Iowa Holstein Herald

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Iowa Holstein Herald March 2017

March 2017 VOL. 78 NO. 1

Editor - Paula Smith • 3422 140th St. • Brooklyn, IA 52211-8612 Phone: 641-522-5493 • Cell: 641-990-1892

Iowa Holstein Herald

The official publication of the Iowa Holstein Association Officers Tom Simon, President 10644 Cemetery Rd, Farley, IA 52046 563-744-3134 • Trent Henkes, Vice-President 18467 165th St, Luana, IA 52156 563-783-2479 • Paula Smith, Secretary 3422 140th St, Brooklyn, IA 52211 641-522-5493 • Shellie Volker, Treasurer 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 319-269-0318 • District Directors Paul Stempfle • 536-920-9495 16707 100th St, Maynard, IA 50655 Doug Lyons • 563-419-0275 131 Military Rd, Castalia, IA 52133 Lance Schutte • 563-539-4599 13254 Hickory Ave • Monona, IA 52159 Dan Bolin • 319-278-4288 30707 180th St, Clarksville, IA 50619 Dave Chapman • 712-480-4410 3881 350th St, Ruthven, IA 51358 Carl Mensen • 563-853-2402 21958 Ungs Rd, Guttenberg, IA 52052 Bob Rahe • 563-921-3745 15378 Rte 136, Dyersville, IA 52040 Directors-At-Large Kevin Fossum • 563-535-7783 1267 Jeglum Rd, Waterville, IA 52170 Joe Gibbs • 563-876-3280 9482 Bierman Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 Jeff Hammerand • 563-744-3611 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 Mark Knudtson • 563-568-3790 313 Hwy 9 Waukon, IA 52172 Jess Rediske • 563-380-5772 3171 Scenic River Rd, Decorah, IA 52101 Katie Stoll • 319-480-4700 17914 Rainbow Dr, Monticello, IA 52310 Walt Wessel • 563-590-8162 28547 400th St, Greeley, IA 52040 National Director Mark Kerndt • 563-568-1727 1318 W Main St, Waukon, IA 52172 Holstein AssociatION 1 Holstein Place, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Telephone: 802-254-4551 Toll Free Number: 800-952-5200 Fax: 802-254-8251 Holstein Regional Representatives Dennis Devore • 319-270-5038 Cedar Rapids, IA • Alan Graves • 712-574-6120 Hartley, IA •


From the Field............................................................................................................................6 Iowa Holstein Princesses.......................................................................................................4, 8 Iowa Junior Holstein Convention................................................................................................8 Junior News................................................................................................................................8 National Directors’ Report........................................................................................................10 President’s Perspective..............................................................................................................4

Calendar of Events

March 17 Executive Committee Meeting, West Union 18 State Board Meeting, West Union 18 Junior Holstein Meeting, West Union 18 Iowa Spring Sale, Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union 25 Iowa Spring Extravaganza Sale, Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union April 1 NICC Dairy Club Sale, Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union May 1 Advertising Deadline for the June Herald/Midwest Holsteins 5 Genetic Fiesta Dos, Best Western Plus, Dubuque 6 Courtlane Celebration Sale, Ridgeway 26 Johnan Complete Herd Dispersal, Mantorville, MN June 28-1 National Holstein Convention, Bellevue, WA July 18 Iowa Junior Holstein Show, Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union 19 Iowa Open Holstein Show, Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union

On the Cover

Featured on the cover are the Iowa Holstein Association award winners who were recognized at the 2017 Iowa Holstein Convention on February 25 in McGregor. Upper Photo: Kay and Paul Schmitt - Paul received the Master Breeder Award posthumously. Middle Photo: Blake and Jordan Hansen were the recipients of the Outstanding Young Holstein Breeder Award. Bottom Photo: Kathy and Ron Lenth - Ron received the Distinguished Service Award. The award articles for Blake and Jordan Hansen and Ron Lenth are printed on page 25 in Midwest Holsteins. The Master Breeder Award article and more convention highlights will be printed in the June issue.


Subscriptions: A copy of each issue of the Iowa Holstein Herald shall be sent to each adult member of the Iowa Holstein Association and that $8.00 of each adult member's base rate annual dues of $25.00 shall be for a year's subscription to the Herald. Junior members may subscribe to the Herald for $10. The subscription price is $10 for people not residing in Iowa. Postmasters: Please send address changes to Iowa Holstein Herald, 12686 U Ave., Sumner, IA 50674.

Iowa Holstein Herald (USPS 024497) is published quarterly each year by the Iowa Holstein Association, 3422 140th St, Brooklyn, IA 52211-8612. The publication dates are March 1, June 1, October 1 and December 1. Periodical postage paid at Brooklyn, IA and additional offices. The deadline for submitting news and advertising copy is 30 days preceding publication date of issue. March 2017 Iowa Holstein Herald 3

