Fellowship Messenger

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Message from your ACR Chair The Mission of CFO 2011-12 Office Budget New Leaders CFO Eternal 2011-2012



Prayer Outreach Groups

Proverbs 11:25

In the Gospel story of Luke 5:1-11, Jesus, after preaching to the crowds along the shoreline, told Simon to “put out into deep water and put down your nets.” Simon’s first response was to say, “Master we’ve worked all night and we’ve caught nothing.” Like Simon, CFOers have worked hard these past years only to see ACFO’s outreach decrease. Simon, in obedience to Jesus’ command did go into the deep waters and lowered his nets. Results were so successful he had to call for help to get all the fish onto shore! CFO has been called to go into the “deep waters” of listening prayer and “lower our nets” to reach people who are in great need of discovering the Kingdom of God in their lives.

Call or email Charlie Grassl for more information on starting your Prayer Outreach Group (817) 468-1553 • cegrassl@gmail.com 2011-2012



What is God Doing? At a mid-summer CFO, speaker Chris Cooper challenged us in our vision of going farther out into the world. While camps are a time of refreshment and practicing Kingdom skills that will take us back into our churches ever-more engaged and alert, the program is focused on prayerful transformation into the fullness of abundant life in Christ. Chris believes the church needs what CFO is learning about Transforming Love. He Ruth Smalt asks, “What if the way we are to equip for battle is to ACR Chair pray and rest, to enjoy Him and listen to His voice?” As we engage in the work of corporate listening prayer, showing courage in challenging, reflecting and stepping out, I offer the suggestion of resting in Glenn Clark’s exhortation to pray not for the results, but to get into the flow of what God is doing. And to be joyful and thankful in the work and in the play.

A NEW LOOK! This issue of Fellowship Messenger reflects our desire to refresh our materials, so you are encouraged and engaged even more in CFO’s future. It is our goal that the mission of CFO be the focus of our work and that Jesus Christ is the focus of our souls. We hope you find this publication valuable in your relationship to CFO and to others. Please let us know what you think and what you would like to see in the future. In His Name, The Directors staff@acfona.org

Fellowship Messenger is published annually by Association of Camps Farthest Out, Inc. © 2011, Association of Camps Farthest Out, Inc. All rights reserved. Association of Camps Farthest Out, Inc. is a 501 (c)3 organization National office: 317 S. Madison Avenue, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 Phone: 607-535-4415 • staff@acfona.org • www.acfona.org 2011-2012



THE MISSIO “Drawing from the strength and saving grace of Jesus Christ, ACFO will search for God’s will; through prayer respond in love to all people; and seek to build up the Body of Christ here on earth.” THE PRAYER-FILLED ENVIRONMENT As we have all discovered in a variety of ways and circumstances, it is very difficult to describe or even talk about our CFO experience with persons unfamiliar with CFO. One of the reasons for this is that we are describing an experience of living in the Kingdom of God. Jesus himself used metaphors to describe the Kingdom of God since human language, imagination, and logic do not suffice in painting a complete picture of the Kingdom of God. But one thing is clear and complete from the words of Jesus. The “Kingdom is near” and can be experienced in our lives today. Its presence surrounds us and we need only discover that presence. Its depth, width, and breath are such that we can never completely exhaust its effects upon our spiritual lives. Each of us, regardless of our age or credentials continuously “discover” the Kingdom of God as we 2011-2012

travel in our earthly pilgrimage towards the promised spiritual union with God. CFO’s Christ-centered program, when led by the Holy Spirit, will help people discover the Kingdom of God in their lives. But before the program is offered, it must be thoroughly bathed in prayer. The site chosen in prayer, the leadership chosen in prayer, the brochure written in prayer, the finances trusted in prayer, the site prepared in prayer, the campers greeted in prayer, and the camp program presented in prayer! In this way the Council Ring provides a prayer-filled environment in which the Lord




interacts and touches each person in a unique and individual way. The camp will become love itself and not just another place that only talks about love. For in the end it is not about the camp but about discovering God’s presence in all parts of our lives…discovering what it’s like to live in His Kingdom. We find His Kingdom when we are repeatedly pointed to Jesus. The words of our mission statement offers us a simple way to invite people to a CFO event. In place of wearying them with details of CFO history, explanations 2011-2012

of “farthest out,” and explaining that it’s “really not a camp”… perhaps inviting them to a place where they can discover the Kingdom of God in their lives will be a more illuminating invitation.

