Innerself Issue 1 - Sthn Highlands NSW

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LIFE AFTER SUICIDE by Elisabeth Jensen




THE 11:11 PHENOMENA by Uri Gellar

SUFFERING IS OPTIONAL An interview with Byron Katie



THE BELOVED ONE by Sky Shayne Innes


MOON CALENDAR by Mari Garcia













CROSSING OVER by Nicole Cody








2012 - YOUR CHOICE by Heidi Woodman



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The ability to wonder is a state of pure innocence. The more we know, the less we really know. Notice how it makes you feel in that place of “not-knowing”, how does it make you feel? Many today have lost the ability to wonder, to simply sit in not-knowing … that place of childlike open curiosity, and allow for their heart to reveal itself. A friend of mine recently commented that kids these days have had their Godgiven ability to wonder hijacked by technology. He told me about a family gathering that took place where during a discussion someone raised a question no-one had an immediate answer for. One of the children rushed to an iPhone and googled for an answer. “Here it is.” Everyone now knew, but did they really? The not-knowing as an opportunity to deepen into the unknown and allow for life to deliver a degree of insight or awakening was replaced by someone else’s knowledge. How much growth comes out of this? Rumi once said: “Conventional opinion is the ruin of our souls, something borrowed which we mistake as our own. Ignorance is better than this.” The most direct way back in to our own Eternal Self is to simply allow the notknowing the space to be, to have a place within ourselves. Knowledge is a crude substitute for the Knowing that arrives when we are willing to sit in wonder… wondering how life will reveal itself to us today. Our minds are in such desperate need of security that the not-knowing is never a comfortable place for it … but it is the most precious place for the soul. This gift of wondering is pure contemplation. It is a profound spiritual practice that requires no technique … we innately wonder at every given opportunity. We know it so well, as little children we were totally immersed in it, embraced by it … our whole life was an expression of it. Recapturing this place of innocence is vital for our times. From this place of wonder, we are able to open up to the infinite opportunities available in each moment. Dare to not-know for a while … sit in

the purity of not-knowing and see what a difference it brings to your day. Come back to that place of innocence and wonder …

“Returning to the root, We get the essence.” -Hsin Hsin Ming Take a moment ... why not this moment. Pause within its sweet embrace. Wondering what to do with it? Ignore that ... there’s deeper work to be done. Wonder instead at the miracle that’s holding you. Wonder at the breath that’s breathing ... The ears that are listening ... the thoughts that think themselves into being ... then dissolve back into emptiness again. Wonder at just who this is that woke up this morning. Groggy-eyed ... hardly a movement ... then suddenly it’s here. But where were you while the body was sleeping? Wonder about where you were while the body was dreaming and deeper still ... wonder about what existed in deep dreamless sleep. Wondering about such things is why we are given this miraculous ability to wonder. I wondered when I was four ... I continued to wonder when I was seventeen ... I’m still wondering now ... and I thank God for it ... for the wonder of it all. I wonder ... what will I see today? What will I be today? I pause and I open up to This... this Eternal Wonder glistening forever here in my heart. Wondering my way back into You. God I wonder ... and I thank You for it. With Love, Leo Drioli and Enza Vita


can visit Leo Drioli’s blog - Reflections from Eternal Vastness at

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ISSUE 1 Souther n Highlands NSW (J u l y - S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 1 )

We have now three separate editions of InnerSelf, an SA edition, an East/West edition (covering VIC, TAS, NSW, ACT, QLD, NT and WA) and a NSW Southern Highlands edition with a total distribution of 357, 000 readers. Free copies of InnerSelf are circulated at over 2,000 public distribution points such as health food stores, bookshops, new age retailers, alternative health clinics, organic outlets, healing centres and body-mind-spirit festivals as well as libraries, community centres, week end markets, fitness centres, and coffee shops. It's extremely popular with dis-

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The InnerSelf editorial team are working consciously to keep sexist language out of its pages, but sometimes this is not possible due to material having been extracted from old sources making it difficult and sometimes impossible to get permission to alter copy. We apologise if any such language does offend anyone. INNERSELF NEWSPAPER is independently published quarterly by InnerSelf© 2011

This issue of InnerSelf is also online as an e-paper at


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A Power Beyond Tragedy ○

BY ISIRA I know I join many in expressing my compassion for all the people who are faced with recent extreme trauma and challenges. As we bear witness to a spate of natural and social disasters, it is natural, even for those not directly affected, to feel overwhelmed or shocked. The truth is we ARE all affected, because we are indeed all connected. We are ONE LIFE. I know that we all share a deep desire to help in some way and to support those who are most in need at this time. And during these times of upheaval help is needed. There is the process of renewing – of re-constructing. People are responding all over the world – material help is being given and indeed is very needed and relevant. Deeper than this, however, something is happening at an emotional level in the consciousness of humanity. There is great solidarity that awakens in the hearts of humankind during times of immense tragedy – and a process of reflection. Now, as we face an accelerating scale of disasters, it is essential we take the time to reflect. It is time to re-consider our priorities and to re-gauge what has true or lasting meaning in our lives. At times such as this we are stripped of our usual sense of security and comfort, and we cannot ignore the stir of our inner feelings. There are questions to consider – soulful questions to reflect upon. The power of reflection may lead us to a greater change, beyond the surface level of fears and traumas. Although we naturally seek to extend ourselves to others, to comfort

or to reach out for help, it is our inner dimension that most beckons us during times of upheaval. If we gather our thoughts into quiet contemplation we may re-connect to the peace that is always here... the essence underlying every moment – even in the midst of disaster. The essence of life itself commands its power in our life. It is this which calls us to look beyond the transitory events in order to find true understanding and more lasting meaning. It is through this that we may acknowledge another dimension of help that is available to us – always … the truth and power of silence … the conscious presence that is forever here … eternal awake awareness … forever oneness … forever peace. This is the presence found in our silent meditative being. Whether material order is regained or not, silence is here... peace is in our midst. It is here in each one of us. As we become more conscious of this presence within, we regain a state of calm, an equipoise, an awareness that sees, knows and feels that which is beyond our usual attachments to the material world. It naturally, powerfully, opens us to the constant flow of life, where we can know that, no matter how things appear on the surface, deep within, there is always freshness, newness and wholeness. There is a stillness – a power that always remains undisturbed. In this stillness and silence we regain the vision of life’s true nature.

We regain a state of acceptance and connectedness with life – as it is. And, as we do so we surrender. We attain a radical state of trust in our self as conscious being and in life as eternal presence. As we trust ever more deeply in the power of this conscious presence we see that we are always provided with all the help that is needed and with all that is always in truth – with the true nature of our self and existence. Yet at large, the general population look on in bewilderment. Why? Because most of us are still caught in the illusion and attachment to form. We are still looking to our physical realm for all the answers: for success, fulfillment and happiness. Meanwhile, the universe and our world continue to be … an infinite field of ever-changing energy ... a dance of cause and effect ... a constant process of creation and destruction. Nothing in the world of form is permanent – only its essence is permanent. So why is humanity always glued to the image of horror in tragedy? Why are we so afraid of upheaval when such events are a natural part of life’s constantly changing process? We are transfixed by tragedy because at an unconscious level we are trying to understand and come to terms with ‘death’... transformation. What are we missing? It is the deeper perfection of life itself that we miss – the stillness, the essence that has nothing to do with the coming and goings of form. This brings us to the problem of depending on

what ‘happens’ to make us happy. And, as we see, most of humanity is fixated with what happens at the material level. As far as true joy is concerned, your football team winning, or you winning the lottery is completely irrelevant. Peace is the same – whether you have your house one day and not the next is irrelevant. True joy and deep peace cannot be achieved through dependency on transitory material events. Nor can they be manifested by an act of will, especially if that will is based on a goal or need from the external world of circumstance. That will lives in the same world in which rich men exploit poor people and hyper-consumerism destroys our natural environment. True happiness and peace actually derive from an essence beyond form. It is consciousness itself which is always the supreme essence of who you are – complete, needing nothing more or nothing less, having no conditions. Simply being. In times of great upheaval our deepest fears are always exposed, and the ego runs amok. Yet despite the scattered and divisive noise of the mind there is always a deeper thread of awareness. It is this thread that can be our greatest help in our darkest moments. Right in the midst of the mind’s fear, the darkness of the ego, is a ray of light – a deeper shining presence, an unconditioned awareness that itself is the light of all love, joy and peace. Contrary to how it seems, this essence is not a tiny part of us – some

tiny fragment hidden between the folds of our conditioned mind – it is the WHOLE of us. This essence is the totality of our self – our eternal, ever-present being, which is forever ONE. Essence is not a small thing, it is immense. It is immeasurable. It is our essence that can show us the way, that delivers the true help that we need, the answers we seek, the peace we yearn for, and the love we long to return to. Using the mind to solve ‘problems’ can occasionally result in some insight as well as some improvement in our situation, and our ability to deal with life’s difficulties. However, it does not result in freedom from them - a transcendence whereby we are no longer tied to conditions to feel happy, secure, loved or at peace. This sort of change is really only temporary, because it is still associated with a conditioned identity that will continue to create problems and suffering in more subtle and creative ways. What I am pointing to here is a greater power, a deeper solution that frees us from the whole conditioned identity. Whether we know it yet or not, this is what we are seeking. What we truly want is freedom from the condition that creates our suffering in the first place. When you use the mind or ego, it is like rearranging furniture in a prison cell in order to make it more comfortable. When you enter awareness – pure consciousness – you leave the prison cell altogether. In fact, you see that there never was a prison to start with! The prison was just a projection of the mind.

It is the liberating power of awareness that can offer the greatest help during these times of trauma or unease. Not only can it aid you at a ‘personal’ level to regain a sense of peace and trust in life, but it can be extended to others, enabling a greater solidarity and capacity for us to unite in the aftermath of tragedy. As you awaken more to your own essence, you become a field of peace and love – you shine as this peace and love. You also become a presence of true compassion, capable of extending this deeper awareness into other people’s lives. You become the presence of a deeper vibration that affects the whole at the unseen level, but at a very real level – the level in which we truly are all ONE and in which true peace is known. This is the type of help that is allreaching, unhindered by physical distance or limited conditions, connecting of all people in all places – the true harbinger of peace, wellbeing and happiness. Isira is Australianborn. She came into this world conscious and awake, and at the age of 29 fully awakened. Isira’s presence is a sacred blessing field of consciousness that activates our energy field and reveals enlightened answers. Through her consultations, programs and books including “A Journey of Awakening” Isira inspires and supports us in our own awakening.

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prayer.” ○

Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) was an enlightened mystic from India whose wisdom has impacted millions of people. Osho was one of the most prolific author on this planet with over 650 books (64 million words) in print! This article is excerpted from Osho, The Hidden Splendor, Talk #11

AN INTERVIEW WITH BYRON KATIE Byron Katie, Katie founder of The Work, has one job: to teach people how to end their own suffering. Based on Byron Katie’s direct experience of how suffering is created and ended, The Work is an astonishingly simple process, accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds, and requires nothing more than a pen, paper, and an open mind. Through this process, anyone can learn to trace unhappiness to its source and eliminate it there. Katie (as everyone calls her) not only shows us that all the problems in the world originate in our thinking: she gives us the tool to open our minds and set ourselves free. But what about injustice? Are we supposed to sit back and let it happen? Byron Katie addresses these issues in this interview. Are you saying we should accept things as they are—even when there’s injustice —and stop arguing with reality? Byron Katie: “Not at all. We can’t accept things as they are, as long as we believe that they should be different. We can try to think positively till we’re blue in the face, but beneath the thoughts we want to believe are the thoughts we are actually believing, thoughts such as ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘My husband should listen to me’ or ‘People shouldn’t suffer.’ When we question these stressful thoughts with the four questions and turnaround of The Work, we find our own truth. We begin to live in reality, not in our thoughts about reality. We begin to see that it’s possible to live without stress, anger, and sadness. And when we do, we become part of the solution, not part of the problem. Are you concerned about injustice? Where are you unjust in your own life? Take care of that first, by questioning your thoughts. The Work always leaves us kinder, happier human beings.” Maybe The Work will leave me without stress, without problems. But isn’t that irresponsible? What if my 3-year-old child is star ving? Won om a position of no on’’ t I see her fr from str ess and think, “W ell, tha t’ eality stress “Well, that’ t’ss rreality eality,, ” and just let her star v e? ”Oh my! Sweetheart, love is kind; it doesn’t stand still and do nothing when it sees its own need. Do you really think that violent thoughts, such as the ones that come with problems, are necessary to feed a child? If your 3year-old is starving, feed her, for your sake! How would it feel to provide for a starving child without stress or worry? Wouldn’t you be clearer about how and where to find the food that is available, and wouldn’t you feel elation and gratitude for it? Well, that’s how I live my life. I don’t need stress to do what I know to do; that’s not efficient, the way peace and sanity are. Love is action, and in my experience, reality is always kind.” Some people feel empowered and feel a sense of well-being when they fight for what



Simply listen to your Holosync CDs with headphones and experience dramatic positive change

BY OSHO Too busy to relax? Try these two or three minute meditations to help you de-stress, unwind, and enjoy not taking yourself, or the situation around you, too seriously

Step 1: Daily Watching

they think is right. Are they on the right path? Is their work giving them undue stress? “I’ve heard people say that they cling to their painful thoughts because they’re afraid that without them they wouldn’t be activists for peace. ‘If I felt completely peaceful,’ they say, ‘why would I bother taking action at all?’ My answer is ‘Because that’s what love does.’ To think that we need sadness or outrage to motivate us to do what’s right is insane. As if the clearer and happier you get, the less kind you become. As if when someone finds freedom, she just sits around all day with drool running down her chin. My experience is the opposite. Love is action. It’s clear, it’s kind, it’s effortless, and it’s irresistible. “If you have a problem with people or with the state of the world, I invite you to put your stressful thoughts on paper and question them, and to do it for the love of truth, not in order to save the world. Turn it around: Save your own world. Isn’t that why you want to save the world in the first place? So that you can be happy? Well, skip the middleman, and be happy from here! You’re it. You’re the one. In this turnaround you remain active, but there’s no fear in it, no internal war. So it ceases to be war trying to teach peace. War can’t teach peace. Only peace can.

