December Iowa Holstein Issue 2023

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HERALD December 2023


Siemers Lmda Paris 27856-ET (EX-91-EX-MS-GMD-DOM), dam of PAZZLE, PEVE and PARTAKE, Farmgirl Photography photo.

ROZLINE x Delta-Lambda x Denver

PAZZLE is the most successful Showcase mating sire since DOC. Breeders love the balanced style and strength that PAZZLE calves add to their programs! He is a true balanced sire with his elite GTPI® and fancy Type.

Select Sires Member Cooperative Phone: (847) 464-5281 u Web: ®TPI is a registered trademark of Holstein Association USA. ™Showcase, GForce and gender SELECTED are trademarks of Select Sires Inc. All gender SELECTED semen is processed using Ultraplus™ technology. Ultraplus is a trademark of STGen LLC. PAZZLE, Jordan photo

DECEMBER 2023 VOL. 86 NO. 4

Editor - Brianna Lucey• 203 N Homestead St. • Garnavillo, IA 52049 Cell: 563-329-1003


The official publication of the IOWA HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION OFFICERS

Walt Wessel, President 28547 400th Street, Greeley, IA 52040 563-590-8162 • Paul Stempfle, Vice President 16707 100th Street, Maynard, IA 50655 536-920-9495 • Brianna Lucey, Editor 203 N Homestead St, Garnavillo, IA 52049 563-329-1003 • Shellie Volker, Secretary/Treasurer 12686 U Avenue, Sumner, IA 50674 319-269-0318 •


Doug Lyons, District 1 • 563-419-0275 131 Military Road, Castalia, IA 52133 Doug Brown, District 1 • 563-880-6776 39284 Skip Level Road, Colesburg, IA 52035 Dan Bolin, District 2 • 319-529-3421 30707 180th Street, Clarksville, IA 50619 Jim Vierhout, District 4 • 712-439-2932 PO Box 563, Hull, IA 51239 Jeff Hammerand, District 8 • 563-580-3908 23920 N Bankston Road, Epworth, IA 52045 Tom Holub, District 8 • 319-213-4256 4638 Linn-Jones Road, Monticello, IA 52310 Sheri Danhof, District 1 • 563-380-5945 1225 Parsley Drive, Waukon, IA 52172


Larry Landsgard • 563-419-5576 17518 Gunder Road, Postville, IA 52162 Trent Henkes • 563-783-2479 18467 165th Street, Luana, IA 52156 Blake Courtney • 563-387-7879 2564 Pole Line Road, Ridgeway, IA 52165 Heather Moore • 563-357-1611 22654 92nd Street, Maquoketa, IA 52060 Tom Simon • 563-599-9183 10644 Cemetery Road, Farley, IA 52046 Kevin Fossum • 563-380-5945 1267 Jeglum Rd, Waterville, IA 52170 Jason Volker • 563-920-8151 9161 M Ave Maynard, IA 50655


1 Holstein Place, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Telephone: 802-254-4551 Toll Free Number: 800-952-5200 Fax: 802-254-8251

HOLSTEIN REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE Dennis Devore • 319-270-5038 Cedar Rapids, IA •


President’s Prespective ............................................................................................................4 Iowa Holstein Princess..............................................................................................................4 Board Meeting Minutes...............................................................................................................5 2024 Iowa Spring Sale/Raffle Calf Details..................................................................................6 2024 IHA Convention Details/Scholarships ..............................................................................7 Junior News................................................................................................................................8 Jr. All-Iowa Awards............................................................................................................... 9-10 Membership.............................................................................................................................15


December TBD Iowa Junior Holsein Convention January 5 Application Deadline for Iowa Junior Holstein Association DJM & Young DJM Awards February 1 2024 Membership Dues Deadline for IHA 1 Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Scholarship Deadline 1 Linda Pagel Scholarship & Iowa Holstein Association Scholarship Deadline 1 Application Deadline for Iowa Junior Holstein Association Cow Awards 1 Ads Due for the March Issue of the Herald 24 2024 Iowa Holstein Convention, Delaware County Fairgrounds, Manchester March 1 First Deadline for 2025 Iowa Holstein Futurity 16 Iowa State Sale, West Union June 24-27 2024 National Holstein Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah August 9 Iowa Holstein Open Show, Iowa State Fair, Des Moines 10 Iowa Junior Holstein Show, Iowa State Fair, Des Moines


LuckyRidge Sidekick Ember as a cald captured in a snow globe hanging on the Christmas Tree. The IHA Board wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Subscriptions: A copy of each issue of the Iowa Holstein Herald shall be sent to each adult member of the Iowa Holstein Association and that $8.00 of each adult member's base rate annual dues of $35.00 shall be for a year's subscription to the Herald. Junior members may subscribe to the Herald for $10.00. The subscription price is $10.00 for people not residing in Iowa. Postmasters: Please send address changes to Iowa Holstein Herald, 12686 U Avenue, Sumner, IA 50674.

