March 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald

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Iowa Holstein Herald March 2018

Dempsey 7HO9264 Lirr Drew DEMPSEY (EX-93)


Photos (l-r): TK-Plain-View Ripley (EX-95-EX-MS), HM grand champion, World Dairy Expo and reserve grand champion, RAWF, 2017, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna, WI; Co-Vale Dempsy Dina 4270-ET (EX-94-EX-MS), reserve grand champion, World Dairy Expo and grand champion RAWF, 2017, Milk Source LLC & Ransom Rail Farms Inc., Kaukauna, WI. Both photos by Fletcher.


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March 2018 VOL. 79 NO. 1

Editor - Paula Smith • 3422 140th St. • Brooklyn, IA 52211-8612 Phone: 641-522-5493 • Cell: 641-990-1892

Iowa Holstein Herald

The official publication of the Iowa Holstein Association Officers Trent Henkes, President 18467 165th St, Luana, IA 52156 563-783-2479 • Carl Mensen, Vice-President 21958 Ungs Rd, Guttenberg, IA 52052 563-853-2402 • Paula Smith, Secretary 3422 140th St, Brooklyn, IA 52211 641-522-5493 • Shellie Volker, Treasurer 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 319-269-0318 • District Directors Paul Stempfle • 536-920-9495 16707 100th St, Maynard, IA 50655 Doug Lyons • 563-419-0275 131 Military Rd, Castalia, IA 52133 Lance Schutte • 563-539-4599 13254 Hickory Ave • Monona, IA 52159 Dan Bolin • 319-278-4288 30707 180th St, Clarksville, IA 50619 Jim Vierhout • 712-439-2932 Box 563, Hull, IA 51239 Jeff Hammerand • 563-580-3908 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 Bob Rahe • 563-921-3745 15378 Rte 136, Dyersville, IA 52040 Directors-At-Large Kevin Fossum • 563-568-7587 1267 Jeglum Rd, Waterville, IA 52170 Joe Gibbs • 563-543-0113 9482 Bierman Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 Mark Knudtson • 563-419-1489 313 Hwy 9 Waukon, IA 52172 Dan Moon • 563-880-4562 19475 155th St, Monona, IA 52159 Jess Rediske • 563-380-5772 3171 Scenic River Rd, Decorah, IA 52101 Katie Stoll • 319-480-4700 17914 Rainbow Dr, Monticello, IA 52310 Walt Wessel • 563-590-8162 28547 400th St, Greeley, IA 52040 PAST President Tom Simon • 563-599-9183 10644 Cemetery Rd, Farley, IA 52046 National Director Mark Kerndt • 563-568-1727 1318 W Main St, Waukon, IA 52172 Holstein AssociatION 1 Holstein Place, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Telephone: 802-254-4551 Toll Free Number: 800-952-5200 Fax: 802-254-8251 • Holstein Regional Representatives Dennis Devore • 319-270-5038 Cedar Rapids, IA • Alan Graves • 712-574-6120 Hartley, IA •


Distinguished Service Award......................................................................................................6 From the Field............................................................................................................................6 Iowa Holstein Princess...............................................................................................................4 Junior News................................................................................................................................8 Master Breeder Award................................................................................................................7 National Directors’ Report........................................................................................................10 President’s Perspective..............................................................................................................4

Calendar of Events

March 16 Executive Committee Meeting, West Union 17 State Board Meeting, West Union 17 Junior Holstein Meeting, West Union 17 Iowa Spring Sale, Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union May 1 Advertising Deadline for the June Herald/Midwest Holsteins June 29-3 National Holstein Convention, Acme, MI July 15 District 8 Open & Junior Shows, Delaware County Fairgrounds, Manchester 18 District 1 Open & Junior Shows, Winneshiek County Fairgrounds, Decorah 28 District 4 Junior Show, Osceola Fairgrounds, Sibley August 9 Iowa State Fair Open Show, Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines 9 Iowa Holstein Show, Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines 11 Iowa State Fair Youth Show, Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines 11 Iowa Junior Holstein Show, Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines

On the Cover

Featured on the cover are the Iowa Holstein Association award winners who were recognized at the 2018 Iowa Holstein Convention on February 24 in Manchester. Upper Left Photo: Brent and Staci Wessel were the recipients of the Outstanding Young Holstein Breeder Award. Upper Right Photo: Dr. Lee and Lucille Klimer - Lee received the Distinguished Service Award. Bottom Photo: Leroy and Kolette Eggink Family - Leroy was the recipient of the Master Breeder Award. The Outstanding Young Holstein Breeder Award article and more convention highlights will be printed in the June issue.


Subscriptions: A copy of each issue of the Iowa Holstein Herald shall be sent to each adult member of the Iowa Holstein Association and that $8.00 of each adult member's base rate annual dues of $25.00 shall be for a year's subscription to the Herald. Junior members may subscribe to the Herald for $10. The subscription price is $10 for people not residing in Iowa. Postmasters: Please send address changes to Iowa Holstein Herald, 12686 U Ave., Sumner, IA 50674.

