Iowa Holstein Herald December 2018
Lyons-DL Moses Shortcake-Red EX-91
2018 Show Placings: Supreme Champion ~ Winneshiek County Fair Intermediate Champion & HM Grand ~ District 1 Holstein Show All Iowa Sr 3 Year Old, Intermediate Champion & HM Grand Champion ~ Iowa State Holstein Show Hawkeye Holstein Futurity Winner 1st Sr 3 Year Old, Res Intermediate Champion, HM Grand & Champion B&O ~ Midwest Fall RW Show 9th Sr 3 Year Old ~ International RW Show Her April 2018 Jacot son is available. Genomic results provided upon request.
Lyons-DL Malone Red Velvet-Red Maternal Sister to Shortcake 2nd Winter Yearling ~ District 1 Holstein Show 3rd ~ Iowa State Holstein Show 4th ~ Midwest Fall RW Show 8th ~ International RW Show
Wishing you peace and joy this holiday season and throughout the coming year!
Lyons Holsteins
Tate George Steere Born August 20, 2018
Doug, Lynnette and Michael Lyons Trace, Carly and Tate Steere 131 Military Road | Castalia, IA 52133 563.419.0275 ~ BAA 109.7 ~ 15 EX 22 VG 12 GP
December 2018 VOL. 79 NO. 4
Editor - Paula Smith • 3422 140th St. • Brooklyn, IA 52211-8612 Phone: 641-522-5493 • Cell: 641-990-1892
Iowa Holstein Herald
The official publication of the Iowa Holstein Association Officers Trent Henkes, President 18467 165th St, Luana, IA 52156 563-783-2479 • Carl Mensen, Vice-President 21958 Ungs Rd, Guttenberg, IA 52052 563-853-2402 • Paula Smith, Secretary 3422 140th St, Brooklyn, IA 52211 641-522-5493 • Shellie Volker, Treasurer 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 319-269-0318 • District Directors Paul Stempfle • 536-920-9495 16707 100th St, Maynard, IA 50655 Doug Lyons • 563-419-0275 131 Military Rd, Castalia, IA 52133 Lance Schutte • 563-539-4599 13254 Hickory Ave • Monona, IA 52159 Dan Bolin • 319-278-4288 30707 180th St, Clarksville, IA 50619 Jim Vierhout • 712-439-2932 Box 563, Hull, IA 51239 Jeff Hammerand • 563-580-3908 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 Bob Rahe • 563-921-3745 15378 Rte 136, Dyersville, IA 52040 Directors-At-Large Kevin Fossum • 563-568-7587 1267 Jeglum Rd, Waterville, IA 52170 Joe Gibbs • 563-543-0113 9482 Bierman Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 Mark Knudtson • 563-419-1489 313 Hwy 9 Waukon, IA 52172 Dan Moon • 563-880-4562 19475 155th St, Monona, IA 52159 Tom Simon • 563-599-9183 10644 Cemetery Rd, Farley, IA 52046 Katie Stoll • 641-858-6606 19988 215th St, Monticello, IA 52310 Walt Wessel • 563-590-8162 28547 400th St, Greeley, IA 52040 National Director Mark Kerndt • 563-568-1727 1318 W Main St, Waukon, IA 52172 Holstein AssociatION 1 Holstein Place, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Telephone: 802-254-4551 Toll Free Number: 800-952-5200 Fax: 802-254-8251 • Holstein Regional Representatives Dennis Devore • 319-270-5038 Cedar Rapids, IA • Alan Graves • 712-574-6120 Hartley, IA •
All-Iowa Awards...................................................................................................................... 6-8 Board Meeting Minutes.............................................................................................................21 District Meetings.........................................................................................................................4 District Show Reports......................................................................................................... 16-17 Iowa Holstein Futurity Entry Information...................................................................................14 Iowa Holstein Princess Contest..................................................................................................8 Iowa Holstein Princess & Alternate.............................................................................................4 Junior All-Iowa Awards........................................................................................................11-12 Junior News..............................................................................................................................10 National Directors’ Report........................................................................................................14 Obituary....................................................................................................................................17 President’s Perspective..............................................................................................................4
Calendar of Events
December 27-28 State Junior Holstein Convention, Comfort Inn, Dyersville January 5 Application Deadline for Iowa Junior Holstein Association DJM & Young DJM Awards February 1 2019 Membership Deadline for IHA First Deadline for 2021 Iowa Holstein Futurity (Change of deadline from December 1) 1 1 Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Scholarship Deadline 1 Deadline for the Linda Pagel Scholarship & Iowa Holstein Association Scholarships 1 Application Deadline for Iowa Junior Holstein Association Cow Awards 23 2019 Iowa Holstein Convention, Wild Rose Casino, Emmetsburg March 16 Board Meeting, West Union 16 Iowa Spring Sale, Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union
On the Cover
Featured on the cover are highlights from the 2018 National Junior Holstein Convention. Upper Left Photo - The 1st Place Junior Dairy Bowl Team: Trenton Hammerand, Naomi Scott, Brynlee Volker, Louis Hamlett, and Coach Jeff Hammerand. Upper Left Photo: National Distinguished Junior Member Finalist Mary Scott Middle Photo: Iowa Junior Members at the 2018 National Holstein Convention. Bottom Photo: The 1st Place Senior Dairy Bowl Team: Mary Scott, Brylie Volker, Nathan Arthur, Amanda Dougherty, and Coach Jeff Hammerand.
Subscriptions: A copy of each issue of the Iowa Holstein Herald shall be sent to each adult member of the Iowa Holstein Association and that $8.00 of each adult member's base rate annual dues of $25.00 shall be for a year's subscription to the Herald. Junior members may subscribe to the Herald for $10. The subscription price is $10 for people not residing in Iowa. Postmasters: Please send address changes to Iowa Holstein Herald, 12686 U Ave., Sumner, IA 50674.
Iowa Holstein Herald (USPS 024497) is published quarterly each year by the Iowa Holstein Association, 3422 140th St, Brooklyn, IA 52211-8612. The publication dates are March 1, June 1, October 1 and December 1. Periodical postage paid at Brooklyn, IA and additional offices. The deadline for submitting news and advertising copy is 30 days preceding publication date of issue. December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald 3
President’s Perspective It’s hard to believe that I’m already writing my second to last President’s article since my term as President will be ending soon! It’s been a fun two years leading the Iowa Holstein Association. We recently held our fall state board meeting and had lots of good discussion about future activities for our association. We decided to continue with our traditional State Holstein Spring Sale in West Union on Mar 16, 2019. Last year’s sale was deemed a success with a huge crowd, great atmosphere and positive prices for the cattle. If you have an animal to consign to this year’s sale, please contact the sale committee or anyone on the state board. Don’t wait for someone to contact you, be proactive and make the call to get your animals consigned. The calf raffle will also be continued this year. The grand prize will once again be a choice of four calves or $2000.00 cash. Several more premium prizes will also be given away as well. Once again only 200 tickets will be sold and can be purchased from any state board member for $100 each. This is a great way to support your association and win some awesome prizes. In an effort to give back to our members, the board also decided to sponsor a free meal on sale day to all sale attendees. So be sure to consign your animals, attend the sale, buy a raffle ticket or sale animal and enjoy lunch courtesy of the Iowa Holstein Association! Please check “The Calendar of Events” in the front of Herald for upcoming dates for the State Conventions for both the Juniors and Adults as well as the District Meeting dates listed below this article. These are great opportunities to get off the farm share ideas, and converse with fellow Holstein enthusiasts. Trent Henkes, President
2019 Iowa Holstein Convention Saturday, February 23
Wild Rose Casino, Emmetsburg Annual Meeting • Standing Committee Meetings Banquet & Awards
Watch your mail for complete details! Hope to see you there!
