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Impact Evaluation of Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania: Endline Quantitative Technical Report, Volume II
Teachers attended ward cluster reflection meetings in 2016 and 2017 (% schools)
Number of days teachers attended ward cluster reflection meetings in 2016 and 2017 (mean days)
Number of hours ward cluster meetings usually took in 2016 and 2017 (mean hours)
Main topic of discussion at last ward cluster reflection meeting (% schools):
Gender responsive pedagogy
Particular curriculum competency
Time of the day when the ward cluster reflection meetings were usually held (% schools):
On school days during teaching hours
On school days after teaching hours
Outside school days
Equal balance of both
Attended at least one SPMM in the last 60 days (% Standards 1-3 teachers)
Attended four or more SPMMs in the last 60 days (% Standards 1-3 teachers)
School held four or more SPMMs in the last 60 days (% schools)
Discussion at most recent SPMM was on teaching, learning or teacher/pupil attendance (% schools)
The number of schools where at least one teacher attended any meeting with teachers from other schools in the ward to reflect on in-service training modules or teaching practices in 2016 and 2017/all schools, expressed as a percentage. Schools
The average number of days on which teachers from the school attended ward cluster meetings in 2016 and 2017 Schools
The average number of hours ward cluster meetings usually lasted in 2016 and 2017 Schools
The number of schools where the main topic of discussion of the last ward cluster meeting was x/all schools that participated in a meeting in 2016-17, expressed as a percentage. Schools
The number of schools where ward cluster meetings attended were held during x time of the day/all schools that participated in a meeting in 2016-17, expressed as a percentage.
Number of Standards 1-3 teachers that attended at least one SPMM in the last 60 days/all interviewed Standards 1-3 teachers, expressed as a percentage.
Number of Standards 1-3 teachers that attended four or more SPMMs in the last 60 days/all interviewed Standards 1-3 teachers, expressed as a percentage.
Standards 1-3 teachers
Standards 1-3 teachers
Number of schools that held four or more SPMMs in the last 60 days/all schools, expressed as a percentage. Schools
Number of schools where discussion at most recent SPMM (main or partial) was on teaching, learning or teacher/pupil attendance/all schools, expressed as a percentage.
Has teacher capacity and confidence improved? (EQUIP-T output)
Confidence in teaching new Standards 1-2 curriculum (% Standards 1-2 teachers):
Very confident
Fairly confident
Not confident
The number of teachers of Standards 1-2 that report they feel very/fairly/not confident teaching the new Standards 1-2 curriculum/all interviewed teachers of Standards 1-2, expressed as a percentage.
SPMMs are intended to be held weekly, chaired by a teacher, and attended by HTs and other teachers, to discuss teaching and learning performance.
Schools Where minutes of the most recent SPMM were available, interviewers reviewed the minutes with the head teacher to answer this question. If minutes were not available, then a verbal response was accepted.
Standards 1-2 teachers
Impact Evaluation of Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania: Endline Quantitative Technical Report, Volume II
Class size (EQUIP-T output to intermediate outcome assumptions)
Pupil enrolment by Standard (school mean)
Standard 1
Standard 2
Standard 3
Standards 1-7
Class size by Standard (mean)
Standard 1
Standard 2
Standard 3
Standards 1-7
Number of Standards 1-7 pupils per teacher (mean)
Pupils with a useable desk space (mean % pupils present during lessons)
The average number of pupils enrolled in Standard x in the current school year
The average number of pupils per class in Standard x in the current school year
The average number of pupils (all Standards) per teacher in the current school year Schools
The average of the (number of pupils with useable desk space/the total number of pupils present during the observed Standard 2 lesson, expressed as a percentage) across all lessons.
Level of teacher turnover (EQUIP-T output to intermediate outcome assumptions)
Teacher no longer at school by the next survey round (% all Standards 1-3 teachers)
Teacher no longer at school by the next survey round (% all Standards 1-7 teachers)
Baseline teacher no longer at school by endline (% all baseline Standards 1-3 teachers)
Baseline teacher no longer at school by endline (% all baseline Standards 1-7 teachers)
Teacher still teaching Standards 1-3 in same school two years later (% Standards 1-3 teachers)
Baseline teacher still teaching Standards 1-3 in same school at endline (% Standards 1-3 teachers)
Reason for leaving for teachers who are no longer at the school by the next survey round (% Standards 1-7 teachers who left):
Transferred to another school
The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 that were present at midline (baseline) but not at endline (midline)/all teachers of Standards 1-3 present at midline (baseline), expressed as a percentage.
The number of teachers of Standards 1-7 that were present at midline (baseline) but not at endline (midline)/all teachers of Standards 1-7 present at midline (baseline), expressed as a percentage.
The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 that were present at baseline but not at endline/all teachers of Standards 1-3 present at baseline, expressed as a percentage.
The number of teachers of Standards 1-7 that were present at baseline but not at endline/all teachers of Standards 1-7 present at baseline, expressed as a percentage.
The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 that are present at the same school at midline (baseline) and endline (midline) and still teaching Standards 1-3/all teachers of Standards 1-3 present at midline (baseline), expressed as a percentage.
The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 that are present at the same school at baseline and endline and still teaching Standards 1-3/all teachers of Standards 1-3 present at baseline, expressed as a percentage.
The number of former teachers reported by the head teacher to have left school by the next survey round for reason x/all former teachers, expressed as a percentage.
Standard 2 lessons observed
Standards 1-3 teachers
Standards 1-7 teachers
Standards 1-3 teachers
Standards 1-7 teachers
Standards 1-3 teachers
Standards 1-3 teachers
Former Standards 1-7 teachers
This is head teachers reporting on former teachers.