March 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald

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Iowa Holstein Herald March 2019

Highlights at Lands-Brook Lands-Brook Allen Dora EX-95-3E 95-MS

9-07 365 36916 3.6 1311 3.1 1140 LTD: 196,570 3.7 7255 3.2 6210 1st Aged Cow and Champion Bred & Owned, 2012 Midwest National Fall Show 1st Aged Cow and Senior Champion, 2012 Iowa Holstein Show & Iowa State Fair 1st Aged Cow, 2012 Minnesota State Fair 3rd Aged Cow, 2015 Midwest National Spring Show 6th Aged Cow, 2014 Midwest National Spring Show Dora was the matriarch of our herd, and her influence continues.

Her Son: Lands-Brook Dexter-ET EX-94 (by Sanchez) was purchased by Hawkeye Holsteins, and his semen is marketed by Triple Hill Sires. Her Daughters in Our Herd:

Lands-Brook Doralyn-ET VG-88 (by Shottle) 7-01 365 37,770 3.9 1470 2.9 1096 Lands-Brook Gold Desire-ET EX-90 3-05 365 27,185 4.0 1094 3.4 921 Lands-Brook Gold Design-ET VG-88 3-05 365 26,310 3.7 975 3.3 865 Lands-Brook Gold Dynasty-ET VG-86 3-11 365 26,114 3.8 989 3.3 851 Lands-Brook Gold Dazzle-ET VG-85 3-11 309 24,209 4.2 1007 3.0 726 Lands-Brook Atwod Devine-ET VG-88 3-00 309 24,797 3.9 957 3.0 735 Lands-Brook Atwd Daphnie-ET VG-86 2-01 365 24,867 3.7 929 2.9 719 Lands-Brook Armani Danielle GP-83 1-11 365 23,119 4.2 981 3.4 797 Lands-Brook GD Dancer-ET VG-85 1st calf Lands-Brook GD Dreamer-ET GP-83 1st calf Lands-Brook GD Domaine-ET GP-81 1st calf Lands-Brook Daisy-ET GP-82 (by Durham) 1st calf

Dora’s Goldwyn Daughter: Lands-Brook Desire-ET VG-87 Purchased by Charlie Hamilton of Cuba City, WI, at the 2014 National Convention Sale in Dubuque. Her current record is 4-04 248 37,114 3.3 1235 2.9 1075 Inc.

Her First Two Daughters:

Hil-Ton Silver Dart-ET VG-85 2-00 321 30,309 3.86 1169 3.11 947 Hil-Ton Silver Darlene-ET 1-11 365 38,763 3.8 1457 3.0 1181

Our Future Chore Help!

On January 7, 2019 we welcomed Ellie Jo Landsgard into the family! Zach with Clara, Dominik, Jackie with Ellie, and Sofia

Our Consignment to The Iowa Spring Sale: Lands-Brook Salsa-Red VG-86 2-01 331 19,384 4.0 781 3.0 591 Sired by Armani out of an EX Advent Next 6 dams VG or EX

Lands-Brook Farms

"The Landsgards" 18239 Gunder Rd. • St. Olaf, IA 52072 Fax: 563-864-3338 • email:

Larry Landsgard 17518 Gunder Rd • Post ville, IA 52162 Larry’s Cell: 563-419-5576

March 2019 VOL. 80 NO. 1

Editor - Paula Smith • 3422 140th St. • Brooklyn, IA 52211-8612 Phone: 641-522-5493 • Cell: 641-990-1892

Iowa Holstein Herald

The official publication of the Iowa Holstein Association Officers Trent Henkes, President 18467 165th St, Luana, IA 52156 563-783-2479 • Carl Mensen, Vice-President 21958 Ungs Rd, Guttenberg, IA 52052 563-853-2402 • Paula Smith, Secretary 3422 140th St, Brooklyn, IA 52211 641-522-5493 • Shellie Volker, Treasurer 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 319-269-0318 • District Directors Paul Stempfle • 536-920-9495 16707 100th St, Maynard, IA 50655 Doug Lyons • 563-419-0275 131 Military Rd, Castalia, IA 52133 Matt Henkes • 563-880-8614 17061 165th St • Luana, IA 52156 Dan Bolin • 319-278-4288 30707 180th St, Clarksville, IA 50619 Jim Vierhout • 712-439-2932 Box 563, Hull, IA 51239 Jeff Hammerand • 563-580-3908 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 Bob Rahe • 563-921-3745 15378 Rte 136, Dyersville, IA 52040 Directors-At-Large Kevin Fossum • 563-568-7587 1267 Jeglum Rd, Waterville, IA 52170 Joe Gibbs • 563-543-0113 9482 Bierman Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 Mark Knudtson • 563-419-1489 313 Hwy 9 Waukon, IA 52172 Dan Moon • 563-880-4562 19475 155th St, Monona, IA 52159 Tom Simon • 563-599-9183 10644 Cemetery Rd, Farley, IA 52046 Katie Stoll • 641-858-6606 19988 215th St, Monticello, IA 52310 Walt Wessel • 563-590-8162 28547 400th St, Greeley, IA 52040 National Director Mark Kerndt • 563-568-1727 1318 W Main St, Waukon, IA 52172 Holstein AssociatION 1 Holstein Place, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Telephone: 802-254-4551 Toll Free Number: 800-952-5200 Fax: 802-254-8251 • Holstein Regional Representatives Dennis Devore • 319-270-5038 Cedar Rapids, IA •


Distinguished Junior Member and Young Distinguished Junior Member Awards...................5, 7 Iowa Holstein Princesses.......................................................................................................4, 5 Junior News................................................................................................................................6 National Directors’ Report..........................................................................................................9 President’s Perspective..............................................................................................................4 Top BAA Herds...........................................................................................................................9

