March 2015
employee edition
How To Create Terrarium Gardens
20 tes
da p U t en
This is Why You Really Feel So Busy
Is it Really Too Good to Be True?
The ASAP Technique For Handling Irate Customers
38 14
The ! S T H G I L 8 Commandments NRB HIGH of Fighting Fairly
To all of our ISA Communciators and Staff, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your help this past week!! You all stepped up in a BIG way and helped turn a difficult situation around!!! It’s because of you that we are able to do what we do each and every day. We are who we
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are as a company because of the dedication and service you provide as communicators. Never forget that you matter and are a VITAL part of this organization, and we are grateful to have you on our team!!!
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YOU! Last week I attended the National Religous Broadcasting Convention. We had a number of clients that visited with us. I’m happy to say that most of our clients were very happy with our services. This is always good to hear!!! Recently we had a week’s worth of data that became corrupted and we had to key everything back to CRM for an entire week. This took a lot of effort from a variety of people. I want to THANK YOU for helping out and making it possible to get this project completed. It took an entire team effort to get this done. We appreciated your willingness to come in and work for hours. We finally completed this process on March 4th.
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Challenges come and go in our lives. It is how we handle those difficult times that define who we are. Willingness to adapt is a key attribute to success. Sometimes people will not get involved because they feel ‘it is not my problem’, or ‘I’m above that’ or ‘ I’ve done my fair share’. What ever the reason the root of the problem is pride. I have never met a successful person that was not willing to adapt. Often people make up their minds in advance and nothing will change that. Adjusting is what we had to do in this situation, and adjustment requires sacrifice. It was interesting to see who was willing to do something out of their comfort zone or make a sacrifice. So, thank you to all of those who made a difference! - Carl Townsend Employee Stay Connected • 7
Communicator of the Month
Kim Mayhew How many years at ISA: On my 8th year What roles have you had at ISA: Worked in several special projects in Outbound , working in inbound now. What is your favorite part of working at ISA: I enjoy being able to help others. It ’s really humbling to know that YOU can make a difference in another person’s life just with a phone call . Do you have any stand out moments from your time here: Because of working here , learning about the various ministries, and having fellow employees (past and present) be an example of Christ, I came to know Christ, and even have been baptised! What does your life outside of ISA look like: I love going to church (which I never thought I would say!), I love spending time with my family and friends, with any kind of gatherings. I enjoy it when my mother and myself go out. I enjoy puzzles, being able to laugh (especially at myself ), reading and watching tv.
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Danielle Porter received a wonderful caller compliment from Ms Weaver “I am 82 years old and have suffered a major stroke but I know a great CSR when I hear one.. Danielle was kind, patient, professional and had a wonderful way of responding throughout the call. I told her she was ‘old school’...she was definitely raised right. I am proud of the ministry of Creflo Dollar and I always learn so much from his messages. Thank you and may God continue to bless you all!” WOW and Well Done Danielle!!!
Agent Marquia Jackson spoke with Ms. Paulette Calloway from Creflo Dollar Ministries. Ms Calloway expressed that Marquia was very help-ful, She has a great personality, and a great spirit! Awesome work Marquia. Keep it up!!!!
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Billy Graham caller Ms Linda complimented New Agent, Robert Lawhorne “Robert was very polite, professional and a complete gentleman... Every word he spoke was right down to the T... Thank you Robert and keep up the great work.” WELL DONE Robert!
Turning Point Caller Mr David Walden Complimented Rachael Carranza “I really appreciated Rachael’s Customer Service Skill...She was very professional. I had the privilege of seeing Dr Jeremiah in San Antonio, TX with my family & I absolutely love the ministry of Turning Point. Please keep up the good work!” WELL DONE Rachael
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! S T H G I L H G I
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The ASAP Technique For Handling Irate Customers If you spend time in a customer facing position there’s a high probability you’ll encounter customers who are upset, rude, angry and irate. For some of us it’s thankfully a rare event and for others it’s a daily occurrence. Having a solid strategy in place to handle these situations will be the difference between feeling frustrated and stressed out OR calmly guiding the situation back to a productive relationship. With the proper techniques you can do a great deal to diffuse your customer’s anger. Always keep in mind that an angry customer isn’t unhappy with you, they’re upset about a situation or your organization. That’s a key reminder. Don’t take this hostility personally. You’re merely the lightening rod in this situation, not the target of the anger. Remember to keep a smile on your face as you begin to handle the situation. Customers find it more challenging to be rude to someone who’s warm, genuine and friendly. Mirroring their rudeness will only escalate their anger. Try not to feed into the drama. Use the ASAP Technique to diffuse irate customers: Apologize and Acknowledge the Customer’s Feelings You’ll need to spend about 80% of your time smoothing the customer’s feelings and about 20% of your time working on the problem. The apology needs to be immediate. Don’t wait to apologize. If your organization fouled up, ADMIT it. And notice we’re saying “apologize,” not “I’m sorry.” I’m sorry is when you step on someone’s toes. A. “Ms Jackson, I apologize for the issues you’re having with your invoice.”
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Sympathize (and Empathize) It’s important to validate their feelings of frustration. Sympathy means acknowledging another person’s emotional hardships and providing comfort and assurance. Empathy means understanding how someone feels because you’ve experienced it also. A. “Ms Jackson, I apologize for the issues you’re having with your invoice.” S. “That’s got to be extremely frustrating.” Accept the Responsibility Every time you handle a customer you represent your organization. You should have the mentality that you’re 100% responsible for guiding this to a successful resolution. Accept the responsibility by re-introducing yourself. Even if you said your name earlier, this personalizes the situations and builds confidence. Accept the responsibility by saying: A. “Ms Jackson, I apologize for the issues you’re having with your invoice.” S. “That’s got to be extremely frustrating.” A. “Again, my name is Carlos and I’m here to help you resolve this.” Prepare to Help Ask intelligent questions that will help you get to work on sorting out what’s bothering them. Demonstrate with your voice that you sincerely care about resolving this situation. A. “Ms Jackson, I apologize for the issues you’re having with your invoice.” S. “That’s got to be extremely frustrating.” A. “Again, my name is Carlos and I’m here to help you resolve this.” P. “Let’s get started and see how I’m able to help. Now please...tell me exactly what happened.” NO EXCUSES! Excuses are the same as screaming: “I’M NOT GOING TO HELP YOU NOW!!!” No one wants to hear “I’m new,” or “Our computer is down,” or “I’m the only one in the office.” That’s your problem, not theirs. Research shows that clients who successfully have had their problem resolved end up being more loyal customers than those who never had a set-back in the first place. How is that for a silver lining?
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Training Updates: Tips for getting more training: More training will be coming up and there are several factors that we take into consideration when choosing who we would like to train on higher clients. Below are just a few factors we look for: 1. Current performance on the clients an indivitual is trained on 2. Attendance 3. Attitude 4. Error rate If you want to get trained on more clients and be able to increase your work hours, make sure that you are here at work on time, follow all guidelines sent to you, have a positive attitude, avoid errors, and are staying up to date on all your clients. I would like to remind you of just a few policies that ISA has for you. Go to your internet, click on the ISA bubble, and read ALL the policies. Here are a few bullet points for you: • We have a 0 tolerance for cell phones. They are not allowed in the call center AT ALL. Being caught with your cell phone is grounds for termination 1. If you drive, you are to leave them in your car. However you are able to go out to your car on your break and check them. 2. If you do not drive, you are to turn your phone off and turn it into the BA upon arriving for your shift. On your break you are able to get it from the BA and go outside to use it. Just make sure you return it to the BA after your break. 3. You can give the ISA number to anyone that may need to contact you-434-316-7469. • There is to be no eating in the call center. • Adhere to the dress code set forth by HR. We are not casual unless HR sends an email. DO NOT assume that certain days are casual. • Only our client’s websites are approved for you to be on. If we do not take calls for that website, you are not permitted to be on that site while working. • If you need to speak with someone in management, you are to speak with your BA and he or she will let you know when you can go back to their desk/office. AT NO TIME should you be walking around the back area or hallways looking for someone in management. This has been a policy from the start that has now gotten out of hand. ALWAYS communicate with your BA, and the manager you need to see will let the BA know when is a good time. • NO ONE is allowed to use the front door without having written approval from HR. This includes ANY hourly employee. • Be on time for all shifts. If you must call out please do so at least 2 hours before your shift begins • Check emails and updates on each shift • SPELL verify all your callers information on ALL calls • Know your broadcast schedules. If you are unsure about what to order, do an action form with all the callers’ information and let them know you were unsure. • ALWAYS call the BA at the end of your shift • NEVER log out or go into break without communicating with the BA first • Always fill up the first row in front of BA first Ensure that you have your availability put in on shift board. If you DO NOT have your availability put in, you will be scheduled when you are needed to work. If there is anything that I am able to help you with, please let me know. Thank you for all you do and all your hard work.
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Client Updates: I want to remind you how IMPORTANT it is to always read your emails each and every shift. This is how we communicate with you about anything that a ministry wants you to know. I also post updates on your internet browser that I encourage you to review that information as well. It will cut back on error rates and also increase your performance as well. If you every have a question about an email or update, please ask it as soon as you see it posted so we can ensure that you have the correct information. I thank you for all your hard work you do, and for your dedication. I enjoy the feedback that some of you send me about your calls or your praise reports. If there is anything that I am able to do to assist you, please let me know.