President’s Perspective

As I am writing this article, I reflect on the past two years as president. This time has gone by quickly. It has been an honor to work with great people. I will be passing on the responsibilities as president to Trent Henkes. I wish him the best of luck. I would also like to thank Paula Smith and Shellie Volker for all their support throughout the last two years. They have been great to work with. Our State Convention was held on Saturday, February 25 in McGregor. It was decided to have a one day convention and have it held on a Saturday. I would like to thank District 1 for hosting the convention. Congratulations to all the award winners and to all who came to the meetings and are supportive of our state. Our State Sale will be held on March 18 in West Union. We hope to see the continued support and commitment that we have had in the past. There should be something for the younger enthusiasts as well as the more mature. Thank you to all that are involved in acquiring the sale cattle, those placing cattle in the sale as well as everyone involved in helping to have a successful sale. You are all a great asset to our organization. Just a reminder, if you have not done so already, please turn you memberships in as soon as possible. The National Convention will be held in Bellevue, Washington June 27 – July 1. It looks like a beautiful place to visit. Good luck to all the Iowa Juniors who will be attending to represent our state in the contests. I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable trip. Tom Simon

Iowa State University Dairy Science Student Profile

Name: Kyle Kass Hometown: Farley, IA High School: Western Dubuque Class Size: 165 Farm Name: Kahs-Land Holsteins Major: Dairy Science

Alternate Iowa Holstein Princess

This is one year that I have truly seen growth in my life. I appreciate the Iowa Holstein Association for allowing me to represent the Holstein breed as an Alternate Holstein Princess. I was not called upon very much, but the honor is still the same. Already I have learned so much about the dairy industry through my time here at Iowa State University and through the Dairy Science Club. I look forward to even more events with the organizations and showing opportunities. I look forward to seeing you all again at the upcoming showing events this summer as well as meeting new dairy and agriculture enthusiasts. I would like to personally thank Kate Stewart for supporting me during the princess contest when my nerves got the best of me. She was very encouraging and spoke like a true representative of our organization. I would also like to thank Paula Smith for the helpful reminders for our publication letters! They came so fast! Lastly, I am blessed to have had the opportunity to compete in the princess contest and encourage all young ladies to do the same. Win or lose, the experience will make you even better! Jenna Chapman

Northeast Iowa Community College Dairy Science Student Profile

Name: Chelsey Jensen Hometown: Amery, Wisconsin High School: Amery High School Class Size: 10 Farm Name: Golden J Guernseys Major: Dairy Science

Why did you decide to attend ISU? The amount of resources that ISU offers such as career fairs and many professors who are willing to help you really stuck out to me as well as offering a major that I am passionate in. What has been your most memorable college experience? Our annual dairy science trip to the American Dairy Science Association conference where we have a chance to meet many other college students who are passionate in the dairy industry. What has been your favorite course? Animal Science 337 a lactation course with Dr. Timms. What are your future career goals? I would like to work for an AI company after graduation where I enjoy working with genetics and meeting with other dairyman.

Why did you decide to attend NICC? I decided to attend NICC for the hands on experiences you get working with cattle. It’s one of the best two year programs for dairy. What has been your most memorable college experience? My most memorable college experience has been being a member of the Dairy Judging team and judging at World Dairy Expo. It was exciting when the team was named national champions and I’m very excited to travel to Fort Worth, Texas and Scotland this summer. What has been your favorite course? Animal Health What are your future career goals? My future career goal is to come back to the family farm and expand; currently we are milking 75 cows in tie stalls. Our farm is primarily Registered Guernseys and a few commercial Jerseys. I eventually plan on owning the family farm.

Iowa State University Dairy Science Department

Northeast Iowa Community College Dairy Science Department

123 Kildee Hall, ISU, Ames, IA 50011 • 515-294-6021 4 March 2017 Iowa Holstein Herald • Calmar, IA 52132 Dave Lawstuen • • 866.474.4692 Ext. 112

In the last 5 years Dairy Agenda Today has recorded a total of over 11,000,000 visits to the website! That’s right ELEVEN MILLION visits! Make sure your 2017 advertising includes using Dairy Agenda Today.

More EYES on YOUR ad when YOUR ad is on DAIRY AGENDA TODAY!

Contact one of our sales associates for more information: EDITOR Melissa Hart | 517.398.1957 | North Adams, MI SALES STAFF Ron Schaap | 608.334.2348 | Marshall, WI Chad Griffith | 513.543.2315 | Bethel, OH Mary Angelo | 417.880.5732 |Fair Grove, MO MANAGER David Jons | 913-634-3526 | Bonner Springs, KS


March 2017 Iowa Holstein Herald 5

From the Field There have been some questions come our way in regards to the ET Spot-Checking program and reasons for retesting animals that may have already been genomic tested. These reasons are outlined below… ET Spot-Checking 101 – Who, What, When, Why? Holstein USA has implemented several changes to our ET spot-checking program in the last year, to help make the program work more efficiently for breeders, and ensure continued integrity in our herdbook data, in light of other changes made to our policies on registration calves resulting from ET and IVF procedures. We have talked quite a bit about these changes over the past several months, but still occasionally get questions, so below are some key points about our two main spot-checking programs affecting ET calves. Routine ET Spot-Checking Program Who: The third ET female from each recovery is automatically selected for required parentage testing. What: Parentage test requirements may be fulfilled with either genomic parentage, or microsatellite testing (test type that is automatically selected will depend on the method used to verify parentage of the dam). If the selected animal qualifies for genomic parentage and has already been genomic tested directly through a provider other than Holstein USA or Zoetis (through an AI company, directly with Geneseek, etc.), that genotype can be used to satisfy the testing requirement if authorization to access the genotype is provided by the company that facilitated the testing to HAUSA. When: Selections are done four months after the calves are registered. This is a change that was implemented in May 2016, to prevent duplicate requests for calves who were already being genomic tested by their owners. Why: The routine ET spot-checking program is part of our long-standing spot-checking program that ensures herdbook integrity. Spot-checking programs are designed to – and do, occasionally – catch any of several errors that can occur from the time a donor cow is inseminated to the time a parentage result is delivered, that may result in a calf not being who the owner thinks she is. A few examples of the types of issues a routine spot-checking program can detect are: · Recipient cow was re-bred and gave birth to her natural calf · Calf switches – animals are identified incorrectly. · Sampling issues – problem at the farm or in the lab caused the incorrect DNA sample to be associated with an animal. P9 Required ET Spot-Checking Program This is a new program that started in May 2016. Who: Looking at ET females with a TPI falling into the P9 range (top 10% of the breed for their birth year), 5% of females will be selected annually. There are checks in place to ensure that individual herds are not disproportionally over-selected. What: Selected animals will be required to be tested, even if they have previously been genomic tested. If an animal has already been tested, HAUSA will cover the expense of the test, so a breeder is not paying twice for any animal. Animals will be selected for genomic parentage verification. When: Selections are done at the time of registration. Why: This program is really about ensuring integrity and accuracy of records for those high genetic-merit animals who have 6 March 2017 Iowa Holstein Herald

Dennis Devore 319-270-5038

Alan Graves 712-574-6120

the biggest chance at having an influence on the breed. To be clear, this program does not infer that HAUSA believes the original genomic test results are inaccurate. A few reasons why the P9 Required ET spot-checking is important, and issues it can detect: · All of the reasons mentioned above in the Routine ET Spot-checking program (still relevant even if an animal has been tested once). · Genotype re-assignments by other nominators that may not have been correct. · Breeders who would like to re-genotype to verify parentage of purchased animals. · For animals who were tested prior to registration, ensuring the breeder submitted their records properly. If you have any questions feel free to call Steve, Alan or Dennis for answers. Holstein Association USA Adds New Traits to Official Holstein Pedigrees Brattleboro, Vt. (December 29, 2016)...Holstein Association USA is pleased to announce that three new traits have been added to Official Holstein Pedigrees. Feed Efficiency, Fertility Index, and Sire Calving Ease are now displayed on all versions of the pedigrees for the subject animal, sire and dam. “Feed Efficiency and Fertility Index are two newer traits which are both included in the TPI® formula, and we wanted to make them widely available for anyone to see for any Registered Holstein®,” said Lindsey Worden, Executive Director, Holstein Genetic Services. “Sire Calving Ease is another trait which many breeders requested to have added to pedigrees, so we are happy to be able to make all of that information publicly available and easily accessible.” Official Holstein Pedigrees may be ordered online at www., or printed pedigrees may be ordered by calling Customer Service at 800.952.5200. Holstein COMPLETE members receive free internet pedigrees, up to the number of cows they have enrolled in the program. In closing, 2016 certainly posed its challenges in the dairy industry. Despite these adversities, we at Holstein identified a record number of cattle through our Registration and Basic ID programs. In total, 690,553 Holsteins were identified in 2016, which is 108,867 more or 18 percent higher than 2015. Registrations totaled 377,305 and 313,248 head were enrolled in the Basic ID program. We want to thank you all for your continued support and commitment to Registered Holsteins. May you have a blessed 2017!!

District One Congratulates Their 2016 Award Winners! The following received awards at the District One Holstein Breeders Annual Meeting on December 27, 2016, at the Luana Savings Bank.

Shown receiving their Outstanding Junior Member Award blankets are Cynthia Hamlett and James Fossom. Also receiving awards but not pictured were Josie Buddenberg, Kaitlin Grimm, Kourtney Volker and Christopher Knutson.

The Outstanding Young Holstein Breeder Awards went to Nate Meyer on the left, and Eric Palmer. Accepting Eric’s award was his daughter, Madalyn and his father Greg, on the right. The Distinguished Service Award was presented to John Dean, who is in the center. John is a longtime Accelerated Genetics A.I. technician serving the District 1 area.

District One Holstein Association March 2017 Iowa Holstein Herald 7

Iowa Junior Holstein Association News IJHA Officers

Mary Scott, President • 563-637-2386 • 12402 R Ave, Westgate, IA 50681 Nathan Arthur, Vice-President • 563-578-5342 • 20373 130th St, Sumner, IA 50674 Alyssa Dougherty, Secretary • PO Box 131, Epworth, IA 52045 Brylie Volker, Treasurer • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 Naomi Scott, Co-Historian • 563-637-2386 • 12402 R Ave, Westgate, IA 50681 Brynlee Volker, Co-Historian • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 Trenton & Isaiah Hammerand, Digital Historians • 563-876-3783 • 23334 Kidder Rd Epworth, IA 52045 Natalie Eick, Reporter • 319-275-4719 • 1105 Ivory Ave Plainfield, IA 50666 Junior Advisory Committee cHair Carl Mensen • 563-853-2402 • 21958 Ungs Rd, Guttenberg, IA 52052

Junior Holstein Spring Meeting & Lunch Stand Mark your calendars now to attend the next Iowa Junior Holstein meeting scheduled to start at 10:30 a.m. March 18 in the Stephen’s Building at the Fayette County Fairgrounds in West Union. This is the same day as the State Holstein Sale. The Iowa Juniors will again be in charge of the lunch stand. Please bring wrapped bars for the lunch stand. Also any help from juniors and their parents to run the lunch stand that day as well as to help with clothing sales would be greatly appreciated. Public Speaking Contest For those of you who are interested in the Public Speaking Contest, please let Carl Mensen know by March 18. There are three age divisions: Junior (9-13), Intermediate (14-17), and Senior (18-21) all as of January 1, 2017. Rules for the contest are available online on the junior page under contests at Contact Carl Mensen at 563-329-0876 or email for more details.

