The smart journal for surface treatments
ISSN 2280-6083
ipcm digital on 2022
13th Year - Bimonthly
Innovation and Technology for Three Generations
World’s Leading Trade Fair for Industrial Coating Technology
PAINT EXPO 2022 26.04 > 29.04
HALL 1 N. 1341
The new electrostatic powder range Inocoat
Come & discover our products at
Hall 2 - Stand 2516 Inogun R
Robotic powder coating gun
Inogun A
Inogun M
Automatic powder coating gun
Manual powder coating gun
INOCOAT, ENHANCED SOLUTIONS IN POWDER COATING High productivity Unique application performance Remarkable sustainability *: except wearable parts, see conditions to apply on the warranty page of our web site
Easy to integrate and use Efficient powder transfer thanks to the TEC-5 technology
Your surface protection.
We care.
Surface treatments and nanotechnologies
© Adobe Stock
© ipcm
RAW MATERIALS City Lights in Merck’s New Powder Coatings with Special-Effect Pigments
© Axalta
05 06 08 10 22
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Ponzio Milano. The Design Space in the Heart of the Metropolis where Aluminium Meets Colour
© Jürgen Stresius
Axalta Extends Automotive Colour Leadership with the 69th Global Automotive Color Popularity Report
EDITOR’S LETTER IPCM IN REVIEW HOW IT’S COATED Battling Myocardial Infarction with Drug-coated Balloon Catheters
New Challenges Put a Sharper Point on Popularity of Automotive Colour
Component Logistics, Ergonomic Work, Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency in a New Complete System
New Pre-Treatment Chemicals for Powder Coating Furniture Components: F.lli Gionchetti’s Challenge
Towering Cranes with Powder Coatings
The “Ask an Expert” Column for Powder Coating, Now Also on ipcm®
New Water-based High-gloss Top Coat INVERPUR/R Halves Drying Times
CONDOROIL Group and AIRMADI Painting: A Virtuous Example of ‘Coopetition’
SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français) RATP (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens) Gütegemeinschaft Anti-Graffiti e. V. London Underground
© Adapta
© Plast-Met
A New Glass Coating Plant as a Tailor-Made Suit for Ever More Striking and Attractive Finishes
58 78
Patina® Expression Collection: A New, Exciting Adapta Colour Range Inspired by Art Nouveau
© acp
© Miele
I mproved Powder Coating with “Soft Powder Cloud” – When Powder Coating Quality Comes First
BRAND NEW INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Rotamat: Volumetric Flow Rate Control of the Coating Material Increases Process Stability and Ensures Repeatability of the Coating Results
ART WITHIN SURFACES A Galactic Painting for a Virgin Galactic’s Aircraft
88 91 98
RAW MATERIALS Rising Raw Material Costs: What Will Happen in 2022?
BRAND NEW THE MARKETING CORNER Google Ads: What is it and How to Use it?
INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Complex Robot Applications Simply Implemented
108 112
SPECIALIZED TRAINING ipcm® Academy Updated its 2022 Training Programme
do you need a CHAIN CONVEYOR?
BRAND NEW HOOK! loading capacity > 1,500 kg, it allows the rotation with an integrated lock system
TRAS-MEC is the first company to safeguard your system and contractually guarantee a downtime free production.
Richiedi la versione in italiano a
his is 2022. The Omicron variant (hopefully) seems to be leading the SARS-CoV-2 infection towards the transition from pandemic to endemic. The industry has rebounded with growth figures well above expectations, in some Euro area countries. This is proven by the partial cut of the European Recovery Funds earmarked for nations with real growth trends above the 2020 forecasts, including Italy. The year 2021 ended with a more negative sentiment than December 2020. Perhaps, our exhaustion for a situation that has brought the extraordinary into the ordinary of our lives, as well as the spread of yet another variant of the virus towards the end of the year, made us end 2021 with the gloomiest thoughts, overshadowing all the good things that the past year gave us. One of them was certainly unexpected economic growth, although not homogeneous across Europe and despite still having to deal with the raw materials crisis and out-of-control energy tariffs, an emergency only partly linked to the management of the pandemic crisis. Undoubtedly, these crises have led to profound changes in the value chain, in supply methods and, in general, in the economic scenario of the next five years. Although it was already underway before the pandemic, another transformation has received a major boost from it: digital transformation, which has had a major impact on the information and publishing world. I do not often use this space on ipcm® to talk about topics related to the magazine itself, but please allow me to take you through this first issue of the year by sharing a few thoughts with you, because the way the world of information is being shaped will also have a major impact on technical and industrial magazines. According to analysts, within twenty years journalistic information will be distributed exclusively online, thus completing its transition to the digital form. It is undeniable that this is also the future of technical information. However, because of its specificity and, above all, because it is less about current affairs and more about in-depth information, with a value that is maintained for a much longer time than journalistic information, readers’ loyalty to print media is still high – not only among the Boomers but also among the Gen Xers, that is, the current company managers. The next few years will certainly see a profound transformation of editorial offices. Already today, ipcm® is a digital magazine more than a printed one: its digital circulation through the web, newsletters, and social media is at least five times higher than in print. The future of publishing and information, however, cannot be reduced to a battle between digital and paper, new and old: the real battle lies in the quality of content, in knowing how to attract readers and build their loyalty, in continuing to be an authoritative source of information, both digital and traditional. Regardless of whether you are “team paper” or “team digital”, this January issue will be distributed, together with the following March issue, at the world’s most important trade fair for the industrial coating sector: PaintExpo 2022, which is making a comeback after an absence of four years. Everything is ready for this event (of which ipcm® has been the media partner and exclusive representative for Italy, Spain, and Portugal since 2010) to be a success: the number of exhibitors has already exceeded 400, 90% of the exhibition space has been reserved, and hundreds of visitors have already pre-registered. ipcm® is going to be waiting for you there as well, and this January/February issue already gives you a preview of the industrial excellence and innovative products you are going to find.
Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief Direttore Responsabile
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
2021 in review 2021 has been an unusual year, more difficult than the previous one at times. Fortunately, the industry never stopped and so did the ipcm® team. Let’s retrace our 2021 together.
021 bas been another anomalous year, like the previous one.
mobile navigation, new features and new tools for companies interested
However, despite the difficulties, something has improved: we
in promoting their brand and their products. Since last September,
have started traveling again (albeit only in Europe) to meet our
the site also hosts the official ipcm® blog: Surface Treatment 101.
clients and write reports; we took part in fairs and events (albeit to a
Currently available in English and Italian, the articles published in this
limited extent compared to past years); and we started hosting ipcm
new space aim to help those taking their first steps into the world of
Academy students in presence in our classrooms (when it was possible).
surface treatment to gain a better understanding of the processes
Despite these limitations, which still belong to a new and different
and technologies involved in it. Compared to past years, we have also
normality that nobody wants to get used to, the work for the ipcm
changed course on our social media pages, presenting new original
editorial team has continued and in 2021 we have launched several new
contents that aim to inform the sector about the various technologies
and processes. It has been a year of running-in that helped us
First there is our new website, launched online on March 1 . Available
understand how and where to improve and study the new strategy that
in different 5 languages, the site features a new graphic design, an
will accompany our followers during 2022. As for printed magazines, the
improved user experience, a responsive layout that has optimised
issues continue to become more and more rich in content.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Ilaria Paolomelo, ipcm
To this end, two new sections were added during the year: How It’s Coated, inspired by the well-known television programme “How it’s made” and aimed at describing the production cycle and the coating phase of particular products, and The Marketing Corner, a section dedicated to in-depth articles, trends and best practices on marketing and corporate communication edited by eos mktg&communication, which – in addition to being the publisher of ipcm® magazines – offers marketing, communication, graphic design and event-planning services. Our magazines have also leveraged the digital wave to provide readers with a broader and more interactive reading experience. In this regard, we have integrated a QR code in the pages of the magazines, in order to enrich the issues of ipcm® with multimedia content, in-depth video interviews, product demos, applications and much more. In addition, since the first issue of 2021, all digital editions have been equipped with an interactive index that
application, curing, environmental impact and control
facilitate reading, giving users the ability to click
solutions. The complete programme is available at the
on the title of any article in the index and be
following link (
sent directly to the page of interest.
Despite the limitations related to the health
Last, but not least: the arrival of a new colleague,
emergency, the five ipcm® magazines were
Falkor, a Miniature Schnauzer puppy who will soon
distributed throughout the year at the main
turn one year old.
trade fairs and conferences of the sector. 2021 has been also the year in which the
At work for 2022
course of ipcm® Academy, the branch dedicated
In addition to the ipcm® Academy training courses,
to professional training, resumed at full capacity
one of the activities that will most engage the ipcm®
with over 20 participants. The lecturers have
team is PaintExpo, the world’s leading trade fair
been busy for a long time defining the new
dedicated to coating technologies, which will be held
training programme for 2022, that presents
from 26 to 29 April 2022 in Karlsruhe, Germany.
several innovations. First of all, the addition of a
eos mktg & communication, as the official agency
new section dedicated to the coating of plastic
of the fair, will support companies in the pre-event
materials: a recent and still niche topic in the
organisation and give the opportunity to exploit the
world of painting, regarding a highly specialized
magazines as an effective communication tool for the
sector with limited dissemination of technical
promotion of their services and products.
skills. It will offer an overview of the market
Besides PaintExpo 2022, we plan to participate in
and insights into thermoplastics, thermosets,
numerous other trade fairs and events that will allow
painting cycles, main suppliers, characteristics
us to further expand the presence of our magazines
of the systems, cleaning, pre-treatment,
Battling Myocardial Infarction with Drug-coated Balloon Catheters Roman Möhlmann Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft - München, Germany
Fraunhofer researchers are developing an automated coating machine to better treat coronary heart diseases.
n Germany, nearly 6 million people suffer
Technology IPK is developing a prototype of
balloon catheter is inflated, the stent expands,
from coronary heart disease. The disease is
such a device.
thus expanding the stenosis. The problem
caused by calcium deposits which constrict
Shortness of breath and acute chest pain
is that over the course of a few months, the
the coronary arteries. Doctors generally use a
can be signs of coronary heart disease (CHD).
tissue around the stent can grow back into the
stent to widen the narrow pathway. However,
If left untreated, this can lead to severe
blood vessel. This leads to further constriction
the blood vessel often constricts further,
consequences, including myocardial infarction.
called restenosis. This risk has increasingly led
thus necessitating further interventions. For
Caused by calcium deposits on the inner
doctors to favour an alternative procedure
this reason, a drug-coated balloon catheter
linings of the arteries, CHD is a leading cause
whereby no foreign objects are left in the
inserted in minimally invasive cardiac surgery
of death among adults. This build-up causes
damaged arteries: balloon catheters coated
is increasingly serving as a replacement for
blockage in the veins, and the heart no longer
with immunosuppressors and cytostatic drugs
the risky stent treatment. In current practice,
receives a sufficient supply of oxygen.
are expanded and cause the vessel to dilate
the balloons are often coated manually. A new
Doctors thus widen the constricted pathways
mechanically. The active substances that
device is intended to automate this time-
to allow the blood to once more have
are thus injected into the vessel can inhibit
consuming procedure. Along with partner
unrestricted flow. To achieve this, they insert
restenosis, i.e. the increased growth of the
companies, a team from the Fraunhofer
a balloon catheter with a plastic support, i.e. a
tissue cells due to the mechanical stress,
Institute for Production Systems and Design
“stent”, into the constricted artery. When the
keeping the vessel from closing back up. The
© InnoRA GmbH
Optical inspection of a balloon catheter and a stent on a drug-coated balloon catheter.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
substances are conveyed via the surface of the
the artery wall. Once the drug has been released, the
balloon directly onto and into the artery walls.
balloon catheter is deflated and then removed.
At present, the coating of the catheters with drugs – performed manually by skilled workers. This process
Fragile membrane – difficult coating process
is time consuming and error prone. The procedure
Numerous factors such as kinematics, amount of
is very specific, and specialists with appropriate
pressure applied, coating speed, coating duration
expertise are few and far between.
and speed of rotation impact the crystal structure
especially with particularly advanced ones – is often
Process security via automation
and thus the construction of the automatic coating machine.
For this reason, a team at Fraunhofer IPK is
“The catheter balloon is a fragile and exceptionally
researching how the laborious process of coating
thin membrane that needs to be coated in its
balloon catheters could be automated. In the joint
expanded state. That is incredibly difficult. The
project “Heliko – Automated and process-safe
slightest of mistakes can lead to tears in the
coating of balloon catheters with active substances”
membranes that are only 20–80 micrometres thick,”
funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education
says Annika Brehmer, biotechnology specialist and
and Research (BMBF), an automated coating
colleague of Gregor Dürre. The construction of the
machine prototype is being developed.
coating unit is equally challenging, a task with which
The scientists are closely cooperating with InnoRa
the Fraunhofer IPK has been charged.
GmbH, a spin-off of Berlin’s Charité, and Organical
In order to achieve the desired conformation for
CAD/CAM GmbH. InnoRa has developed and
the crystallization of the solution on the balloon
patented numerous coating procedures, Organical
membrane, the crystallization conditions must be
is developing the machine system for the automated
precisely controlled during the coating process. For
coating system in order to enable serial production
this purpose, there are two motors which rotate the
of the balloon catheters. The objective of the project
filament on which the balloon is stretched to ensure
is to reduce the reject rate, significantly increase the
that it is evenly coated.
sales volume of balloons and guarantee process
The coating head is positioned in relation to the
balloon membrane. The coating process then takes
This is no trivial task, as the microscopic crystals of
place in sequential fashion with the balloon rotating
the medication ideally need to point outward in the
and the coating head simultaneously being shifted
same direction. This is the only way that the active
from one strip to another.
substance can penetrate the cell walls quickly and
An integrated, high-resolution optical surface
effectively. The thickness of the coating and the
measurement device takes over for the quality
composition of the coating surface play key roles in
control by constantly measuring the coating
the success of the process. “The balloon catheters
thickness. The coating procedure typically takes
must convey the medication immediately into the
between three to five minutes.
artery wall. This process must not take any longer
The throughput can be drastically increased in
than one minute in order to keep the heart’s supply
comparison to the manual procedure – not to
of oxygen from being interrupted for too much time.
mention the added benefits of process safety and
For this reason, the surface may not be too smooth:
the quality control with the measuring device.
a vectored conformation of the crystals ensures
Researchers are currently working on optimizing the
more optimal transfer of the active substance,” says
prototype. At a later point in time, the effectiveness
Gregor Dürre, researcher at Fraunhofer IPK. At the
of the balloons will be tested in in vivo studies.
same time, the desired structure of the crystals
The automated coating machine should be market-
results in the medication having a prolonged effect in
ready in early 2023.
Illini Solar Car Scores Great Placement Thanks to AERO Sustainable Material Technology The Illini Solar Car team managed to obtain a great placement at the American Solar Challenge thanks to AERO’s innovative film-based coating technology.
ERO Sustainable Material Technology’s partnership with the Illini
marine, motorsports, wind energy, and architectural industries. In
Solar Car program at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
such sectors, where enhancements in durability, aesthetic value, and
has helped catapult the Illini Solar Car team to success in the
environmental sustainability are all competitive differentiators, AERO is
American Solar Challenge.
paving the way by offering a material finish which compromises neither
AERO’s solution is a film-based coating technology composed of an
product nor planet. Moreover, the Illini Solar Car sponsorship reflects
ultra-durable, self-healing urethane film, colour, and adhesive, in a
the company’s dedication to environmental sustainability and “paying it
single-stage, which makes it an easy to apply, 100% recyclable material.
forward” to future chemists and engineers.
“As a result of AERO’s contributions, our team had the best finish ever in
“We were excited to work on Brizo with the Illini team for the American
this summer’s American Solar Challenge with our SOV car Brizo finishing
Solar Challenge” said Jim McGuire, CEO of AERO Sustainable Material
3rd at the track qualifier race and 4th during the main road race,” said
Technology, Inc. “AERO lives at the crossroads of environmental
Hongbo Yuan, mechanical lead on Illini Solar Car. “Besides AERO allowing
sustainability and performance, without compromise on either attribute.
us to ’dress up‘ our car, the durable film safeguarded the carbon fiber
The team both developed and successfully demonstrated the capability
body of the car from degradation. The AERO lightweight film allowed
of sustainable performance, while also completing their university
us to coat and decorate the car without heavy spray paint, and the film
studies! This kind of future-forward thinking in environmentally
itself was much easier to apply compared to spray painting. With AERO’s
sustainable products is exactly what drives AERO, so we’re extremely
support, we are optimistic for the future as we continue toward our
enthusiastic for what the future generation will bring this industry.”
goal of becoming a world-renowned team whilst forwarding progress in sustainable energy.”
For further information:
AERO’s coatings technology finds wide application in the automotive,
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
aap Launches World’s First Human Clinical Study for Antibacterial Silver Coating aap Implantate AG announced the beginning of the human clinical study for its antibacterial silver coating technology for application on anatomical plates and screws for fracture treatment. The aim of the study With its antibacterial silver coating technology, aap aims at solving one of the greatest challenges in traumatology: the reduction of surgical site infections (SSI), which represent a major burden both for the patients concerned and for global healthcare systems. One of the causes of SSI is antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In its annual report on the state of research to overcome antibiotic resistance, the WHO recently found that some of the world’s most dangerous bacteria have developed resistance to known drugs1. Moreover, according to the WHO, almost all antibiotics currently in development work little better than existing drugs. aap’s antibacterial silver coating technology represents an alternative solution in the fight © aap Implantate AG
against bacterial infections that is not based on antibiotics and therefore offers enormous market potential.
ap announced the launch of the world’s first
As a platform technology, the technology has a
human clinical study for antibacterial silver
broad range of applications and can be used not
coating technology on anatomical plates and
only in traumatology but also in other areas of
screws for fracture treatment. The University Hospital in
orthopaedics as well as in cardiology, dentistry, or
Regensburg is the first trial centre which was equipped
medical instruments.
with the study materials and trained to perform surgeries with aap’s silver coated implants.
For further information:
This achievement, which represents another milestone on the way to get CE approval, makes aap the first company to test an antibacterial silver coating on anatomical plates and screws for fracture treatment as part of a study of this kind.
2020 Antibacterial agents in clinical and preclinical development: an overview and analysis. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021.
Airbus To Seek an Independent Legal Assessment After Dispute with Qatar Airways Over Surface Degradation Following the on-going dispute between Airbus and Qatar Airways over the surface degradation on the air carrier’s fleet of A350 aircrafts, Airbus announced that the company is preparing for an independent legal assessment.
irbus has addressed the
on the Airbus statement before
© Airbus
on-going controversy with
reviewing it.
Qatar Airways over the paint
The dispute between Airbus and
degradation of the airline’s fleet of
Qatar Airways became public in
A350 jetliners with a rare statement
May 2021, six months after Qatar
in which the company announced
Airways sent an A350 to be stripped
an independent legal assessment
and repainted in special livery for
to resolve the dispute, as the two
the FIFA World Cup, which will take
parties have been unable to settle
place in Qatar this year.
during direct and open discussions.
At first, this was presented as an
Qatar Airways declared that the
isolated issue related to Qatar’s
surface degradation on its A350
severe heat. However, according
aircrafts led to the grounding of
to a private maintenance message
20 jets by its domestic aviation
board used by Airbus and A350
regulator. However, in its statement,
operators and reviewed by Reuters,
Airbus pointed out that “the surface
at least five other airlines had
paint-related findings have been
complained about paint or other
thoroughly assessed by Airbus and confirmed by the European Aviation
skin flaws since late 2016. Reuters also published exclusive photographs
Safety Agency (EASA) as having no airworthiness impact on the A350
that show exposed and corroded lightning protection beneath cracked
fleet”. “The attempt by this customer to misrepresent this specific
topic as an airworthiness issue represents a threat to the international protocols on safety matters”, continued Airbus. “While Airbus regrets
Where the problem may stem from
the need to follow such a path, it has become necessary to defend its
When Airbus 15 years ago launched the A350, it chose to use carbon-
position and reputation. Airbus has worked actively with its customers
fibre instead of metal, making the jet lighters and thus reducing fuel
in order to minimise the impact and any inconvenience caused by this
consumptions. However, experts say these are harder to deck out in a
in-service surface degradation on the aircraft. These solutions have all
way that makes paint stick.
been dismissed by the above-mentioned customer without legitimate
The new jets also need a layer of metallic mesh to dissipate lightning
strikes because carbon-fibre is not conductive.
Airbus also stated that, in parallel, the company is working to re-
Finally, unlike metal, carbon does not expand and shrink as
establish a constructive dialogue with the customer on this matter but
temperatures change but paint does – a factor that can cause peeling
that it is not willing to accept “inaccurate statements of this kind to
over time.
continue”. According to Reuters1, Airbus officials confirmed the statement referred
For further information:
to Qatar Airways. A spokesman for the airline said it would not comment
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
AkzoNobel Launches the New Interpon W Range for Heat Sensitive Substrates The new Interpon W powder coatings developed by AkzoNobel allow to provide consistent finish and protection to the most challenging substrates.
he coating producer AkzoNobel has recently launched Interpon
powder coatings, and taking sustainable solutions and business
W, a new range of powder coatings solutions that are particularly
performance to new heights,” stated Daniela Vlad, the Managing
suitable for designers and manufactures dealing with heat
Director of the Powder Coatings business line at AkzoNobel. “The ‘Safe
sensitive substrates (HSS) such as wood and plastic. Interpon W powder
and Easy’ process has been introduced to ease the transition to new
coatings include the Interpon W Core, Flex Pro, Fast and Fast Pro
technologies: we know that switching to new technologies may come
products. Besides physical attraction and sustainability, the new series
with uncertainty, which is why our dedicated teams will support you in
allows to provide a consistent finish and chemical, scratch, liquid and
making a Safe and Easy choice for your business. In close cooperation
heat resistance even to the most challenging shapes and substrates,
with global network of powder coating line manufacturers, we will help
ranging from furniture, kitchen and bathroom products to building
you from start to finish in creating and implementing a fully-operational
and construction materials. In addition, Interpon W Core and Interpon
coating line. This includes understanding the products and processes
Flex Pro enables a lower thermal curing process that offers even
required, and the financial benefits you can expect. It also includes
higher weatherability and gloss retention for several applications, while
supporting you with staff training and ensuring a smooth integration
Interpon W Fast and Interpon W Fast Pro combine low temperature
between the powder and coating line.”
curing range (between 80°C-120°C) with short curing time (2-5 minutes).
The Interpon W powder coatings were developed at the AkzoNobel’s
The new products allow materials such as MDF/HDF, Plywood, OSB,
Global Competence Center for powder on heat sensitive substrates
Natural Wood, Gypsum Board/Plasterboard, Fibre cement and plastic
in Como (Italy). The Interpon W range performance has also already
composites to benefit from a powder coating that is free from Volatile
been proven through partnerships with several Interpon customers in
Organic Compounds (VOCs) and have a high utilisation of material - up
the company’s regional hubs and in close co-operation with other line
to 99% - with any overspray able to be recycled.
“Through innovation and worldwide market development, we are creating solutions that are transforming the potential of low cure
For further information:
© AkzoNobel
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
Pantone Presents its Colour of the Year 2022: Pantone® 17-3938 Very Peri Pantone today unveiled its colour of the year 2022: Pantone® 17-3938 Very Peri, a periwinkle blue hue with a vivifying violet red undertone.
s per tradition, Pantone presented its colour of the year 2022.
the trusted and beloved blue colour family,” says Leatrice Eiseman,
This year the choice fell on Pantone® 17-3938 Very Peri, a
Executive Director, Pantone Color Institute. “Encompassing the qualities
periwinkle blue with a vivifying violet red undertone. The colour
of the blues, yet at the same time possessing a violet-red undertone,
of the year 2022 combines the fidelity and constancy of blue with the
Pantone 17-3938 Very Peri displays a spritely, joyous attitude and
energy and excitement of red.
dynamic presence that encourages courageous creativity and
Pantone 17-3938 Very Peri is characterized by light-hearted confidence
imaginative expression.”
and bold curiosity, helping us to embrace this altered landscape of
“The Pantone Colour of the Year reflects what is taking place in our
possibilities, opening us up to a new vision as we rewrite our lives.
global culture, expressing what people are looking for that colour can
Pantone 17-3938 Very Peri is a symbol of the global zeitgeist of the
hope to answer,” added Laurie Pressman, Vice President of the Pantone
moment and the transition we are going through. As we emerge from an
Color Institute. “Creating a new colour for the first time in the history of
intense period of isolation, our notions and standards are changing and
our Pantone Colour of the Year educational colour program reflects the
our physical and digital lives have merged in new ways. Digital design
global innovation and transformation taking place. As society continues
helps us extend the limits of reality, opening the door to a dynamic
to recognize colour as a critical form of communication and as a way
virtual world where we can explore and create new colour possibilities.
to express and affect ideas and emotions and engage and connect,
Pantone® 17-3938 Very Peri illustrates the fusion of modern life and
the complexity of this new red-violet-infused blue hue highlights the
how colour trends in the digital world manifest themselves in the
expansive possibilities that lie before us.”
physical world and vice versa. “As we move into a world of unprecedented change, the selection of Pantone 17-3938 Very Peri brings a novel perspective and vision of
For further information:
© Pantone
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
PPG Expands Its Automotive OEM Clearcoat Production in Germany The €3 million investment allows PPG to increase operational efficiency, sustainability and flexibility.
PG has recently announced the beginning of an expanded automotive OEM clearcoat production in its German facility at Erlenbach.
The project, that required an investment of almost €3 million, nearly doubles the site’s capacity for premium clearcoats and employs advanced manufacturing technology in order to improve operational efficiency, sustainability and flexibility compared to conventional processes. PPG acquired the Erlenbach site from Hemmelrath in 2019 specifically to enhance its automotive coatings offering and add formulating and manufacturing capability. The facility uses a fully automated, innovative and highly sustainable production process that boasts shorter and faster manufacturing times and flexible manufacturing of multiple batch sizes of up to 25 metric tons. “This is an important investment that ensures we will continue to meet the growing regional demand for our premium clearcoats, which offer the world-class finish with superior appearance and durability that our customers demand. Using advanced manufacturing technology also gives us increased flexibility to produce different products in multiple batch sizes in the most sustainable way,” stated Roald Johannsen, PPG vice president for EMEA automotive OEM coatings. “This investment makes our Erlenbach facility a centre of excellence for clearcoats, using best-inclass technologies to deliver superior scratch- and chemical-resistant coatings that are highly durable. It will further strengthen our position as a leading manufacturer of the most advanced and innovative clearcoats that are capable of meeting or exceeding the most demanding OEM quality and performance specifications.” For further information:
Uffici e produzione: Via Monte Bianco 20 - 20833 Giussano (MB) - IT p. +39.0362.314075 - f. +39.0362.861222 -
Condoroil Launched a New Line of Coil Coating Paints Colour, nature, and harmony are the elements that inspired the new range of coil coating paints developed by Condoroil.
pecialising in the production of chemicals and recovery and
applications are household appliances and residential construction.
regeneration units for the metal surface treatment sector for fifty
• HORNBILL with a wrinkled effect: based on polyester resins for new
years now, Condoroil Chemical (Casale Litta, Varese, Italy) has
wrinkled-effect finishes suitable for roof and building coatings, but also
recently launched a new line of coil coating paints formulated with special
furniture and design components. Transparent wrinkled-effect paints are
environmentally friendly solvents synthesised from glycerine. These
also available to achieve an aesthetic decorative effect in line with modern
placed among the top performers in the sustainability ranking of Nexant,
market requirements.
an energy consultancy firm and now a partner of Resource Innovations.
• MANDARINE: polyamide formulations based on polyester resins
They are basically by-products from renewable resources resulting from
(MANDARINE PES/PA) or polyurethane resins (MANDARINE PU/PA),
the saponification reaction of natural esters.
characterised by the addition of polyamide resins that guarantee high abrasion resistance, surface hardness, and outdoor resistance. They make
The new BIRDS finishes
up a wide range of finishes that are ideal for surfaces subject to abrasive
The new BIRDS series developed by Condoroil’s R&D laboratory was
movements, such as roller blinds, appliance shelves, shelving, and more.
inspired by the colours of nature and, in particular, by the amazing variety
• PEACOCK with a fluorescent effect: based on polyester resins with added
of tints that characterise the plumage of birds. The effects created include
pigments that give the material a special fluorescent characteristic. The
as follows:
pigments contained are able to absorb ultraviolet radiation and return it
• COCKATOO with an iridescent effect: based on cycloaliphatic polyester
to the eye. The result is a very bright and intense colour with the typical
resins that, when added with iridescent pigments, make it possible to
luminescence due to the fluorescent effect.
obtain spectacular shades even on simple polyester top coats. From amethyst and bronze to colours that are closer to nature – the fields of
For further information:
application are practically infinite, only limited by the imagination of the designer or architect. • MACAW with a metallic effect: based on polyester resins with the addition of special micaceous or pearl aluminium pigments, which give the applied film a particular aesthetic and decorative effect. It is possible to obtain classic colours such as silver, brass, copper, and gold in a wide variety of shades, as well as an infinite range of tints from blues Scan or click the QR Code to watch a video about Condoroil’s BIRDS finishes
© Condoroil
to reds, greens, yellows, violets, and blacks. These paints’ main fields of
COCKATOO SERIES iridescent effect
HORNBILL SERIES Wrinkled finish
MACAW SERIES metallic effect
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
MANDARINE SERIES polyamide series
PEACOCK SERIES fluorescent effect
Dürr’s EcoProBooth Expands Spray Perspectives for Car Manufacturers The EcoProBooth developed by Dürr helps car manufacturers to optimise the painting process and reduce consumptions.
he EcoProBooth recently launched by Dürr has opened up new perspectives
© Dürr
regarding spray booth technology for car manufacturers. The modular box concept, its independent lines and the combination of interior and exterior
painting in a single box provide, as a matter of fact, a much higher degree of scalability and flexibility. During the open-house1, that was particularly focused on intelligent flexibility and
the advantages of EcoProBooth and other Dürr’s products, the company has also addressed the critical issue of energy efficiency: compared to the current lines with dry separation, the EcoProBooth allows to reduce energy consumption by almost 40% and carbon emissions. For the existing systems that will continue to operate with wet scrubbing, the saving will increase up to 75%. In case of a primer-less process, an integrated paint process (IPP) for 60 jobs per hour (eight zones for base coat and six zones for clear coat, traditionally
© Dürr
split between two rigid lines with 30 jobs per hour each) becomes five parallel EcoProBooth lines, each featuring one position for all base coat applications and one for all clear coat applications that can be individually controlled and brought online or offline as needed.
More flexibility and less consumptions The efficiency of Dürr’s solution is also ensured by the optimal distribution of the bodies to the EcoProBooth boxes: the booth size coats all standard passenger car types – from compact cars to SUVs Cycle – without time losses caused by different
© Dürr
painting scopes such as metallic and solid or different body. In addition, the service cubicles located in the corners of the booth include a continuous flow of fresh air that allows employees to safely access them to clean or carry out maintenance works on atomizers and tools without breathing apparatus while the painting process continues. With this new system layout, Dürr aims to provide the ideal conditions for needs-based manufacturing and efficient use of resources: the reductions in the volumetric flow rate of the process air and the high recirculation rate keep energy consumption and carbon emissions low, while the box layout decreases material consumption by cutting losses when changing colour. Also the subdivision of the line into shorter segments allows to distribute painting orders to minimize colour changes, saving paint and flushing agent consumption and reducing costs and VOC emissions. For further information:
From top to bottom: In the layout of the paint shop of the future, two rigid lines become five parallel EcoProBooth lines. The service cubicles with their constant supply of fresh air are an essential factor in the uninterrupted operation of the system. Product Manager Daniel Ackermann in the test setup for the EcoProBooth in the technical centre in Bietigheim-Bissingen.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
© AdobeStock
City Lights in Merck’s New Powder Coatings with Special-Effect Pigments From an interview with Laura Zanini and Stefano Corrado Merck Group - Darmstadt, Germany
Merck has recently presented City Lights, the first special-effect pigments toolbox specially developed for powder coatings formulators. This was inspired by the lights and shadows of modern urban settings, made even more fascinating by the colours of the night.
ities are a collection of many things: of memory, of desires,
the day. These aspects fascinate us the most and remain imprinted
of signs of a language; cities are places of exchange, as all
on our memory like indelible postcards of those cities. The Merck
the books of economic history explain, but these exchanges
Group, one of the leading experts in the development of special-effect
are not only exchanges of goods, they are exchanges of words, desires,
pigments for the most unusual colour results, has focussed precisely
memories.” These words, written by Italo Calvino in his novel ‘Invisible
on such fascination to develop its new City Lights tool for powder
Cities’ (1972), illustrate the fascination we have to the towns we live in
coatings formulators.
every day and to those we are just passing through. Travelling through
“It is the first tool specifically designed and developed for the powder
an urban context means immersing oneself in ancient and/or modern
coating industry,” states Stefano Corrado, Coatings Account Manager
environments, imagining how they are perceived by their inhabitants,
at Merck. “It was inspired by six modern cities with the most fascinating
fantasising about how they might have been in the past and how they
urban contexts and it aims at reproducing their colour nuances at the
will be in the future, weighing up their many facets at various times of
most evocative times of day, that is, from dusk to dawn. City Lights
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
brings to life the play of light and shadow in the nights of New
obtained by the interplay of colours. Each pigment is applied in different
York, Chicago, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Vancouver, and Vienna. We
percentages and the effect within the different colour areas is analysed.
have created twenty-eight new colours for this toolbox: we have
One of the most popular effects among our customers is Amur Black,
selected seven special-effect pigments from our product series
inspired by the city of Copenhagen. Here, the colours of the night can fade
Xirallic NXT, Pyrisma , and Colorstream and created an “urban
into deep dark blue or anthracite grey, and it is this changing effect that
colour story” for each one of them. Through four colour shades, i.e.
fascinates our interlocutors the most. The same is true for the titanium
two RAL blacks and two RAL tints, each special-effect pigment can
oxide-based pigments of the Pyrisma series, which impress with their ability
show its full potential and what fascinating, variable, and surprising
to range from a glossier to a more matte texture. These effects have been
colours it allows creating. Just as light changes the appearance of
very well received not only in the architectural and automotive sectors,
our cities over the course of the day, so our pigments can bring
which are the target industries for Merck’s products, but also in the coil
new qualities to classic colours.”
coating field, which has seen an increase in demand for the multicolour
Beyond tradition
pigments of the Colorstream series, especially in the last two years.
Merck’s new toolbox is the result of this well-established German
Italo Calvino also wrote in his novel, “You take delight not in a city’s seven or
company’s experience in developing the most innovative colour
seventy wonders, but in the answer it gives to a question of yours.” Thanks
trends, combined with the feedback received from the market.
to its in-depth research study, the Merck team has been able to identify the
“The City Lights tool was designed to provide support in colour
most original shades of colour in each city, not simply linking them to their
selection,” says Corrado, “exactly like traditional colour catalogues, but with an innovative approach, which is its added value. Our
© ipcm
team developed this solution in this particular moment in history because it is precisely now that our customers are looking for new, special elements that can provide aesthetic effects breaking with the patterns of the past. It is a tool designed to be used in an easy and intuitive way by both paint formulators and creative professionals, that is, designers or architects, who need to select a particular finish to present to their stakeholders. “Each plate in the box features a colour sample on one side and a detailed description of the special effect pigments chosen to produce it on the other, thus providing a ready-to-use formulation, as well as a description of the colour, the history behind its formulation, and the explanation of its name. In fact, we wanted to offer a double value: on the one hand, a description specifically conceived for creatives that explains the sources of inspiration for each tint and, on the other hand, a technical sheet that illustrates the complete formulation and a sample of all colours. It is therefore also a comprehensive tool for those involved in research and development, such as laboratory technicians, and for those studying the colour effects of paints.”
Surprising colours “The City Lights tool’s colours,” indicates Laura Zanini, Merck’s Decoratives&Industrials Account Manager, “have been created using mainly new-generation pigments, such as Xirallic NXT, in simple paint formulations or added to those specifically designed for special effects. Our tool allows analysing on the one hand the degree of gloss and on the other hand the aesthetic results
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
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iconic buildings or monuments, but rather to the appeal of the tints appearing in the most significant moments of their life. And, in doing so, they have answered perhaps one of the most difficult questions: is it possible to match a moment experienced at a certain time and place with a colour? Below is a description of the pigments associated with the six selected cities and the four colour samples obtained.
City colours from dusk to dawn Colorstream® Lava Red - New York evening glow The luminous evening sun transforms the bustling city into a fantastic light scenario. Sky and water merge together to create a dramatic, glowing spectacle. The colours become warmer, milder and full of multi-layered shades. Building façades reflect an entrancing spectrum of red tones – red, violet, pink, dark red, lava red. The four stylings of the Colorstream® Lava Red series gleam with a wealth of highly chromatic red tones. Like a sunset, the fiery to glowing radiance of Colorstream® Lava Red gives the hues an eruption of nuances. Colorstream® Lava Red intensifies base red colours particularly well; it enhances them, and gives them a multifaceted nature. Colorstream® Lava Red can convert dark colours into spectacular compositions of lustre, glitter, chroma, and colour depth. Xirallic® NXT Leonis Gold - Chicago golden times City life is still pulsating. Golden rays of light encase gleaming glass towers and unite the countless lights into breathtaking glitter and gold sparkle. Soft, colourful shadows and brilliant lights blur the line between light and matter. The four Xirallic® NXT Leonis Gold stylings bring to life this interplay of incomparably intense and glittering gold nuances. Dark, chromatic shadows provide an elegant contrast. Xirallic® NXT Leonis Gold adores dark base colours, with which it seems to merge. Therefore, the wonderful fluctuation of light and dark does not only appear very suddenly, but it also is shown to its best advantage. Xirallic® NXT Leonis Gold can create new, surprising colour effects with its pronounced, golden Living Sparkle®. Xirallic® NXT Tigris Blue - Frankfurt blue hour Shortly before daylight fades, the light of the blue hour transforms the skyline into a dreamlike setting. Ordinary office buildings become the backdrop for a remarkable colour play from light to dark, from colourintensive to monochrome shades, from blue to black. The four Xirallic® NXT Tigris Blue stylings prove how new, exciting colours can be developed from neutral, classic hues. The hues surprise with not only a wealth of colour nuances but also a silverysilky shimmer. The harmoniously embedded Living Sparkle® glitters irresistibly in blue and silver shades in their colour surfaces.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Doing our part for the Planet
ECO-CONSCIOUS GENERAL INDUSTRIAL COATINGS Whatever you paint, we have technologies that help to meet your sustainability goals
We are committed to improve the world by coloring and protecting what really matters Waterborne | High-Solid | Ultra High-Solid | Low cure powder At Sherwin-Williams, we strive to create sustainable values for our employees, customers, shareholders and communities in which we live and work. Sustainability is integral to all of us at Sherwin-Williams. To learn how we can work together to achieve your sustainability goals, visit or email us at
Xirallic® NXT Tigris Blue is not a striking effect pigment. Rather, it lends
A glistening layer of effect pigments lays over blue shades, giving them a
colour tones a subtle, refined look, stylish and neutral at the same
fine, metallic texture.
time. The special-effect pigments’ impact in dark, glossy shades is Pyrisma® Liquid Blue - New York blue night
phenomenal; it lends them an incomparable chroma and depth.
The colours of the night are revealed in a deep lustre. All of the city’s Xirallic NXT Cougar Red - Vancouver afterglow
many colours look as if they are disappearing into the background.
The skyline changes colour spectacularly at sundown. Façades glow in
Surfaces that reflect the city lights thereby compete with each other all
rose, pink, red, and violet. The water’s reflection seemingly desires to
the more. Light reflections, textures, and colours enter into a fascinating
outshine the colours. Shadows take on a mysterious life, with coloured
symbiosis. The remarkable delicacy of the Pyrisma® Liquid Blue special-
light reflections flashing from them. With its intense colours, the sunset
effect pigments gives the four hues from this series a blue shimmer that
presents itself in all its glory.
looks like an airy mist, yet is still colourful. The tints impress with their
The four Xirallic® NXT Cougar Red stylings pay tribute to a sunset’s rich
cool, silky shimmer, brilliance, subtle colour flop effect, and fine texture.
colours. The highly chromatic, brilliant reds mix with the colourful glitter
Pyrisma® Liquid Blue is a pigment that can subtly add elegance and
of the Living Sparkle® to create glorious, expressive colours.
sophistication to colour tones. The silky-blue effect pigments enrich
Xirallic® NXT Cougar Red loves to make a dramatic entrance. It
colours with a silvery shimmer and a subtle texture. At the same time,
transforms simple, base hues into a festival of colour.
the hues remain chromatic and luminescent.
Dark colours not only obtain a multi-layered quality, they also receive Pyrisma® Ambercup Orange - Vienna golden hour
a special brilliance and depth thanks to the special-effect pigments’ high chroma. With their abundance of shimmer, the red Living Sparkle
The golden hour triggers an amazing colour metamorphosis. Light casts
lends red tones unexpected highlights without decreasing their
a spell over cool, functional architecture, and turns it into sculptures of
warm colours. Shadows radiate earthy warmth. Lights shine in golden
nuances. In the four Xirallic® NXT Amur Black -
Pyrisma® Ambercup Orange
Copenhagen nautic twilight
stylings, the special-effect
The city immerses into the
pigment combines with
night’s magical darkness.
the base colours to create
Deep-blue blackness
balanced brown tones that
disperses over the buildings.
seem to radiate from the
Details disappear in coloured
depths. The colours look as
shadows. Off-blacks in
if they have been warmed
elegant, dark blue nuances
by the sun. The orange-
spread out with a wonderful
golden glitter of the sparkle
shine. Buildings stand out as
lends the hues an opulent
geometric shapes. Silhouettes
are emphasised.
Pyrisma® Ambercup Orange
The four Xirallic NXT Amur
can enrich tones with a
Black stylings capture this
warm, luminous undertone.
lighting atmosphere. They can
The pigment makes colours
mirror the cool, intense blue-
in warm metallic shades
black tint and the fine, metallic
possible. The sparkles do
shimmer of reflective surfaces.
not only glitter distinctly
Xirallic NXT Amur Black can
from orange to golden, they
change base colours in a
also give chromatic hues a
subtle, artistic way. Black
lively texture.
becomes a deep glossy black blue or a shimmering, neutral anthracite grey.
© ipcm
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
© Air Dolomiti
When Paints Fly High Interview with Luca Bressan, Engineering & Planning Director at Air Dolomiti
hen we raise our eyes to the sky, we
corporate colours, which are generally
How is the coating process of a plane
have a very high chance of seeing
the same as its logotype. Air Dolomiti is
carried out? How and how many coats are
one of them flying over our heads:
represented by a turquoise diamond, which
applied and how are the paint products
with an average of more than 140,000 tracked
is its symbol in the skies over Europe. White
flights per day1, planes have long been part
is the colour of elegance par excellence, and
The painting process varies depending on
of our daily visual landscape. When standing
a ‘total white’ livery makes our three-pointed
the component to be painted. For fuselages
at the airport, waiting to open their doors
diamond stand out at best.
and metal parts, three products are required: corrosion protection, primer, and top coat. For
to welcome or drop off passengers, they undoubtedly attract attention: each with its
The white finish is one of the most widely
composite materials, only a primer and a top
own characteristics, they stand out for their
used due to both economic and technical
coat are needed.
size, shape, and above all colour. In most
reasons. Could you explain in detail the
The products are applied by spraying to
cases, the livery of an aeroplane reflects the
reasons for choosing it? Is it true that
reduce thicknesses and achieve smoother
colours chosen by its respective airline to
a different colour would also make the
finishes. The aircraft manufacturer defines the
identify and distinguish its aircraft. We asked
aeroplane heavier?
applicable products and their specifications.
Luca Bressan from Air Dolomiti, a company of
As well as being aesthetically pleasing,
The various colours must be included in the
the Lufthansa Group, to explain why certain
white reflects the sun’s rays and reduces
specific request.
tints are preferred over others and what the
overheating in the cabin, while also
The number of coats required depends on
complex coating stages of these “giants of the
highlighting any defects in the structure that
the degree of coverage of the colour, but it
skies” are.
might be confused with darker shades.
is essential to remain within the applicable
White paint does not always weigh less than
thickness limit, again defined by the
In 2019, Air Dolomiti unveiled a new
coloured paint. However, it can make a
livery. How are the colours of an airline’s
difference if one creates a white background
livery chosen?
to bring out their chosen colour and then
How important is the paintwork in the
Each company is represented by its own
apply a coloured coating: this means applying
construction of an aircraft?
two colours, which results in an increase in the
Coatings play a fundamental role, because
total weight of the paint.
they protect the structure of the aircraft by
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Efficient and reliable resisting degradation due to weathering and to the products used for cleaning or de/anti-icing. They also improve flight performance by reducing fuel consumption.
solutions for surface coating
What functional and aesthetic appearance should the paintwork give to your planes? It should give the idea of being an integral part of the aeroplane by
since 1988.
emphasising its peculiarities. There is no room for error in the application phase, because this might give rise to potential weak points that could compromise the coatings’ protective function. How much does recovering the paintwork in the event of corrosion or erosion of the applied film affect maintenance? How is it done? Corrosion damage is rare and erosion phenomena are few and far between, if the painting operations have been carried out properly, so maintenance is relatively low. For surfaces that have localised defects, it is possible to restore the paint with the usual spray process if the areas are large, while brush
electrostatic systems for liquid painting
application may be preferred on small areas.
electrostatic systems and spraying booths for powder coating
pneumatic systems for high-, medium-, and low-pressure painting
IR and UV drying systems
robot and reciprocators
© Air Dolomiti
CM SPRAY s.r.l.
Scan the code to see the recoating process of the new Air Dolomiti livery
New Challenges Put a Sharper Point on Popularity of Automotive Colour Joerg Zumkley BASF Coatings GmbH, Muenster – Germany
BASF has released its annual automotive colour popularity report, showcasing global coating preferences.
never faced before. The total number of vehicles built on the world’s
EMEA – Greater diversity of chromatic colours and shades
assembly lines in 2020 and 2021 was significantly lower than the
The share of chromatic colours in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
n 2021, the automotive industry faced new challenges that it had
years before. That put a sharper point on the popularity of certain colour
(EMEA) is now over 27% and rising – the highest it’s been in two decades.
spaces in the BASF Color Report 2021 for Automotive OEM Coatings,
Blue is driving the trend among the chromatics. There are currently nearly
while knocking some perennial favourites down a few points.