IOWA HOLSTEIN HERALD (USPS 024497) is published quarterly each year by the Iowa Holstein Association, P.O. Box 16, Guttenberg, IA 52052. The publication dates are March 1, June 1, October 1 and December 1. Periodical postage paid at Guttenberg, IA and additional offices. The deadline for submitting news and advertising copy is 30 days preceding publication date of issue. December 2023 Iowa Holstein Herald 3

President’s Perspective

Iowa Holstein Princess

Hello Iowa Holstein Friends,

Hello Iowa Holstein Members,

As we approach the conclusion of the year, I hope everyone is reaping the benefits, of all your hard work, put forth for a successful year. Winter is the time of year for reflection, rest and energizing for the year ahead. We need to use that same thought process for the Iowa Holstein Association. Yes, wehave had a very successful year (thanks to all the insightfulness and cooperation of our members.) I look forward to working with all of you, with the goal of another great year, while having some fun along the way! As most of you know, Iowa was very well represented at The World Dairy Expo this fall. Congratulations to Jason Danhof, Associate Judge for the International Holstein Show, and Kurt Wolf,Official Judge for the International Ayrshire Show. They did an excellent job, sorting through an incredible number of the World’s Best Cows and Heifers! We are so proud of the top-quality cattle shown this year! Congratulations to all the Iowa Exhibitors, especially those who placed well! The Iowa Jr. Convention will be coming up soon. It always promises to be a great event for our Junior Association. The Iowa Holstein Convention will be held at The Community Center, at the Delaware County Fairgrounds on February 24th, 2024. The Iowa Spring Holstein Sale will be March 16, 2024, at West Union, Iowa. Start considering what you would like to consign. We will also be having The Calf Raffle again this year. We have had quite a bit of interest in another bus tour, and it was approved at the last meeting.We will try to plan it for the first week in April. I will need some help coordinating it. If interested, letme know! Merry Christmas, and Happy New year! Cheers to all, as you celebrate with family &; friends!

I’ve been busy working and preparing for the holiday season as well as preparing for the Junior Holstein convention! I would love to see all you Junior members at our Convention in December. During past conventions Junior members have been able to enjoy swimming, spending time with other junior members, playing games, taking our test to qualify for national convention, and learning more about the Holstein cow we all love. I am currently serving as treasurer and am very excited to get to planning our convention. I would like to wish all of you Juniors luck on our test and I’m hoping to see all of you get involved with our association. I’m excited to see all of you at national convention as well!

Your President, Walt Wessel

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holidays!

Large & Small Animal Vet Clinic Dr. Virgil Bourek, DVM Dr.Dan Meyer, DVM

1657 15th Ave SE • Dyersville, IA 52040 Phone: 563-875-6083 Email:

Hightail Delivery

Natalie Paino 1105 Ivory Ave. • Plainfield, IA 50666 Phone: 319-939-8648 Website:

Lands-Brook Farms "The Landsgards" 18239 Gunder Rd. • St. Olaf, IA 52072 Fax: 563-864-3338 • Larry Landsgard 17518 Gunder Rd • Postville, IA 52162 Larry’s Cell: 563-419-5576

4 December 2023 Iowa Holstein Herald

"Super-Premium, hand crafted ice cream, made right here in Northeast Iowa!"

Home of Terrick Holsteins

Terry & Kelly Eick 1105 Ivory Ave. • Plainfield, IA 50666 Phone: 319-275-4719 Fax: 319-275-4501 Email:

Iowa Holstein Association Board Minutes The Iowa Holstein Association board meeting was called to order by President Walt Wessel at 12:42PM at Johnson’s Restaurant in Elkader, Iowa. Members present were;Walt Wessel, Paul Stempfle, Doug Lyons, Doug Brown, Jason volker, Jeff Hammerand, Joe Gibbs, Tom Simon, Dan Moon, Larry Landsgard, Blake Courtney, Kevin Fossum and Dan Bolin. Members absent were, Sheri Danhof, Trent Henkes, Heather Moore, Jim Vierhout. Matt Henkes was seated. The minutes from previous meeting were unanimously approved as printed. The treasurer’s report was given an also approved.The executive committee report was given. It was decided to give out 2 Outstanding Young Breeder awards this coming year at the banquet along with the other awards. The board reviewed the standing committees and ad hoc committees. There was discussion on the state sale and the plans for state convention. The Junior Advisory report was given by Jeff Hammerand. Jeff said they had discussion at the picnic of holding the Juniors convention with the adult convention and that there was talk of moving the convention from the usual Christmas break to a weekend in January. The kids seem to be busy over break with sports activities ect. He said the awards from the Junior Show have been delayed and that they should have all been mailed out. Jeff wanted to thank all those who sponsored and continue to sponsor the awards each year. Also a reminder to keep an eye out for an update on the Junior convention. The Membership report was given by Shellie Volker. Membership is holding steady. The Program Development, Management and Herald report given. Genosource had offered to host the state picnic in 2024. It was also mentioned that the Minnesota Association was planning a bus trip to Iowa January 21 & 22. The Sale was discussed as Sheri Danhof and Scott Stempfle have stepped down as sale chairs this year. We are looking for a new sale chair or we are checking to see if Scott Courtney would be interested in taking over the sale. The association would keep the raffle and Blake Courtney would help run that. The association wants to keep having the sale and would check to see if something could be worked out with Scott Courtney. The Show report was given, Rick Demmer was unable to attend. Paul Stempfle said there will be an ultrasound at the State Fair this year and that judges were suggested at the PDCC meeting. State Show will be held at Des Moines this year with open show on Friday and Junior show on Saturday. Matt Henkes discussed the Futurity. He said with only 2 animals at the show this year and both being from Henkeseen he didn’t ask the association to kick in $500. He asked that the money from the Futurity be handed over to the Association’s checking and $781 was transferred. The Futurity is looking for more entries. The National Association report was given by Dennis Devore. He encouraged members to apply for the committee to hear from the membership. His territory has changed again and will be back in the area more and most likely be doing the southern states mostly online. The committee reports were approved, seconded and passed. There was no old business to discuss. New Business: The Annual meeting has be scheduled for February 24,2024 at the Delaware County Fairground. As of now they are planning on a start time for meetings to be at 1:30pm and the banquet to start at 7:30pm. There will be a charge of $20. Walt Wessel would like to organize another bus trip for this spring to either Illinois or back to Wisconsin around the first week of April. There was a motion for Walt to organize a bus trip and it was amended that a cost of $50 per member and $75 for non member be charged. The 2024 budget was reviewed and unanimously passed. Meeting was adjouned.