Iowa Holstein Herald (USPS 024497) is published quarterly each year by the Iowa Holstein Association, 3422 140th St, Brooklyn, IA 52211-8612. The publication dates are March 1, June 1, October 1 and December 1. Periodical postage paid at Brooklyn, IA and additional offices. The deadline for submitting news and advertising copy is 30 days preceding publication date of issue. March 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald 3

Top BAA Herds for 2017

President’s Perspective As I write my March perspective, I’d like to congratulate our state convention award winners and I look forward to our state sponsored Iowa Holstein Spring Sale. I’d like to especially thank the four herds, Farnear, Hawkeye Holsteins, Morningview, and Regancrest for providing calves for the calf raffle. Hopefully everyone has their tickets bought for the raffle. The proceeds will be used to help fund some of our Junior and Adult activities. Since the state is managing the sale ourselves this year, we really appreciate everyone’s help and support. It’s also not too early to be thinking about and making plans for the National Holstein Convention which will be in Traverse City, Michigan on June 29 – July 3. Be sure to order your tickets and reserve your hotel rooms early to “Explore the Shore and More!”. Trent

2017 Iowa Holstein Princess

Fellow Breeders and Dairy Producers, Did you know that if you search for “What’s going on in the dairy industry?” that you will get this statement: “The truth about dairy. In order to keep producing milk for humans, dairy cows have to become pregnant and have calves. This is done forcibly, typically through artificial insemination. Calves are generally taken away from their mothers within 24 hours of birth, causing immense distress for both mother and calf ” as well as this one, “A cow’s natural lifespan is about 25 years, but cows used by the dairy industry are killed after only four or five years?”, in two of the top 3 hits? While the facts are true, the articles continue on with opinionated half-truths. How do we change the perception of the dairy industry and make those top hits positive? One of the goals for my reign as the 2017 Holstein Princess was to educate people on the benefits of the dairy industry. I was a spokesperson where I could share my story whenever the opportunity arose. I put my face and my voice out there as a resource for the benefits of not only our products, but the life we live. When I saw those two articles, I feel that I have failed. Just the other day, the Bullvine had an article about suicide prevention that will be mailed with milk checks in Vermont. These negative issues that have impacted the dairy industry for the last few years have pushed me to do even more. More advocacy, more education, more publicity, more sharing my story. Though my reign as the 2017 Iowa Holstein Princess is done, I am ready for the future in dairy and agriculture. I thank the association for allowing me to represent them and learn so much more about what needs to be done in the eyes of the consumer. I was honored this past year to be a part of your organization and wish the best of luck to the 2018 Iowa Holstein Princess! Sincerely, Jenna Chapman 4 March 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald

The following summary represents the highest classified herds in Iowa for 2017. This list includes all herds that were classified in the calendar year of 2017 with ten or more cows and a BAA% of 105.0 or above. If the herd was classified more than once during the year, the most recent classification was used. Name

Classification Date




G Total

Dan Moon








Clover Hill Farms








Brian & Koral Harbaugh








Trent Henkes








Douglas James Lyons








Louis Courtney








Leroy C. Eggink








Boyd & Karen Ferguson








Eric & Jessica Rediske








Lands-Brook Farms








Marlin J. Bontrager








Little Stream Holsteins








Nathan Meyer








Leslie Shirk High








Chad & Erin Hunt








David Chapman








Bruce & Gary Sacquitne








Melanie Junk








Curtis N. Anderson








Paul F. Schmitt






7 159

Ted Domeyer








Kent & Sandy Franks








J&J Dairy






3 117

Coonridge Holsteins






0 112

Mark D. Hamlett








Petey-Built Holsteins








Heather & Brandon Moore








Cary & Jennifer Bierschenk 05/18/17





5 100

Jake Mills








Craig Harbaugh








Scottmore Holsteins






3 117

Joe & Linda Zuercher








Codey Waller








Glen Ohloff








Bradley Korver








G&J-Pol Farm








Jason Volker








Carl & Lisa Mensen








Piggott-Hill Farm








Patrick & Carlena Gallagher 12/18/17







Lance & Jonna Schutte








David & Rhonda Bahr












COMPLETE your herd for more profit and convenience Every herd enrolled in COMPLETE is entitled to a 5% discount on genomic testing their Registered Holsteins®.

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Holstein Association USA, Inc.

800.952.5200 •

Nominated Junior All-American Fall Yearling Stempfle Gold Chip 1864 5th Place Fall Yearling, International Jr Holstein Show 1st Place Fall Yearling, National Cattle Congress 1st Place Fall Yearling & Reserve Junior Champion, Iowa State Fair 4H/FFA Show 1st Place Fall Yearling, District 1 & Iowa State Holstein Junior Show 1st Place Fall Yearling, Junior Champion & Supreme Junior Champion, Fayette County Fair

S tempfle Holsteins

Paul, Jody, Scott & Jessica Stempfle 16707 100th St • Maynard, IA 50655 • • 536-920-9495 March 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald 5

