The smart journal for surface treatments
ISSN 2280-6083
ipcm digital on 2021
Make an impression Ready. Steady. Coat.
12th Year - Bimonthly N° 70 - JULY/AUGUST
Lesta Srl
Via Damiano Chiesa 42 20036 Dairago Mi Italy
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FABTECH’s market-leading events offer the opportunity to see the latest technologies first-hand, make new connections, and conduct profitable business. We strongly believe in the power of in-person events to discover, educate, and motivate the metal fabrication industry. We missed the FABTECH community in 2020 and look forward to coming together again to reconnect and help move our industry forward.
SEPT 13-16, 2021
MEXICO MAY 3-5, 2022
CANADA JUNE 14-16, 2022
© La Rosa
Lighting Up the Darkness of Black
© ipcm
05 10 12 16 22
HOW IT’S COATED Mannequins Need Colour Too
© Adobe Stock
Zimetal: A More Complete and Diversified Service Thanks to the Synergy Between Hot-Dip Galvanising and Powder Coating
IPCM IN REVIEW SUSTAINABILITY Ongoing Challenges for Sustainable Water-based Paint in Canada
BRAND NEW HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Green Chemistry and Customer Service: The Birth of SurTec Italia
34 38
Flat Cutting and 3D Printing: Two New Tools for Euromask®’s Renewed Market Approach
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Inspiration, Interaction, Information: Merck’s First Virtual Automotive Coatings Show
Turkish Bike Manufacturer Powers to Leading Position in the EU market
BRAND NEW FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY A Coating Plant 4.0 for Sabiana, a Manufacturer of Excellence in the Industrial, Commercial, and Residential Air Conditioning Sector
Unique Façade Design with Brush Finish Powder Coating
Toran 3 One-Stage Pre-Treatment and Powder Coating: The Combination Chosen by Omet to Protect Label and Packaging Printing Machines Against Inks and Solvents
The Advanced Air Treatment System of OMB’s New Paintshop Becomes a Competitive Advantage in the Refuse Collection Vehicles Market
SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français) RATP (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens) Gütegemeinschaft Anti-Graffiti e. V. London Underground
© IM GROUP | Photography Riccardo Cordera
© Gema Europe
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH IM GROUP Launches Unique Machine for Automated Application of Ring Latches to Liquid Paint Pail Lids
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY hen the Application System’s Revamp W Makes the Difference
© Massimiliano Mandarini
86 88 94 96
ART WITHIN SURFACES A Return to Natural Colours, Materials, and Shapes: The New Pillars of Sustainable Architecture
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH GSB International as a Digital Pioneer-Quality Assurance in Times of the Pandemic
SUCCESS STORIES Dürr Supplies 16 Coating Robots to Turkish Aerospace
INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Global Wheels: Global Mask for Wheel Coating
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY The Keys to Colortechnology’s Success: Digitalisation Strategy and Pre-Treatment Results Repeatability
ART WITHIN SURFACES New Graphene-Based Coating Protects Paintings Against Environmental Degradation
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Aluminium and Plastic Paints: Diverse Industrial Needs, a Single Quality Requirement
THE MARKETING CORNER How to Leverage LinkedIn to Market Your Business
Quality Control as the Driver of the ipcm® Academy Courses
University and the Industry Join Forces to Build a Bridge to a Sustainable Future
3D Printing: Opportunity or Threat (Also for the Finishing Industry)
Protection upgraded
Specialità chimiche per il trattamento delle superfici Lavaggio Industriale
Pretrattamento metalli alla verniciatura
Lavaggio di precisione
Processi di conversione esenti
Sgrassanti interoperazionali
Cromo e Fosfati
Miscele di tensioattivi
Fosfatanti a bassa temperatura
Protezione temporanea
Passivanti per acciaio zincato a caldo Passivazione conduttiva su Alluminio TCP
Galvanica Funzionale
Galvanica Decorativa
Zinco e leghe di zinco
Rame, Nichel e Cromo
Passivanti e Sigillanti
Deposizione su plastica (POP)
Rivestimenti resistenti all'usura
Stagno e leghe di Stagno
SurTec Italia Sas di Externa Holding Srl Via Boito, 251 Tel.: +39 059 8579901 41019 Soliera (MO) E-Mail: Italia Web:
Richiedi la versione in italiano a
he economic situation in Europe is decidedly improving. Businesses and citizens’ confidence is increasing, consumption is picking up again, and this is reflected in significantly improving growth figures and strong exports. Some indicators are pointing to an even stronger recovery at the European level. The vaccination campaign is helping effectively contain the epidemic. Despite the threat of variants, thanks to the vaccination of a large proportion of the European population the rate of infection and, above all, the rate of hospitalisations and admissions to intensive care is far lower than it was even just six months ago. Therefore, this summer has started with positive news, which do not mark the end of the pandemic yet, but certainly bring more certainties than one year ago. On an even more positive note, the industry actually seems to be reflecting the official data from national and European monitoring – which is not always the case, since there is often a mismatch between the forecasts made “in the corridors of power” and production reality. The ipcm® issues published in the first six months of 2021 have been richer in reports about innovation investments than ever and this July-August issue is no different. The many companies reporting on their experiences certainly depict a strong, sound manufacturing industry in numerous sectors. This is especially true when firms are managed by private capital and entrepreneurial families who, unlike investment funds or financial groups, do not look so much at EBITDA and dividends as at the value of their companies as a whole – their staff, skills, and expertise to safeguard. However, this does not mean that all instability factors have been eliminated. The scarcity of raw materials is persisting, resulting in exaggerated price increases that are putting a strain on all sectors. Incidentally, the industry finds itself in this condition more for political reasons than for actual manufacturing circumstances. The travel ban imposed by the USA on Schengen countries and a few others (Brazil, India, China, and South Africa, for example) also continues. Whereas the executive orders issued by former President Donald Trump in March 2020 and then confirmed by the Biden administration were intended to contain the spread of COVID-19 and protect the labour market, their motivation is now unclear. We are in a global recovery phase and the rules need to be changed, because there are so many European economic interests in the US. Moreover, the persistent travel ban is also violating the reciprocity clause, as American citizens can come to Europe under the imposed rules (Covid certificate or swab). Finally, there is the issue of a mandatory “green pass” for access to many public places where it is impossible to maintain social distance, except at the expense of heavy restrictions. For some people, this will do more harm than good to our recovering economies. We at ipcm®, on the other hand, are favourable to it: there is nothing more motivating and positive for productivity than working safely. The possibility of returning to face-to-face events, to personal appointments with clients (already resumed, but still with a certain anxiety), and to a more relaxed and less fearful climate in offices, on public transport, and in restaurants, but above all the chance to consider home working as an option and not an obligation are all ingredients for the new normality.
Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief Direttore Responsabile
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
Lighting Up the Darkness of Black Anita Fehr BYK-Gardner GmbH – Geretsried, Germany
The spectro2guide Pro, the latest member of the spectro2guide family, was developed by BYK-Gardner GmbH to accurately measure black and describe its undertones. It is the only spectrophotometer on the market that is capable of measuring colour and gloss as well as predicting the long-term colour stability of a sample.
arbon black is a material with a long history whose production dates to the early civilizations of mankind. Initial uses can be traced back to ancient China, the early Egyptians, and India since
the days before Christ. The demand for carbon black was particularly driven by the invention of the printing press in the fifteenth century.
Today carbon black is found in all aspects of modern life. It is used in inkjet printer ink, as reinforcements for natural and synthetic rubber and as the active agent in electrically conductive plastics. Probably the widest and best-known application is the usage as a pigment in paints, coatings and plastics to impart a deep black colour, because it has higher tinting strength compared to iron black or organic pigments. Means, not all black is the same.
Definition of blackness In general, black is a colour that results from the absence or complete absorption of visible light. Leading carbon black manufacturers promote carbon black pigments that absorb up to 99.98% of light. The higher the absorption coefficient of a medium, such as a black coating, the higher is the achieved blackness value (My). Deep black coatings can have an undertone – bluish or brownish. A deep black colour with a bluish undertone in the full tone is perceived as richer, darker and more brilliant than with a brownish undertone. Two samples with the same blackness (My) and different undertone (dM) can be perceived as different blacks, whereas the sample with blue undertone will be perceived as deeper black. For this reason, black with a blue undertone is often preferred in technical applications, such as for the topcoats in the automotive industry. The hue-dependent degree of blackness is referred to as “jetness” (Mc). The calculation for the blackness value My is based on the tristimulus A detail of the “Olympia” painting (Édouard Manet, 1863). Not all black is the same: in this work the artist succeeded in applying the black tone of the servant and the cat on a black background.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
value Y and a 10° observer: Blackness My My = 100 log (100 / Y) This determines only the lightness of a sample without considering the coloured undertone. As the undertone of a black colour has an impact
© BYK-Gardner GmbH
© BYK-Gardner GmbH
Figure 1: dM undertone.
Figure 2: Decreasing remission with increasing My.
on the visual assessment, the hue-dependent degree of blackness is
signal decreases while the thermal noise, which is basically caused
calculated as follows:
by electronic components, remains constant. Measurements of innovative, deepest black coatings with very low reflection takes place
Jetness Mc - Colour depending black value
at a lightness value of L* < 1.
Mc = 100*(log(Xn / X)–log(Zn / Z)+log(Yn / Y))
This is a challenging task for a measurement instrument and pushes the technical performance of a handheld spectrophotometer to the
The black value Mc describes higher jetness, if there is a blue
utmost limit (Fig. 2).
undertone and lower jetness, if the shade is more brownish. The
The latest member of the spectro2guide family, the spectro2guide
difference between the black value Mc and the black value My defines
Pro, was developed to accurately measure black and describe its
the hue of a black colour, the so-called Undertone (dM):
undertones no matter how deep black the colour might be (Fig. 3). Leading carbon black specialists supported us in testing the
Undertone dM - Absolute contribution of hue
performance by challenging the measurement accuracy with ultimate
dM = Mc – My = 100*(log(Xn / X)–log(Zn / Z)
black colours. Basis is the use of high-power LEDs as a light source, which have exceptional short-term as well as long-term stability and
dM describes the amount of blue shade in case of positive values and
ensure extremely homogeneous illumination of the measuring point.
the amount of brown shade in case of negative values (Fig. 1).
To master the “signal to noise ratio”, highest precision electronic
Blackness (My), Jetness (Mc) and Undertone (dM) are specified in
and optical components are combined with a special calibration and
international standards: ISO/DIS 18314-3 and DIN 55979.
operation mode for measurement of black colours: LED lamps are powered with more
© BYK-Gardner GmbH
energy resulting in a higher light intensity and
Challenges in quantification of blackness
the illumination time is extended. In this so called jetness-mode colours with low black
It has always been the greatest challenge for a
values cannot be measured. The user is asked
spectrophotometer to achieve repeatable and
to remeasure the sample in the “regular”
reproducible results on a black colour. While
measurement mode and the so-called
a white sample reflects almost 100 percent of
G-values (grayness values) will be shown in
the light emitted by the spectrophotometer,
lieu of M-values.
the proportion of reflected light becomes
The jetness indices (M-values and G-values)
smaller and smaller with darker colours -
are defined in DIN ISO 18314-3. Thus,
as increasingly larger amounts of light are
on deep blacks with high light absorbing
absorbed by the sample. Consequently, the so-called “signal to noise ratio” changes with dark colours: the measurement
capabilities, the spectro2guide Pro will be able Figure 3: The spectro2guide Pro was developed to accurately measure black and describe its undertones no matter how deep black the colour might be.
to deliver a perfectly stable signal with the highest possible accuracy.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
© BYK-Gardner GmbH
Measuring capability test Samples and sample preparation The spectro2guide Pro was tested on 6 samples “Test 1 – Test 6” with graduated My and dM values. The samples are glass plates painted with high-gloss black. Deep blacks can only be measured on high-gloss and absolutely clean samples. Any contaminants or surface irregularities can have a considerable influence on the measurement results. Due to that, the sample surface must be absolutely free of scratches, fingerprints and dust before measuring. During the test, the sample surface was cleaned with distilled water and lint-free delicate task wipes before the measurement. To guarantee that the sample surface is perfectly prepared, an LED
© BYK-Gardner GmbH
flashlight is included with the spectro2guide Pro. The lamp can be used to assess the quality of the sample surface under strong direct light. A 15 – 45-degree angle has proven to be most effective. Visual assessment The visual assessment was made in the light booth “byko-spectra pro” under a 45-degree angle. The byko-spectra pro uses a smart combination of filtered tungsten-halogen lamps and LEDs. That makes the highest rendering Class A according CIE 51.2 available. Due to that, the “byko-spectra pro” is especially suitable for colour critical appraisal of solid colours and guarantees accurate colour matching.
© BYK-Gardner GmbH
From top to bottom: Figure 4: Blackness/jetness test tiles. Figure 5: My of sample “Test 6 – Ultimate Black”. Figure 6: Y of sample “Test 6 – Ultimate Black”.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
In addition, the measurement accuracy
degree of blackness. The order corresponds to
(repeatability) is of utmost importance. In the
the naming of the samples: Sample “Test 1” is the
following, the results for sample “Test 6” are
sample with the lowest degree of blackness (My),
presented as an example, as this is the ultimate
sample “Test 6” is the sample with the deepest
black being at the upper end of the black scale
black (My). The samples “Test 5” and “Test 6” can
with My max = 400. Sample “Test 6” achieves an
hardly be separated from each other. Regarding the
average black value of 393.56, which corresponds
undertone, sample “Test 5” and “Test 6” are perceived
to a measured Y of 0.0116 on average. Despite
as clearly bluish (dM). Sample “Test 1” appears to
a remission of only 116 parts per million of the
have a yellow undertone (dM). The samples “Test 2”
incident light, the obtained standard deviation
to “Test 4” tend to be classified as colour-neutral, i.e.
of Y is only 0.0002 (Variance ≙ 0,0172) for 50
The trained observer can sort the samples by their
measurements. Figure 5 shows the achieved
without a clear undertone (dM).
results for Y and figure 6 the results of My. Test conditions and test execution Each sample is measured 50 times in immediate
succession at the same measuring spot. The
The technical performance of the spectro2guide
spectro2guide Pro is directly connected to the
Pro is outstanding even on deep black samples with
smart-lab colour software, this enables a triggered
a My value close to 400.
online measurement via software to minimize user
Furthermore, the spectro2guide family consisting
influence. The measurement data is also analysed in
of spectro2go, spectro2guide and spectro2guide
the smart-lab colour software.
Pro is the only spectrophotometer on the market that is capable of measuring colour and gloss as
well as predicting the long-term colour stability
The goal of any spectrophotometer is to measure
of a sample. The lightfastness is analysed by
what you see. This goal was successfully achieved
the combination of a spectrophotometer with a
during the test. The spectro2guide Pro can sort the
samples “Test 1” to “Test 6” in terms of blackness
The spectro2guide Pro opens completely new
level and Undertone according to the visual
perspectives to control colour harmony and
assessment. Figure 4 shows the My and dM value of
guarantee colour stability - no matter what colour
all test tiles.
and how deep the black may be.
References [1] Analytical colorimetry – Part 3: Special indices (ISO 18314-3:2015), German version EN ISO 18314-3:2018 [2] Pigmente – Bestimmung der Schwarzzahl von Pigmentrußen, DIN 55979:2020-12 [3] Schwarz der feine Unterschied, Kai Krauss, Andrea Höpke, Markus Mahn (Orion Engineered Carbons), Farbe und Lack, 2019/01 [4] Measuring Black – but how? Kai Kraus, Andrea Höpke and Markus Mahn (Orion Engineered Carbons), European Coatings Journal, 06-2020 [5] Orion Engineered Carbons GmbH,
Via Monte Bianco 20 - 20833 Giussano (MB) - IT p. +39.0362.314075 - f. +39.0362.861222
May and June in review “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.
or the editors of ipcm®, the month
New strategies and new achievements
of May is always marked by great
on social media
excitement and numerous business
Social media have always been very
trips that will allow to create the reports and
important platforms for ipcm®, in order to
technical articles hosted in the magazines
spread knowledge and innovation in the
released at the end of the month.
surface treatment sector. This month, we
The automotive special included in the issue
surpassed 3,500 followers on LinkedIn’s
no. 69 of ipcm _International Paint & Coating
ipcm® International Paint & Coating Magazine
Magazine ( boasts many
company page, on which we publish daily
in-depth articles dedicated to coatings for
news and insights from companies within
the automotive sector, including an extensive
the industry, as well as all the news from the
report on the painting of the latest dream car
ipcm® world.
for all MC20 enthusiasts: the first Maserati
Moreover, our most loyal followers on
100% Made in Modena.
Instagram and Facebook may have noticed a
This rich issue also contains the ICT_Industrial
change of course in the content posted: we
Cleaning Technologies insert, dedicated to
want to pay growing attention to the selection
washing and cleaning components from to
of topics and to the most appropriate format
the automotive world.
(videos, carousels, infographics, stories, etc.)
Finally, we concluded the month with the
to better communicate the industry and
publication of the Spanish and Portuguese
make it accessible also to a less experienced
newspapers ipcm _Ibérica and ipcm _
audience, that is however always curious.
LatinoAmérica. ipcm® at the British Library The first video-interview with Paola
Another important recognition received
Giraldo, co-founder and coordinator of
this month concerns the British Library. The
ipcm Academy
National Library of the United Kingdom, one
On May 25th, Alessia Venturi, editor-in-
of the most prestigious research libraries in
the world, has contacted us to inform us that
chief of ipcm® magazines, interviewed Paola Giraldo, co-founder and coordinator of ipcm
all 69 issues of ipcm® are browsable in their
Academy, to retrace the story of how, from a
simple idea born in 2011, the training courses
of ipcm® Academy have turned into a very
A new colleague ... a biped one this time!
successful project, which saw the participation
To conclude, if last month we introduced you
of over 130 companies and which, since last
to Falkor, the Miniature Schnauzer puppy
year, has been recognised for training the
who joined the ipcm® family, this month we
new professional figure of Industrial Surface
welcomed a new member of the editorial
Finishing Processes Technician, included in
team: Gabriele.
the QRSP (Regional Framework of Professional
He has already contributed to the latest issue
Standards) of the Italian Lombardy Region and
of ipcm® and is also helping managing our
recognised at national and European level.
social media channels.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Barbara Pennati and Ilaria Paolomelo, ipcm
The month of June marked a decisive step forward for EOS Mktg&Communication ( – the publishing house of the ipcm® magazines as well as marketing and communication agency – which is now officially a member of UNA – Aziende della comunicazione unite (, an Italian association representing the main players in the marketing and communication sector. The first session of the Academy courses wrapped up In June, the last lessons of the first session of the ipcm®_Academy course – which aims at training the next technicians of industrial surface finishing processes – took place.This first session, which also counted (at last!) some face-to-face lessons, was a great success: 13 people from 10 different companies took part in the course, which will return for a second session in September. Trade fairs are back Another sign of a return to normality comes from the trade fair sector, in particular from PaintExpo, the leading trade fair for surface finishing technologies of which EOS is the exclusive agency for Italy, Spain and Portugal. After some postponements and the arrival of a new organizer, PaintExpo will return to liven the halls of Karlsruhe up from 26 to 29 April 2022. To date, there are already over 100 companies registered, including 39 from the countries we represent as an agency. Contact us at info@eosmarketing. it for further information. The month of Protective Coatings And like it happens every June, the summer issue of ipcm® Protective Coatings – our magazine dedicated to corrosion prevention and control technologies – has been published. In this June issue you can find an important testimony of the importance of surface preparation as the starting point for guaranteeing its quality and durability. Ready to travel again Finally, let’s conclude this review of June with a personal but important note for us: all the members of the EOS team have finally obtained at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. The only side effect experienced is the considerable increase in the desire to return to travel around the world as soon as possible to meet the sector in-person once again.
Ongoing Challenges for Sustainable Water-based Paint in Canada Gary LeRoux President & CEO of CPCA, The Canadian Paint and Coatings Association
In any part of the globe the restrictions on use of biocides in paint and coatings represent a big challenge for our industry. We have decided to publish this message which Gary LeRoux, President & CEO of CPCA, The Canadian Paint and Coatings Association, addressed to our sector. Here he emphasises some globally applicable and important aspects about this issue, that are perhaps underestimated by the regulatory authorities.
he issue of biocides in paint, and the
many uses in crop protection, sanitization,
urgent matter.
increasingly tight regulation of them,
etc. It has recently become clear that the
The most recent evidence of those
has been gathering steam in Europe,
more restrictive evaluation of uses for paint
challenges was the ban of a very common
Canada and the United States. It is among
and coatings has not been well understood
biocide for paint and coatings use in Canada
the top issues for the coatings industry. Until
by regulators and thus challenging for the
in 2019, OIT. The ban was reversed a year
now, regulators have long been focused on
paint and coatings industry. CPCA’s extensive
later in 2020. However, it is unclear why
the review and subsequent regulation for
advocacy efforts continue to address this
the same data used to restore both OIT as
© AdobeStock
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
well as use levels for CMIT/MIT in Canada,
consumer choice and ultimately price. Yet,
produced a different decision for both. CPCA
they will still be available to manufacturers
never understood why the ban occurred
and consumers in the United States. It
given the fact there was strong scientific data
is unclear why this re-evaluation - using
provided for the re-evaluation and approval
the exact same science - produces much
of OIT at existing label use rates in Canada.
different results in Canada.
While the ban reversal was positive, it had
Often overlooked by evaluators is the fact
already caused unfortunate disruption for
that biocides used in paint and coatings are
the coatings industry and the formulations
very good examples of how microbial control
for many product lines we see on store
technology is used effectively to preserve a
shelves today.
material itself, stabilizing paint throughout
There is currently a cluster of critical
its production, transportation and storage -
biocides that protect paint products under
before application. It also provides stability
re-evaluation in Canada. Final decisions for
after application by protecting the structures
those biocides are imminent and will have
on which it is applied such as wood coatings.
severe use restrictions imposed on most of
Today there is a growing demand for paint
them including two outright bans. As such,
with lower VOC emissions. This has led to
those critical ingredients will be taken out of
the removal of solvents in architectural or
the mix of options for paint formulation in
decorative paint with very low to near Zero
Canada and will affect product performance,
VOC water-based paint widely used by
Gary LeRoux.
Who is CPCA - Canadian Paint and Coatings Association One of Canada’s oldest not-for-profit industry associations, founded in 1913, the Canadian Paint and Coatings Association is the only trade association representing the specific interests of the coatings industry in Canada. CPCA represents Canada’s leading paint and coatings manufacturers and their industry suppliers in the primary product categories of architectural paints, industrial finishes and automotive coatings. The coatings industry is one of the most heavily regulated sectors in Canada’s economy. CPCA’s core competency focuses not only on high level government policy impacting its members, but provides proactive approaches on legislative and regulatory development on critical issues such as: chemicals management and hazard communication; product stewardship and sustainability; toxics reduction policy; air quality regulations; chemical safety in the workplace; science-based chemical assessment; a level-playing field and regulatory alignment. Their hands-on advocacy work addresses these issues so that the members can focus on increasing profitability for thousands of products. If there are to be regulations they must be appropriate regulations so as not to stifle investment and job growth in Canada. The industry also seeks greater alignment of regulations between Canada and the United States to facilitate trade flows. Paint and coatings products touch many end-use markets such as construction, automotive, oil & gas, mining, wood furniture, aerospace, machinery, paper, metal containers and general industrial manufacturing industries.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
consumers. However, these products also
impressive success in paint recycling across
preservatives, water-based paints would
require more intensive care to protect the
Canada. Last year more than 28 million
very quickly deteriorate in the can. Without
integrity of the waterborne product in its
kilograms of paint were recycled, enough
dry-film preservatives, the paint applied to
final form, which can only be provided by
to paint more than 500,000 homes. More
a surface would lack the ability to protect
biocides in the absence of solvents. In the
than 94 percent of paint litreage sold in
itself and the substrate from attack by fungi,
process this has reduced low-level emissions
Canada is water-based architectural paint
algae and lichens. Latex emulsions and
from coatings substantially! Paint related
with very low or near Zero VOC emissions
aqueous bases used to manufacture latex
emissions in Canada have been greatly
constituting a substantial share of those
paints provide the ideal breeding ground
reduced by more than 41 kilotons over the
sales. The percentage of waterborne paint
for microbial growth. Without microbial
past 15 years. That is the equivalent of taking
used for commercial purposes such as in
control products, paint would completely
3,280,000 cars off the road annually.
automotive refinishing has also improved
break down during storage and would lose
The move to water-based paints, due to
and exceeded more than 30% of total sales
all viscosity, texture and adhesion ability. It is
huge company investments in innovation,
in that segment, with more expected in the
thanks to modern antimicrobial technology
has further contributed to the sustainability
coming years.
paint can now last several years and the
of paint and coatings. Such technology
The fact remains that without the use
finished coatings they produce will last much
advances have led to the paint industry’s
of biocides, also referred to as in-can
longer, greatly extending the lifecycle of
© AdobeStock
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
valuable assets. In turn, this extends the time and need to harvest new natural resources thereby reducing the environmental footprint under a more sustainable approach from ‘water-based’ products. Finally, for any leftover architectural paint products in Canada the manufacturers assume full responsibility for paint recycling under provincial legislation, completing the circle in a circular economy approach to paint waste recovery. Biocides continue to play a critical role in Canada’s sustainability. With the obvious benefits of biocides in paint and coatings it is becoming increasingly concerning to industry, and ultimately consumers, as to why regulatory authorities are evaluating them harshly and differently from one country to the next. For Canada this means a growing lack of alignment with our largest trading partner, the United States. This will only lead to more outright bans or restrictions in Canada that render such ingredients unusable or ineffective in protecting ‘water-based’ paint. Ultimately, this could also render the paint products useless for those who rely on their performance to extend the lifecycle of their assets, which help them to also reduce ‘their’ environmental footprint. This is not to suggest that these biocides should not be reviewed and controlled, but that the risk assessment methodology and approval process must be more evidencedbased and must be completed based on consistency with other peer reviewed and expert scientific risk assessments. Having critical biocides for paint and coatings put through a rigorous evaluation process and approved for use in one country, while in another country restricted for the same use levels or banned outright, based on the same data, raises serious
MOULDED PRODUCTS SILICONE and EPDM made TAPES in PET, Vinyl, PI, Creped Paper, Aluminium ... HOOKS for painting and weld STEEL and IRON made DIE-CUTS Standard and Bespoke on tape with liner KNIFE CUTTING with Silicone sheets, Rubber, Foam ... SPECIALS solutions for every masking problem
questions. This is especially troublesome when a company can use a product in the United States for paint preservation, but not in Canada, where the paint applications are similar. And, when that same company has to either reformulate the product for Canada, or take it off the market altogether in Canada, it negatively impacts all in the value chain. Persistent challenges on critical biocides used in paint and coatings in this country is simply not good for Canada.