District Meetings
District Date Time Location 1 Dec 27 12:00 pm Johnson’s Restaurant, Elkader buffet $5/person 2 Jan 10 11:30 am Pizza Ranch, Waverly 4 Jan 12 11:00 am Cook’s Cafe, Sheldon 5 Jan 12 12:00 pm Pizza Ranch, Harlan 6 May 4 11:30 am Saints Avenue Cafe, Boone 8 Jan 9 7:30 pm Pizza Factory, Epworth 9 No Meeting 10 Watch for a postcard coming in the mail with info 4 December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald
2018 Iowa Holstein Princess
Seasons Greetings! 2018 was another tough year for farmers. Milk prices remained low, and the weather never seemed to cooperate. It was easy to get discouraged, but we still made it through. As the year comes to an end, there are many things to be grateful for. While some aspects may not have gone as planned, there are still many accomplishments to celebrate. In February, I was granted this opportunity with Cynthia to represent the Holstein breeders. In the summer, I got to see different families succeed in the show ring. Success continued for many in the fall as well, hopefully having bountiful harvest and success on the colored shavings. I am thankful for the opportunities that I have gotten to be a part of this year. As the holiday season continues, I hope you find yourself thankful for what you do have, and prosperous for the future. If you need to contact me, my email is and my number is 563-920-0488. Warmest regards, Amanda Engelken
Alternate Iowa Holstein Princess
Season’s Greetings! I hope everyone had a safe and bountiful harvest this year. I would like to congratulate everyone who received honors at shows this year. The quality of Holsteins exhibited were phenomenal, it seems to get better every year. I look forward to seeing everyone this upcoming year and promoting the delicious, nutritious dairy products farmers are producing. As the holiday season approaches us, I hope everyone eats a lot of food, stays warm as the temperatures begin to drop, and takes time to visit with their loved ones. I have been staying active at college through the Dairy Science Club and the Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow Club, here at Iowa State University. I am looking forward to next semester and continuing my passion to promote the dairy community. If you’d like to contact me, my e-mail address is and my phone number is (563) 608-9737. Wishing everyone the best this holiday season! Happy Holidays, Cynthia Hamlett
2019 IHA Auxiliary Silent Auction
At last year's auxiliary meeting, we decided to have another Silent Auction at the 2019 Iowa Holstein Convention in Emmetsburg. In order to make this auction a success, we need to have as many items donated as possible. Start searching around so we can have a variety of items to sell.
December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald 5
2018 All-Iowa Award Winners
150,000-Pound Cow Ouriver Goldwyn Blitz
Jake Kuhens, Nathan Arthur & Cale Baker
Aged Cow Moondale Tam Moondale Farm
5-Year-Old Cow Kishholm cinderella KishHolm Holsteins
4-Year-Old Cow Robin-Hood pretty In-Red Le-O-La Holsteins
Senior 3-Year-Old Cow Lyons-DL mses shortcake-REd Lyons Holsteins
Junior 3-Year-Old Cow Quality-Ridge Maggy-P-Red Nathan Arthur, Cale Baker, Jake Kuhens
Senior 2-Year-Old Cow Nic-K Doorman Purple Passion-ET Hawkeye Holsteins 6 December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald
Junior 2-Year-Old Cow Oakfield Dback Dreamy Nathan Arthur, Cale Baker, Jake Kuhens
2018 All-Iowa Award Winners
Fall Yearling In Milk Kishholm Chanta KishHolm Holsteins
Fall Yearling Rosedale Defying Gravity Shawn & Levi Banowetz
Winter Yearling Midas-Touch DM Chinker-ET Stempfle Holsteins
Spring Yearling Ms nabholz legend Anna-ET Nabholz Farms
Summer Yearling Crest-View-Acres hlx Brooke Courtlane Holsteins
Fall Heifer Calf Arthurcreek Kingboy Chill Nathan Arthur
Winter Heifer Calf Le-O-La Crush finley Le-O-La Holsteins
Spring Heifer Calf Banowetz Crush Skylite Shawn & Levi Banowetz December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald 7
2018 All-Iowa Award Winners
Best 3 Females Le-O-La Holsteins
Daughter-Dam KishHolm Holsteins
2019 Iowa Holstein Princess Contest
The Iowa Holstein Auxiliary will conduct the Iowa Holstein Princess Contest in conjunction with the Iowa Holstein Association Annual Meeting on February 23 at Emmetsburg. The rules are as follows. Candidate must be at least 17 years of age and not over 24 years of age by August 1, 2019. Candidate must have a dairy farm background with parents or guardians who are currently engaged in the production of milk for sale during the coming year. They must participate in the check-off to Midwest Dairy. The candidate will qualify if she has been away from home (at school, work, etc.) but still considers her parents’ or guardians’ farm her home. Her parents or guardians must be members of the Iowa Holstein Association. The candidate and/or her parents or guardians must own some registered Holsteins. The candidate must give a 3-5 minute presentation the day of the contest about dairy products and/or the dairy industry. The candidate no longer has to be affiliated with a district anymore. Anyone in the state is allowed in the competition. There may be several from one district competing. This young woman will hand out ribbons at district and state shows, write articles for the Herald, and do dairy promotions while representing the Iowa Holstein Association. She will also represent the Holstein breed in the Iowa State Dairy Princess pageant that will be held at the Iowa State Fair in August. If you or if you know someone who qualifies and would like to run, please mail or email a completed Princess Candidate Application by February 1 to Kathy Demmer, 6222 Sundown Rd., Peosta, Iowa 52068; 563.542.2983 or 563.876.3120; or The application is available at
Iowa Holstein Association Scholarships
Produce of Dam Le-O-La Holsteins
Junior Best 3 Females Le-O-La Holsteins 8 December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald
The Iowa Holstein Association Scholarship, usually due November 1, has been combined with the Linda Pagel Scholarship. There will now only be one application. Applicants can designate which scholarship they are applying for on the form. The application form is available at Mail completed applications postmarked by February 1 to Trent & Leslie Henkes, 18467 165th St, Luana, IA 52156 or email completed applications to by February 1. Iowa Holstein Association Scholarship Up to four scholarships will be awarded. Applicant must be currently attending a four-year college or a one or two-year tech school or a short course program and majoring in Dairy Science. Preference will be given to Iowa Junior Holstein Association members. This scholarship can only be received one time. Linda Pagel Scholarship Linda Pagel served the Iowa Holstein Association as secretary and treasurer for 13 years. She also was a Family and Consumer Science teacher for many years. Youth have always been a part of her life. Her support and dedication to Iowa Holstein Juniors has be a large part of their success on the national level. The Iowa Holstein Association Board of Directors would like to honor Linda with a scholarship for an active Iowa Junior Holstein Member or recent member. Applicant must be a member or recent member of the Iowa Junior Holstein Association and must have completed one year of secondary education. This $500 scholarship can only be received one time.
Our Commitment is LegenDairy!
10th Annual Iowa Junior Holstein Convention
Come have some fun with the Iowa Holstein Juniors! Comfort Inn
527 16th Ave Southwest, Dyersville
December 27~28
Registration from 10:00~10:45 AM Quiz Bowl Exam @ 11:00 AM • Fun Games and Activities • Bowling • Guest Speaker • Learn about National Convention • Meet New People • Movie Night • Learn New Things • And much more! Pizza Party sponsored by Loren Paper
Who: Any junior member or enthusiast between the ages of 8 ~ 21 years old. Cost: $25.00 per attendee which covers room, food, and favors. Due with registration. For planning purposes, registrations should be mailed by December 22 to: Jeff Hammerand, 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 Contacts: Nathan Arthur • 563.380.2743 • Jeff Hammerand • 563.580.3908 • For a copy of the registration form, please visit or watch for it in the mail!
