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Impact Evaluation of Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania: Endline

Table 51 Maths performance band descriptors

Score range Items1 Competency descriptor

BAND 0 Below emerging skills at std 1 level

<-3.29 logits

None Not applicable

BAND 1E Emerging skills at std 1 curriculum level: pupils have achieved at least some of the skills below

ND: 1,2,3,4 Compare two whole numbers containing one or two digits, and identify which is larger

Between -

3.29 and1.40 logits

ADD1: 1, 2,3,4 Add whole numbers containing one digit to get a total not exceeding 10

SUB1: 1 Subtract whole numbers with values less than five

SEQ: 1,2 Fill in missing numbers in a sequence of whole numbers containing one or two digits (less than 20) going up in steps of one

BAND 1A Achieving skills at std 1 curriculum level: pupils have achieved band 1E skills and at least some of the skills below

ND: 5,7,8 Compare two whole numbers containing three digits, and identify which is larger (first digit is identical in both numbers, so essentially it is a comparison of two digit numbers)

ADD1: 5,6,7,8 Add whole numbers containing one and two digits to get a total between 10 and 20

Between1.40 and0.11 logits

ADD2: 1,2,7 Add whole numbers containing one, two digits and three digits to get a total between 20 and 999 (no carrying needed)

SUB1: 2, 3, 4,

6, 7 Subtract whole numbers containing one or two digits (less than 20) (no borrowing required)

SUB2: 1,5,7 Subtract whole numbers containing two or three digits (no borrowing needed)

WP: 1 Solve real-life problems given in words using addition of one digit numbers to get a total not exceeding 10

MULT: 1,2 Multiply one digit numbers with value less than five (from the 2, 3 and 4 times tables)

BAND 2E Emerging skills at std 2 curriculum level: pupils have achieved band 1E and band 1A skills and at least some of the skills below

ADD2: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8

Add whole numbers containing two digits and three digits to get a total between 20 and 999 (carrying needed)

SUB1: 8, 5 Subtract whole numbers containing one or two digits (less than 20) (borrowing required)

Between0.11 and 2.04 logits

SUB2: 2, 4, 6 ,8 Subtract whole numbers containing one, two or three digits (borrowing required)

SEQ: 3, 5

WP: 2, 3, 4

Fill in missing numbers in a sequence of whole numbers containing two digits going up in steps of 10 Fill in missing numbers in a sequence of whole numbers containing three digits going up in steps of one

Solve real-life problems given in words using: (i) subtraction of one digit numbers to get a total not exceeding 10; (ii) multiplication of one digit numbers to get a total not exceeding 20

MULT: 3, 4, 5 Multiply whole numbers to get a product not exceeding 72

BAND 2A Achieving std 2 curriculum level or above: pupils have achieved band 1E, band 1A, band 2E and at least some of the skills below

SUB2: 3

Subtract whole numbers containing one, two or three digits (borrowing required)

More than 2.04 logits

SEQ: 4, 6, 7, 8 Fill in missing numbers in a sequence of whole numbers containing one, two or three digits: (i) going down in steps of two or steps of 10; (ii) going up in steps of two and five.

MULT: 6 ,7, 8 Multiply whole numbers to get a product not exceeding 72 (including 8,9 and 12 times tables)

Source: OPM 2015b, p104. Notes (1): the items highlighted in small grey boxes (e.g. SUB1:7) are exceptions to the description given on the adjacent line. (2) Although the estimated item locations for 14 of the 59 items differ between BL and ML, these differences do not change the bands that these items fall into. (3) 7 items moved into adjacent categories between BL and EL as follows: ND1 (1E to 0); SEQ1 (1E to 0); SEQ3 (2E to 1A); MULT1 (1A to 2E); MULT4 (2E to 2A); MULT 5 (2E to 2A); and WP1 (1A to 1E).

Impact Evaluation of Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania: Endline

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