Calendar of Events

March 15 Executive Committee Meeting, West Union 16 State Board Meeting, West Union 16 Junior Holstein Meeting, West Union 16 Iowa State Holstein Spring Sale, Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union May 1 Advertising Deadline for the June Herald/Midwest Holsteins June 24-27 National Holstein Convention, Appleton, WI July 2 District 1 Open & Junior Shows, Clayton County Fairgrounds, National 18 Iowa Junior Holstein Show, Delaware County Fairgrounds, Manchester 18 District 8 Junior Show, Delaware County Fairgrounds, Manchester 19 Iowa Holstein Show, Delaware County Fairgrounds, Manchester 19 District 8 Open Show, Delaware County Fairgrounds, Manchester TBA District 4 Junior Show, Osceola Fairgrounds, Sibley August 9 Iowa State Fair Open Show, Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines 10 Iowa State Fair Youth Show, Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines

On the Cover

Featured on the cover are the Iowa Junior Holstein Association award winners who were recognized at the 2019 Iowa Holstein Convention on February 23 in Emmetsburg. Upper Photo: Nathan Arthur received the Distinguished Junior Member Award. Naomi Scott (lower left photo) and Brynlee Volker (lower right photo) were named Young Distinguished Junior Members. The Iowa Holstein Association adult award winners and convention highlights will be printed in the June issue.


Subscriptions: A copy of each issue of the Iowa Holstein Herald shall be sent to each adult member of the Iowa Holstein Association and that $8.00 of each adult member's base rate annual dues of $25.00 shall be for a year's subscription to the Herald. Junior members may subscribe to the Herald for $10. The subscription price is $10 for people not residing in Iowa. Postmasters: Please send address changes to Iowa Holstein Herald, 12686 U Ave., Sumner, IA 50674.

Iowa Holstein Herald (USPS 024497) is published quarterly each year by the Iowa Holstein Association, 3422 140th St, Brooklyn, IA 52211-8612. The publication dates are March 1, June 1, October 1 and December 1. Periodical postage paid at Brooklyn, IA and additional offices. The deadline for submitting news and advertising copy is 30 days preceding publication date of issue. March 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald 3

President’s Perspective

2018 Iowa Holstein Princess

As I write my final President’s perspective I think about how time flies and I’ve already concluded my two years as President. Then, I think about our January and February weather and how I was wishing Spring would hurry up. I guess it just depends on what you’re doing! With the tough winter and low milk prices at least if you’re a basketball fan, we have a lot to cheer about in Iowa! The Cyclone and Hawkeye men and women’s team are having awesome seasons and giving us lots of excitement! Speaking of excitement, we are once again sponsoring the Calf Raffle at our State Spring Sale. Be sure to purchase your tickets before they are all sold. There will only be 200 tickets available and can be purchased from any state board member for $100 each. This is a great way to support your association and have a chance to win some awesome prizes. Be sure to come early to the sale as the state association will be serving a complimentary meal to all sale attendees from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. The junior association will have a concession stand open for purchasing additional food and drinks after the complimentary meal is served. It’s also not too early to be thinking about and making plans for the National Holstein Convention which will be in Appleton, Wisconsin, June 24-27. Be sure to order your tickets and reserve your hotel rooms early to “Making Legendairy Leaps”. I’d like to congratulate the award winners at our state convention and wish our new President best of luck! Remember to keep promoting the registered Holstein cow and the milk she produces. It’s up to all of us to portray a positive image and encourage the world to use dairy!! Thanks for letting me serve this organization! Trent

Thank You to Our 2019 Heifer Raffle Sponsors!

We would like to thank our 2019 Heifer Raffle Sponsors for their generous support! Driven Embryos DCS ~ Pete Knipper Farmers Union Coop ST Genetics Prairie State Select Sires Trans Ova Genetics Steel Cow Zoetis Envisions Hubbard Remember to purchase your ticket for a chance of 4 heifers or a $2,000 cash prize or several other prizes. More information on the raffle is printed on page 6 in the Herald and on page 8 in the Midwest Holsteins section, which has information on each of the heifers available. A special thank you to Banowetz Dairy, J-Volker Holsteins, Alan Kruse and Le-O-La Holsteins for offering a heifer from their herd. 4 March 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald

Hello again, I was recently at a dairy summit where one of the speakers emphasized the ever growing gap between dairy farming and townspeople. It’s no secret that there is much distance between the farming community and the town people. We all agree that we need to take action to close this gap, but we don’t do anything to stop the stereotype that farmers assign to townspeople. Time after time, I hear people gossiping about someone who doesn’t belong in the dairy industry because they don’t live on a farm, and I’m guilty of saying this as well. As I sat back and reflected on the presentation, I was reminded that closing the gap starts with us. We have to be more willing to let outsiders come on to our farms and in to our lives so they can see how much the dairy cows impact our lives. We need to continue sharing our stories as well as letting others be part of our story. I challenge you to make a difference and open your farm to someone who lives in town. Instead of asking why he/she wants to get involved, ask where do you want to start? As my reign comes to an end, I want to say thank you for welcoming me into your community with open arms. This past year has been extremely enjoyable filled with new friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. Through this reign, I have been able to become connected with other fellow holstein breeders, and am becoming a more active member in the Junior Holstein Association. I also want to thank Cynthia for being a great princess with me. 2018 was an amazing year being able to serve as the Iowa Holstein Princess. Signing off, Amanda Engelken

Have you paid for your 2019 Iowa Holstein Association Membership?

This issue of the Herald was mailed to all 2018 adult Iowa Holstein Association members. However, you will not receive any further Heralds this year or be able to register animals at the reduced rate for being a state and national member until your payment is made. It was approved last year by the board to assess a $10 late fee on memberships paid after March 1 since district rebates are calculated on district membership as of March 1. The rebates help districts fund their district shows and other activities. If you have not paid, please send your payment along with this form to the Iowa Holstein Association, 12686 U Ave., Sumner, IA 50674.

