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SEPARATION by Linda Clair
YOUR OWN JOURNEY by Swami Dayananda
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COME AS YOU ARE by Louise Tebble IS IT A LACK OF SELFCONFIDENCE by Leaona Hamood & Michael Oster IS THERE SCIENCE BEHIND 2012 PROPHECIES? An Interview wiith Gregg Braden THE POWER OF PLAY by David Cronin
AM I TOO SENSITIVE? by Bronwyn Barter
WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM? by Dorian Marsland-Smith
THE THYROID GLAND by Lynne Singlewood
FRIENDSHIP & FUN by Jane Donovan
SUGAR IS GREAT? by Amanda Allen
INSIDE OUT by Debbie Kemp
Okay … that moment is here. Now is the time to “Be who you are”. The world is calling out for open, clear vehicles. Forget all those thoughts about “not yet ready”, “need more time”, “not worthy”. You are ready, no time is needed, and you are worthy … just as you are. The world is reeling right now and conscious 32 EXPERIENCING THE POWER channels for peace and clarity are reAND GRACE OF ONENESS quired. You are part of the plan. If you have by Jane Whiting caught a glimpse of the Eternal Vast32 LIVING IN HARMONY WITH ness that sits at the heart of you, it’s ABUNDANCE time to allow for This to come to the by Susanne Marie fore. If you have tasted of Its magnificence but still entertain notions of, and 34 CREATING A FIELD OF identify with the “little me” ideas that so HEALING ENERGY dominate the thinking … the moment by Dr Andrew Horwood is upon us. If you haven’t done it yet for yourself then do it now for the world. 35 A STATE OF CHANGE Take note: You are not who you think by Anthony Craig yourself to be. Look … really look. Who are you without all those ideas about 38 ARE YOU FEELING WHAT I who you are? See This … know this diAM FEELING? rectly. by Jonathan MacIntyre Stop! Just where you are… right here, you already are all that which you FEATURES have been seeking. Don’t go looking in your thinking mind for the truth of your 17 ORGANIC FOODS own beingness. What you are … you al22 PSYCHICS, MEDIUMS AND ready are. See this. No need to change your thinking, simply recognise that your CLAIRVOYANTS thinking is not who you are and the thinking will change very naturally in reREGULARS sponse to this. The world now needs you. Just as you are. Don’t believe those 20 MOON CALENDAR thoughts about all the work that still needs to be done to get there. This is it. 29 GIVEAWAYS You are here … now. You are awake and 35 A-Z CLASSIFIEDS if you rest in This for a moment, you will discover how so very close It is … how 31 KALEIDOSCOPE available and accessible This always is. 36 COURSES It’s the very truth of you. Do you feel it? Look around you. 37 IN BRIEF REVIEWS There’s nowhere left to hide. Clarify by simply being present. Be here and ac-
tively listen with your whole being. Simply breathe … be … allow. This is where all your strength and inspiration comes from. Be This now. Beyond words ... beyond thoughts ... No, before words ... before thoughts ... yet not far away, in fact no space for distance at all. This is where I find You. I look and You are seen. My heart opens ... and You are felt. Here ... yes, here You are. I take another breath and breathe This in ... Here You are. How else can I say it? I don’t seek to hold You, I wouldn’t dream of trying that any more, it always leads to defeat. No, no more trying to do anything ... simply falling back into This that is here ... This that You are. Another breath and my heart opens a little more. No distance ... no gap ... just This. I breathe in again and in this very moment, the delicate taste of Your always-already presence is felt anew. What a gift ... what a precious gift! I let it go immediately. And yet, here You are in this moment ... rediscovered afresh ... anew. In ... out ... up ... down ... light ... dark ... no difference. You are here. How simple. How clear. How pure. How real ... simply this ... simply here ... simply You. Beyond words ... beyond thoughts ... yet not far away at all ... Love, Leo & Enza
You can visit Leo Drioli’s blog - Reflections from Eternal Vastness at
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ISSUE 31 - SA Edition April-June 2011
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InnerSelf and its staff are dedicated to helping readers live richer, fuller, and more responsible lives. We work to do this by providing inspiration and resources for wellness, personal growth, and spirituality and by providing information to empower positive choices for the natural and social environment. InnerSelf is your quarterly resource guide for authentic living.
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The InnerSelf editorial team are working consciously to keep sexist language out of its pages, but sometimes this is not possible due to material having been extracted from old sources making it difficult and sometimes impossible to get permission to alter copy. We apologise if any such language does offend anyone. INNERSELF NEWSPAPER is independently published quarterly by InnerSelf© 2011
This issue of InnerSelf is also online as an e-paper at
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A Human Approach to World Peace ○
BY THE DALAI LAMA When we rise in the morning and listen to the radio or read the newspaper, we are confronted with the same sad news: violence, crime, wars, and disasters. I cannot recall a single day without a report of something terrible happening somewhere. It is ironic that the more serious
problems emanate from the more industrially advanced societies. Science and technology have worked wonders in many fields, but the basic human problems remain. There is unprecedented literacy, yet this universal education does not seem to have fostered goodness, but only mental restlessness and discontent instead. There is no doubt about the
increase in our material progress and technology, but somehow this is not sufficient as we have not yet succeeded in bringing about peace and happiness or in overcoming suffering. I am not at all against science and technology - they have contributed immensely to the overall experience of humankind; to our material comfort and well-being and to our greater understanding of the world we live in. But if we give too much emphasis to science and technology we are in danger of losing touch with those aspects of human knowledge and understanding that aspire towards honesty and altruism. Science and technology, though capable of creating immeasurable material comfort, cannot replace the age-old spiritual and humanitarian values that have largely shaped world civilization, in all its national forms, as we know it today. No one can deny the unprecedented material benefit of science and technology, but our basic human problems remain; we are still faced with the same, if not more, suffering, fear, and tension. Thus it is only logical to try to strike a balance between material developments on the one hand and the development of spiritual, human values on the other. In order to bring about this great adjustment, we need to revive our humanitarian values. I am sure that many people share my concern about the present worldwide moral crisis and will join in my appeal to all humanitarians and religious practitioners who also share this concern to help make our societies more compassionate, just, and equitable. I do not speak as a Buddhist or even as a Tibetan. Nor do I speak as an expert on international politics (though I unavoidably comment on these matters). Rather, I speak simply as a human being, as an upholder of the humanitarian values that are the bedrock not only of Mahayana Buddhism but of all the great world religions. From this perspective I share with you my personal outlook - that: 1. Universal humanitarianism is essential to solve global problems; 2. Compassion is the pillar of world peace; 3. All world religions are already for world peace in this way, as are all humanitarians of whatever ideology; 4. Each individual has a universal responsibility to shape institutions to serve human needs.
Solving Human Problems through Transforming Human Attitudes Of the many problems we face today, some are natural calamities and must be accepted and faced with equanimity. Others, however, are of our own making, created by misunderstanding, and can be corrected. One such type arises from the conflict of ideologies, political or religious, when people fight each other for petty ends, losing sight of the basic humanity that binds us all together as a single human family. We must remember that the different religions, ideologies, and political systems of the world are meant for human beings to achieve happiness. We must not lose sight of this fundamental goal and at no time should we place means above ends; the supremacy of humanity over matter and ideology must always be maintained. Whether they belong to more
evolved species like humans or to simpler ones such as animals, all beings primarily seek peace, comfort, and security. Life is as dear to the mute animal as it is to any human being; even the simplest insect strives for protection from dangers that threaten its life. If we, as intelligent human beings, do not accept this fact, there will be more and more suffering on this planet. If we adopt a self-centred approach to life and constantly try to use others for our own self-interest, we may gain temporary benefits, but in the long run we will not succeed in achieving even personal happiness, and world peace will be completely out of the question. In their quest for happiness, humans have used different methods, which all too often have been cruel and repellent. Behaving in ways utterly unbecoming to their status as humans, they inflict suffering upon fellow humans and other living beings for their own selfish gains. In the end, such shortsighted actions bring suffering to oneself as well as to others. We must have the proper perspective that of the universal life
process, so that the happiness or glory of one person or group is not sought at the expense of others. All this calls for a new approach to global problems. The world is becoming smaller and smaller - and more and more interdependent - as a result of rapid technological advances and international trade as well as increasing trans-national relations. We now depend very much on each other. In ancient times problems were mostly family-size, and they were naturally tackled at the family level, but the situation has changed. Continued on page 6
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in the
BALANCING YOUR INNER AND OUTER LIVES I’d like to share a story with you that I was told many years ago now. It concerns a serious seeker after truth who searched until he found the door to truth and above it were inscribed the words “Look within”. He went through and explored this inner world until he came to the same door which said “Look outside”. And so again he went through the door and explored the outer world. This led him to the door saying “Look within”. Again he went through. Backwards and forwards he went until eventually he collapsed with exhaustion in the doorway itself. While lying there on his back he happened to look up and discovered inscribed on the stone door frame above him the words “Just look”. This story had an effect on me at the time because, like all musicians and those committed to the inner life, I tended to believe that I could find all the answers there. We are all, both through our natural abilities and our education, rather one-sided. On one side we are told that our inner experiences are “just imagination”, and on the other that the world is “not real”. So what is the story saying? Both are integral to our lives I suppose the best way to put it is that we need them both. We have two eyes and ears which give us our sense of perspective and direction, and two arms and legs which enable us to manipulate things and move around. And so avoiding or denying the world around us or the world within us is rather like deliberately living with one eye, ear, arm or leg when it is not necessary. The extraordinary thing too is that when we affirm our outer or inner lives to the exclusion of the other, we tend to take the other for granted. For example, all the work of civilisation over the centuries has made it possible for so many people to live reasonably comfortably and healthily. And those whose interests and talents lie within their inner lives rely on the freedom and time the structures of civilisation provide to develop their talents. And from our inner lives come our values, our sense of meaning, our understanding of ourselves, the
world around us and our place in it. From it, too, comes our feeling of connection with others and the life around us. Our institutions, businesses and communities could not function without this foundation of value, meaning and understanding, and yet too often this is not accepted or understood. The story is pointing to the fact that neither our inner or outer world can be our whole life. They both play an integral part in our lives. Of course nobody can be equally skilled or developed in both. The way I generally like to put it is that our talents and abilities always tend to be on one side or the other, so this is the side where we normally live and where we can develop. But it’s just as important to recognise that the other side is there and treat it with respect and visit it regularly. It’s then possible to see where things fit and maintain our balance between the two. Meditation – finding the balance Let’s start with a simple example. A young man came to meditation classes because of the severe stress he suffered at work. This was impacting on his whole life. The problem was that he never had the opportunity to complete a task before several more tasks landed on his desk. Obviously this is now a very common problem. He solved it by using a spot meditation between each task. Whether it was finished or not he had done what he could, and this enabled him to move to the next priority without carrying over problems from previous tasks. By giving time to his inner life it enabled him to create a clear distinction between each task and literally refresh his energies. Although he wasn’t always able to complete each task to his satisfaction he had done the best he could under the circumstances and his mind was completely freed from the confusion and overwhelming impossibility of all the tasks running together. By giving time to his inner life he created the balance which enabled him to be far more effective in his outer life. Usually most people don’t even consider their inner lives in the maelstrom of daily living, and this is what generally catches them, because
without inner direction our lives become a faster and faster race around ever-decreasing circles. One of the main functions of meditation is to maintain this balance – finding the balance within ourselves and finding the balance in our lives and realising that they are both totally dependent on each other. The concept used in the meditation tradition is interdependence. This points to the realisation that everything exists in relation to everything else. Our inner life is dependent on our outer life and our outer life is just as dependent on our inner life. And so in our lives we are sustaining the balance between ourselves as individuals, our communities and our environment. Two different ways of looking What then is the thread which runs through all these different aspects of our lives? This is the question to which meditation is dedicated. It is our natural state of awareness – and this is the main point the story is making. Our inner and outer lives are two different ways of looking, two different perspectives. They are the result of how our brains are structured. Our brains have two lobes which give two different dimensions to our experience. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing, how we see and act depends totally on how aware we can be of what is happening. And so learning to “just look” and recognise the natural state of awareness common to both our inner or outer lives is the key point of the story. It’s saying that truth is not an object to be grasped but a state which we can attain – a state of calm, clear awareness where we can see and act clearly both in our inner and outer lives. The thread of mindfulness or, to put it another way, the thread of the clear, open continuity of our awareness is the thread which holds the balance between your inner and outer life. One side then doesn’t have to be denied and each side can take its place in the partnership of your life. Dr. Graham Williams has thirty years’ experience in teaching meditation, is the Director of The Lifeflow Meditation Centre and an adjunct lecturer in the School of Medicine at Flinders University. His first book Insight and Love is in its third edition and his book Life in Balance was released in 2008. It is available online, in bookshops in Adelaide and throughout Australia. The Lifeflow Centre provides regular meditation courses in their city studio and retreats in a relaxing hills setting. P 8379 9001 W
Separation Q: I had a very clear sitting. For a while there, thoughts were coming along and taking me away, and I decided to try to see where they were coming from. I didn’t see where they were coming from, but I went into a more conscious place, where there was no more going unconsciously into thought. Do you know what I mean? Linda: So what happened – there were still thoughts, but you’d see the thought when it came? Q: I was more aware, and I felt I was separating from the thoughts. They were still coming and going, but there was no . . . Linda: Identification with them? Q: Mmmm. And no unconsciousness going into thought – just separation from it. Linda: Did that happen as soon as the thought appeared? You saw the thought, and separated from it, and you were always aware that the thought wasn’t you? Q: I was aware all the time that there were thoughts coming and going, but my awareness was always there. So that’s why I felt separate from it. Linda: Good. Q: I had to make an effort initially to see what was going on, and to stop going with the thoughts. Linda: And it’s an interesting sort of effort, isn’t it? It’s not a pushing. It’s almost the opposite of pushing, but it’s still an effort. Q: Standing back and being aware. Linda: Witnessing is probably a good word for it, but you have to put effort into it. What happens is you eventually step further and further back, until you just disappear. You get more and more distance from the thoughts. And it doesn’t matter if thoughts go through. It’s not the thoughts that are the problem – can you see that? Q: Yes. It’s the identification.
Linda: “I” am the problem, not the thoughts. Q: There was resistance there as well. Linda: How did that manifest? Q: It was like a difficulty, like it wasn’t as easy as it could have been. Linda: When you feel resistance, step back from that as well. It’s the mind’s resistance to what you’re doing. Don’t let it perturb you. It’ll be there. It will come and go, but don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about anything. Ignorance is Bliss Linda: Most of us have spent many years not living in the present moment, developing deeply ingrained habits, and that gives the mind a very strong foothold. Every now and then it lets go for a while, and you feel, “This is just amazing! Maybe this is it!” I know I felt that quite a few times. But then the mind would come back. You have to be patient and persevere. Be patient with the impatience. When you start to clearly see what’s happening inside you, you become deeply dissatisfied with your life. I felt reasonably satisfied with my life before I started becoming deeply involved in meditation. But then I saw that it was just a surface satisfaction. I was satisfied to a degree – they say ignorance is bliss. (laughter) I was still suffering but I thought, “Oh well, that’s just how it is.” So in a way, it’s dangerous. I know I said meditation is safe, but it’s not safe for the mind. Once you get into it, there’s really no going back. You feel as if you’re caught in a web. It does end, but you have to put in the effort. Q: I kept reminding myself that I had to be disciplined, and learn to enjoy the journey - ha ha - (laughter) and there were a few nanoseconds where I actually believed myself. Linda: You’ve been saying quite a bit that you’ve found it hard, but you keep coming.
Q: This past week I’ve been meditating, but I’ve seen myself resisting it, and finding excuses not to meditate. Linda: Don’t underestimate where you are in the process. Don’t judge it by how you feel, or how your meditation seems to be going. You can’t judge your progress by how still you are while you’re sitting. When you start to go more deeply into it, there are periods when it’s like this, and then you come out of it. Then sometimes a huge chunk falls away. Before some of my deep realizations I would sometimes feel very emotional and upset about the whole thing. I’m not saying that’s going to happen, but I know the temptation is to continually judge where you’re at, but you’ve got to try to resist doing that. I can only tell you how it was in my experience, and what I’ve observed in other people. In a way I can’t really even remember my own experience. I can’t remember the feeling and the emotion, because my memories aren’t to do with emotions any more. Most people’s are, and mine used to be. The memory is so tied up in the emotions. It’s so seductive. It keeps coming in, making you feel emotional in some way. That’s how it grabs you. Linda Clair is a non-sectarian teacher, and is also the author of the book “What do you Want?” She teaches mainly at the Simple Meditation Centre in Crafers West in the Adelaide Hills. For more information, please phone David on 0437 817 167 or visit
Meditation Use the energy of
realization to look into the depths of your own being - beyond the mind. • Tuesdays at 7pm • Saturdays at 2pm • Regular Retreats or phone David on 0437 817 167
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Mind & HEART
Simply listen to your Holosync CDs with headphones and experience dramatic positive change
Your Own Journey The “spiritual journey” is a wonderful catch-phrase of New Age spirituality. Why is a spiritual journey a journey? Where are you going, and what do you do when you get there? Even if you consider it a journey of transformation, what is transformed? What are you transforming into - and why? Let’s say a spiritual journey is a conscious exploration of the spirit, an attention to the inner experience of life as it relates to the unfoldment of your life. At the beginning of the spiritual journey, some people make a deliberate decision to explore a deeper spiritual connection. It may arise out of a personal crisis or simply expanding their experience of life. Others get interested in a more casual way, being brought into something interesting by a friend or family member, or even through a book or advertisement. It feels like a journey because many people have the sensation of moving. It can be an actual physical movement, such as attending programs of meditation, or groups focused on inner exploration. Some people seek out like-minded people locally or interstate, or they might attend workshops, conferences or retreats. For some, the spiritual journey is taken literally. Thousands of individuals pack a few things and travel to distant parts, such as India, Japan, Peru or sacred places in Australia to taste adventure and open themselves to new possibilities. It may be a formal pilgrimage or just a peek into spiritual traditions. One central component generally is a teacher or tradition. Sometimes the practices are culturally different, which can be a benefit or a distraction. Any place dedicated to the spirit may have a single teacher or several. These teachers may emanate qualities that generate connection. How can you tell if a place or a teacher is for you? For many, the first flush of connecting to a “pathway” is described as similar to falling in love. Everything becomes brighter and more vivid. Others describe this connection as similar to ”coming home”. They feel warm, welcome and connected. But it doesn’t have to be dramatic. You may experience a
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resonance - something rings true. The practices or teachings might complement your character and values. You might like the teacher or the people who attend; it’s convenient; or the time is just right. Keep it simple Just as quickly as you get an upliftment from attending some programs or courses, you can also experience a let-down. The teacher or group hasn’t solved your problems or sustained your interest. Judgements arise - about the people, the teachers or the practices. Suddenly what was so convenient and interesting has become too challenging. This is the time to refine your initial motivation. Are you any closer to knowing yourself or what you are looking for? What are the actual obstacles you are facing now? Has this work touched on some personal issues you’re not ready to explore? Typically, many people try a different group or a new teacher, which may work. But take another look if you find yourself going from place to place, always starting but never committing. Sages of many traditions tell the classic story of digging a well. When the first shovelful doesn’t expose a gushing spring, you don’t start digging in a new spot. You have to dig deep enough. Tak akee Your Time How long do you have? When you start young enough you may have time to stray off the path, investigate different traditions, or get caught in the business of career and family. But something may draw you back: another crisis, health challenges, aging or the recognition that there is more to life than the everyday and mundane. Whether you persevere or leave and come back, you’ll always have to overcome obstacles. Consider the possibilities What if you applied yourself fully to your spiritual expansion? What if you were able to, in time, dissolve ignorance and judgement, deepen understanding and live in a state of truth and kindness? Are you ready for the ultimate journey? M E D I TTAA T I O N : Visualise yourself as a miniature
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version of yourself inside your heart. Stand there and look around. Be intensely aware of all your senses and the vibrancy of your life force. Ask yourself what you want, then go for it. Close your eyes and meditate on the spiritual journey. INQ UIR UIRYY : From where you are now, consider using your own inner wisdom to ask what will take you to the next level. Are you already aware of issues you need to address? Ask yourself what your resistance is. Ask yourself how to let go and open to broader possibilities. C O N T E M P L AATT I O N : Once you’ve awakened to the presence of your spiritual self you’re on the journey home. Swami Dayananda (Nancy Jackson) is the Director of the Adelaide Shiva Yoga Meditation Centre in Semaphore and Point Pass, near Eudunda. She conducts Satsang and teaches self-inquiry, meditation and yoga. A regular feature writer for Australian Yoga Life magazine, Dayananda also directs retreats at the Lokananda Retreat Centre. For more information, contact or 8242 4929.
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gion, but is for everyone regardless of race, religion, or political affiliation. It is for anyone who considers himself or herself, above all, a member of the human family and who sees things from this larger and longer perspective.
Love of the
Finding True Fulfilment A fulfilling job … a fulfilling career … a fulfilling relationship. We’ve all heard these phrases many times. It’s interesting how they are so much a part of our language and thinking that we seldom really look at them - when we think of fulfilment, these are the kinds of things that we usually imagine. We just naturally tend to assume that when we have the career we really want, or the promotion, or meet a truly compatible partner, or live in a nice house in an upscale neighbourhood, or earn a degree, or have more money in the bank, that we will be somehow more satisfied, more content, more fulfilled. A Good Life Can’t Do It And it’s true that often, when we get the thing that we’ve been wanting, it does give us a certain satisfaction. But what we often notice is that the satisfaction tends to fade over time. We feel tremendous excitement and happiness on the first day of our new career, our summer beach holiday, the day we move into that wonderful house, the day we get married. We really enjoy the first bite of that delicious meal. But what we notice is that these satisfactions usually dim as time goes by. The career becomes a job, the house becomes the place where we live, the vacation comes to an end, our partner doesn’t give us all we’d hoped for, and even after a truly delicious meal, we’re hungry again in a few hours. When we don’t find the fulfilment we expected, what we usually don’t do is question the assumption that these kinds of things should fulfil us. We imagine that we just didn’t get it quite right the first time around, and we need to try again. If we have conflict with our par tner, we might dream of another who will give us what we want. We might move to an even nicer house in an even better neighbourhood. We might quit and look for a better job. We might plan a more expensive vacation for next year. We might make a booking at that incredible new restaurant we just heard about. I am not saying that there is anything inherently wrong with good careers, nice houses, compatible partners or delicious food. The trouble is that we expect something from
World Religions for World Peace
them that they actually cannot deliver. They cannot give us true, deep and lasting fulfilment, because true fulfilment actually has nothing, truly nothing, to do with our possessions, our achievements or our lifestyle. Presence is True Fulfilment True fulfilment only arises when we are fully in Being, fully in Presence, fully present as our Essential selves. When we are fully present as Essence, there is a deep inherent contentment, a simple sense that absolutely nothing is lacking and absolutely nothing is missing. There is no desire and no seeking – the very concepts seem foreign and far away. And as we sit in this contentment of Presence, we may find that a state of profound Fulfilment arises. We find that we actually are the Essence of Fulfilment, a place where we feel not just a sweet contentment, but an actual state of boundless Fulfilment, so fulfilling that it seems light years beyond even the deepest contentment we have ever experienced. Fulfilment permeates every last cell of our body, every tiny atom of our being, and we understand that this is actually the State of True Fulfilment. Our body and soul relaxes deeply, and there is a sense of a soft inner smile. All the usual motivations for doing things drop away completely, and we feel as though we could just sit on our zafu, smiling gently, doing nothing, totally fulfilled, for a thousand years. From this perspective, we see with total clarity that True Fulfilment has no correlation whatsoever with our achievements in the world. It is not something we can earn, or possess, or marry, or find. It is inherent in our Presence, the Essence that we actually are, and only by living in Presence, can we truly know it. Chasing the Wrong Rainbows It becomes clear that we have confused the fulfilment of our ego’s instinctual and emotional needs with the fulfilment of our soul. The ego’s job is to ensure the survival of the body, and the body does need to be fed and sheltered and safe. It needs to have times of play and relaxation, and to connect emotionally with others. It feels a natural, necessary de-
sire for all these things, and a natural sense of satisfaction when they’re attained. For the ego/body, these things are its fulfilment. But they are not the fulfilment of the soul. The ego, knowing no better, convinces us that its satisfactions will bring us Essential fulfilment. But they cannot provide the deep fulfilment that all of us seek. The tragedy is that we often spend much of our lives chasing the wrong rainbow, not understanding why our lives are successful but our souls are empty. I’m not saying that we should not take good care of our bodies, just that we need to be clear that the True Fulfilment of our soul is to live as Essence. When we are able to take our place in the garden of Essence, it’s then that we feel an eternal, indestructible joyful fulfilment that is beyond all striving and all achievement. Just Being ourselves, we are Fulfilment. As my teacher A.H.Almaas says, “This world we live in … (is) neither good nor bad. What makes it a place of suffering is that we are not present in it; what makes it a place of fulfilment is that we are present in it. For fulfilment is nothing but the fullness of our presence.” (Diamond Heart Book 4, p34) Persephone Maywald M.A. is a transpersonal psychologist who has been a student of the A.H.Almaas Diamond Approach to self realization since 1986, and completed 10 years of the Diamond Approach teacher training program. She offers Diamond Soul Work, spiritual self work profoundly informed by the teachings of A.H.Almaas. Her Diamond Soul Work includes low-fee Individual Sessions, in person or by Skype, and Study Groups on the teachings of A.H.Almaas. (See advertisement this page.) Contact her at 0435 014 821 or For more information see
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A Human Approach to World Peace by the Dalai Lama Continued from page 3 Today we are so interdependent, so closely interconnected with each other, that without a sense of universal responsibility, a feeling of universal brotherhood and sisterhood, and an understanding and belief that we really are par t of one big human family, we cannot hope to overcome the dangers to our very existence let alone bring about peace and happiness. One nation’s problems can no longer be satisfactorily solved by itself alone; too much depends on the interest, attitude, and cooperation of other nations. A universal humanitarian approach to world problems seems the only sound basis for world peace. Although the increasing interdependence among nations might be expected to generate more sympathetic cooperation, it is difficult to achieve a spirit of genuine cooperation as long as people remain indifferent to the feelings and happiness of others. When people are motivated mostly by greed and jealousy, it is not possible for them to live in harmony. A spiritual approach may not solve all the political problems that have been caused by the existing self-centered approach, but in the long run it will overcome the very basis of the problems that we face today.
Compassion as the Pillar of World Peace As one brought up in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition, I feel that love and compassion are the moral fabric of world peace. Let me first define what I mean by compassion. When you have compassion for a very poor person, your compassion is based on altruistic considerations. On the other hand, love towards your wife, your husband, your children, or a close friend is usually based on attachment. When your attachment changes, your kindness also changes; it may disappear. This is not true love. Real love is not based on attachment, but on altruism. In this case your compassion will remain as a humane response to suffering as long as beings continue to suffer. Whether one believes in religion or not, there is no one who does not appreciate love and compassion. Right from the moment of our birth, we are under the care and kindness of our parents; later in life, when facing the sufferings of disease and old age, we are again dependent on the kindness of others. If at the beginning and end of our lives we depend upon others’ kindness, why then in the middle should we not act kindly towards others? The development of a kind heart (a feeling of closeness for all human beings) does not involve the religiosity we normally associate with conventional religious practice. It is not only for people who believe in reli-
Every major religion of the world Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Sikhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism has similar ideals of love, the same goal of benefiting humanity through spiritual practice, and the same effect of making their followers into better human beings. And, although we can find causes for preferring certain interpretations of religious truths, there is much greater cause for unity, stemming from the human heart. Each religion works in its own way to lessen human suffering and contribute to world civilization. Conversion is not the point. I do not think of converting others to Buddhism or merely fur thering the Buddhist cause. Rather, I try to think of how I, as a Buddhist humanitarian can contribute to human happiness. I do not advocate one particular religion at the expense of all others, nor do I seek a new”world religion”. All the different religions of the world are needed to enrich human experience and world civilization. Our human minds, being of different calibre and disposition, need different approaches to peace and happiness. It is just like food. Thus, the point is clear: humanity needs all the world’s religions to suit the ways of life, diverse spiritual needs, and inherited national traditions of individual human beings. It is from this perspective that I welcome efforts being made in various parts of the world for better understanding among religions. The need for this is particularly urgent now. If all religions make the betterment of humanity their main concern, then they can easily work together in harmony for world peace. I believe that all the major religions of the world can contribute to world peace and work together for the benefit of humanity if we put aside subtle metaphysical differences, which are really the internal business of each religion.
