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Impact Evaluation of Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania: Endline Quantitative Technical Report, Volume II

Checks pupils have acquired new skills or knowledge

Holds a plenary to summarise and extend learning

Practices demonstrated by teachers during the middle stages of a lesson (% lessons observed):

Pupils demonstrate in front of class

Teachers asks open ended questions

Teacher probes pupil answers

Teacher encourages pupil questions

Teacher gives feedback on pupil work

Teacher uses paired or group work

Teacher makes effective use of blackboard

Uses different instructional materials

Relates well with and praises pupils

Teacher listened to individual pupils reading a list of sounds, words or paragraph during the lesson

(% Kiswahili lessons):

Yes, to most pupils

Yes, to some pupils


Teacher demonstrates at least seven positive teaching practices (% lessons)

Lesson plan available and seen (% lessons)

Teacher reports assessing pupil academic progress during the last five days (% Standards 1-3 teachers)

Teacher shows evidence of any pupil assessment conducted in the past 5 days (% Standards 1-3 teachers)

Teacher shows evidence of the following types of pupil assessment conducted in past 5 days (% Standards 1-3 teachers):

Class exercise

Written class tests


Other written assessment

Oral evaluation

Teacher shows evidence of (% Standards 1-3 teachers):

The number of observed Standard 2 lessons where teachers display teaching practice x frequently or infrequently during the middle stages of the lesson/all Standard 2 lesson observations, expressed as a percentage.

Standard 2 lessons observed

For each teaching practice enumerators recorded responses as follows: ‘no’ if practice not observed, ‘yes, infrequently’ if practice partly observed and ‘yes, frequently’ if the practice was frequently observed.

The number of observed Standard 2 Kiswahili lessons where teacher listened to most/some/none pupils reading a list of sounds, words or paragraph during the/all Standard 2 Kiswahili lesson observations, expressed as a percentage.

Standard 2 Kiswahili lessons observed

The number of observed Standard 2 lessons where teachers demonstrate at least seven out of 14 selected teaching practices/all Standard 2 lessons observed, expressed as a percentage.

The number of observed Standard 2 lessons where teacher had a lesson plan available/all Standard 2 lessons observed, expressed as a percentage.

The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 who report assessing pupil academic progress during the last five days/all interviewed teachers of Standards 1-3, expressed as a percentage.

The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 who can show marked examples of any pupil assessment conducted in the last five days/all interviewed teachers of Standards 1-3, expressed as a percentage.

Standard 2 lessons observed

Standard 2 lessons observed

Standards 1-3 teacher

Standards 1-3 teacher

The number of teachers of Standards 1-3 able to show marked example of x assigned during the last five days/all interviewed teachers of Standards 1-3, expressed as a percentage.

Standards 1-3 teacher

Standards 1-3 teacher

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