Looking forward to seeing you at the Iowa Junior Holstein Convention!! December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald 9
Iowa Junior Holstein Association News IJHA Officers
Nathan Arthur, President • 563-380-2743 • 20373 130th St, Sumner, IA 50674 Cynthia Hamlett, Vice-President • 319-634-3383 • 4113 H Ave, Aurora, IA 50607 Jenna Chapman, Secretary • 712-480-0741 • 3881 350th St, Ruthven, IA 51358 Brylie Volker, Treasurer • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 Naomi Scott, Co-Historian • 563-637-2386 • 12402 R Ave, Westgate, IA 50681 Brynlee Volker, Co-Historian • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 Amanda Dougherty, Digital Historian • PO Box 131, Epworth, IA 52045 Brylie Volker, Reporter • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 Junior Advisory Committee cHair Jeff & Tammy Hammerand • 563-744-3611 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 •
Quiz Bowl Test All Iowa juniors are invited to take the Quiz Bowl test to qualify for the quiz bowl teams or jeopardy that will represent Iowa at the 2019 National Convention. The test will be given on December 27 at 11:00 a.m. at the Iowa Junior Convention at the Comfort Inn, Dyersville. In case of bad weather, the test will be given December 28. Contact Jeff Hammerand by 11 a.m. on December 27 if you need to take the test later in the day. If you are unable to take the test at the convention, contact Jeff Hammerand at 563-580-3908 (cell) or Everyone will take the same test. The top four scores in the junior division (9 to 15 years as of January 1, 2019) and the top four scores in the senior division (16-21 and not over 21 on Jan. 1, 2019)
Iowa State University Dairy Science Student Profile
Name: Sally Hamlett Hometown: Aurora, Iowa High School: Starmont Community School District Class Size: 35 Farm Name: Starmont Holsteins Major: Animal Science Minor: Biology Why did you decide to attend ISU: I decided to attend ISU because I really liked the campus set up, the friendly people and that it is one of the best agriculture school in Iowa. In addition, I felt that I would receive an excellent education by attending ISU. What has been your most memorable college experience? My most memorable experience thus far at Iowa State was at the Iowa State Fair, at the I Milked A Cow booth for the Dairy Science Club at Iowa State University. It is my most memorable from seeing how people, young and old, reacted to milking a cow for the first time. It is a very satisfying feeling to help in small ways for someone, who has minimal agriculture experience, to learn where milk comes from. What has been your favorite course? My favorite course thus far has been Animal Science 214 Lab. It has been my favorite course because of the hands-on opportunities in learning about animal physiology. My favorite part was the reproductive section because of how different species can be and still create a new being. In addition, the class added to my desire to become a Veterinarian. What are your future career goals? My future goals are to attend Veterinary School and continue my education learning about animals and the many things associated with them. I look forward to advancing myself as a person as well as the information that I help uncover. Whether it is through research or out in the world. Also, I am sure that I will end up where I am needed as a veterinarian. Therefore, I look forward to my future and what is to come.
Iowa State University Dairy Science Department
1221 Kildee Hall, ISU, Ames, IA 50011 515-294-2160 • • 10 December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald
will make up the quiz bowl teams. All other juniors taking the test are eligible for the jeopardy contest, which has three divisions: junior 9-13, intermediate 14-17 and senior 18-21. Questions for the test will come from the following sources: 2018 and 2019 Holstein and Ayrshire Dairy Bowl questions, Holstein Dairy Jeopardy questions and 2018 Hoard’s Dairyman, Holstein Pulse and Holstein World are beneficial to review. Current news questions may also be asked on the test; check out the Holstein Association website to stay updated and review for the test as well. Dairy Bowl and Dairy Jeopardy questions can be found by going to State Junior Annual Meeting The State Junior Annual Meeting will be held on December 27 at 1:30 p.m. at the Comfort Inn, Dyersville. All juniors are welcome to attend. We will be electing new officers and making plans for the new year. National Junior Member Awards Any junior members wishing to apply for National DJM or YDJM should update their books and submit a black and white copy to Jeff Hammerand postmarked by January 5, 2019. Members must have won the award on the state level to apply for the national award. Also all applicants must be state and national members. State Junior Awards Award applications are due postmarked January 5, 2019 for Iowa Holstein Young Distinguished Junior Member (for youth 9-15 years old as of January 1, 2019) and Iowa Holstein Distinguished Junior Member (16-20 years of age as of January 1, 2019). These awards will be presented at the Iowa Holstein Convention Banquet on February 23 in Emmetsburg. For the Iowa DJM and Young DJM Awards, junior members must use the national forms in applying for these awards. For the state competition submit a black and white copy of your DJM or Young DJM book. Visit to find the appropriate links for these award applications. If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Hammerand. Completed applications should be submitted to Jeff Hammerand, 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045. State Cow Awards Due February 1 Applications are now due on February 1 for the 25,000# Cow Award, 150,000# Cow Award, Star and Progressive Breeder Awards. These awards will be presented at the 2019 Iowa Holstein Convention. Application forms are available online at www.iowaholsteins. org. Prepared Public Speaking Contest & National Junior Folding Display Contest The details for the 2019 Prepared Public Speaking Contest and Folding Display Contest will be announced at a later date. These contests will be on the agenda at the state meeting on December 27. Wisconsin Award Trip An Awards Trip to Wisconsin is available to juniors at least 16 years of age. Participants selected will join Wisconsin award winners in visiting dairy herds in the state at the end of March or first part of April. To be considered for the trip, please write a one page story on why you would like to go on the Awards Trip. Previous trip participants are eligible to reapply. The deadline is postmarked January 5, 2019. Send your story to Jeff Hammerand, 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045.
Represented Iowa at the 2018 National Holstein Convention
Distinguished Junior Member Finalist: Mary Scott 1st Place Junior Dairy Bowl Team: Trenton Hammerand, Captain, Louis Hamlett, Brynlee Volker, Naomi Scott 1st Place Senior Dairy Bowl Team: Nathan Arthur, Captain, Mary Scott, Amanda Dougherty, Brylie Volker Junior Jeopardy: Lane Domeyer, Natalie Hamlett, Isaiah Hammerand, Ethan Palmer, Adam Scott, Brenna Volker Intermediate Jeopardy: Faith Palmer, Chase Redfern Senior Jeopardy: Adam Simon, Cynthia Hamlett 3rd Place Folding Display: Hannah Scott Speech: Adam Scott, Hannah Scott, Cynthia Hamlett 1st Place Traditional Scrapbook: Naomi Scott and Brynlee Volker 2nd Place Digital Scrapbook: Amanda Dougherty
Congratulations to All of Our Junior Members on an Outstanding Year! December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald 11
2018 Junior All-Iowa Award Winners
150,000 Pound Cow
Ouriver Goldwyn Blitz
Nathan Arthur, Cale Baker, Jake Kuhens
4-Year-Old Cow
robin-Hood Pretty in-Red Regan Demmer
Senior 2-Year-Old Cow
Farnear Alice America-ET Amanda Dougherty 12 December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald
Aged Cow
farnear Atwood piece-et Regan Demmer
Senior 3-Year-Old Cow
Le-o-la atwood Lyndi Regan Demmer
Junior 2-Year-Old Cow
Oakfield Dback Dreamy
Nathan Arthur, Cale Baker, Jake Kuhens
5-Year-Old Cow
Kishholm Cinderella Grant Fremstad, Lauren & Gavin Kishman
Junior 3-Year-Old Cow
Quality-Ridge Maggy-P-Red
Nathan Arthur, Cale Baker, Jake Kuhens
Fall Yearling In Milk
Flower-Brook Coral-Red-ET Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse
2018 Junior All-Iowa Award Winners
Fall Yearling
Henkeseen Meridian Demi Grayson & Abbie Gahring
Summer Yearling
Crest-View-acres hlx Brook Brody Courtney
Spring Heifer Calf
Le-o-la doorman faith-tw-et Nathan Arthur
Winter Yearling
Midas-Touch DM Chinker-ET Jessica Stempfle
Spring Yearling
Cloverhill PCSS Leia-Red-ET Aubrey Putman
Fall Heifer Calf
Arthurcreek Kingboy Chill Brylie Volker
Winter Heifer Calf
Stempfle Kingboy 2253 Jessica Stempfle
Dairy Herd Regan Demmer
December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald 13
National Directors’ Report The HAUSA board of directors recently met on November 13th & 14th. With the continued slump in dairy economics seen across the country, a slowdown in record growth in HAUSA programs should be no surprise. While registrations and transfers are down so far in 2018, number of cows enrolled in Holstein Complete® is at an all-time high. The Complete® program offers members a discount on products and services like registrations, pedigrees, classification, genomic testing and pedigrees. Agri-Tech Analytics also continues to grow in cow numbers as members across the U.S. are using ATA to process their herd records. The purchase of ATA by HAUSA several years ago has proved to be a good investment. It is important for your association to continue to identify new potential sources of revenue. Two new such programs were realized in 2018. HAUSA classifiers now offer phenotypic evaluation for the Guernsey breed. Offering our classification services to other breeds just makes a lot of sense and so far has been very successful. Also new in 2018 is TriStar AMR. This program is designed for dairies with robotic milking systems, who no longer participate in
Futurity Challenge Entries Due February 1, 2019
How do I enter? • Complete the Futurity Form in Excel available at and email it to the Futurity secretary with appropriate fees by February 1, 2019. A pdf form will also be available online if you don’t have access to Excel. Eligible animals are those registered Holstein females born September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2018. The initial fee is low to encourage you to enter several calves. You can always drop payment at subsequent deadlines. What about heifers already entered? • Entries made last year for the 2019 and 2020 Futurities will need to be updated. The Futurity Secretary will mail your form to you. Simply make payments on those animals you wish to re-enter, crossing out any you wish to drop. These entries are also due February 1, 2019. What kind of calves should be entered? • Your show calves that are already halter broke. Is your calf bred to have a good udder? Enter her! • Your fancy calf, out of a good cow, that was just the wrong age for the calf class. Enter her! • Last summer's babies. They may show as first lactation 3-Year-Olds, but that just might be to their advantage. Enter them! • The calf you plan to sell in the Iowa Spring Sale. A $2 entry may reap bigger dividends at the sale. Enter that calf! • Any calf you might sell as a show calf or junior project calf. You pay the first entry and if the buyer wants to keep up the entries they may. It is the seller's responsibility to inform the buyer of the animal's eligibility, and the buyer's responsibility to submit subsequent fees. Attention Junior Members • To be eligible for JUNIOR BRED AND OWNED awards for future Futurities your name must be listed on the animal's registration paper as the BREEDER. The Challenge • During the next year, you are breeding your cows and heifers for calves that will be eligible for Futurities in 2022 and 2023. Think about the bulls you are using. Think about the cow that is the foundation. Can you breed the futurity winner? Great cows are usually no accident! Have a plan, carry it out and let us all evaluate the results. See you at the show!
