> Volume 5 - June 2011
Your Digital Market Place Magazine in this edition: • Interxion Switzerland Launches Carbon Offsetting Partnership with myclimate • Zurich IT Valley Technology, Expertise and Network out of the Glattal for Europe • A-Z of efficient Installation • Minkels AG a pioneer in highquality ICT infrastructure www.interxion.ch
green it and sustainability: is the energy revolution promoting resource-efficient solutions?
2 Interxion offers: > Highly secure facilities: Multi-level physical security including 24x7 onsite security, surveillance cameras, locked cabinets in shared areas and private suites. > World-class facilities: Advanced Data Centre infrastructure with multiple layers of redundancy for power, cooling and fire-suppression. > Flexibility to build bespoke solutions: Interxion works to ensure that every customer’s precise needs are met and their expectations are exceeded. > Market leading service levels: Interxion sets rigorous Service Level Agreements for all its services, designed to offer cost-effective, flexible ICT infrastructure. > Carrier neutrality & multiple network providers: Most top tier carriers and ISPs offer direct access to the networks that serve the world’s Internet/communication routes. Interxion hosts 20 of Europe’s Internet Exchanges, offering outstanding transit & peering opportunities. > Unprecedented connections: Interxion provides access to more than 350 carriers and ISPs hosts the largest number of peering partners across Europe. Interxion ensures that the connectivity to your infrastructure, access network, or core network node - is superior. > ACCESS TO COMMUNITIES: Interxion offers access to various communities such as the Financial, Cloud and Content Hubs. This offers customers additional business opportunities, especially for financial services, cloud computing and digital media. > ACCESS TO THE CLOUD TESTLAB: Interxions Cloud Testlab is a turnkey, cloud-hosting test environment for service providers, combining industry-leading software, systems, connectivity and colocation capabilities. The collaboration is designed to enable hosting providers to develop cloud services and virtualised environments for their customers at high speed and with best-in-class performance guarantees. > Local expertise & European presence: Every Interxion Data Centre is fully staffed with trained professionals who know the local regulations and are fluent in the local language. > European Customer Service Centre: Interxion’s Data Centres are supported by a central European Customer Service Centre with a multilingual team offering technical assistance to customers 24 hours a day. > Full support services: Equipment housing, engineering, maintenance, connectivity solutions and a range of monitoring services provide Interxion customers with solutions to better manage their ICT and internet infrastructures.
3 Editorial Dear Customer,
Content In this edition: 2 Interxion offers 3 Editorial 4 Green IT and Sustainability 7 Zurich IT Valley 8 myclimate – Compensation of CO2-Emissions 10 Who’s who Interxion Team 12 ECSC 13 A - Z of efficient installation
In the fifth edition of our customer magazine we focus on a most interesting range of topics: energy efficiency, sustainability, green power and CO2-emissions. This current economic climate has driven the ICT-industry to increase operational & energy efficiency. Interxion is committed to designing and operating sustainable data centres by optimising energy efficiency, reducing CO2 footprint and compensating CO2 emissions, and minimising overall environmental impact. The articles will reveal which actions and commitments will achieve our goals. As a reader, we hope to motivate you for “Think and Act Green” and would be very interested to hear from like-minded companies. Eddy Van den Broeck Managing Director Interxion (Schweiz) AG
16 Minkels AG 18 Tips & Tricks 19 Fact Sheet
Interxion Switzerland AG Sägereistrasse 35 8152 Glattbrugg Switzerland
interxion interacts Would you like to comment on our Interxion Magazine? We would be happy to receive your feedback via marketplace.ch@interxion.com.