THE ROLE OF THE COUNCIL RING What are the characteristics that describe an effective Council Ring? They are the servants of God who prepare a place for campers to be loved by God. They are the ones who pray prior, during,



The Council Ring prepares a place for us to come and be loved by God

their devotion and obedience to our Lord. With our eyes upon Jesus we are unable to see the faults of others. In this way unity is expressed in the service of the Council Ring, providing a prayer-filled environment which is fertile soil for God’s Word that brings spiritual growth for all CFOers!

and after the camp. They are the ones who choose the camp leadership that points the people to Jesus. They are the ones who encourage campers to be a source of outreach in their local community. They are THE VITAL SIGNS OF A CFO CAMP the ones who work within their zone to To assess our vitality, the doctor will enhance the vitality of all camps in their measure outward signs such as blood zone. pressure, body temperature, and muscle Too often, in our churches or work our reflexes. These indicate whether our health focus is on getting along. We continually is good or bad. Similarly we can measure the health of our camps by assessing outward signs. Like our human vital signs Providing a Christ-centered, Holy the camp vital signs are merely indicators, Spirit-led program through which not proof of vitality. They give us areas to people discover the Kingdom of focus our concerns and can be a guide to creative solutions. Six outward signs of a God in the midst of today’s world. camp were chosen. Four associated with those who attend a camp or retreat: New Campers; CFOers Returning to Camp; look for and try to eliminate the barriers Youth & Children; and the Council Ring. between people. Instead, if we are able to The other two attributes are associated with address the barriers between people and outreach: Attendance at an ACFO Annual God the barriers between people would Meeting and the Number of Sponsored vanish as they find themselves unified in




Events. Let’s examine each of those attributes of camp vitality in more detail.

First time campers are a measure of outreach effectiveness. Some of the factors influencing a person to attend their first CFO camp are: 1. A desire for spiritual growth. 2. An expectation that the CFO program and its leadership will provide an opportunity for spiritual growth. 3. Trust in a specific CFOer or in the organization that CFO will provide a safe environment for spiritual growth. 4. A general knowledge and curiosity about CFO and its ability to project the Kingdom of God into the event. 5. The event is affordable and accessible to the individual. These influencing factors furnish valuable insight that can guide the presentation or the promotion of our CFO event. The mission statement’s emphasis upon discovering the Kingdom of God will speak to the desire for spiritual growth and the Christcentered, Holy Spirit led program pro-


vides assurance of what message can be expected. Highlighting these aspects in promotional material or in personal conversations are ways to attract first time CFOers at your event. Provide them information that will meet their expectations or concerns. A healthy goal for your camp is that new campers account for 15% of the camp’s total attendance.

The vision & dream of ACFO is to reach 30,000 people annually by the year 2020

CFOers who return to support our events are the foundation of our vitality. They form our donor base and are the source of potential leaders in CFO. In addition they are the ministers within the Kingdom and the face of CFO to the first time CFOers. Some of the factors that influence a CFOer to return yearly to the scheduled events are: 1. A consistent experience of unity and fellowship with CFOers.



2. The safe prayer-filled environment of a CFO event. 3. A continued sense of spiritual growth which brings freshness and joy to their life. 4. A sense of purpose and spiritual relevance that provides value to the CFO event. 5. The event is affordable and accessible.

Don’t just invite them to attend your camp … Invite them to discover the Kingdom of God in their lives. Council Rings should always pray prior, during, and after the event and in that way ensure a safe prayer-filled environment for the CFO event. The spiritual aspects of the event are of great significance to the CFOer’s decision to return and will enhance the probability of their future involvement in the larger world of ACFO.