“Start being aware with day-to-day, routine actions, and while you are doing your routine actions, remain relaxed. “There is no need to be tense. When you are washing your floor, what is the need to be tense? Or when you are cooking the food, what is the need to be tense? There is not a single time in life that requires your tension. It is just your unawareness and your impatience. “I have not found anything — and I have lived in all kind of ways, with all kinds of people. I have always been puzzled: why are they tense? It seems tension has nothing to do with anything outside you, it has something to do within you. Outside you always find an excuse only because it looks so idiotic to be tense without any reason. Just to rationalize, you find some reason outside yourself to explain why you are tense. “But tension is not outside you, it is in your wrong style of life.

Step 2: Accept yourself

“You are living in competition - that will create tension. You are living in continuous comparison - which will create tension. You are always thinking either of the past or of the future, and missing the present that is the only reality that will create tension. “Just find your own talent. Nature never sends any single individual without some unique gift. Just a little search…. Whatever qualities and whatever talents you have, use them to the fullest, and the energy that is involved in tensions will start becoming your grace, your beauty.

Ste p 3: Be an Ar tist of Lo Step Artist Lovve

“Whatever you are doing, do it with such love, with such care that the smallest thing in the world becomes a piece of art. It will bring great joy to you. And it will create a world without competition, without comparison; it will give dignity to all people. It will restore their pride, which religions have destroyed. “Any act done with totality becomes your

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BY SKY SHAYNE INNES The practice of heart awareness enables enlightened communication which brings outcomes of a very different order. In this edition, I would like to consider other aspects of evolving in love. One of the most frequent difficulties I see between couples is reactivity. I am using the word reactivity in the context of ego activity. Reactivity is ego activity. Reactivity is always ego activity. We react when we are coming out of ego identification instead of true awareness of who we really are. Typically, these ego identifications are learnt from our past experiences, particularly in childhood, and inform our present moments. Such ego identifications reflect feelings of not being good enough, safe enough, lovable enough - not pretty enough, clever enough, strong enough and so many more. In turn, such ego identifications lead to limiting beliefs that we need to be rescued, in control, better than and other ways of coping. Our intimate relationships are often a direct reflection of these fears and are called, in psychology, codependent. This simply means that we get into relationships in order to get something from the other person: to feel good enough, loved, emotionally safe or needed. When we don’t get these needs met, we become fearful, reactive and blaming. Fifty years ago, many relationships were essentially codependent and worked, to some extent, because of the social norms of the day. Today, our tolerance is becoming less and less for that kind of relationship. How many times have I heard women say, they don’t want to be his mother, housekeeper or sex object. How many times have I heard men say they don’t want to be a sperm bank or provider/ protector. Beyond these roles, that we can play for each other, is an enormous longing for deep connection and true meeting; where relating is heart to heart, where love is so rich and fulfilling that infidelity is not even a consideration let alone a choice. In the last decade, consciousness has evolved to mirror unity and oneness. We have all heard the phrase, “It takes two to tango.” Now we are beginning to realise that it

doesn’t take two to tango because there is only One. The implications of this new consciousness of Oneness, is that we are a hundred percent responsible for every aspect of our relationships. Blame simply doesn’t work. On the contrary, it makes our relationships with each other even more troubled and painful. Quite a number of years ago, when running the Love’s Alchemy course, a participant gave me an article written by Joe Vitale about Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len and Ho’oponopono. He gave me this article saying that it was a good illustration of what we were working with. And, indeed, it was. On Day 3, we work with the true language of love and the miracles it brings into our lives. Dr Len’s story reflects just such miracles. What we learn is that miracles happen naturally as expressions of love. In a nutshell, Dr Len cured an entire ward of criminally insane patients without having any contact with them. There are many aspects of this story that are truly fascinating but the one I want to focus on here is the core principle of responsibility. My meeting with Dr Len four years ago was memorable and, for me, profoundly confirming. I had long recognised that one of the most significant implications of the new physics was that of a unified field of consciousness out of which everything arises. If we want to change anything, anything at all, we must first make the change within our consciousness. As I often say, “We don’t live in a material world, we live in a mental world.” If our world reflects lack and limitation, we must change our consciousness of that. If our relationships reflect pain and unhappiness, we must change our consciousness of that. This is what Dr Len did with that ward of criminally insane patients. He didn’t try and change them. He changed his entire consciousness of them. He took complete responsibility. In his words, “I was simply healing the part of me that created them”. This is where love comes into it. The language of love is a transformative language. Most of us speak the language of fear, even in our love relationships, but certainly in most other relationships. Michael Leunig,

one of our great Australian modern day mystics, says it so well in this little poem called Love and Fear. There are only two feelings. Love and fear. There are only two languages. Love and fear. There are only two activities. Love and fear. There are only two motives, two procedures, two frameworks, two results. Love and fear. Love and fear. What language do you speak? What language do you use with your beloved? The language of love requires respect, trust and kindness regardless of whether you think it is deserved or not. So often, we can’t make this shift because we think if we do we are condoning or permitting the behaviour we see as bad. The only way we can make this shift is to go beyond our ego reactivity. Aligned with our highest expression, we don’t allow anything the other person says to land no matter how hurtful or annoying. We hold true awareness, not to get a result, but because it is the Truth. To quote another wonderful modern day mystic, Byron Katie, “It’s all you. Until you can see it’s all you, the work is not done”. Such true awareness brings the wonderful possibility of becoming a great lover through the activation of heart awareness. As we deepen into love, so we heal our relationships with ourselves, with our beloveds and our beautiful planet. Our presence aligns with divine love and awakens the new earth. Sky is an inspiring spiritual teacher. Her incisive insight combined with an engaging presence, add power and magnetism to her message. Author of the book Love’s Alchemy, Sky’s focus is on the transformative power of love. She is a psychologist and spiritual coach with her consultancy in Sydney where she offers courses and private sessions. She also runs retreats in the Promised Land, a beautiful valley near Bellingen in northern NSW. Teaching in Australia, Japan and the UK, Sky is an awakener. Her invitation is to awaken to your true nature and, thereby, fulfill your purpose. For sessions or details of events call 0417 288 642 or visit

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Mastering Time by Mastering Yourself ○

BY DELYSE WRIGHT In the past year how many times have you caught yourself asking the question “where has the time gone?” For most of us, the months appear to have sailed by so swiftly this year. That yacht with all our good intentions, hopes and wishes pulled anchor on 1st January and didn’t wait for us to ‘be ready’. So it is every year. We begin the year with positive intentions, for events to hold, people to meet, activities that will see us grow and develop, moving in the direction of where we think we want our lives to go. But then March and April come by and the inspiration and momentum starts to fade as the excitement of the new year begins to blend into midyear. The months flow from one to the next. Daily tasks are getting done, you respond to people’s question of “how are you?” with “good thanks, you?”, but really your soul is aching. It’s watching that yacht sail further off towards the horizon, knowing that there is no chance of catching it again this year. As the months go on you resign yourself to the understanding that there’s not enough time in the year to finish what you had initially set out to do and really, you can’t even remember that passion you initially had. You’re happy enough in your day to day routine, keeping yourself busy with the daily tasks that need to be done. Yet every now and then that feeling of longing, that ache of emptiness, of stagnation comes to the surface again. I believe that every human being wants to grow and develop in some way over the course of their lives. In fact I believe it is essential. I believe we are here to awaken, to appreciate, to delight, to contribute and to inspire. So what if we could catch the yacht? What if we did take action, imagined ourselves jumping on a jet ski to catch the waves right up to that yacht then jump on board? Would we know in which direction we were taking it? Would we know how to speak with the wind so it whispered into our sails, propelling us forward? Would we know how to harness the power of the great ocean so that even through the roughest of storms we’d be able to maintain our course and come through the other side, arms stretched wide to the sunshine and cry out loud “thank

you, what an awesome adventure!”? Without direction and vision, what does it matter if we get to the end of the year sooner rather than later? Whenever I think of Time I think of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland and the conversation they had in the wood: “Which way should I go?” asks Alice. “Well that entirely depends on where you want to get to,” grins the cat. “I don’t really know…” answers a confused Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go!” Are you allowing Time to lead you; drawing you from one day to the next without consulting you? Are you allowing daily nuances to get in the way under the guise of being too busy? It is your responsibility to take back the power of your Time, to make a commitment to yourself to learn and to grow. It’s not going to happen next month, next year or in the next 5 years because Time has other plans for you. It has an agenda, a destination which affects you at the deepest core level; Time is counting down to your final hour. Now let me ask you, what will you be saying as you reflect on your life when that hour comes? Will you be saying that you wish you had more time to do the things you loved and with the people you love? Take a moment and think about how you currently spend your time. Are there minutes that you waste in front of a television program you’re not even keen on watching? Are you spending time thinking about what you could be doing instead of stepping up and taking action? Are you in a job you loathe? Are you spending most of your time in the act of procrastination? If you had all the time in the world…if you could imagine yourself on that yacht sailing towards your ideal life… who would that lead you to be? Setting yourself a Vision, based on your values and deepest desires will inspire you. It will allow you to wield and bend time at your will to make manifest the actions that you need to take. You will find extra time hidden under doona covers, behind the TV, trapped in the fridge, in the ink of a pen, a conversation on the phone. You will begin to have conscious awareness of the importance of time and how it is key to you achieving your dreams. No longer will it be thoughtlessly tossed aside and discarded, you will begin to grasp every second and squeeze every last drop to satisfy your thirst for action and inspiration. Having this conscious awareness is different for everyone and our approach is very individual. For some it means leaping in with two feet, their drive and passion leaving a blazing trail in their wake. For others it means an internal silence, an appreciation for the moment and a gratitude for what we have to experience on this earth. Asking yourself simple yet insightful questions is a great place to start on your journey: What do I want to have in my life? What do I want to do with my life? What kind of person do I want to be? What am I passionate about? If your vision is for a life of happiness, have you done at least one thing today that is leading you to that state of bliss? What is the bliss… and how will you know when you

get there? Imagine a life where your every moment is overflowing with richness and wonder. A life that offers you the experience of accomplishment every day. A life filled with appreciation for what you have, who you are and have yet to become. This is experienced when you have a vision. When you commit to taking action and when you surrender attachment, allowing yourself to live in conscious awareness. When you let your Vision and your Values be your compass and ask Time not to be your master but to be your guide. Imagine yourself on that yacht. Where is it that you are sailing to? What steps do you need to take on a daily/ monthly/quarterly basis that will propel you forward – with the wind in your sails. What do you believe in so strongly that even in the darkest storm, you know within your heart that any challenge can be faced with courage and fierce determination? What are you waiting for? Delyse Wright is a Life Coach at Lifessence Coaching and the Owner of Lotus Health & Wellbeing Centre in Wollongong. Delyse is available for private consultations 02 4226 4740.



