employee edition
October 2014
Client Updates & Reminders
I Lay Myself Down
20 2 Stay Connected
Honest Appraisals
Lessons Learned Outside the Classroom
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ISA’s a
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“Ramona MacDonald exemplifies an outstanding customer service agent. She is always on time, dependable and whenever we need a helping hand she is one of the first to answer the call for help. She is cross trained on outbound and handles all inbound calls. She is a sweet spirit and a complete joy to work with.” - From Operations Management
How many years at ISA: I started ISA as a temp in 2004 for only three weeks working Kenneth Copeland. I later started working at ISA as a special project worker in 2007 What roles have you had at ISA: I have worked radio, Diocese, Finicity and many other projects. What is your favorite part of working at ISA: I started working as a remote agent in October 2013. I love it and its my favorite part. I am self disciplined and very introverted so its for me. Do you have any stand out moments from your time here? I have many stand out moments at ISA, from the people I met
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there to the many callers I have talked to. I have grown as a Christian working at ISA and its really changed my life. I do miss seeing some of the people at the office but many of them are now remotes as well. I love talking and praying with others. You never know what kind of impact you may have on on a caller or what they may be going through in their own life and a phone call can lift them up . What does your life outside of ISA look like: I am a very quiet person but the highlight of my life is my three children, Stephen 21, Dustin 19 and Amanda 17. I am so thankful to be their mom. I love the Lord and by working at this job I will continue to grow as a Christian.
Outstanding Communicators Month of : September Ani Revenue: Yvonne Pannell Agent Revenue: Kim Mayhew Fla. Ani Revenue: Doris George Fla. Agent Revenue: Doris George Agent of the Month: Ramona MacDonald
e c i v r e S r e m Custo
cus·tom·er serv·ice
noun The process of ensuring customer satisfaction with a product or service.
Yvonne Pannell you have been called out by CDM on your awesome customer service. Ms. Maria Younger from Tulsa OK mailed a letter to the ministry stating that you gave her excellent customer service. Yvonne ISA wants to let you know just how much you are appreciated here. Thank you for a job well done.
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Quotes Prayers & More
Honest Appraisals By Carl Townsend
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We had our first meeting with agents this week to review our new agent appraisal program. I told the group that everyone will be evaluated in in 5 categories. They include: 1. Attitude. The most important aspect of being a good agent on the phone is how your personality comes across. Are you upbeat or do you come across as being uncooperative or grouchy. Customers call to place orders, prayer, salvation and ministry information. No one wants to speak to a person who doesn’t sound positive. This is a critical evaluation point. a. Enthusiasm b. Tone c. Volume d. Paralanguage e. Bridging and expression of words. f. Ability to handle adversity. g. Anger management. h. Cooperation. i. Courtesy 2. Policy and Procedure. We all have to follow policies and procedures our entire life. We have rules and boundaries in life. We have several key components that we have to insure that we meet the objectives. a. Attendance. b. Client Complaints. c. Failure to follow project requirements or training. d. Extra effort. Willingness to work extra when needed. 3. Quality of Calls. Are you making each call a quality experience for the customer. Monitoring documentation a. Listening. Alertness b. Following the script. c. Reselling. d. Closing the calls properly. e. Sincerity f. Had to be taken off of a project. g. Enjoys helping people h. Judgment
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4. a. b. c. d. e.
Performance of Calls Revenue per call Calls processed per hour. Ranking among agents. Call utilization Negotiation skill
5. Knowledge a. Projects that your trained on. b. How many times had to be retrained. c. Utilization of Product Knowledge d. Utilization of Skills e. Navigational and technical. f. Ability to address customer questions. g. Data Entry Beginning in October each agent will be given a written evaluation and it will be administered individually by a member of the supervisory team beginning in October. Ratings will be based on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest. Ratings will be given by the supervisory staff, account managers, and the executive team. After the agent receives their evaluation, they will be assigned to one of the categories: Trainee Associate Communicator Expert Ratings will ranked into the following areas: Stage One – New hires. Title: Trainee. Starting Pay $9.00. • To maintain a position, agent must maintain a $20 per hour or higher. • 4 violations of any kind means an automatic termination. Stage Two – 90 days to one year. Title: Associate Agent. Starting Pay $10.00 • No warnings for policy or procedure violations. This includes: o Attendance issues. o Client warnings. o Automatic elimination if you get a warning. The clock starts over again. • Must maintain a revenue based of $23 per hour or higher. • Must have a 70% utilization rate. o This will be posted daily on the bulletin boards so you can evaluate and track your performance. 10 Stay Connected
• • • •
Is trained on all essential clients. Must be trained on the following clients to qualify for an increase. o TD Jakes o Joyce Myers o Turning Point o Creflo Dollar o Life Outreach o Jewish Voices Scheduling Flexibility. o Must work in busier calling periods such as Sunday mornings. Monitoring Records must be positive. You will be evaluated twice in the first year. An evaluation doesn’t mean a pay increase unless you meet your goals.
Stage Three – One year to Two Years. Title: Communicator Agent. Starting pay $11.00 • No policy or procedural violations. • Must maintain a revenue base of $25 or higher. • Must have a 70% utilization rate. • Is trained on all inbound projects or does not qualify for the pay increase. • Must have positive feedback on monitoring records • Scheduling Flexibility. o Must work in busier calling periods such as Sunday mornings. Stage Four –Two years Plus. Title: Expert Agent. Starting Pay $12.00 • No Policy or procedural violations. • Must maintain a revenue base of $27 or higher. • Must have a 70% utilization rate or higher. • Must hit 100% goals on all outbound campaigns • Is trained in all inbound and outbound projects or does not qualify for the pay increase. • Scheduling flexibility. o Must work in busier calling periods such as Sunday mornings.
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Client Updates & Reminders
by Lysa Meeks
TURNING POINT: Julie was here and she was very pleased with all of you! We walked around and monitored your calls as you were taking them and even recorded calls. She just loved how each agent is different in every call they take. She was overly happy with ISA and our agents. PARTNERSHIP: To sign a caller up for partnership, on the F8 screen you must search for the level they are requesting: $25.00 a month they can get either a study guide or the living library. $50.00 a month they can get BOTH. The way you search for this is by going into the F8 screen and search by what it is they want. SG (25.00 and want the study guide) LL (25.00 and want the living library) BLL (50.00 and want both) the next character is N, this is for new. The last characters are the 2 digit month and year for the following month. Example: We are in the month of September and a caller calls to become a recurring bible strong partner for 25.00 a month. I go to my F8 screen, type I for item, then enter: SGN1014. My next step is to go the F9 screen and input the amount they wish to give on the donation line. Now I have set them up to become a partner starting the following month of the current month we are in. RALLIES: You are to sign a caller up for rallies, the link is on your AS400 opening screen. Simply click on the link and it takes you to the website to input the caller’s information for free tickets. If a caller does not have an email address, you may enter: noemail@noemail.com. From the QA Team:
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JOYCE MEYER: WHAT TO USE F10 SCREEN FOR…. • Add to mailing list (Just write ADD TO MAILING LIST) • Remove from mailing list (JUST WRITE REMOVE FROM MAILING LIST) • New address (New address on F6 and old address on F10 with OLD ADDRESS at the end) • ISA website orders ISA WEBSITE ORDERS: • Look on F9 and F8 for products • If you can’t find go to website bookstore • Ensure that you have the correct flag at the top of the page on the right • Search for products • Go back to F10 screen and add PRODUCT TITLE-DESCRIPTION-PRICE for all products caller is requesting • Add all products up using calculator and add $4 S&H flat rate • Hit F4 and select message with order (Shift F12) • Go to F9 screen and select ISA WEBSITE ORDER • Add the amount of the transaction including S&H on this line • Hit F4 and proceed with call PARTNERSHIP: Anything that pertains to partnership PUT ON ACTION FORM. You must have: • How much they want to give • What day of the month 1st-28th • What month they wish to start • Do they want the TOM • What prompted them to become a partner • Credit card type • Credit card number • Credit card exp date • Name as it appears on credit card
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From the QA Team: Hello all, we are in full force monitoring calls around the clock. Our goal is to give you as much feedback as possible to ensure that you are the best customer service agent you can be. Monitoring is a tool used to provide constructive criticism and POSITIVE reinforcement. Regular monitoring helps avoid disasters. Just as checking the gas gauge in your car as you drive helps you see how much gas is left in the tank, monitoring helps avoid running out of gas before you reach your goal. We look, listen, and record several aspects when we listen to your calls. • Are you following the script? • Are you using your first and last name? • Are you doing donation and upsell asks? • How is the tone of your voice? • Enthusiasm and courteousness? • Are you SPELL verifying information back to your caller? • Are you able to answer the caller’s questions in a timely manner? • Are you confident on your calls? • Are you knowledgeable of certain offers? • Are you listening to your caller and did your caller have to repeat themselves? • Did you verify their order? • Did you ask if there was anything else you were able to assist them with? • Did you give the shipping time frame? • Did you use a 3 name closing? • Did you use action/impact/urgency words? “Great” “Wonderful” “yes Ma’am” “No ma’am” “Limited Time” “Right now” • Did you finish the call in the amount of time allowed for that call?
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These are just some of the things we are listening for. Our goal is to redirect you and give you helpful tools to take with your next calls. As monitors we will be: Directive: We will be specific about what we are asking of you Coach: We want to share with you the calls and how you can improve Support: We are going to suggest things you must do and offer any additional resources that you need to be successful. We want to TELL YOU how to do it We want to SHOW YOU how to do it We are going to LET YOU do it We are going to EVALUATE you Then we are going to REDIRECT YOU We will set a date at the time we coach you. By this date, we expect you to have taken the tools that we have given you, onto your calls and improved your calls. Smile on the phone and it will shine through on your calls. We are here to help you succeed and serve our clients LET’S HAVE HAPPY CALLS!!!!!!!!
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RESPECT YOUR CUSTOMER 1/3 of customers say that they experience bad customer service at least once a month-and 58% of them tell their friend, families, and coworkers about it.
We are in full effect with our clients. The busiest time of the year is underway. We thank you so much for all your efforts and hard work that you put into making our ministries successful. I want to remind you of some customer service rules. 1. Be ENTHUSIASTIC-about the products you are selling, the ministry you are representing, and about your customer. 2. Use your MANNERS/Be COURTEOUS-Always be friendly on all your calls, be cheerful and energetic, always thank your caller after each bit of information they have given you, use your callers name as often as possible. 3. Be KNOWLEDGEABLE-know your products, ministry, broadcasts, FAQs. Spend time on the client’s websites and on your intranet. 4. LISTEN-listen to your caller, your caller should not have to repeat themselves over and over because you aren’t focused on them. 5. VERIFY-Always verify all information given to you by your caller. 6. PRAY-SMILE-PREPARE at the start of your shift for your day.
Customer Service is not a choice, instead it is a responsibility.
Don’t allow them to feel as if they are just another caller. Happy customers who have a pleasant experience over the phone tell 4-6 people about their experience. 16 Stay Connected
WOO YOUR CALLER Even after you have sold your products, gotten a donation, or gotten any information, continue to treat your caller like it is the beginning of your call.
Tell your caller THANK YOU. Go the extra mile for your customers Remember to be mindful of talk times on your calls. We can avoid high talk times when we are prepared for our calls. We know that talk times may go over sometimes, in this case please remember to fill out an E-Extended call form. ALWAYS call the BA at the end of your shift to ensure that there aren’t any calls holding.
Be very careful about avoiding words and phrases that can almost instantly cause a customer to become annoyed or frustrated. Usually these words are intended to let the customer know they will not be getting what they want, or that the CSR is not responsible for helping them. Here are the most annoying words and phrases to avoid: “Don’t” “Won’t” “We can’t do that.” “Can’t” BUILD TRUST “That’s our policy.” “I can’t help.” “That’s not my department.” Alert the caller about “That’s not possible” We thank you for all your efforts and for everything you do to serve ISA and our clients. If at any time there is something that I am able to do or create for you to allow you to be a better customer service agent, please let me know!
Thank You
any changes to their account, mailing address, phone number, email.
TREAT THEM AS A VALUED CUSTOMER If your caller is irate try and find a solution and accept their input on how we can improve.
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As we ge ar up tow ards Fall, added n many of ew series our minis and offe read you tries hav rs . Please r broadc e make su ast often importan re . There a that you t informa re times tion. Wh question that we en you h s about o miss a ve a call ffers, sele that you er asking ct the bro are givin adcast s g them a only pick chedule ccurate items tha so in formatio t catch th responsib n . Callers eir atten ility to be tion and able to d it is our ecipher their req When yo u e st. u handle calls, pu are you t yourself giving th in the ca em same to receiv llers plac s ervice th e? We a e, at you w re in a fa everythin o uld like st pace w g yesterd orld that ay. Use and assis wants the mom t the call ent you h er with th everythin a ve e best. U g is well se contro rounded question l s . o that W hen you respond are aske so that th were liste da e caller u ning to th nderstan em. Sho if you do d s that you w n’t know them tha the ques t y The calle o u c a tion, ack re. Even r should nowledg never ha or “Are y e th v e e caller. to ou still th say “Did ere?” Yo y need yo o u h e u are a c ar me?” u to com ommunic municate the peac a to to r and we e of mind the calle r and giv that you e them are the e xpert. Please m ake sure you are to your c giving ac aller. Yo curate in u are repre want the formatio senting th m to hav n e ministry e the be informati st reputa a n on puts a d y ou tion. Wit question correcte h inaccu mark tha d on a h rate t will nee igher lev to fly and d to be el. That you neve causes th r want th best qua e flags at to hap lity possib pen. Giv le on ea take. Th e the ch and e e one pe very call rson we represen th have to at you t God. W rememb ill He be handle H e r is that we p le is child? ased wit h the wa y you
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r u o y m o r f e t A No t Executive: n u o c c A e t i h W Jane
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by Katie McCaffrey
I Lay Myself Down
By Katie McCaffrey
Last month we talked about Abraham and Isaac. God asked Abraham to give Isaac back to him; to take his son, lay him on the altar and sacrifice him to God. This article is about finding your personal “Isaac” and offering it back to God as a sacrifice. Now, I’m sure some of you are saying, “God made the ultimate sacrifice so that we no longer have to sacrifice to him. What are you talking about?” I’m not talking about going out and slaughtering your dog or cat to give to God on an altar. No, I’m talking about something much more personal, a matter of the heart. I spent the year of 2006 dealing with various health issues and by the time that the Fall rolled around I was well enough to go back to school part time but not anywhere as close to being as healthy as I should be. There are many things that stand out to me from that time of how God was uniquely speaking to me. I remember very distinctly a particular time that I was especially
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struggling, the hospital that was handling my case at the time decided that they had no idea what to do for me and as a result they were giving up. Immediately Satan’s lies started filling my brain, “You aren’t good enough for them to help. They don’t really care about you. You aren’t worth their time. What? You actually thought you were important enough for them?” I was crushed; I had nowhere left to turn. I spent the evening crying out to God. I asked God why, I asked God to fix me, I asked God to change their minds. I begged and pleaded with God to change my situation and I got absolutely nowhere. What I found was silence. I grieved for what I felt was the loss of my dreams, dreams that I thought I could only accomplish if I was completely healthy. Dreams of acting professionally, of falling in love, getting married, having children and buying little pink tutus. The next afternoon I spoke to one of the women from my church on the
telephone. She had been praying for me for quite some time and had lots of encouraging things to say to me. Then she hit the deep stuff. She told me of a time in her life when God called her to lay down her Isaac. To find what was most important to her and to give it to Him, knowing that He may choose to never give it back. Ouch! I immediately knew what my Isaac was and that God wanted me to give it to Him. “But God, I can’t! That’s asking a little too much.” I spent the afternoon and evening wrestling with God over the matter. I couldn’t understand what was wrong with my dreams. Why couldn’t they possibly be good for me? People got married all the time in the Bible. I went back and forth with God; one minute ready to give to him my dreams and the next pulling them back and holding them close, and tight. Finally, in my car in the parking lot at the dance studio, with love songs playing softly in the background, I closed my eyes, and in my mind I bundled up my dreams tied them with twine and walked toward the altar. It was a long walk, a hard walk, with many crevasses and cracks. I would take one step toward the altar and then two steps backward. When I reached the altar I told myself, “Okay, Katie now it’s time to lay it down.” Down my arms would go and then back up again quickly. Several times I did this until my Isaac was bound and lying on the altar before God. Slowly, I walked away from the altar, but my journey was far from over. That night when I got home, as I lay in bed I questioned God. “God are you sure this is what you wanted me to do?” “My daughter, I know the plans I have for you.”
“But God! I don’t know what to do next.” “Plans to prosper you, to give you a hope and a future.” I felt a sense of peace about the decision I made, but a sense of confusion as to what my next step was. How was I to live life now? How did I make sure that God still had Isaac when I woke up the next morning? A phone call to my friend from church the next afternoon would provide me with some wise guidance. She told me that it was going to be a journey that would continue for the rest of my life. Each morning as I woke up I would have to say, “Okay God, you still have Isaac today.” She shared that I needed to live my life in a state of constant prayer, trusting God to lead me where I was meant to go and that my life was in the hands of my maker and he had something amazing planned for me. I encourage you to ask God what your Isaac is, and to wrestle with Him as long as necessary until you are able to surrender it to Him. It won’t be an easy process; in fact it will probably be one of the hardest things you do in your entire life. And it won’t be a quick process; it will probably take your whole life. Every day as I wake up and give Isaac back to God it’s a struggle. Knowing that I may never get Him back, and at times throughout my day sometimes I have to do it again, when I find myself approaching that altar and reaching for Isaac. But God is faithful, and he will bless you more than you can imagine. Take time right now, reach out to God and he will meet you where you are.
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Lessons Learned Outside the Classroom By Andrea Lewis
he following points are some general observations I’ve made over the years (particularly during my time in college.) As the title may indicate, these were not lessons I learned in a textbook or read on a chalkboard, but are facts of truth made aparent to me during various periods of my life. So without further intruduction, here’s what I learned: 1) Your ministry is where you are. Granted, this doesn’t seem like a very impressive opening statement of realization… after-all, we all know this. It’s been repeated in countless sermons and written in a myriad of devotional books… But there’s often a disconnect between the head and the heart. Growing up, I knew the above statement was true, I even believed it. However, I had ignored the simple reality of the fact that literally everywhere I go and am located is a ministry; whether or not I am actively “ministering” or not. The mere idea of being polite and kind to a stranger is in its own way an act of ministry to some extent… how often do we forget this little idea? I know I have repeatedly. In today’s society it’s so easy to lapse into a rushed state of busyness in which you forget to even hold the door open for your neighbor. Let’s suppose you do hold that door open, did it take all that much time out of your day? Perhaps 5 seconds… and maybe that neighbor sees a
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cross necklace you happen to be wearing or your blatant “Jesus t-shirt” and says to himself, “Hmm… maybe there is something to this whole ‘Jesus thing.’ After all, this is the first person to hold a door open for me all day… and they made a point nodding hello as I reached in appreciation… there’s something kinda different about that person…” However, if you let the door slam into their face, they will still see your blatant Jesus t-shirt, but it will be affirmed in their minds that there is absolutely nothing special about Christians whatsoever. 2) Jesus spoke to thousands, had many followers, 12 close disciples; but was very close to three. Being at a university of Liberty’s size, and being an eyewitness to many ministries across the board, it has dawned on me: In ministry, we are too often focused on the wrong things. Bigger crowds, bigger influence, larger ministry, larger reach. Numbers are growing! We are expanding! Behold how many people I am influencing… Sure this is all great, I’m glad to see so many people responding to the Good News – but to be blunt, is this happiness about the size of the crowd simply about our pride? Are we so focused on the numbers we reach that we neglect the smaller groups we are able to impact in a deep way? Let me ask you this: How many people did Jesus have personal devotion with? It is true that he
preached and ministered to tens of thousands, healed and miraculously fed thousands… but out of all his followers, how many disciples did he chose to share some of His most personal ministry with? How many went with Him almost everywhere? How many were in the Upper Room? Twelve. There were twelve that were always there, learning from Him. Now let me ask you this, how many did He really, really want to invest in and build exceedingly deep relationships with? How many did He bring with Him to pray separately the night He was arrested? How many did He bring to the Mount of Transfiguration? Three. Let that soak in for a minute… Three souls He chose to build incredibly solid and foundational relationships with. It was these three who saw an even deeper side of Christ. They saw Him like no one else. And these three also went on to do amazing works for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They had been poured into by Jesus like no one else, and they were empowered to do great things in ministry. I’m sure that the thousands Christ preached to also went on to do good things for the Gospel, but who can argue that they did as much? Let us remember that in ministry, surface level discipleship only gets us so far. You can’t build a mighty tower with a shallow foundation… you need deep and abiding roots that penetrate the bedrock of faith to instill believers who can reach the clouds. All of this being said, I know God does bless large ministries, take the work of Billy Graham for example… thousands have come to salvation through him… so I
am not saying large ministry work is bad… BUT, I am saying, that if that is the only kind of ministry you’re looking for, then analyze yourself very carefully, because your pride could be overshadowing your desire to minister to others. 3) Don’t let pride interfere with God’s work. The previous brings me to my third point, which will be brief because I covered a vast majority of what I wanted to say in point 2. But there is another distinction I wish to make: If you limit what you are willing to do as a ministry, then you are not given completely over to God. I know that sounds exceedingly harsh, but I am not preaching to you, this definitely applies to me as well. If we say that we are willing to go to China, but not willing to go across the street, we are not given over to the call of God. We are merely given over to a fanciful desire to be “one of those people” who goes to great lengths in the name of Ministry, which is ultimately pride of self and a desire that others will be impressed by our outpouring of effort and self-depravity. If we say that we will gladly go to the local homeless shelter twice a week, but feign at the thought of being sent to Germany, then we are simply appeasing the call of Christ and hoping that our personal luxuries are never taken away. Avoid determining in your head what your calling looks like… God will reveal it to you soon enough. There is a very important reason, or reasons, He has not revealed the purpose and plan of your connected123.com 23
life right now… soon enough you will know why, even though it could be years in the making perhaps. Don’t declare now, “This is what I will do for God!” God may have other plans. 4) God has you in a specific place and situation for a specific purpose in mind. And this brings me to point 4. Don’t despair of your current situation, position, marital status, educational level, or employment situation. If you have been following God’s leading in your life, (and that is important for you to know) then you are exactly where He wants you to be, right now, even though you don’t understand why. There is a reason you are single, married, interested, or not interested. There is a reason why you have been demoted, promoted, laid-off, or just hired. There is a reason why you are living at home, or are on your own, in another country, or in your home-town. There is a reason you are in grad school, undergrad, high school, or were a drop out. There is also a reason why you are dirt broke, or fabulously wealthy (At this point I would like to insert a somewhat unrelated sidenote.. You cannot serve two masters. Either you will love God and not go after money; or you will love money, and not go after God. I’m not saying money is bad, but a great desire for it not good. [Matt. 6:24]) All of this being said… it can be summed up as: there is a reason why you are not where you want to be, but feel like this is where God wants you to be, but you don’t know why. So much of life is like this. 24 Stay Connected
Remember, we only see our own little world, and only for a few moments of time ahead of us. God sees eternity, and all of humanity that has ever existed, and will ever exist. He knows where you were, where you are, and where you are going to be. Believe it or not, but He knew all of this before time began… imagine that. And here we are in our own little bubble worrying about what’s going to happen next… don’t we realize that Someone with far greater ability that our own is in control of all of this? You ask the question, “Why is this happening?” when you should be asking the question, “Why am I worrying?” Don’t play word games and say, “I’m not worried, simply… concerned.” Well most concern equivocates to worry I’ve noticed. It’s hard not to ask the question, “Why?” when bad things happen in our lives, especially when we see no logical reason for their occurrence… but asking “why?” ultimately says that we do not trust God’s judgment or decision making. If we believe that He is in total control, has the entire world and all of life in His hands, then surely we can rest assured as to the future, even when the world seems to be falling apart. Admittedly, this is not at all an easy thing for us to do. Frequently I find myself asking why things happen. Why are so many we love and care for sick with cancer and in great pain? Why do so many people we love neglect their faith and walk away from God? Why do so many people seem to drift through our lives, and not stay for the long-haul? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why are children dying of malnutrition and from unclean water? Why this, why that… why Lord? And for many questions we can’t seem to find the answer. But for many questions that I’ve asked why to, I eventually always come to the same conclusion: For a greater purpose than what
I am aware of, and ultimately for God’s glory. Like a child that is suddenly and harshly pulled away from a street by their father because of its dangers. We often don’t realize something painful happens to us, to keep us from experiencing something even more painful down the road. Looking back on many experiences I’ve had in life, I can see why God brought some hurtful things into my little world... for my own good, and for His glory. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for a series of “something bads” that encountered my life a few years ago. If they hadn’t happened, I would be on an entirely different course, and most likely highly dissatisfied with life in general. I am so incredibly thankful for the pain I experienced back then, because without it I wouldn’t be focused on God like I am today. And to use the old analogy of a broken bone… sure, when it breaks, it hurts like mad and you don’t see any good coming out of it. But that break, when it heals, is so much stronger than it was before… and will most likely never be broken the same way again. 5) Life is a speck in comparison to eternity. This is another one of those phrases we’ve all heard before, but how often does it make the long journey from head to heart? We know that life is short… we see evidence of it on a daily basis. (Just look at illnesses and accidents to name only two). Mentally, we know that this life we live spinning around on a tiny planet called Earth is truly nothing when compared to the eons of everlasting eternity. So this brings up two main points: (A) Why do we make our short, small lives such a big deal? and (B) Why aren’t we doing more to reach the lost? Let’s examine A. Look at how much effort we exhaust to make something out of our lives. It so often goes back to point 3 and how pride is a master in most of our choices. But if your goal in making much of your life is centered in making much of God, then bless you! Truly living a life that exalts God’s name and fame is indeed worthy of expelling much energy on. Truly this is the main point of life, to give God glory by living honorable and incredible lives devoted to Him. (However, any work to make God famous by using only the flesh will not succeed, so be sure you don’t strive in vain. And like I alluded
to earlier, if our goal is to impress other people and hear joyous applause from others, our lives will ultimately lack purpose. Contrary to popular opinion and mass media marketing, we should not live our lives for the delight of others. If our joy is in Christ, in Him alone should we want to hear thunderous applause! And let me be clear, doing great works will not grant you automatic spoutings of adulation from our Heavenly Father. If your heart is in the wrong place, thus goes your reward [Matthew 6:1]. Also remember the elderly lady who gave 2 cents… it was all she had, and Jesus applauds her because of her heart.) Our lives are not meant to be some great defining moment of self-actuation. This world believes that our one life is the magnum opus of all existence, so we better live hard and hearty -- before it’s too late! The expression “YOLO” comes to mind... But those who place their hope in Christ know that eternity awaits them and that this life is merely a blink of an eye. If we remember to keep this in mind, and actually dedicate ourselves to embracing its significance, then little things like backing into light poles or social rejections, won’t hurt us as much. When little things like stubbing our toes, and big things like death, happen… we should be able to look at it with eternity in mind. If we believe that all things are equal to God, then that too should give us perspective on the chaotic things that impact our little world. True, it won’t help remove the pain of unpleasant events entirely, but it will put them in their proper perspective, so that they don’t consume our lives on this earth. And simply because life is short, it does not give us an excuse to do nothing with our lives… God has us here for a reason -- don’t waste it. Now we look at B. If it is indeed true that there is eternity after death, and that we have two ultimate destinations, Heaven or Hell, then why aren’t we doing more to reach the lost? We’ve already examined how life is short and the unpleasantries of life truly don’t matter. So honestly ask yourself now: “What is keeping me from witnessing to that person I’m thinking of right now?” If your answer is along the lines of: “They will think I’m weird.” “It would be awkward.” “Now’s not the best time for me, I’ll do it later” or any other excuse in which their opinion or your comfort is a factor… then it is the wrong reason. If life is short, and therefore all uncomfortable things pale in comparison, then what possible excuse could you have? I have been giving myself a myriad of excuses regarding this very thing for years. It’s a natural connected123.com 25
element of the human psyche that is egged on by satan. The devil would much rather you worry about your comfort zone than talk to that other person about their spirituality. It would fit into his plans quite well if you never opened your mouth to that person at all. So analyze yourself (and I will myself) right now… Are we letting our comfort dictate who hears the Gospel? Are we letting our own feelings interfere with Kingdom work? By all accounts I think it can be agreed that yes, we are. If we let “I don’t want to get in that uncomfortable situation” persuade our actions in regard to evangelizing those we contact on a daily basis, then my friend let us pray for mercy. I do not mean that in a threatening way, but surely God is not pleased when His children retreat in fear of becoming uncomfortable. Remember the armor we have in Christ as mentioned in Ephesians: We have armor on all sides, except the back… because in God’s design, He is there giving us strength and pushing us forward. If we retreat, our back is bare to the enemy. So, from today I hope to never retreat. I admit that I have done this in times past, due to the fear of rejection or experiencing that 10 seconds of “awkward” we all know and hate. This is one of those things that I will have to reaffirm in myself on a continual basis… I pray you also will take the initiative to never let your personal comfort interfere with evangelism.
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6) People are relationsal learners. As crazy as it sounds, in this modern era it is easy to forget how relationally minded people are. Sure, there are things like facebook and twitter that make it appear that we are relational with others. But 140 characters can’t compete with face-to-face dialogue. In much the same way, social media has takent he place of physical friendships. How opten do you see a group of people out together and instead of socializing with each other, they are socializing with others on their phones? Are we as a generation loosing the ability to relate with others in realtime eye-to-eye? When we focus so much on the virtual world, we tend to forget about the real one we are existing in. I’m not bashing social media, I’ll be the first to admit that I use these tools a little more than I probably should. But when does communicating virtually start to interfere with our ability to communicate interpersonally? Communicating with people in a way that they can relate to is so vital to society and to the advancement of the gospel. And for some, it takes experience and practice to be comfortable with person-toperson communication. Others it comes more naturally to them. Another downfall of virtual communication in the 21st Century is the focus of self. Selfies and Status updates splatter the virtual world on a daily basis. How often do we use it solely as a tool for understanding our friends and neighbors in need? We need to ask outselves this: How often do we use speech itself as a tool for understanding, or a way of ministering to others? Does your speech accommodated itself to their lingo, (to a certain extent), so that you can communicate comfortably? Or do you use “Christianese” and hyperboly that no one really understands, but make you sound impressive? I had no idea before this summer how much I Does our speech open doors or close them? Simply meeting people where they are, and letting them know that we genuinely care for them, is incredibly valuable. People are relational beings. If we don’t first meet that need of understanding, how are we able to show light into others’ lives? Sure it’s hard to actually communicate with others instead of just talking at them. Plus, let’s face it… it’s very hard to maintain relationships of deeper learning with other people…. It’s not easy to constantly make a point of interacting with others so as to continue a dialogue or continue a
conversation. There are moments when it is even awkward to keep making a connection point… but at the end of the day, whatever discomfort is worth it to know that our short lives on earth can make an impact on an individual’s life. Because the more effort we make in others’ lives, and the more we communicate on a deeper level with them, the more right we have to feed truth into their lives and help them with issues they may be struggling with. If you think about it, it makes sense… Information from the police you receive with respect and authority, information from your grandmother you receive with feelings of happiness and comfort. So often we relate information and weigh it in perspective to the person giving it. Likewise, how do we evaluate information that we receive from God through His Word? Authority, respect, joy, reassurance, love, confirmation, conviction, fear and awe… all of these are relayed to me because of my love for God. In those low times in life when I’ve lessened in my love and fear of Him, then so went my respect for His Word. This makes me all the more aware of how important it is that I keep in constant communion with God to maintain that relationship and keep it solid and purposeful in my life. So should we also be aware of our relationships with others and the impact that has on our influence in others’ lives. 7) Live life well – good and faithful servant. Finally, we come to the last point… which is a summation of everything I’ve stated above capsulated in a nice little package. Live life well. Do not get carried away with things that distract you in this world. We are only here for a limited time, and we do not know when our journey here will end – but God knows, He says our days are numbered. So don’t worry with what you are going to make of your life, God will make it for you. On the other hand, don’t fritter away your life with trivialities and time wasters that put God’s name to shame and cause non-believers to doubt our sincerity to live for His glory. All of life is a delicate balance. Do not be consumed with doing good works for God as this often leads to a prideful heart. God will use you when you are ready, make your aim to serve Him however He sees fit. Have an open heart and an open mind to His calling… if you are so determined to do only one thing for Him, chances are you doing it in the flesh and He will not bless it. Remember that little things go a long way in ministry. Often little
actions we take in someone’s life that we hardly remember could mean the world to the person we did it for. God has you in situations for specific reasons, use them for the Kingdom’s advantage, and do not waste the opportunity to change the world that is around you. Fear not about the future, for God has all things under His control. He’s either created, or allowed, everything that has happened, and though we may not understand it now, when we reach the other side of eternity all will be revealed... if at that point we will even care. And who knows, maybe just a few years from now you’ll understand why everything that has taken place in your life has happened. Do not give up hope. And it is true that this life is short, so make the most of it! Do not simply say, “Ahhh… life is short, therefore I do not care what happens.” No! Think, “Life is short, therefore I will make a point of giving God has much fame as possible to let as many as I know realize how great He is while I have time on this earth!” Keep in mind that God sees the heart, not the actions… so use your heart well and guard it from pride, envy, people’s approval, or your own self-gratification. Always remember above all else that God loves you and has a great plan and purpose for your life in all situations, no matter what they are. Strive to seek God’s face, not His hands – His presence, not what He can give you. And live with this goal in mind: To hear Him say once you’ve reached the other side: “Well done, good and faithful servant.” connected123.com 27
20 queStions eveRy christiaN should Ask ThemselveS
By Aaron Christoper Lewis
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20 piercing questions from Tim Keller:
“Life only has meaning/I only have worth if… 1. I have power and influence over others.” (Power Idolatry) 2. I am loved and respected by _____.” (Approval Idolatry) 3. I have this kind of pleasure experience, a particular quality of life.” (Comfort Idolatry) 4. I am able to get mastery over my life in the area of _____.” (Control Idolatry) 5. People are dependent on me and need me.” (Helping Idolatry) 6. Someone is there to protect me and keep me safe.” (Dependence Idolatry) 7. I am completely free from obligations or responsibilities to take care of someone.” (Independence Idolatry) 8. I am highly productive and getting a lot done.” (Work Idolatry) 9. I am being recognized for my accomplishments, and I am excelling in my work.” (Achievement Idolatry) 10. I have a certain level of wealth, financial freedom, and very nice possessions.” (Materialism Idolatry) 11. I am adhering to my religion’s moral codes and accomplished in its activities.” (Religion Idolatry) 12. This one person is in my life and happy to be there, and/or happy with me.” (Individual Person Idolatry) 13. I feel I am totally independent of organized religion and am living by a self-made morality.” (Irreligion Idolatry) 14. My race and culture is ascendant and recognized as superior.” (Racial/Cultural Idolatry) 15. A particular social grouping or professional grouping or other group lets me in.” (Inner Ring Idolatry) 16. My children and/or my parents are happy and happy with me.” (Family Idolatry) 17. Mr. or Ms. “Right” is in love with me.” (Relationship Idolatry) 18. I am hurting, in a problem; only then do I feel worthy of love or able to deal with guilt.” (Suffering Idolatry) 19. My political or social cause is making progress and ascending in influence or power.” (Ideology Idolatry) 20. I have a particular kind of look or body image.” (Image Idolatry)
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Weekend Warrior Get extra hours by working the weekend!
Who doesn’t like a bump in pay?
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F s r e e e Find a new employee for ISA and get $25 for each of the first three months they’re employed!
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Dress For Part2 Success Be Stylish & Professional by Katie McCaffrey
Last month we focused on fashionable and professional options for ladies to wear to work, this month it’s the mens turn. Just because you’re a man doesn’t mean that there aren’t stylish and professional options for you. We have many stylish men here at ISA and so I thought I would highlight a few of their good choices.
1. 1. We all know that I love a good bowtie and so when I see a man rocking one with such confidence I’m all smiles. Drae kept it stylish with a great mix of colors (lavender button up, light gray slacks and a dark navy sweater) and he is professional enough to meet any client who may come through our doors. Way to go Drae!
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2. John’s khaki denim pants are comfortable and casual without being too casual. John does a great job of mixing his personal style into his professional wardrobe. He’s not a buttoned up suit kind of man and yet he’s dressed professionally enough to represent our company and to represent his personal style.
3. 3. Nate’s job has him moving around a lot and so he needs to be comfortable enough to complete his tasks. Just because he needs to be comfortable doesn’t mean that he can wear a t-shirt and jeans each day so Nate keeps it professional with button up shirts and dark slacks.
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4. Mathias’s outfit is a perfect example of what we mean by business casual. He mixed khaki’s with a tucked in button up shirt and nice shoes. Mathias would be comfortable sitting at his desk and also looks great to be in front of a client. He keeps it stylish with his pink checked shirt and his rolled up sleeves are just casual enough to not make him look too stuffy.
5. 5. There are days here at ISA that we all need to look our absolute best. Thurston rocked his suit one day and was definitely the best dressed of the office.
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6. 6. There can often be a lot of questions about what to wear on a casual day. Causal doesn’t mean sloppy and Lloyd does a great job of mixing comfort with style. Lloyd’s casual outfit is nice denim (notice that there aren’t any holes in them) and a button up. Because it can be cold in our offices Lloyd keeps his neutral color sweater nearby to throw on with any outfit.
7. 7. Our new QC, Josh Tarpley, is also a great “casual day” example. Josh sported a gray polo but left it untucked for a more casual vibe.
These men are all great examples of dressing professionally at ISA. As always, if you have any questions about what is and isn’t appropriate to wear to work ask Shantae or Leah. And remember, the better you feel in your outfit the more productive you will be! “When we put on the right clothing, it feels as if it has the power to reveal not only wo we are but who we want to be.” {Jessica Alba} connected123.com 35
Lynchburg Happenings
First Fridays at the Lynchburg Museum Fri. Oct. 03, 5pm-8pm The Lynchburg Museum located in the Old Court House is open for First Fridays. Free admission from 5 pm to 8 pm on the first Friday of each month. The Art Trolley will drop you off and pick you up at our front door as it makes its way between art galleries, studios, and other places of interest in Downtown Lynchburg. There will be a featured topic for each First Friday and a staff member will be on hand to show artifacts that are not usually on exhibit and talk with visitors. FREE. 901 Court Street, 434-455-6226 Day at the Point Sat. Oct. 04, 10am-4pm Features living history, food, children’s activities, period music, full-size batteau, gift shop sale and craft vendor and demonstrations. Rain or shine. Details: 434-455-6226 or ann.scalf@lynchburgva. gov, 112 Cabell St Scaremare Thur. Oct. 09, 7:30pm-11:30pm (More Dates Online) Scaremare presents fun-house rooms and scenes of death in order to confront people with the question “What happens after I die?” Groups of people experience a 40-minute journey, passing through creepy trails, dark woods and eventually entering the house. At the end of the experience, visitors are presented with an answer to this question and given the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. 36 Stay Connected
Approximately 26,000 people have made decisions for Christ over the past two decades. Ironically, this House of Death points to the Way of Life! http://http// www.liberty.edu/scaremare/ 434-582-2180 Haunted House on Carroll Ave. 2300 Carroll Ave. Historic Appomattox Railroad Festival Sat. Oct. 11, 9am-5pm In it’s 42nd year, this annual is held the second full weekend in October, this family-friendly festival commemorates the Norfolk & Western Railroad\\’s donation of the Appomattox Depot to the Town of Appomattox in 1973. The two-day festival is held on Main Street and the surrounding downtown area. Festival highlights include a parade, arts & craft vendors, live bands, train exhibits, fireworks, food, and lots of activities for the entire family. The firemen’s competition rounds out the weekend on Sunday when teams of local volunteer fire squads face off in the ultimate water battle. Appomattox 434352-2338 Amazement Square’s Fall Festival Sat. Oct. 11, 10am-2pm Features pumpkin decorating, giant leaf pile, candy apple bar, Fear Factor Challenge and other activities. Entrance fee, $3 plus the cost of admission or membership. Amazement Square 27 Ninth Street www.amazementsquare.org 434-8451888
For even more events and information visit: www.discoverlynchburg.org/events www.lynchburgliving.com/calendar-of-events
40th Anniversary Lynchburg Classic “Marching Bands in Competition” Sat. Oct. 11, 2pm-10pm The 40th Anniversary Lynchburg Classic “Marching Bands in Competition” Saturday, October 11, 2014 National Anthem at 2:00pm, Awards at 9:00pm. $5 General Admission at the Gate, hand stamp good all day. Concessions available, cash or credit. Come out and enjoy a day full of music, color and excitement as over 15 bands compete for trophies and bragging rights. Support music education in your local schools. Proceeds benefit the Band Programs of EC Glass and Heritage High Schools. On Facebook: “Lynchburg Classic Marching Band Competition” Lynchburg City Stadium 3176 Fort Ave 434-841-6232 Candlelight Tours Thur. Oct 16, 6pm-9:30pm, (More Dates Online) Professional actors in period costume bring Cemetery residents to life with true stories from local history. Six tours each night beginning at 6:10. Tickets must be purchased in advance by contacting the Cemetery Center after August 1. Old City Cemetery, 401 Taylor Street, 434-847-1465 Bean-to-Bar Chocolate Tour & Tasting! Sat. Oct. 18, 3pm-4pm A one hour exploration into the world of cacao and fine chocolates! We will discuss cocoa origins, history, harvest, process, and ingredients of fine chocolates. Learn how we make our chocolate here at Cao and experience the distinctive flavor profiles of single origin chocolate through our exclusive 12 variety
tasting. $7 Per person, Reservations required. (434) 847-2970. www.CaoArtisanChocolates.com Apple Harvest Festival Sun. Oct. 19, 8am-7pm Plan to attend the Apple Harvest Festival at Gross\’ Orchard. Held every year the 3rd Saturday in October. Tours and Tour Buses Welcome. Follow the signs! Gross’ Orchard, 6817 Wheats Valley Road, Bedford VA 24523 540-586-2436 Fall Festival Sat. Oct. 25, 12pm-6pm Make plans to attend our fall festival on October 25, 2014 (rain date Nov.1) from 12:00pm to 6:00pm. It will include, vendors, live music, Brunswick stew, square dancing, fire and rescue, and more. For more information, call 434-929-1028. Living Water Baptist Church, 496 Dogwood Drive, Madison Heights VA The Power of Music: Beethoven, Liszt, & Gershwin Sun. Oct. 26, 3pm-5pm The Lynchburg Symphony Orchestra will begin its 2014-2015 season with “The Power of Music: Beethoven, Liszt, and Gershwin” at 3pm at EC Glass High School. The program will include Beethoven’s “Third Symphony,” Liszt’s “Les Preludes” and Gershwin’s “An American in Paris,” EC Glass High School, 2111 Memorial Avenue, 434-845-6604 www. lynchburgsymphony.org connected123.com 37
Looking for a church home? GOSPEL COMMUNITY CHURCH Phase 2: Dining and Entertainment – 4009 Murray Pl., Lynchburg, VA, 24501 Sundays – 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. http://www.gospelcc.org/ ONE COMMUNITY CHURCH 1415 Kemper St, Lynchburg, VA 24502 Sunday: 9am & 11am http://www.onecc.org/ THOMAS ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH One Mountain View Road Lynchburg, VA 24502 Sunday: 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM Wednesday Prayer Service 6:15 PM HERITAGE BAPTIST CHURCH 219 Breezewood Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502 SUNDAYS: 9:30AM & 11AM http://www.hbclynchburg.com/
38 Stay Connected
THOMAS TERRACE BAPTIST CHURCH 10660 Richmond Highway Lynchburg, VA 24504 Sunday School 9:15am Worship 10:30am Disciple Life Connection Wednesday 7:00pm http://www.myttbc.com PRAYER OF FAITH TEMPLE C.O.G.I.C 3100 Hill St. Lynchburg, VA 24501 Sunday School 9:30am Worship 10:45am Bible Study Thursday 7:00pm TREE OF LIFE MINISTRIES 2812 Greenview Dr Lynchburg, VA 24502 Sunday Morning Worship Services: 8:00am, 9:15am, and 11:00am Wednesday Night: 7:00pm http://tolm.net
The NavPress Library Located across from the desks of Shantae and Andrea. This collection of books has been organized into categories and by author. See the listing on the intranet. Find everything from novels to devotionals! Free to use and borrow the books for as long as needed. Simply write your name, book title & author, and dates that you take and return the book in the journal provided. Happy Reading!
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About October Did You Know... 1. October was originally the eighth month of the Roman calendar. It comes from the Latin word “octo” meaning eight. Later, it became the 10th month when January and February were added to the Calendar. 2. The birthstones for October are the tourmaline and the opal. 3. The birth flower for October is the calendula. 4. On October 1, 1896, free rural delivery of mail started in the United States. 5. On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in America. 6. On October 31, 1864, Nevada became the 36th state of the United States. 7. National Fire Prevention Week falls during the week of October 9 each year. It commemorates the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.
40 Stay Connected
33 Halloween Pumpkin Carving Ideas
Get your carving tools out, because here are 33 ways—from spooky to elegant to jolly—to make your house Halloween ready. (see more at www.southernliving.com)
Expressive Pumpkin Keep the designs simple, especially when you’re working with children. A crescent moon and a star make expressive eyes. A triangle nose is classic. Tip: Cut the opening in the top at a 45-degree angle so it will have something to rest on. Do not cut straight down, because the lid will fall into the gutted pumpkin.
Etched Pumpkin Etching will leave an artful design on your pumpkin. The technique allows your pumpkin to last longer and is less messy than traditional carving.
Pumpkin Carving Idea: Message Pumpkin A picture may be worth 1,000 words, but a few words can have major impact. Use this pumpkin carving idea to carve a message on your pumpkin. Southern Living Associate Garden Editor Rebecca Bull Reed created this work of art and added the wise words “Spooky is what you think you see.” What do you see?
Pumpkin Cooler For a hit at your next party, trade fire for ice as your pumpkin filling of choice. Cut the top from a large, wide pumpkin with a serrated knife, and scoop out the seeds and pulp. Line the bottom and sides of the pumpkin with a 2-gallon zip-top plastic bag. Fill the bag with ice and assorted beverages.
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Create a Silhouette The black cat is a classic Halloween image, and the rounded opening has the look of a glowing moon behind this fierce feline. Tape a stencil to your pumpkin, and use the tip of a nail or ice pick to poke small holes along the lines of the design. Remove the stencil, and use a sharp knife to cut between the holes.
Keep it Simple If you love the look of hurricanes lining a front path, put an autumn spin on them by using oversize heirloom pumpkins in various shades of orange and green as bases— perfect for welcoming guests to a fall-themed party.
Carve a Pattern Turn standard grocery store pumpkins into decorative votive holders that are embellished with polka-dot cutouts. Gather Your Materials: Small to medium-size orange pumpkins (round shapes in varying sizes work best here); a carving knife; a wooden spoon; a pencil; a cordless drill with drill bits in various diameters (we used ¼-inch to 1-inch sizes); battery-operated or glass votive candles Get the Look: Carve the pumpkin the traditional way by removing the stem top and scooping out the insides. Then, create the scalloped-edge top by sketching your design directly onto the pumpkin and using a knife to cut out the shape. Make polka-dot patterns using a drill and drill bits in various sizes to create holes in the pumpkin. (Tip: We aligned our holes vertically for a neater, more graphic
Friendly Pumpkin Faces Give trick-or-treaters a warm welcome with a family of friendly pumpkin people. Purchase pumpkins in graduated sizes that will stack easily. Look for ones with large, unbroken stems and unique markings. Get creative, and carve faces in the smallest pumpkins that will make your guests grin. Try using the stem as a nose, or bring out the paints, and let kids make their mark on the project. To assemble your pumpkin person, stack three pumpkins and insert a long wooden dowel down the center. Dress your pumpkin people in the season’s best apparel. Raffia scarves, dried lotus pod buttons, twig arms, and flower hats are all great ways to complete this creative look.
Pretty Pumpkin It’s okay if you’re a scaredy-cat―carve something pretty. Light your pumpkin with a scented votive to make it even sweeter. (Never leave lit candles unattended.) Cutting thin lines can be a little tricky; sometimes the line breaks.
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Pumpkin Wreath Pick up mini pumpkins from the grocery store, and put them to good use. With these simple steps, it’s easy to do. Step 1: Use the end of heavy-gauge florist wire to make a hole near the bottom of a miniature pumpkin. Run wire through pumpkin and out the opposite side. You could also use a nail or ice pick to make a hole on either side of the pumpkin, and then insert florist wire. Step 2: Place the miniature pumpkin on the form; on underside of wreath, twist wire ends together to hold the pumpkin in place. Continue threading and attaching pumpkins with wire until wreath form is completely covered. Step 3: Cover exposed areas of wreath form with pieces of sheet moss, securing with florist pins. Step 4: Twist a piece of florist wire around the top of the wreath to make a loop for hanging. Make a large bow from wide black ribbon, and attach it near the wire loop. Hang the wreath by the wire loop from a nail or hook inserted in the front door. MATERIALS heavy-gauge florist wire, nail or ice pick (optional), miniature pumpkins, plastic foam wreath form, sheet moss florist pins, wide black ribbon Cookie-Cutter Pumpkins These cookie-cutter pumpkins are anything but run-of-the-mill. They take no time to make and will add a gorgeous glow to your porch or walk. Start by selecting a theme, such as leaves, ghosts, or spiders. Because pumpkins are pretty tough cookies, look for durable cutters made of thick stainless steel (www.cookiecutter. com). Smaller ones work best, as larger designs tend to lose their shape more easily. Preparing the pumpkins is easy as pie. Cut a hole in the bottom instead of the top, and clean out the insides. Place a cookie cutter on the pumpkin. Gently tap the cutter with a rubber mallet until it pushes through the skin. Repeat until you complete your desired design. Then simply place each pumpkin over a small candle, and enjoy the ghoulish glow.
Petite Pumpkins Regardless of your age, you’ll have a ball carving these irresistibly adorable ‘WeeB-Little’ pumpkins. Stick a garden stake in the bottom and place in a planter
Pumpkin Topiary Create a new twist on tradition with a pumpkin topiary on your porch. The Basics First, select a container for your topiary. (Be sure to weigh down the container with rocks or sand so it doesn’t tip easily.) Choose a few nice, round pumpkins in graduated sizes. Make sure the largest one will fit snugly in your container. Creating the Topiary The center of the topiary should be open so that a single strand of lights can be woven throughout the arrangement. Prepare the base pumpkin as you normally would--cut the top off, and clean out the center; discard the top. Repeat these steps for the center pumpkin, cutting a hole in the bottom so it will rest securely on the base pumpkin. Prepare the top pumpkin by cutting a hole in the bottom only, and then cleaning out the center. It should fit on the center pumpkin. A Little Power Using a drill with a 5/16-inch drill bit, make holes in a random pattern over all three pumpkins. We used an apple corer for the larger holes. Once you have enough holes for the lights to shine through, it’s time to add the final touches. Embellishments Twinkle lights are a safe option for this topiary. Using a 100-count strand of lights, pull the cord through one of the larger holes in the base of the topiary. Spread lights evenly throughout the arrangement as you stack the pumpkins. (Tip: To secure, use florist tape between each layer.) Add a few branches of leaves or vine to the base to finish the arrangement.
Happy Birthday! Joan StevenTweedy 10/2/51 Rogers 10/4/79 Rhonda Jennings 10/22/49 Rosemary Mendoza 10/28/72 Sharon Estreval 10/17/78 Manuel Arlequin 10/1/90 Laurence Wheless 10/1/90 Jasmine Wade 10/23/91 Desiree’ L. Davis 10/2/65 Carol Johnson 10/3/85 Jane E. Rising 10/27/71 Atlee McCray 10/29/84 Joshua Hendricks 10/18/94 Carolina Pineda 10/24/69 Jeannine Campana 10/29/69 Armando Barrios 10/1/48 Jessie Perez 10/4/13 Jordan Lugo 10/4/13 Keep your eyes on your inbox for this month’s birthday celebration!!!
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Congratulations! Employee Anniversaries
Joe F. Vaughan 10/29/12 Helen Berry 10/21/06 Virginia Rickard 10/16/89 Shanequa Matthews 10/31/10 Markham Lewis 10/17/11 Lloyd McWhorter Jr 10/14/13 Yvonne Pannell 10/31/10 Ciara Pruitt 10/31/10 Diego Perez 10/4/13 Dora George 10/4/13 William Smith 10/19/05 Janice Jackson 10/31/10 connected123.com 45
Pumpkin Cheesecake in a Gingersnap Crust INGREDIENTS: • 1 1/2 cups gingersnap cookie crumbs • 3/4 cup ground hazelnuts • 3 tablespoons brown sugar • 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted • 3 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened • 1 cup brown sugar • 1 1/2 cups canned solid pack pumpkin • 1/2 cup heavy cream • 1/3 cup maple syrup • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract • 3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon • 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice • 4 eggs
DIRECTIONS: 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9 inch springform pan. 2. Using a fork, combine gingersnaps, hazelnuts, 3 tablespoons brown sugar and melted butter. Press mixture onto the bottom and two inches up the sides of the pan to form the crust. 3. With an electric mixer, beat cream cheese and brown sugar until light and fluffy. Stir in the pumpkin. Mix in the cream, maple syrup, cinnamon, allspice and vanilla. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, mixing until smooth. 4. Pour batter into prepared crust. Bake in the preheated oven for 90 minutes, or until center of cheesecake is set. Allow to cool in pan for 30 minutes, then refrigerate overnight.
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INGREDIENTS: Potatoes: 2 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1/4 cup evaporated low-fat milk 3 tablespoons butter, melted 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Sweet Potato Casserole 2 large eggs Cooking spray Topping: 1.5 ounces all-purpose flour (about 1/3 cup) 2/3 cup packed brown sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons melted butter 1/2 cup chopped pecans
DIRECTIONS: 1. Preheat oven to 350°. 2. To prepare potatoes, place potatoes in a Dutch oven; cover with water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer 20 minutes or until tender; drain. Cool 5 minutes. 3. Place potatoes in a large bowl; add granulated sugar, evaporated milk, 3 tablespoons melted butter, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and vanilla. Beat with a mixer at medium speed until smooth. Add eggs; beat well. Pour potato mixture into a 13 x 9–inch baking pan coated with cooking spray. 4. To prepare topping, weigh or lightly spoon flour into a dry measuring cup; level with a knife. Combine flour, brown sugar, and 1/8 teaspoon salt; stir with a whisk. Stir in 2 tablespoons melted butter. Sprinkle flour mixture evenly over potato mixture; arrange pecans evenly over top. Bake at 350° for 25 minutes or just until golden. 5. Preheat broiler (remove casserole from oven). 6. Broil casserole 45 seconds or until topping is bubbly. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.
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Praise Reports
Praise God, RA Sonya Christian gave birth on 9/27/14 to a; “Healthy and Active Baby Girl”. “Nola Sophia Christian, was born at 1:23pm after 4 hours of labor.” “She is 5 lbs, 8 oz, 19.5 inches long with Angel’s eyes, and born on my husband’s birthday.” “We are so blessed, but please continue to pray for our son Eden who is still sick and needs your prayers.” “Thank you everyone!”
Submit your praises & prayer request to Andrea Lewis with the subject line “Stay Connected Prayer” at alewis@inserviceamerica.com
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Prayer Requests
As always keep ISA, our families and our clients in your prayers.
Aloe-Vasia Fleming Comfort for her and family with the loss of her newborn baby Shantae Beverly Comfort for her & family, healing for her son Shantae’s sister, Kimberly Comfort for her & family, just lost premature baby, Karter Sonya Christian’s son, Eden
Healing & comfort for him & familiy
Zikkie Payne
Healing and Guidance
Sarah Oulds
Healing for her grandmother
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ISA Store Now Serving Hamburgers, Breakfast Sandwiches, Mac & Cheese, & Pizza! Drinks Coffee, Hot Tea, Coke, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Powerade, Mt. Dew, Fanta, Ginger Ale, Fruit Punch, 5-Hour Energy Shots, and more Food Hot Dogs, Popcorn, Coffee Cake, Muffins, Cookies, Candy Bars, Trail Mix, Chips, honey Buns, and more Products You can also find a number of specialty products, books, CDs and other items Don’t have cash? Not a problem. Put it on credit. The cost will simply come out of your next pay check!
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