Individual Power to Shape Institutions The current conflicts in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, the Nor thSouth problem, and so for th arise from a failure to understand one another’s humanness. The answer is not the development and use of greater military force, nor an arms race. Nor is it purely political or purely technological. Basically it is spiritual, in the sense that what is required is a sensitive understanding of our common human situation. Hatred and fighting cannot bring happiness to anyone, even to the winners of battles. Violence always produces misery and thus is essentially counter-productive. It is, therefore, time for world leaders to learn to transcend the differences of race, culture, and ideology and to regard one another through eyes that see the common human situation. To do so would benefit individuals, communities, nations, and the world at large. The greater par t of present world tension seems to stem from the “Eastern bloc” versus “Western bloc” conflict that has been going on since World War II. These two blocs tend to describe and view each other in a totally unfavourable light. This
continuing, unreasonable struggle is due to a lack of mutual affection and respect for each other as fellow human beings. Those of the Eastern bloc should reduce their hatred towards the Western bloc because the Western bloc is also made up of human beings - men, women, and children. Similarly those of the Western bloc should reduce their hatred towards the Eastern bloc because the Eastern bloc is also human beings. In such a reduction of mutual hatred, the leaders of both blocs have a powerful role to play. But first and foremost, leaders must realize their own and others’ humanness. Without this basic realization, very little effective reduction of organized hatred can be achieved. I suggest that world leaders meet about once a year in a beautiful place without any business, just to get to know each other as human beings. Then, later, they could meet to discuss mutual and global problems. I am sure many others share my wish that world leaders meet at the conference table in such an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding of each other’s humanness. To improve person-to-person contact in the world at large, I would like to see greater encouragement of international tourism. Also, mass media, particularly in democratic societies, can make a considerable contribution to world peace by giving greater coverage to human interest items that reflect the ultimate oneness of humanity. With the rise of a few big powers in the international arena, the humanitarian role of international organizations is being bypassed and neglected. I hope that this will be corrected and that all international organizations, especially the United Nations, will be more active and effective in ensuring maximum benefit to humanity and promoting international understanding. It will indeed be tragic if the few powerful members continue to misuse world bodies like the UN for their one-sided interests. The UN must become the instrument of world peace. This world body must be respected by all, for the UN is the only source of hope for small oppressed nations and hence for the planet as a whole. As all nations are economically dependent upon one another more than ever before, human understanding must go beyond national boundaries and embrace the international community at large. Indeed, unless we can create an atmosphere of genuine cooperation, gained not by threatened or actual use of force but by heartfelt understanding, world problems will only increase. If people in poorer countries are denied the happiness they desire and deserve, they will naturally be dissatisfied and pose problems for the rich. If unwanted social, political, and cultural forms continue to be imposed upon unwilling people, the attainment of world peace is doubtful. However, if we satisfy people at a heart-to-heart level, peace will surely come. Within each nation, the individual ought to be given the right to happiness, and among nations, there must be equal concern for the welfare of even the smallest nations. I am not suggesting that one system is better than another and all should adopt it. On the contrary, a variety of political systems and ideologies is desirable and accords with the variety of dispositions within the human community. This variety enhances the ceaseless Continued on page 9
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Therapy: A Calling, not a Career â—‹
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BY TRA-ILL DOWIE I believe it was Kahlil Gibran who wrote, “Work is love made visible. And if you can’t work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms to the people who work with joy�. He is referring here to a notion which has steadily been lost in the post-modern age, a loss which Marx wrote about some 150 years ago with his notion of alienation. So often today the everyday pressures of life manifest as a relentless force of coercion and seduction, constantly alienating people from Gilbran’s simple sentiment: that work should be a creative and joyful enterprise, which allows one to sustain one’s sense of purpose and action in life. It was Pablo Neruda, who captures how lost this mode of being is becoming, in the way only poets can when he wrote, “Monday burns like oil at the sight of me arriving with my jail face on�. So many of us know all too well our Monday morning jail face, the dread of another boring empty monotonous week of soul-less drudgery, trapped on a road, heading to somewhere we don’t wish to be. And why? Because so many of us have been bought, because so many of us have sold our magnanimity in our lust for prosperity. The real question that must be asked is: “is it worth it?� Is what you do, worth what it costs? If the answer is “yes�, you are lucky! If the answer is “no�, then I would contend that you need a calling more than a career or vocation. For what is there that is more valuable than your greatness? Financial prosperity is wonderful, but surely not at the expense of your moral integrity. The success that is so lauded today is almost exclusively concerned with issues of personal security. But what I want to ask is “where is your willingness to do something for others?� For it is ultimately this that makes life and work rewarding, this is what Gilbran is reminding us of. Gilbran is gently saying there is more. Here that critical yet almost forgotten Greek notion of paideia, is critical. Paideia is that special type of education that comes out of maturation of one’s soul through death. Death of what one thought and believed, to expand and allow greater possibilities. Maslow believed that in order to be self-realized or self-actualized one must have a connection beyond the self or society, what he infers is the need get to past ourselves and contribute to something greater in order to be our best. Such sentiments always remind me of Theodore Adorno’s statement that “the condition of all truth is to let suffering speak�. So the question that surely must follow is in what way is your career in service to others. In what ways do you attend to the weak and the wretched of this earth, in your work and attainment of prosperity? For as Gilbran reminds us, if your work is not love made visible, you are best to simply sustain those whose work is. As a psychotherapist I am constantly reminded of this, by virtue of the fact that my profession is such a powerful privilege to be a part of; the word “psychotherapy� etymologically is derived from the Greek psyche meaning soul and therapeia meaning to
service or care. Thus therapy is an act of attending to the soul and suffering of another, such an act is a calling and not a career and it is a setting that is dedicated to a love made public. I am lucky to have found such an undertaking in this life, and I hope that you find a mode of work which calls to you. One which allows you to prosper, mature and to deeply consider what type of person and human you wish to be and in what kind of world you wish to dwell. By all means prosper, enjoy the fruits of our age, but I believe we all do well to remember the words of Confucius: “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.�
With Masters qualifications and several degrees in the humanities, Tra-ill comes with a wealth of academic and training experience. Currently Tra-ill is the senior lecturer in Transpersonal Counselling and Art Therapy. Traill has been practising as a psychotherapist for the last decade in long-term psychotherapy and brief interventions. Tra-ill has specialised in group work, including men’s groups, encounter programs and psychodynamic process work. Tra-ill has extensive experience in working with youth, and has formerly run adventure and outdoor programs as well as consultancy based programs with a number of high schools. If you feel like you have a calling to help others and would like to know more about Ikon courses, contact the Ikon Institute on 0439 016 763 or for your information pack. Ikon provides Nationally Accredited Diploma Courses in Art Therapy, Transpersonal Counselling, Counselling and Youth Work in SA, WA and Qld. Visit to find out more.
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innerSelf newspaper
BY JAAN JARAVEK Breathwork has been around since the beginning of man developing systems to feel happier, improve health and be more connected to the universe. In the last five decades Breathwork has evolved to a whole new level, and has been developed into the art and science that we know as Rebir thing Breathwork or the more “Cathar tic” style originally called Holotropic Breathwork. Thanks to the explorations of Leonard Orr, an American spiritual disciple and Stanislav Groff, a Czechoslovakian Doctor of psychotherapy, we have been given the greatest psychotherapeutic discovery since the distinction was made between the conscious and the unconscious motivating layers of the mind. The main distinction the traditional Breathwork facilitators agree upon is that a “Breathwork” session
is based upon an “emotional energy cycle“ completing through a “connected breathing technique“ of breath control. That is, the inhale is connected with the exhale and the exhale connected with the inhale. No gap between the two. A continuous breath results. It is often viewed that this continuous connected breath results in what most spiritual and therapy disciplines are trying to achieve, the connection between inner and outer consciousness, the merging of the conscious and the unconscious mind. The “Emotional Energy Cycle“(EEC) length can differ though. The EEC is the cycle of an emotional pocket in the unconscious being penetrated and discharged thoroughly. The length of the EEC combined with whether it is nasal or mouth breathing, and whether it is a gentle or energetic breathing style drastically dif-
fers the results of a session. The EEC can take approximately one hour for “Rebirthing Breathwork“ to up to three hours for “Holotropic Breathwork“. The merging of conscious and unconscious is what genuinely results. The near magical quality of this style of breathing, results in the 1st session onwards, a breaking down of the barrier between the conscious and unconscious mind, and results in the client experiencing unconscious “emotional level memories“ coming to the surface. I want to emphasise the “Emotional Level Memory“. Mental level memory recall is nothing new or special. Hypnotherapy and other effective psychotherapeutic “regression“ techniques are very capable of facilitating a person remember long forgotten about or “repressed“ events. This style of Breathwork enables people to access the “emotional level memory“, the emotional aspect of past incidents. The actual deeply buried, traumatic emotional aspect of an experience that may not ever be accessed through other means. Emotions from as early as the womb, birth and infancy, let alone childhood periods. It is the feeling of these emotions, not analysing mental level memories, that results in deep healing and change relatively quickly. In your average session some people release anger and rage, which are some of the main foundations of relationship issues and self sabotage. For anger is a very powerful energy that can only do one of two things, either it goes outwards, is expressed and leaves the system. Alternatively it is turned inwards, becoming self directed anger and rage which is the true cause of self sabotage of one’s life. I am not talking about reactive anger we experience whilst driving or with our partner for example, I am talking about the real reason we carry anger, which present day situations and people trigger off in us. Just because a person is comfor table to express their anger at home does not mean they are healing the real cause of their anger. It usually means the total opposite, as we are never really angry about what we consciously think that we are angry about! It is usually an earlier childhood or school period disempowerment getting “re-triggered“ that is an adult’s genuine cause of anger. At times the anger is a “cover up“ of deep hurt/grief. Some people on the other hand have their anger buried so deeply that they do not experience it as the “raw emotional energy“ of anger. These people will be so out of touch with their emotions that they will experience only the “mental level symptoms“ of anger which are having critical thoughts of others and themselves, making people and themselves wrong or judging harshly and fantasies of arguments with people who they feel wronged by or who they have not communicated their truth to. Some people will not even be aware of that level and will simply experience the very end result of holding onto anger which is lack of energy, personal power, motivation and inspiration to do things. This is because buried anger is such a massive amount of our life-force trapped, they have very little energy left with which to “truly live“. Some people release built-up grief. Which is one of the main foundations of Depression and all “Self Worth“ issues we suffer from. People do not realize that the grief they hold in, are not even aware that they are holding onto, is the early life “heart wounding“ that is at the foundation of “Self Worth“ orientated issues. Issues with abundance, feeling joy & happiness within oneself, letting in supportive and nurturing relationships, feeling good about oneself and so for th. These are all grief/ “heart wounding“ orientated issues at the end of the day. To heal self worth issues most people need to heal their “heart wounding“ issues, and the main way to do this is to let themselves grieve. Some people will have their grief buried so deeply they will only be aware of the “surface level symptoms“ of grief. Lack of energy, tiredness, insomnia and hypersomnia, sinus issues, alcohol and “depressant drug“ addictions such as tranquilizers and marijuana, feeling generally “negative“ and pessimistic about life and money issues – for a hear t closed off by grief to receiving the abundance currency of love, is a heart closed off to receiving other abundance currencies such as money. Some people experience intense fear and terror which is one of the real foundations of anxiety. All of the anxiety symptoms we suffer from are a result of the “fight or flight“ response being kicked in. Hyper vigilance, sweating, on edge feelings, hear t palpitations, lack of restful sleep and so forth, are all reactions that our primal defence system has kicked in because it senses danger or something that is a “threat/unpleasant” around the corner. It is fear of our emotions themselves and the fear itself that triggers this “fight or flight“ response. Deal with the fear and fear of emotions and the
mechanism rests. No more anxiety symptoms. No need for medication or long term therapy. Just a need to let ourselves in on our deeper emotions. The thing we try to avoid like the plague, and as a result try and find a “simple overnight“ solution or blame our anxiety (or depression) on some “mysterious“ unknown cause and choose a lifestyle of medication, avoidance and mental “illness“. The problem, unfor tunately though, has been that since people have not had access to the “defence displacement technique“ that “Cathartic Style Breathwork“ is, people have not had a direct experience of their unconscious “emotional level memory“. Hence they are not aware of having any unconscious emotional pain that they are holding onto. Countless people have been in traditional therapy for a one to two decades and have not been able to get past the defences that stop them from feeling the pain. Therapy is not supposed to take that long. I had a client at one stage who spent years and thousands of dollars on various treatments, therapies and workshops. This client came in with the issue of not being able to “manage“ his anger and also not being able to have a healthy long term relationship. This client told me how he regularly experienced intense anger at people on the footpath who did not “respect“ his space, or move out of his way. He also had the same degree of anger triggered whilst driving and people “cutting“ in front of him. When I asked about his relationship with his mum, he spoke of a “great“ relationship with her with a few frustrations here and there, nothing out of the ordinary. It took only a few sessions to uncover how he actually experienced his mum as “smothering“ and overprotective and how he wanted to push her away in anger when he was young because she did not “respect his space“ and give him ‘room to move’ and be himself. The anger released from him was very strong. Whilst the anger was leaving him gradually, so too was his reaction to people not giving him space on the roads and footpaths. The first part of his issues was dealt with quickly. Then the next part opened up with the discovery that because of his
deeper mum issue not being dealt with and him wanting unconsciously to angrily push her away to have “space“, he had been unconsciously pushing potential adult partners away in fear of being smothered and not having space. This is the power of the unconscious defence barriers between conscious and unconscious. Years of mental level, talking-style-therapy and seminar style workshops could not resolve what a few sessions of feeling pent up, deeply buried emotions accomplished. Our “denial mechanism“ is a very powerful mechanism. He told me what he told dozens of therapists before, what he had been telling himself forever, that his relationship with his mum was great and there were no real undealt with issues with her. How many people do you know view their childhood through such “rose coloured glasses“ and suffer from a major emotional disorder such as depression, anxiety or anger issues? Let’s face it, nearly all of us, because if you are human you have the same unconscious denial mechanism. This is why we are viewing this as the future of therapy. Healing of issues does not lay in analysis and using your mind to “managing or control“ surface level symptoms. Real resolution lays in dealing with the root cause once and for all. This style of Breathwork results in us ‘displacing’ the defence barriers that stop us from feeling, hence releasing “emotional level memory“. Mental level memory can be accessed through hypnosis and “effective“ psychotherapy. We are though talking about the “Emotional level memory“, very different to simply remembering. Emotional level memory means we are able to “remember“ the emotions and re-experience them, hence heal them. Jaan Jerabek is the founder of Transformative Education International and ‘The Depression Solution’. He Directs the Southern Hemispheres largest and most successful Breathwork training organization. To Contact TEI & The Depression Solution call 1300 500 881 or visit: or
innerSelf newspaper
A Human Approach to World Peace by the Dalai Lama Continued from page 6 human quest for happiness. Thus each community should be free to evolve its own political and socioeconomic system, based on the principle of self-determination. The achievement of justice, harmony, and peace depends on many factors. We should think about them in terms of human benefit in the long run rather than the short term. I realize the enormity of the task before us, but I see no other alternative than the one I am proposing - which is based on our common humanity. Nations have no choice but to be concerned about the welfare of others, not so much because of their belief in humanity, but because it is in the mutual and long-term interest of all concerned. Under present conditions, there is definitely a growing need for human understanding and a sense of universal responsibility. In order to achieve such ideas, we must generate a good and kind heart, for without this, we can achieve neither universal happiness nor lasting world peace. We cannot create peace on paper. While advocating universal re-
sponsibility and universal brotherhood and sisterhood, the facts are that humanity is organized in separate entities in the form of national societies. Thus, in a realistic sense, I feel it is these societies that must act as the building-blocks for world peace. Attempts have been made in the past to create societies more just and equal. Institutions have been established with noble charters to combat anti-social forces. Unfortunately, such ideas have been cheated by selfishness. More than ever before, we witness today how ethics and noble principles are obscured by the shadow of self-interest, particularly in the political sphere. Politics devoid of ethics does not further human welfare, and life without morality reduces humans to the level of beasts. However, politics is not axiomatically “dirty“. Rather, the instruments of our political culture have distorted the high ideals and noble concepts meant to further human welfare. Naturally, spiritual people express their concern about religious leaders “messing“ with politics, since they fear the contamination of religion by dirty politics. I question the popular assumption that religion and ethics have no place in politics and that religious persons should seclude themselves as hermits. Such a view of religion is too one-sided; it lacks a proper perspective on the individual’s relation to society and the role of religion in our lives. Ethics is as crucial to a politician as it is to a religious practitioner. Dangerous consequences will follow when politicians and rulers forget moral principles. Whether we believe in God or karma, ethics is the foundation of every religion. Such human qualities as morality,
compassion, decency, wisdom, and so forth have been the foundations of all civilizations. These qualities must be cultivated and sustained through systematic education in a conducive social environment so that a more humane world may emerge. The qualities required to create such a world must be inculcated right from the beginning, from childhood. We cannot wait for the next generation to make this change; the present generation must attempt a renewal of basic human values. If there is any hope, it is in the future generations, but not unless we institute major change on a worldwide scale in our present educational system. We need a revolution in our commitment to and practice of universal humanitarian values. It is not enough to make noisy calls to halt moral degeneration; we must do something about it. Since present-day governments do not shoulder such ‘religious’ responsibilities, humanitarian and religious leaders must strengthen the existing civic, social, cultural, educational, and religious organizations to revive human and spiritual values. Where necessary, we must create new organizations to achieve these goals. Only in so doing can we hope to create a more stable basis for world peace. Living in society, we should share the sufferings of our fellow citizens and practise compassion and tolerance not only towards our loved ones but also towards our enemies. This is the test of our moral strength. We must set an example by our own practice, for we cannot hope to convince others of the value of religion by mere words. We must live up to the same high standards of integrity and sacrifice that we ask of others. The ultimate purpose of all religions is to serve and benefit humanity. This is why it is so important that religion always be used to effect the happiness and peace of all beings and not merely to convert others. Still, in religion there are no national boundaries. A religion can and should be used by any people or person who finds it beneficial. What is impor tant for each seeker is to choose a religion that is most suitable to himself or herself. But, the embracing of a par ticular religion does not mean the rejection of another religion or one’s own community. In fact, it is important that those who embrace a religion should not cut themselves off from their own society; they should continue to live within their own community and in harmony with its members. By escaping from your own community, you cannot benefit others, whereas benefiting others is actually the basic aim of religion. In this regard there are two things important to keep in mind: self-examination and self-correction. We should constantly check our attitude toward others, examining ourselves carefully, and we should correct ourselves immediately when we find we are in the wrong. Finally, a few words about material progress. I have heard a great deal of complaint against material progress from Westerners, and yet, paradoxically, it has been the very pride of the Western world. I see nothing wrong with material progress per se, provided people are always given precedence. It is my firm belief that in order to solve human problems in all their dimensions, we must combine and harmonize economic development with spiritual growth.
However, we must know its limitations. Although materialistic knowledge in the form of science and technology has contributed enormously to human welfare, it is not capable of creating lasting happiness. In America, for example, where technological development is perhaps more advanced than in any other country, there is still a great deal of mental suffering. This is because materialistic knowledge can only provide a type of happiness that is dependent upon physical conditions. It cannot provide happiness that springs from inner development independent of external factors. For renewal of human values and attainment of lasting happiness, we need to look to the common humanitarian heritage of all nations the world over. May this essay serve as an urgent reminder lest we forget the human values that unite us all as a single family on this planet. I have written the above lines to tell my constant feeling. Whenever I meet even a “foreigner“, I have always the same feeling: I am meeting another member of
the human family., This attitude has deepened My affection and respect for all beings. May this natural wish be my small contribution to world peace. I pray for a more friendly, more caring, and more understanding Human family on this planet. To all who dislike suffering, who cherish lasting happiness - this is my heartfelt appeal.
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Come As You Are! On many an occasion I have heard it said “I thought about making an appointment months ago but I didn’t think I was bad enough for therapy, if I had maybe I wouldn’t be in this state now” or conversely “I wanted to make an appointment but I thought I was in too bad a place”. Like everything in life, our resistance (ego) can talk ourselves out of anything worthwhile. There is no perfect time, nor is there any perfect “state of mind“ one needs to be in when deciding to seek assistance. So I invite you to - Come As You Are. I work with emotions and emotional states of being. There is a Hindu phrase that speaks of one being able to “hold the shakti”, to be able to hold the space for another while healing occurs. That, no matter what the healing journey entails, the healer will not abandon the client, consciously or unconsciously. In this held space healing can be far reaching, wholistic and totally awesome. One thing I know for sure in regards to emotional healing is - if we just stop, and allow ourselves to experience the pain fully, in a safe space, it does not last that long – Pain truly felt, is short lived. Therapy doesn’t have to be scary, nor does it need to be a “downer“, or even “dry“. I love humour and use it to lighten the atmosphere when appropriate, during sessions. We humans can take everything all too seriously, especially ourselves. This results in any number of outcomes such as: restless sleep; emotional eating; addictions/escapism; being a workaholic; deluding ourselves via denial; or just being constantly on the go so we never have time to feel. When was the last time you actually took time out of the day to just sit with yourself, to be in your own presence, without anything to entertain or distract you from yourself? As a general rule, when we are focussed (both attention and inten-
tion) on something that happened in the past we become susceptible to symptoms of depression and when we are focussed on something in the future, we become susceptible to the symptoms of anxiety, and so, the two often go hand in hand. When we are pained by an unresolved emotion from the past, we can easily project that fear into our future and before we know it the “what if“ story starts to play in our heads and…as the mental intensity grows so does the emotion and we begin the downward spiral into depression and anxiety - it can be as simple as that. The antidote - Being “Right Here, Right Now“! One can under take mindfulness (the practice of being right here, right now) any time anywhere, eyes open or closed, sitting, standing, or even walking. Being mindful equates to being fully present; being fully in the moment. It is that time when you can let all concerns go and lightly focus on your breath or if engaged in an activity, approach it like you have never done it before. Washing the dishes could turn into an extravagance of curiosity…what is the temperature of the water, the sound of the contact point when the dish is submerged, the smooth texture of the crockery – with this approach dish washing will never be the same again. In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, mindfulness is simply noticing X. This process leads to acceptance - to accept what is, who and what we are, and, just as importantly, how we are. In session, clients learn how trying to control their mind is pointless and a waste of their finite energy. The education is around how to work with the “constantly chattering mind“ via very real and powerful strategies which are taught through the medium of experiential exercises. That is, what I teach is what we practice in session. The first practice
by Leaona Hamood & Michael Oster.
is always one of mindful breathing because breath is nutrition. The human body can go for weeks without food, days without water and about 9 mins max without breath. Ancient Yogic tradition states that breath is THE way inwards. We connect thoroughly with this Ear th with every breath we take. There are specific practices for different emotions such as anger. I have noted over the years that anger, in all of its forms/manifestations, is THE recurring theme that holds people back from living a rich, textured and full life. Come, As You Are! Namaste.
Many people who seek therapy complain of having a lack of selfconfidence. It is often the thing they specifically seek help for, and often just one of a number of symptoms they want to change. What we call a lack of self-confidence is something many people have experienced at some time. But is it really a lack of self-confidence? Is it really a lack of confidence at all? If you think about it, you would probably agree that you are confident about doing most of the things you do, each day. Most of those things, you probably don’t even think about. And the term ‘selfconfidence’ implies having (or not having) confidence in the self. We don’t need to have confidence in the self, do we. We either have or don’t have, confidence in our ability to do things. We do however, need to feel good about ourselves. We need to feel good about who we are, inside. The reality is that most people who believe they lack self-confidence, actually lack good feelings about themselves. They have what we might call, low self-esteem, or a lack of self-love. This is very different to a lack of self-confidence. To gain confidence, all you need do is practise doing the things you want to be confident about. To improve
self-esteem, or self-love, requires something very different. We begin learning how important and lovable we are, before we are born. We start acquiring our feelings of self-worth before we even know what it means. By the time we are born, we already have a supply of feelings about ourselves and as we grow up, they are added to, subtracted from and reinforced. And we have very little say in whether these feelings are good or bad, lovable or unlovable, worthy or no good. These feelings and impressions become part of us. They are very much, who we are – how we feel, how we perceive our world. And they are deeply subconscious. They are beyond our conscious awareness and control. We feel them and respond from them, but we can’t consciously control or change them. To change them requires special help. These deeply imprinted feelings can only be truly changed by the part of us that creates them – the subconscious. With the appropriate help, this can be done and when clients make these changes, their other symptoms either disappear automatically, or become much easier to let go.
With permission and endorsed by I.C.S.T.R. (QLD) –
My name is Leaona Hamood, a former aerobics instructor of ten years, I have over 20 years experience in the Health and Fitness Industry and have always had a passion for a healthy mind and body. I am a qualified Private Subconsciousmind Healing (P.S.H.) therapist and studied under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconscious-mind Training and Research (Qld). My aim in life has always been to help people emotionally and physically. I am available 7 days a week and most evenings and can be contacted for enquiries or appointments on 0419037830. My name is Michael Oster. I am a qualified Private Subconscious-mind Healing (P.S.H.) therapist and also a Registered Nurse of 20 years standing. My qualifications in PSH have come from studying directly under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconscious-mind Training and Research (Qld). For the last ten years I have been working with people around behaviour change, particularly in the addictions area. I have a passion to see positive change and growth in people. If you feel like you’re ready for change, I can be contacted for enquiries or appointments on 0411174110.
Louise runs a specific programme for those who are being held to ransom by “cling on“ anger. Medicare rebate with a “BMHP“ Referral from your doctor. Louise has two decades of experience and specialises in relationships; with ourselves and others. Mindful parenting – how to build or rebuild a strong parental relationship. Out of hours appointments available. Louise Tebble, The Wellness Oasis No. 2, 49 Portrush Rd, 2 Mary St Payneham, Unley 8362 8444 0435 469 123
Do You Suffer From: • Fears & Phobias eg., Fear of public speaking, crowds, social situations, commitment, driving, dental, flying, spiders, snakes, etc. • Anxiety & Stress • Depression EXPERIENCE • Panic Attacks INSTANT RELIEF • Grief & Trauma & SIGNIFICANT, • Relationship issues POSITIVE GAINS! • Worry & Guilt • Obsessions My passion is healing with integrity in a caring, sensitive way. I use special, highly successful techniques that can rapidly remove negative emotions, upset and old habits. It’s short term, powerful therapy that can quickly cure your problems, empower you & dramatically improve your life and how you feel about yourself!
*Weight Loss *Quit Smoking *Self-Esteem *Confidence *Deep Relaxation Improve your happiness & health NOW! Be transformed to reach your full potential!
Lindy Poirier - Psychotherapist, Dip. Adv. Psych., A.M.A.I.P.C., B.A. Ph: 8278 4090 • Mob: 0422 070 942 • Web:
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Is There Science Behind 2012 Prophecies? ○
AN INTERVIEW WITH GREGG BRADEN In an interview with Dr. Laurie Nadel, scientist Gregg Braden , the best-selling author of “Fractal Time,” talks about the Mayan 2012 prophecies and what they mean to us today. Q: You say that 2012 is not the end of the world but the end of a world age - a 5,125-year cycle of time? Braden: Some people speak about 2012 like any other news story that you hear about every day. Others who may not have heard anything about 2012 say, “What’s the big deal about a date?” Q: Maybe they think it’s like Y2K. Braden: Precisely! I was an engineer, working in the defense industry in the 1980s when I first began hearing about the year 2012. Some people were saying, literally, “It’s the end of the world.” Others said, “It’s the end of the world as we know it.” And some even said, “It’s the beginning of a thousand years of peace.”
Everyone I asked had a different opinion. What I discovered as a scientist was that the only way that I would know what 2012 was all about was to understand the people who created the calendars that tell us about 2012. And the only way to understand them was to understand great cycles of time. Q: What do you mean when you say, “cycles of time?” Braden: Science now is telling us that we, on this planet, our lives, and our planet in general, are under the influence of great cycles of time; cycles within cycles, within cycles. Some of the cycles we know about, like the 24-hour cycle of the day for day and night, or the 28-days of a woman’s cycle. But the great cycles cover such
vast periods of time that we don’t remember them from one civilization to the next. Our present great cycle is a 5,125-year-long cycle linked to an astronomical event that occurred in the year 3114 B.C. Q: Now, that’s almost incomprehensible for people - 3114 B.C. Braden: It ends on December 21, the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 A.D. Q: And in that moment or on that day, the sun, you say, is going to move into an alignment with the equator of the Milky Way. Braden: What happens during this time - and we have to be really careful when we talk about this - there is an alignment that’s occurring because Earth does this little tip and this little wobble over long periods of time. As Earth changes - tips and wobbles in its orbit, it changes the scenery of the night sky. It changes our orientation in space with respect to the centre of our own Milky Way galaxy. Scientists have discovered - and they are publishing this openly - hat the center of our Milky Way galaxy is a very powerful source of magnetic energy. The term they use is “magnetic filiments” that radiate from the center of our Milky Way. Where we are, in relation to that source of energy, has a huge effect on planet Ear th. Sometimes we’re fur ther away, and we’re tilted away from it, and the effect is less. Sometimes we’re closer or we’re tilted toward it, and the effect is greater. On December 21st in the year 2012, we have a straight shot - a linear shot, unobstructed by any other planets or any other bodies in the solar system–where we have direct ac-
11 cess to that field of energy. Q: Now, does this mean that the magnetic poles are going to shift, and we’re going to have three days of darkness? Braden: There is no scientific evidence to support that. Q: I’m glad to hear that. Braden: There has been a lot of speculation about it. The magnetic poles have certainly reversed in the past. I can tell you as a former geologist that we can see that in the geologic record, 14 times in the last 4.5 million years. Each time, before the magnetic fields reversed, they had to weaken to a certain point before that reversal happened. Even though we have seen a decrease in the magnetic field strength of the Earth over the last 100 years or so, it is still so much higher than the measurement that is
needed for it to reverse that the probability of this happening in the next three years between 2009 and 2012 or even a year or two after, it looks like it’s a slim probability. We’ve got so many other things to worry about. Q: Are there new discoveries that show that we can think of time as an essence that follows the same rhythms and cycles that govern everything from particles to galaxies? Can we think of these things that happen in time as places within cycles? Braden: The bottom line is that time is essentially a wave that is moving in one direction. Right now it’s moving from the present to the future. So, the seeds for things that are happening today and events like 2012 that are yet to happen have already occurred in the past.
GREGG BRADEN If we know where to look into the past, it gives us a good idea of what we can expect in the present and the future. Time’s waves follow natural rhythms, cycles, and natural progressions. This means that we can measure, calculate, and predict when the seeds – the conditions for an event are going to happen Continued on page 29
innerSelf newspaper
Why see a Naturopath if you have cancer? One of the most confounding & confusing areas related to cancer support is nutrition. Information abounds about cancer diets, supplements (vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, glyconutrients to name a few) and herbal remedies (Mistletoe, Red Clover, Essiac tea, Jason Winter’s Tea, Hoxey formula and on this list goes). To make matters worse, books are written espousing this diet or that, this supplement or that, this regime or that. One author claims one diet cured his or her cancer. Another author takes a completely different approach and makes the same claim. To make it even worse these approaches are often contradictory. Even the mainstream information about diets and nutritional approaches are full of controversy – the case of soy is a prime example. Does it prevent cancer? Does it feed hormonal cancers? Is it a dose dependent phenomenon? There is no agreement on this topic and there is unlikely to be in the near future. And of course if you really wish to be overwhelmed and confused try an internet search on the topic!! Of course hold onto your cheque book! Claims for cures abound – usually backed up by very questionable “research” and multiple “testimonials.” So what to do about diet, supplements and herbal medicines to support your body and well being before, during and after cancer treatment? To whom do you turn and what can you hope to
gain? Other than trying to shift through the mountains of information about nutrition in cancer and come to your own conclusions you basically have two options: see a nutritionally trained Naturopath or see a dietician. What is the difference? Well, in general, a dietician follows a mainstream approach to cancer nutrition which essentially to focus on avoiding weight loss & wasting (known as cachexia). The recommendations are generally to eat a “healthy” diet and increase caloric intake. In actual fact little credence is given to differentiating where those extra calories come from therefore it is not unusual for suggestions to be made that caloric dense foods such as ice cream, cakes, dairy and bread are good food sources in cancer management to keep weight on. There is also widespread use of liquid food supplements that are engineered “food” products full of sugars, dairy products and a host of high caloric but questionable ingredients. Although the avoidance of extreme weight loss is extremely important in most cancer situations there is a fundamental flaw to this “weight on from any source” approach – it ignores the fact that cancer loves sugar! Cancer cells use anerobic glycolysis as their primary means of energy production. This means they preferentially use glucose as an energy substrate. Not to mention the fact that overloading the body with white flour, white sugar, processed
foods and bad fats goes a long, long way to stressing the body’s immune system and capacity to cope with not only the cancer process itself but also the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In addition, wasting is not only due to loss of appetite and lack of food intake. It reflects a specific inflammatory syndrome in muscle fibres due to cell signaling molecules released from cancer cells. Therefore, in addition to increasing caloric intake it is important to address this inflammatory process. Several supplements have shown promise in this regard including specific fish oil fractions (DHA), luteolin and glutamine.1 The Naturopathic, Nutritional & Herbal Medicine approach evaluates foods, diets and nutritional/herbal supplements in light of their impact on the individual’s system and situation – including whether they are undergoing surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Cancer is a biochemical event including failure of cellular control mechanisms and of the immune system. Much of the current research in nutritional and herbal medicine (& there is a lot of valid scientific research underway) focuses on addressing cancer on the biochemical level. Modern naturopathic cancer care applies these current scientific findings to suppor t normal cellular mechanisms, the body’s natural defense systems and the body’s ability to cope with the effects of treatment and the disease. These goals are the same whether one is having surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or any other medical treatment and irrespective of the type of cancer involved. However, the fine tuning necessary to achieve this goal requires a very individualized approach – considering the person’s baseline health, their medical and nutritional history, the type of cancer involved and the stage of cancer and medical treatment regimen. In a naturopathic consultation a thorough medical history is taken. A variety of diagnostic/assessment tools may be utilized including physical examination, Live Blood Assessment, Urine and Saliva testing. Certain pathology laboratory tests may be ordered including checking for heavy metal toxicity via a hair mineral analysis or hormone metabolite testing. From these assessments recommendations are made including diet and lifestyle. Specific nutritional and/or herbal medicines are often prescribed. These natural medicines are particularly useful for supporting normal cellular processes, the immune system, the detoxification pathways and stress coping hormones. In addition many side effects of medical cancer treatment including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, stomatitis, fatigue, neuropathy, hot flushes and poor sleep can all be assisted by nutritional and herbal medicine approaches. (Footnotes)1 McCarty, MF Block KI “Toward a core nutraceutical program for cancer management”, Integrative Cancer Therapies , 5(2); 2006 pp 150-171 Belle McCaleb ND, RN, MSS-C, BSN is a naturopath, herbalist, Master’s Prepared counselor and the Consultant Naturopath for Cancer Care Centre in Unley, SA. She is also a registered nurse & highly qualified Women’s Health Specialist with advanced nursing degrees and certifications in Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility. Belle’s private practice is located in St Georges, South Australia where she offers natural medicine care for the whole family, specialising in cancer support and women’s health. CONTACT (08) 8379 0220
Is emotional stress getting on your nerves, literally? Our modern lifestyles subject our bodies to considerable stress, whether it is: • physical (e.g. lack of exercise and poor posture); • chemical (e.g. preser vatives and pollution); or • emotional (e.g. pressure of deadlines and relationship breakups). It is easy to understand the affect of physical and chemical stresses on our body, yet emotions also have an important role to play. The stress response Our bodies have an innate system commonly referred to as the “fight or flight” response. The body responds by instantly sending a series of neurological messages to the hormonal system, releasing adrenaline and cortisol throughout the body. Heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate will increase, releasing oxygen into the blood to be delivered to the muscles that will be used for fighting or fleeing. Unnecessary functions for immediate survival are temporarily “switched off” such as digestion, immune function and shor t term memory. These responses are all essential in potentially dangerous situations that require quick thinking, reflexes
and vigorous movement; however the body was never designed to be placed in these situations for a long period of time or whilst remaining primarily stationar y. Emotional stressors elicit the same physiological responses, but because emotional stresses are often prolonged and do not require rapid movement, the flight or fight response results in damaging effect to the body. Emotional stress and the spine When the body is under constant emotional stress, be it an irritating co-worker, an unhappy home life or simple daily hassles, the stress will reach the spine and supporting musculature. Ligaments, tendons, discs, muscle fibers all become damaged and the process of breakdown outweighs repair. The result over time is a spine that becomes badly misaligned, which in itself is another cause of chronic physical stress. The end result is what is known as a vertebral subluxation complex; the term chiropractors use to describe a poorly aligned spine that disrupts nervous system function. In this state, nerves and organs are compressed, mild movements or bumps feel much more painful, minor irritants become much more
innerSelf newspaper stressful, and the body’s innate healing mechanisms are outstripped by the process of breakdown, leading to inevitable disease and /or injury. The concept of wellness does not mean that there is a complete absence of stress; emotional stress is an unavoidable part of life. However, a healthy person will ensure that the process of repair outpaces the process of breakdown. Steps to minimise the body’s response to emotional stress Learning how to deal with day to day stresses and minimise the impact is paramount for optimal spinal health. There are many ways to minimise stress and what works for some people may not work for others, some recommendations include: 1 . Exercise is a very important part of dealing with the fight or flight response. The form of exercise chosen is not important although it is recommended it be something you enjoy and that you engage in cardio, strength and flexibility exercises regularly. 2 . Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation are proven ways of reducing the fight or flight response, bringing the body into a relaxed state that can allow for healing and repair. I personally recommend the relaxation CDs that have been developed by Zonehigh. These tools are designed for busy people to incorporate into a busy day and thus are very practical. 3 . Maintaining your spine in optimal alignment is important to ensure free nerve flow for wellbeing. See a corrective chiropractor to have your spine
checked for misalignments. 4 . Proper diet of quality chemical free foods containing sufficient quantities of all required minerals, nutrients and vitamins. 5 . Natural home and personal care products to minimise exposure to chemical stresses. 6 . Hobbies that you enjoy and bring you feelings of satisfaction and peace are valuable. Obviously there are a lot of different things to do and what is enjoyable for one person may be stressful for another; be it painting, reading, gardening, singing etc. At Health Align the approach for all new clients is to have a full postural evaluation, health and stress history followed by specialised spinal x-rays. Each misalignment is meticulously measured so that each chiropractic adjustment forms par t of a process to train the spine to achieve correct alignment. Each client is given specific Pilates based exercises to help train the core musculature to support the spine in the face of ongoing postural and emotional stress. At the end of a corrective cycle, the assessment process is repeated to ensure that the spine is in its optimal alignment to determine the need for further correction before advancing to a maintenance plan. Dr Rob Hutchings has a Bachelor of Kinesiology and Doctorate in Chiropractic. He practices at Health Align on Glen Osmond Rd alongside Pilates instructors, a nutritionist and massage therapist. His passion is in helping people achieve optimal health and healing, naturally. You can find out more about the services offered by Health Align at or phone 8338 2221.
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The Thyroid Gland Iridology has been about for quite some time, the first recorded sources of iris analysis reach back as far as ancient Babylon, and was rediscovered by two men, Dr. Von Peczely and Reverand Nils Liljequist, in the latter par t of the 18th century. Apparently when Dr Von Peczely was a young lad he captured an owl in his back garden and during the struggle the owl fractured his leg. Von Peczely noticed a spot develop in the 6 o’clock region of the owl’s iris (this is the area that relates to the legs). Later in life Von Peczely studied medicine in Germany and became known as the doctor who could diagnose by looking into the eyes. Reverand Liljequist’s awareness began in about 1864 when he noticed the appearance of discolorations in his own eyes. He realised they could be associated with chemicals or drugs that were ingested or absorbed into the body. Both men developed an iris chart (which, although updated, is still used today and relates to the whole body) the similarities between them were amazing. There have been many brilliant people who have contributed to the development of iridology such as Josef Deck, Josef Angerer and Dr Bernard Jensen to name but a few.
For those that have not read my column before, I thought I’d do just a little revision. The iris has a reflex correlation to every organ and tissue of the body via the nervous system. By way of the optic nerves, which are connected to the eyes, visual information is sent to the brain about the state of the organs and tissues in your body. The eyes also allow us to see, (even in a child) problematic areas that you have inherited that need nurturing so that you can have a better quality of life. It’s like looking at your fingerprint so to speak, they tell us a lot about who you are. For the main feature in this column I would like to focus on the thyroid gland, which is involved with your metabolism, immune system, blood calcium levels, energy levels and maintaining your body’s temperature. If your thyroid is performing below optimal levels you may have symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, impaired memory, anxiety, constipation, headaches, low libido etc. As you can see it’s very important to nurture your thyroid gland. You might be thinking “How do I do that?� Well I’m going to give you some little tips as we go along. Also I’d like you to remember that you are unique, nobody on this planet is identical to you, therefore not everyone
experiences all of the symptoms above, some people will experience only a few symptoms or variations of those symptoms. The thyroid gland works in conjunction with the hypothalamus and pituitary glands to release hormones that control your body’s metabolic rate. An underactive thyroid can tend to run in families, the risk of occurrence tends to increases with age and it appears to be more common in women than in men. Some of the causes of hypothyroidism may include hormone imbalances such as oestrogen dominance which may be caused by our environment, such as the use of plastic containers, poultry which has been administered hormones, pesticides in foods, detergents, skin lotions, some synthetic carpet and many of the chemicals used in various industries. Other causes of an underactive thyroid are, Hashimoto’s which is a malfunction of the immune system that causes the body to turn against healthy thyroid cells, radiation treatments, some prescription drugs, severe iodine deficiency (the thyroid needs iodine to function normally) and pituitary or hypothalamic diseases. So what can we do to help you nurture your thyroid gland? To start with you could have a simple blood test to clarify your thyroid hormone levels. Some beautiful herbs such as Withania, Bladderwrack, Rehmannia, Siberian ginseng, Brahmi and nutrients can help nourish your thyroid. A healthy thyroid needs Iodine and tyrosine. Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid and it is a key to overall metabolism, it can help suppress the appetite and reduce body fat, along with supporting the pituitary glands,
adrenals and thyroid gland. Tyrosine can be found in poultry, almonds, pumpkin, legumes, sesame seeds, avocados, bananas, dairy products and fish. Iodine is required in the manufacture of your thyroid hormones (extremely important!), it can be found in seaweed, sardines, kelp, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, lobster etc or your practitioner can supply you with a good professional source of iodine. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and is also very important for thyroid support, it can be found in quite good amounts in brazil nuts, almonds, salmon, tuna, eggs, asparagus, oats etc. Other nutrients important for thyroid function are, manganese, iron, vitamin B2, B6, B12, vitamin A, E,C, zinc and copper. Lastly there are some foods called goitrogenic food which if eaten raw can interfere with the body’s iodine absorption, they are foods such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, watercress, turnips, soy, millet etc. So make sure you cook these if you have an underactive thyroid. It’s all about a healthy balance, if you would like some help don’t hesitate to call me. Lynne Singlewood has been teaching natural medicine at Endeavour College for the last five years. Lynne is a dynamic naturopathic practitioner who has a passion to help the community with their health and well being. Her deep love of iridology and herbal medicine is infectious, visit her at the NEW Findon Clinic (Integrated Medicine). Ph: 0421618792 or email Web site:
eyes even portray various personality traits.
Herbal medicine is a very effective but gentle method to support and nurture the body when our bodies need a little assistance to regain optimal health. The formulation made specifically for you and your body.
I will work with you to develop a dietary and lifestyle plan to improve your health. Not only will you feel the difference, but with Hemaview™ you may see changes in your blood as your treatment progresses.
Live Blood Analysis is an observation of live blood, which involves viewing of a freshly taken blood sample under a microscope. A tiny prick is made on the finger and a droplet of blood is added to a sterile slide.
Iridology is a fabulous non-invasive, painless and economical tool to aid the practitioner to evaluate areas of the body that need to be nurtured so the individual may have a better quality of life. The
Lynne Singlewood
Naturopath - Iridologist Mobile: 0421 618 792 • Email: Location: Woodville, SA, 5011
innerSelf newspaper
HORMONE health
Weight Gain – can we blame our hormones? Poor diet and lifestyle are the most common reasons why people become overweight. It is logical to then presume that by eating well, exercising and having a healthy lifestyle, you will be able to lose any excess weight quite easily. However, in reality this is not always the case. Many patients who visit a Naturopath for weight loss have almost certainly already tried everything with little to no success. One of the reasons for this is simply because the patient’s underlying individual biochemical and structural differences have not been taken into consideration. While diet and exercise are undoubtedly the first step back to healthy weight, there are other hormonal and genetic reasons why a person cannot
lose fat, and therefore the relevant hormonal and genetic polymorphism tests should be investigated. Some of the hormones that can impact on weight include insulin, thyroid, adrenal, ghrelin, leptin and even the sex hormones, such as oestrogen and testosterone. Insulin is the pancreatic hormone that causes the body’s muscle, liver and fat tissue cells to take up glucose from the blood to use for energy. Several studies have shown that when insulin doesn’t work properly, the body will stop using fat for energy and will therefore allow fat cells to accumulate, creating weight gain. Metabolic Syndrome is the term that is now used to describe the conditions relating to poor insulin function,
such as glucose intolerance, hyperinsulinaemia, insulin resistance, hypertension, high cholesterol and also an increased risk of type II diabetes. Thyroid hormones are responsible for the body’s metabolic rate, which is what allows our body to create energy and burn fat. When a person’s thyroid gland is under-functioning, they may experience lethargy, poor concentration and memory, intolerance to cold, and dry skin, as well as an inability to lose weight normally. Studies have shown that patients with central obesity (fat around the middle/tummy area of the body) have increased cortisol secretion, which is an adrenal hormone. This is usually due to high levels of stress, and often coincides with lower levels of human growth hormone, as well as lower levels of testosterone and DHEA. People with high cortisol levels will also usually experience other symptoms of stress, such as fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, poor immune function, carbohydrate cravings, etc. Ghrelin and leptin are two hormones that are secreted in response to the consumption and digestion of food. They tell our brains that we are no longer hungry, and to therefore stop eating. People that are overweight can become resistant to these hormones, meaning that the brain does not respond as efficiently to the hormone signals as it should. This causes the person’s appetite to never really seem satisfied, and therefore will result in the person increasing their food consumption. In women, excess oestrogen can act as a type of “fat magnet”, encouraging the body to hold onto its fat stores, rather than use it for energy. Unfor tunately, sometimes women can be caught in a vicious cycle, as too much oestrogen circulating in the body increases body fat, whilst at the same time, fatty tissue within the body produces and stores more oestrogen. Consequently, the cycle continues and weight becomes harder and harder to lose. When high oestrogen levels are unopposed by sufficient progesterone or testosterone levels, the resulting condition of oestrogen dominance will also impact on the body fat’s distribution. In both women and men, higher oestrogen levels predispose the body to store fat around the abdomen, hips and breasts. This can be why many middle-aged women have very pear-shaped bodies that they never used to have when they were younger, and why men can have that middleage spare tyre. Latest research is also proving that there is a connection between low vitamin D levels and obesity. It has been proposed that vitamin D deficiency (usually due to a lack of sunlight exposure in winter) puts the body into perennial “hibernation” mode, slowing metabolism and increasing the appetite for what is mistakenly thought to be the long, lean winter ahead. In other words, at a time when our bodies should naturally ”slow down” and retain a bit of extra weight to help keep us warm and survive the winter, our bodies are now continually thinking that it’s “winter” because we’re not getting the vitamin D from the sun that we should begetting! Several studies have supported this theory as various groups of overweight people were tested – those with better vitamin D levels lost significantly more weight than those with a greater vitamin D deficiency. Mechanistically, vitamin D appears to play a key role in insulin signaling and the programming of fat cells genes. It’s also been proven to induce a winter-related-insulin resistance, which causes weight gain. Lastly, there is an estimated 1% of the population that has a genetic polymorphism that can influence energy expenditure and regulation, appetite control, and fat metabolism. Testing for this, as well as the hormone levels mentioned can be done through the appropriate saliva and blood testing, and is recommended to help get to the cause of the weight gain problem. Remember, you don’t need to lose weight to be healthy, you need to be healthy to lose weight! Kasey Yates – Naturopath, graduated from the South Australian College of Natural Medicine in 2006 with Advanced Diplomas of Applied Science (Honours) in Naturopathy, Western Herbal Medicine and Nutrition. I specialise in hormonal imbalances and weight loss, amongst other things. Kasey’s Naturopathic Clinic is situated inside Romeo’s Organic Wholefoods which is a large health food shop that supplies ‘alternative’, organic and ‘super’ foods. Romeo’s Organic Wholefoods North Adelaide Village 71-79 O’Connell St North Adelaide SA 5006 Ph: 8361 9150 Fx: 8361 9137
Sugar is Great? There’s nothing wrong with sugar until you eat it. The only problem I have with sugar is that once I star t eating it it could be months, or in some cases years, before I stop. It’s not alcohol, it’s not cigarettes, it’s not drugs, but for me sugar is equally destructive and addictive – mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I don’t know about you, but once I get a taste for chocolate or a lemon curd tart or a friand I can’t stop, don’t want to stop, I get the taste, the rush, the feelings of heightened wellbeing…the deliciousness is all demanding, urgent and beautiful (yes, I know I’ve got problems). I want more, I believe I deserve more. I might not have more immediately, but the cycle has begun, and there will be more sugar consumed. I just have to have ”a little more”, another treat that I can justify to myself, something for working or training so hard…or because I’m a bit tired or a bit down. If I’m in the addictive cycle the excuses and justifications for another chocolate (ie packet) or tart come thick and fast – and I believe my own excuses, I want to believe them. I fully, knowingly, actively participate in my own addiction. I go to the shop, I buy the chocolate, I put it in my mouth, I usually regret it, I am responsible.
I’m a trainer and an athlete, I love to feel fit and strong and vitally healthy, but from time to time, in moments of weakness, loneliness or stress I reach for sugar; it undoes me. It never resolves or helps my situation. But I reach for it anyway and have done so for a few decades now. I do this less and less these days, but I still do it. Alas. Sugar depresses me. Sugar fattens and bloats me. Sugar sends my energy skyrocketing and then plummeting. Sugar disrupts my hormone balance and sets my PMT wild. Sugar weakens me physically and mentally. Why then do I reach for sugar knowing the destructive nature and cycle of it for me? I think I reach for it because in that moment of consumption it promises and delivers nirvana…that rush of feel-good chemicals…and they feel soooooo good, my brain remembers, demands and yearns for that experience over and over, again and again. Instant gratification…Eureka! Perhaps I missed out on receiving the delayed-gratification gene when God handed them out? Perhaps I am just a slow learner? Perhaps I shouldn’t think about sugar and its effects so much? Perhaps learning new behaviours is just hard work that requires patience, persistence and a healthy sense of humour?
innerSelf newspaper One thing I know for certain is that when I am off of sugar my energy levels stabilise, my mental clarity is enhanced, my motivation is high, my skin clears up, I lose weight, I sleep better, I feel more vitally alive, I suffer no depression, I train harder, I am physically and mentally stronger, I recover more quickly, I feel connected to the universe AND I don’t feel the exhausting guilt, shame and remorse that comes from indulging in sugar against my better judgement… Why would I ever choose to eat sugar, knowing what I know? It makes no rational sense? When I embarked on a personal weight loss strategy recently (for purposes of athletic competition) my body craved sugar like a caged wildanimal. It was vicious and all consuming, desperate for escape and hungry for a feed. I wanted sugar and refined carbohydrates above all else. The energy was scary in its power and insistence – a physically compelling, urgent discomfor t – I know that I need to harness that powerful energy positively, or it plays out negatively in ALL areas of my life! To curb the insistent cravings over the last week I ate lean protein (my preference was smoked salmon), steamed veggies and drank water with Vital Greens mixed into it. I would eat 200g of salmon and drink 500ml of water to calm the cravings, to stabilise my blood sugars and to preserve my sanity. I lost weight. I felt energised. OMG, so often during that first week I cursed how difficult and confronting it felt to eat lean and clean, carb and sugar free. Instead of pushing my emotions down with food I gave myself an opportunity to sit in
the fire of my unfounded fears and listen to them crackle and hiss with a wild sugar-fever. But my fears are running a false adver tising campaign. They lie. I will not die if I don’t eat that chocolate immediately. I did cope without the lemon curd tart. I did not need that friand to reward myself. My purpose today is to have fun whilst being healthy, happy and of service to others. Almost inseparable to that is to be fit, strong, lean, powerful, creative, energetic, enthusiastic, balanced and well beyond my wildest dreams. Every day I work toward those aims. Some days I do better than others. Some days I fall victim to my sugar cravings, most days I don’t. I have developed (and use) a swag of strategies on a daily basis that keep me on the straight and narrow - toward my dreams and goals for health, wellbeing and my crazy-life of over-achievement and balance (yes you can do both)! If I falter from time to time, I accept that I am human (and a woman) and that I am OK – no more
self-berating. If I’m going to eat sugar I’d better enjoy it, otherwise what’s the point? But energy goes where focus flows, so I try not to dwell on my indiscretions for too long, just pick up where I left off with a knowing smile, ready for the next round that the universe has in store for me. It amuses me that I can feel so ”spiritually expanded” in one moment and then act so ”hopelessly human” in the next! Such is life! Such is sugar! Amanda Allen is a multiple State, National and World Champion athlete, with multiple titles in 3 sports -Triathlon, Cycling and Canoeing. She was a Firefighter but now runs a Personal Training business delivering Corporate Training, Lifestyle Coaching, Triathlon and Adventure Training, Seminars and Group Training for athletes, women, and people wanting to get well! She has studied Wholistic Psychology, Yoga, Event Management, and has a Bachelor of Management. Contact Amanda on 0400 262 116 or visit:
The Sleeping Habit That Can Make You Hungrier, Plumper, and Forgetful Experiments on mice have shown that throwing off their ancient circadian rhythms by artificially altering the length of their days has a substantial impact on their bodies and brains. This suggests that the modern, round-the-clock lifestyle, made possible by electric lighting, could disrupt metabolism and interfere with learning in ways that are only just beginning to be understood. Researchers put mice through 10 weeks in 20-hour lightdark cycles, instead of their natural 24-hour circadian cycle. After six weeks, the mice got fatter, showed less mental flexibility and were more impulsive. - Science Daily
EVIDENCE THAT IRIDOLOGY and SCLEROLOGY WORK and BOOK RELEASE! With Andrea Fernandez Indulski Your Clinical Complementary Medicine Practitioner, Integrated Iridologist®, Sclerologist, Naturopath and Herbalist Specialist.
To a greater or lesser extent we are all guilty of fervour and passion when it comes to what we believe and practice. However, one should not sin of extremist and be blinded by one vision. The fact that I am a practitioner in Complementary medicine shouldn’t make me say “it is my way or the highway” but rather open myself to the best approach and remedy out there to help my patients towards wellness.
Had the eyes not been analysed, we would have been unsuccessful to treat the cause and help the wellbeing of this woman and mare alike. “GENETICS IN THE EYES” The red lines in the eye are not just a sign of lack of sleep but also a sign of your genetic background. Sclerology, the study of red lines in the whites of the eye, is a valuable tool that reveals the body’s inherited and acquired characteristics.
We are living in days when “one-way or noway” practitioners seem to be on the rise. The QHHG IRU VWDQGDUGLVHG VFLHQWL¿F YDOLGDWLRQ on complementary medicine seems to be PDQGDWRU\ EHIRUH LWV HI¿FDF\ LV FRQVLGHUHG and quackery is dismissed. VALIDATIONS Validationsis the title of the book I wrote that Integrated Iridology® and Sclerology have demonstrates the validity and accuracy of been popular modalities amongst the public Iridology and Sclerology through eclectic and complementary medicine practitioners practice. The book presents eight case alike. However, to date there has not been an studies examined under the parameters of integrative study carried out to demonstrate digital Integrated Iridology® and Sclerology. the effectiveness of these modalities in clinical The signs in the sclera and iris have been practice. The book titled “VALIDATIONS- compared to other auxiliary methods of Evidence that supports the use and practice assessments namely blood tests, urine and of the markings in the eye” demonstrates saliva analysis. The novelty of this approach the validity and accuracy of Iridology and differs from previous studies which typically Sclerology to assess a patient’s inherited and delve on response to treatment. The results showed that in all eight cases the information acquired background. provided by Integrated Iridology® and TREAT THE CAUSE Sclerology modalities was more informative Integrated iridology® and Sclerology help than that one obtained from auxiliary methods PH ¿QG WKH WUXH FDXVH RI WKH DLOPHQW LQ ERWK of assessment. Call us for a consult or to order a copy of the humans and animals alike. book! In the photo on the left, we see a patient who had constant Andrea Fernandez Indulski, ND back and hip pain HUMANKIND’S WELLBEING for years and went undiagnosed by her $QGUHD KROGV WKH IROORZLQJ TXDOL¿FDWLRQV GP. It was not until Masters Sclerographics, Graduate Diploma the study of the blood vessels that we learnt Integrated Iridology®, Bachelor Health Science the pain was skeletal in nature. Referral to (Complementary Medicine), Naturopath, ERQH GHQVLWRPHWU\ WRRN SODFH DIWHU WKH ¿UVW Herbalist, Animal Technician (Iridology), FRQVXOWDWLRQ WR ¿QG RXW WKDW VKH KDG ORVW D Researcher at WCH. considerable amount of bone from the places where it was hurting making her a strong She has over 4 years experience consulting candidate for fractures. clinically around Adelaide and hosting health seminars. She has a passion for human On a similar note, I had a recent case with and animal clinical nutrition and Iridology/ a horse who presented with behavioural 6FOHURORJ\ VWXGLHV 6KH MXVW ¿QLVKHG ZULWLQJ problems to the point where she became KHU ¿UVW ERRN WKDW YDOLGDWHV FRPSOHPHQWDU\ unable to be ridden. The owner suggested she medicine use in clinical practice and is out for could have hormonal imbalances and wanted phone or e-sale. a foal. However, upon eye inspection You can contact her on 0414 701 479 or we found she had a Also visit her dental problem and online on or needed her teeth Her clinic ¿OHG is situated in North Adelaide.
Humankind’s Wellbeing Clinical Nutrition and Wellbeing through the eye.
HELPING YOU WITH: *Health and Wellness *Weight Loss *Fatigue *Immune System *Blood Sugar Regularity *Digestive Imbalances *Arthritic Pain *Insomnia *Skin Ailments *Hormonal Imbalances *Allergies
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*Digital Integrated Iris And Sclera Analysis * Vega Testing * Saliva-Urine Testing * Ȁ Ƥ * Hair Analysis * Clinical Nutrition* Homotoxicology * Equine/Canine Nutrition And Iridology
Andrea Fernandez Indulski-HUMANKIND’S WELLBEING North Adelaide, SA *0414 701 479 ** * *
innerSelf newspaper
Frozen Treats – Homemade is Simply Better! As summer fades we’ve probably all been enjoying some frozen treats in one form or another to keep us cool and help with rehydration – but do you know what they are actually made with? And, more importantly – do you want to necessarily consume some of these “foods”. So, what is your weakness? Is it a simple sorbet, gelato or granita? Do you take the “healthier” path with yogurt or soy based concoctions? Or, are you a traditionalist and go for the full creamy sensations in ice-cream and semi-freddos? You may be surprised to learn that ice-cream is a relatively recent addition to our diet – it is thought to have started in Italy and then into France in the 17th Century with the first published recipe coming from an Englishwoman in 1718. While Europe continued to enjoy water ices the English loved the dairy ice taste.
WHAT’S IN THE TUB? Most ice-creams contain a mixture of milk, milk solids, water, sugars (often including those made from wheat i.e. glucose syrup), preservatives, vegetable gums, acidity regulators, emulsifiers, flavours and colours. Colourings alone may include 102 (Tartrazine – banned in Norway and Austria), 104 (Quinoline yellow – banned in USA and Norway, previously banned in Australia), 107, 110 (Sunset yellow – banned in Norway), 120 and 122 (banned in Sweden, USA, Austria and Norway). There are also others that are commonly used which some special interest groups have concerns about – particularly when it comes to childhood consumption and behavioral issues. Sugar content is often quite high at up to 26% - just because it’s “Low Fat” it doesn’t make it healthier!
So it pays to read the label, attempt to understand it or save money and make your own.
HINTS AND TIPS • The secret to a good smooth texture is to beat it well and fast – this breaks down ice crystals. • Always use the freshest, best ingredients that you can whether it’s well ripened full flavoured fruits or free range eggs that will give a lovely richness and colour for your icecream custard base. • Check pantry items for additives, purity and country of origin. • Full fat milk products will give you a richer mouth feel. • Eggs are important in the custard for ice-cream as they bind all the ingredients together and they must be beaten quickly into sugar and salt or you’ll get grainy ice-cream. • Use gentle heat when making custard or it can curdle or split. • Use a thermometer (or have an appliance with a built in thermometer) to ensure each stage or the custard process is performed correctly. • Look around for a powered appliance as most recipes will take around 5 hours if doing it by hand. My first “machine” was a basic model that had a bowl that you had to prefreeze and then you stirred madly for ages with a hand crank. It also took up most of the freezer compartment and with my ancient freezer; it took 2 days to chill right down! Go for power I say - it makes the process faster and in most instances gives a better result. There is still a wide range to choose from – fully refrigerated models are at the top end and those that provide the grunt of churning for you are less expensive although often take longer. Appliances also vary significantly in volume in a batch, ease of use, storage, processes used
and cost – think about how often you will use it, where you will store it and if it’s one with a bowl that requires pre-freezing - can you fit it into your freezer! Lastly, if it doesn’t set to perfection – make slushies for the kids and cocktails for yourself!
SIMPLE RICOTTA CHEESE ICE-CREAM (costs about $6 and makes approx 1L) 500g Low or Full Fat Ricotta 150g Cream 150g Low or Full Fat Milk 60g Icing Sugar 100- 150g Milk extra Place ricotta, cream and 150g milk into a bowl and mix well. Pour into a very large zip lock bag, flatten mixture to approximately 1 cm thickness and freeze flat. Break frozen block into ice cube size pieces using a meat mallet or similar object. Add icing sugar, half of frozen mixture and half of milk to a high speed blender/food processor and process, pushing mixture down if re- quired until desired consistency. Repeat with remaining frozen mixture and milk. Freezing in a thin layer makes it easier to break the block up into correct size pieces for processing. A lamington tin or oven tray may be used if freezer space permits. Store ice cream in small tubs and cover with plastic wrap to keep airtight. When consuming after stored in freezer, place containers in the refrigerator for approximately 30 minutes to soften texture. Sharon started her working life with 13 years in nursing and has now found her passion in showing people how to take advantage of technology and prepare healthy, tasty meals whilst saving time and money with a Thermomix. She is also a Group Leader who assists other Thermomix demonstrators. Telephone Sharon on: 0409 150 729 DISCLAIMER All information contained is of a general nature. Always consult a qualified health professional before making any unusual dietary decisions.
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The Miracle of Probiotic Kefir ○
BY JULIE WAY I was waking up and looking at my hands expecting a miracle of them being healed overnight and then one morning in early November 2010 it happened! It had been 18 months since I had touched something on my hands that had bleach in it. I had had touch dermatitis over the years in being sensitive to vinegar or bleach that eventually went away with calendula or another natural treatment, but this time nothing worked to heal it at all. At first the dermatitis was just on the palms and inside my fingers, but then it spread to all over my hands for some reason, even when I had not got something acid or caustic on my hands at all. So I could not hide my very inflamed, itchy hands and they looked like I had dipped them in acid! I felt like a leper and was embarrassed when I had to pay people or hold out my hand for change. In fact it got worse and worse to the point that I had to bandage my hands constantly as they were so red, inflamed, cracked and scaling. Plus when I had to present in front of people and see clients, I felt like apologising for them. After all, I work in the field of metaphysical causes for physical symptoms and here I was not being able to heal myself. I was also wearing both cotton and plastic gloves to do everything like shower, wash my hair and wash anything, as my hands were so sensitive. Also, I could no longer wear my beautiful, silver rings. I used every topical cream under the sun in an effort to heal my hands as well as so many other cures that people recommended. (One was to pee on them!) I even went to my GP to have a biopsy to see what it really was and could only offer me cortisone cream, which in the past had never helped anyway and now I refuse to take cortisone/steroid creams. When Dr. Darren Weissman, the teacher/founder of The Lifeline Technique, saw my hands, he said that the causes of skin conditions are always from the gut. (And this turned out to be true.) Finally it was my friend Helen, who gave me some Kefir Grains that she had bought from a talk given by Dominic Anfiteatro. At first when I saw the sour looking milk I nearly dry wretched as I said in disgust “Do I have to drink that?!” as I had always hated milk (and I grew up on a dairy farm!) However, when I had my first tentative taste, my face lit up with delight and my body zinged, as my body and tastebuds really liked this! I have also seen this response with many people who do not like milk though you can get water kefir grains. After fluffing around for about two weeks I finally committed to taking it every day for two weeks. From one night going to bed with inflamed red hands, wearing cotton gloves to protect them and to stop me from scratching, I awoke on Tuesday 2 November, looked at my hands and the dermatitis was com-
pletel one pletelyy ggone one. It was amazing! Yet I was also cautious, because it had gone away once or twice for a few days and then flared up again in the past 18 months. However, it did not return and my hands have remained clear with soft new skin.
WHAT IS KEFIR? Kefir is a cultured milk product that can also be made from water, coconut liquid and many other liquids. The word kefir is said to be derived from the Turkish word k eif eif, which loosely translates to good feeling or feel good. Kefir originated in the nor thern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains, believed to date back at least 1,000 years. The tribes-folk of this particular region consumed the nutritious beverage in large quantities, and were renowned for longevity, living long, healthy lives with little to no known disease. Kefir can also be consumed by Lactose Intolerant individuals. From my reading and talking to Dom, some of the other therapeutic benefits of kefir are: reduced inflammation of the alimentary canal e.g. ulcerative colitis. IBS etc. Prevention and control of allergies, gastric and digestive dysfunction, it may also correct and prevent Candidiasis. Daily intake of kefir can correct high blood pressure, usually within a few months. Kefir benefits skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis. From preventing premature aging, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s etc to systemic skin conditions and inflammation, and many more conditions; Probiotic Kefir is so easy to grow at home. To see more benefits of Probiotic Kefir see Dom’s great site ~dna/kefirpage.html
JULIE WAY© 2011 Julie is a Breath Therapist/ Rebirther/ Certified LifeLine Practitioner and Personal/Spiritual Development Consultant. She has published Personal Mastery and Thoughts for a Miraculous Life as a herald to her third book The (work in Miraculous Life© progress.) Julie presents/promotes regular lectures in Adelaide on a Friday evening. P. 08-84439162 or
innerSelf newspaper
Rewire your Brain ○
BY MARK MAHANETS What’s better for your career? An MBA or exercise routine? Latest brain and physiological research shows that simple exercise routines not only tune your cardiovascular system, they hotwire your brain for more efficiency and stamina. And while these claims seem counter-intuitive at first, when you draw together the findings of numerous studies we learn that: Brain function peaks during the 90 minutes following physical activity The coordination of limbs required during exercise resides synapse in the brain, creating faster admire efficient pathways for processing signals to pass through Even light to moderate exercise, such as a brisk, 30 minute walk, enables the blood and chemicals within the brainiac to be refreshed and revitalized, boosting productivity. So what does that mean for busy professionals, executives and managers, whose workload and lifestyles are already stretched and Groaning under time-sapping demands? “As Stephen Covey once said, you need to nurture your production capability, not just push yourself to keep on producing, because if you don’t you will trade short term gain for long term pain,” says Dr Nathan Harten. “The problem is we have taken onboard the mantra of working hard, paid lip service to work/life balance, and lost the ability to read the crucial warning signs our bodies send us. “In effect, our bodies are like countries that mine their natural resources to yield windfall profits. If they don’t plan early to build new options for other avenues for wealth and development after the mines close, their world can crumble quickly. “On a personal level, research has clearly shown the danger signs we need to look for include: · Fatigue during mornings and afternoons · Layers of weight around the midriff · Stiffness or soreness around the back, neck, or thigh regions · Perpetual sense of stress These symptoms are common to many in the West and therefore become accepted as a “normal” state. But it is not.
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Is the ritual irreversible? No. Definitely not. Recent research has shown that incorporating even light levels of structured movement into daily routines can make a significant impact on the brain and general well being. That said, there is also strong evidence that certain types of exercise involving some weights and resistance training, can return disproportionate increases in brain and body function with one of the key outcomes ironically leading to the ability for people to produce more daily output in less time. “Sleep and diet are crucial elements and typically managed well by professionals, executives and managers when they become convinced of their efficacy. It is just the third of the three pillars of robust health they have trouble with exercise. No time? Or no time like the present? Smart, ambitious people are the ones most likely to embrace these new findings and put them into practice. If you are engaged in a competitive field you will know who the most likely adopters will be. The big question is, will you let them build deeper reserves of stamina and productivity than you? Will you resign yourself to a course of diminishing returns? Or will this be the moment you seize to regroup, rebuild, and relaunch yourself for a happier and more productive career and family life? For just $15, you can get the full picture from one of Australia’s foremost experts in Exercise Physiology, Dr Nathan Harten, in a 60 minute seminar. He will give you a concise overview of the latest findings along with practical tips for easing exercise into your busy routine. Funds raised will support Alzheimer’s Australia. For details phone Mark at Mt Barker Gym on 8391 1422
Australerba Herb and Honey Compounds are a combination of pure unrefined bee’s honey and spagyrically prepared extracts from selected herbs species from different parts of the world. Made from Elder Flowers, Yarrow, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Turmeric, Ginger, Pepper Varieties and pure unrefined honey.. Herbs and honey have been combined as tonics and therapeutic formulae since antiquity. they are nature’s gift readily available to mankind and come from the same source, the generous plant kingdom. Honey is the processed nectar of flowers, a wonderfully balanced energizer and suitable carrier of principles obtained from herbs through our special extraction methods. They are highly concentrated, syrup like consistency and pleasant to taste. They can be taken from a teaspoon, or mixed with milk, water, fruit juice etc.
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Extract are independently tested before distribution to ensure only the highest quality. Koroneiki Olive Leaf Extract is produced using freshly picked leaves from their Plantation, which is home to over 25,000 olive trees. The Farm also recycles their raw material (olive leaves) through composting. The compost is used as mulch on the olive tree plantation to enhance the nutrient value and fertility of the soil, thereby ensuring the health and vitality of the olive trees. Recycling this raw material through composting also helps to reduce landfill, minimising environmental impact.
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Organic Food You Are WHAT YOU EAT ○
BY STEVEN PRAHIN, NATUROPATH A healthy life requires effort. There are many aspects to good health and the more health promoting principles you apply to your life, the healthier you will be. In fact, instead of degeneration, you can have regeneration set in. Some of the following health principles are useless unless put into practice and made a part of your everyday life. Being simple, they are easy, but if you do not pay attention to the list, you will not make the changes and you will not get well and stay well. Applying them all at once and with in-
tensity can push your body to where you will feel younger. Getting in the fresh air everyday with deep breathing, vigorous exercise and exposure to the sun, resting one day a week and going to bed early, drinking plenty of pure water, having moderation in all good things and trusting our loving Creator are just as few of the lifestyle tips that form the foundation and base of your healthy house which is your body. We need to get maximum nutrition in to feed our cells. This would be 100% raw, fresh, organic, vegan foods. This is a big step for some and hard to grasp at first, so try eating more live, organic raw foods. If you can get 75% - 85% raw, you will have an energy explosion within your body. Fruits offer high calories but vegetables and greens, sprouts, nuts and seeds should all be included. Try to eat less nutritionally dead foods like cooked starches, sugary processed foods and animal products which can have parasites, heavy metals, antibiotics, chemicals and pesticides. Eggs from healthy hens may be OK if you have heavy metal poisoning like mercury fillings. But if you are seriously ill, raw food and juices are imperative. A vegetarian or vegan diet does not necessarily mean healthy. Always eat a variety of different foods. Beans and legumes are a good animal-free source of protein, but even better are nuts, seeds and sprouts. These can be consumed with every meal. Healthy fats are only found in plant-based foods like linseeds, nuts, avocadoes, coconuts and olives. It is important that you never cook with olive oil but rather
18 use coconut oil. Eat only 2-3 meals a day and leave 4-5 hours rest between meals to the give your stomach the break it needs. Consume nothing between meals but liquids like water. Most people today are overfed yet still, nutritionally depleted, which can cause everything from poor blood, low energy, weak immune system and virtually any disease. Your ability and speed of recovery from disease are greatly decreased when you are malnourished. Modern life can take its toll with huge levels of stress, prescription drugs, EM radiation, heavy metal toxicity and a myriad of health-degrading practices, even maintaining a raw vegan diet is not enough to counteract this constant bombardment. Our loving Creator has blessed us with certain foods and herbs that are so nutritionally potent, concentrated and complete that they have come to be commonly known as superfoods. Spirulina, chlorella, alfalfa, barley and wheat grasses are just a few of some perfectly balanced superfoods that will supply you with the widest range of natural food source vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential trace nutrients. Your body will rejoice and come back to life. Many want to boost their immune system but you cannot build immune cells from pizza, beer and cigarettes. You need super nutrition to feed your immune system and your whole body. Steven is a naturopath and master herbalist from Dr Christopher’s University of Natural Healing in the USA. To contact Steven please visit
EdenFood superfood formula from Eden Healthfoods is a great tasting, superior combination of these superfoods and a whole lot more. This may be the missing link in your quest for powerful health. For more information check out the Eden Food ad (inside back cover) of this edition of Inner Self or for the best products on the planet.
innerSelf newspaper
Colour Your World with Safer Hair Dye While the debate continues as to whether or not you can get the same “performance” from organic and natural makeup as you can from synthetics, the jury has rendered their verdict when it comes to hair care: natural products create healthy hair. When it comes to Hair Dyes the long term results are even more dramatic. Using the best natural and organic hair colouring products, your hair not only looks healthier, it actually is healthier. Most hair colours consist of toxic chemicals such as Ammonia, Peroxide, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate and p-Phenylenediamine (PPD) which can swell the hair follicle, damage the hair and initiate allergic reactions in some people. Recently published results by Swedish researches, showed that women who dyed their hair with chemically laden hair colour for at least 20 years have nearly doubled the chances of developing rheumatic arthritis. And there’s more…a University of Washington study found a 50% increase in the incidence of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in long term hair dye users. According to a Harvard School of Public Health study, women that dye their hair 5 times per year or more are twice as likely to get ovarian cancer. While more high quality research is required, the number of findings regarding the ill effects of hair dye are increasing and are a cause for concern. Permanent hair dyes are the harshest, opening up and penetrating the hair cuticle to deposit colour, posing the most potential health risk. Through my work, anecdotal evidence suggests, people can be fine with a product for, say, 21 applications, then have an allergic reaction on the twenty-second. The safe option is to do a patch test for sensitivity
before every application of hair dye, both at home and in salons. All you do, is dab the product on your scalp, behind the ear or inside your elbow, leave for two days, then look for itching, burning or other reactions. Semi-permanent colour is safer as it stains rather than open up the hair cuticle with colour, covering grey hair more gently. Colour tends to fade gradually after 6 to 8 shampoos. The most natural hair dye option is to use organic henna and plant materials, since they contain no synthetic chemicals, preservatives, or harsh oxidizing chemicals, such as ammonia. These pure vegetable products do not alter the structure or natural colour of your hair and actually condition your hair while imparting colour and sheen. Remember this advice for keeping coloured hair as healthy as possible: • Protect and condition your hair and scalp regularly. • Don’t stray far from your natural level and tone. Dramatic colour changes require more upkeep, since outgrowth becomes very obvious very soon. • Be especially vigilant about protecting chemically treated and naturally coloured hair from the sun. • The less you chemically process your hair, the more healthy it remains long term. Be prepared to know how to read a label. A good rule of thumb is to divide the ingredients into thirds: the top third makes up 90-95 per cent of the product, the middle about 5-8 per cent, and the bottom about 1-3 per cent. And know what the ingredients are: A great resource is The Chemical Maize by Bill Statham. Next time you colour your hair, why not try a more natural hair dye and feel the difference – your hair will thank you!
Mae Zaydan is founder of, with a passion for making available natural health and beauty products which make a positive difference to people’s personal health, beauty and our precious planet. She has a degree in Economics and Law, and has written widely on health and natural beauty. Mae can be contacted via
ORGANIC PRODUCTS Organic to Go At Organic to Go our aim is to provide you with great service whilst offering you the best in fresh local produce. We stock a full range of organic and biodynamic groceries, breads, meats, personal care and cleaning products. Our café offers lots of healthy eating options, juices, smoothies and of course great coffee.
Organic to Go, 365a Glen Osmond Rd, Glen Osmond. Phone 8379 2131.
Rosnay Organic Wines Rosnay Organic Wines has reached a landmark 15 years of organic and biodynamic farming at Canowindra. Back in 1997 when they star ted, they went organic and biodynamic from day one, much to the ridicule of their neighbours. Now, they are winning medals regularly and are one of a total of four organic vineyards in the Cowra wine region, and are leading the charge to make Cowra a leader in sustainable viticulture. Sam Statham, who planted the vines with his father Richard in 1997, said: “We are fortunate to be able to subsist in a beautiful place and do what we believe in with our family business.” Have a look at a great little video at
The Organik Store is a complete organic grocery store. We stock the largest range of wheat alternative breads, Barossa Fine food meats, organic and biodynamic dairy products. We have amazing cheeses, dry goods, nuts and a huge selection of baby foods, natural toothpastes and skin care! Next door our Organik café uses only fresh Australian organic produce and we cater for everyone!
Including meat eaters, vegetarians, vegans, and people with wheat & dairy intolerances. You will not find a more satisfying breakfast in Adelaide! We love and nurture our own chickens, who are fed all the organic scraps from the store. Their precious eggs are collected every morning and delivered direct to the organic store. The vibrant yolks are unmistakable! For lunch, healthy organic sourdough rolls and wraps, our hot lunch menu doubles as a take away dinner menu. We cater for business/corporate functions and are happy to assist in after hours seminars! Open 7 days a week! Innerself special. Present coupon from ad and buy one coffee and get one free! Mon – Fri 8am til 5.30pm. Sat & Sun 8am til 4pm. (Meals ser ved until 3pm everyday).
The Organik Store, 37 Broadway, Glenelg South. Ph 8295 7767.
Robinvale Wines Robinvale Wines produces a variety of top quality Table, Sparkling, Preservative Free & Fortified Wines, Sparkling Non-Alcoholic alternative beverages, Pure Grape Juice, Dried Fruit & Table Grapes. Robinvale Wines specialise in Bio-Dynamic and Organic wines which are made from grapes grown without chemicals, pesticides or herbicides and with low level of sulphur. Most of our wines are suited to a vegetarian and vegan diet. It goes to show that Certified Organic & BioDynamic Wine has come of age and that you can produce excellent quality wines from Cer tified Organic & Bio-Dynamic agricultural methods.
that is sweeping not only our local market consumers but the consumers of the world! With a reported history of over 2000 years Kombucha has finally made its way into our home town of South Australia and with all accounts here to stay. A local family company, Organic and Raw , spent 5 years developing this little miracle and is ecstatic about helping contribute to the health and well-being of our fellow Aussies, by changing the way we think about what we drink!! And we should. With so many health concerns over unhealthy sugary diets, Kombucha is a back to basics approach to food and drink. Let’s keep it simple and forget preservatives, colours, flavours and additives and keep it raw. Raw food is just the way nature intended, simple - clean, Organic and your body will love you for it! Kombucha is a refreshing, fermented, low sugar healthy drink for anytime of the day. True fanatics drink daily to ensure they keep their Mojo, which was how the product got its name. Sold under the banner, Mojo Kombucha, Anthony and Sarah (the makers) are busy moving the product into local health food shops, organic markets and cafes as well as some gyms and yoga studios. As we always say, “Health is the best gift you can possibly give” and now it’s in a bottle. Organic and Raw Pty Ltd, Lot 21 4/8 Jay Drive Willunga. 08 8556 4976. Anthony: 0409 548 668 Sarah: 0487 317 097
Robinvale Wines, P.O. Box 314, Robinvale Vic 3549 Phone: 03 5026 3955
Kombucha is a new phenomenon
Romeo’s Organic Wholefoods is an Organic Supermarket and Health Food Shop specialising in Organic and Alternativ foods, including glu-
innerSelf newspaper
ORGANIC PRODUCTS ten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free and vegan foods. It is dedicated to providing environmentally friendly products that help to care for our planet and our health. The team at Romeo’s Organics are always there to give advice on everything from foods and nutrition, to personal products, natural medicine and even pet care. And with a Naturopathic Clinic on site, it is a
one-stop well-being shop. You’ll not only be surprised at what you find at Romeo’s Organics, but you’ll also be pleasantly surprised at the everyday low prices! We also have Weekly Specials.
Shop 11, North Adelaide Village, 71-79 O’Connell Street (just across from North Adelaide Foodland). Telephone: 8361 9150
Feeling tired and lethargic and wanting to get healthy for 2011 and beyond? We are all aware that our modern diet is not serving us well and more and more of us are succumbing to chronic diseases as a result of this. Diseases such as Cancer, Diabe-
tes, Glaucoma and Heart Disease are just some examples. At Sungods Superfoods we are dedicated to helping people understand that there is a better way. And it’s not complicated, as we can provide you with all the extensive information you need to introduce these Superfoods into your daily diet. Sungods Superfoods was formed in early 2010. After trying to source quality organic Superfoods on the market with no luck, we decided to seek out the highest quality Superfoods direct from the farmers who produce them. We are now delighted to be able to present you with the highest
quality organic Superfoods, direct from these organic agricultural industries from around the world. We have invested a vast amount of time with these farmers knowing that they suppor t both a global sustainable environment, and their local communities. Our mission here at Sungods Superfoods is to provide premium organic functional foods that increase energy and enhance health. Par t of this effor t is to continually search for the world’s most beneficial natural foods. We specialise in organic nutritional foods, and strive to lead the industry in this expanding market. Health
conscious individuals choose our nutrient-rich products because they are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Our premium quality “Superfoods” are always free of additives and Trans fats; the absence of these elements speaking to the purity and effectiveness of the products. Sungods Superfoods is committed to socially and environmentally responsible business practices. We source our premium functional foods through direct par tner ships with farming communities around the world. An essential part of our mission is to create economic oppor tunities among indigenous people in developing countries, and our support of native agriculture helps expand development of global organic farming practices. We are also proud to be suppor ting Bedford Industries in South Australia; our products are packaged in ISO 9001:2008 and HACCPVer: 2003 Quality Assured conditions. As our par tnerships evolve, we will continue to introduce more intriguing functional food products - helping you meet your nutritional needs deliciously, naturally, and simply.
You can purchase direct online at or see our retail stockist list for retail outlets. Sungods Superfoods – Bringing Healthy Back!
20 Discover Your Hidden Treasure
innerSelf newspaper
Join me for a fun filled journey and discover the treasure within you, through a series of thought provoking exercises
• Intuitive Counselling • Angel Card Reading • Neuro Skeletal Therapy • Subconscious Therapy • Workshops Debbi Kemp - Wholistic Practitioner
Phone 0408 830 900
1 2 M A Take the initiative and be prepared for
1 2 M B Be practical about what can and cannot be
3 4 ] New Moon A A tough time as any new
3 ] New Moon B The new cycle brings up the
new challenges.
The Angel and You by Ninti Priskin An e-book about you and the reason you are here Understand your part in the Great Plan by journeying through the 8 Teaching Universes $14.95
initiative is put to some tough scrutiny, especially if it is in opposition to those in authority. The temptation is to act in haste or on impulse but this will only attract a heavy handed reaction. Be prepared to work through things slowly and with caution. 5 M B A practical outlook is needed in order to realize potential.
6 7 M C Information is important so take note of what is needed.
8 9 10 M D Nurture what is slowly developing. 11 ‡ 1st Quarter D The challenge is on to
continue what you are doing in spite of what seem to be unending obstacles in the form of delays and disputes. Do not take this personally. Instead gird your loins, nurture what has been started, put in the effort required and take things one day at a time. 12 ME Take pride in what has been achieved to date.
13 14 MF Look after details as they are essential for good results.
15 16 MG Do not compromise personal objectives
or bow to others’ opinion for the sake of keeping the peace.
Shop D/739, Marion Rd., Ascot Park, SA 5043
8277 7110 Within Angel Wings Workshop Sunday, May 15th 2011
17 18 … Full Moon G Moon enters H Things
now become much clearer and the realization that there is still much more to be done can seem disheartening. The best way is to objectively measure progress, redouble efforts and concentrate on one thing at a time. Obstacles in the form of those in authority may come as a result of cutting corners and this will add to delays and frustration. Keep emotions in check and only deal with facts and not feelings.
19 20 MI Sun enters B Enthusiasm and
inspiration will help spur things along. Tenacity, pragmatism and sensuality are the characteristics of Taurus
21 22 M J A hands-on approach is called with an emphasis on practical matters.
23 24 25 Moon enters K ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon K Be
prepared to look at things differently as there may not be a precedent for what is being considered. Those in charge may be opposed but rely on reason as well as appealing to a sense of loyalty and camaraderie. An emphasis on safety and security coupled with innovation should help move mountains.
26 27 M L Emotions are close to the surface and
twin issues of commitment and responsibility. This is not just about saying the right things but following up with action and more importantly, results. Some may find the expectations too great, but for those who are willing to persevere the dividends will be beneficial. 4 5 M C Take account of all information as this will be of importance.
6 7 M D Increased sensitivity makes you protective. 8 9 M E Be careful that pride does not undo your best efforts; humility achieves better results.
10 11 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon E Moon enters F The impetus to move forward with a project must be balanced with the well-being of all concerned. Although the element of risk and excitement is catching, there is a need to balance this out with a practical approach as to how goals will be met. As the Moon moves into Virgo later in the day, take the opportunity to methodically go over what is required.
12 13 14 M G Consensus can achieve much but make sure that everyone does their part.
1 M C Keep your ear to the ground as news travels fast.
2 Solar Eclipse ] New Moon C The New
Moon follows a solar eclipse and brings with it an urge to expand however there is frustration, inhibitions and a sense of loss. This may result in isolation for some as a result. Endeavours started now may be slow to mature or may entail a need for cooperation which will not always be easy. 3 M D Nurture what is slowly developing but refrain from hanging on.
4 5 6 M E Be careful that pride can cause problems.
7 8 M F Look after the details but be prepared to be flexible.
9 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon F As things start to take shape, be methodical in getting things done. There may be those who will want to criticise or condemn what has been started but the important thing is to keep focused on the goals but be realistic about ideals. 10 M G Cooperation and compromise are called for.
17 … Full Moon H Strong feelings rise to the surface
15 16 Lunar Eclipse … Full Moon I Moon enters J The Full Moon brings something or someone
19 20 M J Take control of matters at hand but avoid
gain perspective.
17 18 M K A lateral attitude may bring the results
and disseminate information are Gemini characteristics. 22 M K A lateral and objective approach is called for.
19 20 21 M L Intuition plays a role in decisions to
23 24 M L Be prepared to back your intuition, as it may prove too important.
25 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon L As things come to a
close, there is a sense of restlessness about and this may undermine what has been achieved to date. Do not lose focus and complete what has been started otherwise the momentum will be lost.
26 27 M A A desire to get things moving again and a challenge is always welcome.
28 29 M B Stability is important but avoid hanging on simply for the sake of it.
30 31
3 x 30 minutes Life Coaching Sessions for $75
Angelic Divine Universal Healing Allow the love and light of God to shine Within
Sound, Colour & Crystal Healing • Chakra & Aura Balancing • Reiki & Isis Healing • Spiritual Guidance • Past Life Release • Shaman Healing All healings assisted by angels, goddesses and ascended masters
Ph: 0414 295 629 • Appointments & Gift Shop
Empower You
Suzanne Bowers Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Motivational Speaker Are you living your full potential? Create a life that you love, and you will discover your own path to personal power Individual and group programs available Phone 0414932252 Email:
from the past into the present situation and although there is a sense of expansion, underlying tensions or even competition may trigger frustration and inhibitions. As the Moon moves into Capricorn later in the day, the need for control over matters may see a separation or loss.
21 Sun enters C Curiosity and the ability to gather
being autocratic.
Call 0418 894 001 • The House of Healing 8431 9288
some off guard.
13 14 M I Take a bird’s eye view of things to
as things become clearer. Be careful that sharp words or underhanded actions do not undermine what has been achieved so far. There is a real chance that misunderstandings can occur as a result of rash actions or hasty decisions. 18 M I A bird’s eye view of the situation will help you see things not presently apparent.
• Achieve a specific goal • Find direction & purpose • Gain clarity and more...
11 12 M H The intensity of emotions catches
15 16 MH Be upfront with all your dealings and avoid underhanded or secretive actions.
LIFE COACHING Are you confused? As Your Life Coach I can help you to:
you want.
be made.
22 Sun enters D Caring, compassion and creativity are the hallmarks of Cancer.
23 M A ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon A The results of recent efforts demand one last push. Finding the energy may be problematic for some, but see this as a challenge and push on. However, any action taken must be realistic and undertaken with full awareness otherwise there may be a sense of disappointment that things do not work out as planned.
24 25 26 M B Be practical about what can be done and work things through systematically.
27 28 M C Be careful that rumours are not the
there is an increased sensitivity.
only source of information.
28 29 30 M A Take action and accept the challenges
29 30
Stress & anxiety, emotional & creative blocks, grief & loss, healing childhood trauma, coping with change. Brenda Wallace RN. BN. Grad Dip MHN. Grad Dip GIM. RGIMT. • mobile: 0402719753
that are presented.
A GUIDE TO THE ZODIAC SIGNS A Aries - fire B Taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo - earth
These are generic interpretations for each of the zodiac signs. For a more personal interpretation, astrological consultations are available by appointment on
G Libra – air H Scorpio - water I Sagitarius - fire J Capricorn – earth K Aquarius – air L Pisces - water
0421 326 001 or 08 8563 9182
By Cinzia Vuat
ACCESS YOUR FUTURE TODAY. Your important questions answered accurately and quickly. Readings may be taped so Cinzia’s gentle guidance lasts. SATISFACTION ASSURED OR NO FEE CHARGED.
SPECIAL DISCOUNT Mention Innerself and receive 1hr session for cost of 1/2 hr session
By appointment only
Phone 0410 456 540 Kilkenny
Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic” . The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day
of birth, however, we can easily discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the
coming issues. A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than 45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8563 9182 or 0421 326 001 or email:
Lear n to sing the ancient name for God, HU, for spiritual protection, upliftment, and healing FREE COMMUNITY HU All Welcome Ev er y 3r Ever 3rdd Sunda Sundayy of the month (11am to 11.30 am) Payneham Community Centre, 374 Payneham Rd., Payneham, SA Contact: LeeAnne on 0424 474 464
innerSelf newspaper
Discover Your Hidden Treasure
Join me for a fun filled journey and discover the treasure within you, through a series of thought provoking exercises
• Intuitive Counselling • Angel Card Reading • Neuro Skeletal Therapy • Subconscious Therapy • Workshops Debbi Kemp - Wholistic Practitioner
Phone 0408 830 900
1 2 M A Take the initiative and be prepared for
1 2 M B Be practical about what can and cannot be
3 4 ] New Moon A A tough time as any new
3 ] New Moon B The new cycle brings up the
new challenges.
The Angel and You by Ninti Priskin An e-book about you and the reason you are here Understand your part in the Great Plan by journeying through the 8 Teaching Universes $14.95
initiative is put to some tough scrutiny, especially if it is in opposition to those in authority. The temptation is to act in haste or on impulse but this will only attract a heavy handed reaction. Be prepared to work through things slowly and with caution. 5 M B A practical outlook is needed in order to realize potential.
6 7 M C Information is important so take note of what is needed.
8 9 10 M D Nurture what is slowly developing. 11 ‡ 1st Quarter D The challenge is on to
continue what you are doing in spite of what seem to be unending obstacles in the form of delays and disputes. Do not take this personally. Instead gird your loins, nurture what has been started, put in the effort required and take things one day at a time. 12 ME Take pride in what has been achieved to date.
13 14 MF Look after details as they are essential for good results.
15 16 MG Do not compromise personal objectives
or bow to others’ opinion for the sake of keeping the peace.
Shop D/739, Marion Rd., Ascot Park, SA 5043
8277 7110 Within Angel Wings Workshop Sunday, May 15th 2011
17 18 … Full Moon G Moon enters H Things
now become much clearer and the realization that there is still much more to be done can seem disheartening. The best way is to objectively measure progress, redouble efforts and concentrate on one thing at a time. Obstacles in the form of those in authority may come as a result of cutting corners and this will add to delays and frustration. Keep emotions in check and only deal with facts and not feelings.
19 20 MI Sun enters B Enthusiasm and
inspiration will help spur things along. Tenacity, pragmatism and sensuality are the characteristics of Taurus
21 22 M J A hands-on approach is called with an emphasis on practical matters.
23 24 25 Moon enters K ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon K Be
prepared to look at things differently as there may not be a precedent for what is being considered. Those in charge may be opposed but rely on reason as well as appealing to a sense of loyalty and camaraderie. An emphasis on safety and security coupled with innovation should help move mountains.
26 27 M L Emotions are close to the surface and
twin issues of commitment and responsibility. This is not just about saying the right things but following up with action and more importantly, results. Some may find the expectations too great, but for those who are willing to persevere the dividends will be beneficial. 4 5 M C Take account of all information as this will be of importance.
6 7 M D Increased sensitivity makes you protective. 8 9 M E Be careful that pride does not undo your best efforts; humility achieves better results.