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Traditional Chinese Medicine For Fertility Enhancement and Pre-conception Care ○

BY JANINE NORRIS Did you know that Traditional Chinese Medicine could enhance your health and increase your chances of conception enabling you to give birth naturally, to a healthy full term baby? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can be utilised to enhance your fertility and be utilised to improve overall health. This pre-conception care increases chances of pregnancy and for a natural birth, with delivery of a healthy full term baby. TCM works in harmonising any imbalances that may be present, and one of the many benefits is to take a person oftentimes, to a new plateau of good health not previously experienced. Such high levels of vitality are necessary to ensure the good health of potential children.


A normal fertile couple in their 20’s having regular sex would have a monthly chance of pregnancy at about 20% and pregnancy would be expected within 4-6 months. After one year with no conception chances of pregnancy become much lower. Oftentimes there can be reasons why pregnancy does not occur such as low sperm count, no ovulation or irregular ovulation, completely blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, or increasing age in women. For

male infertility, research indicates increasingly high levels of DNA fragmentation of sperm resulting in a lower probability of producing a successful pregnancy and an increase in miscarriage rates.

TCM for Fertility Enhancement

Sustaining and improving upon the health of both couples will ensure that the quality of egg production, and both quantity and quality of healthy sperm. TCM research indicates quality of eggs and endometrial lining are improved and that treatment aids in the reduction of stress, with the body supported prior to conception. Primarily, the principle behind TCM acupuncture and herbal treatment is to keep the mother calm and de-stressed thereby stopping potential cramping of the fallopian tubes and uterus. Treatment also increases the blood flow to the pelvic region, which has the effect of increasing the endometrial lining and receptivity of the uterus, which improves the implantation process and thereafter, embryo development.

TCM for Pre-Conception Care

For TCM Pre-Conception care to be effective ideally will take 2/3 months and involve acupuncture and/or Chi-

nese herbs for both couples. My clinical experience has included working with women to successfully regulate their menstrual cycle and treat any pathology that may be blocking conception. However, when pregnancy does not occur then TCM can work alongside supporting the whole IVF process with acupuncture treatment prior to egg collection and at transplantation, which boosts the success rate by more than 20%. TCM treatment has this unique impact in be able to improve upon the receptivity of the uterus. On the basis of my clinical experience I have devised an acupuncture treatment regime, and use a series of protocols based on current research to optimise and increase the chances of a natural conception. TCM works with the natural energy to support health, inner strength and aids in resistance to disease and improved wellbeing. TCM is a unique and truly holistic treatment with profound therapeutic effects upon the Body, Mind and Spirit Janine Norris is a Master Practitioner of TCM at BMS-Spa TCM Wellbeing Centre in Cromer. (02)9971 2429.


BY WENDY LAWSON I couldn’t imagine the reality of being able to step into a career of my dreams whilst making a good living and helping others. It’s possible… I have always loved caring for others and dreamt of finding a vocation that made sense. I wanted to make a difference. My dream of going back to study was always being sidelined by either lack of money or time. Late in 2009, I became involved in some self- development workshops and received different types of treatments in complimentary medicine.It turned out that I loved it! I became cer tain that pursuing my passion of helping others by developing a career in complimentary medicine was exactly what I needed at that point in my life. I knew then that it was exactly what was missing and what I had been looking for to fulfil my life, both personally and professionally. The veil was lifted. This inspiring realisation led me down the path I was to follow to my ultimate destination of becoming a complementary health practitioner.After some extensive research I found more and more positive reasons as to why natural health would be a wonderful area in which to delve into - not only as a self-fulfilling vocation but as a viable career. What was impor tant to me was finding an environment where I would be amongst like-minded people with the same yearnings that I had. I wanted to be a part of a supportive,

personal atmosphere where I could develop myself and my skills, which would eventually enable me to encourage and assist others to do the same. I joined a reputable College that offered training in Diplomas on weeknights and weekends. This meant that I could continue with work and family duties whilst pursuing my dream. The college I attended embraced and encouraged me throughout my learning experience. The instructors were of an exceptional calibre, thoroughly professional and caring in their approach to instilling their wisdom and experience in me. The way in which this fed my passion was invigorating. I felt the challenges were set at just the right level to motivate and push me to do my best. I achieved more than I had thought possible. The students became my friends and we supported each other as friends, family, study partners and eventually, colleagues. The College had a fantastic system in place which enabled me to get the practical experience I needed to become a professional, confident and experienced practitioner.They had VET FEE-HELP, so that with this Federal Government loan the issue of finances vanished. In Victoria, the College is also approved for the Skills Victoria subsidy, which is a grant you do not have to pay back. What a great opportunity! As I developed as a practitioner, I undertook professional practice hours in the attached student clinic. Whilst I was nervous to begin

with, the staff and instructors, and even the other senior students encouraged and supported me. Within a short while I felt and acted like a professional. Clients were telling me how much I made a difference to them and how I had changed their lives. They were walking out with a new perspective on life, which I had contributed to! It felt amazing. I knew that there would be no more wondering what I would do with my life. I could make a difference every day by caring for people and learning more about myself in turn. The whole experience has been a positive and enriching one for me, where I learnt more about myself than I had realised I would. I am now happily on my journey as a professional natural health practitioner and still, I am able to contribute to people’s lives in many other ways. I am a mentor to new and developing student, I have regular contact with other professionals who offer support and feedback, and I can sleep easy each night, content in the knowledge that I have found my place in life. I now look forward to developing further in the many avenues that have opened up since I embraced change and took the first step to my new life. More and more Australians are turning to alternative health therapies as a means to seek a holistic approach to their health and overall well-being. The diversity of this sector is immense with branches in as many specialties and interests as you can imagine. Australians spend millions of dollars each year on seeking assistance in the complementary health industry, highlighting the enormity of this area and its ever growing appeal. The opportunity for making a living in this industry became real and available, especially when facilitated by learning institutions that specialise in nurturing and developing practitioners in this field. If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding complementary medicine and complementary medicine schools, let career training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, kinesiology, aromatherapy, reflexology,and others get you started! Explore the opportunity for learning in a vocation that appeals to you and embrace the prospects in complimentary health. For more information on beginning YOUR dream contact The Health Arts Collegevia email on, research all your choices at or you may call to speak with YOUR personal course adviser on 1300 658 326.

innerSelf newspaper



A Natural Approach to Anxiety Anxiety can be a common complaint for many people. It is described as a feeling of fear, or being anxious, something most of us will experience from time to time. It becomes more of a concern if you suffer from these fear-based feelings consistently and have constant thoughts of worry and danger. If you find that you are overly perfectionist or that you worry about almost everything, then these may be signs that suggest you have an anxiety condition. In my clinical experience I have had patients that fear choking on food, feel nausea when completing certain tasks such as driving, or experience panic when they feel trapped in a certain circumstance. It is best to be assessed by a trained practitioner so if you feel you may have an anxiety problem please see your doctor or psychologist before beginning any kind of treatment.

Energetic Meaning of Anxiety

Anxiety says that you are uncomfortable and no longer feel safe. It tells you there are certain aspects of your lifestyle where you would like to create some change or leave certain aspects behind completely, but at this point you are unable to do so. It shows you that you do not feel safe. We all need, and deserve, to feel safe and so if you do not feel protected and supported your energy will become scattered. Often it is a root chakra issue, an energy center located at the base of your spine. By sitting quietly for a few moments and holding onto a red jasper crystal, focus your mind on the area at the base of your spine. Imagine a ruby red, glowing ball of light. Sit with this energy and allow yourself to regain a sense of comfor t and peace, knowing that you are protected by the Angels and God.

B Vitamins

Vitamin B6, B9 and B12 are involved in almost every single brain function. During anxiety your body is running on adrenaline and stress hormones that cause you to go through metabolic processes faster than normal. Your body can quickly become deficient in needed nutrients that help to calm your body and bring relaxation. Imagine how many brain functions that you are having every minute, or how many thoughts you are processing. Now, think of how many whole grains you ate today, how many legumes, pulses, etc. The nature of today’s diet is deficient in foods rich in B vitamins, so it may be necessary to supplement with a good quality multivitamin or B complex for additional nutrient support. B vitamins can help to bring your body and mind back into balance and help to restore the sense of peace that you crave.

Vibrational Essences

There are several forms of vibrational essences on the market today such as flower essences, crystal essences, environmental essences and even essences made from Angel energy. Each of these types have their own areas of focus and no one is particularly better than another. Find yourself a good practitioner and you will find that they will be able to help you to calm your nerves. Essences are unlike essential oils, as they can be taken internally, usually by placing a few drops under the tongue. They are perfect for people with anxiety as they can be carried with you throughout the day and taken as needed. There are no fears of over-dosing and they will not interact with other medications. This way you can take your remedy as often as you need to, so that you feel cool, calm and collected all day long. Some things es-

sences can help to bring are peace, calmness, releasing fears, relaxing anxiousness, clearing dark thoughts and returning your focus on love.


Protein is an important part of everyone’s diet but should be looked at more closely for those with anxiety. Protein is made up of amino acids that help to heal your nervous system and give nourishment to your brain. Many foods contain amino acids in their protein, however only a handful contain all the essential amino acids that you need to get through food. These are animal meats such as good quality (preferably organic) beef, lamb, chicken and fish, and also soy. You are able to get all the essential amino acids from other foods but it requires you to combine various foods in order to do so. This is okay for vegetarians but if you have anxiety I would consider having at least one animal protein meal per day so that we can ensure you are getting enough of what your body needs. All of the preceding information is meant as a guide only and is not meant to replace proper medical care. Please speak with your health care professional before under taking any of the above mentioned advice. Robert Reeves is a Naturopath whose passion for helping others started as a young boy, spiritually gifted and highly intuitive. Robert uses his psychic insight and mediumship abilities with his Naturopathic training to help his clients reach their utmost potential. Phone: (02) 4648 4200 or 1300 668 772. E-mail: Web:

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly ~ Richard Bach


innerSelf newspaper


Reverse AGING

My book Reverse Aging shows how the accumulation of acid waste leads to complications including osteoporosis. Understanding this biological function is vital to understanding why drinking purified alkaline water is important. Following are some diseases which can be improved by combining your eating of organic alkaline forming foods with the drinking of negatively charged alkaline water for the very best health results.

Arthritis, gout

Many different forms of arthritis and gout are the result of acid accumulation in the joints. Heavy people add more pressure on their joints, thus speeding up wear and tear; however, a young person seems to do fine even if he is heavy. It is the accumulated acid that damages car tilages and irritates the joints. Unfortunately, the joints are where the blood cannot carry out wastes easily. Gout is the accumulation of uric acid in the joints. According to Webster, gout is a disease resulting from a disturbance of metabolism, characterized by an excess of uric acid in the blood and deposits of uric acid salts in the tissues around the joints, especially of the feet and hands: it causes swelling and severe pain, especially in the big toe. In today's medicine, there is no

effective treatment for these types of degenerative diseases. Because it is painful, one instinctively takes pain killers; however, aspirin types are acidic and they can further irritate the joints. The sooner we accept the fact that these diseases are the result of too much acidic waste, the sooner we will find the cure for these problems."

The true cause of cancer

Drinking alkaline water will not harm healthy cells while it may destroy malignant cells. Research should be done to see how alkaline water may help in curing early stages of cancer, depending upon how far the cancer has progressed. I am sure that there is a point of no return. However since the healthy cells are alkaline and the malignant cells are acidic, drinking alkaline water will not harm healthy cells while it may destroy malignant cells. It is worth trying.

Degenerative diseases

In general, degenerative diseases are the results of acid waste buildups within us. When we are born, we have the highest alkaline mineral concentration and also the highest body pH. From that point on, the normal process of life is to gradually acidify. That is why these degenerative disease do not occur when you are young. They

BY LIZ REESE Mood aside, physical benefits from being outside include bolstering your immune system.


The Alkaline Body

occur usually after 40. The difference between the 20 year old you and the 40 year old you physically is that you have accumulated more acidic wastes at 40 than at 20.


The skeletal structure of the body is a “calcium bank”. When the body’s condition becomes too acidic, it frequently makes compensating withdrawal of calcium from the bones, leaving them brittle and subject to breakage. A bone is made out of proper combinations of calcium and phosphorus. When just the calcium is removed, the remaining bone becomes highly phosphorous and it becomes weak. The postures of many old people change and they seem to get shorter as they age. These are the results of losing calcium from the skeletal structure. Prolonged usage of alkaline water can help prevent this disaster of the modern diet. Ionized calcium can help to repair the damages. Sang Whang, is an engineer, scientist and inventor with many U.S. patents. An improvement and maintenance of his own health without medicine, diet or exercise caused him to investigate the phenomenon and led him to the discovery of his theory of Reverse Aging a book on how he reversed the early stage symptoms of diabetes and high blood pressure.