National Junior Membership Drive The National Junior Membership Drive has been a great success. The contest is continuing and we encourage everyone to sign up new national junior members. There are two categories: the state with the highest percentage of increase and the state with the highest increase in individual members. Winning states will be recognized with a pizza party at the 2017 National Holstein Convention. Membership increase will be determined by an initial count on January 1, 2017 and a final count on June 1, 2017. Membership applications can be downloaded at www. The fee for National Junior Membership is $20 and is a one-time fee for juniors from birth to age 21. For more information contact Kelli Dunklee at 1-800-952-5200, ext. 4124. National Cow Awards In an effort to recognize more youth, Holstein Association USA Production/Breeder awards are automatically calculated which began in 2016 using 2015 animal information. Juniors are no longer required to submit entries for these awards. Information regarding the various cow awards can be found at www.

2016 Iowa Junior Holstein Convention

2016 Iowa Holstein Princess Hello Everyone! Wow, it`s February already! The year 2016 has flown by so quickly! It’s been an honor to represent our Holstein breed as the Iowa Holstein Princess! I’d like to share a few highlights of the past year with you. I handed out ribbons at our District 1 Holstein Show in Waukon. I passed out sales slips for our State Holstein Sale in West Union with the assistance of Jenna and Sally, and I handed out ribbons and trophies at the Iowa State Fair when I wasn’t competing in the show ring! But, I would have to say, my most memorable moment was escorting the Grand Champion Holstein Cow around the ring for overall Supreme Champion at the Iowa State Fair! It was such an honor to represent the beautiful Holstein! It’s been a very fun year being the Iowa Holstein Princess and an experience I will always treasure! I would like to say best wishes to the next Iowa Holstein Princess, and I will see all of you this year at many of the shows! I love our Holsteins and I will be competing throughout the show season! See you in the ring! Sincerely, Jessica Stempfle 8 March 2017 Iowa Holstein Herald

The 2016 Iowa Junior Holstein Convention was held December 28-29th at the Comfort Inn & Suites in Dyersville, Iowa. Approximately 40 juniors attended the convention. The convention was kicked off with a knowledge test to see who would compete on the quiz bowl teams and in the jeopardy contest for the 2017 National Holstein Convention. The convention will be held in Bellevue, Washington, with the theme being “From the Mountains to the Sea”. The meeting was held and new officers were elected. The new officers are: President – Mary Scott; Vice President – Nathan Arthur; Treasurer – Brylie Volker; Secretary – Alyssa Dougherty; Reporter – Natalie Eick; Historians – Naomi Scott & Brynlee Volker; and Digital Historians – Trenton & Isaiah Hammerand. The afternoon was filled with fun ice breaker activities, games and pool time. We danced the night away as well as had a hulahoop contest and played musical chairs. After working up an appetite at the dance, we finished off the night with cards games and a movie! The juniors would like to thank the parents and adults that assisted with the convention! We look forward to next year’s Iowa Junior Holstein Convention. The next Iowa Junior Holstein meeting will be held at the State Sale on March 18, 2017 at 10:30 am at the West Union Fairgrounds. Hope to see you there!

March 2017 Iowa Holstein Herald 9

Index to Advertisers

Accelerated Genetics.....................................11 Dairy Agenda Today.........................................5 District 1............................................................7 Henkeseen Holsteins......................................12 Holstein USA....................................................9 Iowa State University........................................4 Northeast Iowa Community College.................4 Prairie State/Select Sires..................................2

Breeder Advertising Rates

Full Page $100.00 1/2 Page 60.00 1/4 Page 45.00 Calling Card (1 year) 35.00 Photos (each) $5.00 Additional 2-Color 30.00 Full Color Available upon request


Herd Averages: Month/RHA or DHIR Lactation Average No records over 365 days & No M.E.'s Due to uncertainties in the mail, the Herald cannot assume responsibility for prior delivery of issue carrying advertising of sales scheduled for less than 21 days after our issue date. The Executive Committee and the editor have discretion on all material printed in the Herald. Any member not paying a Herald advertising bill within 120 days from the billing date will not participate in Association activities until such bill is paid.