10 11 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon E Moon enters F The impetus to move forward with a project must be balanced with the well-being of all concerned. Although the element of risk and excitement is catching, there is a need to balance this out with a practical approach as to how goals will be met. As the Moon moves into Virgo later in the day, take the opportunity to methodically go over what is required.
12 13 14 M G Consensus can achieve much but make sure that everyone does their part.
1 M C Keep your ear to the ground as news travels fast.
2 Solar Eclipse ] New Moon C The New
Moon follows a solar eclipse and brings with it an urge to expand however there is frustration, inhibitions and a sense of loss. This may result in isolation for some as a result. Endeavours started now may be slow to mature or may entail a need for cooperation which will not always be easy. 3 M D Nurture what is slowly developing but refrain from hanging on.
4 5 6 M E Be careful that pride can cause problems.
7 8 M F Look after the details but be prepared to be flexible.
9 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon F As things start to take shape, be methodical in getting things done. There may be those who will want to criticise or condemn what has been started but the important thing is to keep focused on the goals but be realistic about ideals. 10 M G Cooperation and compromise are called for.
17 … Full Moon H Strong feelings rise to the surface
15 16 Lunar Eclipse … Full Moon I Moon enters J The Full Moon brings something or someone
19 20 M J Take control of matters at hand but avoid
gain perspective.
17 18 M K A lateral attitude may bring the results
and disseminate information are Gemini characteristics. 22 M K A lateral and objective approach is called for.
19 20 21 M L Intuition plays a role in decisions to
23 24 M L Be prepared to back your intuition, as it may prove too important.
25 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon L As things come to a
close, there is a sense of restlessness about and this may undermine what has been achieved to date. Do not lose focus and complete what has been started otherwise the momentum will be lost.
26 27 M A A desire to get things moving again and a challenge is always welcome.
28 29 M B Stability is important but avoid hanging on simply for the sake of it.
30 31
3 x 30 minutes Life Coaching Sessions for $75
Angelic Divine Universal Healing Allow the love and light of God to shine Within
Sound, Colour & Crystal Healing • Chakra & Aura Balancing • Reiki & Isis Healing • Spiritual Guidance • Past Life Release • Shaman Healing All healings assisted by angels, goddesses and ascended masters
Ph: 0414 295 629 • Appointments & Gift Shop
Empower You
Suzanne Bowers Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Motivational Speaker Are you living your full potential? Create a life that you love, and you will discover your own path to personal power Individual and group programs available Phone 0414932252 Email:
from the past into the present situation and although there is a sense of expansion, underlying tensions or even competition may trigger frustration and inhibitions. As the Moon moves into Capricorn later in the day, the need for control over matters may see a separation or loss.
21 Sun enters C Curiosity and the ability to gather
being autocratic.
Call 0418 894 001 • The House of Healing 8431 9288
some off guard.
13 14 M I Take a bird’s eye view of things to
as things become clearer. Be careful that sharp words or underhanded actions do not undermine what has been achieved so far. There is a real chance that misunderstandings can occur as a result of rash actions or hasty decisions. 18 M I A bird’s eye view of the situation will help you see things not presently apparent.
• Achieve a specific goal • Find direction & purpose • Gain clarity and more...
11 12 M H The intensity of emotions catches
15 16 MH Be upfront with all your dealings and avoid underhanded or secretive actions.
LIFE COACHING Are you confused? As Your Life Coach I can help you to:
you want.
be made.
22 Sun enters D Caring, compassion and creativity are the hallmarks of Cancer.
23 M A ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon A The results of recent efforts demand one last push. Finding the energy may be problematic for some, but see this as a challenge and push on. However, any action taken must be realistic and undertaken with full awareness otherwise there may be a sense of disappointment that things do not work out as planned.
24 25 26 M B Be practical about what can be done and work things through systematically.
27 28 M C Be careful that rumours are not the
there is an increased sensitivity.
only source of information.
28 29 30 M A Take action and accept the challenges
29 30
Stress & anxiety, emotional & creative blocks, grief & loss, healing childhood trauma, coping with change. Brenda Wallace RN. BN. Grad Dip MHN. Grad Dip GIM. RGIMT. • mobile: 0402719753
that are presented.
A GUIDE TO THE ZODIAC SIGNS A Aries - fire B Taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo - earth
These are generic interpretations for each of the zodiac signs. For a more personal interpretation, astrological consultations are available by appointment on
G Libra – air H Scorpio - water I Sagitarius - fire J Capricorn – earth K Aquarius – air L Pisces - water
0421 326 001 or 08 8563 9182
By Cinzia Vuat
ACCESS YOUR FUTURE TODAY. Your important questions answered accurately and quickly. Readings may be taped so Cinzia’s gentle guidance lasts. SATISFACTION ASSURED OR NO FEE CHARGED.
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Phone 0410 456 540 Kilkenny
Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic” . The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day
of birth, however, we can easily discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the
coming issues. A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than 45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8563 9182 or 0421 326 001 or email:
Lear n to sing the ancient name for God, HU, for spiritual protection, upliftment, and healing FREE COMMUNITY HU All Welcome Ev er y 3r Ever 3rdd Sunda Sundayy of the month (11am to 11.30 am) Payneham Community Centre, 374 Payneham Rd., Payneham, SA Contact: LeeAnne on 0424 474 464
PSYCHIC TRUTHS ABOUT SEEING AND CHANGING THE FUTURE A small clear quar tz crystal ball is my constant companion but more for the powerful healing energy it emits than my desire to constantly see the future! I have been psychic for many years now but long ago became aware of these four psychic truths when asked about the future. • Seeing the future is easy for a trained psychic mind – but changing it if we don’t like what we see takes more skill. • Our future is not fixed – there are many paths you can go down in your life and it’s following the path of your choice that’s important. • High levels spiritual beings offer clients (and myself!) a Map of the Future but they don’t offer a Manual. • Miracles and Divine Intervention are always possible.
SEEING & CHANGING THE FUTURE We can all get a glimpse of our own future these days through the many Oracle Cards and psychics available to us. We can all easily see the future of a relationship when our friend or children insists on going out with a new partner we know isn’t suitable for them! We can all see and worry about the future of this world. The challenge is to stop still and make the decision to let the pleasant visions of the future multiply and the unpleasant ones change. To change the future you need to free your mind of your constant worries and fears by handing them over to a Higher Power – God, The Angels or Divinities. My favourite Angel is Hamied, Angel of Miracles – I release my fears, cares and worries and place them in his hands and ask him to find a solution for me if I can’t see one myself. Then I imagine him handing me back a crystal ball of my future as a “Healed Reality” - that is
one where all my worries are over and I am looking and feeling happy, relaxed and safe. I also recommend allowing enough time here to “See” these changes happening in your life without having to worry about how these beautiful events could possibly happen to you! OUR FUTURE IS NOT FIXED Many people are surprised by this statement and I am never quite sure why it surprises them. Before we incarnate on this ear th we make choices about where we are to be born, our parents, our physical abilities and the Karmic Lessons we wish to experience. When we are born we forget this plan till reminded of it by our own insights or a person with psychic insight shows it to us. Many people just follow a path that their parents and school teachers lay out for them and that is often the easiest. Others make different choices and may face great challenges but find their rewards in assisting others - I see this more as following your Higher Self Path. Other people realise they have a Soul Plan, a Divine Purpose on this earth –all the great Saints and Spiritual Healers and Teachers of this world choose this path, often at personal expense on ear th but realising in Heaven/The Light all will be well for them. Some psychics specialise in offering clients Soul Path readings and these are the best consultants to see when you are searching for meaning as opposed to just more of a fortune telling type reading.
A MAP NOT A MANUAL AHH ! Most psychics would love to be able to offer clients a detailed plan and full instruction manual but mostly it’s not given to them either. Really, guidelines about what is a good path to follow and which way will lead you
Cosmic Carol totally astray is very valuable information. Again if you are seeking to follow your Higher Self or Soul Path and are open to a few diversions along the way a map is fine. Numerology and Astrology offer valuable markers on your map and may explain times of minor delays and frustrations or good times to make that big change in your life. High Level Guides, Angels and Divinities rarely give detailed instructions for your path – they inspire and encourage you to work with your own Intuition as well. They can clear obstacles for you and bring helpful people to you on your path and allow you to hold a Clear and Positive Vision of the future. Your relatives in spirit can offer guidance but it’s not wise to rely too much on this information I find.
MIRACLES AND DIVINE INTERVENTION Think of the great challenges we have experienced in early 2011 in Australia, plus in Egypt. It’s not been easy for many people but the final outcome has been much better than it could have been in many instances. Many LightWorkers and Healers, including myself, sent healings and blessings and made requests for Miracles just before and during these events. Requesting Divine Intervention then VISUALISING a positive outcome and HOLDING THAT VISION is the key here. We must also realise the final outcome of our request is not in our hands and allow the Divine Plan to unfold for the highest good of all concerned. ELISABETH JENSEN is the author of Isis Lotus Oracle Cards and Principal of Isis Mystery School. She trains many professional psychics and healers worldwide. Elisabeth was voted Australian Psychic of the Year 2010 and is Vice President of the Australian Psychics Association and their Media Spokesperson. Please visit or see her advertisement.
Hi, I’m Carol Atkinson, aka Cosmic Carol. I am an intuitive, psychic counselor, using a combination of astrology and tarot – in light, love, wisdom and honesty – to illuminate and inspire you to your highest potential and assist you along your own, unique path. I can provide face-to-face, phone or email readings to give you clarity and positive guidance about the challenges you may be facing in your daily life, in areas of your soul aspirations, relationships, love, career, finances and personal growth. I am also very interested in interpreting the symbolic messages you receive in every day life and in your dreams. Please take a look around my website and let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Phone 0439 846 111
Rose Smith In 2000 Rose Smith BA, DRM, ATMS had a dream of Archangel Michael who wrote the name ‘Absolute Soul Secrets’ on her forehead. At the time, she had no idea what this meant, it was a soul secret even to her! However after about 3 months, a series of ‘coincidences’ led Rose to believe it was a new business endeavour she was destined to start. More dreams confirming her new direction led to the international psychic network Absolute Soul Secrets. 10 years later Absolute Soul Secrets is the most reputable and well known psychic network in Australia and New Zealand. Only genuinely gifted psychics are invited to read on this network. So
if you want a good reading with a good psychic that doesn’t cost a fortune, call Absolute Soul Secrets today! 24/7 pay by your phone account call 1902 221 596 $2.97 pm (mob more, Callucopia), credit cards 1300 850 196 $2.45 pm. Check our free astrology on pay by your phone account call 1902 221 596 $2.97 pm (mob more, Callucopia), credit cards 1300 850 196 $2.45 pm. Check our free astrology on
Adelaide’sPsychic Expo The New Age Festival Come & Enjoy this Fortnightly Event held all over Adelaide. Have a reading from one of the many Clairvoyants, Mediums, Tarot & Palm Readers. Consult with one of the Natural Healers or browse the stalls for unique crystals & jewellery. For Visitor Information & Exhibitor Enquiries: Phone 8395 3322 or 0404 352 049
Experience Genuine Mediumship with Rev. Stephen Hermann World renowned Medium Rev. Stephen Hermann will be speaking at Mind Body Psychic Expo from 4th 5th June. An oppor tunity that should not be missed. Private readings and workshop available from 31-14 June. Contact Michelle on 0404 605 019 or 8326 1869. Email:
June Cox A special offer for seekers of Spiritual Truth to help you fulfill your life’s purpose. June Cox offers you a choice of
three wor kshops : Are You Psychic? … Reconnect with your Twin Flame … and Past Life Regressions. For spiritual readings or spiritual healing and further info & costs phone June on 8277 0986.
Cinzia Vuat As a child, mother of four, Cinzia suffered from selective mutism. Unable to speak, Cinzia’s search for healing began. Today she is a gifted teacher, Reiki Master, Reflexologist and Psychotherapist. Cinzia’s psychic abilities were discovered after a near-death experience. Cinzia continues to develop her psychic potential using the knowledge taught in her workshop “Three Magic Words”. Her readings allow accurate access to your future with comprehensive answers to your questions. Mention this editorial and receive a discount rate. Phone Cinzia on 0410 456 540
Elisabeth Jensen Elisabeth was voted Psychic of the Year 2010 (National) by the Australian Psychics Association. She trains many professional psychics in Australia and Asia. Sign up for Elisabeth’s FREE email newsletter “Isis Blessings” on her website to keep informed or call 1300 558 075 for course brochures. Sign up for Elisabeth’s FREE email newsletter IsisBlessings on her website to keep informed or call 1300 558 075 for course brochures.
Natalie Norton-Baker Natalie Nor tonBaker is a surprisingly accurate psychic with over 20 years of experience. A natural clairvoyant, Natalie has honed her abilities through dedicated study and training. In 2005, Natalie was voted the SA Psychic of the Year and winner of Psychic Hall of Fame 2008, giving testimony to the high esteem in which she is held within the psychic community. Featured in magazines, newspapers and on radio. For details phone 8365 3656. For further info and/or appointments phone Dana on 0417 818 689.
Linda Brook Experience accurate, insightful guidance. In a calm and tranquil setting, I work to release your questions. Clear answers and help you find resolve. When our minds a freed from questions and suffering, a vibrational healing shift occurs. I have gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience as a medium between your higher aspects, spiritual guides and sometimes passed loved ones. Learn what transits you are entering. These times require we shift from internal to universal consciousness, truly being
PSYCHICS FEATURE present. Clear past life issues. Find clarity on your life path/direction, relationships, financial, health and nutrition and much more. Leave spiritually inspired and connected. Love and peace, Linda. Phone: 0414 912 898
$ $ - CLAIRVOYANT, JUNE COX SPIRITUAL HEALER AND MEDIUM This is it! The Once a Year Big One! Body Mind & Psychic Expo Body Mind & Psychic is a 2 day festival of fun and entertainment. It is a showcase of Adelaide’s alternatives in health; lifestyle; natural remedies; relaxation and a chance to explore the Psychic through tarot; astrology; palmistry; and numerology. This is the big one held only once a year at the Adelaide Showgrounds. Come to have fun. Come to learn. Most workshops are $5.00, some are free. Saturday & Sunday June 4th & 5th 2011 at the Adelaide Showgrounds. Saturday 10-00am to 7-00pm and Sunday 10-00am to 6-00pm. Entry $12. Concession $10 Children under 14 with adult Free.
Contact Us: Small Miracles, P.O Box 276 St. Agnes. Phone (08) 8396 1007 Email:
Absolute Soul Secrets In 2000 Rose Smith BA, DRM, ATMS had a dream of Archangel Michael who wrote the name “Absolute Soul Secrets” on her forehead. At the time, she had no idea what this meant, it was a soul secret even to her! However after about 3 months, a series of ‘coincidences’ led Rose to believe it was a new business endeavour she was destined to start. More dreams confirming her new direction led to the international psychic network Absolute Soul Secrets. 10 years later Absolute Soul Secrets is the most reputable and well known psychic network in Australia and New Zealand. Only genuinely gifted psychics are invited to read on this network. So if you want a good reading with a good psychic that doesn’t cost a fortune, call Absolute Soul Secrets today! 24/7 pay by your phone account call 1902 221 596 $2.97 pm (mob more, Callucopia), credit cards 1300 850 196 $2.45 pm. Check our free astrology on
Clairvoyant, spiritual healer and spiritual medium with a lifetime of experience, also specializing in life force energy healing, removing negative emotional blockages that inhibit spiritual growth. MEDIUMSHIP SKILLS RENOWNED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD June presents beyond and back giving messages from the spirit world, proving life after death. Also available for public demos in SA, interstate and overseas. Expenses plus reasonable fees. A variety of workshops available for the sincere spiritual seekers of Light and Love. Contact June on (08) 8277 0986 (friendly answer phone if not available)
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world Oscar Wilde
$'(/$,'(¶6 PSYCHIC EXPO Sunday 3rd April Burnside Ballroom Sunday 17th April Morphettville Junction Sunday 15th May Morphettville Junction Sunday 29th May Golden Grove Arts Centre Sunday 3rd July Burnside Ballroom Sunday 17th July Morphettville Junction Phone: 8395 3322
Allow the Love and Light of God to Shine Within Hello, my name is Pina and I call my therapy Angelic Divine Universal Healing as it is not just one type of therapy. I thank God that I have been blessed with the ability to channel Divine energy. This means that most of my healings are done in God’s language, a healing language that is channelled through for each individual’s specific needs. Therefore the healing each and every person receives is pure divine energy. When I work on someone, a session can consist of a blend of many different types of healings. I allow the divine realm (angels, divine guides, ascended masters, goddesses etc) to guide me to what is needed for that specific person. This includes the channelling and singing of their soul song which helps them with cutting through consciousness and healing. My healings can consist of a variety of the following: *Spiritual Guidance*Atlantean Healing*Reiki & Isis Healing*Past Life Release *Crystal Therapy*Sound Therapy*Colour Therapy*Shaman Healing*Release of Emotional Blockages*Chakra and Aura Balancing. I am a channel for the Divine goddess ISIS of Atlantis and Egypt to work through me and bring forward the love and light from Atlantis into this lifetime. I am a channel for Mother Mary and Quan (Kwan) Yin to work through me. I work with the 7 rays of the Archangels and their Twin Flames. By the end of a one hour session you will feel lighter and rejuvenated and feel the pain of the past leave your body. One of my specialties is to advance other
healers and unblock them from what is slowing them in their progression to fulfill their life purpose. I also do long distance Angelic Healing, Sound Healing and Reiki by phone. EVENTS Sound Bath: April 16th. It is a group healing through sounds. The sounds that will be produced are Angelic voices singing in the Ancient healing language of God and the divine realm, 17 crystal and 15 Tibetan singing bowls, shaman healing drums, Ting shaws (Tibetan symbols) and various rattles etc. The energy is of high and pure vibration. I will be bringing in energy from the ancient realms, Lemuria and Atlantis. Goddess and Angel Retreat: November 11th to 13th 2011. Enjoy a weekend of bonding, removing blocks, chakra balancing, releasing karmic issues, healing and enlightenment. It is a time for you to meet your Angels, connect with your inner Goddess and heal through meditation and sound and much more! This weekend is for all Women and Men, no matter where you are on your spiritual path. Get in touch with your inner self. Be awakened to your inner truth and may your eyes be opened to the wonders of the universe Sound Bowl Workshops July TBA Learn how to use a singing bowl for personal healings, family healings, home and space c l e a r i n g s , relaxation, chakra clearings and balancing….and more!
Visit for details on events or call 0414 295 629 for an appointment.
The Power of Play ○
BY DAVID CRONIN There is an epidemic today, of seriousness. Two generations ago people laughed on average three times as much as they do now! “In every real person a child is hidden that wants to play.”- Nietzche We are accustomed to viewing play as frivolous. It is seen as separate from work, and even from education. To function in fast-paced lives, we accept the compar tmentalization that began with the Labour movement’s victory for 8/8/8 hours work, rest & sleep. Now we speak of “life balance”, seeing our leisure as an antidote to the rigours of work. So it is a big step to assert that: “Culture arises in and as play“- Johan Huizinga. What about integrating body, mind and spirit? What if you could enjoy every moment? Not by self gratification, but from the inside out. It is estimated that 95% of children up to the age of four and five are naturally intuitive. They are infinitely creative souls. By the age of eight or nine, this figure is down to 5%. Once I put this amazing fact to primary school teachers in a presentation. Unfortunately I made the mistake of starting with this, and they took it as criticism! Yes, teachers do have a huge responsibility, one of the most important jobs on the planet. But it’s really up to the parents of each child to be the example. “We are all infant prodigies.”-
Thomas Mann When my children were born, I went along to hear an expert speak who specialized in play. This bright professor impressed on me the vital function of play in our development, and even more important, how easily this ability is lost. There are two things to emphasize about play. 1.The first is that it involves the whole brain. MRI brain scans show that when playing, the whole brain lights up! This means total integration, total availability for problemsolving and creativity. 2.The purpose of play is to learn through laughter & enjoyment. So the process IS the point. A “result“ is unnecessary. “The essence of creativity is not the possession of some special talent, it is much more the ability to play.”- John Cleese This may sound simple, but in practice it is the opposite. Why? Because we are accustomed to playing games, which have a set structure. A defined space, a set of rules, and usually a set time. And children are brought into this competitive world of sport from a very early age now. The world of play is different. It is so to speak, at the other end of the spectrum. The point is that play must be open ended. But after being brought up on competitive sport we find this hard to comprehend, and even harder to allow in our children, or those we have charge over. We saw an example of this in the
AFL Grand Final of 2010. When the game ended in a draw, all 100,044 people stood stunned. They were unable to fathom the possibility that the two teams were in fact equal, evenly matched. “In terms of game theory, we might say the universe is so constituted as to maximise the play.”- John Leonard There are enormous benefits to be derived from fun and play generating all areas of education and life. “Life must be lived as play”- Plato (Education in Greek = paidera / paida = play, the secret of learning) Play, Sing, Dance, Laugh. The challenge is to do all of these every day. These are like the four corners of our house. Or four rooms that we visit daily. In Spain a wonderful architect named Gaudi has left creations based on nature. They have no straight lines, even in the apar tments. We need to turn the straight lines around us into energy waves of laughter. When we feel like we are swimming in circles, and just going through the motions, we need to rise above the surface. To stay above the laughline means having laughter bubbling up continuously in our life. To lift us and shift us into new possibilities. Regularity is the key. “Lest ye become as little children, ye shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” - The Bible Laughteryoga incorporates all four of these elements. It helps to clear fears and blocks, so love and life can flow freely. Laughter Laughteryy o g a is the most efficient aerobic activity. It opens the body, it opens the heart and it opens the mind, so that feelings, emotions and thoughts are aligned. We oscillate between control and chaos, striving to stay away from extremes. But for the life-long learner there is so much more to explore when we regularly play along these paths. “From Joy springs all creation, By joy it is sustained, Towards joy it proceeds, And unto joy it returns”- The Upanishads David Cronin is a Joyologist & Laughter Coach. Fun for your life! Shift from stress to satisfaction! Deal decisively with anxiety, addictions.Discover how laughter can transform yourself and your relationships. Personal Wellbeing & Workplace Wellness Program. Ph: 08 72260431 or 0415 676 709. e:
Healing Laughter Don’t just survive, Thrive Shift Happens!
Monda ys in A pril and Ma Mondays Mayy, 7 pm to 9 pm “These educational sessions develop Resilience, Confidence, Life Balance & Creativity” Take-home tools for mental & physical fitness with fun Phone 08 72260431 or 0415676709 e: www .laughline .or g www.laughline .laughline.or Dav id Cronin Cronin,
FSP Laughter Therapist (aka “Dr Hugh Moore”)
Am I Too Sensitive? ○
BY BRONWYN BARTER Am I too sensitive? This is the question that is often posed to me by my clients. At the times when we feel like we are experiencing hur t or sadness, and people around us don’t seem to understand the depth of our feelings, we can begin to question our own responses. Am I too sensitive? Am I over – reacting? Should I just “suck it up” and get on with it? So what is “too sensitive?” Every body and soul is born sensitive. That is, until we learn how to stop feeling the feelings. We become de-sensitised. As tiny babies we are conditioned to stop crying when we are hungry or uncomfortable, “Shhh” we get told as soon as a sound leaves our mouths. We get rocked and fed, changed and rocked again, all in an effort to stop us from expressing any sound at all! “Good” babies are usually seen as the quiet ones, passive, compliant and easy to take anywhere and they won’t make a fuss. Now we have controlled crying, a system of letting a baby cry until they go to sleep. A crying exper t Dieter Wolke from Zurich University says, “Crying is the baby’s way of alerting a parent that all is not well. Until they are over a certain age, they do not cry for attention, they are doing it for a reason. The ability to cry for attention may come after about six months old.” Imagine being a tiny baby and crying to get some need met by a parent, whether that is hunger, nappy changing, comforting or love. Imagine pleading with your loudest voice and yet nobody comes. The baby does not learn anything positive for itself at that stage, what it does learn is, “asking for what I want is pointless“, “my wants and needs are not met by people that I have chosen as parents“, and “I am helpless“ and “I have no means of communicating
with the world to create a good level of survival“. The parents innocently think that the baby is learning to go to sleep when it is put to bed, in fact, it has learnt to give up! As we grow up, we observe that the adults around us just don’t seem to be emotional beings. They have a seemingly inner strength and ability to not burst into floods of tears when things that are painful happen. Some adults however have turned off the switch to all of their feelings and don’t acknowledge that they have any emotion. It does, after all, take courage to be vulnerable and allow yourself to be seen as a feeling human being. I am not suggesting that an adult walks around crying or angry constantly, however the ability to be happy, mad, sad and glad when the circumstances are appropriate gives rise to a balanced and emotionally buoyant person. After having held down and suppressed all kinds of feelings and emotions, we can become desensitised to the upsets of life until one day, like a volcano it all surges out in a spur t of illness, rage, “ner vous breakdown” and very strong emotions. Finally we get some attention! Some people have the opposite response, they suppress everything and turn their feelings inward, that leads to depression, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Are you seeing any connections here? When we see ourselves reacting to situations and having strong feelings and responses to certain deeds and actions, we can find ourselves asking “Is it just me that feels this way?” We mostly ask that question when we do
not observe others having any visible responses, similar to our own, to the behaviour that has caused us to react. This brings us back to ask the original question, “Am I too sensitive?” Compared to whom? Are you too sensitive compared to those who have been taught to deny their feelings and therefore “just suck it up“? It depends on who is telling you that you are being too sensitive. Is it those who are hurting you with jokes and jibes at your expense? Is it those who are not in touch with their own feelings? Is it those who have little or no emotional vocabulary and when you ask them how they feel, they simply shrug their shoulders and say “I don’t know”? I have heard it said, that you can’t have the wrong feelings. Maybe your intuition and feeling body wants to keep you away from those who are indifferent to your needs and feelings. Your sensitivity is a useful attribute. Perhaps your sensitivity can keep you safe until a later time, when you have done enough spiritual journeying to truly not care about what others do and say around you. At a time of healing and personal growth a person can often become extremely vulnerable to the energies that are around them. I mentioned to one of my clients recently that resensitisation is “like having severe sunburn, even a hug can feel painful.” This is normal, and it is useful to recognise your new tenderness as a “re-sensitisation“. Re-sensitising needs to occur when we are reconnecting with our hearts and feelings again. During this time of healing, we can feel like we want to cry and laugh out loud with freedom, support and acknowledgement. We actually need, whilst we are re-discovering ourselves again, to keep ourselves safe from situations that are harsh, not from a place of fear and paranoia, but as a way of protecting your newborn life. This re-connection with the original and vital emotional body will emerge gradually and gently, as the emotional adult develops and grows. This newness arrives as an awareness of energies and calm, not out of denial of our sensitivity but from a place of peace and acceptance that every feeling is valid. We are responsible for the tenderness in and of our own hearts, stay sensitive, it’s a wonderful human trait…so, no, you are not TOO sensitive.
Bronwyn Barter, Rebirther , Rebirther Trainer Rebirther Training Australia HealingTheDependencyOnDepression.html 08 8260 2086 • 0408 853364
Strategies for Anxiety ○
Chec xtr aor dinar Checkk out this eextr xtraor aordinar dinaryy Online Business Ver is a bbusiness usiness ffounded ounded on tr aditional principles and vvalues; alues; an traditional uf actur inno ocused, inter net-based compan innovv a titivv e , people-f people-focused, companyy. W e man manuf ufactur acturee , impor t and e xpor t health and lif estyle pr oducts ute and sell all our pr oducts and lifestyle products oducts.. We distrib distribute products ser vices thr ough our unique RReseller’ eseller’ through eseller’ss Pr Proo g r amme amme.. Find out wwhh y people ar dayy aree joining us eevv er y da our mor tg ear s offf yyour tgaa g e in 2 to 3 yyear • P a y of • Pay off c/card and clear debt within months or mone • V alue ffor moneyy • Adding income • Repeat sales • No stocking of product • No monthly requirements ho do mor • R eseller s wwho moree ear n mor moree er y one is a winner • Ev Ever • Lot of savings • Profit sharing • So easy anyone can do it om all wwalks alks of lif • P eople fr from lifee ar aree par t of Ver yGood ef er ha • Pr Pref efer errr ed Customer – wwha hatt is this? alian Businesses • Suppor t A ustr ustralian •· Change the way you do your business and change your life Ev er y da uying and someone is selling our Sales Ever dayy someone is bbuying selling.. Get paid on ALL yyour Sales.. Ask me how to achieve this.
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Anxious, worrying, nervous, fretting, ruminating. These are all words to describe the ways we can experience Anxiety. Anxiety is a natural experience, and in some situations can be helpful to improve performance. However, for 1 in 7 Australians at some time in their lives, anxiety can become a chronic problem. Anxiety broadly describes unhelpful thoughts about possible future events that arise when we predict negative outcomes that we fear and cause us to feel intense and unpleasant physical sensations. We then worry about these events and analytically consider how we would deal with them. Is this starting to sound familiar? But why do we get ourselves so worked up about our ability to cope with things that may not even happen? It is human nature and part of our survival instinct to think about things that may impact us and assess whether something will have good or bad consequences. We hear all the time via the media about the bad things that go wrong in our world and to seemingly innocent individuals. Furthermore, our culture expects us to achieve success and conform to the “good citizen“ role. There’s so much pressure on us, it comes from so many different sources and people, it’s no wonder we get stressed and worry. I mean, who likes being seen as not coping or worse still, actually failing? So what can you do about your anxiety? Stop and think about what you already do. Is what you do or think about avoiding things (like people, places or thoughts) or distracting yourself? If they are, these strategies may seem useful in the short-term, but likely your worries return and you’re back where you started. Having these “strategies“ of avoidance and distraction limits your opportunity to be exposed to your worries or anxieties and you may be missing the opportunity to learn that the outcome or situation isn’t as bad as you thought and disprove your
negative predictions. You don’t learn you can cope. To get you star ted on the right track, I’ve put together a few handy strategies that may help you reduce your anxiety and stress levels and improve your overall sense of wellbeing. Generally, if you feel anxious it’s to do with events yet to happen. And when you start to break it down, you can identify specific events you are anxious about and what your negative predictions are. The first strategy is a simple visualisation using your imagination. Start by picking an event in your future about which you are anxious (be specific). Imagine floating out to the future, to 15 minutes after the successful completion of the event about which you thought you were anxious. Now, turn around, looking back toward yourself today… and where’s the anxiety? If it’s gone, good! If not, make sure you are imagining the event completing 100% successfully. This is an exercise in imagination, not prediction! Try again until you can look back and know all your anxiety about that event is gone. Repeat this exercise with as many future events you can think of until you feel relaxed and calm. The next strategy is very simple and can help you feel calm in an instant. Look straight ahead and as you are looking at one particular spot or object in front of you, expand your visual awareness into your peripheral. If it helps, wiggle your fingers close to the corners of your eyes to your left and right while you are looking directly ahead. Now, how do you feel? This state is naturally calming and is also a great state to learn and recall information. The last strategy is a diffusion exercise to help shift perspectives and create solutions. Start by closing your eyes and think about whatever is bothering you. While you’re thinking about it, just notice what thoughts come to mind, what emotions come up and the physical sensations you experience. Once you’ve noticed this, now im-
agine floating into someone else’s body and look back at yourself through their eyes. Now, what do you notice about your problem you hadn’t considered before? How do you feel emotionally and physically, now? Lastly, imagine floating above the whole situation, being able to see yourself, whoever else is involved and what’s happening around you. From this “fly on the wall“ position, what do you notice now? What solutions can you see that you couldn’t before? How do you feel emotionally and physically? Have you noticed your anxiety has melted away? These are some quick and easy tools to help you de-stress and feel calmer. If your anxiety is at the point where you are really worrying about your worrying and anxiety, there are people like psychologists, counselors, life coaches and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) practitioners who can help you. If you’re not sure where to go or who to see, talk to your GP. Remember, you may just be underestimating your capabilities and worrying about something that may never happen. Miriam Henke is the director of Revelation Training & Coaching. She coaches using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy™, psychology, guided visualisation and life coaching techniques. Miriam also runs local NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner Trainings. For more information, contact or 0403374694.