Distinguished Service Award Dr. Lee Kilmer, Ames

Lee grew up on his family’s registered Holstein farm and was active in 4-H. In 1967, Lee led his Pennsylvania 4-H Dairy Judging Team to a first place finish at the 4-H Dairy Judging Contest at the International Livestock Show in Chicago. Even more impressive than his high individual overall placing is that Lee won the Milking Shorthorn classes in the contest. This was the first time he had ever seen a Milking Shorthorn. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Dairy Production from Cornell University in 1971. While at Cornell, he was a member of the dairy judging team that won at Eastern States, Harrisburg, and the national contest at the Ohio State Fair in 1969. For the next five years, Lee was an Assistant County Agricultural Extension Agent in Pennsylvania. In the Fall of 1976, he returned to college and graduated from Pennsylvania State University with an M.S. degree in Animal Industries and a Ph.D. in Dairy Science. In 1980, Dr. Kilmer came to Iowa State University as an Assistant Professor of Animal Science and Extension Dairy Specialist. His main responsibility was dairy extension and only taught AnSci 434 for two semesters. However following Dr. William Wunder’s retirement in 1997, his responsibilities then became split 50/50 for extension and teaching. Lee also became coach of the Iowa State Dairy Judging Team until his retirement in 2014. From 2002 through 2014, he coached the ISU Dairy Challenge Team and during that time, his teams won the competition twice and finished in second place twice. While coaching the ISU Dairy Judging Team, he also became the coach for Iowa’s All-Star 4-H Dairy Judging Team competing at Louisville. From 1999 through 2014, the teams consistently placed in the Top 10. In 2007, Iowa won the contest, and this was the first time an Iowa 4-H dairy judging team won a national contest. Team members were Becca Bahl (high individual overall), Mitch Bockenstedt, Jessie Hammerand and Stacy Fitzpatrick. Dr. Kilmer was very active with other various 4-H dairy programs. From 1980 through 1989, he assisted with the Iowa 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest, and then he assumed the responsibility for coordination of the program from 1990 to 2014. He also served as 4-H Dairy Superintendent for the Youth Dairy Cattle Show at the Iowa State Fair from 1997 to 2008. One his proudest accomplishments was encouraging and assisting his dairy science students to apply for the National ADSA Geneieve Christian Award, $1,500 awarded to only one student. For eight out of 12 years, an ISU dairy science student won the award with seven out of 11 years being students he advised. A few of his winners include Lorilee Schultz, Leah Henkes, Jordan Hansen, Jessie Hammerand and Logan Worden. Lee stated that it always helped if the students had good raw material to work with which was evidence of the excellent quality of students that Iowa State had in their program. A few of his honors include the 2005 ISU College of Agriculture Student Council Outstanding Advisor Award, 2007 ADSA Student Affiliate Division Outstanding Advisor, the 2011 Outstanding Undergraduate Advisor College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at ISU, and the 2017 ISDA Ralph Keeling Leadership Award. Dr. Kilmer has been an influential leader, advisor, and mentor to many dairy enthusiasts. Throughout the years, his passion and dedication while implementing dairy youth programs across Iowa, has assisted in shaping countless lives. Jessie Hammerand said, “As my coach while I was on the Iowa State University Dairy Judging team, Dr. Kilmer not only expanded my dairy judging knowledge 6 March 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald

but pushed myself as well as my team members to challenge ourselves and each other, make our own decisions and defend them, and grow as young adults with a passion for the dairy industry.” One little known fact is that Lee has a Model T collection owning five, with four in running condition. Last summer, Lee and a friend, Pastor Brian McNamara of Story City, left for a trip to Alaska leaving on June 1 and returning on July 18 with each driving one of their Model T’s. Lee drove his 1927 Model T pick-up pulling a 1926 Zagelmeyer pop-up camper. Their wives joined them in Alaska. Lee married his wife, Lucille, in 1973. They are the parents of Carol (Guy) Bennett of Tampa, Florida; Amy (Chad) Settle of Ames; and Jason (Mandy) Kilmer of Laurel, Maryland. They are the proud grandparents of Grace Bennett, Devin and Claire Settle, and Lena and Vera Kilmer.

From the Field

Goodbye winter, hello spring and summer! As we look ahead to warmer weather, we begin to think about the exciting season among us. From sales and shows to Holstein Association’s Annual Meeting, there are many great cows and people to see. Holstein Association USA paid tribute to the iconic, blackand-white Holstein cow and the dedicated people who raise them in the premiere episode of Holstein America, which aired February 8 on RFD-TV. The inspiring stories are available on the Holstein America landing page at, under latest news. Holstein Association USA invites all to view videos from the recent Member Update Meeting that was held in conjunction with the Iowa Holstein Association State Convention. The videos can be viewed at or by visiting the Holstein USA website, and click on Meetings & Conventions in the main menu, then select Member Update Meeting. Remember, June 1, 2018 is the deadline for registering and transferring a Junior-owned show animal. Before show season gears up in full-swing, be sure to check that your animals are properly identified. Check the back side of the registration paper, if your animal is registered with Tag ID, make sure she has two tags- one in each ear. Also check that the numbers on the tags match the numbers on the registration paper. Make plans now to join us for Holstein Association USA’s 133rd Annual Meeting in Acme, Michigan. This year’s Annual Meeting will be held Monday, July 2, and Tuesday, July 3. The registration deadline for the Convention is June 1. The Michigan Holstein Association has been working hard to plan an interesting and fun event that you won’t want to miss. Find more information and a registration form on our website,, under Meetings & Conventions. Have a wonderful spring and if you need anything please call Dennis Devore at 319.270.5038 or, or Alan Graves at 712.574.6120 or Dennis & Alan

Master Breeder Award Leroy Eggink, Sibley

During Leroy’s teen years he spent many hours working on his Uncle Harold Eggink’s dairy farm, which continued to instill in him his desire to be involved in the dairy industry. Leroy was very active in 4-H, FFA and the Iowa Junior Holstein Association where he held numerous offices. He was an Iowa Distinguished Junior Member in 1978. As an FFA member, he earned the Iowa FFA Degree and the American Farmer Degree. These organizations certainly helped him develop the leadership skills he’s using today. Leroy purchased his grandfather’s farm and began his dairy adventure as Great Heritage Holsteins in 1978 with the purchase of two registered Holsteins. In 1988, he married the love of his life, Kolette. They continued to live and work on the home place until they were able to purchase his Uncle Harold’s farm which had a better milking set-up. With several improvements and many long hours, they continue to dairy today. Their herd now has 50 registered Holstein cows with a rolling herd average of 22,000 pounds of milk with four cows producing over 40,000 pounds of milk. Great-Heritage Holsteins has been ranked in the Top 200 BAA Herds in the nation for the last fifteen years with the highest BAA being 111%. Currently his herd has 12 EX, 29 VG and 8 GP with a BAA of 109.3%. Through the years, he has bred over 100 EX cows including one EX-95, three EX-94 and six EX-93 cows. He has had one bull enter AI, Great Heritage BuzzET 7HO9254, along with having some other bull contracts through the years.