Exercising outdoors is growing in popularity and for good reason. Not only is it invigorating, challenging, rejuvenating but now there is increasing evidence that it goes a long way to boost mood and help with the management of a number of mental health disorders. The University of Essex, UK, has spent 7 years studying the benefits of exercising outdoors, a term they have coined as ‘Green Exercise’, and the amount of time needed to improve self esteem and mood which are two big indicators of mental health. Their findings are encouraging and proved that all outdoor environments had a positive effect on both indicators, even only after a short period of time. Both men and women had similar improvements in self esteem although men showed a difference for mood.

Just because you’re not sick doesn’t mean you’re healthy. ~Author Unknown

Younger age groups were seen to have the greatest positive effects for mood and the mentally ill had one of the greatest self esteem improvements. In short the study confirms that the outdoors provides an important, drug free, health service Mood aside, physical benefits from being outside include bolstering your immune system. US studies show that outdoor exercisers get 20 – 30% fewer colds than non exercisers; and exercising on a natural surface encourages more complex movements which in turn, creates a greater development of coordination and of the muscles which stabilize the body (and therefore greater calorie expenditure!). Increased strength in movement has a better correlation to life’s challenges of carrying the kids or running up stairs, than does the isolated muscle strength created through a restricted movement patterns. Liz Rees is a fitness trainer at Step Highlands, New into Life® Southern Highlands South Wales. She can be contacted on on 0438 294 813 or (02)4869 5265.


INTRODUCING A YOUNG DYNAMIC AUSSIE TRIO AND THEIR VERY SPECIAL ‘PURPLEBERRY’ “We have never been more focused and clear on our direction as a company. We want to affect people positively through everything we do; our vibrant marketing, our incredibly nutritious products and the way we function as a business. Our goal first and foremost is to set the precedent for sustainable and conscious businesses.” Dwayne Martens (26), founder, Amazonia Dwayne Martens (26), Jesse Kaniecki (25) and Chris Norden (33) epitomise Aussie culture – tanned, toned, cool surfers in their 20’s living the Bondi life, they’re single guys who ooze health from every pore…the sort of guys you can’t help but get along with. However, beneath their ‘beachy’ exterior, they have cultured a truly unique busionia ness in Amaz Amazonia Truly passionate about “getting more nutrition to more people”, Amazonia’s product range includes Purpleberry Acai powder, puree, smoothie packs, capsules, berry bars and coming soon – chocolate and nutrient shots. The freeze dried Purpleberry powder alone is packed with an amazing 42 times more antioxidants than fresh blueberries, guaranteed the highest grade of Purpleberry on the market due to the company’s unique processing methods and direct sourcing. From very humble beginnings to a global, multi-million dollar success story in just three years; their values remain the same as they always have been – ethical, passionate and positive. “I remember a friend saying to me ‘soon enough you’ll need some help with this’… I never imagined I’d need so much help! We now support over 4000 families in the Amazon, not to mention our extensive operations in Australia and abroad. I National Marketing Manager, Jesse says; “What I really enjoy is that I am part of something that genuinely cares for people. It feels great to put so much effort into something you believe in and watch it have such a positive influence! People are way too dependent on pharmaceuticals and synthetics these days. We’ve forgotten that once upon a time, fantastic health came from eating real, wholefood nutrition; actually enjoying naturally rich foods like superfoods, fruit and veg. Quite simply, the only thing that has ever healed ourselves has been our own bodies! Hence whatever the problem, taking drugs and trying to heal selectively rarely works – we must first tackle health prob-

Left-Right: Jesse, Dwayne, Chris lems with optimum nutrition.” Managing Director, Operations, Chris says; “Gaining Fair Trade status is by far the most rewarding career moment for me to date. There is literally nothing more motivating than knowing we’re making a difference by saving Açaí rainforest, producing quality products and all the while supporting Brazilian families. We visit the Amazon annually to ensure these practises are never compromised.” Dwayne adds; “We are the ONLY Fair Trade source of Purpleberry because we respect our source; we protect it, believe in it and constantly invest in it which in turn provides the best Purpleberry possible, allowing everyone to shine brighter through our products.” Amazonia also aims to double its 2000 acres of preserved Açaí rainforest and the 4000 families that currently work under their Fair Trade initiatives in 2011. Meeting any one of the team, it’s clear that they’ve never been more motivated to accomplish this goal. AMAZONIA is setting an example that conscious business is more powerful and effective than any dollar-driven industry. If ever there were a message we truly want to yell to every corner of the globe it would be “Eat organically and naturally, do well by others and always remember you are a blue print of what you eat!” For more information and stockists visit

innerSelf newspaper


TOOLS FOR HEALTH & WELLBEING OKOBALL Okoball is a new and versatile environmentally-friendly scientific innovation that acts in a natural way, improving our health and well-being. The Okoball maintains the PH spectrum of water at the same level of ordinary chemical detergents by utilizing negative ions which weakens the dirty surfaces and fabric adhesion so dirt can be removed easily from clothing. Okoball will help you to eliminate the use/quantity of detergent used during the process of washing; Decrease water consumption during the washing process; Protects the skin against chemical waste in laundry; Eliminates micro-organisms in the washing machine; Save money by spending less on laundry detergent. For details visit

ZAZEN ESSENTIAL WATER Scientists studying the health and longevity of many of the world’s oldest & healthiest people, discovered the secret lay in the quality of the water they drank every day.

What the scientists discovered was that water underwent a transformation as it bubbled and cascaded over mineral rocks in pristine mountain streams and as it gushed from underground streams. They discovered that indeed - not all water was the same! These waters had properties that enhanced life and they called it the Water of Life. Today those same scientists have recreated nature’s processes to produce zazen Essential Water, with the same exceptional qualities so we can help you nurture yourself and your family. We know your body will love you for it! Our zazen Essential Water system, replicates Mother Nature’s water cycle transforming your drinking water into healthy, filtered, alkaline mineral water that tastes great and assists you to hydrate immediately at a cellular level. For more information, visit

AUSTRALERBA HERB & HONEY COMPOUNDS FOR COLDS AND FLU Australerba Herb and Honey Compounds are a combination of pure unrefined bee’s honey and spagyrically prepared extracts from selected herbs species from different parts of the world. Made from Elder Flowers, Yarrow, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Turmeric, Ginger, Pepper Varieties and pure unrefined honey.. Herbs and honey have been combined as tonics

and therapeutic formulae since antiquity. they are nature’s gift readily available to mankind and come from the same source, the generous plant kingdom. Enquiries phone Australerba on 8346 0631 or visit

TASTE THE DIFFERENCE OF SPRING ALIVE ENERGISED SPRING WATER Spring Alive take pride in offering the best quality spring water available and friendly local service. Our water tastes very different to all other spring waters on the market. It is fresh, pure and easy to drink. We source our spring water from a natural, free-flowing spring near Burrawang in the Southern Highlands where the water flows naturally out of the ground. Many other spring water companies pump their water up from underground aquifers. The resulting taste and water quality is very different. We also treat our spring water to an additional, natural award winning energizing process when we bottle it. This ensures our water is ‘alive’ and retains its high energy and health giving properties. Water is about quality. The best possible water you can drink is from a pure, unpolluted natural spring in a

pristine environment. Spring Alive Energised Spring Water … Try it now difff er erence! and Taste the dif ence! Contact Spring Alive on 1300 303 803 to arrange delivery of this unique local spring water today! We offer a complete range of ceramic and cooling water dispensers as well.

STEP INTO LIFE IN SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS There are a number of outdoor exercise providers these days but one of the most established is Step into Life, which is Australia’s leading provider of Group Outdoor Personal Training and fully supports these findings. It provides outdoor exercise solutions for all ages and all fitness levels in a fun and non threatening environment. One of their newest locations is in the Southern Highlands and offers a variety of class types to effectively address a range of exercise goals – cardio, toning, kick boxing, fit ball and power flex. It’s an affordable alternative to the gym that will not only work wonders for your body but can also stimulate and improve your overall well being. For more information please call Liz on 0438 294 813(02)4869 5265.

AMAZONIA PURPLEBERRY Amazonia has created the most nu-

trient rich product range available on the Australian market. Thanks to a wide range of bars, capsules, puree, frozen packs and powder, Amazonia products provide an

easy and delicious solution for daily optimum health. Amazonia’s product range includes Purpleberry powder, puree, smoothie packs, capsules, berry bars and coming soon – chocolate and nutrient shots. For more info and stockists visit





1 M D ] New Moon D Solar Eclipse The

1 M F Getting the detail right becomes a priority. 2 3 M G Providing a balanced outlook is admirable

1 2 M H Be upfront with all your dealings and

New Moon together with the solar eclipse heralds a time of group endeavours which may include family, friends or neighbours. The excitement that accompanies this will also contain frustration and inhibitions and for some may also include a level of loss or separation.

but not at the expense of your opinion.

4 5 MH Overreaction to situations may place you at

avoid underhanded or secretive actions.

3 4 M I Enthusiasm and inspiration will help

the best results.

a disadvantage. 6 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon H The challenge is to continue to maintain clear lines of communication although this may be compromised by emotions and insecurity. Endeavour to be objective when necessary and express your feelings when and to whom it matters. You have a right to be heard.

spur things along. 5 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon I The surge of energy will help move things but be careful as enthusiasm alone cannot achieve much. Use the inspiration of the time to bring in much needed assistance which can help realise some concrete results. 6 M J A need for practical outcomes determines what needs to be done.

6 7 M G Cordial relations can overcome most

7 8 M I Taking a broad view of the situation will

7 8 M K A lateral and objective approach is

obstacles. 8 ‡ 1st Quarter G The challenge is to maintain focus on existing relationships and still be discerning. Be prepared for the intensity of encounters as well as possible windfalls. 9 M H Intense emotions may surface so be prepared for some overreaction to seemingly ordinary situations.

help you see things not presently apparent.

called for.

10 11 M I The focus changes and a broader

brought to matters at hand and some ruthless action will need to be taken although not at the expense of others. An encounter which is seemingly accidental may prove to be fateful and the results may surprise everyone concerned.

2 3 M E Relish the acknowledgement but beware of arrogance.

4 5 M F Being overly critical does not achieve

perspective is called for.

12 13 M J Taking control of matters will help ensure the results you want.

14 15 … Full Moon J Things become much clearer as the action necessary is now indicated however be prepared to make changes in order to realise the full potential of the time. 16 MK Think outside the square and the results will be unexpected.

17 18 ML Heed hunches and intuition as they may come in handy.

19 20 21 MA Take action to keep up the momentum. 22 23 Moon enters B ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon B Sun enters E Be practical but not stubborn as the results of the last fortnight’s actions are now evident. It is important to shoulder any extra burden in order to benefit from your efforts. Proud, flamboyant and inspiring are Leo’s hallmarks.

24 25 26 MC Be prepared to share information. 27 28 MD Nurture those that are important. 29 30 M E Take pride in successes and accept wellearned acknowledgement. 31 ] New Moon E The New Moon heralds the beginning of a new cycle and information and communication are the issues. Dot the i’s and cross the t’s otherwise there is a great likelihood of misunderstanding and confusion.

9 10 M J Be prepared to take a hands-on approach. 11 12 M K Some risks may be necessary if you wish

9 10 11 M L Greater compassion or sensitivity is

to achieve your current goals.

to date may be good but do not rely on sentimentality. Be prepared to look into all the detail and use what has been uncovered to achieve the results needed. 13 M A Time to accept the challenges that are about to be presented.

13 14 … Full Moon K then Moon enters L Clarity is

15 16 17 MA Things will clearly be moving quickly so be prepared to act.

14 15 16 M B Be aware of practicalities before attempting anything.

17 18 M C Keep your ear to the ground as news

18 19 MB Practical matters need attention but do not

travels fast.

drag your feet for fear of changing things.

key to finalising matters but do not rely on rumour or hear-say on which to base your actions. Instead use reliable sources especially when things may be uncertain or unpredictable. Base actions on analysis and objectivity. 21 M D An emotional connection with something or someone dominates now.

20 21 22 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon B then Moon enters C A romantic notion or lack of boundaries will undermine what has been achieved so far. The action required now to complete what is at hand will call for clarity and keeping both feet firmly on the ground. Be prepared to listen to advice but keep your own counsel and act from experience not from desire. 23 Sun enters F Practicality, perseverance and attention to detail are the hallmarks of Virgo. 24 M D Emotional bonds dominate.

25 26 27 M E Take your pride in hand before it can cause problems.

