Confidence and Connections Teacher Book 4 RIGHT - Digital View

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Adult ESL The Intercambio Way



Teacher’s Name____________________________________________________________ Phone & Email_____________________________________________________________

Student(s) Information

Important Contact Information ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Confidence and Connections Adult ESL The Intercambio™ Way Level 4 Right Teacher Book

Intercambio Uniting Communities © 2019 Confidence and Connections is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Intercambio Uniting Communities.

First Edition 2019

Printing 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2



Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

CREDITS Level 4 Right Writers Rachel Fuchs, Lee Shainis and Elena Vasileva Editors Rachel Fuchs and Elena Vasileva Design and Layout David Olivares Design Interns Arik Burton Support Team Becky Campbell-Howe, Leanne Chacon, Rachel Gracie Freeman, Debbie Goldman, Laura Houston, Sarah James, Jordana Levine, Rosie Piller, Lee Shainis, Marcie Smith, and Minna Vallentine

Thank you to the following organizations and agencies that support our work and made the development of Confidence and Connections possible. Argosy Foundation Jacques M. Littlefield Foundation Red Empress Foundation Schocken Foundation Workforce Boulder County





Here Are the Top Stories…


Do You Know Anyone?


It’s a Scam!


I Don’t Have Enough Vacation Time.


How Long Have You Lived Here?


You Could Program Your Thermostat



By End of Lesson, You Can:

• Review of past, present Talk about different types of news and future tenses stories and where you get information about the news

• Talk about the news using a variety of mixed verb tenses

• Someone, anyone and no one

Ask for recommendations and talking about how to find someone to help with different projects

• Ask for and give recommendations for people that can help with different projects

• should vs. have to

Give advice for different situations and talking about how to protect yourself from scams

• Give and act on advice using “should” and “have to” • Discuss common scams in the US and how to protect yourself

• Too, too many, too much and enough

Talk about preferences and describe different activities and workplace benefits

• Express preferences and give descriptions about activities and workplace benefits using too, too much, too many and enough

• Present perfect

Talk about things that you have done or not done before in the past

• Talk about activities or things that have or haven’t happened at some point in the past • Discuss common health problems and injuries in the past

• Present perfect with for and since

Talk about things you have or haven’t done in your life and in your community

• Talk about activities I and others have done in the past • Use the words for and since to talk about for how long certain things have happened

• Could, should and make sure to

Give advice for different kinds of situations

• Give advice and express options for different situations

• will vs. going to in the future

Discuss future plans

• Talk about future plans using will and going to to express different degrees of certainty

• Might and maybe

Talk about common food allergies and preferences

• Talk about possibilities using might and maybe • Discuss common food allergies and dietary restrictions in the US

• So vs. such

Describe different experiences in the • Talk about what different experiences in past using so and such my past were like using so and such

Have You Ever Broken a Bone?


8 9


Review and Progress Check Field Trip What Will You Pack?


I Might Be Allergic to Gluten


It Was Such a Blast!


• Should / It’s a good It’s a Good Idea to idea to… / It’s important Floss Every Day to…

Give advice and discussing dental health

• Give advice using should and “it’s a good idea / important to…” • Talk about common dental health issues and how to prevent them


• Remind vs. remember Don’t Forget to Be / Don’t forget to… Here by 4

Talk about memories, reminders and how to memorize information

• Use “remind” and “remember” correctly • Discuss reminders and different ways to remember information

Talk about uniforms and clothing that you used to wear and whether or not you wear them anymore

• Talk about how things have changed or stayed the same from the past to the present using still and anymore

I Still Have to Wear a Tie

15 16

• Still vs. anymore

Review and Progress Check


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

Welcome to Confidence and Connections! The unique emphasis of this series is on using conversation to facilitate meaningful connections. It is as important for you, the teacher, to share your own stories as it is to elicit stories from your students. When you ask students questions, be sure to have them ask you questions, too. In a group setting, use pair work to encourage students to learn about one another. In one-on-one, learn about your student’s family and share information about your own. About your teacher book: Your teacher book is designed to be simple to use and make your classes as engaging and effective as possible. You’ll find a lead page at the beginning of each lesson. This page contains: • The learning objectives for the students (Students will be able to…) • Suggested materials to bring to class • Useful notes • Listening transcript In each lesson, you’ll see helpful callouts with activity notes as well as the answers for each activity. (NOTE: The answer key does not provide capitalization.) In the first two lessons, we included notes for most activities. After that, you’ll find notes only for activities that benefit from specific instructions. In the back of the book, you’ll find an in depth overview of teaching strategies for each section of the lessons, including additional engagement and expansion ideas that we encourage you to use. We've referenced sections from the back of the book within the callouts with bold text. The back inside cover of your Teacher Book has the Color Vowel™ Chart. If you do not already know how to use this tool, please go to and sign up to attend a pronunciation workshop. This fun, interactive training will help you use this tool, as well as Pronunciation Fun with Pictures (Pro Fun), and you will learn easy techniques for teaching the many sounds and stress in English. In addition, we encourage all teachers and students to use Pronunciation Fun with Pictures and The Immigrant Guide as supplements to their teaching. Happy teaching!


L1 HERE ARE THE TOP STORIES By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Talk about the news and news stories using a variety of tenses learned in previous levels What to expect? This is the first day, so don’t be discouraged if students can’t answer questions or don’t say much. Praise whatever they are able to provide. Use the board, and have them use the board with you. Be careful in a group setting not to gauge your teaching level on one talkative student—especially for the first two lessons. What to bring to class: • Table tents or name tags for student names • Pronunciation Fun to supplement the pronunciation activities • Hand mirror (or a smartphone with a camera set in selfie mode) to show mouth shapes in pronunciation activity • The Immigrant Guide to supplement the culture tip Teacher notes: We’ve provided simple definitions for a few vocabulary words and phrases that we anticipate may be challenging to define. In Lesson 1, those words are: • social media: websites or apps on which you can interact with other users/people; e.g., Facebook, Instagram • media: TV, radio, internet, and newspapers that you use to communicate with other people • economy: the money and trade system of a country Warm-up: Greet students as they enter. Be sure to start class on time (or at least start with some informal conversation) even if only one or two students are there. You can do a brief icebreaker or use warm-up activity ideas in the back section of this book. Have each student write their first name on a name tag or table tent. Do your best to pronounce students’ names the way they say them. It’s okay to ask them to clarify a few times. It is as important for you to know your students’ names as it is for students to know your and their classmates’ names. Try Conversation Rotation to learn names. Table tents are useful even in 1-1 environments as it can be hard to remember new names. In 1-1, learn the your student's name, and the names of their family, children, pets, etc. Listening Track 01 Jim: Welcome to WFRN News. Here are the top stories this evening. Tonya: A fire started this morning at a local restaurant. Firefighters put out the fire. However, one of the cooks broke his foot while evacuating the building. He’s being treated at General Hospital. Jim: Tonight is the exciting game between Brazil and England in the World Cup final. Sports fans for both teams are already lining up to get into the stadium. Lisa Smith is there now. Lisa? Lisa: Thanks, Jim. I’m at the stadium with thousands of excited fans. Some have been here since yesterday morning. It’s a sea of painted faces, and a lot of singing and yelling. Who will win the final? Well, you’ll have to wait and see. Jim: Thanks, Lisa. The World Cup final is starting tonight at 6 p.m. Tonya: Our last story of the night is about a young woman who is sailing around the world in a small boat. The 14year -old will be the first in her age group to make the trip alone. She is doing well and sends her love to her friends and family. Follow her journey online on our website.


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT


HERE ARE THE TOP STORIES Pre Explore the pictures. Ask What do you see in the pictures? This helps students activate their background knowledge about the topic and vocabulary. Read the Pre question aloud, play track, elicit answer. Ask Which news report do you find the most interesting?

A. Have students repeat each word after you. Be sure to work on stress and pronunciation.

Pre Pre

Listening warm-up. Track 01: How many people do you hear talking about the news?



Repeat after your teacher.


social media

search engine




top stories


live news

Ads = advertisements


PRONUNCIATION Listen to your teacher. Complete the sentences with the words you hear. Listen for the Z sound. Practice with a partner. A

1. Did you hear the _________________________ story about the dog? news 2. The _________________________in the news this morning made her laugh. 3. You can go to the _________________________ to get more information. 4. The ___________________________ I saw yesterday surprised me! 5. The __________________________ for next Thursday’s big sale were printed yesterday.


Pronunciation After reading each sentence twice and giving students a chance to write the correct words, have them read their answers aloud in pairs. Listen for whether they wrote the correct word and are pronouncing the z sound at the end when appropriate. You can use Pronunciation Fun for more practice and strategies on the s vs z sound. Here are possible sentences to use: 1. Did you hear the news story about the dog? 2. The stories in the news this morning made her laugh. 3. You can go to the website to get more information. 4. The headline I saw yesterday surprised me. 5. The ads they printed didn't work very well. These sentences were written intentionally so that students have to listen for the “s” ending. All of these words end in voiced consonant sounds. When this happens and the word is plural, the “s” at the end makes a “z” sound. Students often have trouble pronouncing the “s” at the end of plural words and may not be able to distinguish between an “s” or “z” sound yet. Pronouncing words that end with "s" is a common challenge, especially when the "s" makes the "z" sound. If they can't produce the "z" sound after some effort, move on and try again in a later lesson.





Complete the sentences with words from the box. search engine top story

headline media

social media ads

live news

1. There is a lot happening in the world today. Our ____________________ is the World Cup. top story 2. I use a _______________________________ to find information on the internet. 3. Be careful. Not everything you read on _________________________________ is true. 4. Today’s _____________________ in the newspaper was “President Attends European Union Meeting.” 5. When Lisa reported from the stadium in Brazil, it was ___________________________________. 6. The ___________________ includes, radio, newspapers, TV and the internet.

B. First have students work individually, then compare their answers in pairs/groups. Finally, go through the answers together. See VOCABULARY. (All bold font within the callouts indicates a reference to the teacher training notes in the back of the book, beginningF Fon page 117.)

7. When I want to buy something, I check the ___________ in the local newspaper and on the internet.



Listen again to Track 01. Circle the correct answer. 1. How many news stories did you hear?




2. What happened this morning at a restaurant?




3. What event is tonight?

film festival World Cup

Super Bowl

4. How old is the woman sailing in the boat?






C. First, have students try the task without listening to the GGmemory. Have track from students discuss their answers in pairs/groups. Then play the track to check. Ask if they need to listen again. Play it multiple times if needed. See LISTENING.

Listen to your teacher and repeat. TALKING ABOUT THE PAST What did you do last night?

I watched the news.

Were you texting during the movie?

No, I was sleeping.

TALKING ABOUT THE PRESENT Why are you reading the headlines?

I’m reading them to get the news.

Do you watch the news on TV often?

Yes, I do.

TALKING ABOUT THE FUTURE When are you going to buy tickets?

I’m going to buy them tomorrow.

Where will you watch the game?

I’ll watch it at my friend’s house.

When are you driving to the store?

I’m leaving in five minutes.


Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: B. 2. search engine 3. social media 4. headline 5. live news 6. media 7. ads C. 2. fire 3. World Cup 4. 14


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

D. FOCUS: Review of simple present, past, and future tenses. EXPANSION: Rewrite the chart on the board without the blue headers (i.e., don’t write “Talking about the Past”). Have students identify if the sentences are about the past, present, or future and explain their choices. See GRAMMAR.


GRAMMAR PRACTICE E. First, have students work individually. Then compare their answers in pairs/ groups. Finally, go through the answers together. See ENGAGEMENT AND EASY EXPANSIONS. F. After students have compared their answers in pairs/groups and checked the answers as a whole class, have them work in pairs and ask each other these questions. Encourage students to ask follow-up questions.


Circle the correct words. 1. Why are you read / reading the paper? 2. He was texting when I call /called him. 3. Gina and Matt are going to visit / visiting them next year. 4. Do you use / using social media often? 5. She listen / listened to the radio last night. 6. They’re go / going to check the movie times on the theater’s website. 7. Why are you watch / watching the news? 8. According to the news, the economy improve / will improve next year.



Read the answers. Write the questions. 1. ___________________________________________ Where are you going tonight?

I’m going to a concert tonight.

2. ___________________________________________

We went camping last weekend.

3. ___________________________________________

She’ll study for the test tomorrow.

4. ___________________________________________

No, he doesn’t watch the news often.

5. ___________________________________________

They’re going to go shopping this weekend.

6. ___________________________________________

Yes, I like playing video games.

Read the news stories. Complete the stories using the words in parentheses.

G. Pre-teach/review vocabulary if necessary: shelter, suspects, encourage, proof.



Answer Key: E. 2. called 3. visit 4. use 5. listened 6. going 7. watching 8. will improve F. 2. What did you do last weekend? 3. When will she study for the test? 4. Does he watch the news often? 5. When are they going shopping? 6. Do you like playing video games? G. 2. telling 3. evacuate 4. looking 5. stole 6. provide 7. give 8. tell





Read the news headlines below. Match the headline to the stories. Compare your answers with a partner.



What do you think these words mean? Circle the correct answer. 1. praises

a. gives positive comments

b. calls the police

2. begging

a. asking

b. walking

3. pitched in

a. gave money

b. shopped for food

4. heartfelt

a. funny

b. kind

5. hailed

a. called

b. asked

CULTURE TIP In the US, people can choose where to get their news. Different sources (TV, radio, print) may have different opinions. Is this the same in your native country? 4

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: H. 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. d I. 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

H. This reading exercise is designed to encourage contextual interpretation and also to inspire discussion. Some of these headlines could go with more than one description. The idea is that after doing this activity, students practice their speaking skills (in a variety of tenses) as they explain why they matched the headlines to each description.


Culture Tip Ask What was the most recent news story you heard about? What is the relationship between news sources and political parties in your native country? What is your favorite news source from your native country? Why? What about in the US?

1 J. Explain how to read the chart and have students work in pairs to answer the questions.


Look at the chart. Answer the questions.

TV Remains the World’s Number 1 News Source Preferred news sources of online consumers worldwide


TV 38%

Search Engines 33%

Social Media 18%

Print Newspapers


Newspaper Websites


TV News Websites 11%

Radio Print Magazines


Magazine Websites


Radio Websites


Source: Statista Based on a survey among 30,000+ online consumers (age 15+) in 60 counties

TV 1. What is the number one source of news in the world? ________________________________________

2. Which is a more popular source of news–newspapers or social media? __________________________ 3. Which is the least popular source of news? _________________________________________________ 4. Are search engines a popular source of news? ______________________________________________ 5. Where do you get your news? ___________________________________________________________

K. Encourage students to add the names of the news sources they use.


Rank your favorite news sources below. 1 = most favorite, 10 = least favorite ___ TV

___ Radio

___ Search Engines (e.g., Google)

___ Print Magazines

___ Print Newspapers

___ Magazine Websites

___ Newspaper Websites

___ Radio Websites

___ TV News Websites

Conversation Have students discuss the questions in new pairs or small groups. Encourage them to ask follow-up questions. Then ask some students to share what they have learned about their partner with the group. Make sure students ask you questions too.

CONNECT WITH CONVERSATION Get to know a partner. Talk about: • your favorite and least favorite ways to learn about the news • if you like to know about the news and why or why not


Answer Key: J. 2. social media 3. radio websites 4. yes 5. Answers will vary K. Answers will vary




Lesson 1 • Here Are the Top Stories

Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. The headline said a couple found / finding a lost dog yesterday while they were hiking. 2. Two local high school students are selling / sells furniture on social media to help their classmates. 3. Many people like to watch / watching live news on TV. 4. The top story today was that a large storm has brings / brought historic rain to our area. 5. They’ll read / reading the sports section together. 6. Police are looking / look for a suspect in the robbery. 7. The woman get / got sick after she ate food from the restaurant. 8. Did they checked / check the weather forecast for this weekend?


Put the words in the correct order. 1. She / news / the / read / yesterday. / didn’t She didnt read the news yesterday. _________________________________________________________________

Homework Students will be more likely to do homework if Pre Pre they understand how to do each activity and your expectations for it. The goal of homework is to practice outside of class, so we want them to have success with this. Discuss how to do each activity before the end of class by reading the instructions together and doing an example for each activity. Make sure to review completed homework at the beginning of next class.

2. get / newspaper / the / Sunday. / every / We _________________________________________________________________ 3. going / They’re / to go / the lake / weekend. / next / to _________________________________________________________________ 4. it / tomorrow. / He’ll / do _________________________________________________________________ 5. Do / listen / radio? / Jenny and Bob / to / the _________________________________________________________________ 6. talking / meeting? / during / you / Were / the _________________________________________________________________

JOURNAL PROMPT What kinds of news stories interest you most? Where do you get your news? Why? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 6

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Journal Encourage AA students to complete the journal activity. Providing a specific goal for length—such as 5 sentences or a paragraph— will help motivate them to do this. Alternatively, ask students to write for a specific amount of time (e.g., 10 minutes). Be sure students have an opportunity to share their responses in the next class, either in pairs, aloud, or they can turn it in so you can comment on it. When commenting on the journal entry, focus on content and not corrections—particularly if you gave students a time limit rather than a length limit.

Answer Key: L. 2. selling 3. watch 4. brought 5. read 6. looking 7. got 8. check M. 2. We get the newspaper every Sunday. 3. They’re going to go to the lake next weekend. 4. He’ll do it tomorrow. 5. Do Jenny and Bob listen to the radio? 6. Were you talking during the meeting? 8

Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

L2 DO YOU KNOW ANYONE? By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Talk about common home problems and who they need to call to fix them • Ask for and give recommendations for people to help with things around the home using someone, anyone, and no one What to bring to class: • Name cards / name tags • Pronunciation Fun to supplement the pronunciation activities • The Immigrant Guide to supplement the culture tip • Hand mirror (or a smartphone with a camera set in selfie mode) to show mouth shapes in Pronunciation Activity Teacher notes: This is the second lesson, so do not be discouraged if students can’t answer questions or don’t say much. Praise whatever they are able to provide. Model everything. Stay focused on the lesson objectives. Warm-up: Greet students. Practice the material from last class by asking a few questions using the grammar and vocabulary. Ask students about the news they’ve seen in the media or heard from someone. Review homework from last lesson. Be sure to discuss their answers to the journal section. Listening Track 02 Conversation 1 A: Hey Miguel, what are you up to? Miguel: Hey! I’m looking for a mechanic, do you know anyone? A: Yes, I know someone. Mountain Motors is a good place. Miguel: Great. Thanks. A: No problem! Conversation 2 D: Carolyn, I heard you bought a house! Congrats! Carolyn: Thanks! D: When do you move? Carolyn: In a few weeks. First, I need to have a home inspection. Do you know anybody? D: Sorry, I don’t know any home inspectors. Ask your realtor. Conversation 3 Sales associate: Let me know if I can help you find some clothes. Liz: Thank you. I like these pants, but they are too long for me. Sales associate: That’s no problem, our store has a tailor that can hem them for you. Liz: Great! Can they hem them today? Sales associate: Sorry, no one is available today. How about another day? Liz: Maybe this Thursday? Sales associate: Great! We do have someone available on Thursday.




Listening warm-up. Track 02: What is the customer looking for?

Pre Explore the pictures. Ask What do you see? Read the Pre question aloud, play track, elicit answer.



A. Have students repeat each word after you. Be sure to work on stress and pronunciation.

Repeat after your teacher. plumber








home inspection

PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat after your teacher. Cross out the words that don’t have the sh sound.













Pronunciation The sh sound: Keep your tongue in the middle of your mouth. Your teeth almost touch. The tongue touches the roof of your mouth as you blow air over it continuously. Demonstrate this sound. Have students use a mirror or cell phone (with the camera set in selfie-mode) to see the placement of the tongue. (If you have access to a large mirror, it works well to stand side-by-side in front of the mirror with a student while making the sound so that the student can see your mouth and their mouth at the same time.) See Pro Fun for more practice. See PRONUNCIATION. (All bold font within the callouts indicates a reference to the teacher training notes in the back of the book, beginning on page 117.)

Answer Key: Pronunciation. chimney, mechanic, mends, tailor, choose


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

VOCABULARY PRACTICE B. First, have students work individually. Then compare their answers in pairs/groups. Finally, go through the answers together.



Match the professional with the picture. 1. _____ d plumber 2. _____ electrician 3. _____ tailor 4. _____ chimney inspector 5. _____ mechanic







6. _____roof inspector



CC C. Go over what’s on the page so students know what they are going to listen for. Play track once without stopping. Pause to check answers in pairs. Play track again as many times as necessary. Stop if necessary.

Listen again to Track 02. Fill in the chart. CONVERSATION 1



1. Miguel needs a

3. Carolyn bought a

5. Liz needs a

mechanic __________________________



2. His friend knows

4. She needs a

6. There is __________________



available today.




anyone = anybody someone = somebody no one = nobody

Listen to your teacher and repeat.


QUESTIONS Do you know


that can hem pants?


that can fix it?

Yes, Sorry, No, Sorry,





don’t know



no one can fix it.

• We use anybody/anyone in questions and in negative answers when there is another negative word. • We use somebody/someone in affirmative sentences. We also use somebody/someone in questions when we expect an affirmative answer. • We use nobody and no one in negative sentences, when there isn’t another negative word. 8

Student Book 4 RIGHT

D. FOCUS: Q&As with someone, anyone, no one. Before students look at their books, write the chart on the board and ask them to try to figure out when we use each of those words. Then check by reading the usage rules below the chart. Go through the Tip together. NOTE: We have chosen to use that in these sentences. (Do you know someone that…?) Who is also correct. In the following activities, you can accept either from your student, but remember the focus of this lesson is on someone/anyone/no one.

Answer Key: B. 2. e 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. g C. 2. someone 3. house 4. home inspection 5. tailor 6. no one






Complete the questions and answers with someone, anyone or no one. anyone 1. Q: Do you know _______________that can fix

2. Q: Do you know someone that can hem my

my washing machine?


A: Sorry, I don’t know_____________________.

A: Yes, I know ___________________________.

3. Q: Can your roof inspector come Monday?

4. Q: Do you know somebody that can fix my sink?

A: Sorry, ______________________ is available.

A: No, I don’t know _______________________.

5. Q: I need ________________ to fix my chimney.

6. Q: Can you fix it next week?

Do you know someone?

A: Sorry, _______________________ is available

A: Sorry, I don’t know ______________________.


E. First, have students work individually. Then compare their answers in pairs/groups. Monitor and make sure everybody has the correct answer. Finally, have students role-play short dialogs.

Read the answers. Write the questions.

F. After students have compared their answers in pairs/groups and checked the answers as a whole class, have them work in pairs and ask each other these questions. Encourage students to ask followup questions. NOTE: The questions may be formatted using Do you know or Can someone. Also, someone or anyone are both correct for many of these since we do not know the intention of the speaker.

Do you know someone that can hem these pants? 1. Q: ____________________________________________________________________________?

A: Yes, I know a good tailor. 2. Q: ____________________________________________________________________________? A: Sorry, I don’t know anybody that fixes cars. 3. Q: ____________________________________________________________________________? A: Yes, someone can fix it on Monday. 4. Q: ____________________________________________________________________________? A: Sorry, nobody is available next week. 5. Q: ____________________________________________________________________________? A: Yes, I know someone that inspects homes.


Look at the incorrect words. Write the correct word on the line. 1. I know anyone that can fix it.

someone _________________

2. Sorry, I don’t know no one.


3. You know anyone that can help, right?


4. Anyone fixed the electricity.


5. I don’t know somebody that hems clothes.


6. I tried to go to the store, but it was closed. Anybody was there.



Answer Key: E. 2. someone 3. no one 4. anyone 5. someone/anyone 6. no one F. 2. Do you know anyone that fixes cars? 3. Can someone fix it on Monday? 4. Can someone fix it next week? 5. Do you know someone who inspects homes? G. 2. anyone 3. someone 4. someone 5. anyone 6. no one 12

Teacher Book 4 RIGHT



Read the ads below. Read the situations. Choose the best company to solve each problem. Discuss with a partner.


n! n in tow T optio

.3476 450.555

th We are



0 $25rojects fp off o over 0! 0 $1,0

Free ons Inspecti ional ss fe ro P Staff Quality Work ble Afforda RO OF

AGE? M A D M STOR help! We can e dead








Smart Wash Roof & Exterior


Your roof will






Leak repair


Emergency repairs



Culture Tip Expand the conversation by asking Do you need to fix anything in your house? What things did you need to fix in the past? Whom did you ask for help? In the US, services offered by electricians and plumbers can be very expensive. Why do you think that is? Are those services expensive in your native country?



What we do: Re-roofing




Qualified Residential Roofing Services New roofing

look like new!

Call today!



100% customer satisfaction guaranteed or your money back

Soft Washing



for your



g – CA e loomin lines ar


H. Before the task, ask students if they have ever had any problems with the rooves in their houses and, if so, what they did about it. Then have students work in pairs to do the task. Be sure to have students explain their choices as there may be several possible answers.


e We specializ ices in roof serv ildings for large bu Call us for a


xt project! e on your ne

free estimat



1. Brenda had a lot of rain and wind at her house last night. She wants to know if there is anything wrong with her roof.

a ______

2. Sanjay’s roof is very dark and dirty. He wants someone to help him get it back to its original color.


3. Milan owns a local restaurant and wants to install a new roof.


4. It is almost midnight, and Rita noticed that there is water coming into her home from the roof. She needs someone to fix it immediately.


5. Phil needs someone to fix problems with his store’s roof, but he wants to make sure he knows the price before he hires someone.


CULTURE TIP When you need to fix something in your home, you can ask friends and family if they know someone that can repair it. If they don’t know anyone, you can check reviews online for professionals in the area. Do you trust online reviews? Why or why not? 10

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: H. 1. Right Way Roof (a) 2. Smart Wash (b) 3. America Commercial Roofing (d) 4. Watson’s Roofer (c) 5. Right Way Roof Inspection & Repair (a)





to do li Read Marla’s to-do list, and answer the questions. st: get ro of insp 1. Does she have somebody to clean her home? ection Call: R __________________________________________ alph’s Yes, she has somebody. roofing hire m ontly c 2. Does she know someone that can do a roof inspection? leanin g serv Call: C ice __________________________________________ arrie’s c le a n ing se install rvice dining 3. Does she have someone that can fix her door? room li g h t lo ok onli __________________________________________ ne for handy fix br man r oken d 4. Does she know someone that can hem her work eferra oor ls look on pants? line fo r han dyma hem w n refe __________________________________________ ork pa rrals nts Call: E llen Br own (t Do you know anyone that can do the following ailor) things? Check the correct box. If you know someone, write the name. Share your answers with a partner.