180 shades of blue from sky blue to midnight blue that are elegant, fresh,
The achromatic colours – white, black, grey, and silver – are still the most
and young, and appear on all body types in all segments. Red is in second
popular. They have classic, timeless beauty, and a connection to both
place, far behind blue, accompanied by a fair share of shades of green.
the environment and high technology. But some cracks are showing in
For the achromatic colours, white is still the most popular, but grey is
their armour as new colour spaces emerge.
catching up. Gray has several options, with effects and textures that
As predicted by BASF’s designers years ago, blue is having a moment
multiply its presence. Gray’s 160 shades range from elegant, dark,
in the sun. Red is also rising – taking market share from the achromatic
sparkling colours to light and sporty solid colours.
colours in many parts of the world. Even though the numbers are
“Colours designed for EMEA use familiar colour positions, but change
smaller, green and beige still show up in the data, and the colours aren’t
them with the help of new effects, subtle colour gradients, or a specific
the typical shades you might expect.
sparkle behaviour. They make the chromatics stand out as bold expressions of individuality and sportiness, gaining popularity each year,” said Mark Gutjahr, head of Automotive Color Design, EMEA.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Asia Pacific – Leading the way in global colour diversity
making more pragmatic choices and fewer
White may still be the most popular colour in
shifted to more familiar shades in the
Asia Pacific (AP), but its popularity is starting
achromatic space,” said Paul Czornij, head of
to slip. Black and grey continue to improve,
Automotive Design for the Americas.
emotional choices. Consumers have quickly
maintaining a four-year trend that is changing © BASF
the presence of white vehicles on the road. A full 79% of new vehicles produced in AP were
South America – Following the global direction
coated with achromatic colours in 2021.
Blue is enjoying a global surge in popularity. In
The popularity of chromatic colours is stable,
South America, blue increased by 3% in 2021,
with some individual colour spaces adjusting
taking some of that market share from red.
a few points up or down. Blue – the number
While car buyers in the region tend to be more
one chromatic colour – is up, mirroring global
conservative, some new shades are catching
data from other regions. It took some share
buyers’ eyes.
from red, which went down. Brown and gold
Automotive designers often look 3-4 model
show up in substantial numbers, while beige,
years ahead when developing colours. This
orange, yellow, green and violet hang on with
to last year. That would put the preference for
is playing out as predicted, as South America
about 1% each.
blue back to 2017 levels.
tends to be slower to adopt colour direction
“AP has the largest volume of automotive
Achromatic colours surged, including white,
than other regions.
production in the world, and reflects the
which increased in North America while
“With an increase that large, blue is really
highest diversity of color, compared to other
declining globally, but not silver or grey, which
establishing itself in South America. From sky
regions,” said Chiharu Matsuhara, head of
are both down. Among the chromatic colours,
blue to dark blue, more car buyers are moving
Automotive Design for AP. “Along with the
red edged up 1%. Red and blue are now tied as
into this colour family. We’re using some
surge in blue, the family of green colours
the most popular chromatic colours.
beautiful effects and pigments, especially
increased. From teal to khaki to olive, these
Raw material shortages in 2021 forced
metallics, that advance this important design
aren’t the usual greens, especially in SUVs.”
automakers to make difficult choices while
space,” said Marcos Fernandes, Director BASF
allocating scarce resources. That seemed to
Coatings, South America.
favour the larger, more popular platforms in
The BASF Color Report for Automotive OEM
the midst of the downturn.
Coatings is a data analysis from BASF’s
“North America appears to change direction
Coatings division based on global automotive
Blue appears to be moving on for North
more quickly. With demand high and supply
production and paint application to light
America. Its share is down 4% when compared
trending lower, buyers could be forced into
vehicles in 2021.
North America – Colour preferences changing rapidly in the Americas
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
Component Logistics, Ergonomic Work, Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency in a New Complete System In order to increase the productivity and quality level of its coating line, TSA Traktionssysteme Austria has chosen a NIKO conveyor system installed by Scheuch LIGNO to guarantee competitiveness, reliability and sustainability.
A successful partnership
was in seek of a solution that would double
safe exit of the personnel in case of danger.
cleaning systems. Scheuch LIGNO GmbH’s
efficiency, while ensuring the process reliability
Scheuch LIGNO has also integrated a highly
extensive product portfolio includes extraction
of the system. The result was a conveyor
efficient exhaust air management system that
and dedusting plants, systems for surface
system of high performance tailored to the
meets the highest environmental standards.
coating applications, mechanical and pneumatic
needs of the client’s production which was
The result was a 60 m length system for load
conveying systems, silo solutions, as well
the outcome of the cooperation between the
up to 1600 kg, with ATEX-compliant NIKO
as tested concepts for fire and explosion
companies Scheuch LIGNO and NIKO.
drop lift station inside the booth. Pneumatic
In addition to increasing productivity, employee
and automatic tongue switches in the drying
TSA Traktionssysteme Austria, a leading
health was an important factor of the project
booth that also conforms to ATEX. NIKO Door
manufacturer of electromechanical drives for
requirements. The aim was the optimal use
Safe II control system was used to control the
rolling stock and road vehicles with over 60
of the restrained workspace while ensuring
automatic doors in the cabins.
years of experience, needed two complete
employee health and safety. For these reasons,
conveyor systems for coating and drying of
the compact and modular design of NIKO
The right coating line
heavy-duty components like traction motors
conveyor was the ideal solution for conveying
In the NIKO conveyor system, the empty flight
and gearboxes.
the products during the surface treatment
bars are attached to the drop lift unit in order
process. Moreover, the coating stations
for the rotors to be loaded and conveyed to
incorporated bright and daylight-filled booths
cheuch LIGNO is one of the leading
Due to the increase of the manual processes
due to the glass doors installed in the area. The
European manufacturers of extraction,
in wood and metal coating, the manufacturer
exit glass doors inside the booths serve the
conveying, dedusting and flue gas
The system designed by NIKO and installed by Scheuch LIGNO and the manual spray coating booth.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Franz Michalski
From top left clockwise: - The drying booth. - The parking area. - The lifting station for loading and unloading parts going to the paint booth and parts coming from the dryer.
the coating booth with an automatic door. The
The TSA Traktionssysteme Austria’s team
and marketing handling systems such as
1600 kg drop lift station presents 2 speeds
said: “We put much emphasis on the careful
overhead conveyor systems, light cranes and jib
and a pendant control that are both ATEX
use of resources as well as the shortening
cranes for loads up to 2,000 kg and sliding door
compliant. The system offers high ergonomics
of production cycles for our electric motors
fittings. The company has offered numerous
to users, due to the capability of lowering and
when we were scouting for the right coating
conveyor systems over the years especially
lifting the items in the desired height during
line. Our drives are in use all around the world
for painting lines in industrial production, for
manual painting.
and have to work reliably as well as efficiently
door and window components, in automotive
After the coating process is completed, the
under any climatic conditions. The optimized
and vehicle parts and many more that
items are transported to the drying booth
coating protects the electric drives throughout
required manual or automatic/semi-automatic
(also ATEX compliant) through pneumatic
the entire product life cycle at temperatures
and automatic switches, and subsequently
ranging from -40 to more than +40 °C“.
conveyed back to the drop lift station. The unit lowers the flight bars in order the items to be
About NIKO
For further information:
unloaded and the empty flight bars are then
Established in 1972, NIKO is a family-owned and
lifted and transferred to the parking area.
business focused on developing, manufacturing
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New Pre-Treatment Chemicals for Powder Coating Furniture Components: F.lli Gionchetti’s Challenge Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
A new Industry 4-0-oriented pre-treatment and powder coating plant to meet the new demands of the household appliance market in terms of supermatte finishes: F.lli Gionchetti, a long-established Italian company in the field of metal furnishings, won this challenge through its partnerships with suppliers such as CMV, Chemtec, Tiger Coatings, WAGNER, and Lesta.
rom the manufacture of wooden toys to the production of metal furniture for archives and libraries, up to the contract processing of furniture components: the evolution of Fratelli Gionchetti, a
company headquartered in Matelica (Macerata) in the Italian region of The Marches, reflects the vision of a business capable of constantly adapting to sudden changes in the market over its hundred years of history. “F.lli Gionchetti turned one hundred years old last year,” explains manager Sigismondo Mosciatti. “In fact, the company was founded in 1921 for woodworking. Then, it was converted to metalworking for the production of metal furniture for libraries, archives, and universities, which is still our core business and the reason why our name is famous throughout the country. In 2013, we also started a new contract coating business for the household appliance sector focussing, in particular, on iron and steel cooker hoods, of which our region is one of the main producers and exporters. Especially in the latter sector, the requested coating quality degree is very high and subjected to very strict specifications: the big
F.lli Gionchetti specialises in the pre-treatment and coating of household appliance components, such as cooker hoods.
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The outside of the pre-treatment tunnel.
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The automatic dosing unit for pre-treatment products.
brands that entrust us with the painting their products do not accept the
Differentiated production
slightest imperfection. On the one hand, this has prompted us to optimise
F.lli Gionchetti’s activity is carried out in two production units: one in
our application processes as much as possible; on the other hand, it has
Matelica, at the company’s headquarters, producing metal furniture from
also enabled us to create some high-level partnerships with our product
individual components to cabinets, shelves, and railings, and the other
and equipment suppliers.
in Fabriano, processing products for the household appliance market,
“In particular, during the installation of our new coating line in Fabriano
especially cooker hoods. “Initially, we only had a paintshop at our Matelica
(Ancona, Italy), we chose CMV (Pesaro, Italy) for all the plant engineering
site. However, with the increase in demand, this plant was no longer able
aspects; it took on the key role of prime contractor and it was therefore
to meet our production needs on its own, even after switching from two
responsible for the design, production, and installation of the system
to three shifts. We therefore chose to invest in a new powder coating
itself. The surface preparation process prior to coating was developed
plant that would not only enable us to manage our production peaks
by Chemtec, a company based in Corbetta (Milan) that specialises in
more smoothly, but would also provide us with excellent finishing results.”
the formulation, production, and distribution of chemical pre-treatment
That is why the Fabriano site was equipped with a CMV coating plant
solutions and that has helped us improve our coatings’ resistance and
featuring a one-rail conveyor, a spray pre-treatment tunnel, a WAGNER
adhesion levels, and Tiger Coatings, which supplied us with the first
powder painting booth with a pressurised chamber produced by CMV,
super-matte powder coatings for metal. We can actually claim to have
a pre-retouching robot, and a curing oven. The entire project was
pioneered the use of these products. As for the application aspects, we
developed in line with the requirements of Industry 4.0. “For some years
relied on WAGNER for the supply of the application booth and the powder
now, in the household appliance sector,” notes Mosciatti, “the trend
management unit, which we have equipped with a Lesta robot for the
has been towards super-matte finishes obtained by applying one coat
pre-retouching phase.”
of polyester or acrylic powder, in compliance with the requirements of
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The water purification plant.
our main stakeholders. However, the mechanical resistance of super-matte finishes did not meet the high quality standards we usually delivered. We identified the cause in the pre-treatment phase and, specifically, in the fact that the product used was dragged, affecting process results.” The design of the new plant’s pre-treatment tunnel, carried out by CMV technicians, was therefore © Focchi Spa
fundamental. Thanks to carefully and accurately sized rinsing and draining stages, the problem was definitively resolved. Moreover, F.lli Gionchetti’s management turned to Chemtec to solve some critical
TIGER 075/70258 highest UV stability 4000 hours of weathering zero VOC emissions 96% recovery
chemical issues related to the lack of adequate corrosion resistance and of good deep-drawing test results as required by customer specifications.
Chemtec’s first intervention “We had already met Chemtec’s team when we consulted them on some issues relating to the pre-treatment phase at our Matelica plant’s paintshop,” indicates Mosciatti. “Their technicians identified the problem in the rinsing stage and, in particular, in the well water used for this operation. The accumulation of salts caused by the seasonal rise and fall of the water table compromised the purity of the liquid, the quality of the surface pre-treatment process and, consequently, the resistance of the applied film. However, thanks to Chemtec’s advice, we had solved this difficult situation. Therefore, when we choosing a supplier of pre-treatment products for the new Fabriano plant’s system, we had no doubts and immediately turned to the same company.” “In the study phase prior to developing a pre-treatment process,”
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The coating plant is equipped with a one-rail conveyor.
explains Carlo Guidetti, the CEO of Chemtec Srl, “the importance of the rinsing liquid’s quality, which depends on the plant’s water management system, is generally underestimated. A typical industrial pre-treatment process prior to coating consists of three equally important stages: a degreasing stage to remove any residues of oils, greases, and oxides; a rinsing stage that is just as important as all the other surface preparation operations, because it guarantees
that as little mineral salts as possible remain on the workpieces; and a conversion stage, which is however ineffective if the surfaces are not adequately degreased, but also if they are not perfectly rinsed. Water quality management, therefore, is as crucial to ensure optimal cleaning results as product formulation.”
F.lli Gionchetti, the pioneers of super-matte paints for metal “We work with several major brands of the household appliance industry, which is why specifications are very strict. Of course, we also adhere scrupulously to their requirements when selecting paints,” states Mosciatti. “If these are not specified, however, we always rely on Tiger Coatings, whose representative, Emanuele Zepponi, who is also the agent for Chemtec products in the Marche region, has been working with us since we opened our new production unit devoted to household appliances. When one of our main customers converted
the production of certain components from wood to metal, we turned to Tiger for a solution that would guarantee high-quality super-matte finishes even when switching from liquid wood coatings to powder metal coating.”
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The entrance to the WAGNER coating booth and the Lesta robot on its right.
The WAGNER SuperCenter EVO.
“We already produced super-matte liquid wood coatings, which were
coating plant were carried out in 2020. “The 5-stage cycle developed
very popular at the time,” confirms Zepponi. “When we were informed
together with F.lli Gionchetti’s technicians,” explains Guidetti, “includes a
of F.lli Gionchetti’s new requirement due to the change in its customer’s
phosphodegreasing stage, three rinses (of which two use mains water and
production, we also developed a super-matte coating for metals, a
one osmosis water), and a final nanotechnology conversion stage based
product that was very little known at the time. We collaborated with F.lli
on organic phosphorus compounds combined with Pronortec, a metal-
Gionchetti’s team to devise a polyester resin with an acrylic hardener
free and multi-metal passivation product developed by Chemtec, which
capable of providing a 5 to 10-gloss opacity degree and excellent colour
can be employed with excellent results on all types of metal.”
consistency as required by its customer. It accepted a challenge whose
As Mosciatti confirms, “as well as a more environmentally sustainable
result could not be taken for granted, due to the changes needed in its
process, Chemtec’s system guarantees the same quality as a chromium-
production structure but also to the investment required, as this resin
based process with improved corrosion resistance results – as
is not economic. In the end, however, this partnership paid off with
demonstrated by salt spray tests – and better paint adhesion. In addition
customer satisfaction on the one hand and, on the other hand, with the
to these already significant results, the new pre-treatment chemistry has
development of new resins that Tiger now successfully promotes for both
enabled us to make considerable savings in terms of consumption and
indoor and outdoor components.”
to manage the entire process more easily, also thanks to automated
“With the implementation of these new resins, however, the pre-
dosage and to the implementation of the new SPRAY FOGTM passivating
treatment chemicals that we previously used were no longer adequate,”
agent application system, designed by CMV. Thanks to special software
says Mosciatti. “Once again, we turned to Chemtec.”
management technology, this keeps the mix of passivating product and
The pre-treatment process for coating household appliances The first tests on the pre-treatment chemistry to be used in the new
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osmosis water constant, thus significantly reducing product consumption and, at the same time, guaranteeing constant application.” In the case of special workpieces with complex shapes, manual suction is performed after pre-treatment to facilitate drying.
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The interior of the powder coating booth with 6 guns per side.
Clean room coating The one-rail conveyor takes the parts from the pre-treatment plant to the WAGNER coating booth, which is located in a clean room in order to achieve maximum application quality. “We chose a last generation WAGNER SuperCube booth for our new coating plant,” notes Saimir Mehmeti, paintshop manager at F.lli Gionchetti, “because we were already familiar with the performance degree of their systems, WAGNER being one of our long-standing suppliers.” This coating booth is equipped with 12 spray guns, two manual pre and post-retouching stations, and one automatic pre-retouching station with a robot supplied by Lesta (Dairago, Milan). A SuperCenter EVO powder management unit feeds the paints. This is capable of handling large production batches and keeping consumption monitored, thanks to the integration of two load cells on which two boxes of powder are positioned and weighed and to a fluidisation system, which mixes virgin powder with that recovered from the booth. It is a highly efficient powder centre, designed to avoid the risk of sintering, i.e. agglomeration of powder, which can lead to a high scrap rate. As for gun control, the plant is equipped with EPG S2 generators that operate in combination with the central management system, which is fully automatic and can store up to 200 recipes. “This
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The application phase.
The entrance to the curing oven.
solution is optimal to handle the high volume of batches we coat here
lists and proceeding to each stage of the coating process, in order
in Fabriano,” says Mehmeti, “which calls for four or five colour change
to minimise human error both in the loading operations and in the
operations per day. We apply an average thickness of 100 microns,
recipe programming procedures for the booth and the robot. The
which is then cured in a high-energy efficiency oven at 180 °C for 20
management of the pre-treatment plant is also automated in order to
minutes and finally subjected to the quality control and unloading
avoid faults: the phosphodegreasing product is dosed automatically by
means of pH-based dosing pumps and the software package, and the same applies to the dosing of the nanotechnology product through the
Coating 4.0: F.lli Gionchetti’s present
SPRAY FOGTM system. Finally, such automation level has enabled us to
“Since when we started production back in 1921,” stets Mosciatti,
implement a predictive maintenance system that has helped streamline
“we have made enormous progress. The most recent step forward
the management of the entire department.
has been the construction of this coating plant, which meets all the
“In conclusion, I would like to emphasise that it is certainly difficult
parameters of Industry 4.0 thanks to the PAINT SQL management
to respond quickly to the constant changes in the market, but the
software package developed by CMV, because we believe that nowadays
professional and responsive suppliers that can grasp new developments
it is difficult to be competitive without investing in automation. We
and take action to meet or even anticipate them can certainly make
are perfecting a management system that interfaces perfectly with
users’ businesses much easier. The long-standing history of F.lli
all the plant’s components, starting with the creation of production
Gionchetti is a testament to that.”
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The 23 linear metre wall is made up of 200 coloured aluminium elements, ranging from powder coatings in tone-on-tone shades to oxidised finishes with different textures, such as polished, brushed, and velvety.
Ponzio Milano. The Design Space in the Heart of the Metropolis where Aluminium Meets Colour Alessia Venturi ipcm®
The opening of Ponzio Alluminio’s new concept store in the centre of Milan, a space devoted to relations with architects and clients and to the incubation of ideas and projects, was an opportunity for a double interview with Emilio Ponzio, the managing director and commercial director of this Italian company, and Guido Pozzoli, the owner of Stardust Powder Coatings. Both involved in the dissemination of the NCS colour standard in the fields of metal architecture and powder coatings respectively, the two firms work closely together to provide designers, architects, and specifiers with state-of-the-art colour solutions.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
ast September Ponzio Alluminio opened its first exhibition space
provided us with a space to translate its industrial supremacy in terms
in Milan, at Via Giuseppe Barellai 6. This new, iconic Ponzio space
of colour and technology into tangible forms. After all, architecture has
in the heart of the Italian metropolis is not just a showcase or an
always been a fundamental part of the history of Ponzio, which even
exhibition, but a place centred on relationships, where people can meet
participated in the construction of the Pirelli Tower in the 1950s, proving
and build great projects, and where the company’s expertise meets the
its industrial excellence in the oxidation field.”
desire of architects, designers, and customers to express themselves.
Colour is ingrained in Ponzio’s DNA – and Eusebi translated this special
The payoff of this new Milanese concept store, a 300 m2-wide space that
relationship into an installation characterised by infinite shades, a sort
also acts as an incubator for ideas and projects and as a trait-d’union
of metaphorical border that can be crossed, giving life to the payoff
between design and industrial production, is “We Dream in Colour”.
“We Dream in Colour”. This abstract geometric structure, a 3D work
Indeed, this location is faithfully in line with the DNA of Ponzio Alluminio,
obtained through the combination of 200 coloured aluminium elements,
a long-established company in the architectural profile industry – it was
overlooks the entire concept store. “On the occasion of the eightieth
founded right in Milan as an anodizing workshop in 1941 and moved to
anniversary of Ponzio, one of the very few Italian brands that has placed
the Abruzzo region, in Pineto, only in 1966 – which is now able to paint
the building envelope and its various forms at the centre of its work, I
and sublimate any type of aluminium profile in-house, offering an infinite
decided to focus on a historical-technological transition that took place
range of finishes and excellent customisation capacity.
in the international architecture sector as early as the 1950s,” states
With its Milanese concept store, Ponzio Alluminio has therefore returned
Eusebi. “For us contemporary architects, using glass in an architectural
to its origins. Its design was entrusted to Enzo Eusebi & Partners, which
envelope is a new way of designing a world in which humans observe
worked closely with this company. “The first collaborations between the
the landscape, be it natural or man-made. Glass assembled with metal
architecture world and brands, such as that started by Rem Koolhaas
forms a veil, rather than a separation element: it divides but, at the same
and Prada for example, date back to the 1990s and they have made
time, it unites. Moreover, in terms of sustainability, it is eternal, as it is
showrooms a very important aspect of marketing strategies,” says
completely recyclable at the end of its service life.”
Eusebi himself in a video displayed in the concept store. “Ponzio has
“Specialising in aluminium systems for architecture, Ponzio continues to
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The new Ponzio Concept Store located at Via Giuseppe Barellai 6, in the heart of Milan.
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A giant screen welcomes visitors with images of the most important solutions created by Ponzio.
evolve into different projects of innovation under the banner of Italian
finishing. Today, we are the only company in Italy to bring together
style. It is an idea, a dream that comes to life through colour,” says Emilio
under one roof all the finishes currently available for aluminium profiles.
Ponzio, who now runs the family business. “Enzo Eusebi is an architect
Our concept store in Milan is aimed at reaching a somewhat broader
from the Marche region who has worked both in Italy and abroad. He
target audience, made of designers, architects, opinion leaders, and
has designed many projects using Ponzio aluminium systems so, when
all those who choose colours and finishes for projects but are often
we thought of a space in Milan, it was natural to entrust the concept to
unaware of the variety of options available to them. Our focus on colour
his firm. In an independent way and without being influenced by our
and finishing also led us to implement the NCS standard in our colour
own ideas, Eusebi did a market analysis and concluded that the real
range in 2021, with the collaboration of Stardust Powder Coating. This
difference between Ponzio and its competitors is the fact that colour is
choice will entail a big effort in terms of production flexibility, but it will
ingrained in our DNA. This gave rise to the idea of characterising the new
bring us closer to younger, more innovative designers.”
space with a 3D installation featuring infinite nuances,” indicates Emilio Ponzio while taking me to discover the concept space. Architect Eusebi
The NCS colour standard as a competitive advantage
has translated these values in a tangible form with a 23 linear metres
“In line with our DNA, we have decided to integrate our catalogue with a
of 23 coloured aluminium elements, ranging from powder coatings in
range of NCS finishes alongside our sublimated, coated, and anodised
tone-on-tone shades to oxidised finishes with different textures, such
ones. The aim was increasingly standing out from our competitors and
as polished, brushed, and velvety. The result is a true work of art, which
bringing something new to the market. In addition, NCS is a language
will be replicated in the other Ponzio locations, starting with the Pineto
closer to the design world. Our Area Ponzio sales network will have
a dedicated NCS colour swatch book at its disposal,” explains Emilio Ponzio.