Turning Point: If a caller is requesting to speak with customer service: • Inform your caller that you will be happy to have a customer service rep contact them back within 24 business hours, gather their information and media, and send an email by going to the F12 screen. • If the caller requests to have customer service, contact them at a certain time, and then place all the callers information on an action form and I will send it to customer service. • If your caller is requesting the customer service number, then you may give it to them, along with the hours of operation. • ONLY, ONLY, ONLY, ONLY do a transfer to customer service if the caller is irate or demanding to speak with customer service right at that moment If a customer calls to update their credit card information for their partnership: • This is a customer service issue. Follow the customer service procedures-DO NOT PLACE THIS ON AN ACTION FORM WITH THE UPDATED CREDIT CARD INFORMATION
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If a caller is requesting prayer: • Gather their information and put the prayer request on the F10 screen If a caller is requesting the two free books: • Send to Your Greatest Turning Point Screen (F9 screen) • Sign up for DEV on the OPT OUT screen If a caller is requesting a package: • You have to search for Item number, and then put in the item number. • Agents of the Apocalypse → ATA • Life Wide Open → LWO • Mastering Life Before It’s To Late → MLB As you will see the item numbers sort of match what the item actually is. It is so important that we search and order the correct product. If you have looked at the monthly broadcast, then you will have the item numbers on that. If you are unsure if it is the correct product, put it on an action form and let me know that you are unsure and I will enter it in myself for you. Donation Items: • You can take a donation for .01 • A caller can order as many donations of any amount items as long as they are DIFFERENT products. • If a caller wants two of the same products and both are for a donation of any amount, the caller must pay full retail value for the second • Example: • If a caller is requesting to get Answers to Questions about Spiritual Warfare AND The Agents of The Apocalypse and want to give a donation of $2.00 for both, THEN THEY CAN. Both of these items are located on the F9 screen and they are DIFFERENT offers, this is acceptable. • If a caller wants to order 2 of the Agents Of The Apocalypse Books, THEN they have to order one for a donation of any amount and the other at retail value. Each month, I combine the monthly offers into one sheet of paper and place this at the file cabinet for anyone who wishes to pick it up. If you find this helpful, please get one and add it to your binder. If there is no more, please email me and I will print you one.
Joyce Meyer: ONLY, ONLY, ONLY, ONLY use the F10 screen: • Add to mailing list. • Remove from mailing list. • Updated address (New address on F6 and Old address on F10). • ISA website orders. ISA Website orders: • ALWAYS LOOK ITEMS UP-DO NOT TAKE YOUR CALLERS WORD FOR IT. • If a caller is requesting an item and you do not have it in your AS400 or on website, REFER THEM TO CUSTOMER SERVICE. • ALWAYS make sure the flag at the top left hand corner of the website matches the callers address. • DO NOT charge S&H on Canadian callers orders. • DO NOT charge S&H on donation items you have orders. • Ensure you add your products correctly. • ALWAYS make sure you have noted on the F10 screen what the caller has requested. • ALWAYS ensure that you have selected ISA website on the F9 screen and charged the correct amount the caller has requested.
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Partnership: • Anything that pertains to partnership MUST be put on an action form. NOTHING goes in the AS400. If a caller needs to update anything with their partnership or become a partner, it all goes onto an action form. Remember, spell verify your callers information back to them as we do not SPELL CHECK your information before it is sent to a client. A partnership action form should look something like: TYPE: Action Form CSR: Lysa Meeks App: JM1 or whatever application they called in on First_Name: Minnie Last_Name: Mouse Address: 129 Vista Centre Drive City: Forest State: VA Zip: 24551 Day_Phone: 434-316-7469 Evening_Phone: wng Email: wng Media_Source: TBN or whatever station they were watching or listening to Issue: Requesting to become a partner (HOW MUCH, DAY OF MONTH, AND MOUTH TO START) 25.00 on the 1st of each month beginning in February (YES OR NO TO THE TOM)No TOM (WHY THEY WANT TO BECOME A PARTNER) Caller loves Joyce’s work in Asia (CREDIT CARD INFO) VS xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx 12/2018 Minnie J Mouse
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If a caller is requesting prayer: • We DO NOT pray for our callers general prayer requests • ONLY pray for salvation YOU MUST USE THE PRAYER THAT JOYCE HAS APPROVED WHICH IS ON YOUR FACT SHEET • If a caller is requesting prayer for a general prayer request, refer them to the prayer line, the website, or they can write their prayer request and mail it in Requesting a free item: • If your caller is requesting something free because they are having hardship, ONLY send them The Enjoying Everyday Life magazine and the salvation package There are a lot of free offers in the system but these are only for partners. If a caller knows that they can get a certain item free of charge they will let you know. Do not offer them the items for free unless they are requesting a free item Requesting an item that you have for several different prices: • If a caller calls in and requests to order The Everyday Life Bible, and you pull up 3 offers: 1. A donation of $50.00 2. A donation of any amount 3. Free • You should offer your caller the one that is for a donation of $50.00. If your caller knows that they can get it for a donation of any amount or for free, your caller is going to state that to you, at which time you can then give that caller those ptions. Donation items: • A caller can only get ONE product for a donation of any amount. We cannot offer our callers two products that are for a donation of any amount. It doesn’t matter if they are different products or the same. If a caller is requesting the get two quantity products for a donation of any amount, your caller must pay the retail value for the second. If your caller is requesting to get two different products and both are listed for a donation of any amount, your caller must choose which one he or she would like to get for a donation and which one they would like to pay the retail price for, along with the S&H associated with that product. I know there are many updates that you have to remember for all the clients, and they change from time to time. So please remember that if you ever need me to type up cheat sheets or anything for you, please let me know. If you need help creating a binder for all the clients, please let me know as well as I am more than happy to help you. Thank you for all you do here at ISA!
You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours Psalm 128:2
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Is it Really Too Good to be True? by Dean Pruitt
Have you ever watched something on TV or the Internet, possibly even live and you were saying to yourself, “This is too good to be true”… Well it probable was! Sometimes, whether we know we are being lied to or not, some people’s statements can be both deceiving and seducing at the same time. “Lose weight without even trying”, “build muscle without lifting a finger”, “wake up looking flawless”… it would seem that the list of lies are endless. Other times, something might seem “too good to be true”, because it is true. In those cases we have just been convinced of some other lie or false belief that makes us doubt it. Remember, doubt is a poison to believers and it will quicken unbelievers to the core. Doubt is the direct opposite of our faith, you know; “… the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) And don’t forget that “…without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6) The fact is, “truth” is something we crave, but we don’t always get it. Even worse we don’t always give it. Truth should always be viewed as a good thing and when we speak or hear it we should get a good feeling about it. Conversely, when we speak or hear something that is not the truth, we SHOULD get a bad feeling about it. The feeling I am speaking
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about is a conviction in our hearts known as “Spiritual Discernment”. Spiritual Discernment is NOT just some fuzzy feeling we get, and it certainly is not a simple preference either. First let me make one thing perfectly clear; there should be a HUGE difference between your preferences and the conviction in your heart. Preference should be something that we can live with or without, while conviction needs to be something you are willing and ready to lay your life down for. Spiritual Discernment is also known as Spiritual Wisdom. Contrary to what you might think, you don’t always get wisdom from trials that you personally experience. Still different from learning from other peoples experiences, Spiritual Wisdom can be acquired by specifically asking for it in faith. According to James chapter 1, we are instructed to, “…count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” As believers our ability to be single minded in the Spirit of Jesus Christ and being able to discern between the truth and a lie is our responsibility, not our right or privilege. Words that come out of our mouth should always be pleasing to the Lord and those words should hold conviction in our hearts when we don’t speak them in truth and love. I am NOT saying you should run right out and tell every truth to every person you come in contact with, no matter how you may make them feel. What I am saying is that we all should follow the Biblical way when we do tell the truth and always “…speak the truth in Love…” (Ephesians 4:716) Moreover we should NOT allow others to speak lies or any untruth to us. Still speaking in love, we should help others by practicing the truth and by being living examples to them. Plainly, we are commanded to fulfill the scriptures by being “…doers of the Word, and not hearers only…” (James 1:21-27)
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Certainly the world’s approach is different, so just for grins I looked up the definition of Spiritual Discernment on the internet to see what worldly view they had of it and this is what I got: • “Spiritual Discernment - the ability to tell the difference between truth and error. It is basic to having wisdom. Arguments and debates surround spiritual truth because it is obscure.” What! Wait just a minute…let’s play that back one step at a time. First of all, “…the difference between truth and ERROR.” Why don’t you just say it like it is, “…truth and a LIE!” Why do you think that, “Arguments and debates surround spiritual truth…” Don’t you think that is just a little “OBSCURE”! The adjective “obscure” means – an unknown, or uncertainty. If you don’t know something or if you are just uncertain about it, in any way, don’t shrug it off…find out the truth! The truth about an “error” is it is defined as a mistake. Let’s not make any more mistakes here; lying to someone is a conscious, predetermined, deliberate act. That is why it is one of the Ten Commandments…Duh! Don’t get me wrong,
errors are made, but that is why they are defined as mistakes, we don’t mean to do them.
Because we don’t always know the truth, sometimes we pass along lies to others by believing something to be true. When we make these “mistakes” we are spreading false beliefs. Find out every one of those that may exist in your life; then crucify and bury them! Passing along a false belief to someone else can become life threatening. Think about it! After you discover the truth, what words usually come out of our mouth in the form of an apology to that person? “I did not mean to tell you a lie, but the truth is…” One more thought, NEVER allow anyone to try and “candy coat” anything to you. Using words like “embellishing” will eventually lead back to the truth; but who wants to have their time wasted by someone else? If an infomercial on TV is not telling you the truth about their product, they might call that good salesmanship, but in reality it is called embellishing. Webster defines embellishing as - make (a statement or story) more interesting or entertaining by adding extra details, especially ones that are not true”. Obviously this is the world’s point of view, but it is exactly what I am talking about. We have to be like Jesus says in Matthew 10:16, ”Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” When we follow this very simple instruction in scripture, we disarm the enemies’ attacks against us and strengthen our position to no longer allow ourselves to be seduced by deceiving words. Unfortunately, “IF” you subscribe to the world’s P.O.V. you allow yourself to fall into THEIR destructive pattern. When you do that, you
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are subjecting yourself to all kinds of obscurities. Have you ever heard the expression, “The Truth Shall Make You Free”, like many expressions it comes from the Word of God. In the over 200 times that the word “truth” is mentioned in the Bible, this expression Jesus spoke in John 8:31 & 32 sum it up the best! “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” When Jesus tells me something, I know I can believe it. He always speaks the truth in Love. In fact, He cannot tell a lie. As Believers in Christ, if we are to call ourselves Christians, we NEED to be like Christ. So why then if we crave the truth and hate lies do we squelch our ability to discern things correctly? Why do we complicate the issue and make it anything other than a simple matter of right vs. wrong? Right will always be right and wrong will always be wrong. I don’t know about you but I want to know the truth, and it can really irk me when I am lied to. Sure, being lied to by someone is bound to happen, because everyone lies. Let me be the first to admit it, lying is a part of my flesh too, and I have to fight against that every single day of my life. Keeping the things of my life in perspective; I have to deliberately “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Timothy 6:12) and purposefully live in the truth. If I do not, then I have deliberately chosen to live in a lie. Traveling the straight and narrow path of life requires the truth. This will always bring the best results, because the wide and winding road of lies will always lead to destructive ends. If you are saying to yourself, “I always tell the truth” and that you are not a liar, I have news for you, you just told yourself a lie. Do you like it when somebody lies to you? So then, don’t lie to yourself too, you might get stuck in a reprobate mindset, and that is a place you do NOT want to be; trying to convince yourself of something you are not sure of. Keep the issue black and white, cut out the grey matter, and then DON’T MESS WITH IT! Remember, “…our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist…” (Ephesians 6:12-14) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8)
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Spring Cleaning With the first day of spring being March 20th, I thought it only fitting to include an article about the great “Spring Cleaning” that so many of us will engage in over the next few weeks. On the following pages you’ll see what Martha Stewart Living has to say on the subject! - Andrea
There are few rites of spring more satisfying than the annual clean. For many people, however, the pleasure comes only after the work is finished. Your spring cleaning may never become effortless, but you can make the project more manageable -- and even enjoyable. This printable checklist offers an overview of everything you need to know -- including information on cleansers, stain removal, fabric care, and storage -- to zip through the process and arrive at a happy end. After you read through the tips and techniques, tailor the list to your home and yard. Create a realistic schedule, keeping in mind that a single weekend won't suffice, as you'll need several days for more involved projects, such as shampooing carpets and organizing closets. Whether you prefer to proceed from the attic to the basement or start outdoors and wind your way inside, focus on one task at a time. And be sure to enlist the help of family members.
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throughout the house The tips below outline basic techniques that will help you clean almost every surface (or object) in any room. The tasks on the next page are broken down by location, including outdoor spaces. The final page of this foldout focuses on window washing and upkeep, which is essential if you’re going to let the sun shine in on the bright days to come. • W i P e Wa l l s a n d c e i l i ng s Use a vacuum to remove
• r e se a l g rou t l i n e s The cement-based material between
dust. Tackle stubborn surface grime, especially prevalent in kitchens, with a solvent-free degreaser (test it first in an inconspicuous area to ensure it won’t mar the surface).
wall, floor, and countertop tiles is extremely porous and stains easily. Protect it with a penetrating grout sealer; it’s best to apply it with a small foam brush.
• vac u u m a n d s h a m Poo r ug s
• dus t B oo K s a n d s h e lv e s Take ev-
Synthetic carpets and rugs with waterproof backings can be deep-cleaned with a rotary shampoo machine and a hot-water extraction machine. Rugs without backings, including Orientals, require professional cleaning.
erything off the shelves, and brush shelves and books with a feather duster. Use the dust-brush or crevice tool on a vacuum to reach into tight spots. Wipe the spines of leather-bound books with a clean, soft cloth.
• cl e a n u P holst e r e d F u r n i s h i ng s Take cushions outside
• Pol i s h m e ta l doo r a n d W i n doW h a r dWa r e Liquid
and gently beat them by hand to remove dust. If there are stains, check the pieces for care labels. Use a vacuum’s upholstery and crevice tools to clean under seat cushions.
polishes and polish-impregnated cloths work well for medium-tarnished surfaces; pastes and creams are for heavier work. If tarnish doesn’t come off, try a stronger product.
• d u s t you r ho m e t h oroug h ly
This includes hard-to-reach places, such as the tops of ceiling fans and window casings. Always work from the top of a room down, vacuuming the dust that settles on the floor. Avoid using dusting sprays.
• e n s u r e F i r e s a F e t y Change batteries in smoke detec-
tors (this should be done twice a year), and make sure units are free of dust. Teach everyone in your household how to use a fire extinguisher, and review escape plans.
• Wa x Wood e n F u r n i t u r e Wipe
surfaces with a soft cloth dampened with water and mild dishwashing liquid. Apply paste wax, such as Butcher’s wax, a few feet at a time with a cotton rag folded into a square pad. Let wax dry; buff with a clean cloth.
• Wa s h W i n doW s c r e e n s Using warm water and a mild dishwashing liquid, scrub each screen with a brush; rinse thoroughly.
• cl e a n Wi n doW t r e at m e n ts Many
• Wa x non Wood F loor s Vinyl and
draperies and curtains are machine washable; check labels. Dry-clean fabric shades. Wipe wooden blinds with a damp cloth; warm water mixed with a mild dishwashing liquid is safe for metal and vinyl blinds.
linoleum floors that have lost their shine should be waxed with a polish designed for these surfaces. Most stone and tile floors can be treated with either a paste or a liquid wax designed for the material.
room by room • dus t r e F r i g e r a t or coi l s Turn off power at circuit breaker or fuse box. Coils are usually K i tc h e n
l i v i ng room
at the bottom of the refrigerator, under the grill. Clean coils with the crevice attachment of a vacuum or a specialty refrigerator-coil brush, available at hardware stores. • de F ros t t h e Fr e e z e r Turn off power at circuit breaker or fuse box. Empty freezer’s contents; wipe interior with a solution of 2 tablespoons baking soda per 1 quart hot water.
• sWa P h e av y cu rta i n s , r ug s , a n d t h roWs For l ig h t W e ig h t on e s Clean items first. To store, roll material around an acid-free tube; wrap in a clean sheet of cotton, muslin, or polyethylene; secure with twill tape, and label each bundle so you’ll know which is which.
• rota t e B e d a n d c h a ng e B l a n K e t s Turn over your mattress to distribute the wear evenly. B e droom s
Replace cool-weather bedding with warm-weather bedding. • cl e a n P i l loWs Whether made of natural fibers (such as down) or synthetic (often polyes-
ter), most pillows can be machine-washed. This rids them of mold, bacteria, and odors.
• d i s c a r d e x P i r e d cos m e t i c s a n d B e a u t y P r o d u c t s Secure these items in a plastic Bat h rooms
trash bag, and keep it out of reach of children and animals. • u P da t e F i r s t- a i d K i t In addition to bandages and ointments, the kit should include a list
of emergency numbers, especially the one for your nearest poison-control center.
• org a n i z e F i l e s Review insurance policies, contracts, and household inventories. hom e oF F ic e
• c l e a n c o m P u t e r s Scrub casings with a solution of 1 drop mild dishwashing liquid per 1 quart of water and a lint-free cloth; dust crevices in keyboards with cotton swabs; wipe screens with a soft cloth or a dry screen-cleaning sponge.
• r e Pl ac e cool - W e at h e r clot h i ng W i t h Wa r m - W e at h e r c lot h i ng Wash or dry-clean c los e t s
garments before storing them in a zippered sweater or blanket bag. • d o n a t e a P P a r e l y o u n o l o n g e r u s e Many charities are happy to accept old clothing
and may send a truck to pick it up. They may also provide receipts for tax purposes.