FINISHING GROUP srl v.le A.DeGasperi, 31 - 20045 Lainate - Milano tel. +39 02 9678 0055 - fax +39 02 9678 2993 i n f o @ e u r o m a s k - s h o p . c o m
Adapta Aims to Reach its Carbon Neutrality Target by 2050 Through its new photovoltaic plant, Adapta is making a step forward in its journey to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.
dapta has announced the aim to reach its carbon neutrality
have prepared an EPD in relation to our ADAPTA VIVENDI product
target by 2050. As part of this process, the company
lines and ADAPTA VIVENDI SDS,” commented the company.
completed the installation of a new 38.7 kWp photovoltaic
EPDs document information related to the environmental behaviour
plant for self-consumption. Thanks to this new plant, Adapta has now
of a product based on its LCA. This information is divided into several
available 338.7 kWp of power and 1,886 solar panels.
impact categories such as global warming, acidification and ozone
The company has calculated its carbon footprint for the 2020
layer depletion with additional information (emissions produced,
financial year that is going to complement the data that had
waste generated). So, it makes it possible to compare information
been registered in the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the
between products with the same function.
Demographic Challenge for Scopes 1,2 and 3.
In Adapta’s case, AENOR is the entity that has verified the EPD
Carbon footprint is today a very important topic: it is one of the
according to ISO 14025, following the Product Category Rules (PCR)
indicators that can be obtained through the development of the
2014: 05 UN CPC 3511 Paints and varnishes and related products
EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) verified by an independent
(version 1.0 of 17 / 04/2014) prepared by the International EPD
third party and it measures the amount of the greenhouse gases
that are produced. It is then a simplified version of a Life Cycle
The ADAPTA VIVENDI and VIVENDI SDS collections have also been
Assessment (LCA), in which a single category of environmental impact
tested according to the ISO 16000-9: 2006 standard for determining
is considered.
the emission of VOC from construction and furniture products: the
“As set forth in our management policy, we are committed
company has received an A+ score (very low emissions) for its wall,
to providing appropriate environmental information on our
ceiling, window and door products.
products, guided by a clear and transparent strategy to share the environmental profile of our activities. True to this commitment, we
For further information: © Adapta
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
do you need a CHAIN CONVEYOR?
BRAND NEW HOOK! loading capacity > 1,500 kg, it allows the rotation with an integrated lock system
TRAS-MEC is the first company to safeguard your system and contractually guarantee a downtime free production.
© AFFIX Labs
Si-Quat by AFFIX Labs to Be Used on Franz Kiel’s Public Transport Interiors AFFIX Labs has closed a deal with seating systems manufacturer for commercial vehicles and public transport Franz Kiel for the use of anti-microbial coating Si-Quat to ensure protection against contagious microbes.
ranz Kiel GmbH, manufacturer of seats for buses and trains, will
“We are delighted to be working with AFFIX Labs to roll out Si-Quat
apply Si-Quat, a durable semi-permanent anti-microbial coating
in public transport systems around the world. It’s easy to apply, it
developed by AFFIX Labs to protect public transport interiors
works and we have had great support from the AFFIX Labs team. We
from contagious microbes such as the SARS-COV-2 virus, which can
hope that our partnership can help to re-open countries and boost
survive for up to 3 days on some surfaces, making regularly touched
passengers trust in once again using public transport,” said Daniel
areas in public spaces potential hotspots for cross contamination.
Fräde, Kiel’s Sales Director Bus Division.
Si-Quat is proven to kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, including SARS-
“By treating the vast fleets of vehicles that power the mass movement
COV-2, thus helping ensure that public transport is safer as people
of people in countries all over the world, AFFIX and Kiel Seating can
around the world begin getting back onto buses and trains and
create safe transportation interiors which are a key component
preventing cross contamination. The coating creates a durable layer
of national infrastructures. We are proud to be part of the global
of polymerized active ingredient that binds to walls, handles, furniture,
effort to build a more future-proof response to COVID-19, and other
and other key touch points, staying in place for up to 12 months.
contagions that have the potential to cause pandemics” concluded
The coating has been tested and certified to be effective against
Tom Sam, CEO of AFFIX Labs.
bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and has passed the rigorous EN45545-2 HL3 flammability norm for trains and REG118.3 for busses.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
Datacolor® Launches Two New Benchtop Spectrophotometer Models Datacolor has widened its series of high efficiency and reliability benchtop spectrophotometers with Spectro 1000X and Spectro 700V.
atacolor® recently launched Spectro 1000X and Spectro 700V, two new close-tolerance benchtop spectrophotometer models specifically designed for high
efficiency and reliability in colour formulation and quality control. Spectro 1000X has an upward-facing aperture and it is perfect for liquid, paste, powder and granular samples; while the vertical configuration of the Spectro 700V allows customers to measure a larger variety of samples. Thanks to the ability to capture the temperature of the samples measured, both models guarantee high safety in colour measurement operations. This new quality control feature is critically important for those working with materials at high temperature ranges to ensure they measure the colour accurately. For further information:
© Datacolor
Spectro 1000 X.
© Datacolor
Spectro 700 X.
Evonik and SI Coatings Develop Water-based Primer for Polyamide Coatings Evonik Industries and SI Coatings have developed a water-based primer for the pretreatment of steel prior to coating in the fluidized-bed process with VESTOSINT polyamide 12 powder.
vonik – manufacturer of polyamide 12 compounds, which are
and can be applied by brushing, spraying, dipping or doctoring and
in high demand in the automotive, oil and gas, medical and
baked at about 300 °C during heating for the fluidized bed process
sports sectors – and SI Coatings – specialist in the production
of technical, functional and decorative coatings as well as adhesion
One possible application is cardan shafts, which are coated on both
promoters for a wide range of applications – have joined forced to
the outside and the inside.
develop a new water-based primer for the pretreatment of steel prior
“Evonik has firmly anchored the idea of environmental compatibility
to coating in the fluidized-bed process with VESTOSINT® polyamide 12
in its corporate strategy. Therefore, for the processing of VESTOSINT
we were looking for a partner with whom we could develop a water-
Until recently, large-area steel parts, especially concave surfaces, were
based primer that is precisely matched to our polyamide powder. We
pretreated with solvent-containing primers when exceptional adhesion
found this partner in SI Coatings,” says Dr. Dominic Störkle, head of the
was required, for example, in contact with water.
Additive Manufacturing & Material Solutions product line at Evonik.
The new primer Si Coatings 100011-00L with water hazard class WGK1
“Since we are a globally active company, we can offer the jointly
does not require any special work protection technology such as fume
developed primer to Evonik customers worldwide and also in small
quantities,” says Managing Director Andreas Kunz of SI Coatings,
The product is label-free according to the Globally Harmonized System
emphasizing the advantage of the partnership.
of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). The residual solvent content, reported as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), is less than
For further information: and
2%. The primer has a shelf life of six months when stored frost-free
© SI Coatings
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Interpon Has Launched the Précis Ultra Matt Range AkzoNobel introduces the new coating range Interpon D2015 Précis Ultra Matt that allows for the creation of surfaces with ultra-matte finishes that give a glow of brilliance and luminescence to architectural surfaces. © Interpon
nterpon Précis Ultra Matt range provides a finer mica effect that
innovating to meet the architectural sector’s ambitions with on-trend
allows an ultra-matte surface to change in appearance depending
colours and finishes and Interpon D2015 Précis Ultra Matt is no
on the way the light reflects on it. In this way architects will be able
exception. We always stay true to our mission of creating the best
to have a finish with excellent aesthetic qualities and super durability.
products on the market from both a durability and sustainability perspective to support the design of Green Buildings”, says Bob Dirks,
In addition, Interpon powder coatings are environmentally friendly
Global Segment Manager Architectural, AkzoNobel Powder Coatings.
“Once again, the Interpon brand is helping its customers to bring
• are free of VOCs and solvents;
their imagination to life: being able to make a building distinct or
• produce less waste than other coatings solutions;
memorable, or even blending it within its specific setting, is key
• produce minimal overspray;
to achieving architectural beauty. Thanks to our commitment to
• are easily recoverable and reusable;
innovation, we are redefining how powder coatings contribute to the
• are not evaporable in the atmosphere.
urban aesthetics of a building with new finishes and textures that enable architects to create truly amazing designs that stand the test
“All shades within the new range provide an astonishing non-reflective
of time”, concludes Daniela Vlad, Business Director of AkzoNobel
surface never seen before with an powder coating. Thanks to the
Powder Coatings.
metallic travel, light is capable of dancing across the surface while keeping its ultra matt appearance. We have a proven track record of
For further information:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
Green Chemistry and Customer Service: The Birth of SurTec Italia Gabriele Lazzari ipcm®, from an interview with Patrizia Angeli and Maurizio Ferrari SurTec Italia, Soliera (Modena) – Italy
© SurTec
Maurizio Ferrari, General Manager – Domestic Sales & Production of SurTec Italia.
the coating pre-treatment sector.
and functional and decorative anodising and
“SurTec grasped our potential in the
galvanising. Maintaining production at the
aluminium sector,” says Maurizio Ferrari, the
Soliera (Modena) plant will also enable the
General Manager of SurTec Italia and former
company to combine the typical flexibility
Technical & Sales Manager of Italtecno. “This is
of small and medium-sized enterprises
why it decided to acquire Italtecno’s chemical
with the advantages of belonging to a large
division.” The acquisition was finalised in April
multinational company. In particular, SurTec
2021, with Italtecno continuing to operate
Italia was established with the aim of providing
completely independently with its plant
high-tech, high-performance products and
engineering division.
assisting customers in their use.
“SurTec Italia’s Modena site will be the Group’s
The foundation of SurTec Italia
global competence centre for research into anodising products. This is an important
SurTec International is a company with around
milestone for Italy and a recognition of the
400 employees and branches in 22 countries,
work done by Italtecno over the past few
part of the Freudenberg Group, which is active
years. Now, with the arrival of SurTec, we will
in 10 different business divisions with over
have more resources for research expenditure
50,000 employees worldwide. The strength
and this will certainly bring interesting results
of the Freudenberg Group lies in the many
for this industry,” notes Ferrari.
different companies it controls, enabling
SurTec Italia Sales Manager Patrizia Angeli
it to differentiate its services. The creation
adds: “We decided to partner with Italtecno
of SurTec Italia, therefore, will now allow it
several years ago to enter the Italian
to expand into a new geographical market
aluminium market and start to make our
with its entire product range: from industrial
brand known. Our new anodising products
cleaning to pre-treatment and galvanising.
will be developed in the SurTec Italia research
SurTec decided to create an Italian subsidiary
centre, while the brands that belonged to
after more than ten years of collaboration
Italtecno (such as Hardwall for cold fixing and
with Italtecno, which has been successfully
Sallox for electrocolouring) will retain their
erman multinational company
marketing its products for the aluminium
trade names under the new management of
SurTec International has finalised the
sector. These include, for instance, the SurTec
purchase of the chemical branch of
650 passivating agent, a product based on
© ipcm
Patrizia Angeli, Sales Manager of SurTec Italia.
cleaning, metal pre-treatment prior to coating,
Italian firm Italtecno, thus strengthening its
zirconium and trivalent chromium, mainly
expertise in the aluminium sector and creating
used as a substitute for hexavalent chromium
Green approach and high quality: the company’s top products
SurTec Italia. With this, it has achieved the
in the passivation of aluminium and its alloys
Initially, SurTec Italia will focus on consolidating
goal of building a solid base within the Italian
in various application fields, such as anodising
Italtecno’s existing market, maintaining its
borders for the commercial and technical
and the aerospace industry. Precisely the
current service level and customer relations.
development of all its products – which are
collaboration with Italtecno made it possible to
Its medium to long-term objectives are
divided into four fields of application: industrial
expand the use of this passivating product to
the expansion of the pre-treatment and
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© SurTec
The entrance to the SurTec Italia plant in Soliera (Modena, Italy).
industrial cleaning sectors and the introduction of its
SurTec has also developed excellent hexavalent
innovative functional and decorative electroplating
chromium-free products for other sectors, such as
processes into the Italian market. As was the case
decorative galvanising. SurTec 883 XT stands out
with SurTec 650, the products related to aluminium
among them all, as it allows achieving exactly the
pre-treatment technologies will become greener and
same colours as with conventional chrome plating.
greener with the implementation of other chromium-
The main concerns of customers with regard to the
free solutions. “Although some customers in the
ban on hexavalent chromium are related to the plant
aluminium sector still use hexavalent chromium, its
changes that will be required, as it is not possible
ban, after having been postponed several times, is
to introduce alternative chemicals without making
set for 2024. SurTec, however, wants to act early:
any process changes. Ferrari, however, would like
several customers have already successfully adopted
to reassure them: “We stay by our customers’ side
our new chromium-free products. We believe we
throughout all stages of the conversion process.”
will be able to convince many more of them by next
Angeli notes: “We are aware that the cost of the
year,” states Ferrari.
new process may be significantly higher, but we
The company is also developing a nickel-free
also know that it will be crucial for the future and
cold fixing product. “There is a growing market
that the results will be equivalent, if not better. Our
demand for this, especially in the food, medical, and
trivalent chrome plating products are available in
automotive industries. Italtecno had already reached
all colours, including darker shades, and they have
the pre-approval stage and we will soon be able to
been certified though Kesternich and CASS tests.
present it to the Italian and international markets.”
Our German colleagues are also in the process of
In the coating pre-treatment field, the main
obtaining approvals from several car manufacturers.”
novelties for the Italian market are phosphate-
As for industrial cleaning, one of the SurTec Group’s
free products, used as an alternative to traditional
main areas of activity, R&D is concentrated in the
phosphodegreasers in the general industry sector,
German parent company, which produces high and
and nickel-free tricationic phosphating agents, which
low-salinity water-based degreasing and protective
are still widely used in the automotive sector.
products, all characterised by a high level of quality.
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“The high-end brands we serve in the automotive sector are our best references: the fact that they have chosen to rely on us testifies to our quality and professionalism. Such companies give us a good corporate image and inspire confidence in future customers,” states Ferrari.
Unchanged technical support “Our chemicals are products of excellence and they must be presented as such; therefore, we will only rely on qualified and experienced technicians for sales and service, so that they can pass on their expertise and show the best possible application methods. Our policy will be helping customers to use our processes in the best possible way and assisting them at every stage,” explains Angeli. Incidentally, the transition from a small firm to a structured multinational company is © SurTec
not a cause for concern for the established customers that are used Some of the instruments used in the laboratories.
to a direct, immediate relationship. Both Angeli and Ferrari confirm so: “SurTec is already well known thanks to the distribution activity carried out by Italtecno: therefore, the quality of our work and our high-end products will be an excellent calling card for entering the Italian market and acquiring new customers. At the same time, our relationships with all existing customers will remain unchanged.”
Differentiating through innovation and customer orientation The objective of newly founded SurTec Italia is to serve all markets with technologies that efficiently replace traditional processes containing hexavalent chromium, phosphates, and nickel by offering innovative solutions that are high performing but at the same time ecological and sustainable. Making innovative, high quality products allows this company to stand out from the competition. Currently, one of the
© SurTec
A SurTec Italia technician working in the laboratory.
main market demands is for solutions that are environmentally friendly and easy to purify. “This is encouraging us to step out of our comfort zone and research new products that meet both customer needs and changing regulations,” states Ferrari. The next step will be to implement further image policies and marketing strategies aimed at spreading the SurTec Italia name and promote the brand. The company guarantees to both current and future customers a flexible and direct technical support service, typical of small and medium-sized enterprise, combined with a sound multinational network. The warehouse at the Italian site in Soliera also enables it to supply customers with an immediate response capability. In short, SurTec Italia combines consolidated experience in the fields of metal pre-treatment and anodising with the technological expertise of the German parent company and the added value of Italian-made products.
© SurTec
The warehouse of the SurTec Italia factory.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Partners for the successful renovation, implementation and commissioning of your coating plant.
Revamping, implementation, renovation, modification, recovery, and relocation of painting installations professionality
© La Rosa
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Mannequins Need Colour Too Interview with Martina Favaro, International Sales and Marketing Manager of La Rosa Srl
Traditionally considered mere inanimate tools for displaying clothes and accessories, mannequins are now being brought to life through colour and a new interpretation of their role thanks to La Rosa Italy – so much so that, in addition to shop windows, they are now also conquering fashion catwalks and becoming part of the marketing strategies of major fashion houses. La Rosa is a well-established business in the
materials (solid or transparent), fabric coverings
Italian fashion industry, which has made a
(from linen to cotton, from natural fibres to stain-
name for itself internationally with its ability
resistant velvets), special finishes (wood veneer,
to present mannequins in a new light: no
paper, marble, stone), and many more. We are
longer mere inanimate clothes holding tools,
always researching and studying new applications
but actual protagonists of collections and
and coating materials.
P25 column standard or customizable system to hang from the smallest parts to heavy 6-metre long bars
shop windows. Can you explain the main aspects of this evolution process?
Sustainability has always been part of La
In short, in the 1920s, when European fashion
Rosa’s corporate philosophy. How does this
turned its gaze to American cinema stars,
approach integrate into the production
mannequins moved from being purely functional,
process of your mannequins?
aesthetically undervalued objects to taking on
Long before sustainability and recycling became
the appearance of dynamic, independent, and
current issues, La Rosa had already been
avant-garde ladies, in order to fully represent
implementing circular and eco-sustainable
women in society. Realistic mannequins remained
production processes since the 1960s. We
as a constant until the 1980s, when La Rosa
manufacture our mannequins using recycled
began to create and offer to the market more
shockproof plastic from both internal and external
linear mannequins, which drew on abstract body
scraps. This enables us to obtain finished products
concepts and sinuous, slender forms, without overly
that are fully recyclable, sustainable, and very
marked features and with more homogeneous
durable through a ‘zero waste’ approach.
colours, thus acting as a true pioneer of the
At the end of their service life, all La Rosa products
abstract mannequin sector.
can be either returned to our company to be
In the last few years, mannequins have undergone
reused into our manufacturing cycle or disposed
another change and they now tend to be more and
of through separate waste collection, so that they
more customised.
can be recycled. Our production, which takes
Each brand wants to reflect itself in our
place entirely in Varedo, near Milan (Italy), uses
mannequins. Therefore, we design their own
renewable energy and reused water. We have a
special products by following completely or in part
roto-concentrator and an afterburner for solvent
their directions, which, under our guidance, are
and dust abatement. Unlike fibreglass, used by
transformed into distinctive elements of their brand
most of our competitors, the material we employ
identity. Not only shape and poses are subject
is non-toxic. Each mannequin we produce avoids
to customisation: other elements are involved as
the release of 10-15 kg of toxic fibreglass into the
well, including colours (opaque, shiny, iridescent),
Perfect combination of materials and
How important is coating in your
In the world of fashion, fabric colours
colours is one of your flagships. How do
production and which system do you use?
have always been a key determinant
you balance these two elements when
As well as all other production stages, our in-
of consumer choice. Do you think
creating a mannequin?
house coating process plays a very important
that mannequins’ colours can be as
We believe that simplicity is often the key.
role, because it does not only allow us to
We are inspired by what exists in nature and
be flexible and respond quickly to customer
Absolutely. Each brand tends to opt for
we just add our own touch. If we think about
needs, but it also gives us full control of our
tints and finishes that can characterise it.
the combinations that nature has already
manufacturing flow, while cutting additional
More and more often, we are seeing fashion
created, if we stop and look carefully at the
costs and reducing the environmental impact
brands rethink their strategies and choose to
environment around us, the flora and the
of outsourcing. We have 3 coating booths,
differentiate themselves from one another by
fauna, we can find a myriad of elements of
2 of which are fully robotised. After being
breaking away from standardisation, which
moulded, every La Rosa product is sanded
has been the dominant approach up until
This is how transparent mannequins with
and finished. Then, a base coat is applied to
recently. Nowadays, brands try to imprint their
green and yellow tones, light blue and white
makes its surface more homogeneous and
personality in everything they are involved
shades, and wood, rock, and stone effects
guarantee good adhesion of the top coat.
in and they want to be as recognisable
were born. On the other hand, fashion
The liquid paint, which can be transparent or
as possible – and the visual factor that
trends are the guidelines for these choices,
pigmented, glossy, matte, or even super-matte
determines such differentiation also lies in the
based on which we decide whether to
and soft-touch, is intended to last over time,
colours, materials, and shapes chosen.
intensify a combination or not and opt for
achieving the desired aesthetic effect but also
one material rather than another.
meeting the high quality standards that have
For further information:
always distinguished La Rosa.
© La Rosa
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Fully Automated In-Line Equipment
SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR COSMETICS AND OTHER DECORATIVE INDUSTRIES • Easy prompt integration into existing painting line • Dynamic sputtering technology • Highest productivity at the most competitive price in the market
Arzuffi high vacuum systems Leader company in PVD and PECVD processes with over 30 years of experience Bernareggio (MB) • Italy • Phone +39 039 6012626 • MADE IN ITALY
Flat Cutting and 3D Printing: Two New Tools for Euromask®’s Renewed Market Approach Edited by Finishing Group Srl Lainate (Milan) - Italy
The Euromask® brand is consolidating its position on the international market by expanding its range of masking products with two new production processes.
uromask® is the well-known international brand of Finishing
diverse requirements. This include anything from simple discs or
Group Srl (Lainate, Milan, Italy), specialising in the production
washers with a 3, 4 or 5 mm thickness to more complex shapes,
and distribution of professional masking systems for all surface
such as, for example, multi-hole gaskets for the treatment of flanges,
treatments, which has recently expanded its business strategy
motors, or coupled mechanical parts made up of several joined
through two new production processes.
bodies. There are also masks with greater thicknesses (8-10 mm) and
Conventional caps, hoods, and stickers are often not sufficient to meet
products in adhesive-coated NBR that are useful for sandblasting.
all masking needs: precisely in order to fill this gap, Euromask® has
Based on the actual workpieces on which the masking devices are
developed new solutions combined with reduced delivery times. The
to be applied, if available, or on their CAD drawings, the Euromask®
company is now able to supply samples in 3-5 working days (instead
technical staff is able to reproduce templates that perfectly meet each
of the 20-30 days usually required) in order to enable a customer to
customer’s needs on silicone, EPDM, NBR, silicone foam, and EPDM
receive a product that is almost identical to the final version and test
foam sheets. Thanks to continuous research and development of new
it directly on its workpieces. This also allows modifications to be made
solutions, the company’s production department is currently able
within a timeframe that is still well below the standard.
to process sheets with thicknesses ranging from 1 mm for magnetic
Flat cutting
silicone up to 20 mm for EPDM foam.
Thanks to the installation of a flat cutting machine, Euromask® can
3D printed silicone samples
produce flat templates in various shapes and sizes to meet the most
The 3D printing technology enables to create complex items with
© Euromask
© Euromask
Thanks to the installation of a flat cutting machine, Euromask® can produce flat templates in various shapes and sizes, like washers.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
A flat disc manufactured with the new flat cutting machine.
countersinks, holes, cavities, handles, and more. Designed and developed entirely in-house by Euromask®, the system installed uses additive manufacturing to create moulds for producing silicone samples without ABS, PLA, or PA, which make the samples unusable in the test phase due to their different physical and chemical properties compared with the final masking devices. The products are in fact created with a silicone with a shore A hardness degree, which is only slightly lower than the 55 shore A hardness standard used in production. This negligible difference is the result of a blend of silicones specially created to meet the main requirement of this material when used in coating: the total absence of volatile components that could settle on the painted parts’ surfaces and force production to be stopped in order to clean up the plant. With a market approach focussed on speed, flexibility, and the utmost professionalism, Euromask® always puts its customers first. This is why it aims at constantly increasing the quality of its
© Euromask
Some silicone samples manufactured with the 3D printing technology. 3D printing allows to design complex items with countersinks, holes, cavities, handles, and more.
Turkish Bike Manufacturer Bisan Powers to Leading Position in the EU market Interpon powder coating experts at AkzoNobel are supporting Bisan, a major European bike manufacturer, with new and bespoke colours to help satisfy a global boom in cycling and the demand for stylish new models.
he global boom in cycling, and the demand for stylish new
in Europe to have its own frame-making capability would give it a
models, has reinforced the importance of a supply chain built
competitive advantage, and attract new business from OEMs. He
on strong partnerships, quality products, and a shared passion
spoke to the experts at AkzoNobel Powder Coatings about the benefits
for innovation. So, when Bisan, the first and one of the biggest bicycle
of switching to Interpon powder coatings: “Previously the frames
manufacturers in Turkey, wanted to bring the manufacture of bicycle
would arrive at the BİSAN plant pre-painted. While the colours were
frames in-house and local, rather than relying on stretched global
popular, I recognized that the liquid paints they used came at a cost
supply chains, it turned to Interpon, a leading global brand of powder
to the environment and the finish was not durable enough to meet
coating from AkzoNobel, to help it on its journey.
our high-quality standards. With the support of AkzoNobel Powder
The partnership dates back to 2018 when the General Manager, Ali
Coatings, we made the switch to Interpon which are not only better for
Orçun Bal, recognized that becoming one of the few bike brands
the environment, but also offer much greater protection, being highly © Bisan
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
resistant to UV, chipping, and scratches”.
direct access to the very best team that
“Best of all,” he continues, “is the range of
delivers the high-quality technical support and
colours and finishes available to us. Both
advice we need as a growing business”.
of our organisations are close followers of
“With the support of AkzoNobel, we will sell
trends and AkzoNobel delivers with the latest
more than 200,000 finished bikes this year
on-trend colours to a quality and consistency
and make another 100,000 frames and forks
second to none. The Interpon technical
for third-party manufacturers. Manufacturers
team also works with us to develop bespoke
are moving away from their reliance on the
colours to support new model launches, as
Far East and looking for partners closer to
well as matching existing colour schemes
home in Europe. The strength, durability and
that gave the look and feel of a fluorescent
colour of our Interpon powder coated frames
liquid paint, but without causing harm to the
are a strong selling point in helping us win
environment.” To give some idea of how demand for BİSAN’s bikes has increased, and the relationship
© Bisan
Ali Orçun Bal, the General Manager of Bisan.
between the two companies has evolved,
new business.” Today the ‘local’ manufacturer is a global enterprise, producing 85 models, from children’s tricycles to professional racing
AkzoNobel Powder Coatings created 15
Interpon powder coatings create less waste,
bikes, folding and electric, and exporting to
bespoke colours for BİSAN in 2020, and 17
which reduces Bisan’s production costs,
15 countries. Bisan uses Interpon powder
colours in the 1st Quarter of 2021 alone.
and the lack of any VOC emissions during
coatings in more than 90% of its total
Specifically, many of the coatings are derived
manufacture and lower curing temperatures
production and is actively working with
from AkzoNobel’s Interpon A3280 range and
also help reduce Bisan’s carbon footprint.
AzkoNobel at how it may introduce future
ACE series – which are relied upon by global
“We are committed to reducing our
innovations and processes, including the use
automotive manufacturers to deliver the
environmental impact and AkzoNobel shares
of low-temperature curing which is ideal for
durability, style and performance they need to
these sustainability values which is very
aluminium frames and the ability to coat a
protect their products and their reputations.
important to us,” Ali Orçun Bal adds.
range of heat sensitive substrates.
