October 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald

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Iowa Holstein Herald October 2019

Master Breeder Award

Iowa State University

Dave Chapman, Ruthven

Dave Chapman developed his love for Holsteins from his grandfather, Ron Chapman, Sr., who was a Holstein breeder and classifier and was referred to as the “Dean” of the Holstein classifiers. When he was nine years old, he purchased his first 4-H project in the District 4 Sale consigned by Hadwen Kleiss. Dave bred her to Shaverside Elevation Nate and that mating resulted in Hawkeye Elevation N Angie who went on to become EX-92-4E with a lifetime of over 200,000M. Although she had eight bulls and only one heifer, the spark was ignited. Angie won many honors in her lifetime and deepened his love for showing and dairying. After graduating from high school, Dave attended the 1988 Iowa Spring Sale with his grandfather and bought a bred heifer and a heifer calf and now he owned five registered Holsteins. He worked for his dad for half of the milk check income from his own cows, custom farmed for a neighbor and worked as a DHIA supervisor. In 1995, his dad retired from farming. Dave then purchased what he would need including machinery and ten females. Those ten head have grown to over 280. Their current BAA is 109 on 130 cows with 20 Excellents. Hawkeye Holsteins has won several All-Iowa and Reserve All-Iowa Awards through the years and received their first PBR Award in 2010. It’s not surprising that Dave has been actively involved with Holstein activities. He has been a member of the Holstein Association since he was 9 years old. At the state level, he has served as president, vice-president, board member and also served on the executive committee. He has chaired and served on various standing committees. He has served as the District 4 president. He also has served as a National Convention Delegate for many years. Dave has been the recipient of the Outstanding Young Holstein Breeder Award and the Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Hall of Fame Award. Dave served as President of the Prairie State Select Sires Board and is now serving as First Vice President of the newly formed Select Sires MidAmerica Board. Dave and Lisa are the parents of three children- Cody who farms with Dave, Nick who works and lives in Iowa City and Jenna who is a senior at Iowa State University.

Wanted: Heifers for the 3rd Iowa Holstein Heifer Raffle The 3rd Iowa Holstein Heifer Raffle will be held prior to the start of the 2020 Iowa Spring Sale on March 21 in West Union. If you are interested in having a heifer considered for the raffle, please contact Carl Mensen 563.329.0876 or Kyle Demmer 563.451.5376 Deadline: November 15 Watch for updates coming in the December Herald and the Iowa Spring Sale Catalog as well as on our Facebook page and www.iowaholsteins.org.

Dairy Science Student Profile

Name: Cynthia Hamlett Hometown: Aurora, IA High School: Starmont High School Class Size: 46 Farm Name: Starmont Holsteins Major: Dairy Science & Agriculture and Society

Why did you decide to attend ISU? I chose Iowa State University because of their long standing reputation for phenomenal agricultural programs. I’ve found myself fitting in very well with my fellow dairy science students because we all share a collective passion for the industry. What has been your most memorable college experience? The most memorable part of my college career so far has been forming relationships with my current best friends. There are a lot of great people at Iowa State University, and it truly feels like home with so many people sharing a similar drive and passion. What has been your favorite course? Lactation has been my favorite course so far. Dr. Leo Timms, who has an extensive knowledge of the subject, was absolutely fantastic and provided an environment where learning was fun! What are your future career goals? In the future, I would like to take on a role working on behalf of dairy farmers in influencing agricultural policy. With experiences on my own family’s dairy farm, I feel as though I can bring a unique perspective to the table to assist those currently serving local and national dairy farmers.

Iowa State University Dairy Science Department

1221 Kildee Hall, ISU, Ames, IA 50011 515-294-2160 • www.ans.iastate.edu • answeb@iastate.edu

2019 Iowa Holstein Association Picnic

Several Holstein enthusiasts enjoyed the day. Thank you to the Fairbanks Family for hosting this year’s picnic!

OCTOBER 2019 VOL. 80 NO. 3

Editor - Paula Smith • 3422 140th St. • Brooklyn, IA 52211-8612 Cell: 641-990-1892 langsmit@netins.net

Iowa Holstein Herald


The official publication of the Iowa Holstein Association Officers Carl Mensen, President 21958 Ungs Rd, Guttenberg, IA 52052 563-853-2402 • mensenholstein@gmail.com Dan Moon, Vice-President 19475 155th St, Monona, IA 52159 563-880-4562 • moondalefarm@neitel.net Paula Smith, Secretary 3422 140th St, Brooklyn, IA 52211 641-990-1892 • langsmit@netins.net Shellie Volker, Treasurer 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674 319-269-0318 • shelliev@ymail.com District Directors Paul Stempfle • 536-920-9495 16707 100th St, Maynard, IA 50655 Doug Lyons • 563-419-0275 131 Military Rd, Castalia, IA 52133 Matt Henkes • 563-880-8614 17061 165th St • Luana, IA 52156 Jim Vierhout • 712-439-2932 Box 563, Hull, IA 51239 Jeff Hammerand • 563-580-3908 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 Bob Rahe • 563-921-3745 15378 Rte 136, Dyersville, IA 52040 Directors-At-Large Dan Bolin • 319-278-4288 30707 180th St, Clarksville, IA 50619 Kevin Fossum • 563-568-7587 1267 Jeglum Rd, Waterville, IA 52170 Mark Knudtson • 563-419-1489 313 Hwy 9 Waukon, IA 52172 Larry Landsgard • 563-783-2489 17518 Gunder Rd, Postville IA 52162 Heather Moore • 563-357-1611 22654 92nd St, Maquoketa, IA 52060 Jason Volker • 563-920-8151 9161 M Ave, Maynard, IA 50655 Walt Wessel • 563-590-8162 28547 400th St, Greeley, IA 52040 Past President Trent Henkes 18467 165th St, Luana, IA 52156 563-783-2479 • tlhenkes@neitel.net Holstein AssociatION 1 Holstein Place, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Telephone: 802-254-4551 Toll Free Number: 800-952-5200 Fax: 802-254-8251 • www.holsteinusa.com Holstein Regional Representative Dennis Devore • 319-270-5038 Cedar Rapids, IA • ddevore@holstein.com Alan Graves • 712-574-6120 Hartley, IA • agraves@holstein.com


