The Advantage of Training Staff in a Targeted Way: More Passion and More Efficiency in the Company Interview with David Peluso PVD Sputtering Technician and ipcm® Academy trainee
How did you learn about the Surface
this certification. Why did you choose this
Finishing Process Technologist course?
training path?
Were you looking for specific training
I entered this industry coming from a
or did you learn about it through an
completely different sector. Therefore, I felt the
advertisement (newsletters, social
need to have the professional skills acquired
networks, etc.)?
in my experience in this new career path
I found out about this course through the
suggestion of my partner, who works in the same sector: I was looking for courses in the
How well do you think you will be able
surface treatment field that could officially
to integrate the skills you are acquiring
certify my expertise in the industry.
during the course with your daily work?
© ipcm
Very well. I am acquiring very technical,
David Peluso
In your experience as a technician in
industry-specific knowledge and no information
charge of a coating plant, have you had
is useless. Moreover, the competence and
any difficulties in identifying such a
experience of the lecturers are an excellent
specific vocational training path?
point of comparison with the reality of our own
No, I have not. I was simply not aware of the
e have decided to include in this
existence of such recognised training courses.
interview series a technician who
So, as soon as I heard about this, I immediately
The first session of the course is halfway
is currently attending the spring
decided to register for certifying my skills.
through. What are your initial feelings and what do you expect from the second half?
session of the Industrial Surface Finishing Process Technologist training course organised
Did you think you had gaps to fill or did
I am very satisfied with the topics that have
by ipcm® Academy: David Peluso, currently in
you choose a vocational course to update
been covered so far but, above all, I have been
charge of his company’s PVD sputtering plant.
your skills?
pleasantly impressed by the thoroughness of
As he comes from a completely different sector
Both. I work with liquid-based paint products
the notions explained. I expect to continue
than coating, we thought it would be interesting
and I wanted to gain a more comprehensive
seeing seriousness and professionalism, which
to understand how he assesses the training
knowledge of all the techniques used at an
I believe are the strengths of this course.
path he has just undertaken.
industrial level, in order to expand my skills in terms of personal growth with a view to
Do you find it difficult to balance the time
professional development.
you are devoting to professional training with your work within your company?
In September 2020, the Lombardy Region
Yes and no. Clearly, it all depends on one’s own
officially recognised the professional role
company’s willingness to favour any absences
of Industrial Surface Finishing Process
related to the attendance to the course – which
Technologist, previously unrecognised. At
in any case is also beneficial to the company
the end of the training course and after
itself: I believe that qualified employees are
the final examination, you will obtain
also more motivated and efficient.
N. 75 - MAY/JUNE 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine