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Joyce Meyer Ministries Reminders:
gIve thanks
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n y r h Kat nna a C c M How many years at ISA: 4 years...maybe 5... not quite sure :)
What roles have you had at ISA: Agent, doing whatever I am called to do.
What is your favorite part of working at ISA: Oh, by far, praying with people. What a privilege to go to God’s throne with people from around the world, coming into agreement under the blood of Jesus! And praying with those wanting salvation through greater honor! I am also thankful for the wonderful B.A.’s, Account Executives, Shantae, Crystal, and fellow agents. Encouraging and supporting each other really helps with all the demands of each phone call and the everchanging ministries and expectations. I love representing the different ministries, and being the voice for that ministry, representing God first, with His love and compassion. “Hearing” a smile on the other end of the phone at the end of a call...makes it all worth it. And last, but certainly not least....I love working with Katrina! She and I have been through so much here at ISA....and she has always been there to encourage, challenge, instruct, coach, pray, laugh.... Do you have any stand out moments from your time here? I have many stand out moments at ISA, from the people I met there to the many callers I have talked to. I have grown as a Christian working at ISA and its really changed my life. I do miss seeing some of the people at the office but many of them are now remotes as well. I love talking and praying with others. You never know what kind of impact you may have on on a caller or what they may be going through in their own life and a phone call can lift them up . What does your life outside of ISA look like: CRAZY!.. but in the hands of the Lord...Amen?! Driving back and forth from Radford to help take care of my mother as she lives with bone cancer - taking her to doctor appointments - helping my step-dad with meals, washing clothes, keeping the house clean, etc. Now also helping with my dad while he is in poor health. We try to get to Georgia to see our three grandchildren as often as we can. Keeping up with six other grandchildren in Richmond, Va and various colleges in Virginia. Going to church and Bible study group with my husband. Babysitting our youngest son’s new puppy...a pitbull and lab mix....and I am NOT a “dog person”....cats are my pet of choice. We enjoy following Virginia Tech, and anyone who beats the Cowboys...especially when it is the Redskins! And I love to cook, read, listen to contemporary Christian music, and enjoy the beautiful outdoors every opportunity that comes along!
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Outstanding Communicators Month of : October Ani Revenue: Shanequa Matthews Agent Revenue: Kim Mayhew Fla. Ani Revenue: Diego Perez Fla. Agent Revenue: Doris George Agent of the Month: Kathryn McCanna
Above Average (90-99) Zigmond Smith, Tiara Allen, Kenya Brown, Karra Farmer, Rachel Carranza, Barrett Molina, Ta’Neria Wade, Victoria Caballero, Diego Perez Slater, Ricky Hayden, Jacqueline Garcia, Paola Barrios, John Copons Excellent (100-110) Thea Boston, Joshua Hendricks, Christina Hamilton, Ciara Pruitt, Lisa Poe, Herb Woodson, Jordan Lugo, Jane Rising, Laura Doswell, Yul Acevedo, Merys Garcia
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e c i v r e S r e m Custo suring customer satisfaction The process of en rvice. with a product or se
Andrew Kirby received a JM compliment from Mr. Hultmann who stated that he did a GREAT JOB and was very COURTEOUS and EFFICIENT. Great job Andrew, keep up the great work!
We received a voicemail from a customer that was very pleased with the two reps she spoke with. She recently spoke with Crystal Morgan and Tiara Allen and said they were very helpful, patient, and kind. Great Job Team!!!!!
Julie from Turning Point had the following compliments to Steven – he did a superb job of customer service and representation of Turning Point Ministries! Key points that stood out: 1. Excellent introduction – when customer gave initial request his attitude was very positive! 2. He continually addressed the customer as ma’am – this shows politeness and respect 3. He showed patience as the customer struggled with her address – she misspelled her own address 4. Customer asked for the schedule for radio/TV – at first he declined her request. Then later in the call he took the extra time to give her the times/stations for her area. 5. Spoke clearly throughout the call
Carol Holfberger from Jewish Voice said that Martha Collins was great on a call on Oct. 4th. And asked to please pass on her compliments for a job well done. Thank you so much for a job well done!!! Keep up the good work Martha!
Without content, your Employee Stay Connected could look like this. Email: with the subject line “Stay Connected Content� with your entries today
The Holidays are quickly approaching. We are excited about spending time with our families and know that you are too. If you would like to request time off for Thanksgiving, requests must be in by November 6th. If you would like to request time off for Christmas, requests must be in by December 4th. Please remember: Just because you submit a request does not mean that you will be granted the time off. Thank you! Scheduling
Heads up! A sign-up sheet will be placed at the BA desk one week before Christmas and Thanksgiving for you to sign up for hours. If you do not sign up you risk the possibility of shifts being assigned to you. BONUS: When you work Thanksgiving or Christmas you will receive time and a half for Holiday Pay.
T H E T E S T By Carl Townsend
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Everyone goes through a series of tests in their life. Tests help us build our character. A life test will help us to better understanding ourselves and help teach us skills and make us more resourceful in many areas of our life. People often fail life tests because they want to take short cuts, they don’t want to take direction and be told what to do. This applies to the business world as well. Training is essential to having a successful work force. I was so encouraged to have two agents contact me recently to let me know that they did not feel comfortable with the training that they had received. This type of open communication is what we need to have a successful operation. It told me that they truly cared! Giving your best only comes when you’re able to get the best! Children are taught about the dangers in life because they are given specific instruction. I was told growing up ‘don’t play in the road’, ‘look both ways before crossing the street’, ‘don’t get near the hot stove’, etc. Early life instructions that prevented me from getting hurt. The same applies to a job. Managers must give instruction in how to perform a job properly. Feedback is essential to learn a role in a company. This is why we are planning to give everyone an evaluation in November! You must know what you’re doing correctly and what you need to improve on. However, constructive feedback only works when the person takes the advice and uses it appropriately. I have seen many people fail their job test because they never applied themselves to improvement.