Iowa Holstein Futurity • Matt Henkes, Secretary 18467 165th St, Luana, IA 52156 • 563-880-8614 14 December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald
traditional milk recording programs. If you would like to have your robot recorded records flow through the Holstein herdbook and recorded on pedigrees, please contact your Holstein field representative. We also received a report on the Elevation project. Elevation is the upgrade of internet services and software for HAUSA. This will play a very important role in how we best serve members in the future. In the next several months, members should be able to start seeing some of the first results of this program. The HAUSA research grant program was initiated in 2017 and is meant for continued breed improvement. Money from this program comes from the reserve fund. A report from the first grant program is expected spring 2019 and will be from Dr. Christian Maltecca of North Carolina State University, focusing on utilizing genomic information to minimize the effects of inbreeding, while increasing genetic gain. At the fall board meeting we approved the next research grant proposal chosen from 7 submissions. Dr. Anna C. Denicol from University of California-Davis will receive funding to research improving heat tolerance of Holstein cattle. Members of the board of directors each serve on two different HAUSA committees along with members appointed by President Schaufleberger. Those committees are Audit, Genetic Advancement, Type Advisory, Junior Advisory, Legislation and Industry Affairs, International Marketing and the Show committee. We heard reports from the Audit, Junior Advisory, and Show committees at the fall board meeting. The board was asked to approve the 2019 Judges List for both the National and Qualified Lists. If you are interested in being added to future lists, please attend the next judges conference to be held during the Midwest Spring National Show on March 29th in Columbus, OH. Holstein America returned to the airwaves on RFD TV in August after debuting in February across the country. These programs feature a variety of members and aid in promoting a positive image of the Holstein cow and its caretakers to the general public. Google the word Holstein on YouTube and this program appears at the top of the list. With low milk prices forcing members to evaluate ways to add value to their farms, don’t forget the opportunities that exist with HAUSA programs and services. These are long term investments, to improve the profitability of your herd. Genomic testing continues to increase and to do that it starts with proper identification through your Holstein Association. Recording and processing of milk records is essential in evaluating efficiencies in your dairy. If you don’t process your records through ATA, take a look at what they have to offer and see if that is a viable alternative to your current DRPC. Classification can add value for certain markets and continued collection of type data allows us correct traits that may need improvement in our breed. Other official products from HAUSA allow you to promote your herd more easily either domestically or internationally. We all are accustomed to market swings in agriculture, but don’t let this be the sole definer in your life. As Christmas time approaches, please take time with your family to reflect on the many blessings we all enjoy in this country, including those provided by our great Holstein breed. Sincerely your Midwest Directors and HAUSA Officers Boyd Schaufleberger, President Cory Geiger, Vice-President Mark Kerndt, Dale Drendel, and Robert Webb, Directors
2018 Progressive Breeders Registry Awards Years % Name Qualified Homebred Bradley J. Korver 1 75.6 Cary & Jennifer Bierschenk 10 80.9 Curtis N. Anderson 16 92.7 David J. & Rhonda J. Bahr 2 91.4 J & J Dairy, Inc. 6 98.9 Jason Volker 1 83.6 Lance & Jonna Schutte 2 95.4 Marlin J. Bontrager 1 100.0 Piggott-Hill Farm 2 92.8 Reuben Nolt 4 100.0 Richard & Elaine Pausma 9 100.0 Starmont Holsteins 11 100.0 Trent Henkes 18 96.9
BAA 106.3 106.8 107.7 105.4 107.1 106.0 105.7 108.6 105.9 105.9 105.0 106.8 110.8
Milk 27330.0 27524.0 27363.0 29571.0 26501.0 30368.0 32260.0 27509.0 28089.0 29780.0 29655.0 28051.0 26633.0
Fat 940.0 1008.0 1134.0 1098.0 937.0 1058.0 1109.0 930.0 1164.0 1102.0 1129.0 1075.0 927.0
Pro 850.0 862.0 856.0 939.0 789.0 924.0 955.0 822.0 905.0 910.0 925.0 816.0 812.0
Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Scholarships
The deadline for the auxiliary’s scholarship applications is February 1. An application is available at www.iowaholsteins. org. Up to three scholarships will be awarded. This scholarship is available only to non-dairy science majors and can only be received one time. Applicant must be an Iowa Junior Holstein Association member, high school graduate and attending college at the time of application. If you have any questions about the scholarship, please contact Kathy Demmer, 6222 Sundown Rd., Peosta, Iowa 52068; 563.542.2983 or 563.876.3120; or rkleola@
Wanted: Heifers for the 2nd Iowa Holstein Heifer Raffle
If you are interested in having a heifer considered for the raffle, the requirements are as follows: • Heifer must be less than one year old • Heifer identification and photo of heifer, if possible • You may submit more than one animal $4500 will be paid to the owner if the heifer is chosen (raffle winner may choose $2000 cash option) If the heifer is not chosen, your heifer will be one of the first animals sold at the sale. NO commission will be charged on raffle heifers. Please include your farm name and contact information. Deadline is January 10 If interested, please contact Carl Mensen 563.329.0876 Katie Stoll 641.858.6606 Kyle Demmer 563.451.5376 The 2nd Iowa Holstein Heifer Raffle will be held prior to the start of the 2019 Iowa Spring Sale on March, 16 in West Union. Only 200 tickets will be sold at $100 per ticket. The winner of the raffle will have a choice of 4 heifers or a $2,000 cash prize. There will be a total of 12 prizes awarded. Tickets will be available by contacting any Board member. Watch for updates coming in the mail, the March Herald and the Iowa Spring Sale Catalog as well as on our Facebook page and December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald 15
District 1 Holstein Show July 18, 2018 Winneshiek County Fairgrounds, Decorah Judge: Ryan Krolow Show Chair: Mark Steffens Total Head: 115 Spring Heifer Calf (12): 1 - Eagle-View Doorman Buggy, Maverick Dietz McDonald; 2 - KishHolm Diamond Bling, KishHolm Winter Heifer Calf (17): 1 - Fossum D Back Diane 1862, Fossum Farm; 2 - Vandoskes Blake Sully, Nathan Arthur Fall Heifer Calf (15): 1 - Nabholz Atwood Limerick, Arthur Acres; 2 - Arthuracres Avalanch Autumn, Arthur Acres Summer Yearling (12): 1 - Volker-Rosedale Atwood 1300-ET, Volker-Rosedale; 2 - Crest-View Acres Hxl Brook, Courtlane Holsteins Spring Yearling (11):1 - Arthurcreek Atwd Charlotte, Arthurcreek; 2 - J-Volker Atwood Olivia, Dusty-Hollow Winter Yearling (6): 1 - Midas-Touch DM Chinker, Stempfle Holsteins; 2 - Lyons-DL Red Velvet-Red, Lyons Holsteins Fall Yearling (6): 1 - Elon Dback Adeline, Fossum Farms; 2 - Th-Miss Absolutely-Red, Gar-Kar-Ty Holsteins Junior Champion: Midas-Touch DM Chinker, Stempfle Holsteins Reserve Junior Champion: Nabholz Atwood Limerick, Arthur Acres Honorable Mention Junior Champion: Fossum D Back Diane 1862, Fossum Farm Junior Best 3 Females (2): 1 - Arthurcreek; 2 Henkeseen Holsteins Milking Yearling (2): 1 - Volker-Hovden Sid 1222, Nathan Arthur; 2 - Dusty-HollowTopgn Eric-Red, Dusty-Hollow Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (7): 1 - Nando Mogul Lee, Nando Holsteins; 2 - Red-E-J Monterey 281-ET, Red-E-J Holsteins Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (7): 1 - Stempfle Doorman Glimmer, Stempfle Holsteins; 2 - J-Volker Atwood 1144-ET, Nathan Arthur, Cale Baker and Jake Kuhens Junior Three-Year-Old Cow (9): 1 - Ms Sid Leap Frog, Dusty-Hollow; 2 - Quality-Ridge Maggy P-Red, Nathan Arthur Senior Three-Year-Old Cow (3): 1 -Lyons-DL Moses Shortcake-Red, Lyons Holsteins; 2 - Blondin Sid Jeanne, Buddenberg Intermediate Champion: Lyons-DL Moses Shortcake-Red, Lyons Holsteins Reserve Intermediate Champion: Ms Sid Leap Frog, Dusty-Hollow Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion: Quality-Ridge Maggy P-Red, Nathan Arthur Four-Year-Old Cow (3): 1 - Scottmore Atwood Homeslice, Scottmore; 2 - Granite-Road Atwood Dolly, Granite-Road Holsteins Five-Year-Old Cow (3): 1 - Bonivista Cyclone Moon, Dusty-Hollow; 2 - KishHolm Damion Celina-ET, KishHolm Aged Cow (1): 1 - KishHolm Collett, KishHolm 16 December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald
2018 District Shows 150,000 Pound Cow (1): 1 - Courtlane Colton Lisa, Courtlane Senior Champion: KishHolm Collett, KishHolm Reserve Senior Champion: Bonivista Cyclone Moon, Dusty-Hollow Honorable Mention Senior Champion: KishHolm Damion Celina-ET, KishHolm Grand Champion: KishHolm Collett, KishHolm Reserve Grand Champion: Bonivista Cyclone Moon, Dusty-Hollow Top Bred & Owned of Show: KishHolm Collett, KishHolm Best Udder of the Show: KishHolm Collett, KishHolm Best Three Females: 1 - Lyons Holsteins Produce of Dam: None Daughter-Dam: None Premier Breeder: Courtlane Holsteins Premier Exhibitor: Dusty-Hollow
District 1 Junior Holstein Show July 18, 2018 Winneshiek County Fairgrounds, Decorah Judge - Ryan Krolow Show Chair - Mark Steffens & Jessica Rediske Total Head: 85 Spring Heifer Calf (11): 1 - Eagle-View Doorman Buggy, Maverick Dietz McDonald; 2 - KishHolm Diamond Bling, Grant Fremstad, Lauren & Gavin Kishman Winter Heifer Calf (11): 1 - Fossum D Back Diane 1862, Thomas Fossum; 2 - Vandoskes Blake Sully, Nathan Arthur Fall Heifer Calf (13): 1 - Nabholz Atwood Limerick, Breanna Hakeman; 2 - Arthurcreek Kingboy Chill, Brylie Volker Summer Yearling (9): 1 - Crest-View Acres Hxl Brook, Brody Courtney; 2 - Arthurcreek High Octane Cosmic, Brynlee Volker Spring Yearling (10): 1 - Arthurcreek Atwd Charlotte, Nathan Arthur; 2 - J-Volker Atwood Olivia, Kade Meyer Winter Yearling (4): 1 - Apple Pts Almorah-ET, Blake Courtney; 2 - Linderidge McCutchn Lily 1347, Mitchell Vagts Fall Yearling (5): 1 - Elon Dback Adeline, Grace Howe; 2 - Th-Miss Absolutely-Red, Megan Kueker Junior Champion: Nabholz Atwood Limerick, Breanna Hakeman Reserve Junior Champion: Fossum D Back Diane 1862, Thomas Fossum Farm Honorable Mention Junior Champion: Arthurcreek Atwd Charlotte, Nathan Arthur Milking Yearling (2): 1 - Volker-Hovden Sid 1222, Nathan Arthur; 2 - Dusty-HollowTopgn Eric-Red, Kade Meyer Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (3): 1 - Courtlane Hero Dottie, Brody Courtney; 2 - Dusty-Hollow Brd Caitlin, Kasydi Meyer Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (4): 1 - J-Volker Atwood 1144-ET, Nathan Arthur; 2- Scottmore Doorman Divine, Naomi Scott Junior Three-Year-Old Cow (6): 1 - Ms Sid Leap Frog, Kasydi Meyer; 2 - Courtlane Gold Chip
Denise, Brooke Courtney Senior Three-Year-Old Cow (2): 1 -Blondin Sid Jeanne, Josie Buddenberg; 2 - ArthurCreek Dorman Divine, Naomi Scott Intermediate Champion: Ms Sid Leap Frog, Kasydi Meyer Reserve Intermediate Champion: Blondin Sid Jeanne, Josie Buddenberg Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion: J-Volker Atwood 1144-ET, Nathan Arthur Four-Year-Old Cow (3): 1 - Scottmore Atwood Homeslice, Mary Scott; 2 - Granite-Road Atwood Dolly, Dillon Sparrgrove Five-Year-Old Cow (2): 1 - Bonivista Cyclone Moon, Kasydi Meyer; 2 - KishHolm Damion CelinaET, Grant Fremstad Aged Cow (1): 1 - KishHolm Collett, Lauren Kishman 150,000 Pound Cow (1): 1 - Courtlane Colton Lisa, Blake Courtney Senior Champion: KishHolm Collett, Lauren Kishman Reserve Senior Champion: Bonivista Cyclone Moon, Kasydi Meyer Honorable Mention Senior Champion: KishHolm Damion Celina-ET, Grant Fremstad Grand Champion: KishHolm Collett, Lauren Kishman Reserve Grand Champion: Bonivista Cyclone Moon, Dusty-Hollow Honorable Mention Grand Champion: Ms Sid Leap Frog, Kasydi Meyer Top Bred & Owned of Show: KishHolm Collett, Lauren Kishman Best Udder of the Show: KishHolm Collett, Lauren Kishman Dairy Herd: 1 - Kasydi Meyer Novice (6 Years & Under): Kayla Hunt Novice (7 & 8 Years Old): Gavin Kishman Junior Showmanship: Adam Scott Reserve Junior Showmanship: Brody Courtney Intermediate Showmanship: Naomi Scott Reserve Intermediate Showmanship: Brielle Volker Senior Showmanship: Breanna Hakeman Reserve Senior Showmanship: Brylie Volker District 8 Open Show July 15, 2018 Delaware Co Fairgrounds, Manchester Judge: Mike Deaver Total Head: 47 Spring Heifer Calf (3): 1 - Gibbs Dman Big Smile, Joe Gibbs; 2 - Ms Willolea Wanka Meg, Alexis Costello Winter Heifer Calf (10): 1 - Gibbs GD Fresno, Joe Gibbs; 2 - Ms KCCK Avalanch Alyssa, KCCK Genetics Fall Heifer Calf (8): 1 - Quality-Ridge Solomon Magic, Rick Henderson; 2 - KCCK-AS Door Anytime, KCCK Genetics Summer Yearling (4): 1 - Cost Airlift Arkansas, Alexis Costello; 2 - Gibbs Aetron Addie-Red, Dry Hollow
Spring Yearling (3): 1 - Magic, Riverdivide; 2 Oakfield Crush Robinhead, Cannon Family Winter Yearling (1): 1- Cost Brady Mercy, Alexis Costello Fall Yearling: None Junior Champion: Quality-Ridge Solomon Magic, Rick Henderson Reserve Junior Champion: KCCK-AS Door Anytime, KCCK Genetics Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (4): 1 - Elite, Riverdivide; 2 - Allison, Riverdivide Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (3): 1 - Cloverhill Atwood Astro-ET, Michael Carroll; 2 - Coonridge Doorman 5789, Coon Ridge Junior Three-Year-Old Cow (3): 1 - Mensen Impression Lauren, Carl & Lisa Mensen; 2 - Gibbs Buxton Asbury, Dry Hollow Dairy Senior Three-Year-Old Cow (3): 1 - Mil-R-Mor Dreams Remodel, Coon Ridge & Madren; 2 - Gibbs AA Landmine, Dry Hollow Dairy Intermediate Champion: Mensen Impression Lauren, Carl & Lisa Mensen Reserve Intermediate Champion: Elite, Riverdivide Four-Year-Old Cow (1): Gibbs Levson Dangle, Dry Hollow Dairy Five-Year-Old Cow (3): 1 - Coonridge Shoot Bang, Coon Ridge; 2 - Mensen Baltimore Montreal, Carl & Lisa Mensen Aged Cow (1): 1 - Pearlmaker Punkin Z1195, Michael Carroll Senior Champion: Coonridge Shoot Bang, Coon Ridge
Reserve Senior Champion: Mensen Baltimore Montreal, Carl & Lisa Mensen Grand Champion: Coonridge Shoot Bang, Coon Ridge Reserve Grand Champion: Mensen Baltimore Montreal, Carl & Lisa Mensen Honorable Mention Grand Champion: Mensen Impression Lauren, Carl & Lisa Mensen Best Udder of the Show: Mensen Impression Lauren, Carl & Lisa Mensen Best Three Females: Carl & Lisa Mensen Produce of Dam: None Daughter-Dam: None District 8 Junior Show July 15, 2018 Delaware Co Fairgrounds, Manchester Judge: Mike Deaver Total Head: 22 Spring Calf (1): 1 - Ms Willolea Wanka Meg, Alexis Costello Winter Calf (7): 1 - Ms KCCK Avalanch Alyssa, KCCK Genetics; 2 - KCCK Jordy Amen, KCCK Genetics Fall Calf (4): 1 - KCCK-AS Door Anytime, KCCK Genetics; 2 - KCCK Jordy Anastacia, KCCK Genetics Summer Yearling (1): 1 - Cost Airlift Arkansas, Alexis Costello Spring Yearling (2): 1 - Magic, Nathan Junk; 2 - Toppy-Hill Redburst Gina, Alexis Costello Winter Yearling (1): 1 - Cost Brady Mercy, Alexis Costello
Milk records now available directly from your milking system
Fall Yearling: None Junior Champion: KCCK-AS Door Anytime, KCCK Genetics Reserve Junior Champion: Magic, Riverdivide Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (2): 1 - Elite, Nathan Junk; 2 - Allison, Kendra Johnson Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (2): 1 - Cloverhill Atwood Astro-ET, Michael Carroll; 2 - Luck-E Bormer Kasien, Collin Costello Intermediate Champion: Elite, Nathan Junk Reserve Intermediate Champion: Cloverhill Atwood Astro-ET, Michael Carroll Junior Three-Year-Old Cow: None Senior Three-Year-Old Cow (1): 1 - Gibbs Acme Season-ET, Michael Carroll Four-Year-Old Cow: None Five-Year-Old Cow: None Aged Cow (1): 1 - Pearlmaker Punkin Z1195, Michael Carroll Senior Champion: Pearlmaker Punkin Z1195, Michael Carroll Reserve Senior Champion: Gibbs Acme SeasonET, Michael Carroll Grand Champion: Pearlmaker Punkin Z1195, Michael Carroll Reserve Grand Champion: Elite, Nathan Junk Honorable Grand Champion: Cloverhill Atwood Astro-ET, Michael Carroll Novice (6 Years & Under): Adley Rahe Novice (7 & 8 Years Old): Cael Cannon Junior Showmanship: Ford Domeyer Intermediate Showmanship: Carter Kruse Senior Showmanship: Kaleb Kruse
TriStar AMR allows producers with robotic milking systems to have records collected from the on-farm software and processed by AgriTech Analytics once per month. 305-day records for Registered Holsteins will be loaded into the herdbook database and available for publication on pedigrees.
More data. More value for U.S. Registered Holsteins. PROGRAM BENEFITS: • Allows your data to stay in the Holstein Association USA performance system for display on Official Holstein Pedigrees • 305-day production records will be added to Official Holstein Pedigrees as soon as they are processed FEES: • $204 annual fee, plus $2 per completed 305-day lactation record for Registered cows. • TriStar AMR is not included as a benefit of Holstein COMPLETE® At this time, AMR records are not eligible for any Holstein Association USA recognition programs.
Holstein Association USA, Inc. • 800.952.5200
December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald 17
Thank You from the Iowa Junior Holstein Association! We would like to thank our 2018 Iowa Junior Holstein Show Award Sponsors. Your support is greatly appreciated! Junior Heifer Calf: Scottmore Holsteins, Mike Scott family Reserve Junior Heifer Calf: Gibbs Holsteins Intermediate Heifer Calf: Heavenlee Holsteins, Jeff & Tammy Hammerand Rerserve Intermediate Heifer Calf: Alan Schantz Family Senior Heifer Calf: Courtney Sales LLC Reserve Senior Heifer Calf: Starmont Holsteins, Mark and Jenny Hamlett Summer Yearling: Stempfle Holsteins Reserve Summer Yearling: Adaway Dairy LLC Junior Yearling: Red-My-Joy Holsteins Reserve Junior Yearling: Pagel Sunlight Inc, Rick Pagel Family Winter Yearling: Le-O-La Holsteins, Rick Demmer Family Reserve Winter Yearling: Buddenberg Farms Senior Yearling: Arthuracres-Myron Arthur Reserve Senior Yearling: Bahl Family Farms-Michael Bahl Junior Champion: Virgil Kregel Memorial Reserve Junior Champion: Rauen Marketing Inc. Novice Winner: Connie and Sarah Stewart Memorial Novice Winner: Jessica Hammerand Junior 2 Year Old: Great-Heritage Holsteins Reserve Junior 2 Year Old: Wesselcrest Holsteins Senior 2 Year Old: Lands-Brook Farms Reserve Senior 2 Year Old: Kevin and Julie Fossum Family Junior 3 Year Old: Front Row Genetics, Mark Knudtson Reserve Junior 3 Year Old: Schan-Dale Holsteins Senior 3 Year Old: Henkeseen Holsteins Reserve Senior 3 Year Old: Hamlett-Hill Holsteina Intermediate Champion: Steve and Joanne Rauen Family Reserve Intermediate Champion: Stardell Farms Inc. 4 Year Old: Farnear Holsteins, Tom & Rick Simon Reserve 4 Year Old: Envision Sports Designs 5 Year Old: Bill and Shellie Volker Family Reserve 5 Year Old: J & J Dairy, Hansen Family Aged Cow: Katie Stoll, Hubbard Feeds Reserve Aged Cow: Nate and Angie Meyer Family 150,000# Cow: Reuter Dairy Inc Reserve 150,000# Cow: Hawkeye Holsteins Senior Champion: Mark Kerndt Reserve Senior Champion: J-Volker Holsteins Grand Champion: Collin Harbaugh Memorial - Korian Holsteins, Brian, Koral & Pierce Reserve Grand Champion: William Regan Memorial Junior Showmanship: Lovstuen Holsteins Reserve Junior Showmanship: Jason and Sara Menne Family Intermediate Showmanship: Terrick Holsteins - Terry Eick Family Reserve Intermediate Showmanship: Doug & Lynnette Lyons Family Senior Showmanship: Alden and Amy Arthur Family Reserve Senior Showmanship: Eric & Amanda Gaul Dairy Herd: Scott “Scooter� Stendel Memorial Reserve Dairy Herd: Dave Knipper Memorial Best Udder: Courtlane Holsteins Top Milk Production: De Su Holsteins LLC 18 December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald
2018 Highlights
Midas-Touch DM Chinker-Et
Winter Yearling • 1st Place and Junior Champion, Iowa State Fair, Iowa State Holstein Show, Iowa Junior Holstein Show, and Iowa District 1 Holstein Show • All-Iowa Winter Yearling • 2nd, Northeast Spring National Holstein Show • 1st Place Junior, Midwest National Spring Show • 8th Place, International Jr Holstein Show
Stempfle Kingboy 2253
Winter Calf 1st Place, Iowa Holstein Show 3rd Place, Jr Best 3 Females, Midwest National Spring Show
Stempfle Doorman Glimmer VG-87 Sr 2 Yr Old • 2nd Place Jr, Midwest National Spring Show • 1st, Iowa District 1 Holstein Show • 4th, International Junior Holstein Show
Stempfle Chelios Ginger EX-92
4 Yr Old 2nd Place Jr, Midwest Spring National Holstein Show
Stempfle Holsteins
Paul, Jody, Scott & Jessica Stempfle 16707 100th St • Maynard, IA 50655 • • 536-920-9495 December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald 19
2018 District Shows District 4 Junior Show July 28, 2018 Osceola Co Fairgrounds, Sibley Judge: Tyler Mohr Total Head: 21
Spring Calf (1): 1 - Hawkeye Sanchez Elly Mae, Brooke Krogman Winter Calf (3): 1 - 1 - Great-Heritage Connie-Red, Jacob Eggink; 2 - Hawkeye-JK Defiant Phoenix, Jonathan Krogman Fall Calf (4): 1 - Hawkeye-JK Artic Splash, Brooke Krogman; 2 - 3197, Johnny Westra Summer Yearling (2): 1 - SDG-GH Hero Pink, Jacob Eggink; 2 - Rosie, Austin Dreessen Spring Yearling (3): 1 - Hawkeye-JK MC Artic Rain, Jonathan Krogman; 2 - Hawkeye-JK Drmn Poker Face, Jonathan Krogman Winter Yearling: None Fall Yearling (1): Hawkeye-JK Equation Arrow, Brooke Krogman Junior Champion: Hawkeye-JK Artic Splash, Brooke Krogman Reserve Junior Champion: Hawkeye-JK MC Artic Rain, Jonathan Krogman Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (1): 1 - Hawkeye Avalanch Emme-ET, Jonathan Krogman Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (2): 1 - Nic-K Purple Passion-ET, Jenna Chapman; 2 - Nic-K Pink Passion-ET, Brooke Krogman
Three-Year-Old Cow (1): 1 - 597, Johnny Westra Four-Year-Old Cow (2): 1 - SDG-GH Bradnck Dee, Jacob Eggink; 2 - 42JJU3274, Adam Hansmann Five-Year-Old Cow: None Aged Cow (1): 1 - 2400, Johnny Westra Senior Champion: Nic-K Purple Passion-ET, Jenna Chapman Reserve Senior Champion: SDG-GH Bradnck Dee, Jacob Eggink Grand Champion: Nic-K Purple Passion-ET, Jenna Chapman Reserve Grand Champion: SDG-GH Bradnck Dee, Jacob Eggink Junior Showmanship: Brooke Krogman Reserve Junior Showmanship: Janna Dreessen Intermediate Showmanship: Jonathan Krogman Senior Showmanship: Jenna Chapman Reserve Senior Showmanship: Johnny Westra
Consignments to the 2019 Iowa Spring Sale March 16 - West Union If you are interested in consigning an animal(s) to the sale, please contact any board member, sale management or sale committee member. A complimentary meal sponsored by the Iowa Holstein Association will be served at the sale from 10:30 am 12:30 pm. The 2nd Iowa Holstein Heifer Raffle will be held prior to the start of the 2019 Iowa Spring Sale on March, 16 in West Union. Only 200 tickets will be sold at $100 per ticket. The winner of the raffle will have a choice of four heifers or a $2,000 cash prize. There will be a total of 12 prizes awarded.
Congratulations Junior Members on Another Successful Year!
I would like to congratulate you on your many accomplishments this past year whether it was in the dairy industry. school or community. Thank you for everything that you do. You are the future of the dairy industry and the world. Also thank you to the Rick and Kathy Demmer Family for allowing me to be a part of the Pretty In-Red project. Congratulations to the Demmers on her success in 2018! Loren Paper
2775 260th St • Stockton, IA 52769 • 563-349-2458 20 December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald
Iowa Holstein Association Board Meeting Minutes President Trent Henkes called the Board of Directors meeting of the Iowa Holstein Association to order at 12:58 a.m. on November 17, 2018 at Gus & Tony’s Townhouse Cafe, West Union, Iowa. All members were present except for Dan Bolin, District 2; Jim Vierhout, District 4; and Joe Gibbs and Bob Rahe, Directors-at-Large. Paul Stempfle moved to seat Mark Kerndt for Jim Vierhout, seconded by Tom Simon. Motion carried. Doug Lyons moved to approve the minutes of the August 18 meeting as printed, seconded by Walt Wessel. Motion carried. Walt Wessel moved to approve the Treasurer's report, seconded by Paul Stempfle. Motion carried. Paula Smith, Secretary, reported on the Executive Committee Meeting. Nominations for the Association awards were considered and selected. Recipients will be notified with the awards being presented at the convention. The ad hoc committees were appointed as follows: Auditing Committee: Walt Wessel, chair, Alden Arthur and Linda Pagel; Nomination Committee: Dan Bolin, chair, Dave Chapman, Kevin Fossum and Jeff Hammerand; PDCC: Trent Henkes, chair, Doug Lyons and Paul Stempfle; Resolutions Committee: Mark Steffens, chair, Mark Kerndt and Bill and Lana Strein. Standing Committee changes were made with new assignments as follows: Matt Hamlett and Heather Moore added to the Program Development and Management Committee. The State Convention will be held on February 23 at the Wild Rose Casino, Emmetsburg. The heifer raffle and the sale were discussed. Herald - Paula Smith mentioned that the December Herald will be the Junior issue, and ads are due anytime. Junior - Jeff Hammerand reported that the State Junior Convention will be December 27-28 at the Comfort Inn in Dyersville. The officer are planning the convention. Membership - Shellie Volker reported that membership will be mailed out the beginning of December. Kevin Fossum moved to amend the motion from the August meeting and change the $10 late fee for adult and junior membership from May 1 to March 1. New members of the association will not be charged this fee when joining after March 1. This motion was passed to encourage members to join prior to the state and district shows. Also, the district rebates are calculated based on their March 1 membership. Program Development & Management - Tom Simon reported that the 2019 Iowa Holstein Convention will be held on Saturday, February 23 at the Wild Rose Casino, Emmetsburg. The State Picnic hosted by the Mormann Family was very well attended. Sale - After considerable discussion, Doug Lyons moved to drop the video sale at the state convention and proceed with the Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation (Requester Publications Only) 1. Publication Title
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regular sale at West Union, seconded by Kevin Fossum. Motion carried. Cattle will arrive on Wednesday, and heads must be clipped otherwise consignors will be charged a fee. The goal is to have 50 head consigned. If any breeder is interested in consigning to the sale, they are encouraged to contact any board member about their possible sale consignment(s). Mark Knudtson moved that the state association provide a complimentary meal to state sale attendees that will be served from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm and pay the junior association $500 for compensation of lost sales from their concession stand, seconded by Jeff Hammerand. Motion carried. The juniors will still have a concession stand offering other items. Katie Stoll will now assist Carl Mensen and Kyle Demmer with the heifer raffle. The winner of the raffle will have a choice of 4 heifers or a $2,000 cash prize. Once again, only 200 tickets will be sold at a price of $100 per ticket. The drawing for the raffle will be held prior to the state sale. Show - Paul Stempfle reported that next year’s state show will be held in Manchester on July 18-19 with a deadline of July 1 and hosted by District 8. Judges selected for the state open and junior shows must be on the National Association’s Certified or Qualified Judges Lists. Futurity entries are due February 1. This year’s shows held at the Iowa State Fair had 241 head exhibited in the open show and 160 head in the junior show. The showmanship classes will now be held on Friday night at the Iowa State Fair. A list of judges will be presented soon to the Iowa State Fair for 2019. Carl Mensen moved to approve the Executive and Standing Committee reports, seconded by Dan Moon. Motion carried. National Association - Mark Kerndt gave a report of their most recent board meeting. His term as a national director will end in 2019. The 2019 National Convention will be held in Appleton, WI. New Business - Shellie Volker presented the budget for 2019. Walt Wessel moved to approve the budget, seconded by Kevin Fossum. Motion carried. Carl Mensen moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dan Bolin. Motion carried with adjournment at 2:26 pm. Respectfully submitted, Paula Smith, Secretary
Find Us on Facebook
Follow the latest news from both the Iowa Holstein Association and the Iowa Junior Holstein Association on Facebook. This provides another source of communication with our members and other Holstein enthusiasts.
For Sale ~ Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Cookbooks
Cookbooks are available upon request. Cost is $10 plus for $4 shipping. Contact: Kathy Demmer 6222 Sundown Rd Peosta, Iowa 52068 563.542.2983 or 563.876.3120
PS Form 3526-R, July 2014 (Page 2 of 4)
December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald 21
Index to Advertisers
Farnear Holsteins...........................................23 Henkeseen Holsteins......................................24 Holstein USA..................................................17 Iowa Junior Holstein Association....................11 Iowa State University........................................9 Lyons Holsteins................................................2 Loren Paper....................................................20 Prairie State/Select Sires..................................5 Stempfle Holsteins..........................................19
Breeder Advertising Rates
Full Page $100.00 1/2 Page 60.00 1/4 Page 45.00 Calling Card (1 year) 35.00 Photos (each) $5.00 Additional 2-Color 30.00 Full Color Available upon request
Herd Averages: Month/RHA or DHIR Lactation Average No records over 365 days & No M.E.'s Due to uncertainties in the mail, the Herald cannot assume responsibility for prior delivery of issue carrying advertising of sales scheduled for less than 21 days after our issue date. The Executive Committee and the editor have discretion on all material printed in the Herald. Any member not paying a Herald advertising bill within 120 days from the billing date will not participate in Association activities until such bill is paid.
Lands-Brook Farms "The Landsgards" 18239 Gunder Rd. • St. Olaf, IA 52072 Fax: 563-864-3338 • Larry Landsgard 17518 Gunder Rd • Postville, IA 52162 Larry’s Cell: 563-419-5576
HOLSTEINS milk strong
live long
Mike & Kathleen Scott Family 12402 R Ave • Westgate, IA 50681 563.920.4005 • 563.637.2386 22 December 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald
Alvin Paul Keuning, age 72 of Monroe, passed away on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, at Iowa Methodist Medical Center in Des Moines. Funeral services were held on Saturday, November 10, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. at the Prairie City Christian Reformed Church. The son of Ray and Anna (Decker) Keuning, Alvin was born on May 18, 1946 in Newton, Iowa. He grew up on a farm west of Monroe. A life-long member of the Prairie City Christian Reformed Church, he was married to Lana Beyer there on November 26, 1965 and served as both deacon and elder for multiple terms. An active member of the community, Alvin served in many roles over the years, including: Fairview Township Trustee, Jasper County Fair dairy superintendent, Mid-America Dairymen Board member, and Two Rivers Co-op board member. In addition, he served two separate terms on the local school board, was an active Kiwanis member and hosted countless school children for a trip to the farm. As long time Fairview Township Trustee Treasurer, his deep sense of commitment to the community was seen when it was time to purchase a new ambulance or fire truck to meet the needs of the community. He was honored at the 2018 Old Settlers Reunion as the Kiwanis Citizen of the Year. Alvin was a member of the National and Iowa Holstein Associations. He served as a District 10 Director on the state board for several years. Those left to honor his memory include his wife, Lana; four children, Leslie (Greg) Duinink, Lisa (Roger) Conlan, Jennifer Keuning and Judd (Kris) Keuning; four grandchildren, John Conlan, Henry Conlan, Meredith Conlan and RaeAnn Duinink and two brothers, Tom (Paula) Keuning and Keith (Cheryl) Keuning and their children. Preceding Alvin in death were his parents.
Home of Terrick Holsteins Terry & Kelly Eick 1105 Ivory Ave. • Plainfield, IA 50666 Phone: 319-275-4719 Fax: 319-275-4501 Email:
2018 Progressive Genetics Herd Award
In order to qualify as a Progressive Genetics Herd (PGH), a herd must qualify under the following criteria: Herd owner must be a member of both their national and state associations, and enrolled in the Deluxe or Premier TriStar options and Herd Classification programs. Must have a minimum of twenty 87% RHA and higher cows in the milking herd with CTPIs. No minimum requirement for number of young stock. # Years Avg. Herd Name Qualified CTPI David A Petersen 16 2070 Paul F. Schmitt 26 2518 Piggott-Hill Farm 2 2053 Ted J. Domeyer 1 2198 Justin R. Wiebe 1 2182 Richard F. & Kathy S. Demmer 7 2115 Rick & Tom Simon 25 2414 Richard & Elaine Pausma 1 2038 Mark C. & Sara Ann Wilcox 23 2110 James Martin 13 2266 Jason Menne 11 2128 Ronald E. Franck 13 2121 Northeast Iowa Dairy Foundation 7 2086 Elsbernd Dairy Farm LLC 9 2308 Summit Dairy 4 2108 De Su Holsteins LLC 28 2340 Lance & Jonna Schutte 8 2214 Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse 1 2314 Reuben Nolt 5 2272 Jason Volker 7 2058 Jeff & Melinda Walz 1 2049 Adaway Dairy LLC 7 2250 Hulstein Brothers, Inc. 1 2141 Leslie Shirk High 1 2073 Codey Waller 1 2207 Regancrest Holsteins LLC 28 2172 GenoSource 2 2466 Haley, Bianka & Braden Ronnebaum 4 2212 Curtis N. Anderson 4 2090 David J. & Rhonda J. Bahr 7 2134 Scottmore Holsteins 16 2114 William Langreck 20 2068 Nordic-Haven Holsteins 28 2153 Walter W. Wessel 9 2340
Katie Stoll Account Manager
Hubbard Feeds Ridley USA Inc. 119988 215th St. • Monticello, IA 52310 Cell: 641-858-6606 Email: •
farnear tbr aria adler-et ex-94 2-03 365 32440 5.0 1609 3.4 1107 3-11 289 34239 4.9 1736 3.3 1098 4-10 292 33106 4.5 1487 3.3 1031 McCutchen x Aria EX 92 x Apple-Red 3E-96 Reserve Junior All-Iowa Five Year Old Cow
551HO3617 Farnear Altitude-Red Arvis x Adler EX-94 +482M 44F 28P +.9PL 2.92SCS +1.0DPR +3.79PTAT +3.54UDC +2.44FLC 8.3%SCE Available from ST Genetics
94HO18820 Farnear Aria Addison Ewl-ET RC
Crush x Adler EX-94 +78M 27F 6P +1.6PL 2.51SCS +0.0DPR +3.81PTAT +3.17UDC +2.04FLC 7.8%SCE Available from ABS/ST. Jacobs ABC
2018 Farnear Junior Member Highlights
Amanda Dougherty - Member of 1st Place Senior Dairy Bowl Team and exhibited the Junior All-Iowa Senior 2 Year Old Cow Adam Simon - Competed in the Senior Division of Dairy Jeopardy and exhibited the Reserve Junior All-Iowa 5 Year Old Cow and the Reserve Junior All-Iowa 150,000-Pound Cow Ana Rauen - Winner of the 7 & 8 Years Old Novice Class, Iowa Junior Holstein Show Carson Rauen - Winner of the 6 Years Old and Younger Novice Class, Iowa Junior Holstein Show
Tom Simon 563.599.9183 | Rick Simon 563.744.3541 Mark Simon 563.542.1297 | Bill Rauen 563.607.0694 10476 Cemetery Rd | Farley, IA 52046 |
Our Year in Review. . .
Leah’s family grew to 3 boys!
We were honored to receive the Iowa Holstein Herdsmanship Award at the State Fair sponsored by Madren Holsteins!
Matt had the opportunity to coach the Iowa State Dairy Judging Team this fall!
Henkeseen placed 2nd and 3rd in the Iowa Holstein Futurity
Matt received 2 3rd place finishes at the World Dairy Expo Milking Shorthorn Show
Innisfail ST Stella 329 3rd place 5 Year Old
Henkeseen Stiletto 3rd place Spring Calf
Breeding Bulls and Cows for sale at all times! ~ Both Red & White and Black & White! 7/18 Classification 110.7% 22 EX 25 VG 10 GP
Trent Henkes Family Phone: 563-783-2479 18467 165th St, Luana, IA 52156