Board Meeting Minutes...............................................................................................................7 Holstein Futurity..........................................................................................................................2 Iowa Holstein Princess...............................................................................................................6 Iowa Holstein Show - Midwest Holsteins Section............................................................... 22-23 Iowa Junior Holstein Show..................................................................................................... 4-5 Junior News................................................................................................................................6 Obituary......................................................................................................................................5 President’s Perspective..............................................................................................................6 State Picnic.................................................................................................................................2 November 1 Application Deadline for Iowa Holstein Association Awards 1 Advertising Deadline for the December Herald ~ Junior Issue 2 Executive Committee Meeting, West Union 2 State Board Meeting, West Union 15 Deadline for Submitting a Nomination for the Iowa Heifer Raffle December TBA Iowa Junior Holstein Convention February 1 2020 Membership Deadline for IHA 1 First Deadline for 2022 Iowa Holstein Futurity 1 Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Scholarship Deadline 1 Deadline for the Linda Pagel Scholarship & Iowa Holstein Association Scholarships 1 Application Deadline for Iowa Junior Holstein Association Cow Awards 22 2020 Iowa Holstein Convention, Country Junction, Dyersville March 21 Iowa State Sale, West Union

On the Cover

Upper Photo: Dave Chapman received the Iowa Holstein Association’s Master Breeder Award from Linda Pagel at the 2019 Iowa Holstein Show. Lower Photo: Ms-AOL Cntndr Revive-Red EX-94 was the Grand Champion, Senior Champion, Best Udder of the Show at the 2019 Iowa Holstein Show held in Manchester. She is owned by Wapsi-Ana, Fairholm & Triple S. The December Herald will be our “Junior” issue so all ads featuring junior members and their accomplishments will receive a 10% discount off the base advertising rate.


Subscriptions: A copy of each issue of the Iowa Holstein Herald shall be sent to each adult member of the Iowa Holstein Association and that $8.00 of each adult member's base rate annual dues of $25.00 shall be for a year's subscription to the Herald. Junior members may subscribe to the Herald for $10. The subscription price is $10 for people not residing in Iowa. Postmasters: Please send address changes to Iowa Holstein Herald, 12686 U Ave., Sumner, IA 50674.

Iowa Holstein Herald (USPS 024497) is published quarterly each year by the Iowa Holstein Association, 3422 140th St, Brooklyn, IA 52211-8612. The publication dates are March 1, June 1, October 1 and December 1. Periodical postage paid at Brooklyn, IA and additional offices. The deadline for submitting news and advertising copy is 30 days preceding publication date of issue. October 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald 3

Grand Champion & Senior Champion: KishHolm Cinderella, Lauren & Gavin Kishman & Grant Fremstad Reserve Grand Champion & Intermediate Champion: LE-O-LA Racer Tara, Regan Demmer Reserve Senior Champion: Miss Artic Rush, Jonathan Krogman & Jenna Chapman Reserve Intermediate Champion: Nic-K Purple Passion, Jonathan Krogman & Jenna Chapman Junior Champion: Wapsi-Ana Solomon Breezy-ET, Pierce, Abby, Kayle & Luke Fairbanks Reserve Junior Champion: Miss Crush Adamina, Eric Richards Spring Heifer Calf (12) 1 - LE-O-LA Doorman Leeta, Regan Demmer 2 - KishHolm Tattooed Lady, Lauren & Gavin Kishman & Grant Fremstad 3 - Biercrest Atmosphere Kristi, Ally Bierschenk 4 - River Divide Denver Malinda, Keaton Junk 5 - Cloverhill Lotus Astrid, C & E Guyer, B & L Putman 6 - KCCK Crush Beat It, Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse 7 - Ms Arthurcreek Sammy Cheers, Brenna Volker 8 - Arthurcreek Give Me Chills, Brielle Volker 9 - Courtlane Doc Diamond, Brody Courtney 10 - Genosource Drive Luella-ET, Pierce, Abby, Kayle & Luke Fairbanks

Winter Heifer Calf (16) 1 - Wapsi-Ana Solomon Breezy-ET, Pierce, Abby, Kayle & Luke Fairbanks 2 - Farnear Doc Away-ET, Ana Rauen 3 - Apple-Pts Artist Alma-ET, Regan Demmer 4 - KCCK Artist Anna, Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse 5 - Stempfle Doc 2590, Jessica Stempfle 6 - Arthurcreek Rgnld Champagne, Nathan Arthur 7 - Henkeseen Crush Magenta, Macie Wiegand 8 - Courtlane Doc Liza, Blake Courtney 9 - MJ-Ronnebaum Blake 838, Bianka Ronnebaum 10 - Hawkeye-JK Denver Atkins-ET, Jonathan Krogman & Jenna Chapman Fall Heifer Calf (14) 1 - Stempfle Glass Ceiling, Jessica Stempfle