Bisan is also using Interpon’s Auto wheel
In the three years that Bisan and AkzoNobel
“Working with AkzoNobel Powder Coatings
Vedoc black which gives a brilliant gloss finish.
have been working together, Ali Orçun Bal
and our shared passion for quality, innovation
says the support he has received has been
and the environment makes me very excited
exceptional: “Many Turkish people have
about the future,” Ali Orçun Bal adds. “We very
Working with AkzoNobel is making Bisan
an emotional connection to our company
much look forward to discovering where the
more resilient, both in terms of the product
having learned how to ride on a Bisan, so our
future with Interpon will take us.”
it manufactures and the business as a whole,
reputation and our brand are very important
helping reduce the cost of manufacturing
to us. That means working only with the very
For further information:
while supporting the environment.
best partners, and with AkzoNobel I have
Process efficiency
Fabtech Chicago September 13-16, 2021 Booth D 45748
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ABB PixelPaint Has Won the lnnovation and Entrepreneurship Award ABB’s PixelPaint robotic painting technology for the automotive industry has won the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award.
BB’s PixelPaint robotic non-overspray painting solution won the
the masks once the second colour has also been applied. In addition,
2021 edition of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Robotics
the process causes significant waste and high costs for the recycling
& Automation (IERA) award for its innovative value and ecological
and purchase of the paint, since it allows only about 75% of the paint to
benefits in the commercialising of innovative robotics and automation
be applied to the surface of the bodywork.
PixelPaint offers a faster, more accurate and more sustainable solution
PixelPaint, available from 2020, uses inkjet heads to apply high
for customised painting, thanks to a high DPI inkjet head, two IRB 5500
resolution, two-tone or personalised designs directly to a car body in
painting robot, dosing control package, and RobotStudio® programming
a single pass. This technology allows vehicle manufacturers to meet
software for two tone and decorative painting applications that allows
the growing demand for
you to solve the problems
customised paintings,
listed above.
while eliminating wasteful
The jury, composed by the
International Federation
“We are delighted that
of Robotics (IFR) and the
our PixelPaint solution
Institute of Electrical and
has been recognized for
Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
its innovative, sustainable
has therefore decided to
technology that helps
reward the combination
our customers respond
of greater efficiency,
to consumer requests
flexibility and environmental
for more personalized
performance offered by
design. With PixelPaint,
100 percent of the paint
“The jury is pleased to
can now be applied in half
honour ABB’s PixelPaint
the time compared to the
technology, with the
previous method used for custom paint jobs, with a
17th IERA Award. The innovative solution for
much better finish quality.
automated car painting
For our customers, this provides the triple bonus of saving millions of
combines more flexibility and customization with reduced wasted paint
dollars per year through reduced paint consumption, improved efficiency
for the wellness of the environment,” said Rob Ambrose, Jury Chair.
and improved environmental performance through reduced VOC and
The IERA Award highlights the innovators who generate ideas with
CO2 emissions, while meeting their customer needs,” stated Joerg Reger,
added value and the entrepreneurs who transform them into world-
Managing Director of ABB Robotics Auto OEM Business Line.
class products. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (IEEE / RAS)
Traditionally, in order to apply a two-tone paint or a custom pattern
and IFR jointly sponsor the award, underlining their commitment
onto a bodywork, it was necessary to put the vehicle through a painting
to fostering greater collaboration between science and industry in
line twice: once for the first layer and then for the second colour, after
that the already painted areas had been masked. This masking job usually requires 10 to 20 operators per shift, plus two more to remove
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
Stardust Signs an Agreement with HaTwee for the Distribution of its Coatings in the Benelux Area Stardust Powder Coatings has partnered with coatings supplier HaTwee to distribute its range of powder coatings in the Benelux countries.
owder coatings supplier HaTwee, based in
customers”, explains Guido Pozzoli, CEO of Stardust
Lichtervelde, Belgium, has started distributing
Powder Coatings. “When we started the current
Stardust Powder Coatings’ wide range of
reorganization process of Stardust, which entails also
indoor and outdoor powder coatings in the Benelux
the expansion of our sales and distribution network,
countries after signing the partnership agreement
we immediately reconnected with them to formalize a
with the Italian paint manufacturer.
distribution agreement for the Benelux area”.
Founded in 2007 by mechanical engineer Hans
“Thanks to our exclusive partnership with companies
Hooyberg and chemical engineer Anne Mie
such as Stardust Powder Coatings, we always have
Scheldeman, HaTwee serves the Benelux area
access to sufficient supply, extra know-how and tight
not only by offering a wide range of powder
delivery deadlines, regardless of whether customer’s
coatings from the best manufacturers in the world,
orders are small or large. Moreover, as a member of
but also by putting at customer’s disposal their
VOM and Qualisteelcoat, we also guarantee up-to-
extensive knowledge and proven methodology to
date knowledge and have all the essential quality
achieve optimal results. For this reason, HaTwee
labels”, explains Barbara Baken, Communication and
will contribute to Stardust’s mission of offering
Project Manager of HaTwee.
its customers in the Benelux area a reliable,
Stardust’s powder coatings are available in a wide
personalized and timely supply of its high-added
range of colour and finishes, and can be chosen
value powder coatings.
by sample or according to the major international
“We met the HaTwee team during a trade fair in
colorimetric systems, such as RAL, PANTONE® or NCS,
Belgium, about four years ago. We appreciated their
of which Stardust is Premium Partner.
great communication technique that appealed to customers by offering a specialized, tailor-made
For further information:
service, much like the one we offer to our own
© HatWee
Acrythane 4G by HMG Paints Ltd Is Expanding its Uses within New Industries The topcoat Acrythane 4G, originally designed by HMG Paints for commercial vehicles, is expanding its field of action thanks to its properties and the ease of use.
MG Paints’ Acrythane 4G is faster and faster
© HMG Paints Ltd
becoming coaters’
conditions it allows us to paint all year round.” Acrythane 4G is available in a
preferred choice for both OEM
number of colours including
and refinish work. Acrythane
RAL, BS and Commercial Vehicle
4G offers enhanced properties
standards. It is also included
over traditional systems and
in the new HMG ColourBase
accelerates the application
Colour Box, that presents
process, which results in
more than 2400 colour chips
improved efficiencies without
displayed in chromatic order
damaging the quality of the
within 20 fan decks. The
finishing. Martyn Binnington,
ColourBase Colour Box is a
HMG Paints Distribution
multi-function tool: each colour
Manager, explains: “The major
does not only have a chromatic
benefit for applicators is the
code that identifies its position
ease of use of Acrythane
in the colour sequence, but it
4G. Our customers are
also corresponds to a colour
complimenting us on a daily
existing on the market for
basis about how easy Acrythane
reference. Acrythane 4G can be
4G is to use and produce high quality results, especially when
applied by conventional gravity and HVLP spray guns, giving coverage
compared to competitor products.”
of 9.3 square metres per litre at 50 microns film thickness. Surface
In order to meet the strict requirements of the commercial vehicle
preparation is as simple as a solvent wipe or shot blasting.
market, HMG launched this high solids acrylic polyurethane coating in 2019. It was created by the Research and Development division
About HMG Paints Ltd
at HMG, that cooperated with its customers. Initially intended for a
HMG Paints Ltd is a family-owned business situated in Manchester
specific use within the commercial vehicle market, Acrythane 4G is
(UK). Now the UK’s largest independent paint manufacturer, HMG
now being used in several other sectors by users which needs a VOC
works alongside customers to create the best individual service
and REACH compliant topcoat that provides an outstanding gloss,
and tailored solutions for them. Thanks to its broad spectrum of
final appearance and durability. Moreover, thanks to its optimised
knowledge and expertise, HMG has a portfolio that includes wet paint,
balance of early hardness, fast cure and long pot life, Acrythane 4G is
powder coatings and aerosols, covering virtually every type of surface.
especially suited for OEM, repairers and builders. Its ultra-fast air-dry
This is all backed by an extensive 90 years’ experience in developing
properties also allow the end-user to save time, energy and materials.
pioneering coatings for several industries: automotive, commercial
A satisfied customer commented: “The unique properties Acrythane
vehicle, aerospace, wood finish, decorative, marine and rail.
4G offers us easy application, fast drying and a superior finish. With Acrythane 4G being able to be used in cold and warm weather
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
© Sabiana
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
A Coating Plant 4.0 for Sabiana, a Manufacturer of Excellence in the Industrial, Commercial, and Residential Air Conditioning Sector Alessia Venturi ipcm®
Sabiana is an Italian company that invents, designs, manufactures, and sells equipment to air condition the environments in which people live and work: industries, offices, hotels, hospitals, shopping centres, and homes – all of this by using the world’s most natural element: water. It is a major European player in this industry, known throughout the world. Aware of the great importance of coatings for its products’ durability and efficiency, Sabiana chose to install a coating system for its radiant strips and panels that incorporates the best of the technology available on the market for powder coating, naturally with an Industry 4.0-oriented approach. Imel contributed to this ambitious project with its plant engineering activity and its digital management modules, Futura Convogliatori Aerei with a power&free conveyor, and Gema Europe with the paint application booth.
adiant strip heating systems transmit
at a height of 42 metres, the Duck Strips
heat mainly by radiation, thanks to
radiate heat downwards without causing
particularly high emission coefficients
the slightest air movement. Each of the 18
resulting from their large exchange surface
variants of the new Duck Strip 4.1 product (its
areas. Radiant strips are particularly efficient
name derives from the production technology
for heating large rooms – especially industrial
used) includes 1 to 6 metre-long elements
ones, which are both very large and high –
with which it is possible to create radiant
whose architectural characteristics often pose
strip systems in any length that is a multiple
design challenges that can only be overcome
of 1 metre and with different internal circuit
thanks to the great flexibility of this type
solutions. In addition, their wide range of
of system. They allow heating in absolute
colours allows for interesting architectural
silence, without any air movement, with great
solutions in perfect harmony with each
efficiency thanks to a limited thermal gradient
building’s design.
(on average, the air temperature varies by
“Our choice to offer a very wide range of
only 0.1 °C per metre of height), and with
tints and finishes for our strips and radiant
maintenance requirements limited only to the
ceiling panels has prompted us to invest in
heat generator (boiler or heat pump) and the
powder coating. This is why we have installed
water circulation pump.
a state-of-the-art, fully automatic, highly
Aircraft construction hangars are among the
digitalised, and highly efficient system by
most challenging buildings in terms of design.
integrating all the best solutions that the
For example, the halls where the Airbus
coating equipment market has to offer,”
A380, the air giant, is assembled in Toulouse
states Sabiana Plants Manager, Vincenzo
(France) are heated with Duck Strip radiant
Denti. “We opened a tender involving four
strips provided by Sabiana (Corbetta, Milan,
leading coating engineering companies and
Italy), a world leader in air conditioning. Placed
Imel’s solution impressed us with its cutting
© ipcm
From right to left: Vincenzo Denti, Alessia Venturi, and Carlo Salvadori.
In the previous page: Radiant strips installed in a large industrial environment.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
© Imel
© Sabiana
The control panel of Imel painting installation displays all process parameters.
edge plant management software. We gave Imel carte blanche and
Sabiana is now one of Arbonia’s many operating divisions worldwide
we appointed it as the prime contractor and works coordinator. This
– its branch of excellence for ventilation, cooling, and heating
proved to be a correct choice, since they then took on board other
systems. Despite the firm’s international focus, however, its roots are
leading companies in their sectors, such as Futura Convogliatori Aerei
still firmly planted in Italy, as everything is always conceived, designed,
and Gema Europe.”
and produced between Corbetta and Magenta, in the province of
Sabiana: air design
Milan. The company’s three factories are all located in this area.
Two men ahead of their time founded Sabiana in 1929, during
Sabiana 1, a plant with a 30,000 m2-wide covered space, deals with
America’s Great Crisis. In that year, Franco Binaghi and Benvenuto
the transformation processes of raw materials (typically steel coils or
Anatrella met in Milan and they set their sights on a project to
sheets), the laboratory tests, and the production of exhaust pipes.
produce systems for heating work and home environments – a utopia
This site is equipped with press-bending machines, robotic welding
in an era when almost no factories were heated. This is precisely
islands, and automatic deep-drawing systems; around 50% of such
why Franco and Benvenuto believed so much in their dream: they
production machinery is self-built by Sabiana, drawing on its ninety
understood the importance of improving the working conditions and
years of experience. Sabiana 2, with a covered area of 10,000 m2,
the quality of life of people. They thus established Sabiana (Società
is the plant devoted to product assembly, with 12 assembly and
Anonima Binaghi Anatrella).
packaging lines. Sabiana 3 is the logistical unit, with a 13,000 m2-wide
Their idea is now carried on by the third generation of their families,
area for the storage of finished products to be shipped, equipped
leading an all-Italian company within a large international group.
with 40 loading docks available.
In fact, six years ago, Sabiana became part of the AFG Group (now
“Despite our huge production and logistical capacity, which enables
Arbonia AG) in order to expand even more at the international level.
us to build 1,500 fan coils per day, the demand is such that we also
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
High performance modified alcohol cleaning machines
High pressure waterjet deburring and cleaning systems
The loading station with a lowerator, provided by Futura Convogliatori Aerei (Robecco Pavese, Pavia), which facilitates loading operations.
rely on numerous external suppliers. Our future plans include the construction of another 4,000 m2 of covered space that will form a connecting area between the units Sabiana 2 and 3, which are adjacent to each other. In September, Sabiana 4, an 8,000 m2-wide facility, will also come into operation: here, we will relocate part
Complete integrated in-house build automation
of our production and storage activities. We currently employ 330 people, plus a sales network and agents, for a total of a thousand people working directly for Sabiana. With a portfolio of 90 products (under both Sabiana’s brand and other brands in the Group), we have a turnover of around 100 million Euros.”
Radiant panels: a vertically integrated production cycle
Sabiana’s deep-drawing plant for the production of its radiant strips and panels is unique in the world: with a length of 60 m, it is the result of a study carried out to obtain perfect coupling
between shells and pipes, with tolerances of just a few tenths of a millimetre, in order to achieve the greatest possible heat exchange. “The process starts with a 6 m-wide metal sheet,
Tel. +39 02 97289696
the length of which varies depending on
© Sabiana
the product we want to obtain,” explains Vincenzo Denti. “The machine takes over the panel and it verifies the sheet’s length, thickness, and diagonal line using laser systems. If the result of the check is positive, the sheet is loaded through Venturi-effect suction cups, bent, and deep-drawn, while the handling frame returns to the beginning of the line to pick up the following metal sheet. After deep-drawing, the panel is placed on a motorised roller conveyor that takes it to the next phase, which consists of inserting tubes by pressing them into the cavities created. The process continues with tack welding and robotic welding and it ends with coating.”
Coating radiant panels has never been easier Imel designed, built, and installed a powder coating plant for radiant panels, controlled through the i4paintshop automation system and integrated with software developed by Sabiana for managing orders. “A serial number is generated upstream of the process by the order management software
© Sabiana
and assigned to each individual panel: this enables us to follow the panel’s progress up to the dispatch and installation phases,” explains Vincenzo Denti. “We decided to also include installation among the traceable parameters because, with our new radiant strip processing technology, the hanging cross beams must be positioned with a pitch with tolerances of a few tenths of a millimetre. Through our technical catalogue, we advise the installers to drill the holes according to these pre-set dimensions, so that it is impossible to make a mistake in fixing the hanging chains.” When the trolleys with the radiant strips arrive at the loading station of the coating plant, they have a 78° inclination assigned The power&free conveyor designed and built by Futura Convogliatori Aerei and the touchscreen of Imel i4paintshop software.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
to them by the previous machine. This inclination is maintained for all work prior to
Zaniolo CdA-01.21
We are pow er ful
advanced solutions for metal surfaces treatment
Europolveri offers a wide range of Powder Coatings that are available in several different finishings and gloss level. A stock of approximately 1000 different colors, always available, supported by specific products formulated to guarantee architects and designers the highest quality, both in terms of performance and aesthetic value, for the finishing of architectural structures and objects of furniture and design. Besides the wide offer of Qualicoat products and thanks to the great experience in the architectural sector, Europolveri is a reliable partner in developing and producing tailor-made solutions requiring Sublimation and Powder on Powder products. Furthermore, Europolveri ensures the development of specific colors and finishings in Qualicoat Class 2.
EUROPOLVERI S.p.A. - Sandrigo (VI) Italy - Ph. +39.0444.750643 - Fax +39.0444.750653 FILIALI/Branch Office: Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI) Ph.+39.02.92148001 - Erbusco (BS) Ph.+39.030.7704158 DEPOSITO/Depot: Iori Colori, Reggio Emilia Ph.+39.0522.327248 -
P O W D E R C O AT I N G S I N C E 1 9 8 2
© ipcm
The large pre-treatment tunnel.
Radiant plates entering the pre-treatment tunnel.
coating (such as welding the collectors), which require it.
and a final rinse with demineralised water.
The coating line has a production pitch of 2 minutes and 70 seconds,
“After pre-treatment, the parts continue to the drying oven and
with a cycle time of around 40 minutes and a production capacity
then to a natural cooling zone at room temperature. Afterwards,
of 36 m per rack. “During the coating cycle, the parts are handled
they reach the powder application booth for the automatic one-
automatically by the power&free overhead conveyor designed by
coat application of hybrid epoxy-polyester products, followed by a
Futura. Assisted by two synchronised hoists, the operators lift the
manual touch-up phase if necessary. Cross-linking takes place in the
radiant strips and hook them up to form a set, for a total coating
curing oven, where the workpieces remain for 20 minutes at 190 °C.
capacity of 6,000 mm in length, 3,200 mm in height, and 500 mm
From here, they continue through the natural cooling zone to the
in width,” indicates Vincenzo Denti. “After loading, the parts pass
unloading station, where they are automatically transferred from the
through the pre-treatment tunnel, where surface preparation takes
overhead conveyor to the unloading lowerator.”
place. The components are treated in a 5-stage cycle. It starts with
“We can apply the full range of RAL colours to our radiant strips,”
two hot degreasing stages to remove any residue from their surfaces,
adds Vincenzo Denti, “as they are fully customisable in terms of
followed by a cleaning operation with mains water to eliminate
finishing. Actually, 90% of our production is coated in two or three
any alkaline residues left by the degreasing stages and one with
tints. However, despite this, we asked Imel and Futura to set up a
demineralised water to reduce the amount of soluble salts remaining.
system and conveyor to accommodate a second coating booth in
The workpieces are then subjected to nanotechnology conversion
future, which will enable us to apply two colours at the same time
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
© ipcm
After passing through the drying oven and the cooling area, the parts move on to the powder application booth.
and increase our production capacity, in anticipation of increased
without any encumbrance. In addition, Imel’s synchronised hoists
demand for our innovative radiant heating strips. After coating,
mounted directly on the lowerators further assist the operators in
the large radiant panels are packed and shipped directly from
loading and unloading the radiant strips. This combination produces
Sabiana 1, without passing through the warehouse. They are mostly
an easy and ergonomic loading and unloading movement for the
manufactured to order, so we cannot build up a stock.”
operators, who can carry out their job in total safety. For the rest,
Mechatronics, automation, digitalisation: a cutting edge coating plant
it is a traditional power&free conveyor, with numerous storage buffers along the way and with one branch already prepared to accommodate a second coating booth in future.”
“The overhead conveyor we designed for Sabiana’s plant has a
“Like all the plants built by Imel, the pre-treatment tunnel and ovens
maximum capacity of 500 kg + rack and a line speed of 2.5 m/min.,”
manufactured for Sabiana’s plant are made of steel and then covered
explains Stefano Gerletti, sales manager at Futura Convogliatori
with sandwich panels to guarantee exceptional thermal and, above
Aerei (Robecco Pavese, Pavia, Italy). “The most interesting, as well
all, acoustic insulation,” says Carlo Salvadori, founding member of
as impressive aspect of this conveyor is the technology applied to
Imel. “The plant has a step-by-step movement and it features a curing
its special parallel lowerators with a pantograph movement (QR
oven with a staged feeding process. The most special feature of
code that give complete mobility to the
this system is its interconnection with the line’s logistics. A terminal
operators, who are free to move around the workpiece-holding rack
equipped with a barcode reader registers the racks entering the
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
© ipcm
The powder centre provided by Gema Europe.
coating plant and all the components associated with them. The data
“We supplied Sabiana with a complete booth from our MagicCylinder
is saved on Sabiana’s server, which creates a record in the “Oven”
EquiFlow series,” states Mario Ferro, the Managing Director of Gema
table of the SQL Database containing information on everything that
Europe Srl. “This is equipped as follows:
has been hung onto each registered rack, including the loading date
• OptiCenter OC03 powder management unit with OptiSpray AP01.1
and time. The lmel PLC and Sabiana’s server exchange information
pumps featuring the SIT Smart Inline Technology (dense phase)
by writing and reading data in a SQL table that is visible to both
• OptiFlex AS06 automatic application unit with 21 OptiGun GA03-PA
systems. The information contained in the SQL table “Oven” and
guns (20 on reciprocators + 1 manual gun)
recorded during loading is written on the PLC: in this way, the Visual
• MagicControl 4.0 master control module for managing the booth
Management system can display the batches currently being coated
and application system
plus other useful information on the monitor.
• Reciprocators with a horizontal handling system controlled by
“The tracking system maintains the information associated with each
photocell bars for automatic workpiece recognition
rack during the whole treatment cycle, while enriching it with further
• 3D Laser system.
process data. After coating, in the same table, the Imel PLC adds (by
“The latter is one of Gema’s flagships as it allows the guns to deliver
means of software installed on the Sabiana server) all production
the maximum powder amount only when a workpiece is in front
and quality data to the rack’s record, so that Sabiana’s company
of them. Combined with the dense phase feeding technology, the
system can easily read them. This production master data is enriched
3D Laser system provides our customers with maximum coating
with process data from the line PLC and saved on the i4paintshop
efficiency and consistent optimisation of their powder coating
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
Powder coating application with dense phase technology.
“Because of the geometrically complex shape of our products, we had several powder penetration issues especially at the deepdrawing bends. Here, a Faraday cage was created that prevented the application of consistent thicknesses and uniform finishes,” confirms Vincenzo Denti. “With our new guns and the dense phase powder management unit, we are now able to achieve perfect coverage by applying a constant average thickness of 80 microns over the whole surfaces of parts.”
i4paintshop: Imel’s management system 4.0 The management system 4.0 installed on Sabiana’s plant is made up of a series of digital modules that not only guarantee complete traceability of parts and the processing of consumption data, but also act as a “brain” capable of guiding the operators in the management and maintenance of the plant, foreseeing even the smallest intervention and preventing almost all possible accidents. • i4environment: extraction and processing of global consumption data for gas, water, electricity, and compressed air
MATE-XT is the exoskeleton that brings the qualities of MATE to an eXTreme level. The new MATE-XT is the latest version of the Comau exoskeleton that has been vastly improved, taking its benefits to the next level and adding important new features. Resistant to water, dust, UV rays and high temperatures, it is ideal for applications in difficult environments.. MATE-XT is easy to put on, easy to adjust and easy to use, ensuring the worker: • Reduction of muscle fatigue • Improved posture and comfort MATE-XT è l’esoscheletro che porta le qualità di MATE ad un livello eXTreme. Il•nuovo MATE-XT è l’ultima Comau che è stato estremamente Reduction of versione risk dell’esoscheletro from biomechanical overload migliorato, portando i suoi vantaggi a un livello superiore e aggiungendo nuove importanti funzionalità. certified with EAWS methodology Resistente all’acqua, alla polvere, ai raggi UV e ad alte temperature è ideale per applicazioni Better quality of work in•ambienti difficili. MATE-XT è facile da indossare, facile da regolare e facile da usare, garantendo al lavoratore:
• Riduzione dell’affaticamento muscolare MATE-XT works when, where and how you do.
• Postura e comfort migliorati • Riduzione del rischio da sovraccarico biomeccanico certificata con metodologia EAWS • Migliore qualità del lavoro
Come and find out at MATE-XT lavora quando, dove e come fai tu. Vieni a scoprirlo su
• i4production: extraction and processing of production time data (detailed history of the plant’s times: start-up, production, machine stops, end of cycle, etc.), traceability of batches and their actual process data (for each individual rack associated with them), and alarm list related to all the treated racks • i4efficiency: OEE measurement, including all its elements (availability, quality, and performance), as follows: - productivity (loaded/unloaded parts, rejected parts) - plant availability - alarm list for every production day • i4maintenance: self-learning, smart calendar for managing preventive maintenance based on the operating hours of the plant components, extraction of routine maintenance schedules on a daily/ weekly/monthly basis • i4smartdoc: digital management of plant documentation, i.e. it gives access to every component’s documentation via a QR code © ipcm
located on the parts themselves using a browser or smartphone app
The curing oven.
• i4service: direct access system to the Service-Imel structure, organised in reservation order according to various priority levels and enabling the customers to check in real time their requests’ status and their assigned managers. • i4visual: for visual management in the loading/unloading stations connected to the factory planning system.
© Sabiana
The unloading station with a lowerator.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
New 2021 The new frontier for the mass painting
Luca Floreanini designer
The perfect solution For painting and/or coating automatically and quickly small parts (metals and not) in batch, for example: buttons, bolts, screws, springs, O-rings and much more. The new process An automatic control of air and paint flow allows you to obtain a perfect wettability of the pieces in any cycle phase. New temperature control Reliable, accurate, economic. The Data Management The new control SW stores all process data, for a precise consumption and production costs control, and supports you proposing a plan of preventive maintenance operations.
4.0 Rotover MES Easy and interactive production planning system for one or more machines. A data-base of working cycles accessible from every machine and easy to be updated: 4.0 interconnection. Multifunctionality Interchangeable drums of various shapes, sizes and geometries, designed for different possible types of items and for different materials. Customer Service Send a test batch and Imel will prepare for you the optimized cycle for your production. All machines are connected to Imel Service Center for a real time support On the side of the operator Easy and immediate control software. New design Ergonomic, user friendly with no exposed cables and pipes.
Find out more, Scan the QR code to add the contact of our product manager to your device.
IMEL SpA – Via Divisione Julia 10 – 33033 Codroipo, UD – Italy – T +39 0432 908578 – –
Unique Façade Design with Brush Finish Powder Coating The cantonal pharmacy in Aarau (Switzerland) is setting new standards of design with its unique brush-finish façade. A great deal of expertise has gone into creating this new powder coating, which is the only one of its kind in the industry.
or the redesign of the Aarau cantonal
philosophy was also applied to the façade
over to the development laboratory at KARL
pharmacy in Switzerland, the
design of the pharmacy in Aarau.
BUBENHOFER AG. Although the specialists
architectural firm Steiger Concept AG in
When the architects from Steiger Concept
here have extensive experience of meeting
Zurich developed a monolithic metal façade
approached KARL BUBENHOFER AG with
special requirements and have acquired a
with “plaster and broom finish”.
the request to create a powder coating with
reputation for making everything possible,
This is a method that has never before
a brush finish, even the experienced project
they were at first disconcerted by this
been considered, let alone implemented,
key account manager Mario Füglistaler was
request. But their curiosity and the unique
in architecture. The architects at
surprised. The only information was an
nature of the task inspired them to take on
Steiger Concept AG see themselves as a digital
idea painted on a piece of card with a few
the challenge. The word “can’t” is not in the
workshop and are always on the lookout
basic details of the required gloss level and
vocabulary of the powder coating company
for new ways to design architecture. This
intended visual effects. The task was passed
from Gossau.