Aspect Integration Past and Present Lives ○
BY SUE NORMAN People have always been fascinated by the potential of discovering their past lives. Some feel it will help them understand and accept their present life more easily, while some are just curious to see if they were history book items. Personally, I choose not to take clients searching for what was, as they may unwittingly find themselves lost in a melting pot of undecipherable past life weavings. When going back into the past, the problem you seek to discover may have many interrelated issues invested in numerous past lives. With so many interconnections their exploration could end in a jumble of confusing emotional pain and mental stress. There’s a much more comfortable and precise way to re-member self... through ASPECT INTEGRATION. Your past lives are simply aspects of self. Instead of going into the past, you invite the past into the present. Aspects seek to come “Home“ to you. It’s the healing of self in the now moment that brings your aspects Home. The more honour and acceptance you have of self, the more you integrate with self and the more you know self. People live to experience life. Aspects are created for you to gain the knowledge of each experience. Every time a person chooses a new experience, they create a new aspect of themselves. For example, if you choose to play tennis, you create an aspect of yourself to learn and use the appropriate skills … not all of you is invested in the activity or else that’s all you would be. People have thousands of aspects from the simplest task to the most difficult. You have aspects for cleaning your teeth, driving cars, doing your work, loving, cooking etc. Each time you repeat an activity, you call up the corresponding aspect. When you stop using an aspect it integrates back with you. There are times however, when aspects don’t integrate back. Aspects fall into three categories: clear, grey and black. Clear aspects are those that you use regularly and have no real depth or emotional attachment eg, the showering aspect or eating aspect. When you finish showering or eating, those aspects freely come Home with the information you created them for eg; the
What’s Your Problem? ○
“how to“ information. Grey aspects are ones that have experienced a certain degree of pain. That pain can cause them to avoid going Home as they may feel guilty about their experience. That grey aspect may stay stuck outside of you for many lifetimes until the issue is healed. The dark aspects are the deeply affected ones. They’ve caused or suffered the most hur tful experiences. Dark aspects can feel so guilty over their experience that they actually reject Home. Only the deeper levels of love and compassion can release them from their horror. Considering you create thousands of aspects in each lifetime… there’s a lot of you left “out there“… no wonder you’re not feeling whole and searching! By healing yourself in this lifetime, your wounded aspects feel that acceptance and are drawn back Home. When a dark or grey aspect returns Home only the knowledge it was created for returns, the emotions and pain are grounded. The more aspects you honour and lovingly welcome back to you, the more aware and accepting of self you become. Sue Norman For over 20 years I’ ve passionately assisted others in their personal healing and awakening so they may be able to hear and trust their own voice within. I’m honoured to be of assistance to you. Ph: 0408081287 Email: O’Halloran Hill. Sth. Aust.
BY DORIAN MARSLAND-SMITH Roget’s Thesaurus links the word problem to a “riddle, a conundrum, a nut to crack, a paradox”. To be alive is to have problems because there are many riddles and paradoxes we need to make sense of. There are many things we seek to understand about ourselves and which push us to seek help - uncomfortable feelings; self-sabotaging behaviours; recurring issues or themes where we seem to be stuck despite repeated attempts at change. At the root of all our challenging experiences is the elusive world of emotion. We are adaptive beings who respond to and seek feedback from our environment in order to survive and thrive. We are equipped with a perfectly designed mind-body system which provides reward for behaviours which assist us to survive and thrive, and disincentives for behaviours which don’t serve this drive. The reward = good feelings, the disincentive = bad feelings. Initially our responses to life are instinctual because as babies we don’t have the capacity to think and therefore choose our behaviours. As our brain develops we learn the skills of thinking, reasoning and problemsolving which assist us to bring choice to our actions. From adolescence into adulthood our problemsolving becomes more sophisticated as we begin to develop the faculties of discernment and an understanding of consequences. Whether it is the instinctual reactions of an infant, or the reasoned actions of a young person or adult,
all behaviour has a positive intention – to create a good feeling or avoid an uncomfortable one. Sometimes it’s hard to believe this when we observe some of the “negative” behaviour in ourselves or others. On the surface of it, we might not understand why someone would behave in a way that seems to cause pain. However, if we look for the positive intention behind the behaviour it is often not hard to find. For example, we know that children need a sense of attachment, recognition and acknowledgement to thrive. If this is missing, they quickly learn that negative attention is better than no attention at all. So whilst it might seem crazy that someone
seeks negative attention, this is more positive for them than not being acknowledged or feeling unimportant. The feeling of being validated in some way is a greater reward than feeling like a nobody. It may not make rational sense, but emotions defy reason! When we keep repeating a behaviour it becomes habituated and stored in the subconscious part of the brain with the feeling response imprinted within the whole experience. As adults, we no longer recall why we do something a certain way, it’s just “automatic” and part of who we are. Whilst a behaviour might have a positive intent, it can have a mix of positive and negative consequences. If behaviours have become fixed or habitual ways of responding to life, the negative results can begin to outweigh the benefits. For example, many of us learnt earlier in life that food not only satisfies hunger, certain foods also make us feel good. Seeking this comfort response from food can become a habit which begins to create its own problems as we go through life. It would seem a simple thing then to just change a behaviour that’s now causing problems. However, as we said earlier, every behaviour has imprinted within it an emotional driver. It is the emotional reward we seek whenever we keep repeating a behaviour, even though the initial intention is now stored in the subconscious part of the brain with early impressions and lost memories, habits and emotions. The dilemma is that when we seek to change a behaviour we usually engage the logical, rational mind to solve the problem. We make a concentrated effor t at the conscious level of analysing the problem
and setting goals and strategies, only to find these eventually get “sabotaged”. In a nutshell, we use the thinking and speaking par t of our brain to figure out, talk about and try to fix a problem which has its source in the feeling part of our brain, beyond conscious thought and reason. To change problem feelings or behaviours, it is most effective to work at multiple levels – at the conscious level, the sub-conscious level and the super-conscious level. Working at the conscious level we can use cognitive skills to understand the context of the problem and some of its triggers, and we can investigate and change some of our beliefs and thinking patterns. Working at the sub-conscious level we can resolve and release old emotional drivers. Engaging the super-conscious level enables us to harness the creative faculties of our Higher Self. In this way we work with our innate design to resolve problems rather than being at crossed purposes within ourselves. Imagine solving some of our riddles and paradoxes and having all parts of us singing from the same songsheet! Dorian MarslandSmith is a qualified Life Coach, Private Subconsciousmind Healing Therapist (PSH), and MetaPractitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Neurosemantics. She specialises in assisting individuals to overcome negative body image and emotional eating so they can achieve their natural weight without dieting. For more information visit, or call 0448 881 268.
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SINGLE in the suburbs with JANE DONOVAN
Friendship & Fun It is normal to feel lonely after a relationship has ended. Many people experience a sense of isolation when they find their social life has in the past been built around being a couple. This is true for both genders, however it’s more common to hear from men post marriage or long term relationship. This is often due to the female par tner being more the “social arranger“ during their time together. It can also be difficult for friends to manage the friendship with each person now individually. Sadly this often results in people taking sides. To generalise most men will walk away from this type of drama, as of course will some women. As a result many people suffering from a breakup lose not just their partner but often also friends in the deal. Recognising this is normal may help you to realise that others have successfully moved past this stage and gone on to lead fulfilling social lives. Being out and socially engaging with people as a newly single person does not mean that you have to be looking for a replacement partner. It simply means that you are desiring to connect with new people and enjoying some leisure time without being with people who are constantly asking how you are going post breakup or as often is the case, sharing with
you information about your ex you would rather not know. Having something positive to look forward to is impor tant when recovering from a breakup. Having pleasant social occasions scheduled will help you to have a little more joy in your life than perhaps you have been experiencing. This will help you to heal and have a greater emotional and mental balance to be able to work through the post mor tem of your relationship. Take the time to ensure you are filling your life with moments that bring you joy. Have a list of social occasions that you know you will enjoy participating in and schedule time for them regularly. Giving yourself permission to go out and engage socially again purely for the fun of it will help to take away the sense of loneliness. Give yourself the chance to connect with new people Many people find post breakup that their sense of self wor th has taken a beating. Once again, this is normal and very common. While I encourage everyone to evaluate the relationship and to look for the gift of learning from the experience, it is also a time of being kind to yourself. Building up your sense of self worth is important. Take the time to surround yourself with people who make you feel good about you. When you embrace opportunities to meet new
and interesting people, you will find the external validation from these new people you are meeting to be something that will trigger your inner belief that yes, you are terrific. When painful insults are exchanged in a relationship, damage is done. When you meet new people who obviously enjoy your company, are engaging you in conversations and enjoying listening to you talk, you will start to realise and remember once more that you are enjoyable to be around. That people do enjoy meeting you. That you can be entertaining, or funny or a good conversationalist or an enjoyable companion or a great listener. And as you continue to engage socially, you will continue to receive these validations. As you continue to be presented with the mirror to yourself, you will once again start to believe in yourself. Watching members at Social 8 grow in confidence and self belief by attending regular dinners is one of the most exciting experiences at Social 8. I cannot encourage you enough to be brave and move through your reluctance or apprehension or fear to start socialising again post break-up. Remind yourself that this is purely socialising for the fun of it. It need never be any more than that. While giving yourself permission to start socialising again, also give yourself clear relationship boundaries. This really isn’t the time to be dating again. It is the time to be dating yourself. This time and experience is a valuable oppor tunity to
learn more about you. To work out what you truly desire in life and in a partner. By having a no dating rule you are giving yourself the time to give yourself the love you deserve and desire. Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself. Do the things that make you happy and the things that make you feel good about being you. I caution you to be aware that if you choose to date too soon, you may be vulnerable to another relationship that could result in disaster. It is common to have what is often referred to as the “cleansing relationship“. This is often with someone who appears to be the complete opposite to your previous partner. While these relationships can be very therapeutic, if you are aware of what is going on, most people are subconsciously choosing this relationship believing this new person will take away the pain and loneliness. Being emotionally vulnerable to receiving love is not the time to be moving into an intimate relationship. Have firm rules and boundaries in place to keep yourself safe from an unhealthy choice in a partner. And enjoy socialising using my favourite F words… Keep it all about friendship, fun and feeling fabulous. Yours in love Jane Donovan, Social 8 Adelaide I am the girl who is employed by the Love Gods to help each person to enjoy a fulfilling, healthy and loving long term relationship. Everyone wants to be in love and to be loved! I help people to do that. Whether it is healing the past, becoming conscious of what you really want in a partner, recognising past patterns of behaviour, understanding the opposite gender, recognising the do’s and don’ts of a relationship or learning to love yourself more, I’m the girl to give it to you straight. I’m the one to tell you what your mother or best friends are too kind to tell you. CONTACT US: we would love to hear from you: Jane Donovan, Social 8 PO Box 110, Unley SA 5061 (08) 8362 6800 (24/7)
Changes Ahead ○
BY JOHN GRAY, author of “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus” Walking on water is certainly miraculous, but walking peacefully on ear th is an even greater miracle. Changing water to wine is wondrous, but it is more practical to change an unhealthy craving into a healthy desire. Raising the dead is clearly a miraculous demonstration of God’s power, but so is healing your daughter’s tummyache or removing the pain of an earache or, better yet, feeling vibrantly healthy so you don’t get sick in the first place. This power to create practical miracles is now within the reach of every person. Mankind has long awaited a special time when our capacity to create miracles would occur. All of the great religious leaders and prophets have predicted this time. In the last fifty years, the incredible speed of change triggered by new technologies and television has literally transformed the consciousness of the world. Just as the dawn precedes the rising sun, the last fifty years have glowed in the imminent and radiant light of the rising sun of a new age for mankind. The dramatic spiritual changes in the West, inspired by the Pope and other religious leaders, or the inspirational writings of self-help books that dominate the bestseller lists (and many more that don’t make the lists), reflect this increasing awareness of the need for change and the different ways to accomplish change. These changes are not just of a spiritual nature; they have occurred in
JOHN GRA GRAYY every segment of secular society as well. The radical social, political, economic, and health changes that have occurred in such a short period of time are historically unprecedented. Never has so much change occurred in such a short time, and never has so much knowledge and information been available to the public. Not all these changes are necessarily good, but they have been needed to bring into focus what is most excellent or helpful to realize our new potential. Sometimes we need to go left to realize that we really need to go right. Mistakes are a part of the learning curve. Making a change for the worse and clearly recognizing its futility can become the catalyst to create a radical change for the better. Clearly, Adolph Hitler’s demonstration of extreme one-way thinking revealed to the world the dangers of believing there is one su-
RELATIONSHIPS-TO DO perior race, one superior way of thinking and behaving. This fundamental shift from one-way thinking to seeing the good in all has unlocked the door for accelerated progress and transformation. In simple terms, what makes this new age unique is that people now have the potential to experience God’s presence and power within their hear ts, and, as a result, accelerated change is possible. With this shift, humanity is finally capable of bringing “heaven to earth” and creating a world of peace, love, health, and prosperity for all. In Biblical days, Jesus spoke of a time when people would have the capacity to understand the truth and even surpass the wonders that he worked. He was speaking of our new potential to create practical miracles. Buddha also spoke of a time when mankind would be delivered from the suffering of ignorance. Moses spoke of the Promised Land of milk and honey and the salvation of his people. The great leaders of all faiths, East and West, ancient and new, have predicted an age of universal peace, love, justice, and prosperity. For some, the ancient predictions mean the end of the world as we know it. But for all, it is the beginning of something very special. This special time is finally here - it is not in five years or twenty years. The shift has already taken place. To appreciate this change, we just have to begin using our new potential. Humanity has been preparing for this change for thousands of years. This shift is similar to the ripening process of a fruit. At a cer tain time, the pear, which gradually grows and develops over time, is suddenly ripe. You can feel its sweetness by simply reaching up at the right time, and, with a slight twist, it effortlessly comes off. Prior to the moment of ripeness, it is a struggle to pull it off, and when tasted, it is not so tender or sweet. In a similar manner, what was previously difficult or even unattainable for most is now universally available. This recognition is based not on a psychic vision of the future but on direct experience, a simple observation of what is now happening. John Gray is the author of “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus,” Gray is dedicated to promoting greater understanding between romantic partners. Gray’s view, informed by his background in Eastern religions, is that relationship problems can be overcome by focusing on differences in how men and women communicate their needs and desires and by urging couples to respect those differences Excerpted from “Practical Miracles,” by John Gray.
PERSONAL GROWTH … OR NOT? A recent statistic I read said that when one person in a relationships gets transferred overseas and the spouse follows, there is a very high incidence of divorce. Thinking about that led me to think about people who do personal development courses and spouses do not
and that can create disharmony … which in turn can lead to divorce. Doing a seminar generally means being on an incredible high, let’s say 100% energetic-wise. However your partner has been home, maybe child minding or working and their energy is perhaps a 20% in com-
parison. Since we are energetic beings we are aware of the energy of everyone around us and so we have two choices, attempt to pull them into our field of energy or come down to theirs. Interesting choice! What if they don’t want to “change“? Partner A attends a seminar and partner B, feels left behind, that their beloved has “changed.” They become fearful and criticism starts: “How much did this course cost?” “There was nothing wrong with you before you started all this seminar stuff, now you are an emotional mess.” Partner A becomes defensive, goes back to how they were or a growing distance appears between the two. If we can remember that fear has a strong hold over our egos and if we’re in relationship and we are growing we can’t expect to necessarily have our loved ones celebrate that. After all change is what we say we all want but it is the scariest thing in the universe really. Make sure when you return home you don’t say: “You need to do ...” etc. Do not make them wrong because you have learned something new. All couples need to have agreements. One of ours is that “we support each other’s search for personal freedom“ and this is written into our marriage contract which we renew every year without fail! What are your agreements as a couple? If you are single then what are you NOT willing to compromise for a relationship? So in relationships, • Have you ever laid aside your own needs? • Do you give yourself 100% to a relationship • Lost your boundaries? • Do you define everything in your life by this relationship? • Hang in there way past the point of sanity? • Shut off from your feelings, even from yourself? • Been afraid to really communicate? • Kept yourself insular - given up your friends? • Given away your power? • Does each par tner have a set role? Lots of yeses are the signs of an addictive relationship. Don’t expect your partner to become like you and vice versa. Accept and respect each other’s differences because they are the very things we fell in love with in the first place. Speaking the truth is the most important gift you can bring to the relationship. Scary, because we haven’t been taught to do it but if you wish to live authentically then truth-telling is the Number One key. Have regular “heart talks” and please don’t start with the words “We need to talk!” (For a man they are words of doom.) Many couples let the angst build up for many years and when it does eventually explode, it is like a volcano. If you do express on a regular basis you have a better chance of maintaining harmony. What amazes me is couples who have been together for 20-30 years and have never really asked for what they want from the relationship, especially sexually and emotionally. Remember, we are not mind readers and if
we don’t know what our par tner would like, we can’t give it or even consider it! Star t with some rules, first for yourself and then for your relationship and then create a relationship that speaks of trust and truth. Growth comes in different ways for each of us and as you grow and develop, the people in your life will also by default and if you feel they are not then it is your job to make them feel
safe about what they fear. Relationships are the greatest gift and the best one you can have is with yourself so that you are who you truly are, in your heart and soul and you agree that you will never give up on yourself for anyone or anything (money, career etc). If you are in integrity then that will shine through into all your relationships and everyone wins. Diane McCann facilitates The Goddess Within seminar for women and together with her husband Robert, facilitates Man’s Inner Journey for men and Tantra for couples. www.beyondtheordinar They can be reached on or by phone on 08 82481281
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IS THERE SCIENCE BEHIND 2012 PROPHECIES? - an Inter vie w with Gr view Gree g g Br aden Continued from page 11 again, and again, and again. This means that we can take the year 2012, calculate backwards, using natural rhythms to the times in our history when the seed for 2012 was planted. Looking at the seed, we can determine when the patterns and events that will happen in 2012 were set into motion. We can go into the geologic record to see what was happening then on the planet. Or we can go into the archaeological record to see what was happening to people to give us a really good idea of what we can expect over these next few years. Q You talk about how the conditions for the Mayan end-date of 2012 have already happened in our past. Braden: Absolutely! Q: What can we do to prepare for Earth changes that are going to happen in 2012? Braden: To prepare for whatever is happening, we have to understand what it is that’s going to happen. This is the value of knowing precisely where to look in the past to under-
stand what we’re about to experience or what we’re already experiencing now. Q: Now, you talked about Pearl Harbor and 2001 as being years that were kind of hot dates when, in fact, the United States was, both times, attacked. What are some of the other hot dates that you refer to in the book? Braden: For 2012, the records show that when we look into the history of the Earth, into the ice cores in Antarctica, for example, it preserved a record of Earth’s past. When we look into those ice cores at the dates that are the fractals or the seed patterns for 2012, they tell us that in those dates the magnetic fields of the Earth became weaker. The energy from the sun was stronger so that the ice on the poles began to melt. The oceans began to rise, the climate began to shift, and the weather patterns began to change. Q: We are experiencing that now. Braden: Precisely, and that is the whole point. Has the Ear th gone through a big change? Yes. Does it mean that something is wrong or something is broken? No! It always happens when we reach this point in a great cycle. When we are this distance from the energy source at the center of our Milky Way, when Earth is tilted and oriented the way it is, apparently, this is what always happens. Therefore, to a large extent, we are already experiencing the great changes that so many have predicted. We are already seeing cities wiped off the face of the Earth near shallow coastlines. We are already seeing major magnitude ear thquakes and tsunamis. We are already seeing forest fires raging across vast,
open spaces. We are seeing millions of people die from disease. The United States is blessed in that we’re not experiencing as much here as in other parts of the world. But such change can happen anywhere and everywhere. Q: The take-away message…? Braden: It is good for us to prepare and to help other people that are having the problems of feeling the brunt of these changes. But here is the core: The geologic records show that the changes are intense; absolutely intense, but that they’re brief. They don’t last for generation, after generation, after generation. The archaeological records show that when past civilizations reach the point in their cycle where we are in right now, they made a mistake that we don’t want to repeat today. Q: What was that mistake? Braden: When the world began to change, civilizations of the past didn’t understand the change. They began to fight one another for the resources. In that violent competition for what was left when the world was changing, everyone lost. Nobody won. The civilizations collapsed. For example, Egypt’s 20th dynasty absolutely collapsed during precisely this period of time and no one even knew about them until thousands of years later. We are at a point right now where we must choose to work together for this brief period of time to bring ourselves through this time of change. If we make the mistakes of the past and everyone loses. This why I feel that this book is so important right now. Q: A lot of people kind of feel
helpless when they start listening to stories about ancient civilizations collapsing. They think about tsunamis and Katrina, and it’s very hard for people not to feel overwhelmed by the great scope of planetary movements and fractal time. For what can people hope? Braden: The Global Coherence Initiative is all about our relationship to the Earth through heart-based living. Q: What is heart-based living? Braden: In the past few years, our own science has made a radical, revolutionary discovery that changes everything about the way we think of ourselves and the world. What they found is that when we create heartbased feelings of gratitude, appreciation, care - literally, using the muscle of the heart to create these feelings - what we’re actually doing is generating a magnetic field inside our bodies that is part of the magnetic field of the Earth that undergoes the change. The Earth’s magnetic field rises, falls, and regulates everything from climate to ice caps and sea levels. This magnetic field joins all life on Earth from a blade of grass, to an ant, to a goldfish, to a hamster, to us. When many of us come together and create a common feeling, that experience is called “coherence.” “Coherence” can actually be measured. It is 0.10 Her tz. That is the measurement of the coherence created between the heart and the brain. Scientists first found out about this during 9/11 when our satellites 22,000 miles in space began to register changes in the magnetic field of the Earth, when humans were having feelings about September 11th and the World Trade Center. This is a sur-
prise to science. They asked, “Why would people experiencing 9/11, why would that possibly affect the magnetic fields of the Ear th? There’s no connection, right?” Well, wrong. They found that there is a connection and this has led to what is called the Global Coherence Initiative Project. Scientists are now building the sensors that can measure these
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EDITORS' FEEDBACK:: “We have worked closely with Grant Hocknell with all our home and investment finance and highly r ecommend both his cclarity larity and eexper xper tise and his do wn to down ear th, ggen en uine willingness to actuall hole enuine actuallyy assist in the wwhole process - all absolutley free. - Leo Drioli & Enza Vita
No w he is rread ead wledg Now eadyy to shar sharee this kno knowledg wledgee with other otherss. The solution to a totally free life is simple! No mor e conselling - no mor or tion - No mor ess! stress! more moree wwor orrr y - No mor moree medica medication moree str Under stand yyour our mind and yyou ou under stand eevv er ything ything.. understand
For a FREE Ev alua tion of Your Evalua aluation Life, Play the Game of Life
Continued on page 30
I am fighting back by showing Proud Home Owners how to reduce the amount of money that they hand over to their bank. Because it is your money, NOT the Banks!
When Michael Morel asked the question “God - What’s Life all about?” at ear ind the ans w er a ge 39, he did not rrealise ealise it wwould ould tak takee 25 yyear earss to ffind answ er..
• Author • Lif Lifee Skills Tutor • Guiness Wor ld Record Holder (1999 world longest lecture on life) • Stor y Teller (Emmerson College) • Key note speaker
magnetic fields and put them up onto the website where you can watch the fields change everyday in real time. In addition to measuring this field, the Global Coherence Project aims is to teach people how to create coherence in their everyday lives. It’s not a hard thing to do, and you don’t have to change your lives to do it. You don’t have to change your
Is your Bank Stealing from You?
GLOBAL WARNING! Who is Michael?
THE ORGANIC MIND A new book by Michael Morel This month I am publishing a new book titled The Organic Mind ...This book not only describes the difference between the Traditional Mind and The Organic Mind but gives a simple formula to follow which anyone can use to tap into this magic. ha pP ar t one consists of ffour our teen shor t ccha hapters entitled: The Tradional Mind/The Organic Mind; The Unique Role of Women; Mar ria riagg e; Lear ning to Li Livv e To g ether ; T he Role of Children in The 21st Century; Dealing with Destructive Emotion; Overcoming Addictions; Drugs and Depression; Past Events/PresentProblems; Self Responsibility; Go es; Stuf f; RReligion eligion Govv er nment and Tax axes; Stuff; and, A New Code of Ethics. This is followed by six chapters on “How To” wwhic hic hichh consist of T he T w elv elvee Skills; T he Game of Life; A New Paradigm; Our Future on Ear th; FFor or m ula ffor or T he Futur e; In ConFuture; clusion and Afterword.
The Organic Mind is written in simple,easy to under stand langua languagg e and is par t of a world wide plan to empower people. Such inf or ma tion, I consider infor mation, consider,, is of vital impor impor-tance as 2012 looms ever near and the futur turee is uncer tain... T he Or g anic Mind bbyy Michael Morel will be available in April and can be purchased on line.
VIEW ALL THESE BOOKS ON LINE AT: www .ear thr www.ear three bor www .hor a tiohope .com www.hor www .dic kheads&witc hes .com www.dic .dickheads&witc www .se xisf or sinner s .com .sexisf xisfor
For more information contact ... This book along with others written by Michael form the basis for those wishing to teach others in The Mind Mentoring Programe [See pr e vious issue of Inner Self Self,, online aatt www .inner self] or vie w www.inner] view www .mic haelmor ffor or fur ther inf or www.mic .michaelmor infor or-mation on Mind Mentoring or the Blog: Michael” “Ask Mic hael” .
30 meditations, your prayers, or any practice. It’s a way of being in our hearts as we go throughout the day that’s very easy to learn. Q: So, it’s kind of an awareness or biofeedback-type training. Braden: That is part of it. When we create this coherence inside our bodies, it triggers about 1,400 biochemical changes. Anti-aging processes begin. DHEA level - the lifegiving hormone - surges in our bodies. Our immune systems become really strong. We think more clearly. We become less aggressive. The magnetic fields of the heart are now being documented. We are facing the greatest challenges of 5,000 years of recorded human history. As we face the great challenges of our time, we are asking, “What can we do?” Here’s what we can do: We can learn the language of the magnetic field that is creating the changes and help bring that field from chaos into order. We can influence the very fields that are creating the change. The fear about 2012 is stressing a lot of people but we have the ability to regulate the magnetic field by regulating the way that we work together through our hearts. The key is: we’ve got to work together to do it. New York Times best selling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality. Gregg’s work is now published in 17 languages and 27 countries. Dr Laurie Nadel’s show is Your Place to Explore the Unknown.
THETA HEALING® Bringing Change ○
BY CHRISTA METZER Why do many people find change hard? Why do some people doggedly persist in doing something the hard way when there is an easier and simpler solution? What is it that keeps a person stuck in a particular way or routine that obviously isn’t the best for them? How is it that when great discoveries are made that the discoverer often has to endure disbelief and ridicule or shame or even exclusion when their peers or others decide “this cannot be, as it has never been shown/seen before”? Why is it that we have to be shown many times over before we accept something as “real” or “valid” when it is different from what we are used to? It wasn’t that long ago chiropractors were considered to be “quacks” and so what they practised was considered to be of no value.
Anyone who consulted a chiropractor was seen as “nuts”. Now many people see chiropractors, with excellent results, for various ailments rather than for just a “bone-cracking”. So what changed? Gradually chiropractors became accepted as the general awareness of the benefits of treatment came into the mainstream consciousness. I have seen in my practise that some people are reluctant to tell their doctors that they are seeing a naturopath or taking herbal medicines or supplements because they feel that their doctor won’t approve. They may worry that they will be ridiculed by the doctor. This is not a good thing as their presentation picture may alter, or there may be drug-herb/vitamin interactions. The 2005 Nobel laureates
Marshall and Warren discovered, in the 1980’s, a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori caused gastritis and stomach ulcers. They had a hard time convincing the medical world about this as the long held view was that stomach ulcers were caused by lifestyle and stress. Initially they endured a lot of criticism and scepticism and it took a long time, with much clinical and experimental evidence shown, for the discovery to be accepted. It is known as a “paradigm shift discovery” as it changed the way the disorder was treated. We see what a “herd” animal a human is when we see riots that can escalate out of control. When one sheep runs the rest follow. People who are not normally aggressive may get caught up in an angry protest and become violent. The same goes for mass hysteria. Emotions are infectious. The same goes for acceptance, whether it is of an ideal, of a theory, of a product or of a service. When many people accept that it is “just so” then it goes into the general consciousness of that community or country. So, when many people accept the change then it becomes okay and safe. But somebody needs to effect the change in the first place, somebody has to work out that it is a good thing to do or have. Somebody needs to create the “blueprint” of the idea. Why are people reluctant to change? Maybe they feel they will be unsupported. Maybe they fear ridicule, non-acceptance by others, exclusion or rejection from the community. What about those individuals who in the face of scepticism and criticism continue with what they believe in? They are the ones who can effect change in the many. ThetaHealing is about changing. Rather than trying to change the world (or others), what you don’t like about the world (or others) you change by changing yourself. Rid yourself of unnecessary fears and change your perceptions or the way you see the world around you. This can bring change to the collective consciousness. When sufficient people change a belief or perception that are held by groups of people such as communities or countries, it changes the belief for many people in the group. It is part of human nature that when something is accepted by the “many”, it becomes widely accepted within the community. When something is accepted by many then it becomes “real”. Effect the “paradigm shift” by changing yourself. Christa Metzer A Natural Therapist for 19 years, Christa is an accredited Naturopath, Bioresonance Therapist (Bicom), Certified Instructor and Master of ThetaHealing®. She assists people to find the causes of their ailment and to create health instead. Classes in ThetaHealing® are run regularly. Contact details: phone Christa at Brighton Health Matters on 8377 3716
Those who are regular readers of my work will know that I talk a lot about faith and trust. These are words that get used a lot but perhaps it’s time to elaborate a bit more on the meanings behind them. How many of us have had a goal, dream or wish and have used all our knowledge of “Positive Thinking“, “The Law of Attraction“, “Affirmations“, meditating, manifesting and even good old “fingers crossed“, to bring these into fruition, only to find that we still appear to come up short? Now along comes a few regulars we recognize well. Impatience, frustration, despondency, hopelessness. Some phrases come readily to mind. NOT FAIR, WHY?, WHAT ELSE DO I HAVE TO DO? WHEN? All our efforts appear to be in vain, or do they? Why do some people seem to get what they ask for quicker than others? The difference could be that these people have taken “expectation“ out of the equation. That’s not to say we lower our expectations, it’s about the details of exactly how it should look. If the end result is still the same are we willing to drop our expectations of the how and when? The universe will bring you pieces of your desire in the order that is in our best interests. Unfor tunately, some of us think we know better, when in reality, if we are our own life managers, we should probably dismiss our services based on previous performance results so far. Trust is a “knowing“ that the event will happen, but be willing to give up the details. Sometimes we fail to see the gift in front of us because we see it wrapped in different wrapping, not exactly what we expected. Before you know it we are out of our zone of positivity, faith, hopefulness and smack-bang back into resentment, anger, blame and ungratefulness. Well looks like we just went down another “snake“and have to start the process all over again. Not so, just be willing to change our thoughts and the change has already started. I have a few analogies that I like about manifesting that I would like to share, that I think will simplify this. KNOW WHAT WE WANT. A simple way to achieve this is by making a vision board. I liken this to visiting a restaurant. If the waiter brings us the menu and we don’t know what we want, then rightly so, we will receive nothing. It’s not his job to assume what we want. GET OUT OF OUR OWN WAY. Again, using the restaurant analogy, once we’ve placed our order we wouldn’t go in the kitchen and make sure they are preparing exactly what we asked for, unless of course getting chased by a meat cleaver is high on our wish list. This is where trust and faith comes into play.