Iowa Holstein Association

2018 Adult Membership Fees due February 1 NAME:______________________________________________ DIST:_____________ CO:___________ MAILING ADDRESS:____________________________________ PHONE:_________________________ CITY, STATE:_____________________________________________ ZIP:___________________________ EMAIL:_________________________________________________________________ HOLSTEIN ASSOC., USA #:________________________NATIONAL MEMBER?__________ Yes_______ No Please check:____________Holstein Owner or Manager ________ Retired ________ Business & Industry 2018 Member?_________ Yes_________ No Base Fee (Every Member Pays)..................................................................................................... $25.00 Cow Fee, # of cows ________ @$1.00 per registered/identified cow on 1/1/19......................... ________ (Maximum Cow Fee $200.00) Spouse’s Membership in the Iowa Holstein Auxiliary (optional)...........................................................................5.00 Spouse’s Name_____________________ Late Fee......................................................................................................................................................................................5.00 Total Fees: _________ Send card & check to Iowa Holstein Association, 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674

Alternate Iowa Holstein Princess

Hello all! My reign as the Iowa Holstein Princess Alternate is coming to an end, but that does not mean my passion for the dairy community is ending. It’s crazy to think a whole year has gone by since I was crowned last February. From the few events I participated in, it was a great opportunity to represent the Holstein breed. I am looking forward to summertime, where I will be working with Midwest Dairy as the Iowa intern. This will allow me to continue sharing my dairy story with consumers and dairy farmers around Iowa. In addition to that, I will be the chair of the I Milked a Cow committee at Iowa State and will be attempting to run the show for 10 quick days at the Iowa State Fair. Feel free to stop by, say hi and maybe bring someone who has never milked a cow by hand! If you would like to stay in contact with me, my phone number is (563) 608-9737 and my email address is Thank you to all for a fun year, and I look forward to seeing everyone this coming summer. Signing off and best regards, Cynthia Hamlett

2018 Iowa Junior Holstein Convention

The 2018 Iowa Junior Holstein Convention was held December 27-28 at the Comfort Inn, Dyersville. Approximately 40 juniors attended the convention. The convention was kicked off with a knowledge test to see who would compete on the quiz bowl teams and in the jeopardy contest for the 2019 National Holstein Convention. The convention will be held in Appleton, WI, with the theme being “Legendairy Leaps”. The meeting was held and new officers were elected. The new officers are: President – Cynthia Hamlett; Vice President – Brylie Volker; Treasurer – Faith Palmer; Secretary – Reagan Kime; Reporter – Brynlee Volker; Historians – Nora & Faith Palmer & Hannah Scott; and Digital Historians – Amanda Engelken & Brylie Volker. The afternoon was filled with fun ice breaker activities, games and pool time. We danced the night away as well as had a hulahoop contest and played musical chairs. After working up an appetite at the dance, we finished off the night with cards games and a movie! The juniors would like to thank the parents and adults that assisted with the convention! We look forward to next year’s Iowa Junior Holstein Convention. The next Iowa Junior Holstein meeting will be held at the State Sale on March 16, 2019 at 10:00 am at the West Union Fairgrounds. Hope to see you there!

Distinguished Junior Member Award Nathan Arthur is the 20-yearold son of Alden and Amy Arthur of Sumner, Iowa. His family milks 110130 dairy cows, depending on the time of year; and farms about 700 acres of corn, soybeans, and alfalfa. For as long as he can remember, Nathan has been active on his family’s farm, whether feeding bottle calves or helping milk. As he grew older, he began to increase his involvement on the farm, learning to drive the skid loader, feed silage, bed heifer pens, haul manure, and mix TMR. In high school, he joined FFA and used his involvement on his family’s farm as his SAE. This transitioned his involvement from a helper to a decision maker. Rather than taking orders from his dad, he could make personal decisions about practices on the farm, and was able to fail or succeed on his own. Ten years ago at the Iowa State Holstein sale Nathan purchased his first heifer, a fall calf named Ms. Premier Buckeye Claudia. She had her faults, but every great cow family must begin somewhere. He used clever mating decisions to fix her faults and little did he know that she would become the foundation of his dairy career and inspire his love for the Holstein cow. Nathan’s Junior Holstein involvement has made a significant impact on his life. Within the Iowa Junior Holstein Association Nathan has served as president, vice-president, and secretary. In 2015 he was a National Holstein Young Distinguished Junior Member Finalist. He has represented Iowa on both National Championship Junior & Senior Quiz Bowl teams along with placing first in Jeopardy. He has also shown at the county, district, state, and national level. When he began his junior involvement he never imagined the friendships he would form, the achievements he would accomplish, or the dreams that would one day become a reality. The National Junior Holstein Association has not only left a lasting impression on his past, but it has also made a substantial difference on his future. Currently, Nathan is a junior at Iowa State University majoring in Dairy Science, with a minor in Agronomy. He is actively involved on campus, with the Dairy Science Club, Dairy Judging Team, Beginning Farmers Network, and The Iowa State Farm Operation Club. He is also very active in the college of Agriculture and Life Science, representing Iowa State on a Study Aboard Course studying the Agriculture Systems of New Zealand. He will also be attending a similar trip studying animal science and dairy science in The Netherlands. He has had several internships dealing with sales and currently has a part time job with Purebred Publishing as a Jr. Sale Executive. Being inspired by science and knowledge, after graduation, he would like to find a job with an AI or nutrition company. He plans to work in sales for a few years before returning to his family’s farm and to continue the dairy farming legacy of his father, grandparents, and great grandparents. No matter where his future may lead him, he cannot image where he would be without the Holstein cow. Because of this, he is certain of a future in the dairy industry.