T: +41 44 562 30 00 E: info.ch@interxion.com I: www.interxion.ch @InterxionCH
Imprint Editorial Office Salima Touchal Cornelia Arioli marketplace.ch@interxion.com Cover Markus Burren
Circulation 650 print edition 1300 online addressee Layout & Print Reprotec AG www.reprotec.ch
4 Green IT and Sustainability: is the energy revolution promoting resource-efficient solutions? Just talking about Green IT does not help. The forced notion of an environmental conscience requires companies to weigh up which green elements are actually worthwhile from an economic perspective. It poses the question of whether a switch to green electricity would be sufficient to ease a company's conscience and improve its image. The list of data centres following the green hype is long. The fact is that the proportion of IT-related costs in the energy sector is continuing to rise. So what really makes a data centre green? A basic distinction must be made between using alternative energy sources and using energy in an efficient way within the data centre: in addition to the energy that is required for the IT infrastructure, data centres often need at least the same amount of energy to operate their overall infrastructure.
> Cornelia Arioli Marketing Manager corneliaa@interxion.com Cornelia Arioli has been Interxion's Marketing Manager since SeptemÂ‑ ber 2010. Within her role, she is responsible for all marketing and communication activities that relate to the Swiss market. She has acquired her knowledge and experience during several years of working in the marketing and communication departments of various national and international companies. Cornelia Arioli completed her MA in Communications Management two years ago.
Interxion strives to operate uniformly designed, energy-efficient data centres that offer customers extensive security and uptime for their missioncritical applications. With connectivity provided by 350 carriers and ISPs, as well as 20 internet exchange points, Interxion creates content and connectivity hubs that promote the establishment of ecosystems for sustainable industry clusters (e.g. finance, new media, cloud computing, pharmaceutical, ISPs).
Since 1 January 2011, Interxion Switzerland has been using exclusively ‘Aquastrom’ (hydroelectricity) from the local energy supplier Energie Opfikon AG, thereby opting for 100 percent renewable, CO2- and climateneutral energy source. ‘Aquastrom’, which consists purely of hydroelectric power, is produced using naturally flowing water, rather than originating from pumped-storage plants – this is backed up by the energy producer's proof of origin and is checked on a regular basis by independent auditors. Energie Opfikon AG also ensures that the hydroelectricity is produced in accordance with certain eco-friendly criteria. For the expansion that was completed in the summer of 2010, Interxion has agreed a new contract for the energy product naturemade star (www.naturemade.ch), which came into effect on 1 July 2011. Electricity products that carry the naturemade star label must meet the strict conditions and high environmental standards of VUE (Association for Environmentally Friendly Electricity), and are also subject to stringent quality control procedures. naturemade star guarantees that every effort will be made to maintain a natural and intact environment in the long term. Since 2008, Interxion has also been a Contributor Member of The Green Grid consortium (www.thegreengrid.org), a non-profit organisation dedicated to developing industry-wide best-practice recommendations, measurement procedures and technologies, the use of which is intended to improve energy efficiency in data centres and business computing environments around the world.
6 By joining The Green Grid, Interxion is helping to define and create energy efficiency standards for both developers and users of data centres and data centre technology. Wherever possible, Interxion applies the knowledge acquired in this area to its own data centres and has now started to use cooling devices with the latest turbo-core technology, along with highly efficient recooling units, application-specific cold aisle containment systems and heat recovery systems. Interxion is the first data centre in Switzerland to compensate 100 percent of its CO2 emissions. Since 2010, all data centre services by Interxion Switzerland have carried the myclimate ’climate-neutral‘ label. When calculating emissions, Interxion's concept takes into account all environmentally harmful emissions generated from the entire energy consumption of a data centre, something that is not the case with providers of similar services. For compensation, all emissions that are important for developing, creating, maintaining and operating data centre services are calculated as accurately as possible. Only then do these services earn the ’climate-neutral‘ label. This has enabled Interxion to reduce its CO2 emissions from 3,000 tonnes per year to 170. Interxion's climate-neutral data centre in Switzerland benefit customers directly, as their Interxion-hosted data centres can be certified as 'CO2-neutral' as well.
interxions commitment to sustainability in the Zurich data centre
• myclimate: certification climate-neutral company. 100% compensation of CO2 -emissions. • Aquastrom + naturemade basic: 100% renewable, CO2 - and climate neutral energy from hydroelectricity.
7 Zurich IT Valley – Technology, Expertise and Network out of the Glattal for Europe “The Glattal shall be developed to Switzerland’s ‘Silicon Valley‘. This is being planned by the organisation ‘glow. das Glattal’ in cooperation with Interxion and the location promotion department of the Canton Zurich. There are about 500 ICT-companies in the area between Zurich airport and Zurich city and a concentration of data centres.”
The initiators of the neutral community ‘Zurich IT Valley’, which was newly founded on June 22, 2011, intend, in harmony with the city’s eZurich legislation focus program, and with support from the canton’s Business and Economic Development Division, to build and promote the Glattal region as the centre of excellence for ICT. This will involve creating a neutral community that unites the region's population, institutions and companies on a single platform, creating a closer network and promoting an exchange of information between the various participants to drive business opportunities, best practice and shared learning. The initiative will target the entire digital value chain including network operators, internet service providers and a variety of hardware and software vendors. The long-term aim is to also attract organisations that operate in the finance, logistics, telecoms, energy, cloud, digital media and creative industries, whose business processes are based primarily on digital infrastructure.
“Newly established companies and Start-Ups can thus be promoted and the cluster formation in the IT field accelerated. A professional network allows the maximum use of potential, existing initiatives and expertise in the area of sustainable ICT,” says Eddy Van den Broeck, co-initiator and Managing Director, Interxion (Schweiz) AG.
> Christoph Lang Location Promoter glow. das Glattal
More information is available on the website www.zurichitvalley.com.
8 Interxion Switzerland Launches Carbon Offsetting Partnership with myclimate Interxion is the first data centre operator to launch a comprehensive carbon offsetting partnership with Swiss nonprofit foundation myclimate. The new programme provides Interxion Switzerland customers with 100 % carbon-neutral colocation services by offsetting any unavoidable CO2 emissions via a range of climate protection projects in Europe and the developing world. All Interxion customers will receive a myclimate ‘climate neutral’ certificate, which they can apply to their data centre infrastructure as part of their environmental impact assessments. The Interxion/myclimate emission calculation is comprehensive. All emissions necessary for the development, creation, maintenance and operation of data centre services are realistically figured into calculations. Only then is the climate-neutral certificate awarded. As part of this initiative Interxion offsets all its emissions in carbon offset projects in Switzerland and abroad. For example, electricity is produced from biomass; hydro-electric power plants are restored and have their energy efficiency increased; and solar cookers are distributed.
myclimate, the non-profit foundation, has Swiss roots and is among the global leaders when it comes to voluntary carbon offsetting in high-quality carbon offset projects. myclimate carbon offset projects meet the strictest international quality standards (CDM and Gold Standard). Apart from reducing greenhouse gases, these projects demonstrably contribute to sustainable development. Therefore, both the local population and the climate benefit. In addition, myclimate sets up carbon assessments and raises awareness about climate change and climate protection with climate education projects. Partners and clients of myclimate include Unilever, SEAT Switzerland, Bosch, Virgin Atlantic, SWISS and Lufthansa.