Judge Brian Kelroy, Regan Demmer with the Reserve Grand Champion LE-O-LA Racer Tara, Winneshiek County Little Miss Squirt Hallie Meyer, Lauren Kishman with the Grand Champion KishHolm Cinderella, Iowa Holstein Princess Alexis Costello and Gavin Kishman

Manchester, IA • July 18 Judge: Brian Kelroy • Total Head Shown: 106

2 - LE-O-LA Avalanche Ainsley-ET, Regan Demmer 3 - Wapsi-Ana Akeela-Red, Pierce, Abby, Kayle & Luke Fairbanks 4 - KCCK Avalanche Amanda, Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse 5 - Arthurcreek Crush Moana, Nathan Arthur 6 - Hawkeye-JK Kenosha Alabama, Jonathan Krogman & Jenna Chapman 7 - Heart Broke Foton Relic, Dana & Madison Sickles 8 - Cost Gibbs Jordy Riot-Red, Alexis Costello 9 - Korian Dback Hope, Pierce Harbaugh 10 - Cloverhill Stingray, C & E Guyer, B & L Putman Summer Yearling (5) 1 - Petitclerc Diamnbck Speedy-ET, Jessica Stempfle 2 - KCCK Jordy Rachel, Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse 3 - Heart Broke DB Diamond, Dana & Madison Sickles 4 - Dogtown Ruby, Tyler Menne 5 - Arthurcreek Montey Ciara, Brynlee Volker Spring Yearling (8) 1 - Miss Crush Adamina, Eric Richards 2 - LE-O-LA Doorman Faith-TW-ET, Regan Demmer 3 - Luck-E Crush Arugala, Ally Bierschenk 4 - Cloverhill DL Valley-Red, C & E Guyer, B & L Putman 5 - Stempfle Kingboy 2335, Jessica Stempfle 6 - Hawkeye Sanchez Elly May, Jonathan Krogman & Jenna Chapman 7 - Cloverhill Dundee Ariadne, C & E Guyer, B & L Putman 8 - Arthucreek Crush Cari, Chase Redfern

Left: Alternate Delaware County Dairy Princess Amber Engelken, Jonathan Krogman with the Reserve Intermediate Champion Nic-K Purple Passion, Regan Demmer with the Intermediate Champion LE-O-LA Racer Tara, Judge Brian Kelroy and Winneshiek County Little Miss Squirt Hallie Meyer Right: Alternate Delaware County Dairy Princess Lauren Goldsmith, Jonathan Krogman with the Reserve Senior Champion Miss Artic Rush, Winneshiek County Little Miss Squirt Hallie Meyer, Lauren Kishman with the Senior Champion KishHolm Cinderella, Alternate Delaware County Princess Amber Engelken 4 October 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald

Iowa Junior Holstein Show Winter Yearling (14) 1 - Farnear Jordy Maddy-ET, Adam Simon 2 - Biercrest Blake Philly, Ally Bierschenk 3 - Farnear Jordy Mia-ET, Amanda Dougherty 4 - LE-O-LA Crush Finley, Regan Demmer 5 - Cost Airlift Merry, Alexis Costello 6 - Miss Hovden Sally, Megan Kueker 7 - Vandoskes Blake Sully-ET, Nathan Arthur 8 - Korian Absolute Liza, Pierce Harbaugh 9 - Ms KCCK Avalanche Alyssa, Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse 10 - Hawkeye-JK Presley-Red-ET, Jonathan Krogman & Jenna Chapman Fall Yearling (6) 1 - Arthurcreek Kingboy Chill, Brylie Volker 2 - LE-O-LA Doorman Marissa-ET, Regan Demmer 3 - Cloverhill Astelle-Red-ET, C & E Guyer, B & L Putman 4 - Henkeseen Solomon Midnight, Grayson Gahring 5 - Korian Dempsey Brazon, Pierce Harbaugh 6 - Cloverhill Lotus Nina, C & E Guyer, B & L Putman Fall Yearling In Milk (4) 1 - LE-O-LA Solo Cup (BU), Regan Demmer 2 - Hawkeye-JK Artic Splash, Jonathan Krogman & Jenna Chapman 3 - Arthurcreek Crown Jewel-ET, Nathan Arthur 4 - Courtlane Gold Chip Marley, Blake Courtney

Junior Two Year Old Cow (9) 1 - Farnear Crush Brynn (BU), Adam Simon 2 - LE-O-LA Crush Chasity, Regan Demmer 3 - Hawkeye-JK MC Artic Rain-ET, Jonathan Krogman & Jenna Chapman 4 - KishHolm Door Wide Open, Lauren & Gavin Kishman & Grant Fremstad 5 - Cloverhill PCSS Leia-Red-ET, C & E Guyer, B & L Putman 6 - Thunder-Struck Haily-Red-ET, Pierce Harbaugh 7 - Crest-View-Acres Hlx Brooke, Brody Courtney 8 - Arthurcreek H Octane Cosmic, Brynlee Volker 9 - Courtlane Kenosha Daisy-TW, Emily Carolan Senior Two Year Old Cow (5) 1 - Hawkeye-JK Crush Amen (BU), Jonathan Krogman & Jenna Chapman 2 - West River Cinderdoor Ironic, Ally Bierschenk 3 - Poly-Kow California Crush, Zach Bierschenk 4 - Cloverhill Solomon Tsunami, C & E Guyer, B & L Putman Junior Three Year Old Cow (1) 1 - Courtlane Kingboy Champ (BU), Brooke Courtney Senior Three Year Old Cow (6) 1 - LE-O-LA Racer Tara (BU), Regan Demmer 2 - Nic-K Purple Passion, Jonathan Krogman & Jenna Chapman 3 - Stempfle Doorman Glimmer, Jessica Stmpfle 4 - To-Mar Gold Chip Avis, Haley Ronnebaum 5 - Crescentmead Rochelle-ET, Pierce Harbaugh 6 - Kamps-Hollow Jayde, Kade Meyer Four Year Old Cow (3) 1 - Miss Artic Rush (BU), Jonathan Krogman & Jenna Chapman 2 - Biercrest Chelios Tanysha, Ally Bierschenk 3 - Stempfle Boy Eve, Jessica Stempfle Five Year Old Cow - None Aged Cow (3) 1 - Kishholm Cinderella (BU), Lauren & Gavin Kishman & Grant Fremstad 2 - Bonivista Cyclone Moon, Kade Meyer 150,000-Pound Cow (1) 1 - Farnear-TBR Aria Adler-ET (BU), Adam Simon Dairy Herd (2) 1 - Jonathan Krogman & Jenna Chapman 2 - Regan Demmer