National Directors’ Report The pace of our industry is evident in everything going on at Holstein USA! In 2016, 690,000 animals were identified, more than ever before, and 18% over last year. Holstein Complete enrolled cows were up 9%. The technology project is progressing. HAUSA is investing in this new network that will result in the capability to better serve members with information, and new online tools. Already you can go to our website to learn all you need to know about Polled Holsteins, and our inbreeding calculator is a great way to make sure your matings stay in your comfort zone for inbreeding. Three new traits have been added to Holstein pedigrees this year. Feed Efficiency, Fertility Index, and Sire Calving Ease are now displayed on all pedigree versions for the subject, the sire, and the dam. Inclusion of these traits make it easy to use these factors in your breeding decisions. The next months will include an opportunity for attending our HAUSA Judges Conference in Stillwater Oklahoma on April 7. The Type Advisory Committee and the Genetic Advancement Committee will meet in March. These grassroots committees give our membership the ability to steer the breed into the future. Our annual convention is in Bellevue Washington this year, June 28 to July 1. This will be the first year of our increased delegate numbers, giving more members voice in our governing. This year from the Midwest Dale Drendel is up for reelection to the board, and Boyd Schaufelberger is running for president. Corey Geiger from Wisconsin has declared his candidacy for vice president. It promises to be an interesting and exciting event so plan on joining everyone in Washington! It is certainly our pleasure and honor to represent you the members on your Holstein board. Please contact us with concerns and ideas. Dale Drendel, Director; Mark Kerndt, Director; Boyd Schaufelberger, Vice President & Paul Buhr, Director

Iowa Holstein Association

2017 Adult Membership Fees due February 1

Have you paid for your 2017 membership? This issue of the Herald was mailed to all 2016 adult Iowa Holstein Association members. However, you will not receive any further Heralds this year or be able to register animals at the reduced rate for being a state and national member until your payment is made. If you have not paid, please send your payment along with this form to the Iowa Holstein Association, 12686 U Ave., Sumner, IA 50674.

NAME:______________________________________________ DIST:_____________ CO:___________ MAILING ADDRESS:____________________________________ PHONE:_________________________ CITY, STATE:_____________________________________________ ZIP:___________________________ EMAIL:_________________________________________________________________ HOLSTEIN ASSOC., USA #:________________________NATIONAL MEMBER?__________ Yes_______ No Please check:____________Holstein Owner or Manager ________ Retired ________ Business & Industry 2016 Member?_________ Yes_________ No Base Fee (Every Member Pays)..................................................................................................... $25.00 Cow Fee, # of cows ________ @$1.00 per registered/identified cow on 1/1/17......................... ________ (Maximum Cow Fee $200.00) Spouse’s Membership in the Iowa Holstein Auxiliary (optional)...........................................................................5.00 Spouse’s Name_____________________ Total Fees: _________ Send card & check to Iowa Holstein Association, 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674

Bulls For Sale at All Times

Mike & Kathleen Scott Family Westgate, Iowa 563-637-2386 10 March 2017 Iowa Holstein Herald

Home of Terrick Holsteins Terry & Kelly Eick 1105 Ivory Ave. • Plainfield, IA 50666 Phone: 319-275-4719 Fax: 319-275-4501 Email:

Looking for a little color this Spring? Selling in the NICC Dairy Club Sale

Lipstick’s RED September Colt-P heifer and she’s Polled!

Henkeseen L Lipstick-ET EX-94-3E EX-MS

7-9 365 28,962 3.9 1120 3.3 942 3X Nominated Jr. All-American Red & White Intermediate Champion, 1st Sr 3-Yr-Old, 2010 Iowa Holstein Show 7th generation Excellent going back to the Roxy’s!

Looking for a Fall Show Cow Prospect for the Junior Shows? Also Selling in the NICC Dairy Club Sale Henkes-Brook Sid Deanne VG-86

Due July 27th to Merjack! 2-9 356 18,844 4.7 894 3.5 662 Dam: Henkes-Brook LHeros Della-Jo EX-91-3E 34,580 3.0 1030 2.9 1019 Next dams are: EX-91, EX-92, EX-90, EX-95 Snow-N Denises Dellia Breeding Bulls and Cows for sale at all times! Both Red & White and Black & White! 10/16 BAA 110.7 25 EX 32 VG 9 GP

Trent Henkes Family Phone: 563-783-2479

Looking for a Young Cow with an Excellent pedigree? Selling in the Iowa Spring Holstein Sale Henkeseen Sajac Modern

Sells fresh Dam: Henkeseen B Moriah EX 90 4-11 365 29,235 3.4 976 2.7 808 Next dams: EX-91, EX-92, EX-94, EX-94

Looking for a Fall Calf for a 4-H Project? Also Selling in the Iowa Spring Holstein Sale Henkeseen Brash Easley

A Fancy September Brash heifer calf Dam: Henkeseen Large Erika GP-83@2Y Next Dams: EX-91, EX-92 EX-91, EX-94, EX-94 18467 165th St Luana, IA 52156

Midwest Holsteins SPRING 2017

Illinois • Iowa • Michigan • Minnesota • Wisconsin

Please note the following pages only include pages submitted by the Iowa Holstein Association for publication in the Spring 2017 Midwest Holsteins.

Something for Everyone. . . High Type, Elite Genomics, Show Heifers & Embryos from the Best of the Best!

Best Wes tern Plus Dubuque , Iow May 5, 20 a 17

KHW Regiment Apple-Red 3E-96 4-1 2x 365 35,750 4.7 1687 3.7 1314 Timeless. . . No matter what sire, what color, or what generation, the Apples transmit and make $$$$$. We are thrilled to offer her high type dtrs by Brasch and Kenosha. Born in December, they have the cut and recognition for numerous marketing opportunities.