“My great-grandfather was the first to use the anodic oxidation
NCS – Natural Colour System®© is a logical colour ordering system based
technology in Italy. Indeed, our company’s industrial history began in
on the way colours are perceived and it is internationally recognised
a peculiar way: not with the study and design of profiles, but with their
as the universal colour language. With NCS, any surface colour can be
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
described and identified with a special code (NCS Notation). Conceived and developed by NCS Colour AB (Stockholm, Sweden), this system is based on more than seventy years of colour research and it is now the most widely used and practically oriented colour system worldwide for material manufacturers, architects, and designers. It is also highly versatile because it is unconnected with the material where the tints are to be applied. That is why the NCS standard is becoming increasingly popular in the industry, particularly in the aluminium and metal architecture sectors, also thanks to both companies such as Ponzio and industrial paint manufacturers such as Stardust Powder Coatings, which has chosen NCS to expand its colour range last year, adding 1950 new shades to its existing colour catalogue with Pantone and RAL tints.
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From left to right: Giuseppe Francavilla, Emilio Ponzio, and Guido Pozzoli from Stardust.
During ipcm®’s visit to the Ponzio Milano
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The technical area where products are displayed without any colour to enable the window or door frames’ technical characteristics to stand out.
exhibition space, we asked both Emilio Ponzio and Guido Pozzoli a few
ago. Over the years, Stardust has pioneered the transition from the RAL
questions about what the introduction of the NCS standard means for
standard to new colour standards in the architectural world. NCS has
the industry.
arrived in Italy from northern Europe, winning over young, innovative architects on the look for new solutions. Certainly, its collection offers
AV: What does adhering to this colour standard mean for a
a range of alternatives that are unique, not available in other colour
coating company?
ranges. Moreover, since the NCS system is influenced neither by the
EP: The most obvious, but also the most important aspect is that more
type of material and substrate nor by the paint production technology,
material has to be recovered, warehouses have to be expanded, and
the tone-on-tone transition it creates within the same architectural
production has to become even more flexible. With the equipment
project is beautiful: using the same colour shades and flush solutions,
and technology we have at our disposal, our company is actually
one tint can be applied to both walls and door and window frames,
characterised by very high flexibility. The second key aspect is the need
which is impossible to do using the RAL system.
to find the right paint suppliers, which use the NCS standard and are
EP: I am convinced that introducing the NCS standard in the industry
able to provide the most flexible service possible. Our collaboration with
is the beginning of a new era for the aluminium world: it will be a bit
Stardust is precisely based on this.
difficult at first, but this new way of proposing colours will be very
Stardust is one of the few paint suppliers to adhere to the NCS
appealing to our target market. This is why we have joined the club of
standard. It is a flexible company, its headquarters is near ours (it
the NCS standard’s licensees.
is located in L’Aquila, Ed.), it shares our vision and perspectives, its industrial history is similar to ours, and we have known each other
AV: What are the major differences compared with the RAL
personally for a very long time. This has facilitated and strengthened our
GP: The RAL system includes a defined number of colours. What attracts
GP: “Personally, I started to believe in the NCS standard a long time
me to the NCS standard – and what I want to promote within the
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
industry – is the fact that it is a universal language, where every hue is
6,000 RAL options. On the other hand, with its new 2022 collection,
identified by a unique code. Six elementary colours (white, black, yellow,
which has added 100 new hues, the NCS system includes 2,000 basic
green, red, and blue) are graphically arranged in a three-dimensional
colours, which, multiplied by the same variables, originate 60,000
space where it is possible to represent the relationships between all
possible powder coating options. The warehouses of most powder
shades according to their greater or lesser similarity to the elementary
manufacturers, even the largest and most structured one, cannot cover
colours themselves. In this three-dimensional model, which is called the
all 66,000 possible variants between NCS and RAL. If we also add the
NCS Colour Space, all possible and imaginable surface tints can have a
Pantone colour charts (from the digital world), and the RAL Design, RAL
specific location, and therefore an exact NCS Notation.
Special, and other popular catalogues, we are looking at over 120,000 colour variants. Not being able to keep such a large stock, Stardust has
AV: What are the most critical issues in terms of paint
decided to opt for the full customisation of each individual order, to
production using NCS colours?
enable our customers to require exactly what they need, in the quantity
GP: Surely, the most critical point is managing to produce coatings
they need. Working in a completely different way than our competitors,
in a sufficient number of different colours to meet the minimum
we can thus offer 120,000 colours in record time even in very small
requirements of the NCS standard. It is also essential to have the
production and logistical flexibility degree needed to handle small and very small batches while remaining competitive. Multiplying the existing
AV: What does using the NCS standard mean for an aluminium
RAL colours by their various chemical variants, such as polyester,
profile manufacturer or painter?
hybrid, epoxy-polyester, and polyurethane, by the various types of
EP: It means that, from now on, Ponzio’s catalogue does not only include
finishes available from glossy to hyper-matte, and by the different
the standard finishes available in our warehouses, but also alternatives
possible textures, such as textured or wrinkled, results in around
that are not in stock. This enables architects and designers to express
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The training space.
their creativity in endless ways. NCS is now supported by many
environment enables architects to choose no longer the colour, but
channels in the world of coatings, from the wood to the decorative
rather the technical solution that best suits their needs.
sectors. We are witnessing a progressive 360° spread of this colour
“This space is also useful for holding training courses and seminars for
window fitters and designers. It is overlooked by three screens showing
GP: Our Russian office has assessed that 99% of buildings are currently
different contents, such as a completed project, a product, and a
designed with NCS. Stardust, and certainly Ponzio as well, has made
technical detail. In this way, we can comprehensively illustrate the ideal
a precise industrial choice aimed at meeting very particular needs.
application for each designer’s project, which can be viewed here in real
Stardust pioneered the use of NCS in the world of powders, and this
time,” states Emilio Ponzio.
collaboration with Ponzio is a testament to that. Ponzio is also a pioneer
“A problem in the architecture sector is that the profiles’ end users do
in the window and door world and it is in fact the first NCS partner in
not know their manufacturers. The aluminium window frame supply
the aluminium sector.
chain is long: it includes extruders, system makers, possibly coating
One space, two cores
contractors, manufacturers, glaziers, and installers. Ideally, all these players should be linked to each other, so as to create a single brand
The Ponzio Milano space has two cores: an emotion-oriented one,
behind a window frame,” notes Emilio Ponzio. “However, it is actually
linked to colour, imagination, and creativity, and a technical one linked
difficult to be recognised by customers, because each player in the
to design. Whereas colour reigns supreme in the exhibition space, it
chain wants to bring out its own personality, in a tangle of brands, skills,
is completely gone in the technology area: architect Eusebi’s choice
certifications, and offers. As for us, we have created our own network
was to deprive the frames on display of any tint, standardising the
of distributors, called Area Ponzio, which includes 195 window and
whole array through the classic silver aluminium shade. In this area
door manufacturers in Italy who sell Ponzio-branded frames, using
of the showroom, which is accessed by opening one of the coloured
our configurator and all the colour tools we provide,” concludes Emilio
elements of the exhibition space, the frames technology prevails. This
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The “Ask an Expert” Column for Powder Coating, Now Also on ipcm® Kevin Biller
stay up to date with industry and technology news. You can access the podcast by scanning the QR code at the end of this article or by clicking on the link (for the readers of ipcm®’s digital version). For ipcm®, hosting this column means getting even closer to the US market and its technological and industrial environment, with the aim to foster a fruitful exchange of information and further promote the powder coating technology. Good morning, Joe, I came across an article in a coatings magazine recently describing the storage conditions for powder coat paints. We are now expanding our storage area to accommodate lowtemp powders for non-conductive substrates like MDF, and we
have a great debate internally. Maybe you could help. Does sk Joe Powder is probably one of the most popular “Ask an
temperature or humidity matter more with the storage of low-
Expert” columns not only in the North American, but in the entire
temp powders? Any thoughts? Thanks!
powder coating industry. It is aimed at answering a wide range
Jon Meyer
of technical questions and inquiries from the world of powder coating,
Holland, Michigan
a technology that has been widespread and consolidated in Europe for a few decades now, while elsewhere still has some markets to conquer
Hi Jon,
and technological aspects to investigate.
Yes, storage conditions as well as transportation conditions are
Behind Joe Powder is Kevin Biller, President of ChemQuest Powder
supercritical with low-temp cure powder coatings. Stability is important
Coating, an independent powder coating research, testing, and
both chemically (pre-reaction) and physically (clumping, or worse).
formulation institute founded by him in 2007 and now part of the
Rule of thumb is: no higher than 25°C and no higher than 60% relative
ChemQuest Group Inc., a global external corporate strategy and
humidity. Keep all containers sealed and “condition” the powder before
technological development company with a specific focus and expertise
using it by placing it in the application area for a minimum of 24 hours.
in the chemicals markets.
As for the transportation of low-temp cure powder coatings, ensure that
Kevin Biller has been a contributing editor of ipcm for a few years
during summer months that shipping does not include long layovers in
now and he has helped make ipcm® known in the USA. This is why we
hot locations. Some applicators avoid having powder shipped by ground
have decided to host his Ask Joe Powder Q&A column on a regular
over a hot weekend. In addition, make sure low-temp cure powders
basis, starting with this first 2022 issue. He can answer questions
don’t sit in a lorry or trailer outside in the sun on a hot summer day.
related to powder coating and painting products, from the simplest
When in doubt of a powder’s condition, test it before committing too
to the most difficult ones, including those about defects and coating
many parts. It’s best to spray and cure a panel or board in the lab
quality issues, and his column collects questions from all over the
(hopefully you have one) before hanging a bunch of parts on your
world, offering precise, concise, and timely replies. From now on, all
finishing line. If you do not have a lab, send a sample to the powder
ipcm ’s international readers can send us their questions, which will be
supplier to verify freshness before using.
submitted to Joe Powder for a technical and impartial answer.
I hope that this helps.
Since 2021, Ask Joe Powder has also become a podcast hosted by Kevin
Kind regards,
and Nathan Biller, an alternative, engaging, and entertaining way to
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Dear Mr. Joe Powder,
the corrosion resistance. So be careful when making this formulation
Is there any way to reduce the hardness for powder coating? We
adjustment. Another way to reduce the crosslink density and hence the
are using a polyester resin for a powder coating with a pencil
pencil hardness is to simply reduce the crosslinker level (TGIC or HAA).
hardness of 3H. However, our customer requires 1H hardness.
Traditional polyester TGIC powders are formulated at a 93:7 ratio (PE
Looking forward to hearing from you.
to TGIC) and HAA polyesters at a 95:5 ratio (PE to HAA). Reducing the
Thanks & Best Regards,
crosslinkers to 94:6 (TGIC) or 96:4 (HAA) will reduce the pencil hardness.
Ngoc Tu Nguyen (Ms.)
Again, the coating will not be as robust for chemical resistance and
Vung Tau Province
corrosion resistance.
Furthermore, “Superdurable” polyesters are inherently harder than standard durable polyesters. So, if you are using a “Superdurable”
Dear Ms. Tu Nguyen,
grade polyester, replacing it with a standard grade will lower the pencil
It is very nice to hear from you again. Yes, you can reduce the hardness
hardness, probably one pencil.
of a polyester powder coating through adjusting the formulation.
Choice of mineral filler also affects pencil hardness. If you have a mineral
Basically, you can do this by reducing the crosslink density (distance
filler in the formulation, check to see what the Mohs hardness is. If it is
between chemical bonds in the cured powder). This can be done by
over 5.0 you may want to change it to Calcium Carbonate (3.0) or Barium
switching to a carboxyl polyester that has a lower acid value. Traditional
Sulfate (3.5). This will reduce the pencil hardness a little.
polyesters designed for TGIC or HAA have acid values around 30-35.
I hope that this helps and I wish you a very happy, healthy and
Switching to a polyester with an acid value of 20-25 will require less
prosperous New Year.
crosslinker (TGIC or HAA). This will reduce the pencil hardness. Please
Kind regards,
be aware that this will also reduce the chemical resistance and probably
Mr. Joe Powder
Say goodbye to masking Overspray-free paint application with EcoPaintJet Revolutionary precision in automatic application brings efficiency to product customization. Dürr’s solution EcoPaintJet applies sharpedged paint lines on surfaces, pushing the limits for efficient and resource-saving coating: No overspray, no more masking of your product.
Hi Chris,
I am dealing with a very perplexing issue on some parts and I’m
Wow, this is a messy situation. Those defects look rather ugly. The
out of answers for my upper management team. I have attached
substrate appears to be a cast metal. Cast metal substrates can be
photos of the pinholes and voids we are seeing on our parts. Also
porous depending on the casting process. The defects shown in the
in the photos are the thickness of the problem areas.
pictures look like they are caused by volatile materials exiting the
This is a TGIC free metallic powder for a major appliance
substrate during the curing process. This can be residual water from the
manufacturer. We reach the cure parameters as required
metal pretreatment process, specifically the final rinse stage.
by the manufacturer so undercure has been ruled out. I also
How good is your dry-off process after your pretreatment stages? And
understand that TGIC free powder can be very sensitive to film
how good is the part orientation on your conveyor system? Can water
thickness and likes to crater and blister when it’s too thick or
collect in any areas of the parts and not get fully driven off before
too thin. We run a six-stage pretreatment system with an iron
entering the powder spray booth? You should inspect the parts before
phosphate conversion coating. The parts are passing the water
they enter the application area to ensure that they are clean and most
break test going through the system but still come out with
importantly, dry before the powder is applied.
discoloring of the substrate in spots. We see no visible defects in
As for the TGIC-free polyester - the coating related defects inherent to
the dry coating, like wet spots or oil spots on the substrate. It’s
this chemistry are typically pinholes which are nearly microscopic and
only after the cure oven that we see the defects.
always associated with thick films. Consequently, I don’t think 50 or so
The curious thing about it is the problem appears on the
microns would exhibit these kinds of defects.
parts and disappears on the same parts, a few racks later, but
Please give me an update when you can.
reappears a few racks later. I’ve been doing this for twenty years
and I have my suspicions but, they’ve fallen on deaf ears.
Thanks for your time, Chris Walk Greensville, Ohio
Scan or click the QR code and listen to the podcast
Film defects caused by porous cast metal substrate.
Film thickness reading in mils (55.6 microns).
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Incomplete coverage in groove. Probably due to residual contaminants.
© Addobe Stock
New Water-based High-gloss Top Coat INVERPUR/R Halves Drying Times Maurizio Magnani R&D Chemist at Sherwin-Williams, Bologna – Italy
The laboratory of Inver, a long-standing paint manufacturer that is now part of the multinational company Sherwin-Williams, has developed a new water-based top coat that reduces drying times and temperatures to increase production capacity and reduce energy costs: INVERPUR/R.
he switch from solvent-based to water-based paints was a
long. This issue had been pointed out by the market since the beginning
revolution in the industrial coating sector. Water-based products,
and Inver1’s R&D department had been trying to provide a solution for
which have been around since the 1980s, offer considerable
some time. The turning point occurred during the pandemic: in the
advantages, but also present some critical aspects. Their benefits include
darkest period of 2020, the company’s laboratory did not stop, managing
sustainability and healthiness for both applicators and their working
to formulate a water-based high-gloss top coat with reduced drying
environment: in the woodworking sector, this type of paint has become
times, actually similar to those of solvent-based products. The result
prevalent precisely due to these characteristics. When it comes to metal
was INVERPUR/R, a formulation using a water-based, two-component
components, on the other hand, the search for innovative solutions to
polyurethane acrylic resin, which represents the evolution of Sherwin-
streamline the application operations and make the production process
Williams’ traditional technology: it is able to work perfectly both in optimal
smoother is still in full swing.
drying conditions, such as those offered by a dedicated oven with pre-set
However, one of the most critical aspects for a company that chooses to
temperature parameters, and in less than perfect conditions, such as
use water-based products for its coating process is the management of
ambient ones.
drying times: if the user is not equipped with a curing oven, by choice or necessity, these paints’ drying time after application can be significantly
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
A brand of The Sherwin-Williams Company.
© Emiliana Serbatoi
Hooks & CE Hooks
From the in-stock small and thin hook to the special hook Ø30 with EU certification and loading capacity calculation, for both small and heavy parts to be coated.
A success story: Emiliana Serbatoi
devoted an article in its latest issue of 20212. Thanks
Among the customers that most need a solution
to INVERPUR/R, this firm has halved its entire coating
to speed up the room-temperature drying time of
cycle time from 48 to 24 hours, thus being able to cope
water-soluble paints, many operate in the agricultural
with peak of requests that were previously impossible
and construction equipment (ACE) sector: they often
to meet, without giving up the high quality and long
handle components that are difficult to feed into
lasting performance characteristics required of
a curing oven, either because of their large size or
Emiliana Serbatoi’ tanks.
because of the huge energy consumption that would be needed to bake wide coated surfaces. The Sherwin-
INVERPUR/R’s technical characteristics
Williams laboratory’s research study focused precisely
The two-component formulation of the new top coat
on this area. Indeed, one of the first companies to
includes the addition of hardener 40301 for faster
implement the new top coat was Emiliana Serbatoi
drying or, alternatively, of hardener 44999, which offers
(Campogalliano, Modena, Italy), a world-renowned
higher resistance during application.
manufacturer of tanks for storing, transporting,
and dispensing fuels and liquids in general for both agricultural and industrial use, to which ipcm®
© Sherwin-Williams
Table 1: Drying speed of INVERPUR/R.
The main features of INVERPUR/R can be
100 µM WFT (≈ 50 µM DFT) 150 µM WFT (≈ 70 µM DFT) Drying conditions INVERPUR 25% 72870
INVERPUR/R 30% 40301
Tack-free time
40 °C
60 °C
40 °C
60 °C
>8 h
>1 h
30 min
>8 h
>1 h
35 min
summarised as follows: • Product code: 45763 INVERPUR/R, twocomponent, RAL 9010 white • Mixing ratio: 30% w/w • Solid content (calculated typical value, ready to use product): 58.5% w/w and 47.9% v/v
Dry-to-handle time
>8 h
>2 h
35 min
>8 h
>3 h
40 min
Tack-free time
20 min
10 min
3.5 h
20 min
10 min
Dry-to-handle time
30 min
10 min
4.5 h
50 min
15 min
• Yield (calculated typical value): 393 m2/kg (ready to use product) • Gloss: ≥ 90 to 60° - ≥ 80 to 20° • VOC content (2010/75/EU): 144 g/l • Pot life: 2 hours at 20 °C.
Fast drying at low temperatures Table 2: Accelerated light resistance test on INVERPUR/R.
Table 1 compares the drying times of
After 1700h (*)
Retention %
the standard INVERPUR top coat and the new INVERPUR/R top coat at different temperatures. Table 2 shows the results of the accelerated
INVERPUR 25% 72870
INVERPUR/R 30% 40301
gloss retention values of INVERPUR/R after
1700 hours in the Xenon test are comparable
(*) SAE J2527 test
light resistance test conducted on the two products. It should be noted that the gloss and
to those of Inverpur’s conventional waterbased technology. Further test results obtained by the INVERPUR/R top coat are
Table 3: Other technical characteristics of INVERPUR/R.
Test Humidity resistance Water immersion Impact test Flexibility
Chemical resistance
Reference ASTM D1735 ASTM D870
400 h
No blistering, rusting, visual defects. Adhesion Gt 0-1
300 h
No blistering, visual defects. Adhesion Gt 0-1
water-soluble products and that features
Direct impact > 60 kg/cm Reverse impact > 30 kg/cm
comparable to those of the traditional
Cylindrical mandrel
Drop, 24 h
Elongation > 10% Gasoline, Diesel, Motor oil, Antifreeze (sol. H2O 1:1), NaOH 5% w/w, HCl 10% w/w No visual defects, swelling, blistering. No adhesion loss
Buchholz hardness
ISO 2815
(*) tested on CRS, 50-70 µm DFT
Different fields of application
Note (*)
ASTM D2794 ASTM D522 B
shown in Table 3.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
> 100
The laboratory has succeeded in creating a product that cross-links at lower temperatures than those generally used for baking characteristics and a performance degree INVERPUR technology. Launched on the market in 2020, the INVERPUR/R top coat is also proving very popular with users that are actually equipped with a drying oven. Indeed, reducing drying process times and, above all, temperatures guarantees considerable savings in terms of time and energy. Conceived to meet market needs, this product has been optimised for application in harsh situations and it can now also be used in sectors other than those for which it was originally created.
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© Axalta
Axalta Extends Automotive Colour Leadership with the 69th Global Automotive Color Popularity Report Jessica Iben Axalta Coating Systems Ltd. – Philadelphia, United States
Axalta’s report shows an increase in blue vehicles and a decline in white ones, with grey hues still popular.
xalta’s 69th Global Automotive Color
points, largely due to a decrease seen in all
Axalta’s analysis of 2021 automotive build
Popularity Report reveals the top
regions, especially China with a seven percent
data in major markets and are an indicator
automotive colours on the road today
of current market trends. Axalta began
are white (35%), black (19%) and grey (19%).
For the third year in a row, Europe ranks the
reporting on the industry’s coatings colour
Grey increased by four percentage points
only major region to report grey as the most
in 1953 and continues to report on colour
worldwide due to increased interest seen
popular colour at 27%. Silver is most popular
trends and colour preferences.
around the globe.
in South America as it ranks second place
Axalta celebrated its 2021 Global Automotive
White vehicles have been found in the
with twenty-three percent usage. Black is
Color of the Year, ElectroLight, around the
most abundance on the roads since 2011
most found in Europe at twenty-two percent
world. The refreshing yellow-green hue was
worldwide with Asia leading in white vehicle
and continues to lead in the luxury segment.
inspired by bold, contemporary flavours that
builds. Overall, the popularity of white hit a
North America has the most amount of new
echo style, energy and flair. This colour is
long-term high of 39% in 2017 and has seen
red cars on the road at eight percent.
soothing and calm with an opaque simplicity,
declines in several regions each year since.
The results of Axalta’s Global Automotive
yet exciting and fresh with its vibrancy.
This year, white declined three percentage
Color Popularity report are tabulated on
The unique personality of ElectroLight evokes
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
a blend of customized, modern style with
South Korea
sporty performance. Push the boundaries
• Brown/beige increased (+1%).
of design by combining ElectroLight with
• Silver decreased (-1%) and dropped to the
two tone charcoal colour accents or matte
sixth position.
finishes to reveal its versatility. ElectroLight aims to illuminate a path toward
a green future for vehicles of all sizes with a
• White’s zenith has been passed, the volume
formula for reflective properties and powerful
reduced by another -2% and was mainly
vehicle-to-vehicle sensing and communication
driven by the decline of solid whites.
capabilities. ElectroLight combines a passion
• For the third year, grey is positioned as the
for individualization with coating science
first choice, by increasing once more (+2%) in
to show how colour can be expressive and
popularity. This year interest was especially
found in the compact-sport sector.
Axalta designs conceptual colours that are
• Blue (11%) is the high chromatic colour of
aesthetically and functionally beneficial to the
interest in Europe with a continued gain of
vehicle surfaces.
+1% again this year.
Colour Popularity at a Glance
North America
• Grey increases +2% and now totals 21% to
• White holds the #1 position at 35% but also
move to second place.
saw a (-3%) decline.
• Blue (10%) is steady and red (8%) increased
• Interest is shifting as grey increased (+4%)
and blue increased (+1%) this year.
• Silver is waning in interest and white drops
• Holding steady are black at 19%, silver at
(-2%) in popularity.
9%, red at 5%, brown/beige at 3% and green at 1%.
Russia • Significant increase of blue (+3%) and
decrease of silver (-3%).
Increased interest in grey at 13% and green
• White and grey are top colours and each
at 2% also lead to decrease in white at 45%
increased 1%.
and silver at 7%.
• A (-1%) decrease of black and (-2%) decrease of red shades were found.
China • White has finally begun to drop in China
holding 50% of the market.
•The decline of white has started (-3%).
• Grey at 14% with an increase (+8%) from
• Blue at 10% increased (+3%) and grey at
last year.
21% increased (+5%). • The biggest loss of -5% was found on silver
vehicles, now totalling 6%.