March 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald 5

Iowa Junior Holstein Association News Iowa Junior HOlstein Association Officers Cynthia Hamlett, President • 319-634-3383 • 4113 H Ave, Aurora, IA 50607 Brylie Volker, Vice-President • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 Reagan Kime, Secretary • 563-776-4019 • 1152 330th Ave, Waucoma, IA 52171 Faith Palmer, Treasurer • 563-568-7992 • 835 McCabe Dr, Waukon, IA 52172 Naomi Scott, Historian • 563-637-2386 • 12402 R Ave, Westgate, IA 50681 Faith Palmer, Historian • 563-568-7992 • 835 McCabe Dr, Waukon, IA 52172 Nora Palmer, Historian • 563-568-7992 • 835 McCabe Dr, Waukon, IA 52172 Amanda Engelken, Digital Historian • 563-923-5375 • 2085 260th Ave, Earlville, IA 52041 Brylie Volker, Digital Historian • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 Brynlee Volker, Reporter • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 Junior Advisory Committee cHair Jeff & Tammy Hammerand • 563-744-3611 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 •

National Junior Membership Drive The National Junior Membership Drive has been a great success. The contest is continuing and we encourage everyone to sign up new national junior members. There are two categories: the state with the highest percentage of increase and the state with the highest increase in individual members. Membership increase will be determined by an initial count on January 1, 2019 and a final count on June 1, 2019. Membership applications can be downloaded at The fee for National Junior Membership is $20 and is a one-time fee for juniors from birth to age 21. For more information contact Kelli Dunklee at 1-800-952-5200, ext. 4124.

Milk records now available directly from your milking system

Junior Holstein Spring Meeting & Lunch Stand Mark your calendars now to attend the next Iowa Junior Holstein meeting scheduled to start at 10:00 a.m. March 16 in the Stephen’s Building at the Fayette County Fairgrounds in West Union. This is the same day as the State Holstein Sale. The Iowa Juniors will be helping serve the complimentary meal. Please bring wrapped bars or cookies for the complimentary meal. Also any help from juniors and their parents to run the lunch stand that day as well as to help with clothing sales would be greatly appreciated. Public Speaking Contest For those of you who are interested in the Public Speaking Contest, please let Jeff Hammerand know by March 16. There are three age divisions: Junior (9-13), Intermediate (14-17), and Senior (18-21) all as of January 1, 2019. Rules for the contest are available online on the junior page under contests at Contact Jeff Hammerand at 563-580-3908 or email 24heavenlee@ for more details. National Cow Awards In an effort to recognize more youth, Holstein Association USA Production/Breeder awards are automatically calculated which began in 2016 using 2015 animal information. Juniors are no longer required to submit entries for these awards. Information regarding the various cow awards can be found at

TriStar AMR allows producers with robotic milking systems to have records collected from the on-farm software and processed by AgriTech Analytics once per month. 305-day records for Registered Holsteins will be loaded into the herdbook database and available for publication on pedigrees.

More data. More value for U.S. Registered Holsteins. PROGRAM BENEFITS: • Allows your data to stay in the Holstein Association USA performance system for display on Official Holstein Pedigrees • 305-day production records will be added to Official Holstein Pedigrees as soon as they are processed FEES: • $204 annual fee, plus $2 per completed 305-day lactation record for Registered cows. • TriStar AMR is not included as a benefit of Holstein COMPLETE® At this time, AMR records are not eligible for any Holstein Association USA recognition programs.

Holstein Association USA, Inc. • 800.952.5200

6 March 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald

Young Distinguished Junior Member Awards Brynlee Volker is the 16-year-old daughter of Bill and Shellie Volker of Sumner. She has three siblings Brylie, Brenna, and Brielle. Brynlee and her sisters are very valuable to their mother, assisting with Holstein Association mailings and shows. She was born into dairy farming and those are some of her most vivid memories from early childhood. She currently works for Arthurcreek Holsteins, milking, feeding calves and heifers, and helping with the show string. In this way she can stay actively involved in the dairy community. Through Brynlee’s association with Arthurcreek Holsteins, they have given her the ability to show. In order to do this, she has taken advantage of the Junior Lease Program provided by Holstein Association USA. It allows juniors without project animals to gain valuable experience of caring for and showing Holsteins, while being mentored by experienced Holstein breeders. Brynlee is very involved in Iowa Junior Holstein Association and takes a leadership role at our State Junior Conventions. She has attended several National Conventions, representing Iowa in jeopardy, scrapbook, digital scrapbook and quiz bowl. She was a member of the 2018 National Junior Quiz Bowl Championship team. Brynlee says “my best friend Naomi and I placed 4th in the scrapbook contest in 2017 at the National Convention, we were determined to work hard because we really wanted to win.” Their hard work paid off as they won first place scrapbook at the 2018 National Convention. After graduating from high school, she plans to attend the University of Northern Iowa majoring in Elementary Education – teaching K-6 and minoring in Physical Education, while staying involved in the dairy industry.