I. Do the first one together, making sure that students answer in complete sentences using the grammar from this lesson. NOTE: Remind students that we have chosen to use that in these sentences. (Do you know someone that…)Who is also correct. In the following activities, you can accept either from your student, but remember the focus of this lesson is on someone/ anyone/no one. J. EXPANSION: Have students do a quick search on their mobile phones if they don’t know anyone who can do the things on the list. NOTE: Students will discuss this more in the Conversation activity that follows.

to do list: fix a light

need contact 

Call:______________ hem clothes

need contact 

Call:______________ fix cars

need contact 

Call:______________ repair furniture

need contact 

Call:______________ plant trees

need contact 


CONNECT WITH CONVERSATION Get to know a partner. Talk about: • who they use for the tasks in activity J • how they find recommendations for services (where they look/who they ask) • if they take care of things in their home by themselves, or if they prefer to call someone else • what they need to fix in their home soon

Answer Key: I. 1. yes 2. yes 3. no 4. yes J. Answers will vary


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT


Conversation Have students discuss the questions in new pairs or small groups. Encourage students to ask follow-up questions. Then ask some students to share what they have learned about their partner with the group. Be sure your students ask you questions too.

Homework Students will be more likely do homework if they understand how to do the activities. The goal of any homework is to practice outside of class, so it is important that they have success with it. Discuss how to do each activity before the end of class by reading the instructions together and doing an example for each activity. Make sure to review completed homework at the beginning of next class.



Lesson 2 • Do You Know Anyone?

Complete the sentences with someone, anyone or no one.


1. Does Janet know __________________ that can help me clean my house twice a month? someone 2. She doesn’t have _____________________ that can help her. 3. Is John going to hire __________________ that can inspect his roof? 4. Sorry, I don’t know ___________________ that can clean a chimney. 5. There is ___________________ in our town that can hem pants. I have to go to another town for that.


Unscramble the sentences. 1. Nora / somebody / needs / can / that / fix / chimney. / her Nora needs somebody that can fix her chimney. ________________________________________________________________________

2. know / that / anyone / pants? / hem / can / Do / you ________________________________________________________________________ 3. George / fix / can / furniture. / that / knows someone ________________________________________________________________________ 4. know / Kiki / that / anybody / fix / sink? / your / Does / can ________________________________________________________________________ 5. They / do / can / that / need / someone / home inspection. / a ________________________________________________________________________

Journal Encourage students to complete the journal activity. Providing a specific goal for length—such as 5 sentences, or a paragraph— will help motivate them to do this. Alternatively, ask students to write for a specific amount of time (e.g., 10 minutes). Be sure students have an opportunity to share their responses in the next class, either in pairs, aloud, or they can turn it in so you can comment on it. When commenting on the journal entry, focus on content and not corrections—particularly if you gave students a time limit rather than a length limit.


JOURNAL PROMPT Who do you call when you need help at your home? Write about someone you know that can fix things. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 12

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: K. 2. anyone 3. someone 4. anyone 5. no one L. 2. Do you know anyone that can hem pants? 3. George knows someone that can fix furniture. 4. Does Kiki know anybody that can fix your sink? 5. They need someone that can do a home inspection.


L3 IT’S A SCAM! By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Give advice and talk about requirements using should and have to What to bring to class: • Table tents or name tags for student names • Pronunciation Fun to supplement the pronunciation activities • The Immigrant Guide to supplement the culture tip Teacher notes: We’ve provided simple definitions for a few vocabulary words and phrases that we anticipate may be challenging to define. In Lesson 3, those words are: • suspicious: something that makes you think something is wrong • protect: to defend/keep safe • scam: a trick/plan to get money, usually in a bad way • hack: to break into a computer; to change information on another computer, usually for criminal purposes Warm-up: Greet students. Practice the material from last class by asking a few questions using the grammar and vocabulary. Review homework from last lesson. Be sure to discuss their answers to the journal section. Listening Track 03 Ursula: Hi Dan. How are you doing? Dan: I’m doing okay, but I’m upset because somebody hacked my email yesterday! Ursula: Oh no! That happens a lot these days. You should change your password every couple of months. Dan: That’s a good idea. What else should I do? Ursula: You should also shred any documents that have your personal information. Don't just recycle them. Dan: Great idea—thanks for telling me! So, do I have to call the email company to create a new password? Ursula: No, you don’t have to call. You can do that online.


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT


IT’S A SCAM! Pre Pre

Listening warm-up. Track 03: Why is Dan upset?

Pre Explore the pictures. Ask What do you see? Read the Pre question aloud, play track, elicit answer.

A. Have students repeat each word after you. Be sure to work on stress and pronunciation. NOTE: Consider pointing out that tear (GREEN) refers to a droplet of water falling from an eye, whereas tear (GRAY + R) means to rip.

Pronunciation The WOODEN HOOK sound: Your lips are slightly rounded. Draw your tongue towards the back of your mouth. The BLUE MOON sound: Position your lips like you are blowing out candles. Then vocalize. See Pro Fun for more practice.



Repeat after your teacher. , fraud alert

paper shredder







Phrasal verbs: tear up, log in


Listen and repeat after your teacher. Circle the WOODEN HOOK words and underline the BLUE MOON words. pool








Answer Key: Pronunciation. WOODEN HOOK: could, should, foot BLUE MOON: cool, suit, fruit




Fill in the alert with the correct words.


From: Forest County Sheriff’s Office


Fraud Alert

To: Me

log in


Current (1)_____________________________________! Fraud Alert



Yesterday at 2:45 PM

Please be aware of current phone, mail or online (2)___________________________ requesting information or payment: Any phone calls from the IRS claiming you owe money on your taxes Any bills or statements in the mail from (3)_______________________________ companies that you don’t know Emails requesting your password or asking you how to (4)_________________________________ to your account If you receive any of these, please call our hotline at 432-555-1097 to report it.

EE B. Before the activity, ask What kinds of scams have you heard about? What should you do if you receive a suspicious email? Have students do the task individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/groups. Finally, go through the answers together.

Don’t forget to (5)_________________________ your identity by (6)__________________________ up or (7)___________________________any documents with account or any other personal information. ice Off

Fore st


S unty heriff ’ Co



Listen again to Track 03. Circle True or False. 1. That doesn’t happen a lot.



2. You should change your password every year.



3. You should also shred any documents with personal information.



4. Dan doesn’t have to call the email company.






Listen to your teacher and repeat. QUESTIONS

What should you do

to yourself? protect

ANSWERS I You We They He She



bank statements.



important mail.

don’t have to/ doesn’t have to


the email company.

have/has to

We use should and shouldn’t to give a recommendation or advice. We use have to for requirements. We use don’t have to for something that is not a requirement. 14

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: B. 2. scams 3. suspicious 4. log in 5. protect 6. tearing 7. shredding C. 2. FALSE 3. TRUE 4. TRUE 18

Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

C. Go over what’s on the page so students know what they are going to listen for (whether the statements are true or false). Play track once without stopping. Pause to check answers in pairs. Play track again as many times as necessary. Stop if necessary.

D. FOCUS: Q&As with modal verbs should/shouldn’t, have to/don’t have to. Have students look at the chart and ask What word do we use to give a recommendation or advice? (should) What word do we use to talk about requirements or obligations? (have to) What do we say if something is not required? (don’t have to). NOTE: Another way to say have to is need to or got to (which is pronounced like gotta).


GRAMMAR PRACTICE E. First, have students work individually. Then compare their answers in pairs/ groups. Finally, go through the answers together.


Circle the correct words. 1. I should / don’t have to watch for scams. 2. You should / shouldn’t use the same password for all your accounts. 3. He shouldn’t / had to change his passwords after hackers stole his identity. 4. Her father doesn’t have to / has to call the email company. He can change his password online. 5. They should / don’t have to log in to check their credit card for suspicious charges. 6. We were upset after someone stole our credit card. We were happy that we shouldn’t / don’t have to pay for the charges! 7. You should / don’t have to choose a strong password. It’s safer.

F. After students have completed the task and compared their answers in pairs/groups, have them role-play the dialog. NOTE: Elicit the difference between spam and scam.


Complete the dialogue with should, shouldn’t or have to. should I do? Avery: Hey Nico! I received a suspicious email today asking for my password. What (1) ___________

Nico: Oh no! It’s probably a scam. You (2) ____________ respond to it. You (3) _______________ just delete it. Avery: Do I (4) _______________ report it to someone? Nico: You don’t (5) _______________ report it, but you probably (6) ________________. You can just send an email to the government’s email address for reporting spam: Avery: Okay, thanks!

G. Ask students if they do the things listed in the answers. NOTE: The key to writing the sentence correctly is to identify the correct pronoun. We've chosen to use "should" in all questions given that should is used for recommendations or advice. However, informally, it would be accurate to use "have to" for a similar context.


Write questions for the answers. What should you do with important documents? 1. Q:_______________________________________________________________________ A: You should shred important documents.

2. Q: ______________________________________________________________________ A: Yes, he should recycle his plastic bottles. 3. Q:_______________________________________________________________________ A: No, you don’t have to change your password every day. 4. Q:_______________________________________________________________________ A: No, don’t call if someone hacks your email. Change your password online.


Answer Key: E. 2. shouldn’t 3. had to 4. doesn’t have to 5. should 6. don’t have to 7. should F. 2. shouldn’t 3. should 4. have to 5. have to 6. should G. 2. Should he recycle his plastic bottles? 3. Should I change my password everyday? 4. Should I call if someone hacks my email?




Read about the recommendations. Answer the questions.

JI H. Before the task, elicit/explain identity theft. Have students work in pairs to brainstorm what a person should do if they are a victim of identity theft. Then have students read the text to check their ideas and answer the questions.

1. What should you do if you think there was fraud with your wages? ______________________________________________________________________________ You should talk to your employer right away.


2. What should credit card companies do if your card was stolen? ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What should you do if your identity was stolen? ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Will you have to pay for charges that someone else made with your card? ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Should you use the same password for all accounts? ______________________________________________________________________________

CULTURE TIP You should not share your personal information if someone calls or emails you asking for it. You should only share personal information when you are the one contacting the company. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) does not call people asking for money. Are there scams or identity theft in your native country? What kinds are common? 16

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Culture Tip Expand the conversation by asking Have you ever received a suspicious phone call? What did the scammers want you to do/say? Use The Immigrant Guide (Finance section) to expand the conversation.

Answer Key: H. 2. They should issue you a new credit card in 8-10 business days. 3. You should file a police report. 4. No, you shouldn't have to pay for charges that you did not make. 5. You should use different passwords for each of your accounts. 20

Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

3 JI I. This activity prepares students for discussion in Connect with Conversation. Be sure to have students share why the passwords that shouldn't be used aren't strong ones.

Look at the chart about how to create a strong password. Check which passwords should be used and which shouldn’t. Compare with a partner.







1. cheese123

Upper and Lowercase


8+ Characters

Son’s Name

Abbreviated Phrases

Pet’s Name

2. May201980 3. bigtrees5 4. Kire98#52!

!#$*&% 123456

Symbols and Numbers


Common Words

5. bobbyA3$myu






6. !@#$%

What do you think someone should do in the following situations? SITUATION



someone stole my password

create a new password

use a password with only letters

crashed into a parked car lost my credit cards want to meet more people want to earn more money

Conversation Have students discuss the questions in new pairs or small groups. Encourage them to ask follow-up questions. Then ask some students to share what each of them have learned about their partner with the group. Make sure students ask you questions too.

CONNECT WITH CONVERSATION Get to know a partner. Talk about: • your recommendations from activity J • what you do now or will do in the future to protect yourself from identity theft • scams you know about


Answer Key: I. 1. shouldn’t use 2. shouldn’t use 3. shouldn’t use 4. should use 5. should use 6. should use J. Answers will vary




Lesson 3 • It’s a Scam!

Complete the sentences with should, shouldn’t or have to. 1. Do we ___________ have to report suspicious emails? 2. Where ____________ I go if I want to report a scam? 3. They ____________ share their passwords with their friends. 4. We _____________ change our password because we can’t remember the old one.

Pre Pre

Walk through each homework activity. Confirm that students understand each activity by doing examples.

5. When ______________ Ben talk to the police? 6. How many letters and numbers _____________ I have in my password?



Match the problem to the advice. 1. ____ d Marie lost her driver’s license.

a. They don’t have to eat anything.

2. ____ Jacob feels sick.

b. He should see a doctor.

3. ____ We can’t pay our bill.

c. She should ask her friend.

4. ____ They aren’t hungry.

d. She has to go to the DMV to get a new one.

5. ____ She needs someone that can help her.

e. You should call the company to let them know.

Write answers to the questions. Use the words in parentheses. 1. What should I do if someone uses my credit card? You should call the credit card company. _____________________________________________________________ (call the credit card company)

2. What should they do if someone calls to ask for their password? ____________________________________________________________________ (not / give it to them) 3. What do we have to do if we don’t remember our password?


_________________________________________________________________ (create a new password) 4. Who should she call if she loses her credit card? ________________________________________________________________________________ (bank)

JOURNAL PROMPT Write about a time you or someone you know received a suspicious phone call or email. What happened? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 18

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: K. 2. should 3. shouldn’t 4. have to 5. should 6.should L. 2. b 3. e 4. a 5. c M. 2. You shouldn't give it to them. 3. We have to create a new password. 4. She should call the bank. 22

Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

L4 I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH VACATION TIME By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Talk about stressful situations using too or enough • Talk about basic work policies and time off in the US What to bring to class: • Table tents or name tags for student names • Pronunciation Fun to supplement the pronunciation activities • The Immigrant Guide to supplement the culture tip Teacher notes: We’ve provided simple definitions for a few vocabulary words and phrases that we anticipate may be challenging to define. In Lesson 4, those words are: • supportive: gives help or is always available to assist you • intense: very strong; for example, strong feeling or opinions are intense • gossip: talk about other people Warm-up: Greet students. Practice the material from last class by asking a few questions using the grammar and vocabulary. Ask What should you do to improve your English? What do you have to do to complete the English course successfully? Review homework from last lesson. Be sure to discuss their answers to the journal section. Listening Track 04 Anna: Hey Ben. How’s it going? You look a little stressed. Ben: It’s going okay, but I think I am going to quit my job at the restaurant. Anna: Really? Why are you quitting your job? Ben: It is too intense. I work a lot of nights and weekends and I don’t get enough vacation time. Anna: Oh, yeah—that’s not good. Are you going to look for a different job? Ben: Yes, my cousin works for a store downtown. There are a lot of openings now. I’m going to apply for a job there. I just hope the salary is high enough for the position I want. Anna: Well, good luck! I hope it isn’t too challenging for you to find another job. Ben: Thanks!




Listening warm-up. Track 04: When is Tim going on vacation?

Pre Explore the pictures. Ask What do you see? Read the Pre question aloud, play track, elicit answer.


A. Have students repeat each word after you. Be sure to work on stress and pronunciation. EXPANSION: Spend time working on the pronunciation of salary (RED)/celery (BLACK). Use Pronunciation Fun for ideas on how to work on these sounds.

VOCABULARY WORDS & PHRASES Repeat after your teacher.

quit a job

vacation time

sick time









PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat after your teacher. Cross out the words in each line that don’t have three syllables.



















Pronunciation First, have students do the task individually or in pairs. Then read the words and have them check their answers. You can write the words on the board and mark the syllables. NOTE: You'll want to point out that while reference, in line 3, appears to have three syllables, many people say it as two: reference.

Answer Key: Pronunciation. 2. opportunities 3. reference, gossip 4. intense


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

VOCABULARY PRACTICE B. Students may need help understanding how to fill in a crossword puzzle. Point out that the number of boxes indicates the number of letters the word will have. Remind students that they will be using the words from the vocabulary on the previous page. First, have students work individually. Then compare their answers in pairs/ groups. Finally, go through the answers together.



Complete the crossword puzzle. Use the clues below. 1

ACROSS 4. Someone that helps you is _________. 5. Another word for supervisor 7. If you don’t like your job, you can _______. 8. Another word for difficult

2 3












DOWN 1. When people talk about other people when they are not present, it is called _________. 2. When you work too many hours, your job can be too __________. 3. It is good to have a job with a lot of ______________ to grow. 6. The amount of money you receive for a job is called your __________.

5 6 7



LISTENING C. First, have students try the task without listening to the track. Have students discuss their answers in pairs/groups. Then play the track to check. Ask if they need to listen again. Play it multiple times if needed. D. FOCUS: Statements with too, too many, too much, and enough. Have students look at the chart and ask Do we put “too” before or after an adjective? Do we put “enough” before or after an adjective? What about nouns? Elicit more examples from students.


Listen again to Track 04. Circle the reasons why Ben is quitting his job. 1. too intense

2. salary isn’t high enough

4. too much gossip

5. not enough vacation time


3. too many night/weekend hours



Listen to your teacher and repeat. It







work There’s


stressful. enough.

challenging enough

hours at work.

too many


too much



We use too, too many, too much and enough to indicate the amount of something. • Too goes before an adjective (describing word) and means something is more than what is needed. • Too many goes before a noun (thing) you can count. Too much goes before a noun you cannot count. • Enough goes after an adjective or noun and means sufficient. 20

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: B. Across: 4. supportive 5. boss 7. quit 8. challenging Down: 1. gossip 2. intense 3. opportunities 6. salary C. 1. too intense 3. too many night/weekend hours 5. not enough vacation time





E. First, have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/groups. Finally, go through the answers together.

Read the sentences. Circle the correct word. 1. There is too much / too many gossip at work. 2. Is the salary high enough / too much? 3. Does he work too much / too many hours? 4. That job isn’t close too much / enough to my house. 5. Her job is very stressful. It is too / enough intense. 6. Their position doesn’t have too / enough sick time. 7. They like their job. It isn’t too / enough challenging. 8. His resume looks good, but he doesn’t have too much / enough references. 9. My boss doesn’t help me. He isn’t supportive too much / enough. 10. They are going to quit their job because they don’t have too many / enough vacation time.


Unscramble the sentences. Why is she quitting her job? 1. quitting / job? / she / her / Why / is ______________________________________________________

2. boss / isn’t / enough. / supportive / My


3. They / vacation / time. / have / enough / don’t



4. work / many / hours? / too / you / Do


5. isn’t / work / challenging / The / enough.


Complete the sentences with too or enough. enough 1. Q: Is your work challenging __________________?

A: Yes, but I have to work ___________ many hours.

2. Q: Is his job _____________ stressful? A: Yes, his boss is ____________ intense.

3. Q: Why is she quitting her job? Is it ______ stressful? 4. Q: Are they able to work _________ hours? A: She doesn’t get __________ vacation time. 5. Q: Are their co-workers supportive _____________? A: Yes, but their job is ______________ intense.


F. First, have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/groups. Monitor and make sure everybody has the correct answer. Finally, have students role-play short dialogs. G. EXPANSION: Use colored index cards for a sentence scramble activity.

A: Yes, but the salary is __________ low. 6. Q: Is the salary high ____________? A: Yes, but it has __________ many hours.

Rewrite the sentences using enough. 1. John needs more hours.

______________________________________________________ John doesn’t have enough hours.

2. They need more vacation time.


3. She needs more opportunities.



Answer Key: E. 2. enough 3. too many 4. enough 5. too 6. enough 7. too 8. enough 9. enough 10. enough F. 2. My boss isn’t supportive enough. 3. They don’t have enough vacation time. 4. Do you work too many hours? 5. The work isn’t challenging enough. G. 1A. too 2. too/too 3. too/enough 4. enough/too 5. enough/too 6. enough/too H. 2. They don’t have enough vacation time. 3. She doesn’t have enough opportunities. 26

Teacher Book 4 RIGHT


REAL LIFE / YOUR LIFE I. Before the task, ask How many days of paid vacation do Americans have? Do you know any interesting facts about paid vacation days in other countries? Pre-teach/ review mandatory. Then have students work in pairs to answer the questions. Discuss the answers together.


Look at the chart of paid vacation times around the world. Answer the questions and check with a partner.

Paid Vacation


1. Which country has the fewest total vacation days?



United Kingdom

2. Which of these countries has the most public holidays?




3. Which country has the most paid annual vacation days?



United Kingdom

4. Circle your native country if it’s on the chart. How many paid vacation days does it have? _______________________________________________________________________ 5. What do you think about the amount of paid vacation time in the United States? _______________________________________________________________________

Culture Tip Ask How many vacation days would you like to have each year? What do you usually do on vacation? Use The Immigrant Guide (Jobs and the Workplace section) to expand the conversation.

CULTURE TIP The US does not have standard paid vacation days. It is up to employers to create paid time off days for their employees. Does this surprise you? Why or why not? How is it different from your native country? 22

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: I. 1. US 2. Chile 3. United Kingdom 4. Answers will vary 5. Answers will vary



4 Read the infographic to answer the questions. Then circle your opinion.

J. This activity prepares students for Connect with Conversation.

Common Preferences in the US 72 degress is the average room temperature that most people like.

According to the infographic 1. Most people prefer a room that is 72° ____degrees.


In the US, new mothers can have up to 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave to care for their children.




The favorite season in the US is spring. 57% of people in the US prefer warm weather.



Most people get up to 7 days paid sick leave, but only 25% of Americans take it.

If people in the US could have only one kind of food to eat for the rest of their life, most would choose pizza.

Monday is the least favorite day of the week for most people in the US.

My opinion too hot

just right

not hot enough

2. Most people get _____days of paid sick leave.

too many days

just right

not enough days

3. New mothers can have up to _______weeks of unpaid maternity leave.

too many weeks

just right

not enough weeks

4. Most people would choose __________ if they could eat only one food the rest of their life.

too much pizza

just right

not enough pizza

5. Monday is the ____________favorite day of the week for most people.

I agree

I disagree

6. The favorite season is ____________________.

I agree

I disagree

CONNECT WITH CONVERSATION Get to know a partner. Talk about: • their opinions about Activity J • what common preferences people in their native country have • what they like about their job and what they don’t like

Answer Key: J. 2. 7 3. 12 4. pizza 5. least 6. spring


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT


Conversation Have students discuss the questions in new pairs or small groups. Encourage them to ask follow-up questions. Then ask some students to share what each of them have learned about their partner with the group. Be sure your students ask you questions too.



Lesson 4 • I Don’t Have Enough Vacation Time

Read the sentences. Circle the correct word. 1. He quit his job because the pay is not too many / enough.

Walk through each homework activity. Confirm that students understand each activity by doing examples.

Pre P

2. Her job is very stressful. It’s too / enough intense. 3. Do they work too many / too much hours? 4. Is there too many / too much gossip at work? 5. My job isn’t close too many / enough to my house. 6. Their job doesn’t have too / enough maternity leave. 7. His position doesn’t have too / enough sick time.


Complete the conversation using too or enough. too Tim: Hey, Vicky! How’s your job going? Is it still (1)___________stressful?

Vicky: Yeah. There are still (2) _________ many things to do and not (3) ___________ time! Tim: Will it get better soon? Vicky: I’m not sure. My boss is (4) _________ busy and not supportive (5) _____________. Tim: I’m sorry.


JOURNAL PROMPT Write about a time you went to an event that was too stressful, or too boring. What was the event like? Why was it that way? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 24

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: K. 2. too 3. too many 4. too much 5. enough 6. enough 7. enough L. 2. too 3. enough 4. too 5. enough


L5 HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN A BONE? By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Talk about health situations that have and haven’t happened to them using the present perfect What to bring to class: • Table tents or name tags for student names • Copies of Pronunciation Fun to supplement the pronunciation activities • The Immigrant Guide to supplement the culture tip Warm-up: Greet students. Practice the material from last class by asking a few questions using the grammar and vocabulary. Review homework from last lesson. Be sure to discuss their answers to the journal section. Listening Track 05 Jack: Hey Suzanne! How was your weekend? Suzanne: It was a lot of fun until Ricardo broke his leg! Jack: Oh no! What happened? Suzanne: While we were riding bikes downtown, he fell off his bike! He had surgery and now he is in a cast. Jack: That’s awful. I’ve never broken a bone before. Have you ever broken a bone? Suzanne: Yes, I have! I broke my wrist when I was in high school. You’ve never broken a bone, huh? Jack: I’ve sprained my ankle before. I had to get an X-ray and then wear a brace, but that’s it! Suzanne: You must have strong bones!


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT



Listening warm-up. Track 05: What happened to Ricardo?

Pre Explore the pictures. Ask What do you see? Read the Pre question aloud, play track, elicit answer.

VOCABULARY WORDS & PHRASES A. Have students repeat each word after you multiple times. Be sure to work on stress and pronunciation. EXPANSION: Spend time working on the pronunciation of cut/ cat (MUSTARD/BLACK). Use Pronunciation Fun for ideas on how to work on these sounds.


Repeat after your teacher. get (gotten) an X-ray

get (gotten) a blood test

have (had) surgery

sprain (sprained) a muscle

dislocate (dislocated) your shoulder

break (broken) a bone

get (gotten) a cut

have (had) stitches

wear (worn) a brace

use (used) crutches

have (had) a cast

heal (healed)


Listen and repeat after your teacher. Circle the word you hear. Practice saying the sentences with a partner. 1. The X-ray showed he had sprained / strained a muscle. 2. My sister has a cast / past. 3. He has tons of stitches / riches. 4. She got mud / blood on her shirt. 5. Carey had to buy a vase/ brace.


Pronunciation Read each sentence twice. NOTE: While the sentences make sense with either bolded word, the intention behind this activity is to practice the words from the vocabulary (related to medical terminology). EXPANSION: Have students mark sentence stress while you are reading the sentences. Write the sentences on the board and mark the stressed words in each sentence. Have students practice saying the sentences while stressing the right words.

Answer Key: Pronunciation. 1. sprained 2. cast 3. stitches 4. blood 5. brace




Fill in the form. Use the words in the box to help. blood test







What a Game! X-ray At last weekend’s game, Carlos fell and broke his leg. He got an (1) ___________________ and his ankle

needs to wear a (2)____________________. He’ll also need to use (3) ________________________ for six

EE B. First, have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/groups. Finally, go through the answers together. FF

weeks. Ricardo ran into another player and cut his cheek. He needs (4)_________________. Jose sprained his arm. He needs to wear a (5)____________ on his wrist for two weeks. Ramon has an infection, and didn’t even play! He needs a (6) ____________________________ to see what’s wrong.




Listen again to Track 05. Underline the injuries and match to the parts of the body that were hurt. 1. The accident happened

a. Friday

b. on the weekend

2. They were

a. jogging in the park

b. riding bikes downtown

3. Ricardo

a. broke his leg

b. sprained his wrist

4. Suzanne

a. broke her wrist

b. sprained her ankle



Listen to your teacher and repeat. QUESTIONS Have


you we they she he Nora





an X-ray?


Yes, No, Yes, No,

I we they she he Nora

have (had surgery). haven’t (gotten an X-ray). has (had surgery). hasn’t (gotten an X-ray).

We use the present perfect to talk about something that happened at some unspecified time in the past. We use ever when we are referring to someone’s entire past. To form the present perfect, we use has/have + the past participle. 26

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: B. 2. cast 3. crutches 4. stitches 5. brace 6. blood test 7. surgery C. 2. b 3. a 4. a 32

Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

C. First, have students try the task without listening to the track. Have students discuss their answers in pairs/groups. Then play the track to check. Ask if they need to listen again. Play it multiple times if needed. D. FOCUS: Q&As in the present perfect tense. Explain that for regular verbs, the past participle is the same as the simple past. GH For irregular verbs, students need to memorize the form.

E. First, have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/groups. Go through the answers together and write the forms on the board. NOTE: Once this chart is filled in, it will become a useful tool for your students as they learn to use the present perfect tense. F. First, have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/groups. Monitor and make sure everybody has the correct answer. G. NOTE: The contrast between simple past and present perfect is this: If there’s a specific time, e.g. last week, the answer will be in the simple past. Notice that when the answer is affirmative (yes), even if the question is in the present perfect, we often switch to the simple past to respond if a specific time is provided in the answer (e.g. see #1).




Complete the chart with the present perfect. be


Yes, I/we/they

have been

No, I/we/they

haven’t been

Yes, he/she/Tim

has been

No, he/she/Tim

hasn’t been






Fill in the correct form of the word to complete the questions and answers. 1. Q: Have you ever had an X-ray?

A: Yes, I ____________________ an X-ray. have had

2. Q: Has she ever had stitches?

A: No, she _________________ them before.

3. Q: Have they ever taken a vacation?

A: Yes, they ___________________ many vacations.

4. Q: Has Carl ever worn a jeans to work?

A: No, Carl _____________________ jeans to work.

5. Q: Mom, have I ever broken a bone?

A: No Justin, you _______ never ____________ a bone.

6. Q: Has Pierre ever gotten a flu shot?

A: Yes, he ______________ the flu shot but he hates needles.


Review the questions in present perfect with simple past or present perfect answers. Read the questions, circle the correct answer. 1. Marcie, have you ever bought a brand new car? a. Yes. I bought a new car last year.

b. Yes, I did bought a new car.

2. Have you ever worked in a factory? a. Yes, I’ve worked in a factory most of my life.

b. Yes, I’ve worked in a factory last year

3. Has he ever worn a cowboy hat? a. No, he didn’t wear one.

b. No, he hasn’t worn one yet

4. Have they cut the lawn yet? a. Yes, they cut it this morning.

b. Yes, they have cut it this morning.

5. Have you ever had a dog? a. Yes, I had.


b. Yes, I’ve had three dogs.

Check if you’ve had this things. Write sentences if you have or haven’t had them.

crutches brace cast blood test surgery stitches


Answer Key: E. Yes, I/we/they: have had, have cut, have broken, have gotten, have worn; No, I/we/they: have had, have cut, have broken, have gotten, have worn; Yes, he/she/Tim: has had, has cut, has broken, has gotten, has worn; No, he/she/Tim: hasn't had, hasn't cut, hasn't broken, hasn't gotten, hasn't worn F. 2. hasn't had 3. have taken 4. hasn't worn 5. 've/broken 6. has gotten G. 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b H. Answers will vary





Read Robert’s conversation with the nurse. Complete Robert’s medical form. Nurse: So, Robert. Tell us a little about your health and your family health history. Robert: Well, I’m 62 years old and I’m pretty healthy overall, but I do have high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. I take medication for both. I used to have allergies when I was a child, but now I don’t. Last fall I was in the hospital for four days with pneumonia. Luckily, the doctors were able to give me some antibiotics and I got better pretty quickly. I also had knee replacement surgery last year. It wasn’t too bad. I was able to get back to my normal activities after a couple of months. My family has had some health problems. My dad had diabetes too, and passed away from lung cancer when he was 75. My mom has high blood pressure and had a heart attack in 2010, but she recovered and is doing great now!

Blue Lake Family Medicine Medical History Name: ____________________________________ DO YOU HAVE OR HAVE YOU EVER HAD… 1. hospitalization for an illness or injury? 2. allergies? 3. surgery? 4. high blood pressure? 5. heart problems? 6. asthma? 7. cancer? 8. diabetes?

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Age:_______ no no no no no no no no

if yes, describe:_______________________ if yes, now past if yes, describe:_______________________ if yes, now past if yes, now past if yes, now past if yes, now past if yes, now past

I. Before the task, ask What is a medical history? What information can you find in a medical history card? Elicit: surgeries, vaccinations, illnesses, current/past medications. Then have students work in pairs to read the form and answer the questions. EXPANSION: After students have completed the task, have them work in pairs to compare their notes and ask each other questions about the checked words (e.g., When did you have crutches? What happened?)





Family member:_________________________________

2. surgery?



Family member:_________________________________

3. high blood pressure?



Family member:_________________________________

4. heart problems?



Family member:_________________________________

5. asthma?



Family member:_________________________________

6. cancer?



Family member:_________________________________

7. diabetes?



Family member:_________________________________




CULTURE TIP Health clinics and doctor’s offices in the United States generally require new patients to fill out a medical history form. It is a good idea to arrive 15-30 minutes before your first appointment so that you have time to fill out this form. Sometimes you can find the form on the internet and fill it out online. How is going to the doctor in the US different from going to the doctor in your native country? 28

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: I. Name: Robert Age: 62 1. yes, pneumonia 2. yes, as a child 3. yes, knee replacement 4. yes 5. no 6. no 7. no 8. yes Immediate Family Members: 2. no 3. no 4. yes, mother 5. yes, mother 6. no 7. yes, father 8. yes, father Medications: yes, high blood pressure and diabetes 34

Teacher Book 4 RIGHT



Read the online survey that Jenna took. Answer the questions and compare with a partner.

1. Has Jenna ever broken a bone?


2. Has she ever eaten something too spicy?


3. What has Jenna done that you have done? ___________________________________________ 4. What have you done that Jenna has NOT done? ______________________________________


Fill out the survey with your own information.

K. This activity will prepare students for Connect with Conversation. Conversation Have students discuss the questions in new pairs or small groups. Encourage them to ask follow-up questions. Then ask some students to share what each of them have learned about their partner with the group. NOTE: This topic may be emotionally triggering for some students. It’s important to be sensitive to how much students may or may not want to share.

CONNECT WITH CONVERSATION Get to know a partner. Talk about: • the things you have and haven’t done from activity K • a specific experience that you or someone you know has had with one of the things in activity K


Answer Key: J. 1. Yes, she has. 2. No, she hasn't. 3. Answers will vary 4. Answers will vary K. Answers will vary




Lesson 5 • Have You Ever Broken a Bone?

Circle the correct word to complete the sentences or questions.

Pre Pre

1. Have they ever broke / broken a bone?

Walk through each homework activity. Confirm that students understand each activity by doing examples.

2. Has he ever has / had stitches? 3. She has never gotten / getting sick on vacation. 4. I’ve never wear / worn a brace. 5. Have they ever been / be in an accident? 6. Has / Have Jeannie and John ever taken that medicine?



Match the questions with the correct answers. 1. ____ b Have they ever felt sick at school?

a. No, I haven’t.

2. ____ Has she ever dislocated her shoulder?

b. Yes, they have.

3. ____ Does she have crutches?

c. No, she hasn’t.

4. ____ Did they take their medicine?

d. No, she doesn’t.

5. ____ Have you ever called 911?

e. Yes, they did.

Complete the conversation with the correct words. have Ernesto: Hi, Hani. I’m going to the doctor today. Do you (1)________________ (have / has) any advice? Hani: Have you ever (2)____________ (be / been) to a doctor in the US before? Ernesto: No, I (3) _____________ (didn’t / haven’t). I (4) _____________ (been / was) only sick once last year and I didn’t (5) ___________ (go /gone) to the doctor. Hani: Have you already (6)____________ (fill / filled) out the forms? Ernesto: No, I (7)________________ (don’t / haven’t). What do I need to do? Hani: It’s a good idea to (8)_________________ (arrive / arriving) about 15 to 30 minutes before your appointment so you can fill out the forms. The doctor will want to know about your medical history. Ernesto: Sounds good. (9)_________ (I’ll / I) do that. Thanks!

JOURNAL PROMPT Write about something you have never done that you want to do in the future. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 30

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: L. 2. had 3. gotten 4. worn 5. been 6. Have M. 2. c 3. d 4. e 5. a N. 2. been 3. haven’t 4. was 5. go 6. filled 7. haven’t 8. arrive 9. I’ll


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT


L6 HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED HERE? By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Talk about how long they and others have done activities using for and since What to bring to class: • Table tents or name tags for student names • Pronunciation Fun to supplement the pronunciation activities • Flyers advertising events organized by a school or a community organization (optional) • The Immigrant Guide to supplement the culture tip Teacher notes: We’ve provided simple definitions for a few vocabulary words and phrases that we anticipate may be challenging to define. In Lesson 6, those words are: • cocktail party: a social event that is usually formal, and drinks or appetizers are served Warm-up: Greet students. Practice the material from last class by asking a few questions using the grammar and vocabulary. Review homework from last lesson. Be sure to discuss their answers to the journal section. Listening Track 06 Alan: Hey Ruiz! Glad you could make it to the block party! Ruiz: Thanks! I’m excited to be here. Alan: I want to introduce you to Greta. She’s lived in this neighborhood for a long time! Greta, this is Ruiz, he just moved here. Greta: Hi Ruiz! I’m Greta! When did you move in? Ruiz: Last weekend. How long have you lived here? Greta: I’ve lived here since 1980. Ruiz: Wow! That’s a long time. Greta: Yeah, I really like this neighborhood. The people are friendly, there’s a dog park nearby, and we have lots of neighborhood events like parties and ice cream socials. Ruiz: Awesome! Greta: If you have any questions about anything, let me know. Ruiz: Thanks! I will! Greta: Welcome to the neighborhood!




Listening warm-up. Track 06: True or False? Ruiz has lived in the neighborhood longer than Greta.



A. Have students repeat each word after you multiple times. Be sure to work on stress and pronunciation. EXPANSION: Spend time working on the pronunciation of ice/eyes, block/black and dog/dock. Use Pronunciation Fun for ideas on how to work on these sounds.

Repeat after your teacher. introduce

block party

happy hour

cocktail party

ice cream social

dog park


events calendar


Listen and repeat after your teacher. Draw a line to link two words that sound like one. 1. west end

They live on the west end of town.

2. meet-up

This afternoon there’s a meet-up.

3. not easy

Learning English is not easy.

4. get in

We have to get in line for the new movie.

5. about an

She left about an hour ago.

6. out of

That was out of the blue.


Pronunciation First, practice reading the short expressions (phrases), then the sentences. The short expressions (phrases) will sound linked when you read them as you would naturally. NOTE: When a word ends with t and is followed by a word that starts with a vowel, we link the two words together. It might sound like there is a fast d sound in the middle of the two words. EXPANSION: Have students mark sentence stress in each sentence and read it again.


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

VOCABULARY PRACTICE B. First, have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/groups. Finally, go through the answers together.



Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. block party

ice cream social


dog park

cocktail party

happy hour

happy hour 1. a time to get drinks at half price ________________________ 2. a pet-friendly place ____________________________ 3. a party in the evening with drinks _________________________ 4. an event where people with similar interests get together _________________________ 5. a sweet dessert get-together _________________________ 6. a neighborhood get-together _________________________

F LISTENING C. Play the track without stopping it. Have students discuss their answers in pairs/groups. Ask if they need to listen again. Play it multiple times if needed. EXPANSION: Have students correct the false statements.


Listen again to Track 06. Circle the correct answers. 1. Ruiz went to a block party.



2. Ruiz was introduced to Alan.



3. Ruiz moved in last weekend.



4. Greta has lived there since 1990.



5. In the neighborhood there’s a dog park.




LANGUAGE TOOLS D. D D Listen to your teacher and repeat. FOCUS: Q&As in the QUESTIONS present perfect tense using since and for. Have How long have you lived students look at the examples and elicit the We use for with a period of time. form. Questions: question We use since with a specific time. word + have/has + subject + verb in the third-person form. Statement: S + have/has + V3. Elicit the 32 Student Book 4 RIGHT difference between the use of have and has.





for five years. since 2010.

Answer Key: B. 2. dog park 3. cocktail party 4. meet-up 5. ice cream social 6. block party C. 2. FALSE 3. TRUE 4. FALSE 5. TRUE





Write the words in the correct column. 2008

last week

four days

the party

high school January

many months


a day

a long time


over 30 years


SINCE 2008


E. First, have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/groups. Finally, go through the answers together. EXPANSION: Play Fly Swatter Game.

Fill in the blanks using for or since. since 1990. 1. I have lived in the US _____________ 2. She has worked at Gino’s ________ two years. 3. He has played soccer________ he was a small child. 4. We have been in the neighborhood _____ one month. 5. They have lived on the west side ______ 2005. 6. They’ve practiced piano _______ 15 years. 7. We have lived here ______ a long time. 8. She has been under the weather _______ Friday.


Answer the questions using for or since. 1. How long have you lived here?

I’ve lived here since 1995. (1995) ________________________________________

2. How long has she worked there?

_____________________________________(eight years)

3. How long have you had that jacket?

_____________________________________ (one year)

4. How long have they studied English?

________________________________________ (2000)

5. How long have we been here?

_____________________________________ (1:30 p.m.)

6. How long has he exercised?

___________________________________ (45 minutes)

7. How long have you felt sick?

_____________________________________ (Thursday)


Answer Key: E. For: many months, a day, 4 days, a long time, over 30 years Since: last week, high school, yesterday, the party, January, Friday F. 2. for 3. since 4. for 5. since 6. for 7. for 8. since G. 2. She’s worked there for eight years. 3. I’ve had that jacket for one year. 4. They've studied English since 2000. 5. We've been here since 1:30PM. 6. He has exercised for 45 minutes. 7. I've felt sick since Thursday.


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT



H. Students may need some guidance to answer the questions using the present perfect and since/for. Have students share their answers. For example, City Hall has been around for over 120 years or since 1895. EXPANSION: To illustrate the difference between simple past and present perfect, have students answer with both for and since, and also in simple past. E.g., They built City Hall in 1895.


Read the community signs in Newtown. Answer the questions. Use since or for in your answers.

1st United Church

We’re turning 150 years old! Come celebrate with us for a picnic on July 8th. Everyone Welcome!


since 2001

Plumbers serving the local community for 3 generations

Peanuts Restaurant

serving great American food since 1963

BUILT 1895


Newtown Bark Park inaugurated 2005 in loving memory of Rosie

1. How long has City Hall been there? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How long has Peanuts Restaurant been in Newtown? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How long has the Johnson family been plumbers? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. How long has 1st United Church been there? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. How long has the Bark Park been in Newton? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. How long has Intercambio been around? _____________________________________________________________________________________

CULTURE TIP Culture Tip EXPANSION: Bring in flyers advertising events organized by a school or a community organization. Expand the conversation by having students discuss which event seems to be the most interesting and why.

In the US, it’s common for schools, religious centers and other community organizations to work together to provide services. If you aren’t sure where to go for services or help, you can ask at one of these places. Have you been to a community event before? If so, what was it like? If not, would you like to go to an event someday? What kind would you like to go to? Are there community centers in your native country? 34

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: H. 1. City Hall has been there since 1875. 2. Peanuts Restaurant has been in Newtown since 1963. 3. The Johnson family has been plumbers for 3 generations. 4. The 1st United Church has been there for 150 years. 5. The Bark Park has been in Newton since 2005. 6. Intercambio has been around since 2001.



6 JI

Read about a community award winner. Answer the questions.

I. Help students with vocabulary if necessary.

The Local News Norma Fuentes—originally from Chihuahua, Mexico— has worked for Intercambio Uniting Communities for more than 10 years. Since she began working at Intercambio, Norma has created new partnerships with several local schools, faith communities, and nonprofit organizations in order to expand locations that offer English classes. She has led many events, including cultural trainings and “Living in the US” workshops for hundreds of immigrants and US-born Americans. She helped start computer classes in Spanish at the Intercambio

Community Award Winner Norma Fuentes

Longmont Office. “Norma is an incredible leader and connector in the Longmont community,” said Lee Shainis, the executive director of Intercambio. “She has the ability to bring together hundreds of diverse people for trainings, classes and events. People respect Norma for her strong work ethic and passion for education and intercultural harmony.”

1. Who is this article about? _______________________________________________________________ 2. Where was she born? _________________________________________________________________ 3. How long has she worked for Intercambio? ________________________________________________ 4. Which of these things has she NOT done? a. created partnerships

b. led cultural trainings

c. taught English classes

5. Which of these words best describes her? a. outgoing


b. strong

c. serious

Complete the chart with your own information. Where I was born: How long I’ve lived in the US: How long I’ve had my current job: Something I’ve done since I moved here: A word that best describes me:

CONNECT WITH CONVERSATION Get to know a partner. Talk about: • the information they wrote in the chart • something they haven’t done in a long time • how they describe themselves


Conversation Have students brainstorm questions they can ask each other using the information in Activity J, then discuss the questions in new pairs or small groups. Encourage them to ask follow-up questions. Then ask some students to share what they have learned about their partner with the group. Make sure students ask you questions too.

Answer Key: I. 1. Norma Fuentes 2. She was born in Chihuahua, Mexico. 3. She has worked for Intercambio for more than ten years. 4. c 5. b J. Answers will vary 42

Teacher Book 4 RIGHT



Lesson 6 • How Long Have You Lived Here?

Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. Jack has lived on the east side of town for / since most of his life.


2. Barbara hasn’t eaten meat for / since she was a child. 3. They haven’t had an accident for / since many years. 4. Manny has played the guitar for / since he was in college. 5. Brenda has taught Spanish for / since she graduated. 6. We haven’t taken classes for / since a long time. 7. He hasn’t gone to an ice cream social for / since last summer.


Complete the conversation with the correct words. Nora: Hi Larry. Let me introduce you to my friend, Rebeca. Larry: Hi Rebeca. Nice to meet you. How long (1)__________(has / have) you lived in the neighborhood? Rebeca: Nice to meet you, too. I’ve lived here (2)__________(for / since) November. Larry: Neat. Have you (3)__________(go / gone) to the rec center, yet? Rebeca: Yes, actually, I (4)__________(work / working) there! Larry: Oh really? Wow! How long have you (5)__________(working / worked) there? Rebeca: I’ve worked there (6)__________(for / since) about a month. How about you? What do you do? Larry: I’m a teacher. I’ve taught at the local elementary school (7)__________(for / since) over 20 years.



Write about something you have done for a long time. When did you start doing it? Do you still like it? Why or why not? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 36

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: K. 2. since 3. for 4. since 5. since 6. for 7. since L. 1. have 2. since 3. gone 4. work 5. worked 6. for 7. for


L7 YOU COULD PROGRAM YOUR THERMOSTAT By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Compare different energy options • Talk about different ways to save energy What to bring to class: • Table tents or name tags for student names • Pronunciation Fun to supplement the pronunciation activities • The Immigrant Guide to supplement the culture tip Teacher notes: Read ahead for Lesson 8: Review and Progress Check. Prepare how you will lead the Review and give the Progress Check. Consider assigning the self-reflection in the Student Book as homework in addition to the regularly assigned homework at the end of Lesson 7. Prepare for Field Trip Lesson 9: • Where will you go? How will you prepare? Words, phrases, logistics. • If you are not going out, consider arranging the classroom as a place and have them role play. • Consider a guest speaker or a former student to share stories about how they learned English. We’ve provided simple definitions for a few vocabulary words and phrases that we anticipate may be challenging to define. In Lesson 7, those words are: • Make sure: to look at something again and check that it is correct Warm-up: Greet students. Practice the material from last class by asking a few questions using the grammar and vocabulary. Ask What have you done since the last class? Review homework from last lesson. Be sure to discuss their answers to the journal section. Listening Track 07 Luis: Whoa! Oh no! Jenny: What’s wrong Luis? Luis: It’s my energy bill, it’s so high! Jenny: Yeah, mine goes up in the winter too. Luis: I didn’t know it would go up this much. Jenny: Well, you can do things to help keep it low. Luis: Like what? Jenny: Well, you could program your thermostat so that your heat is highest when you are at home. Luis: That’s a good idea. I should do that. Jenny: Also, you could check your windows and doors. Sometimes cold air comes through the cracks. Luis: I didn’t realize that. Jenny: Yep. And we close the shades at night. You could do that too. Luis: Thanks Jenny. I’m going to try this tonight! Jenny: Good luck!


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT


A. Have students repeat each word after you multiple times. Be sure to work on stress and pronunciation. NOTE: Consider pointing out the two meanings of seal (to close, or an animal that lives in the water) and light (bulb or weight) that have the same pronunciation. Pronunciation First, have students do the task individually or in pairs. Then read the words aloud and have them check their answers. Have students repeat after you.

Listening warm-up. Track 07: Why is Luis upset?



Repeat after your teacher. make sure



seal cracks

solar panels

hybrid cars

low-flow showerhead

light bulb

program the thermostat


Listen and repeat after your teacher. Check the words that have the f sound at the end.

 tough









Answer Key: Pronunciation. enough, cough, rough, laugh





EE B. First, have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/groups. Finally, go through the answers together. NOTE: Some words can be used in multiple sentences. Encourage students F Fto do the easiest and most obvious ones first.

Look at the ways Harold saved energy and fill in the blanks.


low-flow showerhead


energy-efficient light bulbs

solar panels

hybrid car

1. Harold sealed the _______________ in his house. cracks 2. He programmed the __________________. 3. He bought __________________________for his lamps. 4. He drives a _______________________________. 5. His house has ______________________on the roof. 6. He uses a _________________________________ to save water.



Listen again to Track 07. Check the things Luis can do to save energy.

 program his thermostat

buy a hybrid car

check windows

invest in solar panels

get energy-efficient light bulbs check doors

close the shades



Listen to your teacher and repeat. QUESTIONS What

could should

I you



to save

energy at home?

You could program I should


to program



your thermostat. my thermostat.

C. First, have students try the task without listening to the track. Have GG students discuss their answers in pairs/ groups. Then play the track to check. Ask if they need to listen again. Play it multiple times if needed. D. FOCUS: Q&As using could/ should and statements with make sure to.

We use could + verb to suggest an option to someone. We use should + verb to strongly suggest to someone to do something. We use make sure + to verb to tell or remind someone to do something. 38

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: B. 2. the thermostat 3. energy efficient lightbulbs 4. hybrid car 5. solar panels 6. low-flow shower head C. check windows, check doors, close the shades


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT


GRAMMAR PRACTICE E. First, have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/groups. Finally, go through the answers together.


Match the questions and answers. b What could he do to save energy at home? 1. ___

a. They should close the shades at night.

2. ___ What should I do to save energy at home?

b. He could seal cracks in the doors.

3. ___ What should I do when I leave for work?

c. You should turn off the lights.

4. ___ What should they do to save energy at home? d. We could buy energy-efficient light bulbs. 5. ___ What could we do to save energy at home?

e. Make sure to program the thermostat before you leave.

F. If students are struggling, go over each sentence to identify which one is a possible option (could), strong recommendation (should) or a reminder (make sure to).

G. Draw students’ attention to the signal words in the questions.


Complete Ling’s note to her son. Circle the correct words.


Answer the questions. Use the words in parentheses. You should buy energy-efficient light bulbs. 1. What should I do to save energy? ________________________________________________________ (buy / energy-efficient light bulbs)

2. What could he do to save energy? ________________________________________________________ (seal cracks / home) 3. What could John do to save water? _______________________________________________________ (buy / low-flow showerhead) 4. What should they do to lower their bill? ___________________________________________________ (lower thermostat / not home) 5. What kind of car should Matt buy? _______________________________________________________ (hybrid car / to save on gas) 6. What could we do to save energy? _______________________________________________________ (turn off appliances / not using them)


Answer Key: E. 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. d F. 2. You could 3. You should 4. Make sure 5. You should G. 2. He could seal cracks at home. 3. John could buy a low-flow shower head. 4. They should lower the thermostat when they are not home. 5. Matt should buy a hybrid car to save on gas. 6. We could turn off appliances when we’re not using them.




II H. Explain how to read the chart. Pre-teach/review: bulb, incandescent bulb, CFL bulb, LED bulb. Have students work in pairs to answer the questions. Ask What kind of bulbs do you usually buy?

Read the chart. Answer the questions and compare with a partner.

1. Which light bulb should you get if you don’t want to change it very often? _____________________ 2. Which light bulb saves the most money?


3. Which light bulb should you get if you only care about the price?


4. Which light bulb uses the least energy?


5. Which light bulb do you prefer?


CULTURE TIP Many energy-efficient appliances come with a discount or rebate. Stores typically give the discounts. Normally you request rebates from the company by mail. Do you buy energy-efficient appliances or products? Why or why not? Is energy efficiency important in your native country? 40

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: H. 1. LED 2. LED 3. incandescent bulb 4. LED 5. Answers will vary


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

Culture Tip Expand the conversation by explaining “rebate.” Ask What was the last appliance you bought? Did you get any discount or rebate?

II I. Encourage students to write at least three ideas for each situation. Have partners share their ideas. EXPANSION: Ask if students have dealt with similar situations in their lives and how they handled them.

7 Read the situations. Jot down your ideas for each situation. 1. My son is graduating from high school this year and he doesn’t know what he wants to do. He’s thinking about taking a gap year, or applying to college. Should he look for a job? Should he look for a volunteer position?

should we do?















3. I’ve lived in the US for 30 years, and notice that most people’s parents don’t live with them. My husband wants to bring his mother to live with us. She and I don’t get along very well. I’m not sure how to handle this.

Conversation Have students discuss the situations and their ideas in new pairs or small groups. Have students agree on the best ideas and share them with the group. Be sure your students ask you questions too.

2. My husband is looking at a second job. If he takes the job, he will never be home for dinner, or to help with the kids. But we could really use the money. What

4. My neighbor asked my 16-year-old daughter to babysit her kids, and I’m not sure what to do. My daughter is very responsible, but I worry that something could happen.















CONNECT WITH CONVERSATION Get to know a partner. Talk about: • your ideas for the situations above • how to be more energy efficient


Answer Key: I. Answers will vary




Lesson 7 • You Could Program Your Thermostat

Put the conversation in order. 2 _____ Winston: Really? Do you program your thermostat?

_____ Winston: I seal the cracks in my doors and buy energy-efficient light bulbs. _____ Mary: Oh no! My energy bill is so high! _____ Mary: No, I’ve never tried that. What else do you do to save energy at home? _____ Mary: Huh. I could try that, too.


Read the ad. Circle the correct answers.

Energy-Efficient Washers & Dryers A $250 INSTANT discount is waiting for you at the checkout when you buy both a WaterSmart Washer & Dryer together Download your discount coupon at

e Sav 0 $25

Present the digital coupon to the cashier to save instantly at checkout


1. The ad is for a

a. receipt

b discount

2. You could save $250

a. at the store

b. through the mail

3. The discount is for

a. a refrigerator

b. a washer & dryer

4. The coupon can be

a. downloaded

b. cut out of the newspaper

JOURNAL PROMPT What could you do to save more money on your energy bills? Do you think it is important for everyone to save water and energy? Why or why not? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 42

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Answer Key: J. 4, 1, 3, 5 K. 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a


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L8 REVIEW & PROGRESS CHECK What to bring to class: • Dice (or use an app on your phone) - one per pair Timing Note: • The Review and Progress Check can take as long as two hours (about one hour each). Be sure to allow enough time for your students to work uninterrupted on the Progress Check. • Adapt Lesson 8 to fit the needs of your particular teaching situation. For example, if the schedule allows, consider doing the Review in one class and the Progress Check in another. Giving the Progress Check: • First, let the students know the schedule for the class. Tell them they can do it! Go over the whole Progress Check with students, letting them know that you’ll be calling them up individually for the oral section. • Let students know they can ask you questions during the Progress Check and that this is a time to see what they have learned. A: Listening Track • Do the listening together (Activity A). Once complete, students will work on the rest of the Progress Check at their own pace. You’ll call students up for the oral section individually. • Explain to the students that you will play the listening only 3 times (no exceptions). If in a class, you will all listen together 3 times. For home classes, play the track only 3 times, even if your student doesn’t complete the full activity. • Read the instructions together as you would in a normal lesson. Listening Track 8 Jennifer: Hey Beto. How are you doing? Beto: Hey Jennifer. Good! I’m leaving tomorrow to go on vacation. I’m going to visit my brother in San Francisco. Jennifer: Nice! You should visit the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s amazing. Beto: Oh yeah. I really want to see it. Do I have to pay anything to drive on it?

Jennifer: No, you don’t have to pay. It’s free! Beto: Great. I don’t have enough money to do anything too expensive, so that sounds perfect. Jennifer: It’s really beautiful. Make sure to take a lot of pictures. Beto: I will!

F: Speaking Repeat the question one time if needed. Do not give prompts to the student. Score explanation: 2 = Understood question, answered question in a complete sentence, AND used correct grammar (from any lesson) 1 = Understood question BUT answered with incorrect grammar and/or an incomplete sentence 0 = Did not understand question, did not give answer, OR answer did not make sense for question GRADING & SCORING After grading, write the correct number out of 100 at the top of each student’s Progress Check. Be sure to review any incorrect responses. NOTE: As long as an answer is grammatically correct (whether it uses the structure taught in this level or not), students should be given full credit. SCORING 21 Total pts 1st pg.

Note: When grading, do not count examples as correct. Skip them.

29 Total pts 2nd pg

At bottom of each Progress Check page is a point scale. Write the number of correct answers (e.g., 20 / 21 points)


Multiply number of correct answers by 2 for final score out of 100

100 Total points possible



REVIEW & PROGRESS CHECK Check the items you can do. Review the items you can’t. I can… talk about the news using a variety of different tenses (lesson 1) ask for and give recommendations using someone, anyone and no one (lesson 2) give and understand advice about scams in the US and how to protect information (lesson 3) describe experiences and benefits in the workplace with too, too much, too many and enough (lesson 4) talk about health situations that have happened in the past using the present perfect tense (lesson 5) talk about activities you have done in the past and for how long using for and since (lesson 6)

This should have been completed as homework. If it wasn't, give students time to do it in class. Pair students to share their responses.

give advice and options for different situations using could, should and make sure to (lesson 7)

Answer the questions. 1. What is one thing you can do now? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Write five words you know now. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________


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Write the words from the box in the correct columns.

A. First, have the class define jobs, actions, and things. Then have students work individually to group the items. Write the same chart you see in the student book on the board and have students fill it in to check answers collectively.

mechanic tear up shred Jobs

gossip quit introduce

wear a brace plumber crutches Actions

vacation time tailor hem Things



Complete the sentences. Use the words in parentheses. gotten Has Sally 1. __________________ ever _______________ (Sally / get) an X-ray?

2. __________________________________ (They / should / shred) their documents. 3. How long _____________________________ (he / be) a volunteer at his church? 4. Where __________________________ (they / go) on vacation next summer? 5. __________________________________ (He / watch) the news last night at 10 p.m. 6. _________________ ever ___________________ (you / call) an electrician before?



Circle the correct word. 1. I have lived in my home for / since eight years. 2. You should / make sure to lock your car doors at night. 3. To legally drive a car, you have to / should have a driver’s license. 4. There isn’t anyone / no one here that can speak Urdu. 5. My sister knows someone / anyone that can build furniture. 6. We have worked at the restaurant for / since it opened. 44

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Answer Key: A. Jobs: mechanic, plumber, tailor Actions: tear up, shred, gossip, quit, introduce, wear a brace, hem Things: gossip, crutches, vacation time, hem B. 2. They should shred 3. has he been 4. are they going 5. He watched 6. Have you ever called C. 2. should 3. have to 4. anyone 5. someone 6. since



8 Complete the conversation with too, too much, too many or enough. Dan: Hey Joel. How’s your job going? too many Joel: Not so great. I work (1) ____________________ hours. Yesterday, I worked for more than 10 hours!

It’s (2)____________________ stressful. I don’t have (3)____________________ time to relax. Dan: Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that. There’s a job opening at the store where I work at the mall. Are you interested in applying? Joel: Thanks, but the mall is (4)__________________ far away. I already spend (5)____________________ money on gas.

D. Check answers by writing the incorrect sentences on the board and having different students come up to fix each one. As a group, decide if the student's work is correct.

Dan: Well, maybe things will get better. Just make sure to take (6)____________________ time to relax. Joel: Yeah. I’m going to tell my boss that I have (7)____________ hours. It’s (8)_________ overwhelming. Dan: Good luck! Joel: Thanks.


All of the sentences below have a mistake. Find the mistake and write the correct sentence on the line. 1. We don’t know no one that is a plumber. We don’t know anyone that is a plumber. ______________________________________________________________________________________

2. I have lived here since 10 years. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Has she broke her arm before? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. I don’t like the news. It is too much sad. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. You should to shred important documents. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. I called anyone to come fix the chimney. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Practice with a partner. Heather: Hey, Paulina, what (1)______________________ (happen) to your arm? Why do you have a cast? happened Paulina: I (2)____________ (walk) my dog yesterday when I fell and (3) ________________ (break) my arm. Heather: Oh, no. That’s too bad. I (4)____________ never ____________ (have) a cast before. What’s it like? Paulina: It’s not that bad. (5) __________________ you ever _____________________ (wear) a brace? It’s pretty similar. Heather: Yeah. Last year I (6)_________________ (sprain) my ankle and (7) __________________ (wear) a brace for two weeks. Paulina: Oh, yeah. I remember that. You (8)_____________________ (heal) quickly. Heather: Yeah, it wasn’t so bad. I hope you heal quickly, too. Let me know if I can help you with anything. Paulina: Thanks!


Answer Key: D. 2. too 3. enough 4. too 5. too much 6. enough 7. too many 8. too E. 2. I have lived here since for ten years. 3. Has she broke broken her arm before? 4. I don't like the news. It is too much sad. 5. You should to shred important documents. 6. I called anyone someone to come fix the chimney. F. 2. was walking 3. broke 4. have never had 5. Have you ever worn 6. sprained 7. wore 8. healed 54

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Review Game. Play with a partner or in a small group. Put a marker on START. Roll the dice. Move your marker the correct number of spaces. Answer the question.

G. To provide as much student talk time as possible, pairing students is preferable to having them work in small groups. EXPANSION: Have each pair/group come up with an additional question for the game board.


Have you ever used crutches?

How long have you lived in the US?

Do you know anyone that fixes cars?

What should you do if you want to protect your information online?

What’s something you What was the last event What’s something you have never done before you went to? How was don’t have enough time that you would like to it? to do? do?

What could someone do if they want to save money on utility bills?


What’s something you haven’t done since you were a child?

What kinds of projects How many hours do do you like to do in your you think are too many home? hours to work?

What’s something you always make sure to do when you leave your home?

How do you find out the news?




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PROGRESS CHECK Total: 50 x 2 = 100



My score________/ 100

Listen to Track 08. Read the sentences. Listen to the conversation. Circle TRUE or FALSE. (2 points each) 1. Beto is going to San Francisco for work.



2. Jennifer thinks he should visit the Golden Gate Bridge.



3. It is expensive to drive on the Golden Gate Bridge.



4. Beto is going to do a lot of shopping.



5. Jennifer wants Beto to take pictures of his trip.



Answer Key: 2. TRUE 3. FALSE 4. FALSE 5. TRUE B. Say Now you will work alone.

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb. (1 point each) saw 1. Yesterday, I ___________________ (see) a story on the news about a new park.

Answer Key: 2. has never had 3. has lived 4. are going to call (preferable) / will call (okay) 5. has worked 6. are going to watch (preferable) / will watch (okay) 7. haven’t gotten 8. broke 9. program

2. She has never _______________ (have ) a blood test before. 3. I can’t believe he still lives here. He ____________________ (live) here for a long time. 4. Tomorrow, they___________________ (call) someone to paint their house. 5. She _________________________ (work) there since last summer. 6. They ________________________ (watch) the news on TV tomorrow morning. 7. I ________________________ (not / get) an X-ray before. 8. My brother ________________________ (break) his leg when he was 8 years old. 9. Karen could _________________________________(program) her thermostat to save money.


C. Answer Key: 2. anyone 3. someone 4. No one 5. someone 6. anyone

Complete the sentences with someone, anyone or no one. (1 point each) 1. We don’t know ____________________ that can fix our sink. anyone 2. When I went to the house, there wasn’t ___________ there. 3. She wants to find _______________ to help her paint her house. 4. We are so lucky. _______________ in my family has ever broken a bone. 5. I heard ___________ at the door. Could you see who it is? 6. Was there ____________ from our class at the party? ________/ 21


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A. Say I will play the track 3 times. Read the instructions aloud. Play track 3 times without pausing.


DD D. Answer Key: 2. hasn’t eaten/for 3. has lived/for 4. have gone/since 5. have known/since 6. haven’t talked/for

Write the present perfect form of the verb in parentheses in each sentence. Circle for or since. (2 points each) 1. She __________________________ (work) there for / since 2008. has worked 2. Mark _________________________ (not / eat) at a restaurant for / since more than a month. 3. Our family ________________________ (live) in this town for /since many years. 4. They _________________________ (go) to class every day for / since the beginning of the year. 5. I _________________________ (know) my best friend for / since we were children. 6. We __________________________ (not / talk) to him for / since a very long time.


Complete the sentences with too much, too many, too or enough. (1 point each) 1. I want to go to visit my brother, but I don’t have _________________________ vacation time. enough

E. Answer Key: 2. too many 3. too many 4. too 5. enough 6. too much 7. enough 8. too 9. too much 10. too many

2. The grocery store was very crowded. There were __________________ people there. 3. She likes her job, but she works _________________________ hours. 4. Vic should find a new job. The one he has now is _____________________ stressful. 5. We don’t have ____________________________ money to buy the black car. It is so expensive! 6. There is ___________________________ noise at work. It is difficult to concentrate. 7. I have so much to do. I don’t have ________________________ time to do it all! 8. We love that house, but it is ________________________ expensive. We can’t afford it. 9. Eva and her brother don’t feel well. I think they ate ______________________________ ice cream. 10. Brenda was late for work because she had _________________________ things to do this morning.


STOP. Wait for your teacher. (2 points each)

F. Say Activity F is about speaking English. I will ask you a question. You will answer. For example, How are you? (Elicit response.) Follow with Questions 1-5 in box below. NOTE: Find scoring instructions in the notes at the beginning of this lesson.



1. 0







3. 0



4. 0



5. 0



Teacher Notes Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 2: Lesson 6: Lesson 7:

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________/ 29

1. How long have you lived here? 2. Do you know anyone that can fix a car? 3. What should you do if someone that you don't know calls and asks you for money? Before Question 4 say Now you will ask me questions. Example: Ask me what my name is. See if students respond and say “What’s your name?” If they don’t, help them before asking the next two questions. 4. Ask me what I have to do if I forget my email password. 5. What could I do to save energy at home?


L9 FIELD TRIP Lesson 9 in every Confidence and Connections book is a field trip. The goal for the field trip is to provide your students with the opportunity to engage in the community in English and, in some instances, connect to resources of which they may not be aware. Take your students to a location that will be helpful for them in the long run. Tips for a successful field trip: • Visit the location ahead of time. Anticipate any challenges that may come up. Speak with the appropriate person at the site to let them know what is going on (if appropriate). If someone will be talking with your students, give them information about the students’ levels and tips for effectively communicating with English language learners. • Make sure students are aware of where and when class will meet on field trip day. Bring a map to class for Lesson 7 or 8. Emphasize that the field trip is a part of the class, not an extra activity. • We suggest you meet your students at the field trip location, or take public transportation together. • Once everyone has arrived, give an overview of the visit. It is up to you how you want to structure it and what other activities--games, conversation, etc.--you want to include. • Check to see that your students have their books and pens. • Spend time before the field trip (maybe in classes, as homework, or at the beginning of the day) filling out the first portion of the field trip lesson in the student book (Important Words and Phrases I Want to Use, Questions I Plan to Ask). • Make sure your students are prepared to interact in English. You may want to create a list of questions or practice through role play beforehand. • Before you have students work with the book, briefly review the activities. As students work, make yourself available for questions. You may want to pair / group students. • Although the purpose of the field trip is largely to allow students to experience English in a real-world setting and recording “correct” answers is not the focus, you may want to complete the activities yourself so that you can check their answers later. At the end of the visit, discuss the experience. Use the second half of the field trip lesson in the student book (Things I Saw or Found, People I Talked To, Notes) for this reflection. Have students discuss their findings in pairs or small groups before having a class discussion. After the discussion, assign homework. Remind students of the day and time of the next class. It is also a good idea to review the field trip at the start of the next lesson. If leaving the classroom is not possible, create a virtual field trip in the room or bring in a guest speaker to share information about a local resource. Prep the speaker with information about your class and any tips they need to communicate effectively with English language learners. There are a few suggested places to visit listed at the top of Student Book page 49. Option 1 – If coordinated ahead of time, you may be able to visit a local newspaper office or TV news station. Learn about how newspapers are created and distributed. Students may want to ask questions about how they get their information, how news is shared or what kinds of things get printed or published. Option 2 – Visit a local home improvement store. Make a list ahead of time of things you or your student need to complete a home project. Go on a scavenger hunt together to find the items. Ask questions to the staff about how to do anything they aren’t sure about. Option 3 – Visit a local Community Center. Learn about services they offer, upcoming events/activities and partnerships they have. Or, consider somewhere else: A grocery store (practice vocabulary, apply for a store card, do a scavenger hunt), library (get a tour, apply for a library card), department or hardware store, rec center, urgent care center, bus station, restaurant, neighborhood or city walk (follow a map, do a scavenger hunt), museum, post office, drugstore, apartment for rent, city council meeting, public event (such as a farmer’s market or outdoor festival) 58

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9 Before you start

Pick a location: A Car Dealership An Urgent Care Center

A New Restaurant

My Idea _______________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ Date and time to meet: _____________________ _______a.m. / p.m.

IMPORTANT WORDS AND PHRASES I WANT TO USE _________________________________________

















Things I’m going to look for or find: _____________________________________________________________________________________

DURING THE FIELD TRIP Things I saw or found

People I talked to




HOMEWORK: FIELD TRIP REPORT Something that I learned on the field trip: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Pre Pre

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Something that was difficult: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Field Trip Feedback 1. I talked in English:

a lot

a little

not at all

2. I learned:

a lot

a little

not a lot

3. I thought it was:



not good



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L10 WHAT WILL YOU PACK? By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Talk about future plans using going to and will What to bring to class: • Table tents or name tags for student names • Pronunciation Fun to supplement the pronunciation activities • Package tours flyers for Activity H (optional) • The Immigrant Guide to supplement the culture tip Warm-up: Greet students. Talk about the Field Trip using the grammar and vocabulary you have covered in this course if possible. Talk about the Review and Progress Check, and celebrate student progress. Ask students to share what they have learned. Listening Track 09 Roy: I’m so excited about our camping trip this weekend! Paulette: Me too. Have you packed yet? Roy: No, not yet. What will you pack for the trip? Paulette: Well, I have the tent and stove ready to go. I think I’ll pack my umbrella, it might rain. Roy: Good to know! I think I’m going to bring a cooler and insect repellent. I heard that sometimes there are lots of bugs. Paulette: Yes, last year there were. I’m going to take my swimsuit and a change of clothes as well. There are great places to swim. Roy: Awesome! I can’t wait.




Listening warm-up. Track 09: Who is going on the trip?



Repeat after your teacher. pocketknife




insect repellent


first aid kit

water bottle


change of clothes




Listen to your teacher. Circle the word you hear. Practice the OLIVE SOCK and BLACK CAT sounds with a partner.

A. Have students repeat each word after you multiple times. Be sure to work on stress and pronunciation. EXPANSION: Spend time working on the pronunciation of bottle, pocket (OLIVE)/ battle, packet (BLACK). Use Pronunciation Fun for ideas on how to work on these sounds.

1. There was a battle / bottle on the beach. 2. Do you have anything interesting in your packet / pocket? 3. Are you going to take a map / mop? 4. Did they bring a cat / cot? 5. There was a giant bear behind their backs / box.


Pronunciation Read each sentence twice. NOTE: While the sentences make sense with either italicized word, the intention behind this activity is to practice differentiating the BLACK CAT and OLIVE SOCK sounds. If students have trouble with this activity, try working on the similar-sounding words with them by saying the words while standing behind them (so they cannot see your lips) and having students point to the words they hear you say. Students generally need to be able to hear the different sounds before they can produce them. More minimal pairs for these sounds and instructions on how to produce them can be found in Pro Fun. EXPANSION: Have students mark sentence stress while you are reading the sentences. Write the sentences on the board and mark the stressed words in each sentence. Have students practice saying the sentences, stressing the right words.


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BB B. First, have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/ groups. Finally, go through the answers together. EXPANSION: Have students play Pictionary in small groups or in two teams competing with each other.


Look at the pictures. What do you need? swimsuit cooler

umbrella sunscreen

insect repellent pocketknife

first aid kit water bottle

1. I need my

2. I need my

3. I need a

4. I need

F __________________ water bottle




5. I need

6. I need a

7. I need my

8. I need an







Listen again to Track 09. Check the items each person will bring.

C. TENT STOVE COOLER First, have students try the task without listening to Paula  the track. Have students Roy discuss their answers in pairs/groups. Then play LANGUAGE TOOLS the track to check. Ask if they need to listen again. D D Listen to your teacher and repeat. Play it multiple times if needed. QUESTIONS


What are you going to take on the camping trip? What are you going to do on the trip?




ANSWERS Maybe I’ll take my hiking gear. I’m not sure. I think I’ll take my hiking gear. I’m going to walk a lot. I’m definitely going to walk a lot.

We use be + going to for definite plans in the future. We use will for offers, promises or possible plans in the future as well as decisions made on the spot. 52

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D. FOCUS: Q&As about the future using be going to and will. Explain that when we already have a plan, we use going (e.g., I’m going to the gym tonight). When we talk about spontaneous or uncertain decisions, we use will (e.g., I’ll call you later).

Answer Key: B. 2. pocket knife 3. first aid kit 4. insect repellent 5. sunscreen 6. cooler 7. swimsuit 8. umbrella C. Paula: stove, umbrella, swimsuit Roy: cooler, insect repellent








Match the questions to the answers. 1. ___ d What are you going to do this weekend?

a. I don’t know. Maybe she’ll take a cake.

2. ___ What is she going to take to the potluck?

b. Sure. We’ll take ours.

3. ___ What are you and Cindy going to do?

c. We are going to hang out with friends.

4. ___ What is he going to do tonight?

d. I’m going to go to the beach.

5. ___ We don’t have a cooler. Can you bring yours?

e. He’s going to the gym to work out.

E. First, have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/groups. Finally, go through the answers together.

Practice the rule from the grammar chart. Choose the best sentence.

F. In this activity, we’re practicing a. They’ll bring snacks b. They’re going to bring 1. They bought snacks for tomorrow. “going to” vs “will” as these tomorrow. snacks tomorrow. structures often overlap. a. We’ll go camping next b. We’re going to go Remind students of the rule 2. We reserved the campground. weekend. camping next weekend. in the language tools chart: Typically, we use “going b. I’m going to take insect 3. I’m prepared for a lot of insects. a. I’ll take insect repellent. to” to describe definitive repellent. plans and “will” for offers, 4. How do we take all the drinks to the a. Greg thinks his cooler will b. Greg thinks his cooler is promises, possible plans, and park? be big enough. going to be big enough. decisions made in the moment. Although both options may a. Oh, no. I’ll get the first aid b. Oh no. I’m going to get 5. I cut my finger. work, students should pick kit. the first aid kit. the best option based on the b. I’m definitely going to 6. What are you going to do this rules from the language tools a. I’ll sleep in late. weekend? sleep in late. chart. NOTE: The answer key provides reasoning for the correct answers. Rewrite the sentences using I’ll, you’ll, he’ll, she’ll, we’ll or they’ll and the words in parentheses. thinks she’ll wear sunscreen at the beach. 1. She’s going to wear sunscreen at the beach. She ______________________________________________ (she thinks)

2. I’m going to go to the party. ___________________________________________________________ (maybe) 3. We’re going to go fishing this weekend. __________________________________________________ (we think) 4. They’re going to bring their tent. ________________________________________________________ (hopefully)

G. Explain that the words in parentheses are signal words for using will instead of be going to when talking about the future. The signal words all imply an offer, promise, possible plan, etc.

5. He’s going to take a pocketknife. ________________________________________________________ (I think) 6. She’s going to take a swimsuit. _________________________________________________________ (maybe)


Answer Key: E. 2. a 3. c 4. e 5. b F. 2. b (Campground is reserved, implying definite plan.) 3. b (Being prepared implies a definite plan.) 4. a ("Thinks" signals a possibility, not plan.) 5. a (in-the-moment offer) 6. b ("Definitely" signals a plan, not possibility.) G. 2. Maybe I’ll go to the party. 3. We think we’ll go fishing this week. 4. Hopefully they’ll bring their tent. 5. I think he'll take a pocketknife. 6. Maybe she’ll take a swimsuit. 64

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REAL LIFE / YOUR LIFE H. First, demonstrate by talking about yourself and having students guess the place you are going to. Then have students work in pairs and do at least five different locations each. EXPANSION: Bring in different package tour flyers. Have students work in pairs to choose one trip they both want to go on and discuss what they will pack.



Look at the places below. Imagine you’re going to one of them. Tell your partner what you’ll pack. Can your partner guess where you’re going?


Partner 1: I’m definitely going to take a swimsuit and sunscreen. I think I’ll take insect repellent and ... Partner 2: Are you going to the beach? Partner 1: No. Partner 2: Are you going to the lake? Partner 1: Yes!


Culture Tip Expand the conversation by discussing possible places for a day trip near you.

In the US, fire bans and stove restrictions are enforced in many areas to help reduce the risk of wildfire. Campfires, certain types of stoves, smoking and other activities might be illegal. It is your responsibility to know what the current restrictions are for the area that you plan to visit, whether it’s having a BBQ at a park or camping. Fire restrictions are more common during the summer in dry parts of the country. Are certain kinds of fires illegal in your native country? 54

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: H. Answers will vary



10 Look at the chart about popular outdoor summer activities in the US by generation. Answer the questions.

I. Explain how to read the chart. Elicit/review: baby boomers, gen X’ers, millennials. Have students work in pairs to answer the questions. Go through the answers together.

Americans’ Favorite Summer Outdoor Activities

GENERATIONS: “Baby Boomers” are people born between 1946 and 1964.

An online survey conducted by the National Recreation and Park Association asked 1,000 Americans, ages 18+, what their favorite summertime outdoor activities are.

“Gen X’ers” are people born between 1965 and 1980.

All top 3 results reflect activities that can be enjoyed at public parks nationwide.


“Millennials” are people born between 1981 and 1996. 1. Of the top three activities on the chart, which do you Having a Picnic or Barbecue



2. What generation are you? _______________________________ 3. Are you “typical” for your generation?

Going for a Walk/Hike


Going to the Beach



_______________________________ three generations enjoy? _______________________________


Having a Picnic or Barbecue

Having a Picnic or Barbecue

Having a Picnic or Barbecue

Going for a Walk/Hike

Going for a Walk/Hike

Going to the Pool

Going to the Beach

Going to the Beach


4. What activities do all


Going to the Beach











Check whether you think you’ll do any of these activities in the summer. Activity Picnic or BBQ

I’m definitely going to do this.

Maybe I’ll do this.

I’m not going to do this.





Day Trip


CONNECT WITH CONVERSATION Get to know a partner. Talk about: • their plans for this (or next) summer • things people in their native country like to do during the summer • which generation they are most similar to • if they’ve ever gone camping, to a BBQ, to the beach

Answer Key: I. Answers will vary J. Answers will vary


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J. Encourage students to add any other activities that they are going or would like to do. Help with vocabulary if necessary.

Conversation Have students discuss the questions in new pairs or small groups. Encourage them to ask follow-up questions. Then ask some students to share what they have learned about their partner with the group. Expand the conversation by asking What was your experience like camping, if you have gone? Do you like to hike? Do you go to public parks? Which ones?

HOMEWORK Homework As you walk through the homework before the end of class, you might want to reference the language tools chart in Activity D. Remind students how we use going to and will. When we already have a plan, we use going (e.g., I’m going to the gym tonight). When we talk about spontaneous or uncertain decisions, we use will (e.g., I’ll call you later).


Lesson 10 • What Will You Pack?

Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

Pre P

1. I’ve got everything packed. I’m going to go / I’ll go camping this weekend. 2. Maybe she’ll go / she’s going to go dancing. 3. He doesn’t think he’ll need / he’s going to need insect repellent. 4. They’ll take / They’re going to take a big cooler to the party. It’s already in the car. 5. Hopefully, we’ll have / we’re going to have good weather this weekend. 6. I promise I’ll bring / I’m going to bring my umbrella. 7. Sure, no problem. I’ll bring / I’m going to bring the sunscreen.


Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. Are you ready for our camping trip tomorrow? Jane: Hey! (1) ________

insect repellent

Paul: Yeah – I think so! Do you have a (2) _____________ for our drinks? Jane: Sure. (3)_________ take my red one. I’m going to go to the store now to get some (4)____________ in case there are bugs. Need anything?

cooler first aid kit we’ll

Paul: Nah – don’t worry about that. (5)______ going to take a lot of sunscreen and a (6)____________, too.

I’m I’ll

Jane: Ok! If we need some, (7)________ use yours.


Paul: Sounds good – see you (8)__________ morning.



Jane: See you then!

JOURNAL PROMPT Write about a trip you plan to take or a place you plan to visit. What will you pack? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 56

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: K. 2. she’ll go. 3. he'll need 4. They're going to take 5. we'll have 6. I'll bring 7. I’ll bring L. 2. cooler 3. I’ll 4. insect repellent 5. I’m 6. first aid kit 7. we’ll 8. tomorrow


L11 I MIGHT BE ALLERGIC TO GLUTEN By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Talk about possible plans using maybe and might • Talk about common dietary restrictions and food allergies What to bring to class: • Table tents or name tags for student names • Pronunciation Fun to supplement the pronunciation activities • The Immigrant Guide to supplement the culture tip Warm-up: Greet students. Practice the material from last class. Ask What are you going to do next weekend? Review homework from last lesson. Be sure to discuss their answers to the journal section. Listening Track 10 Eva: Antonio! Over here! Antonio: Hey Eva! Ready to get lunch? Eva: Yes! What kind of food do you feel like? Antonio: I’d like something healthy and nutritious. Eva: That’s a great idea. Antonio: How about that Salad and Grill over there—they might have some healthy options. Eva: Let’s check it out…. Wow this is a great menu—lots of choices. There’s a vegan section and lots of dairy-free and gluten-free dishes. Antonio: This is great. I’ve been staying away from wheat. I might be allergic or maybe I’m just intolerant. Eva: That’s happening to a lot of people these days. So, do you want try this place? Antonio: Yes! I’m starving.