The combined usage of white, silver, grey and black increased 3% year-over-year.
South America • This region stands out as reporting a +4%
increase in grey vehicles and a (+3%) increase
• White at 37% increased (+2%) due to
in silver vehicles.
pearlescent white vehicle increases.
• Off-setting these increases were declines of
• Grey at 6% increased (+1%). Blue, red and
white (-6%) and black (-1%).
brown/beige all decreased (-1%).
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
CONDOROIL Group and AIRMADI Painting: A Virtuous Example of ‘Coopetition’ Thanks to their ‘coopetition’ strategy, Condoroil Stainless and Airmadi have joined forces to revamp the cataphoresis plant of IIA - Industria Italiana Autobus (formerly Irisbus) in Flumeri, one of Europe’s leading bus production centres.
recent neologism in English is the term ‘coopetition’, a word that
Electrodialysis cells
expresses well the concept of cooperating with competitors to
The ED-cells produced by Condoroil are equipped with ion exchange
create a competitive advantage. In fact, it defines a competitive-
membranes and they are created with a wrapped and welded polymer
cooperative strategy between two or more competing companies, which
sheet, featuring low deformability and electrical resistance but long
takes the form of a collaboration aimed at jointly carrying out one or
service life and greater current intensity characteristics.
more production phases of a given good and/or service. Coopetition is often applied to R&D: competing companies walk a stretch of road together, integrating their resources and expertise and cutting R&D
For further information: and
costs to realise a project for a customer or end user. Contrary to what one might think, such cooperative, or rather coopetitive attitude is the one that, in the medium to long term, will
© Condoroil
guarantee the sustainable and lasting survival of those enterprises that we usually consider being in competition with each other. Indeed, interdependence has proven to be the natural evolution for companies that cannot have all the sufficient and necessary resources to achieve and maintain success. In addition, coopetition will certainly be the key to success in a context of scarce resources.
United we stand, divided we fall Supported by Airmadi, a company specialising in the design, engineering, construction, and installation of industrial coating systems, Condoroil Stainless, the division of the Condoroil Group devoted to the supply of spare parts for ED-Painting, has long since adopted the strategy of coopetition. Thanks to this, the two firms were able to integrate electrodialysis cells produced by Condoroil into the cataphoresis plant that Airmadi was revamping at the production plant of IIA - Industria Italiana Autobus (Flumeri, Avellino, Italy), the most important bus manufacturer in Italy and one of the leading ones in Europe, which has a long tradition of building high-quality buses. Scan or click the QR Code to see the new cataphoresis plant at the IIA Flumeri plant:
The cataphoresis tank of the IIA Flumeri plant.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Future-proof and reliable overhead
and floor MONORAIL and P+F CONVEYOR systems that can be perfectly integrated into your production processes. We take care of all your requirements and create a tailor-made and cost-optimized concept for you.
Towering Cranes with Powder Coatings Wilbert, a German company manufacturing cranes for construction industry for more 80 years, relies on weatherproof, UV-resistant powder coatings from Karl Bubenhofer AG to keep its innovative products, which are rented out and in operation over a number of years, looking as good as new.
ranes are eye-catching machines, particularly when they grow
an interest in supplying powder coatings for cranes. “These fascinating
along with the structure that is being built. Wilbert TowerCranes
machines are masterpieces of technology and can be seen from miles
from Waldlaubersheim in Germany has been well known for
away. They have to withstand all types of weather conditions over long
its innovative products for more than 80 years. The company’s trolley
periods. I think a hard-wearing powder coating is the perfect solution for
and luffing jib cranes are based on a sophisticated modular system
that makes it easy to add individually manufactured components as
One day, Markus Ammann was talking to a business colleague about
required. These tower cranes are used by major building companies
the fact that a producer of grape harvesting machines in the town
worldwide, particularly for the construction of high-rise buildings and
where Wilbert TowerCranes is based is successfully using KABE powder
power stations. Wilbert relies on weatherproof, UV-resistant powder
coatings. His contact mentioned that Wilbert TowerCranes also powder
coatings from Karl Bubenhofer AG to keep its cranes, which are rented
coated its cranes. After Markus Ammann had made initial contact with
out and in operation over a number of years, looking as good as new.
the company, plant manager Andreas Glaser took him out into the
Regional sales manager Markus Ammann from KABE has always had
yard and showed him an old crane. “The plan was to have this crane
© Jürgen Stresius
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
restored by the team at one of our long-term
largest railway company, is building a
© Jürgen Stresius
customers in Switzerland in time for the
second line covering a distance of around
company’s anniversary. But we haven’t been
ten kilometres between the stations in Laim
able to find the right colour coating and there
in the west of the city and Leuchtenbergring
isn’t much time left,” said Andreas Glaser.
in the east, on behalf of the Free State of
The old crane had been given several coats of
an old iron primer and all the enquiries made
The centrepiece of the line is a seven-
by Wilbert about a suitable replacement paint
kilometre-long tunnel that connects Munich
had come to nothing. This was an additional
Central station with Munich East station. Wilbert has supplied a tailor-made crane
incentive for Markus Ammann to step in to help both the assembly team at the Swiss
for the construction site. The WT 1000
© Jürgen Stresius
company and Wilbert TowerCranes.
e.tronic towers over the centre of Munich at
Karl Bubenhofer AG is well known for finding
a height of 75 metres and with its 65-metre
the right matching formulation for almost
jib supplies the Marienhof construction
any colour of paint and powder coating. The
consortium with building materials.
family firm, based in Gossau in the Swiss
It is not only the size of the crane that is
canton of St. Gallen, specialises in coatings in
impressive, but also its colour, which is
unusual colours and with special effects.
not the characteristic Wilbert red, but, at
Of course, KABE was able to find a solution
the customer’s request, a special shade of
for Wilbert TowerCranes. In its laboratory,
white. The white was specially formulated
the original shade was “copied” to produce
range of special colours. Since 1 January
by KABE for its 13524 coating to create an
a powder coating that perfectly matched the
2021, liquid paints from GEHOLIT+WIEMER
unusual glowing effect. This allows the crane
existing colour. The newly restored crane was
have been added to the product portfolio
to be illuminated at night, for example in
ready and waiting on the Swiss customer’s
of the KABE Swiss Group. A UV-resistant,
the colours of the state of Bavaria. During
site in time for the anniversary, much to the
two-component, polyurethane-based paint,
the day, the shade of white makes the crane
surprise of the managing director.
which is used for coating small parts and for
visible from a long way off.
touch-up repairs, has been perfectly matched
This powder coating too is, of course,
with the colour and gloss level of the powder
highly UV-resistant. “We have developed
coating. In addition, in safety-related areas,
the formulation specially for the Marienhof
The solution developed by KABE proved
where anti-slip properties are needed, a
consortium following specifications from the
to be the start of a long-lasting business
two-component, polyurethane-based anti-slip
consortium partners Implenia and Hochtief
partnership. The Wilbert cranes are now
coating with a high filler content is applied.
Infrastructure. After several years exposed
coated in the company’s characteristic shade
However, it is not only the excellent quality of
to wind, rain, ice and snow, the coating must
of red with powder coatings supplied by
the powder coating that is a decisive factor in
make the same impact as it did on day one,”
Karl Bubenhofer AG. Because of the large
the collaboration from Wilbert’s perspective.
explained Markus Ammann.
size of the components, the powder coating
“KABE and Wilbert, which is now part of the
One tonne of primer (RAL 7035) and one
is applied manually, which requires a lot
Chinese Zoomlion Group, are both traditional
tonne of top coat (RAL 9003) were needed
of skill and a good eye. The Wilbert cranes
family businesses. We have the same
to give the new Wilber tower crane its
are supplied as standard with a highly UV-
corporate values and philosophy and we have
special appearance.
resistant powder coating to give the best
known from day one that we can rely on one
It will be part of the Munich skyline for
possible protection against weathering. P-20-
another,” said Andreas Glaser.
several years to come and, because of its
Special solution launches a long-term partnership
Korroflexprimer NT-GU (article 13594) in RAL
size and colour, it is likely to become a new
is PES-165-NT (article 13524, which has GSB
Two tonnes of powder coating for one tower crane
and Qualicoat approval) in the company’s
To resolve a bottleneck in the urban rail
For further information:
corporate colours RAL 3020/3000 and a
system in Munich, Deutsche Bahn, Germany’s
7035 is used as the primer, while the top coat
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
Researchers Developed a Spray-on Coating That Could Make Solar Panels Snow-Resistant The University of Michigan has demonstrated a clear coating that reduces snow and ice accumulation on solar panels.
team of researchers from the University of Michigan has
with the aim of developing a coating that can last at least five years.
developed an inexpensive clear coating that could prevent snow
“As the cost of solar energy has dropped and profitability has climbed,
and ice accumulation on solar panels, improving their productivity
much of the growth in solar energy in recent years has been in northern
also in cold climates by up to 85%, as demonstrated in early testing that
states, where snow is common. Snow-phobic coatings, if we can
took place in Alaska.
demonstrate their long-term efficacy, will make solar power more reliable
The coating is mostly composed by PVC or PDMS plastic and silicon or
and more affordable in snowy regions, helping accelerate our nation’s
vegetable-based oils. It can be sprayed or brushed on in cold weather
transition to a more solar-dominated energy economy,” commented also
and, in its current iteration, can keep shedding snow and ice for up to a
Laurie Burnham, the project’s principal investigator.
whole year.
The coating was developed as part of a project led by Sandia National
“Renewable energy is really taking off right now, but snow is a huge
Laboratories, a U.S. Department of Energy research and development lab,
problem in northern climates. Solar panels might lose 80 or 90% of
with funding provided by the DOE’s Solar Energy Technologies Office. The
their generating capacity in the winter. So, figuring out a way for them
study is published in Advanced Materials Technologies. Other researchers
to continue generating energy throughout the year was an exciting
on the project were former U-M materials science and engineering
challenge,” stated Anish Tuteja, the U-M professor of materials science
graduate researcher Abhishek Dhyani; Christopher Pike and Erin Whitney
and engineering who led the study in collaboration with Sandia National
at the Alaska Center for Energy and Power at the University of Alaska; and
Laboratories and the University of Alaska. “Ice is relatively dense and
Jennifer Braid at the Photovoltaics and Materials Technology Department
heavy, and our previous coatings used its own weight against it. But snow
of Sandia National Laboratories.
can be 10 times less dense than ice, so we weren’t at all certain that the tricks we use on ice would translate to snow.”
For further information:
A precise combination of low interfacial toughness and low adhesion strength The researchers employed two key properties that have already powered ice-shedding coatings in the past: low interfacial toughness and low adhesion strength. Low surface adhesion is suitable for small areas, but it needs more force to slide snow and ice off bigger surfaces. Low interfacial toughness allows to create cracks between the ice and the panel that propagate along it, regardless of its size, breaking the ice and snow free. The team has then focused on accurately balance the two in order to provide snow and ice repellence for both small and large surfaces. The scientists from the University of Michigan collaborated with the University of Alaska to test the material on a solar field in Fairbanks (Alaska), applying the coatings to a subset of panels that were monitored by automated cameras for almost two weeks. The tests showed that the coated panels had an average snow and ice coverage of approximately 28% over an entire winter season, in comparison to about 59% for the uncoated panels. However, the team plans to tweak the coating further,
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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Dörken Took Part in the Development of a New Innovative Coating Process A joint project led by Dörken, EJOT and WMV developed a new coating technology for fasteners and small parts with internal drives.
fter a joint development conducted
project and provided the parts-specific coating
high acceleration level (32g) results in an even,
by Dörken, EJOT and WMV that lasted
process-safe and thin coating of the part.
almost five years, the companies have
The three companies together identified an
The new coating technology also benefits the
presented a new technological innovation for
ideal and parts-specific coating process and
environment, as the optimised coating process
the coating of fasteners and small parts with
developed the world’s first system capable of
internal drives.
coating 120 kg material with a simultaneous
results in a reduction in CO2 emissions (almost
The new coating technology, developed at
position shifting at an acceleration of 32 g. The
the EJOT site in Tambach-Dietharz (Germany),
WMV PULZ® unit (a planet wheel, roller and
ensures an extremely even and thin coating
coating centrifuge) coats items such as small
structure for small fasteners with internal
parts with hollow spaces as well as fasteners
For further information:
30% compared to previous processes).
drives such as TORX or TORX PLUS . The
while a Dörken’s zinc flake system provides,
corrosion protection experts at Dörken
corrosion protection.
were involved from the initial planning of the
The permanent rotation with simultaneously
WAGNER Awarded Among the TOP 100 Innovators Wagner was named for the second time among the TOP 100 innovators, impressing the jury in the “Innovative processes and organization” category.
or the second time, J. Wagner Gmbh is named among the TOP
for example, a web-based platform that enables the visualization
100 innovative companies, impressing in size class C (more
of coating systems. And a new business model is just about to be
than 200 employees) in the category “Innovative Processes and
established with the “IONIQ Skin” project, as the firm has used the
know-how gained in industrial wheel-rim coating to develop a skincare
This medium-sized company is known as one of the leading
spray device called IONIQ ONE, which is currently being launched
manufacturers of systems and equipment for applying powder, paint
online to the market and which has already won the national Digital
and other liquid finishings to surfaces. Its portfolio of products ranges
Champions Award (DCA) this fall.
from spray guns for do-it-yourself enthusiasts to industrial coating
“Along with the Top 100 award, the national Digital Champions Award
systems. Ever since it was founded in 1947 the company has always
2021 is further confirmation of the good work we have done in terms
striven to innovate and now it has gone several steps further. “With our
of innovation, something which we at WAGNER can be proud of the
‘WINNOVATION 2025’ corporate strategy, we are striving for no less
world over”, declared Niemeyer.
than to be the technological leader in the field of liquid and powder
The company received the compliments of Ranga Yogeshwar, science
coating”, said CEO Dr. Bruno Niemeyer.
journalist and mentor in the 28th edition of the innovation contest.
This recognition, obtained for the second time, as Top 100 innovator in 2021 shows that this aspiration is not only about innovative products,
IONIQ Skincare
but is also supported by processes and structures within the company,
IONIQ Skincare, a WAGNER corporate start-up, has already this fall
and not least a culture that has been designed to foster innovation.
won the national Digital Champions Award (DCA) for IONIQ ONE, a
The commitment of the staff to innovation has already paid off:
sprayer that is unique in the world in its use of the natural physical attraction of the skin to apply a perfect coat of skincare product and sun-protection product on the body. The prize recognizes flagship digital projects from German small and medium enterprises, and awards prizes to companies that implement digital solutions in a particularly consistent and innovative manner, or who have developed new business models. “Along with the Top 100 award, the national Digital Champions Award 2021 is further confirmation of the good work we have done in terms of innovation, something which we at WAGNER can be proud of the world over”, declared the company’s delighted chief executive Bruno Niemeyer. For further information: © WAGNER
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Clariant
Clariant Pigments Presented its Colour of the Year 2022: Memory Gold Launch of new Decorative Colour Trend Palette “golden” with 40 new shades.
n December Clariant Pigments, now part of the Heubach Group,
Greys, blues, greens and beiges are the key colours that can be used for
released “golden”, a new palette that encompasses the new
colour schemes in our homes.
Decorative Coatings Trends for 2022. The “golden” palette offers
“Now close to the end of another slowed-down year, we’re really craving
consumers 40 new shades to inspire them to decorate their rooms and
what comes next, for the chance to move forward and re-experience
furniture. These shades reflect 4 different phases of natural human
life following the intense focus on our behaviours, lifestyles and desires,”
behaviour in the new world we live in:
comments Franziska Hammerl, Segment Head Decorative and Wood
• “memotions”: a calm colour selection with some poppy colour
Coatings, Global Technical Marketing Coatings at Heubach.
accents which represents a coming back to life of sorts, where we’re re-orienting ourselves, considering our recent pasts to plan our futures.
Heubach’s Colour of the Year: memory gold
This palette includes Colour of the Year “memory gold”, an antique
Heubach’s Colour of the Year was formulated with Colanyl® 500 pigment
gold tone with a touch of luxury developed to inspire us to create new
preparations and mixed with SHINEDECOR C393, a brand new ready-
memories distinct from the past.
to-use golden pearlescent effect pigment concentrate for water-based
• “wembrace”: includes more colourful tones like greens, beiges and
paints from Heubach’s styling partner, Eckart, to get the final antique
blues that reflect the happiness and feelings of being allowed to
and sparkling golden tone.
“breathe” again.
“Memory gold is set to be an ever-present through 2022, perfect for
• “wescalate”: this palette evolves to become yet more colourful again,
accenting, or for colour drenching and blocking techniques to partner
as we take these new opportunities into overdrive and go beyond our
other colours of the years announced by decorative coatings brands.
previous comfort zones. Blue tones continue to be dominant, but are
The combination of a neutral gold shade and effect pigment brings
accompanied by intense shades such as pink, orange and turquoise –
something meaningful and special to homes and lives,” adds Franziska.
ideal as accent colours to create a focal point without overwhelming the room. • “metox”: includes very calm colours that are more on the cool side.
For further information:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
GemaConnect: Visualizes, Analyses and Optimizes the Coating Process Gema launches the new GemaConnect software, which has been developed in order to allow users to check the powder coating equipment’ performances, regardless of location or time.
emaConnect is Gema’s new production information tool that
customized indicators and favourites on their screens. In this way, they
provides the user with full transparency of the current status
always keep critical areas in view. Furthermore, GemaConnect provides
and performance indicators of the powder coating equipment,
historical information about the performance and utilization of the plant
regardless of location or time.
as well as relevant process parameters.
The web-based tool stores real-time powder coating data and provides
GemaConnect is suitable for all companies that want to improve their
comprehensive monitoring and analysis capabilities from a single source.
overall operational efficiency, maximize resources and reduce operating
With dashboard visualization and data analysis of key coating indicators,
costs. Production managers and senior executives use GemaConnect to
operators, maintenance personnel and management are provided with
continuously monitor the coating process. This improves the utilization of
validated tools. This enables them to make quick and informed decisions
coating equipment, optimizes production flow and increases the bottom
to effectively improve their individual powder coating process and
line. The software also offers the possibility of preventive maintenance,
equipment performance.
which increases the availability of the equipment.
In addition to viewing real-time information on the production status and maintenance and operational status of the plant, users can put
For further information:
© Gema
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
ST Powder Coatings S.p.A. Via E. Segrè, 46 36075 Montecchio Maggiore ITALY Tel.: +39 0444 165400
ST Powder Coatings España S.L. C/Batalla de Brunete, 11 28946 Fuenlabrada - Madrid ESPAÑA Tel. +34 916 977 292
ST Powder Coatings Portugal L.d.a. Rua R.B. Rodrigues, 210 4475-132 Maia - Porto PORTUGAL Tel. +351 220 944 229
Barten S.r.o.
Porfesték Kft.
Ružová 307, Louky 763 02 Zlin CZECH REPUBLIC Tel. +420 573 332 198
Szurdokpart u. 70 3200 Gyöngyös HUNGARY Tel.: +36 37 505 050
ST Powder Coatings Polska, Sp. Z o.o. Ul. Sienna, 73 00-833 Warsaw POLAND Subscribe to our Newsletter
A New Glass Coating Plant as a Tailor-Made Suit for Ever More Striking and Attractive Finishes Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
Metallising and coating: this is Plast-met Metallizzazione’s winning combination for providing high-quality coatings for glass and plastics. Recently, its partnership with plant supplier M.I. DUE has enabled it to cope with an increasing number of requests and achieve unrivalled quality performance in terms of customised finishes. © Plast-met
For more than fifty years, Plast-met has specialised in metallisation, iridescence, and coating processes for semi-finished plastic, glass, and metal alloys. One of the most popular effects is iridescence.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
ransforming what is not metal into metal: this is the essence
their parents Nino and Rosi in Cassano d’Adda (Milan, Italy) over half a
of the process called “metallisation”. In 1835, German chemist
century ago. Its initial mission was the metallisation of components for
Justus von Liebig coated a sheet of glass with a layer of silver
model cars, but it has evolved over time to expand the firm’s service
nitrate for the first time. This was the first case of metallisation:
portfolio up to including the metallic coating of plastic and glass for the
it was a revolutionary process at the time, because it led to the
design, fashion, food & beverage, and cosmetics sectors. “Metallisation
industrialisation of mirrors, which until then had been considered
is a very delicate treatment that consists in applying a layer of metal, in
a niche product due to the high costs involved in their complex
our case aluminium, which is transformed into a film with a thickness
manufacturing process. Nowadays, this technique has reached
of less than 1 micron through sublimation and condensation at a
high levels of development and it can be applied to all non-metallic
low pressure (10-4 Torr). It has immediately been a huge success
materials, such as ceramics, plastics, and glass.
because its results are aesthetically attractive and impress with their
“The potential customisation options that this process makes
shimmering colours. Thanks to metallisation and iridescence – that is,
possible are very wide-ranging,” explains Mauro Cremonesi,
the particular effect also known as Aurora Borealis whereby coatings
Plast-met Metallizzazione’s sales manager, who, together with his
change colours as the light changes – the treated products can reflect
brothers Piergiorgio and Corrado, runs this company founded by
the enchantment and preciousness of gold and the luminosity and
© Plast-met
Metallised bottles with an ice effect.
© Plast-met
Some bottles metallized and coated by Plast-met.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
© Plast-met
A bird’s eye view of the glass bottle coating system installed by M.I. DUE Srl (Besana in Brianza, Monza e Brianza).
reflections of silver in a wide range of colours and finishes.”
is a manual system installed in February 1996 and equipped with
In order to offer this infinite variety of effects, Plast-met has equipped
six stations for coating small parts after metallising. The second one
its factory with state-of-the-art equipment.
is a semi-automatic machine with load bars handled by an inverted
Plast-met’s plant equipment
conveyor, designed and installed by M.I. DUE in June 2017; it is equipped with a water-curtain booth for application of UV coatings
“We have installed three of out our six PVD systems over the last
on small plastic objects, such as caps and packages for the cosmetics
five years,” notes Cremonesi. “Our knowledge of the metallisation
industry. The third one is a fully automatic plant with two water-
process has gone so far that our own team designed and installed
curtain coating booths; also designed by M.I. DUE, it was started up
two of these systems with the aim of achieving iridescent effects,
in February 2019 and it is devoted exclusively to the coating of glass
which have been so successful in recent years. In our metallising
department, we have integrated the most technologically advanced batch components is now 6 minutes. The same high productivity had
Plast-met: the experts of glass metallisation and coating
to be achieved in our paint shop.”
“For about eight years now,” says Cremonesi, “we have been
The coating department is equipped with three plants. The first one
specialising in glass metallisation and coating. Both processes are very
metallisation machines, so that the average cycle time for treating
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Get more from water Turn key solutions for industrial wastewater treatment Design and manufacturing of plants and chemicals for industrial wastewater treatment Chemical-physical plants Sludge treatment and compactor systems Ion exchange demineralization systems and reverse osmosis systems Oil separators Filtering systems Batch type systems Flotation units Chemicals and spare parts for water treatment Technical service, support and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants
© Plast-met
The entrance to Plast-met’s headquarters in Cassano d’Adda (Milan).
delicate due to the inherent characteristics of the material to be treated. In particular, the coating of glass requires the application of specific paints. Some time ago, we had reached such a high daily production capacity that it was necessary to invest in a new, fully automatic plant to relieve our employees from coating operations. We were looking for a plant solution that would not only cope with peak production volumes, but also enable us to improve our coating quality level and create finishes that were ever more attractive. We therefore analysed the best solutions available on the market: M.I. DUE was the answer we were looking for, both because of its long-standing experience in the design and manufacture of systems for coating glass and plastic components, including metallised ones, and because of the quality of its systems, confirmed by its partnerships with numerous leading companies in our sector. M.I. DUE has proven a reliable supplier, capable of creating a
Beware of imitations, buy the original!