Naomi Scott is the 15-year-old daughter of Mike and Kathleen Scott. She has seven siblings; Jacob, Rachel, John, Mary, Ben, Adam and Hannah. Scottmore Holsteins in Westgate, Iowa is a family owned and operated registered Holstein dairy farm. The farm is home to 160 cows and 150 heifers, 230 acres of corn and alfalfa are grown. Two Lely robots milk 120 of the 160 registered Holsteins which are housed in a sand bedded freestall barn. Naomi milks an additional 30 cows in their old 68 stall barn, morning and night. She also helps with all aspects of classification from clipping and washing cattle to cleaning up the barns. With guidance from her mother, Naomi enjoys the responsibility of making mating decisions on the cattle that she owns. Naomi has shown Holsteins at all levels, winning showmanship on many of those levels. She began showing animals in novice and kiddy calf shows at the age of 4. Of course getting ready for shows requires a lot of walks in the front yard, also this is when she learned how to clip and started working on toplines and fitting techniques which she still enjoys improving on today. Naomi has so many amazing show memories, but the favorite and most exciting was when Scottmore Atwood Daphne EX 92, a cow which two of her siblings and Naomi had purchased from their parents, was named Reserve Junior All-American after placing 2nd in the Jr. 3 year old class at World Dairy Expo. Naomi has attended several National Conventions, representing Iowa in jeopardy, scrapbook, and quiz bowl. She was part of the 2018 National Junior Quiz Bowl Championship team and the first place scrapbook. Naomi says “I will never forget these experiences, and I am so grateful to my coaches and family for helping me study, taking me to practices and giving me great opportunities to be involved in this great Holstein Association.” Her future goals are to grow her herd Iowa Holstein Heifer Raffle and improve every aspect she can. Watching $100 Saturday, March 16, 2019 DAs and calves being born has grown her inFayette County Fairgrounds, West Union, IA terest in animal anatomy which has given her Drawing will be held prior to the start of the Iowa Spring Sale. the idea of going to vet school. Grand Prize

Have you purchased a ticket for the Heifer Raffle! Iowa Holstein Association

Choice of heifer from one of the following supporters or $2,000 Cash Shawn & Levi Banowetz • J-Volker Holsteins • Alan Kruse • Le-O-La Holsteins You or a representative must be present at the sale to make choice or the cash award will be awarded for the cash prize.

2nd Prize ~ $1500 Cash | 3rd Prize ~ Trans Ova Certificate & $500 Cash | 4th Prize ~ $1000 Cash 5th Prize ~ $250 Semen Certificate from Select Sires & $500.00 Cash 6th Prize ~ $250 Semen Certificate from ST Genetics & $400.00 Cash 7th Prize ~ $250 Semen Certificate from Select Sires & $300.00 Cash 8th Prize ~ $500 Cash | 9th Prize ~ Zoetis Bucket & $200 Cash 10th Prize ~ $200.00 Certificate from Envision and $200.00 Cash 11th Prize ~ Zoetis Basket & $100 Cash | 12th Prize ~ Steel Cow Portrait & $100 Cash Proceeds to the Iowa Junior Holstein Association & Iowa Holstein Association

For tickets, please contact Shellie Volker 319.269.0318 or Carl Mensen 563.329.0876

Home of Terrick Holsteins Terry & Kelly Eick 1105 Ivory Ave. • Plainfield, IA 50666 Phone: 319-275-4719 Fax: 319-275-4501 Email:

March 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald 7

District Officers District 1 President: Brent Wessel Vice-President: Brian Harbaugh Secretary: Kevin Fossum Treasurer: Dan Moon Membership: Mark Knudtson, Gary Sacquitne, Myron Arthur, Larry Landsgard Show Chair: Larry Landsgard Junior Advisory: Kevin & Julie Fossum, Bill & Shellie Volker, Lance & Jonna Schutte State Directors: Paul Stempfle, Doug Lyons, Matt Henkes District 2 President: Terry Eick Vice-President: Kevin Kueker Sec-Treas: Kelly Eick Membership: Dan Bolin State Director: Dan Bolin District 4 President: Heather Luitjens Vice-President: Brad Korver Sec-Treas: Charlotte Rollefson Show Chair: Charlotte Rollefson Membership: Dave Chapman State Director: Jim Vierhout

District 5 President: Mark Ludwig Vice-President: Leroy Meyer Sec-Treas: Connie Ludwig District 6 President: Larry Madren Vice-President: Ron Finch Sec-Treas: Charles Sloniger District 8 President: Jeff Hammerand Vice-President: Tom Simon Sec-Treas: Bob & Rita Rahe Membership: Rick Demmer Show Chairs: Jeff Hammerand Junior Advisory: Shirley Simon, Kathy Demmer, Joanne Rauen State Directors: Bob Rahe, Jeff Hammerand District 9 President: Dean Miller Vice-President: Jack Lang Sec-Treas: Paula Smith District 10 President: Larry Rowley Vice-President: Lana Keuning Sec-Treas: RoseAnn Rowley

Iowa State University Dairy Science Student Profile

Name: Nathan Arthur Hometown: Sumner, Iowa High School: Sumner-Fredericksburg High School Class Size: 72 Farm Name: ArthurCreek Holsteins Major: Dairy Science

Why did you decide to attend ISU: I chose ISU for their historical and well-known dairy program. ISU also offered an in state option for a schooling that would further my knowledge dairy and skill in the dairy field. Iowa State has some of the leading dairy nutritionists in the industry and offered a course on Embryo Transfer (ANS 333) that would certify my ET abilities. What has been your most memorable college experience? My most memorable college experience was traveling to ADSA-SAD my freshman and sophomore years. I met new Dairy Science Club members at ISU, but also students from all of the dairy clubs from around the Midwest. Most of the people I met I see at shows, World Dairy Expo or National Holstein Convention, far away from ADSA. What has been your favorite course? My favorite course at ISU was ANS 496 NZ which allowed me to study the cultural and agricultural differences between the United States and New Zealand and travel there for 17 days. I visited dairy farms, a dairy goat farm, Fonterra, a company supplying 90% of New Zealand milk, Pioneer and many other farms and businesses. I was also able to go whitewater rafting and bungee jumping. It was such an amazing opportunity that changed my outlook on agriculture, dairy farming and everyday life. What are your future career goals? My future careers goal are in the domestic animal reproduction field or nutritional field. Additionally, one day would like to return to the farm or have a small herd of high end genomic and show cattle.

Iowa State University

Dairy Science Department 1221 Kildee Hall, ISU, Ames, IA 50011 515-294-2160 • •

Your ultimate source for buying ® or selling Registered Holsteins Holstein Association USA provides effective, affordable advertising opportunities through the Holstein Marketplace to help breeders optimize their investment.