28 29 ] New Moon F The New Moon in Virgo begins a cycle of practicality and endeavour which will call for precision and perseverance. New ventures attempted will also bring new encounters some of which will be the catalyst for a change of direction within a few months.

30 31 M G Consensus can achieve much but make sure that everyone plays their part.

19 20 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon C Information is the

22 23 M E Sun enters G This is not the time to stand on ceremony; humility achieves better results. Cooperative, Social and Fair are characteristics of Libra.

24 25 M F Overly critical responses are not productive.

26 27 ] New Moon G This New Moon heralds a time of new beginnings especially where relations with others are concerned. A time for taking risks with new undertaking especially those that are unusual, are on the cutting-edge or involve technology. Cooperative efforts based on mutual interests and respect can achieve much.

28 29 M H The intensity of emotions may be challenging for some so be prepared for overreactions.


A GUIDE TO THE ZODIAC SIGNS A Aries - fire B Taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo - earth


12 … Full Moon L What has been achieved

These are generic interpretations for each of the zodiac signs. For a more personal interpretation, astrological consultations are available by appointment on

G Libra – air H Scorpio - water I Sagitarius - fire J Capricorn – earth K Aquarius – air L Pisces - water

0421 326 001 or 08 8563 9182

LUNAR PHASES AND PERSONALITY TYPES Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic” . The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day

of birth, however, we can easily discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the

coming issues. A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than 45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 08 8563 9182 or 0421 326 001 or email:

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EVENTS, COURSES & WORKSHOPS for the Mind, Body & Soul InnerSelf encourages our readers towards the development and integration of all aspects of the self: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual so that they can thrive on all levels. This issue’s feature aims to inspire and motivate people to find new ways to better health, growth and spiritual awareness and present a whole new world of opportunities to explore. Whether you want to boost your health, growth, wealth, love life or redirect your thinking on a more spiritual plane this feature will help you do just that by covering educational courses and practical workshops and events,on everything from healthy eating and exercise, to courses to stimulate and educate the mind, to workshops and retreats to develop and nurture the soul. TRAIN TO BE A SOUND THERAPIST The first high quality practitioner level training in Australia! Facilitated by published author and renowned teacher Lyz Cooper from the British Academy of Sound Therapy, the training concentrates on the use of Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls and voice (toning and overtoning) to heal the energy system. The course is a ‘practitioner level’ training course, enabling students to make informed diagnosis of a client’s energy system and to treat the imbalances that present themselves. This methodology consistently produces positive results. Course fully residential, held in

Adelaide starts November 2011. international

MICHAEL MOREL WORKSHOPS Michael is a gentleman who has gathered many experiences and much knowledge during his life on the planet. He wishes to share such knowledge with those who seek information about The Mysteries of The Mind and of “Life”. He invites you to join him in that space he calls “There” which he describes as ”The spot between the Rock and the Hard Place “when both have been removed and no-thing is in opposition. It is where complete Free-

dom dwells, uninhibited by the invisible bonds of ignorance and fear.

Check Michael’s website and blog at

USUI REIKI NETWORK Learn Reiki with Australia’s oldest and most experienced Reiki t r a i n i n g organisation...The Usui Reiki Network (Member of the Council of Australian Reiki Organisations), has been offering Reiki training in this country for over 20 years. Reiki Teachers Barbara McGregor, Keven Duff, & Sue Lake-Harris. Traditional quality training - no western add-ons. Reiki 1 seminars coming up soon in Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, & Per th. Free previews/ demonstrations. Contact Head Office for dates/times, or view our website Phone 1300 824 354. E-mail Earlybird payments receive a discount!

Discover the ‘Real Secret’ to successfully manifesting what you want, at the revolutionary new The Manifestation Process™ Workshop , that’s changing people’s lives and getting Unbelievable Results! Learn how to manifest that great new job, relationship, improved health, wealth, or confidence with leading Manifestation Teacher Juliet Mar tine. Find out how you can stop sabotaging things and start manifesting what you want into your life as a matter of course with this powerful new process that makes mastering manifesting easy! Workshops are being held in Sydney, Melbourne, Gold Coast, Perth & Tasmania. For full details visit or 0413 199 649

SYDNEY INSTITUTE OF CHINESE MEDICINE COURSES Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has become popular in Australia as many Australians turn to natural medicine for their health care. $ 4.3 billion has been spent for complimentary medicine last year including rapid growth in Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine businesses. For the first time the Government us recognizing TCM as a formal health care profession as TCM national registration will take place on 1 July 2012 and the first TCM hospital supported by both Chinese and Australian government will also be opening in North Sydney next year. TCM registration may also result in partly sharing the commonwealth Medicare system as Chiropractors and Physiotherapists have done so before. For TCM course details contact Sydney Institute of Chinese Medicine on (02) 9281 2289.


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ALKEHELA Christina has been studying and practicing the art of healing and meditation since 2000. She lived and studied with the Native Americans as well as with the Shamans of Guatemala, Peru and Brazil. Her studies included Reiki, Shamanism, Crystal Healing, Sound Therapy, ceremonies by indigenous people and their history. She was taught how to heal her body and now shares these tools in a unique treatment that incorporates all her teachings. Christina runs Guided Meditation Classes teaching you how to take back control of your thoughts and free your mind as well as Reiki courses. For more

4pm; Saturday August 27th 12md4pm; Saturday September 10th 124pm, Saturday September 24th 124pm. Where: Almanac, a space for learning, Suite 202, Level 2, 2 Guilfoyle Avenue, Double Bay 2028. Contact: Anna 0419 473 234. email

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COLOUR CODES WORKSHOP Find out about the meaning of your name in colour. Are you living in the fullness of your name? Which years are pertinent times for powerful awakenings and change? (Worked out by the colours in your name). Tools from the Colour Blueprint system to help heal the time line, create from this present moment. Limited to 5 people assuring individual attention . Workshop duration 4 hours . When : Saturday August 13th 124pm; Saturday August 20th 12-

MAUM MEDITATION “Who am I? Where do I come from? Where do I go?” Everything has a foundation. The foundation of all creation is the original True mind, which is the True world. This True mind is never-changing and everlasting. Humans do not live in the True world, with the True mind…Humans live in their individual human mind. The human mind is merely an accumulation of individual experiences, which is why we all have different minds. These experiences are stored as pictures and we live identifying ourselves with these pictures, rather than the True mind. This “picture world” is not living and is incomplete, therefore we will not find complete happiness. Only in the True

innerSelf newspaper mind, the True world, is there life and complete happiness.Maum Meditation, a not-for-profit organisation, was founded by Woo Myung in 1996. Woo Myung was awarded the Mahatma Gandhi Peace Prize by the United Nations-NGO International Association of Educators for World Peace in September 2002 and was appointed as World Peace Ambassador by the same organisation. “Maum” in Korean means “mind”. Maum Meditation accurately defines the True mind, and has a seven step method to discard the human mind so you can find your True mind and self. Just after level one you will know the answers to “Who am I? Where do I come from? Where do I go?”. We do not “teach” you the answers. You discover them yourself. Come to our Saturday seminars and discover in more detail what this means.

For further information visit our website at or contact us on (02) 9804 6340. We are located at 6 Stewart St. Eastwood NSW and over 290 other locations around the world.

THE LUMINOUS WAY TRAINING The Luminous Way Spiritual Training is a genuine School of Light that has been established for 15 years. The Founder and Teacher of the Training is Maureen Edwards. The aim of the School is to help the members unfold their better nature from a spiritual perspective. To this end the School provides a curriculum which increases self development, spiritual growth and insight. During the stages of the program students receive the Gift of Healing. The Training offers an ethical supervised program which is fresh and new and which leads to graduate membership with ongoing education. The introductory level of the Training is comprised of 3 full weekend Workshops presented 6 months apar t; Connections One, Two and Three. This is a rare opportunity for greater spiritual growth, and new student intake is not done frequently. If you are genuinely seeking the true qualities of spiritual life do not miss this oppor tunity. (Connection One 13th&14th August 2011 Penrith.) Contact: Maureen Edwards P.O. Box 69 Jamberoo NSW 2533 Ph: (02) 42 360521

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CONNECTING LIGHT with Jerome Baudel A powerful line of energy healing has recently been channelled and developed by Jerome Baudel from Connecting Light. This training, available in Sydney and over distance, teaches new information about the different levels of the mind, healing, spiritual ascension and psychic development.

Visit the official website for more details:

SATORI SPRINGS SPIRITUAL RETREAT WEEKEND November 11 – 13, 2011 Enjoy a blissful weekend 2 nights accommodation, scrumptious food, massage, yoga, healing, workshops and bush walks, all in the tranquil surroundings of beautiful Satori Springs, Canyonleigh Southern Highlands, NSW The retreat opens with an 11.11am “light ceremony” in our crystal valley. For bookings and details phone 02 4878 9305 or visit

SAHAJA YOGA MEDITATION Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a state of mental silence in which one is fully alert and aware but free of the unnecessary thoughts that cause many of life’s day to day stresses. This state occurs spontaneously when the kundalini energy which is born within each of us, is awakened. You can easily experience it for yourself by attending one of our free meditation meetings, workshops or online meditation courses. There are balancing techniques which you can use to enhance your meditation at home plus you can learn more and enjoy group medita-

tions by continuing with our free ongoing classes.

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Flowing Chi with SIMON BLOW

How can Qigong treat disease? Qigong is one of the components of the holistic system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Guigen Qigong was developed by Dr Xu Hongtao a specialist doctor from the Qigong department at the Xiyuan Hospital in Beijing. The name ‘Guigen’ translates as ‘returning to the source or root’. The six

sections of Guigen Qigong help regulate the meridian system, encompassing the ancient Daoist understanding of Restoring Natural Har mon monyy . Combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine practice, it brings harmony to the mind, body and spirit. The dynamic forms and stillness meditation are prescribed to

both in- and out-patients at the Xiyuan Hospital as a part of their therapy. According to Dr Xu, there are three different types of medicine, structural, functional and energetic. We seek treatment for various conditions relating to these types. If we have a fractured arm, we need the structure to be set and allow the natural healing process to take place. Similarly, if we have a problem with our internal organs, we will need herbs or other medications to adjust their function. Qigong works on the Qi or energy level, with the building blocks that help maintain the structure and function of the body. When asked to describe how Guigen Qigong and meditation treat disease, Dr Xu answers: “In different medical systems, the meaning of the term ‘disease’ is different. But Qigong has an effect on most chronic diseases to some degree. According to conventional medical theory, this would suggest that one Qigong system should include not just 6 but thousands of sections, each addressing one of many different ‘diseases’, which would be impossible. “Instead, Qigong is a truly holistic healing knowledge system. Our body has a complex diagnostic and healing system that I call the ‘internal hospital’, a hospital called Nothingness, all inclusive. Critical to genuine Qigong healing is the understanding that Qigong does not work at the structural level (anatomy), but at the qi level, or qi based knowledge system or framework, even beyond the qi dimension. Your question was about what kinds of diseases can be treated by Qigong, or which section applies to which disease. Disease is a term based on sensational knowing, but to practice Qigong effectively, the first step is to put aside all sensations. For example, for a doctor to give someone a diagnosis of gastric ulcer, he first needs to know the patient’s symptoms, such as “pain in upper abdomen” or “tender in the local area” and then carry out an examination. These initial procedures, based on sensation, give the doctor clues about the cause of the problem - gastritis, gastric ulcer or tumour, for example. Next, he may prescribe an investigation by gastroscope, a visual examination perhaps indicating some structural abnormality. He may perform a biopsy under the microscope – another visual technique - to determine whether an ulcer or inflammation is benign or malignant.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Qigong practitioners, however, work on Qi, not on diseases. They treat the Qi stagnations and make them flow smoothly and easily. When the Qi system is genuinely fixed or repaired, the problems in the structural dimension (diseases) will be healed very quickly. This is why we emphasise, “Nothingness is the best prescription.” If your internal diagnostic system scans your Qi system and finds nothing, it means that there is no stagnation in your Qi dimension, and your Qi-body is normal. The Qi-body is the root or source of the structure-body. Qigong cures the ‘diseases’ in the body through repairing Qi. Although I don’t list diseases such as cancers (of the breast, prostate, uterus, stomach, intestines), chronic inflammations (mostly caused by viruses, bacteria, physical and chemical factors, autoimmune factors), emotional and mental problems, metabolic diseases (overweight, diabetes, coronary hear t disease and rest enosis) or insomnia, most of chronic diseases are included. To obtain a better result, the following conditions should be met. First, the patient should be very willing and open to resolving their problems through Qigong practice. Second, the patient

must have the energy and ability for daily practice. These two are the basic requirements for Qigong selfhealing. The first is more important than the second. If the patient’s practice abides by the general principles of Qigong, good results will appear naturally. Yours, Dr Xu www .guig www.guig Simon Blow is the author of numerous books, DVDs and audio CDs about this ancient healing art. A near fatal accident at the age of nineteen lead Simon to investigate various methods of healing and rejuvenation a path he has been following ever since. He is a Sydneybased master teacher (Laoshi) who has been leading regular classes, workshops and retreats for beginning and continuing students since 1990. Simon has received training and certification from Traditional Chinese Medical Hospitals and Daoist Monasteries in China and Buddhist Monasteries in Australia has been given authority to share these techniques. He has been initiated into Dragon Gate Daoism and given the name of Xin Si, meaning Genuine Wisdom. Simon is a Standing Council Member of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong in Beijing. or call (02) 9559 8153

