allows you to do the right thing at the right time, thereby infusing a positive note to the start of important events. Some days feel perfect, I’m sure you’ve felt one, it just gels, everything just falls into place and you end up having had a great day while others can be disastrous, nothing seems to go right, you’re having a bad day. The key to success is to know when these bad days are coming and avoid them for important activities. The art of selecting the right day for a particular activity is known as Date Selection. Date Selection has been used for thousands of years, and today has many personal applications such as opening a business, getting married, getting divorced, having medical procedures, and many more. Feng Shui also uses date selection, as a good date is always recommended for moving into a house or star ting renovations. The importance of a good date is essen-
tial to the savvy businessmen of Asia who don’t make a move without it. So back to your New Year’s resolution; if you are traditionally starting on New Year’s day you should rethink. January 1st 2010 is a “Close day”, not a good day to use for anything important, including starting a new regime like quitting smoking or losing weight for example. A “Close day” is a day when the Qi is at its lowest point and is unmoving; therefore it doesn’t bring any useable energy to your endeavours. January the 3 rd would be a better day to begin a quit
smoking or lose weight campaign, however to fine tune the choice of day for a specific individual we would also need to make sure the day had an influence over that person’s natal chart. Another good day to start a new year’s resolution on would be the 11th of January; again whether or not the good benefits of this day affected you personally would depend on your personal chart. The first step in Date selection is to know your natal chart which has been calculated from your date of birth. Then find a day that has the right energy available for your required activity and that day must also affect you. In other words, the day must have a relevance to your personal char t so you can personally reap any rewards of the day. This also means that if the day happens to posses some bad qualities and also has an affinity with your chart, you will more than likely expect some setbacks. Just by knowing when the “bad days” are and avoiding them will already go a long way to assisting your achievements. Depending on your endeavour, a good day can be hard to find so sometimes it requires patience to wait for the right day to present itself. By going with the flow of the universe and working with it, not against it you can use these energies towards your success. Have a Happy New Year. ©2009 Cindy Coleman. Cindy Coleman is the principle consultant and founder of Feng Shui Palace. Educated both internationally and within Australia, Cindy is a certified Classical Feng Shui Consultant with talents in BaZi and Date Selection. She will be conducting a Feng Shui Seminar & Workshop in January 2010. For more information visit or call 0421 913 468.
THE LEAP By Constance Kellough This beautiful book - published through the same publishing house that originally discovered and first introduced Eckhart Tolle’s now classic “The Power of Now” to the world – is an inspiring read that gently leads the reader to that sacred place of Stillness. The second half of the book is dedicated to a powerful series of spiritual practices that support the first half of insight, spiritual laws and revelation. Eckhar t Tolle himself says that this book, “Not only deepens the reader’s understanding of the arising new consciousness, but also offers many valuable and effective practices for awakening in daily life.” Publisher: Namaste Publishing THE BIG LEAP By Gay Hendricks Similar title to the book above but an extremely different approach to the same outcome – Awakening. Hendricks, both an advisor and consultant to large corporations such as Dell and Google and a lifelong meditator, addresses how to familiarise ourselves with our “Upper Limit Problems” that keep us out of extraordinary levels of “abundance, success and love” - what he calls our “Zone of Genius”. His definition of Genius is that vast, pure, expanded beingness that many of us have touched but have not yet been able to establish as our “default position”. This book is an insightful and inspirational blend of plain-speak psychology, spirituality and self-help. Many pages contain powerful yet simple and clear insights that will aid the entrepreneur, the spiritual seeker and the lover of life equally. A must read! Publisher: Harper One
The Bookshop with Soul Power
FREE PUBLIC TALKS • SATURDAYS 2-3PM November 14 - Reconnective Healing November 21 - Wisdom Teachings from the Feminine Divine November 28 - Energy Therapy meets the Metaphysical for Healing
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LIVING THE LIGHT By Gabbie Enright This beautiful collection of personal revelation of ancient and modern wisdom, comes together here as one uplifting guidebook for not only realising, but actually living in the truth that we are one. Written from the heart-felt conviction that only comes through one’s own hardearned personal discovery this local author and teacher strings together a gentle series of teachings beginning with the insight that “All is One” ... through to “Honouring the Self ” and “Seek only the Truth” ... culminating with the Self-revelation expressed in A Course in Miracles: “I am the Light of the world. That is my only function. That is why I am here.” Publisher: Peacock Publications For details phone 8377 2415 or 0414 410 963.
THE SECRETS OF SPIRITUAL MARKETING By Lawrence Ellyard Lawrence Ellyard has done what for many has proven to be an immense challenge – marrying their spiritual/ holistic work with the world of business and marketing. This in depth, step-by-step guide to setting up and running a prosperous wellness business is both timely and required reading for anyone in the health and healing industry. Marci Schimoff, author of Happy for No Reason says, “If you want your natural therapy business to thrive, read this book!” Aust Distributor: Brumby Books SELLING IN THE ZONE STRESS-FREE SUCCESS IN SALES By Michelle Stanton This is not simply another book about selling with a catchy title. It’s about repositioning the concept of selling in our own minds so that we can position ourselves in “The Zone” every day through a precise practice called “Sensing what is” combined with Byron Katie’s “Is it true?” debunking technique. Michelle Stanton’s gift is her ability to communicate the spiritual aspects in business and in particular selling. For those who don’t separate the spiritual from the mundane much value will be found in this approach to Selling in the Zone, for both their sales and their spirituality will be enhanced. Publisher: tish ‘n enigma books or MOONTIME DIARY 2010 By Iris Detenhoff & Gisel Stieglitz Here it is again! This wonderful planning diary for sensitive souls works with the phases of the moon, sun and planets offering practical suggestions to help you attune to the natural forces without and within. Complete with helpful tables, a world map to conver t for different time zones, daily moon and planetary aspects & interpretations and monthly ephemeris, it’s all here in this neat little guide to the “Ar t of Timing” in 2010. Publisher: Moontime Diary
8396 6752
Science, Consciousness and Healing A new science is emerging that is changing our traditional understanding of health and healing. The latest scientific research focuses on experiments seeking to quantify the effects of a newly accessible comprehensive spectrum of energy, light and information on human beings. This new healing spectrum is referred to by researchers today as The Reconnective Healing Spectrum. Leading the way in this research is a team of world-renowned scientists, including such research luminaries as William Tiller, PhD, Gary Schwartz, PhD, and Konstantin Korotkov, PhD, with their studies of the Reconnective Healing frequencies, first discovered by Dr. Eric Pearl. The powerful and profound results of this research are attracting the attention of the best and brightest in the worldwide scientific communities. Dr. Tiller, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University, author of eight books, 250 scientific papers and co-star of the film What The Bleep!?, has been conducting research on how the physical properties of a room or space change as energy healing frequencies enter it during Reconnective Healing seminars. He first conducted his experiment on the Reconnective Healing frequencies at one of The Recon-
nection’s seminars held in Sedona in 2006, and found the results so extraordinary that he repeated his study three more times to be certain that his extraordinary data were accurate. What Dr. Tiller has now shown has the medical research community baffled. He explained that although the energy healing techniques we know today utilize electromagnetic energy, Reconnective Healing brings us up “to a higher level… magnetoelectric energy,” up to a “higher dimensional level.” In Reconnective Healing, “what is happening is that many kinds of energy and light are flowing into the healee and healer,” not just what we were accessing before. The Reconnective Healing frequencies bring healing “beyond just what has been classically known as energy healing into a broader spectrum of energy, light and information,” a spectrum that may not have been accessible by us before now. Dr. Pearl explains it like this. We exist in our four-dimensional reality– often represented in quantum physics discussions as a bubble – in this huge multi-dimensional universe. And the parameters or walls of our bubble – comprised of height, width, depth and time – have been filled to capacity with energy. Yet time is
moving faster. Not just in a linear fashion, in one direction… it’s moving faster in all directions simultaneously. Time is expanding. And with this it appears that our playground, our four-dimensional bubble, too, is expanding. And therefore so is our capacity to receive. Suddenly we can receive more. More than we’ve had access to before. More than just the energy that’s been here on the planet and its subsets – reiki, qi gong, etc. – and the endless offshoots we’ve accessed through myriad energy healing techniques. And since light is consciousness, with this expanded access to light comes expanded consciousness. This allows us to see past negative energy as it has all too often been viewed in the healing world, to recognize that darkness doesn’t exist, that it’s only a place where we have not yet allowed ourselves to shine as the light, and that the fear-based concepts of “evil” and “negative” energy in healing, and in the field itself, is simply illusion. So we free ourselves from the shoulds and shouldn’ts of energy healing techniques, old and new. And when we free ourselves from shoulds and shouldn’ts most anywhere in life, we allow ourselves to become more present, more in the moment,
to interact more fully and consciously with life, with the field. We go beyond and access a fuller spectrum of healing - a continuum, of energy, light and information - simply by interacting with it. Let’s speak about light and information. Our bodies don’t heal the way we were taught. We don’t heal through chemicals. We heal via frequency, vibration, information, resonance… Pearl believes in what he calls The OneCause Theory. The theory is that the degree to which we fall away from perfect health is the degree to which we’ve temporarily forgotten that we are light. And all we need to do for self-healing is to remember, and to allow a return to our natural state of light vibration. As we vibrate in our optimum state of light, anything denser than that light pretty much has nothing left to hold on to and falls away, if appropriate at that point on our life path for it to do so. Studies prove that what Pearl describes is accurate. In another study, Dr. Schwartz, and Drs. Melinda Connor and Ann Baldwin from the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at The University of Arizona, focus on people who attendees at Reconnective Healing seminars. Dr. Schwartz and his colleagues
