Iowa Holstein Herald December 2019
2019 Show Highlights
Miss Artic Rush Reserve Senior Champion, Iowa Junior Holstein Show Junior All-Iowa Four Year Old Cow
Nic-K Purple Passion Reserve Int. Champion, Iowa Junior Holstein Show Reserve Junior All-Iowa Senior 3 Yr Old Cow 3rd, WDE Junior Holstein Show
Hawkeye-JK Crush Amen-ET Junior All-Iowa Senior Two Year Old Cow 3rd, Iowa State Fair Open Show
All of these cows will sell on April 18! Like us on Facebook for the latest info on our Complete Dispersal.
Hawkeye-JK Artic Splash-ET Reserve Junior All-Iowa Milking Yearling 3rd, Iowa State Fair Open Show
We will have a Show Calf Give Away for Junior Members at our dispersal. Must be present to win.
Junior All-Iowa Dairy Herd
Hawkeye-JK MC Artic Rain-ET 3rd Junior Two Year Old Cow, Iowa Jr Holstein Show 3rd, Iowa State Fair Open Show
Dave & Lisa Chapman Family • 3881 350th St. • Ruthven, IA 51358 Dave: 712.480.4410 • Cody: 712.480.0410 •
1st Produce of Dam Iowa State Fair Open Show
DECEmBER 2019 VOL. 80 NO. 4
Editor - Paula Smith • 3422 140th St. • Brooklyn, IA 52211-8612 Cell: 641-990-1892
Iowa Holstein Herald
The official publication of the Iowa Holstein Association Officers Carl Mensen, President 21958 Ungs Rd, Guttenberg, IA 52052 563-853-2402 • Dan Moon, Vice-President 19475 155th St, Monona, IA 52159 563-880-4562 • Paula Smith, Secretary 3422 140th St, Brooklyn, IA 52211 641-990-1892 • Shellie Volker, Treasurer 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 319-269-0318 • District Directors Paul Stempfle • 536-920-9495 16707 100th St, Maynard, IA 50655 Doug Lyons • 563-419-0275 131 Military Rd, Castalia, IA 52133 Matt Henkes • 563-880-8614 17061 165th St • Luana, IA 52156 Jim Vierhout • 712-439-2932 Box 563, Hull, IA 51239 Jeff Hammerand • 563-580-3908 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 Bob Rahe • 563-921-3745 15378 Rte 136, Dyersville, IA 52040 Directors-At-Large Dan Bolin • 319-278-4288 30707 180th St, Clarksville, IA 50619 Kevin Fossum • 563-568-7587 1267 Jeglum Rd, Waterville, IA 52170 Mark Knudtson • 563-419-1489 313 Hwy 9 Waukon, IA 52172 Larry Landsgard • 563-783-2489 17518 Gunder Rd, Postville IA 52162 Heather Moore • 563-357-1611 22654 92nd St, Maquoketa, IA 52060 Jason Volker • 563-920-8151 9161 M Ave, Maynard, IA 50655 Walt Wessel • 563-590-8162 28547 400th St, Greeley, IA 52040 Past President Trent Henkes 18467 165th St, Luana, IA 52156 563-783-2479 • Holstein AssociatION 1 Holstein Place, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Telephone: 802-254-4551 Toll Free Number: 800-952-5200 Fax: 802-254-8251 • Holstein Regional Representative Dennis Devore • 319-270-5038 Cedar Rapids, IA • Alan Graves • 712-574-6120 Hartley, IA •
All-Iowa Awards...................................................................................................................... 6-8 Board Meeting Minutes.............................................................................................................11 District Meetings.........................................................................................................................4 District Show Reports......................................................................................................... 14-15 Iowa Holstein Futurity Entry Information.....................................................................................4 Iowa Holstein Princess Contest..................................................................................................8 Junior All-Iowa Awards....................................................................................................... 12-13 Junior News..............................................................................................................................10 President’s Perspective..............................................................................................................4
Calendar of Events
December 30-31 State Junior Holstein Convention, Comfort Inn, Dyersville January 5 Application Deadline for Iowa Junior Holstein Association DJM & Young DJM Awards February 1 2020 Membership Deadline for IHA First Deadline for 2022 Iowa Holstein Futurity 1 1 Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Scholarship Deadline 1 Deadline for the Linda Pagel Scholarship & Iowa Holstein Association Scholarships 1 Application Deadline for Iowa Junior Holstein Association Cow Awards 22 2020 Iowa Holstein Convention, Country Junction, Dyersville March 21 Board Meeting, Gus & Tony’s Townhouse Cafe, West Union 21 Iowa Spring Sale, Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union
On the Cover
Highlights from the 2019 National Holstein Convention are featured on the cover. Upper Left Photo: Nathan Arthur was a National Distinguished Junior Member Semifinalist. Upper Middle Photo: Trenton Hammerand placed 2nd in Intermediate Jeopardy and Coach Jeff Hammerand: Upper Right Photo: Sheri Regan-Danhof was the recipient of the National Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder Award. The award article is printed on page 16. Middle Left Photo: The Senior Quiz Bowl Team placed 5th - Faith Palmer, Cynthia Hamlett, Amanda Engelken and Regan Demmer. Middle Right Photo: Isaiah Hammerand placed 1st in Junior Jeopardy. Bottom Photo: Iowa Juniors attending the National Junior Convention.
Subscriptions: A copy of each issue of the Iowa Holstein Herald shall be sent to each adult member of the Iowa Holstein Association and that $8.00 of each adult member's base rate annual dues of $25.00 shall be for a year's subscription to the Herald. Junior members may subscribe to the Herald for $10. The subscription price is $10 for people not residing in Iowa. Postmasters: Please send address changes to Iowa Holstein Herald, 12686 U Ave., Sumner, IA 50674.
Iowa Holstein Herald (USPS 024497) is published quarterly each year by the Iowa Holstein Association, 3422 140th St, Brooklyn, IA 52211-8612. The publication dates are March 1, June 1, October 1 and December 1. Periodical postage paid at Brooklyn, IA and additional offices. The deadline for submitting news and advertising copy is 30 days preceding publication date of issue. December 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald 3
President’s Perspective
Well summer has come and gone very quickly. It seems like all I got done was work, church, and bingo. Well not the bingo (not my kind of game). It was a fun summer with the Holstein Association, a hot but exciting state show in July and a well-attended perfect picnic in August. As the milk price struggles to increase, feed cost shows no sign of creating a larger profit margin. I can remember not too many years ago the “experts” were telling us we had to get more “efficient” to get more milk out of our cows with less money invested. One experienced farmer told me then “we are going to get so efficient we will run each other out of business”. I do not think we are running each other out of business, but if we are unwilling to change and adapt to the market it will become more and more difficult to stay in the game. The bottom line is this change has been happening since the past generation. We have to stay optimistic that there are better times ahead. Once again, we will be having our heifer raffle with our state sale on March 21st. Tickets will be available from the state board members before Christmas. So if you are interested in having a heifer considered for the raffle, please contact Kyle Demmer (563451-5376) or myself at (563-329-0876). Be looking at your herd for a sale consignment, selection will be starting before you know it. The sale is a great opportunity to share and show off your breeding program. Also mark your calendars for Saturday, February 22, which is the annual meeting and banquet at the Country Junction in Dyersville. Until next time have a safe and enjoyable fall harvest, Carl Mensen
2020 Iowa Holstein Convention Saturday, February 22
Country Junction, Dyersville Annual Meeting • Standing Committee Meetings Banquet & Awards
Watch your mail for complete details! Hope to see you there!