Iowa State University Dairy Science Student Profile

Name: Katie Kerndt Hometown: Waukon, Iowa High School: Waukon High School Class Size: 88 Farm Name: Kerndt Farms Major: Dairy Science Why did you decide to attend ISU? I decided to attend ISU due to the wonderful opportunities the College of Ag and Life Science had to offer for career preparation. I also enjoyed the atmosphere ISU had to offer and the “homebased” feel the campus gave me. What has been your most memorable college experience? So far, my most memorable college experience has been with the Dairy Science Club hosting the I Milked A Cow (IMAC) booth at the Iowa State Fair. This opportunity gave me the chance to teach all ages about where their milk comes from and most importantly teach them how to milk a cow. What has been your favorite course? While at Iowa State University, Animal Reproduction taught by Dr. Curtis Youngs has been my favorite course. What are your future career goals? After graduation, I plan to go into a career of Dairy Cattle Nutrition.

Iowa State University Dairy Science Department

1221 Kildee Hall, ISU, Ames, IA 50011 515-294-2160 • •

He has exhibited at the district, state and national levels and has had All-Iowa and Reserve All-Iowa winners. At the Iowa State Fair, he won Intermediate Champion with a VG-88 two-yearold, Bonnie-Elms Tippy that Leroy purchased as a baby calf, and has won the Moo-La Sweepstakes twice. Leroy received the Iowa Holstein Association’s Outstanding Young Holstein Breeder Award in 1986 and was the recipient of the Iowa Holstein Auxiliary’s Hall of Fame Award in 2010. Leroy has been actively involved in many organizations. He has served as president, vice president, and as a state director of the Iowa Holstein Association. He has also chaired and served on several state standing committees. Leroy served on the publicity and advanced information committee for the 2001 National Holstein Convention and was a co-chair of the registration committee for the 2014 National Holstein Convention. He served on the Board of Directors for the National Holstein Association from 2007-2013. Leroy also served on the National Association Show Committee for 9 years and the National Junior Advisory Committee for six years, serving as chair for two years. Leroy serves on the Iowa State Dairy Association Board, has been very active with AMPI and serves on the local DHIA board. He also serves on the board of directors of our local insurance agency. Leroy and his family our members of the First Reformed Church of Melvin. He is very active in leadership roles in his church as well as Cursillo, a Christian retreat. Leroy and Kolette have two children, Sara and Jacob.

For Sale ~ Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Cookbooks Cookbooks are available upon request. Cost is $10 plus $4 shipping. Contact: Kathy Demmer 6222 Sundown Rd • Peosta, Iowa 52068 563.542.2983 or 563.876.3120

* To save on shipping costs, contact Kathy to see if someone has cookbooks for sale near you.

2018 National Convention Delegates The following have been elected as Iowa's delegates to the 133rd Holstein Association USA Annual Meeting to be held July 2-3 in Acme, MI. Mark Knudtson • 563-419-1489 • Sheri Regan Danhof • 563-380-5945 • Kathleen Scott • 563-920-4005 • Dan Moon • 563-880-4562 •

Find Us on Facebook

Follow the latest news from both the Iowa Holstein Association and the Iowa Junior Holstein Association on Facebook. This will provide another source of communication with our members and other Holstein enthusiasts. March 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald 7

Iowa Junior Holstein Association News IJHA Officers

Nathan Arthur, President • 563-578-5342 • 20373 130th St, Sumner, IA 50674 Cynthia Hamlett, Vice-President • 319-634-3383 • 4113 H Ave, Aurora, IA 50607 Jenna Chapman, Secretary • 712-480-0741 • 3881 350th St, Ruthven, IA 51358 Brylie Volker, Treasurer • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 Naomi Scott, Co-Historian • 563-637-2386 • 12402 R Ave, Westgate, IA 50681 Brynlee Volker, Co-Historian • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 Amanda Dougherty, Digital Historian • PO Box 131, Epworth, IA 52045 Brylie Volker, Reporter • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 Junior Advisory Committee cHair Jeff & Tammy Hammerand • 563-744-3611 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 •

Junior Holstein Spring Meeting & Lunch Stand Mark your calendars now to attend the next Iowa Junior Holstein meeting scheduled to start at 10:30 a.m. March 17 in the Stephen’s Building at the Fayette County Fairgrounds in West Union. This is the same day as the State Holstein Sale. The Iowa Juniors will again be in charge of the lunch stand. Please bring wrapped bars for the lunch stand. Also any help from juniors and their parents to run the lunch stand that day as well as to help with clothing sales would be greatly appreciated. Public Speaking Contest For those of you who are interested in the Public Speaking Contest, please let Jeff Hammerand know by March 17. There are three age divisions: Junior (9-13), Intermediate (14-17), and Senior (18-21) all as of January 1, 2018. Rules for the contest are available online on the junior page under contests at www. Contact Jeff Hammerand at 563-580-3908 or email for more details.

Northeast Iowa Community College Dairy Science Student Profile

Name: Hayley Jackson Hometown: Frankfort, Indiana High School: Clinton Prairie Class Size: 82 Farm Name: JXN Holsteins Major: Dairy Science Technology

Why did I decide to go to NICC? I decided to go to NICC to get a hands-on experience in the classroom and grow connections with producers and others involved within the dairy industry. My most memorable college experience: My most memorable college experience has been participating in the North American International Livestock Exposition Dairy Judging Contest and getting to tour different farms along the way. What has been my favorite course? My favorite course has been working with animals. I liked the opportunity to travel around the area and look at different farms and being able to learn what operations work best. What are my future career goals? After graduating from NICC, I hope to get a job working with dairy farmers either with improving their genetics, or helping them to maximize the potential in their young heifers.

Northeast Iowa Community College Dairy Science Department • Calmar, IA 52132 Dave Lawstuen • • 866.474.4692 Ext. 112 8 March 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald

National Junior Membership Drive The National Junior Membership Drive has been a great success. The contest is continuing and we encourage everyone to sign up new national junior members. There are two categories: the state with the highest percentage of increase and the state with the highest increase in individual members. Membership increase will be determined by an initial count on January 1, 2018 and a final count on June 1, 2018. Membership applications can be downloaded at membership.html. The fee for National Junior Membership is $20 and is a one-time fee for juniors from birth to age 21. For more information contact Kelli Dunklee at 1-800-952-5200, ext. 4124. National Cow Awards In an effort to recognize more youth, Holstein Association USA Production/Breeder awards are automatically calculated which began in 2016 using 2015 animal information. Juniors are no longer required to submit entries for these awards. Information regarding the various cow awards can be found at www.

2017 Iowa Junior Holstein Convention

Juniors enjoyed bowling at the Junior Convention The 2017 Iowa Junior Holstein Convention was held December 27-28 at the Best Rest Inn, West Union, Iowa. Approximately 40 juniors attended the convention. The convention was kicked off with a knowledge test to see who would compete on the quiz bowl teams and in the jeopardy contest for the 2018 National Holstein Convention. The convention will be held in Acme, Michigan, with the theme being “Explore the Shore - Michigan Holsteins & More”. The meeting was held and new officers were elected. The new officers are: President – Nathan Arthur; Vice President – Cynthia Hamlett; Treasurer – Mary Scott; Secretary – Jenna Chapman; Reporter – Brylie Volker; Historians – Naomi Scott & Brynlee Volker; and Digital Historians – Amanda Dougherty. The afternoon was filled with fun ice breaker activities, games and pool time. We danced the night away as well as had a hulahoop contest and played musical chairs. After working up an appetite at the dance, we finished off the night with cards games and a movie! The juniors would like to thank the parents and adults that assisted with the convention! We look forward to next year’s Iowa Junior Holstein Convention. The next Iowa Junior Holstein meeting will be held at the State Sale on March 17, 2018 at 10:30 am at the West Union Fairgrounds. Hope to see you there!

Obituary Lois (Lommen) Sollien, age 83, of rural Decorah, Iowa, passed away peacefully at her home surrounded by family on January 1, 2018. Lois was born in Spring Grove to Harry and Stella (Aasum) Lommen on August 6, 1934. She attended country schools in rural Mabel and Spring Grove. She graduated from Spring Grove School in 1952. Lois was very active in 4-H, serving as president of the Houston County 4-H Federation. She worked for Dr. Knutson in his medical clinic for five years before marrying Everett Sollien on January 20, 1957. The couple farmed in rural Spring Grove from 1957 until 1959, when they moved to the farm home where she would spend the rest of her days. Lois was very active in the daily operations on the dairy farm, in addition to serving numerous roles in church and community organizations. She was a member of the Highland Lutheran Church. She was an inspiration and role model in 4-H again as an adult, serving in several leadership

capacities. Lois lived to always do her best, living a life of honesty and integrity. She will be deeply missed by her husband Everett, son Mark (Darlene Larson) of Decorah, four daughters: Mary Sacquitne (Kevin Lensch) of Decorah, Michele (Lynn) Hardin of Jefferson, Iowa, Marsha (Ken) Sawle of Rushford, Minn., and Monica (Steve) Bierschenk of Wildwood, Mo.; sister Margaret (Martin) Ranzenberger of Caledonia, Minn.; and sister-in-law Pat Sollien of Rochester, Minn. She is also survived by 11 grandchildren: Daniel and Adam Sacquitne, Tyler, Travis (Darcy), and Taylor Hardin, Isaac, Savannah, and Saylre Sawle, and Jacob, Gabriel and Rachael Bierschenk; one great-grandchild, Eli Hardin, and many nieces and nephews. Lois was preceded in death by her parents, brothers-in-law Floyd Sollien, Arden Sollien, and sister-in-law, Mary Lou Sollien. Funeral services were held on Friday, January 5, 2018, at the Highland Lutheran Church in rural Decorah.

Have you purchased a ticket for the Heifer Raffle! Iowa Holstein Association Iowa Holstein Heifer Raffle

Saturday, March 17, 2018 Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union, IA Drawing will be held prior to the start of the Iowa Spring Sale.


Grand Prize

Choice of heifer from one of the following supporters or $2,500 Cash Farnear Holsteins • Hawkeye Holsteins • Morningview Holsteins • Regancrest Holsteins You or a representative must be present at the sale to make choice or the cash award will be awarded for the cash prize.

2nd Prize ~ $1500 Cash | 3rd Prize ~ Trans Ova Certificate & $500 Cash | 4th Prize ~ $1000 Cash 5th Prize ~ 10 units of Kingboy Semen & $500 Cash | 6th Prize ~ $800 Cash 7th Prize ~ 4 Transfers & $250 Cash | 8th Prize ~ Zoetis Basket & $200 Cash 9th Prize ~ $500 Certificate from ST Genetics for Semen of Choice 10th Prize ~ $400 Certificate from Envision | 11th Prize ~ Zoetis Basket & $100 Cash 12th Prize ~ Steel Canvas Print & $100 Cash Proceeds to the Iowa Junior Holstein Association & Iowa Holstein Association

For tickets, please contact Shellie Volker 319.269.0318 or Carl Mensen 563.329.0876

Katie Stoll Account Manager

Hubbard Feeds Ridley USA Inc. 17914 Rainbow Dr. • Monticello, IA 52310 Cell: 641-858-6606 Email: •

Lands-Brook Farms "The Landsgards" 18239 Gunder Rd. • St. Olaf, IA 52072 Fax: 563-864-3338 • Larry Landsgard 17518 Gunder Rd • Postville, IA 52162 Larry’s Cell: 563-419-5576

District Officers District 1 President: Brent Wessel Vice-President: Brian Harbaugh Secretary: Kevin Fossum Treasurer: Dan Moon Membership: Mark Knudtson, Gary Sacquitne, Larry Landsgard, Myron Arthur Show Chairs: Mark Steffens & Eric Rediske Junior Advisory: Kevin & Julie Fossum, Bill & Shellie Volker, Lance & Jonna Schutte State Directors: Lance Schutte, Doug Lyons, Paul Stempfle District 2 President: Terry Eick Vice-President: Tony Malven Sec-Treas: Kelly Eick Membership: Dan Bolin State Director: Dan Bolin District 4 President: Heather Luitjens Vice-President: Brad Korver Sec-Treas: Charlotte Rollefson Show Chair: Charlotte Rollefson Membership: Dave Chapman State Director: Jim Vierhout District 5 President: Mark Ludwig Vice-President: Leroy Meyer Sec-Treas: Connie Ludwig Membership: Dwight Boeck District 6 President: Larry Madren Vice-President: Ron Finch Sec-Treas: Charles Sloniger Membership: Larry Madren District 8 President: Jeff Hammerand Vice-President: Tom Simon Sec-Treas: Bob & Rita Rahe Membership: Rick Demmer Show Chairs: Jeff Hammerand Junior Advisory: Shirley Simon, Kathy Demmer, Joanne Rauen State Directors: Bob Rahe, Jeff Hammerand District 9 President: Dean Miller Vice-President: Jack Lang Sec-Treas: Paula Smith Membership: Paula Smith District 10 President: Larry Rowley Vice-President: Alvin Keuning Sec-Treas: RoseAnn Rowley Membership: Lana Keuning March 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald 9

Index to Advertisers

Henkeseen Holsteins......................................12 Holstein USA..............................................7, 11 Iowa State University........................................5 Northeast Iowa Community College.................8 Prairie State/Select Sires..................................2 Stempfle Holsteins............................................5

Breeder Advertising Rates

Full Page $100.00 1/2 Page 60.00 1/4 Page 45.00 Calling Card (1 year) 35.00 Photos (each) $5.00 Additional 2-Color 30.00 Full Color Available upon request


Herd Averages: Month/RHA or DHIR Lactation Average No records over 365 days & No M.E.'s Due to uncertainties in the mail, the Herald cannot assume responsibility for prior delivery of issue carrying advertising of sales scheduled for less than 21 days after our issue date. The Executive Committee and the editor have discretion on all material printed in the Herald. Any member not paying a Herald advertising bill within 120 days from the billing date will not participate in Association activities until such bill is paid. Have you paid for your 2018 membership? This issue of the Herald was mailed to all 2017 adult Iowa Holstein Association members. However, you will not receive any further Heralds this year or be able to register animals at the reduced rate for being a state and national member until your payment is made. If you have not paid, please send your payment along with this form to the Iowa Holstein Association, 12686 U Ave., Sumner, IA 50674.

National Directors’ Report

As we near the end of winter, we can start hoping for more comfortable temperatures that will help us forget about the current sub-zero temps, ice and accumulating snowfall. Many states have held their state conventions by now and have recognized outstanding individuals for their amazing accomplishments. Congratulations to everyone! Holstein USA set a new record for the number of registrations and basic ID’s; the old record went back to 2016. Holstein enthusiasm is alive and well! The “State of the Association” report were first shared with the Holstein membership at the Iowa state meeting in February. The entire report can be viewed on the Holstein USA website. It is divided into several segments that can be viewed at your own time and leisure. Holstein USA was the subject of a documentary that aired on RFD-TV. “Holstein America: A Tribute to the National Dairy Farmers” was shown several different times in February. Dairy farmers across the country proved to be excellent spokesmen for the dairy industry and for Holstein USA in particular. A common theme was how Holstein USA was a contributing factor in their successful enterprises. It spoke of the hard work and dedication of their families in continuing to the improve the image and genetics of the Holstein cow. You can view this documentary on the Holstein USA website. Holstein Foundation recently graduated 51 from the YDLI Class 10. We encourage all young dairy famers to consider being part of this educational opportunity. Applications for Class 11 are due on August 1, 2018. The Judges Conference will be held in Madison, WI, on April 26th as part of the Spring Show. Attendance is required once every five years for everyone who wishes to be on the National or Qualified Judge List. After attending the conference, one must complete an application due to Holstein USA in August 2018. The 2019 Judging Conference ill be held in Columbus, Ohio. As your national directors, we have all enjoyed visiting with you as you meet with fellow dairy farmers, family, and business associates. Hope to see many of you at the 2018 National Holstein Convention to be held in Michigan June 29th – July 3rd. As always, feel free to contact us with your concerns or new ideas for improving Holstein USA. Paul, Mark, Dale, Boyd, and Corey

Iowa Holstein Association

2018 Adult Membership Fees due February 1 NAME:______________________________________________ DIST:_____________ CO:___________ MAILING ADDRESS:____________________________________ PHONE:_________________________ CITY, STATE:_____________________________________________ ZIP:___________________________ EMAIL:_________________________________________________________________ HOLSTEIN ASSOC., USA #:________________________NATIONAL MEMBER?__________ Yes_______ No Please check:____________Holstein Owner or Manager ________ Retired ________ Business & Industry 2017 Member?_________ Yes_________ No Base Fee (Every Member Pays)..................................................................................................... $25.00 Cow Fee, # of cows ________ @$1.00 per registered/identified cow on 1/1/18......................... ________ (Maximum Cow Fee $200.00) Spouse’s Membership in the Iowa Holstein Auxiliary (optional)...........................................................................5.00 Spouse’s Name_____________________ Total Fees: _________ Send card & check to Iowa Holstein Association, 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674


HOLSTEINS milk strong

live long

Mike & Kathleen Scott Family 12402 R Ave • Westgate, IA 50681 563.920.4005 • 563.637.2386 10 March 2018 Iowa Holstein Herald

Home of Terrick Holsteins Terry & Kelly Eick 1105 Ivory Ave. • Plainfield, IA 50666 Phone: 319-275-4719 Fax: 319-275-4501 Email:

Looking for a fancy show calf this Spring? Let “Siri” help you! Siri’s Gr’dam Siri’s Gr’dam: Henkeseen Modest Sophie EX-93-2E 4-4 365 31901 3.8 1225 3.2 1035 Siri’s Dam: Henkeseen B Sweetheart EX-90 3-8 342 31808 3.3 1053 3.0 976

Maternal Sisters to Sweetheart:

Henkeseen GChip Sophia-ET EX-90 EX -MS

4-0 365 33954 3.2 1080 2.9 998

Henkeseen GChip Sonnet-ET EX-90 EX-MS

4-3 365 35453 3.2 1103 3.0 1054

~ Also selling in the State Sale ~

Henkeseen Cashcoin Skyler GP-81 2-7 333 19637 4.1 756 3.6 664 Fresh 1-13-2018, 1st test 88 Lb 4.2F, 3.8P, 13,000 SCC EX-90 Dundee x EX-90 x EX-92 x EX-94 x EX-94

Looking for a Fancy Red & White Cow?

Check out our NICC Dairy Club Sale Consignment ~ Henkeseen Barb Rustic VG-87

Rustic’s Dam Henkeseen Barb Rustic VG-87 @ 3-6 2-2 365 21080 3.8 807 3.6 751 Rustic sells fresh in March Rustic’s Dam: Henkeseen Ad Ricotta EX-93-2E 8-0 326 25670 4.5 1166 3.4 861 Next Dam VG-88 Advent x EX-92 Ripple x EX-91 x EX-92 x EX-94 x EX-94

Breeding Bulls and Cows for sale at all times! ~ Both Red & White and Black & White! 12/17 Classification 110.8% 23 EX 26 VG 7 GP

Trent Henkes Family Phone: 563-783-2479 18467 165th St, Luana, IA 52156

Please note the following pages only include pages submitted by the Iowa Holstein Association for publication in the Spring 2018 Midwest Holsteins.

Iowa Holstein Heifer Raffle ~ Heifer Choices ~

$100 Ea

Morningview SPD Kia-Red

Hawkeye-JK MC Artic Snow-ET

Morningview Super Roxy EX-90 Morningview Holsteins 563.542.5590

Ms Arizona-ET EX-93 Hawkeye Holsteins 712.480.4410

Regan-Danhof P Cayla-ET

FARNEAR 31523 DYMO 38067-ET

OCD JACEY 2421-ET EX-91 Regancrest Holsteins 563.568.5257

Vision-Gen Sh Frd A12276-ET EX-90 Farnear Holsteins 563.599.9183

9-25-17 HHP +2398G Splendid P X Entitle X Mogul Pictured is 3rd Dam

12-4-17 +870NM +2744G Pinnacle X Jedi X Jacey Pictured is 2nd Dam

Thank You to these Donors! Your support is greatly appreciated! Select Sires (Mark Knudtson) Envision DCS (Pete Knipper) Dr. Justin Helgerson Farmers Union Coop Vita Plus (Duane Gibbs) ST Genetics Trans Ova Steel Cow Zoetis

3-4-17 APPLE FAMILY!! McCutchen X Defiant X Goldwyn Pictured is 2nd Dam

8-15-17 +896NM +2759G Dynamo X Delta X Shan Pictured is 3rd Dam

~ Raffle Prizes ~

1st Prize ~ Heifer Choice or $2500 Cash 2nd Prize ~ $1500 Cash 3rd Prize ~ Trans Ova Certificate & $500 Cash 4th Prize ~ $1000 Cash 5th Prize ~ 10 units of Kingboy Semen & $500 Cash 6th Prize ~ $800 Cash 7th Prize ~ 4 Transfers & $250 Cash 8th Prize ~ Zoetis Basket & $200 Cash 9th Prize ~ $500 Certificate from ST Genetics for Semen of Choice 10th Prize ~ $400 Certificate from Envision 11th Prize ~ Zoetis Basket & $100 Cash 12th Prize ~ Steel Cow Canvas Print & $100 Cash

Proceeds to the Iowa Junior Holstein Association & the Iowa Holstein Association

For tickets, please contact Shellie Volker 319.269.0318 or Carl Mensen 563.329.0876 10 - Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2018


Offering Cashmere’s 12/4/17 Pinnacle Daughter at the Iowa Spring Sale REGAN-DANHOF P CAYLA-ET

GTPI+2746 PTA +2650M +69F +74P PTA +868NM +8.1PL 2.85SCS +3.1DPR PTA +1.80T +1.61UDC +1.99FLC PTA +170FE Cayla is one of the choices for the Iowa Holstein Heifer Raffle. If she is not selected as the Grand Prize, then she will be sold at the sale as one of the first lots. Don’t miss this opportunity!


GTPI+2898 PTA +2236M +86F +74P Dam of #2 GTPI Young Bull ~ REGAN-DANHOF GAMECHANGER-ET GTPI+3041 at GENEX Jedi x Jacey 2421


EX-91@3-08 GTPI+2620 2-02 3 365 33530 4.0 1325 3.2 1072 Jacey x Epic EX x Ramos Crimson EX-94 GMD DOM

1095 Hwy 9, Waukon, IA 52172 | 563.568.2055 Fax: 563.568.4331 | Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2018 - 11

d of 70 Hea t Sell! s e n i F Iowa’s Fayette County Fairgrounds • West Union, Iowa • 11:00 AM • March 17, 2018

Iowa Spring Sale

KHW Regiment Apple-Red 3e-96

Sandy-Valley RobuSt Ruby EX-90

4-1 2X 365 35,750 4.7 1 687 3.7 1314 Timeless. . . No matter what sire, what color, or what generation, the Apples transmit and make $$$$$. We are thrilled to offer her high type daughters by 1st Grade and IMAC born in September, they have the cut and recognition for numerous marketing opportunities. Apple Partners

2-4 2X 305 29,450 3.2 950 3.1 916 The dam of Rubicon and from Planet Sapphire, then all the way back to Dellia 2E95. This high production family hits again and again. Selling is her 857NM Damaris great gr’dtr from a Kingboy then an Earnhardt back to Ruby. She sells open and ready to flush for her new owner. James Martin

View-Home Mrdian Iowa-ET VG-86 DOM


2-02 3X 365 35670 3.8 1342 3.1 1099 Brood cow extraordinaire IOWA is the dam of an early Samuri +2714G +901NM$ from Meridian Iowa then a VG-86 Robust out of a VG-87 Zenith, with six more generations of VG & EX dams from the Rudy Missy family. Eric Lang

4-04 2X 365 31900 3.8 1226 3.2 1036 From the heart of HENKESEEN breeding comes a fancy Archival summer yearling from an EX-90 Bradnick then Henkeseen Modest Sophie EX-93. Fancy calf ready for show season!! Henkeseen Holsteins

Sale Staff:

Scott Courtney 563-380-1318 • Jason Danhof 715-305-0522 • Kyle Demmer 563-451-5376 Carl Mensen 563-329-0876 • Scott Culbertson 507-923-1881 Bill Rauen 563-607-0694 • Jim Vierhout 712-439-2932 28 - Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2018

70 Hea d of Iowa’s Finest Sell! Fayette County Fairgrounds • West Union, Iowa • 11:00 AM • March 17, 2018

Iowa Spring Sale

Miller-Ff Ssire Exotic-ET VG-86

Da-So-Burn Burberry VG-87

2-02 2X 365 27100 4.5 1211 3.4 913 Selling from Former #2 GTPI heifer of the breed comes an early Eldorado calf at +2810G +872NM$ from Peak Exotic Dancer then Supersire Exotic VG-86. Peak Genetics

2-03 2X 365 28250 4.5 1278 3.4 949 From the Uno Burberry family comes +900NM Jedi from a Delta sister to Uno Burberry! A chance to get in to the Barbies and make your own chart toppers!! Reuben Nolt

Morningview Super Roxy *RC EX-90

Peak Dinah 80123-ET

4-08 2X 365 44550 3.5 1537 3.1 1369 From the Roxy family comes an early red Apprentice daughter that is bred for the show ring!! She is from a GP Monterey then VG-88 Mogul then Super Roxy herself. Morningview Holsteins

Catalogs available online at or contact Shellie Volker 319-269-0318 or

Due 6/6/2018 Selling from Jedi Dinah comes an early Spectre daughter +911NM and 2756G from Defender Dijon then Day the great brood cow Four-Cal Day Darby GP-83! Peak Genetics

Managed & Sponsored by:

Iowa Holstein Association Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2018 - 29

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