• cl e a n at t i c a n d B a s e m e n t , g i v i n g aWa y o r di s c a r di n g u n Wa n t e d i t e m s Divide
u t i l i t y s Pac e s
whatever is left into two zones: one for things you’ll need to retrieve in the next six months, such as clothes, and the other for objects that may be there for years, such as furniture. • P rot e c t oB j e c t s i n B a s e m e n t Use concrete blocks to keep storage boxes off the ground. Place washer and dryer on elevated pedestals (made by the appliances’ manufacturers) to prevent electrical shock during flooding.
• c l e a n P o r c h c e i l i n g s a n d Wa l l s Sweep up cobwebs and debris with a corn broom,
and wash walls with a solution of all-purpose cleaner and water using a polyester sponge. • scr u B de c K s , P a t i os , d r i v e Way s , a n d Wa l K Wa ys Treat mildew spots with a solution of ou t door sPaces
1 part oxygen bleach to 3 parts water using a deck brush. • Wa s h ou t door F u r n i t u r e Most materials, including aluminum, plastic, wood, and wicker, can handle a solution of mild dishwashing liquid and water and a soft-bristle brush. • i n s P e c t l i g h t F i x t u r e s Wash covers, and check for damaged wires and connections.
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eight steps to perfectly clean windows
patching a screen
1. Schedule the project
Tiny tears in nylon or fiberglass screens can be mended with a few drops of instant adhesive; small splits in metal screens can be fixed with epoxy. Larger rips, however, require slightly more attention. Here’s how to make repairs:
Choose a time when the sun is not shining directly on windows. Its hot rays can cause the cleaning solution to dry, which will result in streaks.
2. Clean the surface With a soft-bristle brush, dust away cobwebs and loose dirt from windows and frames. Don’t forget hinges, sills, and tracks. Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands, especially if the frames are old and splintery.
3. Make the cleaning solution Mix 1 part white vinegar and 1 part hot water. 4. Prevent a mess Before cleaning the inside of each window, place an absorbent terry-cloth towel along the windowsill to catch drips.
5. Wet the glass Using a sponge, wet (but don’t drench) the windowpane with the vinegar-and-water solution, and rub away the dirt. As much as possible, keep the solution from coming into contact with the window frames.
6. Prime a squeegee Wet the rubber blade; a dry one will skip. 7. Wipe the glass Starting at an upper corner of the pane, draw the squeegee down in a straight, confident stroke. Wipe the rubber edge of the squeegee with a sponge or a lint-free cloth. Return to the top and repeat, slightly overlapping the first stroke. Finish by pulling the squeegee across the bottom of the window. Dry the sill.
8. Clean the frames Wipe surfaces using a cloth dampened with a nonammoniated all-purpose cleaner and water. Rinse them thoroughly with a clean, damp cloth to remove cleaning solution, and dry immediately by wiping with a clean, dry cloth.
basic window-washing kit Stash all of your supplies in a plastic or metal bucket. Mix and transport the vinegar-based solution in a second container. •
soft-bristle brush
white vinegar (or mild dishwashing liquid)
large polyester or natural sea sponges
rubber gloves
lint-free cloths (cloth diapers or huckaback cloth) that haven’t been washed or dried with fabric softener (which can leave behind a residue that will streak glass)
sturdy ladder (with a label indicating it is approved by Underwriters Laboratories)
nonammoniated all-purpose cleaner
n y lon or F i B e rg l a s s sc r e e ns Cut a patch just barely larger than the hole. Apply a thin layer of instant adhesive along edges of patch; press it in place. To hold screen together as glue dries, cut a piece of low-tack painters’ tape larger than the patch, gently apply tape to patch, and leave until glue is dry. m e t a l sc r e e n s Begin by trimming around the tear in the screen to create a small, clean-edged rectangular or square opening. Cut a piece of screen about ˙ inch larger than the hole in length and width. Unravel a couple of strands of screen away from each of the piece’s 4 sides until the central woven section is just large enough to cover the hole. Fold the resulting “fingers” away from you at 90 degrees to the patch’s surface. Cover the hole with the patch, inserting the fingers into the mesh of the existing screen. Fold and carefully weave the fingers under and inward onto the patch or outward toward the screen frame, into the surrounding screen.
cleaning storm windows After storm windows have been replaced with screens, they should be cleaned before being stored for summer. Start by vacuuming the glass and tracks. Clean glass following the instructions above. (It’s easiest to do so outside, but you can clean them in place; allow windows that can’t be removed to dry completely before closing them, as moisture trapped between panes can damage the frames.)
The information in this article was excerpted from Martha Stewart’s Homekeeping Handbook: The Essential Guide to Caring for Everything in Your Home. ©2006 by Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by Clarkson Potter/Publishers, a division of Random House, Inc.
How To Create Terrarium Gardens
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No need to brave cold winter winds when you can create a tiny, beautiful terrarium garden indoors. Article: Gene B. Bussell
Peek through the glass to see a little magic—vibrant color guaranteed to brighten winter's gray light. To make a terrarium, choose a glass container with an opening wide enough for your hand. Gently add an inch or two of washed, fine gravel. Top gravel with a thin layer of activated aquarium carbon. (You'll find both items at your local pet store.) Next, add moistened potting soil, and you'll be ready to plant. Create a collection of plants, or showcase just one. Good choices include ferns, succulents, mosses, miniature moth orchids, African violets, and kalanchoes. Allow room for growth by starting with the smallest plants available. Place your terrarium in diffused light, using a cork pad to protect the surface underneath. Because your container has no drainage holes, be sure not to overwater. Editor's tip: Water with a turkey baster to get just the right amount of moisture to your plants. As they grow, trim the foliage when needed. Create a Terrarium Without Soil! Group an assortment of air plants (Tillandsia sp.) for the easiest care. They naturally grow on branches and rocks, so no soil is needed. There are lots to choose from in silvers, greens, pinks, and reds. Setting up a Terrarium Choose a glass container. Add a layer of washed fine gravel. Include a piece of driftwood, a few larger rocks, or a piece of bark in your display. Mix in an assortment of air plants arranged however you like. Caring for your Terrarium Remove plants to water about once a week. Soak in a bowl filled with bottled or filtered water for a half hour. Remove plants, shake, and let dry. Then place them back in your container.
Opposite Page Container Recipe: Miniature moth orchid, silver ribbon fern, ripple peperomia, table fern, and moss. Photo: Robbie Caponetto
Employee Stay Connected • 33
March Gardening & Planting Tips Our Garden Editor's advice for a healthy and thriving yard., Southern Living
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Grow Now: Petunias and More A bright day and a warm breeze are all it takes to make you want to get outside and plant something in your garden. The first day of spring arrives on March 20, and though it means the season has officially changed, it does not mean cold weather is over. It also may not coincide with the last frost date in your area. So what can you plant? Petunias, snapdragons, marigolds, nasturtiums, and dianthus can handle the cool days. Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, lettuces, kale, spinach, potatoes, and onions will do fine as well. Just wait a little longer for warm days for favorites such as caladiums, impatiens, basil, and tomatoes. Divide Now Perennials such as daylilies, hostas, Shasta daisies, and cannas can be divided now. Set separated plants back into the soil at the original growing depth, water well, and mulch. Herbs Plant pots of thyme, rosemary, and oregano now. Wait until the danger of frost has passed before planting dill and basil. Flowering Vines Vines offer great solutions for color, fragrance, and shade in tight spots in the garden. They also soften fences and arbors. Try favorites such as ‘Tangerine Beauty’ crossvine, Carolina jessamine, and trumpet honeysuckle. Bird's Nest Ferns Enjoy the beautiful foliage of these forgiving plants inside. ‘Victoria’ is a graceful kind to try. Place in a location with bright, filtered light. Water when soil feels slightly dry. Once the weather warms, you can even put it outside in a shady spot. Place it in a pot with impatiens for a colorful combination. Smart Watering Water efficiently using drip hoses. Drip irrigation applies water slowly so it can be absorbed more efficiently. Make the task even more effective by connecting the hose to a mechanical timer at your hose bib, saving water, money, and time.
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eeling busy or frantic might be part of your everyday life—whether you’re constantly rushing from place to place, or feeling weigheddown by your to-do list, it’s easy to think that you don’t have enough hours in the day. It turns out, though, you probably do have plenty of hours in the day, and that feeling of overwhelming busyness might be all in your head. A new study published in the Journal of Marketing Research revealed that emotional conflict made people feel like they were seriously crunched for time, specifically feelings of guilt or fear. Either people felt guilty for spending time on one task instead of another or felt stress and fear over loss of income. To illustrate the effect, researchers asked study participants to envision completing a certain set of tasks. Then, they were asked to imagine that the tasks conflicted with each other—either overlapping in time or competing for emotional or financial reasons. Participants felt anxious no matter what the conflict was—even if they had enough physical time to do the tasks, emotional conflict still made them feel stressed.
