ST Powder Coatings: Growth at Full Speed in 2021 Eugenio Menato ST Powder Coatings SpA – Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza), Italy
New investments and acquisitions are propelling ST Powder Coatings towards record results and confirming the company’s intention to position itself among the leading European players in the production of thermosetting powder coatings.
espite the complicated situation worldwide due to the spread
A new production line
of Covid-19, ST Powder Coatings is not standing still. On the
Its biggest investment in 2021 has been the installation of a new
contrary, it is continuing to grow, invest, and believe in product
production line specifically designed for small batches, called
research and in the pursuit of its own ambitious goals, geared towards
Piccolini (”Little ones” in Italian). The newly inaugurated plant has
becoming one of the leading European players in the market of
been fully integrated into its factory, already manufacturing over
thermosetting powder coatings.
10 thousand tonnes of product per year: with a total of 20,000 m2
N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine