• storage savings (Fig. 4): this is a key element in saving space in
The benefits of using this bar are therefore manifold:
company facilities. The ability to reduce the cost of unused load bar
• time saving: up to 30 times faster than using single hooks;
space is vital.
• minimised mark left by the hook;
Flexi-frame, the flexible frame launched on the market by HangOn,
• hooks made of harmonic steel;
meets all these requirements (Fig. 5). First of all, it is stable and firmly
• possibility to request bars with special hook configurations;
fixed, so that there are no swaying issues during construction.
• smart packaging to reduce transportation costs.
The assembled frame is equipped with an automatic blocking system
H11B bars are punched bars inside which hooks are housed (Fig. 7).
to ensure the stability of the entire structure. It can also accommodate
In this way, contacts remain clean and protected and it is possible to
any bars already in the production range.
change the hanging hooks when necessary.
Other cost-effective solutions
Both standard and twin hooks can be used with the same bar. The latter are special hooks capable of fitting between two punches marks and remain fixed.
much so that they can even be used as disposable products (Fig. 6). In
HCL bars have slots where it is possible to insert springs and hooks
order to hang parts symmetrically, a 1 mm-diameter, double-structure
formed from rod or sheet metal (Fig. 8). Their ends are protected with
hook is inserted in the bar. For instance, the HQL 800X33 bar features
silicone caps that allow easy removal and ensure good conductivity.
46 hooks along a length of 800 mm.
The bars can feature either single or double slots to increase hanging
These bars can be integrated into the HCF universal system. In this
density. The system thus is extremely flexible and guarantees a
way, the system becomes modular and it is possible to insert bars
reduction in the number of frames built for the different workpieces
according to the length of the workpieces to be treated. Their related
to be coated. The bars can also be used for cataphoresis processes
HQL G6 caps, finally, guarantee perfect electrostatics. A 1.5 mm hook
thanks to their cap system, which guarantees that the ends are
bar is now available, also made of harmonic steel.
protected (Fig. 9).
© HangOn
HQL bars are produced fully automatically to reduce their cost so
From top left: Figure 6 - The HQL bar. Figure 7 - The H11B bar. Figure 8 - The HCL bar. Figure 9 - Frame used for cataphoresis processes.
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine