April 2015 employee edition
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Spring Fruits & Veggies By: Bethanne Tarpley
pring is no longer around the corner, it’s finally here! And what better way to start the season right then with fresh fruits and veggies! Here’s the best that spring has to offer! And even though these are offered year round, these nutritious delights are at their tastiest right now!
Those eyes.
TRAINING Strawberries
This sweet fruit is a favorite for many! It not only has a refreshing flavor, but is an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamin C, and manganese.
It’s versatile, it’s cost-effective (usually only 49 cents a pound), and it’s full of vitamin K, vitamin C and vitamin B6. Cabbage is a great supplement to any meal and even tastes great roasted in the oven or thrown on the grill!
This one’s also a crowd pleaser! It’s delicious in breads, cakes, and ice cream; but it’s especially good on its own! Bananas are chockfull of vitamin B6, manganese, vitamin C, and potassium. They’re also natural energy boosterthat will keep you healthy, happy, and energized for the entire day!
5 Unique Easter Egg Decorating Ideas
Customer service/ Training Reminders:
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5 LifeHacks to a Happier You!
The Next Phase of Life
Julie’s Visit to ISA! 5
Julie’s Visit to ISA!
Employee Stay Connected • 5
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Customer service/ Training Reminders: After spending about 3 days just focusing on monitoring calls, I came across many calls that needed some improvements. Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in taking the call, servicing our customer, and moving onto the next call that we forget some of the most important business rules of customer service. It is so important that we put our callers first and focus on them. Below I have some ideas that I use in training and also as a CSR. I ask that you review them now, come back to them later, and then continue to review them. Spell Verify So many times we forget to spell verify what we have selected or we think we have put in the correct information when really in fact it is incorrect. Spell verifying everything that your caller gives you, ensures that the information is correct. This is an important tool that MUST be used on every call. Be a Double Checker Everyone loves to hear and know that their request is being double checked. Even though you may know for certain the price of a product, an answer to a question, or any other answer to your customers request, inform your caller that you will be happy to double check for them. It will gain a sense of confidence your caller will have in you.
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Pretend That it is You I love to use the golden rule, “Do unto others, as you want done unto you.” Always try to put yourself in your callers place. What would you want done? How would you like to be handled? In what manner would you liked to be spoken to? Tip: try to recall a bad customer service experience you have had and do all you can to avoid giving a bad experience to your callers. Get Involved Get excited with your callers! When they are ordering a product, let them know what a great choice it is. When they ask questions about a trip, be excited with them about the upcoming messages they are going to hear. Your callers love the fact that they feel as if you are on their team. Stay Focused Give your caller your 100% undivided attention. It can sometimes be hard to join into a conversation that your neighbor is having with another coworker. Look at your surroundings while you are on a call, but stay focused! Take notes when a caller requests something so you are able to fulfill that request, without having to re-ask. Once your caller feels as if they or their request is not important to you, they lose confidence in you and the ministry they are calling to. So stay focused on your caller and their request. Do Something Extra If your caller is calling in about a certain offer, once they have ordered it, upsell another product that may tie into the one they’ve ordered. Ask for a donation to help the ministry continue to broadcast the Word around the globe or ask if they have a prayer request that you are able to pray for or pass along to the ministry. This gives your caller a sense that you are willing to help them in strengthening their walk with the Lord and that you genuinely care about them. Show Your Teeth: SMILE . Putting a smile on your face will brighten the tone in your voice! It gives a friendly and warm welcome to your callers. YES, you can HEAR a SMILE! Ask Questions This is an amazing way to build a great customer service experience for your caller. Don’t assume that you know exactly what your caller is requesting. Asking questions will eliminate the chance of an incorrect product being ordered. Once your customer answers those questions, you are able to help them much more.
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Use Complete Sentences Using one word sentences are semi useless in customer service. One word answers give a sense of “I’m not concerned with what you are telling me” “I am not interested” It appears to be rude in most cases. Words like “yes” “no” “ok” instead use “Yes ma’am that is correct” “No sir, we no longer carry that item” “We thank you so much for calling for the first time and we hope the broadcast blessed you” Engage with your caller by having a short but detailed response to every statement or question they may ask. Care Care about what your customer is calling in for. Care about what issue they may be having. Care about what brought them to begin watching the broadcast. Care about the donation they are giving. Show you care about your callers requests, and in return they will care about you. Laugh Laughter will set the tone for an amazing call. Laugh with your caller. Get your caller to laugh. Laughing is good for the soul! Remember Why You Do What You Do We take thousands and thousands of salvation calls and lead thousands to the Lord every year. What a blessing it is to know that it was YOU that lead someone to know the Lord as their personal savior. That is DEEP. It is YOU that changed their life. It is YOU that helped them break free from any strong holds or bondage that was held inside their hearts. It is YOU that taught them that the Lord forgives them of all their sins. It is YOU that gave them the chance to rejoice in Heaven with our Lord. What a blessing. You are doing the work for the kingdom. To God be the Glory.
I thank you for all you do and for all your hard work. It is so amazing that I have such an awesome group of people that I work with. I know firsthand how trying some days can be and I just can’t thank you enough for continuing to smile and press through. If there is ever ANYTHING that I can do to help you or to make your job a little easier, please do not hesitate to ask. That is what I am here for. Whatever it is I can do, I will. Thank You so much.
Lysa Meeks
Employee Stay Connected • 13
TRAINING UPDATES Tips for getting more training: More training will be coming up and there are several factors that we take into consideration when we choose who we would like to train on higher clients. Below are just a few of the factors we look at: 1. Your current performance on the clients you are trained on 2. Your attendance 3. Your attitude 4. Your error rate If you want to get trained on more clients and be able to increase your work hours, simply ensure that you are here at work, on time, following all guidelines set forth to you, have a positive attitude, and are staying up to date on all your clients and avoiding errors
I would like to remind you of just a few policies that ISA has for you, I encourage you to go to your internet, click on the ISA bubble, and read ALL the policies. Here are a few bullet points for you: • We have a 0 tolerance for cell phones. They are not allowed in the call center AT ALL. Being caught with your cell phone is grounds for termination 1. If you drive, you are to leave them in your car, you are able to go out on your break to your car. 2. If you do not drive, you are to turn your phone off and turn it into the BA upon arriving for your shift. You are able to get it from the BA and go OUTSIDE the building on your break. 3. You can give the ISA number to anyone that may need to contact you434-316-7469. • There is to be no eating in the call center • Adhere to the dress code set forth by HR. We are not casual unless HR sends you an email. DO NOT assume that certain days are casual.
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• Only our client’s websites are approved for you to be on, If we do not take calls for that website, you are not permitted to be on that site while working. • If you need to speak with someone in management, you are to speak with your BA and your BA will let you know when you can go back to their desk/office. AT NO TIME should you be walking around the back area or hallways looking for someone in management. This has be a policy since the start that now has gotten out of hand. ALWAYS communicate with your BA and the manager you need to see will let the BA know when a good time is. • NO ONE is allowed to use the front door without having written approval from HR. This means ANY hourly employee. • Be on time for all shifts, if you must call out please do so at least 2 hours before your shift begins • Check emails and updates each shift • SPELL verify all your callers information on ALL calls • Know your broadcast schedules, if you are unsure about what to order, do an action form with all the callers’ information and say that you were unsure. • ALWAYS call the BA at the end of your shift • NEVER log out or go into break without communicating with the BA first • Always fill up the first row in front of BA first Ensure that you have your availability put in on shift board. If you DO NOT have your availability put in, you will be scheduled when you are needed to work. If there is anything that I am able to help you with, please let me know.
Thank you for all you do and all your hard work.
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Those eyes. Those eyes. I knew that I had seen them before. I stood there, beside my husband desperately trying to place the eyes. Those eyes that seemed to look past the exterior and see straight into my heart. The crowd that had gathered to watch was beginning to get restless. My husband walked down, stood nose to nose with the man and said to him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” I realized I had heard of this “King of the Jews.” I’d heard of his miracles. I’d heard of how he touched one lame man and suddenly that man was able to walk again. I thought for sure that this, “King of the Jews” would exude arrogance and be a showman; some kind of witch, or wizard. However this man that stood before me only exuded confidence and grace. He seemed gentle. Then with a quiet and steady voice I heard his reply, “It is as you say.” Suddenly it hit me. I knew where I had seen his eyes before. In my dream. I believed him, He was the King of the Jews. He had to be. How else could it be explained? I called one of the guards over and whispered a message to him. I had to stop this, I would stop this. I watched in silent fear as the guard relayed my message to my husband. Pilate looked back at me in desperation but then fell victim to the taunting of the priests and elders. They wanted this man dead. I stood there unable to move, unable to breathe. Surely Pilate would stop this. The next thing I knew they were dragging him off to be crucified. As he rounded the corner he looked back at me. What his eyes said pierced my soul. He did not look at me with condemnation or anger. He did not look at me with hatred the way that the crowd had gawked at him. No. His eyes held more love than I had ever seen in my life. He seemed to feel sorry for me. I rushed through the courtyard and followed closely behind Jesus trying to catch his eyes. I pulled my shawl up over my head to hide my face so that I would not be recognized. The procession stopped on top of the hill and I snuck back into the crowd. The cross that he was carrying was laid down onto the ground and he was nailed to it. I turned and looked away so that I wouldn’t see those eyes in pain. Blow after blow I wept. Knowing that I was unable to stop them. I felt as if I should have done something more. That it was me holding that hammer pounding in those nails.
And then I felt his eyes on me once more.
- Olive
Employee Stay Connected • 17
Surviving the ups, downs, and lightning storms of other people’s moodiness can be quite a challenge. It’s important, though, to remember that some moody, negative people may be going through a difficult stage in their lives. They may be ill, chronically worried, or lacking what they need in terms of love and emotional support. Such people need to be listened to, supported, and cared for (although whatever the cause of their moodiness and negativity, you may still need to protect yourself from their behavior at times). Don’t let toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and get them out of there. But there’s another type of moody, negative behavior: that of the toxic bully, who will use his or her mood swings to intimidate and manipulate. It’s this aspect of moodiness that inflicts enduring abuse and misery. If you observe these people closely, you will notice that their attitude is overly self-referential. Their relationships are prioritized according to how each one can be used to meet their selfish needs. This is the kind of toxic behavior I want to look at in this post. I’m a firm believer that toxic mood swings (like chain letter emails) should not be inflicted on one person by another, under any circumstances. So how can you best manage the fallout from other people’s relentless toxicity?
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1. Move on without them. If you know someone who insists on destructively dictating the emotional atmosphere, then be clear: they are toxic. If you are suffering because of their attitude, and your compassion, patience, advice, and general attentiveness doesn’t seem to help them, and they don’t seem to care one bit, then ask yourself, “Do I need this person in my life?” When you delete toxic people from your environment it becomes a lot easier to breathe. If the circumstances warrant it, leave these people behind and move on when you must. Seriously, be strong and know when enough is enough! Letting go of toxic people doesn’t mean you hate them, or that you wish them harm; it simply means you care about your own well-being. A healthy relationship is reciprocal; it should be give and take, but not in the sense that you’re always giving and they’re always taking. If you must keep a truly toxic person in your life for whatever reason, then consider the remaining points… 2. Stop pretending their toxic behavior is OK. If you’re not careful, toxic people can use their moody behavior to get preferential treatment, because… well… it just seems easier to quiet them down than to listen to their grouchy rhetoric. Don’t be fooled. Short-term ease equals long-term pain for you in a situation like this. Toxic people don’t change if they are being rewarded for not changing. Decide this minute not to be influenced by their behavior. Stop tiptoeing around them or making special pardons for their continued belligerence. Constant drama and negativity is never worth putting up with. If someone over the age 21 can’t be a reasonable, reliable adult on a regular basis, it’s time to… 3. Speak up! Stand up for yourself. Some people will do anything for their own personal gain at the expense of others – cut in line, take money and property, bully and belittle, pass guilt, etc. Do not accept this behavior. Most of these people know they’re doing the wrong thing and will back down surprisingly quickly when confronted. In most social settings people tend to keep quiet until one person speaks up, so SPEAK UP. Some toxic people may use anger as a way of influencing you, or they may not respond to you when you’re trying to communicate, or interrupt you and suddenly start speaking negatively about something dear to you. If ever you dare to speak up and respond adversely to their moody behavior, they may be surprised, or even outraged, that you’ve trespassed onto their behavioral territory. But you must speak up anyway. Not mentioning someone’s toxic behavior can become the principal reason for being sucked into their mind games. Challenging this kind of behavior upfront, on the other hand, will sometimes get them to realize the negative impact of their behavior. For instance, you might say: Employee Stay Connected • 19
“I’ve noticed you seem angry. Is something upsetting you?” “I think you look bored. Do you think what I’m saying is unimportant?” “Your attitude is upsetting me right now. Is this what you want?” Direct statements like these can be disarming if someone truly does use their moody attitude as a means of social manipulation, and these statements can also open a door of opportunity for you to try to help them if they are genuinely facing a serious problem. Even if they say: “What do you mean?” and deny it, at least you’ve made them aware that their attitude has become a known issue to someone else, rather than just a personal tool they can use to manipulate others whenever they want. And if they persist in denial, it might be time to… 4. Put your foot down. Your dignity may be attacked, ravaged and disgracefully mocked, but it can never be taken away unless you willingly surrender it. It’s all about finding the strength to defend your boundaries. Demonstrate that you won’t be insulted or belittled. To be honest, I’ve never had much luck trying to call truly toxic people (the worst of the worst) out when they’ve continuously insulted me. The best response I’ve received is a snarky, “I’m sorry you took what I said so personally.” Much more effective has been ending conversations with sickening sweetness or just plain abruptness. The message is clear: There is no reward for subtle digs and no games will be played at your end. Truly toxic people will pollute everyone around them, including you if you allow them. If you’ve tried reasoning with them and they aren’t budging, don’t hesitate to vacate their space and ignore them until they do. 5. Don’t take their toxic behavior personally. It’s them, not you. KNOW this. Toxic people will likely try to imply that somehow you’ve done something wrong. And because the “feeling guilty” button is quite large on many of us, even the implication that we might have done something wrong can hurt our confidence and unsettle our resolve. Don’t let this happen to you. Remember, there is a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally. Most toxic people behave negatively not just to you, but to everyone they interact with. Even when the situation seems personal – even if you feel directly insulted – it usually has nothing to do with you. What they say and do, and the opinions they have, are based entirely on their own self-reflection.