Registered Holsteins? 8 March 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald

Quality genetics. Maximum profit. Looking to buy or sell Registered Holsteins? Visit to place your $25 ad today!

buy or sell Holstein Association USA • • 800.952.5200

Top BAA Herds for 2018

National Directors’ Report

We are now three months into 2019, and we here in the upper Midwest have been reminded of the cold temperatures and wind chills of the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. If there is any positive here, it is that the extremes usually do not last for long and spring is hopefully not far away. Now that the final numbers for 2018 are in, we know that females registered or identified reached an all-time record of 748,543. This represents a 1% increase (5683 animals) over the previous high set in 2017. Your Association is working with a higher percentage of dairy farms than ever before. Your sales representatives deserve a lot of credit for this growth. The continuing IT project has helped with processing orders correctly and returning them in a timely manner to you. Online transfers are now being easier and faster than ever! The national board has not met since last November, however, we board members along with association members have been active by serving on several committees. The Audit Committee has been updated on current financial trends. The Nominating Committee is working diligently to find nominees for the 2019 board or officer elections. The Legislation Committee has been working hard to support the Dairy Pride Act, calling for the word “milk” to be used only with real dairy products. Thanks to everyone who is willing to take the time and responsibility of keeping our association strong and moving forward during this challenging time. Many states have held their annual meetings by now. Congratulations to everyone who has been recognized by their respective states! John Meyer, Holstein USA CEO, delivered his “State of the Association” address at the California meeting. It is available for you to view on the Holstein USA website or on YouTube. The latest chapter of Holstein America was aired on RFD TV early February. If you missed watching it, Holstein website or YouTube gives you another option. The Judge’s Conference will be held in conjunction with the Mideast Spring Show, March 28th, in Columbus, Ohio. Attendance once every five years is required to remain on the Holstein Judges List. Advance registration is suggested but late registrations will be accepted. Look for more information on the website or contact your Holstein representative. Upcoming spring sales will offer excellent chances to add fine genetics to your herd. The website of Holstein Marketplace is also an excellent opportunity for you to add to your herd. Holstein Marketplace Sires, new since mid- January 2019, offers more selections for you and your herd. Looking forward, we hope many of you are planning to attend the National Convention that will be held in June 2019 in Appleton, Wisconsin. This meeting is an excellent chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones! As always, feel free to contact any of us with your comments or concerns. Your Officers and Midwest Directors Mark Kerndt, Corey Geiger, Steve Moff, Robert Webb, Boyd Schaufelberger, and Dale Drendel

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Follow the latest news from both the Iowa Holstein Association and the Iowa Junior Holstein Association on Facebook. This will provide another source of communication with our members and other Holstein enthusiasts.

The following summary represents the highest classified herds in Iowa for 2018. This list includes all herds that were classified in the calendar year of 2018 with ten or more cows and a BAA% of 105.0 or above. If the herd was classified more than once during the year, the most recent classification was used.


Classification Date




G Total

Dan Moon








Clover Hill Farms








Ken & Ashley Kishman








Trent Henkes








Larry Dykstra








Nathan Meyer








Douglas James Lyons








Leroy C. Eggink








Lands-Brook Farms








Bruce & Gary Sacquitne








James & Rebecca Lomen








David Chapman








Chad & Erin Hunt








Marlin J. Bontrager








Boyd & Karen Ferguson








Paul F. Schmitt






5 152

Joe & Linda Zuercher








Leslie Shirk High








Petey-Built Holsteins








J & J Dairy Inc.






0 113

Heather & Brandon Moore








Cary & Jennifer Bierschenk 07/19/18















David & Rhonda Bahr








Scottmore Holsteins






2 129

Jason Volker






16 101

Terry E. Eick








Carl & Lisa Mensen








G & J-Pol Farm








John & Peggy Sparrgrove






Church-Hill Dairy






12 130 4


2019 National Convention Delegates The following have been elected as Iowa's delegates to the 134th Holstein Association USA Annual Meeting to be held June 26-27 in Appleton, WI. Scott Courtney • 563-380-1318 • Leroy Eggink • 712-461-3643 • Mark Knudtson • 563-419-1489 • Sheri Regan Danhof • 563-380-5945 •

For Sale ~ Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Cookbooks Cookbooks are available upon request. Cost is $10 plus $4 shipping. Contact: Kathy Demmer 6222 Sundown Rd • Peosta, Iowa 52068 563.542.2983 or 563.876.3120

* To save on shipping costs, contact Kathy to see if someone has cookbooks for sale near you. March 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald 9

Index to Advertisers

Henkeseen Holsteins......................................12 Iowa State University........................................8 Lands-Brook Farms..........................................2 Prairie State/Select Sires................................11

Breeder Advertising Rates

Full Page $100.00 1/2 Page 60.00 1/4 Page 45.00 Calling Card (1 year) 35.00 Photos (each) $5.00 Additional 2-Color 30.00 Full Color Available upon request


Herd Averages: Month/RHA or DHIR Lactation Average No records over 365 days & No M.E.'s Due to uncertainties in the mail, the Herald cannot assume responsibility for prior delivery of issue carrying advertising of sales scheduled for less than 21 days after our issue date. The Executive Committee and the editor have discretion on all material printed in the Herald. Any member not paying a Herald advertising bill within 120 days from the billing date will not participate in Association activities until such bill is paid.


HOLSTEINS milk strong

live long

Mike & Kathleen Scott Family 12402 R Ave • Westgate, IA 50681 563.920.4005 • 563.637.2386

Lands-Brook Farms "The Landsgards" 18239 Gunder Rd. • St. Olaf, IA 52072 Fax: 563-864-3338 • Larry Landsgard 17518 Gunder Rd • Postville, IA 52162 Larry’s Cell: 563-419-5576


Charlie Eggink, age 85, of Allendorf, IA died Friday, December 21, 2018 at Ava’s House in Sioux Falls, SD. Funeral services were held on Friday, December 28th at First Reformed Church in Sibley, IA. Charlie Eggink was born December 12, 1933, at the family farm Southeast of Melvin, Iowa, the son of Herman and Nettie (Van Heuvelen) Eggink. He attended Melvin School. Charlie served in the United States Army. He was united in marriage to Leona Stander July 26, 1957 at First Reformed Church in Orange City, IA. They made their home in Allendorf, IA. Charlie drove truck for David’s Service Station in Allendorf, worked for the elevator in Allendorf, and worked at Chase Bag in Sibley for 23 years, before retiring in 1998. He was a member of the First Reformed Church in Melvin, IA. He was a 4H leader for East Holman for 25 years and was a member of the Iowa Holstein Association. Charlie enjoyed being the Dairy Superintendent for the Osceola County Fair for 60 years, and also the Clay County Fair for a few years. He was also the assistant Dairy Superintendent at AK-SAR-BEN for many years. He was known as “Mr. Fix It”. He enjoyed showing and caring for Dairy cattle. Charlie enjoyed taking time to enjoy his grandchildren. He would attend their concerts and watch them show at the fair. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Leona; five children, Charlotte (Rich) Rollefson of Sibley, IA, Leroy (Kolette) Eggink of Sibley, IA, Rodney (Karla) Eggink of Becker, MN, Twila (Kevin) Heemstra of Ocheyedan, IA, Keith (Karin) Eggink of Jackson, MN; twelve grandchildren; 6 great grandchildren; brother, Harold (Luella) Eggink of Sibley, IA; sister Berdena Ackerman of Minneapolis, MN; and brother Henry (Irene) Eggink of Littleton, CO. He is preceded in death by his parents Herman and Nettie; and brother-in-law, Curtis Ackerman.

Katie Stoll Account Manager

Hubbard Feeds Ridley USA Inc. 119988 215th St. • Monticello, IA 52310 Cell: 641-858-6606 Email: • 10 March 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald

Teegen Patricia Courtney, age 2, of Ridgeway, IA, gained her heavenly wings Friday, February 1, 2019 at Regional Health Services of Howard County in Cresco, Iowa. Mass of Christian Burial was held on Thursday, February 7, 2019 at St. Benedict Catholic Church in Decorah. Teegen was born on July 15, 2016 in Cresco, Iowa, to Sheil and Patti (Mann) Courtney. Teegen was the love of her family’s life. She could be found outside playing with kitties, enjoying the swing set with her siblings, and digging in the sandbox while boasting the most radiant smile. Teegen spent endless hours reading books, coloring, and putting puzzles together. Her favorite character was Minnie Mouse and she would often be seen sporting her Minnie Mouse gear around the house. She had a sucker in her hand any chance she got. Teegen loved chewing gum with her brother and sister. She enjoyed having ice cream with Grandma and Grandpa at the farm. One of her best characteristics was her tremendous appetite at meal times. Her mom and dad would often find her cleaning up her sibling’s plates when needed. Her favorite food was taco meat and it was often a battle to keep her from eating the entire pan. She enjoyed her morning coffee with her mom on their way to daycare. Teegen had a huge hug for everyone she encountered and gave the most amazing kisses. Grandpa Courtney remembers, “Her hugs were always filled with so much love.” Teegen is survived by her parents, Sheil and Patti Courtney of Ridgeway; her sister Anelise, her brother Louis and baby Courtney in May 2019. Her grandparents, Michelle Mann, Ridgeway, IA; Pete Mann, Quinter, KS; and Louie and Pat Courtney, Ridgeway, IA. Great Grandpa Robert Teff, Lansing, IA and Great Grandma Jeanne Mann, Quinter, KS. Aunts and uncles, Chad (Bridgette) Mann, Spillville, IA; John (Erin) Mann, Calmar, IA; Mat (Liz) Mann, Des Moines, IA; Shawn (Kara) Courtney, Bettendorf, IA; Shane Courtney, Ridgeway, IA; Scott (Amy) Courtney, Ridgeway, IA; Shelby (Special friend-Emily) Courtney, Decorah, IA; Shannon (Doug) Tieskoetter, Decorah, Sam (Special friend-Sarah) Courtney, Ridgeway, IA. Along with her cousins, Riley, Ella, A.J., Carly, Josie, Emery, Evelyn, Garrison, Sarah, Collin, Azariah, Kaiya, Blake, Brooke, Brody, Brinlee, Kayla, Derek, Devin, and Dacia. Teegen is looking down at us with her cousin Heath.

Spring Excitement Our State Sale Consignment

Rumor’s Red 3 year old Contender daughter and her December Ammo P calf!

GO Cy clone


Henkeseen Ad Rumor-Red EX-93-3E EX-MS



nes o l Cyc

6-2 365 28,880 3.8 1100 3.1 914 Rumor’s Next Dams: Ripple EX-92, Robin EX-91, Handi EX-92, Hillary EX-94, Marci EX-94 Selling is Rumor’s daughter: Henkeseen C Rumchata-Red last test 86# 3.8 3.1 38 SCC Also selling is her fancy December Ammo P Heifer Calf: Henkeseen Ammo Rose RC

~ February Classification Highlights ~ Henkeseen D Madonna EX-92 EX-MS Henkeseen Dynasty Echo EX-92 EX-MS Henkeseen Domain Dreamy EX-91-2E EX-MS Henkes-Wessel M Shazam EX-91-2E EX-MS Henkeseen GChip Sonnet EX-91-2E EX-MS Henkeseen GChip Sophia EX-91 EX-MS Henkes-Brook Barb Bombshell EX-91-2E EX-MS Henkeseen Chelios Hallie EX-91 EX-MS Henkeseen Absolute Shakira EX-90 EX-MS Henkeseen GoldSun Emory EX-90 EX-MS

Henkes-Brook ATW Dawson EX-90 EX-MS @ 4-11 3-3 365 32,679 3.0 1013 2.7 918

Breeding Bulls and Cows for sale at all times! ~ Both Red & White and Black & White! 7/18 Classification 110.7% 22 EX 25 VG 10 GP

Trent Henkes Family Phone: 563-783-2479 18467 165th St, Luana, IA 52156


$100 Ea

Iowa Holstein Heifer Raffle 1st Choice Female

~ Heifer Choices ~

J-Volker Unix Blitz

Your choice of March calves from Rochelle by Doorman (2) or Solomon (2) to pick from. Pictured is Dam

12-5-2018 UNIX x SID x Goldwyn Blitz! Pictured is 2nd Dam

Kingsway Tenacious Rochelle EX-94 Banowetz Dairy 563.212.9192

Ouriver Goldwyn Blitz EX-94 J-Volker Holsteins 563.920.8151


Kruses Undenied Charm-ET

9-1-2018 +3.44 PTAT ARTIST x EX DOORMAN x APPLE-RED Pictured is Ava

6-7-2018 +3.48PTAT UNDENIED x VG DOORMAN x CHELIOS CHEERIO Pictured is Dam

LE-O-LA ARTIST AVA-ET Le-O-La Holsteins 563.451.5376

Milksource Doorman Chex-ET VG-86 Alan Kruse 563.451.9952

Thank You to these Donors!

~ Raffle Prizes ~

Your support is greatly appreciated! Driven Embryos DCS ~ Pete Knipper Farmers Union Coop ST Genetics Prairie State Select Sires Trans Ova Genetics Steel Cow Zoetis Envisions Hubbard

1st Prize ~ Heifer Choice or $2000 Cash 2nd Prize ~ $1500 Cash 3rd Prize ~ Trans Ova Certificate & $500 Cash 4th Prize ~ $1000 Cash 5th Prize ~ $250 Semen Certificate from Select Sires & $500.00 Cash 6th Prize ~ $250 Semen Certificate from ST Genetics & $400.00 Cash 7th Prize ~ $250 Semen Certificate from Select Sires & $300.00 Cash 8th Prize ~ $500 Cash 9th Prize ~ Zoetis Bucket & $200 Cash 10th Prize ~ $200.00 Certificate from Envision and $200.00 Cash 11th Prize ~ Zoetis Basket & $100 Cash 12th Prize ~ Steel Cow Portrait & $100 Cash

Proceeds to the Iowa Junior Holstein Association & the Iowa Holstein Association

For tickets, please contact Shellie Volker 319.269.0318 or Carl Mensen 563.329.0876 8 - Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2019

50 Hea d of Iowa’s Finest Sell! Fayette County Fairgrounds • West Union, Iowa • 11:30 AM • March 16, 2019

Iowa Spring Sale

Scottmore Atwood Daphne EX-92 EEVEE 4-01 2X 365 34,390 3.0 1039 2.9 1003 Selling are two granddaughters from Daphne, leading it off is her just fresh Silver Jr 2 year old along with fancy spring yearling. The dam is a VG-86 Bradnick from Daphne. Jake & Rachel Mills

Henkeseen AD Rumor-Red-ET EX-93-3E EX-MS 6-2 2X 365 28,880 3.8 1100 3.1 914 Selling is a Contender and her Dec. ’18 Ammo P calf from this EX-93 Advent! From the deep maternal line that extends back to Ripple EX-92, the cornerstone at Henkeseen! Henkeseen Holsteins

Miss OCD Robst Delicious-ET VG-87

BUTLERVIEW ARCH COVI-ET VG-86-2Y 2-1 3 273 22,167 3.12 691 2.91 646 Covi will sell just fresh with her 2nd calf! An Archrival right from Silvermaple Damion Camomile EX-95 that can show! Butz-Hill Holsteins

2-05 2X 365 33,780 3.3 1121 3.1 1047 Selling from the heart of the Delicious family is an early and unique CHARL (11/18) +2868G +1020NM from a just fresh Modesty then a Shot Glass daughter of Delicious herself. MB Luckylady

Catalogs available online at or contact Shellie Volker 319-269-0318or

Sale Staff:

Scott Courtney 563-380-1318 • Jason Danhof 715-305-0522 Kyle Demmer 563-451-5376 • Carl Mensen 563-329-0876 Norm Nabholz 563-590-3204 • Bill Rauen 563-607-0694 Jim Vierhout 712-439-2932 • Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

Managed & Sponsored by:

Iowa Holstein Association Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2019 - 9

Spring Opportunities. . . Both are Daughters by Artist from Andorra and the earliest daughters sired by 94HO18700 Stone-Front Artist.

Le-o-la Artist Ava-et

Born 9-1-18 +3.44 PTAT In the Iowa Heifer Raffle on March 16th in West Union

Le-O-La Artist Aubree-ET

Born 9-1-2018 +3.53PTAT Sells in the Quest for Success March 9th at the Great Northern

MS Apple Andorra-ET TV RC EX-90

Le-O-La Artist Aubree-ET Le-o-la Artist Ava-et Le-o-la Artist Lexis-et

Rick & Kathy Demmer 6222 Sundown Road Peosta, IA52068

Riley: 563.451.8009 Royce: 563.542.5291 Regan: 563.542.8101

2-05 2 365 21,540 4.8 1043 3.5 754 3-11 2 71 5,793 4.3 248 3.3 191 Inc Over 40 Embryos exported Worldwide to date Doorman x KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET

12 - Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2019

Kyle: 563.451.5376 Rick: 563.542.5073

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