conducted their “baseline energy healing” studies both at Dr. Schwarz’s lab at the University of Arizona and at seminars around the world. These studies measured people’s abilities to work with, feel, transmit and receive light and other electromagnetic frequencies before and after they attended the seminar. What they found was dramatic. Of the 100+ people who participated in the study, all walked out with permanently expanded and new electromagnetic abilities following the Reconnective Healing seminar, whether they had never studied healing or they were masters/teachers of the various energy healing techniques known today, old or new. While Dr. Tiller has been measuring the dramatic field effects that occur at these seminars and Dr. Schwartz has been focusing on those who attend those seminars, Dr. Korotkov has studied both field effects and effects on individual seminar attendees. Using his proprietary methodologies and cuttingedge imaging and measurement devices, Dr. Korotkov’s research corroborates Dr. Tiller’s and Dr. Schwartz’s findings. What impact are these and other studies having on the scientific and
medical community? Traditional science and medicine can no longer approach health and healing the same way. Tiller says that we must now move beyond the limiting space-time modality of quantum mechanics to a new science that includes consciousness, intention, emotion, mind and spirit. New scientific exploration by Drs. Tiller, Schwartz and Korotkov, as well as what is documented in Dr. Pearl’s own bestselling book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, are paving the way towards validating the powerful effects that energy, light and information can have on people. This exploration is contributing to advancing humanity to the next stage of evolution, where instantaneous healing and regeneration are simple, everyday facts of life. Simple, everyday miracles. Anthony Craig is an Associate Instructor, and Certified Reconnective Healing and Reconnection Practitioner and Mentor. Based in Adelaide he travels extensively educating and expanding this work locally and worldwide and is available as a guest speaker. Anthony is available for appointments, ph 0412 832 664g Visit
BY JONATHAN MACINTYRE Fear of the unknown can create un-easiness or dis-ease in us! How can you change that fear into creative energy that works for you! Whenever our mind does not know what is around the corner the tendency is to create the energy of fear to handle the consequences of going around that corner. The fear may be based in the thinking that there is a horrible thing ready to happen to us, or a monster is going to gobble us up, or that we might fail miserably, or that we may in fact succeed and have to be even more responsible for what we’ve created, or……...add your own version. Which ever way this works for you, the outcome of fearing affects the body, preparing it for action mostly getting our juices moving, so to speak. This is actually a very creative energy source when used rightly. For example, when we see an impending accident like a child stepping on to a busy road without looking and we know the probable consequence, we might call out to warn them, or quickly race to their assistance using our energy (of fear for what might happen) to advantage. However, if the energy is not used because we do not proverbially move around the corner and face whatever is there, the fear energy simply collects in our body creating all kinds of disruptions because it has nowhere to go. As a result we experience reactions like stress and tension, nervous disorder, headaches, eating problems, weight gain or loss, disorientation and lack of focus, etc, etc. To change this kind of disruptive fear into a creative energy, we need to take a number of conscious steps. Find the cause first; why it is still in our body? Usually it is because we’ve tried to see and control the unknown before it has happened. Since controlling the unknown is impossible, there is no actual physical action we can take and so we usually just keep on thinking (most often negatively) about whatever it is, adding to the
energy already in us and overloading our bodies. When we do recognise the cause, the next step is to simply STOP the thinking, STOP trying to second guess or control the situation - acknowledge that fear is there and STOP trying to control what we can’t. This is where most people miss the point and simply keep on adding to their oversupply of fear energy with their thinking. If you have no way to recognise and use the energy of fear by converting it into creative action, then Attunement offers a wonderful way to both stop the thinking and begin releasing the energy through the balancing work done in cooperation with a trained Attunement energy wor ker. Not only does the Attunement Practitioner have sensitivity and training to handle energy, they have inner processes that they have worked with to face their own fears and provide a cooperative release in others doing the same. Our bodies are unique living mechanisms for both generating energy internally and receiving the incredible pulse or “waves” ever present in the Universe in its various forms, the most common of which we call Love. We have the ability to generate, give, and receive waves, or vibration, or energy. We have this same ability with the energy of fear. Energy Practitioners know how to get good results on our human “radio or TV sets” because we need to know how to tune in to the Universal energy channels ourselves and do it consistently, no matter the interference or conditions. When we want to move with the energy “force” that animates our universe - the most powerful, creative and abundant energy there is - we need to know how to keep in tune to reap the benefits of an active body. It makes sense, doesn’t it?! Consistent personal work with an energy lifestyle practice like Attunement is more than learning a technique - it is a “whole of life” choice that is simple, very powerful and brings the constant opportunity
and healing frequencies of the divine matrix ○
to be healthy. In giving an Attunement (different to Reiki attunement) we work primarily with the re-tuning of the 7 key receiving centres in our bodies for energy waves called the endocrine gland system. These glands serve us in practical ways with their various excretions, yet more impor tantly they are the main gateways or channels for the reception of Universal energy in our bodies that, when functioning well individually and collectively, enliven us vibrantly. In the 2030 min Attunement process, we assist people’s energy growth through consciously balancing this system via the non-touch sharing of energy through each of these glands. Try one now and find out! Jonathan MacIntyre is an internationally qualified Attunement Practitioner & Teacher and has been practicing and teaching this process and lifestyle for 7 years - - he also manages the Riverdell Spiritual Centre - near Gawler, a 9 acre retreat & conference facility and community. For more information contact Jonathan on 08 8523 1329 or 0408034584 or
The Newtonian concepts, when applied to science and medicine, that all things are separate, can be broken down to their individual parts, be fixed and put back together again is no longer as relevant in this current age as it was. Aspects of allopathic medicine, a product of this belief, is to diagnose and treat the symptoms of diseases usually with drugs invasive to the body’s natural immune system and with chemistry that does not get to the cause of the disease. Treatments for cancers using chemotherapy and radiotherapy statistically have low success rates for healing. Guy Allenby in his biography of Ian Gawler The Dragon’s Blessing states ‘In 2004, a meticulous analysis of the published data by Morgan of 22 types of cancer in adults, including breast, prostate, bowel and lung found the overall benefit of chemotherapy to five-year survival was a mere 2.3 per cent in Australia. …There have been some real advances in chemotherapy protocols to treat particular cancers’… since this time … ‘and for these cases treatment is highly effective’, however some exper ts are now saying that 30% of healing from all allopathic medicine is a result of the ‘placebo
effect’. Professor Bruce H. Lipton says ‘While Newtonians focussed upon a Universe made out of matter, quantum physicists realized that the Universe and all of its components were made out of energy. To explain further, in our world, things that are large in size, like cells, tissues, organs and bigger, can to some degree be understood by using physical laws of Newton. But when you get down to the level of the atoms and molecules that make up the cells, you’re dealing with the quantum realm …Diseases arising at the level of cellular molecules cannot be understood employing Newtonian principals. At this level of organisation, we start to enter the realm of energy influences. Molecules are influenced by energy fields.’ New forms of non-invasive natural healing modalities are emerging throughout the world with some startling results. Some say they are actually ancient forms of healing reemerging in these times. One such Quantum Biomodality, Ener hEnergg etics Balancing Tec echnique nique™ (QB), co-founded by Melissa Hocking from Melbourne, Australia, is creating extraordinary results. Melissa states that this mo-
dality is ‘bringing about healings unprecedented in our time’. Melissa wrote the book A Healing Initiation where she gives an account of her own amazing healing journey and also describes in detail the whole concept of this incredible modality. She describes many accounts of her clients’ own extraordinary healing through this process. This healing modality is a handsoff, safe and non-invasive healing process whereby the physical and energetic body is immersed in quantum based frequencies enabling the integration and facilitation of an appropriate healing for itself. QB accesses frequencies that emanate from the divine matrix that are palpable and accessible to everybody. John James in his book The Great Field says ‘that everything in the universe is both solid matter and fields of energy’. It is suggested that ‘our bodies, like the whole universe, are awash with vibra-
30 ENERGY tions and signals that connect us within and without’. These ‘fields permeate every single thing, from the minuscule photons at the quantum level to the peptides and genes in our own bodies.’ Melissa Hocking says that ‘it is not that everything that exists has fields of vibration but that everything that exists is fields of vibration vibration’. We are not only in this field of vibration our entire being is this vibration. The average human body has between 50 and 100 trillion cells in his or her body and within each cell resides the DNA matrix. The DNA from any part of our body contains our genetic code – the entire pattern of DNA – for the rest of the body no matter where it comes from. Melissa says that ‘our DNA matrix, which when immersed in the quantum frequency activates our healing codes’ and when ‘put in the right environment, under certain frequencies, can reactivate and re-establish communication with the cellular database. …This form of healing seems to actually change the vibration that your body is operating at, raising it, allowing for the communication of the DNA matrix with the cellular body and hence the entire body. From there it initiates not only permission to heal, but the power to heal, using information that has always been there, but until now we had been unable to access.” As practitioners we are only facilitators of these frequencies where the clients body’s own intelligence brings about an appropriate healing response. Clients are reporting back healing stories such as: during and after chemotherapy treatment for cancer, their blood test levels remained unchanged with little or no side affects and no loss of hair; white blast cell counts reducing and eventually being normalised; scans revealing that cancerous tumours had reduced in size; having a spot on their lung for over 50 years showing on their xrays as clearing up; addictive drug, alcohol and smoking issues being overcome; depression relieved; aches and pains clearing during a session, feeling more peace, having more energy, gaining clarity and motivation in their lives plus many more positive changes. These are only a few examples of some of the amazing results after clients have been immersed in these quantum frequencies and we stand in awe of the ability of these frequencies to initiate healing responses for many kinds of ailments and serious illnesses. This form of healing works with all other modalities whether it be traditional Western medicine or natural complimentary forms of healing. References: A Healing Initiation – Recognise The Healer Within by Melissa Hocking, The Divine Matrix by Greg Braden, The Ar t of Healing by Bruce H. Lipton, PhD andThe Great Field by John James.
Graeme Cogdell and Androulla Nassaris are Quantum BioEnergetics Balancing Technique™ Practitioners. They facilitate healing sessions in Adelaide, South Australia. You can contact Graeme on 0416 115 208 or Androulla on 0411 269 660.
