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4. New Spacefarers
he space domain has evolved rapidly in the past decades. An expanding ecosystem of private actors is lowering the costs of space technologies with continued miniaturization,277 and high capacity of innovation.278 There has been an uptake in space programs in developing countries as technologies become more accessible, particularly with the rise of open-source models for systems, as well as entirely customizable system builds. CubeSats are well within the capabilities of most nations, due to their affordability and simplicity. Space ambitions serve as inspiration and stimulus to the next generation, particularly those entering STEM fields. A space sector promotes science and mathematics in schools and tertiary education. In general, involvement in space programs requires education investment and upskilling the workforce to develop capacity for engagement in space activities. Developing economies stand to benefit from increased participation in space programs, leading to diversification of workforces, which could have an impact on brain drains in the longer term.279
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CubeSats are well within the capabilities of most nations
Space programs are a major source of national pride. Entering the league of spacefaring nations opens opportunities and elevates a country’s status in the eyes of the world. In addition to enhancing international status, participation in space can boost national security as countries adopt their own space-based systems for military uses and national critical infrastructure. Generally, safety, security, disaster management are powerful drivers for space activity in emerging spacefaring countries. For example, in the Philippines, where typhoons are a significant issue, disaster management is a focus area for space technology development.280 Space access enables countries to pursue sovereign capabilities, reducing dependence on major spacefaring nations. Countries seek access to the space domain to safeguard their sovereignty, for example by increasing national security in handling their own communications, or deploying satellites with Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities. As more countries establish space programs, there is potential for new national identities to emerge, both among the populace and as conceived by governments curating the image for international space business. There is a possibility that space programs could enable a shift from ethnic and tribal identities, towards a collective sense of national identity. This could cause
Lim (2018). Wrench (2019). This direct link has yet to be established in a study examining the direct effects of space program uptake on long-term workforce brain drain. 280 International Space University (2017) Aress: A Roadmap for Emerging Space States. https://isulibrary.isunet.edu/doc_num.php?explnum_id=1350 278 279