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Impact Evaluation of Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania: Endline Quantitative Technical Report, Volume II
Teacher has outstanding non-salary claims (% Standards 1-3 teachers)
The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 who reported having outstanding non-salary claims/all interviewed teachers of Standards 1-3, expressed as a percentage.
Standards 1-3 teachers
Has the use of inclusive and gender-responsive teaching practices in the classroom increased? (EQUIP-T intermediate outcome) Teacher interactions with pupils are (% lessons observed):
Gender balanced
More with boys
The number of lessons where teachers’ interaction with pupils is gender balanced/more with boys/more with girls/all Standards 2 lessons observed, expressed as a percentage.
A non-salary claim is an allowance that is due to a teacher for a variety of reasons including: leave, studies, INSET, medical, transfer, new employment, retirement, subsistence, travel abroad, disturbance, funeral, transport, and head of department.
Collection of information: Enumerators observed the entire duration of each lesson and recorded which pupils’ teachers interacted with, noting if the pupil was a boy or girl, and how many boys and girls respectively were present. A classroom gender map was completed for each subject.
More with girls
Teacher uses examples that challenge gender stereotyping (% lessons observed)
Teacher engaged with at least one pupil from all six areas of the classroom (% lessons observed)
Distribution of teacher-pupil interactions (mean % all interactions):
Front two areas
Middle two areas
Back two areas
The number of observed Standard 2 lessons where teachers use examples that challenge gender stereotyping/all Standard 2 lesson observations, expressed as a percentage.
The number of Standard 2 lessons where teacher engaged with at least one pupil from all six areas in the classroom/all Standard 2 lessons observed, expressed as a percentage.
The average of the (number of teacher interactions with pupils in the front two/middle two/back two areas of the classroom/all observed interactions, expressed as a percentage) across all lessons.
Have teaching and assessment practices improved? (EQUIP-T intermediate outcome)
Practices demonstrated by teachers during the introductory stage of a lesson (% lessons observed):
States objectives of lesson
States new skills to be acquired
Checks prior knowledge
Practices demonstrated by teachers during the concluding stage of a lesson (% lessons observed):
The number of observed Standard 2 lessons where teachers display teaching practice x fully or partly during the lesson introductory stages/all Standard 2 lesson observations, expressed as a percentage.
The number of observed Standard 2 lessons where teachers display teaching practice x fully or partly during the lesson concluding stages/all Standard 2 lesson observations, expressed as a percentage.
Standard 2 lessons observed
Indicator construction: First, teacher interactions with girls as a proportion of total teacher interactions with all pupils is computed. Second, the proportion of girls present in the classroom is computed. Teacher interaction is considered gender balanced if the difference between the proportion of interactions with girls and the proportion of girls present during the lesson is smaller than 10 percentage points.
Standard 2 lessons observed
Standard 2 lessons observed Collection of information: A classroom mapping instrument that divides the classroom into six approximately equallysized areas was used by enumerators to record the number of interactions between teachers and pupils across the six classroom areas.
Standard 2 lessons observed
Standard 2 lessons observed
For each teaching practice enumerators recorded responses as follows: ‘no’ if they did not observe the practice, ‘partly’ if they observed some of parts of the practice and ‘yes’ if they observed all required aspects of the practice.
Standard 2 lessons observed