Novice 7 & 8 Years Old Reserve - Chase Cannon Champion - Cael Cannon


Erbie Steffens, age 92, of Decorah, IA, died on Tuesday, May 28, 2019, at his home in Decorah. Funeral services were held on Saturday, June 1, 2019, at the Decorah Lutheran Church, Decorah. Erbie Lorenz Steffens was born on December 30, 1926 the son of Edward and Frieda (Vagts) Steffens in West Union, IA. He was baptized and confirmed at St. Peters Lutheran Church in Eldorado, IA. Erbie graduated from West Union High School. After high school, Erbie started farming on the family farm with his father north of EldoDelaware County Dairy Princess Abby Klostermann, Eric Richards rado. He married Geraldine Stortz on September with the Reserve Junior Champion Miss Crush Adamina, Abby Fair- 3, 1950 at First Lutheran Church in Decorah and banks with the Junior Champion Wapsi-Ana Solomon Breezy-ET, together they had four children: Larry, Robin, and Alternate Delaware County Princess Amber Engelken Cheryl and Mark. In 1959, they moved to the Decorah area and rented a farm that they eventually purchased near Frankville, IA. His passions included his family, traveling, Iowa State Cyclones and of course Registered Holsteins. Erbie and his wife Gerry enjoyed doing a lot together including going to family events, supporting 4H and the county fair and taking trips. They traveled to Europe twice, attended the National Holstein Conventions all across the United States and traveled to Washington DC (at the same time as 9/11). He was proud of the fact that himself, all of his children and a couple of his grandchildren showed cattle Alternate Delaware County Princess Amber Engelken, Reserve for seventy years straight. Erbie held numerous Senior Showman Brylie Volker, Senior Showman Nathan Arthur positions of leadership including: Iowa Holstein and Alternate Delaware County Dairy Princess Lauren Goldsmith Assoc State President, Winn. Co. Fair Board, Winn. Co. DHIA Board, Winn. Co. Dairy Promotion Board, NE Iowa Farm Services Coop Board of Directors, 4H leader, Township Clerk for Frankville Township for forty-three years. He received numerous honors including: Distinguished Service Award in 2017 by Winn. Co. Ag Assoc, State Distinguished Dairyman in 1977 as well as receiving the Distinguished Service Award and Master Breeder Award by the State Holstein Association. He lived by the mantra, “If you take care of the cattle, they will take care of you”. Erbie is survived by his four children: Larry (Karen) Steffens, Cedar Falls, IA; Robin Hansen, Alternate Delaware County Princess Amber Engelken, Reserve Decorah, IA; Cheryl (Don) Wagner, FarmersIntermediate Showman Brooke Courtney, Intermediate Showman burg, IA; and Mark Steffens, Decorah, IA. Seven Regan Demmer and Alternate Delaware County Dairy grandchildren: Kristin (Kelly) Carpenter, Renee Princess Lauren Goldsmith (Nate) Greiner, Alex (fiancé, Brittney Luth) Steffens, Trent (Teng) Zhao, Brian Wagner, Randy (Samantha) Wagner and Lynnette (Ryan) Koopman. Eight great grandchildren: Beau & Dane Greiner, Ben & Luke Carpenter, Thomas Zhao, Waverly & Tyson Wagner, Reese Koopmann with an additional Koopmann on the way. Two brothers: Lester Steffens, West Union, IA, and Reuben (Mary) Steffens, Clermont, IA. Sister-in-law: Hazel Stortz, Decorah, IA along with many nieces, nephews and great nieces and nephews. Erbie was preceded in death by his wife: Geraldine. Parents: Edward and Frieda (Vagts) Right: Alternate Delaware County Dairy Princess Lauren Goldsmith, Steffens. Sisters: Edna Steffens and Anita (Jack) Reserve Junior Showman Brody Courtney, Junior Showman Haley Parsons. Sister-in-law: Leona Steffens. Ronnebaum and Winneshiek Co. Little Miss Squirt Hallie Meyer

October 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald 5

President’s Perspective

Well summer has come and gone very quickly. It seems like all I got done was work, church, and bingo. Well not the bingo (not my kind of game). It was a fun summer with the Holstein Association, a hot but exciting state show in July and a well-attended perfect picnic in August. As the milk price struggles to increase, feed cost shows no sign of creating a larger profit margin. I can remember not too many years ago the “experts” were telling us we had to get more “efficient” to get more milk out of our cows with less money invested. One experienced farmer told me then “we are going to get so efficient we will run each other out of business”. I do not think we are running each other out of business, but if we are unwilling to change and adapt to the market it will become more and more difficult to stay in the game. The bottom line is this change has been happening since the past generation. We have to stay optimistic that there are better times ahead. Once again, we will be having our heifer raffle with our state sale on March 21st. Tickets will be available from the state board members before Christmas. So if you are interested in having a heifer considered for the raffle, contact Kyle Demmer (563-4515376) or myself at (563-329-0876). Be looking at your herd for a sale consignment, selection will be starting before you know it. The sale is a great opportunity to share and show off your breeding program. Also mark your calendars for Saturday, February 22, which is the annual meeting and banquet at the Country Junction in Dyersville. Until next time have a safe and enjoyable fall harvest, Carl Mensen

Adult Association Awards Due November 1

Annual Association award applications are due November 1. The Award recipients will be selected at the Executive Meeting prior to the board meeting on November 2. Usually, people are nominated through their districts. However, individuals may also do so. Applications are available online at www.iowaholsteins.org, or call 641-990-1892 to request an application. The association awards are: Outstanding Young Holstein Breeder Award - designed to be awarded to a person(s) forty years old or younger. Distinguished Service Award - honors leaders who have retired from dairying or are over 65 years of age, who have made significant contributions to the dairy industry, Holstein breed and/ or Holstein Association. Master Breeder Award honors someone who has excelled in the Holstein industry because of their work in terms of breeding better animals. This award is to be presented to an established dairyman who is or has actively engaged in dairying and whose herd met/meets the criteria of a PBR Herd. Watch for membership renewal materials to be mailed in early December.

Katie Stoll Account Manager

Hubbard Feeds Ridley USA Inc. 19988 215th St. • Monticello, IA 52310 Cell: 641-858-6606 Email: katie.stoll@hubbardfeeds.com www.ridleyinc.com • www.hubbardfeeds.com 6 October 2019 Iowa Holstein Herald

2019 Iowa Holstein Princess

Hello Everyone! I hope all is well on your farms and in your homes. I cannot believe show season is over and I am in full school mode. Life is busy to say the least. I am working towards my Master of Business Administration with a Human Resource emphasis and working at the university as well. My hope is to bring my business knowledge back into agriculture once I am finished in May. I want to extend a huge congratulations to all Holstein exhibitors on you hard work over the last show season and good luck to those participating in fall shows as well. I was able to attend the District 8 and State Holstein shows, as well as many county fairs and the state fair. I love showing (of course), but more than that I love seeing all of you and learning about the industry. Additionally, I went to the state picnic a couple weeks back. Thank you so much to Wapsi-Ana for hosting and to all the sponsors. These events are not only a great way to get together and socialize, but also I enjoy seeing other dairy operations and hearing how others do things. This year I was fortunate enough to participate in the Iowa Dairy Princess Contest put on by Midwest Dairy and was chosen as Miss Congeniality and Best Speech. I presented my speech over mental health in the dairy industry at the coronation as well. I feel honored to have gotten to know the other girls at the contest and can promise you that there are some very smart and driven young ladies leading the way in their crowns. As harvest picks up, I wish the best for all for all of you. Please never hesitate to reach out if there are any public speaking events, shows, service projects, or anything else I can help with in anyway. I can be reached at (319)361-8883 or alcostello19@gmail.com. All the best, Alexis Costello

Iowa Junior Holstein Association News

Thank You Thank you to everyone who attended the 2019 National Junior Holstein Convention contests. Your support of the Iowa juniors was greatly appreciated. Thank you to each of you who helped in any way with various volunteer roles to make the district junior Holstein shows run smoothly this summer. Thank you to all of you who sponsored trophies at the state and district Holstein shows. Your continued support is greatly appreciated. Reminder: All junior members please remember to send a personal thank you to your trophy donor. Thank you to the Iowa Holstein Association for your continued $2,000 financial support for the Iowa Junior Holstein Association.

Home of Terrick Holsteins Terry & Kelly Eick 1105 Ivory Ave. • Plainfield, IA 50666 Phone: 319-275-4719 Fax: 319-275-4501 Email: terrick@butler-bremer.com


HOLSTEINS milk strong

live long

Mike & Kathleen Scott Family 12402 R Ave • Westgate, IA 50681 k64scott@gmail.com 563.920.4005 • 563.637.2386

Iowa Holstein Association Board Meeting Minutes President Carl Mensen called the Board of Directors meeting of the Iowa Holstein Association to order at 2:14 pm on August 24, 2019 at Wapsi-Ana, Anamosa. All members were present except for Doug Lyons and Matt Henkes, District 1; Jim Vierhout, District 4; and Mark Knudtson, Heather Moore and Jason Volker, Directorsat-Large. Jeff Hammerand moved to seat Tammy Hammerand for Doug Lyons, Scott Stempfle for Matt Henkes, Leon Sigwarth for Jim Vierhout, seconded by Paul Stempfle. Motion carried. Bob Rahe moved to approve the minutes of the March 16 board meeting, seconded by Walt Wessel. Motion carried. Larry Landsgard moved to approve the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Walt Wessel. Motion carried. Herald - Paula Smith reported that the October Herald will include Midwest Holsteins again, however, only Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin be the only states participating in it for this issue. Junior - Jeff Hammerand commented that Iowa Juniors had another successful year at the National Junior Convention. The date and location of this year’s state junior convention is undecided at this time. Showmanship on Friday evening at the State Fair was discussed as to whether or not the junior members liked the change. Membership - Shellie Volker reported that for 2019, the association has 367 adult members compared to 369 last year with 8 new members, junior and auxiliary membership is at 100% compared to last year. Membership mailings will be sent out the beginning of December. Program Development & Management - The Fairbanks Family was thanked for hosting this year’s state picnic. The 2020 State Convention will be hosted by District 8 with the date and location to be determined yet. Show - Paul Stempfle commented that the state shows were excellent with 169 head exhibited in the open show and 106 head in the junior show. The committee recommends a uniform program be made for all district and state shows and include the Futurity class in the appropriate order in the program. Also they would like to add that at check in time, exhibitors will be asked if they would like to be considered for Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor for state and district shows. The committee recommends adding a summer yearling in milk class to the district and state shows. Also, it is recommended to change rule B.1. “Partnership animals can be shown in one district show in Iowa per year.” The committee would like to have Randy Blodgett cover next year’s state show at the State Fair. Sale - Carl Mensen reported that the 2019 Iowa Spring Sale made approximately $2,800, however the profit was because of one animal selling for $90,000. The free pre-sale meal cost $1,050 and some money was also donated to help with the expense. Various options in changing the sale commission were discussed in order to entice top of the line consignments. The State Sale will be held on March 21 in West Union. Another heifer raffle will be held, and "The Landsgards" members can contact 18239 Gunder Rd. • St. Olaf, IA 52072 Kyle Demmer or Carl Fax: 563-864-3338 • lansgard@neitel.net Mensen if they would Larry Landsgard like to have a heifer 17518 Gunder Rd • Postville, IA 52162 Larry’s Cell: 563-419-5576 considered.

Lands-Brook Farms

Bob Rahe moved to approve the committee reports with recommendations tabled until the November board meeting, seconded by Kevin Fossum. Motion carried. National Association - Dennis Devore reported that Alan Graves has been hired as a Field Representative. He reported that the August 2019 genetic evaluations brought about a new and exciting release for Holstein Marketplace Sires and continued strong rankings for all sires. If you are interested in semen from one of these sires, please contact him and to learn more about these bulls, visit www. holsteinusa.com/marketplacesires. Old Business - A previous membership proposal for business members will be reviewed again. New Business - The November Board Meeting will be on Saturday, November 2 at Gus & Tony’s Townhouse Cafe, West Union. The executive committee will meet at 9:30 a.m. with the board meeting to follow at 11:00 a.m. Bob Rahe moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dan Moon. Motion carried with adjournment at 3:01 pm. Respectfully submitted, Paula Smith

2019 Hawkeye Holstein Futurity

The 2019 Hawkeye Holstein Futurity was held at the Iowa Holstein Show in Manchester on July 19. 1 - Henkeseen Dominic Double D, Henkeseen Holsteins 2 - Henkeseen CA Ruby-Red, Henkeseen Holsteins 3 - Lyons-DL Brazelle Layla, Lyons Holsteins 4 - Lyons-DL Denote Jule-Red, Lyons Holsteins 5 - Moondale Theodora, Moondale

Iowa Holstein Princess Alexis Costello and Matt Henkes with the Futurity winner Henkeseen Dominic Double D

Consider entering your registered Holstein females born September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2019 in the 2022 Futurity. Entries are due February 1.

Iowa Junior Holstein Show Novice - 6 Years Old Under Reserve - Payton Gibbs Champion - Adley Rahe

For Sale ~ Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Cookbooks Cookbooks are available upon request. Cost is $10 plus $4 shipping. Contact: Kathy Demmer rkleola@yousq.net 6222 Sundown Rd • Peosta, Iowa 52068 563.542.2983 or 563.876.3120

* To save on shipping costs, contact Kathy to see if someone has cookbooks for sale near you.


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Health alerts save time, money and cows! CowManager will alert you immediately to any cow that is not eating or ruminating and/or has a drop in ear temperature. This allows you to intervene early, saving money on labor and antibiotics and reducing waste milk. John and Meghan Palmer experienced the power of the Health alert firsthand during a Pasteurella pneumonia outbreak at their organic dairy last winter. Ask your Select Sires MidAmerica representative about the benefits of CowManager!

2019 Iowa Holstein Show

Total Head Shown: 169 ~ July 19 ~ Manchester, Iowa ~ Judge: Ryan Krohlow Grand Champion, Senior Champion, Best Udder of the Show: Ms-AOL Cntndr Revive-Red, Wapsi-Ana, Fairholm & Triple S Reserve Grand Champion, Reserve Senior Champion: Farnear TBR Aria Adler-ET, Farnear Holsteins Intermediate Champion & Honorable Mention Grand Champion: To-Mar Gold Chip Avis, Haley, Bianka & Braden Ronnebaum Reserve Intermediate Champion: LE-O-LA Racer Tara, LE-O-LA Holsteins Junior Champion: Petitclerc Avalanche Spottie, Duane Gibbs & Dan Hovden Reserve Junior Champion: Triple S Awesome Missme-Red, Triple S Farm Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor of the Show: LE-O-LA Holsteins

Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor of the Heifer Show: LE-O-LA Holsteins

Hope Morrison, Steven Nelson, Darren Ropp, Josh Fairbanks, Samantha Fairbanks with the Grand Champion and Best Udder of the Show Ms-AOL Cntndr Revive-Red, Doug and Abby Fairbanks Spring Heifer Calf (16) 1 - LE-O-LA Solomon Paige, LE-O-LA Holsteins 2 - Biercrest Atmosphere Kristi, Biercrest Farms 3 - River Divide Denver Malinda, River Divide Dairy 4 - LE-O-LA Doorman Leeta-ET, LE-O-LA Holsteins 5 - KCCK Crush Beat It, Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse 6 - Gibbs DH Saratoga Laska, Joe Gibbs 7 - Banowetz Doorman Rascal, Shawn & Levi Banowetz 8 - Banowetz Solomon Rocket, Shawn & Levi Banowetz 9 - Genosource Drive Luella-ET, Pierce, Abby, Kayle & Luke Fairbanks 10 - Cloverhill Lotus Astrid, Clover Hill Farms Winter Heifer Calf (21) 1 - Petitclerc Avalanche Spottie, Duane Gibbs & Dan Hovden 2 - River Divide Denver Maxi, River Divide Dairy 3 - Farnear Doc Away-ET, Farnear Holsteins 4 - Heatherstone Good Time-ET, Regancrest 5 - LE-O-LA Capital Gain Lola, LE-O-LA Holsteins 6 - KCCK Artist Anna, Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse 7 - Banowetz High Octane Mila, Shawn & Levi Banowetz 8 - Wapsi-Ana Solomon Breezy-ET, Pierce, Abby, Kayle & Luke Fairbanks 9 - Arthurcreek Rgnld Champagne, Nathan Arthur 10 - Henkeseen Crush Magenta, Henkeseen Holsteins Fall Heifer Calf (20) 1 - Triple S Awesome Missme-Red, Triple S Farm 22 - Midwest Holsteins, Fall 2019

2 - LE-O-LA Artist Lexis-ET, LE-O-LA Holsteins 3 - Stempfle Glass Ceiling, Stempfle Holsteins 4 - LE-O-LA Avalanche Ainsley, LE-O-LA Holsteins 5 - KCCK Avalanche Amanda, Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse 6 - Royal Review Peerless-ET, Doug Brown 7 - Korian Dback Hope, Korian Holsteins 8 - Arthurcreek Crush Moana, Nathan Arthur 9 - LE-O-LA Artist Ava, LE-O-LA Holsteins 10 - Heart Broke Foton Relic, HB Holsteins Summer Yearling (9) 1 - Banowetz Peach Crush, Shawn & Levi Banowetz 2 - Petitclerc Diamonbck Speedy-ET, Stempfle Holsteins 3 - KCCK Jordy Rachel, Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse 4 - Danhof Doc Zandra-ET, Regancrest 5 - Gibbs WO Dixon, Joe Gibbs 6 - Heart Broke DB Diamond, HB Holsteins 7 - Dogtown Ruby, Gregory Coonrod 8 - LE-O-LA Doorman Tulip, LE-O-LA Holsteins 9 - Arthurcreek Montey Ciara, BBBB Volker & Nathan Arthur Spring Yearling (12) 1 - Ms Nabholz Armella, Nabholz Farm 2 - Sco-Lo Absolute 2315, Sco-Lo Holsteins 3 - MIss Crush Adamina, Eric Richards 4 - Blondin Jordy Dakota-Red-ET, LE-O-LA Holsteins 5 - Cloverhill Dundee Ariadne, Clover Hill Farms 6 - Gibbs D Man Big Smile-ET, Joe Gibbs 7 - Stempfle King Boy 2335, Stempfle Holsteins

8 - Luck-E Crush Arugala, Biercrest Holsteins 9 - Banowetz Diamondback Azzara, Shawn & Levi Banowetz 10 - LE-O-LA Doorman Faith-TW-ET, LE-O-LA Holsteins Winter Yearling (14) 1 - Farnear Jordy Maddy-ET, Farnear Holsteins 2 - Golden-Oaks Impress-Red, Fairholm & Mason Dairy Farm 3 - LE-O-LA Crush Finley-ET, LE-O-LA Holsteins 4 - Ms KCCK Avalanche Alyssa, Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse 5 - Korian Absolute Liza, Korian Holsteins 6 - Farnear Jordy Mia-ET, Farnear Holsteins 7 - Vandoskes Blake Sully-ET, Nathan Arthur 8 - Miss Hovden Sally, Garkarty Holsteins 9 - Biercrest Blake Philly, Biercrest Holsteins 10 - Henkeseen Brigham Talley, Henkeseen Holsteins Fall Yearling (7) 1 - LE-O-LA Doorman Marissa-ET, LE-O-LA Holsteins 2 - Arthurcreek Kingboy Chill, BBBB Volker & Nathan Arthur 3 - Cloverhill Lotus Nina, Clover Hill Farms 4 - Milksource Doorman Ziggi-ET, Shawn & Levi Banowetz 5 - Korian Dempsey Brazon, Korian Holsteins 6 - Henkeseen Solomon Midnight, Henkeseen Holsteins 7 - Cloverhill Astelle-Red-ET, Clover Hill Farms Junior Best Three Females (5) 1 - LE-O-LA Holsteins 2 - KCCK Genetics 3 - Nathan Arthur 4 - Farnear Holsteins 5 - Stempfle Holsteins Fall Yearling In Milk (3) 1 - LE-O-LA Solo Cup (BU, B&O), LE-O-LA Holsteins 2 - Sheeknoll Doorman Amelia, Mason Dairy Farm

3 - Hawkeye-JK Artic Splash-ET, Hawkeye Holsteins Junior Two Year Old Cow (12) 1 - Oakfield Crush Robinhood (BU), Sco-Lo 2 - Regancrest Mysterm Bellani (B&O), Regancrest 3 - Hawkeye-JK MC Artic Rush, Hawkeye Holsteins 4 - LE-O-LA Crush Chasity-ET, LE-O-LA Holsteins 5 - Farnear Crush Brynn, Farnear Holsteins 6 - KishHolm Door Wide Open, KishHolm Holsteins 7 - Ms Nabholz Legend Anna-ET, Nabholz Farm 8 - Courtlane Kenosha Daisy-TW, Emily Carolan 9 - Madren Airlift Reflect, Madren Holsteins 10 - Cloverhill PCSS Leia-Red-ET, Clover Hill Farms Senior Two Year Old Cow (11) 1 - Sco-Lo Rival Renate 2242-ET (BU, B&O), Sco-Lo 2 - Sco-Lo Lotus Renate 2233-ET, Sco-Lo 3 - LE-O-LA Atwood Lizzy-ET, LE-O-LA Holsteins 4 - LE-O-LA Awesome Danica-ET, LE-O-LA Holsteins 5 - Hawkeye-JK Crush Amen-ET, Hawkeye Holsteins 6 - Banowetz Sid Moola, Shawn & Levi Banowetz 7 - Lyons-DL Action Whip It-Red, Lyons Holsteins 8 - Moondale-AAA-SF Careolyn,Kyle Moon, Andrew Adney & Seth Ferguson 9 - Regancrest Kenosha Cayrina 8976, Regancrest 10 - West River Cinderdoor Ironic, Biercrest Holsteins Junior Three Year Old Cow (4) 1 - KishHolm Golden Chance-TW (BU, B&O), KishHolm Holsteins 2 - Lyons-DL Brazelle Layla, Lyons Holsteins 3- Lyons-DL Denote Jule-Red, Lyons Holsteins 4 - Courtlane Kingboy Champ, Courtlane Holsteins

Senior Three Year Old Cow (13) 1 - To-Mar Gold Chip Avis (BU), Haley, Bianka & Braden Ronnebaum 2 - LE-O-LA Racer Tara (B&O), LE-O-LA Holsteins 3 - Sco-Lo Coons Door 2282, Sco-Lo 4 - Milksource Doorman Chex, LE-O-LA Holsteins 5 - Henkeseen Dominic Double D, Henkeseen Holsteins 6 - Henkeseen CA Ruby-Red, Henkeseen Holsteins 7 - Nic-K Pruple Passion-ET, Hawkeye Holsteins 8 - Crescentmead Rochelle-ET, Korian Holsteins 9 - Kamps-Hollow Jayde, Dusty Hollow 10 - Regancrest Damaris Bree 8502, Regancrest Four Year Old Cow (9) 1 - Regancrest Goldust Blacky 8040 (BU, B&O), Regancrest

2 - LE-O-LA Atwood Tula, LE-O-LA Holsteins 3 - Biercrest Chelios Tanysha, Biercrest Holsteins 4 - Miss Artic Rush, Hawkeye Holsteins 5 - Banowetz Gold Chip Suelyn, Shawn & Levi Banowetz 6 - Moondale Advent Peaches-ET, Moondale 7 - Gibbs AA Landmine, Dry Hollow Dairy 8 - KishHolm Catch Me, KishHolm Holsteins 9 - Stempfle Boy Eve, Stempfle Holsteins Five Year Old Cow (6) 1 - Ms-AOLCntndr Revive-Red (BU), Wapsi-Ana, Fairholm & Triple S 2 - Henkeseen Chelios Hallie (B&O), Henkeseen Holsteins 3 - Moondale-AAA-SF Careful, Kyle Moon, Andrew Adney & Seth Ferguson 4 - Moondale A Pandy, Moondale

Matt Simon, Tim Rauen, Rick Simon, Shirley Simon, Megan Moellers, Mark Simon, Tom Simon, Paul Trapp with the Reserve Grand Champion & Reserve Senior Champion Farnear TBR Aria Adler-ET, Andy Dougherty, Bill Rauen and Adam Simon

Mitch Ronnebaum, Braden Ronnebaum, Carter Kruse with the Honorable Mention Grand Champion and Intermediate Champion To-Mar Gold Chip Avis, Haley and Bianka Ronnebaum

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5 - Gibbs WP Laska-ET, Dry Hollow Dairy 6 - Regancrest G Cinderella-ET, Regancrest Aged Cow (7) 1 - Farnear TBR Aria Adler-ET (BU), Farnear Holsteins 2 - KishHolm Collett (B&O), KishHolm Holsteins 3 - KishHolm Cinderella, KishHolm Holsteins 4 - Moondale Tam, Moondale 5 - KishHolm Celina, KishHolm Holsteins 6 - Henkeseen L Reisling-Red, Henkeseen Holsteins 7 - Bonivista Cyclone Moon, Dusty-Hollow 150,000-Pound Cow (4) 1 - Moondale Trudy (BU), Korian 2 - Farnear Atwood Milli-ET (B&O), Farnear Holsteins

3 - Moondale Goldwyn Paddy-ET, Moondale 4 - Cades-Corner Aftershock Pansy, Regancrest Best Three Females (9) 1 - KishHolm Holsteins 2 - LE-O-LA Holsteins 3 - Henkeseen Holsteins 4 - Moondale Produce of Dam (3) 1 - KishHolm Holsteins 2 - Sco-Lo 3 - Nabholz Farm Daughter-Dam (2) 1 - Henkeseen Holsteins 2 - Farnear Holsteins

LE-O-LA Holsteins was named Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor of the Show along with Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor of the Heifer Show. They also won Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor of the District 8 Show which was held in conjunction with the State Show. L to R: Kristy Gibbs, Regan Demmer, Riley Demmer, Royce Demmer, Rick & Kathy Demmer, Kyle Demmer and Laura Finley

Judge Ryan Krohlow, Alternate Delaware County Princess Amber Engelken, Fayette County Dairy Princess Megan Kueker, Samantha Fairbanks with the Reserve Junior Champion Triple S Awesome Missme-Red, Cory Schmitz with the Junior Champion Petitclerc Avalanche Spottie, Natalie Besler, Dan Hovden and Duane Gibbs

Midwest Holsteins, Fall 2019 - 23

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