December 2023 Iowa Holstein Herald 5

Iowa Holstein Association 2024 Sale Information


Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 16, 2024 at the Fayette County Fairgrounds in West Union, IA. If you know of any one looking to consign get them in contact with our sale staff or board members!

Iowa Heifer Raffle Saturday, March 16, 2024

Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union, IA

Drawing will be held prior to the start of the Iowa Spring Sale. GRAND PRIZE ~ 1st Choice of Heifer or $2,000 Cash You or a representative must be present at the sale to make choice or the cash award will be awarded for the cash prize. More information to come on specific prize offerings. Only 200 tickets will be sold at $100 per ticket. Tickets are available by contacting any Board member. (See page 4 for contact information) Watch for updates and more info including the selected heifers for the raffle coming in the mail, the March Herald and the Iowa Spring Sale Catalog as well as on our Facebook page and Any questions,

contact Blake Courtney at 563-387-7879.

2024 Annual Meeting Save the Date: Saturday February 24, 2024 Time: 1:30pm with Banquet to follow at 7:30pm Location: Delaware County Fair Grounds, Manchester Address: 200 E Acers St., Manchester, Iowa 52057

6 December 2023 Iowa Holstein Herald

Interested in becoming the next Iowa Holstein Princess?

The Iowa Holstein Auxiliary will conduct the Iowa Holstein Princess Contest in conjunction with the Iowa Holstein Association State Convention. Candidate must be 17 years of age and not over 24 years of age by August 1, of the current year. Candidate must have a dairy farm background with parents or guardians who are currently engaged in the production of milk for sale during the coming year. They must participate in the check-off to Midwest Dairy. The candidate will qualify if she has been away from home (at school, work, etc.) but still considers her parents’ or guardians’ farm her home. Her parents or guardians must be members of the Iowa Holstein Association. The candidate and/or her parents or guardians must own some registered Holsteins. The candidate must give a 3-5 minute presentation the day of the contest about dairy products and/or the dairy industry. The candidate no longer has to be affiliated with a district. Anyone in the state is allowed in the competition. There may be several from one district competing. This young woman will hand out ribbons at district and state shows, write articles for the Herald, and paricipate in dairy promotions while representing the Iowa Holstein Association. She will also represent the Holstein breed in the Iowa State Dairy Princess pageant that is held at the Iowa State Fair in August. If you or anyone you know qualifies and would like to run, please mail or email a completed Princess Candidate Application by February 1 to Kathy Demmer, 6222 Sundown Rd., Peosta, Iowa 52068; 563.542.2983 or 563.876.3120; or Applications can be found on our website at or scan the QR code below with your cellphone camera to be directed.

IHA Offers Scholarships, Apply Today! Don’t forget to apply for the Iowa Holstein Assocation Scholarships and the Linda Pagel Scholarship. There is only one application, and applicants can designate which scholarship they are applying for on the form. The application is available at Mail completed application postmarked by February 1 to Trent & Leslie Henkes, 18467 165th St. Luana, IA 5216 or email Iowa Holstein Association Scholarship Up to four scholarships will be awarded. Applicant must be currently attending a four-year college or a one or two-year tech school or a short course program and majoring in Dairy Science. Preference will be given to Iowa Junior Holstein Association members. This scholarship can only be received one time. Linda Pagel Scholarship Linda Pagel served the Iowa Holstein Association as secretary and treasurer for 13 years. She also was a Family and Consumer Science teacher for many years. Youth have always been a part of her life. Her support and dedication to Iowa Holstein Juniors has be a large part of their success on the national level. The Iowa Holstein Association Board of Directors would like to honor Linda with a scholarship for an active Iowa Junior Holstein Member or recent member. Applicant must be a member or recent member of the Iowa Junior Holstein Association and must have completed one year of secondary education. This $500 scholarship can only be received one time. Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Scholarships The Iowa Holstein Auxiliary will be awarding up to three scholarships this year to eligible recipients. Applicant must be a member of the Iowa Junior Holstein Association at the time of application. Applicant must be currently attending a four-year college or a one or two-year tech school or a short course program and not majoring in Dairy Science. Previous scholarship winners are not eligible. Please send your completed application to: Kathy Demmer, 6222 Sundown Rd, Peosta, IA 52068 or by email at by February 1. December 2023 Iowa Holstein Herald 7

Iowa Junior Holstein Association News IOWA JUNIOR HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Naomi Scott, President • 563-637-2386 • 12402 R. Ave, Westgate, IA 50681 Lane Domeyer, Vice-President • 563-920-5873 • 2245 235th Ave, Delhi, IA 52223 Ethan Palmer, Secretary • 563-568-7206 • 835 McCabe Dr., Waukon, IA 52172 Brynlee Volker, Treasurer • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 Alia Domeyer, Reporter • 563-930-3876 • 2255 235th Ave, Delhi, IA 52223 Lily Holthous, Historian • 563-412-8556 • 101 Lincoln Court, West Union, IA, 50681 Hannah Scott, Historian • 563-920-4005 • 12402 R. Ave, Westgate, IA 50681 Alia Domeyer • Digital Historian • 563-930-3876 • 2255 235th Ave, Delhi, IA 52223 Madalynn Arnold• Digital Historian • 563-543-4540 • 280th Ave. Earlville, IA 52041 JUNIOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAIR Jeff & Tammy Hammerand • 563-580-3908 • 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 •

Quiz Bowl Test All Iowa juniors are invited to take the Quiz Bowl test to qualify for the quiz bowl teams or jeopardy that will represent Iowa at the 2024 National Convention. If you are unable to take the test at the convention, contact Jeff Hammerand at 563-580-3908 (cell) or Everyone will take the same test. The top four scores in the junior division (9 to 15 years as of January 1, 2024) and the top four scores in the senior division (16-21 and not over 21 on Jan. 1, 2024) will make up the quiz bowl teams. All other juniors taking the test are eligible for the jeopardy contest, which has three divisions: junior 9-13, intermediate 14-17 and senior 18-21. National Junior Member Awards Any junior members wishing to apply for National DJM or YDJM should update their books and submit a black and white copy to Jeff Hammerand postmarked by January 5, 2024. Members must have won the award on the state level to apply for the national award. Also all applicants must be state and national members. State Junior Awards Award applications are due postmarked January 5, 2024 for Iowa Holstein Young Distinguished Junior Member (for youth 9-15 years old as of January 1, 2024) and Iowa Holstein Distinguished Junior Member (16-20 years of age as of January 1, 2024). These awards will be presented at the Iowa Holstein Convention Banquet on February 24th at Delaware County Fair Grounds, Manchester. For the Iowa DJM and Young DJM Awards, junior members must use the national forms in applying for these awards. For the state competition submit a black and white copy of your DJM or Young DJM book. Visit to find the appropriate links for these award applications. If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Hammerand. Completed applications should be submitted to Jeff Hammerand, 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045. State Cow Awards Due February 1 Applications are now due on February 1 for the 25,000# Cow Award, 150,000# Cow Award, Star and Progressive Breeder Awards. These awards will be presented at the 2023 Iowa Holstein Convention. Application forms are available online at www.iowaholsteins. org.

Iowa State University Dairy Science Student Profile Name: Louis Hamlett Hometown: Aurora, IA Class Size: 52 Farm Name:Starmont Holsteins Majors: Dairy Science & Agronomy

Why did you decide to attend ISU? Iowa State has superior agricultural programs compared to any other school in Iowa. Being from Iowa, I mainly chose to stay in the state for financial reasons. This will benefit me in the long run, not only financially, but academically as well. I was looking to get the best education possible and Iowa State has that to offer. The classes and professors have been beneficial to my learning so far. Knowing I will have a degree, or two, from Iowa State University provides me with sincere security that I will have a great job in the future. What has been your most memorable college experience? My most memorable experience has been being part of the Dairy Science Club at Iowa State University. It has been a great networking opportunity for me, in addition to building my leadership skills and getting out of my comfort zone. One of the opportunities I was a part of was the fall industry tour. It was a lot of fun traveling to Minnesota and South Dakota to tour dairy farms and creameries. I learned a lot from this trip and was able to network with industry professionals. Additionally this fall, I got out of my comfort zone and ran for an officer position in the Dairy Science Club at Iowa State. I was recently elected as the Treasurer of the club and look forward to serving on the executive team for the upcoming year and building upon my leadership skills. My involvement in the Dairy Science Club at Iowa State has been my most memorable college experience this far due to all the opportunities that have been afforded to me. What has been your favorite course? My favorite course has been AN S 235 (Dairy Cattle Science). It has provided me with more opportunities than I realized would come out of this semester in the dairy industry. First, making lifelong friends in class and lab has been an aspect I have appreciated most. Another reason why I have enjoyed meeting industry professionals and gaining more in-depth knowledge about the dairy industry. Finally, it has been my favorite course is the opportunity to learn real-life information through hands-on in-person labs at the Iowa State University Dairy Research and Teaching farm. Following these reasons, plus many more not mentioned, AN S 235 taught by Mrs. Christen Burgett has been my favorite course at Iowa State. What are your future career goals? Dairy farming has taught me so many things in my life, and it has made me who I am as a person. My plan for the next 5 years is to have a career as a manager or herdsman on a dairy farm. There is an opportunity for me to return to my family’s dairy farm, but I also know I could learn a lot more from another dairy before returning to our farm. With a passion for the dairy industry and the dairy cow, I want to continue working in the dairy industry.

Dairy Science Department

1221 Kildee Hall, ISU, Ames, IA 50011 515-294-2160 •

8 December 2023 Iowa Holstein Herald

2023 Junior All-Iowa Award Winners

150,000-Pound Cow Liddlehome Thunder Baker & Pries

Aged Cow Poly-Kow Crush Ageline Hawkeye-JK MC Artic Rain-ET

5-Year-Old Cow Waybru Doc Sunbonnet Biercrest Crush Fiona

4-Year-Old Cow Courtlane Doc Breeze Dream Prairie Engagement

Senior 3-Year-Old Cow Roleen Jordy Evagelina-RED Cloverhill JD Tessa-RED

Junior 3-Year-Old Cow Vriesdale Othello Bianca Sco-Lo Chief Locket 2389-ET

Senior 2-Year-Old Cow Glaustar Roll-A-Dice Redcarpet WarWorld-RED

Junior 2-Year-Old Cow RiverDivide Awe Luella-RED Cloverhill AL Tacoma-RED-ET

Summer Junior 2-Year-Old Cow Hilrose Moovin’ Peach Benbie Chief Americana

December 2023 Iowa Holstein Herald 9

2023 Junior All-Iowa Award Winners

Milking Yearling CloverHill WR Trump-Red Clayton Guyer & Bryer Putman

Fall Yearling Hodglynn Unix Racy Hawkeye-JK TStruck Apache-ET

Winter Yearling Lin-Crest Warrior Macy*RC AR-Creek Hancock Midnight

Spring Yearling MS-Gibbs Allyn Solo Oakfield Doc Diamond-ET

Summer Yearling CoonRidge Sidekick 1260 Hawkeye-JK Sidekick Atlas_ET

Fall Heifer Calf Biercrest Redlight Crapshoot Red-Violet War Lynnly-RED-ET

Winter Heifer Calf Farnear Adios 3415-ET Hodglynn Sidekick Bama-ET 10 December 2023Iowa Holstein Herald

Spring Heifer Calf MS-DV Gibbs Hanan Altrea Sco-Lo Devour Locket-ET

2023 Junior All-Iowa Award Winners

Futurity Challenge Entries Due March 1, 2024

Senior Champion: Waybru Doc Sunbonnet Reserve Senior Champion: Biercrest Crush Fiona

Find Us on Facebook

Keep up on the latest news from both the Iowa Holstein Association and the Iowa Junior Holstein Association on Facebook. This will provide another source of communication with our members and other Holstein enthusiasts.


2024 IHA Auxiliary Silent Auction

The Iowa Holstein Auxiliary will have another Silent Auction at the 2024 Iowa Holstein Convention at Delaward Co. Fairgrounds in Manchester. To make this auction a success, we need to have as many items donated as possible. Start searching around so we can have a variety of items to sell.

How do I enter? • Complete the Futurity Form in Excel available at and email it to the Futurity secretary with appropriate fees by March 1, 2024. A pdf form will also be available online if you don’t have access to Excel. Eligible animals are those registered Holstein females born September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2023. The initial fee is low to encourage you to enter several calves. You can always drop payment at subsequent deadlines. What about heifers already entered? • Entries made last year for the 2024 and 2025 Futurities will need to be updated. The Futurity Secretary will mail your form to you. Simply make payments on those animals you wish to re-enter, crossing out any you wish to drop. These entries are also due March 1, 2024. What kind of calves should be entered? • Your show calves that are already halter broke. Is your calf bred to have a good udder? Enter her! • Your fancy calf, out of a good cow, that was just the wrong age for the calf class. Enter her! • Last summer's babies. They may show as first lactation 3-Year-Olds, but that just might be to their advantage. Enter them! • The calf you plan to sell in the Iowa Spring Sale. A $2 entry may reap bigger dividends at the sale. Enter that calf! • Any calf you might sell as a show calf or junior project calf. You pay the first entry and if the buyer wants to keep up the entries they may. It is the seller's responsibility to inform the buyer of the animal's eligibility, and the buyer's responsibility to submit subsequent fees. Attention Junior Members • To be eligible for JUNIOR BRED AND OWNED awards for future Futurities your name must be listed on the animal's registration paper as the BREEDER. The Challenge • During the next year, you are breeding your cows and heifers for calves that will be eligible for Futurities in 2027 and 2028. Think about the bulls you are using. Think about the cow that is the foundation. Can you breed the futurity winner? Great cows are usually no accident! Have a plan, carry it out and let us all evaluate the results. See you at the show!

Iowa Holstein Futurity • Matt Henkes 17061 165th St, Luana, IA 52156 • 563-880-8614 Checks Payable to IA Hol. Assoc. and Mail to Shellie Volker

For Sale ~ Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Cookbooks Cookbooks are available upon request. Cost is $10 plus for $4 shipping. Contact: Kathy Demmer 6222 Sundown Rd Peosta, Iowa 52068 563.542.2983 or 563.876.3120

December 2023 Iowa Holstein Herald 11

2023 Iowa Junior Holstein Show Manchester, IA • August 1 Judge: Tyler Carter• Total Head Shown: 106

Spring Heifer Calf (10) 1. MS-DV Gibbs Hanans Altrae, Natalie Besler 2. ScoLo Devour Locket, Cael, Chase & Caden Cannon 3.JVolker Lautrust 1751, Brynlee Volker 4. Danhof Murano Grace, Zachary Danhof 5. Henkeseen Sidekick Breezy, Avery Fette Winter Heifer Calf (16) 1.Farnear Adios 3415-ET, Ana, Carson & Colin Rauen 2.Hodglynn Sidekick Bama, Regan, Braxton & Pries Diets 3.KCCK Hatchet Princess-ET, Carter Kruse 4.Miss Sco-Lo Doc Ediar, Cael, Chase & Caden Cannon 5.Sunkist Jagger Saylor, Lane Domeyer Fall Heifer Calf (13) 1.Biercrest Redlight Crapshoot, Delany Barber 2. RedViolet W Lynnly-RED-ET, Alanna Schatz 3. MS ReviveRecharge-RED-ET, Carter Kruse & Cooper Schulte 4. Sco-Lo Tstorm Bae 2487-ET 5. AR-Creek Showtime Casper, Lily Chensvold Summer Yearling (12) 1. CoonRidge Sidekick 1260, Adley Rahe 2. HawkeyeJK Atlas-ET, Brooke Krogman 3. Red Carpet ACC Joan Jett-ET, Lane Domeyer 4. Courtlane Homecoming Date, Brody & Brinlee Courtney 5. Pottsdale Legend Regal, Easton Steinlage Spring Yearling (10) 1. MS Gibbs-Allyn Solo, Kaitlyn Besler 2. Oakfield Doc Diamond-ET, Garett Lostuen 3. Courtlane Hancock Daiquiri, Brooke, Brody & Brinlee Courtney 4. Sc0-Lo Artist Lila 2546-ET, Madalynn Arnold 5.Nabholz Uns Skittles RED-ET, Dakota Sawyer Winter Yearling (4) 1.Lin-Crest Warrior Macy*RC, Sophia Leach 2. ARCreek Hancock Midnight, Brynlee Volker 3. HawkeyeJK Analyst Power-RED, Brooke Krogman 4. CoonRidge Victor 1239, Adley Rahe

Photo by Cowsmopolitan

Grand Champion - Vriesdale Othello Bianca, 1st Junior 3-Year-old Reserve Grand Champion - Ronleen Jordy Evagelin-RED, 1st Senior 3-Year-Old Fall Yearling (4) 1.Hodglyn Unix Racy, Carter Kruse 2. Hawkeye-JK TStruck Apache-ET, Brooke & Jonathan Krogman 3. Starmont Admiral Amelia, Natalie Hamlett 4. GoldenOaks Cassie-RED-ET, Garrett Lovstuen Milking Yearling (2) 1.Cloverhill WR Trump-RED-ET, Clayton Guyer & Bryer Putman 2.Hawkeye-Jk All Magic-ET, Brook & Jonathan Krogman Summer Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (5) 1. Hilrose Movin Peach, Cale Baker & Regan Pries 2. Benbie Chief Americana, Carter Kruse 3. Starmonts Cheers Yours Truly, Louis Hamlett 4.Hunt-Haven Doorman Dusty, Ethan Palmer 5. Bulldog Denver June 2426ET, Madalynn Arnold Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (6) 1. River-Divide Awe Luella-RED, Keaton, Lexi & Ivan Junk 2. Cloverhill AL Tacoma-RED-ET, Clayton Guyer & Bryer Putman 3. Kahs-Land KingDoc Princess, Claire Gual 4.AR-Creek Doc Saphire, Lily Chensvold & Brynlee Volker 5. Sco-Lo Movin Harm 2422-ET Cael, Chase, & Caden Cannon Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (3) 1. Glaustar Roll-A-Dice, Delany Barber 2. RedCarpet War-World-RED-ET, Abbie Garing 3. CoonRidge Radio s945, Adley Rahe

Junior Champion-Farnear Adios 3415-ET, Winter Calf Reserve Junior Champion - Hodglynn Sidekick Bama, Winter Calf 12 December 2023 Iowa Holstein Herald

Junior Three-Year-Old Cow (7) 1. Vriesdale Othello Bianca, Carter Kruse & Carson Rauen 2. Sco-Lo Chief Locket, Cael, Chase, Caden Cannon 3.SF-Shadylane Adeen-ET, Cannon 4. Starmont Tatoo Ultra, Louis Hamlett 5. River-Divide Atmophere Burn, Keaton. Lexi, Ivan Junk Senior Three-Year-Old Cow (4) 1. Ronleen Jordy Evagelina-RED, Cale Baker & Regan pries 2. Cloverholl JD-Tessa-RED, Clayton Guyer & Bryer Putman 3. Twinhill Fox Lulu, Braxton Steinlage 4. ArtherCreek Mont CandyCan, Brynlee Volker Four-Year-Old Cow (2) 1. Courtlane Doc Breeze, Brooke, body & Brinlee Courtney 2. DreamPrairie Engagement, Keaton, Lexi, & ivan Junk Five-Year-Old Cow (5) 1. Waybru Doc sunbonnet, Cale Baker, Regan Pries & Bralin Regan 2. Biercrest Crush Fiona, Delaney Barber 3. Sco-Lo Daniel Acura 2311-ET Madalynn Arnold 4. River-Divide Hypnotic Bambi, Lexi, Keaton & ivan Junk 5. Lookout Rolling in Style, Delaney Barber Aged Cow (2) 1. Poly-Kow Crush Angelina, Braxton Steinlage 2. Hawkeye-JK MC Artic Rain-ET, Jonathan Krogman & Jacob Eggnick 150,000 Cow (1) 1. Liddleholme Thunder, Baker & Pries

Intermediate Champion - Vriesdale Othello Bianca, 1st Junior 3 Reserve Intermediate Champion -Ronleen Jordy Evagelina-RED, 1st Senior 3

Thank You!

Thank you to all of you who sponsored trophies at the Iowa Junior Holstein Show! Your continued support is greatly appreciated. A reminder to all junior members please remember to send a personal thank you to your trophy donor.

Junior Showmanship: 1 - Adley Rahe; 2 - Madalyn Arnold

Intermediate Showmanship: 1 - Brooke Krogman; 2 - Caden Fette

Senior Showmanship: 1 - Carter Kruse; 2 - Brooke Courtney

! The Future is Bright

Novice 5 & 6

Novice 7 & 8

Spring Heifer Calf ~ Scottmore Holsteins - Mike Scott Family Reserve Spring Heifer Calf ~ Gibbs Holsteins Winter Heifer Calf ~ Heavenlee Holsteins Reserve Winter Heifer Calf ~ Alan Schantz Family Fall Heifer Calf ~ Courtney Sales LLC Reserve Fall Heifer Calf ~ Brad & Marie Faber Summer Yearling ~ Stempfle Holsteins Reserve Summer Yearling ~ Iowa Junior Holstein Association Spring Yearling ~ Red-My-Joy Holsteins Reserve Spring Yearling ~ Pagel Sunlight Inc - Rick Pagel Family Winter Yearling ~ Le-O-La Holsteins - Rick Demmer Family Reserve Winter Yearling ~ Buddenberg Farms - Bruce and Julie Fall Yearling ~ Moondale Farm Reserve Fall Yearling ~ Bahl Family Farms - Michael Bahl Junior Champion ~ Bill and Molly Rauen Family Reserve Junior Champion ~ Linda Pagel Novice Winner ~ Connie and Sarah Stewart Memorial Novice Winner ~ Jessica Hammerand Fall Yearling In Milk ~ KCCK Genetics Reserve Fall Yearling In Milk ~ KCCK Genetics Summer Junior 2 Year Old ~ Paula Smith Family Reserve Summer Junior 2 Year Old ~ Langmont Farm Junior 2 Year Old ~ Great-Heritage Holsteins Reserve Junior 2 Year Old ~ Wesselcrest Holsteins Senior 2 Year Old ~ Lands-Brook Farms Reserve Senior 2 Year Old ~ Kevin and Julie Fossum Family Junior 3 Year Old ~ Regancrest Farms Reserve Junior 3 Year Old ~ Schan-Dale Holsteins Senior 3 Year Old ~ Henkeseen Holsteins Reserve Senior 3 Year Old ~ Hamlett-Hill Holsteins Intermediate Champion ~ Steve and Joanne Rauen Family Reserve Intermediate Champion ~ Brad & Marie Faber 4 Year Old ~ Farnear Holsteins - Tom & Rick Simon Reserve 4 Year Old ~ Envision Sports Designs 5 Year Old ~ Bill and Shellie Volker Family Reserve 5 Year Old ~ Hansen Dairy Aged Cow ~ Katie Stoll - Hubbard Feeds Reserve Aged Cow ~ Nate and Angie Meyer Family 150,000# Cow ~ Reuter Dairy Inc. Reserve 150,000# Cow ~ Hazelbrush Farms Senior Champion ~ Mark Kerndt Reserve Senior Champion ~ J-Volker Holsteins Grand Champion ~ Simon Family Reserve Grand Champion ~ William Regan Memorial Junior Showmanship ~ Brad & Marie Faber Reserve Junior Showmanship ~ Jason and Sara Menne Family Intermediate Showmanship ~ Terrick Holsteins - Terry Eick Family Reserve Intermediate Showmanship ~ Doug & Lynnette Lyons Family Senior Showmanship ~ Alden and Amy Arthur Family Reserve Senior Showmanship ~ Eric & Amanda Gaul Dairy Herd ~ Iowa Junior Holstein Association Reserve Dairy Herd ~ Brad & Marie Faber Best Udder ~ Courtlane Holsteins Top Milk Production ~ De Su Holsteins LLC December 2023 Iowa Holstein Herald 13

2023 World Dairy Expo Results from IOWA



1st Place Fall Yearling, Hodglynn Unix Racy Carter Kruse

2nd Place Junior 3 Year-Old, Vriesdale Othello Bianca Carter Kruse

PC: Dairy Agenda Today

Junior Champion, Farnear Adios 3415-ET

Thank You!

Thank you to all of you who sponsored trophies at the Iowa Junior Holstein Show! Your continued support is greatly appreciated. A reminder to all junior members please remember to send a personal thank you to your trophy donor. PC: Dairy Agenda Today

1st Place Production Cow, Blondin Goldwyn Bistro Kruse, Simons, & Rauen

A Special Thank-You goes out to Micheal FitzGerals of Forged Authorty -Manufacturing Solutions for making this years 2023 All-Iowa and Reserve All-Iowa Awards. Another Special Thank-You to Brad Kerndt for custum makiing all of the wodden cow-head cutout awards for our Junior Champion, Reserve Junior Champion, Intermediate Champion, Reserve Intermediate Champion, Senior Champion and Reserve Senior Champion. Lastly, we appreciate all of our donors and supportors for continuing to support the next generation of dairy farmers. Thank you too ALL that have chose to sponsor our shows this year and years prior.

PC: Dairy Agenda Today

Anna Rauen 13th Overall Int. Showmanship December 2023 Iowa Holstein Herald 14

Obituaries Leslie Kerndt Jr., Jr., 90, went to his heavenly home on October 7, 2023, from the Northgate Care Center in Waukon, IA. Memorial services will be held Tuesday, October 10th, at 11:00 AM at Zion United Church of Christ in Waukon with Pastor Grant VanderVelden officiating. Burial with military honors will be at Oakland Cemetery, Waukon. Friends may greet the family from 9:00 AM until the time of services on Tuesday at the church. Martin-Grau Funeral Home in Waukon is handling arrangements. The family requests no flowers or gifts be sent. Leslie William Kerndt, Jr. was born on August 28, 1933, to Leslie William and Irene (Gruber) Kerndt. He was born in a log cabin on the Center Township farm in rural Allamakee County, IA; the payment to the doctor was a Holstein bull calf. Les attended the rural schools of Center Township and graduated with the class of 1951 from Waukon High School. While in high school, he was active in all the sports. During a basketball practice, Les was dribbling down the court when the coach yell “Stretch”. Stepping on the bus the next morning, everyone yelled “Stretch” and he has been known as “Stretch” ever since. After high school, Les worked with his brothers until entering the military. He then served in the United States Army during the years of 1953-55 in Korea. After returning home, he met AdaMarie Palas and they were married on June 8, 1958, at the Old West Paint Creek Lutheran Church in rural Waukon. They made their new home on the “Shattuck Farm” west of Waukon. While farming, Les was very conscious of taking care of the soil and his many Holstein cows. He received many awards from the dairy industry and also took good care of the soil. Les was active in many community and church organizations in the area, including serving as president of the Allamakee County Farm Bureau. He was maybe most proud of being a veteran and was an active member of the American Legion, VFW, and funeral details. Wondering what he would do when he retired, Les took a night class on caning and then could be found at sales buying old chairs that required caning. He would always donate a caned chair to the local “Christmas Tree Fantasy” hospital fundraiser and also did some caning for others. Les believed anything worth doing should be done well. Little thought was given to the cost or time spent on the final project. Les also enjoyed antiques, watching sports, and reading his daily newspaper in the evenings; first, he made sure to read the comics page, specifically “Jiggs”, then he would move on the letters to the editor, sports section, and then finally to the actual news. Les and AdaMarie took many bus trips in their retirement years, including an unforgettable one that was scheduled to be at the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001. Les is survived by his wife AdaMarie of Waukon; two sons: Mark and Brian, both of Waukon; one daughter Lisa of Dubuque, IA; his in-laws: Ernest and LaVonne (Nolting) Palas and Ernie and Donnalee (Palas) Osland; and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents Leslie Sr. and Irene; his brothers and their wives: Kenneth and Geraldine (Verthein) Kerndt and Willard and Arlene (Marti) Kerndt; a baby sister Ruth; his father inlaw and mother in-law Henry and Alice (Svebakken) Palas, and brother-in-law Bernell Palas.

ship Cemetery near Melvin, IA. A memorial service will be 10:30 AM, Tuesday, September 19th the First Reformed Church of Melvin, with Rev. Al Honken officiating. Visitation will be Monday, September 18th from 4:00 to 8:00 PM, with family present from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at the Jurrens Funeral Home of Sibley. For a complete obituary and online registry please visit: Leona Jeanne Eggink was born on February 20, 1934, in Orange City, Iowa, Leona was the daughter of John and Henrietta (Muilenberg) Stander. She grew up in a close-knit community, cherishing the simple joys of life and building lifelong relationships with those around her. Leona went to country school outside of Orange City. Growing up, she helped her dad with chores and farming. Leona attended Northwestern College for 2 years and received an Elementary Education teaching degree. She taught 1st Grade in Melvin. She was united in marriage to Charlie Eggink on July 26, 1957, at First Reformed Church in Orange City, IA. They made their home in Allendorf, IA. Leona’s nurturing nature led her to become a devoted homemaker, caring deeply for her children and creating a warm and loving atmosphere within her home. Her kindness extended beyond her own family, as she also worked as an aide at the local Middle School. Leona’s unwavering commitment to supporting and guiding the younger generation made a lasting impact on the lives she touched. Throughout her life, Leona approached each day with grace and a genuine concern for others. With her gentle spirit and compassionate heart, she was able to find joy in the simplest moments, treasuring

life’s blessings and teaching her children the value of gratitude and resilience. Leona loved to sew. She also enjoyed reading, doing crossword puzzles, going or watching the Sibley-Ocheyedan sporting events, making quilts for Linus Blanket Project with other women of the church. Leona was a long-time member of the First Reformed Church of Melvin, was involved with Bible study, RCWM, and a 4-H leader for many years. Five children, Charlotte (Rich) Rollefson of Sibley, IA, Leroy (Kolette) Eggink of Sibley, IA, Rodney Eggink of Zimmerman, MN, Twila (Kevin) Heemstra of Ocheyedan, IA, Keith (Karin) Eggink of Jackson, MN; twelve grandchildren; ten great grandchildren; sister, Ruth (Stan) De Haan of Orange City; brother, Jack (Norma) Stander of Orange City; two sisters-inlaw, Luella Eggink of Sibley, IA and Berdena Ackerman of Minneapolis, MN; and brother-in-law, Henry (Irene) Eggink Littleton, CO. She was preceded in death by her parents, John and Henrietta Stander, husband of 61 years, Charlie Eggink; brother-in-law, Harold Eggink; brother-inlaw, Curtis Ackerman.

Renew Your Membership by February 1

Leona Jeanne Eggink, age 89 of Allendorf, Iowa died Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at the Avera Heart Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD. Burial will be at 9:30 AM at the Baker TownDecember 2023 Iowa Holstein Herald 15

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