Val-Bisson Shottle Imelda EX-94 6-08 2x 190 18,798 4.2 788 3.7 682 Inc Dam of Doorman. Imelda sells open and ready to flush. A favorite among many, she is prolific donor and phenomenal transmitter. One of the easiest cows in the world to mate. Buy the foundation and watch it develop.

Co-Vista Robust Riley EX-90 2-1 305 27,530 3.9 1069 3.3 920 Her VG-86 Uno sells fresh and along with her 2816 GTPI Jedi born in July and ready to flush. This family has continuous spiked over PA and they like to make embryos!!! Next dam is Gold Invite Ex 94 Nom. All-Canadian followed by a VG 88 Shottle back to Dellia 2E95. Flush age and over 2800 and available doesn’t happen very often.

Sandy-Valley Robust Ruby VG-87 2-4 2x 305 29,450 3.2 950 3.1 916 The dam of Rubicon and from Planet Sapphire, then all the way back to Dellia 2E95. This high production family hits again and again. Selling is her 909NM Delta Gr’dtr from an EX Uno. She sells bred and ready to IVF for her new owner.

Join us on Cinco de Mayo and then attend the Courtlane Celebration Sale on Saturday! Tom Simon 563.599.9183 Rick Simon 563.744.3541 Mark Simon 563.542.1297 Bill Rauen 563.607.0694 For catalogs, please email Kyle ~

Tim Rauen 563.451.5866 Amanda Hauck 570.765.0536 Mark Butz 319.350.1426 Kyle Demmer 563.451.5376

Johnan Complete Herd Dispersal Mantorville, MN Friday, May 26th, 2017 • 11:00 AM 120 Head Sell!

Johcar Rudolph Ginger-ET EX-94 EEEEE 3E GMD DOM

8-04 2x 365 47,860 3.1 1462 2.7 1276 Ginger has been a calling card cow from this family for generations. There seven cows and numerous heifers that extend back to this great brood cow.

Vinrose-VU Sanchez Ideal EX-91 EEEVE 2E

4-00 2x 365 34,290 3.1 1076 3.1 1072 This Sanchez sell and looks great, also selling is her Dempsey daughter that is just fresh. Ideal‘s dam is an EX-90 Durham, then EX-91 Jolt and then four more EX dams.

Kingsmill Titanic Roese-ET EX-90 EEVVV

7-10 2x 365 37,940 3.3 1256 2.9 1115 This Titanic is a 14th generation EX the Royal Rosa family. Backed by multiple generations of VG and EX dams. Selling are her daughters that are due after the sale, sired by Golden Dreams and Atwood.

Heifers are sired by: Armani, Aftershock, Brazzle, Defiant, and Dempsey Service Sires: Soloman, Doorman, Adonis, and Awesome-Red

DA-SO-Burn Mich Delite-ET EX-90 EEVEE

4-04 2x 3-02 35,180 3.8 1352 2.9 1022 Selling is Delite’s EX-90 Goldsun daughter that looks great. Also selling is her Corvette and Defiant granddaughters. Delite is from eight of VG or EX with over 30,000 of milk.


John Bierbaum 26020 600th St Mantorville, MN 55955 952-250-9660

Managed by: 2564 Pole Line Road Ridgeway, IA 52165 Home: 563-387-0035 • Cell: 563-380-1318 • Fax: 563-387-0046 Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2017 - 17

Iowa Holstein Association Awards Outstanding Young Holstein Breeder Award Blake & Jordan Hansen, Hudson

Blake Hansen always wanted to be a dairy farmer. After attending Iowa State for one year and then finishing his associate’s degree in Dairy Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, he worked on two Wisconsin dairy farms before deciding he would be the first of his brothers to come back to the home farm. The Hansen land has been in their family since 1864. Blake and his three brothers are the sixth generation of the family to farm the land. When they talked about returning to the home farm, they decided to generate more income by starting their own on-farm creamery. The first gallon of milk was produced in February 2004, and now their product line includes whole, 1%, skim and chocolate milk; butter; cream; cheese curds; ice cream; seasonal egg nog; and ground beef. Jordan is the daughter of former Guernsey/Holstein dairy farmers Richard and Linda Drackley of rural Decorah. Her parents sold their herd at the end of her senior year at North Winneshiek High School, so Jordan never anticipated living on a dairy farm again. She graduated from Wartburg College in Waverly in 2003 with a degree in journalism and graphic design. She worked at the Waterloo Courier newspaper as a copy editor/graphic artist and met Blake by chance at a Cedar Falls bar. Blake was intrigued that she grew up on a dairy farm and the two hit it off immediately. They were married in 2005. Jordan began staying home and doing more work for the farm upon the birth of their daughter Reese (now 7). They also have a son, Beckett, 4. Blake manages the dairy herd and his three brothers handle the other main aspects of the farm: crops/nutrition, creamery processing, and sales/delivery of their products. Jordan handles bookkeeping and marketing. The business includes two dairy retail stores, a gas station, wholesale delivery to 45 retail groceries, eateries and institutions, and the farm’s Tour Center. The Hansens farm 400 acres with the majority of the alfalfa/corn yield going back into feeding the 350 Holstein cows (150 milking). They use a double-8 parallel parlor and freestall barn. The herd averages 26,200 pounds on 2X milking with