The new powder coated façade of the cantonal pharmacy in Aarau with brush-finish.
Manual and customised work is in demand. Below, a distinctive structure of the broom finish in powder form. © Steiger Concept AG
© Traub AG
© Traub AG
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????????? ???????
© Steiger Concept AG
A detail of the monolithic metal façade.
Achieving miracles in the lab
the cantonal pharmacy in Aarau, these take
their idea were a complete success. “Not only
In the lab and the newly installed test facility,
the form of a folded structure. This has a
the colours but also the objects were mixed.
the specialist team spent a long-time mixing,
metal attachment which fits over the fold. As
This is just what we wanted to convey with the
trying out, discarding and recreating powder
a result, the metal façade has a monolithic
façade of the cantonal pharmacy. Our idea of
coatings, until they finally transformed the
concrete-like effect, which is broken up by the
a powder coated façade with a brush finish
unusual request into reality. They had created
metallic surface and the render finish of the
certainly pushed the production technology
the first metallic powder coating with a brush
powder coating.
to its limits, but thanks to KARL BUBENHOFER
finish. They produced A4-sized samples for
Five layers of coating with a textured surface
AG we have a textured powder coating that
the architects, followed by a 1 x 1 metre panel
were applied to the façade elements to
really stands out from the run-of-the-mill,
which was coated in the test facility. Even
produce the delicate brush finish. This gives
large-scale industrial solutions. The result is
at this early stage, the team came up with
each element its own unique character.
exactly as we imagined it.”
useful processing guidelines and tips for the
The result is a coating which meets all the
The courage to venture into unknown
powder coaters to enable them to reproduce
requirements of external façade use. It is
territory, try out new approaches and achieve
the innovative brush finish on a large number
lightfast and weather-resistant, in just the
what seems at first to be impossible has
of components. Only two months after the
same way as “normal” façade coatings, but has
proved to be rewarding for everyone involved.
original request, the powder coating with the
an unusual and appealing design and form.
The façade of the cantonal pharmacy in Aarau
unique brush finish was ready for large-scale use.
Render breaks up the monolithic effect Metal façades have joints and, in the case of
has secured the building a special place in
The courage to innovate is rewarded with success
Swiss architectural history.
As the architects from Steiger Concept
For further information:
explained, the cooperation with KARL and
BUBENHOFER AG and the implementation of
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
© ipcm
Zimetal: A More Complete and Diversified Service Thanks to the Synergy Between Hot-Dip Galvanising and Powder Coating Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
Hot-dip galvanising or coating? Until recently, these two processes seemed irreconcilable within one production environment. Established in 1992 and since then considered one of the most important hot-dip galvanising companies in Italy, Zimetal decided instead to prove that, if well integrated into the production flow, they can actually be combined to deliver higher performance in terms of corrosion resistance and aesthetic quality.
ur strength,” states Ugo Bottanelli, the owner of Zimetal (Solero, Alessandria, Italy), “has always been our ability to quickly understand the technological developments
in the market and adapt our equipment and systems to anticipate the demands of our customers, which mainly operate in the building and architecture, transport, urban equipment, energy, agriculture, animal husbandry, and environment sectors. Such diversification has enabled us to achieve a leading position, to which the uncommon size of our galvanising plant has undoubtedly contributed by guaranteeing significant production capacity and meeting all of the increasingly demanding requirements of our customers. “In order to respond to these ongoing market developments, it had been our intention for some time to combine galvanising with a coating process. Actually, these have always been considered two synergistic and complementary processes, but they are rarely carried out in the same production environment. This is obviously because they perform two very different surface treatments, which require specific skills and equipment. However, we have always been convinced that offering both processes to our customers would not only give us a competitive
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advantage, but also ensure greater control over our operations and, consequently, faster delivery and improved results. It should also be emphasised that a factory structured in this way guarantees greater penetration into the most varied markets and sectors: that was another objective achieved by Zimetal with this investment.” In order to realise this project, in the first place, Zimetal had to overcome several difficulties related to planning permission for the construction of a new building. “We did not want to move our headquarters, because it is strategically located with respect to the transport connections of Northwest Italy,” says Bottanelli. “It is in fact at the centre of the “industrial triangle”
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formed by Milan, Turin, and Genoa, in a position that is easily accessible from the motorways that connect these three cities with the rest of Italy and Europe. Here, we have a large area of 190,000 m2 at our disposal, where we chose to also locate our new coating division. We wanted it to have the same size and production capacity as our galvanising plant (11,000 m2) and to be located a short distance from the latter. We imagined that a large portion of production would be dedicated to coating galvanised steel, as well as other materials such as iron and aluminium. “Some of the most important players in the Italian coating sector worked with us: Silvi Srl (Lesmo, Monza e Brianza) for the system, then integrated with a booth designed and installed by Siver Srl (Taverne di Corciano, Perugia) and completed with the dense
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phase powders application technology of Nordson, Futura Convogliatori Aerei Srl (Robecco Pavese, Pavia) for the power&free conveyor, Cogeim Europe Srl (Casorezzo, Milan) for the shot blasting machine, and Italplant Srl (Chiari, Brescia) for the water treatment system. Thanks to them, Zimetal was able to install an advanced coating line designed according to Industry 4.0 parameters, capable of handling 24 tonnes of steel per hour.”
From top to bottom: A bird’s eye view of the coating department, the loading station’s lowerator, and the tunnel shot blaster installed by Cogeim Europe. In the previous page: One of the large-sized structures that are powder coated by Zimetal.
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The outside of the pre-treatment tunnel installed by Silvi.
Reducing environmental impact
to the health crisis. However, it was this last unexpected event that
The aim of the project was not only to finally provide a comprehensive
enabled us to calmly complete the construction of the new coating
service to Zimetal’s customers: one of its main drivers was the will to
plant and take the time to analyse it in detail, including the possible
make the two processes more environmentally friendly. “The issue of
reaction of customers to this important innovation – which would have
sustainable manufacturing has been a priority for us for a long time,”
allowed us to insource such an important production phase, instead of
notes Bottanelli. “However, being a sustainable company sometimes
keeping on outsourcing it with the consequent delivery management
means making compromises in terms of performance. Actually, in this
problems that one can easily imagine.”
case, we were able to design two zero liquid discharge processes while treated surfaces. In 2008, we became the first company in Europe to
Hot-dip galvanising: Zimetal’s long-standing core business
carry out hot-dip galvanising operations with the HAL-GA® technology
Each raw material delivered to the plant is identified, controlled, and
for the control of reactive steels and without the use of lead and
traced from the reception phase throughout the entire processing
maintaining the guarantee of adequate corrosion resistance of the
nickel, now integrated with the ZinCare green galvanising system. We
cycle, up to testing and delivery. “We only use certified raw materials,
wanted our coating plant to reflect the same low environmental impact
high-tech alloys and zinc of Special High Grade (SHG) 99.995%,”
commitment. All waste water is transferred to a closed-circuit ZLD
indicates Bottanelli. “The parts to be galvanised are hooked onto the
evaporation plant that regenerates and recovers the liquid, which is
loading frames and then sent to the various process steps. These
then returned to the treatment cycle.
are largely automated and assisted by a central management system
“The result is one of our main sources of pride and one of the reasons
that guarantees high flexibility and greater punctuality in responding
why we are pleased with our investment in this project, which we
to the needs of an increasingly demanding market, in terms of both
completed at a time when everything seemed to be working against
quality and service. All production phases are constantly monitored
us: it was a time of market contraction, followed by the lockdown due
and recorded by the management system and every variable in the
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Parts entering the pre-treatment tunnel.
production cycle is controlled, also through internal and external laboratory analyses.” Zimetal has a modern galvanising plant that, thanks to its large surface area, can treat components of a considerable size. “The pre-treatment process prior to galvanising is carried out in a segmented tunnel with a fully automatic management system, also recording the parameters applied in the various stages of degreasing, pickling, cleaning, flushing, and pre-heating, which occurs with an automated device for heat build-up up to 110 °C and heat recovery from the galvanising plant’s oven. Galvanising takes place in a tank measuring 14 x 1.8 x 3.3 m, followed by 7 stations for air cooling and 1 tank for water cooling, 1 station for applying the passivating solution, and 5 drying stations with automatic heat build-up at room temperature.” The galvanised materials are finally unloaded and then tested, finished, and packed if the order only includes galvanisation, or taken to our coating department.
Total control of the new coating line This is how Ugo Bottanelli describes the installed coating plant, one of the largest in Italy: “Our new coating line covers an area
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The inside of the pre-treatment tunnel.
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The power&free conveyor by Futura has a maximum capacity of 3 t per rack.
of 11,000 m2 and it is capable of treating substrates of different
feeding and ZLD waste water treatment, is subject to precise controls
materials, such as iron, zinc, stainless steel, and aluminium. We have
in order to achieve the best possible results.”
selected the best technologies to guarantee the highest quality standards, reduced processing times, and the possibility of monitoring
The search for the perfect pre-treatment process
and recording each step to ensure that the parameters of the pre-set
The integrated shot blasting machine designed and installed by
processing cycles are always respected.” The aim was to achieve high
Cogeim is a rarity in the industry. Fed with slightly angular metal grits,
productivity in all conditions and with all materials. “This is why we first
it is equipped with 16 opposing turbines that allow the treatment of
identified the ideal speed of the power&free conveyor and we then
parts up to the SA 2.5 grade at a speed of 2 m/min while guaranteeing
set the parameters for the other systems based on this. The conveyor
perfect coverage of all types of components, even those with large
installed by Futura Convogliatori Aerei is one of the devices that
dimensions, up to 16 m in length. “On the other hand, the chemical
propel Zimetal into the future.”
treatment,” explains Daniele Fumagalli, the owner of Silvi Srl, which
This moves the parts along the sandblasting and coating lines,
designed and installed the new coating system, “is carried out by
which cover a total of 2 km. “It is equipped with 50 racks, each with
means of spray nozzles in a tunnel made of 304 steel and thermally
a capacity of 3 tonnes and capable of transporting workpieces up to
insulated, equipped with tanks containing around 700 m3 of chemical
10 x 1.2 x 2.5 metres. It is the element that, through a sophisticated
solutions specially designed to clean and prepare all surfaces
management system 4.0, keeps all parts of the plant connected
perfectly. The treatment cycle comprises 12 stages, ending with the
to the company’s central management system, thus enabling it to
final nanotechnology conversion of the metal substrate.”
track and monitor all processing steps, from material preparation,
The water heating system in the pre-treatment tunnel consists of two
automatic in-line low or high-pressure sandblasting, and 12-stage
main heat exchangers and an extra one, used as a replacement in
chemical treatment to drying, dense phase powder application,
the event of maintenance. The heat exchanger’s cleaning operation
curing, packaging, and logistical sorting. Every phase, including powder
to remove any scale is activated automatically via the control PLC, so
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
FASTRIP AP The complete solution for the offline paint stripping of aluminium profiles. Fastrip AP is a compact offline system for the paint stripping of aluminium profiles up to 250 Kg and 8 metres long, in an indicative time of 3 hours, depending on the type and the thickness of the paint. It solves the problem of the non-conformities of aluminium profiles with coating defects, restoring badly painted profiles efficiently, cost-effectively, quickly, and without logistics. Our alkaline paint stripper Metalstrip 1333/1, which completes Fastrip AP, ensures effectiveness, long-lasting of the stripping bath and a low environmental impact. The system can also be combined with our filtration system Fastrip FP.
Fastrip AP is available to be seen and tested at our headquarters
Alit Technologies Srl - San Bonifacio, Italy - +39 045.245.6638 -
there is no need for an operator to be present. After chemical treatment, the parts are fed into a 700 m3 drying oven that recirculates huge volumes of air heated at approximately 160 °C. Fumagalli adds: “Like the powder curing oven located near it, the drying oven feature two heating technologies: air stream and indirect flame. This allows reaching the required temperature in the shortest possible time (about 10 min) with considerable energy savings.”
Coating excellence Coating is carried out in a Silver Booth installed by Siver and equipped with automatic powder recovery and quick colour change systems. “Our Silver Booth © ipcm
for the dense phase application of thermosetting powders,” states Siver CEO Luca Tomassoni, “is equipped with an automatic rack pre-reading system and it features 12 Nordson Encore HD automatic guns and 3 manual guns for pre- and post-retouching. The special feature of this booth is its Dual automatic system including 2 containers, which guarantees rapid colour change operations with very limited downtime by reducing waiting time for gun cleaning. This guarantees higher performance without line stops. Another special technical feature is the presence of 2 paint lifts in the post-retouching station, which enable the operator to move from the bottom to the top and vice versa to retouch larger workpieces.” After passing through the pre-chamber for powder
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gelling at 80 °C, the parts enter the 1500-m3 curing oven at 190 °C, fed by air vein and indirect flame burners. “As with the drying oven after pre-treatment,” explains Daniele Fumagalli from Silvi Srl, “this dual technology reduces the time needed to reach the right temperature and, at the same time, it cuts energy consumption. The air vein technology is only used during the start-up phase of the oven, while indirect flame burners are activated during curing.”
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From top to bottom: Some components enter the powder coating booth, the Silver Booth with its pre-retouching station, and the Nordson’s HDLV® pump management system for dense phase powder application.
“This alternating system is fundamental to our production,” confirms Bottanelli. “Not only does it save a lot of time and money but, in terms of performance, it avoids any colour changes, even with thicknesses up to 50 mm that must remain in the oven for up to one and a half hours.” The workpieces leaving the oven enter directly into a cooling booth equipped with hot air extractors and a forced fresh air supply unit. Finally, they are unloaded for final testing and verification, before packaging and shipping. Soon, the system will be improved even further. Bottanelli says: “Finally, together with Futura’s technical staff, we have designed the integration of a conveyor loop that will take the workpieces to a new semi-automatic plant for coating parts up to 15 m long, compared with the current 10 m.”
Zimetal’s custom systems “A further advantage of in-house management of the galvanising and coating processes is the possibility of designing and developing specific treatment cycles for each product we handle. For instance, © ipcm
for outdoor iron structures and parts, Zimetal has developed the VERNIX® system, consisting of 5 phases: hot-dip galvanisation of
The post-retouching phase after automatic powder application.
for Wastewater treatment & ZLD Plants
MST CHEMICALS develops a wide range of chemical products and solutions for Waste Water Treatment & Zero Liquid Discharge (Z.L.D.) for METAL FINISHING LINES!
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The unloading station’s lowerator.
From left to right: Alessia Venturi from ipcm®, Alessandro Nicolis from Cogeim, Gabriele Brambilla and Luca Tomassoni from Siver, Margherita Rubiolo and Ugo Bottanelli from Zimetal, and Daniele Fumagalli from Silvi.
the substrate with the ZinCare® system and HAL-GA® technology,
divisions, the extreme attention paid to both processes, and, last
fine sandblasting, 12-stage chemical treatment, nanoceramic
but not least, our collaboration with important companies in the
conversion, which completes the chemical treatment of the materials
industrial coating sector,” concludes Bottanelli, “we are now able to
by improving paint adhesion and resistance through the use of
meet our target delivery times of one week even for large batches,
nanotechnology, and coating with Qualicoat approved powders.
to respect the environment and the health of our employees, and to
The integration of a shot blasting plant into the coating line further
achieve the quality and corrosion resistance results required by our
increases the performance of our entire anti-corrosion system by
customers. One of our historic claims defined hot-dip galvanising as
adding to the production line a fifth element aimed at providing a
a bridge to the future, as it is indispensable for creating structures
higher level of protection than conventional powder coating systems.
of various kinds, such as the most futuristic architectural buildings.
This results in the ideal technical combination of the various process
Now, Zimetal’s bridge to the future also includes the powder coating
steps, leading to coatings with superior properties.”
of products made of different materials, with no limit to their size
Zimetal’s bridge to the future “Thanks to perfect coordination between our galvanising and coating
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
and always with an eye on innovations in the sector: without this, we would never have become a benchmark in the field of innovative and environmentally friendly galvanising and coating.”
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Innovative coil coatings Worldwide market presence High performance paints and inks Salchi Metalcoat Srl Viale dell’Industria 3/A-3/B - 20875 Burago di Molgora (MB) ITALY Ph. +39 039 6251824 Fax +39 039 6251829 E mail: -
© Omet
An Omet label and packaging printing machine.
Toran 3 One-Stage Pre-Treatment and Powder Coating: The Combination Chosen by Omet to Protect Label and Packaging Printing Machines Against Inks and Solvents Gabriele Lazzari ipcm®
Printing labels and packaging is an essential activity for many markets. However, it inevitably causes damage to the coating of the machines used, due to constant exposure to aggressive inks or unsuitable cleaning products. Omet was able to overcome this problem by using a one-stage cold pre-treatment product and coating its machines with epoxy powders to give them high resistance to inks and solvents.
he design and material innovations that have characterised
consumers1. The food, beverage, wine, and pharmaceutical industries
the last few years are also spreading in the label and packaging
in particular require the printing of large volumes of labels and they
market, especially in emerging economies. There is an increase
need machines that perform well even with the large quantities of ink
in the use of chromatic and tactile effects provided by special
and chemicals that are used in the printing processes.
paints, which improve the emotional impact that labels have on end Labels & Labeling, label-and-package-printing-industry-predictions-2020
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Omet (Lecco, Italy), a company designing and manufacturing various
They both provide services – cars enable people to get around, our
types of industrial machines, has a business unit entirely devoted
machines enable labels to be printed – but, for both, it is also their
to label printing systems. In order to protect their mechanisms and
visual impact that determines their value. Production departments
maintain their aesthetics for a long time – a factor that is increasingly
are becoming more and more well-kept, clean, bright, and functional
taken into account by companies – it is currently using a powder
environments,” notes Omet production manager, Luca Gattinoni.
coating plant provided by Eurotherm (Volpiano, Turin, Italy) combined Chemtec (Corbetta, Milan, Italy). This employs polymers and special
From beginnings in a garage to a family-owned multinational company
additives dissolved in a mixture of high-boiling organic fluids to
Omet was founded in 1963 by Angelo Bartesaghi, a draughtsman
enable the surface cleaning of workpieces to be carried out quickly
from Lecco who had decided to pursue an entrepreneurial career
and without waste treatment and disposal operations. Whereas it
so that he could develop his own projects independently. Initially,
used liquid coatings in the past, it has recently switched to powder
Bartesaghi was involved in designing special prototypes on request in
coating to give its printing machines’ finishes improved aesthetic
the company’s first location, his own garage. One of the first projects
characteristics, e.g. textured surfaces, which are difficult to obtain
developed was a machine for making paper napkins, a product that
with liquid paints. In fact, the buyers of its label printing presses
was little used at the time but that allowed Omet to expand by mass
are graphic designers and professionals who consider aesthetics
producing this type of system. “Another key project in Omet’s history
paramount. “At Omet, we always compare our machines to cars.
was the production of a label printing machine, which allowed us to
with the one-stage cold pre-treatment product Toran 3, supplied by
© ipcm
Components inside the semi-automatic cleaning station designed by Eurotherm.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
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Parts with areas masked by tapes and caps provided by Euromask.
develop further, open new plants, and achieve continuous growth in
managing director, while his son-in-law Marco Calcagni is responsible
terms of both turnover and number of employees,” says Gattinoni.
for implementing marketing strategies and managing the sales
“Moreover, Omet has always had an international focus: as early
network,” indicates Gattinoni.
as the 1960s, we participated in international trade fairs and, over the years, we have increased exports and opened new sales and
Omet’s core business
production branches abroad. Foreign markets now account for
Among Omet’s various activities, its Italian business units focus on the
around 80% of Omet’s turnover.”
design and manufacture of label and packaging printing machines
The Omet group includes some operational headquarters abroad:
and paper napkin machines. “Most of our systems are modular
Chicago (USA), Suzhou (China, 200 km south of Shanghai), New Delhi
and customised according to specific customer requirements. It is
(India), and the sales office in Barcelona (Spain). In addition to the
such diversification, besides the quality of our products, that has
Packaging Printing Machines and the Tissue Converting Machines
enabled us to be successful in the market,” states Gattinoni. Some
business units, Omet has a third division, managed by Omet Systems
machine components are produced by contractors, but others (the
in Motion, that deals with the production of ball bearings, handling
most strategic ones) for confidentiality reasons are made in Omet’s
systems, and components for industrial applications. Another
machining departments, which also handle the assembly and testing
business unit is O-Pac, producing wet wipes both for third parties
phases. In recent years, these printing systems have changed from
and under its own brand name. Omet currently has a global partner
mechanical to mechatronic plants and now Omet also takes care
network, around 400 employees, and a turnover of over 100 million
of the wiring of their electronic elements and the automation.
Euros, but it maintains the structure of an SME. “We are now a small
“Nowadays, automation and digitalisation are a very important
multinational company, but also still a family business. Ten years
element of our brand: we have a technical department specialising
ago, when Bartesaghi passed away, his son Antonio took over as the
in software development. Omet has always invested in research
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
Custom-built painting installations Macchine e impianti realizzati su misura
Shot blasting booths Cabine di sabbiatura
Washing tunnels Tunnel di lavaggio
Liquid painting installations
Impianti di verniciatura a liquido
Powder painting booths
Cabine di verniciatura a polvere
and innovation: we have a department constantly work on new projects (both mechanical and electronic), which can also be made available to customers to jointly develop parts of certain machines and software, as well as the development of new machines with
Curing ovens
Forni di cottura
increasingly high performance.”
Aesthetics and performance: the importance of using Toran 3 and suitable paints Once in operation, Omet’s printing machines can be soiled by various types of pollutants, especially inks. Some customers may not clean them thoroughly or use products that are aggressive or unsuitable for the plant’s structure. “UV inks are easier to remove, but water or solvent-based inks are more aggressive and they may
Eurotherm S.p.A. T +39 011 98 23 500 | M Eurotherm Oberflächentechnik GmbH T +49-7571-92795-10 | M
create halos. If the coatings do not bind well to the substrate, some Eurotherm France S.A.S. T +33 (0) 4 90 55 20 75 | M
Made with passion in Italy
The Gema gun for manual coating.
solvents and ethyl acetates can remove them. It is therefore important to make our finishes resistant to cleaning agents and inks,” says Gattinoni. Optimum surface pre-treatment of parts is therefore of the essence and Omet has chosen Chemtec as its partner for this processing step. It supplies the company with the one-stage, multi-metal product Toran 3, which is suitable for both iron and aluminium and does not require any changes in the concentration levels. The anhydrous process it creates degreases the surfaces and immediately protects them against oxidation, thus guaranteeing excellent performance of the finishing system. This is therefore a costeffective alternative to phosphodegreasing or phosphating followed by passivation. When the product dries for 8-10 minutes at 130140 °C, the polymers of which it is composed cross-link, thus covering the component with a very thin, continuous, three-dimensional conversion film that favours paint adhesion
© Omet
The manual coating of a component.
and increases the corrosion resistance of the coating system. The organic polymeric film obtained, with a thickness of about 1 micron, has the peculiar characteristic of absorbing the oily contaminants present on the workpiece, up to an overall limit of 1.5 g/ m² of treated metal surface. By absorbing oils and greases and trapping them in the three-dimensional structure of the polymers created on the metal, this does not generate waste, but it rather converts contaminants into an active part of the triggered process. The product, which therefore never needs to be replaced, gives the system an almost unlimited service life. The only thing that needs to be done is to restore the level of the treatment bath by replenishing the tank with fresh product. “We also assessed other partners for both the pre-treatment process and the plants, but this combination was the best solution for us: our Eurotherm equipment is particularly
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The control panel of the coating plant.
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suited to the spray application of Chemtec’s self-cleaning, one-stage product. As Toran 3
consists of polymers and additives dissolved in a mixture of organic fluids, it does not need to be further dissolved in water, which also saves on disposal costs and makes us more eco-friendly,” explains Gattinoni. “We were looking for a flexible solution, which could be effective with all our products, but which was also environmentally friendly, so that we could avoid using solvents, producing sludge, or face disposal costs. Toran 3 ticked all the boxes. Being a one-stage product, it is convenient and easy to use, also in terms of maintenance and disposal: there is no need to clean the tunnel and there are no VOCs, which is also good for our operators’ health.” Finally, this pre-treatment product works at cold temperatures and it can be used as soon as
A printing machine inside Omet’s Molteno plant.
the plant is operating, thus saving energy and shortening process times.
© ipcm
Characteristics of the powder coating plant As mentioned, although some plant components are manufactured by external suppliers, others are produced in-house. As a result, Omet also needed to take care of their coating in-house. “Another reason for choosing to have our own paintshop is related to colours: our machines are normally painted in light grey or white shades and, by combining components from different suppliers, we were often encountering colour matching problems.” Omet uses Pulverit and AkzoNobel epoxy powder coatings in 14 shades (including 4 main colours in the grey range), in their smooth and
Innovation in Thru-Process Automotive Paint Monitoring Safe ATEX Certified Temperature Profiling
textured versions. The company opted for a manual coating plant because its production is highly variable in terms of both part size and number
Intrinsically Safe
• 20 measurement channels • Paint & Powder coating • Includes Phoenix Factor cure index calculation
of batches. “We paint pre-assembled structures as well as large and small casings. However, we do not have such a continuity of batches and volumes to require an automatic production chain.” After an analysis and assessment phase, Omet selected Eurotherm as the right plant engineering company for its needs, including the implementation of Industry 4.0 parameters and the interfacing of
New Optic Video Profiling System
the machine with its own management system. “At all times, the system provides information on the part being processed, including
During Production
its code number, its drawing, whether it is still in production, being
• Detect paint runs, drips
and defects • Spot transport problems • Identify oven damage
processed, or already being coated, and if so at what stage.” Installed at the end of 2020 and commissioned this year, the Eurotherm modular system is equipped with racks that can support up to 2,000 kg each. The parts are taken manually to the
Phoenix Temperature Measurement
pre-treatment booth for the automatic spray cleaning operation,
Tel: +49 (0)5731 30028 0
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
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Front view of the processing booths. From left to right: the cleaning booth, the static oven, the powder application booth, and the booth for liquid painting and finishing of non-standard parts.
followed by dripping and blow-off phases. Then the workpieces are
coating plant was moved to the Lecco site, which currently houses
dried in the oven, which has a combustion chamber with a burner
the Tissue division.
and hot air insufflation. This station actually acts as both the drying and curing oven, with
Know-how on show: the Innovation Park
the possibility of manually adjusting the temperatures according to
In over half a century of activity, Omet has completed more than
the colour and mass of the parts being treated. Most components
2,000 projects and it has consolidated its position in the medium-
undergo a meticulous masking process using caps and tapes
high end of the industrial machinery manufacturing market. In the
provided by Euromask (Lainate, Milan), in order to protect certain
first months of 2021, it has moved its printing machines business
surface areas during coating.
unit to the new Molteno (Lecco, Italy) hub – already including the R&D
In the next station, a quick-colour change, one-coat powder coating
department and the Innovation Park showroom, which will house
process is carried out using a Gema OptiSpray dense phase gun.
a number of Omet machines on permanent display. In conclusion,
“This was chosen after a number of trials, as it guarantees reduced
Gattinoni states: “Our know-how, quality and expertise, that is, the
powder consumption compared with traditional equipment.
ability to design full systems, are the real value of this company. The
The initial costs are higher, but the return on investment in a short
exhibition will enable us to show customers all our skills and the
time convinced us of its effectiveness,” states Gattinoni. The old liquid
results we have achieved over the years.”
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The Advanced Air Treatment System of OMB’s New Paintshop Becomes a Competitive Advantage in the Refuse Collection Vehicles Market Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
In an increasingly competitive market such as that of vehicles for refuse collection, whose management generates a global turnover of almost 200 billion Euros, the complete automation of coating process management systems and in particular of the application stations’ suction and filtration units can provide a competitive advantage. Specialising in the production of waste collection containers and vehicles since 1961, OMB Technology Spa is convinced of this, so much so that it has collaborated with the Rimor Group (which includes the Tekimp company and the Camit brand) to create a brand new coating department 4.0.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
ccording to the latest figures presented by the World Bank
from our everyday lives to the agendas of major world summits.
Group, the global organisation working to find sustainable
The separate waste collection sector, which has developed since
solutions to combat poverty in less developed countries, we
the 1990s, has seen an exponential increase in the number
produce around 2 billion tonnes of solid waste per year. Worldwide,
of companies dealing with the refuse collection and transport
the waste produced per person per day is approximately 0.74
processes, now increasingly advanced in terms of technology and
kilograms, ranging from a minimum of 0.11 to a maximum of 4.54
kilograms.1. Waste management generated a turnover of around 200
For sixty years, OMB has been producing various types of stationary
billion Euros in 2020 and it is expected to reach around 255 billion
sheet metal containers for this sector, as well as waste collection
Euros by 20272.
vehicles with side, rear, and door-to-door loading systems, including
Starting from these figures, Francesco Garda, COO of OMB
the so-called satellite vehicles, rammers that collect the waste
Technology Spa (Rezzato, Brescia, Italy), a company specialising in
and dump it in the compactor before it is taken to the landfill site.
the production of containers and vehicles for urban waste collection
“Our company is well known in the industry for having designed
since 1961, describes this very dynamic and rapidly expanding
and built the first side-loading refuse collection system with a
market: “Ecology is becoming a more and more prominent topic
one-operator vehicle and a stationary container.” In 2014, the Brescia-based company was acquired by the Busi Group, a leading
1 2
Italian manufacturer of products and systems for waste collection, compaction, and transport with distributors all over the world, from
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© ipcm
An overview of the cabinets: in the foreground, the sandblasting one.
OMB Technology specialises in the production of refuse collection containers and vehicles.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
© ipcm
Inside the sandblasting cabinet: the area A.
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The blow-off station prior to coating.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
towards the future
South America to the United Arab Emirates and Singapore. “Offering a complete package worldwide is the trump card of our Group, which is still relatively young but has great
expectations for the future. We try to keep up with the times and offer technologically advanced products: all our equipment is interconnected and managed by a central computer system that records waste collection data, a function that is particularly appreciated abroad, but that is increasingly being requested in Italy as well. This is the result of the integration of Industry 4.0 parameters in the refuse management sector, which is now also being reflected in our own production processes.” The opportunity to update its equipment according to the most innovative parameters of the fourth industrial revolution came with the company’s move to new premises in Rezzato in 2020. “As part of this project,” notes Garda, “we decided to revise our outdated paintshop3. We collaborated with Rimor Srl, now owner of the Camit brand and responsible for the management and coordination of Tekimp Srl, all specialising in industrial surface treatment systems, to create a healthier and safer working environment with high performance and low energy consumption levels, fully managed and controlled through advanced computer systems. Rimor supplied us with the sandblasting and coating equipment 4.0 that realised our vision.”
A complete package in the name of ecology As a part of the Busi Group, OMB has joined two other companies that have been operating for years in the refuse collection sector, working in synergy with them to design and market integrated products for private and public companies that deal with the collection and management of waste in two main ways: roadside collection and collection and recycling points. “Each company in the Group, which currently employs around 400 people and which achieved a turnover of more than 100 million Euros in 2020, specialises in the manufacturing of specific products,” indicates Erika Busi from the Busi Group, “so that we can offer our customers a complete range of solutions. In addition to OMB, the Group includes B.T.E. Spa (Paitone, Brescia), which has been producing roll-off compactors and containers and stationary presses since 1991 and which is dedicated to equipping the systems designed and manufactured by the whole Group (roll-off
Epistolio Srl.
containers, tippers, and loaders), and MEC Spa, established in 1966
Via Piemonte 120 21100 Varese (VA) ITALY Ph: +39 0332 212692 Fax: +39 0332 223666
in Mondovì (Cuneo, Italy) and specialising in the construction of loaders, sliding and multi-bucket equipment, industrial trailers, and agricultural roll-off trailers.”
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From left to right: The PLC controls the ventilation system inside the sandblasting cabinet. Thanks to the mobile platforms with foot control, operators can easily treat even the most difficult-to-reach points. The Recube air treatment system developed by Rimor.
“Initially, OMB was mainly devoted to the production of containers
optimise our throughput times, just as is done in the automotive
and vehicles for the collection of urban waste with one-operator
industry for car assembly.”
side-loading compactors,” adds Garda. “However, in order to offer
OMB constantly monitors each stage of the process – now in a more
an even wider range of products and align ourselves with the Busi
simplified way thanks to the IT tools integrated into the company’s
Group’s corporate policy, which aims at maintaining a complete
management system – to offer high quality, operationally reliable
solutions portfolio particularly for the relatively newly formed
products. “Finishing plays a decisive role here: the coating of our
market segment of door-to-door waste collection, we have created
vehicles must be perfect, uniform, and free of orange peel and other
a series of vehicles with rear-mounted compactors and rammers for
common defects, but it must also guarantee durability and prevent
collection in small towns.”
any form of oxidation due to contact with the most aggressive
The Busi Group’s new production vision
substances in the collected waste. The coatings applied to our vehicles must achieve salt spray resistance values of over 750 hours.
OMB’s entry into the Group has led to major changes in the
We follow standard specifications, but we can also meet special
management of its production processes. “Since joining the Busi
requests upon request.”
Group,” the company’s production manager continues, “we have
The manufacturing process starts with the receipt of semi-finished
introduced a lean production system aimed at the continuous
products, made of a carbon steel alloy and outdoor Hardox sheets,
improvement of manufacturing processes and, therefore,
which are loaded onto specially designed trolleys pulled by forklifts.
technologies and times. In particular, one of our bottlenecks was the
“We have designed this manual handling system because it gives us
assembly department, which used to be structured as a series of
the flexibility and speed we need, since we do not always handle the
isolated stations, compared with the current in-line workstations that
same type of products: volumes can range from 10 to 30 m3.”
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
The semi-finished parts then undergo manual cleaning, with a
a 200 metre long hall at our disposal and we decided to optimise
high-pressure cleaner and natural detergent to remove any oil
the sandblasting and coating equipment with a compartmentalised
residues and impurities, and then sandblasting, a process previously
structure. The manual sandblasting system, for example, is 23 metre
outsourced and then insourced after the move to the new plant.
long and it features two cabinets that allow two compactors to be
“We have carried out a study with Rimor to identify the best
sandblasted simultaneously with reduced energy consumption.”
filtration system that helps us guarantee the absence of surface
The ventilation system developed by Rimor is based on a vertical
contamination after sandblasting”, says Garda. “We obtain products
flow and downdraft suction concept.
with a roughness grade of 2.5 and, after sandblasting, we only carry
Avonto confirms: “This solution avoids the need to install
out a few operations to perfect the substrate, again borrowed from
intermediate doors to separate the operating chamber. It is
the automotive sector, such as grinding, blowing off, and filling. We
possible to sandblast in the two communicating work area at the
then proceed with coating using a two-coat water-based system
same times without any risk of mutual contamination, because
(primer + top coat) and finally sealing any cracks after curing.”
the vertical flow suction system filters the air in each of the two
Compartmentalised sandblasting and coating plants for maximum production capacity
confined sandblasting areas. The same principle was applied in the 15 metre long spray booth, which is divided into five zones, with reduced energy consumption. The ventilation of each individual
A year passed from the planning phase to the commissioning of the
zone is activated or deactivated by the central management
new paintshop. “One of the most critical aspects of the development
system according to the type of part to be painted – and such
of the two sandblasting and coating plants for OMB was space
flexibility guarantees maximum performance with minimum energy
availability,” says Rimor CEO, Alessandro Avonto. “This department
consumption. The application of fluid dynamic principles in the
treats both containers, which are the largest part of compactors,
oven also makes it possible to introduce the same quantity of
and accessories in different sizes, such as ejector systems. We had
air irrespective of the type of product introduced, thanks to the
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
presence of devices that multiply the air produced by the generator.
booth, as follows: “Many companies in a wide range of industries
This guarantees uniform drying over the entire surface of the
have already installed our patented technology. The system
consists of a one-piece device with a vertical axis motor, in which
Air treatment: the core of OMB’s coating concept
anti-vibration joints, connections, pipes, and, consequently, any dispersion have been eliminated. The compact, fully soundproofed
“We had precise objectives in mind for this new coating concept,”
system offers much better powder insulation and an almost
Garda explains. “In addition to increasing production efficiency, we
unlimited service life. Recube has been conceived to guarantee
have focused on a system that ensures our operators can work
high energy savings by operating at low speeds, without bends in
comfortably and safely, with a low environmental impact and without
its pipes. The internal pressure gauge ensures that powders do not
the risk of affecting other production departments, such as the
escape from the booth and settle on the products in the assembly
assembly one next to the paintshop. We therefore took advantage
area of the hall where the two coating booths are located.”
of the expertise of Rimor’s technical staff in the aeraulic sector,
One of the most innovative aspects of Rimor’s systems is the
combined with Camit and Tekimp’s specialisation in the field of
presence of fluid dynamic simulators with which it is possible
surface treatments. Our winning choice was to rely completely on
to visualise and calculate the flows inside the working chamber
them to manage all the plant’s aeraulic devices, from compressors to
and verify that the operator receives the right amount of air
coating pumps.”
current. “We have also opted for booths with inclined planes to
Avonto describes the Recube air treatment system, developed by
guarantee uniformity and the correct direction of the air flow.” The
Rimor and chosen to regulate the air flows in OMB’s spray paint
plant’s lighting has also been carefully designed to create a more
© ipcm
© Rimor
The ceiling ventilation devices inside the curing oven.
The coating booth (left) and the curing oven.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
comfortable working environment. “We have created an innovative lighting system with natural light specifically designed for the coating department, and controlled by a PLC that can adjust the intensity of the light so that it is not too annoying or too low. This helps improve the work of the operator, whose eyes do not tire and are not tricked into seeing nonexistent shadows or surface halos. In addition, for better comfort, the system is equipped with foot-operated mobile platforms that enable the operator to move around safely and without
interrupting their work.”
OMB’s innovative project “Rimor’s project convinced us because, in a non-traditional factory like ours, they were able to include all the plant technologies we needed to renovate our coating department in a sustainable, healthy way and with excellent quality results, by proving to be flexible and able to meet all our particular requirements. In one year of operation, no intervention other than standard
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One of the filtration units installed at OMB.
Via E. Torricelli, 79 - Z.I. Fossatone 40059 MEDICINA (BO) Tel +39 051 856263
maintenance has been required, thus reducing the system’s running costs to a bare minimum and decreasing the quantity of spare parts to be disposed. Last but not least, we have also improved our production capacity. Whereas a year ago we were producing one compactor with its accessories per day, now, also thanks to an ad hoc analysis of our handling system to optimise the material distribution on the racks, we are producing one compactor and two rammers per day, managing three different types of products – which we intend to enhance even © OMB Technology
further.” Further automation of production processes is part of OMB’s plans for the future. “We have set up all our systems so that we will be able to automate them quickly, in the not too distant future. Industry 4.0 has brought a wave of innovation to our sector: our upgraded paintshop is the competitive advantage we were looking for, in this increasingly competitive and technologically advanced market.”
© OMB Technology
From top to bottom: - Some coated containers. - The OMB waste collection vehicles exit the assembly department. – From left to right: Francesco Garda and Erika Busi from OMB Technology together with Alessandro Avonto from Rimor.
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N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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Inspiration, Interaction, Information: Merck’s First Virtual Automotive Coatings Show Alessia Venturi ipcm®
Colour is an ever-changing element. Pigments create tints, which in turn deeply affect our feelings and moods. Merck, a leading partner for paints and coatings with special-effect pigments and functionals, is well aware of the role that colours play in many industries, especially the automotive one. This is why, in June, it brought together a jam-packed line-up of international speakers in its first virtual Automotive Coatings Show, which offered an in-depth insight into current and long-term colour trends.
hat happened in 2020 has forced each of us to rethink
and appointments with customers. There is no doubt that this
the traditional paradigms of our lives and work. Similarly,
has accelerated the digital transformation process by opening up
companies have been forced to invent new ways of
to virtual events, which have the great merit of allowing people to
meeting partners to compensate for the lack of in-person events
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
connect and information on innovative products and technologies to
© Merck
be disseminated even at a distance. Unfortunately, although 2021 started with the best hopes for a return to normal business, there is now once again a question mark over trade fairs and exhibitions, which have not restarted yet, but have rather begun to be cancelled and postponed. These include the European Coatings Show, the major event that brings together the elite of the paint and coating raw materials sector – an unmissable occasion for the global industry, with exhibitors and visitors from six continents. Due to the ongoing travel restrictions, it will not be possible to organise the ECS this year either. In the absence of the ECS, which has always been the most important biennial event of the industry, Merck, a German multinational company made up of a vibrant team of global specialists in Healthcare, Life Science and Electronics, who share a love of science and a passion for technology, chose not to waste any more precious time. Therefore, it has embarked on the creation of its first virtual Automotive Coatings Show, the digital twin of the biannual event it has always organised to bring together all major OEMs and showcase the latest innovations and applications of special effects for the whole coatings world, winking to automotive market. Spoiler alert: this was such a success that Merck chose to double the access period to the digital platform that hosted the live event!
Automotive Coatings Show 2021 “A virtual race through the innovations and applications of Merck’s pigments for the automotive sector,” so the organising company defined this two-part virtual event. During the exhibition part, which lasted from 1 to 30 June, visitors were able to visit Merck’s five virtual stands – four devoted each to a family of pigments (Iriodin®, Xirallic®, Colorstream®, and specialties) plus an “About Us” institutional one – finding a wide range of information, brochures, videos, and multimedia content for each topic. During the live part, held from 8 to 10 June, a total of 13 webinars were streamed, repeated twice each (in the morning and afternoon) to cover all time zones. After the welcome address by Dorothea Wenzel (Head of Surface Solution Division at Merck) and the speech of Dominik
The effects achievable with Merck’s new pigment Iriodin® Icy White Lightning and a typical scanning electron microscope image of Iriodin® 96107 SW Icy White Lightning.
Eisend (Senior Manger Creative Design at Merck) acting as the moderator, the three days focused on a number of macro topics presented by 22 prestigious speakers, global
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
© Merck
experts from both Merck and many other companies. The presentations provided valuable insight into the latest colour trends and technical applications and the speakers shared their knowledge and predictions on trends from around the world, including those for electric vehicles, sustainable materials, and future mobility. Their speeches dealt with three main themes: • Colour trends around the world, with presentations by six authoritative guests who illustrated the 2022/2023 global colour and surface trends in both the automotive and general industry sectors and explained how tint choices will evolve in the coming post-Covid years. • Formulations, with essentially technical topics and the presentation of some Merck-branded tools made in the company’s laboratories. In particular, the white effects of the Iriodin® family and the Colorstream® effects, as well as the captivating Living Sparkle® effect from the Xirallic® dynamic pigment series and the Powder Inspiration one for powder coating applications were analysed through product presentations, comparisons, formulations, films, tips, and ideas. This part of the event was particularly useful for technicians in R&D labs, but also for creative people and designers. • Analyses of the current car market and future prospects related to mobility and electrics, with an eye to the everpresent sustainability issue.
The new white and silver stylistic effects Pure, light but solid bluish-white colours, radiant iridescences with elegant and minimalist effects, sterling silver hues, and pure, charming whites completely free of imperfections are the white-range stylistic effects that are easily achievable with Merck’s new pigments from its Iriodin® family: Iriodin® Icy White Pristine, Iriodin® 103 NXT Rutile, and Iriodin® Icy White Lightning. The effects achievable with Merck’s new pigment Xirallic® Sunbeam Gold and a typical scanning electron microscope image of Xirallic® T60-20 Sunbeam Gold.
Iriodin® Icy White Pristine is the solution for silky effects that reveal their subtle texture only at a second glance and under natural light. This pigment enables to create unique white colour effects with a liquid consistency, which give an aura of discreet elegance to any surface. Its integrated SW surface treatment makes it suitable for any outdoor application: its excellent ageing performance guarantees a long-lasting pure white effect in all fields of application and projects. This product is easy to disperse in both liquid and powder coatings, which makes it very flexible for several industrial applications.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Iriodin® 103 NXT Rutile is a pearly white pigment that creates a new
crystalline pigment reveals its shimmer.
generation of sterling silver effects, specifically developed for general
The Sunbeam Gold version features a spectrum of golden shades
industrial and architectural outdoor applications. Its innovative
ranging from vivid to warmer tones with a myriad of glitter; the
inherent stabilisation capacity provides it with long-term stability,
resulting gold colour has not an opulent metallic effect, but rather a
without the need for any additional organic surface treatment.
light and luminous one. Xirallic® thus illuminates all colour tones while
Iriodin Icy White Lightning is the right pigment to achieve a glossy
adding a subtle warm note especially to darker tints, giving them
yet elegant effect with excellent outdoor performance.
more depth. Xirallic® Sunbeam Gold has an impressive ability to flood
It is based on a synthetic mica substrate and its composition
different colour styles with light: just add sunlight, and the magic is
guarantees a neutral colour effect with a very slight bluish shade.
It is therefore the ideal choice for cool white and blue three-coat effects. This product from the Iriodin® family also integrates the SW
Colorstream®: a journey through colours
surface treatment, which makes it perfect for outdoor applications.
As for the Colorstream® pigment family, the main news presented during the virtual Automotive Coatings Show concerned the
Lightness, brightness, and purity
availability of a second production and product innovation line with
During the three-day live event, Merck’s speakers also presented
automated quality control of these pigments at Merck’s Gernsheim
some important technical reports on the Xirallic Living Sparkle
site in Germany. This investment will help further strengthen the key
pigment family, well-known for its shimmering effect that is easy to
pillars of the company’s philosophy: constant innovation, top quality,
perceive but not to explain. Interestingly, the Xirallic effect is almost
and supply reliability.
invisible in diffuse light, whereas in sunlight it begins to glow and its
Colorstream® is the pigment that enables to create surprising and
Say goodbye to masking Overspray-free paint application with EcoPaintJet Revolutionary precision in automatic application brings efficiency to product customization. Dürr’s solution EcoPaintJet applies sharpedged paint lines on surfaces, pushing the limits for efficient and resource-saving coating: No overspray, no more masking of your product.
© Merck
exclusive effects in all colours. It is a silica pigment covered with Merck’s well-known metal oxide technology. The silica flakes are produced using a carpet coating technology modified by Merck: this customised production process is the secret to achieve extraordinary interference colours and shade effects. Colorstream® can add striking effects to façade colours, for example, and it is a standard product for use in architectural colours. The wide range of effects of the Colorstream® family are Lava Red, with colours ranging from red to orangey red; Viola Fantasy, from purple to silver and up to turquoise; Arctic Fire, with a colour travel from silver to silvery green and from silvery red to silvery yellowish green; Tropic Sunrise, with a shade effect from green to silver to orange; and Lapis Sunlight, with hues ranging from gold to silvery green and up to blue.
An excellent debut The event saw a substantial number of registrations, a sign of great interest. “The Automotive Coatings Show was a great opportunity to exchange information about the most relevant trends in our industry with our customers and partners, as well as a way to present Merck’ latest innovations and new solutions,” said Pilar Fresnillo, Head of Automotive Coatings Franchise Surface Solutions at Merck. “Thanks to our in-depth knowledge, we were able to include all the important elements of the paints and coatings world, such as colours and surface effects, in this fully virtual event. It was a milestone in the way we present ourselves to the outside world through digital marketing tools.”
The effects achievable with Merck’s new pigment Colorstream® Lava Red and a typical scanning electron microscope image of Colorstream® F20-51 SW Lava Red.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Your lasting colours. 3/5
We care. Paint strippers
© HangOn
HangOn Launches Flexi-frame HangOn has launched Flexi-frame, a new space saving, divisible frame developed to increase line efficiency during coating operations.
angOn announced the release of Flexi-frame, a divisible frame
combination you want”. Although it is possible to make a customized
especially developed for use in the coating process. Its flexible
solution of the product, the divisible frame can be used with already
design and stable construction make Flexi-frame an
existing products.
easy-to-use solution, compatible with already existing hanging
The Flexi-frame is compatible with:
systems. Flexi-frame also helps tackle the problems connected
• H11B
to storage space, costs and flexibility, providing companies the
• H2B
opportnunity to save up to 75% in transport and storage costs.
“With this new frame, hanging has never been easier”, says Jakob
• HCL levels
Törefors, in the board of HangOn. “Hanging can be easier in one way,
• HQS can be used directly in the top hanger
since we today have a number of welded frames in stock. It is easy to just buy them, and you do not even have to assemble anything. But
Flexi-frame at a glance:
the Flexi-frame is, if possible, even easier. It takes less space than a
• Space saving on delivery and on-site storage
standard frame, reducing the problems connected to storage during
• Lower transport costs
transport and on-site, and you do not have to decide in advance what
• Easy to handle with existing hanging systems
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
• Flexible and stable construction
© HangOn
• Self locking • Opportunity to make a customized solution • A profitable solution.
About HangOn HangOn is a European leader in the production and selling of masks, hooks, and frames for coating. The entrepreneurial spirit of the Törefors family, which founded the company, dates back to the 16th century. At the beginning of the 19th century, they founded a steel wire company that expanded abroad in the 1930s. The manufacture of the first products for the coating industry started in the mid-1970s. In 1989, the generational shift accelerated the development of the firm, which further specialised in the coating field. New products were launched, new services introduced, and new markets discovered. And above all, a multitude of smart solutions for better and more efficient coating have seen the light of day. For further information:
cataphoresis and liquid or powder spray applications
over 60 years of experience in surface finishing lines
pre-treatment | spray applications | electroplating | vertical & horizontal plants | enameling | aluminium | white goods | automotive | general industry
GSB International as a Digital Pioneer-Quality Assurance in Times of the Pandemic
Edited by GSB International Düsseldorf, Germany1
First published in Besser lackieren 6/2021
Werner Mader, Managing Director, GSB International.
quality community lives from its network. This was the case
conferencing for this format. What is particularly appreciated here is
before Corona, this is the case during Corona and this will also
that in some cases very long business trips are no longer necessary.
be the case after Corona.
The member companies can thus actively prevent the shortage of
GSB International is active in the field of quality assurance for the
skilled workers without having to invest valuable time in traveling.
coating of aluminium and steel components. Its quality focus is on
Coincidentally, the publication of the new edition of GSB quality
exterior applications in the fields of architecture and industry.
regulations coincided with the start of the pandemic. These have
The special feature is that GSB monitors the complete supply chain,
been completely restructured in countless hours of work. Important
by assuring the quality of chromium and chromium-VI-free pre-
information can now be found significantly faster. This is ensured not
treatment chemicals, of powder coatings as well as liquid paints, and
least by the fact that the documents have been optimized for use on
of coating companies. At the beginning of the pandemic, the auditing
digital devices. As a result, it is always possible to call up the latest
of the coating companies was a big challenge. Normally, all coating
information directly in the production facility. Furthermore, glossaries
companies that carry one of GSB’s prestigious quality seals are audited
have been included, as they are known from textbooks. This makes it
twice a year, unannounced, by independent testing institutes. In
much easier for trainees and newcomers to get started.
times of Corona, it is of course difficult to carry out on-site inspections
To ensure that all those who work with the GSB quality regulations
while complying with all hygiene regulations. In addition, the member
on a daily basis can immediately familiarize themselves with the new
companies are spread all over Europe. Different regions naturally go
edition, the GSB offered online introductions. These were so popular
hand in hand with different hygiene rules and containment measures.
that it was able to offer additional sessions on several occasions. Over
In awareness of the ongoing pandemic, GSB drew up a concept as
the course of 2020, the association instructed a total of more than 125
quickly as possible. The most important factor in this was the safety
employees of the member companies in its new quality regulations – in
of the employees from the companies and the testing institutes. A
German and English, of course.
pilot test was launched immediately and an audit was conducted via
In order to further expand GSB’s digital leadership, the Board of
video conference. In this type of audit, employees at the sites show the
Directors, the Quality Committees, and the Head Office are working
auditors the relevant areas using a mobile device.
closely together. A collaboration that GSB reliably maintains via
In the meantime, online audits have become part of everyday life. This
video conferencing, even in times of restrictions. Cooperation with
form of testing was used at companies where on-site audits are not
simultaneous interpreters is particularly important at this point since
possible due to the pandemic. In this way, the outstanding quality of
many nationalities are represented in GSB’s team and, in this way,
GSB-compliant coatings can be secured despite the pandemic.
cooperation is possible without a language barrier. The meeting
In addition to testing, training is particularly important for GSB and its
participants select the language in which they want to hear the
members. Employees of the member companies must regularly attend
meeting via a button. But despite GSB’s advanced digital solutions,
GSB training courses. Within the framework of these training courses,
everyone is naturally looking forward to the time after the pandemic,
the GSB association’s team provides knowledge related to quality
when face-to-face meetings and trade shows will be possible again.
assurance in accordance with the quality regulations. In addition, highly
Meanwhile, the member companies are taking the opportunity to
up-to-date topics, such as technical innovations and legal changes,
present themselves and their projects on GSB’s social media pages
are regularly included in the curricula. GSB has also switched to video
and benefit from its big number of followers.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
a brand of The Sherwin-Williams Company
ECHELON HYPER DURABLE POWDER COATINGS Durability and weather resistance are non-negotiable when specifying powder coatings on your metal building products. From commercial to monumental applications, Syntha Pulvin® Echelon range is the best solution for architects to provide the strongest resistance to weathering, chemicals and solvents attacks.
ONE COAT SYSTEM REDUCED MAINTENANCE COSTS SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION Syntha Pulvin® Echelon collection is composed of Hyper durable architectural powder coatings that represent a cost-effective coating alternative for aluminum extrusions and panels.