District Meetings
District Date Time 1 Dec 27 12:00 pm 2 Jan 16 11:30 am 4 Jan 11 11:00 am 5 Jan 11 12:00 pm 6 May 4 11:30 am 8 Jan 8 7:30 pm 9 No Meeting 10 No Meeting 4 December 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald
Location Johnson’s Restaurant, Elkader buffet $5/person Pizza Ranch, Waverly Cook’s Cafe, Sheldon Pizza Ranch, Harlan Saints Avenue Cafe, Boone Pizza Factory, Epworth
Futurity Challenge Entries Due February 1, 2020
How do I enter? • Complete the Futurity Form in Excel available at and email it to the Futurity secretary with appropriate fees by February 1, 2020. A pdf form will also be available online if you don’t have access to Excel. Eligible animals are those registered Holstein females born September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2019. The initial fee is low to encourage you to enter several calves. You can always drop payment at subsequent deadlines. What about heifers already entered? • Entries made last year for the 2020 and 2021 Futurities will need to be updated. The Futurity Secretary will mail your form to you. Simply make payments on those animals you wish to re-enter, crossing out any you wish to drop. These entries are also due February 1, 2020. What kind of calves should be entered? • Your show calves that are already halter broke. Is your calf bred to have a good udder? Enter her! • Your fancy calf, out of a good cow, that was just the wrong age for the calf class. Enter her! • Last summer's babies. They may show as first lactation 3-Year-Olds, but that just might be to their advantage. Enter them! • The calf you plan to sell in the Iowa Spring Sale. A $2 entry may reap bigger dividends at the sale. Enter that calf! • Any calf you might sell as a show calf or junior project calf. You pay the first entry and if the buyer wants to keep up the entries they may. It is the seller's responsibility to inform the buyer of the animal's eligibility, and the buyer's responsibility to submit subsequent fees. Attention Junior Members • To be eligible for JUNIOR BRED AND OWNED awards for future Futurities your name must be listed on the animal's registration paper as the BREEDER. The Challenge • During the next year, you are breeding your cows and heifers for calves that will be eligible for Futurities in 2023 and 2024. Think about the bulls you are using. Think about the cow that is the foundation. Can you breed the futurity winner? Great cows are usually no accident! Have a plan, carry it out and let us all evaluate the results. See you at the show!
Iowa Holstein Futurity • Matt Henkes, Secretary 17061 165th St, Luana, IA 52156 • 563-880-8614
Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Scholarships
The deadline for the auxiliary’s scholarship applications is February 1. An application is available at Up to three scholarships will be awarded. This scholarship is available only to non-dairy science majors and can only be received one time. Applicant must be an Iowa Junior Holstein Association member, high school graduate and attending college at the time of application. If you have any questions about the scholarship, please contact Kathy Demmer, 6222 Sundown Rd., Peosta, Iowa 52068; 563.542.2983 or 563.876.3120; or
2020 IHA Auxiliary Silent Auction
At last year's auxiliary meeting, we decided to have another Silent Auction at the 2020 Iowa Holstein Convention in Dyersville. In order to make this auction a success, we need to have as many items donated as possible. Start searching around so we can have a variety of items to sell.
2019 All-Iowa Award Winners
150,000-Pound Cow moondale trudy Korian Holsteins
Aged Cow farnear tbr aria adler-et Farnear Holsteins
5-Year-Old Cow Ms-aol cntdnr revive-red Wapsi-Ana, Fairholm & Triple S
4-Year-Old Cow regancrest goldust blacky Regancrest
Senior 3-Year-Old Cow To-mar gold chip avis Haley, Bianka & Braden Ronnebaum
Junior 3-Year-Old Cow KishHolm Golden Chance-TW KishHolm Holsteins
Senior 2-Year-Old Cow sco-lo rival renate 2242-et Sco-Lo Holsteins 6 December 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald
Junior 2-Year-Old Cow Oakfield crush robinhood Sco-Lo Holsteins
2019 All-Iowa Award Winners
Fall Yearling In Milk Le-o-la solo cup LE-O-LA Holsteins
Fall Yearling Le-o-la doorman marissa-et LE-O-LA Holsteins
Winter Yearling Farnear jordy maddy-et Farnear Holsteins
Spring Yearling Ms nabholz amella Nabholz Farms
Summer Yearling Banowetz peach crush Shawn & Levi Banowetz
Fall Heifer Calf Triple S Awesome missme-red Triple S Farm
Winter Heifer Calf Petitclerc avalanche spottie Duane Gibbs & Dan Hovden
Spring Heifer Calf Le-o-la solomon paige LE-O-LA Holsteins December 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald 7
2019 All-Iowa Award Winners
Best 3 Females KishHolm Holsteins
Daughter-Dam Henkeseen Holsteins
2020 Iowa Holstein Princess Contest
The Iowa Holstein Auxiliary will conduct the Iowa Holstein Princess Contest in conjunction with the Iowa Holstein Association Annual Meeting on February 22 at Dyersville. The rules are as follows. Candidate must be at least 17 years of age and not over 24 years of age by August 1, 2020. Candidate must have a dairy farm background with parents or guardians who are currently engaged in the production of milk for sale during the coming year. They must participate in the check-off to Midwest Dairy. The candidate will qualify if she has been away from home (at school, work, etc.) but still considers her parents’ or guardians’ farm her home. Her parents or guardians must be members of the Iowa Holstein Association. The candidate and/or her parents or guardians must own some registered Holsteins. The candidate must give a 3-5 minute presentation the day of the contest about dairy products and/or the dairy industry. The candidate no longer has to be affiliated with a district anymore. Anyone in the state is allowed in the competition. There may be several from one district competing. This young woman will hand out ribbons at district and state shows, write articles for the Herald, and do dairy promotions while representing the Iowa Holstein Association. She will also represent the Holstein breed in the Iowa State Dairy Princess pageant that will be held at the Iowa State Fair in August. If you or if you know someone who qualifies and would like to run, please mail or email a completed Princess Candidate Application by February 1 to Kathy Demmer, 6222 Sundown Rd., Peosta, Iowa 52068; 563.542.2983 or 563.876.3120; or The application is available at
Iowa Holstein Association Scholarships
Produce of Dam KishHolm Holsteins
Junior Best 3 Females LE-O-LA Holsteins 8 December 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald
Remember to apply for the Iowa Holstein Association Scholarships and the Linda Pagel Scholarship. There is only one application, and applicants can designate which scholarship they are applying for on the form. The application form is available at Mail completed applications postmarked by February 1 to Trent & Leslie Henkes, 18467 165th St, Luana, IA 52156 or email completed applications to by February 1. Iowa Holstein Association Scholarship Up to four scholarships will be awarded. Applicant must be currently attending a four-year college or a one or two-year tech school or a short course program and majoring in Dairy Science. Preference will be given to Iowa Junior Holstein Association members. This scholarship can only be received one time. Linda Pagel Scholarship Linda Pagel served the Iowa Holstein Association as secretary and treasurer for 13 years. She also was a Family and Consumer Science teacher for many years. Youth have always been a part of her life. Her support and dedication to Iowa Holstein Juniors has be a large part of their success on the national level. The Iowa Holstein Association Board of Directors would like to honor Linda with a scholarship for an active Iowa Junior Holstein Member or recent member. Applicant must be a member or recent member of the Iowa Junior Holstein Association and must have completed one year of secondary education. This $500 scholarship can only be received one time.