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT



Listening warm-up. Track 10: What is Sandra’s problem?

VOCABULARY WORDS & PHRASES A. Have students repeat each word after you. Explain “gluten free” (= no wheat), “vegan” vs. “vegetarian." Be sure to work on stress and pronunciation.


Repeat after your teacher. carbs = carbohydrates




be allergic to

processed food

food intolerance






phrasal verb: stay away from

PRONUNCIATION Pronunciation EXPANSION: Have students work with a dictionary to find the primary stress in each word. Do a couple of examples together. Then read the words for students to check their answers and have them repeat after you.


Listen and repeat after your teacher. Write the number of syllables under each word. Underline the primary stress syllable. carbohydrates




_____ 4











Answer Key: Pronunciation. gluten 2, nutritious 3, processed 2, allergic 3, calories 3, avoid 2





Match the words to the descriptions. 1. ___ d pasta, potatoes and rice

a. processed

2. ___ almond and coconut milk

b. allergic

3. ___ someone that has a serious reaction to some foods

c. vegan

4. ___ eats no meat but can eat eggs or cheese

d. carbohydrates

5. ___ eats no animal products

e. intolerant

6. ___ no wheat

f. dairy-free

7. ___ not allergic but makes you sick

g. gluten-free

8. ___ food that is changed, not natural

h. vegetarian

B. First, have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/groups. Finally, go through the answers F IfF students are together. struggling, refer them to the words in Activity A.



Listen again to Track 10 and complete the conversation Eva: Antonio! Over here! Antonio: Hey, Eva! Ready to get (1) lunch? Eva: Yes! What kind of food do you feel like? Antonio: I’d like something healthy and(2) _________________. Eva: That’s a great idea. Antonio: How about that Salad and Grill over there, they might have some (3) ________________ options. Eva: Let’s check it out….(pause) Eva: Wow, this is a great menu– lots of choices. There’s a (4) ____________ section and lots of (5)____________ and gluten–free dishes.

C. Play the track without stopping it. Have students discuss their answers in pairs/groups. Ask if they need to listen again. Play it multipleGtimes G and/or stop after each target sentence if needed.

Antonio: This is great. I’ve been staying away from wheat. I might be (6) __________ or maybe I’m just intolerant. Eva: That’s happening to a lot of people these days. So, do you want to try this place? Antonio: Yes!!! I’m starving.



Listen to your teacher and repeat. I might be allergic to peanuts. Maybe I’m allergic to peanuts. I might try the shrimp. Maybe I’ll try the shrimp We use might and maybe to talk about possibility. We use might + verb. We usually use maybe at the beginning of a sentence. 58

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: B. 2. f 3. b 4. h 5. c 6. g 7. e 8. a C. 2. nutritious 3. healthy 4. vegan 5. dairy-free 6. allergic


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

D. FOCUS: Statements with might and maybe.

E. First, have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/groups. Finally, go through the answers together.





Complete the sentences using might or maybe. 1. He ___________ might be lactose intolerant.

2. ___________ she’ll try it.

3. ___________ we’ll become vegans.

4. They __________ want to order steaks and potatoes.

5. I __________ try to cut back on calories.

6. Mason _________ask about gluten-free options.

7. You _____________ decide later.

8. _______________ I’ll go out later.

Unscramble the sentences. 1. allergic / He / might be / to fish.

F. EXPANSION: Use colored index cards for a sentence scramble activity.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ He might be allergic to fish. 2. speak / French. / Maybe / learn / to / I’ll _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. at / they’re / right now. / Maybe / work _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. an / need / Gloria and Ellen / apartment. / might / to find _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. might / stay away from / She/ processed foods. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. do / high protein / Maybe / a / I’ll / diet. _____________________________________________________________________________________


Rewrite the sentences reaplacing the word in bold with might or maybe. 1. You might think that’s great. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Maybe you think that’s great. 2. Maybe we’ll go to the movies tonight. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Debbie might take a new job. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Maybe I’ll eat out. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Maybe they’re vegetarians. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. He might ride his bike to work. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. I might stay away from fatty foods. _____________________________________________________________________________________


Answer Key: E. 2. maybe 3. maybe 4. might 5. might 6. might 7. might 8. Maybe F. 2. Maybe I’ll learn to speak French. 3. Maybe they’re at work right now. 4. Gloria and Ellen might need to find an apartment. 5. She might stay away from processed foods. 6. Maybe I’ll do a high protein diet. G. 2. We might go to the movies tonight. 3. Maybe Debbie will take a new job. 4. I might eat out. 5. They might be vegetarians. 6. Maybe he'll ride his bike to work. 7. Maybe I'll stay away from fatty foods.





Look at the poster. Answer the questions and discuss with a partner.

H. Explain how to read the poster. Have students work in pairs to answer the questions. If students need some suggestions for what they can do to make the world safe for people with food allergies, here are some ideas: (1) before taking food to someone’s home, ask if they have allergies; (2) when making food for other people, avoid using the 8 foods mentioned; (3) if you invite people to dinner, ask first if they have any allergies or food intolerances.

1. Look at the eight foods that cause the most reactions. Are you allergic to any of these foods? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Have you or someone in your family had a mild or serious reaction to food? Describe the reaction. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What do you think you can do to make the world a safer place for other people with food allergies? _____________________________________________________________________________________

CULTURE TIP It is common in the US for people to talk about dietary restrictions and food allergies. Many schools don’t allow school lunches to include nuts. People often ask guests who are coming for dinner if they have any allergies or special diets. If you don’t know what someone can or can’t eat, it is generally considered polite to ask. 60

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: H. Answers will vary


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

Culture Tip Expand the conversation by asking Do you know anyone who has food allergies? What are they? Some people label food that they provide at a potluck, buffet or meal to indicate potentially allergenic food (e.g., "Contains dairy"). Have you ever seen these labels? Do you think it's important to label food?



Read the menu. Look at the special diets of Olivia, Mark and Polly. What do you think each person might order?


Blue Bird Cafe

Gluten Free Contains Shellfish

Appetizers Seasonal Vegetable Soup

Creamy Broccoli Cheese Soup

Contains Dairy

Garden Salad Lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers with vinegar and oil

Under 500 Calories Low carb Spicy

Entrees Spicy Asian Chicken Salad

Mama’s Margherita Pizza

Big Bang Burrito

Strips of white chicken breast mixed with lettuce, fresh veggies and nuts. Tossed in a spicy lime vinaigrette dressing.

Freshly made dough topped with smooth mozzarella cheese, roasted tomatoes and basil. Gluten-free crust available upon request.

Whole wheat or corn tortilla filled with your choice of protein (beef, chicken or tofu), beans, rice, spicy fajita veggies and cheese.

Paulo’s Perfect Paella

Sam’s Special Salmon

Best Black Bean Burger

Rice cooked in delicious broth with veggies and a variety of seafood, including shrimp, crawfish and mussels.

Oven-roasted salmon seasoned with lemon and pepper. Served on a bed of asparagus and mushrooms. Comes with side salad.

Homemade black bean burger served on a gluten-free bun with lettuce, pickles, tomatoes and avocado. Comes with lightly seasoned sweet potato fries.

1. Olivia 2. Mark 3. Polly • vegan • doesn’t eat dairy • lactose intolerant • allergic to gluten • avoids carbs • trying to eat fewer calories • doesn’t like spicy food • allergic to shellfish • loves spicy food Meal: Meal: Meal: ___________________________ ___________________________ __________________________ 4. What might you order at this restaurant? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Conversation Have students discuss the questions in new pairs or small groups. Encourage them to ask follow-up questions. Then ask some students to share what they have learned about their partner with the group. Be sure your students ask you questions too.


CONNECT WITH CONVERSATION Get to know a partner. Talk about: • the meals they chose for each person and why • what they might order from the menu and why • what they might do if they go to someone’s home and are offered a food they don’t like


Answer Key: I. Answers will vary




Lesson 11 • I Might Be Allergic to Gluten

Circle the correct words to complete the questions and answers. 1. Q: Do / Does Felicia eat eggs?

Pre Pre

A: I’m not sure. I think she might / maybe be a vegan. 2. Q: Are they / he allergic to gluten? A: Maybe / Might I’m not sure. 3. Q: Does / Is he avoiding processed food? A: Yes, but he might / maybe eat a piece of cake at the birthday party. 4. Q: What are you going to do / doing to eat healthier? A: I’m not sure. Maybe I / I’ll try to eat fewer calories. 5. Q: Where are / is they going to eat dinner? A: They maybe / might go to the new restaurant downtown.


Look at the answers. Write the questions using the words in parentheses. 1. ______________________________________________ No, he isn’t. (allergic to dairy) Is he allergic to dairy? 2. ______________________________________________ Yes, they are. (avoiding carbs) 3. ______________________________________________ Yes, she does. (eat nutritious foods) 4. ______________________________________________ No, I don’t. (have any allergies)

JOURNAL PROMPT How does food in the US compare to food in your native country? What do you like or not like about the food here? What surprised you about the food here? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 62

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: J. 2. they/maybe 3. is/might 4. do/I’ll 5. are/might K. 2. Are they avoiding carbs? 3. Does she eat nutritious foods? 4. Do you have any allergies?


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT


L12 IT WAS SUCH A BLAST! By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Talk about events I've been to and how they went • Fill out review forms and rate my experience What to bring to class: • Table tents or name tags for student names • Pronunciation Fun to supplement the pronunciation activities • Hand mirror (or a smartphone with a camera set in selfie mode) to show mouth shapes in pronunciation activity • The Immigrant Guide to supplement the culture tip Teacher notes: We’ve provided simple definitions for vocabulary words and phrases that may be challenging to define: • Put up with: to tolerate; to allow someone to do something you don’t like Warm-up: Greet students. Practice the material from last class. Review homework from last lesson. Be sure to discuss their answers to the journal section. Listening Track 11 Tyrone: Hey Maggie. I’m sorry I missed your party last weekend. How was it? Maggie: It was such a blast! My brother’s band played. They were so good! Everyone was up and dancing. Even my 80-year-old grandma! Tyrone: Haha, that’s so cool! Who made the food? Maggie: My mom, sister, and I cooked all day on Friday. It was a lot of work but the food was so delicious! It was all gone by the end of the night. Tyrone: Ah, man. I was hoping to try some leftovers. Maggie: How was your weekend, Tyrone? Tyrone: It was miserable! I was so sick all weekend. Maggie: Oh no! I’m sorry you were under the weather. Glad you’re feeling better!




Listening warm-up. Track 11: How was Tyrone’s weekend?



A. Have students repeat each word after you. Be sure to work on stress and pronunciation. EXPANSION: Spend time working on the pronunciation of weather/wetter. Use Pronunciation Fun for ideas on how to work on these sounds.

Repeat after your teacher. challenging





an experience

an event

an opportunity

a disaster

a blast


Expression: under the weather

PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat after your teacher. Underline the stressed syllable in each word. A










Answer Key: Pronunciation. opportunity, overwhelming, miserable, disaster, challenging, blast, event


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

Pronunciation First have students do the task individually, then read the words multiple times for them to check.




Complete the sentences with the words from the box. 1. We have a lot of food from last night. We can eat _______________ leftovers for dinner.

B. First, have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/ groups. Finally, go through the answers together.

2. We went hiking yesterday. It was fun, but it was also very

challenging under the weather



3. The party was a ___________. It was so fun to dance with our friends!


4. Being a parent is challenging sometimes, but it is also such a


_____________________ experience to see our children grow and learn.


5. Belinda can’t go to class today. She is feeling_________________________. 6. We went to the park yesterday, but it was a ____________________ because a big storm came. We were cold and miserable the whole time.




Listen again to Track 11. Fill in the bubble with the correct answer. 1. How was Maggie’s weekend?

a. It was fun.

b. It was terrible.

2. Did Maggie’s grandma have fun at the party?

a. Yes, she did.

b. No, she didn’t.

3. How was the food at the party?

a. It was miserable.

b. It was delicious.

4. Why didn’t Tyrone go to the party?

a. He wasn’t invited.

b. He was sick.



Listen to your teacher and repeat.


The party


great boring


a great experience a disaster


(that we stayed until midnight.) (that we left.)

We use so to add emphasis to an adjective (describing word). We use such to add emphasis to a noun (person, place or thing). 64

Student Book 4 RIGHT

D. FOCUS: Statements with so and such. Have students read the examples in the chart and elicit that we use so before an adjective (when it's the last word in the sentence) and such before a noun (even if there is an adjective before the noun).

Answer Key: B. 2. challenging 3. blast 4. rewarding 5. under the weather 6. disaster C. 2. a 3. b 4. b





Read the conversations and circle the correct word to complete the sentences.

E. First, have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/groups. Monitor and make sure everybody has the correct answer. Finally, have students role-play the dialogs.

Prisha: How was the concert? Garvesh: Fantastic! We had (1) so / such a good time! We got to go backstage and meet the band. Prisha: Wow! That’s (2) so / such cool. What were they like? Garvesh: They were (3) so / such nice. They took pictures with us and gave us free t-shirts. Prisha: That sounds like (4) so / such a great experience! Ying: How was your first day at your new job? Annika: It was (5) so / such overwhelming. I have a lot to learn. Ying: The first day is tough. What are your co-workers like? Annika: They are nice, but everyone was (6) so / such busy that we didn’t talk much. Ying: Do you think you’ll like the job? Annika: Oh, yeah. It’s (7) so / such a wonderful opportunity for me.


Complete the sentences with so or such. so close that we talk on the phone every night. 1. My family is ______

2. We had ______ a terrible time on our vacation that we came home early. 3. We worked _______ well together that we finished the project early. 4. The movie was _______ scary that I had to close my eyes. 5. The seniors at the retirement home had _______ a nice time at the concert that they decided to go again. 6. I’m feeling under the weather. I’m _______ disappointed that I can’t go to your party. 7. He was going ______ fast that the police pulled him over. 8. Carolina was _______ a good student that she graduated early.

E. Review the grammar rule below the language tools chart. Have students identify the part of speech after each blank line to determine if they should use so or such.

9. Living in another country can be _______ challenging sometimes.


Use the words in parentheses to write answers to the questions with so or such. 1. How was class today? _______________________________________________________ (interesting) It was so interesting. 2. How was your trip? ____________________________________________________________ (disaster) 3. What was moving to the United States like for her? ______________________________ (challenging) 4. What was living in Malaysia like? _____________________________________(interesting experience)

G. EXPANSION: Have students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.

5. How was the wedding? _________________________________________________________ (a blast) 6. How was the food at the restaurant? _____________________________________________ (delicious)


Answer Key: E. 2. so 3. so 4. such 5. so 6. so 7. such F. 2. such 3. so 4. so 5. such 6. so 7. so 8. such 9. so G. 2. It was such a disaster. 3. It was so challenging. 4. It was such an interesting experience. 5. It was such a blast. 6. It was so delicious. 78

Teacher Book 4 RIGHT




Look at the online reviews of the catering companies. Answer the questions.

H. Before the activity, elicit what catering means. What kind of things can be catered? Then have students work in pairs to answer the questions.




1. Which caterer has more stars and better reviews?

Helen’s Fresh

7 Suns

2. Which caterer has been late to events?

Helen’s Fresh

7 Suns

3. Which caterer has more online reviews?

Helen’s Fresh

7 Suns

4. Which caterer is cheaper?

Helen’s Fresh

7 Suns

5. Which caterer would you like to try for your event?

Helen’s Fresh

7 Suns

6. Ask your partner which caterer they’d choose and why.

Culture Tip EXPANSION: Have students write a review for a recent experience. If possible, post it online on social media or a website. Be sure your students ask you questions too.

CULTURE TIP It is easy to review different companies and businesses you have visited. You can post your review online. This can help the business if it was a wonderful experience, or can let others know if it was a disaster! Have you written an online review before? Was it positive or negative? Why? 66

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: H. 1. Helen's Fresh 2. 7 Suns 3. Helen’s Fresh 4. 7 Suns 5. Answers will vary. 6. Answers will vary.



12 Read Amelia’s feedback form. Complete the chart. GRADUATION PARTY FEEDBACK FORM Please rate the following (5 stars = excellent) 1. Overall, how would you rate the event?  2. Date and time of event  3. Location  4. Food and beverages  5. Cost  6. Speaker or entertainment  7. What did you like the most about the event?

Food and entertainment

8. What did you like the least about the event?

Cost and location

9. How likely are you to recommend us to friends and family?


10. Do you have any other suggestions for us?

The event was so fun, but the location had no parking, and tickets were expensive.




Think about an event that you have been to. Fill out the feedback form about it. __________________________________ FEEDBACK FORM Please rate the following (5 stars = excellent) 1. Overall, how would you rate the event? 2. Date and time of event 3. Location 4. Food and beverages 5. Cost 6. Speaker or entertainment

     

7. What did you like the most about the event? 8. What did you like the least about the event? 9. How likely are you to recommend us to friends and family?


10. Do you have any other suggestions for us?

CONNECT WITH CONVERSATION Get to know a partner. Talk about: • an event that they went to that was wonderful and why • an event that they went to that was miserable and why

Answer Key: I. Things Amelia Liked: 2, 4, 6 Things Amelia Didn’t Like: 3, 5 J. Answers will vary


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT


Conversation Have students discuss the questions in new pairs or small groups. Encourage them to ask follow-up questions. Then ask some students to share what each of them have learned about their partner with the group.



Lesson 12 • It Was Such a Blast!

Complete the sentences with so or such.

Pre P

1. The party was _________ such a great experience, we stayed out till midnight! 2. He said that the caterer was _________ bad that everyone got a stomachache. 3. I do my homework when I can, but it’s __________ hard to find time! 4. We had ___________ a nice vacation in Mexico. 5. Living in another country can be ________ challenging sometimes. 6. There was __________ much food that we had leftovers after! 7. It was __________ a great opportunity. He couldn’t pass it up. 8. We went hiking this weekend. It was ________ a blast! 9. Poor Tina! She is under the weather and ________ miserable. 10. He got a new jacket that is _________ cool.


Use the words in parentheses to write answers to the questions with so or such. 1. How was your weekend? It was such a blast. _______________________________________________________________________________ (a blast)

2. How was class yesterday? __________________________________________________________________________ (challenging) 3. What is living in the US like for him? ___________________________________________________________________ (exciting opportunity) 4. What was the wedding like? ___________________________________________________________________________ (interesting) 5. What was the training like? __________________________________________________________________ (rewarding experience) 6. How was the food at the restaurant? _____________________________________________________________________________ (delicious)

JOURNAL PROMPT Write about a great event you went to. What made it a great event? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 68

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: K. 2. so 3. so 4. such 5. so 6. so 7. such 8. such 9. so 10. so L. 2. It was so challenging. 3. It was such an exciting opportunity. 4. It was so interesting. 5. It was such a rewarding experience. 6. It was so delicious.



L13 IT’S A GOOD IDEA TO FLOSS EVERYDAY By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Give and understand advice using should, it’s a good idea to, and it’s important to What to bring to class: • Table tents or name tags for student names • Pronunciation Fun to supplement the pronunciation activities • The Immigrant Guide to supplement the culture tip Warm-up: Greet students. Practice the material from last class. Review homework from last lesson. Be sure to discuss their answers to the journal section. Listening Track 12 Dr. Martin: Alright, Fiona, I want you to open your mouth. Fiona: Ahhhhhh Dr. Martin: Your gums look healthy. You must be flossing. How often do you floss? Fiona: [garbled] Dr. Martin: Sorry? Fiona: I floss every other day. Dr. Martin: Okay, it’s a good idea to floss every day if you can. Hmmm, I see some plaque here and a bit of decay. How often are you brushing? Fiona: [garbled] Dr. Martin: Come again? Fiona: Once a day. Dr. Martin: You definitely should brush twice a day for healthy teeth and gums. It looks like you have a small cavity. Would you like to get a filling today or come back at another time? Fiona: I’ll think I’ll come back later. Dr. Martin: Okay, you can talk to the receptionist about scheduling an appointment. Don’t forget to floss and brush every day.


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT


A. Have students repeat each word after you multiple times. Be sure to work on stress and pronunciation. EXPANSION: Spend time working on the pronunciation of mouth/mouse. Use Pronunciation Fun for ideas on how to work on these sounds.



Listening warm-up. Track 12: Can Dr. Martin understand Fiona’s answers?

VOCABULARY WORDS & PHRASES Repeat after your teacher. floss











wisdom teeth

PRONUNCIATION Listen to your teacher. Circle the answer you hear. Practice with a partner. A

1. John needs to take better care of his mouth! a. He gets a lot of cavities. John needs to take better care of his mouse! b. He loses it and can’t use his computer without it. 2. What is the tense? What is the tenth?

a. It’s the past. b. It’s a Friday.

3. Is Susan thinking? Is Susan sinking?

a. Yes. She has a lot on her mind right now. b. Yes! We need to help her!

4. Did he say anything about his face? Did he say anything about his faith?

a. Yes. He told us he fell and scratched his nose. b. No. He doesn’t like to talk about religion.

5. Is today Tuesday? Is today Tooth Day?

a. No, it’s Wednesday. b. Yes, today we teach the kids about their teeth.

6. Are they sick? Are they thick?

a. Yes, we need to take the kids to the doctor. b. No, the books don’t have a lot of pages.


Pronunciation EXPANSION: Have students ask each other the questions after you have gone through it once, so that they are not just hearing you say the words. NOTE: This activity works on distinguishing the "s" sound from the unvoiced "th" sound. This is often a difficult sound for students to hear and make in English. The teacher should say the following sentences and students should circle the responses that makes sense for what they hear. 1. John needs to take better care of his mouth. 2. What is the tenth? 3. Is Susan thinking? 4. Did he say anything about his face? 5. Is today Tooth Day? 6. Are they sick? Answer Key: Pronunciation. 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. a




B. EE First, ask How often do you go to the dentist? Have students work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/ groups. Finally, go through the answers together.

Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


dentist A typical appointment at the (1) ____________lasts around 30 minutes to an


hour. First, you will get (2) __________________ to rinse your mouth. After


that, they will check your teeth to see if you have any (3) _________________


build-up or (4) ____________________. They will often look at your


(5)__________________ to make sure they don’t have any sign of disease. A


common question dentists ask is if you (6)__________________ and if you


brush your teeth every day. After the appointment, many dentists will give you a free (7) ____________________ and (8) ___________________ to try.

cavities toothpaste



Listen again to Track 12. Check the words you hear.  mouth










Listen to your teacher and repeat. STATEMENTS You should

floss brush your teeth

It’s a good idea It’s important

to floss to brush your teeth

every day.

We use to after saying “it’s a good idea…” and it’s important…” We don’t use to after should. 70

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: B. 2. mouthwash 3. plaque 4. cavities 5. gums 6. floss 7. toothbrush 8. toothpaste C. gums, plaque, floss, cavity


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT


C. Play the track without stopping it. Have students HH discuss their answers in pairs/groups. Ask if they need to listen again. Play it multiple times if needed. D. FOCUS: Statements of advice using should, it’s a good idea to, it’s important to. Draw students attention to the absence of “to” after should.

E. First, have them work individually. Then have them compare their answers in pairs/groups. Finally, go through the answers together. NOTE: When the sentence has the word "should," you do not use "to." When the sentence has "it's important," then you use "to."



Circle the correct word. 1. You should to buy / buy toothpaste with fluoride. 2. He thinks it’s a good idea to use / use mouthwash in the morning. 3. She said it’s important to floss / floss twice a day. 4. We should to make / make appointments for the dentist. 5. We should to call / call before we go over to their house. 6. He thinks it’s important to plan / plan for the future. 7. Debbie thinks you should to look / look for a better job.


Fill in the blanks using should or it’s a good idea to. should 1. I think you _______________ see a dentist.

2. She thinks ____________________________ brush daily.

3. They _______________ have their teeth checked.

4. He ________________ floss every night.

5. We know _________________________ see

6. __________________________ use mouthwash

a dentist twice a year.

G. EXPANSION: Use colored index cards for a sentence scramble activity.




Answer Key:

with fluoride.

Look at the sentences. Check the ones that are correct. Fix the sentences that are incorrect.

1. It’s a good idea to brush your teeth twice a day.

2. You should to floss regularly.



3. He said it’s important see a dentist twice a year.

4. We think it’s a good idea to use mouthwash.



5. She should go to the dentist.

6. It’s important to get your wisdom teeth removed.



7. They should to drink milk for strong teeth.

8. I think it’s a good idea ask your dentist questions.



Put the sentences in the correct order. 1. to / floss / important / It’s / every day. _____________________________________________________________________________________ It’s important to floss every day. 2. thinks / good / He / idea / to / it’s a / toothbrush. / get a / new _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. should / They / I / fluoride / said / use / toothpaste. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. get / wisdom teeth / removed. / He / should / his _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. told me / it’s / They/ important / healthy / gums. / for _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. twice / She / visit / a year. / said / to / important / it’s / a dentist _____________________________________________________________________________________


E. 2. to use 3. to floss 4. make 5. call 6. to plan 7. look F. 2. it’s a good idea to 3. should 4. should 5. it's a good idea to 6. It’s a good idea to G. Correct: 4, 5, 6. Incorrect: 2. You should floss regularly. 3. He said it’s important to see a dentist. 7. They should drink milk for strong teeth. 8. I think it’s a good idea to ask your dentist questions. H. 2. He thinks it’s a good idea to get a new toothbrush. 3. They said I should use fluoride toothpaste. 4. He should get his wisdom teeth removed. 5. They told me it’s important for healthy gums. 6. She said it’s important to visit a dentist twice a year.




JJ I. Before the task, have students work in pairs or small groups to brainstorm at least 4 ways to care for their teeth. Then have students read the flyer to check their ideas and do the task.

Read the flyer. Circle the correct answers.

Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Keeping your teeth and gums clean can prevent cavities and gum disease.

Visit the dentist regularly. Checkups can find tooth decay, gum disease, and other problems before they lead to more serious issues like tooth loss.

Drink fluoride water to keep teeth strong and reduce cavities.

Avoid sugary snacks and drinks which can lead to tooth decay, type 2 diabetes, and other health problems.

Avoid all forms of tobacco and limit alcohol. Smokers have twice the risk of gum disease compared to nonsmokers. Excessive alcohol use combined with tobacco use causes at least 75% of head and neck cancers.

If you have diabetes, work with your doctor to keep your blood sugar close to your target level. High blood sugar increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.



1. It is important to brush with fluoride toothpaste because

a. it prevents cavities.

b. it prevents diabetes.

2. At a checkup, the dentist looks for

a. tooth decay.

b. tooth loss.

3. Smoking increases the risk of

a. gum disease.

b. diabetes.

4. It’s a good idea to avoid sugar because it can cause

a. cancer.

b. tooth decay.

5. You shouldn’t drink a lot of

a. fluoride water.

b. soda.

6. Is there anything that surprised you in this flyer?_______________________________________________

CULTURE TIP Dental visits are not necessarily covered by health insurance. It’s usually a separate type of insurance. Some dentists offer their own insurance. You may pay a monthly fee and it covers two cleanings a year as well as X-rays. Some people think going to the dentist is scary. Do you agree? Why or why not? 72

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Culture Tip Talk about braces in the US, their popularity, and cost. You could also talk about flossing, mouthwashes, and different dental products and how they should prevent plaque, etc. Use The Immigrant Guide (Health and Medical section) to expand the conversation. Other relevant conversations include discussions around tap water: Is tap water safe here? Does it have fluoride? Is it safe in your native country? Do you drink it?

Answer Key: I. 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. Answers will vary


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

J. Before the task, ask How healthy is your lifestyle? What do you do to stay healthy? Have students do the questionnaire to check themselves.


13 Role-Play! Fold your page in half along the dotted line. You and your partner are worried about your children. Read your side of the paper and tell your partner why you are worried about your son or daughter. Take turns giving advice using should, it’s a good idea or it’s important. Partner 1

Your daughter is 14 years old and stays up very late every night watching television and eating junk food. She isn’t getting very good grades at school and often says she doesn’t want to go to school because she is tired or doesn’t feel well.

K. Ask What are other behaviors that you use to stay healthy?


Partner 2

Your son is 6 years old and doesn’t like to brush his teeth. He often goes to bed without brushing them and never flosses. He loves to eat sweet foods and eats any candies or any other sugar he can find in the house. He’s scared of the dentist and says he will not go to his dentist appointments.

Rank the healthy living behaviors below in order of what you think is most important (1) to least important (8). ____ eat a lot of fruit and vegetables ____ drink eight glasses of water a day ____ watch no more than one hour of television a day ____ brush your teeth twice a day ____ floss every day ____ get at least eight hours of sleep ____ take vitamins ____ exercise every day

Conversation Have students discuss the questions in new pairs or small groups. Encourage them to ask follow-up questions. Then ask some students to share what each of them have learned about their partner with the group. Be sure your students ask you questions too.

CONNECT WITH CONVERSATION Get to know a partner. Discuss your opinions on these topics: • how they ranked the healthy living behaviors in Activity K and why • if they do the behaviors in Activity K and why or why not • how they feel about going to the dentist


Answer Key: J. Answers will vary K. Answers will vary




Lesson 13 • It’s a Good Idea to Floss Every Day

Complete the sentence with should or it’s important. should 1. They ________________ visit the dentist regularly.

Pre Pre

2. _______________________________ to floss every day. 3. She _______________________see a dentist about her toothache. 4. Carol and Bob think ____________________ to drink a lot of water. 5. The doctor said I ____________________________ make another appointment. 6. He ________________________________ get his wisdom teeth removed. 7. We __________________________ practice our English this weekend. 8. I think ___________________________ to recycle plastics.


Put the conversation in the correct order. 6 Natalie: Okay. Thanks so much. I’ll call the dentist now and schedule an appointment. 1. ____

2. ____ Maye: Hey, Natalie. What’s wrong? You look sick. 3. ____ Maye: Yes, I have a good dentist I can refer you to. You should go today. It’s also a good idea to go at least twice a year. 4. ____ Maye: Oh no! You should see a dentist as soon as possible. Do you have a good dentist? 5. ____ Natalie: No, I don’t usually go to the dentist. I’m too scared. Do you know one? 6. ____ Natalie: I’m not feeling well. My tooth is hurting a lot. What do you think I should do?

AA JOURNAL PROMPT Do you get nervous about going to the dentist? Why or why not? What do you think someone should do if they are scared of going to the dentist? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 74

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: L. 2. It’s important 3. should 4. it’s important 5. should 6. should 7. should 8. it’s important M. 1, 5, 3, 4, 2


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

L14 DON’T FORGET TO BE HERE BY 4 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Use remind and remember correctly • Talk about common things people need to remember to do in their homes each year What to bring to class: • Table tents or name tags for student names • Pronunciation Fun to supplement the pronunciation activities • The Immigrant Guide to supplement the culture tip Teacher notes: We’ve provided simple definitions for vocabulary words and phrases that may be challenging to define: • reminder: something that makes you remember; for example, an alarm clock is a reminder to wake up Warm-up: Greet students. Practice the material from last class. Share a problem you have and ask students for advice. Elicit: you should, it’s a good idea, it’s important to. Review homework from last lesson. Be sure to discuss their answers to the journal section. Listening Track 13 Celia: Frank, we have a lot to do around the house this week. Frank: I know! Can you help me remember to do a few things? Celia: Sure! Frank: Great. On Monday, the plumber is coming to fix the leak in the bathtub. Celia: Monday, plumber. Got it. Frank: Wednesday, a repairman is coming to change the filters for the furnace. Don’t forget to be here by 4, he’s coming at 4:30. Celia: Wednesday, at 4. Okay. Frank: On Thursday, remind me to take the car in for an oil change. Celia: I’ll remind you Wednesday night. Frank: Perfect. This weekend we also need to rake the leaves and blow out the sprinklers. Celia: Okay. When do we get to have a break? Frank: When we finish on Sunday!




Listening warm-up. Track 13: Are they busy this week?



A. Have students repeat each word after you multiple times. Be sure to work on stress and pronunciation.

Repeat after your teacher. plumber








oil change


Phrasal verb: blow out


Listen and repeat after your teacher. Try saying the sentences with a partner. Who can say each sentence faster? 1. Frank found five filters on Friday. 2. Sal swiftly serviced the sprinklers starting on Saturday. 3. Nate’s great rake was a fake.


Pronunciation These are tongue twisters which help with pronunciation and provide a way to practice rhythm. Clap out the phrases. Frank - five filter - Friday Sal - swiftly serviced – sprinklers - Saturday Nate - great rake – fake. EXPANSION: Have a competition to see who can say a tongue twister fastest.


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT




Write the words related to house, yard and car in the correct column. HOUSE



oil change

oil change

service leak aerate filter furnace rake




Listen again to Track 13:. Circle what is going to happen each day. 1. Monday

a. plumber fixes leak

b. gardener aerates the lawn

2. Wednesday

a. repairman changes the filters

b. buy a new furnace

3. Thursday

a. take car for oil change

b. rake the leaves

4. Weekend

a. wash the car

b. blow out sprinklers

5. Sunday

a. take a break

b. buy a rake


LANGUAGE TOOLS D. FOCUS: Statements with remind, don’t forget, remember. NOTE: Remind is followed by object pronoun such as: me, us, you, them, him, her.


Listen to your teacher and repeat. Statements with Reminders me him her Jean us them


to get an oil change. to service the furnace.

Don’t forget Remember We use remind me when we want someone to help us remember something. We use don’t forget and remember to remind someone else. 76

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: B. House: leak, furnace, filter, service Yard: aerate, rake Car: oil change, service, filter, leak C. 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a





Circle the correct words. 1. Remind / Remember me to do maintenance on the car. 2. Don’t forget / remind to clean the windows. 3. Remember / Remind to blow out the sprinklers. 4. Don’t forget / Remind me to do the laundry. 5. Remind / Remember to schedule a chimney service. 6. Tomorrow is his birthday. Remind / Remember me to pick up a present. 7. Don’t forget / Remind tomorrow is a field trip. 8. Remind /Remember them to come 15 minutes early.


Complete the sentences using remember, remind and don’t forget.

F. NOTE: Remember and don’t forget can be interchangeable.

Remember to rake the leaves this afternoon. Okay, I will. 1. ________________

2. _________________ me to get an oil change this weekend. 3. Anna, ___________________ to take out the trash tomorrow. I won’t. 4. __________________ him to be home by 7:00 p.m. 5. She told me to __________________not to yell. 6. Matt, ____________________me where you’re from.


Use the words in parentheses to write a complete sentence. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Remind her to take out the trash tomorrow. (remind / her / take out trash / tomorrow)

G. EXPANSION: Use colored index cards for a sentence scramble activity.

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________ (don’t forget / call / plumber / today) 3. ___________________________________________________________________________________ (remember / get / oil change / Thursday) 4. ___________________________________________________________________________________ (remind / me / aerate the yard / Friday) 5. ___________________________________________________________________________________ (don’t forget / rake leaves / this weekend)


Answer Key: E. 2. forget 3. Remember 4. Remind 5. Remember 6. Remind 7. Don't forget 8. Remind F. 2. Remind 3. don’t forget OR remember 4. Remind 5. remember 6. remind G. 2. Don’t forget to call the plumber today. 3. Remember to get an oil change on Thursday. 4. Remind me to aerate the yard on Friday. 5. Don’t forget to rake the leaves this weekend.


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT




Look at the chart. Answer the questions.

H. Explain how to read the chart. Have students work in pairs to answer the questions. Ask Are you surprised by any of these statistics?

Survey of adults on what they forget A person's name


A password

15% 8%

Keys (car/house) 7%

Phone 3%

To bring lunch



To take bath or shower

3% 2%

14% 12%


Age 55+







Wallet or purse

8% 8%

Important dates




35-54 18-34




7% 6%

Source: The Trending Machine national poll adults 18+, representative of the US population of adults online.

1. Who forgets a person’s name most?

Ages 18-34

Ages 35-54

Ages 55+

2. Who forgets their medicine most?

Ages 18-34

Ages 35-54

Ages 55+

3. Who forgets important dates the most?

Ages 18-34

Ages 35-54

Ages 55+

4. What do older people forget the most? _________________________________________________


5. What do younger people forget the most? ______________________________________________ 6. What do most people remember?


7. What group are you in?

Ages 18-34

Ages 35-54

Ages 55+

8. Is the chart true for you?


9. What things in the chart do you most often forget?_________________________________________

CULTURE TIP Many businesses in the US remind you by mail, email or phone if you need to come back for service. Doctor’s offices, dentists, veterinarians, car maintenance centers and others may do this. If you don’t want to get reminders you need ask them to remove you from their list. Do you think it is helpful to receive these kinds of reminders? Why or why not? 78

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: H. 2. Age 18-34 3. Ages 18-34 4. A person's name 5. A person's name 6. To take a bath or shower 7. Answers will vary 8. Answers will vary 9. Answers will vary


14 JI

Read the article about ways to remember things. Pick two tips that you might try and discuss with a partner.

Five Easy Tips to Improve Your Memory Memory, like body strength, requires you to “use it or lose it.” The more you work out your brain, the better you’ll be able to process and remember information. But not all activities are equal. The best brain exercises break your routine and challenge you to use and develop new brain pathways. Here are some other interesting ways to improve your memory:

I. Before the task, have students work in pairs to brainstorm 3-4 ways to remember things. Then have students read the article to check their ideas. Talk about common things people forget to do.

1. Use pictures or short notes We remember visual cues better than words. Say you need to remember an appointment. Try putting the appointment on a sticky note and stick it on a mirror. 2. Talk aloud – even to yourself Say out loud: “I’m walking up the stairs to get my glasses..” “I’m putting my parking ticket in my pocket so I can get it validated.” “ I’m going to the store to buy milk and eggs.” If an idea strikes while you're in the shower, rehearse it out loud to help remember it. Say it three times out loud: “Buy filters for furnace, buy filters for furnace, buy filters for furnace.” 3. Do it backward One study found that walking backward may improve short-term memory. It’s not clear why this is the case, but people may associate reverse motion with a return to the past, which may trigger a memory response. 4. Exercise and diet No pill can give you the same benefits as regular exercise and good fresh food. If exercise isn't part of your day, start out with a five minute walk each day. Then increase to a longer walk. If walking is painful, try swimming or cycling. Trade a side dish of rice for a fruit or vegetable. 5. Minimize distractions. Do one thing at a time. Turn off the television or radio when you're talking with someone. At a restaurant, try to face the wall so you can more easily focus on the conversation at your table.


Circle the three things that are most difficult for you to remember: names of people you meet

what day it is


where you left your keys

where you left your phone

to take lunch to work or school

important dates like birthdays or anniversaries

to take your medicine

where you left your wallet or purse

to take a bath or shower

J. Encourage students to add other things to the list that they often forget. See if the students can come up with ways to not forget these things.

CONNECT WITH CONVERSATION Get to know a partner. Talk about: • things you do to remember • the things that are most difficult for them to remember • if they are a forgetful person or not


Conversation Have students discuss the questions in new pairs or small groups. Encourage them to ask follow-up questions. Then ask some students to share what they have learned about their partner with the group.

Answer Key: I. Answers will vary J. Answers will vary 94

Teacher Book 4 RIGHT



Lesson 14 • Don’t Forget to Be Here by 4:00

Read the conversations. Write the correct word. remember Joaquin: It’s supposed to get cold this weekend. Did you (1)___________________ (remember / remind)

to blow out the sprinklers?

Pre P

Olivia: Oh. No, I didn’t. Can you (2)___________________ (remember / remind) me to call the lawn company tomorrow? Joaquin: Okay. We also need to (3)___________________ (remember / remind) to rake the leaves. There are so many of them! Olivia: Oh yeah – that (4)_____________________ (remembers / reminds) me—we also need to change the furnace filter. Joaquin: Right. And the mechanic sent us a postcard to (5)____________________ (remember / remind) us to change the oil in the car, too. Olivia: Okay, I’ll do that tomorrow. We really have a lot to do!


Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence. 1. Janet / remember / oil. / didn’t / change / the / to Janet didn’t remember to change the oil. _______________________________________________________


2. me / the plumber / Remind / to / call / on / Monday. _______________________________________________________ 3. change / Please / to / remember/ the / filter. _______________________________________________________ 4. to / Don’t / blow out / forget / sprinklers! / the _______________________________________________________

JOURNAL PROMPT In the last month, was there anything you forgot to do? What happened? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 80

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: K. 2. remind 3. remember 4. reminds 5. remind L. 2. Remind me to call the plumber on Monday. 3. Please remember to change the filter. 4. Don’t forget to blow out the sprinklers.


L15 I STILL HAVE TO WEAR A TIE By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Talk about things that are still happening and things that do not happen anymore What to bring to class: • Table tents or name tags for student names • Pronunciation Fun to supplement the pronunciation activities • The Immigrant Guide to supplement the culture tip Teacher notes: Read ahead for Lesson 16: Final Review and Progress Check. Prepare how you will lead the Final Review and give the Progress Check. Consider assigning the self-reflection in the Student Book as homework, in addition to the regularly assigned homework at the end of lesson 15. We’ve provided simple definitions for vocabulary words and phrases that may be challenging to define: • appropriate: right/good to wear to a specific event • revealing: clothes that show a lot of skin Warm-up: Greet students. Practice the material from last class. Review homework from last lesson. Be sure to discuss their answers to the journal section. Listening Track 14 Frieda: Hi Ariel. How was your first day at the bank? Ariel (male): Well there’s lot to learn but it looks like it’s going to be a great place to work. Frieda: Oh, that’s good. Do they have a strict dress code, like suits and ties? Ariel: No. They don’t require suits anymore. But we still have to look professional. Frieda: Hmm. So what does that mean? Ariel: Nice pants, a clean button-down shirt with a collar. Frieda: Wow—that’s great. I’m amazed that you don’t have to wear a suit and tie anymore. Ariel: Well, I’ll still need to wear a tie. What do you have to wear at the customer service center? Do they still have a dress code? Frieda: It’s pretty casual there. They don’t have a dress code anymore, just guidelines. Ariel: Can you wear those flip flops? Frieda: No, and nothing too revealing, but I can wear jeans and T-shirts.


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT



Listening warm-up. Track 14: Where does Ariel work?

VOCABULARY WORDS & PHRASES A. Have students repeat each word after you multiple times. Be sure to work on stress and pronunciation. EXPANSION: Spend time working on the pronunciation of shoe/ chew. Use Pronunciation Fun for ideas on how to work on these sounds.


Repeat after your teacher.

casual/ business attire

long sleeve


short sleeve dress code

Pronunciation Have students work individually first. Then read the words aloud for students to check themselves and repeat after you.



sleeveless shirt casual

high heels

open-toed shoes


steel-toe shoes

flip flps



Listen and repeat after your teacher. Underline the part of the word or phrase that has the primary stress. dress code

business attire



flip flops






Answer Key: Pronunciation. business attire, collar, low-cut, sleeveless, flip flops, appropriate, uniform, revealing




Fill in the blanks to complete the Dress Code Guidelines. revealing

Customer Service Center Dress Guidelines

business attire

In an effort to stay current with the needs of our employees, please review our


appropriate guidelines for (1) ____________________dress at the Customer Service Center.

steel-toe shoes

These guidelines replace the (2) ______________________ Policy #32.

flip flops

• Jeans and t-shirts are permitted. They must be clean and without holes. • (3)__________________ shoes such as sandals are permitted, but no

Dress Code



• No (5)______________________ clothing is permitted. No undergarments,

long sleeves

such as bras, may show.

B. EE Before the task, ask students if they have ever had to follow a dress code. If yes, have them talk about the dress code guidelines they followed. Have students do the task individually and then FF compare their answers in pairs/groups. Finally, go through the answers together.

If you are making any visits to shipping and receiving, you are required to wear (6) _____________ to cover your arms, and we encourage employees to wear (7) _________________ to protect your feet. If you are making any visits to the corporate office, we encourage you to wear


proper (8)_________________________________________.



C. Play the track without stopping it. Have students discuss their answers in pairs/groups. Ask if they need to listen again. Play it multiple times if needed. EXPANSION: Have students correct the false statements.

Listen again to Track 14. Circle True or False. 1. Ariel works at a bank.



2. He has to wear a suit and tie.



3. The Customer Service Center has a dress code.



4. She can wear flip flops.



5. She can wear jeans.





Listen to your teacher and repeat. QUESTIONS Do




to wear a suit and tie?






do. don’t have to


still = the situation continues. Still usually goes before a verb. anymore = situation is different from the past. Anymore goes at the end of a sentence. 82

Student Book 4 RIGHT

D. FOCUS: Q&As using still (e.g., I still work there). Have students look at the examples in the chart and ask Where do we put “still”? Elicit: After the subject. or Between the subject and verb. Have students figure out the placement of anymore.

Answer Key: B. 2. Dress Code 3. Open-toed 4. flip flops 5. revealing 6. long sleeves 7. steel-toe shoes 8. business attire C. 2. FALSE 3. TRUE 4. FALSE 5. TRUE


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT




F. NOTE: Full sentences and short answers such as Yes, he still does are okay.

G. Before the task, review the meaning of used to (did in the past, but not anymore).



Complete the sentences with still or anymore. 1. No, we don’t have uniforms _____________. anymore

2. Yes, she ____________ works at the movie theater.

3. Yes, I _____________ have your books.

4. No, they don’t eat meat _____________.

5. Yes, he is ______________ watching TV.

6. No, you don’t have to stay here _________________.

7. No, she doesn’t sing ________________.

8. Yes, we __________have class tomorrow.

Answer the questions. 1. Do you still have casual Friday at work?

No, we don’t have it anymore. (No) _____________________________________

2. Does he still wear flip flops every day?

_____________________________________ (Yes)

3. Do we still have to wear business attire tonight?

_____________________________________ (Yes)

4. Is there still a dress code at work?

_____________________________________ (No)

5. Does he still wear steel-toe boots to work?

_____________________________________ (Yes)

6. Does Tony still wear collared shirts to parties?

_____________________________________ (No)

Look at the things Mira used to do and still does. Put them in the correct box. Check your answers with a partner. STILL 1. _______________________________________ ______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ ______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ ______________________________________ NOT ANYMORE

play game with siblings 4. _______________________________________

I used to play games with my siblings. I eat dinner with my family every Friday. I have been cooking since I was 10. I used to take a Zumba dance class. I work as a cook at the Main Street Grill.

_______________________________________ 5. _______________________________________ ______________________________________


Answer Key: E. 2. still 3. still 4. anymore 5. still 6. anymore 7. anymore 8. still F. 2. Yes, he still wears flip flops every day. 3. Yes, we still have to wear business attire tonight. 4. No, there isn't a dress code at work anymore. 5. Yes, he still wears steel-toe boots to work. 6. No, Tony doesn’t wear collared shirts to parties anymore. G. STILL: 1. eats dinner with her family 2. cooks 3. works as a cook NOT ANYMORE: 5. take Zumba





Read the Hills Bank Dress Code. Circle the numbers under the pictures of people who are wearing appropriate clothing. Compare with a partner and talk about why you chose those pictures.

Hills Bank Dress Code

H. Before the task, have students work in pairs/ groups to describe the clothing people are wearing in the pictures.

Hills Bank has a new dress code to encourage more appropriate attire. Because our work environment serves customers, professional business casual attire is mandatory. Business casual attire includes suits, pants, jackets, shirts, skirts and dresses that are appropriate for a business environment. Ties are optional and are still considered appropriate if employees choose to wear them. Examples of other appropriate business attire include a button-down shirt with a collar and dress pants, a jacket with a skirt or dress pants, and a blouse or sweater with a skirt or pants. Sleeveless shirts and dresses are not appropriate unless covered with a sweater or jacket. Low-cut blouses and shirts are also not allowed. Jeans, t-shirts, shirts without collars, and footwear such as flip-flops, sneakers and open-toed shoes are not appropriate for business casual attire.









A public high school passed a dress code policy for parents. Parents cannot wear hair curlers, PJs, or revealing tops when coming to the school. What do you think? Discuss with a partner.

CULTURE TIP Clothing that is considered appropriate or not appropriate can be very different depending on the location, business, school or organization. If you are not sure what kinds of clothing are appropriate, it’s a good idea to ask. In general, do you think people wear more revealing clothing here or in your native country? 84

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: H. 1, 2, 4 I. Answers will vary


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

Culture Tip Ask Have you ever happened to wear inappropriate clothing at an event (e.g., being dressed too formally or too casually)?

J. Before the task, have students work in pairs to brainstorm pros and cons of school uniforms. Then have students work in pairs to check their ideas and do the task.


15 Read the opinions about school uniforms. Write if you agree or disagree with the posts.


Add Comment


“They are too expensive. Not eveyone can afford them. We should be able to buy the clothes we want for our children.”

I agree.



“They don’t let my child express himself! He needs to be able to be creative and choose the clothes he wants to wear.” Reply


“They keep our school safer. It is easier to see if there is someone at the school that should not be there.” Reply


“They save us a lot of time in the mornings. We don’t have to fight about what the kids will wear!” Reply


“My kids get bullied a lot less. Everyone wears the same clothes, so my children don’t have to worry about whose clothes are more expensive or more stylish.” Reply


“My daughter thinks they are uncomfortable. She doesn’t like to wear skirts and prefers to choose her own clothes.” Reply

K. Encourage students to add more ideas relevant to their situation.


Answer the survey by filling in the bubbles that most closely match your opinions about school uniforms. Write your opinion at the end. strongly agree


not sure


strongly disagree

1. Uniforms are too expensive.

2. Uniforms do not let people express themselves.

3. Uniforms keep schools and work places safer.

4. Uniforms save time in the mornings.

5. Uniforms result in less bullying.

6. Uniforms are uncomfortable.

7. Where and when are uniforms a good idea?_______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

CONNECT WITH CONVERSATION Get to know a partner. Talk about: • uniforms at school, at work and if they are for or against it • types of clothes they wore when they were younger • what they still wear • what they don’t wear anymore


Answer Key: J. Answers will vary K. Answers will vary




Lesson 15 • I Still Have to Wear a Tie

Complete the sentences with still or anymore. 1. Do you _________ wear steel-toe boots to work? still 2. They _________ have uniforms at their school. 3. We don’t allow sleeveless shirts _____________. 4. She wore high heel shoes when she was younger and she ____________ wears them now. 5. Some organizations don’t have dress codes ______________. 6. I’m not sure if dresses are allowed ____________. 7. They asked if we ___________ allow jeans on Fridays. 8. Please tell them they can’t wear open-toed shoes ________________.


Put the conversation in order. 1.______ 7 Lilian: Yes, that works great for me. Let’s meet at the mall at 10 a.m.? 2. ______ Téa: Perfect. See you then! 3. ______ Lilian: Monday will be my first day. I’m really excited about it. They have a dress code though, so I need to get some new clothes to wear. 4. ______ Téa: Oh wow. I can help you go shopping if you want. 5. ______ Téa: Wow, that’s great! When do you start? 6. ______ Téa: No, not anymore. I’m free this Saturday. Do you want to go then? 7. ______ Lilian: Hey, Tea. Guess what? I have a new job at the bank! 8. ______ Lilian: That’d be great! Do you still work on Saturdays?

JOURNAL PROMPT Write about something you used to do when you were a child that you still do and something that you used to do as a child but don’t do anymore. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 86

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Answer Key: L. 2. still 3. anymore 4. still 5. anymore 6. anymore 7. still 8. anymore M. 7, 8, 3, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5


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L16 REVIEW & PROGRESS CHECK Timing Note: • The Review and Progress Check can take as long as two hours (about one hour each). Be sure to allow enough time for your students to work uninterrupted on the Progress Check. • Adapt Lesson 16 to fit the needs of your particular teaching situation. For example, if the schedule allows, consider doing the Review in one class and the Progress Check in another. Giving the Progress Check: • First, let the students know the schedule for the class. Tell them they can do it! Go over the whole Progress Check with students, letting them know that you’ll be calling them up individually for the oral section. • Let students know they can ask you questions during the Progress Check and that this is a time to see what they have learned. A: Listening Track • Do the listening together (Activity A). Once complete, students will work on the rest of the Progress Check at their own pace. You’ll pull students out for the oral section individually. • Explain to the students that you will play the listening only 3 times (no exceptions). If in a class, you will all listen together 3 times. For home classes, play the track only 3 times, even if your student doesn’t complete the full activity. • Read the instructions together as you would in a normal lesson. Listening: Track 15 Male: Hey, Teri. I’m so glad you and your family are coming over for dinner tomorrow. Is there anything you don’t eat? Teri: Yeah, thanks for asking. We’re staying away from dairy. But we eat everything else. What can we bring tomorrow? Male: We might make pasta, I’ll leave off the cheese.

Could you bring a salad? Teri: Sure. That sounds great. And maybe we can take a dessert too. Male: Perfect! See you tomorrow at six? Teri: Yeah, We’ll be there. It’ll be so nice to finally get together again. Our kids had a blast last time.

G: Speaking Repeat the question one time if needed. Do not give prompts to the student. Score explanation: 2 = Understood question, answered question in a complete sentence, AND used correct grammar (from any lesson) 1 = Understood question BUT answered with incorrect grammar and/or an incomplete sentence 0 = Did not understand question, did not give answer, OR answer did not make sense for question GRADING & SCORING After grading, write the correct number out of 100 at the top of each student’s Progress Check. Be sure to review any incorrect responses. NOTE: As long as an answer is grammatically correct (whether it uses the structure taught in this level or not), students should be given full credit. SCORING 21 Total points 1st page 29 Total points 2nd page x2 100 Total points possible

Note: When grading, do not count examples as correct. Skip them. At bottom of each Progress Check page is a point scale. Write the number of correct answers for each page (e.g., 20 / 21 points) Multiply number of correct answers by 2 for final score out of 100



REVIEW & PROGRESS CHECK Check the items you can do. Review the items you can’t.

This should have been completed as homework. Pair students to share their responses.

I can… talk about the news using a variety of different tenses (lesson 1) ask for and give recommendations using someone, anyone and no one (lesson 2) give and understand advice about scams in the US and how to protect information (lesson 3) describe experiences and benefits in the workplace with too, too much, too many and enough (lesson 4) talk about health situations that have happened at some point in the past using the present perfect tense (lesson 5) talk about activities you have done in the past and for how long using for and since (lesson 6) give advice and options for different situations using could, should and make sure to (lesson 7) talk about future plans using will and going to (lesson 10) talk about possibilities using might and maybe (lesson 11) Describe past experiences using so and such (lesson 12) give advice using should and remember (lesson 14) talk about things in the past using still and anymore (lesson 15)

Answer the questions. 1. What is one thing you can do now? _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Write two questions you know how to ask. a. ___________________________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________________________


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AA A. Be prepared to provide sample information from your own life to complete these sentences.

Complete the sentences with your own information. Share your answers with a partner. 1. I’ve never __________________________________________________________________________ . 2. I used to __________________________________________________________ , but I don’t anymore. 3. I still ______________________________________________________________________ every day. 4. It’s a good idea to____________________________________________________________________ . 5. I should ____________________________________________________________________________ . 6. I might _________________________________________________________________ this weekend. 7. I never remember ___________________________________________________________________ .



Match the questions and answers. 1. ____ e How was your camping trip?

a. Yes, they have. Now you can wear casual clothing.

2. ____ Have they changed the dress code?

b. No, but I have enough to keep me busy.

3. ____ Do you have too many clients?

c. Yes, but he forgot to floss.

4. ____ Did you remind your son to brush his teeth?

d. No, he doesn’t forget anymore.

5. ____ How long has Ana worked there?

e. It was such a blast!

6. ____ Does he still forget to do his homework?

f. She’s been there for six years.

Circle the correct words. 1. They’ve been here for / since 2011. 2. He has had a sprained ankle for / since a week. 3. Did you remember / remind to take insect repellent? 4. I saved so / such much money when I started programming my thermostat. 5. You really shouldn’t / couldn’t share your password. It’s not a good idea. 6. She’s so glad she doesn’t have to wear high heels to work still / anymore.


Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it. many

1. The store was crowded. There were too much people.


2. Please remember me to call the doctor tomorrow. 3. He has changed the oil last Tuesday. 4. Teo is so nice. He’s so a good friend. 5. They used to get a lot of cavities, but they don’t still. 88

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Answer Key: A. Answers will vary B. 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. f 6. d C. 2. for 3. remember 4. so 5. shouldn't 6. anymore D. 2. Please, remember remind me to call the doctor tomorrow. 3. He has changed the oil last Tuesday. 4. Teo is so nice. He's so such a good friend. 5. They used to get a lot of cavities, but they don't still anymore.



16 Complete the sentences. Use the pictures. Compare with a partner.

Students will probably come up with different answers for these. Since this is review, that is okay. We want to encourage discussion.

1. She doesn’t always remember to _____________________________________ ___________. floss her teeth every day

2. Does he know anyone that can _______________________________________________?

3. They have a strict dress code. They have to wear _______________________________________________.

4. I might be allergic to ________________________________________________.

5. They went to the _____________________________ yesterday. It was so ________________________________________.

6. Please remind me to pack _________________________ and ________________________.

Answer Key: E. Answers will vary 106

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FF F. Group: Break your class up into two or more teams. Give each team a chance to pick a category. Give 1-3 minutes for teams to answer or look up correct answers. Have all teams looking up or thinking of an answer at the same time. If one team gets the answer wrong, ask another group for their answer. You can give points to the team that answers correctly. If a team gets an answer correct, they can choose the next category in any order. You can X/mark off questions after a team has asked them, or for further review, you can have each group answer even if the first group answers correctly. One-on-One: Play the game with your student and take turns reading the categories and answering them in any order. You can keep track of points if you want. If a student gets a question wrong, look back together and review the item.

Review Game. Play with a partner or in a small group. Take turns choosing a category and answering the question. Write your points down for correct answers. Someone, anyone, or no one?

Have you ever…? (ask and answer the question)

How long have you…?



I saw a story about ____ from our town on the news.

So or such?

Remind or remember?

Still or anymore?





use crutches

live in your home

Someone hacked my email. It was ___ scary!

_________ me to make a doctor’s appointment.

Karla doesn’t do yoga ______.







He doesn’t know __________ that can change his password.

fix a leak

have your pet

I love my vet! She does________ a great job with my dog.

They didn’t ___________ the meeting and forgot to go.

They don’t wear uniforms __________.







I heard a noise. Is there ____ at the door?

quit a job

study English

My company gives a lot of vacation time. It’s ___ a good place to work.

Oops. I didn’t _______ to bring my sunscreen.

My neighborhood _______ has block parties in the summer.







I waited for an hour, but there was _____ there, so I left.

change the oil in your car

be at your current job

He’s ____ lucky! Even though he skis every year, he has never broken a bone.

She always forgets where her keys are. Please ___ her to put them away.

Louis ________ changes the oil in his car every six months.






The party was ___ much fun!

I can’t think of your sister’s name. Could you ____ me?

I _______ haven’t been to South America.

(ask and answer the question)


_____ is better sprain a muscle know your best at taking care friend of their teeth. You’re the best!


My points: ___________________________ Notes:



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Answer Key: F. Answers will vary




PROGRESS CHECK Total: 50 x 2 = 100


My score________/ 100

A. Say I will play the track 3 times. Read the instructions aloud. Play track 3 times without pausing.

Listen to Track 15. Circle the correct words. (1 point each) 1. Is there anything they don’t eat / don’t like? 2. Teri’s family is staying away from dairy / gluten. 3. He might make pasta / salad. 4. Teri’s going to take salad and appetizer / salad and dessert.

Answer Key: 2. dairy 3. pasta 4. salad and dessert 5. six

5. Dinner is at six / seven.


Complete the conversation with so or such. (1 point each) Tony: Hi, Peyton. How was your weekend? Peyton: It was (1) ___________ much fun! I got together with friends to play board games on Saturday. It so was (2) ______________ a great night. Tony: That sounds (3) _____________ cool. I haven’t played board games for (4)___________ a long time. Peyton: Yeah. It was nice. How was your weekend? Tony: Oh, it wasn’t (5)____________ great. My son was sick with a fever. He was (6)__________ miserable. Peyton: Oh, poor thing! Is he feeling better? Tony: Yes. He’s taking antibiotics now and is feeling (7)_______________ much better. Peyton: That’s great!


Circle the correct words. (1 point each) 1. Q: Have you ever went / gone to a cocktail party?

2. A: Yes, I have. It was so / such much fun.

3. Q: How long have they live / lived here?

4. A: They’ve been here for / since they were children.

5. Q: Did you remind / remember to fix the sink?

6. A: Yes, I fixed / have fixed it this morning.

7. Q: What are you going to / will take camping?

8. A: I’m not sure. I might / maybe take my pocketknife.

________/ 21


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12. A: Not soon. He doesn’t have too much / enough vacation time.

Answer Key: 2. such 3. so 4. such 5. so 6. so 7. so C. Answer Key: 2. so 3. lived 4. since 5. remember 6. fixed 7. going to 8. might 9. still 10. for 11. going to 12. enough

9. Q: Does your sister still / anymore play tennis? 10. A: No. She hasn’t played for / since months. 11. Q: Is he going to / will visit his family soon?

B. Say Now you will work alone.


DD D. Answer Key: 2. e 3. g 4. d 5. b. 6. a 7. c

FE E. Answer Key: 2. still 3. anymore 4. anymore 5. anymore 6. still

Match the sentences with the follow-up statements. (1 point each) 1. ___ f She has too much work.

a. I’m not sure. I might blow out the sprinklers.

2. ___ Do you still take the bus to work?

b. It was such a blast!

3. ___ Could you remind me to pick up milk?

c. I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll take a vacation.

4. ___ Did you remember to pay the bills?

d. Yes, I paid them last night.

5. ___ How was the wedding?

e. No, I don’t. I drive now.

6. ____ What are you doing this weekend?

f. She’s too stressed.

7. ____ What are you doing this summer?

g. Sure, I’ll remind you.

Complete the sentences with still or anymore. (1 point each) 1. He’s ______________ working at the bank. still 2. Does she _______________ floss every day? 3. We don’t have a car ________________. 4. Rosa moved last week. She doesn’t live there ________________. 5. They don’t eat gluten ________________. They are allergic to it. 6. Their school ____________ requires uniforms.

FF F. Answer Key: 2. No, they haven’t. 3. Maybe he’s allergic to gluten. 4. She’s worked there since February. 5.Make sure to shred your documents.

GG G. Say Activity G is about speaking English. Say I will ask you a question. You will answer. For example, How are you? (Elicit response.) Follow with Questions 1-5 in box below. NOTE: Find scoring instructions in the notes at the beginning of this lesson.

Answer the questions. Write complete sentences. Use the words in parentheses. (2 points each) 1. What are they going to do on vacation? ___________________________________________________ They might go camping. (might / go camping) 2. Have Ron and Juanita ever been to a block party? ___________________________________________ (no) 3. Why doesn’t he eat cheese? ____________________________________________________________ (maybe / allergic / dairy) 4. How long has she worked there? _________________________________________________________ ( since / February) 5. How can we protect our information? _____________________________________________________ (make sure to / shred / documents)

STOP. Wait for your teacher. (2 points each) Score


Teacher Notes

1. 0



Lesson 10:





Lesson 15:

3. 0



Lesson 11:

4. 0



Lesson L3:

5. 0



Lesson 12:

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________/ 29

1. What’s something you did when you were younger that you don't do anymore? [Student should say “I used to __, (or simple past) but I don't anymore.”] 2. How long have you studied English? [I've studied English for __/ since __. ] 3. What is something you need to remember to do? [Student should say “I need to remember to __/ I need to __”] Before Question 4 say Now you will ask me questions. For example: “Ask me what my name is.” See if students respond and say “What’s your name?” If they don’t, help them before asking the next two questions. 4. Ask me what you should do to learn more English. [Student should ask “What should I do to learn more English?”] 5. Ask me if I know someone that wears a uniform. [Student should ask “Do you know anyone (preferable)/ someone (okay) who wears a uniform?”]


QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Regular Verbs I Know Present

Simple Past

Pronouns stir








tire of

tired of















phrasal verb

Subject Pronoun





























(be) am/is/are





blow out

blew out

blown out






















































































log in

logged in


































pick up

picked up
















take out

took out

taken out








tear up

tore up

torn up
















stay away from

stayed away from




Irregular Verbs I Know

phrasal verb


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

Possessive Pronoun


carried Simple Past

Possessive Adjective




Object Pronoun

Past Participle



Color Vowel® Chart

Lesson 1: Here Are the Top Stories ads










search engine


social media


top stories




Lesson 2: Do You Know Anyone? chimney






home inspection












Lesson 3: It’s a Scam! fraud alert



first aid kit


insect repellent


vacation time






Lesson 5: Have You Ever Broken a Bone? blood test






















water bottle







allergic to

















food intolerance


















stay away from




Lesson 6: How Long Have You Lived Here? block party


Lesson 11: I Might Be Allergic to Gluten


cocktail party



Lesson 12: It Was Such a Blast!









log in


happy hour




paper shredder


events calendar





cool disaster









dog park





ice cream social




tear up






Lesson 7: You Could Program Your Thermostat







light bulb




under the weather




Lesson 4: I Don’t Have Enough Vacation Time boss
















solar panels










sick time


Lesson 10: What Will You Pack?

Lesson 13: It’s a Good Idea to Floss Every Day cavities








change of clothes





















wisdom teeth


Lesson 14: Don’t Forget to Be Here by 4:00 aerate


blow out








oil change












Lesson 15: I Still Have to Wear a Tie appropriate


business attire






dress code


flip flops


high heels












steel-toe shoes






Infinitive = to + verb to walk Base form = verb in the most basic form walk Gerund= verb + ing. The gerund always works as a noun. Walking is quicker than driving. Past Participle = verb + ed (regular verbs). Irregular forms vary. Used to form the present perfect tense. He has worked for 3 years. I have gone there many times. Phrasal verb = verb + preposition. These usually have a different meaning than the verb alone. I work every day = I go to my job every day. I work out every day = I exercise every day. Modal verb = a special kind of verb that we use to talk about certainty, advice, possibility, ability and others. I can work every day. = I have the ability I should work every day. = it’s a good idea if I work every day Simple Present Base form of verb (+s with he/she/it) I walk to school every day. She walks to school on Tuesdays. We use the simple present for repeated actions or habits. Present Continuous Correct form of be + base form + ing He‘s walking to school right now. We use the present continuous to talk about an action taking place right now. I’m walking to work tomorrow because my car broke down. We can also use the present continuous to talk about the future. Simple Past Base form + -ed I walked yesterday. We use the simple past to talk about completed actions in the past.


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Past Continuous Past form of be + base form + ing He was walking to school yesterday. We use the past continuous to talk about an action taking place at a certain time in the past. Future with going to Present tense of be + going to + base form of verb I’m going to walk to work next week. We use going to talk about (planned) actions in the future. Future with will will + base form of verb I will walk to work next week. We use will to talk about actions in the future or offers. We use will for predictions, promises and when we have not made specific plans. Present Perfect have/has + past participle He has left for work already. I have called her twice. We use the present perfect for actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past. We can also use it for actions that began in the past and still continue or are repeated.

COLOR VOWEL WORDS Write words you learn in the correct Color Vowel Box below. Underline the stressed syllable. GREEN TEA


















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CONVERSATION PRACTICE USING LANGUAGE TOOLS Lesson 1 What did you do last night? Were you texting? What are you doing? Where are you going to buy tickets? Where do you think you’ll watch the game? Lesson 2 Do you know anyone that can hem pants? Do you know anyone that can fix a sink?

I watched the news. No, I was sleeping. I’m reading the newspaper. I’m going to buy them online. I think we’ll watch it at our friends’ house.

No, I don’t know anyone. Yes, I know someone.

Lesson 3 What should you do to protect yourself?

I should shred bank statements. We shouldn’t recycle important documents.

Lesson 4 It’s too stressful. It isn’t challenging enough. Lesson 5 Have you ever had surgery? Have they ever gotten an X-ray?

Yes, I have. No, they haven’t.

Lesson 6 How long have you lived her? Lesson 7 What could I do to save more energy? What should he do to save more money?

I’ve lived here for 5 years. I’ve lived here since 2015.

You could program your thermostat. Sorry, I, you, he/she, we, they can’t.

Lesson 10 What would you do if someone robbed your house?

If someone robbed my house, I’d call the police. I’d call the police if someone robbed my house.


Lesson 11 He has the day off tomorrow, and he can help you. Her baby is sick, so she didn’t sleep last night. I can help you, or your friend can help. Sometimes he helps, but today he’s out of town. Lesson 12 If you could live anywhere, where would you live? If they could have any job, what would they be? If she won a million dollars, what would she do? Lesson 13 What do you think about free college education? What do you think about allowing dogs at work? Lesson 14 When did she get married? They work too many hours. There’s too much gossip. Lesson 15 It’s kind of rude to chew with your mouth open. It’s important not to cut in line. It’s polite to be on time.


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I’d live in Thailand. They’d be veterinarians. She’d buy a new house.

I agree with it. I disagree with it.

She got married in May.

Table of Contents 1. Welcome to Confidence and ConnectionsTM!............................................................................................. 118 2. Tips for Every Class.................................................................................................................................... 119 3. Starting Class............................................................................................................................................. 120 4. Teaching Listening .................................................................................................................................... 121 5. Teaching Vocabulary.................................................................................................................................. 122 6. Teaching Pronunciation............................................................................................................................. 123 7. Teaching Grammar.................................................................................................................................... 124 8. Real Life: Culture Tip and Connect with Conversation............................................................................. 125 9. Homework................................................................................................................................................. 127 10. Ending Class............................................................................................................................................... 128 11. Tips for Checking Answers......................................................................................................................... 129 12. Making Corrections................................................................................................................................... 130 13. Teacher Toolkit.......................................................................................................................................... 131 14. Engagement and Easy Expansions............................................................................................................. 132


Welcome to Confidence and ConnectionsTM! Confidence and ConnectionsTM is Intercambio’s English language curriculum, designed to build practical, relevant English language skills and cultural awareness for students and teachers. The curriculum prepares adult immigrants to use English in the community and create meaningful connections by building each lesson towards a personal conversation. Through this program, Intercambio facilitates access for people with or without teaching experience to become great teachers, which enables communities to meet extensive unmet demands for English classes. Our purpose is to ignite human potential by cultivating a world where people from different cultural backgrounds connect, communicate and engage. This section of the book will help you create dynamic classes that result in student participation, retention, and positive results. You will find tips on using the curriculum in the most effective and fun way as we believe that fun and engaging classes encourage better student retention and, in turn, inspire better results. One-on-one teachers, please note that although the activities described in this section are written with group classes in mind, most can be easily adapted for oneon-one settings. Remember that anytime there is an activity for pairs, you and your student are the pair. These three strategies will help you be a more effective teacher: 1. Keep it simple. Give short and simple instructions. Use fewer words, and more gestures and visuals. Practice giving instructions before the class and anticipate where students may struggle. 2. Repetition is the key to success! To help your students remember a word or structure, repeat it 8-10 times in a variety of contexts. This will appeal to students with different learning styles and keep everyone engaged. 3. Maximize student engagement. Use techniques and fun activities that get students talking and moving around. As a teacher, you are also a learner - you’ll learn about language, effective teaching strategies and what works for your students, yourself, cultures, and life. It is okay to not know all the answers; be honest with yourself and actively find ways to learn alongside your learners. You are now part of a large and friendly Intercambio community. Good luck, have fun, and happy teaching!


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Tips for Every Class Before we get into each section of the lesson, here are some general tips to keep in mind: ● Encourage students to only speak English in class, especially in a class with many native languages. ● Write an agenda on the board* and go over it at the beginning of class (this is important even for one-on-one ● ● ● ●

classes). Focus on the goal of your lesson. What will students be able to do after the lesson that they could not do before? (The “Students will be able to” statements at the onset of each lesson will help guide this.) Make the lesson relevant to students. Use examples that relate to their lives. Check for student understanding. Instead of asking, “Do you understand the directions?” Ask “What are you going to do?” Instead of asking if they understand a grammar concept, have them answer questions using it. Model what you want students to do before having them do it. If they need to write a paragraph about themselves, write one about yourself first. If they need to ask questions with a partner, model asking and answering questions with a student first. Establish class routines by using similar activities, instructions, and gestures so that students know what to expect. Establish a gesture that means “repeat” so you can get them repeating words and phrases several times using that gesture. The teacher is always active, even when they’re not in the front of the room. When students are working alone or in pairs/groups, you should walk around providing help when appropriate. During fluency activities, take notes of common errors that can be addressed later. You don’t need to have all the answers. If you are not sure about something, write it on the board and tell your students you will get back to them—then make sure you do.

Self-reflection is the key to successful teaching. Create the habit of asking yourself these questions after each class: • • • • • •

Were the lesson goals met? How do I know? Was the lesson well organized with a logical flow between activities? Did I check for understanding? How? Were the students doing more talking than I was? Were corrections made effectively? How? What types of groupings were used (teacher-class, small group, pairs) and for what types of activities?

*One-on-one teachers can use a piece of paper anytime we refer to “board” in these sections.


Starting Class The way you start a class impacts the entire lesson and classroom atmosphere. We encourage you to always start class on time. The first few minutes provide a great opportunity to review the last lesson, answer questions, work on common errors or simply interact with your students (ask about their weekend, plans, or news in general). Start your class with a warm-up activity. The ideal warm-up includes a review of previously learned material. It also provides a chance for students to get into the mindset of class, as well as allowing those who arrive late to join in without missing out on new material. Some quick easy warm-ups that require little or no advance preparation are: ● Tic-Tac-Toe

Make a 3 X 3 grid. Write a vocabulary word in each space. In order to mark an X or O, the student must use the word in a sentence, or define it. You can play this with an individual student, in pairs, or in teams. ● Apple Tree

Draw an apple tree with 10 apples and put spaces underneath for each letter of the word. As the student calls out correct letters, write them in the spaces; if they give a wrong answer, erase one of the apples. The student’s goal is to guess the word before all of the apples are erased. Switch roles. ● Flash Card Review

Flash cards can be used to review new vocabulary, pronunciation, verb forms, etc. You can also have students form sentences with flash cards. Have students work in pairs (if you are teaching one-on-one, you and your student work together). Note - Make writing flash cards part of your classroom routine, such as during the vocabulary section of each lesson. This gives students something easy to practice with outside of class, and keeps you from needing to do a lot of additional preparation for the lesson. ● Memory Game

Place flash cards face down on a table. Take turns flipping over two cards at a time. If they match, the student’s turn continues. If they don’t match, return cards to the same place on the table. Have your students help you prepare a set of cards. Matching cards could be a word and its definition, present, and past tense verbs, or a word and its illustration. ● Pictionary

Draw a vocabulary word or phrase and have your students guess it. Or have a student draw for the class to guess. ● Charades

Act out a word or phrase and have your students guess it. Or have a student act it out for the class to guess. ● Questions, Questions, Questions

Write 6 questions from previous lessons on the board (or a piece of paper for one-on-one). In pairs, take turns throwing a die and answering the question that corresponds to the number rolled. In addition to the warm-up, always take time at the beginning of class to review homework. You can have students check their own work against an answer key, review their work in pairs as they arrive, or go over it together. See the Homework section for more tips.


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Teaching Listening It is important to not skip this section because listening is an essential key to effective communication. It helps students learn new information, build confidence, and improve their vocabulary and pronunciation. Additionally, students will get used to how their teacher talks; that’s why it is important to expose them to different voices. The key to successful listening exercises is to employ a simple multi-step process. Start broadly at first, and then give students an opportunity to listen for details. The student book is designed so that each listening exercise includes three steps: pre-listening, listening for general information, and listening for details. Pre-Listening Before playing the listening track, prepare students by activating their background knowledge. Use one of these strategies: ● Point to the picture and ask What do you see? ● Point to the picture and ask What do you think the conversation is about? ● Point to the Listening Warm-Up question in Activity Pre and ask What do you think the answer is? Write the students’ guesses down so that you can check and see who was right after playing the track. Listening for General Information Students should listen for a general piece of information the first time they hear the track (e.g., How many people do you hear?) Confidence and ConnectionsTM provides this type of question for you in the Listening Warm-Up section of each lesson (Activity Pre). After reading the question together, play the track all the way through without stopping. Go over answers by: 1. Having students discuss their ideas/answers in pairs before checking them as a class. 2. Checking the answers as a class. Note: Play the recording again if necessary. Listening for Details 1. Read the directions and model what students need to do first. Then play the track all the way through again. 2. Let students listen and do the task individually. If needed, play the track multiple times. 3. Ask students to compare their answers with a partner. 4. Check the answers together with the class and write them on the board. Put a question mark if students are not sure or do not have an answer yet. 5. Play the recording again. Make sure you have the correct answers and no question marks on the board. Expansion Ideas Follow the listening with a review so that students can use the language they just learned. Review suggestions: ● Practice dialogs in pairs after completing an activity. ● Have students retell the story they heard to each other. ● Ask students about a personal opinion or experience related to what they heard. ● Ask students to listen again and mark the stressed syllable in key words (such as words from the vocabulary section). Write the words on the board and mark the stress together. Read each word one by one and have students repeat after you. Do’s and Don’ts for Listening ● DO check the equipment and sound quality before the class. ● DO check students’ ideas after each listening exercise and have a clear wrap-up after the whole activity. ● DON’T say, Just listen. Give students a concrete goal/task before listening, e.g., How many people do you hear? (This is generally built into the pre-listening stage.) ● DON’T only ask Do you understand? Instead, ask specific questions, such as What is the problem? What is the solution? Remember: Listening is never boring! Some tracks might seem dull to you as a teacher, but it is actually challenging and engaging for your students. Don’t shortchange the listening section of the lesson by going through it too quickly.


Teaching Vocabulary How to present vocabulary Every time you present a vocabulary list, check if your students know any of the words before you teach them. Remember that, even if they know the meaning, they might not know how and when to use it in a sentence. When presenting vocabulary, follow the pattern: Meaning - Pronunciation - Form. 1. Meaning refers to the step in which you teach a word’s meaning and how to use it in a sentence. ● Use visuals to convey the meaning (a picture, a drawing on the board, miming, pointing, etc.) ● Tell a short anecdote and have students guess the meaning from the context. ● Give a simple definition / example. ● Only translate a word as a last resort. For example, refer students to a dictionary or translation device. 2. Pronunciation refers to how to say the word correctly. Use this process: ● Read the vocabulary list and have students repeat each word. ● Make sure everybody pronounces the vocabulary correctly. First, do choral repetition with the whole class several times. Then have smaller groups pronounce the word. Finally, have individual students repeat after you if necessary. The goal is to help students be comprehensible rather than perfect, so do not spend more than 1-2 min on it. ● Optional: For multisyllable words, it may be helpful to read the list again while students underline the stressed vowel sound. Do the first word together. Write a word on the board, pronounce it, and mark the stress. 3. Form refers to the spelling. Write the word on the board. Adding vocabulary words Be intentional about how you add additional vocabulary words to a lesson (beyond what is in the book). Consider adding a few new words that students need in order to ensure a lesson’s relevance (for example, if a “jobs” lesson does not include a student’s profession, add that word to the list). You can always reserve a section of the board to collect new words based on student needs or interests. Have students add the new words to their books at the end of the class using this list. Only add words that are truly relevant to students. In general, no more than 2 or 3 so that students don’t get overwhelmed. How to practice vocabulary The key to learning vocabulary is repetition and review. Allow multiple opportunities for all students to repeat the new vocabulary. Simply telling students a new word does not mean they have learned it. They need to use the new words in meaningful contexts many times before they learn them. Starting in Level 2, there is vocabulary practice in the student book. In addition, we recommend making flash cards of new vocabulary. Ideally, both you and your student(s) will each make your own set. This will allow students to practice at home and give you a set to use for a variey of activities each class, such as Charades, Pictionary, Memory Games, etc. See the Engagement and Easy Expansions section for details. Review the new vocabulary during the next class meeting and periodically after that. When/if you create your own grammar activities, include vocabulary words that have been learned in past lessons. Regular review will help students remember the new words.


