Methodology This study employed a range of qualitative research methodologies for Objectives 1-5. The methodological approaches for each research objective are outlined below.
Literature Reviews
Research objectives 1 and 2 of this study rely on literature reviews. Objective 1 examines the legal framework and access to space. Objective 2 presents four case studies of emerging spacefaring countries.
Inclusion criteria ➢
➢ ➢
Materials from government, academia, private sector, gray literature (conference papers, event transcripts, white papers etc.). English language documents. Literature after 2018.
he literature review for Objective 1 was based on a Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) approach. In contrast to Systematic Literature Reviews, REAs make concessions regarding the breadth, depth and comprehensiveness of the search to yield ‘rapid’ results.22 An REA was deemed the most appropriate methodology for this portion of the study, as it offers a structured and robust approach within the significant time constraints of the study. Nonetheless, the review is not exhaustive and does not include all papers on the topic of international space law and access to space. This review reports on the findings and recommendations of reviewed sources, without providing an indepth assessment of their effectiveness.
These are therefore identified as key areas in need of further research input. The review was conducted via targeted keyword searches on Google and Google Scholar. A “snowball” approach built from initial sources identified further relevant literature. The above box identifies the inclusion and exclusion criteria implemented for this study. Additionally, special attention was paid to sources from minority and non-Western authors, as it is the aim of this study to amplify these voices and adopt an inclusive perspective on the international space domain. A snowballing approach was implemented, in which further sources were identified to inform the research.
What is a Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA). CEBMA (2022) https://cebma.org/faq/what-is-an-rea/