One of the unique features of CFO events is our capability to address the needs of a whole family. This intergenerational ministry is a feature that serves CFO well. Though there will always be a place for CFO events attended only by adults (due to scheduling during school times) it is healthy to offer CFO events that provide an experience for the whole family. Some of the factors that influence attendance of youth and children at a CFO event are: 1. Trust in a specific CFOer or in the organization that CFO will provide a safe environment for the spiritual growth of youth and children. 2. The event is affordable and accessible. 3. Social networking (electronic & personal) between CFO youth & their friends. 4. Sponsored CFO events directed by and specifically for the youth and young adults of CFO. Council Rings sponsoring events for an intergenerational audience should be protective of the spiritual environment for




the youth and children. Merely baby sitting youth and children limits the experience for spiritual growth. Leadership is the most important element for the nurturing of a Council Ring’s outreach to youth and children. It should be a main priority of the Council Ring to encourage and develop leadership for CFO’s children, youth, and young adults. A healthy goal for youth & children attending the camp is believed to be 15% of the total attendance.

The Council Ring members are the principal organizers of any sponsored CFO event. As a result they will bear the burden of all the details associated with facilities, campers comfort, financial considerations, leadership, etc. The spiritual aspects of the camp, especially the devoted prayer time of the Council Ring, can be overtaken by the tasks associated with the physical aspects of camp if there is insufficient numbers on the Council Ring. An understaffed Council Ring is a group that will soon “burn out” and the camp will cease to function. There should be a sufficient number of members


to share the workload, both prior and during camp, to allow for the necessary prayer life of the ring. A general rule of thumb is about 15% of a camp’s total attendance should be the size of the Council

The effectiveness of the camp will be a reflection of the Council Ring’s unity, service, and prayer Ring. It never should be smaller than seven (7) even if the camp attendance is less than fifty (50). The Council Ring should implement a planned yearly rotation of approximately 1/3 of its members off the ring for at least one (1) full year. Some of the factors that influence CFOers to serve on a Council Ring are: 1. A spiritual calling to serve God through service on the Council Ring. 2. An understanding of and commitment to the mission of CFO. 3. The Council Ring leadership fosters fellowship and unity among its members. 4. Possess individual talents and gifts that serve the needs of the Council Ring.



5. Have sufficient resources and available time to attend all the necessary meetings and sponsored events.

camp. It is their family! It is CFO! But the good news is that the CFO experience can become even richer for every CFOer. A zone retreat is held annually in every A Council Ring should continuously region. Attending the zone retreat will let and intentionally be aware of potential you be blessed with the fellowship of other members amongst the CFOers who regunearby CFO Camps. larly return to camp each year. Each Annually CFOers from all over North member should commit to mentoring indiAmerica gather to fellowship, celebrate viduals and/or couples who seem to have CFO, and conduct the business of CFO. the potential for service to CFO in this way. The location of this annual meeting is rotated among CFO’s seven (7) zones. With respect to the vital signs, each ACFO’s first Annual Meeting Council Ring is given a goal of five (5) was held at Capon Springs, WVA members to attend the annual meeting. in 1956. The 2012 Annual Attending this meeting is beneficial to your Meeting in Estes Park, Colorado local camp through greater exposure to new will be the 57th Annual. leadership, new alternatives and methods used to promote your camp, and the encouragement of being a part of this Mentoring is the simple commitment to world-wide Kingdom of God movement. identify, encourage, instruct and support ACFO’s affiliated organization, CFO those indicating a calling to serve CFO on International, periodically sponsors an the Council Ring. international CFO conference where fellowship with CFOers from all over the world come together to celebrate CFO! In Most CFOers become emotionally 2005, the 9th International meeting was attached to the fellowship of their local held in Nairobi, Kenya. The 10th Interna-




tional is planned for August 12-18, 2012 in Lima, Peru.

Currently ACFO reaches approximately 3500 people annually through approximately 60 camps and retreats held throughout North America. It is obvious that additional events will be necessary in order to reach 30,000 people annually. The present plan for outreach is to utilize the following events as the way to increase the outreach of ACFO. In addition to the CFO Retreats/ Camps as currently conducted consider these events. 1. CFO Day where the CFO program is experienced without an overnight stay. 2. Prayer Outreach Groups which provide a method of outreach for every CFOer in the locale of his home/work. This outreach tool was introduced at the 2011 Annual Meeting and will be deployed this year.. 3. “CFO at Home”(working name) is currently in development. It will utilize various technologies to deliver


CFO wherever you are! To encourage the Council Rings to increase their outreach, a goal of seven (7) sponsored events is set as the “standard” for each camp. The events can be accomplished through any combination of camps, retreats, CFO Days, and Prayer Outreach Groups that are sponsored by the Council Ring.