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Teaching Pronunciation Working on English pronunciation can be a struggle for students because there are a lot of new sounds, multiple vowel sound possibilities, confusing spelling, words are stressed differently, etc. Many adults have never activated the particular muscles needed to make certain English sounds. That is why it is crucial to build awareness of where to make sounds and put stress and then provide students with a lot of practice. Tell students that it is okay to have “an accent” - we all do! When teaching pronunciation, use the following pattern: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Select 1 or 2 sounds that might be confusing. Have them listen to you make the sound. Help them identify physically how to make the sound. Have students repeat the sounds. Have students repeat the sound in context (such as saying the sound found in a word).

Teach students how to use The Color Vowel Chart® in their books. This tool enables teachers and learners to talk easily and accurately about vowel sounds in English without the use of phonetic symbols. Instead of phonetic symbols, the Chart uses colors and key words to represent vowel sounds. How to find the “color” of a word in English: 1. Identify the syllable that receives the primary stress i.e., the syllable we say longer and louder than the rest of the word. For example, teacher, student, attendance, and amazing each have one main stress. 2. Find the Color Vowel anchor phrase that most closely matches the vowel sound in the stressed syllable. For example teacher is GREEN TEA (because the stressed sound in teacher sounds like the stressed sounds in green tea), student is BLUE MOON, attendance is RED PEPPER, and amazing is GRAY DAY. 3. Practice pronunciation by saying the anchor phrase, the vowel sound, and the word, slowly like this: GRAY DAY… “a.”.. amAzing. Here are some other tips to help make teaching pronunciation most successful and fun: ● Every time you introduce a new word or structure, make students repeat after you three times. ● Use Pronunciation Fun (Pro Fun) to practice challenging sounds through minimal pairs (two words that differ in only

one sound, i.e., booTH, booT). Pro Fun is a great resource for a quick, energizing activity. See inside the front cover of Pro Fun for instructions and tips on how to use it. ● When teaching a consonant sound, use a picture, drawing, or your hands to demonstrate the movement of the organs of speech (tongue, teeth, lips) in the mouth. Encourage students to mimic the movement and repeat. ● Pay attention not only to sounds and separate words but also to sentence stress and intonation. In addition to incorporating pronunciation into your lesson when teaching new words, you’ll find a dedicated pronunciation activity in each lesson of Confidence and ConnectionsTM. Learning English pronunciation can be challenging, but do not let it dishearten your students. Motivate your students by noticing their improvement and being supportive and encouraging.


Teaching Grammar Grammar is an important component of Confidence and ConnectionsTM and new grammar structures are introduced every lesson in the Language Tools section. It is important to introduce grammar both directly and in context. For real learning to take place, students need to have exposure to the language; they need to notice and understand grammar being used; they need to try using language themselves in ‘safe’ practice ways and in more demanding contexts; they need to remember the things they have learned. There are different ways to teach a language. For example, a formal approach might include teaching through rules, diagramming, translation, and drills. An informal approach might focus on pure conversation without a book and limit the amount of correction. Confidence and ConnectionsTM is designed to incorporate the best of these two extremes by introducing structure, then giving opportunities to practice through relevant life skills contexts and meaningful conversation. Language Tools Presentation (Grammar Chart) Before you begin the grammar practice activities, it’s important to walk through the chart with your students. If you are teaching a group, it is useful to copy the chart onto the board or on chart paper so that everyone can focus on the same thing. Many of the charts are set up as questions and answers. Some are statements. Many charts include a Tip Box. Go over everything with your students. Have students try to work out the rules for themselves first by giving them a minute to look at the chart silently. Then go over it together. Circle or point out what is important. Read each sentence and ask them to repeat. Provide some context, so that students can relate the grammar to something they know. The grammar point will normally be something they have just heard in the listening section. Consider what is most difficult about the grammar point you are presenting. Is it a concept which they may not have in their native language? Is it the form, such as irregular past tense? Or is it the use (for example: when to use that particular structure, e.g.,”I’m going to” vs. “I will”)? Use engagement techniques, such as TPR (which is explained in the Engagement and Easy Expansions section), index cards to scramble sentences and questions for them to put in order, sentence strips, and games to practice the grammar chart. This will build confidence and understanding before the practice activities. Don’t overexplain the grammar. Most students find too much grammatical terminology confusing. Many times, it’s best to just go over the examples, highlight the grammar point, and then practice. Beginning at Level 4, we provide a short explanation of the grammar under the grammar chart or box. Grammar Practice In this section, the activities provide closed practice, meaning that activities have only one answer. (In the Real Life section, students will do more open, communicative activities.) The first activity on the grammar page involves just filling in, matching, or selecting the best word. By the end of the page, the students are writing sentences. Try to expand the activities to provide multiple chances to work on the grammar point. See the Engagement and Easy Expansions section for ideas. If you have students complete the activity in pairs, give them a chance to look at the activity individually for a minute first. After each activity, have students compare their answers in pairs or groups. Then check the answers together as a class. Take note of where students make mistakes. Write mistakes on the board and have students correct them (for one-onone students, see if they can correct their own mistakes first). More guidelines on making corrections can be found in the Making Corrections section.


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Real Life The Real Life section is where students use the grammar structure, vocabulary words, and phrases for practical and personal application through reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities. Before this section, you will have presented the new material and the students will have practiced it. In Real Life, they apply the material - oftentimes on a personal level. For many of these activities, there are no right or wrong answers. We recommend you spend 45-60 minutes on the first three pages (listening, vocabulary, grammar) and 45-60 minutes on Real Life activities. Be sure to leave enough time for the Connect with Conversation activity at the end. Tips for success: ● In many activities, answers will vary. Focus on natural conversation and correct only those mistakes which impede

communication. You might want to note students’ mistakes and address them later.

● Adapt the exercises to meet your students’ needs. Make your own choices based on your students’ interests and

abilities. If a topic does not seem relevant to your students, ask them to talk about something that is. This may require teaching a bit of additional vocabulary and that’s okay. Do this quickly by adding relevant words to the board and briefly going over the pronunciation. ● First, have students work in pairs or small groups. Then have a whole class discussion. ● For reading activities, one strategy is to have students walk around the room and read to themselves individually aloud. This is a way they can practice reading out loud without feeling ashamed. Culture Tip Every Real Life section has a Culture Tip that corresponds to a section of The Immigrant Guide. These sections in The Immigrant Guide often have more detail than what is mentioned in the Culture Tip, so we encourage you to refer to them if you want to go explore topics on a deeper level. Culture is composed of both visible and invisible elements. We can think of it as an iceberg. What you see may be about 10% of the total. You may see behaviors, but attitudes and values can be hidden. You will generally find the Culture Tip on the first or second page in the Real Life section. Go over this with your students and have a short discussion. For groups, you can ask them to discuss the tip in pairs or small groups first and then share their ideas with the class. Starting in 2L and 2R, discussion questions are included with the Culture Tip. Possible discussion questions: ● Is it surprising? Why? ● What is your experience with it? ● How different is it from your native country? When it comes to cultural differences, there is no right or wrong way (other than laws, which our students do need to know). Our goal is for people to observe and learn from differences rather than interpret them as better or worse. We mention certain behaviors and actions that are more common in the United States and we ask students to talk about common behaviors in their native country; nonetheless, every individual is different. Language and country of origin are two of many aspects that make us who we are. We encourage cultural humility - a lifelong process of self-reflection and learning. We hope to broaden teachers’ and students’ perspectives by opening doors to discuss our differences in safe, respectful ways. It’s easy to make mistakes when we connect with people across cultures, and that’s okay. Often we aren’t aware of mistakes we make, so awareness is usually the first step to learning more and bridging cultural gaps. If you enjoy connecting across cultures, students are likely to enjoy taking this profound learning journey with you!


Connect with Conversation At the end of the Real Life section you will find the Connect with Conversation box. The goal for Connect with Conversation is to give students an opportunity to talk about their lives, get to know their teacher (and other students), and form connections. This is what the whole lesson is building to, so please allow enough time for this activity. Do not skip it! First, talk about yourself to model the conversation, writing relevant words, phrases, questions, or a sample dialog on the board. Then have your students discuss the topic with a partner or in small groups. Provide additional examples and vocabulary if students get stuck by brainstorming as a group, and writing them on the board. Encourage them to use the vocabulary and grammar they have just learned. Finally, have each student share something their partner said. For one-onone, have your student share what they learned about you and vice versa. Feel free to create your own scenarios and questions. For example, you can use Find Someone Who as an expansion. See the Engagement and Easy Expansions section for details. Remember that the objective is to create a respectful and comfortable environment to practice English using real-life experiences and to have fun!


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Homework All Confidence and ConnectionsTM textbooks have a homework section on the last page of the lesson. Typically, there are at least three activities. Homework is an extremely important part of the lesson as it provides for structured practice. Demonstrate its importance by assigning and reviewing it every class. To help you and your students get the most from it, here are some tips: ● Be consistent. Your students will learn more if they do homework after every class. ● Give short assignments. Most of our adult students lead busy lives. They don’t have hours to spend on homework.

Giving short assignments can make it more “doable.” For example, if a student consistently does not do their homework, ask them to commit to just one of the exercises, instead of all of them. Don’t wait until the last minutes of class to assign homework. Include it in the agenda on the board, and mention it during class. Allocate 5 minutes at the end of the class to walk through the homework activities and do a couple of examples together. This will help reduce anxiety because they understand the task better. Don’t neglect the journal prompts. You can provide a notebook/journal to encourage your students to use. This can be as simple as a few pieces of paper folded in half and stapled in the middle to form a notebook. Lower-level students may only write a few words, but as your students progress, their entries will become longer. Rather than correcting journal entries, respond to the content only. As students advance, consider having classmates review each other’s entries. If they want you to collect and correct their entries, you can do that if you have the time. Be sure to go over the homework in the following class. If you are tutoring an individual student, go over the answers together. If you are teaching a group, have students check in pairs or have people write answers on the board as they enter the classroom. Then go over the answers together to make sure they are correct. If students did not complete their homework, give them a few minutes at the beginning of class to do it.

Explain to students that if they want to improve their English, they must do their homework. Encourage them to ask questions if they have difficulties. Practicing English even for 15 minutes per day will make a big difference. m to ask questions if they have difficulties. Practicing English even for 15 minutes per day will make a big difference.


Ending Class Be intentional about how you use the last few minutes of class and be sure to end on a positive note. Spend this time reviewing, playing a game, having a conversation, or working on pronunciation. Here are some tips for making the end of class most effective: ● Have a collection of filler activities, worksheets, or conversation ideas in case you end up with extra time. ● Use the back of the student book to review words, grammar, or other quick references. ● We do not recommend starting a new “lesson” in the last few minutes of class because you won’t have enough time to

introduce the lesson effectively.

● Go over the agenda once again with your students. Ask for examples of what they’ve learned. ● Confirm the date and time of the next class. Showing this on a calendar can help low-level students understand. ● Use exit tickets (see below).

Exit Tickets Exit tickets are strips of paper that include questions that allow the teacher to check student understanding. Alternatively, write the question on the board for students to answer, rather than handing out tickets. In order to exit the room, they must turn in the ticket, or answer the question verbally. Exit tickets have the added bonus of allowing you the opportunity to check-in with students indirectly, yet individually. They can give you insight into how your students are doing with the new material and how you may need to focus a review in the next class. Even Level 1 students can be given exit tickets. You can ask them to write one new word they learned in class. Higher level students can be asked to answer a question using the grammatical structure covered in class, or they can write a sentence with new vocabulary. Creative Exit Ticket Ideas ● Pass around a box of random objects. Students choose an object from the box and say why it indicates how they feel,

or use it in a context related to the lesson. It can be amazing to hear the connections they make.

● Pass around pictures of people. Students choose a picture based on how they feel at the end of the lesson (happy,

confused, frustrated, excited, etc.).

● Write a few sentences on the board that students will respond to on their ticket: o I learned ___. o I liked ___. o I need to study more about ___. o I will practice by ___.


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Tips for Checking Answers Checking answers to activities is a must! Since you will be checking answers several times each lesson, be intentional about how you do this to keep students engaged during the process. Here are some tips: 1. As students finish an activity, assign pairs to do a check first. This allows students to confirm and/or discuss their answers together. The peer might benefit from explaining why they believe they have the right answer as well as the student who gets to process an uncertainty. The teacher can wander the room to answer questions and, once he/she has determined that an answer is correct, assign pairs to write it on the board. This also gives students who have not completed the work a chance to attempt it. This preliminary step ensures that there will be less dead time during the whole-class check. 2. As you monitor students during an activity by walking around the room, look for people who have a correct answer. Ask them to write their answer on the board. As students finish their work, have them check their work using the answer key that the class has collectively generated on the board. 3. After bringing the whole class together, have students take turns giving the correct answer. Train students to monitor themselves. Let them know that they can pass (not answer) if they want to. This can save time and embarrassment. Sometimes, a student will hesitate. Consider telling him that you will come back to him, and give him a few seconds to think. Be sure that you do! Also, ask the class to let the nominated student answer the question. When others shout out the answer to “help,” politely advise them that this is, for example, “Maria’s” question, and they must let Maria answer it. You would then give Maria six seconds to answer. (Again, she can pass if she wants to.) 4. Try to cover the entire room. Research shows that teachers tend to call on students in an uneven way. Consider moving in an asterisk so that you move from the student in the upper right corner to the lower left and then from lower right back up to upper left. Then middle-rear to front followed by left to right. Or, in classrooms where students sit in a horseshoe formation, call on the student to the far right first, then the far left, then the person next to the far right student, and so forth. 5. To encourage students to learn each others’ names, you might ask the student who just answered to name the next student to speak. 6. Ask a student who thinks he/she has all the right answers to read all the answers. Other students say “STOP!” if they hear something different from their own answer. The original student and “stopper” must then justify their different answers. The one who is correct continues reading. Sometimes this results in spirited arguments or in a class vote on the correct answer. It always results in everyone paying attention! 7. As an alternative to Tip 1, after pairing students, pair the pairs (to make groups of 4). Continue until you run out of students. Skip the whole group check. This will ensure correct answers without having to check them as a whole class.


Making Corrections Giving feedback to students about their English is an important part of teaching. Class may be the only opportunity students have to be corrected. Plus, many students feel that if they’re not being corrected, they’re not learning. At the same time, it is important to be sensitive regarding mistakes. Before you decide whether or not to correct the student, pay attention to what kind of mistake it is to determine if, when, and how to correct it. 1. During a controlled exercise or drill, the focus is on accuracy and the teacher should give immediate feedback. Generally the first 2-3 vocab and grammar activities in Confidence and ConnectionsTM are controlled. Some ways to make this type of correction are: ● Give a chance for self-correction by showing with a gesture or facial expression that there is an error in the sentence,

or by repeating the sentence up to the point of the error and stopping: “Your wife …??”

● Use peer correction if self-correction is not working. To do this, ask if anyone else in the class can offer the correction.

If someone does, then ask the original student to repeat the correct sentence. Do this sensitively by creating an atmosphere where mistakes are applauded as a sign of courageous practice. ● If neither self- nor peer-correction is eliciting the correct response, say the entire sentence aloud while making the correction. Be sure to have the student repeats the full, correct sentence, not just the word that you corrected. You may even have all students repeat the correction - generally if one person needs the correction, everyone does. 2. If the mistake was made during a “fluency” exercise (e.g., during conversation), be cautious about not interrupting to make a correction. Ways you might address this are: ● As you go around the room listening to students, jot down mistakes you hear. Following the activity, discuss the

problem areas without pointing out who made which mistake. ● Write the sentence with the mistake, and then talk about the correction or have the group correct it on the board. 3. During an informal exchange before, during or after class, the focus is on normal, human conversation in English. Do not interrupt students to make a correction; instead, monitor the activity, take notes, and address the mistakes later. You might want to correct only those mistakes which clearly impede the communication or have already been covered in class. 4. When you check a writing tAsk follow the same framework as in #s 1 and 2 above. If the exercise is intended to be fluency (i.e., write about a certain topic), try to limit corrections and, instead, focus on making general comments or asking questions about the writing. If you do make corrections, they should only be made for grammar or vocabulary that students should already know. Make sure not to use a red pen to make corrections or write comments. For real learning to take place: When a student makes an error, have him or her repeat the correction, in context—at least twice, perhaps three times. If it’s an error that many students make, have the whole class repeat the correction in context. Students need to understand that making errors in English will help them learn if they have a chance to self-correct and repeat the correction. As a teacher, it is easy to forget this and, instead, simply say the correct word after a mistake is made and then allow the class to continue. Corrections like this may not sink in.


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Teacher Toolkit Using objects in your class can keep lessons fun and engaging. Fill a tote bag with these objects. Store your teacher book in the bag, and you’ll always have an easy, go-to toolkit for class. Here are some suggestions for your toolkit, as well as ideas for how to use them. Pencil and pen (and/or colored markers) ● Bring different colors to create color-coded sentence cards, flash cards, or to make corrections. ● NOTE: Students often don’t like making mistakes in their books. However, they may not bring a pencil to class, so having extra pencils on hand can help. Making mistakes is part of the learning process! Index cards ● Word cards: Use the vocabulary from lessons and generate a stack of cards to play various timed games. ● Sentence strips: Write the words from grammar charts on individual index cards to practice making sentences. ● NOTE: It is a great idea to have students make their own flash cards. This not only saves you time, but also gives students extra opportunities to practice! Notebook ● Many students like to take additional class notes. Have them use a dedicated notebook to do this. Consider dividing the notebook into sections using sticky notes to keep the notebook organized. Their sections may include: notes, vocabulary, journal, questions. ● For students who don’t like to make mistakes in their student book, have them practice first in their notebook, then transfer the information to their student book. Dictionary ● Choose wisely and consider a “learner’s dictionary” which provides level-appropriate definitions. Teach students how to use it! Other items ● Photographs, pictures of a variety of people or objects from magazines, grocery store ads, to-go menus, sticky notes (in a variety of colors), dice for Questions, Questions, Questions and board games, a box of objects relevant to the lesson topic, a small ball for Ball Toss, baggies, rubber bands, paper clips for Bingo markers and board game pieces, scissors, scrap paper, blank game boards, puppets, pennies (great for counting games), glue sticks, play money, fly swatters for Fly Swatter Game.


Engagement and Easy Expansions We learn best when we are having fun! Try to make class engaging and meaningful to your students by doing a variety of activities during class. Below are some low-prep activities you can do with your student(s). While many can be adapted to cover different topics (grammar, speaking, pronunciation, writing), we have indicated the most common use for each one in parentheses. Ball Toss (Speaking, Grammar) Form a circle and toss a ball or stuffed animal. For one-on-one, stand across from each other. ● If working on verbs like to be the teacher can say “I,” then toss the ball to a student who should say “am” and toss it back to the teacher. The teacher says “you” and tosses it to another student who says “are”, etc. ● Alternatively, the teacher asks a question and throws the ball to a student who answers it. Now that student asks a question and tosses it to another student to answer, etc. You can do this to review or to practice the questions in the Language Tools chart. Categorizing (Vocabulary, Pronunciation) Sort vocabulary words into different categories. For example, if students learned about food, use categories of meat, dairy, vegetable, fruit, and grain and have students place items into the correct categories. This also works with sounds. For example, have them put verbs with -ed into groups based on whether -ed sounds like “t”, “d”, or “id.” Charades (Vocabulary) In the classic game of charades, students mime words or phrases while the others watch. The class guesses the demonstrated word and, for extra practice, uses it in a sentence. To make this more fun, write the vocabulary words on strips of paper and wad them into a ball. Toss it to the first student, who pulls out a strip and acts out the word or phrase on it while the class guesses. The student then throws it to the next person. Class Tic-Tac-Toe (Vocabulary) The teacher draws a tic-tac-toe grid on the board and fills the spaces with vocabulary words. Divide the class into two teams. In order to put an X or O in a space, the team representative must use it in a sentence correctly. Students can also play this game in pairs. Cocktail Party (Speaking, Grammar) This activity mirrors a cocktail party. Students are given a topic and walk up to different people and talk about it. It’s often helpful to list some questions on the board to get them started. Students should speak and listen to multiple people during this exercise, which may require some encouragement from the teacher. This can also be a dynamic way to check answers or to use the Connect for Conversation section of the book. Colored Index/Grammar Cards (Grammar) These can really help students interact with grammar structures. Colors can be used to indicate singular or plural, of verbs tense changes based on pronouns.


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Conversation Rotation or 1-on-1 Exchange (Speaking, Grammar) Students line up across from each other and practice either asking and answering specific questions or discussing a topic (e.g., family, celebrations, etc.). with the person across from them. After pairs have a chance to answer the question or discuss the topic, take the first person in Line A and move them to the end of Line A. Everyone else in Line A moves down one space so that they have a new partner. Repeat several times, only moving the person in Line A.

Concentration/Memory Game (Vocabulary) Using vocabulary from previous lessons, write the word on one index card and the definition or a picture on another. Do this for each vocabulary word you want to use. To play, place all the cards face down on the desk in an organized fashion. The students try to find a match by flipping over two cards at a time. If the word and the definition match, they keep the cards and go again. If they’re incorrect, they place the cards face down in the same spot so the next student can use that information to make a better guess. You can play in pairs or as a group. Corners (Warm-up, Speaking) Post pictures of opposite things on two walls (or call out the words) and have students move to the side of the room that correspondes with the option that is their preferences of the given two. Call on volunteers to share why they chose what they did. Example word pairs: beach/mountains, snow/rain, cats/dogs, ice cream/cake. Adapt the words to the level of your students. For one-on-one, the student and teacher can write their preferences on pieces of paper and then reveal their answers at the same time. Dialog / Role Play (Speaking, Grammar) Turn a listening exercise, or grammar activity based on a dialog, into a role play by pairing students and having them practice aloud. Find Someone Who (Warm-Up, Speaking) Students must interview classmates to find someone who fits into each category (see short example below). Make sure students know how to ask each other by writing a sample question and answer on the board (e.g., Do you like bananas? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.). Find Someone Who…… Student Name 1. ...likes bananas. __________________ 2. ...likes vegetables. __________________ 3. ...likes liver. __________________ Be sure to follow-up the activity by asking for students’ summaries of what they discovered (e.g., Who likes bananas? etc.). You can choose questions based on that day’s topic or review previous grammar points.


Fly Swatter Game (Vocabulary, Grammar) Write vocabulary words or put pictures on the board. Divide the class into two teams and have one member of each team come to the board. Give each person at the board a fly swatter. Give the word or clue and the student that hits the correct word or picture first gets a point for their team. To practice grammar, write verb conjugations on the board (e.g., have/ has). Say pronouns and have students hit the correct form of the verb. Heads Up (Vocabulary) Students work in groups of 3-4. One student in the group picks a card with the vocabulary word on it and puts it to their forehead without looking at it. Other group members give them clues to help them guess the word. Info Gap (Speaking) This activity is done in pairs. Each partner is missing some information, but together they have all of the information. Depending on the specific activity, Partner 1 asks Partner 2 a question. Partner 2 answers by looking at what they have and providing the needed information to Partner 1. In some Info Gap activities, Partner 1 and 2 are role playing and after they complete a round, they reverse roles. Other Info Gap activities are similar to the game Battleship where Partners 1 and 2 take turns asking and answering questions to complete the activity. Magazine Picture Hunt (Vocabulary) Hand out magazines to the class. Give them a word and have them find a picture of it in their book. Have people stand up when they find it. Pictionary (Vocabulary) Draw a vocabulary word or phrase. Have your students guess it. Switch roles. Having students draw their representation of a word allows for deeper understanding of the meaning of the word. For extra points, have students either spell it or use it in a sentence. Questions, Questions, Questions (Speaking) Write 6 questions on the board or on a piece of paper for one-on-one (Make sure to number them). In pairs, students take turns throwing a die and answering the question that corresponds to the number they rolled. You can adapt the questions depending on how well the students know each other, or to review the vocabulary or grammar from a previous lesson. Every so often, erase one of the questions and write a new one. This can also be played in groups. Sample questions for new students

Sample questions for students who know each other

1. What’s your name? 2. Where do you live? 3. What do you do for a living? 4. Tell us about your family. 5. What is your favorite thing to do? 6. What is your favorite animal?

1. What are you scared of? 2. What are you good at? 3. What makes you laugh? 4. What makes you angry? 5. Tell us about your first memory. 6. What do you do to relax?

Running Dictation (Listening, Reading, Writing) Have sentences posted on one wall and put students in pairs. One is the writer and one is the runner. The runner must go to the wall, read and memorize a sentence, and then tell it to the writer. Snowball Fight (Warm-Up, Speaking) Have students write 1-3 interesting things about themselves on a piece of paper and wad it up. They now have a snowball fight (throw the paper at each other). After around 30 seconds of this, have students pick up the paper nearest to them. They now have to ask questions until they find the writer. Time Expression Cards (Vocabulary) Use slips of paper or index cards to write time words so that students can put them in order (morning, afternoon, evening, or early, midday, late). You can do the same thing when students are learning sequence words such as first, next, then, finally, and other expressions of time or order. 134

Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

Total Physical Response - TPR (Vocabulary, Grammar) At Intercambio, we use elements of TPR to get students physically engaged with the language. To use this technique, start by saying a word or phrase while modeling the action. Students will start doing the action with or without speaking. Next, speak without modeling so that students are required to respond to what you are saying, not what you are doing. Finally, have a student give the command while the class performs the action. The basics of TPR The Intercambio Way:

Example: Write your name on the board. Say and do underline my name: Anna. Have a student come up to board. Write your name again, Anna and say underline my name and have the student do what you said. Trash Can Conjugation (Grammar) Have students crumple recycled paper (about 10 balls each) and then set up trash cans labeled with the verb you are working on (have/has or am/is/are, for example). Hold up a pronoun (she, he, it, I, etc.) and have students throw a wad of paper into the appropriate trash can. Alternatively, you could label the trashcans present, past, and future and then say sentences in these different tenses. Students have to throw the crumpled paper into the trash can with the right tense. Two Truths and a Lie (Warm-Up, Speaking) In pairs, have students tell their partners three statements about themselves. Two should be true and one a lie. Partners can ask questions before guessing which was the lie. This works for the first day of class and for students who know each other. In the second case, use a specific question (e.g., What are three things you did last weekend?).




Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

Confidence and Connections was developed by Intercambio Uniting Communities to offer practical English language acquisition for adults. The series was designed for both 1-on-1 and group learning environments. The hallmark of this curriculum is its unique focus on building confidence and personal connections between students and teacher. Each lesson culminates with a Connect with Conversation activity, providing students a safe place to practice speaking English while getting to know their fellow students and teacher. In addition, every lesson includes a pronunciation exercise to help students learn and practice the many sounds and rhythm of the language. There are 2 books per level, L (left) and R (right), enabling shorter completion cycles per level. Completing a book builds student confidence and allows a shorter waiting period for a returning student. Together these two books, L and R, complete a level and you can begin with either one. Build your community by teaching and learning English The Intercambio Way™.

Intercambio is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization founded in 2001. In addition to our successful and continually advancing program in Boulder Colorado, we support and share best practices with organizations across the country that use our curriculum, training and resources. We are committed to learning from everyone. Please share ideas or feedback with us at $18.00 ISBN 978-1-947639-34-8

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North American English Fifth Edition








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