Our vision in Black & White
11th Annual Iowa Junior Holstein Convention
Come have some fun with the Iowa Holstein Juniors! December 30-31 Comfort Inn 527 16th Ave Southwest, Dyersville
December 30 ~ Registration from 10:00~10:45 AM Quiz Bowl Exam @ 11:00 AM • Fun Games and Activities • Bowling • Guest Speaker • Learn about National Convention • Meet New People • Movie Night • Learn New Things • And much more! Who: Any junior member or enthusiast between the ages of 8 ~ 21 years old. Cost: $25.00 per attendee which covers room, food, and favors. Due with registration. For planning purposes, registrations should be mailed by December 23 to: Jeff Hammerand, 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 Contacts: Cynthia Hamlett • 563.380.2743 • Jeff Hammerand • 563.580.3908 • For a copy of the registration form, please visit or watch for it in the mail!
Looking forward to seeing you at the Iowa Junior Holstein Convention!! December 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald 9
Iowa Junior Holstein Association News Iowa Junior HOlstein Association Officers Cynthia Hamlett, President • 319-634-3383 • 4113 H Ave, Aurora, IA 50607 Brylie Volker, Vice-President • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 Reagan Kime, Secretary • 563-776-4019 • 1152 330th Ave, Waucoma, IA 52171 Faith Palmer, Treasurer • 563-568-7992 • 835 McCabe Dr, Waukon, IA 52172 Naomi Scott, Historian • 563-637-2386 • 12402 R Ave, Westgate, IA 50681 Faith Palmer, Historian • 563-568-7992 • 835 McCabe Dr, Waukon, IA 52172 Nora Palmer, Historian • 563-568-7992 • 835 McCabe Dr, Waukon, IA 52172 Amanda Engelken, Digital Historian • 563-923-5375 • 2085 260th Ave, Earlville, IA 52041 Brylie Volker, Digital Historian • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 Brynlee Volker, Reporter • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 Junior Advisory Committee cHair Jeff & Tammy Hammerand • 563-744-3611 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 •
Quiz Bowl Test All Iowa juniors are invited to take the Quiz Bowl test to qualify for the quiz bowl teams or jeopardy that will represent Iowa at the 2020 National Convention. The test will be given on December 30 at 11:00 a.m. at the Iowa Junior Convention at the Comfort Inn, Dyersville. In case of bad weather, the test will be given December 31. Contact Jeff Hammerand by 11 a.m. on December 30 if you need to take the test later in the day. If you are unable to take the test at the convention, contact Jeff Hammerand at 563-580-3908 (cell) or Everyone will take the same test. The top four scores in the junior division (9 to 15 years as of January 1, 2020) and the top four scores in the senior division (16-21 and not over 21 on Jan. 1, 2020) will make up the quiz bowl teams. All other juniors taking the test are eligible for the jeopardy contest, which has three divisions: junior 9-13, intermediate 14-17 and senior 18-21. Questions for the test will come from the following sources: 2019 and 2020 Holstein and Ayrshire Dairy Bowl questions, Holstein Dairy Jeopardy questions and 2019 Hoard’s Dairyman, Holstein Pulse and Holstein World are beneficial to review. Current news questions may also be asked on the test; check out the Holstein Association website to stay updated and review for the test as well. Dairy Bowl and Dairy Jeopardy questions can be found by going to State Junior Annual Meeting The State Junior Annual Meeting will be held on December 30 at 1:30 p.m. at the Comfort Inn, Dyersville. All juniors are welcome to attend. We will be electing new officers and making plans for the new year. National Junior Member Awards Any junior members wishing to apply for National DJM or YDJM should update their books and submit a black and white copy to Jeff Hammerand postmarked by January 5, 2019. Members must have won the award on the state level to apply for the national award. Also all applicants must be state and national members. State Junior Awards Award applications are due postmarked January 5, 2020 for Iowa Holstein Young Distinguished Junior Member (for youth 9-15 years old as of January 1, 2020) and Iowa Holstein Distinguished Junior Member (16-20 years of age as of January 1, 2020). These awards will be presented at the Iowa Holstein Convention Banquet on February 22 in Dyersville. For the Iowa DJM and Young DJM Awards, junior members must use the national forms in applying for these awards. For the state competition submit a black and white copy of your DJM or 10 December 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald
Young DJM book. Visit to find the appropriate links for these award applications. If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Hammerand. Completed applications should be submitted to Jeff Hammerand, 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045. State Cow Awards Due February 1 Applications are now due on February 1 for the 25,000# Cow Award, 150,000# Cow Award, Star and Progressive Breeder Awards. These awards will be presented at the 2020 Iowa Holstein Convention. Application forms are available online at www.iowaholsteins. org. Prepared Public Speaking Contest & National Junior Folding Display Contest The details for the 2020 Prepared Public Speaking Contest and Folding Display Contest will be announced at a later date. These contests will be on the agenda at the state meeting on December 27. Wisconsin Award Trip An Awards Trip to Wisconsin is available to juniors at least 16 years of age. Participants selected will join Wisconsin award winners in visiting dairy herds in the state at the end of March or first part of April. To be considered for the trip, please write a one page story on why you would like to go on the Awards Trip. Previous trip participants are eligible to reapply. The deadline is postmarked December 30. Send your story to Jeff Hammerand, 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045.
Iowa State University
Dairy Science Student Profile
Name: Hannah Burken Hometown: Clinton, Iowa High School: Clinton High School Class Size: 400 Farm Name: Blue Hyll Dairy Major: Animal Science Minor: Agronomy Why did you decide to attend ISU? I chose Iowa State University for their well-known agricultural program. Iowa State has a variety of well know professors in a magnitude of different fields that I was interested in, some of those being both nutritional and reproductive fields. Another aspect that drew me to Iowa State was the number of teaching farms that they run and operate. My family are all Iowa State alumni, so I wanted to carry on the family tradition! What has been your most memorable college experience? My favorite college experience is being selected to go on an Animal and Dairy Science study abroad to the Netherlands. This was truly an unforgettable trip where I was able to how dairy farming differs from country to country. I was also able to see new innovations within the industry, one of those being the Floating Dairy Farm. What has been your favorite course? My favorite course that I have taken would be Domestic Animal Anatomy and Physiology Lab. I really enjoyed this class because it was very hands on, and we were able to cover and learn about multiple different species. This class was very beneficial in helping with other classes because of the array of topics we covered in terms of nutrition and reproductive aspects. I enjoyed this class so much that I helped teach the class for two semesters. What are your future career goals? My future career goals are still undecided. I’m not sure what exactly I want to do but I know it will be something related to the dairy industry. Long term career goal would be to come home and take over and run my families dairy farm, but I’d like to go into the industry for a few years before I decide to do this.