UNITY OF PURPOSE On the first Wednesday of each month your coordinators and directors from ACFO, CFOI, and the UPT join in a 30 minute conference call to pray for each other and for the mission of each organization. Pictured below (left to right) at the annual meetings in Dayton, TN in May of this year are: Jenni Piatt (ACFO); Carolyn Miller (UPT); Cathy Horein (ACFO); Charlie Grassl (ACFO); and Becky Sutherland (CFOI).

For in the end, it is not about the camp but about discovering God’s presence in all parts of our lives.





New Leaders Our Leaders Lisa LaLonde, speaker Lisa has led in all areas and at many CFOs, recognizing that leadership in CFO is a team effort, so whether she’s speaking, leading worship, youth, devotion-in-motion, or “helping with the art creative” Lisa watches for ways to open the door and let the Lord “show up.”

Mical (Thurow) Cooper, children’s leader Praying “big,” diving into God’s Word, and embracing child-like energy for living, whether in activities or rest, are the common themes as Mical seeks to help children express themselves and to grasp their identity in Christ and His love for them. She loves seeing the heart of God expressed to and through children.

Alex McCullough & Carolyn Miller 2011 HONOR PLAQUES RECIPIENTS Truly coming to the Lord at his first CFO in 1971, Alex is a much sought after speaker, has served on ACR and on the Council Ring of his home camp, Taconic CFO. Now retired from full time ministry, Alex serves as the spiritual director for the sisters at the Oratory of the Little Way in Gaylordsville, CT. A CFOer since 1975, Carolyn has served CFO as a Council Ring member, ACR member, is a rostered leader in Rhythms, and is our beloved United Prayer Tower coordinator. Carolyn’s home camp is Iowa CFO.

SUPPORTING THE MISSION OF CFO I wish to make a regular monthly contribution to the Association of Camps Farthest Out! I will make a Monthly Donation in the amount of: $_____________/mo. (Make checks payable to Association of CFO)

I wish to begin a Monthly Electronic Transfer ______ Yes ______ Not Now (If yes, please return this form with a voided check and the office will contact you for further information.)

Name(s)__________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________ Please return this form, your check and voided check to the address on the back page of this book. 2011-2012



YOUR ACFO OFFICE Your ACFO office has changed in the last year. As CFO’s ministry is extended into the 21st Century it is imperative that new levels of efficiency and effectiveness be achieved. For the 2011-2012 fiscal-year the following actions have helped reduce the office’s operating budget by almost 15% from the actual 20102011 levels while extending its capability to serve CFOers. Its staff has been extended from two to three persons. The rented office space has been cut in half. The payroll costs have been reduced by 10%. Publication costs significantly reduced through the use of electronic publications.

The office provides support for all CFO activities while strictly maintaining and protecting its tax exempt status as an IRS approved 501(c)3 charitable entity. ACFO’s yearly activities by the approximately 40+ Council Rings total approximately $1.1 million dollars in program expense. The 2011-2012 office budget for the administrative costs for ACFO ($78,842) at about 7% of the overall program costs. Though this is a good figure, efforts are continuing to further reduce the costs of the office while attempting to bring more value to ACFO in terms of increasing its outreach.

2010-11 Budget

2010-11 Actual

2011-12 Budget

Association Shares




Gifts and Donations







$ 156,340.00


$ 114,700.00

Program Expense




Payroll Expense




Administrative Expense












Other Income Total Income EXPENSE

Total Expense NET INCOME / (LOSS)


Dublon vouchers are still available for first time campers. Each camp and retreat can receive up to 5 vouchers per event. The vouchers are issued to first time campers, in the amount of $150 for camp and $75 for retreats.