© Plast-met
© Plast-met
The brushing phase with synthetic brushes.
Application of the gold-effect top coat.
customised system based on our requirements, particularly in terms
booth with a double roller for base coat application. This phase is
of available space and specific technical features.”
followed by flash-off, polymerisation in the oven, and passage through
The new coating system as a made-to-measure suit
a cooling tunnel at room temperature.” If the bottles need to be metallised, after cooling, they are unloaded
“The line consists of a single-spindle inverted conveyor with a
from the conveyor and taken to the vacuum machine for substrate
variable speed,” indicates M.I. DUE owner Carlo Casiraghi, “with a
manual loading and unloading area. The bottles are loaded onto
They are then taken back to the coating line and loaded for entry
the racks and sent to the following stations: brushing, de-ionised
into the second booth, identical to the first one, where the top coat is
air dedusting, and flame hardening; the latter features flame heads
applied. At the end of the cycle, the bottles pass through the drying
positioned at different heights, so that the top one acts on the
oven and the air-conditioned cooling tunnel so that they can be
bottom of the bottle and the others act on its middle and neck. As
handled immediately for unloading and packaging.
this operation greatly overheats their surfaces, the bottles are then sent to an air-conditioned chamber to reduce their temperature.
Behind the scenes of the plant’s design phase
After flame hardening, the workpieces are transferred to the first
Some of the technical features of this plant have been implemented
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Lesta LEBOT MV A6 on conveyor
Lesta LEBOT MV A6 with chariot
Customized solutions suitable for every need
Lesta srl
Lesta srl
INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY by automating your finishing
Lesta srl
Lesta Srl Milan
© Plast-met
© Plast-met
Coated bottles in the flash-off oven.
following suggestions from the Plast-met team itself, such as the
guns for the application of water-based and solvent-based paints.
characteristics of the brushes and flame heads and the structure
It is connected to the coating management unit and controlled by
of the booths. “For glass brushing,” says Cremonesi, “we required
a touch screen, so that it is easy for the operators to set the same
brushes made of synthetic material in order to achieve a greater
programmes and paint quantities to make application consistent and
cleaning effect than traditional anti-static dusters. Particular attention
repeatable. “We use water-based paints in 95 per cent of the cases,
was paid to flame hardening, so we asked M.I. DUE to integrate flame
because we believe in the quality of our working environment and we
heads with the same performance of those used for plastics. Flame
try to avoid harmful emissions as much as possible.”
hardening is in fact essential to remove the gliding agents used in glass processing, so as not to compromise perfect adhesion of the
Focus on consumption
metal layer during metallisation.
“Nowadays, producing without paying adequate attention to energy
“We also decided to ask for large-size booths built to comfortably
resources is no longer sustainable,” states Cremonesi. “Everything that
accommodate the guns and a double roller, in order to achieve
can be recovered must be recovered – first and foremost, the water
greater uniformity of the applied layer. The two booths, the paint
exiting our booths, which we have connected to two Skimmerflot dirt
room, and the oven are connected by a pressurised and tiled
separators produced by Water Energy (Bologna, Italy) to filter the
corridor that the operators can easily access for cleaning,” indicates
liquid and send it back into production.”
Cremonesi. The application system consists of different types of
“The waste water treatment system we designed for Plast-met,” states
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
© Water Energy
A Skimmerflot dirt separator supplied by Water Energy.
Water Energy owner Tommaso Ponara, “includes two dirt separators
Nitrotherm® Spray exploits the principle of selective permeation to
from our Skimmerflot 3000 series, which collect process water
concentrate the nitrogen contained in the compressed air and use
coming from the two booths and carry out the molecular separation
it as a booster fluid at all stages of paint application. The advantage
of water and sludge. The products used for the treatment are mainly
is that this makes constant two values that could not be controlled
denaturants for the denaturation of the paint and flocculants for its
before, that is, humidity and temperature.”
aggregation in the form of floating flakes; these are then removed and collected in big bags after sludge dehydration. Afterwards, water
The future of glass coating
is automatically recirculated and the sludge can be disposed of.”
“We have finally reached the production capacity goal we had set
The Milanese company’ meticulousness is also evident in the
ourselves to meet the continuing demands of a booming industry,”
attention paid to paint consumption. “Some time ago, we installed
states Cremonesi. “Currently, we paint 30,000 glass bottles per shift
two Nitrotherm Spray devices manufactured by Eurosider
and metallise about half of them. We have doubled production
(Grosseto, Italy) to reduce our paint consumption up to saving 15%
efficiency and optimised coating performance: we have reduced our
of product, a figure that we could further increase by adding another
scrap rate by 3 percentage points. Finally, this highly flexible system
unit to the last system installed by M.I. DUE.
can apply any type of paint to achieve the most diverse effects, from
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Plast-met
Some buttons coated with the Aurora Borealis effect.
satin to pastel colours and transparent effects, while maintaining compact structure and meeting all the technical requirements that Plast-met had imposed. We were previously known for our excellent results in the metallisation of products: customers can now also appreciate our performance in the customisation of coatings. In this ever-expanding market with ever more particular demands to be met, this is actually an aspect not to be underestimated.”
Patina® Expression Collection: A New, Exciting Adapta Colour Range Inspired by Art Nouveau Alessia Venturi ipcm®
After Patina® Ceramic, Adapta launched a new colour collection. Patina® Expression, the innovative collection of special-effect powder finishes presented by Adapta in November, is organic, free, and thought provoking just like Art Nouveau, the art movement behind Modernism, which served as its source of inspiration.
ust as Art Nouveau exploded in Europe between the end of the
colours and textures in their maximum expression. This new range of
1800s and the beginning of the 1900s and left no-one indifferent,
coatings, available to customers in super-durable quality, meets the
so the Patina® Expression collection, developed by Adapta’s R&D
highest technological standards and it has been specially designed for
laboratories, aims at thrilling designers with the nonchalant use of
application on the façades of the most daring projects.
© Adapta
Adapta Color’s new Patina® Expression collection includes 8 colour ranges that reflect the stylistic features of Art Nouveau. Each range includes 7 to 8 colours, a description of the features of Modernism that inspired them, and a series of inspirational photos to help designers choose a finish.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Modernism: free, creative, technological
one, which drew inspiration from the plant world and the organic
Art Nouveau (also known as Modernism) is an art movement inspired
forms found in nature: straight lines lost their importance while curved,
by nature and technological progress that influenced both the figurative
tangled, almost living forms took over, trying to bring flora and fauna
and applied arts and architecture between the late 1800s and the
closer to urban environments.
first decade of the 1900s. It was developed and spread as a reaction
With its multifaceted style, Art Nouveau has been a huge source of
to Classicism and as an interpretation of the Industrial Revolution of
inspiration for Adapta’ newly-developed collection of the Patina® series,
the 19th century, with the intention of creating a more modern, free,
the Spanish company’s brand that groups together all its finishes
and irreverent type of art. A type of art to be enjoyed by everyone,
conceived to emulate other materials, providing the metal architecture
more democratic and, at times, even more artisanal and less refined.
sector with innovative and exclusive colours and effects since 2014.
A type of art completely opposed to the pompous, rigorous style that
Together with the Ceramic collection, presented on a previous issue
followed classical aesthetic canons. A type of art that had an impact in all
of ipcm®, Patina® Expression combines stunning and emotional
European countries.
colours and aesthetic effects with the environmental and operational
Art Nouveau was also the first art movement to firmly believe in
sustainability of powder coatings – which, having a 100% solid content,
technological progress and in new materials, such as iron and steel, and
release zero polluting emissions into the atmosphere and are recyclable
to incorporate them into its creations. Two well-defined, distinct trends
during the application cycle.
arose within it: a more “urban” one, linked to the use of wrought iron
“Adapta launched yet another collection that breaks with the everyday
and steel to create new forms with an original style, and a more “natural”
life and offers colours and finishes never before seen in architecture,”
© Adapta
The Metal range plays with all shades of iron and steel.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
states Adapta general manager David Pellicer. “This time, we were
Nature, Earth, Clay, and Sand are inspired by its “natural” trend; and
inspired by an art movement that itself completely broke with the past
Symphony blends the traits of both trends in a series of very special
and was truly revolutionary. The innovation that Art Nouveau brought
to painting, architecture, fashion, and jewellery is indisputable. This movement, which focused on organic design, volumes, and colours in
their fullest expression, has now made Patina® Expression possible.”
Art Nouveau artists claimed and defended craftsmanship as a
60 colours divided into 8 irreverent shade ranges
representation of human creativity. They never gave up on the technological advances and new materials
Just like the Patina® Ceramic collection’s one, the Patina® Expression’s
brought by the Industrial Revolution, such as iron and steel. French
catalogue is interactive, designed to be enjoyed digitally and in full
architect Hector Guimard developed an urban and original style thanks
screen. It has a series of buttons for browsing and a cursor that loses
to the versatility of wrought iron, creating very original works such as
its traditional arrow shape to take the form of a hand with its index
some entrances to the Paris underground, doors, gates, and façades.
finger pointing upwards, in the presence of an interactive object within
Metallic colours also became prominent in other disciplines, such as
the catalogue page. Patina® Expression is divided into 8 colour ranges:
fashion and furniture, and inspired the first 8 colours of the Patina®
Metal, Gold&Copper, and Neutral refer to Art Nouveau’s “urban” trend;
Expression collection.
© Adapta
The Neutral range includes neutral and elegant tones.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Connect. Analyze. Optimize.
Gold&Copper One of the greatest figures of Sezessionstil, Austria’s Art Nouveau, was undoubtedly Gustav Klimt, considered the master of gold as he perfected the technique of using gold leaf to decorate his works. Influenced by him, many other European painters mastered the art of using gold, but also copper or silver, for their works. The Gold&Copper range includes 8 shiny, warm, and vital finishes. Neutral Art Nouveau is undoubtedly a movement of colour, expression, and creativity but, at the same time, many modernist works made masterful use of neutral tones: stark colours, white, black, or brown. The use of ink in Beardsley’s black and white canvases and the use of stone in Villa Tobler in Zurich are just a few examples that inspired the Neutral range, retaining the essence of pure Modernism. Nature Art Nouveau’s aesthetics was clearly inspired by the world of flora and fauna and their organic forms that reclaim urban and manmade spaces. The colours in the Nature range are inspired by the greenish hues of Art Nouveau, with touches of purple and pink to recall orchids, a flower much loved by this art movement. Earth Modernism’s predilection for nature lied not only in its use of organic forms but also in its preference for earthy colours, warm tones, ranges of browns, oranges, mustard, and clay. These colour combinations can be found in the Hospital de Sant Pau by architect Lluís Domenech and in the Bridge Towers designed by German Hermann Billing. With the Earth range, the colours of the earth become the protagonists of the architectural space. Clay While never turning its back on technological progress and on new materials such as iron and steel, Modernism also advocated the employment of materials that had fallen into disuse, such as tiles, bricks, and mosaics. The Clay range, dedicated to the lovers of warm, organic finishes, is inspired by the reddish and brown colours of famous modernist mansions such as Antoni Gaudí’s Casa Milà and Pedro Cerdán’s Mansión Servet. Sand
Real-time information from any location With the GemaConnect information platform you get full transparency about the current status as well as the performance indicators of your powder coating lines! The tool offers comprehensive monitoring and analysis options from a single source.
The subdued use of warm colours is also a typically modernist detail. The sand, beige, and off-white hues were very common in modernist dwellings and also in the clothes and decorative objects Gema Europe Srl | Via Goldoni, 29 20090 Trezzano s/N | Italy T +39 02 48 400 486 F +39 02 48 400 874
© Adapta
The Symphony range is the most irreverent, bold, and fiery in the Expression collection.
designed in that era. The Sand range is the most elegant of the Patina®
based on TGIC-free, saturated polyester resins. Formulated with the
Expression collection.
Vivendi SDS technology, which guarantees excellent outdoor durability, high gloss retention, and colour stability, these paints meet or exceed
the requirements of international specifications for architectural
Art Nouveau was a tribute to creativity, to what is different and
aluminium, such as Qualicoat Class 2, GSB Master, and AAMA 2604.
surprising, to excess in decoration. The use of powerful colours such
In terms of corrosion resistance, these coatings exceed 1000 hours
as yellow, turquoise, and red was very much present in both painting
in salt spray and humidistat chambers, as well as 30 cycles without
and architecture along with more neutral, metal, and warm tones.
blistering in Kesternich tests with SO2. The use of the Adapta Rustproof
Such extravagance combined with elegance is the stylistic feature that
primer is recommended to further increase the corrosion resistance of
inspired the Symphony range, which includes very special shades and
both aluminium and hot dip galvanised steel.
The use of Adapta’s CR-0000 cleaning, removal, and maintenance
Technical characteristics of the super-durable powder coatings of the Patina® Expression collection All powder coatings included in the Patina® Expression collection are
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
solution is also highly recommended as part of an effective façade maintenance programme, in line with the cleaning protocol or procedures outlined by Qualicoat and the American Architectural Manufacturers Association.
Rotamat: Volumetric Flow Rate Control of the Coating Material Increases Process Stability and Ensures Repeatability of the Coating Results Georg Harnau Walther Trowal GmbH & Co. KG – Haan, Germany
At the PaintExpo 2022 Walther Trowal introduces the new Rotamat R 85 equipped with the new volumetric flow rate control of the coating material. This increases the overall stability of the coating process for mass produced small parts, ensures absolute repeatability of the paint application and simplifies the equipment operation.
ver many years the Rotamat coaters from Walther Trowal have
To date the pressure in the inlet air piping to the spray nozzle(s) was
proven to produce excellent coating finishes on mass produced
the control variable. In the new Rotamat R 85 coater the flow rate of the
small parts made from elastomers, metal or wood. Effective
coating material has become the main control parameter: depending on
immediately the Rotamat R 85 will be equipped with a volumetric flow
the measurements of the new sensor the pressure is adjusted to a value
rate sensor for the respective coating material: it provides precise
that maintains a constant volumetric flow rate of the coating material.
measurements in real time for the exact control of the volumetric
This guarantees that the coating operation always takes place with
coating material flow rate down to a tenth of a gram per minute.
the predefined material quantity and ensures that the desired coating © Walther Trowal
Rotamat coaters are ideal for the coating of mass produced small parts made from elastomers, metal, etc.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Walther Trowal
© Walther Trowal
The new Rotamat coater with automatic control of the volumetric flow of the coating material. Rotamat coaters are highly cost-efficient systems for coating mass produced small parts like O-rings, handles, springs or screws.
thickness can be precisely and reliably maintained throughout the entire
The drum rotation causes the work pieces to gently tumble over each
other, while an automatic spraying system is applying the coating
The actual volumetric flow rate is displayed on the newly configured
material. The injection of hot air ensures that the coated parts are
touch panel, and any deviations are immediately indicated. Another
immediately dried.
benefit of the new control system is that it allows maintaining the exact
This results in an extremely homogeneous surface coating with an
duration of the preset cycle time for the coating operation.
absolute precise coating thickness and a high life expectation of the
Frank Siegel, sales manager “coating technology” at Walther Trowal,
applied coating material.
predicts that with the new flow rate control system the customers will
Even delicate parts with complex shapes are leaving the machine
gain significant advantages: “The employees at a pilot customer reported
with a homogeneous coating, completely dry and without sticking to
that with the new control system they can quickly recognize any process
each other. They can be immediately utilized for further downstream
faults and can immediately take corrective action. For example, they
manufacturing operations.
can quickly clean clogged spray nozzles without having to interrupt the
The coating process runs fully automatically. All the operator has to
coating process for a long time”.
do, is placing the raw work pieces into the drum and removing the
The Rotamat technology
coated products. Compared to conventional coating systems the time-consuming and costly placement of the work pieces on racks is
Rotamat coaters are highly cost-efficient systems for coating mass
completely eliminated.
produced small parts like O-rings, handles, springs or screws. They can
Rotamat systems are not only suitable for the application of decorative
be used for coating a wide range of components made from metal,
coatings with a wide range of water and solvent based decorative and
wood, rubber or different kinds of plastic.
functional lacquers. But they can also be utilized for applying lubricant
This includes parts for the automobile and cosmetics industry,
materials, bonding agents, corrosion protection lacquers or insulating
components for writing utensils, games, clothing accessories as well as
coating materials.
sealing and dampening elements. Rotamat coaters are equally suitable for the application of water or solvent based coating materials.
Walther Trowal will introduce the new Rotamat R 85 at the PaintExpo
Rotamat systems are equipped with a rotary, closed drum.
2022, April 26-29, 2022 in Karlsruhe (Germany) in Hall 2, booth 2310.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
The new touch panel displays the volumetric flow in real time.
© Walther Trowal
© Walther Trowal
Frank Siegel, sales manager “coating technology” at Walther Trowal.
Walther Trowal: Surface Finishing Technologies from the Inventor of the “Trowalizing” Process Since 1931 Walther Trowal has been developing and producing systems for the refinement of surfaces. Initially focusing exclusively on mass finishing – the term “Trowalizing” originated from the company’s cable address “Trommel Walther” – Walther Trowal has continuously expanded its product portfolio. Over time the company has developed a broad range of machinery and systems for mass finishing, shot blasting and coating of mass produced small components. With the invention of new systems like, for example, drag finishing and the development of special finishing methods for 3D printed components, the company has proven its innovative capabilities again and again. Walther Trowal develops and implements complete surface treatment solutions that can be seamlessly integrated into linked production systems existing at the customers. This includes the entire process technology, perfectly adapted to the specific surface finishing requirements of the work pieces: equipment and the respective consumables always complement each other in a perfect manner. Each individual work piece and each manufacturing process must meet special technical requirements. That is why the experienced process engineers in our test lab, in close cooperation with the customers, develop the optimal process technology for the finishing task at hand. The result: work piece surfaces that meet exactly the required specifications with short processing times and a high degree of consistent, repeatable results. Walther Trowal is one of the few manufacturers who develops and produces all machines and mass finishing consumables in-house including ceramic and plastic grinding and polishing media as well as compounds. The company’s equipment range also includes all kinds of peripheral equipment for handling the work pieces like lift and tip loaders, conveyor belts and roller conveyors, in addition, special driers for mass finishing applications and, last-but-not-least, systems for cleaning and recycling of the process water. With its exchange program for wear items like work bowls, which are part of a continuous recycling program, Walther Trowal conserves valuable resources and, thus, makes a significant contribution towards sustainability in the field of industrial production. Quick technical support and the global repair and maintenance service ensure high uptimes for our equipment. Walther Trowal serves customers in a wide range of different industries all over the world, for example, automotive, aerospace, medical engineering and wind power.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Adobe Stock
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Improved Powder Coating with “Soft Powder Cloud” – When Powder Coating Quality Comes First Edited by Nordson Deutschland GmbH Erkrath, Germany
Miele is investing in a new powder coating system at its Lehrte plant (Germany) and switching from Venturi pump technology to HDLV dense phase technology - with significant improvements on quality, flexibility and cost-effectiveness.
iele is the world’s leading supplier of premium household
instruments and laboratory equipment (Professional business unit). For
appliances for the kitchen, laundry, and floor care. The company
122 years, Miele has been following its motto “Always Better” and is known
also supplies dishwashers, washing machines, and tumble
worldwide for its distinctive quality standards. Furthermore, Miele has
dryers for commercial use, as well as appliances for reprocessing medical
recently launched a new global brand campaign with “Quality Ahead of its
© Miele
Miele is the well-known brand in the household appliance sector that pays particular attention to the durability and quality of its products.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Miele
Time”: the spotlight is on craftsmanship, performance, and sustainability.
the same time, we have a strict visual aesthetic requirement, i.e. coatings
With this campaign, Miele is also sending out a clear signal against the
are expected to look their best and must be professionally coated.” And
throwaway mentality, as Miele products are distinguished by outstanding
Mr. Eichbaum adds: “We want to ensure that components are coated
quality and durability.
uniformly and precisely every time. That also requires tight film-thickness specifications, i.e. having the right amount of powder on every part of the
At its factory in Lehrte, Germany, Miele develops and produces appliances for commercial laundry care. This is supplemented by troughed ironers,
household ironing systems, air purifiers and components for other Miele
A careful choice
facilities. In addition to stainless steel fronts, powder coated surfaces
“When we were planning the new system, we familiarized ourselves
are in particular demand for these appliances: a variety of product types
with the current market and compared various providers” says Rainer
and shapes combined with individual customization and comparatively
Freier, responsible at Miele for purchasing in this segment. “In the end,
low unit volumes are just a few unique challenges that Miele faces in this
two criteria were crucial. Of course, Miele stands for quality, or rather
sector. This is why it was so important that Miele switch from a single-
the quality of the powder coating. This comes first, followed by the price,
colour to a multi-colour booth.
which was comparable for all suppliers.” The quality of the powder
“Consistency of high quality is a clear promise from us at Miele,” says
coating, the mechanical and chemical resistance, but also how the design
Andreas Eichbaum, technical project manager at the Lehrte plant. “In the
is reflected was very important in the procurement of the new powder
laundry care sector, a lot of work is done with alkalis and bleaches, which
coating system. In recent years, the design of commercial surfaces
can also come into contact with the finish. Therefore, we have to prove
has changed from a glossy coarse structure to a finer structure with a
the corresponding resistance and also guarantee it to the customer. “At
matte finish. Those specific coatings and finishes require very different
© Miele
Overview of the powder coating system (centre photo) and the ColorMax3 fast colour change booth with the Spectrum® HD powder feed centre (on the left).
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
processes and process control than the slightly
© Miele
glossier finishes. “That’s where we consider the very clear advantage in the new Nordson dense phase coating technology over the Venturi pump technology,” adds Andreas Eichbaum. “This also matches the recommendations of our powder supplier, which we incorporated into our decision.” Tests at Nordson’s lab in Erkrath, Germany, were also decisive for the purchase decision. “Our products, which we produce at the Lehrte plant, have a very high variance. We went to the lab with reference components that reflect our broad spectrum. We cross-referenced the results and discovered that Nordson delivers the most advanced coating results. On the one hand, this related to the coating thickness, which was the highly uniform, and on the other hand, the component geometries, which are difficult to coat,” reports Johannes Reimer, production manager at Miele & Cie. KG in Lehrte.
The solution The powder coating system consists of the standard ColorMax3 fast colour change booth, the Spectrum® HD powder feed centre and PowderPilot™ HD control system, eight Encore® HD automatic guns, after filter and twin cyclone. The system was installed at Miele in March 2021. “We had a very ambitious schedule for the entire project,” says Andreas Eichbaum, “partly because we replaced the system during ongoing operation. It turned out that we ran production in two shifts per day, and in the third shift the system was converted. The coordination with the team of Nordson went very well both leading up to and during the two-week set-up phase. In the third week, the first programs were tested, the system was ramped up, and we were able to start a trial run The doors of the washing machines were traditionally always coated manually and could be converted to automatic coating by the new coating system.
relatively quickly. We had a very clear schedule and after a total of six weeks we went into series production as planned. We were very well supported by Nordson the whole time and
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Custom-built painting installations the assembled system, delivered and commissioned, fully met our
Macchine e impianti realizzati su misura
The customer benefit: maximum process control
Shot blasting booths
The new powder coating system is used to coat several hundred
Cabine di sabbiatura
different components which are always recurring. Corresponding coating programs have been set up for the surface finishing of the component clusters, which always achieve the same precise results with repeatability. Maximum process control is made possible by the dense phase transmission of the powder, so that programs only have to be created once for the different components. Similarly, coating deep recess components has become much easier due to the soft powder cloud of the HDLV dense phase technology. The products ®
Washing tunnels Tunnel di lavaggio
are not only coated on the front, but also the top and side surfaces are coated as well. “The door on our washing machines is a very important component, also for the end customer. This was always a component, which was traditionally coated manually. Now with the new system, we have succeeded in completely automating the powder coating,” says Andreas Eichbaum about his initial experience with the new powder spray system. “On the one hand, this is due to the fact that the component has to be coated from both sides and
Liquid painting installations
Impianti di verniciatura a liquido
it has very deep geometries on one side, which makes it difficult to electrostatically charge the component. Due to the soft powder cloud, both sides of the component are coated with the required uniform coating thickness from now on,” and he concludes, “The powder spread has been significantly reduced compared to before, which of course also saves a lot of powder.”