Iowa State University Dairy Science Department
1221 Kildee Hall, ISU, Ames, IA 50011 515-294-2160 • •
Iowa Holstein Association Board Meeting Minutes President Carl Mensen called the Board of Directors meeting sale consignment(s). Once again, the state association will provide a of the Iowa Holstein Association to order at 11:20 a.m. on Novem- complimentary meal to state sale attendees that will be served from ber 2, 2019 at Gus & Tony’s Townhouse Cafe, West Union, Iowa. 10:30 am - 12:30 pm and pay the junior association $500 for comAll members were present except for Jim Vierhout, District 4; Jeff pensation of lost sales from their concession stand. Paul Stempfle Hammerand and Bob Rahe, District 8 and Kevin Fossum, Mark will coordinate the meal. The juniors will still have a concession Knudtson, and Jason Volker, Directors-at-Large. stand offering other items. If a farm is interested in having a heifer Doug Lyons moved to approve the minutes of the August 24 considered for the raffle, they should contact Carl Mensen or Kyle meeting as printed, seconded by Walt Wessel. Motion carried. Demmer. Only 200 tickets will be sold at a price of $100 per ticket, Shellie Volker presented the Treasurer’s report and the 2020 and tickets will be available from state board members starting in budget. Walt Wessel moved to approve the Treasurer's report and December. The drawing for the raffle will be held prior to the state the budget, seconded by Matt Henkes. Motion carried. sale. Paula Smith, Secretary, reported on the Executive Committee Show - Paul Stempfle reported that next year’s state show will be Meeting. Nominations for the Association awards were considered held at the State Fair. A list of judges will presented to the State Fair at and selected. Recipients will be notified with the awards being pre- the November PDCC Meeting. Plans include having Randy Blodgett sented at the convention. The ad hoc committees were appointed as cover the show. Exhibitors will need to decide when checking in their follows: Auditing Committee: Walt Wessel, chair, Alden Arthur and cattle if they would like to be considered for Premier Breeder and Linda Pagel; Nomination Committee: Dan Bolin, chair, Dave Chap- Premier Exhibitor. The committee recommends having a uniform man, Kevin Fossum and Jeff Hammerand; PDCC: Trent Henkes, show catalog for the district and state shows and that the futurity chair, Doug Lyons and Paul Stempfle; Resolutions Committee: Mark class is included in the appropriate order in the catalog. It was also Steffens, chair, Mark Kerndt and Bill and Lana Strein. Standing recommended to add a summer junior two year old class starting in Committee remained the same for 2020. The State Convention will 2020. be held on February 22 at Country Junction Dyersville. Paul Stempfle moved to approve the Executive and Standing Herald - Paula Smith mentioned that the December Herald will Committee reports, seconded by Doug Lyons. Motion carried. be the Junior issue, and ads are due anytime. National Association - Dennis Devore gave an update on the Junior - Plans are being made for the State Junior Convention National Association activities and business. on December 30-31 at the Comfort Inn in Dyersville. New Business - Paul Stempfle and Walt Wessel will serve as Membership - Shellie Volker reported that membership letters the Iowa Holstein Association delegates for the 2019 ISDA Annual will be mailed out the beginning of December. She will also mail Meeting. membership letters to non-members who have registered cattle with Dan Bolin moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Heather the National Association explaining the benefits/savings of being a Moore. Motion carried with adjournment at 12:46 pm. national and state member. A possible business sponsorship is being Respectfully submitted, discussed as a possibility for in the future. Paula Smith, Secretary Program Development & Management - The 2020 State Convention will hosted by District 8 at the Country Junction, Dyersville. Tentatively, the annual meeting will begin at 2:00 Years % pm with the banquet at 6:30 pm. The finalized schedule and Name Qualified Homebred BAA Milk Fat Pro details will be mailed to members in January. Bradley J. Korver 1 75.6 106.3 27330 940 850 Sale - The 2020 State Sale will be held on March 21 in Curtis N. Anderson 17 95.8 107.7 27745 1151 864 West Union. Set up will be on Tuesday with cattle arriving on David J. & Rhonda J. Bahr 3 86.8 106.2 29085 1103 924 Wednesday, and heads must be clipped otherwise consignors Jason Volker 2 78.2 106.0 29277 1117 904 will be charged a fee. The goal is to have 40 head consigned. Piggott-Hill Farm 3 96.1 105.9 29105 1173 940 If any breeder is interested in consigning to the sale, they are Terry E. Eick 18 100.0 105.6 27248 1014 843 encouraged to contact any board member about their possible Trent Henkes 19 96.9 110.8 27236 942 828
2019 Progressive Breeders Registry Awards
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For Sale ~ Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Cookbooks
Cookbooks are available upon request. Cost is $10 plus for $4 shipping. Contact: Kathy Demmer 6222 Sundown Rd Peosta, Iowa 52068 563.542.2983 or 563.876.3120
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December 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald 11
2019 Junior All-Iowa Award Winners
150,000 Pound Cow
Farnear Atwood milli-ET
Adam Simon
Senior 3-Year-Old Cow Le-o-la racer tara Regan Demmer
Aged Cow
KishHolm Cinderella Lauren & Gavin Kishman, Grant Fremsted
Junior 3-Year-Old Cow
courtlane kingboy champ
Junior 2-Year-Old Cow Farnear Crush Brynn Adam Simon 12 December 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald
Brooke Courtney
4-Year-Old Cow
miss artic rush Jonathan Krogman & Jenna Chapman
Senior 2-Year-Old Cow
Hawkeye-jk crush amen-et Jonathan Krogman & Jenna Chapman
Milking Yearling
le-o-la solo cup Regan Demmer
2019 Junior All-Iowa Award Winners
Fall Yearling
Arthurcreek Kingboy Chill Brylie Volker
Summer Yearling
petitclerc Diamnbck Speedy-ET Jessica Stempfle
Spring Heifer Calf
Le-o-la doorman leeta-et Regan Demmer
Winter Yearling
Farnear Jordy Maddy-ET Adam Simon
Fall Heifer Calf
Stempfle Glass Ceiling Jessica Stempfle
Spring Yearling
Miss Crush Adamina Eric Richards
Winter Heifer Calf
Wapsi-Ana Solomon Breezy A, K, L & P Fairbanks
Dairy Herd Jonathan Krogman & Jenna Chapman
December 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald 13
