ipcm® n. 71 - September/October 2021

Page 44



Aluminium and Steel Coatings Towards Certification of “Sustainability”

© GSB International

Interview with Werner Mader, Managing Director of GSB International e.V., Düsseldorf - Germany

Werner Mader.


there was no established quality standard for

are carried out for preliminary approval and

coated aluminium used in architecture. The

are then followed by outdoor weathering tests

quality assurance for steel and galvanized

for the final approval. Outdoor weathering

steel was added in the following years.

for alternative pre-treatment chemicals takes

We have a board of management and two

place in Hoek van Holland. The outdoor

quality committees, one for steel and one

weathering for coating materials takes place in

for aluminium. The quality committees

Florida. The quality of the certified chemicals

are constantly working on our quality

is continuously monitored. For this purpose,

regulations and are also active in research.

samples are taken for laboratory testing at

For example, we are significantly involved in

GSB-certified coating companies. The quality

the advancement of chrome- and chrome-

of the certified coating materials is also

VI-free pre-treatment chemicals. The special

continuously monitored by laboratory tests. In

thing is that the GSB is democratic. If the

the case of the coating materials, samples are

quality committees propose amendments

even continuously sent to Florida for outdoor

to the quality regulations, then the member

weathering. Coating companies wishing to be

companies vote on the changes.

certified by GSB are first audited announced.

SB is one of the historical European

The GSB is centrally organized and all

The auditor then writes a specification

Associations for certifying aluminium

inquiries of the approx. 180 member

sheet and shows the deviations from our

and steel coatings. In this interview, its

companies are processed directly by the

quality regulations. This is followed by an

Managing Director, Mr. Werner Mader, reveals

headquarters in Düsseldorf. Our members

unannounced inspection. If this is passed,

the background of its activity and explains how

are manufacturers of pre-treatment

the company receives one of our prestigious

eco-compatibility requirements are and will

chemicals and coating materials as well

quality seals. In order to keep the seal, the

become increasingly essential to obtain the

as coating companies. In addition, we also

coating companies are inspected twice a

quality certifications.

have supporting members such as coating

year without prior notice. The auditor checks

equipment manufacturers. GSB-members are

whether everything is carried out according

GSB is one of the historical European

spread all over Europe. Some are also active

to our quality regulations. For instance, a

associations for the quality certification

far beyond the borders of Europe.

mandatory factory production control must be carried out by the coaters. Samples are also

of coatings on aluminium, steel and galvanized steel. What is the mission

What is the procedure that a company

taken for corrosion tests during the audits.

of your association? Can you briefly

must follow to obtain the certification?

Finally, I would like to mention that our audits

describe its history and structure?

That depends on the type of company. A

and tests are carried out by independent

We offer assured quality for coated surfaces

coating is only GSB-compliant if GSB-compliant

certified testing institutes.

made of aluminium and steel by defining

pre-treatment processes and GSB-certified

standards that go beyond the norms of the

coating materials are used by a GSB-certified

GSB focuses its certification activities

industry in order to ensure that architects,

coating company.

in the architecture and construction

building owners and industrial partners

If a manufacturer of pre-treatment chemicals

sectors, always characterized by a great

maintain the value and lasting attractiveness

or coating materials wishes to approve a

ferment. How have they changed after

of their façades, buildings and products.

chemical or coating material, this is done in

the global health crisis?

The GSB was founded in 1977. At that time,

a step-by-step process. First, laboratory tests

The construction sector was less severely


N. 71 - SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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