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What is the true test that we want everyone to pass here at ISA? First is attendance. Being here to handle the calls that we receive is critical. Our clients spend millions of dollars in TV and Radio to drive calls to ISA. When you are not here when scheduled it cost our clients’ money. Someone mentioned to me recently that I sounded angry when I addressed this attendance issue in our agent meetings. I am absolutely angry! We are not being good stewards of their money and performing our jobs. Don’t expect to get good grades on your test if you have an attendance issue. Second is Policy and Procedure Infraction. All businesses have a set of rules. The rules are developed to protect the clients, business and employees. We have a rule that everyone receives paycheck every two weeks. It is expected. The same expectation is in place for following our rules. Third is Quality. Who wants to take a call from a grumpy, mean or uninformed person on the phone? No one does. I once ordered a Christmas present from JC Penny’s. The Christmas present was something my son really wanted. I was so excited that I could get it for him. However, the first delivery date was missed, then the second, the third and then I finally received it on Christmas eve. Unfortunately, the toy was broken. I called over and over again to check on the order and they could never give a clear answer and they were rude. On Christmas eve, I called many times and couldn’t get through to them. I finally reached them after 4 hours of calling. They simply said we are sorry, the stores are all closed and you will have to get back in touch with us the day after Christmas. I asked the lady ‘what am I supposed to do tomorrow morning when my son opens his gifts’? She was rude, uninformative, had no solutions, and then hung up. I made a vow never to buy anything from that store again over the phone and I haven’t. That will be 20 years this December. A good customer service agent would of handled that a lot differently. I received a perception that they didn’t care. 12 • Employee Stay Connected
Fourth is Performance. All of our clients expect a certain amount of success. After all, donations are how they pay for their media. When you don’t use the script properly, then you can leave out opportunities to buy a product or give a donation. We have daily reports that spell out individual performance. We evaluate each individual on their call handle time, after call time, calls per hour, length of call, revenue per call. This are essential metrics to determine how effective you are for the clients. These are metrics that our clients evaluate us on. Fifth is your Attitude. Attitude is so important! HW Arnold says the “The worst bankrupt in the world is the person who has lost his enthusiasm.” How do you conduct yourself. Are you critical of others, are you destructive in communicating your opinions? When I hear of someone being critical of the company, I take great offense to that. I also take great offense to someone making choices of what rules they will follow and which ones that they will not. I take offense when someone doesn’t follow through on their commitment in getting a task or a commitment done. These are all a reflection of one’s attitude. The worst type of attitude is the person who does one thing in front of you and something totally different behind your back. The question is... ‘How good is your attitude’? Ask yourself this question ‘Do I care or am I here to just pick up a paycheck till something comes along. I know people that receive big paychecks but don’t care. It always comes out in the wash at the end of the day. The bible calls it stealing! I love this quote. I do not know who wrote it but it is so true!
‘Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise, risking more than others think is safe, dreaming more than others think is practical, and expecting more than others think is possible!’ Employee Stay Connected • 13
Joyce Meyer Ministries Reminders: Partnership:
Partnership for Joyce Meyer goes on an action form. Remember to spell verify everything back to your caller, also capture the email address and media as well. The comment box on your action form should look something like: Doing an action form for partnership Caller is requesting to become a partner _______ (How much they wish to give) _______ (What day of the month they want it to come out, 1st-28th) _______ (What month do they want it to begin) _______ (Yes or No to TOM) _______ (Card type) _______ (Card number) _______ (Card Exp) _______ (Name on card) _______ (What prompted your caller to become a partner with Joyce) ONLY use your F10 screen for the reasons listed below: 1. Add to mailing list 2. Remove from mailing list 3. New address: new address goes on F6 screen and old address on F10 screen 4. ISA website products, remember to list the Title-description-price Anything that is not listed above, does not go in the F1 screen. If a caller has a prayer request, please give them the prayer line number or they can go to the website and enter the request. If the caller wants to give Joyce a message, they can call customer service, visit the website, or write into the ministry.
ISA website orders:
Always search your system first for a product your caller is requesting. If you are unable to find the product in your AS400, please go to your website. 1. Check the country flag at the top right hand corner of the screen to ensure that you are ordering the correct items at the correct price for that country. 2. Search for the item. 3. Once found, record the TITLE-DESCRIPTION-PRICE of the item on the F10 screen. You can record as many items on the F10 screen as your caller is requesting 4. Now use your calculator and add all these items together 5. Add your Flat shipping rate into that total (For Canadian, we do not add S&H onto the order. S&H is included in the price of the items for Canadian callers) 6. Now hit F4 and select F24 (Shift F12) for a message with an order 7. Now go to your F9 screen and select ISA WEBSITE PRODUCTS and enter a quantity of 1 and enter the total amount of the order including the S&H 8. Now you simply proceed on with your call by gathering the credit card information. 9. Please ensure that we are keeping our calls 5 minutes and below. If we go over that talk time, please ensure that you are filling out an e extended call form as to why you went over the talk time.
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There are several free offers in your AS400 on your F9 screen. These offers are not offered to just anyone. These offers are for partners only. So if you have a caller who calls in and requests to order Nine Attitudes That Keep You Happy and you pull up: Item Description JUL $AA - Nine Attitudes That Keep You H JUL $90+-Nine Attitudes That Keep You Ha MP JUL FREE-Nine Attitudes That Keep You
Donation Qty Donation 1.00 90.00
The one you should offer your caller is one that is the most costly. If a caller knows that they can get it for a donation of any amount, they will stop and correct you. If a caller is partner then they know they can get it for free so they will also stop you. Never should you go through your system and offer callers just any of the free offers you have listed. If a caller is requesting something free of charge, you may go into your F8 screen and search by D for description and then search by the month in which you are in and send them out the magazine. You may also send them the salvation package which is sometimes also called A New Way of Living which can be found on the F8 page as well. Please keep in mind that if a caller is ordering a product to be sent to a correctional facility, this must go through customer service. The caller must call customer service and place that order. Please go to the website and click on missions and read about Hand Of Hope. This is very important for you to know about who they are and what they do and where they are working. This is going to play a huge factor in the calls you take for the end of the year. Callers will want to give towards a certain mission and will have questions about that mission, it is important that you are up to date. I thank you for taking the calls for Joyce Meyer and for all the changes that have taken place with them. You have done an amazing job and I am confident that you all will continue to excel. Thank you. Lysa Meeks
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Hello team, WOW the year has really flown by, hard to believe that it is almost November. We have had some new clients this year and we continue to get new ones in. November and December will be a busy time for us at ISA as our callers will want to get their last minute donations in before the end of the year. YAY for busy days ahead. It is important that we maintain EXCELLENT customer service skills and follow all guidelines ISA has set forth for us. If you are not trained on any AS400 clients, it is important that you get trained. If you receive an email informing you that a certain training is coming up and you are invited to attend, please make every effort to be there. There is always the chance to increase your skill level, however there are several factors that go into play when we look for agents that need to be trained on higher clients such as TDJ/GFA/CDM exc. 1. Attendance-Are you at work for all your shifts, are you on time? 2. Performance: Are you performing effectively on the current clients you are trained on? Are you up to date on updates? Do you respond to emails? 3. Errors: Do you follow the guidelines for the current clients and what is your error rate? 4. Productivity: Are you managing your talk and wrap times? What is your revenue? 5. Attitude: How is your attitude while on calls as well as off calls?
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These factors go into play when we search for agents to be trained on higher clients. We must ensure that you are able to handle the higher clients and that you have the drive to learn the knowledge that you will be trained on. If you desire to be trained on more clients, here is what you need to do: • Make sure you are at work and on time for your shifts • Perform to the best of your ability on all your calls, ensure that you are following ISA and the clients requests of you. Have good tone and pace, know your ministry and your products, smile on your calls, and LISTEN to your caller. • Reduce your error rate: Spell verify all your callers information, follow the guidelines for that client, order correct products, give correct information to your caller, use your 3 name closing, use your first and last name on your calls, pay attention to your screens, select your media, use your F10 screen correctly, and ask any questions that you need to so you can ensure that you are up to date on everything you need to know. Read your emails. • Go from call to call, lower your wrap times, follow the talk times that are in place for each client • BE POSITIVE ALWAYS whether you are on a call or off the call. They way you feel may not be how the people around you feel. Voicing the negative comments can bring other people down around you and lead to uncomfortable emotions for your coworkers. Have a positive attitude at all times and SMILE. There are some training points that I want to remind you of as we move into the ending, yet busy months of 2014. 1. Talk times: each client has a talk time set forth for them. It is important that we follow those talk times. We do understand that sometimes a call will go over that time and in this case, YOU MUST fill out an e extended call form. This tells the AE and the client why you did not meet the talk time set forth. This is a must. 2. Use your first and last name on all calls that you take. 3. Use your 3 name closing at the end of the call, a good example of that would be, “Mrs. Mouse, it has been my pleasure to serve you today and we want to thank you for calling Joyce Meyer Ministries today, you spoke with Lysa Meeks today and we hope you have a blessed day.”
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4. SPELL VERIFY: Spell verify all the information your caller gives you. An example is: “Mrs. Meeks, we have your address as 129 Vista, that’s V as in Victor, I as in Ice Cream, S as in Sam, T as in Tom, A as in apple, is this correct?” This will avoid those spelling errors that you get back. Spell verify all information, name, address, and email. 5. Capture the media on every call 6. KNOW YOUR PRODUCTS: We give you a broadcast schedule so you can know what your caller is more than likely calling in to order, we also create cheat sheets for you, reviewing this information at the start of your shift and also during your shift will help you to be more knowledgeable while on calls. 7. Verify your callers order, inform them of the total and the time frame in which they can receive their item. 8. Only give free products away that the client has stated you could give to just anyone. Most of the time this is just their monthly newsletter or magazine. The other free offers that they have listed are only for certain callers who will request those. 9. Some clients you can not transfer to customer service-some you can-some you are customer service-some you can pray with your callers-some you can’t-some you take request-some you give prayer line number -> it is important to know these for each client. 10. Use your action, impact, and urgency words. GREAT, WONDERFUL, MR/MRS, SR/MA’AM, RIGHT NOW, LIMITED TIME 11. Show good tone, volume and pace on your calls. Follow the lead of your caller. 12. Use your manners, be professional, and respect your callers. 13. ALWAYS put WHY you are doing an action form. The very first thing you should put in the comment box at the bottom of the action form is why. We need to know how to handle that form and also, do what we can to prevent more forms from coming in for that very same reason. 14. Read your schedules and be ON TIME for all shifts. If your shift is set to begin at 5:30am, please be in your seat, taking your first call at 5:30am. If you must call out, please call out 2 hours before your shift begins. This gives the BA time to try and get someone who is off to come in and work your shift.
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15. Always call the BA before getting out of your seat to go to the restroom or take a break. Also, call the BA at the end of your shift to ensure that there are no other calls holding that you may be able to help with. 16. If there is something we need you to know, we are going to email it to you. Also, if you get an error, we email this to you before having a verbal conversation. It is important that you click on the link and fill the information out within 72 hours of receiving the error. Your emails are so important for you to stay up to date. Communication is the key at ISA, we are a communication business so we must communicate effectively. I always create cheat sheets for you and put them at the cabinet that separates inbound and outbound. Please if there is something that you need that is not there, please let me know and I am more than happy to get it for you. I thank you for going above and beyond the call of duty. I thank you for staying past your shift to assist with calls. I thank you for working those weekend shifts. I thank you for smiling through that rough morning you had. I thank you for your patience with your callers. I thank you for following policies and procedures. I thank you for ALL of the positive energy that you give during your shift. I thank you for being on time. I thank you for helping others on your shift. I thank you for your team efforts. I thank you for EVERYTHING that you do for our clients. I thank you for all you do at ISA. Thank You and God Bless you, Lysa Meeks
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CLIENT UPDATES FROM JANE WHITE As we gear up towards Fall, many of our ministries have added new series and offers. Please make sure that you read your broadcast often. There are times that we miss important information. When you have a caller asking questions about offers, select the broadcast schedule so that you are giving them accurate information. Callers only pick items that catch their attention and it is all our responsibility to be able to decipher their request. When you handle put yourself in the callers place, are you giving them same service that you would like to receive? We are in a fast pace world that wants everything yesterday. Use the moment you have and assist the caller with the best. Use control so that everything is well rounded. When you are asked a question respond so that the caller understands that you were listening to them. Show them that you care. Even if you don’t know the question, acknowledge the caller. The caller should never have to say “Did you hear me?” or “Are you still there?” You are a communicator and we need you to communicate to the caller and give them the peace of mind that you are the expert. Please make sure you are giving accurate information to your caller. You are representing the ministry and you want them to have the best reputation. With inaccurate information puts a question mark that will need to be corrected on a higher level. That causes the flags to fly and you never want that to happen. Give the best quality possible on each and every call that you take. The one person we have to remember is that we represent God. Will He be pleased with the way you handle His child?
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Call centers are typically large phone banks in which incoming calls are received and outgoing calls are made on behalf of both large and small corporations. Some call centers focus on customer service or tech support, while others conduct phone sales and surveys. Employees of call centers must be efficient and able to follow direction. Most of all, call center workers should enjoy spending time on the phone talking to strangers. Often, calls that come in to call centers have frustrated people on the other end of the line. The caller may not understand a product warranty or may be having trouble using a product he purchased. A call center worker must exercise patience in dealing with frustrated callers. You must be able to remain calm, help the caller outline his problem or concern, and assist him with resolving the issue or pointing him to a more appropriate resource. Good communication skills are essential to handling calls effectively, ensuring that the appropriate information is exchanged in a way that both you and the caller understand. This means having an even, easily understood speaking voice, and the ability to hear and understand verbal cues that can indicate the tone and mood of the caller’s voice. Good listening skills are as important as good speaking skills. Callers may want to vent or to share a complex position or issue. A successful exchange involves listening to the caller, asking pertinent questions and reiterating the facts back to the caller. Persuasive skills are vital to center jobs that focus on selling products or services or conducting surveys. People who pick up their phones and find a stranger on the other end asking them for something can become rude, condescending and dismissive of the call. Being able to keep the person on the line, despite objections, and successfully complete the purpose for your call is a significant trait. Call center sales positions often require quick thinking and fast reaction to potential objections. Understanding how to read someone’s voice and devise a convincing pitch mid-conversation is a highly useful skill. Quick turnarounds also allow you to increase your call volume, another desirable trait in a call center employee. Our clients require that we use these skills each and every time we handle their calls. Using the skills above is vital for ISA to retain and increase in this ever changing business. When listening to calls we are ensuring that our communicators are providing the skills to make every experience the caller receives is great and our clients are able to see that we have make the effort to make their ministry shine and grow.
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Encouraging Insight from Your QAs: At the heart of great customer service is the way we interact with our customers. It will come as no surprise to hear that we don’t always get those interactions right. Based on experience serving clients, as well as managing customer-facing teams, here is a compiled a list of essential skills that can be used by anyone. Remember, even for veterans in this industry, brushing up on skills is a smart idea. The Ability to Listen Closely to Customers This is the number one skill because, in essence, this is what the job itself is all about. All other customer service skills pale in comparison to this particular one because if a customer service rep is not listening to the customer they are never going to be able to provide good service. Not only do you need to be able to hear what they are telling you in terms of sheer data, you need to be able to try to understand what they mean by what they are saying. This is one of those customer service skills that is most often polished over an entire career, but it begins with a willingness to listen and listen closely. Listening is the key. take notes, when a caller states something, write it down.
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Clear Verbal Communication Aside from being able to listen, you also need to be able to communicate verbally with the customer. While written communication is one of the customer service skills you’ll want to master, it is verbal communication that is used today. The purpose of this kind of communication is to not just repeat a spiel or information to the customer, but to make sure that they understood what you said. You will need proper speaking skills, good grammar and the ability to choose the right mode of speaking for the person on the other end of the line. Speak slower for customers who need it and a faster pace for others. Ability to Empathize This is an ability that will most likely be honed over time.. You need to be able to listen and actually involve yourself in what the customer is telling you about their situation. Those who are good at empathy can often win the trust of even the most dissatisfied customers because those customers will feel they have someone on their side at last. Management of Personal Emotions While you can certainly act the opposite of how you feel, it is important to deal with your own emotions. If you can learn to manage your emotions in healthy, productive ways, the stress of customer service
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positions will be water off a duck’s back to you. You must remember that your customer is always right, and managing your emotions on the call can turn that call completely around. A mad caller can hang up the phone feeling comfortable just by the conversation they had with you. Professionalism It is important for employees to remain professional at all times, even if the customer reacts angrily if they are not happy with an aspect of the service they have received. Employees should remain level headed in these situations and continue to address the customer calmly. A friendly manner is important in every type of situation and can go a long way to reassuring customers of the professionalism of the business as a whole. At any time you feel as if you are unable to assist your caller any more, simply call your BA and they will be more than happy to take that call over for you. Organizational skills An important aspect of good customer service is good organization skills. This means that it is important that you are prepared at the start of your call, that you have reviewed your broadcast schedules, fact sheets, emails, and any updates about your clients. It is important that you are fully prepared for the day and for each call you may take that day. Respect Being respectful to customers is another key skill. It should go without saying that simple manners should be used at all times but other factors that can make the caller feel respected include addressing them by their title and using their last name. Always thank your caller for all information they give you.
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Product knowledge Good product knowledge is important because it will give the caller confidence in the product and in the ministry as a whole. This is why you MUST read your broadcast schedules and update DAILY. Teamwork Skills Teamwork skills are an essential part of giving awesome service. Like a football team working together to set up the perfect goal, every one on the team has a specific role to play in accomplishing tasks on the job. Dependability One of the most important aspects of the job is being there when the customer needs you most. This means showing up for your scheduled job on time, being present during busy times and going above and beyond the call of duty. You are the front line at ISA, without you, the ministry’s callers don’t get handled. It is important that you be at work when you are scheduled. Utilizing these skills can make the difference between giving mediocre service or providing truly awesome customer service. It can also mean the difference between simply getting hired or securing the position that you really want. Take time today to put these skills into practice and watch your customer service levels soar - and watch your career take off too! Remember: Customer service is not a choice, it is a responsibility. Thank you for all you do here at ISA, QA Team
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By Shantae Beverly
As October ends, we enter into what most people consider “The Season of Giving”. All year around there are signs of charity at work but none more than in November and December. Thanksgiving forces us to be thankful during November and Christmas forces us to think about others over ourselves. I sit back and think how great the world would be if we were moved by the feelings and sentiments of Thanksgiving and Christmas all year around. Let’s break down the meaning of Thanksgiving. The dictionary defines it as the expression of gratitude, especially to God and secondly defines it as an annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal including turkey. The holiday commemorates a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621, and is held in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. A similar holiday is held in Canada, usually on the second Monday in October.
Now when most of us hear thanksgiving our minds instantly takes us to the turkey dinner at grandma’s house. A time to fellowship and eat with one another. How many of us forget the first definition? Thanksgiving is the expression of gratitude especially to God. Everyday should be a day of thanksgiving unto God. We all are guilty of taking for granted many things, one being life itself. With each sunrise we should be thankful that we have one more day to not just exist but to live. Not only to live but live with
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purpose. God has predestined each and every one for a specific purpose. He blesses each of us not just for us but that we may be a blessing to others. God does not just choose to bless us in November but throughout our whole lives he pours blessings over us. I encourage you to think about your life today and no matter what you may be faced with, ask yourself “could this situation be worse”? I can almost bet you that the answer in your spirit will be yes. After you have answered that question I encourage you to go into a moment of thanksgiving. Now that you are truly thankful, I encourage you to move into a spirit of giving ( Remember giving does not always mean money but you can give of your time, your wisdom and your unconditional love). We all know that Christmas is defined as the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ’s birth, held on December 25 in the Western Church. Christmas means different things to different people mostly depending on their individual walk with Christ. Most children are taught about Mary, Joseph and Jesus Christ and the manger scene but many of them know Christmas more specifically for the gifts. They are taught about Santa and get fascinated about choosing gifts and hoping they will get them on Christmas morning. Many of our families have created traditions around Christmas. It brings many families closer together. It is sometimes the only time of the year that some family actually see one another. It is also the one month where hearts start to soften and we are more eager to give. Most of us can’t image a child not having gifts on Christmas so we rush to the mall to donate to the Angel tree or find a family we can bless. All those things are absolutely what Christmas is about, giving unto others who do not have but I encourage you to think about the real reason why you are giving. God blesses us that we may be a blessing to those who don’t have. God’s word tells us in Luke 6:38 “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” I can almost guarantee that on any given day of the year there is someone in need. We can be a blessing all year around. Starting now, I challenge you to make every month “The Season of Giving”. And as you are giving unto others don’t forget about yourself. Some of us forget to make ourselves a priority. It is not selfish to take care of yourself, to ensure you are at your best. God tells us in His word that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we should present our bodies Holy and acceptable unto Him. I believe if we take care of ourselves first we will be more capable of blessings others. So in 2015 give unto others as God has giving unto you. Also, allow yourself to be blessed by others. Stop being proud and realize that God has sent the “giver” to be a blessing to you. Many of us have a hard time accepting a charity, but God instructs us to be charitable. A wise man has often told me as he has blessed me and I tried to refuse, “don’t turn down my blessing”. He explained that blessing me was blessing him. May God bless each and every one of you. Remember to be thankful and to give that you may give glory unto God!
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gIve thanks By Andrea Lewis
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Thanksgiving: a time when we often think only of turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. But what is Thanksgiving actually? Well, obviously, a time to be thankful. Stop and think about all the blessings you have right now... I hope that at the top of your list is: “Jesus Christ saved my soul and washed away my sins!” Where would you be today if God hadn't moved in your life? If He hadn't caught you when you were approaching the edge of the cliff, where would you be today? Most likely at the bottom of the cliff emotionally, mentally, and even physically. Thanksgiving isn't just a time to remember weary pilgrims landing ashore at Plymouth rock. It's about realizing that if God hadn't redirected that ship, they could have died at sea. It's the same with us, if God hadn't saved our souls with His precious Son's blood, we'd all be doomed. God has blessed us in more ways than we can feasibly imagine. If you ever find yourself running out of things to say when you "count your blessings instead of sheep," you aren't thinking hard enough. Are you alive? Can you breath? Are your body's cells multiplying and dividing so that your physical self continues on this earth? The sheer fact that we are even in existence on a planet in an infinity of vacuum space is a miracle in and of itself! Study the sciences long enough and you'll soon discover the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of little miracles that take place on a daily basis. Running a close second on my "Thankful List" is: God loves me. It's incomprehensible to me, but God loves me. The Creator God of the universe, massive and all powerful, cares for me. And He cares for you! He knows everything about us. He's always with us, everywhere, all the time, every day, every second. He knows us better than we know ourselves! (Yet knowing everything about us, He still loves us) The Bible says that each hair on our heads are numbered... He's meticulous about knowing everything about His creation and is actively involved in our lives! As children of God, saved by His grace, we will spend eternity in Heaven, glorifying our Savior for the rest of eternity.... If that isn't on your "Thankful List" I don't know what is! We’re saved from Hell, and are guaranteed forever in Heaven. One day we'll be able to just praise our God continually! There will be no pain, no death, no despair. Every tongue will sing praises the God and Father forever. Thank You, Lord God. Your love is amazing. Your grace is more than sufficient. Let today, and everyday, glorify Your name. We are so thankful.
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It’s so easy to just give in, and give up. Give up on love. How stupid we are, how many times we mess up, how many times we walk away from God. How many times he could just give up. Yet he knew 2,000 years ago that one-day times would be tough for you and that it would be hard to turn to him. So he made a decision. He sent his son down to earth as a baby, a whiny little baby to die for you, so that you would understand God’s love for you. It would have been so easy to give up on love and get off that cross, but instead Jesus chose to let himself be beaten, and ridiculed, and die the most painful death of all. For you! As he breathed his final breath he said your name, and with that he died. With the stains of your sins written across his beaten body. All so he could show you he loved you. He’s still waiting on that hill with open arms. Knowing that one of two things could happen, you choose could nail him back to the cross, or you could choose to run into his open arms and let him carry you through this rocky spot. He’s proven he could do it. Remember when he walked on water? It wasn’t exactly smooth. He stands up on that hill willing to do both. See how much he loves you. It may be hard to worship, but think of it this way. Let this be your prayer, your confession, your “coming back.” It’s time for us all to come back.
By Katie McCaffrey
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As we enter the Fall season here are ten beauty tips that will [hopefully] change your life. Don’t worry men, we haven’t forgotten about you. 1. Fall is the perfect time for a smoky eye. You don’t want it to be too dramatic for the office so keep it soft with a light grey instead of a harsh black. Blend the grey color in a triangle starting from the outer corner of your eye and carry it halfway down your lid. Put your base color under your eye on the outer corner and your highlight in the tear duct area to keep it light. Add a simple liner and voila! You are Fall (and office) ready!
2. MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE, MOISTUREIZE! I can’t say it enough. As we hit the dry weather leading into Winter your skin will dry out more than normal. Keep your skin happy and healthy with a great oil free moisturizer. I also keep a pot of coco butter around for those nasty dry flaky spots. Careful of putting a heavy moisturizer (like coco butter) on your t-zone as it can break you out. Tip: Coco butter also makes a great chapstick!
3. Use hairspray to keep your makeup in place. When you finish getting ready and you’re hair spraying your hair don’t be upset if a little bit gets on to your face. Hairspray can double as a finishing spray. Ultranet is my favorite, but you can use any aerosol brand. Employee Stay Connected • 33
4. Use geometry to get rid of under eye circles. There is so much going on in the fall that we tend to get those nasty under eye circles. Use a foundation one shade lighter than your skin color and put it under your eye in the shape of a triangle. Blend it onto your cheek so that you don’t have any lines and don’t forget the side of your nose.
5. It’s all about the highlight and contour. If you spend double the time on your face prep you won’t need to do as much with color. After putting on your foundation use your highlight color to contour the shape of your face. I put mine on my jawline, bridge of nose, chin, cupids bow, cheek bone, eye brow, and center of my forehead. Once that is blended I add a foundation one shade darker (or a bronzer) under my cheek bone (suck in your cheeks and lay the contour there) and on the sides of my nose. A good tip to remember is to highlight where the light naturally hits your face. Once finished, cover your entire face with a translucent powder to set the look and then add a small amount of color.
6. Whiten your teeth. The quickest way to update your look is to have whiter teeth. Teeth whitening used to be so expensive but now you can buy a whitening pen from the drug store for under $10. Brush on the whitening gel after you brush your teeth and avoid eating or drinking anything for 30 minutes. You’ll see results in under 2 weeks! 34 • Employee Stay Connected
7. Don’t be afraid to pluck. People will be drawn to your eyes more if they aren’t obstructed by scraggly brows. Men, this is for you too. A cleaned up brow can do wonders for your look. Don’t go overboard with the plucking as a natural brow is in.
8. Dry shampoo is your best friend! If you’re feeling lazy or don’t want to rewash your perfect do, just add a spray of dry shampoo the next morning to keep it looking fresh. Also use dry shampoo to add texture and body to your hair.
9. Easy Breezy Beautiful. Fall is the time that you don’t want to look too overdone. A natural messy bun is the way to go. Keep some smoothing milk or hair wax handy to smooth down those nasty fly away baby hairs. You want to look natural, but not like you just rolled out of bed.
10. Eat healthy and drink lots of water. The best thing that you can do for your body and your beauty is to treat it well. Drink lots of water and put good healthy food into your body. Consider food items with beauty aids. Fish, olive oil, spinach, fruits and vegetables. A spoonful of coconut oil is also great for mouthwash! Employee Stay Connected • 35
What NOT To Wear By Katie McCaffrey
The last two months in the employee edition of the Stay Connected magazine we have explored appropriate work outfits for both men and women. This month we are going to discuss what NOT to wear, and how to change your outfit to make it appropriate. At ISA we have a business casual work environment and our HR department is kind enough to give us frequent casual days. The confusion sometimes lies with what “business casual” actually means and what “casual” means. Just because we are casual doesn’t mean that we are lazy, and inappropriate. Here are some examples of what we don’t want to see at the office.
MEN Don’t
Do 1.
Shorts are not permitted to be worn at ISA at any time. I’m sure that you have the ability to wear shorts as fabulously as this man but please don’t.
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This man looks cool and professional. If you want to make his outfit slightly more casual, just roll up the hem of the khakis a couple of inches. You’ll look fashion forward and still be work appropriate.
When we have casual day and you are permitted to wear a t-shirt please refrain from wearing any inappropriate t-shirts. This includes (but is not limited to): foul language, inappropriate pictures, and references to drugs or alcohol.
Switch out your inappropriate shirt for a plain t-shirt or a shirt from your favorite sports team. I like the Yankees personally, but we won’t fault you for wearing a Boston Red Socks shirt.
Around here we like to keep things in the right places and that includes the waistband of your pants. Please do not share with us the color of your underwear. If your pants won’t stay in place a belt is a great option. (But not a belt worn like this man has his.)
This fine gentleman has his pants in the correct place but also looks comfortable and casual.
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We love that you want to support your team or cover your head in the rain but when you enter the building you need to please remove your hats.
Likewise, on casual Friday you can still rock your favorite hoodie, so long as you keep the hood down and there is no inappropriate content in the design.
These days’ distressed jeans are in fashion. That being said please don’t wear your jeans with holes in them to work. Even on casual days there is a dress code that needs to be followed. Please save these jeans for your nights on the town or your trip to Wal-Mart. 38 • Employee Stay Connected
Here is an example of a pair of jeans that is appropriate to wear to ISA.
Do 1.
Women, shorts at ISA aren’t allowed for you either.
Instead of sporting your shorts at the office, switch them out for a pair of capris or a cute skirt.
I hate to break it to you but at ISA we are not allowed to wear tank tops or shirts without sleeves.
Cover up those shoulders with a short sleeve shirt or a cardigan.
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3. Leggings are so comfortable but we need to be really careful how we wear them. Leggings are not pants and when worn with a shorter shirt they are not appropriate, especially for the office.
Add a tunic over your leggings to keep yourself comfortable but cover up. The tunic that this girl is wearing is border line too short. Be careful when you sit and bend over you are still fully covered.
4. Keep in mind that what you would wear out or in your personal life is not always appropriate for the office. Short and tighter skirts and dresses are not appropriate.
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Keep it modest, remember we are a company whose clients are mostly ministries. Wear a flowy skirt that comes to the knees. This girl still looks adorable but she’s appropriate for any client to walk through the doors.
All too often we ladies don’t consider how low our tops go. We need to be more careful to keep this in mind, especially at the office. If someone can see down our shirt when we bend over or if we can see too much of what God gave us when we are just sitting still it’s possible that we are wearing a shirt that is too low.
If you are concerned about the lowness of your shirt add a camisole or a cardigan over it. A really cute option would be to layer it with a button up underneath. Turn your low cut shirt into a vest.
Keys to remember: 1. No hats 2. No shorts 3. Casual doesn’t mean sloppy 4. Modest is hottest 5. Remember, we are a ministry! Employee Stay Connected • 41
Daily Checklist
Have you done the following today?
Check E-Mail
Read Current Updates
Study Current Broadcast Schedules
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The ISA Family Library! Provided by NavPress Publishers
Located across from the desks of Shantae and Andrea. This collection of books has been organized into categories and by author. See the listing on the intranet. Find everything from novels to devotionals! Free to use and borrow the books for as long as needed. Simply write your name, book title & author, and dates that you take and return the book in the journal provided. Happy Reading! Employee Stay Connected • 43
Lynchburg Happenings
Fourth Annual Bluegrass, Barbecue & Brew Festival Sat. Nov. 1, 11am-5pm Mark your calendar to join us at Red Hill for our Fourth Annual Bluegrass, Barbecue & Brew Festival at the home of Virginia Passionate Patriot & Fiery Fiddler, Patrick Henry. Stroll the beautiful grounds of Red Hill while enjoying the live music. Delicious local barbecue will be available from local restaurants and shop with artisan and craft vendors! Bring a lawn chair or blanket for seating to watch the bands! For more information and to purchase tickets, check out our festival website at www. Amazing Astronomy: Native American Constellations Sat. Nov. 1, 11am-12pm Come explore the night sky in our state-of-theart dome planetarium! We will be identifying the constellations prominent in Native American cultures and learning the stories behind them. Saturdays at the Square programs are $3 each or you can SAVE with a punch card. Amazement Square 27 Ninth StreetLynchburg (434) 845-1888 2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off Sat. Nov. 1, 12pm-4pm Holy Cross Regional School will be hosting their 2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off on Saturday,
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November 1, 2014. Come out from noon- 4pm to enjoy chili, hot dogs, live music, and other activities for the whole family. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for children. Admission includes food, drink, and entertainment. Spirits available for purchase for additional fee. Holy Cross Regional School 2125 Langhorne Road Coffee & Chocolate Pairing! Wed. Nov. 5, 6pm-7pm Join us for a unique experience as we pair our single origin chocolates with locally roasted single origin coffees! Enjoy a discussion on single origin coffee as we feature two locally roasted single origins brews. Next we will pair different single origin chocolates to discover how the pairing influences the flavor profiles we notice in tasting! $12. Per person, $20 per couple. Reservations required. Contact (434) 847-2970. First Fridays...FREE at the Lynchburg Museum! Fri. Nov. 7, 4pm-7pm This month the Museum will feature artifacts highlighting the history of the Academy of Music, now the Academy of Fine Arts. Billed as “the prettiest opera house in the state and among the prettiest in the entire South,” the Academy of Music officially opened its doors on February 1, 1905. Lynchburg Museum System 901 Court Street
For even more events and information visit:
Vintage Lynchburg Holiday Sale Sat. Nov. 8, 8am-2pm Vintage Lynchburg is a bi-annual event in Lynchburg, Virginia featuring vintage, antique, repurposed and handcrafted goods. It is a juried vendor market of local artisans. Since its start in 2012, Vintage Lynchburg’s goal has been to support and showcase this amazing artistic community; it is a celebration of all the talent that Lynchburg has to offer. Each sale is also committed to raising awareness for and financially supporting a local non-profit. Join us for the upcoming Holiday Sale where over 60 hand-selected vendors will share their unique treasures and created items. You won’t want to miss this amazing shopping experience. Downtown Lynchburg 10th and Commerce St. Downtown Diva Crawl Fri. Nov. 21, 5pm-... Calling all ladies for a night out with your girlfriends at the Downtown Diva Crawl. Make plans to shop and dine in downtown on Friday, November 21 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at The Lynchburg Community Market where you will be entertained as you kick off your night of shopping and dining in downtown. Businesses will provide incentives to entice you to patronage their establishments and D J’s will be positioned in a 6 block area along Main Street to keep
you crawling from 17th-5th Streets, Main to Jefferson Streets. Park once and ride the free trolley taking you all around to the participating businesses. Sponsored by Lynch’s Landing. Visit for more details. GET DOWNTOWN NOVEMBER 21! Lynchburg Community Market 1219 Main Street 434-847-0576 Annual Christmas Bazaar and Bake Sale Sat. Nov. 22, 8am-2pm With over 35 Local Vendors that will be selling an assortment of Homemade Baked Goods, Handmade Jewelry, Candles, Handbags, Lotions, Holiday items, Kitchen items, Handmade Knit/ Crochet, Pottery, Woodcrafts, Leather Goods, Paintings, Pet Items, Pecans, Holiday Items, Beauty Products and so much more! This will make your holiday planning easier! In addition the Ruritan Club will be selling Brunswick Stew, Hot Dogs and Raffle Tickets for a Big Screen TV! The event is Indoors, Free Admission, Handicap Accessible and is open to Everyone! Proceeds from Booth Rentals benefit the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA). CCFA mission is to find a cure for Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis and to improve the quality of life of children and adults affected by these diseases. Boonsboro Ruritan Club 1499 Coffee Road Lynchburg VA 24503 434-981-7877
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Looking for a church home? GOSPEL COMMUNITY CHURCH Phase 2: Dining and Entertainment – 4009 Murray Pl., Lynchburg, VA, 24501 Sundays – 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. ONE COMMUNITY CHURCH 1415 Kemper St, Lynchburg, VA 24502 Sunday: 9am & 11am THOMAS ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH One Mountain View Road Lynchburg, VA 24502 Sunday: 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM Wednesday Prayer Service 6:15 PM HERITAGE BAPTIST CHURCH 219 Breezewood Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502 SUNDAYS: 9:30AM & 11AM
THOMAS TERRACE BAPTIST CHURCH 10660 Richmond Highway Lynchburg, VA 24504 Sunday School 9:15am Worship 10:30am Disciple Life Connection Wednesday 7:00pm PRAYER OF FAITH TEMPLE C.O.G.I.C 3100 Hill St. Lynchburg, VA 24501 Sunday School 9:30am Worship 10:45am Bible Study Thursday 7:00pm TREE OF LIFE MINISTRIES 2812 Greenview Dr Lynchburg, VA 24502 Sunday Morning Worship Services: 8:00am, 9:15am, and 11:00am Wednesday Night: 7:00pm If you would like to add your church to the list, please email alewis@inserviceamerica.
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About November The 11th month of the year is an outstanding one
In the Georgian calendar, the calendar that most of the world uses, November is the eleventh moth of the year. However, in the early Roman calendar, it was originally the ninth month. Later, the Roman senate elected to name the eleventh month for Caesar. November is right between fall and winter. Almost all leaves are gone from the tree and lost their colors. The month is referred as the wind month and the bloom month by Anglo-Saxons. It is because November is the month where they killed their animals for food. Those have been harvested in the previous months are either put inside the storage or sent to processing plants or mills. In this month, the farmers will know whether that particular year was successful or not. Because of its beautiful weather, football is the main sport of the month. Below are some fun facts about November: 1. The birthstone for November is the topaz. 2. The birth flower for November is the chrysanthemum. 3. On November 2, 1769, a Spanish expedition reached San Francisco Bay. 4. On November 2, 1889, North Dakota became the 39th state of the United States. 5. On November 2, 1889, South Dakota became the 40th state of the United States. 6. On November 2, 1917, Arthur Balfour proposed settlement of Jewish people in Palestine. 7. On November 4, 1979, the U.S. Embassy was taken over by Iranian revolutionaries in Teheran and a group of U.S. citizens were seized as hostages. 8. On November 6, 1869, the first intercollegiate football game was played in the United States between Rutgers and Princeton. 9. On November 8, 1889, Montana became the 41st state of the United States. 10. On November 15, 1935, Manuel Quezon was inaugurated as the first president of the Philippines. 11. On November 18, 1883, standard time began in the United States. 12. Peanut Butter Lovers Month 13. National Good Nutrition Month 14. National Pepper Month 15. National Sleep Comfort Month 16. Aviation History Month 17. Election Day - first Tuesday after the first Monday in November 18. Thanksgiving Day - fourth Thursday of November 19. November 11 - Veteran’s Day
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Happy Birthday! Jocelyn Loving 11/24/95 Mary Mayhew 11/14/66 Carol Townsend 11/22/38 Brittany R. Snead 11/4/90 Shaun Skow 11/18/60 Shaniqua Bowman 11/11/90 Brian Powell 11/14/73 Jordan Pruitt 11/15/96 Danielle Porter 11/10/89 Shanequa Matthews 11/15/90 Blakelin Hoptinstall 11/4/89 Aloe-Vasia Fleming 11/8/92 Amber Mays 11/30/88 Jonathan Smith 11/3/89 Amber Sevik 11/3/89 Toccara Culpepper 11/16/81 Thea Boston 11/3/50
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Congratulations! Employee Anniversaries
Ricki Miller 11/18/11 Katrina E. Adams 11/2/12 Candice L. Johnson 11/2/12 Lisa T. Poe 11/8/05 Christopher Townsend 11/1/04 Anika Hemmings 11/1/10 Natinael Kefle-Seyoum 11/2/11 James E. Fitzpatrick III 11/15/08 Cynthia Haywood 11/1/11
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Salted Caramel Chocolate Pecan Pie A cross between a fudge pie and pecan pie, this is all the more stunning if you arrange the pecans from the center in a spiral pattern. Ingredients Chocolate Filling 1 1/2 cups sugar 3/4 cup butter, melted 1/3 cup all-purpose flour 1/3 cup 100% cacao unsweetened cocoa 1 tablespoon light corn syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 large eggs 1 cup toasted chopped pecans 1 (9-inch) unbaked deep-dish piecrust shell Salted Caramel Topping
3/4 cup sugar 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1/3 cup heavy cream 4 tablespoons butter 1/4 teaspoon table salt 2 cups toasted pecan halves 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
Preparation 1. Prepare Filling: Preheat oven to 350°. Stir together first 6 ingredients in a large bowl. Add eggs, stirring until well blended. Fold in chopped pecans. Pour mixture into pie shell. 2. Bake at 350° for 35 minutes. (Filling will be loose but will set as it cools.) Remove from oven to a wire rack. 3. Prepare Topping: Bring 3/4 cup sugar, 1 Tbsp. lemon juice, and 1/4 cup water to a boil in a medium saucepan over high heat. (Do not stir.) Boil, swirling occasionally after sugar begins to change color, 8 minutes or until dark amber. (Do not walk away from the pan, as the sugar could burn quickly once it begins to change color.) Remove from heat; add cream and 4 Tbsp. butter. Stir constantly until bubbling stops and butter is incorporated (about 1 minute). Stir in table salt. 4. Arrange pecan halves on pie. Top with warm caramel. Cool 15 minutes; sprinkle with sea salt. Note: We tested with Hershey's 100% Cacao Special Dark Cocoa and Maldon Sea Salt Flakes.
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Yield: Makes 8 servings Hands-on: 25 Minutes Total: 1 Hour, 20 Minutes
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Praise Reports
In this month of thanks giving and receiving, take a moment to pause and consider the many blessings that God has given in your life. Write them below and read them every day this month to help you remember His great mercies! ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Submit your praises & prayer request to Andrea Lewis with the subject line “Stay Connected Prayer” at
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Prayer Requests
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ISA Store Drinks Coffee, Hot Tea, Coke, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Powerade, Mt. Dew, Fanta, Ginger Ale, Fruit Punch, Energy Drinks, 5-Hour Energy Shots, and more. Food Breakfast Sandwiches, Pizza, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Popcorn, Coffee Cake, Muffins, Cookies, Candy Bars, Trail Mix, Chips, Honey Buns, Crackers, and more. Products You can also find a number of specialty products, books, CDs and other items. Don’t have cash? Not a problem. Put it on credit. The cost will simply come out of your next pay check!