© ipcm
and implement new technologies: many visitors had concrete investment projects to discuss with exhibitors. The pandemic also brought with it a change in PaintExpo’s organising team: how do you rate the new management of Leipziger Messe? In general, the organisation was good and efficient. Leipziger Messe could count on the exhibitors’ very high loyalty achieved by the previous ownership and on the experience of its exclusive agencies, such as EOS for Italy, Spain, and Portugal, and Artkim for Turkey and the Middle East, which smoothed out some of the critical issues typical of an organisational transition. In my opinion, there would have been an opportunity to reduce the space left vacant by companies who gave up the trade fair at the last minute, perhaps by offering neighbouring exhibitors larger spaces at favourable prices or by advancing the most backward stands.
Alessia Venturi, editor-in-chief of ipcm® and project manager of EOS Mktg&Communication.
What impressed you most about exhibitors and visitors? Was there widespread satisfaction? I was struck by the general optimism of the exhibitors from the very first day: they all confirmed
Actually, meeting with customers and seeing the
that the interest level of visitors was very high.
stands full of visitors not at all intimidated by
Although there was a lack of attendees from areas
personal contact was a breath of fresh air, both on a
affected by the current geopolitical situation, there
human and on a business level.
was a good turnout on all four days of the event,
It was exactly what this industry needed.
even from overseas. I would say that the results were excellent and certainly above everyone’s
The pandemics, the crisis in the procurement
expectations: with almost 10,000 visitors, PaintExpo
of raw materials, and the war between Russia
performed at the same level as its last edition in
and Ukraine that is affecting the whole Europe
do not seem to have shaken the plans of companies in our industry. What was the mood
How do you think the trade fair’s organisation
in the exhibition centre during the fair?
will evolve in 2024?
Energy, dynamism, and confidence in the future
I believe that PaintExpo will continue to grow. Its
despite everything, together with the awareness that
potential is remarkable. The new organisers should
the current problems are not going to be solved any
focus on international promotion and the expansion
time soon and that the willingness to look for new
of the number of exhibitors in order to consolidate it
solutions, new agreements, and new suppliers is
as a benchmark exhibition for the industrial coating
going to be crucial.
sector. The location in Karlsruhe is unavoidable
The current situation is going to radically change
because it is affordable and easily accessible.
the economy. Therefore, being responsive, dynamic,
I would say that the next goal would be to get
and ready to take some risks is becoming essential.
exhibitors back from South American and Far
At the trade fair, there was a clear desire to invest
Eastern countries, which were missing this year.