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This is Why You Really Feel So Busy (and How to Fix It) If you think you need more than 24 hours in a day, try two simple strategies to reclaim your schedule. By Samantha Zabell, Real Simple
If this internal tug-of-war sounds familiar, there are ways to de-stress so you can tackle your to-do list sans anxiety. The first strategy is easy— just breathe. Stanford graduate student Melanie Rudd found in her research that this technique was most successful in de-stressing people when it came to busyness. When the researchers asked participants to take deep, slow breaths, they felt more relaxed. Focus on meditative, cleansing breathing—that means counting to five as you inhale, letting your diaphragm expand, and counting to six as you exhale. The other simple trick is to reframe feelings of nervousness and anxiety into positive emotions—like excitement. How can you turn your thoughts around? According to Jennifer Aaker, one of the authors on the new Journal of Marketing Research study, just saying “I am excited!” when looking at your tasks can reduce levels of stress and help you take control of your schedule. “Although we can’t control what actually consumes our time, we can control how we feel about it,” Aaker said in an email.
Employee Stay Connected • 37
The 8 Commandments of Fighting Fairly Quarreling with your partner doesn’t have to wreck the relationship—in fact, it can actually help. Just follow these expert ground rules. By Diana Kelly, Real Simple
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Whether you’ve been in a relationship for a few months, a few years, or a few decades, you’re bound to fight with your partner at some point. But what constitutes “fighting” is different for every couple: Some only admit to having disagreements; others say they occasionally bicker; some seethe in silence, while others don’t believe they’ve had a real fight until someone yells. “There are negative and unhealthy ways to fight, but disagreeing is not unhealthy,” says Laurie Mintz, PhD, professor of psychology at the University of Florida. Since you’re going to squabble, try these eight ways to stay in fighting form without going down for the count.
Keep the goal of the fight in mind.
“The goal of the fight is to get closer, to understand each other better, to resolve an issue so you don’t have to face it over and over again,” says Mintz. Take a deep breath during the fight and think to yourself, “This is a person I love and respect and they probably have a valid point. I need to listen and to find a grain of truth in what they’re saying.” Nothing de-escalates an argument more than someone acknowledging the truth in what the other person is saying, even if they’re not in complete agreement.
Voice grievances the right way.
Before the fight even begins, couples should ideally share a culture of appreciation and respect so that they don’t resort to defamation of character, says Carrie Cole, M.Ed., LPC-S, Certified Gottman Master Trainer, Center For Relationship Wellness. If you want to have a difficult discussion before it becomes a fight, Mintz suggests saying, “There’s something I want to talk about, is this a good time?” Then start the conversation in a gentle way and take ownership of your issue, saying, “I have a problem with…[fill in the blank],” suggests Cole. Allow yourself to accept input from your partner and
try to see things from their point of view. Remember, part of the reason you’re with this person is that your value systems are aligned.
Know when it’s okay to go to bed mad.
You probably heard that “you should never go to bed angry,” but experts say there are times when you might need to sleep on the issue. If you or your partner is exhausted—or one of you drank alcohol that escalated the fight—it’s okay to say, “I love you, let’s talk about it in the morning.” By then, hopefully the intensity will have dissipated, and one of you might realize you were just tired or feeling sensitive. “You have to judge the situation,” says Mintz. “If you’re too exhausted to resolve a fight, stop it before it goes downhill fast.” Just be sure to address it within 24 to 48 hours, before you get wrapped up in life again. Because if you just “move on” but aren’t emotionally connected, the next argument that comes up will likely include this fight in it as well and be too overwhelming to deal with, says Cole.
Don’t have a “kitchen sink” fight. If you and your partner are arguing about finances, don’t throw in
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“everything and the kitchen sink,” meaning other grievances you have about parenting, in-laws, sex, or anything else that isn’t immediately relevant. Keep the fight focused on what you’re fighting about. Resolve one issue at a time and don’t bring everything into it. If there’s an issue from the past that keeps resurfacing when you argue, set aside time to deal with it when you’re not mad, or consider addressing it in couples counseling.
Be a master communicator.
While you might be tempted to unleash fury on your husband when he’s late picking you up, it’s better to start with “I” statements and own your feelings. We know it’s not easy to speak calmly and share your emotions when you’re fired up about something, but yelling, “You left me waiting for 20 minutes and are so inconsiderate!” will elicit a different response from your partner than, “I was left waiting for 20 minutes and it made me feel uncared for and hurt.” Describe yourself rather than your partner. “Instead of calling your partner a liar, say something like, ‘I need transparency and honesty,’” says Cole.
Put yourself in timeout.
If things are getting heated and the fight isn’t going well, take a break. When you get very upset, your heart rate goes up and stress hormones are released, says Cole. Not only that but the brain’s frontal lobes, which handle logic and communication skills, shut down. What is activated in the brain is the “flight or fight response” that our cavewoman ancestors used to deal with life-threatening situations. The bottom line: When you’re angry, you might be in danger of engaging your mouth 40 • Employee Stay Connected
before your brain and saying something hurtful, so tell your partner that you need a timeout to think it through, suggests Mintz.
Remain emotionally trustworthy.
Avoid saying things like “I’m done,” “Let’s end this,” or “I want a divorce” when you’re in a fight. “Someone might say this because they want to grab their partner’s attention,” says Cole. “But it makes their partner feel unsafe and insecure in the relationship.” If those kinds of things get said often, then the partner either stops believing them, or feels that sharing feelings will “end” the relationship. “Bad words are like bullets—you can’t take them back once they’re out,” says Mintz. Fighting fairly is about slowing yourself down and asking yourself if you’re arguing to get closer or to hurt your partner. If you did say something that hurt your loved one, stop and say, “I messed up, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.”
Pick and choose your battles.
When you’re living with someone, it’s safe to assume they’re going to do things that you don’t agree with or that get under your skin. While you shouldn’t complain about every annoying thing your partner does, if one of them truly hurts or upsets you and you can’t let it go, make sure you address the issue so it doesn’t appear in other fights, suggests Mintz. And be willing to “give in” on some things. Decide what you are willing to be flexible with (perhaps not griping out loud about dirty socks left on the floor) and work to resolve things you feel more strongly about (like if your partner makes fun of you in front of friends).
Reminder for the Ladies
you can still look cute while being “work appropriate”
hint: if you can look down and see your clevage, chances are others can too! Be kind to your coworkers and cover-up.
hint: wear a cami or tank under low cut shirts! You can still wear your favorite top, just wear a tank with it!
Employee Stay Connected • 41
Lynchburg Happenings Artist Exhibition - Ankica Mitrovska, Caution: X.G.O.T.A.W.A.Y.? Fri. Mar. 06 12-6pm March 6 – April 17 Ankica Mitrovska, Caution: X.G.O.T.A.W.A.Y.? (Exclusive grounds of the angsty watchers among you) Influenced by German Expressionism, Surrealism, and Graffiti Art, Mitrovska’s charcoal drawings of human-animal mutants are intended to overwhelm in grand scale illustrations. The exhibition opening is from 5:30 – 8:00 pm on First Friday, March 6th. Mistrovska will give a public gallery talk at the exhibition opening. Caution: X.G.O.T.A.W.A.Y.? will be on view through April 17. Craddock-Terry gallery hours are 12-5 pm Wednesday – Sunday or by appointment. Free and open to the public. Orienteering Treasure Hunt Sat. Mar. 07 2pm-5pm Explore the Peaks of Otter in a fun new way! We’ll provide you with a map, clues, and all the instruction you’ll need to get started. Your “team” of treasure hunters will find as many of the “control points” as you can. At each control point, you’ll find a trivia question you will have to answer. Return to headquarters and use your answers to solve a word puzzle. The word puzzle will lead you to the treasure! Your journey will lead you around the lake and along numerous trails near the Peaks of Otter Lodge in an adventure you’ll remember for years to come. Suitable for all ages! Call 866-387-9905 to reserve your space today! Reservations are encouraged. A $10.00 security
42 • Employee Stay Connected
deposit is due at time of reservation. Security deposit is fully refundable on day of event, or with 24-hour advance cancellation notice. You must check in with the front desk on the day of the event for security deposit release. Jefferson Choral Society Bring on the Beatles Sat. Mar. 07 7-9:30pm & Sun. Mar. 08 4-6pm Previously purchased tickets are valid for either date. If you are unable to attend on the rescheduled weekend, please consider your existing ticket to be either a donation to the choral society or a valid ticket for our spring concert on May 2nd and 3rd at Timberlake United Methodist Church. If you do not have a ticket and would like to purchase one for the new performances of Bring on the Beatles they will be available at the door on both Saturday and Sunday. Adult tickets are $20, students $10, children 11 and under are free with an adult. 434.528.5700 Battle of the Ironclads Thu. Mar. 12 3-5pm Join us for a fascinating talk on the Battle of the Ironclads by John Quarstein, historian and former director of the Virginia War Museum. Preschoolers’ Night at the Museum Fri. Mar. 13 6-8pm Preschoolers ages 4-7 come to the Museum and enjoy Pirate’s Night! Call for details and registration. 434-455-6226
Small Theatre / Big Screen - Belle Fri. Mar. 13 7-10pm Belle is inspired by the true story of Dido Elizabeth Belle (Gugu Mbatha-Raw), the illegitimate mixed race daughter of a Royal Navy Captain. Raised by her aristocratic great-uncle Lord Mansfield (Tom Wilkinson) and his wife (Emily Watson), Belle\’s lineage affords her certain privileges, yet the color of her skin prevents her from fully participating in the traditions of her social standing. Left to wonder if she will ever find love, Belle falls for an idealistic young vicar\’s son bent on change who, with her help, shapes Lord Mansfield\’s role as Lord Chief Justice to end slavery in England. 104 minute run time (written by Fox Searchlight Pictures). Details on screening time and price will be posted on Location: Rosel H. Schewel Theatre on the ground floor of Riverviews Artspace. Everyman First performed in the late Middle Ages, this morality play is one of the most famous of its kind, and stands at the root of modern theater. Cast in the form of a journey, EVERYMAN explores universal themes of salvation and redemption, which speak directly to our fears and uncertainties in our volatile contemporary world. Although based in Christian religious beliefs of the Middle Ages, the play\’s message transcends any one time. Members of every generation can identify with the all too human feeling of panic when Everyman is faced with imminent death. • March 19, 20, 21* - 7:30 p.m. • March 21 - 2:00 p.m. • March 22~ - 3:00 p.m. • Tickets go on sale Monday, January 5 at 1:00 p.m. • Recommended for children 8 years of age or older.
The Marriage of Figaro Fri. Mar. 20 7:30-10pm The Marriage of Figaro (Italian: Le nozze di Figaro), K. 492, is an opera buffa (comic opera) in four acts composed in 1786 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, with an Italian libretto written by Lorenzo Da Ponte based on a stage comedy by Pierre Beaumarchais, La folle journée, ou le Mariage de Figaro (1784). 7:3010pm 434-528-3397 Family Fest Sat. Mar. 21 10:00am - 4:00pm At Amazement Square, 27 Ninth Street, Lynchburg What are the kids doing this summer? Come to Family Fest to find out! With vendors, food, a children\’s fashion show, bounce houses, demonstrations, classes, door prizes and more, Family Fest is designed as a fun family day out while discovering great camps and kid-friendly activities in Lynchburg and beyond. Our $5 entry fee goes straight to the Lynchburg RMA to help businesses in the local community. Join us! Contact 434-851-2224 for more information Egg Hunt on the Lawn at Point of HonorSat. Mar. 21 10:00am - 2:00pm Egg Hunt on the Lawn at Point of Honor • Saturday, April 4, 2015 • 10:00am 2:00pm Celebrate Easter at Point of Honor with egg hunts, pictures with the Easter Bunny & More! Presented by: Lynchburg Parks & Recreation and Point of Honor
Employee Stay Connected • 43
Looking for a church home? GOSPEL COMMUNITY CHURCH Phase 2: Dining and Entertainment – 4009 Murray Pl., Lynchburg, VA, 24501 Sundays – 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. ONE COMMUNITY CHURCH 1415 Kemper St, Lynchburg, VA 24502 Sunday: 9am & 11am THOMAS ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH One Mountain View Road Lynchburg, VA 24502 Sunday: 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM Wednesday Prayer Service 6:15 PM HERITAGE BAPTIST CHURCH 219 Breezewood Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502 SUNDAYS: 9:30AM & 11AM
44 • Employee Stay Connected
COLLEGE HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 1101 Floyd Street Lynchburg, 24501 434-845-6095 Sunday School 9:30, Worship 11:00 Wednesday Prayer 6:00 PRAYER OF FAITH TEMPLE C.O.G.I.C 3100 Hill St. Lynchburg, VA 24501 Sunday School 9:30am Worship 10:45am Bible Study Thursday 7:00pm THE REVIVAL SCENE COMMUNITY CHURCH 150 Alum Springs Road Lynchburg, VA 24502 Sundays: 10:30 am Wednesdays: 7:00 pm If you would like to add your church to the list, please email
The ISA Family Library! Provided by NavPress Publishers
Located across from the desks of Shantae and Andrea. This collection of books has been organized into categories and by author. See the listing on the intranet. Find everything from novels to devotionals! Free to use and borrow the books for as long as needed. Simply write your name, book title & author, and dates that you take and return the book in the journal provided. Happy Reading!
Myrtle Proehl 3/01 Anita Cashwell 3/05 Miranda Nicholson 3/12 Sean Muir 3/24
46 • Employee Stay Connected
Congratulations! EmployeeAnniversaries
K a t h ry n M c C a n na Te n e k a G i l b e r t K a res s C . K e l l y - Wa lke r
3 /0 1/10 3/1 1/14 3/27 /12
Employee Stay Connected • 47
Restaurant-Style Buffalo Chicken Wings Prep Time: 15 Minutes Cook Time: 15 Minutes Ready In: 2 Hours Servings: 5
INGREDIENTS: 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/4 teaspoon salt 10 chicken wings oil for deep frying 1/4 cup butter 1/4 cup hot sauce 1 dash ground black pepper 1 dash garlic powder DIRECTIONS: 1. In a small bowl mix together the flour, paprika, cayenne pepper and salt. Place chicken wings in a large nonporous glass dish or bowl and sprinkle flour mixture over them until they are evenly coated. Cover dish or bowl and refrigerate for 60 to 90 minutes. 2. Heat oil in a deep fryer to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). The oil should be just enough to cover wings entirely, an inch or so deep. Combine the butter, hot sauce, pepper and garlic powder in a small saucepan over low heat. Stir together and heat until butter is melted and mixture is well blended. Remove from heat and reserve for serving. 3. Fry coated wings in hot oil for 10 to 15 minutes, or until parts of wings begin to turn brown. Remove from heat, place wings in serving bowl, add hot sauce mixture and stir together. Serve.
48 • Employee Stay Connected
Artichoke & Spinach Dip Restaurant Style Prep Time: 15 Minutes Cook Time: 30 Minutes Ready In: 1 Hour 15 Minutes Servings: 12
INGREDIENTS: 4 cloves garlic 1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained 1 (14 ounce) can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped 1 (10 ounce) container Alfredo-style pasta sauce 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1/2 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened DIRECTIONS: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). 2. Place garlic in a small baking dish. Bake in the preheated oven 20 to 30 minutes, until soft. Remove from heat. When cool enough to touch, squeeze softened garlic from skins. 3. In an 8x8 inch baking dish, spread the roasted garlic, spinach, artichoke hearts, Alfredo-style pasta sauce, mozzarella cheese, Parmesan cheese, and cream cheese. 4. Bake in the preheated oven 30 minutes, or until cheeses are melted and bubbly. Serve warm.
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Employee Stay Connected • 51
It’s March, can you believe it? Welcome to March. Happy Birthday to everyone born in this wonderful month. 1. March was once the first month of the year. However, when the Gregorian calendar came into use in 1752, it became the third month. Many cultures still welcome March at the beginning of the year. 2. March is the time of year when animals start to wake up from hibernation. 3. The planet Uranus was discovered in March by Sir William Herschel, 1781. 4. Shakespeare refers to the month of March only once. In Julius Caesar, Shakespeare wrote “Beware the Ides of March”. 5. In March of 1980, Jamaica’s Government decided to discontinue efforts to finalize a standby agreement with the International Monetary Fund. 6. The first Wednesday in March is World Math’s Day. In the United States, March 1 is National Pig Day. Share A Smile Day and Peanut Butter Lover’s Day are also in March. 7. According to Emily Dickinson, “March is the month of expectation, the things we do not know.” 8. According to the Baby Centre, March is not a popular baby boy name. It is, however, a fairly popular surname – ranking 2,938 out of 88,799. The female version of the name is Marcella. 9. In March, the winter ends and spring begins. 10. Famous people born in March include Jessica Biel, Justin Bieber, Eva Mendes and Shaquille O’Neal.
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10 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About March Madness 10. The NCAA doesn’t want you betting on the games. A lot of people wager on the games, but the NCAA is against it, as betting undermines “the integrity of sports contests and jeopardizes the welfare of student-athletes and the intercollegiate athletics community.” Indiana University has a solid explanation as well, “Sports competition should be appreciated for the inherent benefits related to participation of student-athletes, coaches and institutions in fair contests, not the amount of money wagered on the outcome of the competition.” 9. Fans sacrifice sick days for March Madness. One in seven fans have called in sick just to catch the tournament. When they really feel under the weather in the future and are almost out of sick days, they may regret this choice … or at least their colleagues who are exposed to the illness will be upset about it. 8. Some offices let employees watch March Madness at work. Maybe this year fans won’t have to use sick days to watch March Madness after all! As it turns out, some companies love March Madness so much that they allow their workers to tune into the games during the day. Even though certain bosses don’t mind March Madness being on during the workday, they do believe in setting boundaries. “There needs to be clearly defined ground rules,” Robert Hosking, executive director of job placement firm Office Team, told the San Jose Mercury News. As long as everyone meets deadlines and refrains from monetary bets, it’s all good. 7. You are never, ever, ever going to have a perfect bracket. No matter how well you know sports, your chances of picking a perfect bracket are 9.2 quintillion to one, according to UMKC math lecturer Ari Bavel. You’re more likely to be mauled by a shark than nail this thing. Not even Nate Silver could figure it out, but if you want to be optimistic, go ahead and channel Lloyd a la Dumb and Dumber. 6. Warren Buffett is donating $100,000 each to the 20 closest brackets. When you’re worth $58 billion, what’s $2,000,000 to throw at sports fanatics?! 5. In 2012, Harvard made its first appearance in March Madness since 1946. Jeremy Lin wasn’t there for the fun, but it was a big moment for the prestigious university nonetheless. 4. UCLA holds the record for the Men’s Division I Championships. The university has 11 titles, but a 2012 Sports Illustrated report suggests all the wins don’t mean the players are wonders to work with. The piece alleges the program has veered from the UCLA way and allowed immature recruits to hurt team morale and discipline standards. 3. A 16 seed has never defeated a 1 seed. Will the cycle be broken this year? Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski says it’s possible, “I think it can happen anytime. Really it’s just a matter of time.” Fingers crossed, but I’m not so sure 2014 will see that shiny moment. 2. The term “March Madness” was first used to describe high school basketball. It wasn’t until 1939 that the NCAA attributed the word to its basketball tournaments. 1. March Madness commercials cost millions of dollars. In 2012, the average cost of a 30-second commercial during March Madness was $1.34 million, and ad spending reached $1 billion for the first time ever that year. And I thought the Superbowl was wasteful.
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Devotional & Bible Reading Don’t get discouraged if you miss a day or more and miss out on the passages... You can pick up right where you left off or jump to the current day and catch up on the other passages later. And if you only start the reading plan in the middle of a month that’s still the perfect time to start reading! That’s the great thing about the Bible, there is no set way you have to read it... The only important thing is that you DO read. If you’re not ready to tackle reading the whole Bible, don’t give up! You can start out reading Proverbs to get a start. It’s full of great truths and wisdom to help you in all stages of life. Plus it’s easy to know what chapter to read on which day.... There are 31 chapters in Proverbs, just read the chapter that matches the day of the month and soon you will have ready the whole book!
March’s Reading Plan: Mar 1 Num 14‐15, Ps 90 Mar 2 Num 16‐17 Mar 3 Num 18‐20 Mar 4 Num 21‐22 Mar 5 Num 23‐25 Mar 6 Num 26‐27 Mar 7 Num 28‐30 Mar 8 Num 31‐32 Mar 9 Num 33‐34 Mar 10 Num 35‐36 Mar 11 Deut 1‐2
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Mar 12 Deut 3‐4 Mar 13 Deut 5‐7 Mar 14 Deut 8‐10 Mar 15 Deut 11‐13 Mar 16 Deut 14‐16 Mar 17 Deut 17‐20 Mar 18 Deut 21‐23 Mar 19 Deut 24‐27 Mar 20 Deut 28‐29 Mar 21 Deut 30‐31 Mar 22 Deut 32‐34, Ps 91
Mar 23 Josh 1‐4 Mar 24 Josh 5‐8 Mar 25 Josh 9‐11 Mar 26 Josh 12‐15 Mar 27 Josh 16‐18 Mar 28 Josh 19‐21 Mar 29 Josh 22‐24 Mar 30 Judg 1‐2 Mar 31 Judg 3‐5
Gen 1‐3 Gen 4‐7 Gen 8‐11 Job 1‐5 Job 6‐9 Job 10‐13 Job 14‐16 Job 17‐20 Job 21‐23 Job 24‐28 Job 29‐31 Job 32‐34 Job 35‐37 Job 38‐39 Job 40‐42 Gen 12‐15 Gen 16‐18 Gen 19‐21 Gen 22‐24 Gen 25‐26 Gen 27‐29 Gen 30‐31 Gen 32‐34 Gen 35‐37 Gen 38‐40 Gen 41‐42 Gen 43‐45 Gen 46‐47 Gen 48‐50 Ex 1‐3 Ex 4‐6 Ex 7‐9 Ex 10‐12 Ex 13‐15 Ex 16‐18 Ex 19‐21 Ex 22‐24 Ex 25‐27 Ex 28‐29 Ex 30‐32 Ex 33‐35 Ex 36‐38 Ex 39‐40 Lev 1‐4 Lev 5‐7 Lev 8‐10 Feb 16 Feb 17 Feb 18 Feb 19 Feb 20 Feb 21 Feb 22 Feb 23 Feb 24 Feb 25 Feb 26 Feb 27 Feb 28 Mar 1 Mar 2 Mar 3 Mar 4 Mar 5 Mar 6 Mar 7 Mar 8 Mar 9 Mar 10 Mar 11 Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 17 Mar 18 Mar 19 Mar 20 Mar 21 Mar 22 Mar 23 Mar 24 Mar 25 Mar 26 Mar 27 Mar 28 Mar 29 Mar 30 Mar 31 Apr 1 Apr 2
Lev 11‐13 Lev 14‐15 Lev 16‐18 Lev 19‐21 Lev 22‐23 Lev 24‐25 Lev 26‐27 Num 1‐2 Num 3‐4 Num 5‐6 Num 7 Num 8‐10 Num 11‐13 Num 14‐15, Ps 90 Num 16‐17 Num 18‐20 Num 21‐22 Num 23‐25 Num 26‐27 Num 28‐30 Num 31‐32 Num 33‐34 Num 35‐36 Deut 1‐2 Deut 3‐4 Deut 5‐7 Deut 8‐10 Deut 11‐13 Deut 14‐16 Deut 17‐20 Deut 21‐23 Deut 24‐27 Deut 28‐29 Deut 30‐31 Deut 32‐34, Ps 91 Josh 1‐4 Josh 5‐8 Josh 9‐11 Josh 12‐15 Josh 16‐18 Josh 19‐21 Josh 22‐24 Judg 1‐2 Judg 3‐5 Judg 6‐7 Judg 8‐9
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Jan 1 Jan 2 Jan 3 Jan 4 Jan 5 Jan 6 Jan 7 Jan 8 Jan 9 Jan 10 Jan 11 Jan 12 Jan 13 Jan 14 Jan 15 Jan 16 Jan 17 Jan 18 Jan 19 Jan 20 Jan 21 Jan 22 Jan 23 Jan 24 Jan 25 Jan 26 Jan 27 Jan 28 Jan 29 Jan 30 Jan 31 Feb 1 Feb 2 Feb 3 Feb 4 Feb 5 Feb 6 Feb 7 Feb 8 Feb 9 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 12 Feb 13 Feb 14 Feb 15
Chronological Bible Reading Plan (
May 7 May 8 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16
Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6
Apr 3 Apr 4 Apr 5 Apr 6 Apr 7 Apr 8 Apr 9 Apr 10 Apr 11 Apr 12 Apr 13 Apr 14 Apr 15 Apr 16 Apr 17 Apr 18 Apr 19 Apr 20 Apr 21 Apr 22
Judg 10‐12 Judg 13‐15 Judg 16‐18 Judg 19‐21 Ruth 1‐4 1 Sam 1‐3 1 Sam 4‐8 1 Sam 9‐12 1 Sam 13‐14 1 Sam 15‐17 1 Sam 18‐20, Ps 11, Ps 59 1 Sam 21‐24 Ps 7, Ps 27, Ps 31, Ps 34, Ps 52 Ps 56, Ps 120, Ps 140‐142 1 Sam 25‐27 Ps 17, Ps 35, Ps 54, Ps 63 1 Sam 28‐31, Ps 18 Ps 121, Ps 123‐125, Ps 128‐130 2 Sam 1‐4 Ps 6, Ps 8‐10, Ps 14, Ps 16, Ps 19, Ps 21 1 Chr 1‐2 Ps 43‐45, Ps 49, Ps 84‐85, Ps 87 1 Chr 3‐5 Ps 73, Ps 77‐78 1 Chr 6 Ps 81, Ps 88, Ps 92‐93 1 Chr 7‐10 Ps 102‐104 2 Sam 5:1‐10, 1 Chr 11‐12 Ps 133 Ps 106‐107 2 Sam 5:11‐6:23, 1 Chr 13‐16 Ps 1‐2, Ps 15, Ps 22‐24, Ps 47, Ps 68 Ps 89, Ps 96, Ps 100, Ps 101, Ps 105, Ps 132 2 Sam 7, 1 Chr 17 Ps 25, Ps 29, Ps 33, Ps 36, Ps 39 2 Sam 8‐9, 1 Chr 18 Ps 50, Ps 53, Ps 60, Ps 75 2 Sam 10, 1 Chr 19, Ps 20 Ps 65‐67, Ps 69‐70 2 Sam 11‐12, 1 Chr 20 Ps 32, Ps 51, Ps 86, Ps 122 2 Sam 13‐15 Ps 3‐4, Ps 12‐13, Ps 28, Ps 55
May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31 Jun 1 Jun 2 Jun 3 Jun 4 Jun 5 Jun 6 Jun 7 Jun 8 Jun 9 Jun 10 Jun 11 Jun 12 Jun 13 Jun 14 Jun 15 Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun 18 Jun 19 Jun 20 Jun 21 Jun 22 Jun 23 Jun 24 Jun 25 Jun 26 Jun 27 Jun 28 Jun 29 Jun 30 Jul 1
