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How to Create a Successful Webinar Barbara Pennati, eos Mktg&Communication Srl - Cesano Maderno, Italy
Webinars are certainly among the most useful tools for disseminating and, at the same time, promoting our products and services to a specific target. Let’s see why they are important and how to organize an effective and successful webinar.
nglish neologism created by fusing together web and seminar, the
The choice of the topic must therefore go hand in hand with the
webinar is an online training session, in which participation is in
identification of our audience and its needs.
Although it is certainly not a new format, in times of pandemic, webinars
Set your success metric
have undergone strong growth in all sectors, from business to university,
Once we have decided who we want to address and with what topic,
and are among the most useful tools to promote our brand and educate
let’s set ourselves a goal. What do we want to get from this webinar?
customers and prospects about our own products.
Based on the answer to this question, let’s choose a metric for defining
Webinars are a very versatile and adaptable format. They can last an
success, i.e., the number of subscribers, participants, new contacts or
hour or more, count several “episodes”, one or more presenters; they
subsequent requests for information.
can be sponsored, free or paid. Whatever our choice of formats and topics, there are best practices that will help us plan, organize and
Pick a platform
deliver a successful webinar. Let’s see them together.
Choosing a professional platform through which to deliver our webinar
Choose the audience and the topic
is important to ensure access to all those who are interested and also to facilitate its organization. Webinars, in fact, are not online meetings and
It goes without saying, but the first thing to do when planning a
therefore Zoom or Skype may not be the best solution in this case.
successful webinar is to pick a topic. However, it is not enough to
Platforms created for webinars such as GoToWebinar, ClickMeeting,
pick a topic that it is relevant to our business. In the current scenario,
Demio, BlueJeans or other proprietary software, will allow us to take
where supply often far exceeds demand, if we really want to arouse
advantage of a multitude of useful tools to set up our webinar, and
the interest of our target audience, we must intercept their needs and
support us with webinar automation, that is, sending invitations,
identify more precisely the topic of greatest interest.
reminders, sharing the registrations or participation certificates,
To do this, social listening1 and feedback from customers and
and more. Alternatively, if we do not want to invest in a platform or
stakeholders can help us.
if we want to test the waters first, it is also possible to rely on sector
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
publishers, who usually provide sponsored webinar services. This is