BY KERRY DENICE In the beginning there were many belief systems that are now being used as a bridge to allow freedom of thought and freedom of belief. These belief systems were necessary to slowly allow mankind as a whole to evolve into a free thinking being without superstition and control, without fear of ridicule, without fear of death, without fear of being different. Now the dawn of the New Age is here and it is time to go’’ within’ and find your own truth. Have you found that the belief system that has served you up until now, whether it is based on religion or even a non-belief no longer serves you? Are you continually asking questions that cannot be answered through these beliefs? This is the New Age calling you to awaken. It is time to realise and recognise who you truly are. To find out your destiny, to find out ‘Why you are here and what is your purpose?’ This is happening to many on this planet in many ways. Some have had tragedy in their lives and some have had deep emotional changes. Is this happening to you? What you thought was the perfect relationship, the perfect job, the perfect house no longer makes you happy. It is as if a piece of the puzzle is missing and you don’t know what or where it is…your life just no longer fits. There are dual changes happening at this time. One is on a physical level involving the evolution and recalibration of your physical form and the other is Spiritual. You are beginning to feel the connection to everyone and everything. You are becoming more sensitive to the needs of the planet and to others. You are realising the impor tance of being happy on all levels. This dual experience is the completion of the genetic code that has been encrypted since you were born and was designed to allow you to wake up at the appropriate time. If you are reading this then you understand that of which I am writing. Do not be alarmed at the changes happening around you. This has all been designed to help with your awakening. The fear of the unknown has been created by those in control to keep control of the masses. But there is nothing to fear! Yes, there are many changes happening on the planet as the Great Mother purges, clears and evolves herself (just as we are), but this has been happening continuously forever. This is just an-
other phase in Her evolution as well. The extreme weather conditions, ear thquakes, tsunami etc. is just some of the symptoms of this. Changes in political and religious beliefs, in environmental rules and economics are also evolutionary. Those in charge on the planet are trying to maintain control through fear. So do not read or watch the news, do not buy into their fear of losing power and control. It is time to listen to yourself, what do you believe? What do you feel? As I have said this is a time of great evolutionary change. Do you want to take your part in this? How? You may ask. Learn to meditate and go ‘within’. Learn to still yourself and feel the connection to who you truly are, feel your love, feel your power and you will not question who you truly are. Feel the connection to ‘All that Is”, know who you truly are and LET THE TRUTH SET YOU FREE !! Do not worry about 2012, do not worry about what will even happen tomorrow. Just learn to live in the here and now. Look for FREEDOM!! This is an exciting time to be on the planet and you agreed to be here, so take part in your destiny. KERRY DENICE is a spiritual teacher, healer and counselor specialising in assisting people through the process of spiritual awakening. Individual Counseling sessions attuned to your needs, Spiritual Readings, Meditation Classes and Discussion Groups are available. Learn to protect yourself against all negativity, develop your psychic ability and find your own answers and ‘FIND YOUR TRUTH’. Phone (08) 8276 3421 or
Serenity Vibration Healing® & Enlightenment Technique As a qualified and experienced counsellor I’ve always intuitively felt there was something more than the “talking or hands-on therapies”to assist clients (and myself) to create and live an empowered life free from the traumas and pain in the past. Several years ago, I was looking for a simple to use, anywhere, anytime, quick and efficient modality to continue healing beyond the therapy room and without using psychobabble or disempowering language. As the saying goes “when the student is ready their teacher appears” or something similar and Serenity Vibration Healing® and Enlightenment Technique presented itself. I believe in experiencing a modality to the fullest before offering new approaches to clients. During my first session two things happened. Firstly, I became more aware of how my thoughts, words, intentions and actions were instrumental in creating my daily experiences. Secondly, to my surprise and delight I left with, as the name implies a profound sense of “serenity”. I chose to implement the tools offered and each day began to notice more subtle changes within. Notably, the biggest change was increased mental clarity, focus and the lessening of random inner dialogue or that incessant mind chatter. I also learnt clarity and focus are the intrinsic foundations of instant manifestation and I began to consistently manifest more of my heart’s desires. Since 2002, SVH has continually met and exceeded all of my expectations as a transformational leading edge “easy to use”, “easy to learn” personal empowerment tool you can use anytime, anywhere to transform and create a better life for yourself and others. So, what is Serenity Vibration Healing® or SVH ? Described simply and without too much woo-woo. SVH is an active form of prayer that is used to direct the higher consciousness and the soul to apply a multitude of transformational tools, the Creator replaces your limiting formatting with new imprints to support balance, harmony, sovereignty, abundance and personal empowerment. It is unnecessary for students and practitioners of this modality to be psychic, clairaudient or clairsentient, because they are consciously choosing and directing the implementation of the Serenity Tools. Now if you are feeling blocked from your true purpose or continually attract the same old experiences of dishonouring relationships, or holding onto the past or in need of clarity these are indications of the presence random inner dialogue thwarting and inhibiting your progression and manifesting your heart’s desires. Are you ready to experience “Serenity” and quiet that incessant mind chatter, restore clarity and focus and lay the foundations for a new reality that supports the life you are consciously choosing? Contact Cris to book and experience your Serenity Session or Future TeleClasses for SVH Level 1, Level 1 Mastery or Level 2. There is way more on offer from Vital Health Connections and SVH including regular “Free Podcasts” hosted by Jill Marie, founder of Serenity Vibration Healing® & Enlightenment Technique. Cris Elphinstone, B. Counselling & Human Change, SVH Level 2 Teacher & Level 3 Master Practitioner, Owner & Co-Founder, Vital Health Connections • Heard these before? Do you feel stuck or blocked from your true purpose? Do you continually attract the same old experiences of dishonouring relationships? Do you fear or sabotage abundance? Do you hold onto the past? Do you need clarity?Email: or call 0410 524 154.
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BY MARY SHAW Enlightenment, the dictionary meaning is, inform, shed light on or instruct. To be enlightened must therefore mean to be informed, or does it? To be enlightened can be interpreted in many different ways. To some it can be as simple as suddenly after years of singing a particular song finally realising what the words actually mean, or as deep as accepting we are the Universe and all it contains. We vacillate between the simple and the deep all of the time. We are continually searching for that elusive point of enlightenment, so why not combine your search with travel. Gateway Enlightenment Tours offer you two journeys, both are fascinating and enlightening but very different in content.
EGYPT – Gateway to the Soulwith exclusive private time in the King’s Chamber and between the Paws of the Sphinx, this is an experience like no other. For each individual a tour to Egypt leads you to a greater understanding of self. Egypt reaches out to you
HOW DIVINATION WORKS Positive and Negative Readings ○
on many levels all of which are fascinating. At one level it is a holiday to an architecturally rich country with an amazing history. At this level you will experience walking through ancient history and develop an understanding of the historical context of Egypt. However for those of you with an interest in exploring the Conscious and Unconscious connection to the energy of Egypt, then this tour provides a chance to open yourself to these energies and incorporate them into your Being. Each person will find their own points of connection. Mary Shaw has been facilitating tours to Egypt for over twelve years and on this next tour she will be assisted by Mark Anns and together they will provide guidance and help in utilising the powerful energies of Egypt in a safe energetic environment to allow for enlightenment and growth.
PERU – Gateway through the dimensions - Only in the Andes do you have the experience of “Walking through the Veils” as the ancients said. Here in the Andes and especially at Machu Picchu you have the proof
that other dimensions do exist. You experience seeing animals and humans disappear in front of you, as they cross the bridge between dimensions. This may only last for a minute or two but it happens! High amongst the Andes the air is pure and the energy vibrations are fast and powerful, so this is the easiest place of all to become one with your Soul Being and allow yourself to open to enlightenment. Everything that happens to you in Peru whether it is at Machu Picchu or in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, will strip away your old perception of life and propel you energetically to a higher vibration. The Andes for most people is a once in a life time experience, so why not enjoy this with like minded and friendly people. Mary Shaw will be accompanied by South American Shaman Enrique Encalada and together they will provide a fascinating and enlightening tour. Mary Shaw is the founder of the Beyond Oneness Seminars and also the founder of Conscious Gateways specialising in Personal Mastery and higher vibrational trainings. Contact—08 97544231 or 0405 003 233
BY HELEN FREDAR Divination taps into our Creative Potential and allows us to know what is happening ‘within us’, and therefore how that may manifest if we continue along a certain course of mind set, thinking, emotion, attitude or deep expectation. A positive ‘reading’ is really telling us that we have opened up or cleared the way ahead for ourselves, to that which we want. ‘We’ are attracting that situation through the work done and preparation that we have made and not necessarily in this life only. It is showing us the results of our efforts, not what is happening ‘to’ us. However, it can be very encouraging to have that information, and if an even more positive and open attitude prevails, it can enhance the manifestation. More so if we have a better understanding of our own individual process. If however we sit back and make no further effort, in the belief that the Universe happens ‘to’ us, it can
change and diminish the expected result. A negative reading is also allowing us to see that which lies within us. An analysis of the underlying meaning of the reading can bring an enlightenment and understanding that can enable us to change the energy of our attitude and therefore predicted experience. Energy is subject to change, and we can always bring changes to a negative prediction through a change in our thinking and attitude. Health improvement is a good example, when the result of a change of focus from negative (fear) to positive (love). This may take effort and work, and can be a challenge as well as a journey of discovery. However, it can be made possible through a deeper understanding of ourselves, which can take us to the point where we no longer need the limitation as par t of our development process. Such understanding can be included in the readings given, as well as through meditation and dream
analysis. So, what is divination? It is a process through which we can come to understand and work with our creative potential and so create a life that is in harmony with our ‘self’ or purpose. Helen FFrredar DMS Astrol FAPAI has worked for many years as a Personal Development Astrologer and Psychic (which includes clearing negative energies).
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CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR THE BODY & SOUL Are you having trouble coming up with a great gift for your favourite mystic? Do you need to find a gift for a friend or loved one? Maybe you are looking for something a little different to do? Consider the problem solved with this great collection of gifts for the Body, Mind & Spirit that are sure to inspire! HIMALA HIMALAYYAN SAL SALTT LAMPS The crystalline salt that are in these lamps, come from the Himalayas. They are formed into beautiful natural and carved shaped lamps and have a positive effect on the environment and your health. The environment we live in is full of pollutants, especially from electrical devices such as microwaves, mobile phones, and televisions. These devices emit large amounts of positive ions which can be quite damaging to the atmosphere, enhancing physical and mental fatigue. When Himalayan salt lamps are lit, they draw moisture from the air and convert the damaging positive ions into negative ions in the surrounding area. As the positive ions are converted into negative ions, they purify the air and hence alleviate conditions such as fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, colds, and ADD. Therefore having a lamp in a room such as the living room where there are lots of electrical appliances can dramatically improve the atmosphere and mood of the whole area. Salt lamps however, are not suited to areas of excess moisture or humidity like bathrooms or outdoor living spaces. Placing them in these areas will nullify any positive effect they may have and also degenerate the crystalline salt in the lamp. To clean your lamp, do not immerse it in water as this will cause the salt to gradually dissolve. Instead, wipe the lamp with a damp cloth and then turn it on to allow the heat to dry it off. Available from Eternal Spirit 100 Goodwood Rd Goodwood Phone 8271 9666
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Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. Kahlil Gibran
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SELLING IN THE ZONE- STRESSFREE SUCCESS IN SALES By Michelle Stanton For those who don’t separate the spiritual from the mundane much value will be found in this approach to Selling in the Zone, for both their sales and their spirituality will be enhanced. Kindly donated by Michelle Stanton
EVERY MOMENT’S A MIRACLE By Leo Drioli “If a book had a soul, then this book would be brimming with Spirit. His words follow a direct route from the mind to the heart, and can touch anyone, no matter where they are on the spiritual path.” Denise Linn, international lecturer, healer and writer Kindly donated by InnerSelf Publishing
WHA WHATT DO Y OU WANT? By Linda Clair ‘What do you Want’ is mainly in Q&A format, featuring conversations between Linda and students on enlightenment, meditation practice, teachers and teaching, personal experiences, as well as issues that arise on the spiritual journey. Kindly donated by Simple Meditation
THE SECRETS OF SPIRITUAL MARKETING By Lawrence Ellyard This in depth, step-bystep guide to setting up and running a prosperous wellness business is both timely and required reading for anyone in the health and healing industry. Thrive in your natural therapy business!. Kindly donated by Lawrence Ellyard
Are you looking for ways to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Golden Pathways to Harmony is delighted to offer one lucky reader an “Ultimate Balance Essential Oils Pack” valued at $120. Learn how to simply and easily infuse the vibrational energy of therapeutic grade essential oils into Chakras, Meridians, and Organs. The Ultimate Balance Essential Oils Pack includes the brand new, full colour illustrated Ultimate Balance” book and three therapeutic grade essentials oils plus a membership* to allow you to purchase future oils at wholesale rates (24% off). Ultimate Balance Essential Oils Pack available exclusively at *conditions apply
NAVIGATING GRIEF Grief, of all emotions is not a life experience than can be, or needs to be analysed or understood before we experience it and in order to deal with it. It is the primary human emotional encounter that most of all needs to be felt authentically and allowed to be experienced as it is in all its ebbs and flows for the time that it takes to move fully through us when we allow it to, through our surrender and trust of ourselves in this very human existential experience. And the time it takes is unique to us ~ there is no set time that can be predicted that we will be complete with it. For many it is un-navigated territory until one has felt it, explored it and been moved by it and thus through it, because it is an emotion that has a momentum, energy and power of its own that spontaneously moves us through it of its own accord. Yet it can be an emotion that feels so painful –it hurts, yes, and it can be a ‘sweet pain’ that we can be with if one does not resist it or avoid it. Given the opportunity, grief will move like a great river through us with its different flows ~ sometimes deep and moving, sometimes a gentle trickle, other times overwhelming in its depth and power to the point that we can feel like we are drowning. Yet if we allow ourselves to let go with it, our tears of grief flow through us, cleansing us deeply of our fears of it and the pain of our loss, often leaving us feeling tired and spent; yet with a calmness and completeness that has peace and oneness contained in its deep pools of stillness. As part of our existential pain we all must mourn for the death and loss of the presence of people, animals, things, and missed opportunities. If we do not mourn, then we are never really complete and that incompleteness blocks us experiencing fully other experiences and things in our lives. No feeling will ever really hurt us – it is the resistance to the feelings that hurts us. 80% of the healing of our emotional life is feeling it first –it takes off a huge amount of the pressure and the allowing of the flow of emotion of the feelings is like a momentum that carries us through to the other side where there is a deeper connection with ourselves, with life, with our existence, with being. Change is a part of life. Caroline Myss in her workshops for many years in the 80’s used to compare our bodies/psyches to cheesecloth. Ideally all the feelings and experiences we have in each moment of our lives should pass through us like wind through cheesecloth ~ where we retain the learning inherent in each moment, but we release the package (the event, relationship or situation) with trust, love and forgiveness. This is the ideal and the learning too. Physical pain in the form of disease and cancer comes from us finding it challenging to practice this ideal. We are far more inclined to hang on to the package and ignore, resist or avoid the learning, healing and evolution that our emotional journey always holds for us. * And that process of healing most of all for grief is to just feel it –to
trustfully allow ourselves to feel it fully rather than anesthetising ourselves from it in greater or lesser degrees ~ which is often the initial, conditioned response to such a profound overwhelming emotion. Regret in Retrospect One of the encounters in being moved by the grieving process can be regret in retrospect at all the things we could have, would have, should have, (or not) said, done, or healed in regards to the mourned for person, pet or relationship. I believe this is an intrinsic aspect of the healing/grieving journey. Out of moving with feeling the pain of this regret completely to its end where there is forgiveness and acceptance, evolves an expanded, renewed awareness that every single relationship in our lives is pertinent, meaningful and profound for our evolution, healing and learning ~there are no accidental meaningless ones and certainly none to be taken for granted ~ this includes the pets in our lives as well. Each person and relationship, however seemingly mundane or challenging, is there for us as a gift of Love, growth, learning and fulfilment to be unwrapped by us with our awareness, integrity and attention to it. Out of the cleansing waters of our grieving we consciously recommit to the precious richness of the relationships and connections we still have and that are yet to come with a renewed depth of appreciation and gratitude for every moment with them and the lessons, healing and evolution that they are there for us. .
JULIE WAY© 2009 Julie Way is an Adelaide Rebirther/ Breath Therapist/LifeLine Practitioner and Personal/Spiritual Development Consultant as well as the author of the book Personal Mastery She has recently published an inspirational booklet Thoughts for a Miraculous Life as a herald to her third book The Miraculous Life© (work in progress) in which she expands on the above subject. Julie presents regular lectures in Adelaide on a Friday evening. (See advertisement this issue.) She can be contacted P. 08-84439162 or See (Footnotes) * Caroline Myss The Creation of Health
BY ISABEL IBARRA Since the Harmonic Convergence on the 16th of August 1987, the Maya have captured an increasing amount of attention that has skyrocketed during the last few years. As a result, wenow find all sorts of interpretations about the Mayan Calendrical System and 2012. The group of the ending times is more in tune with fear. They interpret the end of the Long Cycle of 5200 years as a time of dramatic earth changes with possibilities of life extinction. The group of the consciousness shift perceive the possibility of changes as an oppor tunity to awaken and evolve to the next level of collective co-creation. Independent of what we decide to believe, the Maya give us an important key to unlock our minds from a sense of time that constricts our consciousness. The important question here is, how can their understanding of time assist us now? To answer such a question, we need to use at least two main sources of knowledge: the ancient Maya and the modern Maya. From the ancient Maya we have inherited a collection of interlinked calendars that are in resonance with the pulsations of life and the cosmic cycles. These 20 calendars are divided into four types: The Cycles of Days, the Great Cycles of Years, the Cycles of Celestial Bodies and Other Cycles. As we synchronise ourselves with this new measurement of what we call time, our reality starts to reflect other dimensions that were hidden before. The unconsciousness of materialistic consumerism is replaced by a different worldview where time is more than 24 hours of fragmented existence. Real time retrieves our presence that paradoxically leads us to timeless consciousness. As our linear mind opens up to cycles of creation and transformation, our hear t is open to par ticipate in a compassionate universe. However to fully understand the essence of these calendars we need to reclaim our ancestral wisdom. Modern Maya as well as other indigenous groups around the world have an active role to play in this. They represent our forgotten connection to Mother Earth and a perspective of reality that is crucial to create the transition. After more than 500 years of silence the Mayan Elders are starting
COURSES for the Spirit Classes, courses and workshops
to share their wisdom. Day-keepers from Guatemala, where most of modern Maya live, did not skip one single day of the Tzolkin or Cholq’ij as they called it in the highlands of Guatemala. If we want to reconnect with cosmic and earthly energies of this reality, this sacred calendar is a good initiation. For the Maya, space-time or najt is the synthesis of reality. Najt is shaped and modelled after the cosmos and “vibrate with respect to the cosmic dance”. The Tzolkin is an inestimable tool that gives us information for full and harmonious self-realisation. The wisdom that was hidden before, is now open for us to transcend our individuality and discover the sacredness of our world that indigenous peoples have kept alive for all of us. As Drunvalo Melchizedek asserts “how else could they have lived on Earth for so long with so little imbalance?”
Isabel Ibarra is a social scientist and therapist. She is passionate about the Mayan wisdom. With her husband Manuel, Isabel is developing one day WORKSHOPS ABOUT THE MA AR MAYYAN CALEND CALENDAR (Next 5 /12/09) and SACRED TRIPS T O GU GUAATEMALA tha thatt ar aree unique (Next 2/2/10). Contact them 0402 167 962 or visit
Julie Way
Dip.T. B.Ed.
FRIDAY EVENING LECTURES 7:00–9:30 PM - Entry $30
A gentle, deep, guided meditation relating to the topic is part of each lecture October 30 2009 - Ego and the True Self November 27 2009 - Self Love February 26 2010 - Freedom from Fear April 30 2010 - Healing Guilt May 28 2010 - The Mirror Principle VENUE - Rosefield Uniting Church Hall 2-6 Carlton St. Highgate (Bookings Essential) • Phone 08-8443 9162 Cds of the lectures available from Julie, Freedom from Fear’, ‘The Mirror Principle’, ‘Ego and the True Self’, ‘Peace and Love through Forgiveness’ - $25
IKON INSTITUTE Ikon Institute has been running in Australia for 20 years and is the leading provider of Ar t Therapy and Transpersonal Counseling. In 2010, they are introducing Diplomas in Counselling and Youth Work (and Certificate IV). The Ikon Institute of SA is an organization dedicated towards the growth and development of the humanistic helping professions. Ikon’s Diploma courses and workshops have a strong focus on the incorporation of spiritual and existential concerns within therapy. Diplomas include: Art Therapy, Transpersonal Counseling, and star ting in 2010, Youth W or k and Counseling Counseling. Call or Come to our free information evenings to find out more. Email or call (08)83509753 / 0439016763. DISCOVERING YOUR SPIRITUALITY FREE Have you been trying to make sense of the world and figure out what is the right path for your spiritual growth? Then you don’t want to miss this unique and complimentary presentation on how to accelerate your soul’s capacity to progress beyond conditioned thoughts to love, generosity, forgiveness and service. Held @ 342 Brighton Road , North Brighton Call 0410580994 DREAM INTERPRET INTERPRETAATION FREE Who are those strangers in my dreams? Why do I fly, drawn and fall off the cliff. Why my dreams come through? Dreams are the language of the soul and most powerful tool to heighten our soul awareness. Held @ 342 Brighton Road , North Brighton Call 0410580994
EMOTIONAL HEALING FREE Are your health issues concerns you? Do you know that the Health is the Knowledge and Wisdom of Life? The body is the temple of self transformation. In this powerful and complimentary presentation, you will gain insights into the tools necessary to promote healing at all levels of your life Held @ 342 Brighton Road , North Brighton Call 0410580994 DEVELOPING SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE NOV 16 2009 - FREE Living in a global community requires heightening our emotional awareness as a necessity to a harmonious and meaningful coexistence. Spiritual intelligence is the soul’s intelligence and The Intelligence that makes us whole. this presentation will take you through the soul’s journey of self preservation to that of love and compassion. Held @ 342 Brighton Road , North Brighton Call 0410580994 YOGA FOR YOU Gentle and Restorative. At Glynde and Burnside Monda Mondayy, Tuesda uesdayy, and T hur sda sdayy. Neither age or p h y s i c a l condition need be a barrier to practicing yoga. Slowly improve flexibility, movement and relaxation. Classes are not competitive, not even with yourself! Linda Veale - 8337 6763 or 0411 206556 Member: AAMT., ABA., YTAA.
REBIR THING/BREA THW ORK THING/BREATHW THERAPY CER TIFICA TE IV CERTIFICA TIFICATE BEGINS MARCH 2010 I believe that what Rebir thing achieves for the ‘Rebir thee’ is more profound, complete, and spiritually transforming than any other technique I have been exposed to throughout my professional career as a counsellor and teamwork/health consultant. As a Rebirther, I am privileged to be able to assist clients to gain insights, clarity, healing and inner peace. Rebirthing can also help us to: clear out belief systems which no longer serve us; provide increased wellbeing; overcome fears; and to fully realise our potential. Gabbie has been working profes-
sionally with people for over 20 years as an educator, counsellor, and in more recent years, Professional R e bir ther ther. For more information on courses or private consultations call Gabbie on 83772415 or 0414410963 or email: BRAIN GYM Brain Gym is the first step of Educational Kinesiology. It uses 26 specific, simple movements and 10 goal setting techniques to achieve mind/body balance. Enhance your life, your vision, your ability to listen and communicate, maintain emotional stability, improve memory and study skills, quit smok-
ing and enhance creativity and sports techniques. Feel better! (Heather has been teaching Brain Gym across the state for 15 years.) Contact Heather on ph 08 87682537 or email DANCING THE CHAKRAS Experience an uplifting journey of self-awareness and transformation as we gently activate, clear and harmonize our seven key chakras. Through movement meditations, sound and free dance, we dissolve old energy patterns, move into a clearer and higher personal vibration and connect with our inner wisdom and intuitive guidance. For bookings and information contact Susan Howlett on 0403 318 683 TANTRA THE GIFT OF A LIFETIME Regular Tantra The gift of a Lifetime workshops are being run for couples only. These 5 1/2 day long seminars are held in Adelaide, Queensland and Bali. There is absolutely no nudity in theswe workshops. Tantra transforms your sexual and spiritual lives by uniting them. It is the missing piece of the spiritual puzzle. It is the fuel of relationships that allows women to access the deep well of their spiritual essence, their Shakti power and it allows men to recognise and claim the healer that lies within all men, creating for every couple a union of sexual wholeness woven into a tapestry of intimacy and heart connection. It opens the way for a new level of communication and allows for deep healing on all levels. For more information: 08 82481281 or email or visit 7 SECRETS TO CREA TING CREATING THE LIFE YOU WANT! Imagine receiving the tools to create
DANCING THE CHAKRAS ÒBase ÒSacral ÒSolar Plexus ÒHeart ÒThroat ÒBrow ÒCrown A Journey of Awakening! Experience the beauty of dance, sound & movement meditations to align your body & heart, mind & soul. This is the transformational pathway of Dancing the Chakras!
The Centre OM C 8 week course: 6 Feb to 27 March Sat 3 – 5.30pm Single workshops - Chakra Tone & Heart Space SUSAN HOWLETT 0403 318 683
Change Career . . . Train to be a Psychotherapist Walter Broadbent M.A.P.T., M.N.C.P., Psych (Lond.) Dip. H.P. (MED.)
Formally from the London Medical Centre
For further info contact Walter on (08) 8336 6748
the life you’ve always wanted. Imagine the feeling of having greater direction and purpose in your life. Discover: • The difference between where you are now and where you want to be • Your negative beliefs and how to change them • How to have deeply connected personal relationships • How to attract the right people and opportunities • How to set and achieve goals. This course is facilitated by Suzanne Bowers - Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Trainer & Proprietor of Celestial Awakenings, 155 Old South Rd, Old Reynella. Phone: 0414 932 252 for more information. VIP ASSAN VIPASSAN ASSANAA MEDIT MEDITAATION 10-day Residential Retreat Victor Harbor in December 2009 Vipassana meditation is a practical technique which enables one to lead a more positive, balanced and happy life” “This path of self-development through self-awareness is remark-
able in its simplicity, its lack of dogma and above all its results” “The basis of any healthy, harmonious society is always the healthy and harmonious individuals who populate it. Only if each individual has a pure, peaceful mind can we expect peace in society” - S N Goenka For more information visit 8278 8278 THE ADELAIDE MYSTERY SCHOOL Many of us are now looking to know, learn and understand more of the true nature of ourselves, our lives and the universe itself. The Adelaide Mystery School is a school for the soul where we can explore our world within and without, beyond physical reality, through the esoteric mysteries and psychic and spiritual practices handed down over eons of time. Highly experienced and accredited, our facilitators have spent their lifetimes pursuing andteaching metaphysical and spiritual realms. They each possess a breadth and depth of knowledge, elevating courses into a rich tapestry of experience. for further information, visit or Phone 8277 1792
THE NEXT REBIRTHER TRAINING “CHANGES” BEGINS NOVEMBER 2009 Facilitated by Bronwyn Bar ter - Rebir ther & Rebirther Trainer, the Rebir ther training “Changes” is a par ttime course consisting of nine modules and extends over nine months. “Changes” is a Certificate IV in Health Rebir thing / Breathwork Therapy training. Bronwyn is also a Rebir ther trainer and has been training Rebir thers for many years in Adelaide & Melbourne. Rebir thing is a safe, simple breathing technique that gives you the opportunity to observe and then change patterns and thoughts formed in the past that may be having a negative affect on your life now. With the benefits of hindsight the way forward becomes clear and the lessons and experiences from the past can be acknowledged and left behind. For free information and enrolment brochures or for private consultations call Bronwyn on (08) 8260 2086 or visit
Trevor Applebee - RRebirther/Breathwork ebirther/Breathwork er ebirther/Breathworker Experience the amazing healing ability of the breath. Rebirthing is a safe, simple, conscious connected breathing technique. Rebirthing helps you change thoughts and patterns in your life that may not be serving you in a positive way. FOR A CONSULTATION CALL TREVOR ON 0418 836 261
Bronwyn Barter - Rebirther & Rebirther Trainer Rebirthing is a safe, simple breathing technique that gives you the opportunity to observe and then change patterns and thoughts formed in the past that may be having a negative affect on your life now. With the benefits of hindsight the way forward becomes clear and the lessons and experiences from the past can be acknowledged and left behind. Bronwyn’s approach to Rebirthing is gentle and empowering. Call for private daytime or evening Rebirhting sessions. Bronwyn is also a Rebirther trainer and has been training Rebirthers for many years in Adelaide & Melbourne.
The next Rebirther training “Changes” begins November 2009 The Rebirther training “Changes” is a part-time course consisting of nine modules and extends over nine months. “Changes” is a Certificate IV in Health Rebirthing /Breathwork Therapy training.
For free information and enrolment brochures or for private consultations call Bronwyn on (08) 8260 2086 or visit
A-Z RESOURCE GUIDE CLASSIFIED ANGELS Leslie-Anne Menzies – Angel Intuitive. All Angel Healing appointments include ABC of Angels book 0408 083 185 AROMATHERAPY Lotus Organic Therapies. Learn about essential oils and Aromatherapy, workshops held regularly. Rebecca Brook, qualified Aromatherapist, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant and Remedial Massage therapist and member of the ATMS and ANTA. 122 Partridge St., Glenelg South. Phone (08) 7001 1658 ASCENSION Guidance and assistance for the jour ne journe neyy. Counselling and inner process work to aid in awakening to your Self-mastery. Ph Jennifer 8339 5745. Email : ASTROLOGY R ead All About Your self self.. 25 Page Astrology Report from $19.99! Baby, Child, Personal, Compatibility or Ph 0401 418 999 ATTUNEMENT Heal the world! Restore yourself with Life giving Attunements - experience the gentle power of this nontouch energy work; feel more relaxed, focused, centred. Classes available Riverdell Spiritual Centre, Gawler. Contact Jonathan on 0408 034 584 for an appointment or more information BOOKSHOPS The Anthroposophic Book Centre is the retail outlet for books, crafts, educational aids, toys, cards, ornaments and Weleda skin care and health products inspired by the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. 96 Halifax Street, Adelaide. www.books Ph: 8223 1841 or email Opening hours – Tuesday to Friday 12noon to 4.00pm, Saturday 10.00am to 1.00pm. Please contact the bookshop for information about upcoming workshops and lecture series. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Potential for true financial and time freedom. Work/life balance 10-30 hrs p/wk. Need computer and phone. Built in marketing and 24 hour support for more info call 0422 567 172. Success, Integrity, Leadership. Apply Law of Attraction in Business. Real people in a Real Home Business. Low star t up CLAIRVOYANTS Transformational-Claivoyant, Spiritualist. Let go of fear, Find true purpose, Every day filled with fun,lightness,and MAGIC. Contact Lynn*Starbird* 8262 8946 M: 0403 942 839 For Free Info Pack email: or call now for a free quote: 1300 653 981. COUNSELLING In the Adelaide Hills, located at Mt Barker. Using a Transpersonal approach - engaging with your true self. For an appointment phone Colin 0419 808 593. COURSES Munay Ki Rites - Shamanic Initiations that bring freedom, empowerment, connection, belonging, Presence and love. A workshop with Sa & Claudio. Info: Email: (08) 9434 5059 / 0403 699 479 ENERGY HEALING Spiritual and energy healing. Relieve pain; accelerate healing; reduce inflamation; release negativity. Bring back balance to the body. Healing for body, mind and spirit. Member of Int. Institute for Complimentary Therapists. Phone Jy 0409 131 038. Kapunda.
SA RReiki eiki Healing and Teac heaching Centre Centre. (Est 1990) non-profit assoc. & Metaphysical & Crystal Shop. Great range of crystals, Feng Shui products, Cards, books, music, gifts. Reiki I & II classes and various workshops held regularly. Open to public for Reiki treatment Wed-Fri $10 Conc. 55 Fosters Rd, Greenacres. Phone (08) 8266 3276. Light bod bodyy, Star Bod Bodyy Acti Activv ation channelled by Steve. Shift your consciousness quickly and smoothly as you see yourself as a higher and higher being of continual flowing consciousness of love thru the activation of energy bodies that are waiting to establish connection with your personality self (ego construct). Peace, illumination, clarity, brilliance and greatness are yours to embody NOW! Phone Steve 0432 935 439. FOOD Hemp body products oils and flour. From Organically grown hemp.Australian owned Buy direct on (07) 4097 6191 or retail/ wholesale HEALING SHAMANIC HEALING Clear imprints of the past from your Luminous Energy Field and feel the healing ripple throughout your body, mind and Spirit. Claudio and Sa walk the path of the Laika shamans of Peru. Call either for a healing. Email: (08) 9434 5059 or 0403 699 479 Angel Love Healing Healing. Spiritual Healing with Joanne ... Love, Healing Light and Guidance from Spirit. Phone 0432 851 759
Need Practitioner Insurance? Join IICT for Australia’s Lowest Price for Membership and Discounted Practitioner Insurance Package covering all your modalities under the one banner. We provide Professional Affiliation to over 550+ natural therapy modalities. Benefits include: Advertising opportunities; Referrals; Practitioner Directory and more. To find out how you can benefit visit:
Hemp body products oils and flour. From Organically grown hemp.Australian owned Buy direct on (07) 4097 6191 or retail/ wholesale HEALTH & HEALING A visit to Vital Harmony will help you to feel peace and harmony with yourself. Vital Harmony has relo-
cated to Aldgate in a beautiful and serene garden setting. Susanne is available for individual Theta healing consultations as well as remedial massage therapies. Regular weekend seminars (and midweek by request) are available (Theta healing DNA 1 &11; Advanced DNA 2; Vianna’s Manifesting & Abundance and Vianna’s Rainbow children’s seminars). The Rainbow children’s classes are for adults and children. DNA 1&11 and Advanced are to practitioner level. See dates under “Seminars”. Also available is past life work and house clearings, remedial massage therapies including reflexology. Susanne is also an authorised Civil Marriage Celebrant. For more info see ad on Moon Calendar page or phone Vital Harmony on 8370 8557 or 0418 845 119. Constipation, Bowel health problems, digestion, ellimination info. Phone 1300 132 268 22 Year s Experience Experience.. Remedial; Aromatherapy; Polarity; Acupuncture, Cupping; Lymphatic Drainage; Pregnancy Massage; Tuina; Myofascial; Reflexology; Ear Candling; idetoxing; Guidance Reading & Meditation. 1295 North East Rd., Tea Tree Gully. Phone Chris on 0438 858 768 or Lance on 0407 796 195. “STOP SMOKING”. One two hour treatment you can give up smoking. Cravings are reduced and toxic chemicals are cleared. For an appointment phone Julie on 0416 101 325. Bio Resonance Therapist. HOME BUSINESS Awesome Home Based Personal Development biz biz. Six figure income potential within 6-12 months. Ultimate Training. Not MLM. No selling. Be – Do - Have Wealth & Success cess. Proven Home Business. Your hours, Full training & Ethical Earn A 6 Figure Income From Home while on your own journey of self development. Apply principles from The Secret. Register @ or phone 07 3103 2757 HOMOEOPATHY Have you had the benefit of homoeopathic treatment? Graduating student, student member of the Australian Homoeopathic Association, requires clinical patients to complete qualification. The process will be supervised by a fully qualified homoeopath. All consultations and remedies to be given without charge. If you are interested in receiving treatment please telephone. Wayne Butcher on 0413 619 166 LIFE COACHING Passion for Life Coaching. Specialising in body image and emotional eating in order to achieve natural weight without dieting. or 0448 881 268 Do you feel Lost, Unhappy and Restricted with your life? Life Coaching with Krys will guide you to fulfil your utmost desires. Call 8391 0333. MARRIAGE CELEBRANTS Blessed Be Ceremonies Michelle Whichello. Civil Marriage Celebrant. From conception to the grave
and all occasions in between. I offer Ceremonies designed for you and all of your life’s Rites of Passage. Reasonable fees, including all legal papers and cer tificates. OR 0410 866 191 MASSAGE Remedial Massage, Reiki, Intuitive Counselling, Personal Growth. Health Fund Rebate. Mile End, Network Chiropractic Clinic & Renmark. Phone Liane on 04128 542 325 Ar oma ther acials Aroma omather theraa p y, holistic holistic,, ffacials acials,, lymphatic drainage, reflexology, pregnancy massage. Qualified and caring therapist. Greenacres, Stirling Call Emma on 0407 508 827 MEDITATION Swayambhu Meditation – The Pathway to True Self. For lasting peace and real happiness call 0413478979 or visit 10-days in silence. Vipassana Meditation Retreat at Victor Harbour: December 7th - 18th 2009 PO Box 10292 BC Gouger St, Adelaide/ 8278 8278 METAPHYSICAL Unveiled Pure Essence is a metaphysical retail and healing centre specializing in Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Massage, Myofascial, Reflexology and more. 0409 691 731 NATUROPATHY Jane Deans Naturopathy – Healing the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. Naturopath, Iridologist, Masseuse, Herbal medicine, Spiritual and Emotional healing, Homeopathy, Injury repair etc. Mobile 0421 821 760 Goodwood S.A NEW AGE Ne w Ag New Agee Top Ten. The top selling new age books, order from home, delivered to your door. Visit us ORGANICS Organic Food Store & Cafe. At Wild Thyme, we believe wholeheartedly in safe, seasonal and sustainable organic food. When you shop or dine at Wild Thyme, you have made a choice to support local farmers, manufacturers who support fair trade and people who believe real food is essential to our wellbeing. Open 7 days. 101-103 Melbourne St Nor th Adelaide. 83618888 Be Beautiful, Healthy & Safe Safe. Shop at Organic Beauty World for Green healthy bodies inside and out! Free shipping – friendly ser vice. www.organicbeautywor Phone 1300 662 543 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Mary Shaw - Personal Mastery and Higher vibrational training. 08 97544231 or 0405003233. Hear he Secr et”? Take the Heardd of “T “The Secret”? next step visit and enter coupon code 138292 for a $5 discount. Stop Struggling. P rivate S ubconscious-mind H ealing (P.S.H.) has helped many people resolve problems such as ... addictions, anxiety, low selfesteem and many other stress-related problems. To achieve permanent inner healing, gently. Phone P.S.H. Therapists Michael Oster 0411 174 110 ...
or Leaona Hamood 0419 037 830 or for an appointment. Many people only require from 1-4 sessions. PSYCHICS Psychic Astrologer – Leonie Marks. The key to the life you want is knowing who you are & why you’re here. Clear, accurate answers 8398 0004 Accur ot - Phone arot Accuraa te Psy Psycc hic Tar readings. Spiritual Guidance, any issue. Theta Healing, Remove Fears/ Blockages. Heal from the past. Carolyn 0438 790 641 PSYCHOTHERAPY Hope in the Valley provides a service that is based on Therapeutic Models and tailored for your individual needs in a loving, challenging, safe and powerful environment. We specialise in many areas, so see the website for more details or call us on 0402 444 812. PUBLISHING Make it happen now! Publish your manuscript with Joshua Books. Contact us on (07) 5493 1700 READINGS
Reading Da Dayy. 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month. $20 per 30 minutes. Professional readers. For bookings phone SA Reiki Healing & Teaching Centre (non-profit)55 Fosters Rd, Greenacres. Phone (08) 8266 3276 Angel and Isis psychic readings and spiritual healings. Phone Careena on 8251 8068. Flower Readings with Vicki. Clairvoyant/Intuitive. Telephone 0438 293 357 for appointments. Psy ot: Soul Guidance Psycc hic Tar arot: & Counselling. Healing Oracle. Over 15 years of experience. Phone Anna on 8411 7090. REBIRTHING R e bir thing is a saf safee , simple breathing technique that can c hang our lif hangee yyour lifee . Rebir thing/ Breathwork uses the breath to activate, release and heal stored cellular memory. Ideal to use when you want your life to change. The Australian Academy of Rebirthing/ Breathwork verifies the integrity and professionalism of the following members. Trevor Applebee - Mawson Lakes 0418 836 261 Bronwyn Barter - Mawson Lakes (08) 8260 2086 Elise Carr - Allenby Gardens 0417809198 Jillian Trowbridge - Geranium 0408 813 401 Veronica Reinders - Mt. Pleasant 0438 880 894 Gabbie Enright - Seacombe Gdns 0414 410 963
tional Referral Directory. Discounts on Massage Tables, Music CD’s Salt lamps. Informative website & Forum ARC INK Quar terly Magazine. SA State Rep. Christine Sinclair Ph. 0411 604 753 National ph 1300 130 9 7 5 Attention Reiki Masters. Reiki Masters against Cancer. Special Training Course. Reiki Australia: Are you looking for oppor tunities in personal and community enrichment, member journal, insurance, national website directory, events, professional support for Reiki practitioners and masters? You’ve found it. Join us now. 1300 664 780 ROOMS FOR RENT Wishes ffor or You ou, a centre for spiritual healing in Stirling, has rooms available for healing practitioners. Call Raelene today on 8339 4055. SEMINARS Susanne from Vital Harmony holds regular Thetahealing seminars in her beautiful peaceful home and garden in Aldgate. ( approx 2km from Stirling exit of freeway). For information and enrolment forms phone 8370 8557 or 0418 845 119 SINGING Singing and Piano lessons, supportive and nurturing teacher. Beginners very welcome. Located in Eastern suburbs. Phone Pete 0422 932 785 SLEEP Desperately seeking sleep? Music and sleep software for pregnancy, new parents, workers, executives. Ph: 1300 627 246 or visit: SPIRITUAL HEALING Spiritual Healing/Counselling/ Life Coaching/Bush Flower Essences: Balance your Mind, Body & Soul. Release and heal your concerns through changing patterns and creating a positive outlook on life. Ph Carmel 0430 469 352 SPIRITUALITY Know Thyself as Soul Foundation. Sant Mat is a practical spiritual path based on meditation, ethical living, service to others and love for all creation. Its goal is to enable the soul to return to and merge with its source; the purpose of human life described by mystics of all traditions. Discipline and dedication are essential, as is the help of a competent living Master. Entry is via a preparation program. There is no charge at any stage. For further info call 1800 462 193 or visit
Re bir thing a transformational jourbirthing ney. In historic Gawler, with Sue Marshall, Breathwork Practitioner. Enquiries welcome, 85 221 848. More i n f o r m a t i o n ,
Free Presentations on: Discovering your Spirituality - Dream Interpretation. Emotional Healing. Developing Spiritual Intelligence - Nov 16. Held at 342 Brighton Road , North Brighton. Call 0410 580 994.