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. ~ Howard Thurman

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MASTERING MANIFESTING I recently had a miracle occur in my life. I’d had a health problem for a while and I’d been trying absolutely everything to get my body to heal. But nothing I was doing was making any difference whatsoever, if anything it was just making the problem worse. To the point that I became so frustrated that eventually one night as I was brushing my teeth and going to bed I said to the universe ‘Forget it! I give up! You win! I don’t care about it any more!’ When I got up the next morning, as if by the hand of God, I found that my body had been completely healed! The health problem that was there the night before was gone! Totally healed! My body was 100% better! It was a miracle! We deem something to be a miracle when something happens that is beyond the powers of our rational explanation. Logic would have said that in order for my body to physically heal, something had to happen first to enable it to take place the way it did. And yet I hadn’t done anything that night to instigate my body to heal. Or had I? The only thing I had done was to give up. I absolutely 100% gave up on manifesting the good health I so desperately wanted to achieve. Yet when I gave up, that’s when my miracle occurred and what I wanted magically appeared. So what was it about giving up that enabled what I wanted to literally appear over night?

The Secret To Manifesting With Success

I now realise that when we are able to truly ‘give up’, energetically we actually trigger three things to occur. Firstly, in the process of giving up we let go of our fears . Most of the time when we really want something to manifest or appear in our

lives, it’s because deep down inside we’re actually fearful of what will happen for us if the thing we want doesn’t happen. We want to attract a great new relationship, because we’re fearful that if it doesn’t happen we’ll be left all alone. We want to attract greater financial abundance because we’re fearful that if it doesn’t happen we won’t be able to afford what we want in life. When we have a fear underlying our desire to manifest something in our lives, the energy of the fear burns away the energy of our positive intent, wish or desire, before it’s even had a chance to take root, and we create an energetic attachment to the thing that we fear. When we reach that point of giving up, we actually move beyond our fear and release ourselves from its bind. This then frees up our desired intent to start growing ‘energetic roots’ in the physical world so that it can start manifesting into our experience. The second thing that happens when we give up is that we drop any mental stories that might have been sabotaging our manifesting . Mental stories such as how we are not good enough, smar t enough, attractive enough, lovable enough to get what we want. Mental stories about how the thing that we want will be so difficult or hard to get, how it will take a long time, how it happens easily for other people but not for us. Whenever we tell ourselves a story that is contrary to the direction we want to be heading, it effectively undermines and sabotages the manifesting of our intent. When we give up and stop trying to get the thing that we previously wanted so much, we put a stop to the telling of all those stories that were unknowingly blocking us from allowing what we wanted

to come into our lives. And the third thing that happens when we give up is that we get out of the way and stop interfering with the natural processes of the Law of Attraction. When we are able to give up, we stop trying to force things to happen the way we think they have to happen, and we stop doing things that may have previously been limiting the way in which what we want was able to happen. As we give up and move our attention to focus on things other than what we were previously trying to manifest, we stop holding onto our originating desire and that then enables the universe to start bringing our intent into our reality with greater ease. And that for me was the biggest lesson from experiencing my miracle. What I wanted to happen was able to happen, literally overnight, when I simply got out of the way and stopped interfering with the natural organising forces of the universe. I thought that we were the ones that had to make things happen in our lives. Now I truly understand that we are not. We are the ones that create the originating desire or intent and put it out there. We are the ones that take action to help what we want to manifest. But we are not the ones that do the ‘doing’. That is the job of the natural laws of attraction and the organising forces that operate within our universe. Our job is to simply get out of our own way and stop sabotaging things, so that the universe can do what it naturally does, which is bringing the energy of our intent into physical form in this matter-based world. And what a fun and fulfilling experience that can be, if we can learn how to let go and truly enjoy the process! Juliet Martine is a professional Energy Healer, Soul Intuitive & Manifesting Coach. She works with clients throughout Australia and overseas, to help clear health and life issues, tune into your true life purpose, and teach you how to truly master manifesting so you can create what you want and be living a life you love with greater health, wealth & happiness. Phone Juliet on 0413199649 or visit

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. ~Albert Einstein



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FENG SHUI For Health, Wealth & Happiness ○

BY TRACY JACKSON I think everyone would like to have more money, better health, and good relationships in both their personal and business lives. This is what good Feng Shui offers. I have studied Feng Shui for the last twenty years, and have been a practicing consultant for the last five. I had been interested for a long time, and then I got the chance to study with a Chinese expert. He is a lovely gentleman by the name of Master Feng, who practices in Melbourne.

Master Feng left China, because ‘South’ is his best direction. For the first two years he needed an interpreter so he could carry out his teaching. I learned a lot from him. Feng Shui aims to bring more balance into your life, home and office. It is ancient, over 3,000 years old, and is believed to utilise the Laws of both heaven (astronomy) and earth (geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive Chi or energy. The words ‘feng shui’ literally translate as “wind-water” in English.

Most texts on Feng Shui are written for the Nor thern Hemisphere. However the Southern hemisphere needs different placements and the working out of the astrology is different. When I am helping people set up their homes, using the principles of Feng Shui, I start by doing a Chinese astrology chart for everyone in the home. This enables me to work out their best direction, and if there is an element that is missing from their chart, I will suggest a cure. For instance, if a person was missing Fire in their astrology, then they could have a red or orange coloured item in their room for balance. I use the plans of the home to discover the ‘missing elements’. Every home is divided into eight sections or ‘houses’ like fame, marriage or relationships and wealth. A lot of clients like the principles of Feng Shui, but may not want to use the traditional Chinese remedies. This is fine, as there are a range of alternatives that can substitute, and be just as effective. Let’s say for example that the home is lacking the area called “Heaven/Helpful People.” Cures for that could be: A Chinese Buddha; Something made out of metal, like a table and chairs, or pots with white or blue or silver coloured plants. Or it could be a picture using these elements of colours. The cure must suit the client, and only one cure is needed. The cure can even be hidden in the way of a trigram. This can simply be drawn on paper and placed behind a curtain or a picture. It works because you are replacing the missing element. There are some golden rules that apply: the do’s and don’ts of Feng Shui. I have to consider things like, the position of the rooms, and where the doorways are positioned. Kitchens are best if they are in the centre of the home, but of course many existing kitchens aren’t and we have to work with what is there. If the kitchen has a door that goes straight outside, then money will go out too, so it’s best to close it off, or keep it shut. And it is best to have a picture of a mountain, or mountain trigram above the door. It only has to be small, and it will work. The more advanced a society’s technology becomes, the less in touch with the environment that society will be, and the more conflict there will be in the individual human being. Feng Shui serves to reconnect us with nature and the universe, and in doing so enables us to not only understand our environment better, but also ourselves. I meet a lot of people who are skeptical. That’s OK, but I think few people really can afford to overlook the energies and flow in their lives, that when properly balanced can bring health, wealth and happiness, the Chinese way! Having been trained by a Chinese Master the difference between the two hemispheres means that you get a true and accurate consultation. Having a consultation has many benefits, better health, relationships business/personal and the one thing that we all want more of is wealth. Together we can enhance life. Contact Tracy Jackson on 0419 426 166 or Email Feng Shui Consultant for the Southern Hemisphere

Navigating theSHIFT


OUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON YOU Our future isn’t set in stone, it depends on you, the choices and the actions you take. There is no doubt that we are in the midst of incredible change, everyone is talking about it no matter what the age group, even young children are asking what and why of the changes in our world...everyone can sense that something is going on but most get caught up in the fear and uncertainty rather than recognising that each and every one of us has within us the power to make all the difference. The choices we make and how we react to the changes will determine the outcome. In the last few issues I shared with you what is happening on our planet, why and how the power of your heart centre can make all the difference. More detailed information of what was shared can be found in the eBook titled The Power of You on my website. However, in this article and future issues our focus will be on how to contribute to the changes and create a future that we desire. What goes on inside of us is a reflection of what is going on outside of us and vice versa. Everything is amplified and accelerating and we can either breakdown or breakthrough. Nature is always building

and growing towards more consciousness and just as a caterpillar goes through one of the most incredible transformations as it becomes the butterfly so too are we. It’s time for us to transform so that we too can stop crawling, allow the changes to occur, spread our wings and fly. Nori Huddle, in her book “Butterfly” so beautifully tells the story of the transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly. As you read it you can’t help but see that this is what we too are experiencing. What follows is my adapted version. Keeping in mind that what goes on inside of us also goes on outside of us.

The Imaginal Cell Story

The caterpillar’s new cells are called ‘imaginal cells.’ They are so totally different from the caterpillar cells that its immune system thinks they are enemies…and gobbles them up as it tries to resist the change, for fear of the unknown. It can’t understand what is happening or why. The imaginal cells at first struggle with being different, feeling alone like they don’t belong, but then new imaginal cells continue to appear, more and more of them. Pretty soon the caterpillar’s immune system cannot

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destroy them fast enough as more and more of the imaginal cells survive. This represents those of us who are more conscious. And then something amazing happens! The tiny lonely cells start to clump together, into friendly groups, they join forces, work together, they look out for each other and recognise the importance of community. They all resonate together at the same frequency, sharing and passing on information of their vision of the highest possibilities. Then after a while, another amazing thing happens, these communities of imaginal cells start to come together as they recognise the power of coming together as one, all resonating at the same frequency, all sharing, all passing on information inside the chrysalis. Then suddenly at the same time

they all realize that they are something different from the caterpillar, that they are no longer the same, no longer who they used to be or what they thought they were. They are something new! Something wonderful! And in that realisation is the birth of the butterfly, because now it knows it is more. In the experience, through the challenges it has grown and transformed. No longer will it do those things individual cells must do because now they are a part of a multicelled organism…a family who can share the work. Each butterfly can take on a different job – there is something for everyone to do and everyone is important. Each cell can do what it is drawn to do and everyone encourages it to do just that. It is now time for us to come together as one, to recognise the importance of community, to be compassionate and truly care for one another, to always leave every place a little better than when we arrived. Just as the imaginal cell must hold the image of the butterfly in order for it to become, so too must we hold a positive image of our future. This is your opportunity to create the future you desire and live the highest possibility. Joanne Antoun sees clients for personal sessions of CTC – a life transforming Combined Therapy Cocktail and runs regular seminars that inspire, motivate and empower, leaving you feeling a new level of connectedness and awareness that motivates you to be the best you can be. Visit her website at So how do we make a difference? First of all you start by getting out if life’s waiting room




Crossing Over

Visits from departing Friends My old dog nuzzled my arm until I woke up last night. An odd glow lit the foot of my bed there stood a friend from America. I haven’t heard from him for a few months, and at two in the morning it was all a bit confusing. Momentarily I thought he was really standing there, and then I understood… He was about to cross over. We spent the next few hours talking. My friend was sad to be leaving his family but excited about the next step of his journey. He’d popped in on me because he felt compelled to try before he stepped across into the place he was going next. He urged me to tell his loved ones that he’d heard everything they’d said, and that it meant the world to him. And he wanted them not to worry or be sad. I called his family and shared what had transpired. They confirmed his sudden illness and rapid deterioration, and that they’d just made the agonising decision to turn off his life support a few hours before. His family were comforted to know that although he’d been in a coma, he’d heard their messages of love. We don’t seem to have much advice to follow when it comes to death in modern western society. One of my best friends Maggie died of breast cancer recently. She didn’t

want to die in a hospital so her family brought her home – she was frail, bald and emaciated. As she became weaker I saw a separation in my friend’s aura. Her physical aura grew dim and small, but her etheric aura became large and luminous, just touching her physical aura like a soap bubble. Maggie whispered what she was experiencing as she faded in and out of consciousness. It was very beautiful, she said, and Dad had come to help her (he had died some years before) but she was very afraid. There was a beautiful garden and people dancing, and she really wanted to join them there. She was tired and couldn’t keep fighting, but she felt so guilty to be leaving her family when her job with them wasn’t finished. When her mum and husband came into the room Maggie’s physical aura would immediately strengthen as she tried to be strong and stay with them. When they left the room her physical aura became instantly weaker and her etheric aura grew bright again. Two days before her death, a strong pink and gold light descended upon Maggie, and the whole room was filled with a Divine presence. I don’t often work with Angels or people who have passed over but my friend’s room became

filled with Angels that I could physically see. As soon as they arrived she began the journey of letting go, and became more and more peaceful. We all gave Maggie constant attention and love, and told her that it was okay for her to go to the Light. My friend was leaving a young family behind, and she resisted death with every breath while the living were in the room with her. Finally a beautiful moment allowed her to begin the process of finally letting go. Late on the night of Maggie’s death, the spirit of a physically stunning young woman turned up by her left side. Maggie’s eyes widened in amazement and delight. “My friend’s here, my beautiful friend. I don’t believe it. She’s here!” cried my dying Maggie. I watched this beautiful girl lean over Maggie’s broken body and stroke her cheek, whispering to her, and as she did this Maggie’s physical aura became paler and paler and her breathing laboured. Then her etheric aura completely disengaged and floated to the top of the room, held by the most slender and delicate silvery cord. I left then and went home, so that my friend Maggie could share her final moments in privacy with her family.

