We Need to Save America
INTRODUCTION Help! Is this world ending? The time is at hand. Signs are evident every day. Have you heard of the New World Order? Are you aware of all the unusual weather? Do you know the seven situations that are leading to the time of sorrows? This is not a prediction about the end of the world as others like the Adventist (1814), the Jehovah Witness (1916), and psychics have written. How foolish that would be. No one knows the day nor the hour. However, the facts of today’s events reveal the end may be imminent. Therefore, it is important to share information that many, including our politicians and clergy, refuse to acknowledge. It is closer than we think. So before you disregard this information, you need to know how it applies to you. It does not matter if you are a Jew, an agnostic, a Christian, a professing Atheist or have other beliefs, it is urgent that you recognize the signs that will lead to the destruction of this earth, so that you may be prepared. Everyone on this planet will be impacted in some way. Do you want to ignore the events that will destroy this earth and take our freedoms? I think not, but do you know what to look for and why? The events are real and frightening and all mankind needs to be informed. To explain these facts we need to see “what is”, and “what is to come. This will help all of us be more informed, united, and ready! WHAT IS To understand what may happen, it is necessary to know what is currently happening and what it means. Starting with America: Is our nation collapsing? Collapsing from within? Stop! Check out the following events and decide if America is preparing to “implode”. Our military, our defense systems and our security networks are shrinking. Our judicial system is failing to follow the rule of the law by bending to the whims of a few who are pushing personal agendas. Our privacy is being invaded and monitored. Privacy is becoming a non-issue as there is no privacy. Our educational system is being used as a vehicle for socialistic propaganda in pretext of education. Many of our younger generation have little or no clue of past history or current events. For this reason, many are being led astray. Our government is corrupt as seen in “Fast and Furious”, “Benghazi”, IRS scandal”, “ObamaCare”, our foreign policy and more. Our freedoms and nation are vanishing.
What about the weather? The increase and intensity of floods, fires, mudslides, storms and earthquakes worldwide. Some say global warming. The second law of thermodynamics says that systems organized tend to disorder in time. Have you heard of the blood moons? NASA calls them red blood moons or tetrads when four come in line. One has already occurred on April 15, 2014. The other three will be on October 8, 2014, April 11, 2015 and September 28, 2015. In the past when blood moons have coincided with Jewish Holy Days, a major event has happened. What will happen this time? Be vigilant. What about the Middle East? Israel is the core focus for events and has been since ancient times. Why? Because the Jews believe the Abrahamic covenant and the right to the Promise Land. The Jewish people have endured slavery, displacement, persecution wars and the Holocaust. They returned to their homeland, and declared a nation following World War II in 1948. (A military miracle). Hostile Arabs declared not to honor that decision. War resulted, and 20,000 Arab soldiers were captured by 4,000 Jews, it cannot be explained. Today there is again a move for a peace agreement between Israel and Palestinians. Arabs still hate the Jews. Will there be World War III or a holy war? Will it lead to the time of sorrows? All need to pay special attention to the Middle East and Europe. THE NEW WORLD ORDER The New World Order is a building block for a one world government. Were you aware there was a move towards a one world government? Once finalized there will be a one world leader. To explain, in ancient times, the governments of Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece assimilated into one government or an all encompassing process called the Roman Empire. When Rome fell the process lived on. It is evident today in the terminology of our military, judicial, science, medical and educational systems. Over 20 years ago, the U. N. moved to create a One World Order with Winston Churchill and Agenda 21. Thus, the beginning of a One World Government, a process that today is escalating.
Our politicians are aiding this move with their policies and laws; such as: International Arms Treaty World Banking System World Trade & Commerce Market European Union Council on Foreign Affairs International Law World Council of Churches (Catholics opted out) World Health Organization United Nations, on and on There will eventually be one controlling authority. Will it be the U.N.? America experienced this to some degree during the Viet Nam and Gulf Wars by bowing to the U.N. and their dominant leadership in decision making. Today they are still a dominant influence in our foreign policy. Remember, those who control the government, control finances, control the nation and control the world. WHAT IS TO COME What is to come is frightening and difficult to explain as all eventful situations hinge on the free will of people and the leaders in government. Events are influenced by the decisions and actions as they are perceived and responded to. Based on history (“what was”) and what is happening (“what is”) helps to identify situations that are expected to happen (“what is to come”). What is expected to happen is going to be influenced by what happens to the nation of Israel. Actions taken by Israel will open the door to the time of sorrows. It does not matter by what means that door is opened—by natural events, by manmade events or divine interventions. Everyone on this earth will be impacted and will have to endure the resulting effects. Beware as this seven year period will start in Israel; however, events initiating the start can be prompted from other nations. There will be a One World Government established with one controlling force. Some believe this process has begun--as there are negotiations for peace with Israel and Palestinians being orchestrated; as well as talks to rebuild the Jewish Temple on the mount where the Islamic Masque is currently located. You will need to watch events as they evolve. We cannot determine with certainty the exact time. The events indicate the time is near. Draw your own conclusions.
ROAD TO THE END It is amazing how events give us insight into what lies ahead. Everyone, including politicians and clergy, needs to be aware of seven eventful situations, watch for them and act accordingly. Currently events around the world are stepping stones to the evolution of these conditions. The seven situations are: Situation #1: Watch for the emergence of a strong dignitary, or leader, who has a personality as if driven by an unseen force to come conquering and to conquer. This person will emerge from a non-Jewish heritage appearing to be gentle, yet will be deceptive. There will be reports that he/she received a deadly wound and recovers by unnatural and unexplainable means; and comes back to life. As a result, many will look up to this individual and follow them. Some people believe he/she is already here, while others believe he or she is yet to come. This person will organize a 10 nation confederacy, each with its’ own leader (or king), make a seven year covenant with the nation of Israel for political and religious freedom and offer to help rebuild the Jewish temple. This will be the culmination for the amalgamation of the One World Order and the revived Roman Empire. (Not the ancient city, but the government process previously explained). This will be a controlling, oppressive and worldly government that includes the political, economic and religious factions. This person will assign a leader to declare war and lead the army. The seat of operation may be Jerusalem. Be vigilant, this leader will operate by using others. He or she will be in authority of the 10 nations. Who is this person? Situation 2: Watch for a second leader to emerge. This person will be appointed by and subordinate to the first. He or she will be given the authority to organize a one world religion or church. Note: the Christian church of today will not be part of this religion. This leader will be of Jewish heritage and will have mystical powers. He or she will operate like a dictator and build a statue of the first leader, cause it to speak, and demand that all worship this statue. This will include all of Judaism, non-Christians and Christian believers. Refusal will result in persecution. The military will be used to fulfill these demands, if needed.
This person will institute an I.D. system that all must accept (a chip/mark/etc.). This I.D. will be needed to buy, sell or conduct personal transactions. This will result in a cashless economy using modern technology. Electing the correct leaders in America is important if we are to remain one nation under God and keep our freedoms. Watch! Do not let America become controlled by the New World Order. Situation 3: Watch the changes taking place in our environment. Once the peace agreement is signed, it will be broken after three and one-half years resulting in unrest, war, bloodshed and death. One fourth (1/4) of the population will perish. Will this be an open rebellion or a civil revolt? Or an Israel and Arab uprising? As with any conflict or war, there will follow famine, pestilence, disease, suffering and death. Everyone will be affected even though merchants and rich may maintain their luxuries a short time longer. A days wage will buy only so much; but, those with no I.D. will not be able to buy or sell. Do we have such an I.D. system emerging? Following the unrest, war and misery, a great earthquake is expected and will darken the sun; turn the moon to blood (red); and, stars will fall from heaven. It will be as if the universe has had a seizure. Men will be running to hide. Will this be worldwide? We can only be watchful. Seismologists have been predicting a great earthquake for some time. Situation 4: Remember, the Christian church will be absent. Within the seven years of trouble, 144,000 Jews will emerge and minister of a coming kingdom. Currently, the Jews are scattered in all nations and Israel; however they will come together at an appointed time. They will minister to all nations, kindred and races. They will not be harmed until their ministry is completed. Multitudes will follow them. Many followers will be persecuted, but a remnant shall remain. Not since the first century church have the Jews evangelized. Situation 5: The false peace created by the signing of the seven year covenant with Israel will be short lived. Following the unrest, war, bloodshed, famine, death, earthquake, loss of one-fourth of the population, and the ministering of 144,000 Jews, what next? Will it be a time of symbolism, or supernaturalism? It will be time to discern if the following events are natural, manmade, or supernatural. These events are concurrent, and you need to decide the truth.