ARC Inc. Australian Reiki Connection. Australia’s Leading REIKI Association Est. 1997 - Run by Members for Members with fellowship and support. Access to Insurance. FREE Membership of [AARP] Association Australian Reiki Professionals Na-
Movement Meditations. Single workshops and Dancing the Chakras - 8 week course. Align body, heart, mind & soul. Held regularly. Susan Howlett 0403 318 683,
KALEIDOSCOPE - NEWS & VIEWS MORE THAN JUST A HEALING Jyakin is a spiritual healer whose passion is to help heal and transform on an individual and planetary level. Through her unique blend of healing tools and gifts including Quantum Bioenergetic Balancing, Quantum Touch, Pranic Healing, Spiritual Healingand her natural abilities, Jyakin can help you bring back a sense of balance and purpose in your life, relieving you of physical and emotional pain. Jyakin will be attending the Yorke Peninsula Field Days – Tues 29 Sep to Thurs 1 October. As an introductory special, you are invited to experience her sessions with a $10 discount. Phone Jyakin who works out of Kapunda for more details on 0409 131 038 or 8566 2929 LIGHT BOD BODYY, ST STAR BODYY AR BOD ACTIVAATION CHANNELLED BY ACTIV STEVE Steve is a gifted healer, channeller and clair voyant. He runs weekly channelled meditations for people to learn the ancient ways of self healing (‘heal thyself’) and self guidance (‘know thyself) to receive insights, personal growth and expansion for their own lives. Steve also assists people to link and connect with the world wide meditations (via facilliating group meditations) of abundance and peace to bring this energy into there own day to day lives (to assist and accelerate) in peoples personal expansion and healing journey. An open conscious channel he has the ability to call forth Ancient Mystics, Star councils and Star beings conscousness’s for clients individual healing and personal insight. Some include Polaris-6 conscousness (The nor th pole star), Allarahlahndeeal (an emanation and being of light) and an Ancient Mystic Lord Star Being-”Grashnash”. Contact Steve on 0432 935 439 for more informations UNVEILED PURE ESSENCE Unveiled Pure Essence is a new metaphysical retail store ranging in crystals, books, CD’s, tarot cards, incense and gifts. We are also a healing centre and our healings include Hypnotherapy and Reiki with our resident Psychotherapist Robyn; Therapeutic Massage, Myofascial and Reflexology with Leah. Our Mandela painter Angela portrays your spiritual essence on canvas as each person has their own cosmic diagram, a reflection of their divinity with geometric shapes and colours. Finally our resident psychic Shay brings healing and comforting messages from beyond. Unveiled Pure Essence is increasingly expanding with alternative healing techniques so come unveil your Pure Essence. Shop 2, 595 Military Rd Largs Nth. Phone 8248 0401. BIO-RESONANCE THERAPIST A true story Five years ago I had chronic fatigue!!! No one could help me, until I found Bio-Resonance Therapy [Bicom]. I learnt the causes and had treat-
ment on the Bicom machine, where my radiation, viruses and toxic load were cleared. My body was treated as a whole and I star ted to feel better. I improved more and more after each treatment. I became so interested in this treatment that once I was well I decided to become a practitioner myself and go on to treat others. This painless, non invasive treatment helped me and gave me my life back and it could do the same for you. For details phone Julie De Cesare on 0416 101 325 or 8370 3271 DORIAN MARSLAND-SMITH Dorian is a qualified Life Coach and Meta-Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming and Neurosemantics, specializing in Health and Wellness Coaching. Dorian focuses in particular on body image, weight and comfort/emotional eating concerns which individuals have tried unsuccessfully for many years to overcome. Utilizing deep-level technologies for engaging both the conscious and subconscious mind, Dorian is able to assist clients who are ready to permanently release old unwanted patterns of behavior and unhelpful habits. As a result, clients experience a new sense of freedom and begin to have choice in areas where they were previously stuck or trapped on the problem-focussed treadmill. For further info phone 0448 8126. Visit ETERNAL SPIRIT Eternal Spirit has a psychic/tarot reader each and every day of the week. All readings are: - Recorded onto tape or CD (provided in the cost by the Reader) - Designed to offer guidance to the individual (which they may/may not choose to listen to) and help them understand their current situations from a different point of view. Eternal Spirit introduces the following psychics: MONET: Monet is a gifted clairvoyant who has been working from The Eternal Spirit for over ten years. Her psychic abilities began to manifest at the age of three when she realised her Godfather was about to die. She later realised that her abilities were deeply entrenched within the family through the generations and began to use these abilities to help others. Monet works with both numerology and the Tarot to offer her guidance to her numerous clients and their referrals. LIN A: Lina is a clair voyant meLINA: dium and healer and is a member of the Australian Psychics Association. She has been doing readings nearly all her life and has been reading professionally for the last 20 years. She channels information from her spirit guides to provide insight into all aspects of her clients lives. As a medium, she finds it easy to connect to clients loved ones which in turn has made her a highly respected clairvoyant and medium. Lina is also a
spiritual healer and is registered with South Australian Spiritual Healers Association (SASHA). For more information ph 08 8271 9666 CINZIA VU VUAAT As a child, mother of four, Cinzia suffered from selective mutism. Unable to speak, Cinzia’s search for healing began. Today she is a gifted teacher, Reiki Master, Reflexologist and Psychotherapist. Cinzia’s psychic abilities were discovered after a near death experience. Cinzia continues to develop her psychic potential using the knowledge taught in her workshop “Three Magic Words”. Her readings allow accurate access to your future with comprehensive answers to your questions. Available to the Psychic Fair. • Psychic Readings • Foot Reflexology • Information regarding “Three Magic Words” workshop (the key to your true power & potential) • Cinzia’s Tarot Readers Workshop • Tarot & Psychic workshops • Spiritual Development & Personal Development workshops. Mention this editorial and receive a discount rate. For details phone Cinzia Vuat on 0410 456 540. XA VIER MINNIECON XAVIER Xavier Minniecon has been a Reader for the past 6 years. He discovered his Gift after losing his wife to Cancer. Using cards, as an aid, his Readings are based on the information also given by the Guides of the Seeker. Xavier’ is now Reading from the Relief Therapies Clinic at St Agnes on North East Road. from 12 midday to 7pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. For enquiries & bookings call Xavier on 0431 951 916. WALTER BROADBENT Walter Broadbent is a British Psychotherapist, and NLP Practitioner, Counsellor and Author of past-lift regression. He maintained a clinical practice at The London Medical Centre, Harley Street, London, a fellow of various professional associations, and he has received numerous awards. He is internationally renowned for his clinical contributions to the field of Psychotherapy. He lectured at the British Medical Association, London and at the Regents College, Regents Park, London - also at Bedford College part of the University of London. He has spent more than 40 years studying the human mind and Psychology, Hypno-therapy and ParaPsychology. Walter has also developed a system “how the psychologically bullet proof yourself” and he has made media appearances on British as well as American TV and radio. He was the only British therapist to be invited on a regular basis to teach his advanced methods to American therapists, and he has produced a number of self-hypnosis tapes and DVD’s. While in America, Walter was a speaker at the American Council of Hypnotists Examiners,
Glendale, California. Walter has also presented at the International Therapy Conference at the Hyatt Regency at Alicante USA. He received a special recognition award in 1991. Subsequently he was made a member of the world federation of Hypno-therapists UK, a member of the Institute of compliementary medicine, London, a member of the British register of Complementary Practitioners, Portland Place, London. He is also a member of the Institute of Public Relations, and Institute of Marketing UK. Walter can be contacted on (08) 8336 6748 MOVE INTO YOUR OWN HOME IN JUST 3 MONTHS! I’ll show you how to beat the banks at their own game and get you into your own home in the next 3 months. I have specialised in helping 1st home buyers for over 7 years. If you seriously want your own home, contact me on the numbers below. Ph: (08) 8464 0880 Mob: 0412 317 340 7 SECRETS T O CREA TING THE CREATING LIFE YOU WANT! Imagine receiving the tools to create the life you’ve always wanted. Imagine the feeling of having greater direction and purpose in your life. Discover: • The difference between where you are now and where you want to be • Your negative beliefs and how to change them • How to have deeply connected personal relationships • How to attract the right people and opportunities • How to set and achieve goals. This course is facilitated by Suzanne Bowers - Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Trainer & Proprietor of Celestial Awakenings, 155 Old South Rd, Old Reynella. Phone: 0414 932 252 for more information. 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SAGARMATHA SPECIAL THE CELEBRATION CONTINUES! You are invited to experience Sagarmatha’s tantalising Nepali delicacies over the November February period, at 20% discount in celebration of being of service for 10 years as the first Adelaide Nepali Restaurant. Deepak Bista understands the gift that delights the senses through careful food preparation and the pure ingredients that set this restaurant apart. For an enriching culinary experience like no other, come along and mention this review to Deepak or one of his staff and not only enjoy a fantastic meal, but also receive a gift discount of celebration. Sagarmatha Nepali Restaurant 62 Payneham Rd, Stepney. Phone 8363 6291
Get healthy this summer with THE LATIN SEED With the weather getting warmer every day, many people are thinking about kick star ting their healthy living regime and getting into shape for the beach, summer BBQs and Christmas parties. Enter The Latin Seed, an all-natural weight loss and well being solution that is simple, organic and easy to use. Originally from South America, The Latin Seed is quite simply, a seed that is taken every night in a cup of boiling water. The seed, which contains natural linoleic acid, works to reduce the volume of adipocytes in the body and promotes efficient fuel burning in the body. Sydney mother-of-two Nikki Lumsden was so inspired by losing a remarkable 45 kilos using The Latin Seed, that she left her corporate job to bring the product to Australia. “It is totally natural – there are no chemicals or anything artificial involved – and it’s tasteless, which makes it even easier to use,” said Nikki. “It sounds like a cliché but I really had tried everything to lose weight throughout my life and The Latin Seed was the only thing that worked. It changed my life so I wanted to share my story with people who want to look and feel better naturally.” Both Nikki and her husband Peter left their corporate jobs to launch The Latin Seed, as they knew it wasn’t simply about weight loss. It also helps with general well being, constipation, cholesterol and improves the appearance of skin and hair. In fact, after taking the seed, Peter was able to stop taking high blood pressure medication that he believed he would be taking for the rest of his for life. “We knew we had found a product which would help a lot of
Nikki before
Nikki after
different people. I especially love that during these warmer months when I’m swimming with my kids, I no longer have to be afraid to be seen without makeup on or product in my hair, as the seed has given my skin and hair a healthy glow,” said Nikki. Avid Latin Seed user Alexandra Sanhueza lost over 11 kilos over the course of five months. “It was so easy and convenient, and for the first time my metabolism feels normal,” commented Alexandra. Alexandra loved the fact that she could keep eating as usual but because her stomach was shrinking each day her meals were getting smaller and smaller. “I feel great! and look forward to no longer embarrassing my 17 year old daughter with having to wear a t-shirt with my swimsuit this summer,” added Alexandra.
The Latin Seed is not only natural and simple to take but, at less than $2 a da dayy, it is also cost effective. F or mor or ma tion, infor mation, moree inf please visit www .la
Some places to pick up InnerSelf
BY ALAN COHEN A spiritual teacher told me of two students who were seeking the one place left in a small-group week-long seminar. “One student was very wealthy, yet he tried to bargain for a half-price payment of $500,” the teacher told me. “The other student had only $20.” “So which one did you take?” I asked. “We accepted the student who offered $20.” “Why is that?” I asked. “Because she offered everything,” the teacher answered. It is not so important how much we give; it is how we give that counts. If you have a lot, but offer a little, you have given little. If you have a little, but give it all, you have given much. Our actions are real not for their outer form, but for our energy and intentions behind the actions. The story is told of a poet who went to see a doctor. The poet said, “I have all kinds of terrible symptoms. I am unhappy and uncomfortable, my hair and my arms and legs are as if tortured.” The doctor answered, “Is it not true that you have not yet given out your latest poetic composition?” “That is true,” said the poet. “Very well,” said the physician. “Be good enough to recite.” He did so, and at the doctor’s order, said his lines again and again. Then the doctor said, “Stand up, for
you are now cured. What you had inside had affected your outside. Now that it is released, you are well again.” In your work, your friendships, and relationships, are you giving just a part of yourself, or are you giving all of yourself? Are you sharing from the depths of your soul, or are you accommodating? Are you doing what you came here to do, or are you doing what is expected of you? When you go to sleep at night, have you lived a day in accord with your vision, or have you worshipped at the altar of fear? Are you giving wholly of your true self, or partly of a false self? Recently I met a famous teacher who is very busy. He has many students and media people tugging at him, and he is able to meet with individuals for just a few moments or minutes. When I spoke to him, however, he was really with me. He looked me squarely in the eye, gave me his full attention, and listened and responded clearly and lovingly to exactly what I was saying. Though I spoke to him only briefly, I felt very loved and very fulfilled. Even in a few moments, he gave me everything. Kahlil Gibran affirmed: Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For love is sufficient unto love. . . Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself...
