21st Century Temples

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Introduction Ever since men moved from a nomadic to a sedentary life back in the Neolithic there has been a need to address to some superior being that would ensure the best conditions to the survival of the community. To establish this contact, human beings have always believed in the existence of some places more favorable than others, such as temples or holy places. Sometimes those are natural locations, but they may be enormous and complex engineering works or the most humble structure. For some people those places are more of a mental state than a physical place. These places, where men and deities are a closer of each other may be “found out” or “created” in different ways; in the case of natural sacred places an important, a miraculous event for the community may had happened. As for temples artificially built, its very structure may contribute to the mystic contact, or sometimes where it is located, an iconic symbol or a relic. When it comes to a mental state, a peaceful and harmonic location might be enough to allow them detached from worldly reality and move on to a higher level. Temples have always been common elements in all societies. However, their shape, meaning and usage have changed through history depending on their origins and the beliefs and needs of those who built them. Thanks to this there is a huge variety of unique images, shapes, colors, mottos, etc. that allow us to identify or define a place or a culture.

Proposal It is quite easy to identify places or temples of classic cultures, whether they have long ago disappeared, such as the Inca culture, or they still exist, as Japanese tradition. However, it is much more difficult to find out which are the temples of contemporary civilizations, those that will identify them in the next centuries. Especially, in the transition era we are living in, in which values that were respected and considered to be true are being questioned and new trends start to come out. This is the reason why Imatoria wants to propose this contest in which contestants are asked to capture the image of that place or attitude that they consider the “temple” of 21st century, regardless of their origins or beliefs. Contestants have absolute freedom to decide if the 21st century “temple” is one of the temples from the past, an already existent place that isn’t yet considered so, a place still to be built or maybe if it is just about reaching a feeling or cause a certain change in the spirits of an observer without the need of an specific structure.

General Criteria and Contest Organization Categories and Criteria of Evaluation The contest has a single category that must cover and represent in the best possible way the ideas formerly proposed and the projects will be evaluated according to the technical quality of the images as well as the conceptual representation of the idea expressed. Additionally, two subcategories will be awarded taking into account individually the two main evaluation criteria; this means that there will be a subcategory for technical quality and another one for conceptual representation. These two subcategories intend to value the merits of those contestants that have not reached an excellent synthesis but that have shown outstanding aptitude in some specific field. This is the reason why a there is a single entry and it will be up to the panel of judges to choose which images are more suitable for each subcategory. Technical Quality In this subcategory the appropriate and intended usage of photographic techniques, such as composition, light processing, sharpness or framing will be evaluated. Conceptual Representation In this subcategory the ability to communicate a concept, an idea or a feeling through the image will be evaluated without taking into account the technical quality of that image. This means that photographs taken with a compact camera by amateur contestants will be accepted.

General Category In the general category a correct combination and synthesis of the two former subcategories will be evaluated. This means the ability to communicate a specific idea with a good level of technical quality.

Submission Images must be submitted in a digital format, but is up to the contestants to choose the processing of the image before the final digital format. Photographs can be taken with an analog or a digital camera and they may or may not be processed with an editing program as long as the edition process is used to improve the quality of the image, not to modify its content in an artificial way. Images may have any proportion as long as they keep a unity as a single image, not as a combination of images that form a diptych, triptych or any other kind or any other way of grouping images. Images may depict a fragment of an everyday moment or may be the result of a previous studied scene in an outside or inside public location (studio photographs will not be accepted). The percentage of space that the central element (the representation of the temple) has to take up in each image must be predominant.

Submitting Methodology Contestants must upload their images through Imatoria intranet, using the username and the password that will be given to them in the moment they formalize their entry. Photographs will be admitted neither in another support than the formerly mentioned nor after the contest deadline. Format All images must be submitted in .JPG format with a minimum resolution of 1.500 pixels in its largest side and a maximum size of 5MB per image.

Prizes Three prizes will be awarded and ten honorable mentions in the general category plus twenty additional mentions in different categories. 1st Prize: â‚Ź1,000 + 1 copy of the commemorative book of the contest published by Bubok editorial + Presence in several exhibitions that will take place to commemorate the contest (galleries detailed further in this document) + Photograph publishing in different digital media + Benefits generated from the sale of their images in the mentioned exhibitions. 2nd Prize: â‚Ź500 + 1 copy of the commemorative book of the contest published by Bubok editorial + Presence in several exhibitions that will take place to commemorate the contest (galleries detailed further in this document) + Photograph publishing in different digital media + Benefits generated from the sale of their images in the mentioned exhibitions.