“We very much welcome Interxion's efforts to minimise its environmental footprint and to offset remaining carbon emissions through myclimatesponsored projects. It is key to the environmental cause that organisations like Interxion and their customers set an example and demonstrate their sense of responsibility and take appropriate measures in order to reduce the carbon footprint accepted with ICT infrastructure.” René Estermann, CEO myclimate
“This is a major step forward in our journey towards the sustainable data centre. Interxion goes to great lengths to minimise the environmental impact of its data centres through energy-efficient design and operation, and we also offer our customers low-carbon energy wherever possible. This new agreement with myclimate tackles the remaining emissions and will lead to positive benefits for the environment in Europe and in the developing world, as well as attracting more environmentally-aware customers to our services.” Eddy Van den Broeck, Managing Director Interxion (Schweiz) AG “Since its foundation more than 30 years ago, Globetrotter has dedicated itself to a sustainable, nature-, socially- and environmentallyfriendly tourism and actively collaborates with relevant organisations. We are partners of myclimate since 2005 and support a specific climate protection project in north India, which manufactures briquettes of renewable biomass and promotes the usage of this climate-friendly fuel. We are very pleased, that our CO2 emissions, from Interxion's related data centre services are being compensated.” Benno Auf der Maur, Division Manager IT Globetrotter Travel Service AG “CloudSigma is a fully carbon neutral company and has partnered with myclimate in order to offset the total greenhouse gas emissions as a result of the company’s operations. We have chosen the Interxion data centre, because it is a green data centre employing modern equipment and new technologies that aim to reduce the carbon emissions footprint of the data centre. This complete approach taken to carbon offsetting means all customers of CloudSigma benefit from carbonneutral computing.” Patrick Baillie, CEO CloudSigma AG
10 > teaM-
branimir sekula teamleader service engineers My function gives me the responsibility for extensive tasks. I enjoy finding the best possible solution for demanding and diverse customer requirements. My versatile area of work as team leader of the Service Engineers focuses on coordinating new installations and expansions between our Service Engineers internally and suppliers externally. This includes quality assurance, i.e. acceptance of completed work, as well as the production and maintenance of documentation and reports on data centre and customer installations. Interxion strives to ensure compliance of proven energy-efficiencymeasures across all data centres. Preferably I spend my time up in the air: as owner of a Private Pilot License I fly a single-propeller Katana whenever I get the chance.
neim Mamuti service engineer I instantly liked Interxion's high technology standard, as well as the drive for best possible customer satisfaction and continuous development of technologies and systems. As Service Engineer I work with the Interxion team and technicians of our customers in order to implement various customer projects, such as the installation of Cold Aisle Containment, plugsets, PDU’s, patches and so on. The maintenance and administration of data centre and customer documentation are also part of this complex and versatile job, which, as a security measure, requires a high level of attention and care. Being a family person I spend my free time with my wife and our two children.
11 >
Antje Rieck Deputy Finance Manager I appreciate the dynamic nature of our business and the natural handling of the high level of security. Besides the monthly settlement including reporting and receivables, my responsibilities as Deputy Finance Manager also include the monthly controlling of active customer contracts in terms of their validity, consistency and correctness in the billing process. However, my work at Interxion also consists of coordinating the various local functions in order to deliver reports to headquarters in a timely fashion. I’ve declared my free time to be a number-free zone, in which I very much appreciate having fun in life and enjoy myself by doing sports and being with friends.
Tamara Schreiber HR Advisor & Finance Assistant The technological standard and the future-oriented strategies in terms of positioning and further development of the company, as well as the family spirit and dynamic are very exciting. As part of my function as HR Advisor & Finance Assistant, I’m responsible for Interxion Switzerland’s Accounts Payable, administer all HR-related matters and support the departmental heads with recruitment. This also includes cooperation with both the local finance team and our headquarters in Amsterdam regarding reports and statistics. I very much appreciate the freedom of being able to work independently to a certain degree and the ability to develop new processes. In order to maintain my work-life balance I visit the gym, go inline-skating, meet friends for a drink or watch a good movie at the cinema.
12 The European Customer Service APC by Schneider Electric Centre – ECSC
ECSC always at your service! +44 20 7375 7070 customer.services@interxion.com
Whether customers want to gain access to the data centre, register a delivery or requesting Hands&Eyes service, the European Customer Service Centre –ECSC- is the first point of contact. Based in the London office, the ECSC deals with customer-related requests for all the Interxion data centres in Europe, i.e. it deals with 28 data centres in 11 countries. Covering 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 17 team members take care of customer needs, in either English or in French, German, Spanish and Dutch. Our lines are open all around the clock, all through the year. Apart from handling your requests the ECSC also monitors the data centres 24 / 7. Therefore, the daily task of the ECSC is multifold mix of fulfilling customer requests, from keeping a watchful eye that the data centre facilities are
in line with the customer requirements, communicating with customers to keep them up-to-date with the events of the data centres, such as maintenance works and upgrades, coordinating with the security team of the different Interxion locations to ensure that the security standard is kept, to keeping accurate customer records with regards to authorised person for permanent access, making requests etc. Coming from diverse backgrounds the members of the ECSC undergo indepth training and are all ITIL Version 3 certified. Working as a team, the ECSC has put procedures in place to safeguard maximum security and to maintain maximum service standard as possible. Therefore, we are proud to say that we are ISO27001 (Information Security Management System) certified.