Echelon is designed to meet AAMA 2605 standard requirements, 10 years Florida test. Visit: | Contact:
IM GROUP Launches Unique Machine for Automated Application of Ring Latches to Liquid Paint Pail Lids From an interview with Antonio Riggio and Silvio Cimenti IM Group - San Gillio (Turin), Italy
Tecnopails, an IM GROUP brand specialising in the production of automated systems for packaging paint containers, has developed the world’s first automated system for coupling ring latches and lids.
pcm® has recently announced the rebranding of Inkmaker1,
IM GROUP’s latest innovation is the result of the know-how of one
which has officially become IM GROUP, an international industrial
of these six brands, Tecnopails. Acquired by the group in December
group of six brands specialising in solutions for the paint and ink
2019 and specialising in the design and manufacture of automated
production chain.
equipment for dosing, sealing, and labelling paint pails and containers, Tecnopails has developed a unique machine capable of automatically
applying rigs latches to the lids used to seal paint pails.
© IM GROUP | Photography Riccardo Cordera
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© IM GROUP | Photography Riccardo Cordera
© IM GROUP | Photography Riccardo Cordera
“Tecnopails has always stood out for its ability to create products
have them installed at its premises at the end of July. They are twin
tailored to customer needs. When it was established in 1974, there
machines, symmetrically arranged for reasons of space. Each machine
was no standard available and each customer had different needs.
is equipped with a graphic touch screen to make man-machine
Although we now also offer a line of standard filling products, the
interface easy and intuitive. This system has two storage areas, where
focus on customisation that has always distinguished us continues
the operators can safely load lids and ring latches respectively, even
to be part of our know-how and it is what has enabled us to develop
if the machine is in use. The plant automatically picks up a ring latch
a unique machine, for which there is absolutely no related literature.
and a lid, it couples them, and it arranges them in neat piles. As the
It actually meets the need of one of our customers, active in the
thickness is greater in correspondence with the ring latch handle, it is
production of paint containers, as it enables lids to be applied their
necessary to misalign the handles in order to keep the piles vertical:
corresponding ring latches automatically,” explains Tecnopails
the machine takes care of that as well.
Operations Manager, Antonio Riggio.
“Moreover, when the system picks up the ring latch from the storage
Innovative drive
area, it recognises the orientation of its handle autonomously, so that the ring latches do not need to be arranged with a precise
The need to design such a system arose from the fact that paint
orientation,” adds Riggio. “Our system ultimately enables paint
manufacturers prefer to be supplied with lids having their ring latches
container manufacturers to offer their customers a solution that
already applied: this operation is usually carried out manually by lids
optimises filling operations: their automatic packaging machine will
suppliers. Supplying lids having their ring latches already applied
simply have to place the lid with the ring latch on the container, open
is easier and has a lower cost than supplying lids and ring latches
and close it to seal the pail. Regarding the new machines, what the
separately. The bulk handling of ring latches is highly complex
operator has to do is packaging the ready batches”. However, IM
because they can be fitted one inside the other, and it requires
GROUP’s system has also been designed to be integrated with other
doubled transport volumes.
process plants and to be fully automated based on the Industry 4.0
“The machines we have developed are totally Italian-made prototypes,
the first in the world, designed in synergy with the customer that will
“The project specifications also included the ability to interface with
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
the customer’s management system and the possibility of integrating
investment is only justified for large volumes. At the same time, our
and automating other process phases with an Industry 4.0-oriented
customer, a multinational company holding a very large market share,
approach, also opening up to various tax benefits. Our customer
has in fact gained a considerable competitive advantage with it,” notes
intends to automate the transport of the lids to the machine, which
Antonio Riggio.
is currently carried out by operators: automating this step would
“This system is now a flagship of the IM GROUP, as well as a
mean that the machine that prints the lids feeds our machine directly.
technological milestone that allows us to demonstrate the experience
In future, the packaging of the stacks of already-coupled lids and
and design capability behind our brand. It will probably remain a
ring latches could be automated as well. And all this will be made
unique product that will never be manufactured on a large scale, but
possible by the fact that we have designed the entire project for full
it is a perfect example of our technical ability to meet any customer
automation,” says Riggio.
needs or requirements,” confirms Silvio Cimenti, the Global Branding,
The beverage sector as a model applied to the world of paints
Marketing, and Communications Director of the IM GROUP. “We want to position ourselves in the market as a total solution engineering firm, that is, a one-stop supplier able to serve the whole supply
“One of the reasons why we were the first to develop this machine
chain in the paint production sector, from dosing to packaging. The
is because we had forty years’ experience in the industry, giving us
acquisition of Tecnopails is further proof of this, as it specialises
the necessary know-how. Indeed, in the context of other tailor-made
in the final packaging operations, which we were not dealing with
solutions developed in the past, we have started specialising in the
yet. We have completed about 90% of this project with our six
handling of ring latches by developing a machine capable of picking
different brands, now working together while each bringing its own
up a ring from its storage area and putting it on a finished pail. It
specialisation, and we are actively working to add the missing pieces
was intended for paint manufacturers buying pails and ring latches
of the jigsaw to reach our goal of becoming a global supplier for the
separately. However, such need has changed over the years: paint
inks & paints industry.”
manufacturers have begun to demand for pails to be supplied with
“The paint sector is a few steps behind other industries that have
already-coupled ring latches and lids, and this has meant that the
experienced exponential growth, such as the beverage one, where
demand for these machines has diminished. At the same time, this
players are used to approaching the market as sole suppliers. As such,
has led pail producer to require the automation of the coupling
IM GROUP’s supply chain completion project is highly innovative: we
process, in the presence of high enough volumes. Clearly, in terms
want to apply the successful model of the beverage sector to the
of finances, access to this type of automation is limited, as the
world of paints,” concludes Antonio Riggio.
© IM GROUP | Photography Riccardo Cordera
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
complete plants
IDEAS NEED TALENT C.M.V. srl - Via dell’industria, 2 - 61036 Tavernelle di Colli al Metauro, PU - Italy - T +39 0721 892274 - -
© Dürr
Dürr Supplies 16 Coating Robots to Turkish Aerospace As part of a project for automated painting in the aviation industry, 16 robots from Dürr have been installed at Turkish Aerospace’s factory.
ixteen EcoRP E133 coating robots from Dürr will paint more
role in aircraft’s brand recognition. So, Dürr enhanced its water-based
than 50 different components in the high-tech production
and solvent-based 2C paints system, previously intended for the
facility of the aerospace company Turkish Aerospace in Ankara.
automotive industry, to meet this new challenge: the system meters
Dürr has developed a solution that enables both water-based and
and mixes the three necessary components, so that the incompatible
solvent-based 2C and 3C paints to be metered and mixed directly in
water-based and solvent-based paints can be processed directly in
the robot in an economical and highly precise way.
the robot without coming into contact with each other.
Although most of the components in the aircraft industry are still
This kind of technology has never been mounted so close to the
coated manually, Turkish Aerospace is planning to manufacture
atomizers before, but it thus minimizes paint and solvent losses when
large numbers of components for Airbus and Boeing that will be
changing colour and saves time.
automatically painted in the two new paint shops.
The system uses EcoGun spray guns, which are highly precise and
Meeting high requirements for aircraft coatings
particularly suitable for painting large components up to 10 meters in length.
Coatings used in the aviation industry need to adhere to high
They also allow faster completion than manual coating and produces
functional and safety requirements, because of the temperatures
less overspray. In addition, recirculated air can be used in the fully
and weather conditions they are exposed to – negative 76 ºF to
automated paint booths in order to save energy.
140 ºF. Moreover, aesthetic and colour scheme play an important
The DXQ3D.onsite software will enable operators to configure the
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
process parameters and will provide specific consumption data for paints, solvents, energy, and air, in order to allow Turkish Aerospace to match them to the individual components in the future.
The cooperation with VIG Makina VIG Makina is the general contractor for the construction of the two paint shops. The plant manufacturer is specialised in surface treatment and painting systems as well as manufacturing of aluminium production machineries. “We’re very proud to realise this pilot project for the aviation industry with VIG Makina. With our painting robots, application technology and colour supply system, we are significantly advancing automation in the aviation industry,” states Sabine Mewis, Key Account Manager Aviation Industry at Dürr. For further information: and
© Turkish Aerospace
Turkish Aerospace earned a spot in the Boeing Premier Bidder Program.
Global Wheels: Global Mask for Wheel Coating Brais Ponte Global Mask International SL, Barcelona – Spain
Quick and efficient wheel coating process using patented hight temperature resistant rubber masks. A reduced number of rubber masks has been created in order to cover most of wheel sizes in the market, protect bolt holes and back hub from paint and ensure a smooth finishing at once.
lobal Mask International has always been focused on
All bolt holes and back hub of the wheel must be perfectly
providing from the simplest standard masking solutions
covered from paint in order to ensure right assembly process and
to the most demanding customized solutions in order to
avoid potential claims from customers. On the other side wheel refurbishment companies are dealing with small quantities but several
allowed the company to successfully provide several industries around
wheel sizes which means it becomes very difficult to choose the right
the world with solutions especially developed to manage masking
mask for each size. Despite there is a wide range of standard silicone
operations, nevertheless there was still a challenge with wheel coating
products and disposable products like green polyester discs there
refurbishment industry.
was no specific standard solution for masking on wheel coating. The
© Global Mask
ensure a smoother and easier coating process. This expertise has
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
solution was clear: to create a reduced number of masks to cover
easily apply the mask at the very beginning of the process (primer) and
several wheel sizes, make them high temperature resistant in order to
remove it at the very end (after curing) avoiding time waste.
last from primer to final curing and make them reusable for a long-
• Perfect finishing: when the mask is placed and all sensible parts are
lasting life.
covered, a perfect finishing on bolt holes and back hub of the wheel is
After a long development period working together with some wheel
acquired at the first try avoiding any assembly problems, extra works
refurbishment companies, Global Mask is glad to introduce a new
or customer complains.
patented product branch under the brand Global Wheels to give a
• Cost saving solution: since it is a reusable and multi sizing masks
response to most of the wheel refurbishment industry needs.
a lesser number of masks will be needed while their lifespan will be
A smart patented combination of rubber discs and rubber flanged
a lot longer than usual disposable systems. Therefore, this solution
plugs to cover most of the wheel sizes in the market with a reduced
will drastically reduce masking costs on coating jobs. On the other
number of masks. All plugs are combinable with all discs in order to
side it will also reduce waste on the garbage and help having a more
cover several wheel sizes. Strong attaching of the masks is ensured
sustainable production process.
by pulling flanged plug tail through discs holes. In order to provide an easier identification of the several mask sizes a colour system has been
New developments and challenges are always coming from the wheel
set up: each mask colour belongs to a specific wheel size.
coating industry and especially with wheel refurbishment business
The benefits of using rubber wheel masks are way greater than usual
where we can find many small companies with lots of different ongoing
disposable systems, they can be mentioned in 3 main points:
projects. It is important that big players in the market are taking one
• Quick and efficient coating: wheel coating process will become a lot
step ahead looking at the bigger picture, identifying all small needs and
quicker and efficient due to an easier applying and removing of the
trying to provide a consolidated response freeing the small customer
mask. On top of that the masks are 315 °C resistant so it is possible to
from uncertain investment and risk.
© Global Mask
© Global Mask
Brais Ponte, Sales and Marketing Manager of Global Mask International SL.
Global Mask launched the new brand Global Wheels to give a response to most of the wheel refurbishment industry needs. A detail of the new multi sizing and reusable mask developed by Global Mask.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
The Keys to Colortechnology’s Success: Digitalisation Strategy and Pre-Treatment Results Repeatability Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
Digital transformation is one of the most popular current trends in the manufacturing industry. But what does it actually mean? We visited Colortechnology, a small but innovative company specialising in contract powder coating, which has effectively digitised its pre-treatment and coating processes, thus optimising results and making them repeatable, thanks to a targeted strategy and collaboration with DN Chemicals and Soft Rain.
MEs such as ours should never be taken for granted, as they may always surprise you,” says Colortechnology owner, Maurizio Medeghini, at the end of our visit to this
small, innovative powder coating contractor based in Travagliato (Brescia, Italy). Considered the backbone of the entire production system, SMEs account for 99.91% of all active enterprises in Italy1 and they are actually crucial for the digital transformation of the Italian industry, which is still struggling to take off2. “What many small and medium-sized companies are still lacking is a digitisation strategy,” explains Medeghini.
1 2
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A phase in the preparation of substrates prior to coating: the repeatability of pre-treatment results is one of the keys to Colortechnology Srl’s success.
“Digitising one’s own company is not simply a matter of obtaining state funding, such as that offered in Italy by the Industry 4.0 plan, to introduce new machinery and connect it to software or dematerialising documents. It should be rather understood as an opportunity to review the entire organisational system and production process and study how these can be improved and renewed. Only with a decisive change in mentality, starting with a new approach to the concept of ‘enterprise’, can we make the cultural leap that enables firms like ours to grow in terms of digitalisation and become more resilient”. “We are a young company, which I founded in 2004 on the basis of the skills I have acquired over thirty years of experience in the coating industry, and we now employ 15 people. Over these almost twenty years of continuous growth, we have grasped the importance not only of a reliable service and of high product quality, but also of the skills owned by the entire team, the result of experience, preparation, and
© ipcm
teamwork, and of attention to optimal process management and the environment. Unfortunately, we have also found that it is sometimes difficult for a company of this size to find the right partners to develop new projects: in some cases, multinational suppliers prefer to serve larger companies, perhaps assuming that a small firm does not have great growth prospects. At least in our case, I can say that they are wrong, and the projects that Colortechnology has carried out and is still carrying out to demonstrate the worth of powder coating are a clear proof of this. Luckily, however, we have also found some reliable partners who have been following us for years, carrying out together with our team the necessary tests and research for the continuous improvement of our production phases. These include DN Chemicals, a group specialising in surface pre-treatment, nanotechnology, and water treatment, which has worked with us for two years to find the best pre-treatment solution for our processes, digitalise our workflow, and integrate it with our growth strategy, and FINGENIUM, a company
© Colortechnology
specialising in arranged finance measures, which supported us in conscious use of public funds.”
“A job well done” Colortechnology specialises in the powder coating of parts for a wide range of sectors. Its customer base is mainly located in North and Central Italy, but there are prospects for expansion into other regions as well. “We mainly coat extruded, die-cast, and moulded aluminium, which accounts for about 85% of our work,” states Elena Piccinelli, the company’s sales manager, “for firms in the lighting, furniture, automotive, and ACE sectors, to name but a few. Thanks to our sales network, of which we are very proud because it represents a rarity in the contract coating sector, we are aiming to further expand our target markets.” The treated parts have a maximum size of 3000x2000x600 mm. After passing through the pre-treatment tunnel, they reach the automatic
© ipcm
From top to bottom: The pre-treatment tunnel, the Soft Rain King plant, and the display on which all process data can be viewed.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
The inside of the coating booth.
© ipcm
A post-retouching phase.
powder application booth equipped with 16 guns, performing up to
strong propensity for experimenting with new applications, which is why
5 colour changes per day, and they are then cured in the oven with a
we need trusted partners to collaborate with us not only in terms of
maximum temperature of 210 °C. After unloading, they are subjected to
support, but also and above all in the development of new application
strict quality controls before being packed and shipped to customers.
solutions.” One of these R&D projects concerned the preparation of
“Meeting the demands of our stakeholders is increasingly challenging
substrates prior to coating. “We had to find a solution to keep process
because they are constantly evolving. Lately, for example, we have
parameters constant and ensure the repeatability of results. After a
noticed a new trend: the products coated by Colortechnology are
long period of testing with DN Chemicals’ laboratory, we achieved all
directly put on our customers’ first assembly lines. This is why we have
our objectives.”
developed a company policy that focusses primarily on the quality of firm, and on the quality of our increasingly accurate, high-performance,
A stable pre-treatment process guarantees repeatable results
and environmentally friendly service. This is perfectly summarised in
The previous pre-treatment process involved a 6-stage cycle
one of the phrases that recurs most often in our daily dealings with
including alkaline degreasing, two rinses with mains water, multi-
customers: ‘a job well done’.”
metal passivation, a final rinse with demineralised water, and a final
Colortechnology’s entrepreneurial vision is based on a number of
evaporator to treat the waste water produced by the pre-treatment
essential cornerstones, starting with the quality certification of the
process itself. The cycle that DN Chemicals has developed together
company and its processes. “We have been ISO 9001 and 14001
with the staff of the Brescia-based company, on the other hand, is
certified since 2013 to guarantee maximum process control. Precision,
specifically conceived for the pre-treatment of aluminium. “We have
punctuality, flexibility, and transparency are the other elements that
implemented the use of nanotechnology products to make the process
characterise our work and constitute our added value compared with
as suitable as possible for Colortechnology’s needs,” says Roberto
the offer of our competitors. We also have a close-knit team with a
Rebuffo, Sales Executive at DN Chemicals. “The process now includes
our human resources, whom we support to make them grow within our
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Get more from water Turn key solutions for industrial wastewater treatment Design and manufacturing of plants and chemicals for industrial wastewater treatment Chemical-physical plants Sludge treatment and compactor systems Ion exchange demineralization systems and reverse osmosis systems Oil separators Filtering systems Batch type systems Flotation units Chemicals and spare parts for water treatment Perfect adhesion of the layer of paint applied to the substrate enhances the quality of the finished product.
Technical service, support and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants
alkaline degreasing, two rinses with mains water, deoxidisation with an acid cleaner (particularly suitable for cast aluminium but also effective for extruded aluminium), and three further rinses, i.e. one with mains water, a low-electrical conductivity one (semi-osmosis), and one using osmotic water that is hydraulically atomised inside the pre-treatment tunnel. We have also added a non-chromic nanotechnology conversion stage, performed through atomisation in a new stainless steel unit.” The management of the pre-treatment process and the design, construction, and installation of the spraying devices were entrusted to Metal Plast Sistemi Srl, the owner of the Soft Rain System brand and a partner of DN Chemicals. “A job well done, in my opinion,” says Metal Plast Sistemi Srl owner, Andrea Paganelli, “had the primary aim of achieving stable performance throughout the plant’s operating hours, in terms of both mechanical adhesion and corrosion resistance. In order to make this ambitious project possible, we carried out a thorough analytical study of water consumption, energy consumption, and disposal costs. This enabled us to create a process with a clearly defined logic, which had the goal of dramatically reducing the use of the existing demineralisation plant while eliminating the use of the final evaporator. This, in turn, made it possible to lower the energy consumption of the pre-treatment line and its related disposal costs.”
Beware of imitations, buy the original!
© ipcm
The coated products are subjected to strict quality controls using feeler gauges (pictured), gloss meters, and spectrophotometers.
The embossed effect of this powder coating applied by Colortechnology.
Pre-treatment 4.0
Colortechnology’s conscious digitalisation
“The atomisation process,” adds Paganelli, “is therefore performed
“The process developed for Colortechnology,” says André Bernasconi,
according to constant pre-set parameters, which guarantee the
the Sales Director of DN Chemicals, “is widely used in the coil coating
repeatability of the surface degreasing and cleaning results. The
sector, from which we have borrowed and perfected it to adapt it to
combined action of the products used in the previous pre-treatment
the preparation of die-cast aluminium surfaces. We made a very careful
phases and the nanotechnology products is decisive for the
selection of products that could meet the needs of this innovative
effectiveness of the process. Moreover, the Soft Rain King system can be
coating contractor and our choice fell on Qualicoat approved products,
supplied with different auxiliary accessories according to user needs.”
which have the advantage of being immediately ready for use once
“Thanks to this solution, which we have integrated into our company
diluted. We are also developing further nanotechnology conversion
management system to collect all process data on a single display,”
products formulated with special molecules that, when deposited on
emphasises Medeghini, “we can immediately check whether any part
the surface, form a layer having more weight and thus ensure high
has been treated according to the pre-set parameters. However,
long-term performance. Nowadays, the development of these products
we additionally chose to install some pressure sensors on the spray
must take into account that each phase of their use will be monitored
pumps because, by our standards, it is not enough for the parts to be
and integrated into a conscious digitalisation system – exactly what
treated with a good aqueous solution: it is also necessary to control the
is happening at Colortechnology”. “The information we are currently
application method used and have a detailed overview of consumption
gathering thanks to the digital transformation of our company is an
– which in the case of the nanotechnology product currently amounts
invaluable asset, because it gives us a complete picture of our production
to around 0.7 - 1.0 litres per hour. Thanks to our collaboration with DN
process and its possible evolutions, based on which we can assess the
Chemicals, we can now manage one of the most important steps in
next steps to take in order to become even more competitive. That is
our coating process much better and we have raised the bar in terms
why I would like to tell both customers and suppliers that one should
of performance, by improving substrate corrosion resistance and paint
not underestimate the worth of new ideas and projects, regardless of
adhesion. The results of our salt spray tests are in fact over 600 hours,
the size of the company proposing them, and that... SMEs such as ours
but we are aiming to reach a higher value soon.”
should never be taken for granted, as they may always surprise you.”
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
When the Application System’s Revamp Makes the Difference Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
Being a coating contractor means making up for any delays in the links that precede this delicate stage in the production chain. Specialising in contract powder coating for almost forty years, VRB chose to make the updating of its production equipment its main trump card, aiming to achieve maximum flexibility and delivery speed. This is why it relied on Gema Europe’s experience and Euroimpianti’s expertise to set itself apart from its competitors.
ne of the primary goals of any subcontractor is to replace
Over the last three years, this company based in Verona (Italy) with
its customers in one or more supply chain stages that they
almost forty years’ experience in powder coating has upgraded its two
are not equipped to deal with on their own. This is also and
coating lines with new powder application and process management
especially true for coating. As it is one of the last links in the production
equipment. For this project, it relied on multinational company Gema
chain, in doing so contractors also have to cope with any delays
Europe’s devices and on a new coating plant supplied by Euroimpianti
accumulated in previous stages. This is why rapid execution of orders
(Valeggio sul Mincio, Verona).
and delivery of painted products, always combined with efficiency
“Our factory is equipped with an high production capacity line; its
and high quality levels, have become strategic to maximise customer
two booths were revamped with Gema Europe’s powder feeding and
satisfaction. “We can never stop, and updating our devices is a must in
spraying equipment, respectively for light and dark colours. The second
such a competitive field as ours,” states Nicola Zorzan, the Managing
one is a semi-automatic line designed by Euroimpianti in 2019 for
Director of VRB Srl, a firm specialising in contract powder coating of
powder coating workpieces up to 8 m in length, in which an automatic
parts intended for the most varied industries, from HVACR to curtain
unit of 10 guns with Gema’s Venturi technology has also been installed.”
walls, rail industry, and furniture. The application system updated by Gema Europe in 2020. The revamp of the powder application booth included the introduction of 20 automatic and 4 manual guns. © Gema Europe
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Gema Europe
© ipcm
In the foreground, the MagicControl 4.0 system with its innovative interface.
The revamp of the coating booths with Gema technology The application system of the main plant’s booths was updated in 2018. “We installed OptiGun GA03 guns, OptiSpray pumps, and
The ultimate coating solution for large parts
MagicCompact® EquiFlow® XXL
an OptiCenter OC03 powder management unit,” indicates Gema Europe Managing Director, Mario Ferro. “We also integrated the already-installed components with a MagicControl CM30, a device guaranteeing simple but effective control of the entire application process, reducing waste and optimising powder consumption. In 2020, we further revamped this system with Gema’s SIT - Smart Inline Technology. Thanks to accurate planning, in little more than ten days the automatic booth was completely reconditioned and the old equipment was replaced by a new powder centre and a state-ofthe-art application unit featuring 20 automatic and 4 manual guns, 2 horizontal-axis reciprocators, and a dimensional recognition system. The entire plant, including booth automation, is managed by the control system MagicControl 4.0.” “We performed this second revamping operation,” notes Zorzan,
- Color change friendly solution for the coating of big parts - Superior EquiFlow technology - Perfect coating conditions inside the booth - Flexible design concept for any customized solution - Perfect integration with 3D Dynamic Contour Detections
“based on the positive results achieved since Gema had upgraded our application equipment two years earlier. Afterwards, our collaboration with the Gema team had become much closer and their expertise and support has been such that my staff have found no difficulty in adapting to the new way of working resulting from this new technology.”
Gema Europe Srl | Via Goldoni, 29 20090 Trezzano s/N | Italy T +39 02 48 400 486 F +39 02 48 400 874
The coating plant: a guarantee of efficiency The coating plant built by Euroimpianti is able to treat products with maximum dimensions of 8 x 1.5 x 2 m. The line consists of a spray pre-treatment tunnel, a drying booth at 120 °C, an automatic coating booth with a powder management unit, and a curing oven with forced hot air circulation at 200 °C. “The 32 m-long pre-treatment tunnel,” explains Euroimpianti Srl General Manager, Gianluca Baruffaldi, “includes phases of phosphodegreasing, cleaning, rinsing with demineralised water, and passivation with the Nebula system. Thanks to its integrated control and dosing instrumentation, this device allows customising the use of the nanotechnology product, avoiding waste and ensuring that the part © ipcm
to be treated is sprayed with a solution that constantly maintains the chemical qualities of the product itself. The side walls of the chamber are made of modular panels and constructed using a special manufacturing process that guarantees perfect sealing against sprays and vapours.” After drying, the parts are taken to the powder coating booth by the two-rail conveyor, designed and installed by Euroimpianti with 22 workpiece-holding bars capable of supporting a maximum weight of 1000 kg each. “The booth consists of an external metal structure with a multi-layered dielectric sandwich lining, which prevents any electrostatic deposit of charged powder on the internal walls while guaranteeing the dissipation of electrical charges to the outside. This occurs slowly and evenly over the entire surface of the booth to avoid the electric repulsion effect, which is harmful to the coating process.” The Gema Europe team also upgraded this plant’s
© ipcm
application equipment, by installing an automatic unit consisting of 10 guns with Venturi technology controlled by a MagicControl CM 30 control system.
Conclusions “We have improved the quality of our surface coatings,” says Zorzan, “thanks to the new generation of Gema technology implemented and its perfect integration with our already-existing systems, as in the case of the Euroimpianti line. Moreover, we now have the ability to coat multiple batches of products in varying sizes with numerous colour changes and no powder wastage, all of which gives us the flexibility and speed of delivery that are increasingly essential to succeed on the market.”
© ipcm
From top to bottom: - A detail of Euroimpianti’s coating line with the two-rail conveyor and the drying oven (right). – VRB powder coats products up to 8 metres in length. – The application booth of the line installed by Euroimpianti.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Salcomix è il marchio di AkzoNobel per un sistema di prodotti vernicianti industriali dal design modulare, che può essere utilizzato per fornire vernici per una grande varietà di applicazioni per l‘industria leggera, in modo rapido e flessibile. Questo è possibile grazie a un sistema di miscelazione che offre una superiore precisione del colore con la massima varietà di prodotto. Salcomix is AkzoNobel's brand for a modularly designed industrial coatings system that can be used to provide paints for a variety of small-industry applications, quickly and flexibly. This is possible thanks to a mixing system that offers superior color accuracy with maximum product diversity.
© Unsplash
New Graphene-Based Coating Protects Paintings Against Environmental Degradation A team of researchers developed a new coating able to create a graphene film that protects artworks against degradation.
team of researchers from the Institute of Chemical
by the exposure of colours to ultraviolet (UV) and visible light in the
Engineering Sciences of Foundation for Research and
presence of oxidizing agents, can lead to irreversible alteration of
Technology-Hellas (FORTH/ ICE-HT), the Department of
Chemical Engineering of the University of Patras, and the Center
The newly developed graphene-based coating creates a flexible,
for Colloid and Surface Science (CSGI) of the University of Florence,
transparent film, produced by chemical vapour deposition, which is
led by Professor Costas Galiotis, has developed a graphene-based
impermeable to moisture, oxygen and corrosive agents, and can also
coating for the protection of paintings against environmental
absorb a large amount of harmful ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it
has the potential to be used as a transparent layer for the protection
Degradation mechanisms (including fading and yellowing), triggered
of art objects in museums, during storage and transportation.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Tests have shown that a single-layer or multilayer graphene veil
© Silvia Conti Restauratrice
can be deposited over artworks to protect them efficiently against colour fading, with a protection factor of up to 70%. The graphene film has a monoatomic thickness and can cover any required large surface areas. In contrast to other protective means – which removal requires the use of solvents that can adversely affect the underlying work surface – it is demonstrated that these graphene coatings are easy to remove using a soft rubber eraser without damaging the surface of the artworks. Researchers have also explored a complementary contactless graphene-based route for colour protection that is based on the deposition of graphene on picture framing glass for use when the direct application of graphene is not feasible due to surface roughness or artwork fragility. Overall, the results obtained by the team of researchers, published on Nature1, show the potential use of graphene as an effective and removable protective advanced material to prevent colour fading in artworks.
ai162322881627_Protective Coatings magazine June 2021 - 230 X 140 - Final.pdf 1 09/06/2021 09:53:39
Example of deterioration of a painting: detachment and fall of the pictorial film.
Aluminium and Plastic Paints: Diverse Industrial Needs, a Single Quality Requirement Edited by Sames Kremlin Pioltello (Milan), Italy
ars, motorbikes, bicycles, smartphones,
technique: electrostatic spraying. The principle
Sames Kremlin is deploying solutions for
laptops, coffee machines... So many
is to electrically charge the paint droplets
major global players in the aluminium
products whose aluminium and plastic
or powder grains and direct them towards
wheel industry. If these are painted in a
painted parts present a great diversity of
the part to be treated, which is earthed. The
single coat, powder coating is chosen for its
shapes, sizes, colours, layers to be applied and
paint is deposited in a perfectly uniform layer,
profitability and productivity. “We combine
quantities to be processed. Sames Kremlin
without forming aggregates. It covers the
electrostatic spraying with a bell rotating at
meets these needs with a wide range of
entire part, including the back side and hard-
tens of thousands of revolutions per minute: it
solutions. What they have in common is the
to-reach areas.
improves the dispersion of the powder grains,
quality of the result.
and therefore the quality of application.”
quality, one industrial sector is the most
Avoiding touch-ups, not wasting paint
demanding: the automotive industry. It is with
“The quality of the finish is such that touch-
bell has the same productivity as 2 to 3
this sector that Sames Kremlin has acquired
ups are minor or even unnecessary; the
automatic guns from the competition.
its credentials over the decades by developing
manufacturer saves a lot of time”, explains
a whole range of solutions. They allow the
Marie-Anne Guilldou, EMEA Marketing
application of powder or liquid paints, solvent
Coordinator at Sames Kremlin. “The
Automotive bumpers: the ultimate in high standards
or water-based, for series of all sizes and
proportion of sprayed paint that reaches the
For smaller volumes and/or multi-tone rims,
for all types of parts: aluminium bodies of
part, which we call the transfer rate, rises to
liquid paint is the best choice: it allows much
top-of-the-range models, wheel rims, tailgate
80% for liquid paint compared to 60% for
faster colour changes. Here again, electrostatic
elements, bumpers, interior plastics of the
pneumatic application, while recycling rate
spraying and a rotating bell are combined in
dashboard or the trim, etc.
approaches 100% for powder applications
the Nanobell 803, launched in 2021, which
Aluminium and conductive plastic parts
(and zero VOCs!). The result is product savings
succeeds the famous PPH 308.
are suitable for the ultimate application
that accelerate the return on investment.”
The automotive sector is just as demanding
When it comes to paints and application
© Sames Kremlin
Sames Kremlin is the only player in the market to offer this solution, called Inobell. A rotating
© Sames Kremlin
The automotive industry is one of the sectors that is increasingly demanding application quality.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
for plastic parts. An extreme case: bumpers,
rims, mudguards, forks, fuel tanks, etc. If the
painted at the manufacturer’s, which must
manufacturer processes large volumes, he can
have exactly the same colour as the bodywork
equip himself with a robotic system and rotating
painted on the manufacturer’s line. The slightest
bells for powder (Inobell) or liquid (Nanobell 803).
deviation in colour is rejected. “We use another
If the parts to be painted are non-conductive,
electrostatic rotating bell, the PPH 707”, says
for example car interiors or the shells of
Marie-Anne Guilldou. “In addition, we offer a
smartphones and laptops, it is necessary to
paint circulation system, PaintCare, which avoids
return to pneumatic spraying. But without
shearing: this could break or destructure the
compromising on the quality of the finish. Sames
pigments, and would alter the colour.” PPH707
Kremlin offers an automatic gun, the A35, and a
bells are also used by manufacturers of plastic
manual one, the FPro. “It is the only one on the
tailgate components. Here too, the quality of the
market with vortex technology that disperses the
automotive finish is required.
paint into finer, more homogeneous droplets.
Motorbikes and bicycles: liquid paint on high-profile parts
© Sames Kremlin
The result is a flawless application...” Electrostatic spraying is still relevant, however, if the plastic parts have a complex shape that
Sames Kremlin also deploys application
would involve time-consuming and costly rework.
equipment at motorbike and bicycle
After applying a conductive layer, for example
manufacturers. Powder coating is preferred for
with an A35 pneumatic gun, the Nanobell 803
the less visible aluminium parts. Liquid paint,
rotating bell and an automated or even robotic
which is unbeatable in terms of visual results,
system can be used. This is particularly the case
is used for parts that are important to buyers:
for the shells of high-end coffee machines.
A liquid coating application with the Nanobell 803 rotating bell.
© Dörken
New Automatic Spray Gun for Sharp-Edges Coating Without Masking WALTHER Spritz- und Lackiersysteme GmbH and Dörken have developed an optimised process that enables sharp-edges parts to be coated with the greatest accuracy and without masking.
uring the partially coating process of components with spray
The new coating process
application, expensive and time-consuming masking is often
The zinc flake material to be applied is transported from a compressed
used. For this reason, WALTHER Spritz- und Lackiersysteme
air-filled pressure container to the spray gun. It is then atomised to the
GmbH (WALTHER PILOT), the equipment manufacturer, and Dörken,
finest particles at approx. 1 bar air pressure, and applied to the part.
the zinc flake materials manufacturer, have joined forces in order to
The material output system is one of the more particular aspects: it has
develop a new application-specific, automatic spray gun. In combination
a pulse control, which allows that only very small quantities are applied,
with a robot, it produces reproducible results and applies highly
whilst still allowing the droplets to flow together to form a very even
focused zinc flake systems almost without nebulization.
film. In addition, a specially developed applicator avoids the risk that the
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Efficient and reliable zinc flake pigments block the automatic spray gun operation, and at the same time provides an even and accurate application onto the various sharp-edges object geometries with a coat thickness of just 10 µm.
“Mission accomplished” by working together The new process is especially well-suited for parts that can only be
solutions for surface coating since 1988.
coated in specific areas, including parts with large surface areas, and rotationally symmetrical parts such as wheel bearings, brake discs or threaded parts. The optimised spray procedure enables components to be coated highly accurately with zinc flake systems and without the need of masking. In order to make the use easier in the customers’ coating facilities, WALTHER PILOT and Dörken provide them with a complete package which includes a suitable supply of paints and its guidance, in addition to the spray gun. The newly developed, optimized process is already being used successfully by the first customers.
About Dörken Located in Herdecke (Germany), this family enterprise hoards over
electrostatic systems for liquid painting
125 years of experience with innovative products. Many years of know-how and continuous growth have made Dörken what it is today. Dörken Coatings is a specialist for high-quality surface protection in the field of zinc flake coatings, galvanisation systems,
electrostatic systems and spraying booths for powder coating
KTL and special solutions for coil coating. The company offers their microlayer corrosion protection systems for a wide range of application areas. pneumatic systems for high-, medium-, and low-pressure painting
About WALTHER PILOT WALTHER PILOT, headquartered in Wuppertal (Germany), is an international market leader and renowned specialist in equipment and systems used for material conveyance and application. The
IR and UV drying systems
range comprises individual components and complete systems to handle the entire range of liquid and high-viscosity media – including paints, enamels, adhesives, oils, foods and coatings for a variety of industries. Since 2002 WALTHER PILOT is part of the Wagner Group.
robot and reciprocators
For further information: and
CM SPRAY s.r.l.
© Massimiliano Mandarini
The use of innovative materials for hybrid spaces, consisting of both natural and artificial elements, will be one of the architectural trends of the future.
A Return to Natural Colours, Materials, and Shapes: The New Pillars of Sustainable Architecture From an interview with Massimiliano Mandarini Marchingenio and Green Smart Living
After sculpture, painting, and photography, architecture becomes the protagonist of our Art Within Surfaces series through this interview with architect and biophilic designer Massimiliano Mandarini.
rchitecture has always been considered an art form, developed
smart cities, sustainable architecture, and environmental
around the concepts of beauty and harmony. However, it has
an added value compared with other works of art: the need to
“A work of art can take on different aspects through its beauty: it can
and the knowledge of how to educate people about the use of indoor
be an expression of the artist’s condition or of the historical period in
or outdoor spaces.
which it was created. It rarely has an educational function with which
This is what we learn from this interview with Massimiliano Mandarini,
it can steer people’s behaviour – which, on the other hand, is the
an architect, biophilic designer, sustainability expert consultant,
prerogative of architecture. I am not referring to the mere activity of
lecturer, and green building coach, who has been working for several
building, but to a broader project in which beauty, harmony, and the
years on research, resilient innovation, strategic consultancy, and
correct use of space are perfectly balanced: that is the added value of
integrated planning in the fields of design, creativity, sustainability,
this particular art form.”
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Massimiliano Mandarini
‘Humanising’ the way we live and our environment means combining beauty, technology, and sustainability in one space.
© Massimiliano Mandarini
The project for urban regeneration of a degraded area of the Orio al Serio (Bergamo) airport hub, which was awarded with the Green Building Italia Awards.
A modern Renaissance
today because it creates a perfectly balanced system in which the
Before the worldwide changes caused by the pandemic, it seemed
artificial elements are fully integrated into the natural surroundings.
that our future was sealed: technology would have eradicated the
Incidentally, the concept of artificial elements should also be
past and invade our lives, enabling us to do and know everything. “The
reconsidered, because aluminium, steel, and other metal alloys are
drive for innovation and digitalisation has been strong in my sector
derived from the Earth’s crust anyway. In fact, we should speak of
as well,” confirms Mandarini. “However, the ongoing global health
metal parts returning to their natural element, as is the case, for
crisis has left us with a lot to think about in this respect, too. If we
example, in Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe’s Farnsworth House (1951).”
do not behave appropriately and manage our relationship with the
Today’s architectural trends for exteriors and, above all, for interiors
environment around us in a strategic, rational way, we will not be able
increasingly reflect the search for structures that bring back the true
not only to be resilient, but also to simply survive. Innovation must
essence of the material and that are recyclable, with a return to the
go hand in hand with the humanisation of places, which is one of the
1950s’ effects and colours. “This allows enjoying a user experience
building blocks of our DNA. It is no coincidence that the Renaissance,
in which it is the perception of space that makes the environment
which led to a new way of conceiving the world and how humans fit
unique and the experience unrepeatable. This is also the reason
into it, began in Italy.
why we are constantly searching for new materials that have a dual
“Nowadays, the real challenge is the ‘re-naturalisation’ of indoor and
purpose, that is, both aesthetic and functional: they must not only
outdoor environments to put man and his environment at the centre
reflect the beauty of the place or object, but also be useful, as well as
of their related architectural vision, in order to improve the quality of
having zero impact on their surrounding environment.”
life of the inhabitants of urban centres and thus enhance local and global economic systems. The concept of genius loci, born in Roman
New materials for architecture
times to identify a natural and supernatural entity linked to a specific
“One of the latest materials to be developed in this context has
place, in architecture indicates the set of social, cultural, structural,
been transparent aluminium, which is only visible with very high
language, and habitual peculiarities that characterise a place, an
levels of ultraviolet radiation: it is three times harder than steel, four
environment, or a city. It is precisely this genius loci that must be
times harder than fused silica, and almost as hard as a sapphire. It
recovered in order to set up a correct relationship with a territory.”
can be used to create shatterproof and bulletproof glass, infrared
From the roots of sustainable architecture to today
structures, space stations, cockpits, and skyscrapers. Another material as transparent as glass has been obtained from wood processing
This concept began to be explored in the late 1930s. “We can say
and it could become the window and door material of the future:
that Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater laid the foundation for what
plant-based glass is obtained by soaking very thin panels of low-
is now called ‘sustainable architecture’. His design is still relevant
density balsa wood in a special chlorine bath. Once bleached, the
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
sheets are filled with a vinyl polymer that gives them strength and
de Paris, consisting of microelements in aluminium sheet creating a
transparency. This new material is lighter but stronger than glass
special lighting effect that makes all outer surfaces appear to vibrate.
and it is five times more efficient in terms of insulating against heat
Another instance is the project for a commercial building developed
and cold. It seems to be the ideal building material and its real
by Lacime Architects in Suzhou (China) and designed to integrate
strength is its sustainability. Conventional glass manufacturing is
perfectly with the natural elements surrounding it.
extremely energy intensive and it causes over 25,000 tonnes of CO2
“The same approach should also be maintained for smaller
to be released into the atmosphere every year. On the contrary,
architectural concepts, such as those commissioned by local
this new polymer is obtained from renewable sources and its
administrations managing the spaces in which we live. My firm has
production is already compatible with existing industrial processes
carried out many such projects, from the construction of a school
and plants. All this goes in the direction of a design activity aimed at
perfectly integrated in the hilly landscape of the Bergamasque Alps’
creating new environments in which the elements that serve people
foothills and with one of the largest vegetable gardens in Italy to the
contribute to creating comfortable and healthy spaces, combining
urban regeneration of a degraded area of an airport hub, for which
the development of new materials with technology as in the case of
we received a prize at the Green Building Italia Awards. In both cases,
anti-seismic wallpaper made of fibreglass, which is a great novelty for
we used technology to eliminate everything that was not renewable
the entire sector.”
and to generate edible products in a natural way: this is what the
A return to natural colours and shapes
circular economy applied to architecture is actually about. “From the smallest design objects to large building envelopes,
“The surfaces of architectural envelopes are increasingly reminiscent
‘humanising’ the way we live and our environment means combining
of natural colours, effects, and shapes. One example of this is the
beauty, technology, and sustainability in one space: this could be one
façade of the building designed by Jean Nouvel for the Philharmonie
of the architectural trends of the future.”
s an architect, biophilic designer, sustainability advisor, and green building coach, Massimiliano Mandarini deals with research, resilient innovation, strategic consultancy,
and integrated planning in the fields of design, creativity, sustainability, circular economy, and smart cities. He is the Chief Creative Officer and Co-Founder of Green Smart Living, an innovative start-up founded in Milan (Italy) to spread the culture of sustainable and digital innovation through products, services, and technologies with a reduced social and environmental impact, which was a Unicredit Start Lab finalist among the top ten 2020 post Covid-19 Italian Clean Tech start-ups and innovations. He is also the President of the Human Living Charity, set up to spread healthy culture, sustainability, and circular economy themes to raise awareness of the importance of respect for the environment and new models of adaptation to climate change. He has been the designer and consultant for numerous projects
in the public and private sector in Italy and abroad. He was a winner at the 2015 World Green Design Awards and at the 2017 Green Building & Leadership Italia Awards and a finalist in the International Green Product Awards among the best Clean Tech 2021 projects. He is a lecturer and researcher in the Environmental Design research group at the Polytechnic University of Milan and he is responsible for the Sustainability topic at the Edme laboratory of the same college. He was nominated Academic by the European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations (A.E.R.E.C.) and appointed to the Edison Stakeholder Advisory Board as an expert in sustainability, design for smart cities, and circular economy. For further information:,, and
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Quality Control as the Driver of the ipcm® Academy Courses Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
uality control is one of the most
to understand the principles behind
approach to provide future technicians with
delicate phases of the coating
the various types of checks and choose
both theoretical and practical foundations
process: checking the suitability of
the right approach to every problem.
and to give them a complete overview of
the substrate, the coating system, and its
Even though I work for a company that
the activities they will be carrying out.
application results is decisive in laying the
produces measuring instruments, I try
As far as my course is concerned, it would
foundations for a successful product that
to be as neutral as possible and avoid
be complicated and possibly unproductive
meets both customer and end user needs.
giving information with even the slightest
to offer only theoretical information without
Indeed, the courses organised by ipcm®
commercial purpose.
giving to the students the opportunity to use some instruments and try them out
Academy were launched in 2011 precisely in order to deal with these themes and
The courses organised by ipcm®
train QC professionals, the lack of whom
Academy have always been “hybrid”,
was a deeply felt issue in our industry back
with both a theoretical part and
How important was your university
then. Subsequently, the Academy’s training
practical tests. The same is true for
education in your personal
programme has expanded to include other
your lessons. Do you think this is the
development? Do you think it is
equally fundamental process steps; however,
ideal approach to train new coating
essential to attend the ipcm® Academy
knowledge of the regulations, the most
courses, or can they be easily attended
suitable tools, and the tests to be carried
I certainly consider it the best possible
by both graduates and non-graduates?
directly on samples.
out to check a product’s compliance to
The ipcm® Academy courses are not
specifications remain among the topics that
© ipcm
conceived for university graduates only,
most interest our students. We talked about
but they are rather specially calibrated
why this happens with Pasquale Roberti, an
for an audience with an upper secondary
expert in quality control solutions for the
appearance, colour, and physical properties
Very often, our participants are technicians
of paints and plastics and, since 2016, a
who already work in paintshops and carry
lecturer at ipcm® Academy.
out their tasks on a daily basis according to their established procedures.
You started collaborating with ipcm
Our aim is to qualify these resources, give
Academy in 2016, as an expert in
them the opportunity to expand their
quality control solutions. How do you
horizons, and help them look beyond
deal with this topic in a vocational
their everyday lives. Even those who do
training course?
not have a diploma can easily follow the
QC of liquid coatings and dry parts involves
courses because they are comprehensive,
a very wide range of tests and inspections,
well structured, and easy to understand.
from colour and appearance control to
The university background of the lecturers,
the verification of a variety of physical
including myself, is a further benefit that
properties. Therefore, the aim of the
can be useful when there is a need to go
course is to provide basic theoretical and
deeper into topics upon the students’
scientific information to enable participants
request. Pasquale Roberti.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
Students during a session of ipcm® Academy training courses.
Quality control of treated products
What will the official recognition of the
Why it is useful to enrol in the courses
is one of the most delicate phases of
new profession of Industrial Surface
of ipcm® Academy?
the entire coating process. What skills
Finishing Process Technologist entail
We live in a time when the world of work
does it require and how difficult is it to
in terms of training of new coating
needs specialists.
manage in the best possible way?
operators and within production
Unfortunately, we see very often that
We all know that QC requires trained
the human resources available are not
resources who have a full view of the
The aim of our courses is exactly as
sufficiently trained or, on the contrary,
problems faced on a daily basis in a factory.
described above, that is, to qualify
they are over-specialised, so that firms
In order to know the types of controls and
resources who will be able to manage
have difficulty finding the right people for
methods required, their limitations, the
production and control activities with a
the jobs they need to fill. Enrolling in the
meaning of tolerances, and the reasons
global vision and a modern approach to
ipcm® Academy courses guarantees the
for KO results, but also be able to suggest
problem solving.
opportunity to get qualified for some of the
a corrective or preventive solution and
If we add to this the official certification of
sectors for which Italy has been a leading
sometimes even to have direct contact
the Lombardy Region, this can only be a
player at the European level for decades,
with customers or suppliers, manage
proper recognition for a professional role
such as industrial coating and surface
documentation, and so on, one certainly
that is still considered almost artisan and is
has to be a qualified professional aiming for
often still developed within companies.
constant refreshing and training.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
University and the Industry Join Forces to Build a Bridge to a Sustainable Future A closer relationship between the industry and academia can help build the foundations for a more sustainable future: an example of this is the seminar held by Alessandro Soba from Verind Spa for the Advanced Organic Coatings course of the Politecnico di Milano.
une 2021 saw the end of the second semester at the Politecnico
they asked numerous questions both during and at the end of the
di Milano, Italy’s leading university for technical and scientific
lesson. Some of them even stayed in class after the seminar to learn
education and one of the top twenty universities in the QS World
more about the automatic colour change operations and the transfer
University Rankings, in the Engineering & Technology category .
efficiency achievable with the EcoBell electrostatic technology for the
During this period and despite the pandemic, the students of the
coating of aluminium wheels.
Master Degree course in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology,
Such collaboration between the academic and industrial worlds was
which aims at training new technicians with a broad spectrum of
made possible by PoliEfun, an association of Politecnico di Milano that
knowledge in the fields of production, processing, and application
promotes business culture in the surface treatment sector2.
of materials and the more innovative nanotechnology, had the
PoliEfun has always encouraged the involvement of professionals with
opportunity to meet some companies from the surface finishing
academia, including through in-person and online master’s courses.
sector. The seminar held in English for the Advanced Organic
Two examples of this are ISM8, the Industrial Short Master now in
Coatings course by Alessandro Soba, manager at Verind S.p.A. (Dürr
its eighth edition, and TST2021, the digital conference that this year
Group), was a concrete example of interaction between students and
covered topics such as the circular economy and the development
of sustainable bio-derived coatings obtained by recycling industrial
Through videos showing surface painting and coating lines and
agricultural waste, including tomato skins. Thanks also to the support
plants for the automotive and general industry sectors and the
of PoliEfun and the School of Industrial and Information Engineering,
presentation of specific equipment for automatic and manual
the Advanced Organic Coatings course will increase the number of
coating, Soba addressed several current issues related to application
hours devoted to workshops already from next year (academic year
eco-technologies with a focus on sustainability, eco-design, and
2021-22), in order to further reinforce the skills and technical-scientific
process digitalisation. Guided by Raffaella Suriano, a lecturer at the
knowledge of future engineers with practical experiences and
Department of Chemistry, Materials, and Chemical Engineering “Giulio
experimental tests.
Natta” of Politecnico, the students were particularly engaged and 1
© ipcm
© lorenzo_bigatti and matnano_polimi
Alessandro Soba, manager at Verind S.p.A.
Raffaella Suriano, lecturer at the “Giulio Natta” Department.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Verind
The EcoBell electrostatic technology.
3D Printing: Opportunity or Threat (Also for the Finishing Industry) Marcello Zinno UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, Milan, Italy
or several years now, we have been talking about 3D printers
requirements are already taken into account at the design stage, in
and processes aimed at creating objects that are not mass
order to help reduce potential post-processing issues and eliminate
produced, but the result of a printing process and that,
the need for costly in-process design changes. In particular, final
therefore, are often one-offs or part of a small series. At the same time,
finishing is important because the printed parts need to be treated to
these techniques are seen by the industry as a threat to traditional
fit perfectly into the machinery that will house them.
manufacturing, focussing on the disadvantages of this new method
Of course, this is easier if those involved in the additive manufacturing
compared with conventional processes. However, there are actually
phases also have experience with surface treatments. In this way, the
not only threats behind this new production concept.
advantages of 3D printing (reduced weight, easy integration of specific
More and more often, complex systems are characterised by the
functions, rapid production of even the most complex individual
presence and operation of series of small elements that, with the
components without the need for expensive tools, lower scrap rate,
constraints of large-scale production, reach high costs that translate
and reduced time to market) can be combined with the advantages of
into very high prices for their spare parts.
finishing (faster process, increased productivity, possibility of treating
Additive Manufacturing (AM), better known as 3D printing, solves this
even the most fragile parts without the risk of damaging them, and
problem at its root by enabling unique products to be made with
adoption of specific software that guarantees precise and repeatable
a material specifically chosen for the relevant application, flexible
results). The vast and innovative Italian finishing sector already includes
production processes, and limited costs.
several technologies intended for both the creation of 3D products
Achieving these goals is not easy. It requires specific know-how in
and their surface treatment – a sign that the Italian finishing industry
terms not only of design, engineering, and printing, but also of post-
represented by UCIF is a flagship at the international level of which we
processing and surface finishing. Indeed, the printing and finishing
can be proud.
© Adobe Stock
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Adobe Stock
Under the High Patronage of Mr Emmanuel MACRON, President of the French Republic
goes hybrid with More information on
How to Leverage LinkedIn to Market Your Business Barbara Pennati eos Mktg&Communication Srl
LinkedIn is one of the most effective tools to market your business. In fact, thanks to the many options and features available (some of which quite hidden or underestimated), we have the opportunity to promote our business to a highly specialized target not only through paid ads but also organically. In this article, we offer you a complete overview of the major LinkedIn features, strategies and useful tips for implementing an effective personal profile and company page.
inkedIn is undoubtedly the number one professional platform in
as a concrete opportunity to reach a highly specialized and potentially
the social media landscape.
interested target.
Launched in 2003 and acquired by Microsoft in 2016, LinkedIn is
LinkedIn, like all other social networks, was created to connect people
mainly used for the creation of professional contacts, the exchange of
and only later as a showcase for companies.
information and content relating to the world of work and job search.
Therefore, before taking any action on behalf of our company, it is good
With over 740 million users1, 40% of whom access the platform on
to have a well-finished personal profile.
a daily basis, LinkedIn is among the essential tools for professional networking, both on a personal and corporate level.
How to create a professional LinkedIn profile
In fact, if it is true that having an up-to-date personal profile on LinkedIn
An up-to-date, professional profile should feature an equally up-to-date
can open us to new career opportunities, it is equally true that a
and professional profile photo. So, forget about photos with sunglasses
company page on LinkedIn represents an important touchpoint, as well
or vacation shots: let’s choose a photo that represents us, without necessarily being serious, but that conveys an image in keeping with the
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
world of work.