3rd Prize: â‚Ź200 + 1 copy of the commemorative book of the contest published by Bubok editorial + Presence in several exhibitions that will take place to commemorate the contest (galleries detailed further in this document) + Photograph publishing in different digital media + Benefits generated from the sale of their images in the mentioned exhibitions. 10 Honorable Mentions in the General Category: Appearance in the commemorative book of the contest published by Bubok editorial + Presence in several exhibitions that will take place to commemorate the contest (galleries detailed further in this document) + Photograph publishing in different digital media + Benefits generated from the sale of their images in the mentioned exhibitions. 10 Honorable mentions in the Technical Category: Appearance in the commemorative book of the contest published by Bubok editorial + Presence in several exhibitions that will take place to commemorate the contest (galleries detailed further in this document) + Photograph publishing in different digital media + Benefits generated from the sale of their images in the mentioned exhibitions. 10 Honorable mentions in the Conceptual Category: Appearance in the commemorative book of the contest published by Bubok editorial + Presence in several exhibitions that will take place to commemorate the contest (galleries detailed further in this document) + Photograph publishing in different digital media + Benefits generated from the sale of their images in the mentioned exhibitions. Publications

As sponsors of the contest, Bubok editorial will take care of the layout of the commemorative book where all the awarded images will be present along with a picture of the author and small biography of each one. The book will printed in full color and gummed binding with the professional finishing with which the editorial publishes all their books. Once the book is published it will remain on sale in the virtual Bubok library so that anyone, participant of the contest or not, is able to buy one or as many copies as they wish. Expositions

Imatoria is constantly collaborating with several art galleries in different cities. Some of them have already confirmed their interest in holding the exhibition of the awarded images (see sponsors at the end of the document) while others prefer to wait to see the result to make a decision. During the exhibitions all the images will be on sale with the prize that each gallery consider appropriate. In case an image is sold the gallery will keep a percentage of the benefits and the rest will be fully credited to the author (the authors of the awarded images will receives a contract with the detailed specifications, percentages, etc.) Each gallery has a certain limitation of space. That may mean that showing all the images at once may not always be possible. In those cases images will be distributed in different exhibitions or will be part of a rotating exhibition, depending on the galleries choice.

Entries and licenses All entries have to be formalized through our website filling in the respective form of any of the offered payment methods. Some data about the contestant will be asked in the form as well as the quantity images that will be submitted in order to calculate the price of the entry. Once the contestants have entered, they can decide to increase (never reduce) the number of photographs to be submitted following the instructions on the intranet and paying the corresponding price. Contestants can submit as many images as participation licenses they purchase, without any restriction. Being awarded for one image doesn’t exclude being awarded for any other images submitted (in case of submitting more than one photograph). This means that one single contestant may get more than one prize with different images. Each image will not be awarded more than once, so if one photograph is awarded with some prize in the General Category it will not get another prize in any of the subcategories.

Fares Special registration period (June 21st – June 30th)


General registration period (June 1st – August 1st)


Jury The panel of judges will be made up of a team of professionals in photography world, such as: Janet Delaney •

Professional photographer and professor at the College of Environmental Design of Berkeley University, California.

German Gonzalez Garrido •

Professional Photographer specialized in architecture photography and creator of Proyecto Digital.

Tom Hoops •

Professional photographer specialized in portraits, whose reporting on Asian and English cultures facial expressions have earned him many critics and publications in magazines and newspapers around the world.

Siebe Warmoeskerken •

Self-taught amateur photographer, whose editing technique has earned him to be one of the younger and most copied photographers of all flickr.

Mikel Muruzabal •

Professional photographer specialized in architecture photography. His images have created symbols for the years. In 2006 won the National Zurich Photo Adward and in 2007 the FujiPromaster to mention some.

Schedule June 21st

Special registration period starts

June 30th

Special registration period ends

July 1st

General registration period starts

July 31st

General registration period ends

August 1st

Submitting deadline 12:00 pm (GMT+2)

Eligibility Professional or amateur photographers of legal age in their country or underage photographers with the express consent of their parents or guardian can entry the contest. Under no circumstances can any member of the jury, organizer or anyone with a professional relation of dependence with any of the formerly mentioned participate in the contest.

Copyright and Rights Submitting an image to the contest implies that the author is the only holder of all its rights. Any claim about copyright is contestants’ exclusive responsibility. Imatoria will NOT keep the images rights in exclusivity. Imatoria keeps exploitation rights of all images submitted for the contest for any event or publications with the purpose of promotion or commemoration of the formerly mentioned, always properly mentioning its author. Imatoria reserves the right to exhibit and sell the awarded images in art galleries, receiving the author the profits of such sale (excluding the percentage of profits to be attributed to the galleries). Authors will keep all rights of their images for any other action, making it possible to publish, sell or submit them in other contests (as long as they do not ask image exclusivity)

Other Considerations •


Imatoria keeps the right to make any change in the conditions of the contest (dates, deadlines, requirements, etc.) as long as they benefit the majority of the contestants and they contribute to a better development of the contest. Any change will be published in our Facebook page to allow all contestants and interested people know about it. Entering the contest implies accepting its conditions.

Sponsors Company in charge of printing the awarded images for their exhibition.

Company in charge of editing and publish the book about the contest.

Art Galleryy in Barcelona that would expose the exhibition of the winners.

Web portal about Architecture that would promote the contest and their winners.

Art Gallery in Barcelona that would exhibit the winners image of the contest.

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