ContaCt If you want to contact the ECSC for questions and suggestions, feel free to contact via phone + 44 20 7375 70 70 or via email: customer.services@interxion.com.
13 The most sought-after data centre experts A-Z of efficient are nowinstallation energy efficiency consultants Follow a few tried and tested installation tips when installing your equipment and you can make significant savings in power usage and reduce wear and tear on your mission-critical systems, saving you money and reducing your carbon footprint. At Interxion data centres, we take energy efficiency, straight after availability, very seriously, and one of our key goals is to deliver the optimum balance between IT load and installed infrastructure to support this. To monitor this balance we measure the PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness). We have been improving the PUE year on year for over seven years now, using our historical data as a benchmark for improvements. Powering IT costs money and it costs the environment. So it always amazes me when some customers cut corners in the installation of their equipment. If you follow these simple guidelines you can cut your electricity bill, ensure longer uptimes and reduce wear and tear and maintenance costs on valuable equipment. Continue reading on page 14.
> Andrea Luigi Campomilla Operations Director andreaca@interxion.com
Andrea Luigi Campomilla, Operations Director, Interxion (Schweiz) AG Andrea Luigi Campomilla has been working in the Swiss Telco- / Data Centre Industry for more than 15 years and occupied various positions in regard to Data Centre Engineering, Build & Management. He holds a BSc in Electrical Engineering and a BBA. He is currently studying towards an EMBA. As a proven IT specialist, he is one of the most experienced DC professionals in Switzerland and is already well-acquainted with our data centre, customers and partners.
As Operations Director of Interxion (Schweiz) AG, Andrea Luigi Campomilla is since April 1st 2011, responsible for the impeccable operation of our highly secure data centre facility in Glattbrugg, which involves the continuous supervision and optimisation of the technical and operational processes between Interxion and customers.
14 Interxion’s A-Z of efficient installation Inside the cabinet • Cable correctly: Use a proper system for bundling and supporting cabling to avoid any obstruction of airflow. • Block unused space: Install blanking plates in open unused server space to stop air short-circuiting in cabinet hotspots and maximise efficient use of the installed room CRAC units. • Remove packaging: Make sure there are no packing materials like cardboard, plastic etc. anywhere in your data centre space. These can obstruct airflow resulting in hotspots, they contribute to the build-up of dust and they can even constitute a fire risk. • Check connectors: Install EU-approved electrical plugs to avoid power fluctuations, server outages and fire. • Put away monitors: If you use cabinet monitors, put them away directly after use, as they may obstruct the airflow to the inlet of the server, resulting in hotspots.
• Switch off spare fans: If you are using open cabinets make sure that no old roof fans used in closed cabinets are still running, causing unnecessary energy consumption. • Check door openings: Make sure that the percentage of your door grid opening is sufficient to cool the servers. This avoids hotspots and means that the server fans do not need to work overtime to force the air through the doors. • Keep clear of floor vents: Try to avoid installing your cabinet partially on a ventilated or louvered tile. This keeps the server air intake clear, reduces hotspots and keeps raised floor access clear.
Always bundle cable to avoid curtains of cables blocking the airflow.
Outside the cabinet • Keep the hot aisle hot: Don’t install ventilated or louvered tiles in the hot aisle: the hot aisle is supposed to be hot and changing the layout can lead to new hotspots and reduce the cooling efficiency of the CRAC units. • Keep the cold aisle cold: Do not close off or remove ventilated or louvered tiles in the cold aisle: the cold aisle is supposed to be cold and changing the layout can have the same negative effects mentioned above. • Close the door quickly: Do not leave the door to your data centre space open unnecessarily as the extra air pressure inside the room will be lost resulting in dust accumulating inside the room, servers and CRAC filters which can lead to server malfunction. Leaving the door open can also lead to CRAC unit inefficiency, extra opening of the chilled water valve and extra chiller compressor activity resulting in unnecessary energy consumption. More reasons for closing the door? Leaving them open can also lead to hotspots, extra dehumidification, re-heating and humidification, with all the unnecessary energy consumption that entails.
• Bundle under-floor cables: Tie up and bundle all cables underneath the raised floor. This avoids curtains of cables blocking the airflow, which can result in hotspots above the raised floor. It also requires more CRAC unit capacity than the specified IT hardware load for N+1 (N represents the actual IT hardware load in CRAC unit capacity and +1 represents the redundant CRAC unit). • Maximum 4 tiles up: Do not open the raised floor over a distance of more than 4 tiles as this may result in an unstable raised floor, loss of cooling capacity, short-circuiting of air, extra re-heating and extra dehumidification. • Do not adjust your CRACS: Try to avoid changing the setting of the CRAC units as it may result in hotspots and unnecessary waste of cooling energy.
16 Minkels AG – a pioneer in high-quality ICT infrastructure What once began simply as a business idea has, over the last 29 years, developed into what today is Minkels AG. As a manufacturer and supplier of highquality ICT infrastructures for data centers as well as customer-specific and energy-related cooling solutions, the company is firmly established in the Swiss market. This subsidiary of the Aegide Group profits from being a member of the international network of Aegide partner companies, which are involved in every aspect of the research and development of top-quality OEM products as well as solutions for network and server cabinets. Besides specialising in housings for IT infrastructure in data centers (Varicon), Minkels offers a wide range of futureoriented services and additional support: With the Varicondition and Varicontrol labels, customers have at their disposal custom-tailored solutions for maintenance and control.
Varicondition – something really cool! Data center with Varicondition Cold-Corridor®
ContaCt Minkels AG Riedstrasse 3-5 CH-6330 Cham Tel. +41 41 748 40 60 Fax +41 41 748 40 79 verkauf@minkels.ch www.minkels.ch
Every data center has unique requirements when it comes to cooling. The experts at Minkels identify them and then plan the best individualised solution. Decisive factors in this step include energy efficiency as well as measurements of power consumption and availability. Other things taken into consideration are special conditions such as the amount of available power and any issues which might arise due to the layout of the rooms themselves. Minkels currently markets three successful high-quality product lines: Varicondition-HD (High Density), Varicondition-H2O and Varicondition Cold Corridor®.
varicondition-Hd is based on feeding cool air directly to racks and is perfectly suited for the cooling of IT equipment. The cooling capacity ranges from 1 to 25 kW. varicondition-H2o is a purely water-cooled method implemented as a module between server cabinets. Varicondition-H2O is available with a cooling capacity up to 36 kW or as redundant systems with each providing 18 kW of cooling capacity. read more about varicondition cold corridorÂŽ on page 18.
complete monitoring of modern data centers – varicontrol The very demanding environments of today's data centers do not allow for any weak spots. Both internal and external regulations demand permanent monitoring and continuous logging. Minkels offers specific solutions for the monitoring of data centers: starting with the development of concepts for power monitoring and distribution, through monitoring of the ambient environment, to integrated access and supervision systems including customer-specific software.
software varicontrol for Monitoring
about Minkels ag Minkels AG is a Swiss subsidiary of the Aegide Group, which is based in The Netherlands, and has its headquarters in Cham in the Canton of Zug. Its approximately 22 employees manufacture and market high-quality modular ICT infrastructure components and systems for modern data centers. In parallel to this, Minkels develops and manufacturers OEM products and solutions for the fibre-optic and network-technologies sectors. www.minkels.ch.
18 Tips & Tricks > QUESTION What is your strategy when it comes to the energy-efficient cooling of your data center? > ANSWER The system intelligence and capacity of varicondition cold corridor® from Minkels AG!
Even given the current prices for industrial power and especially with electricity prices expected to increase, it quickly becomes clear to any company that an optimal, efficient energy strategy is an absolute must for future data centers. Minkels AG offers a professional solution with varicondition cold corridor®. The system is based on the principle of a complete separation of hot and cold air. This is accomplished by enclosing the ceiling area between cabinets facing each other on the cold aisle with panels of safety glass. Both ends of the aisle are sealed off with doors, which prevents circulation between the hot and cold air. In each rack, mounting spaces in unused rack units are filled in with blanking panels so that the chilled air for cooling purposes can flow only through the server. Besides sliding doors, swinging and hinged doors are also available. In addition, the customer can flexibly select the cabinet width and size to meet special requirements. “For energy-efficient cooling of their cabinet systems, I recommend our customers the varicondition cold corridor® from Minkels. The smart and highperformance system warrants a longer and economic lifetime of the business critical equipment and enables remarkable savings on operating costs.” Dirk Gobeli, Facility Manager, Interxion (Schweiz) AG
The advantages of the varicondition cold corridor® solution at a glance: • The temperature across the bottom and top portions of a rack is nearly constant. • Servers can be deployed at any position with a rack. • Considerable savings in operating costs and a clearly improved usage of the existing cooling capacity. • Can be integrated into existing systems without any problems. • Flexible usage thanks to standard cabinet systems. • OEM cabinets can be integrated into Cold Corridor. • Longer and more economic life cycle because varicondition cold corridor® is built in a modular fashion and can be put to use with an extremely wide variety of cabinets. More inforMation For more information contact us at +41 41 748 40 60 or verkauf@minkels.ch.
19 Interxion Fact Sheet > facility • 4’500 m2 of equipped space • Located next to Zurich Kloten airport (five minutes) and ten minutes from Zurich city centre • Fault-tolerant and concurrently maintainable design > CONNECTIVITY • Quadruple-entry fibre • Direct access to 30 carriers/ISPs including the SwissIX Internet exchange • SLA-based cross connects available to all Zurich customers > poWer • 10 MVA redundant grid connection • Up to 99.999% availability SLA • 2N UPA redundancy • N+1 backup generators, supporting 72 hours at full capacity with high-speed refueling • Full range of output voltages and currents > SECURITY • Trained security staff on site 24x7 • Multiple physical security layers, including CCTV, man traps, 24x7 controlled access • ISO 27001-certified information security management systems
> services • Cabinets, shared rooms, cages and private suites • Remote hands-and-eyes: 24x7 installation and maintenance • Connectivity, management, backup services • Extendable across Europe via one service contract > energy efficiency • Phased modular architecture optimizes Power Usage • Effectiveness (PUE) • Chillers with free cooling • Cold Aisle Containment setup • Operated to the highest energy efficiency standards
accreditations & associations Contributor Member, The Green Grid Cofounder EMEA Chapter, Uptime Institute ISO-27001-accredited Information Security Management-Systems
> controlled environMent • Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus (VESDA) • Inergen fire suppression system • N+1 CRAC redundancy per room • SLAs on temperature and humidity in line with ASHRAE recommendations • Entire facility infrastructure monitored 24x7 (Chiller, CRAC, Fire Panels, Generator, UPS, etc.)
Contributor, EC Joint Research Centre on Sustainability Patron of the European Internet Exchange Association Cofounder and patron of the Swiss Internet Exchange Association (SwissIX)
> custoMer support • ISO 27001-accredited European Customer Service Centre (ECSC) provides support in 11 countries to the same rigorous standards.
Interxion Switzerland: Certification climate neutral company Cofounder, EuroCloud Swiss
Zurich IT Valley
Cofounder, Zurich IT Valley
Published by Cornelia Arioli, Salima Touchal
interxion switzerland ag, sägereistrasse 35, 8152 glattbrugg, switzerland
Carrier-Neutral Data Centres
WITH POWER COMES RESPONSIBILITY Equipment Housing | Connectivity | Managed Services Tel: +41 44 562 30 00 Fax: +41 44 562 30 01 web: www.interxion.ch e-mail: info.ch@interxion.com Amsterdam • Brussels • Copenhagen • Dublin • Düsseldorf • Frankfurt • Hilversum • London • Madrid • Paris • Stockholm • Vienna • Zurich