Don’t be blind to all the ‘little’ wins that add up to the big one. Be grateful for all the pieces of the puzzle that eventually form the bigger picture. Remember, we all have to learn in steps. Too fast a growth will prevent us from seeing all the lessons along the way. We would never expect a child to go from a 3 wheeler to a 2 wheeler and then a motorbike in a space of weeks. When we let go of our expectations of how it “should“ look, we can move out of REACTING and back into CREATING, (funny how those two words have the exact same letters) To keep our relationships in harmony, letting go of expectations is paramount. Please do not confuse this with personal boundaries and integrity. If someone crosses the line on our personal boundaries then we still need to maintain vigilance on this. The expectations I am referring to is expecting our partner, boss, friend to behave in accordance with our wish list and being disappointed when this does not occur. Remember, it’s no one else’s job to make us happy, just as it’s not our job to make someone else happy. So the next time we feel overlooked or jealous of someone else’s good fortune, firstly look within and see if we are standing in our own way by trying to control the outcome of our desires so tightly that there is no wriggle room. After doing all the things we have talked about and there is still resistance to accepting the dreams we have cosmically ordered for ourselves, then further investigation of our emotional state will need to be addressed or this whole process will be compromised. Check to see if there is any underlying reasons why the manifestation is not occurring. It could be unworthiness or a fear of success in which self sabotaging will come into play. After we have addressed all these options, then sometimes the best choice we can make is to do nothing but trust that everything is happening exactly in the correct order to manifest our heart’s desires. My quote for you today is: The Stillness will bring the brightest achievements. With Love, Light and Passion Debbi Kemp Debbi Kemp is a wholistic practitioner, intuitive counsellor and an Angel Whisperer. Facebook: Debbi Kemp Angel Whisperer
Kaleidoscope - Body Mind & Spirit News & Views Pame Price Who doesn’t want to discover their passion, letting go of the past baggage and gaining more out of life...? I believe with the healthy blend of spiritual and down to earth skills I offer, you too can gain the tools needed for greater happiness and well being. If you would like to tap into your potential, gaining the skills to deal with everyday issues, connecting with your soul’s purpose and getting the most out of life, I offer professional counselling, tarot, numerology, reiki, Crystal Healing, Women’s weekend retreats, Meditation groups, and many other tools to assist you in achieving your goals. Pame Price, Dip Couns. m.a.i.p.c., m.a.c.a. Ass Dip Com Studies. Numerology Practitioner, Reiki and Seichim Master, P.P.L and E.F.T. Listening Ears ServicesPame Price. 088242 1783mob. / 041903843
Healing on Northeast Lance, Chris and Linda are experienced health practitioners, covering a wide range of alternative treatments from remedial to soft tissue massage, aiding muscular and joint dysfunction treatment, to stress and anxiety release, headaches, neck and shoulder tension. Including acupuncture, Hot Stone massage, ear candling, foot detoxing and exfoliations, facials and beauty treatment. Healing on Northeast., 1295 North East Rd Tea Tree Gully. Chris: 0438 858 768; Lance: 0407 796 195; Linda: 0400 662 554. For further details see our advertisement in this issue.
Dana Sky Dana is both a C l i n i c a l Hypnotherapist specializing in Past Life work and a Quantum Bio-Energetic Facilitator. She brings together these powerful tools to help heal and transform diverse illnesses, issues, phobias and life problems. Dana acts as a “Change Catalyst” working with past lives and our
current life to uncover root causes and create the happy, healthy life we all deserve to live. Dana is accredited with the Australian Academy of Hypnotic Science, refining her technique over the last 12 years. She has also studied under Melissa Hocking, creator of the QB Balancing Technique, a powerful healing modality that works at the cellular/DNA level to restore balance and self healing via the existing human anatomy, opening and maintain a connection with the heart. For further info and/or appointments phone Dana on 0417 818 689. For further info and/or appointments phone Dana on 0417 818 689.
The Sacred Tree - A uthentic
Flutes of Joy and Peace Everyone can be a musician. Learn a beautiful form of self-expression that opens your hear t while bringing peace, joy and fulfillment. Feel embraced by a positive energy that restores and revitalizes. Gain a heightened awareness of your deepest self through playing the Native American flute. Our flutes are very durable and have a bright clear voice, especially on the high notes and are made out of a single piece of wood, reducing the possibility of the flute splitting. The shorter flutes are very easy to play and learn on. The longer bore flutes have a deeper voice and are recommended for those that already play the Native flute or any other wind instrument. ‘How to Play’ workshops are available. Beginning students will learn Basic Flute embellishments, Basic Scales, learn the Zuni Sunrise Song and the History of the flute. Enjoy a profound sense of inner peace. See us at the Body Mind & Psychic Expo in Adelaide 4th and 5th June. ph/fax 08 9848 1487
Divine Within U I started my career in Business and in the corporate world. My focus changed with my confusion and frustration at watching both my brother and father suffer from severe mental illness. From a space of deep passion and empathy I decided to work in Psychology and Psychiatry to further
my knowledge in the mental health system. With the death of my father I changed my career as I wanted to gain greater meaning into personal suffering and to find a modality that supported individuals on a deeper and more emotional level, which is when I came across The Holistic Living Training Institute in Melbourne. What I find so exciting with the services I offer, is people actually get to experience happiness, change and growth. The space I have created is about receiving support which is based on compassion. You gain nourishment towards your whole self which is the true meaning of holistic health. All aspects of your life are supported! I believe we all deser ve happiness, freedom, success, great relationships and personal expression! Whether you want to travel the world or buy a house. Your dreams deserve to be fulfilled. For further information phone Trisha on 0434 162 350 or visit
Susan Altschwager Myfamily Myself.. The river of life runs through all our families generation to generation. When the Natural Order of Love is severed through life’s traumas, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wounds occur and are passed on through the family line. Making peace with the past, will help you love your life in the present. I am a wife, mother and grandmother. Healing yourself, and healing your families will change the world we live in . When you are true to your Essence, future generations are blessed. To heal relationships, contact Susan on 048 8030 471 or To heal relationships, contact Susan on 048 8030 471 or Trained Family Constellation practitioner. Qualified Rebirther/Breathworker.Trained Family Constellation practitioner. Qualified Rebirther/Breathworker.
To be ffea ea tur ed eatur tured in this space phone InnerSelf Newspaper on (08) 8396 6752
Calling All Soul Sisters Everything is based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak and act with a polluted mind, suffering will follow you, as the wheels of the oxcart follow the footsteps of the ox. Everything is based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak and act with a pure mind, happiness will follow you, as a shadow clings to a form. Buddha
by Lorraine Webb In this year of utter chaos and Before this can happen perhaps turmoil where a massive cleansing is it is time for the Goddesses to step taking place worldwide we find forward and show the way by joining people reaching out to each other forces and showing how to create and finding strength working using the power of Love. With this in together toward a common goal. mind I have set up a breakfast club This year is one where we come for spiritual women of integrity to back to the ‘community spirit’ come together monthly to share sharing and pulling together when their skills and knowledge with one something happens such as the another and to support the very new recent floods or the earthquakes in Australian Life Skills Association, Christchurch and Japan. Our lesson which is an initiative close to my in all of this is that we are not an hear t. This foundation will be island and if we come together and offering healing and training to the work with a common goal, anything disadvantaged in our society. Those is possible. Deep within our soul we very people who need life skills each crave this feeling of being a training the most yet are unable to par t of something greater than access it. For those who are ourselves, we have a deep desire to desperate and need help now! live a community lifestyle, we are Rather than being on a waiting list not meant to live ‘alone’. for ser vices we would like to see This year finds people coming them be able to drop into the together using group power. A good foundation and find comfor t and example of this is the youth of direction. Egypt through networking on Soul Sisters Network will bring Facebook they were able to join strong caring women together to forces against a dictatorship and set learn and to teach, to support one their country on a new and exciting another whilst also suppor ting a path. worthwhile cause. The foundation The Goddess energy has long can also call upon these women and been either revered or feared by the ‘pool of knowledge’ that they various cultures. This year is one have. This exciting time in our that sees the Goddess energy, the evolution is one of working together ‘feminine’, leading the way to unity as ‘ants’ for the greater good of the and ultimately to ‘balance’ between ‘whole’. If you would like to become the masculine and the feminine one of our ‘Soul Sisters’ you are energies. It is an exciting time to be most welcome! The only criteria is on the planet, to be a player in this that you are in integrity. game of transition from masculine For more information please feel dominance to an embracing of the free to contact me at Adelaide feminine bringing balance back Healing Energy, 08 8342 4109 or which will take us into a new world enlightenment.
BY KERRY DENICE Several weeks ago while flicking through the news channels I heard a woman demonstrating in Egypt say “We have been asleep and now we are awake”. These few words created so much excitement and joy inside me as I thought “Oh my God! It is happening everywhere“. I have been writing for some time now about all the changes we are going through as part of our awakening. As catastrophes or chaos happens around us we are now looking at who we truly are, what is important to us and realizing the power we all have to create and make changes in our lives. Whether it is a change of job, relationship or environment we are all looking deep inside ourselves to see what makes us happy. Looking at these people in other countries working together to create change in the government, to create change in their living conditions, their belief systems and their future ... Seeing the power of people working together for a common goal and succeeding has given hope to many more. As this domino effect continues it will be interesting to see what is revealed. Not only has this awakening created change to the way we see and feel, we are also going through some massive physical evolutionary changes. Never before has this happened to us on so many levels. This is all part of the new beginning of the Golden Age. I want you to feel the excitement and anticipation of all this. There are some side effects from these physical changes:- depression, anxiety, exhaustion, insomnia, headaches, ringing in the ears, short-term memory loss (or vagueness), skin irritations, dizziness, hear tburn to name a few. Of course if you have any of these symptoms you must get them checked out medically but this will answer some of the questions you have about why this is happening to you. We are also becoming more sensitive to each other and our environment. We may find that we cannot be around certain people and certain areas as they make us feel uncomfortable. We may be drawn to more like-minded people that we can connect with as we go through these changes. As Mother Ear th continues her evolution we are seeing severe weather conditions, earthquakes, tsunamis anderupting volcanoes but this is nothing new as the face of the
Experiencing the Power and Grace of Oneness ○
earth has been changing for millions of years and will continue to do so. There has not been the vast population to be effected or the scientific equipment to document these changes previously. It is only the end of the world as we know it. The landscape is changing, the people are changing and through these disasters we are seeing people band together and help each other and realize what is important in our lives. To realize how vulnerable we are be but also how powerful we can be when we work together and connect with each other ... anything is possible. Many areas have been devastated but this has enabled us to start again. This new beginning may help us to realize who we truly are. A spirit having a human experience. We can decide how we want to live, where we want to live, look at what makes us happy and create change. So don’t buy into the fear, gloom and doom that is being created around us, get excited, find out what role you play in all these changes. When you realize there were billions of souls/spirits that put their hands up to be here and take part in this massive change in consciousness and to be part of this awakening and you were chosen. How special does that make you feel, so wake up and discover who you truly are, why you are here and how to create happiness and love in your life! Good luck on your journey. Peace love and happiness. Kerry Denice I started my ‘awakening’ over 10 yrs ago when I asked myself a very ordinary question “There must be more to life than this?” My life has never been the same since. I began what has been an adventure beyond my wildest dreams and still continues. By using Spiritual Guidance I am able to connect to Angels, Guides, Passed Loved Ones etc. to give you the information and healing required helping you Find Your Truth. I am also able to provide the tools to learn Protection, Meditation, Clearing and Releasing Negativity (baggage) to enable you to become ‘lighter’, thus enabling you to develop your psychic abilities and true potential. Kerry Denice Ph: (08) 8276 3421 Mob: 0417 825 355 Website:
BY JANE WHITING Facing the reality of oneself and our ego centred ways is not a high priority in our busy world. Having recently experienced a 14 day Deepening Process at the Oneness University in India I have returned with a greater sense of self awareness. Instead of highlighting everyone else’s faults I have a much greater perception of my own. Each day the Oneness Guidesguided us through 10 Yogas, (spiritual practises to create awareness of the suffering we cause ourselves and those around us). Facing this reality creates enormous potential for liberation because we cannot change another, we can only change ourselves. The Oneness University was founded in1996 by Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma, two Divine Beings with the sole purpose of assisting humanity in taking a quantum leap forward in consciousness. Thousands of pilgrims from many cultures and backgrounds visit this incredibly beautiful place each year where one is constantly bathed in the tangible presence of Divine Love. Bhagavan’s teachings place enormous emphasis on making right all human relationship. Particular emphasis is placed on making right our relationship with our parents which Bhagavan says sets the foundation for all our relationships. He also emphasises that we will never find the answers we are looking for within our minds, he says we must ask for assistance from the Divine Presence (whoever that may be). He says we must each take responsibility for the collective violence within our world. As we make peace within ourselves and our lives, the world will naturally become a more peaceful place. Through Amma and Bhagavan’s grace many thousands of people have become Deeksha or Oneness Blessing givers. The Oneness Blessing is a transference of Divine Grace which research has shown to cause neurobiological changes within the brain. Research using EEG which measures the electrical activity of the brain of recipients of the Oneness Blessing has shown a balancing and synchronicity which was not evident beforehand. This appears to be permanent. Scientific evidence aside, experiential evidence is undeniable. Lesser patterns and behaviours, traumatic
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Kerry Denice
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memories, old hurts and childhood conditioning are erased allowing one’s true identity to shine for th. Many, many Blessing recipients report powerful experiences and conceptual shifts which create a whole new reality and a deep sense of peace. I had a direct experience of this where an old script of painful childhood memories was replaced with a happy, joyful scene; it was like watching a film playing across my mind. Although the reality stayed the same the hur tful charge was gone and I felt very much at peace. My Oneness University experience was profound. I have returned home feeling lighter and freer with a much greater sense of joy and inner peace and a deep reverence for the Divine Presence which resides in each of us. I am so grateful to Amma and Sri Bhagavan and the Oneness Guides for their devotion to the awakening of humanity. I feel certain that it is much closer than many of us believe. Jane Whiting is a Registered Nurse, Spiritual Healing Practitioner and Oneness Blessing Giver. She facilitates spiritual growth courses including Soul Love and Transforming with Divine Will. Phone 0431 921 246 email
BY SUSANNE MARIE What is abundance? According to my dictionary, it is” having a very large quantity of something” or “plentifulness” or “prosperity”. Some people restrict the definition to mean just money. To me, abundance is having a very large quantity of: • Wonderful friends • Love • Laughter • Joy • Energy • Good weather • Happiness • Food to sustain us • Intellectual stimulation • Knowledge • Income to sustain us safely and comfortably • People who love us • A loving family • Harmony • People who help us And any other good things about life and living that you may think of. How do we manifest what we want in our lives? “It is too difficult”, you might say. No it is not. Look at everything you already have in your life, both good and bad. You have created it by the words you say and by the thoughts that you think. Everyone is manifesting every minute of every day. What is it that you are focussing on and what are you giving your emotional energy to? Take the time when you entered a shop, walked up the counter and waited while later comers were served before you. What was going through your mind? “I bet everyone is served before me” or “No one ever notices when I am waiting” “Shop assistants always treat me badly” - or similar. As this plays out, maybe you become more angry and you think “How dare she do this to me” or “Why do I always get treated like this?“ or “ Other people always seem to get priority over me” or “People never notice me”. These thoughts going through our mind attract more of what we are thinking and if we add strong emotions to those thoughts they will amplify. We may then go off and tell other people how badly we were treated, thus setting ourselves up for the same to happen again and so the energy of those thoughts builds and grows. Unless you change the energy. To change it start to believe “I can be served in my fair turn. I can attract the attention of the shop as-
sistant. I can smile and radiate of joy of attracting to me all that I want”. I have a client who works in a cafe – a new position. For a while every time I saw her in the street, I heard about how bad her boss and various other workmates were and how rude the customers were. This was also reflecting in many other areas of her life and in previous jobs. In a Theta Healing consultation, we identified beliefs she held about herself and changed them. The self sabotaging beliefs of “I always seem to have bad bosses”, “I always get picked on”, ”Everyone else is better than me”, “Everything is always difficult for me”, ”Everything I do turns out badly” and so on. We changed these beliefs and many more. For example “Things always turn out well for me”, ”I attract good relationships with my workmates and bosses”, ”I radiate joy in my workplace”, ”I see the good things that happen around me.” And many more. We also talked about strategies for change. She soon reported back to me that she had changed her focus at work. She was relating well to all other staff members, she had new found respect for her boss; she also was making a point of smiling at all customers and saying a word or two of kindness to them. She was soon rewarded with more happy customers and much better relationships with her workmates and boss. Following on from this she really started to focus on all the things that she already had abundantly in her life that gave her joy and happiness. By continuing to show gratitude for what she already had, she was attracting more of what she was already grate-
innerSelf ful for. Sometimes it is difficult to get out of the negative patterns that hold us in a downward spiral of fear, unhappiness, lack, anger and bitterness. At this time it is worthwhile finding a practitioner who can assist you in changing your beliefs, fears and negative thought patterns. I am always delighted when I see people rapidly change their life, their health, their happiness and their relationships for the better following consultations. It is particularly powerful after taking classes where the techniques for changing those patterns are taught, so that people may become self empowered and self reliant. Many of you may already know about having a Gratitude Journal and its value, but you may have under estimated its power and connection with universal laws. If you make sure that you think of a number of things each day that you already have and are grateful for WRITE THEM IN YOUR GRATITUDE JOURNAL DAILY and give thanks for them. This is a very powerful par t of manifesting all that you want into your life. Expressing what you are grateful for attracts more of it to you. Continue practising your positive thoughts and actions on a daily basis. It does not necessary mean that everything will be rosy all at once. However there will be immediate changes. Learn to focus on and acknowledge those things that you have changed for the better and what is working and you are well on your way to Living in Harmony- with abundance. Susanne Marie (formerly Meaney)Theta Healing™ M a s t e r , Certificate of Science in Theta Healing™, DipTeaching (Prim), Dip Health Sciences, Dip Oriental Massage, Healer and teacher of Theta Healing™ for many years. She conducts regular classes and individual consultations. She is also a remedial massage therapist and Civil Marriage Celebrant. T: 08 8370 8557 0418 845 119
2. Think back on a vacation you took. What stands out most in your memory? A. The beautiful sights of nature, the architecture, or something that you witnessed B. The peaceful, romantic, restful, or exhilarating feelings associated with the trip C. The important and interesting cultural and/or historical information that you learned while traveling D. The sweet silence, the crashing surf, the chirping birds, the rustling leaves, music, or some other sound
Hearing Your Angels’ Messages ○
BY DOREEN VIRTUE From the angels: We aren’t that difficult to hear if you will listen for us with an open heart. Most of the time, we are closer to you than you can imagine. A whisper, a thought, is the only signal we need from you to get a conversation started. We have enormous respect for what you’re going through here on planet Earth at this time. We never seek to interfere with your lives, only to bring you blessings of insights and new ways of looking at yourselves. Usually, we have one primary means of receiving angelic guidance and one secondary or lesser channel of communication. With practice, you can become adept at receiving messages in all four ways. In the beginning of speaking to your angels, though, most people concentrate upon their natural means of communication. Naturally visually oriented people will want to pay attention to their mental visions. If you tend to focus upon sounds, then listen for inner or outer words, voices, and auditory messages. If you tend to be a touchy-feely type, your emotions and bodily sensations are the instruments that relay divine guidance to you. And if you are intellectually inclined or a person who constantly searches for hidden meanings in situations, then
you’ll want to monitor your thoughts for those heavenly moments of “knowingness” that bring you certainty in guiding your actions. WHA WHATT IS YOUR “PRIMAR “PRIMARYY ‘CLAIR”? While the angels talk to us in a combination of the four ways - visions, feelings, thoughts, and sounds - one of these channels is strongest for you. We call this your “primary clair.” The other three clairs amplify and augment this primary means of angelic communication. To discover your primary clair, think about the following scenarios and then answer the question (choose only one response for each): 1. When you initially meet w, wwha ha t’ ir st new hat’ t’ss the ffir someone ne thing you tend to notice about the person? A. The way the person looks, such as clothing, hair, teeth, shoes, or general attractiveness B. How you feel around the person, such as being comfor table, amused, safe, and so on C. Whether you find the person interesting, or believe this may be someone who can help you out in your career D. The sound of the person’s voice or laughter
Ar ou RRead ead or Li ving Aree yyou eadyy ffor Living in Har mon y? Harmon mony?
Susanne has been a healer for many years. She now has a Thetahealing MastersTM and a Certificate of ScienceTM in Theta Healing, one of a small group in the world. Theta healing Consultations and classes in: • DNA 1 & 2 Basic and Advanced • Disease and Disorders • Rainbow Children’s class • World Relations • Vianna’s Manifesting and Abundance • DNA 3 • Intuitive Anatomy Civil Marriage Celebrant Remedial Massage Therapist
ALDGA TE • Ph: 8370 8557 • Mob: 0418 845 119 ALDGATE
3. Recall a movie that you truly enjoyed. When you think of that film, what comes to mind first? A. The attractive actors and actresses, the lighting, the costumes, or the scenery B. The way the movie made you laugh, cry, or moved you in some other regard C. The interesting plot, or the life lessons that you or the movie’s characters learned during the story D. The musical score or the sound of the actors’ and actresses’ voices Note your answers to the above questions. Most likely, you’ve an-
swered two or three questions with the same letter, which signifies your primary clair, or the dominant way in which you process information about the physical and spiritual world. This is what the answers mean: Mostly “a” answers signify c lair v o y ance ance.. You’re a highly visual person and are likely to notice how people, places, and even meals look before you focus on anything else. Your angels speak to you through mental images; signs that you witness with your physical eyes (anything that’s meaningful that you see); repeating number sequences (such as 111, 444, and so on); finding coins; seeing butterflies, birds, and colors around people; and other visual means. Mostly “b” answers signify c lair sentience lairsentience sentience.. You interact with the world through your physical and emotional feelings. You’re highly sensitive and may have difficulty dealing with crowds, which can include driving on busy streets and freeways. You can tell whether a person is trustworthy or not, and your gut feel-
BY DOREEN VIRTUE ings are accurate. You feel air-pressure and temperature changes when communicating with the spirit world, can sense the presence of angels or departed loved ones, and sometimes feel angels brushing your skin or hair. Don’t write these sensations off as being “just feelings”—they’re how Heaven speaks to you! Mostly “c” answers signify c lair co gnizance lairco cognizance gnizance.. You’re an intellectual who receives direct communication through ideas and revelations. You often know facts (both trivial and impor tant) without having read or
34 heard anything about a particular subject before, as if God has downloaded the information directly into your brain. You’re not comfortable with small talk, and prefer deeper and more profound discussions. Your angels speak to you through wordless impressions that you receive in your mind. You’re able to mentally ask for information or help and receive it as Divine instructions that suddenly appear in your thoughts. Mostly “d� answers signify c lair audience lairaudience audience.. You’re very sensitive to noise, and you’re the first one to cringe at off-key notes or other unpleasant sounds. You can remember song melodies in much the same way that someone with a photographic memory can recall material they’ve read. Your angels speak to you with words that you hear inside or outside your mind. During emergencies, a loud voice outside of one ear warns you of danger. The voice of Heaven, unlike an auditory hallucination, is always loving, to the point, and inspiring - even when it asks you to do something heroic, or function beyond what you believe are your capacities. Doreen Virtue is a spiritual psychologist who holds Ph.D., M.A. and B.A. degrees in Counseling Psychology from Chapman University, a leading private university in Orange, California. She is the author of twenty-two books about mind-body-spirit issues. This is an extract taken from Doreen Virtue’s new book, Angel Therapy (Hay House, RRP $19.95). Doreen will appear at I Can Do It! 2011 July-August. For details and tickets please visit
3Luminal and Star Link Mission Star Link Mission provides event services and projects, immersive seminars, installations and experiential events for the advancement of humankind. Event and media concepts using cutting edge technology educate and empower people to move forward with their own evolution. Simplicity is the key to understanding. Using the Reconnective frequencies that are now available - a synergy between the grids of the earth, your body and stars can be forged for newfound spiritual evolution. Scientists are just now beginning to understand the synergy that exists between the human body, mathematics, sacred geometry, and music which shows that all creation is based on vibration. Combining light, sound, color & vi-
bration we can open the information channels using advanced multimedia technologies. Through fusing soundscapes, visualscapes, sacred geometry and healing frequencies we expand our consciousness to a greater level. It is these new sacred sciences that will bring advancement of humans and mother ear th into the greater cosmos. Through reconnecting both the old and the new - that is the wisdom of the ancients with the new sciences of the future - linking to your perfect blueprint becomes easy. This new collaboration between Anthony Craig, Bradley Pitt and Darren Curtis brings new depth and insight to personal transformation and our greater relationship to the universe. Through Star Link Mission the new sciences of medical astronomy and biophysics are fused helping to explain how we are interconnected with the greater cosmos thus accessing a new informational coding for planetary ascension and personal healing. Star Link Mission’s first project 3Luminal -a medicine of Light multimedia experience - draws on what has been always known but now has been confirmed scientifically, developing a fully immersive experience that combines new levels and experiences of soundscapes and visualscapes. Linking into sacred geometry and the astronomical dimensions, Star Link Mission also works with the new frequencies of healing bringing in Light and Information creating an evolutionary shift that promotes regenesis, allowing us to connect with our multidimensional nature in the most simple of ways. Through multimedia presentation, live music and direct experience this fusion of astronomy, cosmology, biology and paraphysics builds a whole new network and light circuitry system. Working with the Overself body of light and the power of love connected to the hear t in turn unifies with the higher energy centres. We can bring forth wisdom and knowledge to create a unique synthesis of body- mind-spirit for all practical levels of consciousness raising, healing and thought expansion. Only by experiencing 3Luminal will you be able to understand the simplicity of shifting to a new level of evolution, changing you forever! These three recognised visionary thinkers and leaders in their own fields are collaborating to create new ways to highlight the simplicity of the new paradigm among healing, science and spirituality. Using the latest research and technologies Anthony, Brad and Darren aim to help people experience and interact in a dialogue with higher consciousness in a way that becomes immediately life changing. For more information visit Anthony Craig, Bradley Pitt and Darren Curtis live in Adelaide and are gaining international recognition for their work and forward thinking.
BY DR ANDREW HORWOOD “Mrs Jones, I’m delighted to tell you that your tests are normal�. I could see the sigh of relief spread over her face as she relaxed into the assurance that nothing life threatening was happening to her. When I saw her two weeks later, she’d resumed her normal life. What happened? Looking back over my life, I see the people who influenced me most were healers who understood that there were many roads to the destination of healing. My medical training took me so far, but there was a whole other world of energy medicine & healing that lay beyond. How could I make sense of this? In her book, “The Field�, Lynne McTaggart says this – “at our most elemental, we are not a chemical reaction, but an energetic charge. Human beings and all living things are a coalescence of energy in a field of energy connected to every other thing in the world.� Just stop a moment and ponder this – we are the not solid, separate entities we are led to believe, but rather flowing energy in motion and are connected to all living things. Einstein said “the field is the sole governing agent of the par ticle�. Here’s the basic fact determining healing - the field of energy in which we live determines the state of our health & healing, the functioning of our very genes, the way we think (our consciousness), our relationships and our overall wellbeing. If this is true, wouldn’t it make sense to make the care of our fields the most important aspect of our lives? This is a very different view from what’s common, in which humans are seen as a collection of parts, rather like a car, and healing will result if the carburettor or spark plugs are cleaned. For millennia, it’s been known that healing happens naturally when the environment is right. Until the advent of modern medicine, this was often the only treatment possible. By finding the environment in
which the body systems worked best, diseases were stabilised or cured – eg tuberculosis. This is a field of healing energy. How do we strengthen this field? One way is to be with others who are sharing this emerging understanding. This generates support, lessening the sense of isolation many feel as they step into a new way of thinking. Another way is to seek out, and clear, those parts of ourselves that are muddying the waters of our personal energy fields. Opportunities to explore and experience such a field consciously are rare. People find such fields on retreats, visiting sacred sites, be they natural or manmade, and where there is a group of people open to allowing such a field to develop amongst them. An opportunity exists to participate in creating such a field of healing energy during the “Awakening Inspired Living and Healing� Conference being held at the Riverdell Spiritual Centre in May (see ad for details). Through our openness of heart, and via engaging presentations, experiential workshops and fun times together, we will co-create a potent time of healing energy. I invite you to join us. Dr Andrew Horwood is a holistic medical practitioner in Gawler, poet, & mentor at the Riverdell Spiritual Centre. His passion for healing and wholeness is born of knowing we each have extra-ordinary lives to live. He’s contributed to “The New Physician�, “Healing Arts� and in “Season of a New Heart� poetry anthology. Contact or 8523 1329.
Some places to pick up InnerSelf A-Z RESOURCE GUIDE
A State of Change ○
BY ANTHONY CRAIG As 2011 begins to unfold we can see that we are in a state of change. Although this change is all around us it is interesting that many people still want to walk around blinkered. Even science is catching up and supporting many new (but old) views. Advances that have been made scientifically in quantum physics and other new sciences are suppor ting that which many have known or have been guided to before. The trinity of space, time and matter overlap is now widely accepted. We are no longer restricted to the 3-dimensional concept of entropy where everything moves towards a state of chaos, destruction or disease. It is possible to co-exist multi-dimensionally within a state of negative entropy, or centropy, where everything moves towards perfection and a state of well being and harmony. The evidence is there but many choose to remain in a state of unbalance, restricting their well being and evolution. And certainly that is their choice, but many cry for help and, through their fear of letting go of the old paradigms, do not move forward when it is so easy to do so. It is not only these often unwilling victims who remain stuck, but very often the alternative healers and medical people they go to as well. Yes, what we have had before has been suitable for that time. People did have to meditate for years to achieve Samadhi. People did have to go through pain and suffering as they healed from an illness. However times are changing. There have been three eras in medicine. Firstly, where the body was seen as a biological machine and probably much of western medicine still subscribes to that view. Then we entered the second era where a connection was made between body and mind and we saw the advent of psychology and chemistry into the medical field. It is here that the electromagnetic paradigm of energy healing also sits, as well as the plethora of emotionally based healing modalities. It is time to move beyond these treatment based paradigms based on human judgment as we enter the third and new era of medicine. Looking deeply at the new areas of research we see new thinking and new sciences opening up. The third era of medicine will be about physics, mathematics and Light and information. Interestingly, as current research unfolds in the areas of archaeology, geology, astronomy, biology, physics and consciousness, those with open eyes are seeing the links between them all. Increasingly the knowledge also contained by ancient cultures and religions is being opened to new levels of understanding and reaffirming some of these connections. What we are seeing is both old and new, and often beyond belief in the simplicities that are contained within. In the consciousness and natural healing fields, many call themselves ”light workers”. Just what does this mean? In the old paradigm many refer to working with visible light as we know it
Art Classes which is often based on a connection with our sun. Yet scientists already talk of evidence of superluminal light that moves some 1014 times faster. This is the light we should be working with and bringing to our planet as a full information pathway that is linked deeper into our galaxy and not just to our local solar system. It is the light that contains the coding and information that allows for healing on all levels and a connection for our evolution. The new levels of experiences that we can access will now help and allow us to overcome the old paradigms of cubic thinking that have been wound up with our physicality and the constraints of ritual and tradition.
Anthony Craig (right) & Dr Eric Pearl Pearl, (left) founder of The Reconnection® and the best-selling author of “The Reconnection:Heal Other s , Heal Your self ” Anthony Craig is an Associate Instructor, and Cer tified Reconnective Healing and Reconnection Practitioner and Mentor. Based in Adelaide he travels extensively educating and expanding this work locally and worldwide and is available as a guest speaker. Anthony is also available for appointments ph: 0412 832 664.
Beginners to Advanced. Inspirational, supportive learning environment. Stunning setting. Just south of Brighton. Achieve great results - with a splash of fun! 82963859 and visit
Astrology Let the 2011 Moon Diary be your constant inspirational companion. Find it online at <http://> Otherwise ask in your bookstore OR phone 02 66552536 or email for a free brochure. Astrologer Magenta Deluxe B.A. B.S.W. AGE Int. Dip. Consulting in Adelaide since 2002. Postal reading available. 0401 827 626
A unique form of healing that moves beyond the old models of energy healing - Reconnective Healing - is now available for us all to access. It is beyond technique and is providing real results attested to by many around our planet. Its simplicity astounds most who learn how to work with it. Scientific research is supporting the uniqueness and multi-dimensionality of this work in many ways. And yet Reconnective Healing is only the beginning as we bring new levels of healing – balance and harmony on all levels – to our bodies and begin to move forward on our individual journeys towards personal evolution. As man breaks through new frontiers and opens to the vast possibilities of what we can have on a multi dimensional and inter-dimensional level the work of The Reconnection becomes even more impor tant. Through connecting us to all parts of ourselves, our very essence, and our perfect blueprint we learn to come home and be as One, working with Divine Love. It is time to LET GO - to move forward. For more information visit
Heal the world! Restore yourself with Life giving Attunements - experience the gentle power of this nontouch energy work; feel more relaxed, focused, centred. Classes available - Riverdell Spiritual Centre, Gawler. Contact Jonathan on 0408 034 584 for an appointment or more information.
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Distributors of InnerSelf Trilogy Hair & Beauty - Ammonia free organic hair colours & products. Horstman Technique; Australian BushFlower Essences. Phone 8557 7989. Shop 2/2 Old Coach Rd., Aldinga.
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9, 19-23 Beach Rd, Christies Beach. Phone 8326 2777. Rainbow Central - 10/12 Hallett St, Kadina. Phone 0409 282 445 or 0437 166 552 Divinely Guided Therapies. Whyalla's healing centre. Bowen Therapy, Massage, Polarity, Acupressure, Cuppling, Hot Stone, Crystals. Shop 10, 22 Farrel St, Whyalla. Phone 0423 873 746. Romeo’s Organics - North Adelaide Village. 71-79 O’Connel St, Nth Adelaide. Phone 8361 9150 Marie's Crystal Cave. New Age store and Healing Centre. 107 Esplanade, Aldinga Beach. Phone Marie on 8556 5692. Isis Mystery School - Angel Miracle Courses by Elisabeth Jensen. Scholefield Rd, Seacliff. 1300 55 80 75. MotherEarths Ash Tree. Gifts, tools, services, workshops. Phone (08) 8323 8850. 136b Main Rd, McLaren Vale. Soul Radiance – Healings, meditation, workshops. Jenny 0408 930 991
Energy Healing Light body, Star Body Activation channelled by Steve. Shift your consciousness quickly and smoothly as you see yourself as a higher and higher being of continual flowing consciousness of love thru the activation of energy bodies that are waiting to establish connection with your personality self (ego construct). Peace, illumination, clarity, brilliance and greatness are yours to embody NOW! Phone Steve 0432 935 439. Angelic Divine Universal Healing. “Allow the love and light of god to shine Within”. Sound, Colour & Crys-
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Gyms Mt Barker Gymnasium. Where fitness happens. 62-64 Wellington Rd. Mt. Barker Ph. 8391 1422
Health & Healing Healing on North East. Chris and Lance are here to help you live your life in joy and ease offering: Aromatherapy • Acupuncture • Cupping • Ear Candling Guidance Readings • iDetox Treatments • Lymphatic Drainage • Polarity • Reflexology • Reiki • Remedial • Tuina. Healing on North East. For bookings and further details phone Lance on 0407 796 195 or Chris on 0438 858 768. A visit to Vital Harmony will help you to feel peace and harmony with yourself. Vital Harmony has relocated to Aldgate in a beautiful and serene garden setting. Susanne is available for individual Theta healing consultations as well as remedial massage therapies. Regular weekend seminars (and midweek by request) are available (Theta healing DNA 1 &11; Advanced DNA 2; Vianna’s Manifesting & Abundance and Vianna’s Rainbow children’s seminars). The Rainbow children’s classes are for adults and children. DNA 1&11 and Advanced are to practitioner level. Also see ad under “Seminars”. Also available is past life work and house clearings, remedial massage therapies including reflexology. Susanne is also an authorised Civil Marriage Celebrant. For more info see ad in Energy Healing this issue or phone Vital Harmony on 8370 8557 or 0418 845 119.
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Kinesiology Let your inner wisdom guide your healing. It has been blocked by stress and trauma since you were young. Now is the time to move forward to a life of greater health, vitality and happiness. Aaron 0422 491 532.
Life Coaching Passion for Life Coaching. Specialising in body image and emotional eating in order to achieve natural weight without dieting. or
Publishing Make it happen now! Publish your manuscript with Joshua Books. Contact us on (07) 5493 1700
Readings Accurate Tarot Readings/Theta Healing. Life direction, love, business consultation, any Issue. Courses. Heal from doubts, fears, traumas. Carolyn 0438 790 641
Rebirthing Rebirthing is a safe, simple breathing technique that can change your life. Rebirthing/ Breathwork uses the breath to activate, release and heal stored cellular memory. Ideal to use when you want your life to change. The Australian Academy of Rebirthing/ Breathwork verifies the integrity and professionalism of the following members. Trevor Applebee - Mawson Lakes 0418 836 261 Nick Avery - Valley View 0414 376 989 Bronwyn Barter - Mawson Lakes (08) 8260 2086 Michael Barton - Oakden 8369 3069 Elise Carr - Allenby Gardens 0417 809 198 Gabbie Enright - Seacombe Gdns 0414 410 963 Veronica Reinders - Mt. Pleasant 0438 880 894 Jillian Trowbridge - Geranium 0408 813 401 Jenny Venning - Valley View 0438 272 052
Reiki ARC Inc. Australian Reiki Connection. Australia’s Leading REIKI Association Est. 1997 - Run by Members for Members with fellowship and support. Access to Insurance. FREE Membership of [AARP] Association Australian Reiki Professionals National Referral Directory. Discounts on Massage Tables, Music CD’s Salt lamps. Informative website & Forum ARC INK Quarterly Magazine. National phone 1300 130 975
Seminars Susanne from Vital Harmony holds regular Thetahealing seminars in her beautiful peaceful home and garden in Aldgate. (approx 2km from Stirling exit of freeway). For information and enrolment forms phone 8370 8557 or 0418 845 119
Spirituality Know Thyself as Soul. Sant Mat is a practical spiritual path based on meditation, ethical living, service to others and love for all creation. Its goal is to enable the soul to return to and merge with its source; the purpose of human life described by mystics of all traditions. Discipline and dedication are essential, as is the help of a competent living Master. Entry is via a preparation program. There is no charge at any stage. Know Thyself As Soul Foundation is a non-profit incorporated association. For further info call 1800 462 193 or visit Be part of the Solution - Raise your spiritual frequency. Community HU Chant. Join us for a wonderfully uplifting experience by chanting HU, a universal mantra. Raise your spiritual frequency in these challenging times. Be part of the solution by vibrating your true Soul nature into the world. Right now, the world needs open channels to distribute the highest love of the Divine. Discover this age-old practice known today as the Love Song to God. This HU Chant is open to all. Come along if you’re a newcomer to group chanting or if you are experienced - all welcome. Every 3rd Sunday of each month. Next Community HU gatherings are: Sundays April 18, May 16, June 20 and July18 at Payneham Community Centre,374 Payneham Rd, Payneham. 11 to 11.30am. Pick up your free HU CD on the day, for further info phone LeeAnne on 0424 474 464, Leo on 8396 1379 or Nigel on 8388 8891.
Tarot Guidance through the Tarot. Belinda has thirty years experience opening the Tarot’s door to revelation. Gawler and Northern suburbs. 0433408755.
Video Most people are visual learners! Video production for events (live), online learning, website promos. Call Steve 0450 430 321
Yoga Yoga to suit all abilities. At Hillcrest Community Centre. For more details contact 7120 7605 0416 084 494
A-Z RESOURCE GUIDE 20 words for $44 ($1.10 every other word) Colour photo/logo: $33
$99 PREPAID for 12 Months (For 20 words )
COURSES FOR THE SPIRIT Classes, Courses & Workshops
Within Angel Wings Workshop In so many ways my life has changed since opening Within Angels Wings. Every day is a new adventure. As a holistic health & beauty therapist I work with the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. When all four are balanced and clear I believe we live a more focussed life. I have found working with the Angels has opened many doors for me and since doing Doreen Virtue’s AI “ Angel Intuitive” course in 2007 the Angels have guided me to open Within Angel Wings and now to facilitate my first workshop “The Angel Within”. So if your looking to connect with the Angels, use your intuition,meditate,read
oracle Angel cards, discover how easy it is to ground and protect your self and much more this is the course for you. On the day you will receive a manual, a crystal and a clearing spray to take home. Date: 15 May. Time: 9 30 to 5.00. Venue: Within Angel Wings, 739 Marion Rd Ascot Park. Investment: $150.
For further info and bookings phone Bobbie on (08) 8277 7110 .
Divinely Guided Therapies & Academy Of Crystal Therapy Julie Abraham, spiritual healer with 15 years experience having studied under Elizabeth Jensen, Angel Miracles & Isis Healing, and
THE VITAL KNOWLEDGE OF LIFE Scientology Life Improvement Ô Courses are effective because they contain the truly important data on subjects of pressing concern in life. If something detrimental is affecting or ruining your life, a Scientology Life Improvement Course is the answer. There are 20 brandnew courses in all, one for almost any type of difficulty a person may be having. These fall into 5 major categories: ETHICS AND SURVIVAL, GOALS AND PURPOSES, SURVIVAL AND PROSPERITY, MARRIAGE, and CHILDREN. Senior data - These courses give you the senior data in 20 different fields of living. In matters of relationships, personal motivation, marriage, children, honesty and others. A mountain of information is available. But which is the vital data? What knowledge must you have to actually live better? Such an abundance of data could be viewed as an ocean in which every drop of water is a separate piece of
data. At a glance, all drops look the same. But among this vast sea of data, there are a select few important datums. These are the senior data, the few drops which affect all other drops in the ocean. Knowing a million unimportant facts has little value, but knowing these senior data opens the door to change and advance and success. In L. Ron Hubbard’s decades of research, he isolated the senior data of life and living. The knowledge in these courses is drawn from these discoveries. Here you will not find opinions, speculations or old unworkable ideas. You will find the key drops of water selected from that ocean. This is the knowledge and tools that change life for the better. Application - Each course contains practical exercises to bring about understanding and application. Every course contains its own complete glossary of words, terms and phrases, which is in addition
to illustrations that themselves communicate the conce pts visuall cepts visuallyy. To truly resolve life’s difficulties, it is necessary to know the key principles of life. When you know these, you can change your life at will. This is exactly what Scientology Life Improvement Courses contain-each one is on a distinct subject and contains the key Scientology principles of that exact topic. The cost is $55 per course.
Come in and visit us at our Life Improvement Centre at 225 Pulteney St in the city or phone for an appointment and receive a free consultation to find out what would benefit you the most. You will also ffind ind us aatt this y ear s Bod y , Mind, Psy Body Psycc hic Expo in June at Stand 92.
innerSelf Rachelle Charman of the Academy of Crystal Awakening is now travelling around SA offering workshops to those in country areas, so that everyone can have a chance to be empowered by Crystals, Angels and Isis. This is my passion and I want to share this with you so that you can move forward in your life and be empowered. Crystal Awakening Foundation Workshop: April 23rd (Whyalla); May 7th (Adelaide) Eternal Spirit; May 14th (Whyalla); June 18th (Whyalla); July 23rd (Whyalla); Intermediate Workshop:August 6th & 7th. Julie is willing to travel to country areas and Byron Bay to empower people with the power of crystals. You can contact Julie on 0423 873 746 to arrange for her to visit your town or look up dates of her workshops on her website. Divinely Guided Therapies and Academy Of Crystal Therapy, Shop 10/22 Farrell St, Whyalla, SA 5600. Phone 0423 873 746
Numerology with Australian Bush Flower Essences Workshop April 30, 2011 Come and learn how to use Numerology with Australian Bush Flower Essences. At this one day workshop with Ian White, the founder of the Australian Bush Flower Essences, you will learn the inherent quality of each number, personal year cycles, how to recognise major strengths and weaknesses inherent in the chart, and how to select a specific Bush Flower Essence for all aspects of a chart. This workshop will be held on Saturday, April 30, from 9.30-6pm at the Fullar ton Park Community Centre. Contact Gabbie Enright for more information: 0414 410 963 or 8377 2415 or email:
Thrive by Design Prue Blackmore is a Transpersonal Counsellor and Art Therapist who has walked the Shaman’s path for the past 15 years and also has an extensive background in Psychiatry and Mental Health. Prue facilitates many powerful workshops and courses that are designed to allow the participants to shake loose the masks that hide them, to unravel the stories and ties that bind them and to then fulfill the worlds of possibilities that they entered this life with! In 2011 Thrive by Design will be offering a series of transformative workshops and retreats - all designed to facilitate an opening into one’s self, life and relationships. These include Par tnership to Empowerment , a course for conscious parenting; Couples Co-Creation, to transform the shadow in romantic relationships; Winter Solstice Shadow Weaving, integration of the dark and empowerment for women; Crone Ceremony, an honouring and preparation for the wisdom of the elders. This year in May we are also running a workshop called The Body as Therapy. This amazing workshop will examine the relationship we have with our bodies, the family stories and pain held within them and how to go from a usual place of disembodied reality in which we are
often unhappy with or detached from our bodies, into a profound connection and healing with that aspect of ourselves from which our world grows. Places limited so book early! And as always, we will be running the Womens Initiation on 11/11/ 2011. This powerful retreat literally changes lives. The date for this has been specifically chosen to maximise energies and this is a joyous and transformative journey into a deep spiritual connection with the divine aspect of self - the Goddess. Again places are limited, so book early! We are also pleased to announce an exciting series of Art Therapy / Shamanic Workshops that follow the seasons of the year and the Moons - to release, renew and rebir th ourselves! Utilising clay wor k, ar t, transpersonal techniques and divination we will explore the cultures of the world and also ourselves, for fun and illumination. Ar t Therapy and Shamanic Workshops to be held in 2011: 16th April - Samhain, Twilight, Hallowmas and Hecate; 21st May - The Medicine Wheel, Divination; 11th June - Winter, Yule, Solstice, Chaos and the Underworld; 16th July – Shadow 12th August - Imbolc, Emergence, Brighid and Love; 17th September - Ostara, Spring Equinox, Creativity and Motherhood, Resurrection; 15th October Beltane, Bonfires, Horned Gods and Faeiries, The One Tree; 5th November - Relationship to Self and the Other. Cost: $80 per workshop. Notice that these seasonal and transpersonal workshops are [wherever possible] held as close to the full moon of the month in question so we may draw on that beautiful energy to enhance what we do! Visit us at or contact Prue on 0419819089 to register for these or any other courses on offer or for further information.
Healing Laughter Lacking laughter? This course is learning-chocked, laughter-charged and life-changing. Invest in Jest, invest in yourself to thrive and not just survive. Fitness with Fun! For inner peace and resilience. Shift Happens! Mondays in April and May, 7 pm to 9 pm. Call now or email to book your spot. Phone 08 72260431 or 0415676709 e:
Joy Through Channelling Meeting, Experiencing and Seeing the Collective Spirit. The first foundational par t of a 3 par t series on channelling. You will meet your current or even higher spirit guide. Learn all 3 forms of channelling verbal, written and ar tistic. Lear n how to hold higher flows of energy for you to utilise your current energy streams to create even more abundance and pure states of flow. Day 1 - What you will experience, learn, create and integrate: A space of “Blissville” to enhance all energies within and without to set a higher
space for higher information to be accessed, applied and integrated. Understand the link between your higher mind, the universal mind and the physicallower mind. How to cleanse, balance, and blend your rational and intuitive mind. Leading you back to a greater state of balance and oneness. How to focus with creative intention and increase your powers of creation, abundance and love. How to distinguish between very high levels of consciousnesses and beings of light and lesser energies and entities. Meet, see, feel, hear, merge and greet your current guides in a higher state of awareness to understand their level of energy, knowingness, love and reality of awareness. Daily exercises to expand your sensitivities, perceptivities and sensibilities to access higher states of awareness, peace, joy and calm. Sundays 15 and 22 May 2011 10am to 5 pm. You will also have one on one time with Steve after the course to assist you with integration and understanding your personal experiences. Cost $ 350 both days included. Lunch, afternoon tea and drinks provided. Only 9 places available.
Contact Steve on 0432 935 439 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Man’s Inner Journey - An exceptional workshop for men IF YOU: Know there is more to you than you have accessed... Wish to create deeply satisfying relationships... Want to find the essence of who you really are... Then MIJ is the journey that will take you along that path to yourself… A Man’s Inner Journey! Offering a practical blend of information and experience that enables you to develop insights into beliefs, attitudes, influences and patterns of behaviour that impact on the quality of your life outcomes and it provides the tools for the future.
To be ffea ea tur ed eatur tured in this space phone InnerSelf Newspaper on (08) 8396 6752
IN BRIEF REVIEWS transmitting the Seedbed; Changing our DNA and much more, this book is a great read. Pub: Susan Creek Books
Australian Healthy Alternative Food Guide
Be part of the Solution Raise your Spiritual Frequency Join us for a wonderfully uplifting experience by chanting HU, a universal mantra. Raise your spiritual frequency in these challenging times. Be part of the solution by vibrating your true Soul nature into the world. Right now, the world needs open channels to distribute the highest love of the Divine. Discover this age-old practice known today as the Love Song to God. This HU Chant is open to all. Come along if you’re a newcomer to group chanting or if you are experienced - all welcome. Ev er y 3r Ever 3rdd Sunda Sundayy of eac eachh month Next Community HU gatherings are: Sundays April 18, May 16, June 20 and July18 at Payneham Community Centre,374 Payneham Rd, Payneham. 11 to 11.30am. Pick up your free HU CD on the day. For fur ther inf infoo phone LeeAnne on 0424 474 464.
By Krysia Potaczek This guide to healthy and nutritious eating is filled with “alternative” recipes for preparing meals with ingredients that replace sugar and processed foods. Highly recommended for people with food intolerances or simply health conscious eaters looking for a delicious selection of recipes. Pub: Starburst Publishing
Touched by the Dragon’s Breath By Michael Harrington 2012 is now only months away. There’s a plethora of information available in bookshops and online about what we can come to expect. This book offers something a little different. Based on a series of Q & A’s between the author and John Redstone (The Chief), held in a series of meetings during 1987 at Colliding Rivers USA, the reader is given a birds-eye view of the prophetic wisdom teachings that transpired. Encapsulating in story form insights about the Shift as we enter the Photon Belt; Mayan, Aztec and Hopi prophecies; the Zero Point; the Golden Formula for
Modern-Day Miracles By Louise L. Hays & Friends In this truly inspirational book, people all over the world express their appreciation for the writings and teachings of Louise L. Hay … and for the miracles she has brought to their lives. Through uniquely hear tfelt and awe-inspiring true stories, men and women of all ages and backgrounds reveal how one individual whose life has been devoted to spreading good can touch so many in a positive and miraculous way … and then those people spread the good to others … and on and on it goes, in a tremendous spiral of joyous energy. Included in each chapter are affirmations and exercises by Louise that will help you create miracles in your own life. Pub: Hay House
To ha our book, havv e yyour CD or DDVD VD ffea ea tur ed eatur tured in this space phone InnerSelf Newspaper on (08) 8396 6752
Are you feeling the energy I’m feeling? ○
Desert Heart Retreats • RAINBOW SERPENT JOURNEY • Healing Retreats • Training Retreats
2011 Alice Springs
BY JONATHAN MACINTYRE Have you given much thought to the news of the recent huge solar flare and the effect it is having on our planet...and us!? The ABC News reported on February 17 2011 that the “powerful solar eruption that has already disturbed radio communications in China could disrupt electrical power grids and satellites used on Earth in the next days, NASA said.” So, what about you and me? Is the energy of the flare (geomagnetic forces), that is affecting other energy systems, influencing our personal body energies? Hold that thought... What about the incredible experiences we’ve had since early this year here in Australia with our superevents of cyclones, bushfires and floods; is it possible that the actual energy of these events is having an effect on our energy at all? Did we feel the vibrational energy of the Christchurch earthquake as it was building up and when it happened? Hold that thought too... We know the magnetic energy of our earth’s two poles has been slowly shifting - scientists have been monitoring this for a number of years now, and they repor t it’s beginning to speed up? In fact, it is said that there is quite a possibility of our poles doing a flip. That energy shift is having a notable effect on our earth and our navigation systems...well, what about the effect it is having on our own body’s energy grid? The answer for me in each case is yes, yes and yes! For some it may sound too fantastic, yet more and more I’m finding an energy correla-
tion and connection in myself with these events and my friends and colleagues say they are too. Perhaps you are as well? Is it just that you haven’t put the “1 + 1 = 2” together yet? It has taken awhile for me to see and get something of this bigger picture, as it is so easy to write off the experiences as “just my own stuff”, and in the unawareness miss the value of what I’m actually picking up on. I think it is time to say, “Let’s get more conscious that these massive energy flows are affecting everything - including me and you”. We’re affected before, during and after these huge energy flow events! How is it affecting you? The reason I ask is, I’ve been feeling it in a number of ways and initially I thought the experiences were ailments of some sort - like the odd moment of fear rising up from nowhere, sudden distinct tingling in my hands and arms, the occasional leg tremors, a “no reason” sleep interrupted night, suddenly bursting into tears without cause, sensing some connection to or intuition about an event and not knowing what. Well, I know they mean something now! Over the last few months I’ve shared these experiences with colleagues through my work as an energy teacher and practitioner, and discovered similar occurrences were happening for them too. I’ve realised it is time to become more vocal about it and develop my awareness in a much larger way, to make better use of what I’m sensing. Are you having these experiences too and want to check in on a collective sharing
Dian Booth - Master Soul Healer Sounds from Aboriginal Australia, Egypt, Atlantis, Lemuria. Come to the heart of our wonderful country and listen to the sounds of your soul. “One of the truest healers of our age” (Alan Gutierrez, Emerald Energies, USA) Sacred Journeys, Healing CDs, Tapes. Diploma in Sound and Colour Healing Ring Dian: 0417 800 219 about it? And, perhaps find ways to understand the subtle (and at times, the obscured obvious) movement of the currents of Life energy through events like this? Contact me - I’m arranging some informal meetings soon to open this field out more. I’ll also be at the Body Mind & Psychic Expo in early June, at the Attunement stand. There are some valuable opportunities we can make of this together! J o n a t h a n MacIntyre is an internationally q u a l i f i e d Attunement Practitioner & Teacher and has been practicing and teaching this process and lifestyle for 10 years - he also manages the Riverdell Spiritual Centre - near Gawler, a 9 acre retreat & conference facility and community. For more information contact Jonathan on 08 8523 1329 or 0408034584.
+RZ DUH WKH ZRUOG¶V VXSHU FOLPDWH events affecting your energy? Are you feeling quite well generally, yet having odd or changing sleeping patterns, unusual body sensations or inexplicable tremors - perhaps with moments of deep sadness, fear, crying or tiredness? There may be more to it than you have known - you could be tuning into the energy of the cyclones, earthquakes & floods! Want to learn more about the effects these world events have on your personal energy system and body, and how to send Life giving energy into them? Visit us at the Attunement stand in the coming June BMP Expo - experience the recharging and rebalancing of your energy through the power of an attunement for yourself. Or contact us now to find out more and when our next Energy Awareness Recognition forum will be:
Telephone Jonathan: 08 8523 1329 or AH 0408034584 Email: Visit our website: Riverdell Spiritual Centre Clifford Road Hillier SA 5116
The hidden AgendA Intelligent minds of all walks of life can feel something decisive is about to take place. Things all around us seem to be reaching a climax, reaching a crescendo all at the same time. In the FREE Hidden Agenda Pack found in this edition of Inner Self you will learn exactly who this enemy is. You will learn of all her works. Spraying 10 megatons of aluminium and barium with biological material that eats away at your immune system from jet aircraft commonly known as “chemtrails”, “aerosol spraying” or “geoengineering” is just the beginning. In conjunction with HAARP technology and other similar technologies around the world to control weather patterns, natural disasters can be generated such as what we are currently seeing, not every decade or year but every month and every week. Hundreds of thousands of dead birds and marine animals are falling out of the sky and washing up on our shores and in our lakes around the globe. Even the mainstream media, The Daily Telegraph Friday January 7th 2011 reported on this mysterious spate of mass bird and fish deaths globally under the article title ”Prophets of Doom”. The next day, The Daily Telegraph had another ar ticle on the topic; ”The End of the World”.In the last paragraph they state “the internet was abuzz with conspiracy theories about secret government experiments while some claim the deaths are a sign of a looming Armageddon”. Devastating events that are called “natural disasters” occurring almost daily are blamed on “climate change”. But could climate change be the greatest hoax ever perpetrated against mankind? It is obvious abnormal weather patterns are now becoming the norm. But the statistics
show that since carbon dioxide emissions have increased due to the industrial revolution, the average temperature of the planet has been on the decrease. Just last month 49 out of 50 states in the USA experienced snow storms. The month before that saw -7 degrees C during the day as the maximum temperature in London in the northern hemisphere and -7 degrees C at Thredbo in the southern hemisphere (Thredbo’s summer). The weather control engineers should be thinking of changing their slogan from global warming to global cooling.What about Denver airport where the barb wire fence points inside to keep people in? What about other concentration camps (FEMA camps in the US) world-wide? Yes Australia too, the lucky country. What about the global financial crisis of 2008? Was this a well-orchestrated hoax and is there another bubble on its way that will make the last depression of 2008 look like a walk in the park? Our former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd just before he was ousted by Julia Gillard said when he came back from a G20 meeting that “Australia has won a place in the New World Order”. Unfor tunately a place in the New World Order is not something that is won but rather, every country and continent will have no choice but to go along with. Former president Bill Clinton said before he became president, that he thought he would be running the country, but once he became president, he said someone else made all the decisions. He was just a puppet. So who is running the show? Who is making all the decisions? And what is their agenda? The finger gets pointed at Jews, Globalist Elite, all sorts of secret societies like Skull and Bones,
Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, Freemasons and the Illuminati. But just like the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome. There is a secret behind all secret societies. A secret society that controls all secret societies. In fact, this secret society created other secret societies to hide behind so that the finger could never point back to her. Now is the time to be prepared for what is coming and is soon to overtake the world as an overwhelming surprise. There is a New World currency, a New World court and International Law, a New World Police Force and a New World Religion coming. A total societal system collapse is coming. A close friend of mine has a reoccurring dream. He lives in a block of units and in the dream, the next door neighbours have no water supply. The rest of the unit’s residents are also in a panic, and as he checks his own tap, he finds he too has no water coming out of his tap. Thankfully there are answers to all these questions. There is a way for you and your family to survive the New World Order. Preparation time is NOW and the type of preparation needed may not be what you first thought. Order your FREE Hidden Agenda Pack today to find out the answers to all these questions and more. Send 3 stamps to; Hidden Agenda, PO Box 56 Beechwood, NSW 2446
Steven runs seminars and speaks on many topics, mainly on his research on health and investigating world events in relation to the New World Order.