2 Sam 16‐18 Ps 26, Ps 40, Ps 58, Ps 61‐62, Ps 64 2 Sam 19‐21 Ps 5, Ps 38, Ps 41‐42 2 Sam 22‐23, Ps 57 Ps 95, Ps 97‐99 2 Sam 24, 1 Chr 21‐22, Ps 30 Ps 108‐110 1 Chr 23‐25 Ps 131, Ps 138‐139, Ps 143‐145 1 Chr 26‐29, Ps 127 Ps 111‐118 1 Kgs 1‐2, Ps 37, Ps 71, Ps 94 Ps 119:1‐88 1 Kgs 3‐4, 2 Chr 1, Ps 72 Ps 119:89‐176 Sng 1‐8 Prov 1‐3 Prov 4‐6 Prov 7‐9 Prov 10‐12 Prov 13‐15 Prov 16‐18 Prov 19‐21 Prov 22‐24 1 Kgs 5‐6, 2 Chr 2‐3 1 Kgs 7, 2 Chr 4 1 Kgs 8, 2 Chr 5 2 Chr 6‐7, Ps 136 Ps 134, Ps 146‐150 1 Kgs 9, 2 Chr 8 Prov 25‐26 Prov 27‐29 Eccl 1‐6 Eccl 7‐12 1 Kgs 10‐11, 2 Chr 9 Prov 30‐31 1 Kgs 12‐14 2 Chr 10‐12 1 Kgs 15:1‐24, 2 Chr 13‐16 1 Kgs 15:25‐16:34, 2 Chr 17 1 Kgs 17‐19 1 Kgs 20‐21 1 Kgs 22, 2 Chr 18 2 Chr 19‐23 Obad 1, Ps 82‐83
2 Kgs 1‐4 2 Kgs 5‐8 2 Kgs 9‐11 2 Kgs 12‐13, 2 Chr 24 2 Kgs 14, 2 Chr 25 Jonah 1‐4 2 Kgs 15, 2 Chr 26 Isa 1‐4 Isa 5‐8 Amos 1‐5 Amos 6‐9 2 Chr 27, Isa 9‐12 Mic 1‐7 2 Chr 28, 2 Kgs 16‐17 Isa 13‐17 Isa 18‐22 Isa 23‐27 2 Kgs 18:1‐8, 2 Chr 29‐31, Ps 48 Hos 1‐7 Hos 8‐14 Isa 28‐30 Isa 31‐34 Isa 35‐36 Isa 37‐39, Ps 76 Isa 40‐43 Isa 44‐48 2 Kgs 18:9‐19:37, Ps 46, Ps 80, Ps 135 Isa 49‐53 Isa 54‐58 Isa 59‐63 Isa 64‐66 2 Kgs 20‐21 2 Chr 32‐33 Nahum 1‐3 2 Kgs 22‐23, 2 Chr 34‐35 Zeph 1‐3 Jer 1‐3 Jer 4‐6 Jer 7‐9 Jer 10‐13 Jer 14‐17 Jer 18‐22 Jer 23‐25 Jer 26‐29 Jer 30‐31 Jer 32‐34 Aug 17 Aug 18 Aug 19 Aug 20 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug 25 Aug 26 Aug 27 Aug 28 Aug 29 Aug 30 Aug 31 Sep 1 Sep 2 Sep 3 Sep 4 Sep 5 Sep 6 Sep 7 Sep 8 Sep 9 Sep 10 Sep 11 Sep 12 Sep 13 Sep 14 Sep 15 Sep 16 Sep 17 Sep 18 Sep 19 Sep 20 Sep 21 Sep 22 Sep 23 Sep 24 Sep 25 Sep 26 Sep 27 Sep 28 Sep 29 Sep 30 Oct 1
Jer 35‐37 Jer 38‐40, Ps 74, Ps 79 2 Kgs 24‐25, 2 Chr 36 Hab 1‐3 Jer 41‐45 Jer 46‐48 Jer 49‐50 Jer 51‐52 Lam 1:1‐3:36 Lam 3:37‐5:22 Ezek 1‐4 Ezek 5‐8 Ezek 9‐12 Ezek 13‐15 Ezek 16‐17 Ezek 18‐19 Ezek 20‐21 Ezek 22‐23 Ezek 24‐27 Ezek 28‐31 Ezek 32‐34 Ezek 35‐37 Ezek 38‐39 Ezek 40‐41 Ezek 42‐43 Ezek 44‐45 Ezek 46‐48 Joel 1‐3 Dan 1‐3 Dan 4‐6 Dan 7‐9 Dan 10‐12 Ezra 1‐3 Ezra 4‐6, Ps 137 Hag 1‐2 Zech 1‐7 Zech 8‐14 Est 1‐5 Est 6‐10 Ezra 7‐10 Neh 1‐5 Neh 6‐7 Neh 8‐10 Neh 11‐13, Ps 126 Mal 1‐4 Luke 1, John 1:1‐14
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Submit your praises & prayer request to Andrea Lewis with the subject line “Stay Connected Prayer” at
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Jul 2 Jul 3 Jul 4 Jul 5 Jul 6 Jul 7 Jul 8 Jul 9 Jul 10 Jul 11 Jul 12 Jul 13 Jul 14 Jul 15 Jul 16 Jul 17 Jul 18 Jul 19 Jul 20 Jul 21 Jul 22 Jul 23 Jul 24 Jul 25 Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28 Jul 29 Jul 30 Jul 31 Aug 1 Aug 2 Aug 3 Aug 4 Aug 5 Aug 6 Aug 7 Aug 8 Aug 9 Aug 10 Aug 11 Aug 12 Aug 13 Aug 14 Aug 15 Aug 16
Chronological Bible Reading Plan ( Oct 2 Oct 3 Oct 4 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 8 Oct 9 Oct 10 Oct 11 Oct 12 Oct 13 Oct 14 Oct 15 Oct 16 Oct 17 Oct 18 Oct 19 Oct 20 Oct 21 Oct 22 Oct 23 Oct 24 Oct 25 Oct 26 Oct 27 Oct 28 Oct 29 Oct 30 Oct 31 Nov 1 Nov 2 Nov 3 Nov 4 Nov 5 Nov 6 Nov 7 Nov 8 Nov 9 Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov 12 Nov 13 Nov 14 Nov 15 Nov 16
Matt 1, Luke 2:1‐38 Matt 2, Luke 2:39‐52 Matt 3, Mark 1, Luke 3 Matt 4, Luke 4‐5, John 1:15‐51 John 2‐4 Mark 2 John 5 Matt 12:1‐21, Mark 3, Luke 6 Matt 5‐7 Matt 8:1‐13, Luke 7 Matt 11 Matt 12:22‐50, Luke 11 Matt 13, Luke 8 Matt 8:14‐34, Mark 4‐5 Matt 9‐10 Matt 14, Mark 6, Luke 9:1‐17 John 6 Matt 15, Mark 7 Matt 16, Mark 8, Luke 9:18‐27 Matt 17, Mark 9, Luke 9:28‐62 Matt 18 John 7‐8 John 9:1‐10:21 Luke 10‐11, John 10:22‐42 Luke 12‐13 Luke 14‐15 Luke 16‐17:10 John 11 Luke 17:11‐18:14 Matt 19, Mark 10 Matt 20‐21 Luke 18:15‐19:48 Mark 11, John 12 Matt 22, Mark 12 Matt 23, Luke 20‐21 Mark 13 Matt 24 Matt 25 Matt 26, Mark 14 Luke 22, John 13 John 14‐17 Matt 27, Mark 15 Luke 23, John 18‐19 Matt 28, Mark 16 Luke 24, John 20‐21 Acts 1‐3
Nov 17 Nov 18 Nov 19 Nov 20 Nov 21 Nov 22 Nov 23 Nov 24 Nov 25 Nov 26 Nov 27 Nov 28 Nov 29 Nov 30 Dec 1 Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 4 Dec 5 Dec 6 Dec 7 Dec 8 Dec 9 Dec 10 Dec 11 Dec 12 Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec 18 Dec 19 Dec 20 Dec 21 Dec 22 Dec 23 Dec 24 Dec 25 Dec 26 Dec 27 Dec 28 Dec 29 Dec 30 Dec 31
Acts 4‐6 Acts 7‐8 Acts 9‐10 Acts 11‐12 Acts 13‐14 Jas 1‐5 Acts 15‐16 Gal 1‐3 Gal 4‐6 Acts 17‐18:18 1 Thes 1‐5, 2 Thes 1‐3 Acts 18:19‐19:41 1 Cor 1‐4 1 Cor 5‐8 1 Cor 9‐11 1 Cor 12‐14 1 Cor 15‐16 2 Cor 1‐4 2 Cor 5‐9 2 Cor 10‐13 Acts 20:1‐3, Rom 1‐3 Rom 4‐7 Rom 8‐10 Rom 11‐13 Rom 14‐16 Acts 20:4‐23:35 Acts 24‐26 Acts 27‐28 Col 1‐4, Phm 1 Eph 1‐6 Phil 1‐4 1 Tim 1‐6 Titus 1‐3 1 Pet 1‐5 Heb 1‐6 Heb 7‐10 Heb 11‐13 2 Tim 1‐4 2 Pet 1‐3, Jude 1 1 Jn 1‐5 2 Jn 1, 3 Jn 1 Rev 1‐5 Rev 6‐11 Rev 12‐18 Rev 19‐22
In this month of thanks giving and receiving, take a moment to pause and consider the many blessings that God has given in your life. Write them below and read them every day this month to help you remember His great mercies!
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