When these events begin they will start with hail falling to earth, mixed with fire and blood, one-third of the trees and all grass is burned up. What one-third is not known at this time. Following next as if it were a great mountain with fire cast into the sea, killing one-third of sea life, turning one third of the sea to blood and destroying, one-third of the ships. Could this be a meteoric mass burning with toxins? Or is this a supernatural event? And what sea is involved? Next a star falls from the sky called “wormwood” (or by a name meaning wormwood). Wormwood is an herb grown in the Middle East that causes seizures and death if eaten. This star falls in one-third of rivers and fountains (freshwater) and many drink it and die. Is this chemical warfare? Are these rivers in the Middle East? Onethird of the sun, one-third of the moon and one-third of the stars become dark blocking out one-third of the day. Some believe the sun will set at noon. Animals and gardens will suffer as seasons and tides change. Decide, is this an event of nature or supernaturalism? The next event “is” super- naturalistic. Modern man does not want to accept the fact that demons exist; yet, there are those who are devil worshippers. Do you believe there are demons? They are said to be cunning, unseen beings that attack the minds of men like viruses. Some make themselves visible. Where are they? The abyss is the center of the earth and is molten lava as seen in volcanic eruptions. This abyss will open and hideous creatures like “little horses”; or, scorpions will emerge. They will torment for five months all those who accepted the I.D. Those tormented will wish to die, but can’t. They will attempt suicide, but nothing will work. Just imagine? After five months an army of (200,000,000) two hundred thousand, thousands demons will emerge from the Euphrates River and kill one-third of humanity. Is this one-third of humanity in the Middle East or the world? Anyone still living will, no doubt, be existing in chaos and devastating circumstances. One-fourth of the population perish in the earthquake and war; now, one-third of humanity will be killed. Situation #6: It is customary in Jewish law that two men give evidence in matters of religion, law and dealings of men. For this reason, two men will emerge from nowhere to prophecy in Jerusalem. They will minister in the area of the outer courtyard of the rebuilt temple. They will have mystic powers and cannot be harmed until their ministry is complete, then they will be killed. Afterwards, they will be denied burial as a show
of disrespect, because Jews believe the spirit leaves the body after three days. They will lie in the streets of Jerusalem, while the people mock and celebrate around them. At the end of the three days, the two bodies will come to life, stand, and ascend into heaven. As the people watch, afraid, a sudden earthquake begins and will level one-tenth of Jerusalem killing 7,000. Situation 7: Up to this point, Jerusalem has been under nonJewish rule, controlled by the one world government and one authority. The Arabs are still neighbors and ready to unleash fury on the Jews. The Jewish covenant is broken and the rebuilt temple is still standing. It is not clear how or why these things work, but things happened in spite of understanding. Can it be mans’ free will or God’s intervention? Nearing the end of the time of sorrows, the revived Roman Empire will crumble. There will develop conflict between the political and religious leaders causing upheaval in the economy, which will cause the merchants to weep as the nations’ leaders watch from afar. The first leader will then enter the Jewish temple and declares to be the Messiah the Jews have been waiting for and the Christians said would return—the abomination of desolation. Remember, Israel has been protected by supernatural events since ancient times. While America experienced success following Hitler leading Germany; Stalin dictating to Russia; Tojo controlling Japan. Now Putin is leading Russia. Who is leading America? When the wicked rule, people hurt. When a nation’s leaders are power crazy, nations fall. There are now two remnants of people to face the seventh and final situation of events: those who accepted the I.D. and those who refused. Those who refused the I.D. will be taken out. Those who accepted the I.D. will begin to have sores over their bodies. The sun will be hot like fire and scorch their skin. They will gnaw their tongues with pain. Darkness will come over the seats of government (the political and religious). While an unseen force motivates the leaders of the nations to congregate their armies in Megido (the Northern plain of Palestine). This will not be an isolated incident; it depicts encounters in different parts of the land with the climax being in Jerusalem. Will the end be ushered in by man-made means or divine interventions? There will be a great earthquake that divides Jerusalem. There will be hail falling that will weigh one talent (about 125 pounds). The seas and rivers will turn to
blood. The skies will shake with a great explosion. The cities of ALL nations will fall. The heavens will pass away as the elements melt with fervent heat. The mountains and islands are no more. The armies have been slain and blood will run 200 miles and six feet deep. Vultures devour the flesh of the fallen. This is the end! How can anyone not see the mystery of these events while knowing the history of Israel; and how signing a peace agreement will institute the beginning of sorrows and ultimately the end of this earth as we know it? If you have doubts--read on. It becomes clearer. WILL THESE EVENTS BE FULFILLED? Israel will fight her last fight in the city of Jerusalem. Then the end will come. It is difficult to know the start of the final event, the “big war” or “global melt down”. We need answers. A final reference of confirmation can be found in the Bible in Matthew chapter 24 (KJV version). The disciples asked Jesus to tell them when will these things be? And what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age? Jesus responded: “Take heed that no one deceive you…You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you do not be troubled for all of these things must come to pass but the end is not yet. Nation will rise against nation…There will be famine and pestilence and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows…Many false teachers will rise and deceive many…The gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the entire world as a witness to all nations and then shall the end come. When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation…Let them in Judea flee to the mountains, for then a great tribulation such as not since the beginning of this world to this time, no, nor shall be…Now learn from the fig tree when its’ branches are yet tender and puts forth leaves ye know summer is nigh, likewise, when you see all these things know that it is near, even at the door.” We are seeing these events evolve. They will culminate with the final destruction of this earth as we know it. Where will you be? Are you prepared? It is a frightening thought. You bet it is! Accordingly, no where can it be found that this planet will be annihilated. The earth, the land we live in, will be ending— burned up. By man-made means and/or supernaturally. Then the earth will be purified. This land has been cursed and will be redeemed. There will be a New Jerusalem, a new earth and a new heaven.
The mystery is two-fold. The Jews are a special people and will be protected as promised. Remember, Israel is an elect people, would not and could not be destroyed. The non-Jews or Gentiles are members of the same body, fellow heirs and partakers of the promise. Our politicians and clergy are in the forefront and must save our nation. They need to bring America back to One Nation Under God, as set forth by our forefathers. But! This cannot be unless “we the people” do our part. We must support only those who believe and stand for truth. America must stand with Israel. We do not want to be part of a One World Order, controlled by an organization, nation or dictator. We need questions answered. No nation in history has been as blessed as America. Stand up and be counted. Get involved. Preserve our freedom. Help bring America back to One Nation Under God. WHAT CAN “WE THE PEOPLE” DO TO SAVE AMERICA? Options: 1. Copy and share this informational booklet with all family, neighbors, and friends so they too may understand the dangers America is facing TODAY. 2. Support, vote for, and elect political leaders who express and demonstrate a concern for God and country as our forefathers and pastors did during the founding of this nation. Call or write them today! 3. Get into a local Bible believing church and make God part of your life and heart. Pray for divine intervention to protect America. 4. Call 434-329-2321or a local pastor for more explanation and answers to questions or other concerns. You may also write to “Save America” PO BOX 516 Concord, VA 24538. 5. Do nothing and wait for man-made or natural disaster destroy America and “We the People”!
WHAT WILL YOU DO? References Available upon Request. Printed in 2014, Compiled by D. Shafer and F. Fulton.