Powder painting booths
© Miele
Curing ovens
Forni di cottura
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Coating of very depth components is now simplified and reduces powder consumption.
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Cabine di verniciatura a polvere
A Galactic Painting for a Virgin Galactic’s Aircraft Using lifts and climbing onto scaffoldings: to provide Virgin Galactic’s aircraft with a new graphic layout, Duncan Aviation relied on the skills and expertise of John Stahr, an artist specialised in customised painting projects on automotive and aircrafts.
ustomised painting projects require
experts in this specific occasion.
satisfaction, especially when I see my creation
careful planning and skilled execution,
“When we scheduled the paint job for Virgin’s
parked next to the traditional white aircraft with
especially when they involve airplanes
Galactic Girl at our Battle Creek, Michigan,
three stripes. I love turning flying machines into
and other aircrafts that have to be painted
location, we knew John was the extra team
eye candy,” declared Stahr.
using lifts and need to endure extreme weather
member we needed to complete the paint
The customer requested its Dassault Falcon
scheme the way we envisioned it,” explained
900EX to mesh well with the rest of Virgin’s
Duncan Aviation – a business jet service
Nate Darlington, the Completions Sales Rep. at
aircraft fleet, specifically the SpaceShipTwo.
provider – has a solid experience in this field, as
Duncan Aviation. John Stahr has more than 40
Lori Browning, a designer from Duncan
it always supports aircraft owners and airlines
years of experience in custom paint projects, as
Aviation, collaborated with the client to craft
companies in all their painting projects, whether
he started working on vehicles during the ‘70s
several proposals that incorporated a handful
is a digital camo, a Matterhorn white with a
and later implemented also vans, motorcycles,
of SpaceShipTwo characteristics, including
stripe or a concept design inspired by Jackson
race team trucks and luxury coaches to his
the black belly and the logos. The artist and
Pollock. Sometimes, to better expand the scope
wide portfolio. Since 2003, the artist has only
the paint team then created some full-scale
of its services, the company cooperates with
dedicated himself to painting customised
patterns by projecting layout sketches onto
talented artists from all over the world such as
aircrafts. “Painting something unique on
white paper and Stahr transferred the drawings
John Stahr, who joined Duncan Aviation’s paint
a business jet brings me a great deal of
on a substrate surface previously prepped.
© Duncan Aviation
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Duncan Aviation
© Duncan Aviation
The team created two different graphics: the first showcased the evolution of spaceflight, while the second showcased the Galactic Girl herself. After the completion of the Virgin Galactic Eye logo on the aircraft’s belly, the artist added two more to either side of the vertical stabilizer and Duncan Aviation’s paint experts also added graphics to the forward portion of the aircraft, completing the artistic aspects of the paint design. Then, it was added a urethane clear coat to preserve the delicate artwork from the extreme flying conditions in which the aircraft will operate, as well as set off the detailed artwork. Painting this artwork required both artistic and physical skills for all the people involved, as they had to operate a lift, climb and balance themselves on scaffoldings while wearing protection suits and, above all, trying to remain stable. However, these conditions appear not to have bothered Stahr, who is used to these kinds of challenges: “I paint by hand, using spray guns and airbrush. Sometimes I’m very precise with measurements. Other times, I paint by eye. I do whatever it takes to make the final piece turn heads.” For further information:
Scan or click the QR code to watch the video of painting
© Adobe Stock
Rising Raw Material Costs: What Will Happen in 2022?
s an issue that is difficult to interpret and whose consequences
and shipments, leading to an exponential rise in prices at the very
do not seem easily foreseeable, the increase in the cost of
beginning of the economic recovery.
raw materials and energy resources in 2021 is subverting
The coating industry has suffered major repercussions, especially due
the manufacturing industry as well as other sectors. The upswing in
to the sudden shortage of solvents, resins, and pigments, which are
business activities following the stoppage due to the global health crisis
essential elements in the formulation of paint products. This has led to a
has been so explosive and characterised by such exceptional demand
surge in the cost of these key raw materials for the sector. Solvent costs,
for resources that it has created a short circuit in the supply chain, which
in particular, have risen by 200 to 300% compared with the previous
has been added to the complications arising from export restrictions
year, as reported in the latest press release of the British Coating
imposed by certain countries and to the Brexit, which has led to delays
Federation, one of the most active trade associations in Europe.
in European transport. Overseas, the situation in the United States was
In order to provide a general overview of what can be expected in 2022,
further complicated by winter storm Uri, which slowed down transport
we have chosen to collect communications from some of the world’s
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
leading raw material companies, which have chosen to inform their
permissible by contract.
customers about the rising costs of their products.
Since the beginning of 2021, the cost of raw materials used in the
Forecasts are not encouraging: leading experts predict that energy
manufacturing of coatings has increased significantly, and non-raw
costs and oil costs in particular will remain stable, and therefore high, in
material input costs, including freight, energy, and labour, continue to
2022. What we hope is that the market will withstand the impact of this
increase well beyond earlier expectations. Price adjustments varied
situation, whose future outlines are still so uncertain.
depending on geographic region, products offered, and market(s)
served. In some cases, increases may be greater where conditions necessitate additional adjustments.
Since 01 October 2021, Archroma has increased the prices of its
“Even with aggressive cost-control measures in place across our global
products by up to 0.25 USD per kg. These adjustments were applied to
supply chain, we’re encountering extraordinary cost and inflationary
all Archroma products globally. The increase was necessary to offset the
pressures,” said Sean Lannon, Axalta’s Chief Financial Officer. “These
ongoing exceptionally high freight and logistics costs.
pressures have made it necessary to appropriately raise prices to
“Archroma made every effort to absorb these increases,” said Marcos
help offset ongoing cost increases and ensure our ability to continue
Furrer, Chief Operating Officer at Archroma. “We have however reached
delivering exceptional support, innovative solutions, and best-in-class
a point where these adjustments were needed for us to be able to
products to our customers.”
maintain our service levels.”
Axalta will continue to drive operational excellence throughout
Axalta Coating Systems
the organization with the aim of minimizing the impact of cost and inflationary pressures.
In July 2021 Axalta announced that it would implement additional price
Axalta sales representatives communicate price increase details directly
increases across all of its global lines of business due to continued
to customers for all affected products.
inflationary pressures. The increases were effective immediately or as
a responsible, quality supplier to the specialty chemical and coatings industries”, said the company.
Since December 1 2021, BASF increased the prices of its additives for the paint and coatings industry globally: Attagel , Dispex , Efka , ®
Foamaster®, FoamStar®, Hydropalat®, Irgafos®, Irganox®, Loxanol®,
Rheovis , Sterocoll , Tinuvin and Uvinul .
The specialty chemicals company LANXESS has stated that it imposed
The price increase was subject to the contract in force.
temporary inflation surcharges for its range of inorganic pigments
To offset the rising costs of raw materials, transportation and energy, as
worldwide. The reason for this choice is due to the massive increase in
well as other rising costs, including labour, packaging and maintenance,
energy costs for electricity, gas and steam.
BASF raised prices by up to 35%.
After a first increase at the beginning of September 2021, prices for
“The increases were necessary to continue to support our customers
iron oxide and chrome oxide pigments from all production sites rose
with high-level products and services”, said the company.
in October by € 300 per metric ton, or the equivalent amount in the
BYK Additives
national currency. LANXESS individually informed its customers about the effects of this increase.
Since January 1, 2022 the supplier of additives and measuring
The Inorganic Pigments business unit (IPG) of the company is a global
instruments BYK has increased the prices of its additives by 15%. The
manufacturer of synthetic iron oxides and inorganic chrome oxides. Its
increase may vary depending on the cost situation.
products have been used as colorants for building materials, paints and
“This measure was necessary to keep BYK Additives’ level of service
coatings, plastics, paper and other applications for many decades. All
and innovation high for its customers in light of the rising costs of raw
the inorganic pigments are produced according to strict sustainability
materials, transportation, packaging and energy”, said the company.
Sun Chemical
Clariant raised the prices of all product lines in its Industrial & Consumer
Sun Chemical has recently announced that it will increase the prices
Care portfolio in the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) region
across the entire portfolio of packaging, commercial sheetfed and
in the range of 25-35%, with larger increases for individual products
screen inks, coatings, consumables and adhesives in North America. The
particularly affected by cost increases.
company will communicate specific increases directly with the clients.
These price adjustments result from major increases in the cost of
The company has declared that the price increase is caused by the
essential raw materials, the cost of domestic and intercontinental
unprecedented pace of inflationary cost movements that are still
transport, packaging and energy costs.
impacting raw materials and packaging components for the ink industry,
as well as the sustained shortage of available labour and the supply and demand dynamics in both the global and regional logistics markets.
ECKART, manufacturer of metallic effect and pearlescent pigments for
“Sun Chemical’s priority throughout 2021 has been to keep our products
various applications, has announced the price increase for its products
flowing to our customers, allowing them to keep their facilities operating.
since the beginning of the new year.
We continue to leverage our global network to secure raw materials
The company has tried to minimize the impact of the continuing
and needed services. However, the competition for these resources is
increases in the cost of raw materials and other supplies in recent
significant and is driving costs higher and faster than we can overcome
months. However, the ongoing global cost inflation of raw materials,
through efficiency programs. This requires us to raise prices to our
logistics, energy and packaging led to this decision: a price increase for
customers so that we can continue to secure the needed inputs to make
products issued on or after January 1, 2022.
and deliver quality products,” stated Chris Parrilli, President of North
“While never popular, these actions are necessary for ECKART to remain
American Inks.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Researchers Developed a Nanoscale Window Coating That Reduces Energy Costs The nanoscale technology could elevate the thermal performance of single-pane windows to that of double-pane.
esearchers from the Penn
© Unsplash
Then, by testing a single-pane window
State University have recently
coated with the nanoparticles under
developed a nanoscale
simulated sunlight in the laboratory,
technology that could help to elevate
the researchers confirmed the
the thermal performance of single-
predictions that had been made by
pane windows to that of double-pane
the simulation: there was a significant
windows in winter.
rise in temperature on the side of the
By sandwiching a layer of insulating air,
window coated with the nanoparticles,
double-pane windows allow to improve
indicating that the coating could pull
energy efficiency over single-pane
heat from the sunlight inside, in order
windows, although replacing them can
to compensate for internal heat lost
be expensive or technically challenging.
through a single-pane window.
A more economical but less effective
The researchers then implemented
alternative would be to coat single-pane
their data into a larger-scale simulation
windows with translucent metallic films
to analyse the energy savings for an
capable of absorbing some solar heat in
entire building with coated windows
winter without compromising clarity of the glass. However, the solution
across different climates. Compared to a commercially available
developed by the researchers may now improve the coating’s efficacy.
single-pane window’s low-emissivity coating, the photothermal coating
“Near-infrared light — a portion of solar light that humans cannot see
absorbed much of the light in the near-infrared region of the spectrum
but can feel as heat — can activate unique light-to-heat effects on
while the conventionally coated window reflected it outside. This near-
certain metallic nanoparticles, enhancing how heat flows inward through
infrared absorption resulted in a roughly 12% to 20% reduction in heat
a window. We were interested in understanding how these effects
loss compared to the other coatings and an overall building energy
could be helpful in saving energy in buildings, particularly during the
saving potential of up to around 20% when compared to a building with
winter season,” stated Julian Wang, associate professor of architectural
no coatings on single-pane windows.
engineering and affiliated with the College of Art and Architecture’s
To account for seasonal changes, the researchers also implemented
Department of Architecture and the Materials Research Institute at Penn
awnings into their building-scale simulation, blocking the more direct
rays of sunlight that heat the environment in summer, largely negating
The study
the undesirable heat transfer and any associated cooling costs. “As demonstrated by this study, we can still improve the overall thermal
The research team first developed a model to estimate how much
performance of single-pane windows to be similar to double-pane
heat from sunlight would be reflected, absorbed into or transferred
windows in the winter season at this research stage. These findings
through a window coated with metallic nanoparticles. They selected
challenge our conventional solution of using more layers or insulation
the photothermal compound because of its ability to absorb the sun’s
materials to retrofit single-pane windows for energy savings,” added
near-infrared light while allowing for ample visible light transmission at
the same time. The model predicted that the coating would reflect less near-infrared light or heat, absorbing more of it through the window
For further information:
than most of other coating types.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
Three Generations of Innovations and Technology in the Manufacturing of Premium Quality Overhead Conveyor Chains Orbita, a well-established company in the sector of components for overhead and floor conveyors celebrates 60 years of activity.
stablished in 1962 for the production
in 1966 by three partners and specialising
manufacture overhead conveyor chains:
of small metal parts mainly intended
in drawing stainless steel tubes. Nazzareno
this is a small niche in which we are the
for the automotive industry, as early as
Roda made their business take off, importing
European leader with our products of
the mid-’60s Orbita expanded its production
the cold plastic deformation technique to
excellence. We work for the world’s major
range with the design and construction
Italy. This important innovation gradually
manufacturers of conveyor systems and our
of chains and bearings for conveyors, the
turned Trafilerie San Paolo’s customers from
chains are basically the ‘core’ of the whole
products that currently account for almost all
turners (with 60% waste and non-constant
mechanism,” say Matteo and Giacomo Roda,
of its turnover. The continuous investment
quality levels) to moulders.
who represent the third generation working
in technology made since the beginning has
In addition to the parent company Trafilerie
in the company. “By observing these plants,
enabled the company to establish itself in the
San Paolo, the Group includes two other
our grandfather realised that the chains used
coating plant market and be fully repaid by
drawing mills, Gerosa and Meal, each with
were extremely heavy, thus adding a further
the trust of its loyal customers.
a different specialisation; Raptor, for the
burden to those structures. Thanks to his
The entrepreneurial path of Nazzareno Roda,
development of application software; Tramev,
experience with the highest quality steels, he
the President of TSPGROUP, belonging to
with its tools intended for the main drawing
invented a much lighter chain combined with
Trafilerie San Paolo, is the emblem of that
machines; and Orbita. The latter is located
a new full-complement bearing also invented
of an entire generation. In the mid-1960s,
in Cesana Brianza (Lecco, Italy) and it is the
by him, which featured no ring nuts to
Nazzareno Roda crossed destinies with
pride of the Roda family.
withstand high temperatures. It was not easy
Trafilerie San Paolo, a company established
“The company was established in 1962 to
to fight against the ‘battleships’ of the great British and US manufacturers, but in the end
© Orbita
Orbita got the upper hand. It now produces tens of thousands of meters of chain per year.” Today, the company’s activity is carried out in a modern plant of about 2,000 square meters. Its highly qualified staff uses sophisticated automatic machines, as well as assembly robots able to complete the production process of an entire component autonomously and in absolute safety. Technical skills and innovation are still the forte and the distinctive feature of the entire Group. For further information
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Anton Paar Celebrates its 100th Anniversary On January 4, 2022, Anton Paar celebrated its 100th anniversary.
nton Paar, specialized in density and concentration
with universities and contributing to the transfer of new technologies
measurement, rheometry and CO2 measurement, has recently
from research to industry. Finally, in 1997, his son-in-law and current
celebrated its 100th anniversary. Founded on January 4, 1922 as a
locksmith’s shop, the company now counts more than 3,500 employees.
Early history
CEO Friedrich Santner joined the management. Under his leadership, many new sales and service subsidiaries were established, and complementary measurement technology companies were acquired. Anton Paar now has 45 sister companies and subsidiaries as well as 50
The company was founded by Anton Paar who, right from the start,
sales partners and operates in more than 110 countries around the
involved his two daughters Hermine and Margareta (called Gretl), in the
world. Friedrich Santner also focused on expanding internal research
business. While Hermine was responsible for the bookkeeping, Gretl
and development.
worked in the workshop. Later, Anton Paar gradually withdrew from the business and Gretl, at that time the first female master locksmith in
Sustainability and the fifth generation
Styria, took over the management.
The non-profit Santner Private Foundation has owned the company
The Kratky small-angle X-ray camera was the first scientific analytical
since 2003. The foundation has two purposes: to promote non-profit
instrument developed by the company.
science and research as well as to prevent and combat drug addiction.
The expansion
In January 2020, Friedrich Santner’s sons Jakob and Dominik Santner joined the company’s Executive Board, making it the fifth generation to
From the 1950s onwards, the company focused on measuring and
be part of the management team.
analysis technology for several industries – from beer, wine and soft
“Talent, commitment and inner cohesion, in both successful and
drink producers to pharmaceutical and cosmetics companies to
difficult times, have always distinguished us and our company. With
chocolate or cell phone display manufacturers.
these attributes, we are confidently entering the second century of our
In 1963, Gretl’s son-in-law Ulrich Santner (1932-2020) took over the
history,” resumes CEO Friedrich Santner.
management of the company and set the foundation for the company’s expansion in the field of measurement technology, making contacts
For further information:
© Anton Paar
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
NASA’s Perseverance Spotted a Purple Coating on Mars NASA’s Perseverance rover has spotted a thin, smooth, purple coating on some stones on Mars, which could hold clues to the planet’s potential for ancient life.
ed dust paints Mars in ruddy hues, from the surface to the
conference of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
skies. But NASA’s Perseverance rover has spotted swaths of
The colour touches rocks of all different shapes and sizes—even tiny
another colour among the rusty shades. At nearly every site the
pebbles haven’t escaped the pops of purple. But how, exactly, did
robotic geologist visits, the Martian palette includes purple.
these coatings form? “I don’t really have a good answer for you,” Ollila
The colour forms a thin, smooth coating on some stones, and it leaves
paint-like blobs on others.
Scientists are eager to know more. “There’s a lot to look forward to as
Still other rocks look as if they’ve been partially frosted in magenta
we continue to do analyses,” says Nina Lanza3, the team lead for Space
icing, says Ann Ollila1, a geochemist at Los Alamos National Laboratory
and Planetary Exploration at Los Alamos National Laboratory, who has
who presented an early analysis of the coatings2 at a recent
been studying the coatings alongside Ollila. works&sortby=pubdate 2
NASA’s Perseverance rover captured this image of the rock Nataani in May 2021, which includes a purple smear near the right edge of the frame. Five tiny holes punch through the coating where a series of laser shots were used to study the rock’s composition.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The origin of the mysterious splotches could help reveal clues about Mars’s past, including whether it might have hosted ancient life. As the coatings formed, they could have encoded information about the surrounding conditions in their chemical and mineral makeup, helping scientists reconstruct environments now long gone. They also could hold more direct evidence of life: On Earth, microbes help craft many similar stony veneers. The purple Martian coatings were found in Jezero crater, a 28-milewide pockmark blasted out by a meteorite impact billions of years
ago that once hosted an ancient lake. Perseverance landed in the crater in February 20214 and has since been roaming across it. At almost every stop along the rover’s route, flashes of purple have popped up in its images. Early analyses point to the presence of hydrogen and oxides, suggesting water played a role in the purple patches’ formation. But so far the team has only analysed a few samples, and they are still contending with many challenges. For example, separating the chemical signatures of the coatings, the underlying rock, and the ever-present dust on the Martian surface is complex.
with a complete service that includes system design manufacturing installation technical support chemicals
The team hopes to further untangle the chemistry of the coatings and search for organic matter associated with the Martian crusts, which could hint at the presence of microbes. But getting the rocks back to Earth for lab analysis is one of the few ways to definitively pin down how the patches formed.
Scan OR click the QR Code to read the full article by Maya Wei-Haas at
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Google Ads: What is it and How to Use it? Ilaria Paolomelo eos Mktg&Communication Srl
Google Ads is Google’s advertising platform designed to help brands promote their products and services on the SERP and other services offered by Google by reaching a specific target of users.
oogle Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) is the
series of relevant ads before the organic results.
advertising platform developed by Google to manage
In its first twenty years, Google Ads has made great strides, becoming
advertisements within the most used search engine in the
the main source of revenue for Google as well as the world’s leading
world, its services, including Gmail and YouTube, or on partner sites.
platform with the largest number of advertisers. In fact, any business,
Launched on the market in 2000, Google Ads offers a wide variety of
regardless of its size or budget, has the opportunity to take advantage of
formats and types of advertisement, giving companies the opportunity
this platform1.
to promote their services and products in the best possible way to a specific target of users.
How the Google Ads auction works
Through Google Ads, companies can create relevant ads by offering
When we create an advertising campaign, it is up to Google Ads to
users what they are looking for at a given time or based on the interests
determine when and according to which ranking to show our ad. The
or recent searches carried out by them. As the example shows, when a user searches for a keyword (in this case an iPhone), they will see a
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Statista
Example of a search by a user.
Google’s ad revenue from 2001 to 2020.
platform is based, in fact, on an automatic system similar to a real
out, the most appropriate format for the message we want to convey,
auction: whenever a user searches on Google or visits a website where
the keywords for which we want our ads to appear, as well as the most
ads are shown, Google Ads decides which ads should be shown to that
appropriate budget for individual needs.
user and their placement. The three factors on which the auction is
Let’s see step by step how to create an advertising campaign.
based are: • Budget: when we set up an ad, Google Ads asks us to select the
Select the goal
maximum amount we are willing to spend per campaign.
The first step to creating an ad on Google Ads is to identify our goal. This
• Quality: Google Ads takes into account the relevance and usefulness of
way the platform will personalize the ads to help us achieve the desired
our ad and the website it links to. The quality rating of our campaign can
results. The selectable objectives are:
be monitored in the “quality score” section of the platform.
• Receive calls, for example to book appointments or obtain further
• The expected impact of ad extensions:
when we create an ad, we have the
• Increase shop visits;
ability to add extensions, i.e., additional
• Call to action on the website (subscription
information, such as phone number, or
to the newsletter, e-commerce, fill out a
other links to specific pages on our site.
form, etc…);
Google Ads evaluates the impact that the
• Increase sales;
extensions inserted will have on users,
• Increase leads;
deciding where to show our campaign.
• Increase the traffic on the website;
Therefore, it is essential to create an
• Increase brand awareness.
effective and relevant ad, capable of Choose the ad coverage
capturing the attention of our target.