As of today, we have issued 18 retreat vouchers and 76 camp vouchers, for a total of $12,075. Forms can be downloaded from the website or contact Jenni Piatt at: jennipiatt@acfona.org





CFO ETERNAL Perry Rankin 2010 Nebraska CFO

Herb Hughes October 2010 MI Midwest Camping CFO Indiana CFO

Milt Anderson May 2011 NH Winni CFO Bea Bell April 2010 Arizona CFO

Rayburn Ray May 2011 Tennessee CFO

Catherine Hunter December 2010 WV Spring CFO

Chuck Bell September 2010 Arizona CFO

Anne Waite Ranta October 2010 Warwick CFO CO Front Range CFO

Charles King March 2011 NH Winni CFO, Council of Leaders, CFO International

Frances (Becky) Beutler January 2011 Ohio CFO, Florida CFO

Dr. William Reed December 2010 FL Resurrection Retreat Council of Leaders

Lloyd Lambert December 2010 Indiana CFO

Theo Taylor Carlson December 2010 MN Koronis CFO Walter Clark November 2010 SoCal CFO, CA Healing CFO CFOI Annette Critchfield February 2011 Indiana CFO

James Ross January 2011 North Florida CFO FL Resurrection Retreat

Dorothy Leachman January 2011 Council of Leaders Rosey Maatman February 2011 Council of Leaders

Evelyn Russell April 2010 MN Koronis CFO

Lina MacNeill April 2011 NH Winni CFO

Carol Daye 2010 CA Healing CFO

Harry Russell June 2009 MN Koronis CFO

Sarah Graham Mann 2011 ME Acadia CFO, Warwick CFO

Norman Elliott January 2011 MN Koronis CFO, NH Winni CFO Council of Leaders Son-in-law of Glenn Clark

Jean Ruthven Fall 2010 NH Winni CFO

Zan Matishak 2011 AB Northern Lights CFO

Mary Pat Sabine August 2011 NH Winni CFO

Carol Critchfield Mote January 2011 Indiana CFO

Vincent Elmer Spring 2011 NH Winni CFO

Irene Schneider June 2011 Indiana CFO

Don Fillmore 2011 California CFOs

Henry “Hank” Nikkel 2011 Allegheny Heartland CFO Pa Keystone CFO

Clarinne Sutherland January 2011 SoCal CFO

Betty Fox September 2011 PA Hilltop CFO, Connecticut CFO

Helen Mae Olsen April 2011 Daughter of Glenn Clark

Wendell Sprague November 2010 NY Finger Lakes CFO

Natalie Hakanson January 2011 ME Acadia CFO North Florida CFO

Mary Virginia Parrish August 2010 Council of Leaders

Earl Tyson November 2010 Carolina CFOs

Helen Pennington March 2011 Colorado Summer CFO Colorado Autumn CFO

Mark Whitelaw April 2011 Montana CFO

Jack Hamor January 2011 ME Acadia CFO, NH Winni CFO

Betty Wilderman November 2010 Indiana CFO

Birdie Porter June 2011 CO Autumn CFO CO Wilderness CFO

Don Helm January 2011 Arizona CFO Electa Holland January 2011 NY Minden Taconic CFO

Bill Woodson, Sr July 2011 NY Adirondack CFO

Arthur Pratt 2008 Indiana CFO




10th International Camp August 12-18, 2012 PLACE:

Centro Vacacional Huampani Carretera Central KM 26 Chaclacayo, Lima, Peru



Mr. Paul Ribali, phone: 503/981-0183 cfoi10thinternational@yahoo.com

SCHOLARSHIP CHAIR: Mr. John Styer, phone: 410/287-9300 john@lathe-meister.com

Online Registration: www.CFOInternational.org

The United Prayer Tower For prayer needs write, call or email 24 hours a day. PH: 641/421-6858 Email: pray@UnitedPrayerTower.org The year round prayer ministry of Camps Farthest Out. Carolyn Miller, coordinator 1501 S. Louisiana Ave., Mason City, IA 50401 www.UnitedPrayerTower.org 2011-2012






Association of Camps Farthest Out, Inc. 317 S. Madison Ave. Watkins Glen, NY 14891-1120

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