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6. Practice practical compassion. Sometimes it makes sense to be sympathetic with toxic people whom you know are going through a difficult time, or those who are suffering from an illness. There’s no question about it, some toxic people are genuinely distressed, depressed, or even mentally and physically ill, but you still need to separate their legitimate issues from how they behave toward you. If you let people get away with anything because they are distressed, facing a medical condition, or depressed, even, then you are making it too tempting for them to start unconsciously using their unfortunate circumstance as a means to an end. Several years ago, I volunteered at a psychiatric hospital for children. I mentored a boy there named Dennis, a diagnosed Bipolar disorder patient. Dennis was a handful sometimes, and would often shout obscenities at others when he experienced one of his episodes. But no one ever challenged his outbursts, and neither had I up to this point. After all, he’s clinically “crazy” and can’t help it, right? One day I took Dennis to a local park to play catch. An hour into our little field trip, Dennis entered one of his episodes and began calling me profane names. But instead of ignoring his remarks, I said, “Stop bullying me and calling me names. I know you’re a nice person, and much better than that.” His jaw literally dropped. Dennis looked stunned, and then, in a matter of seconds, he collected himself and replied, “I’m sorry I was mean Mr. Marc.” The lesson here is that you can’t “help” someone by making unwarranted pardons for everything they do simply because they have problems. There are plenty of people who are going through extreme hardships who are not toxic to everyone around them. We can only act with genuine compassion when we set boundaries. Making too many pardons and allowances is not healthy or practical for anyone in the long-term. 7. Take time for yourself. If you are forced to live or work with a toxic person, then make sure you get enough alone time to relax, rest, and recuperate. Having to play the role of a “focused, rational adult” in the face of toxic moodiness can be exhausting, and if you’re not careful, the toxicity can infect you. Again, understand that even people with legitimate problems and clinical illnesses can still comprehend that you have needs as well, which means you can politely excuse yourself when you need to. You deserve this time away. You deserve to think peacefully, free from external pressure and toxic behavior. No problems to solve, boundaries to uphold, or personalities to please. Sometimes you need to make time for yourself, away from the busy world you live in that doesn’t make time for you.
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5 LifeHacks to a Happier You! By: Bethanne Tarpley
Move over chicken noodle soup. Yep, your grandmas famous chicken noodle soup has got nothing on this rejuvenator of the soul: happiness! Did you know that happiness is clinically proven not only to revitalize your life, but also prolong it? Likewise, research has shown that stress can actually shorten your life! The good news: Spring is here and there is no better time to kick stress and the winter blues to the curb and get happy! Here are some tips and tricks to get you in the blissful swing of things.
Dream Something Big! What makes you come alive? It can be as simple as the desire to make delicious treats for friends and family or as big as opening a restaurant for friends and families around the region. When you dream something up your heart and soul can’t help but get excited! After all, that’s how God designed it! Proverbs 13:12 states “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.” Fulfilling dreams brings life! If you have a dream in your heart, chances are they were put their for a reason, and It could be 5-10 years away or right at your door. You’ll never know unless you pursue it with God and find out. Make a list of your dreams and prayerfully strategize, because you never know what God is going to do through you!
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Go To Your “Happy Place.” What puts a smile on your face and relaxes you? For me going on an adventure just about does it (Or a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream; It’s too hard to choose.) But for each person it can look different; maybe you’re more extroverted and enjoy hanging out with friends or family? Or maybe you’re more introverted and like being alone relaxing outside with a good book. The point is do something you enjoy! Nothing recharges a person more than doing something that’s relaxing.
Talk to Jesus. Do you ever come across something that makes you so mad? For instance, I’m not one for rush hour traffic and the drivers that might come along with it! Did you know Jesus wants to know about your day? Even when you get cut off in traffic? Psalm 68:19 says “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.” Every day he wants to hear from you and help you. Talking to Jesus is the most effective and positive way to deal with difficult situations. You might even see something from a different perspective.
Get Some Sun! Did you know that Vitamin D helps fight off depression? This may be why some feel a bit more somber in the winter and more energetic in the spring and summer. Feel like you’re stuck indoors all day? Don’t worry, because 15 minutes a day of sunlight can make a world of difference! Go outside, take a walk, and enjoy God’s creation.
Drink Lots of Water. When your body is dehydrated, it not only drains your body of energy, but it also contributes to feeling sad. The solution is simple: drink lots of water! It is shown that water is a natural energy booster and helps in rehydrating your body and rehydrating your mind.
Be happy and enjoy the life God has given you! “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24
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25 Fashion Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know 25. A modern trick to looking like the most effortlessly stylish girl in the room: Pair dressy bottoms (a velvet maxi, a leather or beaded skirt, silk pants) with a worn gray crew-neck sweatshirt or T-shirt. 24. When it doubt, always choose the smaller denim size, since jeans stretch with wear. 23. “Never dry a wet shoe with heat. Let it dry naturally in open air. Heat will dry out leather and the lifespan of the shoe will be cut in half.” —Jordan Adoni, Designer, Modern Vice 22. The easiest way to make your closet look organized: Buy all the same hangers for everything– same color, same shape.
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21. Before bed, pour two or three tablespoons of baking soda into sweaty workout sneakers and tilt the shoe to distribute the soda evenly. This will eat any odor and absorb perspiration. 20. “For guaranteed weight loss, I advise people to follow my A, B, C’s – no Alcohol, Bread or processed Carbs.”—David Kirsch, celebrity trainer and fitness guru. 19. To prevent clothing from wrinkling in a suitcase, fold everything in plastic dry cleaning bags. 18. If you can’t fit two fingers underneath your bra band comfortably, it’s probably too tight. 17. Pile on good accessories—scarves, sunglasses, hats, statement jewelry—to instantly transform even the most basic outfit. 16. Confused about laundry settings? Remember this: The hotter the water, the cleaner the clothing will be. While warm water is fine for most clothes, linens and dirty white clothing are best washed in hot water to remove germs and heavy soil. Cold water is usually used for delicates. 15. A structured hat should rest about 1/8 to a 1/2-inch above the ears. 14. After a shower, use your hairdryer to de-mist bathroom mirrors in seconds.
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13. A good tip when cleaning out your closet: Ask a friend whose style you admire to come over and help. She/he might offer new insight on how to wear certain items before you toss them. 12. It might sound “budget,” but a hot glue gun works amazingly well to hem skirts, pants and even jeans in a pinch. 11. Looking for uses for all the single socks you’ve amassed while doing laundry? When you’ve got aches or pains, fill a sock with dry beans or rice and pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Voila, an instant (and free) heating pad. 10. Wear your new real leather jacket in the rain to break it in. Water will soften up the leather and allow it to stretch and crease at specific points on your body. 9. Who has the time to hand wash bras? Machine wash them in cold water in a mesh zipper bag and drape them over a hanger to air dry. 8. Use a lemon wedge to remove excess or streaky self-tanner. 7. Track lighting is possible even for the tiniest closet: Buy a track kit, screw it into the ceiling, run the wire down the wall and plug it into the nearest outlet. Not only will you see all your clothes better, but you’ll feel like you have a more luxurious closet. 26 • Employee Stay Connected
6. Invest in silk or satin pillowcases to keep your hair from breaking during the night. (They also keep your skin looking smoother than rough cotton cases!) 5. If you’re unsure about an impulse or sale purchase, leave it at the store. If you’re still thinking about it when you wake up the next day, buy it. 4. Have a sequin garment you don’t wear anymore? Remove the sequins and sprinkle them into a vase of flowers. Gorgeous! 3. A good shoemaker can fully rebuild your favorite pair, even if the arch is cracked. 2. To coax a loose thread back into place, gently tug at the stitches to the sides of the pull as well as above and below 1. There’s nothing cooler than sticking to a signature style you know looks good on you. Slaves to fashion are never chic! Read more: stylecaster.com/101-fashion-tips-tricks-every-girlshould-know
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Spring Fruits & Veggies By: Bethanne Tarpley
pring is no longer around the corner, it’s finally here! And what better way to start the season right then with fresh fruits and veggies! Here’s the best that spring has to offer! And even though these are offered year round, these nutritious delights are at their tastiest right now!
Strawberries This sweet fruit is a favorite for many! It not only has a refreshing flavor, but is an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamin C, and manganese.
Cabbage It’s versatile, it’s cost-effective (usually only 49 cents a pound), and it’s full of vitamin K, vitamin C and vitamin B6. Cabbage is a great supplement to any meal and even tastes great roasted in the oven or thrown on the grill!
Bananas This one’s also a crowd pleaser! It’s delicious in breads, cakes, and ice cream; but it’s especially good on its own! Bananas are chockfull of vitamin B6, manganese, vitamin C, and potassium. They’re also natural energy boosterthat will keep you healthy, happy, and energized for the entire day! 28 • Employee Stay Connected
Spinach It’s known as a super veggie, and it’s easy to see why! Not only does it contain 6 different kinds of vitamins, but it’s also a great source of calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, and even protein! That’s a lot of nutritious power for such a tiny leaf!
Mangoes Feeling a little tropical? Grab a mango! Its distinct flavor is a great additive to smoothies, fruit salads, and it’s just as good sliced up and served on a plate! As an added bonus, it’s full of vitamin C, vitamin A, and protein.
Peas Delicious and nutritious - all in one bite! This mini veggie is packed with 5 kinds of vitamins and is a good source of fiber!
Honeydew Melon A must have in fruit salads! Honeydew has a light floral- like flavor with a little crunch. It’s a great source of B6, potassium, and is low in saturated fats and cholesterol!
Green Beans A mellow flavor with a crisp yet refreshing bite! It has a slew of vitamins like vitamin B6 and vitamin B2 and has a great amount of fiber! They’re especially delicious thrown onto the grill with some oil, garlic powder, and sea salt.
Looking to buy local? Visit the Lynchburg Community Market on
Saturdays 7am-2pm for a selection of delicious organic fruits and veggies locally grown. Employee Stayall Connected • 29
5 Unique Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Still merely dunking an Easter egg in dye? This Easter, take your eggs one step further with these different decorating techniques. All of the designs are easy and inexpensive to create, and all of the supplies are available from the supermarket and craft store.
Black and White Eggs All you need for this monochromatic look is a fine-tipped black permanent marker. At the blog Obviously Sweet, variations of dotted and striped patterns make each egg look unique.
Tied Flowers For less of a mess, nix the dye. Instead, use string or baker’s twine to secure flowers and herbs to eggs, suggests the clever creator of A Daily Something. Opt for forsythia and violet buds, or try rosemary or thyme for a hint of fragrance.
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Impressionist Eggs Break out some acrylic paint to try this egg-decorating trend from Paper & Stitch. Using short brush strokes, create a basic pattern around a hardboiled egg and let dry!
Mustache Eggs Give fragile shells facial hair with this idea from Oh What Fun. Draw curly and handlebar varieties onto shell surfaces for some dapper-looking eggs.
You Name It Eggs These personalized eggs from Meaghan Mountford are perfect place cards for Easter dinner. Rest an egg sideways on an egg holder and dip in dye bath of desired color, but hold the egg so the top third of the egg stays above the dye bath and remains white. Let dry completely. Pour a small amount of acrylic craft paint on a plastic plate or wax paper. Dip the non-brush end of a small paintbrush into the paint and dab on egg to create a dot. Paint dots around the white oval. When the paint dries, use letter stickers to spell a name or initial. Employee Stay Connected • 31
The Next Phase of Life Life brings a variety of beginnings and ends. Sometimes doors open just as others close. As you can probably guess by the photo above, my husband and I just found out that we are soon to welcome a third little person into our family! We are both excited and blessed at the new life growing inside me. The miracle of birth is an amazing thing. With this new joy comes the knowledge that our future is going to be much different, and this has brought us to another conclusion. I need to take a work position that can be the most beneficial to this little life of ours. With that being said, I am sad to say that you won’t be seeing me around the office any more. I have taken a new job and will no longer be at ISA. I hope to see you all around town and hope that your futures are all bright and joyful. It has been fun working with you all, and I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings! God has amazing plans for each of you.
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Share Your Milestones “I am ecstatic to say that I graduated with Honors and I obtained my Associates Degree in Business Management this past Summer in July of 2014. I am still continuing my education and I am shooting for my BA which if God willing I should obtain in 2016.” - Rosemary Mendoza
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Lynchburg Happenings
Egg Hunt on the Lawn at Point of Honor Sat. Apr. 04 9am-1pm Egg Hunt on the Lawn at Point of Honor • Saturday, April 4, 2015 • 10:00am 2:00pm Celebrate Easter at Point of Honor with egg hunts, pictures with the Easter Bunny & More! Presented by: Lynchburg Parks & Recreation and Point of Honor, 112 Cabell St, 434-455-6226 Civil war Walking Tour Tue. Apr. 07 1pm-2pm Tuesday, April 7 & Saturday, April 11--Lynchburg Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau will offer a free one hour walking tour of downtown Lynchburg at 2pm. Beginning at the Lynchburg Visitor Center, 216 12th Street, the tour will focus on the importance of Lynchburg during 34 • Employee Stay Connected
the Civil War. The tour is limited to 20 persons. Those interested in taking part are encouraged to call the Lynchburg Visitor Center at 434-485-7290 as soon as possible to reserve their spot. Visit www. discoverlynchburg.org for additional information on other local Civil War events and activities. Lantern Tours in Appomattox National Park Historic Village Thur. Apr. 09 5:30pm-8:30pm Guided tours to six stops in the historic village. Hear real Civil War stories told by living historians portraying soldiers and civilians who were in Appomattox at the surrender. Experience the Park in a whole new light, candlelight! No charge but reservations required. (434) 352-8987
1865: Wet-Plate Photography Sat. Apr. 11 8am-4pm Teachers and students from Lynchburg College will be demonstrating Civil War era photography in various stations throughout the Park. Presented by the Appomattox 1865 Foundation. 9am-5pm Archeology Open House Sat. Apr. 11 8am-4pm Saturday, April 11--Old City Cemetery, 401 Taylor Street, Lynchburg, 24501, will host a free archaeology open house from 9am-5pm. Call 434-847-1465 or go to www.gravegarden.org for additional information. 434-847-1465 www. garvegarden.org Songs of the Civil War Era Sat. Apr. 11 3pm-4pm Don’t miss this special concert of
Civil War-era music performed by the Lynchburg College Choral Union in the Confederate Section. 434-847-1465 Old City Cemetery 401 Taylor Street gravegarden.org/ Artist Exhibition - Alicia Debrincat Fri. May 01 11am-4pm Alicia Debrincat’s work combines photography, printmaking, and painting to examine out relationship to the archive, and to explore the relationship between image-making and our understanding of the human experience. The exhibition opening is from 5:30 – 8:00 pm on First Friday, May 1, and the exhibition will remain on view through June 19. Craddock-Terry gallery hours are 12-5 pm Wednesday – Sunday or by appointment. Free and open to the public. Riverviews.net Employee Stay Connected • 35
Looking for a church home? GOSPEL COMMUNITY CHURCH Phase 2: Dining and Entertainment – 4009 Murray Pl., Lynchburg, VA, 24501 Sundays – 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. http://www.gospelcc.org/ ONE COMMUNITY CHURCH 1415 Kemper St, Lynchburg, VA 24502 Sunday: 9am & 11am http://www.onecc.org/ THOMAS ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH One Mountain View Road Lynchburg, VA 24502 Sunday: 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM Wednesday Prayer Service 6:15 PM HERITAGE BAPTIST CHURCH 219 Breezewood Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502 SUNDAYS: 9:30AM & 11AM http://www.hbclynchburg.com/
36 • Employee Stay Connected
COLLEGE HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 1101 Floyd Street Lynchburg, 24501 434-845-6095 Sunday School 9:30, Worship 11:00 Wednesday Prayer 6:00 PRAYER OF FAITH TEMPLE C.O.G.I.C 3100 Hill St. Lynchburg, VA 24501 Sunday School 9:30am Worship 10:45am Bible Study Thursday 7:00pm THE REVIVAL SCENE COMMUNITY CHURCH 150 Alum Springs Road Lynchburg, VA 24502 Sundays: 10:30 am Wednesdays: 7:00 pm therevivalscene.com If you would like to add your church to the list, please email alewis@inserviceamerica.com
The ISA Family Library! Provided by NavPress Publishers
Located across from the desks of Shantae and Andrea. This collection of books has been organized into categories and by author. See the listing on the intranet. Find everything from novels to devotionals! Free to use and borrow the books for as long as needed. Simply write your name, book title & author, and dates that you take and return the book in the journal provided. Happy Reading!
Annika Paige 4/02 John Brown 4/03 Justin Campbell 4/11 Andrea Lewis 4/12 Kristina Sweeney 4/12 Cairstiona Wilson 4/13 Taneira Wade 4/20 Joshua Tarpley 4/28 Bethanne Tarpley 4/29 38 • Employee Stay Connected
Congratulations! Employee Anniversaries
Sh e ila Mu l l i ns 4 /05 /1 1 Z i kk i e Payn e 4 /05 /1 1 Ta nj a T. Tuc ker 4 /0 6 /13 Sha raya M. Mitc h el l 4 /10 /12 Lysa Meeks 4 /1 1/1 1 E tta Byrd 4 /16 /14 P rec iou s S . McI ntos h 4 /1 7/13 C h ri stop h er U nderwood 4 /18/14 Stev e n Rog ers 4 /18/14 Mic h e l le L ee 4 /18/14 K rystal N. Cru tc h fi el d 4 /24 /13 D ia n n e Thomp son 4 /24 /09 Ja n e White 4 /29 /05 Employee Stay Connected • 39
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Employee Stay Connected • 41
Top 10 facts about April 1. In Old English the month of April was called Eastermonad. 2. According to a recent survey, 62 per cent of people named April believe April is a good name for a baby. 3. April was the 233rd most popular name given to a girl baby in the UK in 2012, just ahead of Josephine but behind Natalie. 4. The earliest known use of the phrase April Fool dates back to 1693. 5. In the US, April is national poetry month. From 1987-1996 it was also International Guitar Month. 6. The term April gentleman in English used to refer to a newlymarried man (by implication, therefore, a fool). 7. “April is the cruellest month...” (opening line to TS Eliot’s The Waste Land). 8. In Belgium, France and Italy, there is an April Fool tradition of playing pranks on people by tacking paper fish on their backs. 9. For that reason, the French and Belgians call April Fool’s Day Poisson d’Avril (April fish). 10. “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen,” (opening line of George Orwell’s 1984).
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Devotional & Bible Reading Don’t get discouraged if you miss a day or more and miss out on the passages... You can pick up right where you left off or jump to the current day and catch up on the other passages later. And if you only start the reading plan in the middle of a month that’s still the perfect time to start reading! That’s the great thing about the Bible, there is no set way you have to read it... The only important thing is that you DO read. If you’re not ready to tackle reading the whole Bible, don’t give up! You can start out reading Proverbs to get a start. It’s full of great truths and wisdom to help you in all stages of life. Plus it’s easy to know what chapter to read on which day.... There are 31 chapters in Proverbs, just read the chapter that matches the day of the month and soon you will have ready the whole book!
April’s Reading Plan: Apr 1 Judg 6‐7 Apr 2 Judg 8‐9 Apr 3 Judg 10‐12 Apr 4 Judg 13‐15 Apr 5 Judg 16‐18 Apr 6 Judg 19‐21 Apr 7 Ruth 1‐4 Apr 8 1 Sam 1‐3 Apr 9 1 Sam 4‐8 Apr 10 1 Sam 9‐12
Apr 11 1 Sam 13‐14 Apr 12 1 Sam 15‐17 Apr 13 1 Sam 18‐20, Ps 11, Ps 59 Apr 14 1 Sam 21‐24 Apr 15 Ps 7, Ps 27, Ps 31, Ps 34, Ps 52 Apr 16 Ps 56, Ps 120, Ps 140‐142 Apr 17 1 Sam 25‐27 Apr 18 Ps 17, Ps 35, Ps 54, Ps 63 Apr 19 1 Sam 28‐31, Ps 18 Apr 20 Ps 121, Ps 123‐125, Ps 128‐130
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Apr 21 2 Sam 1‐4 Apr 22 Ps 6, Ps 8‐10, Ps 14, Ps 16, Ps 19, Ps 21 Apr 23 1 Chr 1‐2 Apr 24 Ps 43‐45, Ps 49, Ps 84‐85, Ps 87 Apr 25 1 Chr 3‐5 Apr 26 Ps 73, Ps 77‐78 Apr 27 1 Chr 6 Apr 28 Ps 81, Ps 88, Ps 92‐93 Apr 29 1 Chr 7‐10 Apr 30 Ps 102‐104
Gen 1‐3 Gen 4‐7 Gen 8‐11 Job 1‐5 Job 6‐9 Job 10‐13 Job 14‐16 Job 17‐20 Job 21‐23 Job 24‐28 Job 29‐31 Job 32‐34 Job 35‐37 Job 38‐39 Job 40‐42 Gen 12‐15 Gen 16‐18 Gen 19‐21 Gen 22‐24 Gen 25‐26 Gen 27‐29 Gen 30‐31 Gen 32‐34 Gen 35‐37 Gen 38‐40 Gen 41‐42 Gen 43‐45 Gen 46‐47 Gen 48‐50 Ex 1‐3 Ex 4‐6 Ex 7‐9 Ex 10‐12 Ex 13‐15 Ex 16‐18 Ex 19‐21 Ex 22‐24 Ex 25‐27 Ex 28‐29 Ex 30‐32 Ex 33‐35 Ex 36‐38 Ex 39‐40 Lev 1‐4 Lev 5‐7 Lev 8‐10 Feb 16 Feb 17 Feb 18 Feb 19 Feb 20 Feb 21 Feb 22 Feb 23 Feb 24 Feb 25 Feb 26 Feb 27 Feb 28 Mar 1 Mar 2 Mar 3 Mar 4 Mar 5 Mar 6 Mar 7 Mar 8 Mar 9 Mar 10 Mar 11 Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 17 Mar 18 Mar 19 Mar 20 Mar 21 Mar 22 Mar 23 Mar 24 Mar 25 Mar 26 Mar 27 Mar 28 Mar 29 Mar 30 Mar 31 Apr 1 Apr 2
Lev 11‐13 Lev 14‐15 Lev 16‐18 Lev 19‐21 Lev 22‐23 Lev 24‐25 Lev 26‐27 Num 1‐2 Num 3‐4 Num 5‐6 Num 7 Num 8‐10 Num 11‐13 Num 14‐15, Ps 90 Num 16‐17 Num 18‐20 Num 21‐22 Num 23‐25 Num 26‐27 Num 28‐30 Num 31‐32 Num 33‐34 Num 35‐36 Deut 1‐2 Deut 3‐4 Deut 5‐7 Deut 8‐10 Deut 11‐13 Deut 14‐16 Deut 17‐20 Deut 21‐23 Deut 24‐27 Deut 28‐29 Deut 30‐31 Deut 32‐34, Ps 91 Josh 1‐4 Josh 5‐8 Josh 9‐11 Josh 12‐15 Josh 16‐18 Josh 19‐21 Josh 22‐24 Judg 1‐2 Judg 3‐5 Judg 6‐7 Judg 8‐9
Copyright ©Back to the Bible (www.backtothebible.org).
Jan 1 Jan 2 Jan 3 Jan 4 Jan 5 Jan 6 Jan 7 Jan 8 Jan 9 Jan 10 Jan 11 Jan 12 Jan 13 Jan 14 Jan 15 Jan 16 Jan 17 Jan 18 Jan 19 Jan 20 Jan 21 Jan 22 Jan 23 Jan 24 Jan 25 Jan 26 Jan 27 Jan 28 Jan 29 Jan 30 Jan 31 Feb 1 Feb 2 Feb 3 Feb 4 Feb 5 Feb 6 Feb 7 Feb 8 Feb 9 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 12 Feb 13 Feb 14 Feb 15
Chronological Bible Reading Plan (www.esv.org/biblereadingplans)
May 7 May 8 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16
Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6
Apr 3 Apr 4 Apr 5 Apr 6 Apr 7 Apr 8 Apr 9 Apr 10 Apr 11 Apr 12 Apr 13 Apr 14 Apr 15 Apr 16 Apr 17 Apr 18 Apr 19 Apr 20 Apr 21 Apr 22
Judg 10‐12 Judg 13‐15 Judg 16‐18 Judg 19‐21 Ruth 1‐4 1 Sam 1‐3 1 Sam 4‐8 1 Sam 9‐12 1 Sam 13‐14 1 Sam 15‐17 1 Sam 18‐20, Ps 11, Ps 59 1 Sam 21‐24 Ps 7, Ps 27, Ps 31, Ps 34, Ps 52 Ps 56, Ps 120, Ps 140‐142 1 Sam 25‐27 Ps 17, Ps 35, Ps 54, Ps 63 1 Sam 28‐31, Ps 18 Ps 121, Ps 123‐125, Ps 128‐130 2 Sam 1‐4 Ps 6, Ps 8‐10, Ps 14, Ps 16, Ps 19, Ps 21 1 Chr 1‐2 Ps 43‐45, Ps 49, Ps 84‐85, Ps 87 1 Chr 3‐5 Ps 73, Ps 77‐78 1 Chr 6 Ps 81, Ps 88, Ps 92‐93 1 Chr 7‐10 Ps 102‐104 2 Sam 5:1‐10, 1 Chr 11‐12 Ps 133 Ps 106‐107 2 Sam 5:11‐6:23, 1 Chr 13‐16 Ps 1‐2, Ps 15, Ps 22‐24, Ps 47, Ps 68 Ps 89, Ps 96, Ps 100, Ps 101, Ps 105, Ps 132 2 Sam 7, 1 Chr 17 Ps 25, Ps 29, Ps 33, Ps 36, Ps 39 2 Sam 8‐9, 1 Chr 18 Ps 50, Ps 53, Ps 60, Ps 75 2 Sam 10, 1 Chr 19, Ps 20 Ps 65‐67, Ps 69‐70 2 Sam 11‐12, 1 Chr 20 Ps 32, Ps 51, Ps 86, Ps 122 2 Sam 13‐15 Ps 3‐4, Ps 12‐13, Ps 28, Ps 55
May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31 Jun 1 Jun 2 Jun 3 Jun 4 Jun 5 Jun 6 Jun 7 Jun 8 Jun 9 Jun 10 Jun 11 Jun 12 Jun 13 Jun 14 Jun 15 Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun 18 Jun 19 Jun 20 Jun 21 Jun 22 Jun 23 Jun 24 Jun 25 Jun 26 Jun 27 Jun 28 Jun 29 Jun 30 Jul 1
2 Sam 16‐18 Ps 26, Ps 40, Ps 58, Ps 61‐62, Ps 64 2 Sam 19‐21 Ps 5, Ps 38, Ps 41‐42 2 Sam 22‐23, Ps 57 Ps 95, Ps 97‐99 2 Sam 24, 1 Chr 21‐22, Ps 30 Ps 108‐110 1 Chr 23‐25 Ps 131, Ps 138‐139, Ps 143‐145 1 Chr 26‐29, Ps 127 Ps 111‐118 1 Kgs 1‐2, Ps 37, Ps 71, Ps 94 Ps 119:1‐88 1 Kgs 3‐4, 2 Chr 1, Ps 72 Ps 119:89‐176 Sng 1‐8 Prov 1‐3 Prov 4‐6 Prov 7‐9 Prov 10‐12 Prov 13‐15 Prov 16‐18 Prov 19‐21 Prov 22‐24 1 Kgs 5‐6, 2 Chr 2‐3 1 Kgs 7, 2 Chr 4 1 Kgs 8, 2 Chr 5 2 Chr 6‐7, Ps 136 Ps 134, Ps 146‐150 1 Kgs 9, 2 Chr 8 Prov 25‐26 Prov 27‐29 Eccl 1‐6 Eccl 7‐12 1 Kgs 10‐11, 2 Chr 9 Prov 30‐31 1 Kgs 12‐14 2 Chr 10‐12 1 Kgs 15:1‐24, 2 Chr 13‐16 1 Kgs 15:25‐16:34, 2 Chr 17 1 Kgs 17‐19 1 Kgs 20‐21 1 Kgs 22, 2 Chr 18 2 Chr 19‐23 Obad 1, Ps 82‐83
2 Kgs 1‐4 2 Kgs 5‐8 2 Kgs 9‐11 2 Kgs 12‐13, 2 Chr 24 2 Kgs 14, 2 Chr 25 Jonah 1‐4 2 Kgs 15, 2 Chr 26 Isa 1‐4 Isa 5‐8 Amos 1‐5 Amos 6‐9 2 Chr 27, Isa 9‐12 Mic 1‐7 2 Chr 28, 2 Kgs 16‐17 Isa 13‐17 Isa 18‐22 Isa 23‐27 2 Kgs 18:1‐8, 2 Chr 29‐31, Ps 48 Hos 1‐7 Hos 8‐14 Isa 28‐30 Isa 31‐34 Isa 35‐36 Isa 37‐39, Ps 76 Isa 40‐43 Isa 44‐48 2 Kgs 18:9‐19:37, Ps 46, Ps 80, Ps 135 Isa 49‐53 Isa 54‐58 Isa 59‐63 Isa 64‐66 2 Kgs 20‐21 2 Chr 32‐33 Nahum 1‐3 2 Kgs 22‐23, 2 Chr 34‐35 Zeph 1‐3 Jer 1‐3 Jer 4‐6 Jer 7‐9 Jer 10‐13 Jer 14‐17 Jer 18‐22 Jer 23‐25 Jer 26‐29 Jer 30‐31 Jer 32‐34 Aug 17 Aug 18 Aug 19 Aug 20 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug 25 Aug 26 Aug 27 Aug 28 Aug 29 Aug 30 Aug 31 Sep 1 Sep 2 Sep 3 Sep 4 Sep 5 Sep 6 Sep 7 Sep 8 Sep 9 Sep 10 Sep 11 Sep 12 Sep 13 Sep 14 Sep 15 Sep 16 Sep 17 Sep 18 Sep 19 Sep 20 Sep 21 Sep 22 Sep 23 Sep 24 Sep 25 Sep 26 Sep 27 Sep 28 Sep 29 Sep 30 Oct 1
Jer 35‐37 Jer 38‐40, Ps 74, Ps 79 2 Kgs 24‐25, 2 Chr 36 Hab 1‐3 Jer 41‐45 Jer 46‐48 Jer 49‐50 Jer 51‐52 Lam 1:1‐3:36 Lam 3:37‐5:22 Ezek 1‐4 Ezek 5‐8 Ezek 9‐12 Ezek 13‐15 Ezek 16‐17 Ezek 18‐19 Ezek 20‐21 Ezek 22‐23 Ezek 24‐27 Ezek 28‐31 Ezek 32‐34 Ezek 35‐37 Ezek 38‐39 Ezek 40‐41 Ezek 42‐43 Ezek 44‐45 Ezek 46‐48 Joel 1‐3 Dan 1‐3 Dan 4‐6 Dan 7‐9 Dan 10‐12 Ezra 1‐3 Ezra 4‐6, Ps 137 Hag 1‐2 Zech 1‐7 Zech 8‐14 Est 1‐5 Est 6‐10 Ezra 7‐10 Neh 1‐5 Neh 6‐7 Neh 8‐10 Neh 11‐13, Ps 126 Mal 1‐4 Luke 1, John 1:1‐14
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Submit your praises & prayer request to Andrea Lewis with the subject line “Stay Connected Prayer” at alewis@inserviceamerica.com
46 • Employee Stay Connected
Copyright ©Back to the Bible (www.backtothebible.org).
Jul 2 Jul 3 Jul 4 Jul 5 Jul 6 Jul 7 Jul 8 Jul 9 Jul 10 Jul 11 Jul 12 Jul 13 Jul 14 Jul 15 Jul 16 Jul 17 Jul 18 Jul 19 Jul 20 Jul 21 Jul 22 Jul 23 Jul 24 Jul 25 Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 28 Jul 29 Jul 30 Jul 31 Aug 1 Aug 2 Aug 3 Aug 4 Aug 5 Aug 6 Aug 7 Aug 8 Aug 9 Aug 10 Aug 11 Aug 12 Aug 13 Aug 14 Aug 15 Aug 16
Chronological Bible Reading Plan (www.esv.org/biblereadingplans) Oct 2 Oct 3 Oct 4 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 8 Oct 9 Oct 10 Oct 11 Oct 12 Oct 13 Oct 14 Oct 15 Oct 16 Oct 17 Oct 18 Oct 19 Oct 20 Oct 21 Oct 22 Oct 23 Oct 24 Oct 25 Oct 26 Oct 27 Oct 28 Oct 29 Oct 30 Oct 31 Nov 1 Nov 2 Nov 3 Nov 4 Nov 5 Nov 6 Nov 7 Nov 8 Nov 9 Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov 12 Nov 13 Nov 14 Nov 15 Nov 16
Matt 1, Luke 2:1‐38 Matt 2, Luke 2:39‐52 Matt 3, Mark 1, Luke 3 Matt 4, Luke 4‐5, John 1:15‐51 John 2‐4 Mark 2 John 5 Matt 12:1‐21, Mark 3, Luke 6 Matt 5‐7 Matt 8:1‐13, Luke 7 Matt 11 Matt 12:22‐50, Luke 11 Matt 13, Luke 8 Matt 8:14‐34, Mark 4‐5 Matt 9‐10 Matt 14, Mark 6, Luke 9:1‐17 John 6 Matt 15, Mark 7 Matt 16, Mark 8, Luke 9:18‐27 Matt 17, Mark 9, Luke 9:28‐62 Matt 18 John 7‐8 John 9:1‐10:21 Luke 10‐11, John 10:22‐42 Luke 12‐13 Luke 14‐15 Luke 16‐17:10 John 11 Luke 17:11‐18:14 Matt 19, Mark 10 Matt 20‐21 Luke 18:15‐19:48 Mark 11, John 12 Matt 22, Mark 12 Matt 23, Luke 20‐21 Mark 13 Matt 24 Matt 25 Matt 26, Mark 14 Luke 22, John 13 John 14‐17 Matt 27, Mark 15 Luke 23, John 18‐19 Matt 28, Mark 16 Luke 24, John 20‐21 Acts 1‐3
Nov 17 Nov 18 Nov 19 Nov 20 Nov 21 Nov 22 Nov 23 Nov 24 Nov 25 Nov 26 Nov 27 Nov 28 Nov 29 Nov 30 Dec 1 Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 4 Dec 5 Dec 6 Dec 7 Dec 8 Dec 9 Dec 10 Dec 11 Dec 12 Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec 18 Dec 19 Dec 20 Dec 21 Dec 22 Dec 23 Dec 24 Dec 25 Dec 26 Dec 27 Dec 28 Dec 29 Dec 30 Dec 31
Acts 4‐6 Acts 7‐8 Acts 9‐10 Acts 11‐12 Acts 13‐14 Jas 1‐5 Acts 15‐16 Gal 1‐3 Gal 4‐6 Acts 17‐18:18 1 Thes 1‐5, 2 Thes 1‐3 Acts 18:19‐19:41 1 Cor 1‐4 1 Cor 5‐8 1 Cor 9‐11 1 Cor 12‐14 1 Cor 15‐16 2 Cor 1‐4 2 Cor 5‐9 2 Cor 10‐13 Acts 20:1‐3, Rom 1‐3 Rom 4‐7 Rom 8‐10 Rom 11‐13 Rom 14‐16 Acts 20:4‐23:35 Acts 24‐26 Acts 27‐28 Col 1‐4, Phm 1 Eph 1‐6 Phil 1‐4 1 Tim 1‐6 Titus 1‐3 1 Pet 1‐5 Heb 1‐6 Heb 7‐10 Heb 11‐13 2 Tim 1‐4 2 Pet 1‐3, Jude 1 1 Jn 1‐5 2 Jn 1, 3 Jn 1 Rev 1‐5 Rev 6‐11 Rev 12‐18 Rev 19‐22
Praise Reports
In this month of thanks giving and receiving, take a moment to pause and consider the many blessings that God has given in your life. Write them below and read them every day this month to help you remember His great mercies!
Prayer Requests
Employee Stay Connected • 47