Another important graphic element is the background image, which is often sadly left blank. Let’s use this image to say something more about us, about our interests, abilities or to promote the company we work for or what we do. Yet another often overlooked element is the summary, a textual part that is displayed before work experiences. This section allows us to say something more about our skills, work experiences but also aspects of our personality or hobbies (Fig. 1). Let’s remember, in fact, one important thing: LinkedIn is not a CV and therefore, it should not be treated as such. Make way for professionalism, of course, but also to what distinguishes us and contributes to making us unique individuals. We are still on a social
Figure 1: The summary allows us to say more about our skills, work experiences and personality.
network: let’s leave our mark, exploit the medium and use it to communicate, always under the aegis of professionalism. In a few words, let’s build a personal brand. After completing this first introductory part, let’s get to the point by carefully filling out the section dedicated to the professional and academic career. The advice in this case is the same valid for CVs: does it make sense to put a past experience, perhaps from ages ago, that has no bearing on the path we have taken or want to take? Rather, let’s place greater emphasis on the most recent experiences and closest to our field of expertise. If we have obtained certifications or licenses, we can add them to the profile to make it even more complete. LinkedIn also allows you to list other achievements on your profile, such as publications, patents, awards, as well as our language skills and any volunteer experiences. Another interesting feature of LinkedIn is the ability to add skills to our profile, which can be endorsed by our contacts. Our connections will also be able to write a recommendation, which will then be published on our profile (Fig. 2).
Figure 2: LinkedIn allows to add skills to the profile and the connections can write recommendations.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
Figure 3: In the header it is possible to insert a CTA button: Contact us, Learn more, Register, Sign up or Visit website.
Let’s not forget that all our activities, posts, articles as well as the
to actively and successfully promote our business through the various
pages we are following and the groups we have joined will be visible
tools available on LinkedIn.
on our profile. Now that we have created our profile and a personal brand, we need
2.Create a company page
to network, connect with our colleagues and other professionals in
The second step to take to promote the services of a company and its
our reference sector, and interact with them.
brand is to create a company page.
As anticipated, it is from our personal profile that we will have to take
Like personal profiles, company pages as well will have a header with
the first steps to promote our company – not only because technically
a dedicated space in which to upload the logo and a cover image
we need a personal profile to be able to open a company page, but
for a visual communication of our activities, as well as a specific area
also because everything we say, publish and our attitude will also
for the name and tagline of the company. Let’s take advantage of all
impact our company.
these elements and remember that everything will have to recall the
So, no to censorship but let’s make sure that what we express on
coordinated image and communication strategy we have chosen to
a personal level does not lead to controversial implications for our
present our company.
company and for our own career opportunities.
In addition to the main information on the page, in the header we
But let’s get down to business and see how to exploit the potential
have the ability to also insert a CTA button: Contact us, Learn more,
offered by LinkedIn to promote a company.
Register, Sign up or Visit website (Fig. 3).
Promoting a company on LinkedIn: 5 steps to take
LinkedIn provides a section for a more thorough overview of our company that we will have to fill in with a description of what we do
1.Grow your network
and offer, and information about where we are located, our website,
As already mentioned, organic promotion tactics on LinkedIn (so,
contacts, industry, company size and type.
advertising excluded) depend on networking.
LinkedIn also gives the possibility, through the Community section,
LinkedIn’s goal, in fact, is primarily to connect professionals from
to showcase on the page three hashtags of your choice and some
various sectors.
groups. Obviously, both items should be relevant to our business and
So, let’s create our network of contacts, connect and interact with
are useful for making users understand which hashtags to follow and
them, and share interesting content for our network.
which groups to join to find our updates or to be part of the industry
Only with a network of potentially interested contacts will we be able
community. The advice is also to always showcase a hashtag relating
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Figures 4 and 5: The Netflix’s Instagram and LinkedIn accounts.
to the company, perhaps the name of the company itself.
is LinkedIn. Netflix’s communication strategy is an excellent example
Finally, it is possible to manage our page in multiple languages, adding
of how the company, which stands out for its irony and informal
language on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, takes on a more
Through our company page we can also create and publish job offers,
formal tone and content on LinkedIn (Figs. 4 and 5 show the Netflix’s
which can be consulted by anyone who browses the page.
Instagram and LinkedIn accounts).
Now that we’ve created a company page, we need to promote it. Here are some best practices:
Promote employee advocacy As already mentioned, it is important that employees are part of the
Post content regularly
company’s culture. This can lead them to become brand ambassadors
We can spend millions on advertising but if we make our target land
of our company.
on a page with no content or with posts dating back to the Paleolithic
In fact, employee advocacy, that is the personal participation of
era, we can rest assured that we will not leave a good impression nor
employees in the sharing of corporate content, is a fundamental
entice our target to follow us.
element of the promotion strategy on LinkedIn. Therefore, it shouldn’t
Publishing content regularly is the first rule to organically promote our
come as a surprise that the platform allows you to notify employees of
each new update.
Let’s promote not only the services we offer but also the sense of
In addition to this, we can invite employees to include the page
belonging to the corporate culture. Let’s involve our customers and
among their work experiences: not only will their profile be more
leads but also our employees: not only the direct involvement of
complete and visually appealing, but the logo and company name
employees is one of the main marketing trends but it can stimulate
on their profile, as well as the possibility of being able to search for
feedback that will also positively reflect on the brand. The example of
every employee of the company, will contribute to the building of our
the Patagonia employee who publicly (and on LinkedIn!) thanked the
company for its family policies is always fitting. Not to mention that
All this will promote brand awareness, strengthening its perception,
the post went viral and was quoted by several online sources as an
and will give us the opportunity to convey our messages to a wider
exemplary behaviour to safeguard working mothers.
What matters, and that is valid both on a personal and corporate level,
This does not mean that we must force our employees to become
is to adopt a tone of voice that is suitable for the type of platform that
brand ambassadors and share company posts on their personal
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
Figure 6: Single-image advertising.
Figure 7: Carousel image advertising.
profiles. It would be completely counterproductive and far from
not cumulative (so they expire every month even if we don’t use them)
the very idea of employee advocacy, which underlies a completely
and are shared among all the admins of the page.
spontaneous action. Nor can we expect all employees to be suitable or willing to become advocates of our brand.
3. Exploit the groups
Furthermore, to protect the brand and at the same time provide a
Another marketing tool offered by LinkedIn are groups, in which
guideline to our employees, it is good practice to develop a netiquette,
communities can discuss and share posts and articles on a specific
that is a series of good practices and behaviours that explain how and
what to communicate. As mentioned, it is not a matter of censorship
The groups available are several and we can join them through our
but simply some common-sense rules that avoid misunderstandings,
personal profile.
disputes or taking a stand on behalf of the company that is not
To find the groups that are best suited to our purposes, we just need
actually in line with that of the company.
to search for keywords related to our industry in the LinkedIn search bar and filter the results by selecting Groups in the drop-down menu.
Invite your connections to follow the company page
We can join up to 100 groups.
One of the most useful and effective options that LinkedIn offers us is
Another option is to create a group and build our community. As it
the ability to invite our connections to follow the company page.
happens with the company page, we will be able to spread the word
To do this we must have two basic requirements: permissions as a
about our group by inviting our connections to become a member.
page administrator and a network of potentially interested contacts.
We also have the possibility to appoint other colleagues or
If we have both, we just have to access our company page and select
collaborators as group administrators. In this way they can in turn
the contacts to invite. These contacts will receive a notification in the
invite their connections and support us in moderating the content.
My Network icon, as if it was a connection request, which they can
In fact, it may happen that there are spammers or people who post
then accept or decline.
articles that have nothing to do with our industry. In this case, to offer
Each month we will have 100 credits available to invite our
an optimal experience to group members, it is good to keep the feed
connections to follow the page: for each invitation you need a credit. If
monitored, delete any off-topic content and block spammers.
the invitation is accepted, the credit will be returned to us. Credits are
Furthermore, as administrators, we can increase the visibility of a
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Figure 8: Video advertising.
Figure 9: Text advertising.
content by suggesting a post to group members, who will thus receive
• Lead Generation
a dedicated notification. This feature is available every 7 days.
• Website Conversions
Whatever our choice, through groups we can get in touch with people
• Job Applicants
belonging to our same sector, do lead generation, promote our brand
To achieve the goal of our advertising campaign, we can choose
and our content.
between different types of ads: • Single-image ads: they appear in LinkedIn members’ feed with a
4. Advertise
short text, image, and CTA (Fig. 6).
Like all other social networks, LinkedIn also allows you to advertise.
• Carousel image ads: they allow to display multiple images in
We can manage our advertising campaigns through LinkedIn
succession in a single, carousel-style ad format. They are displayed in
Campaign Manager, a tool that will allow us to create campaigns,
the feed (Fig. 7).
select ad types and evaluate the performance of our sponsorships.
• Video ads: similar to single-image ads but with a video instead. They
Just access the platform through your personal profile and create an
are displayed in the feed (Fig. 8).
account to which you can associate the company page (some types of
• Text ads: consisting of a headline and a brief text, they are placed at
ads will require a company page).
the top of the page or on the right rail of a variety of LinkedIn desktop
LinkedIn Campaign Manager will then guide us in the creation of
pages (i.e. homepage, profile page, search results page, group pages,
our sponsored content, allowing us to choose objectives, audience
inbox…, Fig. 9).
(location, interests, work experience ...), the ad format, budget and
• Message ads: they are displayed in the inbox, as real messages from
another user (Fig. 10).
The LinkedIn advertising goals from which to start to set up our
• Follower ads: dynamic ads to invite LinkedIn members to follow
promotional campaign are:
our company page. The ad is personalized with the name and profile
• Brand Awareness
picture of the person who is seeing the ad (Fig. 11).
• Website Visits
• Spotlight ads: dynamic ads to bring LinkedIn members to your
• Engagement
website or landing page. As with Follower ads, this kind of ad is
• Video Views
personalized with the name and profile photo of the person who is
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
Figure 10: Message advertising.
seeing the ad (Fig. 12).
LinkedIn Learning ( is a great tool to
• Job ads: dynamic ads to invite candidates to view job offers (Fig. 13).
brush up on our knowledge and acquire new skills. Divided into three macro categories (Business, Creative, Technology)
If you have any doubt about which type of advertising format best suits
from which to start and then choose the study method (by subject,
your goal, LinkedIn has provided a short guide to help you choose .
software or educational path), LinkedIn Learning offers thousands
of videos and online courses, both free and paid, to be able to 5. Keep learning
investigate the aspects that interest us the most. From SEO for social
You never stop learning, especially in marketing: there are so many
media to time management fundamentals; from neck stretching
practices as well as tools and they evolve so quickly that staying up to
exercises while we are at our desk to interviews with leadership
date on the latest industry novelties is a must to be able to implement
experts – the topics and insights available are many.
effective strategies.
So, log into LinkedIn Learning through your LinkedIn account and start 2
your training course!
Figures 11, 12, and 13 (from left to right): Follower advertising, spotlight advertising, and job advertising.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
SUMMIT September 22-23, 2021 Hilton Columbus / Polaris | Columbus, OH
Back to the Future – A Look Back to See Ahead Kevin Hales,
Automotive Market Innovation Manager, Powder Coatings; AkzoNobel Coatings Inc.
Powder Coating is positioned for a resurgence as new application opportunities present themselves in new automotive architectures. With the focus on growth of electrification, environmental compliance, energy consumption and overall performance, new areas of the vehicle are being considered for powder. As we explore the history of powder coating, we witness some extraordinary successes, so why hasn’t powder experienced the growth or use as a mainstream coating technology as compared to liquid? But more importantly, why is that about to change?
registration is now open! REGISTER BY 8/20 TO SAVE $100! The Powder Coating Summit (PCS) takes place September 22-23 at the Hilton Columbus Polaris in Ohio. With the popular PC Kitchen Short Course taking place just before the Summit, on September 20-21. We are looking forward to safely meeting in person this fall!
Why Attend The Powder Coating Summit: Gain the Competitive Edge Overcome Your Challenges Network and Gain Leads
DeburringEXPO: Hands-On Presentation of Solutions for Burr-Free, Clean, High-Precision Surfaces 4th leading trade fair for deburring technology and precision surface finishing will take place from 12 to 14 October 2021 in Karlsruhe (Germany).
reparations are running at full bore for DeburringEXPO as a live event at the Karlsruhe Exhibition Centre (Germany) from the 12th through the 14th of
October, 2021. The booking status also promises a successful 4th Leading
Trade Fair for Deburring Technology and Precision Surface Finishing, where exhibitors and visitors will once again be able to exchange ideas at face-to-face meetings. Emphasis will be focused on solutions and information that make it possible for companies to effectively and efficiently fulfil stricter as well as changing requirements for deburring and surface finishing quality. The capital goods industry needs on-site events like DeburringEXPO where products, solutions and innovations can be experienced with all five senses and are presented in a convincing manner. This greatly facilitates the initiation of business with existing, and especially with new customers. Personal contact at trade fairs is unsurpassed as a means of building trust for long-term business relations and collaborations. And thus DeburringEXPO’s exhibitors are already eagerly awaiting opening day at the leading trade fair for deburring technology and precision surface finishing ... with good reason, because roughly 94% of the expert visitors are involved in operational investment decisions. And with a rising ifo Business Climate Index which climbed to 99.2 points in May 2021 – the highest level since May 2019 – investments are picking up again in industrial sectors such as automotive, machinery manufacturing, sensor technology, medical and pharmaceuticals technology, tool and mould making, metalworking and aerospace, as well as environmental and energy technology.
Changing requirements necessitate adaptive solutions Attention is being focussed on solutions with which companies can meet stricter, as well as new requirements for deburring and surface finishing quality. “Amongst other factors, this requirement arises from stricter specifications for products and their surface finishing, for example due to downstream processes such as joining, coating, sealing and assembly. Changing production technologies and materials, such as workpieces made of material combinations, also necessitate optimised
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© fairXperts
solutions for deburring, rounding and the production of precision surface finishes, as well as the cleaning of components after these processing steps,” reports Hartmut Herdin, managing director of fairXperts GmbH & Co. KG, organisers of DeburringEXPO. Increasing use of additive manufacturing (AM) in series production is also impacting surface finishing processes. The removal of residual powder from supporting structures, as well as the rough and porous surfaces of additively manufactured components, are challenging. Further increases in efficiency by means of process optimisation, automation and digitalisation are presenting companies with additional challenges as well. The exhibitors at the 4th leading trade fair for deburring technology and precision surface finishing will showcase appropriate solutions for these tasks. These broadbased offerings will be rounded out with theme parks for “Automated Deburring with Industrial Robots”, “AM Parts Finishing” and “Cleaning After Deburring”.
The Expert Forum: knowledge transfer at its best The integrated 3-day expert forum is an established supplement to the exhibition programme at DeburringEXPO for the promotion of knowledge transfer. Simultaneously interpreted presentations (German <> English) will provide information concerning solutions to current problems covering all exhibition segments. The trade fair programme is thus enhanced with the quality of a further training event which enables visitors to expand their know-how in the fields of deburring, rounding and the production of precision surface finishes, as well as component cleaning. Beyond this, examples based on actual practice and benchmark solutions provide ideas and stimulation for the optimisation of processes at one’s own company. Rösler Oberflächentechnik
Collaboration with GrindTec Thanks to the new collaboration between fairXperts and AFAG – promoters of GrindTec – the exhibition portfolio at DeburringEXPO 2021 will be extended for the first time to cover the issue of “grinding technology” at a collective booth. This expansion of the spectrum of offerings will make it possible for visitors to gather information more effectively covering the entire process sequence for surface treatment. DeburringEXPO will also be represented with a collective booth for “deburring technologies” at the next GrindTec, which will take place in Augsburg from the 15th through the 18th of March, 2022. For further information:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
Great Response from the Industry for PaintExpo 2022 - Registration for Exhibitors is Now Open World’s Leading Trade Fair for Industrial Coating Technology PaintExpo will take place from 26 to 29 April 2022.
reparations are in full swing for the next edition of PaintExpo,
Once again PaintExpo will offer a global showcase for the industrial
the world’s leading trade fair for industrial coating technology,
coating industry from 26 to 29 April 2022: “At next year’s PaintExpo,
which was unable to take place in 2020 due to the corona
the Who’s Who of the industry will present itself with numerous
pandemic. Leipziger Messe, which took over PaintExpo from FairFair
market and technology leaders in three exhibition halls to exchange
GmbH as of 1 December 2020, is planning PaintExpo as a face-to-
information about the latest applications, future technologies and
face trade fair in Karlsruhe from 26 to 29 April 2022.
trends in the field of industrial coating. It will cover the entire range of
Registration for exhibitors is open and receiving a great response
international products and services in the supply chain for industrial
from the industry.
coating technology. PaintExpo serves as the trend indicator for
In 2018 PaintExpo firmly established itself as the world’s leading
visitors both from Germany and from abroad - and is thus once again
trade fair for industrial coating technology, with 537 exhibitors from
a must-attend event for the industry,” says Markus Geisenberger,
29 countries and 11,790 trade visitors from 88 countries. One in
Chief Executive Officer of Leipziger Messe.
three exhibitors came from abroad. In addition to German exhibitors, Italy, Switzerland, France, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Turkey,
Registration Open for Exhibitors
Poland, Great Britain and Denmark were all well represented.
Registration for PaintExpo 2022 has begun: “We are excited by
© image & art
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
the level of interest from our
© image & art
have so sorely missed”, explains
exhibitors. We were able
Sandra Dostert, Marketing
to welcome the first 100
Manager for the DACH region
companies as exhibitors shortly
at SAMES KREMLIN. Visitors
after registration opened. The
can look forward to new
industry is eager to get together
technologies at their stand,
again”, reports Ivonne Simons,
including a new range of
PaintExpo’s newly appointed
powder applications, innovative
Project Director. Ivonne Simons
applicators and the PaintSave
has worked for Leipziger Messe
System, which helps avoid
for more than 20 years and
wasting materials in colour
managed several B2B trade
fairs similar to PaintExpo, target group and a tailor-made
New digital tools on show for participants
On top of being able to
Registration forms for
experience numerous new
exhibitors can be downloaded
products and advancements
from the PaintExpo website.
from exhibitors in the coating
The registration deadline is 30
technology industry live at
featuring a clearly defined
November 2021.
Anticipation among exhibitors - Numerous new products on show
the trade fair, participants can also expect additional new features. Finding contacts within in the industry will be easier and more actively promoted: In the run-up to the trade fair, visitors and exhibitors can arrange meetings online using a new planning tool, thus facilitating
In addition to innovative SMEs, next year’s leading trade fair for
even more targeted discussions at PaintExpo. Furthermore, a new
industrial coating technology will once again feature market and
digital exhibitor and product directory will be published on the
technology leaders as well as global players in the industry - these
PaintExpo website in advance of the trade fair next year, featuring
include exhibitors J. Wagner and FreiLacke, to name but a few.
company information as well as introducing exhibitors’ products.
Gema Switzerland, a leading international supplier in the field of electrostatic powder coatings, has also already booked its stand space
About PaintExpo
for PaintExpo 2022: according to Gema, the world’s leading trade
At PaintExpo in 2018, more than 500 exhibitors from roughly 30
fair for industrial coating technology is one of the most important
countries presented their products, and more than 11,000 trade
opportunities to make new contacts and get involved in inspirational
visitors from almost 90 countries were in attendance.
expert discussions. The company will be showcasing numerous new
The next edition of PaintExpo will be taking place in Karlsruhe from
developments and innovative products to touch and feel on-site. Gema
26 to 29 April 2022. The world’s leading trade fair for industrial coating
state that they are especially looking forward to face-to-face contact to
technology is part of the Leipziger Messe portfolio and offers a
visitors at the trade fair.
showcase for innovation, applications, future technologies and trends
SAMES KREMLIN, developer and manufacturer of coating, powdering
in all areas of the coating business. The PaintExpo will cover the entire
and bonding equipment, will also be at the leading international trade
range of international products and services in the supply chain for
fair in April 2022 in Karlsruhe. “As a meeting place for everyone working
industrial coating technology. This concentrated meeting for companies
in industrial coating and surfacing technology, PaintExpo has been an
from the industry is unparalleled worldwide, making it highly attractive
absolute must right from the beginning.
for coating service providers and in-house coating companies around
The format offers us regular exchange with our partners, the
the world.
opportunity to showcase innovative products and technologies, as well as to sound out potential new possibilities for development. We are glad to once again be able to benefit from the personal contact we
For further information:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
The Middle East Coatings Show Returns Live and In-Person The next edition of the Middle East Coatings Show international trade fair will be held in Dubai from September 27 to 29. © dmg events
© dmg events
he Middle East Coatings Show will take place at the Dubai
been that while business has tried to continue as usual, personal
World Trade Centre on September 27-29, safely welcoming
connections, the ability to collaborate and first-hand understanding
visitors from around the world. The largest gathering for the
of products and technologies have inevitably suffered. The Middle
coatings community in the Middle East, the event will provide one
East Coatings Show will be the perfect event at which to reconnect
of the only opportunities for the coatings industry to gather live and
with the industry and get back up to date with all the latest
in-person this year.
happenings and developments.
Held in accordance with strict health and safety guidelines, the
With exhibitions already safely up and running in Dubai, the
exhibition will showcase the full spectrum of coatings technology,
Coatings Group will be following all the health and safety guidelines
from raw materials to equipment manufacturers. The event will
implemented by the dmg events ‘All Secure’ policy, as well as advice
provide a forum for reconnecting with existing customers in person,
from the Public Health Authorities. With an emphasis on returning to
while also establishing new, face-to-face relationships with future
business safely, the exhibition will be a secure environment in which
to meet and do business live and in-person.
Connecting the coatings industry in the Middle East, the event will be
The Middle East Coatings Show brings together leading
a hub for the latest products, technologies and developments from
manufacturers and raw material suppliers who cater to all sectors of
across the world. More than 150 local and international brands will
the coatings industry under one roof for three days.
be taking part, including BASF, IMCD, Covestro, BYK Chemie, Tasnee and Sipchem, amongst others.
For further information:
One of the many negatives from the COVID-19 pandemic has
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
27 - 29 SEPTEMBER 2021 DWTC | ZA’ABEEL HALLS 5 & 6
YOUR GATEWAY TO THE COATINGS INDUSTRY IN THE MIDDLE EAST Meet global buyers and suppliers in the Middle East’s only trade event for the coatings industry
5,000+ 10,000+ attendees
250+ exhibiting brands
exhibiting countries
Andy Gathercole, Senior Sales Manager T: +971 4 445 3712 | M: +971 56 990 7089 E:
Organised by
FABTECH 2021: Together Again in Chicago FABTECH 2021 will take place in Chicago (IL) from September 13-16 at McCormick Place.
ABTECH returns to McCormick Place in Chicago, IL, from September 13-16 with a one-stop-shop where you can meet suppliers, see the latest technologies, learn how to increase profits, and discover
tools to improve productivity while networking with industry peers. The finishing industry and the manufacturing community are eager to get back together and get back to business. The FABTECH team is working closely with McCormick Place, the City of Chicago and its vendor partners to welcome everyone back safely. Protocols are in place to ensure the health and safety of all attendees and exhibitors. Information is ever-changing so you can check the FABTECH website frequently for the most recent updates and safety commitment ( Training and education have always been at the forefront of CCAI’s mission. The conference program ( at FABTECH is the perfect platform for CCAI to showcase this, featuring 21 sessions encompassing a wide range of technical presentations, from basic to advanced, addressing topics of interest for everyone involved in finishing technologies. New this year, CCAI has added two outstanding workshops to the Finishing conference program. The CCAI Industrial Finishing Safety Workshop,
developed by CCAI members who are experts in safety for industrial finishing processes, features critical information to safely operate an industrial finishing line, focusing primarily on NFPA 33. And for Spanishspeaking attendees, the Powder Coating 101 Workshop in Spanish provides intensive instruction on the basics of the powder coating technology and the processes involved. Both workshops will be held over 1 ½ days and include workshop materials and lunch on the first day. As excitement builds for this year’s event, exhibitors, presenters and attendees alike are ready to make connections in person at FABTECH 2021.
About the Chemical Coaters Association International Chemical Coaters Association International (CCAI) is a technical and professional organization that provides information and training on surface coating technologies. CCAI works to raise the standards of finishing operations through educational meetings and seminars, training manuals, educational videos, and outreach programs with schools, colleges and universities. For further information: and
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
ALUMINIUM Trade Fair Will Be Back in 2022 ALUMINIUM Trade Fair has been postponed: it will take place from 27 to 29 September 2022 in Düsseldorf (Germany).
restrictions impacting a number of exhibitors, sponsors and
ALUMINIUM Business Summit as an industry meeting place
speakers, organiser RX (Reed Exhibitions) have made the difficult
Together with the GDA and the CRU Group, organiser RX will bring the
n the context of the current situation and with the current travel
but appropriate decision to postpone ALUMINIUM 2021 to next
industry together for the ALUMINIUM Business Summit from 28 to 29
year. ALUMINIUM trade fair has been replaced with a congress: The
September; to discuss the most important topics of the industry in
ALUMINIUM Business Summit which will take place in Düsseldorf from
28 to 29 September.
“With the Summit, we are creating a framework for the industry and
It should have been the long-awaited restart event for the aluminium
the participants to meet in person and, with the top-class lecture
industry. But due to the after-effects of the Corona pandemic, the
programme, and in so doing we are continuing to pursue the path
ALUMINIUM trade fair in Düsseldorf cannot take place as planned
started with the ALUMINIUM Digital Talk”, said Leithner.
from 28 to 30 September 2021. Instead, organiser RX and the German
A comprehensive hygiene concept will ensure that participants can
Aluminium Association (Gesamtverband der
move around and © Behrendt & Rausch
exchange ideas safely
on site. However, the
GDA), together with
number of participants
the CRU Group, are
will be limited. The
planning a two-day hybrid
content of the summit
congress format. On 28
will also be made
and 29 September the
available online.
“The aim of the
Summit will bring experts
together live and digitally
Business Summit
for an exchange of ideas.
is to accompany
Trade fair back on track in 2022
our industry, to constructively tackle the challenges of new
“Despite numerous
mobility, digitalisation,
relaxations, many
sustainability and
companies of the global
international market
aluminium industry still
development and to
feel uncertainties and
shape the industry’s
are affected by travel
transformation,” says
restrictions. An international event like ALUMINIUM is not feasible
Marius Baader, Managing Director of the GDA. The programme is
under these circumstances. The expectations that our exhibitors,
being produced in cooperation with the CRU Group and the European
visitors, partners and we have of a world-leading trade fair for this
industry association European Aluminium will also be involved in the
sector cannot be met this year under these conditions,” said Barbara
event. The next edition of the world trade fair ALUMINIUM will take
Leithner, COO of the organiser RX. “Together with our partners and
place as planned from 27 - 29 September 2022.
the industry, we have therefore decided to launch the fair again in autumn 2022.”
For further information:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - N. 70
Eos Mktg&Communication srl - - Redazione - Sede Legale: Via Pietro Mascagni, 8 - 20811 - Cesano Maderno (MB) - Italy Tel. +39.0362.503215 - Fax. +39.0362.1794768
EDITORIAL BOARD Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti:
Kevin Biller
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics
The Powder Coating Research Group
Dr. Franco Busato: European environmental legislation and new technologies
Material Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento - Product Design
Prof. Paolo Gronchi:
Dr. Fulvio Zocco:
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section
The smart journal for surface treatments
Environment and quality
ISSN 2280-6083
ipcm digital on 2021
Prof. Stefano Rossi:
12th Year - Bimonthly N° 70 - JULY/AUGUST
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The smart journal for surface treatments
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The new electrostatic Rotary Bell Atomizer
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High voltage
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