I found it hard to sleep that night. Just after I finally dozed off I was woken by a bright light in my bedroom. My beloved Maggie was standing at the end of my bed in a pink dress, and with raven hair down to her waist held by a jewelled head band. She looked years younger and radiantly beautiful. “Thank you, Nicole,” said my friend, smiling widely. “I’m okay, and I understand everything.” She then gave me some short messages for her Mum, husband and family. I heard from the family the next morning that Maggie had passed away ten minutes before she came to me. I’ll leave you with the final thing my friend said to me on the night of her death as she stood at the foot of my bed. “Don’t worry Nicole. God is everywhere. It all makes sense when you get here. It’s really okay, and so am I. I love you. Tell them all it’s okay. It’s all just love.” © 2011 Nicole Cody is a Metaphysical Teacher and Channel. She specialises in Soul Blueprints, Life Direction Counselling and Spiritual Mentoring. For more information contact 07 3256 0815 or


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2012 - It’s All About Choice ○

BY HEIDI WOODMAN Yes the Calendar ends on a date that has been interpreted by some as 21st Dec 2012 but it does not foretell of an apocalyptic event leading to the demise of humanity! I often get asked how I got to be doing what I do, which is a difficult question to answer in brief. I guess my creative journey began by following intuition and inspiration in the face of various limiting considerations and challenges that lay in my path…all self imposed of course! With the decision to finish my career as a real estate agent and embark on one as a full time ceramic ar tist came an expansive journey

that has led me to places I could not have imagined. In fact, if someone had told me a few years back that I would publish a set of oracle cards, I would have fallen to the ground laughing! I had always been drawn to the art of the Mayan civilization for no reason that was obvious to me other than an admiration for the simplicity, symmetry and beauty of form inherent in their sculpture.

With clay up to my elbows for a good 3 months, I immersed myself in inspiration and set about creating replicas of pieces that sang to me. This process led to a period of research as I felt the need to give an informative description of the origins of each piece. Of course much of the information available on the Maya refers to the Mayan Calendar and so my curiosity grew. Suddenly, I found myself surrounded by people that were experts on the workings of the Calendar. Synchronicity is a marvelous thing! What came to light from that point on was much more spiritually charged. There is a truth and beauty of Spirit woven into the art and teachings of the Maya that is all too often overlooked. The subsequent creation of the “Mayan Key” Oracle Cards came about through necessity, I felt they were needed. Typically our western culture loves to sensationalize and elaborate on facts, with a good dose of drama, so if you were to ask the average guy on the street what his knowledge of the Mayan civilization is, the answer would be limited to information fed them by Hollywood, something along the lines of “weren’t they the ones who sacrificed people … and didn’t they predict the end of the world in 2012?” There came a point where I felt the need to dispel a few myths. Valuable insights were being missed and we were running the risk of a group mind taking shape that had the potential to become a self fulfilling prophecy. So, let’s look at what the Calendar is all about. At the very core of Mayan culture was a belief in a unified consciousness. Consciousness being a state of awareness or mode of operating that each and every one of us lives by. The Unification of that consciousness being an interconnection between all of us/humanity ... and bigger still, an interconnection between us, earth and the essence of everything in existence. Now, with this concept understood, all the “Tzolkin” (known commonly as the Mayan Calendar) does, is measure the evolution of that consciousness. In other words, each block of time referred to in the Calendar, including this last block of time that we are currently in, relates to a level of consciousness or mode of operations ie the way we relate with ourselves and everything around us. Yes the Calendar ends on a date that has been interpreted by some as 21st Dec 2012 but it does not foretell of an apocalyptic event leading to the demise of humanity! Instead, it relates to the end of a cycle...and the beginning of another. It marks a turning point or point of no return to a way of life, an evolutionary tipping point in the way we perceive ourselves and our effect on all that exists around us. It’s a good thing! So now, this doesn’t rule out the possibility of a little “shaking up” along the way. There are some man made creations, systems and controls in place that may very well require a bit of a shove before they can dissolve or change. What we as individuals need to keep an eye on, is how we respond and contribute to this. It pays to look at what is happening off to the side. So for those who have gone into a tail-spin around a natural disaster for example. What if we were to look at the result outside of the physical event ie. sure, an ear thquake or flood brings about some death and destruction.... but more powerful still, lets then have a look at the unprecedented surge of

empathy, generosity, love and care that emerged from humanity...and how that contributed to the evolution of consciousness. It is never about the actual event but more about the energies that come into play around the event. So let’s see … fear of loss, competition and isolation or empathy, generosity, love and unity... mmm, choices, choices! Heidi Woodman’s creative journey

began as a ceramic artist. Inspired by the art of the Maya, she quickly gained an admiration for the beauty of spirit woven into the Mayan culture. The initial sculpting of the ceramic glyphs and subsequent creation of The Mayan Key Oracle Cards. F or more information visit her website:

ABSOLUTE SOUL SECRETS In 2000 Rose Smith BA, DRM, ATMS had a dream of Archangel Michael who wrote the name “Absolute Soul Secrets” on her forehead. At the time, she had no idea what this meant, it was a soul secret even to her! However after about 3 months, a series of ‘coincidences’ led Rose to believe it was a new business endeavour she was destined to start. More dreams confirming her new direction led to the international psychic network Absolute Soul Secrets. 10 years later Absolute Soul Secrets is the most reputable and well known psychic network in Australia and New Zealand. Only genuinely gifted psychics are invited to read on this network. So if you want a good reading with a good psychic that doesn’t cost a fortune, call Absolute Soul Secrets today! 24/7 pay by your phone account call 1902 221 596 $2.97 pm (mob more, Callucopia), credit cards 1300 850 196 $2.45 pm. Check our free astrology on

innerSelf newspaper


Psychics, Mediums and Clairvoyants



LIFE AFTER SUICIDE Depression and suicide are a large part of our society now. We try to avoid talking and thinking about the subject but knowledge is empowering so I would like to share my story and insights with you. After completing my training as a Registered Nurse I suffered severe depression. No real cause could be found for this though I did have physical health problems as well. Visits to Medical Practitioners resulted in a cocktail of medication that helped for a while then seemed to cause me more problems in that my whole personality changed and I was often a very difficult patient and person to be with. Psychiatrists had no answers for me and I attempted suicide a number of times. After 25 years of great sadness Angels came to my rescue and my whole life changed. So now I understood how the hidden world of lost souls and unhappy spirits that surround many Health Care Professionals affecting their health on many levels. As a psychic medium and healer my true passion is not just effecting communication between people and loved ones in spirit but also healing the many lost souls who wander this earth plane causing more grief for themselves and others.


This should be a beautiful time for all involved – seeing your family and friends off to a new and more joyous life is still hard going for most of us however. For a person of faith and with peace in their heart their Spirit leaves the body as a flash of beautiful white light and moves toward the Light assisted by many spiritual helpers. For those who commit suicide it’s usually not like that – they leave their physical bodies and then look back in surprise. They are still ALIVE but their body is dead – but their mind and the emotions they wished to escape are still with them. So they are not free and in peace but tied to a spirit form that can still see and experience the pain of their death plus the realisation of the grief they have caused to those they loved. Some people firstly move back into their lifeless body then later attach very closely onto another living person for

some guidance and comfort plus in an effort to explain their situation. Nurses and doctors are definitely at risk here as are family members.


Yes that’s often the problem as the unhappy spirits seek assistance and to talk to those who can’t see them but soon star t to feel overwhelmed with the energy of grief and sadness themselves. My daughter is a medical doctor and psychiatrist and I has suffered much physical pain and stress at times from her patients returning to seek more of her gentle care and understanding. Some angry patients have even returned to ask her why she didn’t warn them they would be still be alive after death! Fortunately I can see this and assist her if this happens but in my nursing days I had no understanding or knowledge of all this so just took another Valium or antidepressants to dull my stress and anxiety.


Yes, some spirits can even merge right into and stay in another person’s physical body. They usually mean no harm but this can cause heaps of unexplained physical complaints, low energy levels and a general feeling of sadness and confusion. It takes a skilled spiritual healer or psychic medium to coax them gently out and to send them off to the Light in the company of Angels or other helpful spirits. Of course there are more unpleasant spirits who do intend harm to their hosts but usually it’s just the spirits of those who have died suddenly, especially if they died following chronic drug and alcohol abuse. For the souls choosing to leave earth school early there is no punishment, no purgatory or judgement from the Higher Spiritual Realms or God or Goddess...just sadness that a soul couldn’t overcome the difficulties of living on this earth school. But we can see where the idea that one who commits suicide will not be allowed into Heaven comes from. These sad spirits need special assistance to reach the Light where they


can rest and receive healing and spiritual support.


This is an amazing therapy that has many new advocates among psychologists, medical doctors and nurses in USA but it’s still regarded as a bit scary and negative in Australia although I have seen many instant and remarkable healings result from this healing process. I see the situation rather like a few hundred years ago when medical doctors didn’t wash their hands after attending patients and attending births. There just was no understanding of germs and bacteria and viruses and their role in illness – so the first doctors to point this out were scorned as being crazy but it’s much the same for me today! If only we could ensure all people received an understanding of the death process and what they needed to do to ensure they reached the Light. Plus if they miss out first time it’s easy enough to guide them through the process in spirit. Eventually many people emerge back from their time in the Light so joyful and keen to be able to assist their loved ones still on earth school in positive ways. ELISABETH JENSEN has more helpful articles on her website or you can call 1300558075 for brochures of her courses and Hello from Heaven! Mediumship events. Voted Australian Psychic of The Year 2010, Elisabeth is also Vice President of the Australian Psychics Association and has trained many professional mediums and psychics internationally.

Lynn Overhill has been a Clairvoyant & Animal Communicator for 17 plus years while working throughout Australia. She now presides in Bowral in the Southern Highlands where her Walker Street clinic room is based. A lover of communication with all animals, she specialises with cats, dogs and horses regarding a range of issues such as behaviour training, grief, birth & death, emotional balance, psychological and belief issues along with the dispensing of Bach Flowers and Australian Bush Flower Remedies and other holistic therapies. Lynn holds a Bachelor of Science Degree, Diplomas in Remedial Therapies, Remedial Massage and Cer t II in Animal Studies. She has worked in animal shelters, as a zoo volunteer and has appeared as a regular on “Mornings with Kerri-Anne” and as a guest on Pet Talk Radio amongst many other media platforms as well as running workshops and working as a Public Speaker available for hire. For more info contact Lynn on 0414 999 849.

ELIZABETH HOLT The Tarot as a Tool for Transformation “Insight from the Tarot gives understanding and clarity of my life path,” says Elizabeth, professional Reader for over 20 years.” The ancient wisdom reveals our dreaming and our soul’s longing. “I studied with Paul Fenton Smith (best selling author, clairvoyant) at the Academy of Psychic Sciences, Sydney NSW in 1990-91. Since then my respect and passion for the Tarot continues to grow and deepen. “Using my background in Natural Therapies and Holistic Counselling and combining these with an indepth knowledge of Tarot symbolism gives my clients an increased awareness of themselves and their life path. “Working from a Process Oriented perspective enables

me to walk gently and lovingly beside the client wherever they need to go. “I offer classes in Tarot, Aromatherapy, Meditation, Dreams and Circle magic.” Elizabeth lives happily in the Southern Highlands with husband of 40 years doing what she loves best, helping others to find their way back to Spirit. For further information and appointments please contact Elizabeth on Mobile 0412 351 904, email

JOHN GRAY One of Sydney’s best known psychic healers, John Gray has been healing people for more than 15 years. Experienced in modalities such as Reiki, Theta healing and psychosomatic therapy, John now follows the directives of his Guides creating his own style which he simply calls ‘letting go and letting God.’ Call 0418 125 241 for an appointment.