In order for our campaign to be successful, it
How to create an advertising campaign on Google Ads
is advisable to select the right target of users, who may be interested in our products and
Creating an advertising campaign with
services. Google Ads offers companies to
Google Ads is a very easy and intuitive
choose the place in which to show our ad: we
process, as the platform allows us to
can set the distance radius from our store
design an ad following a guided path.
if we want, for example, to attract a greater
This includes choosing the goal we want
number of potential customers, or a wider
to achieve, the type of campaign to carry
Example of personalized ad according to the selected goal.
geographical area, or select entire countries.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
Choose the right keywords This is one of the basic steps in creating an effective ad. Often, the success or failure of a campaign depends on the keywords we have chosen and their relevance to our business and the selected target. To create a successful campaign, the keywords must match the terms that potential customers might use when searching for the products or services offered. Identifying with the customer is the main step to take to understand the terms and phrases that our customers could type in the search bar. If our company sells women’s sports shoes, we will need to identify all the expressions that users might be looking for. We will then choose generic categories such as “women’s shoes” and “women’s sports shoes” and then move on to more specific word strings. An example, along the lines of the previous one, could be “casual shoes for Keyword match types.
women”, reaching a more targeted audience. It is a good rule to find the right balance between the two types of categories: choosing very generic keywords could make it difficult to intercept our potential customers, as the ad could be shown in searches not related to our business. Furthermore, the more general keywords are often the most competitive and therefore have a higher cost. At the same time, using only extremely specific and niche keywords could be counterproductive, as the user does not always start with such a specific search intent or type in the exact keywords we have chosen for our ad. Google also offers several match options, determining how well the keyword must match the user’s search query in order for the ad to be considered for auction. Broad match is when ads are shown for searches that are related to our keywords, but which may not include those terms. This type is set by default and is designed to show the ad to a larger number of people with the aim
Example of a search with sponsored and organic results.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
of increasing the traffic on the landing page as much as possible.
towards the future
Using phrase match, the ad will be displayed when searches include the meaning of the keyword. With this type of match we can achieve fewer searches than with broad match. However, these will be more
relevant to what we offer. With exact match, ads that have the identical meaning to one of our keywords will be shown. Exact match gives us the most control over who sees our ad, but reaches fewer users than previous matches. Google also offers the ability to spot negative keywords match. When we choose to use this type of keyword, we tell Google to exclude the terms or phrases that we do not want to associate with our ads. Returning to the previous example, if we sell women’s sports shoes, we may not be interested in showing our ad to those looking for “men’s sports shoes”. Finally, we further complete our keyword list by entering the names of our brands and products. A common practice among companies, but often frowned upon, is also to insert the name of the brand or the products of the competitors. Choose the right advertising format Google Ads allows us to create effective advertising texts and eye-catching images, supporting us in creating the best possible advertisement based on our advertising and marketing goals. Here are the main types of Google Ads campaigns: Search campaigns These are only-text advertising campaigns, which appear at the top of the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). To differentiate sponsored content from organic results, the former features the “ad” label. Therefore, when a user searches on Google, if there are active advertising campaigns with keywords related to what the user is looking for, the sponsored results will be shown first, followed by the organic ones. This type of text ad consists of a maximum of 3 lines and a clearly visible URL that shows the domain of our site. In the short teaser it is advisable to insert the most relevant keywords in order to increase the quality and ranking of our ad. It is also possible to insert a call to action to invite the user to perform a certain action. Display campaigns Display ads are another type of advertising campaign that is very
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popular among advertisers as they reach 90% of Internet users
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worldwide2. This type of ad is displayed on affiliate portals through the Google AdSense program and its services (for example, Gmail and YouTube).
Display advertisements include a wide range of formats (leaderboard, large rectangle, medium rectangle, skyscraper, etc.). The advertiser can choose the type of website on which to show Example of banner on a Google affiliate website.
their ad or even select a specific website from those affiliated with Google. Google Shopping Shown both in the SERP and in the Shopping section, Google Shopping campaigns consist of an image of the advertised product and a short string of text that provides users with information about the product model, cost and seller. Gmail Ads These are advertisements that can be viewed in the Gmail inbox of a selected user based on different targeting criteria. If the user clicks on the ad, a page very similar to a real email will open, complete with text, images or videos. YouTube ads The video format is becoming increasingly popular thanks to its ability to attract the attention of users and convey a message to them in a more direct and captivating way thanks to the combination of images, text and sound effects. These ads are typically shown on YouTube before (pre-roll), during (mid-roll), or at the end (post-roll) of an organic content.
Product sheet displayed within the SERP.
Set a limit for our budget Google’s advertising platform allows us to set our daily and monthly spending limit in order to choose how much we want to spend. During the progress of the campaign, it is possible to monitor performance and make real-time changes to the budget according to the performance of the campaign. However, even before proceeding with the publication of the campaign, Google Ads will show a forecast of the results we will obtain based on the budget, the number of users to
Example of Gmail Ads.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
reach and the type of campaign.
Google Ads uses three costing systems. The most famous is the pay per click (PPC) system, i.e., the advertiser pays only when the user performs a certain action, for example, if they click on our ad to visit the website, call our store or view directions to reach it. However, there is the possibility of setting campaigns based on the cost per mille (CPM) system, which determines a fixed cost per one thousand impressions, and on the smart bidding, a system based on machine learning that tries to predict the trend of each auction. Monitor the results Last but not least, it is very important to monitor the progress of the campaign through the reports that can be viewed within the platform. This information is extremely useful both during the campaign, to check if there are changes to be made to improve the performance, and at the end of the campaign to see if the ad has achieved the results we wanted and draw conclusions create even better ads in the future. If we realize that the campaign is not giving the desired results, it is even possible to stop it permanently or pause it for a certain period of time.
Conclusions Now that we know how it works and what types of ads Google Ads offers, all we have to do is put theory into practice and start creating our first advertising campaign on Google. As we have repeated many times, in marketing there is no perfect recipe: we need to experiment to understand what our target is most interested in, which are the most captivating formats for our potential customers and how
Example of YouTube ads.
to best manage the budget to reach the right target.
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international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
Complex Robot Applications Simply Implemented Doris Schulz SCHULZ. PRESSE. TEXT., Korntal – Germany
As digital transformation progresses, the trend toward robotics is picking up speed. However, the time and costs involved in programming the various robot models makes many companies think twice about using automated multi-axis motion robots. acp systems AG is an expert when it comes to demanding automation tasks. Using the innovative software from ArtiMinds RPS, the motion paths of any robot model from any manufacturer can now be programmed intuitively. Not only does this make robot-based automation much simpler, faster and more efficient, it also allows applications to be realized that were previously impossible. © acp systems AG
Programming the motion paths in an intuitive and manufacturer-independent way not only makes robot-based automation easier, faster and more efficient. It also allows applications to be realized that used to be impossible.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
hether it’s complex cleaning operations with the dry
programming specialists, which also cost a lot of money. Programming
quattroClean snow-jet technology, the application of flexible
complex motion sequences for sensor-based applications is a particular
foils and substrates to curved surfaces, or the high-precision
grinding and polishing of free-form surfaces - these are just a few of the typical tasks that robots are capable of performing efficiently, reliably
Fast and efficient programming with innovative tool
and reproducibly.
acp systems AG, which specializes in complex automation tasks, such as
Despite this, manufacturing companies with low to mid-sized product
those encountered in industrial parts cleaning and surface treatment
volumes, an extensive or frequently changing range of parts, or which
as well as microdosing and the development of intelligent handling
process complex components, are often particularly reluctant to
solutions, has overcome these hurdles with the innovative software
implement robots.
solution from ArtiMinds Robotics.
The reason for this is not the hardware - a wide variety of robots
The ArtiMinds Robot Programming Suite (RPS) makes it possible
are now available at comparatively low cost. The stumbling block is
to intuitively program robots from many different and well-known
planning, compiling and maintaining the robot programs. Up till now,
manufacturers, including the compatible peripheral hardware such
this involved a great deal of effort as well as manufacturer-dependent
as grippers, cameras and force-torque sensors, without you having
© acp systems AG
The ArtiMinds RPS software solution makes it easy to program robots, including the respective peripheral hardware such as grippers, cameras and force-torque sensors.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
© acp systems AG
to write a single line of code yourself. To this end, offline and online programming are seamlessly combined, enabling programs to be efficiently generated and consistently planned, programmed and put into operation.
Solve complex automation tasks easily The following example illustrates the resulting advantages. During the automated quattroClean process to clean strongly-structured components with free-form surfaces, undercuts, and integrated pipes, the robot must be capable of precisely traversing complex path curves and geometries. Using conventional techniques to program and align these motion sequences is extremely difficult and time-consuming and requires a great deal of expert knowledge. In contrast, CAD parts data can be easily imported into the 3D simulation environment and offline programming with the ArtiMinds RPS software tool, which then generates the necessary motion paths automatically. The sequence of the various processes, i.e. the movements and work steps that the robot has to perform during cleaning, is generated by dragging and dropping pre-programmed function modules. The robot’s teach-in mode can then be used to align the sequence to the part and thus test the program. In the last step, the generated program is automatically translated into the robot’s target language. Supplemented by process- and task-specific parameters, such as jet time, pressure and volume flows for carbon dioxide and compressed air, as well as the number of jet nozzles, the application can be effectively automated with robots in a comparatively short time. When applying foils and substrates, including touch foils and flexible PCB’s to curved surfaces, it is essential to avoid air pockets or particulate contamination. In addition, the robot has to peel The ability to incorporate CAD data for path generation and sensory components means that robot programs can be adapted quickly and efficiently to different component geometries.
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
off the protective layer without damaging the foil underneath. To ensure this, the robot has a gripper modeled on the human hand that holds
© ArtiMinds
Offline and online programming are seamlessly combined so that programs can be efficiently generated and consistently planned, programmed and put into operation.
the foil as a roll and applies it to the surface without entrapping any air.
It is also suitable for cleaning electronic and electromechanical
This task is also one of the applications that places high demands on
components with reproducible results. The scalable quattroClean
robot programming when it comes to automation.
system can be used for full-surface or partial cleaning, e.g. to selectively
Up till now, numerous costly programming hours, extensive test runs,
clean welding, bonding, and sealing surfaces.
and adjustments were required to precisely adapt the motion path
Since 1997, acp systems AG assists its customers in developing,
to the respective free-form surface. The fact that CAD data for path
planning and integrating highly automated production processes,
generation and sensory components can be integrated promises
especially in the electronics, medical and automotive industries.
to significantly simplify and shorten robot programming for these applications as well. In addition, any necessary changes can be made
About ArtiMinds
quickly and efficiently in-house.
ArtiMinds Robotics develops software solutions to standardize and
About acp systems
continuously optimize workflows for integrating and using industrial robots.
Based in Germany, acp systems AG is a global technology leader in
The aim is to simplify the programming and operation of industrial
advanced clean production, related process automation and systems
robots as well as to enable cost-efficient integration and maintenance
and flexible automation processes. The company sees itself as a
Core technologies include quattroClean snow jet cleaning, microdosing
comprehensive service and solution provider, working with customers
and intelligent handling solutions for flexible materials and foils.
to implement complex robot projects using PLCs, sensors and electric
The company’s patented quattroClean technology is a dry, gentle
grippers. With a team of over 40 employees and around 20 international
and resource-saving process, which removes particulate and filmic
sales partners, ArtiMinds Robotics serves customers from a wide range
contamination from almost any technical material.
of industries worldwide.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
ipcm® Academy Updated its 2022 Training Programme Giorgia Ricchiuti ipcm®
ipcm® Academy, which has been active for over ten years in the training of specialised professionals in the field of surface treatments, has updated its training programme by adding new topics to integrate its course for Industrial Surface Finishing Process Technologists. Let us take a closer look at all the innovations presented during the last Digital Open Day.
pcm® Academy, the training division of EOS Mktg&Communication,
ipcm® Academy training director Paolo Rami, an expert in the design
the publisher of the ipcm® magazines, presented its course
and approval of anti-corrosion processes and the analysis of specific
programme for the year 2022 during the Digital Open Day held
problems and defects in coating processes, gave comprehensive
on 26 January. During this digital event, the topics that make up the
answers to the questions of the participants at the digital Open Day.
training course were discussed and analysed while highlighting some
Finally, all the alternative attendance options were presented, as well as
new features and there was a detailed presentation of the professional
the possibilities offered for financing the registration fee for companies,
role of Industrial Surface Finishing Process Technologist, which is
unemployed people, and redundancies and the 5% discount offered
included in the Regional Framework of Professional Standards of the
to those who enrol in either the complete course or the individual
Lombardy Region, and the possible job opportunities for this newly
thematic days by 28 February 2022.
recognised role in the European work landscape.
academy 2022
TECNICO DEI PROCESSI DI FINITURA INDUSTRIALE DELLE SUPERFICI Corso di formazione riconosciuto dalla Regione Lombardia con valenza nazionale ed europea
Realizzato in collaborazione con ASP G. Mazzini - Associazione Scuole Professionali
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
ente accreditato ai servizi formativi e al lavoro da
© ipcm
© ipcm
Paolo Rami, the first from left, during a lesson with his students.
© ipcm
Pasquale Roberti - since 2016, a lecturer at ipcm® Academy - showing quality control solutions to the trainees.
Luca Maitan is a new lecturer of the ipcm® Academy’s courses.
The course structure will not change
will discuss the above topics with the course participants on 12 May
This year, the training will consist of two sessions of 100 hours each
(first session) and 25 October (second session).
as usual: one will take place from April to June 2022 and the other from September to November 2022. Each session consists of 12 days
Alternative attendance options
in total and it includes a theoretical part, in which specific topics are
In addition to attending the entire training course, this year too ipcm®
presented in depth, and a practical part with demonstrations and
Academy will offer a further option: enrolling in individual thematic
tests for quality control, through the use of professional tools and the
days, after which a certificate of attendance will be issued.
control of samples, with direct interaction of the participants.
Those who have participated in the ipcm® Academy courses in previous
Upon completion, the trainees will be able to sit the final exam, at
years have the possibility to obtain the Technician certificate by
the end of which, if successful, they will receive the Industrial Surface
attending the lessons that are missing to complete the whole training
Finishing Process Technologist certificate, valid at both the national
and European levels.
ipcm® Academy can also organise customised courses to be held at
In order to promote versatile training that is really close to the needs
the premises of interested companies with particular needs for the
of individual participants, the courses will take place in hybrid mode,
professional training of their staff.
i.e. both in the classroom, at Innovhub’s headquarters in Milan, and online.
What’s new in 2022
Financing options Thanks to its collaboration with ASP Mazzini (Cinisello Balsamo, Milan), accredited by the Lombardy Region for the provision of training and
Starting with the first session in 2022, the course will include a
orientation services, the training courses offered by ipcm® Academy can
training day focusing on the coating of plastics, a subject that is now
count on various financing options:
very relevant in the field of surface coatings. This additional training
Training vouchers made available by the Lombardy Region and
day will provide an overview of the market and an in-depth look at
activated directly by companies;
the currently available thermoplastic and thermosetting coatings,
Training financed by the endowment system of the Lombardy Region
coating systems, main suppliers, equipment characteristics, cleaning
for unemployed or redundant persons;
operations, pre-treatment, application, and curing processes,
Interprofessional funds, through company membership and
environmental solutions, controls, and plant solutions.
participation in company and intercompany training plans.
A new lecturer who has been in the coating business for over forty years, Luca Maitan, will give this lesson. Thanks to his proven
For further information:
experience in the application of coatings with a focus on plastics, he
or send an e-mail to:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
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no matter how you like to read, ipcm is the answer!
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Custom Coater FORUM
Powder Coating Done Right: The Basics
owder Coating PTechnical Conference
March 7 - 9, 2022
Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld® | Orlando, FL USA
Registration Open for Powder Coating Week 2022 Powder Coating Week will return from 7 to 9 March 2022 in Orlando (FL), United States.
ith a strong desire from attendees and exhibitors alike, PCI’s
Wednesday morning features Adam Genei from Mobsteel, Detroit Steel
Powder Coating Week 2022 returns to the Renaissance
Wheel Co. Attendees won’t want to miss Adam’s dynamic and important
Orlando at SeaWorld® in Orlando, FL, from March 7 -9. The
presentation about workforce.
event will again be comprised of three separate programs that offer
“We are so excited to return to the Renaissance Orlando in March where
the perfect combination of training, keynote presentations, technical
we have had excellent Powder Coating Week events the past several
sessions, tabletop exhibits, roundtable discussions, expert panels,
years. We are even more excited about the growth and diversity this
and social activities. Three days packed with all things powder coating.
event is seeing,” says Kevin Coursin, PCI Executive Director. “We had so
Powder Coating Week 2022 is the best opportunity for everyone
many first timers last year as well as those who were just beginning in
involved in powder coating to expand their knowledge and connect with
the powder coating industry. Plus, many of them were younger people
who are the future of industrial finishing. We can’t wait to see everyone
The schedule for the week has been condensed and allows Workshop
again in March in Orlando.”
and Custom Coater Forum attendees to visit the Tabletop Exhibition
Each Powder Coating Week event has a separate registration fee, with
on the first evening. The week begins with PCI’s Powder Coating 101
available discounted combination fees to attend both the Technical
Workshop on Monday, March 7, and Tuesday, March 8. The Custom
Conference and either the Powder Coating 101 Workshop or Custom
Coater Forum will take place on Monday, March 7 as a one-day program.
Coater Forum. The Powder Coating 101 Workshop and Custom Coater
The Powder Coating Technical Conference begins with breakfast and
Forum registration fees alone do not include admission to the Technical
an advanced general session on Tuesday, March 8, and continues with
Conference. Admission to the Tabletop Exhibition is included on Monday
keynote speakers and breakout sessions through Wednesday, March
evening, March 7 only.
9. The Tabletop Exhibition will be open Monday evening and during Tuesday’s lunch and evening reception to allow attendees from all three
For further information:
events a chance to visit with exhibitors. An engaging closing session on
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Only Few Stands Still Available at PaintExpo 2022 The World’s Leading Trade Fair for Industrial Coating Technology PaintExpo is currently preparing for the next edition, (26-29 April 2022 – Karlsruhe, Germany) with great news, such as a new website.
and services in the supply chain for industrial
reparations are in full swing for the
One in three exhibitors came from abroad.
next edition of PaintExpo, the world’s
In addition to German exhibitors, Italy,
coating technology.
leading trade fair for industrial coating
Switzerland, France, Austria, Belgium, the
PaintExpo serves as the trend indicator for
technology, which was unable to take place in
Netherlands, Turkey, Poland, Great Britain and
visitors both from Germany and from abroad -
2020 due to the corona pandemic.
Denmark were all well represented.
and is thus once again a must-attend event for
Leipziger Messe, which took over PaintExpo
Once again PaintExpo will offer a global
the industry,” says Markus Geisenberger, Chief
from FairFair GmbH as of 1 December 2020,
showcase for the industrial coating industry
Executive Officer of Leipziger Messe.
is planning PaintExpo as a face-to-face trade
from 26 to 29 April 2022: “At this year’s
fair in Karlsruhe from 26 to 29 April 2022. With
PaintExpo, the Who’s Who of the industry
For further information:
round three months still to go, this leading
will present itself with numerous market and
international trade fair already has high
technology leaders in three exhibition halls
registration levels.
to exchange information about the latest
Around 400 exhibitors have already reserved
applications, future technologies and trends
their space for the upcoming edition of
in the field of industrial coating. It will cover
PaintExpo and the exhibitor area is almost
the entire range of international products
booked up. Interested companies can still register and secure one of the few remaining
© image & art
New and modern website design The new PaintExpo website has been relaunched with a fresh look. It has all the information you need on registering as an exhibitor. After working hard on the new and modern design during the last weeks and months, the new website of the world’s leading trade fair for industrial coating technology was launched recently, and is characterised by a clear structure and a fresh design as well as interesting and informative content.
About PaintExpo In 2018 PaintExpo firmly established itself as the world’s leading trade fair for industrial coating technology, with 537 exhibitors from 29 countries and 11,790 trade visitors from 88 countries.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
HANNOVER MESSE 2022 Rescheduled for Beginning of June Due to the current situation surrounding Covid, Deutsche Messe AG will stage the world’s leading trade show for industrial technology from 30 May to 2 June. The new date provides exhibitors and visitors with planning security.
eutsche Messe AG, in close
Right now we cannot predict if the Covid
will resume its normal five-day schedule in
cooperation with the HANNOVER
situation will be better by April, so the new
MESSE exhibitor advisory board and
date offers our customers the greatest
“It is right to postpone HANNOVER MESSE
partner associations VDMA (Association of
possible planning security so that they can
to a later date and allow the vaccination
German Mechanical and Plant Engineering)
present their innovations at the world’s most
rate to increase, which is in the interest of
and ZVEI (Central Association of German
important industrial trade show,” said Dr.
exhibitors and visitors to the fair. The later
Electrical Engineering and Digital Industry), has
Jochen Köckler, CEO of Deutsche Messe AG.
date also increases the probability of a bigger
rescheduled HANNOVER MESSE 2022 for 30
At the beginning of June 2022, HANNOVER
audience both nationally and internationally,
May–2 June. The show was originally planned
MESSE will be the world’s first major
which benefits everyone. The mechanical and
for April.
industrial event. Its focus on digitalization and
plant engineering sector will present itself
“Due to the continuing high incidence in
sustainability will stimulate innovative and
in Hannover as a technological enabler of
Germany and many neighboring countries,
efficient approaches to production and climate
climate protection and digitalization as well as
we decided together with our exhibitors to
a provider and user of cutting-edge technology
reschedule HANNOVER MESSE. Last year
This year’s show runs four days due to
for networked and intelligent production,” says
demonstrated that the summer months are
the Hannover Exhibition Center’s full event
VDMA General Manager Thilo Brodtmann.
best for major events during this pandemic.
calendar in June. In 2023, HANNOVER MESSE
“HANNOVER MESSE is the world’s most important industrial showcase for our
© Deutsche Messe AG
companies, so the new date is correct given the current circumstances. We are convinced that in the summer we will reach a larger audience interested in Industrie 4.0 and its contribution to sustainability. With our innovations in automation, digitalization, electrification, and energy efficiency, the electrical and digital industry is guiding the industrial transition to a climate-neutral circular economy. We want to show the broadest possible audience what this path can look like, because we can only master this challenge if we work together. HANNOVER MESSE offers the perfect setting for this,” says Wolfgang Weber, Chairman of the ZVEI Management Board. For further information:
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Courtesy Salone del Mobile.Milano © Diego Ravier
The 60th edition of the Salone del Mobile. Milano moves to June 2022 The 2022 Salone del Mobile’s edition planned for April has been postponed to June.
ith a view to organising a sixtieth
furnishing and design community to make
plan their presence at the fair as thoroughly
edition of the Salone del Mobile.
the very most of an event that promises to
as possible given that, as we know, the
Milano that fully reflects the
be packed with new things, in total safety. As
progression from concept to final installation
importance of the event, the Board of
well as celebrating a major anniversary, the
takes months of preparation. The desire for
Federlegno Arredo Eventi, in agreement with
event will focus on the theme of sustainability,
a Salone is increasingly strong, which is why
Fiera Milano, has elected to postpone the
acting as a showcase for the progress made
we are working towards an event that will give
event, which will now take place from 7th to
in this regard by creatives, designers and
everyone an opportunity to enjoy a unique,
12 June 2022.
companies. Moving the event to June will
concrete and exciting experience. We are all
Maria Porro, President of the Salone del
ensure a strong presence of foreign exhibitors
really longing for a Salone.”
Mobile.Milano, had this to say: “The decision
and professionals, which has always been
to postpone the event will enable exhibitors,
one of the Salone’s strong points, and it will
For further information:
visitors, journalists and the entire international
also give the participating companies time to
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - N. 73
Eos Mktg&Communication srl - - Redazione - Sede Legale: Via Pietro Mascagni, 8 - 20811 - Cesano Maderno (MB) - Italy Tel. +39.0362.503215 - Fax. +39.0362.1794768
EDITORIAL BOARD Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti:
Kevin Biller
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics
The Powder Coating Research Group
Dr. Franco Busato: European environmental legislation and new technologies
Material Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento - Product Design
Prof. Paolo Gronchi:
Dr. Fulvio Zocco:
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section
The smart journal for surface treatments
Environment and quality
ISSN 2280-6083
ipcm digital on 2022
Prof. Stefano Rossi:
13th Year - Bimonthly
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The smart journal for surface treatments
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