District 1 Holstein Show July 2, 2019 Clayton County Fairgrounds Judge: Luke Olson Show Chair: Larry Landsgard Total Head: 54 Spring Heifer Calf (8): 1 - Ms ArthurCreek Sammy Cheers, Arthur/Volker; 2 - KishHolm Tatooed Lady, KishHolm Holsteins Winter Heifer Calf (5): 1 - HeavensElite Crush Riley, Heaven’s Elite; 2 - ArthurCreek Rgnld Champaygne, Nathan Arthur Fall Heifer Calf (7): 1 - ArthurCreek Crush Moana, Nathan Arthur; 2 - Dusty-Hollow Atwood Coorslite, Dusty Hollow Summer Yearling (6): 1 - Irish-Grove Kenosa Lexi, John & Peggy Sparrgrove; 2 - ArthurCreek Montey Ciara, Arthur/Volker Spring Yearling (2): 1 - Miss Millstar LuckycrushET, Scottmore Holsteins; 2 - Eagle-View Goldchip Lexi, Eagle-View Dairy Winter Yearling (4): 1 - Vandoskes Blake Sully-ET, Nathan Arthur; 2 - Korian Absolute Liza, Korian Holsteins Fall Yearling (3): 1 - ArthurCreek Kingboy Chill, Arthur/Volker; 2 - Korian Dempsey Brazen, Korian Holsteins Junior Champion: ArthurCreek Crush Moana, Nathan Arthur Reserve Junior Champion: ArthurCreek Kingboy Chill, Arthur/Volker Junior Best 3 Females (2): 1 - Nathan Arthur; 2 - Korian Holsteins Milking Yearling: None Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (2): 1 - Granite-Road Merid Diamond; Granite-Road; 2 - Eagle-View Airlift Bugatti, Eagle-View Dairy Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (4): 1 - Scottmore Proactive Motee, Scottmore Holsteins; 2 - Moondale AAA-SF Careolyn, Moon, Adney & Ferguson Junior Three-Year-Old Cow: None Senior Three-Year-Old Cow (5): 1 - Kamps-Hollow Jayde, Meyer/Steinlage; 2 - Henkeseen CA RubyRed, Henkeseen Holsteins Intermediate Champion: Kamps-Hollow Jayde, Meyer/Steinlage Reserve Intermediate Champion: Henkeseen CA Ruby-Red, Henkeseen Holsteins Four-Year-Old Cow (4): 1 - Henkeseen GW Atwood Twitter, Garrett Schmidt & Matt Henkes; 2 - KishHolm Catch Me, KishHolm Holsteins Five-Year-Old Cow: None Aged Cow (4): 1 - KishHolm Damion Celina, KishHolm Holsteins; 2 - Henkeseen L Reisling-Red, Henkeseen Holsteins 150,000 Pound Cow: None Senior Champion: Henkeseen GW Atwood Twitter, Garrett Schmidt & Matt Henkes Reserve Senior Champion: KishHolm Damion Celina, KishHolm Holsteins Grand Champion: Henkeseen GW Atwood Twitter, Garrett Schmidt & Matt Henkes Reserve Grand Champion: KishHolm Damion Celina, KishHolm Holsteins 14 December 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald
2019 District Shows Best Udder of the Show: Henkeseen GW Atwood Twitter, Garrett Schmidt & Matt Henkes Best Three Females (2): 1 - Henkeseen Holsteins; 2 - Scottmore Holsteins Produce of Dam (1) : Henkeseen Holsteins Daughter-Dam (1) : Henkeseen Holsteins
District 1 Junior Holstein Show July 2, 2019 Clayton County Fairgrounds Judge: Luke Olson Show Chair: Larry Landsgard Total Head: 45 Spring Heifer Calf (7): 1 - Ms ArthurCreek Sammy Cheers, Brenna Volker; 2 - KishHolm Tatooed Lady, Grant Fremstad, Lauren & Gavin Kishman Winter Heifer Calf (5): 1 - HeavensElite Crush Riley, Claire Opperman; 2 - ArthurCreek Rgnld Champaygne, Nathan Arthur Fall Heifer Calf (7): 1 - ArthurCreek Crush Moana, Nathan Arthur; 2 - Dusty-Hollow Atwood Coorslite, Kade Meyer Summer Yearling (6): 1 - Irish-Grove Kenosa Lexi, Dillon Sparrgrove; 2 - ArthurCreek Montey Ciara, Brynlee Volker Spring Yearling (2): 1 - Miss Millstar LuckycrushET, Hannah Scott; 2 - Eagle-View Goldchip Lexi, Maverick Dietz Winter Yearling (4): 1 - Vandoskes Blake Sully-ET, Nathan Arthur; 2 - Korian Absolute Liza, Pierce Harbaugh Fall Yearling (3): 1 - ArthurCreek Kingboy Chill, Brylie Volker; 2 - Korian Dempsey Brazen, Pierce Harbaugh Junior Champion: ArthurCreek Crush Moana, Nathan Arthur Reserve Junior Champion: ArthurCreek Kingboy Chill, Brylie Volker Milking Yearling: None Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (2): 1 - Granite-Road Merid Diamond, Dillon Sparrgrove; 2 - Eagle-View Airlift Bugatti, Maverick Dietz Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (3): 1 - Scottmore Proactive Motee, Adam Scott; 2 - KishHolm Golden Cash, KishHolm Holsteins Junior Three-Year-Old Cow: None Senior Three-Year-Old Cow (2): 1 - Kamps-Hollow Jayde, Kade Meyer; 2 - Scottmore Doorman Divine, Naomi Scott Intermediate Champion: Kamps-Hollow Jayde, Kade Meyer Reserve Intermediate Champion: Scottmore Proactive Motee, Adam Scott Four-Year-Old Cow (2): 1 - KishHolm Catch Me, Grant Fremstad, Lauren & Gavin Kishman Five-Year-Old Cow: None Aged Cow (2): 1 - KishHolm Damion Celina, Grant Fremstad, Lauren & Gavin Kishman; 2 - Bonivista Cyclone Moon, Kade Meyer 150,000 Pound Cow: None Senior Champion: KishHolm Damion Celina, Grant Fremstad, Lauren & Gavin Kishman Reserve Senior Champion: KishHolm Catch Me, Grant Fremstad, Lauren & Gavin Kishman
Grand Champion: KishHolm Damion Celina, Grant Fremstad, Lauren & Gavin Kishman Reserve Grand Champion: Kamps-Hollow Jayde, Kade Meyer Dairy Herd: 1 - Kade Meyer Novice (6 Years & Under): Charlotte Mills Novice (7 & 8 Years Old): Chloe Sparrgrove Junior Showmanship: Kade Meyer Reserve Junior Showmanship: Hannah Scott Intermediate Showmanship: Claire Opperman Reserve Intermediate Showmanship: Alaina Gebel Senior Showmanship: Naomi Scott Reserve Senior Showmanship: Brylie Volker District 4 Junior Show June 22, 2019 Osceola Co Fairgrounds, Sibley Judge: Larry Dykstra Total Head: 14 Spring Calf: None Winter Calf: None Fall Calf (3): 1 - Boarderview Vogue Beauty, Jack Krull; 2 - Hawkeye Morningview Danielle, Jonathan Krogman Summer Yearling: None Spring Yearling (1): 1 - Hawkeye Sanchez Elly May, Brooke Krogman Winter Yearling (3): 1 - Great-Heritage Conni, Jacob Eggink; 2 - Hawkeye-JK Dback Presley, Jonathan Krogman Fall Yearling (1): Bethany, Janna Dreesen Junior Champion: Great-Heritage Conni, Jacob Eggink Reserve Junior Champion: Hawkeye Sanchez Elly May, Brooke Krogman Milking Yearling: None Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (2): 1 - Hawkeye-JK MC Artic Rain, Jonathan Krogman; 2 - Rosie, Austin Dreessen Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (1): 1 - Hawkeye-JK Crush Amen, Jonathan Krogman; 2 - Rosie, Austin Dreessen Three-Year-Old Cow: None Four-Year-Old Cow (2): 1 - Great-Heritage AS Bridget, Jacob Eggink; 2 - St Jacobs Brazzle Hazzle, Brooke Krogman Five-Year-Old Cow (1): SDG-GH Bradnck Dee, Jacob Eggink Aged Cow: None Senior Champion: SDG-GH Bradnck Dee, Jacob Eggink Reserve Senior Champion: Hawkeye-JK MC Artic Rain, Jonathan Krogman Grand Champion: SDG-GH Bradnck Dee, Jacob Eggink Reserve Grand Champion: Hawkeye-JK MC Artic Rain, Jonathan Krogman Junior Showmanship: Brooke Krogman Reserve Junior Showmanship: Janna Dreessen Intermediate Showmanship: None Senior Showmanship: Austin Dreessen
District 8 Open Show July 19, 2019 Delaware Co Fairgrounds, Manchester Judge: Ryan Krohlow Total Head: 89 Spring Heifer Calf (11): 1 - Le-O-La Solomon Paige, Le-O-La Holsteins; 2 - Biercrest Atmosphere Kristi, Biercrest Farms Winter Heifer Calf (10): 1 - Petitclerc Avalanche Spottie, Duane Gibbs & Dan Hovden; 2 - River Divide Denver Maxi, River Divide Dairy Fall Heifer Calf (14): 1 - Triple S Awesome MissmeRed, Triple S Farm; 2 - Le-O-La Artist Lexis-ET, Le-O-La Holsteins Summer Yearling (5): 1 - Banowetz Peach Crush, Shawn & Levi Banowetz; 2- KCCK Jordy Rachel, Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse Spring Yearling (9): 1 - Sco-Lo Absolute 2315, ScoLo Holsteins; 2 - Miss Crush Adamina, Eric Richards Winter Yearling (7): 1- Farnear Jordy Maddy-ET, Farnear Holsteins; 2 - Golden-Oaks Impress-Red, Fairholm & Mason Dairy Farm Fall Yearling (4): 1 - Le-O-La Doorman Marissa-ET, Le-O-La Holsteins; 2 - Cloverhill Lotus Nina, Clover Hill Farms Junior Champion: Petitclerc Avalanche Spottie, Duane Gibbs & Dan Hovden Reserve Junior Champion: Triple S Awesome Missme-Red, Triple S Farm Milking Yearling (2): 1 - Le-O-La Solo Cup, Le-O-La Holsteins; 2 - Sheeknoll Doorman Amelia, Mason Dairy Farm Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (6): 1 - Oakfield Crush Robinhood, Sco-Lo Holsteins; 2 - Le-O-La Crush Chasity, Le-O-La Holsteins Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (8): 1 - Sco-Lo Lotus Renate 2242, Sco-Lo Holsteins; 2 - Sco-Lo Rival Renate 2233, Sco-Lo Holsteins Junior Three-Year-Old Cow: None Senior Three-Year-Old Cow (3): 1 - To-Mar Gold Chip Avis, Ronnebaum; 2 - Le-O-La Racer Tara, Le-O-La Holsteins Intermediate Champion: To-Mar Gold Chip Avis, Ronnebaum Reserve Intermediate Champion: Le-O-La Racer Tara, Le-O-La Holsteins Four-Year-Old Cow (3): 1 - Le-O-La Atwood Tula, Le-O-La Holsteins; 2 - Biercrest Chelios Tanysha, Ally Bierschenk Five-Year-Old Cow (1): 1 - Ms-Aol Cntndr Revive-Red, Wapsi-Ana, Fairholm & Triple S Farm Aged Cow (1): 1 - Farnear TBR Aria Adler-ET, Farnear Holsteins 150,000-Pound Cow (1): 1 - Farnear Atwood Milli-ET, Farnear Holsteins Senior Champion: Ms-Aol Cntndr Revive-Red, Wapsi-Ana, Fairholm & Triple S Farm Reserve Senior Champion: Farnear TBR Aria Adler-ET, Farnear Holsteins Grand Champion: Ms-Aol Cntndr Revive-Red, Wapsi-Ana, Fairholm & Triple S Farm Reserve Grand Champion: Farnear TBR Aria Adler-ET, Farnear Holsteins Honorable Mention Grand Champion: To-Mar Gold Chip Avis, Ronnebaum Best Udder of the Show: Ms-Aol Cntndr Revive-Red, Wapsi-Ana, Fairholm & Triple S Farm
Best Three Females (1): Le-O-La Holsteins Produce of Dam (1): Sco-Lo Daughter-Dam (1): Farnear Holsteins Premier Breeder: Le-O-La Holsteins Premier Exhibitor: Le-O-La Holsteins District 8 Junior Show July 18, 2019 Delaware Co Fairgrounds, Manchester Judge: Brian Kelroy Total Head: 47 Spring Calf (6): 1 - Le-O-La Doorman Leeta-ET, Regan Demmer; 2 - Biercrest Atmosphere Kristi, Ally Bierschenk Winter Calf (6): 1 -Wapsi-Ana Solomon Breezy-ET, A, K, L & P Fairbanks; 2 - Farnear Doc Away-ET, Ana Rauen Fall Calf (8): 1 - Le-O-La Avalanche Ainsley-ET, Regan Demmer; 2 - Wapsi-Ana Akeela-Red, A, K, L & P Fairbanks Summer Yearling (2): 1 - KCCK Jordy Rachel, Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse; 2 - Heart Broke DB Diamond, Dana & Madison Sickles Spring Yearling (5): 1 - Miss Crush Adamina, Eric Richards; 2 - Le-O-La Doorman Faith-TW-ET, Regan Demmer Winter Yearling (6): 1 - Farnear Jordy MaddyET, Adam Simon; 2 - Biercrest Blake Philly, Ally Bierschenk Fall Yearling (3): 1 - Le-O-La Doorman Marissa-ET, Regan Demmer; 2 - Cloverhill Astelle-Red-ET, C&E Guyer & B&L Putman Junior Champion: Wapsi-Ana Solomon Breezy-ET, A, K, L & P Fairbanks Reserve Junior Champion: Miss Crush Adamina, Eric Richards Milking Yearling (1): 1 - Le-O-La Solo Cup, Regan Demmer Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (2): 1 - Farnear Crush Brynn, Adam Simon; 2 - Le-O-La Crush Chasity, Regan Demmer Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (3): 1 - West River Cinderdoor Ironic, Ally Bierschenk; 2 - Poly-Kow California Crush, Zach Bierschenk Junior Three-Year-Old Cow: None Senior Three-Year-Old Cow (2): 1 - Le-O-La Racer Tara, Regan Demmer; 2 - To-Mar Gold Chip Avis, Haley, Bianka & Braden Ronnebaum Intermediate Champion: Le-O-La Racer Tara, Regan Demmer Reserve Intermediate Champion: Le-O-La Solo Cup, Regan Demmer Four-Year-Old Cow (1): Biercrest Chelios Tanysha, Ally Bierschenk Five-Year-Old Cow: None Aged Cow: None 150,000-Pound Cow (1): 1 - Farnear Atwood Milli-ET, Adam Simon Senior Champion: Farnear Atwood Milli-ET, Adam Simon Reserve Senior Champion: Biercrest Chelios Tanysha, Ally Bierschenk Grand Champion: Le-O-La Racer Tara, Regan Demmer Reserve Grand Champion: Farnear Atwood Milli-ET, Adam Simon
Dairy Herd (1): Regan Demmer Novice (6 Years & Under): 1 - Adley Rahe; 2 - Payton Gibbs Novice (7 & 8 Years Old): 1 - Cael Cannon; 2 - Chase Cannon Junior Showmanship: Haley Ronnebaum Intermediate Showmanship: Regan Demmer Senior Showmanship: Adam Simon
2019 Progressive Genetics Herd Award
In order to qualify as a Progressive Genetics Herd (PGH), a herd must qualify under the following criteria: Herd owner must be a member of both their national and state associations, and enrolled in the Deluxe or Premier TriStar options and Herd Classification programs. Must have a minimum of twenty 87% RHA and higher cows in the milking herd with CTPIs. No minimum requirement for number of young stock. # Years Avg. Herd Name Qualified CTPI David A Petersen 16 2070 Adaway Dairy LLC 8 2253 Codey Waller 2 2173 Curtis N. Anderson 5 2131 David A Petersen 17 2102 David J. & Rhonda J. Bahr 8 2153 De Su Holsteins LLC 29 2347 Elsbernd Dairy Farm LLC 10 2297 GenoSource 3 2430 Haley, Bianka, Braden Ronnebaum 5 2220 Hulstein Brothers, Inc. 2 2176 James Martin 14 2238 Jason Menne 12 2205 Jason Volker 8 2047 Jeff & Melinda Walz 2 2081 Justin R. Wiebe 2 2171 Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse 2 2189 Lance & Jonna Schutte 9 2168 Mark C. & Sara Ann Wilcox 24 2175 Nordic-Haven Holsteins 29 2197 NE Iowa Dairy Foundation 8 2160 Paul F. Schmitt 27 2448 Piggott-Hill Farm 3 2123 Regancrest Holsteins, LLC 29 2179 Reuben Nolt 6 2246 Richard & Elaine Pausma 2 2068 Rick & Kathy S. Demmer 28 2106 Rick & Tom Simon 26 2397 Ronald E. Franck 14 2103 Scottmore Holsteins 17 2127 Summit Dairy 5 2135 Walter W. Wessel 10 2356 William Langreck 21 2061 December 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald 15
National Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder Award This year’s Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder is encouraged by her family’s history and is committed to advancing the dairy herd into the future. Holstein Association USA is proud to recognize Sheri L. Regan-Danhof of Waukon, Iowa, as the 2019 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder. Sheri’s grandparents, William and Angela, started the farm with Guernsey and grade Holstein cows in 1951. In those early years, it was William’s progressive vision that advanced the herd. William was the first in the county to participate in DHIA testing, to use artificial insemination and employ embryo transfer. The foundation William instilled in his children and grandchildren remains the core of what they do at Regancrest. They work every day to be better and perfect the art of breeding. With 1,200 acres as her childhood playground, Sheri always enjoyed days spent on the farm, whether it was feeding calves, milking cows or helping with registrations and classification. Working alongside her dad, Frank Regan, she was provided with a lot of learning opportunities. After attending Northeast Iowa Community College to study business, Sheri returned to the farm and is now a partner in Regancrest Holsteins. She is actively involved in the genetics side of their operation, working to breed a better cow with each generation. Sheri’s thirst for genetics stems from many visits with people from countries like Japan, Korea or China, who came to the farm for sought-after genetics. She enjoyed that side of the business and it is important to her that they maintain their position in the domestic and international genetic marketplace.
Milk records now available directly from your milking system
Currently, the 900-cow herd at Regancrest Holsteins is milked three times a day in a double-16 herringbone parlor. They made the decision to go to three-times-a-day milking five years ago, in an effort to maximize stall space, parlor load and the number of cows in the herd. Overall herd health has improved since cows are being seen more often, Sheri says. At Regancrest, one of the most instrumental cows for Sheri was Regancrest-PR Barbie. Barbie epitomized the type that the breed was needing at the time, alongside the high index. She became a well-known name worldwide and helped advance herd genetics for dairy producers around the globe. Sheri describes Barbie as a well-balanced cow, with a wide rump and beautiful udder, and perfect feet and legs. Barbie was the foundation for cows that are thrifty, adapt to their environment and don’t require a lot of extra work. “Being part of Holstein USA, I think it is very simple to say that they offer the opportunity to maximize and bring added profit to your cows,” Regan-Danhof says. “They combine so much data that is out there for us to use, which in turn helps us to merchandise our best cow’s progeny. We’ve really seen that true since the start of our farm back in the 50’s through today.” Sheri and her husband, Jason, share an enthusiasm for breeding, owning and developing fine animals. Together, they have developed the Danhof prefix. When Sheri returns home each night, she knows that tomorrow is a new day - calves will be born, representing new opportunities for the herd. She knows there is always more to learn, to experience and goals to set for the operation’s future.
TriStar AMR allows producers with robotic milking systems to have records collected from the on-farm software and processed by AgriTech Analytics once per month. 305-day records for Registered Holsteins will be loaded into the herdbook database and available for publication on pedigrees.
More data. More value for U.S. Registered Holsteins. PROGRAM BENEFITS: • Allows your data to stay in the Holstein Association USA performance system for display on Official Holstein Pedigrees • 305-day production records will be added to Official Holstein Pedigrees as soon as they are processed FEES: • $204 annual fee, plus $2 per completed 305-day lactation record for Registered cows. • TriStar AMR is not included as a benefit of Holstein COMPLETE® At this time, AMR records are not eligible for any Holstein Association USA recognition programs.
Holstein Association USA, Inc. • 800.952.5200
16 December 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald
2019 Iowa Holstein Princess Hello Everyone! Honestly, the last few months have been relatively uneventful for me as princess so I would like to take a little time to reflect on the past year. 2019 has been quite the year for agriculture; weather has been anything but cooperative, the dairy industry is still seeing consumer distrust, commodity prices are too low, and it seems there is another farm selling off every time we turn around (just to start the list). Despite all of this, I would like to congratulate you. Whether you are in the same position as January 1st, 2019 or standing better or worse, something happened that is worth celebrating. This event may be a blue ribbon at the county fair with a homegrown animal, hitting a new production goal, or simply putting your boots on in the morning. I challenge everyone to take a moment to appreciate whatever wins you may have had in the last year, big or small. As the end of the year only gets busier, I would like to offer a family favorite dessert recipe. This is the go-to for potlucks because it is the three things everyone loves: cheap, easy, and chocolate. Aunt Michelle’s Fool Proof Chocolate Pie 2 cups Milk 1 package Instant Chocolate Pudding 1 tub Whipped Topping 1 Graham Cracker Crumb Pie Crust Make the pudding as directed on the box (aka. Mix the instant pudding and milk and refrigerate until it sets up). Mix the pudding with the entire tub of whipped topping. Put the mix in the graham cracker crust. That’s it! As always, I love to be as involved as possible. Please do not hesitate to reach out if there are any events or projects in which I can be of assistance. I can be reached at (319)361-8883 or Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Alexis Costello
3rd Iowa Holstein Heifer Raffle
Grand Prize ~ 1st Choice of Heifer or $2,000 Cash
You or a representative must be present at the sale to make your choice or the cash award will be awarded.
2nd Prize ~ $1500 Cash 3rd Prize ~ Steel Cow Portrait & $500 Cash 4th Prize ~ $500 Trans Ova Certificate & $500 Cash 5th Prize ~ $250 ST Genetics Certificate & $250 Cash 6th Prize ~ $250 Mid America Select Sires Certificate & $250 Cash 7th Prize ~ $250 Mid America Select Sires Certificate & $250 Cash ,
8th Prize ~ $200.00 Envision Certificate & $200 Cash 9th Prize ~ Zoetis Gift Bag & $100 Cash 10th Prize ~ Zoetis Gift Bag & $100 Cash
~ Cash Donors ~
Hubbard Feed $250 | Farmers Union Coop $250 Justin Helgerson $250 Dairy Consulting Services (Pete Knipper) $250 Syngenta Enogen Corn $200 The raffle will be held prior to the start of the 2020 Iowa Spring Sale on March 21 in West Union. Only 200 tickets will be sold at $100 per ticket. Tickets are available by contacting any Board member. Watch for updates and more info including the selected heifers for the raffle coming in the mail, the March Herald and the Iowa Spring Sale Catalog as well as on our Facebook page and December 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald 17
Index to Advertisers
Hawkeye Holsteins...........................................2 Henkeseen Holsteins......................................20 Holstein USA..................................................16 Iowa Junior Holstein Association....................19 Iowa State University......................................10 Select Sires MidAmerica..................................5
Follow the latest news from both the Iowa Holstein Association and the Iowa Junior Holstein Association on Facebook. This provides another source of communication with our members and other Holstein enthusiasts.