Distinguished Service Award Ron Lenth, Oelwein

Purchasing a Registered Holstein heifer for a 4-H project from an area farm that performed well was a catalyst in Ron’s dairy career. Also three role models helped shape the years beyond… his father, former Clayton County Extension Director Jim Hosch, plus former ABS President Bob Walton. His brother Arlyn operates the home farm near Postville. The Lenth’s have farmed in northern Clayton County since the mid to late 1800’s. Ron spent 8 years in Clayton County 4-H, and was selected as a delegate to the National 4-H Dairy Conference in Chicago. A trip to the state 4-H Leadership Camp as a senior resulted in meeting several others who became lifelong friends, classmates, colleagues, etc. A 1970 graduate of Iowa State University with a major in Dairy Science, with additional focus on extension, Ron lived and work on various projects at the ISU Dairy Farm. He was a member of both the ISU Dairy and Livestock judging teams. At the 1969 World Dairy Expo Collegiate Judging Contest he placed fourth overall individual and second in oral reasons. His senior year he was honored by Gamma Sigma Delta, honorary agriculture fraternity. After graduation Ron joined ABS Global in their advertising and public relations department at their headquarters in DeForest, WI for six years. There he hosted several thousand tourists annually at the famous facility, while also aiding with field days, sire catalogues, and ads. His next role there was to create the first dairy sire daughter photography for commercial young sire herds. Then he served as dairy advertising director for two years. With a desire to get back into the cow and business side, Ron joined their marketing department and served as District Sales Manager, as position held for another 33 years. During that time he was responsible for recruiting, training and managing AI sales and service representatives, plus coordinating dairy and beef

3.8%F and 3.3%P. Because the Hansens operate a closed herd, Blake decided to introduce new genetics through his own personal business, Glory Road, starting in 2006. He invested in some Red and RC cows, which he houses on other farms, and integrates them into the herd by flushing and implanting the embryos. His personal herd began with Red-Vision Ad Glory-Red EX-92. She is out of the two-time All-American nominee Red-Vision Dory-Red EX-92, whose sister, Dis Della-Red, was Reserve Grand Champion Red-Holstein at World Dairy Expo in 2005. In 2005, the Hansens had an RC Jordan-Red ET heifer calf born from Pinehurst-FL Britney EX-90 by Rubens. Three years later, an Advent-sister to that calf, Cherrie-Kreek Beulah-Red, was Grand Champion at Expo. The Hansen’s Cherrie-Kreek Jo Brit Bo EX-92 is still alive today, is pregnant with her ninth calf and has Red, RC and Black progeny. Blake purchased MS Apple Juice EX-92 (Apple’s RC Goldwyn-daughter) as a calf in 2011. Apple Juice’s Mayfield-son, Apple Crisp-ET (available at Accelerated Genetics), was Blake’s first bull to go into AI and her Doorman-daughter, Apple Pucker-ET VG-86, is the No. 2 RC PTAT cow (GP or higher) and No. 5 in the breed. Blake enjoys using old genetics such as Elevation, Astronaut, Bootmaker and Mark because he sees the strength and longevity being bred out of the cows of today. He also breeds polled maternal lines to these older sires to avoid dehorning. Today they have more than 100 polled cows on the farm. They have polled Astronaut, Elevation and Bootmaker daughters today. Two Hansen cows prized for their longevity and production are Jaywood Rudolph Diet Dazzle VG-88 (Rudolph-Emory-Astre) who lived to be 14 years old and completed 317,200M, and 13-year-old Jaywood Stormatic Limit Len EX-93. She is in her 10th lactation and is close to the 300,000M. progeny test herds. Over the years, many tours came to this area to observe their offspring. Ron also provided AI training to over 1,600 farmers, employees, and college students. As herd sizes began increasing, he spent time with breeders and owners in California’s San Joaquin Valley to learn large herd reproductive management and then introduced it in this area. His district eventually encompassed 72 counties in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. In the fall of 2009, Ron began a new career with Iowa State University Extension, serving today as Bremer County Extension Coordinator, and also aiding Fayette County with educational programming. He also serves on the ISU Extension Dairy Team. He was honored with the NAACA Achievement Award at the 2013 National Extension conference. His Holstein activities are highlighted by serving as trade show chairman for both the 2001 and 2014 National Holstein Conventions in Iowa, plus coordinated the junior’s fund raiser on a Regancrest heifer for the 2001 convention. Ron received the 2004 Iowa Holstein Auxiliary’s Hall of Fame Award. Ron is very active in dairy industry activities to help current and future generations. He serves as board treasurer for the Northeast Iowa Dairy Foundation and state treasurer for the Iowa State Dairy Association. He also serves as president of the Tri-State Dairy Expo, which annually brings around 500 FFA students to the Iowa Dairy Center at Calmar. Ron and his wife Kathy have three grown children; Angela, who has served in the medical field in Cleveland, Jessica, who provides social service consultation in Chicago, and Jacob, who works with Magnolia Creations for home-entertainment systems in Denver. They also have three grandchildren. Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2017 - 25

Courtlane Celebration Sale May 6, 2017 • 12:00 Noon • 150 Head Sell!

Courtlane Braxton Diane EX-92 EEEEE 3-02 2x 365 31,000 3.8 1165 2.9 897 Diane sells just fresh with three daughters, a VG-89 3yr Atwood, Hero and Beemer. Her dam is an EX-92 Blitz with over 200,000 and then an EX-94 Prelude.

Courtlane Atwood Darcy EX-90 EX-MS @ 3-11 2-01 2x 365 25,600 4.1 1042 3.1 788 Darcy sells with her fancy Bradnick that is a spring yearling for this year. Her dam is an EX-92 Shottle, 2nd dam is EX-93 Durham Dime and then an EX-94 Prelude.

Courtlane Sanchez Bree EX-93 EEEEE 2E 4-08 2x 365 43,350 2.6 1141 2.7 1177 Bree sells and is from 10 generations of VG or EX’s. Also selling is her EX-91 Hero, McCutchen Junior 2 year old, and Gregarious daughters.

Courtlane Braxton Roslyn VG-86 VG-MS 2-03 2x 304 21,590 3.5 761 2.7 593 Roslyn sells bred to Doorman along with her very special McCutchen yearling and EX-91 Guthrie sister. Their dam is VG-88 and the grandam is EX-91-2E.

Courtlane Durham Dollar-ET VG-88 VG-MS 5-00 2x 315 29,100 4.3 1251 3.2 936 Dollar is just fresh and looks great! Her dam is an EX-94 Prelude with 350,000 of lifetime production. Also selling is her Shottle and Sanchez daughters and granddaughter.

Courtlane G Chip Delicious Res. All Iowa Jr. Yearling 2016 Delicious sells and will be just fresh as a Jr. 2 yr old. Her dam is a VG-87 Sanchez that also sells; with the grandam being Dollar at left.

February 2017 RHA 27,201M 1049F 826P

Courtlane Holsteins 2615 Pole Line Road | Ridgeway, Iowa 52165 Shane: 563-380-5869

32 - Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2017

BAA 109.7%

PBR Herd - 7 Years Managed by: 2564 Pole Line Road Ridgeway, IA 52165 Home: 563-387-0035 • Cell: 563-380-1318 • Fax: 563-387-0046

d of 70 Hea t Sell! s e n i F Iowa’s Fayette County Fairgrounds • West Union, Iowa • 11:00 AM • March 18, 2017

Iowa Spring Sale

LARCREST CALE-ET VG-89 VEEVE DOM 2-02 2X 365 41,710 5.3 2204 3.6 1487 Selling is her granddaughter by Modesty born 11/2016 that is +2756GTPI and +816NM. Along with a 12/2016 Jedi that is +2709GTPI +73P. The Jedi is from a Doorman from a VG-86 Uno and then Larcrest Cale vg-89.

MS POWER CANTO 9473-ET GTPI+2689 This Powerball-P daughter is the dam of a Jedi with a +2727 gtpi and +72P. Also selling is her modesty that is 2678 gtpi. Along with her two Franchise daughters with GTPI of +2672 and a Charismatic that is +2544. From the same family as larcrest cale-et at left.

Bryhill Ransom Marquisse-Et Gp-83 Dom 2-02 2x 365 27,990 4.6 1278 3.6 995 Selling is her granddaughter by Modesty that has a GtpI of +2793 and is +2271 of Milk. The dam is sired by Montross.

SRP MAGNUS ZO13699-ET VG-87 VG-MS DOM 3-08 2X 305 37,570 3.8 1411 3.3 1251 Selling are two Jedi daughters from a GP Toprock with this Magnus being the grandam. Ready to work born in July ‘16 and having a Gtpi +2718 and +844nm. Great Opportunity!!!

Sale Force:

Scott Courtney 563-380-1318 • Paul Trapp 715-896-7062 • Bill Rauen 563-607-0694 Kyle Demmer 563-451-5376 • Scott Culbertson 507-923-1881

42 - Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2017

70 Hea d of Iowa’s Finest Sell! Fayette County Fairgrounds • West Union, Iowa • 11:00 AM • March 18, 2017

Iowa Spring Sale

BUTZ-HILL DUNDEE RIVAL-ET EX-92 EEEVE 2E 5-03 22 365 34,930 3.9 1351 3.3 1158 Rival is a former Grand Champion at the Iowa State Holstein Show in 2010. Selling is her fancy 9-16 Archrival daughter.

ERNEST-ANTHONY AQUARIUS-ET EX-92 EEEVE 2E 3-10 2X 305 28,310 3.4 969 2.8 772 This Dundee is a daughter of Aphrodite EX-95 and the next dam is Ashlyn EX-96. Selling are her granddaughters - a Solomon Winter Yearling and a Roy Summer Yearling.

KHW REGIMENT APPLE-RED EX-96 9-01 2X 365 36750 4.3 1582 3.3 1211 Selling are December ’16 Brash and Sid daughters directly from Apple herself. Also selling is a September ’16 Awesome from her maternal sister by Alchemy.

MS APPLES ARIA-ET EX-92 EEEVE 3-10 3X 312 29,830 4.8 1444 3.4 1019 Aria is a daughter of Apple and is sired by Destry. Selling is her extra fancy Diamondback born in December ‘16. Don’t miss her!!!

Managed by: 2564 Pole Line Road Ridgeway, IA 52165 Home: 563-387-0035 • Cell: 563-380-1318 • Fax: 563-387-0046

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Iowa Holstein Association Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2017 - 43

Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2017 - 55

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