ISABELLA GENTILIN Isabella Gentilin is a spiritual medium, healer and author of ‘Whispers of an Angel’, who has worked as a counsellor for over 12 years. Isabella believes in following her passion and listening to her higher self will bring peace, love and abundance to all. She runs workshops and continues to write for adults and children.

Contact Isabella at .

ROBYN CAUGHLAN Robyn Caughlan is an accomplished Dharug indigenous Clairvoyant, Medium and award winning Artist. For appointments and further details contact Robyn Caughlan on 0413 231 831 or visit


innerSelf newspaper powerful. Please if you can do the same I believe it helps!!!! I believe that people who have constant contact with the 11:11 phenomena have some type of a positive mission to accomplish. It is still a mystery to me what it is that we all have to do or why are we all being gathered and connected together, but it is very real and tangible.

A trigger of remembrance

The ○

11:11 Phenomena ○

BY URI GELLAR Uri Geller amous ar ound the gglobe lobe ffor or his mind-bending aabilities bilities Geller,, ffamous around bilities,, discuss the 11:11 phenomena. If your attention has been drawn to clocks and watches at exactly 11:11, then read on. I started experiencing this rather bizarre occurrence when I was forty years old, at first I thought they were coincidences, I would stand with my back to a digital clock and something made me turn around and I would notice that the time would be 11:11. These incidents intensified. I would be checked into hotel rooms on floor 11 room 1111. I started noticing these digits on computers, microwave ovens, cars, documents, etc. I de-

cided to write about it on my website. I was immediately inundated by hundreds of emails from all around the world. Individuals were telling me their own 11:11 stories, almost always saying “I thought it only happened to me”. It is difficult for me to decipher what this is all about but my intuition tells me it’s positive. When I see the number 11:11, I pray for sick children and world peace, the prayer takes a moment but it’s very

For many years the numbers 11:11 have been mysteriously appearing to people all over the world. Often appearing on digital clocks, the sightings of 11:11 tend to occur during times of heightened awareness, having a most powerful effect on the people involved. This causes a reactivation of our cellular memory banks. There’s a stirring deep inside, a hint of remembrance of something long forgotten. The appearance of 11:11 is also a powerful confirmation that we are on the right track, aligned with our highest Truth. Throughout the years, I have personally encountered thousands of people all over the world who, have experienced repeated sightings of 11:11. They all want to know what is happening to them and why. What does the 11:11 signify? 11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near. This refers to the completion of duality. When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Invisible. When this happens, it is time to reflect on whatever you are doing for a moment and Look Larger. A transfer is in position. You can enter the Greater Reality if you wish, pray or meditate and seed your future and also, you can be seeded by the Invisible. You can ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply listen quietly and receive a revelation. The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention telling you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is really happening. It’s time to pierce the veils of illusion that keep us bound to an unreal world. You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into the Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love. To ascend from duality into Oneness. The 1111 is the bridge to our vitality and oneness. It is our pathway into the positive unknown and beyond.

The Doorway to 11:11

This can presently be perceived as a crack between two worlds. It is like a bridge which has the inherent potential of linking together two very different spirals of energy. As we unite together as One, bringing together our fragments of the key, we not only create the key, but we make visible the Doorway. Thus this bridge functions as an invisible door or a doorway into the Invisible realm. The 11:11 is the bridge to an entirely different spiral of evolution. The symbol of 11:11 was pre-encoded into our cellular memory banks long ago. Returning our cycle of incarnations upon the Earth. The 11:11 has rested dormantly within us since that faraway position under time-release mechanization, combined with sealed orders which would only open when the 11:11 was fully activated. It has been gently sleeping, awaiting the moment of triggering. And now the 11:11 is finally activated. 11:11 is the pre-encoded trigger and the key to the mysteries of the universe and beyond. Some of you have recognized this symbol as something of significance, yet have been unaware of its true meaning. With the advent of digital clocks many years ago, the significance of 11:11 began to make itself felt, often appearing on clocks at times of accelerated awareness. For those of you who have known that 11:11 was something special, we now need you to come forth into positions of leadership. For you are important parts of the key. 11 isn’t just a precursor to danger etc – it’s the whole point! 1+1 = 2 - unity, togetherness, peace. Uri Geller is famous around the globe for his mind-bending abilities, he has led a unique life shrouded in debate, controversy and m yster ysteryy. Uri has been studied by the world’s leading scientists, including a few who worked with Albert Einstein. The world’s most prestigious scientific magazine, Nature, published a paper on Uri’s work at the Stanford Research Institute in the U.S.A - a unique endorsement, and an irrefutable proof that his skills are genuine.

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In Brief Reviews - Books, CDs, DVDs To have your book, CD or DVD featured in this space phone InnerSelf Ne Newspa wspaper wspa per on (08) 8396 6752 or email The Adventures of Horatio Hope and Clara Compassion By Michael Morel Join Horatio Hope, a wandering philosopher, and his indispensable companion Clara Compassion on this wonderful adventure through the Land of Impossibilities, a cold and friendless place of great danger and malevolent forces. Their mission: To rediscover the Lost Law of the Universe by accompanying the Human race on its journey towards the Mansion in the Sky. This mythic story will resonate with many readers, old and young alike. Pub: Sid Harta Publishers. For orders visit or phone (08) 8294 4641.

Mayan Key Oracle Cards By Heidi Woodman Access your own ever-present heart wisdom through this beautifully presented boxed set of 33 richly coloured oracle cards and

guidebook. These cards tap into what the Mayans called “Hunab Ku” – the unified consciousness by which all life is connected – enabling us to transcend lineal time and move into all that has been, all that is and all that will be, bringing with it clarity and profound insight into any areas of our life. An inspired, easy to comprehend tool for awakening and transformation. Pub: Joshua Phone 0419 818 418


When Do The Tears Stop? Through Grief’s Night Into A New Day By Joy Brisbane This book is a powerful testament to life’s eternal nature. Through the author’s deep loss of her soul mate/husband/lover/best friend, she discovered the higher Joyfilled connection available even after the death of the human shell. Out of her deep grief and longing for her departed husband, an awareness of his presence as pure love and pure light began to present itself. And through this, a profound realization

THE CALL OF SOUL Book and CD set By Harold Klemp A beautiful introduction to the ancient teachings of Eckankar. In this book, the spiritual leader of Eckankar leads you through the infinite worlds of God’s love, demonstrating how this love translates into every events, relationships, and moments of your life. You’ll learn the secrets of HU, an ancient, sacred name for God, and how to open your hear t to the answers within you. You’ll also find this book to be a road map and spiritual companion, offering spiritual exercises, dream techniques, Soul Travel explorations and more – all to help you open wide to the most secret part of yourself, Soul, a Light of God. Accompanying the book is a practical CD which includes a HU chant sung by thousands of people along with various spiritual exercises on Dreams, Soul Travel and How to do the HU. Discount price of $15.00 +P&P. Phone LeeAnne on 0424 474 464. Limited number of copies available. Pub: Eckankar.


Serving Sydney and Australia for almost 90 years, Adyar Bookshop is one of Sydney’s oldest booksellers and Australia’s leading mind body spirit book and gift shop. Established in 1920 by The Blavatsky Lodge of the Theosophical Society, Adyar has been selling metaphysical and alternative publications to generations of people eager to explore theosophy and the world around them. Roughly translated, Adyar means ‘peace’. It is the name of a river in Chennai, India, and the international headquarters of The Theosophical Society is situated on its banks. Adyar Bookshop has had several homes during its life, from humble beginnings when it started literally out of a suitcase under the stairs of the Theosophical Society headquarters in Hunter Street. A couple of years later the TS moved to Bligh Street where it remained for many years. From 1979 to 1983, Adyar made its home in Culwalla Chambers at 67 Castlereagh Street. In mid-1983, Adyar moved again, this time to Pitt Street near the Hilton Hotel. Adyar

next moved to the mezzanine level of the State Theatre Building in Market Street late in 1985 where it remained for the next seven years. In 1992, Adyar made another long term move to 230 Clarence Street, where it stayed for 17 wonderful years. In June 2009, it relocated to its current home at 99 Bathurst Street, opposite St Andrews Cathedral and it just celebrated its second anniversary here. To mark this occasion, Adyar Bookshop introduced a new loyalty program, where for an annual fee of $15.00, members are entitled to an instant ten per cent discount on any purchase. Until the end of August, any customer who joins goes in the draw to win one of 18 prizes, including an iPad, iPod Nano or a $100.00 gift voucher from David Jones or Harvey Norman. Adyar Bookshop has an extensive range of books covering everything from Astrology to Zen. It also stocks a large range of cards and gift items including crystals, incense, meditation cushions and stools, statues, soaps, Tibetan prayer flags and much more.

Adyar now runs author talks every Thursday evening from 6.30pm in the main bookshop chamber, as well as running a movie screening once a month on a Wednesday evening. These movie nights have included movies such as Oh My God, Wake Up and Cancer is Curable Now. For more details of these events, consult the bookshop’s website at The bookshop has always been well known for its in-house practitioners and offers tarot, clairvoyance, channelling, soul path reading, kinesthetic sensing, palmistry, coffee reading, mediumship and Indian head massage on a daily basis. Every month, former Adyarite Walter Mason reviews many of the latest books being sold at the bookshop on RadioOutThere, an internet based radio program developed by former ABC television and radio presenter Barry Eaton, who also authored the best selling 2010 book Afterlife. Adyar is excited that 2012 will see its 90th birthday and it is looking forward to serving Australians for many decades to come.

THE MOON INSIDE YOU DVD by Diana Fabianova The Moon Inside You is a fresh look at a taboo that defines the political and social reality of both women and men in a more profound way than society might be willining to admit. Facing the menstrual etiquette with doses of humour and self-irony, the documentary approaches the subject through both personal and collective references, thus challenging our preconceived idea of womanhood.

Dist: Moon Diary Products Phone (02) 6655 2536

InnerSelf Readers GIVEAWAY THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF YOUR NAME By Neil Koelmeyer & Ursula Kolecki The Secret Language of your Name is a step-bystep guide to unlocking the secrets in the numbers of your name and birth date to reveal your personality traits and your path to happiness and success. This book also features nearly 5,000 baby names – essential reading for parentsto-be. Pub: Blue Angel Publishing

10 copies to be given away to 10 lucky readers To be in the drawsimply email your contact details to: The Secret Language Giveaways

Learning and Being ○

BY ALAN COHEN The story is told of the Persian rascal-sage Nasrudin, who found himself on the bow of a ferry boat with a pompous intellectual. Bloated with his own erudition, the scholar began to quiz and criticize Nasrudin’s education. “Have you ever studied astronomy?” asked the professor. “I can’t say that I have,” answered the mystic. “Then you have wasted much of your life. By knowing the constellations, a skilled captain can navigate a boat around the entire globe.” A few minutes later the learned one asked, “Have you ever studied meteorology?” “No, I haven’t” “Well, then, you have wasted most of your life,” the academician chided. “Methodically capturing the wind can propel a sailing ship at astounding speeds.” After a while the fellow inquired, “Have you ever studied oceanography?” “Not at all.” “Ah! What a waste of your time! Awareness of the currents helped many ancient peoples find food and shelter.” A few minutes later Nasrudin be-

gan to make his way toward the stem of the ship. On his way he nonchalantly asked the fellow, “Have you ever studied swimming?” “Haven’t had the time,” the professor haughtily responded. “Then you have wasted all of your life - the boat is sinking.” Sooner or later we reach the point where living the truth becomes more impor tant than seeking it. Knowledge, techniques, and experiences pale in the face of the riches of the heart. Learning must give way to being. Alan Cohen, M.A., is the author of 20 p o p u l a r inspirational books and tapes, including the best-selling The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore and the award-winning A Deep Breath of Life. Alan brings a warm blend of wisdom, intimacy, humour, and vision to the spiritual path. He loves to extract spiritual lessons from the practical experiences of daily living, and find beauty in the seeming mundane.

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