Mary Steffens, 91, of Clermont, Iowa passed away peacefully at the Ossian Senior Hospice in Ossian, Iowa where she had been on hospice care since August 28, 2019. Mary was born in Story City, Iowa, on May 10, 1928, to Otto and Agnes (Valen) Christensen. Mary began her education in a rural school near Story City. When she was almost 13, the family moved to a farm near Randalia. Mary graduated from Randalia high school in 1946 where she had many wonderful memories and friends. After graduation Mary worked in Waterloo as a clerk at the “Three Sisters” dress shop. She then worked as a telephone operator in Waterloo and later West Union. It was in the West Union telephone office where she first saw Reuben when he came in to make a call. Soon after that, they got together at a dance at the Oelwein Coliseum. Reuben and Mary were wed on August 1, 1948 at the St Paul Lutheran Church, Postville, Iowa. They lived briefly in West Union before moving to the farm they would live on for the next 35 years. Reuben and Mary were proud owners of Reu-Mar Registered Holstein Farm just west of Clermont. They raised four children there: Brenda, Alan, Kevin and Karen. Alan took over the farms in 1983, and Reuben and Mary moved to their newly built home in Clermont. Mary was a wonderful homemaker and cook. She was also very involved with helping on the farm, especially with the process of registering the calves. Throughout
Lands-Brook Farms
Larry Landsgard 17518 Gunder Rd • Postville, IA 52162 Larry’s Cell: 563-419-5576
Mike & Kathleen Scott Family 12402 R Ave • Westgate, IA 50681 563.920.4005 • 563.637.2386
Breeder Advertising Rates
Full Page $100.00 1/2 Page 60.00 1/4 Page 45.00 Calling Card (1 year) 35.00 Photos (each) $5.00 Additional 2-Color 30.00 Full Color Available upon request
Herd Averages: Month/RHA or DHIR Lactation Average No records over 365 days & No M.E.'s Due to uncertainties in the mail, the Herald cannot assume responsibility for prior delivery of issue carrying advertising of sales scheduled for less than 21 days after our issue date. The Executive Committee and the editor have discretion on all material printed in the Herald. Any member not paying a Herald advertising bill within 120 days from the billing date will not participate in Association activities until such bill is paid.
Find Us on Facebook
"The Landsgards" 18239 Gunder Rd. • St. Olaf, IA 52072 Fax: 563-864-3338 •
Katie Stoll Account Manager
Hubbard Feeds Ridley USA Inc. 19988 215th St. • Monticello, IA 52310 Cell: 641-858-6606 Email: • 18 December 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald
Scottmore milk strong
live long
Home of Terrick Holsteins Terry & Kelly Eick 1105 Ivory Ave. • Plainfield, IA 50666 Phone: 319-275-4719 Fax: 319-275-4501 Email:
her life she was a great encourager to her children in their activities such as 4H and school. Mary will always be remembered for her warm and welcoming demeanor; she truly loved visiting with friends and family. She cheerfully welcomed family for Christmas and other events as long as she was able. Being with family was always one of Mary’s greatest joys. Mary was a longtime member of West Clermont Lutheran Church. Mary’s faith was always important to her. She served her church community as a Sunday school teacher, Stewardship chair, Circle chair and she was always bringing food and baked goods for events at the church. She was a member of the Clermont Legion Auxiliary and helped at the Fayette County Fair during Reuben’s tenure as Fair Board President. Mary was also a member of the Town and Country Club. She was also a wonderful baker; her family remembers her homemade bread, cinnamon rolls, cookies and bars. She loved animals, especially dogs, and enjoyed flowers and watching birds. Mary and Reuben were also avid dancers for many years, after all, that’s what brought them together! For many of their retirement years, Reuben and Mary enjoyed spending time in Texas where Reuben could fish and Mary could further develop her love of crafts and painting watercolors. They made many good friends during those retirement years in Texas and continued to stay connected with them. They also enjoyed visiting with friends that Reuben had made during his time in the Army. Mary is survived by her husband of seventy-one years, Reuben; her children, Brenda (Mark) Steffens Johnson, Alan (Brenda) Steffens and their children, Aaron, Andrea (Brad) Sayles and Aric (Wendy); Kevin (Marilyn) Steffens and son, Jonathon (Krista) and Karen (Marc) Vandegrift and their children, Alison and Matt; nine great -grandchildren; brother, Roger Christensen; sister, Ruth Anne Crowe; brotherin-law, Lester Steffens; and best childhood friend, Mary Lou Sherwood. Mary was preceded in death by her parents, Otto and Anges Christensen; half sister, Marjorie Wilson; sister, Naomi Stewart; sisters-in-law, Edna Steffens, Anita Parsons, Leona Steffens and Gerry Steffens; and brothers-in-law, Richard Crowe, Delmar Stewart, Clyde Wilson, Erbie Steffens and Jack Parsons.
Represented Iowa at the 2019 National Holstein Convention
Distinguished Junior Member Semifinalist: Nathan Arthur Junior Jeopardy: Isaiah Hammerand ~ 1st Place, Adam Scott, Natalie Hamlett, Ana Rauen, Hannah Scott, Dominic Hammerand and Leo Hammerand Intermediate Jeopardy: Trenton Hammerand ~ 2nd Place, Amanda Dougherty, Brynlee Volker Senior Jeopardy: Nathan Arthur, Brylie Volker, Ben Scott, Henry Hamlett Junior Quiz Bowl: Reagan Kime, Ethan Palmer, Brenna Volker and Brielle Volker Senior Quiz Bowl: Faith Palmer, Cynthia Hamlett, Regan Demmer and Amanda Engelken Speech: Hannah Scott, Naomi Scott and Amber Engelken 1st Traditional Scrapbook: Naomi Scott and Reagen Kime 3rd Place State Banner: Cynthia Hamlett
Congratulations to All of Our Junior Members on an Outstanding Year!
2019 Highlights. . . Judging in Harrisburg
Matt had the opportunity to judge several state fairs and his first national show - the Premier National Junior Junior Milking Shorthorn and Ayrshire Shows at Harrisburg, PA.
ISU Dairy Judging Team Happy Holidays from Our Family to Yours! Reserve All-Iowa 5 Year Old
Matt once again helped coach the ISU Dairy Judging Team. The senior team placed fourth at the World Dairy Expo and had three team members achieve All-American honors by placing in the top 25 individuals!
Supreme Junior Champion
Henkeseen Chelios Hallie EX 93 EX MS 4-10 272 29570 3.6 1054 3.2 936 RIP Hallie was 2nd at the State Holstein Show and was raised to EX 93 in September. She is a 5th generation Excellent & due in June to Master Breeding Bulls and Cows for sale at all times! Both Red & White and Black & White! 9/19 Classification 109.9% 19 EX 24 VG 15 GP
Henkeseen Ammo Silver-Red-Po Grayson and Abbie Gahring capped off the summer show season with Supreme Junior Champion at the Youth Classic with Silver.
Trent Henkes Family Phone: 563-783-2479 18467 165th St, Luana, IA 52156