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving... And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your hear t and a song of praise upon your lips. Alan Cohen, M.A. M.A., is the author of 22 p o p u l a r inspirational books and CD’s, including the best-selling The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, the award-winning A Deep Breath of Life, and the classic Are You as Happy as Your Dog? He is a contributing writer for the New York Times #1 bestselling series Chicken Soup for the Soul, and his books have been translated into 23 foreign languages. His work has been featured on and in 101 Top Experts.
25,000 copies of InnerSelf are available in over 800 outlets around Adelaide. Below is a partial distributors locality guide for your convenience, made up from some of the distributors who choose to promote their services through innerSelf. For more information on a distribution point near you or to be a distributor, please phone 8396 6752
Cosmic Pages - Major mind, body and spirit bookstore; 338-340 King William St, Adelaide. Phone 8231 9105. Bliss Organic Café - Organic, fairtrade, music art, lifestyle; 7 Compton Street, Adelaide. Phone 8231 0205. New Dimensions Bookshop - Alternative philosophies bookshop sice 1968, 310 South Tce Adelaide. Phone 8223 4877. 1920 Boutique - Shop 22, Adelaide Arcade SA 5000. Phone Melissa on 0418 891 967
Phoenix Rising Healing Centre Healings, Meditations, Readings, Workshops. 675 Grange Rd.Grange. Phone 0411 034 177.
Aldgate Vital Harmony - Experience the Vital Harmony of the Adelaide Hills. Phone 8370 8557.
Aldinga The Latin Seed-Stockist - Holistic Body Therapies. Bookings & Orders. Phone 8556-5407 Trilogy Hair & Beauty - Ammonia free organic hair colours & products. Horstman Technique; Australian BushFlower Essences. Phone 8557 7989. Shop 2/2 Old Coach Rd., Aldinga.
Aldinga Beach Marie's Crystal Cave. New Age store and Healing Centre. Corner of Shephard Rd and Gordon St Aldinga Beach. Phone Marie on 8556 5692.
Largs Bay Foodwise - Full supply of organic produce; 7 Jetty Road Largs Bay. Phone 8242 7882.
Lobethal Heart of the Hills Market - Food, treasures, arts & crafts. 1 Lobethal Rd, Lobethal. Phone 8389 5615.
Magill A Life Abundant - For all your health needs; 587 Magill Road, Magill. Phone 8333 3144.
Mclaren Vale
B & D Farm Paris Creek P/L Producers of organic bio/dynamic milk, yogurt, quark, butter & cheeses;; Phone 8388 3339.
Christies Beach
Our website is below, we would love to hear from you, and encourage you to browse in our Health e-shop and discuss the ‘Who Are You Seminars™” with your friends.
Rainbow Tree - organic baby products including clothing, toys, modern cloth nappies and slings. Fiona House - Kahuna Bodywork, Holistic Massage, Polarity Therapy, SCIO Bio-feedback and Food Mentoring 0416 473 163 Sue Upton - Sports/Remedial and Relaxation Massage, Aromatherapy and Pregnancy Massage 0420 241 851. 320 Magill Road, Kensington Park phone 8332 8733
Telephone (07) 5494 2155
Kensington Park
MotherEarths Ash Tree. Gifts, tools, services, workshops. Phone (08) 8323 8850. 136b Main Rd, McLaren Vale.
Linda Brook - Reading, healing, reiki, pastlife & massage; 25 High Street, Cheltenham. Phone 8240 0864.
We are a Queensland based company working with practitioners and individuals worldwide. We started out a husband and wife team with a combined total of over 40 years in the wellness industry, we now work with over 110 practitioners primarily in Stress Reduction, Aromatherapy and Wellbeing. If you are looking for a therapist we encourage you to check out our practitioner pages. OR maybe you want to become a therapist yourself? We offer a range of modalities, training, products and devices. From the most advanced form of Biofeedback Devices in the world to Face Reading, Scleragraphics, Aromatherapy, Tesla Innovational Technologies and our own Meditations, Artworks, Deep Muscle Therapy, and much more. Quite simply we have grouped together the best of everything we have found while walking our path in the hope it may help you on yours. 2010 sees us embarking on a NEW pathway. We will be travelling to two destinations per month bringing a fascinating one-day seminar to you. Called the Who Are You Seminars™, introducing you to the core concepts underpinning all healing and wellbeing practices in a non-religious and factual way. We examine the latest scientific data and explore the basic precepts of who we are and how we work.
SA Reiki Healing & Teaching Centre - Reiki, metaphysical and crystal shop; 55 Fosters Road, Greenacres. Phone 8266 3276.
Isis Dimensions - Wholistic Healing, spiritual workshops / retreats for women, men & children; Phone 8370 3509 Within the Magik - Coffee, gifts, clothing, crystals, books. Shop 4, 411 Mt Barker Rd, Bridgewater SA. Ph 8339 1484
Pathways to help you on your Journey of Life
Yoga To Health - Yoga Classes & Workshops. Phone Louise Wiggins on 8386 0571.
Clarence Park Body Revive Vibrosaun and Massage Therapy Centre. 53 East Ave, Clarence Pk. Phone 8351 5000.
Crafers West Simple Meditation Centre - Linda & David Clair, meditation, counselling. 66 Emmett Rd, Crafers West. Phone 8339 7848.
Gawler Total Wellbeing. Shop 21-22 Gawler Northern Market, Gawler. Gordon Marshall, Remedial Massage Therapist, Sports and Therapeutic Massage.
Glen Osmond Adelaide Hills Natural Health Centre - Quality, Experienced Naturpathic Services. Abergeldie House Holistic Centre, 548 Portrush Rd, Glen Osmond. Phone 8338 2620 Organic to Go. Cafe and Food store. 365a + 363b Glen Osmond Rd, Glen Osmond. Phone 8379 2131.
Glenelg The Organik Store - Certified organic fruit & veg & groceries. 37 Broadway, Glenelg. Phone 8295 7767.
Goodwood The Eternal Spirit - Retail Shop & Healing Centre; 100 Goodwood Rd, Goodwood. Phone 8271 9666.
Mt Barker Mt Barker Gymnasium. Where fitness happens. 62-64 Wellington Rd.Mt. Barker Ph. 8391 1422
Moonta Bay Soul Radiance – Healings, meditation, workshops. Phone - Jenny 0408930991
Newton Go Vita - Go get health, go stay healthy; Shop 20, 299 Montacute Road, Newton. P h o n e 8337 9818.
Norwood AMCAL Pharmacy Norwood Shop 12, 161-169 The Parade. Phone 8332 1085. Healthy Life Norwood - Natural Health food store; Coles Norwood Mall, (164 Rear), The Parade Norwood. Phone 8332 1085.
Noarlunga Earth Magic - Unique Meaningful new-age gifts; Shop 111, Colonades Shopping Centre, Noarlunga. Phone 8382 0811.
North Adelaide YouYa Collections - Beautiful ingredients to enrich life: high quality loose teas, natural body and skin care products, artwork and gifts... Shop 7/152 Melbourne Street, North Adelaide. Phone 8361 6866. Romeo’s Organics - North Adelaide Village. 71-79 O’Connel St, Nth Adelaide. Phone 8361 9150
O'Halloran Hill Sue's Place for Nails & Astrology Charts. Sue Hooley. 5 Paul Court, O'Halloran Hill. Phone 8381 9442.
Julie’s Bodycare - Massage, Reiki, Numerology, Past Life Therapy. 57B Bray St, Plympton Pk. Phone 8371 4311 or 0412 348 249
Pt Adelaide The Answer Within. Alternative Health & Lifestyle Studio. 9 Timpson St, Pt Adelaide. Phone 0403 850 619 or 8447 3158.
Pt Augusta Alternative Choices - Incense, Crystals, Singing Bowls, Books, Jewellery. Phone 8641 0251. 140 Carlton Parade, Pt Augusta.
Pt Elliot Authenticity Health Retreat Rest, relax, rejuvenate at authenticity; 14-32 Waterport Rd, Pt Elliot. Phone 8554 2088
Pt Noarlunga “Get with It!” - Personal Transformation & Family Connections Centre. CHILD, TEEN & ADULT CLASSES in Mind, Body, Emotional & Spiritual Growth, ALL Visual & Performing Arts. Private Consults, 60 Trim Cres, Old Noarlunga. Ph 8386 3318.
Pt Pirie Beauty for You - Full range of beauty services, therapeutic massage, Bowen Therapy. 23 Alexander St., Pt Pirie. Phone Natalie on 8632 6505.
Reynella Crystal Awakenings. Shop 2, 155 Old South Rd, Reynella. Phone Suz on 0414 932 252
Semaphore Ocean Organic Therapies - Remedial Massage - Health & Wellbeing therapies. Rebecca Barter. 103a Semaphore Rd, Semaphore. Phone 0419 819 653.
Smithfield In Balance Health and Wellness Centre. 39 Anderson Walk, Smithfield. 7380 0045 or over 30 different therapies available.
Stepney Sagarmatha Restaurant - Delicious, authentic Nepali cuisine; 6264 Payenham Road, Stepney. Phone 8363 6291
Strathalbyn The Old Market Shed - Health food, fruit and vegetables; 9 Dawson St Strathalbyn. Phone 8536 3777.
Tanunda The Sanctuary Health and Healing Centre - 106 Murray Street, Tanunda. Telephone (08) 8563 0388 or visit
Torrensville Blend Body care Urban Retreat. Aromatherapy products & treatment services. 26 Huntriss St Torrensville. Phone 8354 2006.
Tranmere Spiritual Visions - Clairvoyant Crystal Practitioner and Workshops. Shop 22, 172 Glynburn Rd, Tranmere. Phone 0428 523 900
Whyalla Divinely Guided Therapies. Whyalla's healing centre. Workshops, angel miracles, Isis Healing, Bpwen Therapy, Massage, Crystals, Books,cards, candles and more.Shop 10, 22 Farrel St, Whyalla. Phone 0423 873 746.
Classifieds Special $99 for the year